Can we keep the history / military discussion elsewhere?
Cement / concrete production is a big challenge to decarbonize. I'm not familiar with the specifics, but the main strategies are to electrify and/or use hydrogen as the energy source in production while using other less carbon-intensive inputs to produce a more carbon-intensive output (that would sequester it). That said, it does capture carbon through the carbonation process over time.
But this can also be improved from the demand side. More of it should be recycled / reused from demolished buildings / roads / etc. The construction industry as a whole will hopefully start to steadily decline as population growth continues to slow down and commercial real estate declines (due to working from home, online shopping, etc.), and more new construction should be on brownfield sites (eg. vacant lots, abandoned / irreparable buildings).
My understanding is that the technology is mostly there but the economics are not yet.