Kiss my ass, 2020.
OK, now that we're done with this shit show of a season, let's talk about what 2021 looks like.
First, we don't know who is all returning.
We do know LS Adam Bay is not coming back. He's going to the NFL, along with DE Loudermilk, SS Eric Burrell, and some others. Those three will be missed for sure. I'm pretty sure Cole Van Lanen is going to leave, even though he didn't show well this season.
Lots of seniors have the option of coming back (if asked to, of course) for a 5th, 6th, and one case, a 7th year in the program.
We know for sure some programs will come after Jim Leonhard with loads of cash, but I don't see him leaving Madison for another DC job. He is at home.
Chryst needs to take back the play calling, from Joe Rudolph, and allow Rudolph to solely work with the OL.