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Topic: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas

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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1862 on: April 14, 2020, 08:02:53 PM »
my life isn't too far from normal today, going back to normal will mostly mean there is toilet paper on the shelves
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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1863 on: April 14, 2020, 09:00:52 PM »
I'm not going back to normal a good 2-4 weeks after most.  It's just frustrating knowing some are chomping at the bit and are thus guaranteeing another bump in cases when they resume normalcy.
There was always going to be a bump in cases once society re-opened. There was always going to be a 2nd wave of infection no matter what we did. No way to truly beat this thing without a vaccine or new anti-viral drugs. And a vaccine isn't coming for at least a year, and who knows if an effective anti-viral drug ever will come through the pipeline. We can't keep everything shutdown for an entire year or more. That just isn't possible. If that happened, the global economic contraction of 3% that the IMF is currently predicting would probably look more like 10%. Something like that would be more devastating and catastrophic than the actual virus. I don't know if you remember how terrible the Great Recession was just 10+ years ago or so. Yeah, it was pretty freaking bad. The global economy shrank back then by just less than .1%. If we locked down for a year until there was a vaccine and global economic contraction hit anywhere near 10%- that'd be literally 100x worse than the Great Recession and you'd be talking about something that hasn't been seen since the Great Depression in which global economic contraction was around 16%.

Yeah, no thanks. I'd rather take my chances with this virus.


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1864 on: April 14, 2020, 09:27:46 PM »
NEW YORK (AP) — The official death toll from the coronavirus soared in New York City on Tuesday after health authorities began including people who probably had COVID-19, but died without ever being tested.

Officials reported 3,778 “probable” deaths, where doctors were certain enough of the cause of death to list it on the death certificate, and 6,589 confirmed by a lab test. Combined, that would put the total fatalities in the city over 10,000.

The change in the city’s accounting of deaths came after officials acknowledged that statistics based only on laboratory-confirmed tests were failing to account for many people dying at home before they reached a hospital or even sought treatment.

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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1866 on: April 14, 2020, 10:17:18 PM »
I can't stand Fox News, but I actually don't mind Tucker Carlson. Sometimes. He's one of the few people on cable news that will sometimes go on the air and tell the truth. This is a very interesting segment he did on the actual fatality rate of the virus. It's probably lower than 1%. Way lower.



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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1867 on: April 14, 2020, 10:20:14 PM »
Edward Snowden with a great interview on Vice about how governments will use this crisis to try and gain power and abuse those powers.



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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1868 on: April 14, 2020, 10:36:56 PM »
I can't stand Fox News, but I actually don't mind Tucker Carlson. Sometimes. He's one of the few people on cable news that will sometimes go on the air and tell the truth. This is a very interesting segment he did on the actual fatality rate of the virus. It's probably lower than 1%. Way lower.

In the first there minutes he did napkin math.

There has been so very much napkin math in this whole thing. (He's also kinda illustrating something we've already been vaguely aware of, or at least I was aware of the past few weeks)


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1869 on: April 15, 2020, 12:09:13 AM »
I can't stand Fox News, but I actually don't mind Tucker Carlson. Sometimes. He's one of the few people on cable news that will sometimes go on the air and tell the truth. 
Good Segment,nice to hear that coming from a Stanford University Medical Professor
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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1870 on: April 15, 2020, 12:18:42 AM »
I think someone's in the closet.
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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1871 on: April 15, 2020, 12:30:28 AM »
this is just shameful. Stimulus checks to families/people in need are going to be delayed by a few days just so they can add Trump's name to them. Like wtf? Why are they even sending physical checks out? How come they couldn't have done instant payments via direct deposit to bank accts, paypal, cashapp, square, zelle, etc., etc.. Even pre-loaded debit card would've been a better idea than a physical check.



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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1872 on: April 15, 2020, 12:40:03 AM »
Edward Snowden with a great interview on Vice about how governments will use this crisis to try and gain power and abuse those powers.

That's what all governments do.  Everywhere in every time.
Governments expand during wars, by necessity, but then they seldom return to their prewar size and power.
They use domestic emergencies to expand too.  "Never let a good crisis go to waste."  The goal is always to expand.  Just like every bureaucracy within a government wants to expand.
It doesn't have to be malicious.  Usually it's not.  More often, those expanding the government sincerely believe that they are doing it for a good purpose.  And, of course, they have to have more power to do all the good things it will take to accomplish that purpose.
Look at how often politicians use the language of war to justify emergency measures to fight for all the good things they are trying to accomplish.  FDR waged war on unemployment, bankers, malefactors of great wealth, etc.  LBJ waged a war on poverty.  We wage war on inflation, war on drugs, war on student debt, war on income inequality, war on the unfairness of life.
Who dares to stand in the way when it's a war we're waging?
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:46:47 AM by CWSooner »
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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1873 on: April 15, 2020, 12:42:50 AM »
I can't stand Fox News, but I actually don't mind Tucker Carlson. Sometimes. He's one of the few people on cable news that will sometimes go on the air and tell the truth. This is a very interesting segment he did on the actual fatality rate of the virus. It's probably lower than 1%. Way lower.

I'm the other way.  20 years ago, I liked Tucker Carlson.
Now I think he's just a rabble-rousing populist.
But I repeat myself.
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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1874 on: April 15, 2020, 12:55:40 AM »
airlines just got their first wave of bailout money available to them. $25 billion total. American Airlines is taking $5.8 billion.

First $100 million is a grant
Everything after $100mil- 70% doesn't need to be repaid, 30% has to be repaid at low-interest rates
No layoffs allowed before Sept. 30th
Treasury gets stock warrants equal to 3%

I'm not thrilled with the idea of the government bailing out airlines. At least they'll be getting 30% back with interest, can't lay people off, and they get the stock warrants. Airlines were looking for straight up grant, no repayments, no stock warrants.

One has to wonder if the major airlines would even need any bailouts right now had the morons running these companies not spent NINETY-SIX percent of their free cash flow on buybacks over the last 9 years. That's a true statement. 96% of their cash. On buying their own stock. Insane.

I'm kind of with this guy on this- who is a billionaire himself-



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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #1875 on: April 15, 2020, 01:12:20 AM »
this is just shameful. Stimulus checks to families/people in need are going to be delayed by a few days just so they can add Trump's name to them. Like wtf? Why are they even sending physical checks out? How come they couldn't have done instant payments via direct deposit to bank accts, paypal, cashapp, square, zelle, etc., etc.. Even pre-loaded debit card would've been a better idea than a physical check.

The paper checks are going to people who don't have direct deposit or bank accounts or any of that stuff.  You know, poor people.  So Trump delaying payments to the poorest people is par for the course.  
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