So, if all that happens, the Big 12 dissolves. Then OU and UT don't have to pay anything. Correct?
I think the Alliance will string the B12 along just long enough to milk all they can from the 2 new SEC Teets.
Then cannibalize any parts wort salvaging.
I also think the Alliance will come up with Rules that will intentionally disqualify SEC teams from playing in their now; "we the good guys, who do all things for the betterment of the student, and are ambassadors for the purity of the game championship."
I'm sorry Alabama you signed 104 kids to scholarship over the last 4 years, where our rules clearly state you can only have 85. You are disqualified.
I'm sorry LSU you only played 8 conference games where our rules clearly say you must play 9. You are disqualified.
I'm sorry Auburn you played a division 2 team, our rules say you can't play any. You are disqualified.
I'm sorry Oklahoma, you're Oklahoma. You are disqualified.
Seven of the Top Ten teams in revenue reside in one conference, this is not good for the sport.