I appreciate you checking in, rather than just getting frustrated on your own.
It's frustrating to not be able to give precise time estimates due to the varied nature of each order. Recent teams are quick and easy to produce, but teams from the 70s can take hours, due to research. Before we opened for business, we had mostly national champions created, which isn't what people have been ordering.
But to get all the players and positions and jersey numbers, sometimes we have to watch old game videos and it can take quite a while. As for some of our orders - we've had multiple orders of 40+ teams (hundreds of dollars) for one order. We've even had a couple of customers take only a portion of their order so that we could continue sending out smaller orders - so they've been very gracious and accommodating. We'll be giving them a nice discount for their selflessness.
Just know that we want to get your order out as quickly and as much as you want to receive it. Thanks again.