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Topic: Misfits Thread

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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8260 on: September 03, 2020, 10:59:30 PM »

Anonymous sources. I hold you to a higher standard than that Sam.  Please.
Why do you take the word of Trump's spokesman over the four sources that Jeffrey Goldberg surely vetted even though they did not want their names released?
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8261 on: September 03, 2020, 11:03:17 PM »
I can make the case.
He has pardoned war criminals, undermining the chain of command and good order and discipline.
He has undercut our NATO allies and emboldened Vladimir Putin, increasing the likelihood that our men and women in uniform will have to go fight a war in Europe.
He has helped polarize racial issues in the armed forces.  There is increasing alt-right/neo-Nazi infiltration of the military going on. There is less trust and cohesion in the military than there was before he became the POTUS.
First of all its impossible for POTUS to undermine the chain of command cause he is the commander in chief of the armed forces as provided by the constitution

Not sure what you mean by undercut but he has demanded the Allies pay their fair share for NATO

In what way has he emboldened Putin need more info on this

what racial issues are you talking about need more info

Increasing alt-right/neo Nazi infiltration hmm thats a new one hadnt heard that before what fake news place did that come from

No evidence that there is less trust or cohesion this is just something youve grabbed out of the air
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8262 on: September 03, 2020, 11:07:26 PM »
do you really think Trump would say something like that

Pelosi and Cuomo are on tape so its proof for Trump is these unknown sources
Yes.  I am quite sure that Trump would say something like that.
He's 100% behind the military when it makes him look good.
But he didn't serve, and he laughs about having avoided service during the Vietnam War.  President Bonespurs.  Deserves a medal for dodging V.D.
And he bashed John McCain for getting shot down.
The real question is what motivates people into believing that he would never say something like that?  What in all of Donald Trump's completely self-serving life has indicated that he wouldn't call dead soldiers "suckers" or "losers"?
Please don't tell me about Pelosi and Coumo.  They are slime, but they aren't running for POTUS and their sliminess doesn't mean that Trump is not even slimier.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8263 on: September 03, 2020, 11:09:22 PM »
Why do you take the word of Trump's spokesman over the four sources that Jeffrey Goldberg surely vetted even though they did not want their names released?
because countless times in the past these stories have been proven incorrect 

its all too easy for the media to just fling something out there by just saying the news came from sources
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8264 on: September 03, 2020, 11:16:45 PM »
Yes.  I am quite sure that Trump would say something like that.
He's 100% behind the military when it makes him look good.
But he didn't serve, and he laughs about having avoided service during the Vietnam War.  President Bonespurs.  Deserves a medal for dodging V.D.
And he bashed John McCain for getting shot down.
The real question is what motivates people into believing that he would never say something like that?  What in all of Donald Trump's completely self-serving life has indicated that he wouldn't call dead soldiers "suckers" or "losers"?
Please don't tell me about Pelosi and Coumo.  They are slime, but they aren't running for POTUS and their sliminess doesn't mean that Trump is not even slimier.
theres lots of folks who didnt serv CW they should not be condemned for that

I guess we just are going to believe what we believe CW

I dont think this kind of stuff hurts him one bit but the dems keep throwing it out there and hoping
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8265 on: September 03, 2020, 11:18:03 PM »
First of all its impossible for POTUS to undermine the chain of command cause he is the commander in chief of the armed forces as provided by the constitution

Not sure what you mean by undercut but he has demanded the Allies pay their fair share for NATO

In what way has he emboldened Putin need more info on this

what racial issues are you talking about need more info

Increasing alt-right/neo Nazi infiltration hmm thats a new one hadnt heard that before what fake news place did that come from

No evidence that there is less trust or cohesion this is just something youve grabbed out of the air
A brigade commander can undermine the chain of command below him, and so can the POTUS.
We're pulling out of Germany and moving some of that into Poland where it will be both less secure AND less of a deterrent.
If I have to explain about Putin you haven't been paying attention.  How about, for starters, that he hasn't called Putin on the bounties that Russia has put on the heads of American troops in Afghanistan?  I know--fake news.
Read Military.com, as I do every day.  Sign up for the newsletter--you too can read about all the wonderfulness.
Racial issue, yeah, just fake news.  Trump supporters don't like it, so it's fake news.
Read anything about command climate, morale, discipline, violence within units, again on Military.com.  Read all the vile comments from Trump supporters.  They hate blacks, they hate Jews, they think women are nothing but vaginas.  But they worship Donald Trump.  My only hope about that is that possibly some of them are bots from Donald's BFF Vladimir.
I'm not going to look up and provide links.  Last time I did, you didn't read them anyway, and just responded with more rhetorical questions.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8266 on: September 03, 2020, 11:33:17 PM »
A brigade commander can undermine the chain of command below him, and so can the POTUS.
We're pulling out of Germany and moving some of that into Poland where it will be both less secure AND less of a deterrent.
If I have to explain about Putin you haven't been paying attention.  How about, for starters, that he hasn't called Putin on the bounties that Russia has put on the heads of American troops in Afghanistan?  I know--fake news.
Read Military.com, as I do every day.  Sign up for the newsletter--you too can read about all the wonderfulness.
Racial issue, yeah, just fake news.  Trump supporters don't like it, so it's fake news.
Read anything about command climate, morale, discipline, violence within units, again on Military.com.  Read all the vile comments from Trump supporters.  They hate blacks, they hate Jews, they think women are nothing but vaginas.  But they worship Donald Trump.  My only hope about that is that possibly some of them are bots from Donald's BFF Vladimir.
I'm not going to look up and provide links.  Last time I did, you didn't read them anyway, and just responded with more rhetorical questions.
everything Ive read on this says our own intelligence people have not been able to substantiate this
In fact I read the other day it came from Iran

Give me one example of a racial issue your are talking about

its amazing to me that if all these problems actually exist in the military that the dems and or the dem media like CNN hasnt picked up on it
this is right up their alley but they are as quiet as a church mouse
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8267 on: September 03, 2020, 11:57:08 PM »

Anonymous sources. I hold you to a higher standard than that Sam.  Please. 
Fun fact, the president used to be an anonymous source, sometimes about his own escapades. 

(I don't totally see the point of the story because folks are already kind of in enough of camps that they will either be mostly skeptical or on the other side strongly feeling a person whose brand is saying outlandish and disrespectful things might say something outlandish and disrespectful. We're at a point where I've tired enough that "people who work for the president said he insulted the army" and I'm just like, meh, won't make a difference)


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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8268 on: September 04, 2020, 05:15:38 AM »
HB: Neither of those two are running for POTUS.  That they are both slimeballs is not a defense of Trump.
You’re missing my point. I’m not trying to defend Trump.

once again the thread is moving along nicely without politics and Sam throws in a completely unverified bullshit rumor which proves to not be true, while  we have the most high ranking members of the opposition party running around on tape doing things that are horrible and saying things that are fomenting violence, which just happens to be factual —but what he and others are always accusing POTUS of.

I am simply pointing out the glaring hypocrisy.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8269 on: September 04, 2020, 05:24:48 AM »
Why do you take the word of Trump's spokesman over the four sources that Jeffrey Goldberg surely vetted even though they did not want their names released?
I can’t believe you asked this?  Mr. Goldberg is the same one who claims Trump had many strokes on his hospital visit. I suppose you believe that one too right LOL.

and please stop defending the other slime. The fact is the perception of the degree of sliminess of Trump is directly correlated to those who have helped him build that reputation.

The media has played up Pelosi continually saying Trump is a science denier. Don’t just write off the fact that the highest ranking Democrat is the real science denier and a slimy piece of you know what. Just a few days ago she claimed he slapped science in the face while she was mask list and going into a business that she put out of business.
And then you have Cuomo, the media darling, who botched the pandemic by far worse than anyone and truly is directly responsible for many deaths. Some thing you accuse trump of. And he was clearly calling for violence. You don’t just get to write that off sorry

if people are going to bring stuff like that in to the forum then people are going to counter act that with facts. 
lastly please quit saying they’re not running for president. Don’t try convincing me and others that the guy with dementia that can’t complete a sentence is truly going to be the leader of the free world.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8270 on: September 04, 2020, 05:37:05 AM »
To sum up

Pelosi received illicit haircut, blamed barber
Cuomo reacts to news that Trump will "defund" NYC for being "lawless" by saying he better bring an army when he comes to NYC
Trump calls armed forces casualties suckers and losers
Let me correct this for you.

to sum up:

YOU throw a very nasty tweet and linked article on this board, but it is completely speculative using anonymous sources.  This is your pattern by the way, as the thread was off politics.

The highest ranking Dem who has been shown every day by the liberal media blasting POTUS  for not taking the pandemic seriously and people like you eat  it up.

I use facts and video to prove how disingenuous she is what a hypocrite she is and you try to write it off -
but we’re talking about a person who put many many people out of business and thinks that she’s elitist and can do anything she wants.

Cuomo is caught on tape fomenting violence and abdicating responsibility for his complete failure of leader ship. You completely blow over that and now try to claim that it was justified because yada yada yada.  Again hypocrisy to its fullest, since that’s what you’ve been accusing POTUS of for months now

you keep throwing opinions out there and I keep countering with facts.  You blow off the fax because they don’t fit your narrative.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8271 on: September 04, 2020, 05:40:17 AM »
See, we have HB attacking the multiple (4, I believe) anonymous sources and not the president.  Because he can't. 
Facts really screw up your narrative don’t that orange man.  

you hate it when your narrative gets challenged because it’s purely speculative, by someone using facts. 

we know your hatred blinds you, but just try to reread the thread and see where the “attack“ started.  And as is often the case it was based on pure bullshit and countered with actual evidence. 
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8272 on: September 04, 2020, 05:48:24 AM »
For the record, claiming one “anonymous source” is no different or less ridiculous than claiming 50. 

As far as I’m concerned, and I know many other people feel this way, if you can’t cite information with people willing to back it up then don’t even bother publishing it.  

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8273 on: September 04, 2020, 06:22:50 AM »
Let me correct this for you.

to sum up:

YOU throw a very nasty tweet and linked article on this board, but it is completely speculative using anonymous sources.  This is your pattern by the way, as the thread was off politics.

The highest ranking Dem who has been shown every day by the liberal media blasting POTUS  for not taking the pandemic seriously and people like you eat  it up.

I use facts and video to prove how disingenuous she is what a hypocrite she is and you try to write it off -
but we’re talking about a person who put many many people out of business and thinks that she’s elitist and can do anything she wants.

Cuomo is caught on tape fomenting violence and abdicating responsibility for his complete failure of leader ship. You completely blow over that and now try to claim that it was justified because yada yada yada.  Again hypocrisy to its fullest, since that’s what you’ve been accusing POTUS of for months now

you keep throwing opinions out there and I keep countering with facts.  You blow off the fax because they don’t fit your narrative.

For the life of me I don't understand why you seem so intent on defending this guy, even as you say you don't like him and wouldn't vote for him.  In any event, the article is not completely speculative.  Using unnamed sources isn't a particularly controversial - the Watergate reporting was based on unnamed sources.  The reason they are unnamed is because they work in the government and if they were named they would be fired.  


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