I understand @SFBadger96 . But, we still talk about the Spanish Flu, the Hong Kong Flu, etc.
Even CNN and MSNBC referred to this thing as the "Chinese Virus" early on, before they cancelled it and called it racist.
Still, I get it. I don't use that terminology much anymore, except when I'm pissed about it. And have not an ounce of Asian hate in my body. They are wonderful people who should be an example to us.
Regardless, back to Asian hate crimes.
Who commits them?
Black on Asian Crime Statistics (financegeek.org)
Great post badge. I think it takes chutzpah to post those stats- which are no secret
so a lunatic goes off and kills a bunch of people. It hurts to continue to see it. We see it virtually EVERY weekend.
all, not some, but all of the evidence and facts point to the lunatic having a sex addiction. His words, his history, those who know him.
Because he is a white guy- the big lie comes out from the MSN, and others. It’s a a hate crime. It’s white supremacy. The big lie. Not a shred of evidence to support it. Nothing.
Not a word about the mass shootings In Illinois and Indiana recently, by black men. Not a word about the black men caught assaulting Asians recently.
So many now-thankfully-commenting on the media’s role in causing more racial tension and hate with their blatant dishonesty- to push their agenda.
I wonder if they understand their false cries are watering down the urgency for when it is real. People are now just rolling their eyes and saying “whatever.”