They don't.
But a lot of folks think that open government retaliation for speaking out on public issues is a very, very bad thing. And frankly, we all should.
we're also pretending Disney and YOU or ME or any single individual has equal rights- that oppressing/suppressing our voice is the same as suppressing Disney- a company that has as big a platform as any platform there is.
it wouldn't be a problem until the board of directors at disney saw fit to use their platform as a means to socially engineer- the same social engineering the teachers union has taken, and in step with a political party's- as if social engineering is the most important and noble cause in the world...
"no law written by man that counters the laws of nature will stand the test of time".... yet... that is precisely what is happening... and the social engineering is and has impacted the aspects that are far more important... not to mention wrecking any recovering relations that was
naturally occurring... and for what?
get woke go broke. it's a pretty sensible position to adopt- with evidence to back it up. pretending, through media no matter if print, broadcast, or social that one side is massively more popular than another- which is precisely what is happening- is backfiring.... and it should...
and the curious thing? i don't know a soul who gives a damn if someone is gay, or trans, or wants to pretend they're plumbed differently depending on the whatever catalyst they choose- people just don't care. people don't care if someone is black or white or anywhere in between- what color their hair is or if they have a tooth or not... it just doesn't matter... but... we're TOLD it DOES matter, and it matters SO much everything needs to come to a complete stop and we should divide and hate others that don't share our position.... which is what Disney/ESPN has and is doing... along with Twitter and FB/Insta... and all the major networks... and having a voice massively larger than any one single individual, they demand protection under the same contract as individuals... that's some cowardly shit right there.
and... that is at the heart of all this... at what point should there be limitations on what you can say if you're NOT a person but a corporation?