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Topic: OT - TV shows and Movies

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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2018, 12:30:28 AM »
If there has ever been a series finale as good as The Americans tonight, I haven't seen it


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2018, 12:46:21 AM »
Best part was Paige leaving the train.    Garage scene pretty awesome too.

(my wife, not to my surprise, was left expecting more)


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2018, 08:27:47 AM »

I heard Dunkirk wasn't really worth it (essentially for the reason MarqHusker says: it left out the why?), but Darkest Hour definitely is. I look forward to seeing that one.
I disagree, I enjoy the war movies that show the POV of an individual soldier, or other character.  I already know what Dunkirk is about, but seeing it from an individual's POV is eye opening.


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2019, 01:57:51 PM »

You're welcome


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2019, 04:26:43 PM »
Thanks AAA!

Gotta say I agree with rolltidefan's take on Endgame almost word-for-word.  

I, too, was REALLY saddened by the thought that Tony was now leaving his child, after his was the ONLY life that turned out better after the snap.  I'm sure it hits me harder than it would if I didn't have young children of my own.  But that's precisely WHY it had to be Tony to do it.  Nobody else would have been as gut-wrenching, nobody else would have the same impact. Iron Man had the most solo movies, plus the most appearances in other movies (I'm assuming).  We knew Tony the best of all of the characters. I certainly felt the closest to him. And Pepper had already said it, that they needed to attempt it and make whatever sacrifices necessary, to help the rest of the world improve its lot. She was willing, and ultimately Tony-- the ultimate self-serving narcissist-- was willing as well.  It was tough to watch, for sure.


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2019, 04:41:15 PM »
I'm cautiously optimistic about the upcoming Dark Phoenix. I like the comic book movie genre, and my favorites are the broken character narratives (so the Dark Knight trilogy and Logan top my list). BUT...the X-men franchise has been inconsistent, to say the least.

Although I'm generally familiar with a lot of comic book story lines, I wasn't a comic junkie as a kid, so this story--similar to Infinity War--is one I'm familiar with, but not well versed in.


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2019, 05:26:47 PM »
Because it's en vogue right now, my list of the MCU, from worst to best:

22) Incredible Hulk: nearly unwatchable, definitely pointless.
21) Thor: totally unnecessary, but was fun.
20) Thor: the Dark World: had some moments of fun
Getting into the fun movies, but nothing to write home about:
19) Iron Man 2: pulp entertainment
18) Iron Man 3: more pulp entertainment, slightly better executed.
17) Ant-Man and the Wasp: fun movie, but nothing stands out about it. Better than those above just because they kept getting better at making these movies.
16) Captain America: The First Avenger: too campy. I get why, but still too campy. 
15) Avengers: Age of Ultron: fun blockbuster, but seemed overdone.
14) Ant Man: good, clean fun; not much else.
13) Spider-Man: Homecoming: decent Spider-Man movie; great villain.
12) Captain Marvel: Enjoyable big budget sequences; not enough character development for a hero so powerful.
I liked these movies a lot:
11) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: silly in the right ways. Good act 2.
10) Avengers: Infinity War: too much going on, but lots of fun.
9) Iron Man: I'm not a huge Iron Man fan, but this film basically created the rest of this list, so it gets extra credit.
8) The Avengers: it was a big ask, but it worked.
These are all really good:
7) Captain America: Winter Soldier: what Captain American should be like in a modern movie.
6) Captain America: Civil War: really liked this movie.
5) Thor: Ragnorak: really liked this one, too.
4) Dr. Strange: lots of fun, and outside the box.
3) Guardians of the Galaxy: just lots of fun. Way better than it should have been.
2) Black Panther: one of the only villains that I could understand--great chemistry throughout.
1) Avengers: End Game: not the best as a stand-alone feature, but it's not a stand-alone. Bore the burden of 21 other movies remarkably well.


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2019, 05:58:56 PM »
guess i'll move this here:

i liked endgame overall, but there's 2 things i really don't like. spoilers below for any who haven't seen it yet.

when cap picked up the hammer, that was amazing... but why could he suddenly control lightning? mjolnir isn't what give thor his powers to control lightning and thunder. that was established in ragnorok. so why does cap suddenly get these powers? wielding the hammer was awesome, but he shouldn't have been given demigod powers.

starks death after having a child... i didn't like it. i don't mind stark sacrificing himself for everyone, that would make a great ending to his arc. especially going back to avengers 1 when cap said he won't make the sacrifice for everyone. but he always had resentment for missing out on his childhood with his dad being so involved in his work. maybe i'm remembering incorrectly, but i thought he felt early on that his childhood was mostly wasted without his dad. then he found that video of his dad saying tony was his best creation and wants him to continue his work. seemed tony's dad loved him and tony finally saw it, but leading up to that and even after it wasn't really the way he wanted to be loved. he certainly didn't want his most memorable act of affection from his dad to be some video. and tony's actions with his own child in endgame strongly hinted at that, imo. tony wanted to be active in the childs life, even at the cost of not getting back the dusted people. at least that's what he said. just didn't like that build up. again, i got no issue with stark sacrificing himself for all, but why bring the aforementioned dynamic into it? also, why is potts the one to say to him it's ok to go? she should be freaking out for him to get better. like shes done in every other movie before they were really connected, and now they're married and have a child and shes fine with it?
wish they'd have let someone else sacrifice themselves so tony can have his happy family ending.
also wish the real hulk would have made an appearance as well. though i loved the professor hulk too.

thor's arc was amazing and hilarious.

the gratuitous all female attack was cool and campy at the same time.

wish strange and cap marvel had larger roles.

after infinity war, thanos seemed too strong without the stones, but i don't have a huge problem with that. the avengers have struggled to defeat much weaker villains (loki/ultron) with much smaller armies, so it's not much of a stretch for them to struggle vs him even without the stones.

Thanks AAA!

Gotta say I agree with rolltidefan's take on Endgame almost word-for-word. 

I, too, was REALLY saddened by the thought that Tony was now leaving his child, after his was the ONLY life that turned out better after the snap.  I'm sure it hits me harder than it would if I didn't have young children of my own.  But that's precisely WHY it had to be Tony to do it.  Nobody else would have been as gut-wrenching, nobody else would have the same impact. Iron Man had the most solo movies, plus the most appearances in other movies (I'm assuming).  We knew Tony the best of all of the characters. I certainly felt the closest to him. And Pepper had already said it, that they needed to attempt it and make whatever sacrifices necessary, to help the rest of the world improve its lot. She was willing, and ultimately Tony-- the ultimate self-serving narcissist-- was willing as well.  It was tough to watch, for sure.

i get that. i also agree tony was the one that needed to make the sacrifice. i just wish they'd have not included the child dynamic.

there was a decent parallel in endgame going back to the first avengers movie. in the first avengers movie, cap goes off on tony about not making the play for the good of all and in the end of that movie he does, though he survives the ensuring sacrifice. and that's why tony made a good choice to make the final endgame sacrifice (because he's redeeming himself/proving cap wrong).

in endgame, tony went apeshit on cap about not being there when he needed to be (can't remember exactly what was said, but basically that). while the parallel fits tony pretty good, it fits cap even better. cap is now redeeming himself for being selfish in his desires and not being there for the team/good of all when needed most.

having cap sacrifice himself does a lot of other good thing too, imo.
  • it still gives huge weight to the act, and one that will be felt hard by the fans as he's a foundational character.
  • it wraps up cap's story great while also preventing him from going back in time and potentially messing up the timeline (living his life in the past).
  • someone else, like strange, could take the stones back, which would have given strange a chance to meet back up with the ancient one in a future movie.
  • could still give tony his send off by letting him retire with his family and give his kid the father he always wanted his to be. let potts or war machine take over that role of suited up smart ass.

i get why they chose him, and i don't really think it was wrong, just could have been better, imo.


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2019, 06:28:30 PM »
But the thing about Cap is that he is The Man Out Of Time.  He doesn't have any family.  You can see after the 5 years, that he really doesn't even have any friends.  He visits Nat occasionally.  Maybe he sees Sam occasionally too.  But he really has nothing to lose with making the sacrifice, which is precisely why the writers had it be Tony.

Because it would hurt us-- the audience-- more.

It really got to me, especially looking at the sadness on my 11yo daughter's face during that scene, but dramatically it was dead-on the right thing to do.  Just my opinion obviously.


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2019, 04:28:57 PM »
Watched the first Avengers again this weekend. Good reminder that Stark was always willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #38 on: May 28, 2019, 04:52:24 PM »
Watched Gone with the Wind on the plane, after just having read the book (whilst in bed sick).  Pretty good movie, I can see why it made a splash way back then.  I've been watching more series than films, probably like many here, and find Bosch to be quite good.  I've taken to reading the books on which it was based and find them to be engaging as well.


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #39 on: May 28, 2019, 05:09:43 PM »
Speaking of older movies, I recently introduced my kids to Hitchcock with North by Northwest and Notorious. Surprisingly racy for their era. A little too heavy on the love stories for my kids to appreciate (at least while watching with their parents), but fun movies, nonetheless.


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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #40 on: May 28, 2019, 05:13:15 PM »
Speaking of older movies, I recently introduced my kids to Hitchcock with North by Northwest and Notorious. Surprisingly racy for their era. A little too heavy on the love stories for my kids to appreciate (at least while watching with their parents), but fun movies, nonetheless.
To Catch a Thief is another great Hitchcock movie.
Afred Hitchcock, Cary Grant, and Grace Kelly in one movie.  That's hard to top.
Rear Window is another one.  Jimmy Stewart instead of Cary Grant.  Still a great combo.

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Re: OT - TV shows and Movies
« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2019, 09:37:03 PM »
We're giving Veep a try. 4 episodes in and it's starting to grab us. 


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