Interesting. What is the record since 2000? OU has been really strong since Stoops 2nd year.
Starting with the 2000 season, the record is OU 16, Texas 7. In the interesting but irrelevant stat of points scored, it's OU up 801 to 612. OU's 2 biggest blowouts of UT took place, but so did UT's biggest blowout of OU.
An interesting (and arbitrary) start point that favors OU is 1971, the year after OU switched to the wishbone during the off week before the RRS, which was a 41-9 shellacking at the hands of the Horns. OU is up 29-20 with 3 ties. It's the same 9-win margin as we have since 2000. So . . . from 1971 through 1999, the record was 13-13-3.
On the OU side, that 29-year period includes the last 2 years of Chuck Fairbanks as HFC (22-2 overall, 2-0 in the RRS), the entire time of Barry Switzer (157-29-4 overall, 9-5-2 in the RRS), the six years of Gary Gibbs (44-23-2 overall, 1-5 in the RRS), the year of Howard Schnellenberger (5-5-1 overall, 0-0-1 in the RRS), the three years of John Blake (12-22 overall, 1-2 in the RRS), and the first year of Bob Stoops (7-5 overall, 0-1 in the RRS).
On the UT side, that includes the last six years of Darrell Royal (0-5-1 in the RRS), the 10 years of Fred Akers (5-4-1 in the RRS), the five years of David McWilliams (3-2 in the RRS), the six years of John Mackovic (3-2-1), and the first two years of Mack Brown (2-0 in the RRS).
One of the UT guys on the old CFN board (maybe it was Utee, but I think more likely it was Hooky) made the point during the runup to an OU-Texas game that every Texas coach had a winning record against OU. That worm has turned. Starting with Mack Brown (surely UT's 2nd-greatest coach of the post-WWII era), the the Horn HFCs have had losing records vs. OU. Mack Brown: 7-9; Charlie Strong: 1-2; Tom Herman: 1-4; and now Steve Sarkesian: 0-1.