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Topic: LittleBigMatt

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« on: August 07, 2019, 02:07:18 PM »
In 2012 we lost the only longtime-regular OSU Pokes fan among our community - LittleBigMatt. 
Many others likely have a longer history with this unique & entertaining poster, as I believe he was part of the original group before I came along (someone else can verify), but he was a staple on the B12 board and continues to be sorely missed & remembered. 

I recall him as the King of Off-Topic threads, with a seemingly endless supply of silly games, subjects to debate, or other links to stories/threads to discuss when the long offseason would set in.   Some of those threads became the longest/most frequented threads of those days - like the 'Last Word' game, a total timewaster but almost everyone popped in hoping to leave the last word & win the game. 

LBM was the one who pointed out one of the best message board threads in the history of the internet (IMO) that hashed out everything wrong with the 'Longhorn Legends' statues that were simply an embarrassment to the players they were intended to represent.    I am not sure I have ever laughed so hard at a string of comments before, with all the glorious photoshops of the statues combined with memes that went on for 30+ pages.     The statues are gone (as well as some of the meme pics in that original thread), but the thread still stands out in my memory bank of some of the funniest stuff he shared on our boards. 

He loved music and always had some recommendations & opinions on what to listen to, as well as dabbled in guitar-playing himself.  Here's a couple of videos he shared of his talent:  



LBM hooked up with us at the Arkansas Board Meeting and I will attest that he was just as fun-loving, cheerful & captivating in person as his online persona portrayed.   He showed up with a bottle of Brandy that we passed around & took swigs of straight from the bottle the first night of our meeting.    Instantly he felt like a long-lost brother to me, perhaps because we had already been FB friends, message board friends, and fierce 'Words With Friends' competitors for years before actually meeting face-to-face, as we interacted with eachother on a more frequent basis than many of my 'real life' friends back then.     He was definitely the type that would give you the shirt off his back if you asked for it, and the love he felt for his three little girls was never in doubt. 

Please add more memories or words of remembrance you may have for our dear OSU pal, LBM, if you feel compelled. 
I do have a few pics from our one and only meetup, for which I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to shake his hand, share a bottle, and share a tiny piece of his short life before his time was up.

RIP, LittleBigMatt



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Re: LittleBigMatt
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2019, 03:38:35 PM »
Very nice Erin. He was a really nice man. Do you still have the pictures with all of us around that table in the bar?


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Re: LittleBigMatt
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2019, 04:32:57 PM »
This is the one in my emails.
I can remove if needed, or a MOD can remove it. :)

Edit: it had real names on the copy of it on my screen but removed the names when I saved it.  Weird! 

« Last Edit: August 07, 2019, 04:38:26 PM by UT-Erin03 »


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Re: LittleBigMatt
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2019, 04:42:13 PM »

This one is a bit more clear, but I HATE THE SCORE of the game on the screen behind us!  UGH!   :57:


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Re: LittleBigMatt
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2019, 05:04:13 PM »
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think LBM was one of my first 'friends' on Facebook when I joined.   It's been about a decade but I can remember finally breaking down & creating a FB account, and posting about that on the CFN board to see who wanted to friend me back on there.  

Almost sure I said something like, "I'm slightly drunk, alone, and bored, so I created a Facebook page & need friends."   and LBM said something back laughing that pretty much everyone makes a FB page when they are boozed up, bored & alone.    But I do remember he was one of the first ones that accepted my friend request when I had just joined on there. 


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Re: LittleBigMatt
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2019, 04:43:01 PM »
Funny memories of LBM, Erin.

38 pages of "WTF" on those "Longhorn Legends" statues.  I can remember laughing until my sides hurt, and it's funny all over again to revisit that thread on Shaggy Texas.
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