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Topic: Opening up for Football

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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #98 on: May 26, 2020, 11:56:44 AM »
What are college students doing this summer?  It's an interesting question, some activities above no doubt are happening.  Quite a few probably are working at Lowe's et al. or restaurants.  They aren't going to bars or concerts or nightclubs until the wee hours.  I wonder if some "crop up" gypsy nightclubs are extant.

They ARE going to bars, at least here, because the bars are now open.  Restaurants are opening to 50% capacity too and they're going there.  They're going to the lake and crowding onto boats together, I've already seen evidence of this first-hand having  been out on the lake myself several times now this summer.  They're going to beaches in large groups, too.

It's true they're not going to concerts.  So that's one thing I suppose.

And yes, the ones that need to work, are likely going to work if they can find jobs.  Some of the college kids I know are returning to their summer jobs as lifeguards at the pools (which are now opening) and working boats/docking at the marinas.


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #99 on: May 26, 2020, 12:25:43 PM »
I also believe there will be a push for Universities to open in the fall in order to keep/attract students.   There have been several articles written on the perception of costs to attend a university on campus vs virtual.   


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #100 on: May 26, 2020, 12:36:04 PM »
We have about three months.  I am reminded of just two months ago, late March, this was looking scary, a lot of unknowables.  Italy was looking horrible and folks feared that could happen here, and worse.  I went to Kroger on a Wednesday and it was starting to look strained and went back the next day for a couple things and it was almost stripped bare.  I was buying up dried beans and jugs of water "in case" we lost our distribution capacities.  I worried about utilities staying up, water and electricity.  We were joking about killing squirrels and geese in the park for "dinner".  I was not as scared about getting it as I was a societal breakdown of order and the necessaries, forget about toilet paper.

If you had offered me "today" back then as an option, I would have jumped on it.  As noted above, in another two months things may be quite different yet, hopefully for the better, no resurgence in cases as people start back into life, or no major surge anyway.  Maybe we can retain some precautions for a longer period and still find we can get on with our lives for the most part.


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #101 on: May 26, 2020, 12:46:56 PM »
I am of the opinion wave 2 will happen earlier than Oct/Nov...  that bias does impact my comments.  


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #102 on: May 26, 2020, 12:49:06 PM »
I also believe there will be a push for Universities to open in the fall in order to keep/attract students.  There have been several articles written on the perception of costs to attend a university on campus vs virtual. 
Absolutely.  The parents of college kids that I know, are absolutely unwilling to pay full tuition price for a semester of online education.  It was one thing to accept a shift to online schooling in the midst of the onset of the pandemic right after Spring Break.  It's quite another to start off a brand new semester that way.

Most of those parents and kids I know are all saying they'll take a "gap year" rather than pay for online-only education.  The financial shortfall for universities would be devastating.


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #104 on: May 26, 2020, 01:05:57 PM »
I am of the opinion wave 2 will happen earlier than Oct/Nov...  that bias does impact my comments. 
I find all the people talking about "wave 2" have an implicit assumption that this thing will wane over summer... I don't know that I agree.

As we open up over the summer, I think we're just going to have a slow burn of new cases and deaths. I don't think it'll decline much from here, and might increase a bit. 


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #105 on: May 26, 2020, 01:11:19 PM »
I find all the people talking about "wave 2" have an implicit assumption that this thing will wane over summer... I don't know that I agree.

As we open up over the summer, I think we're just going to have a slow burn of new cases and deaths. I don't think it'll decline much from here, and might increase a bit.
Yup, this is where I'm at as well.


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #106 on: May 26, 2020, 01:24:30 PM »
I don't see any basis for any seasonality at this point.   This isn't influenza virus.  Being out and about could be worse with this, not better.


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #107 on: May 26, 2020, 02:35:39 PM »
I hope you're right

I just think it's inevitable that a few students will die.

and this would have happened if they were back on campus or not, but since they are on campus, it will be a huge deal.
I'm sure there will be some that die, just like every year with the seasonal flu, car accidents, drug and alcohol abuse and so on. We cannot remove all threats to people and keep everyone in a safe, sterile environment. At some point we have to allow people to live their lives. 


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #108 on: May 26, 2020, 02:51:31 PM »
I don't see any basis for any seasonality at this point.  This isn't influenza virus.  Being out and about could be worse with this, not better.

I don't believe it has any seasonality.  I do believe summer socializing will lead to new spikes and a repeat of shutting things down.   Hope I'm wrong, but that is what I believe today.


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #109 on: May 26, 2020, 03:06:34 PM »
btw.. 65% of our health system clients believe there will be another wave in the fall and are trying to prepare financially.  This means adding more capabilities around telehealth and remote access.  Health systems are prepping for another spike.


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #110 on: May 26, 2020, 03:08:28 PM »
I don't believe it has any seasonality.  I do believe summer socializing will lead to new spikes and a repeat of shutting things down.  Hope I'm wrong, but that is what I believe today.
If hospitals don't get overrun, there's no need to shut anything down.

Flattening the curve somehow became eradicating the virus, at least to some people.  That was not the original intent, and I consider it to be completely impossible anyway.

The American public isn't going to willingly quarantine people that are not sick, ever again.  I think it would have to become a "bodies lining streets" scenario for the American public to allow any further shutdowns.

Obviously, I hope it never gets to that, and I don't expect it to.  


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Re: Opening up for Football
« Reply #111 on: May 26, 2020, 03:18:36 PM »
The overrun only happened in a few areas.  What if it happens in Dallas and Houston next time?  This was really only a problem in a few areas according to many. 

Btw.. we never quarantined.  Name a state where you could not leave your house to get groceries?  The US actually just shut down segments of the economy and asked people to stay home as much as possible.  There was no quarantine.  So all we did was slow down the spread.. .nothing else.  Foolish for those who suggest otherwise (not you, but those who suggest we would eliminate the virus). 

I probably work around the wrong people.  And I know people who have had the virus.  I'm not for shutting down for another 8 months, but many are being reckless and proud of it.  I hope the fears expressed to me are just that...


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