I really need to get some sales generated. We have a healthy crew here, and the traffic is astounding for a 'new' site- if i were to tell you guys how many people have passed through here in two short months, you'd think i was lying. I've got metrics to prove it, though. Problem: I haven't broken even a hundreth of a percent in generated sales to visit ratio.
It's my aim to fix that. It's also my aim to use you guys in a symbiotic way to make that happen. I don't buy into tricky BS... never have and never will... Poppa sired a pessimist, yes he did. I DO believe in paying your own way and using every talent you can squeeze- but still, ain't nuthin' for free, y'all.
I make you guys this proposal, and in effort to help myself, my family, and this joint- i truly want it to be a place absolutely unique on this landscape. that doesn't come free... neither does my offer to you gents, tonight. Y'all who participate are going to get paid for success.
pre-requisites if you want to take a shot at this:
- a paypal account (I gotta pay you somehow)
- a social media presence (facebook, instagram, twitter, g+, ect)
- a coupon assigned to you and only you.
I can't help you with the first two, but I absolutely must with the third. Here is the rundown on my offer:
I will make a coupon for you, upon request and agreement, that is for the CFB51 eStore. You enter the store and pick your products (you know your market!!! you choose the items!!!)... there is now a 'share' button for each product- use it... upon the form provided by the social network there will be an opportunity to make a comment. In that comment, make mention of your coupon name. YOUR FRIENDS/CUSTOMERS MUST USE THAT COUPON NAME IN ORDER FOR YOU TO GET CREDIT!!! Your 'customer' will be required to enter the coupon name (whatever name you want to use for the coupon so long as the name you provide me and the coupon match-up) when they 'check out', and boom..... they get their products, and you get the credit. i'll tally the value of your coupons and pay you out every week so long as your earnings top $50.. if they don't top $50 by the end of the week, I'll float it until the next week or until it does meet or exceed $50.
the commission you earn off of every sale is 4% for total order amounts under $50, and 6% for total order amounts exceeding $50.
though i sleep with an attorney, i don't get into the entire exhaustive language babble- I'm as fair and honest a dude as you will ever meet, and i demand the same. If i say it's happening, it is- and this is happening just as i'm describing it.
If you're interested, drop me a PM and I'll assign you a coupon... then it's up to you to choose items from the store and share them... and then, hopefully, we'll both be happy campers, and this place will soar to the heights we want...
who's in?