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Topic: You Know What I Hate....?

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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #574 on: July 31, 2018, 03:35:26 PM »
I hate it when cheap bandaids tear up while you're ripping their wrapping off.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #575 on: July 31, 2018, 03:38:20 PM »
Don't buy cheap bandaids, cheap toilet paper, or cheap condoms.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #576 on: July 31, 2018, 03:49:42 PM »
I do not knowingly buy cheap bandaids, nor does my wife.  But somehow they end up in my life.  Scratch a skeeter bite or something.  Want to protect a white shirt.  Scrounge for bandaids.  Friend digs an old linty bandaid stuck to a peppermint in the bottom of her purse.

It's a gift horse.  You don't want to look in its mouth. You appreciate the gesture of your prepared friend.  

But when you peel back the wrapper and the backing comes off with it and the cheap bandaid twists and tears your blood pressure goes up and you bleed even more.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #577 on: July 31, 2018, 04:01:36 PM »
Wait.... Amos, did you say your 64 year old friend AND your 65 year old fiance are both distant relatives of yours?

My fiance's mother was 65.  My old friend and his 64 year old father are both cousins of mine.  Since you're in the mood for clarification, technically my old friend is my second cousin and his now-deceased 64 year father was a first cousin once removed.  


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #578 on: July 31, 2018, 04:29:02 PM »
My fiance's mother was 65.  My old friend and his 64 year old father are both cousins of mine.  Since you're in the mood for clarification, technically my old friend is my second cousin and his now-deceased 64 year father was a first cousin once removed.  
I am very sorry for your losses.  Please accept my sincere condolences.  Those ages are, indeed, way too young.
I hate cancer too.  Both of my parents and my father-in-law died long, drawn-out, painful deaths from one form of cancer or another.
I see my doctor annually and I just realized this year that the blood tests and screenings he performed on me annually are merely to check lipids and cholesterol to rule out heart disease because that's what the myopic puppy mill flow chart he follows blithely tells him is my greatest health threat even though my I eat nutritiously, lead a healthy life style, am not overweight and am near optimal in everything from weight to BP to lipids, etc...

So this year as I was leaving I offhandedly mentioned what I thought was an innocuous superficial concern and he referred me to a dermatologist.  She had me take another test, said yikes and referred me to a rheumatologist.  She asked me 100 questions, had me take four more tests, said yikes and referred me to a gastrointestinal doctor.  He asked me a dozen questions, had me take an ultrasound and said yikes.
So now I have been diagnosed with a syndrome and I have a team of doctors figuring out next steps.  They tell me they would've figured it out sooner if I hadn't been white because it's not something white people get.  I asked them why they presumed I was white without ever actually asking me about my ancestry.
Again, they were just blindly following flow charts.
So I kind of hate how cursory and uncognitively medical professionals process us.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #579 on: July 31, 2018, 08:33:33 PM »
I hate medical doctors

everyone hates cancer.  I lost my mother to cancer when I was 20, she had just turned 46.  Lost my father a few years ago (10) to cancer, he was 75.

Lost my best friend growing up, he was 21,  Then lost my best friend at the time a few years ago (5) he was 59.

and of course that's just the top of the list
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #580 on: July 31, 2018, 08:34:50 PM »
Y'all know what I'm talking about.  Don't y'all hate it when some random guy from somewhere not even in your own conference drops by uninvited and interrupts everything with inane chatter?
I don't hate it as much as silence
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #581 on: August 01, 2018, 11:14:25 AM »
I'll tell you another something I hate - alzheimer's.  

My mother-in-law has it and it has completely changed her.  

For the 20 years or so I knew her prior to its onset she was a remarkable individual.  She was well-read, knowledgeable, conscientious, and involved.  

A few years ago we started noticing noticeably more frequent occurrences of those crazy memory flub duh-moments we all have.  Then she almost suddenly started getting worse.  She even forgot something burning on the stove and it caused a fire.

We would make gentle inquiries and she would scoff at our concerns and tell us there was nothing wrong with her.  You see, that's one of the most insidious things about alzheimers.  The people who have it are unable to realize they have it so it's not really their problem.  Instead, it's a problem for everyone who loves them.

After my father-in-law passed away, we brought her in to live with us and over the last three years we've watched her spiral more and more into madness.   She has no memory, no cognitive ability, there's no way to reason with her.  She does the damnedest things.  And this once lovely lovable person has become hateful and angry.

I could tell amusing anecdotes about how her mind is so screwed up that she can look at pictures of two 20 year-olds and swear one is the grandmother of the other.  I could tell heartbreaking anecdotes about how she doesn't even remember the names of her daughters or sometimes that she even has daughters.

In some ways, she's like a spiteful little door-slamming toddler.  But you can indulge toddlers because you know they'll grow up and out of it.  When somebody has alzheimers, it just gets worse.

Not to give cancer any credit but when my father had cancer he had a very rough year.  My mom had six terrible months.  My father-in-law had four terrible months.  I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

Alzheimers, however, can go on for years and years.  Just getting worse and worse.

When people have cancer, it breaks your heart all to pieces but it doesn't change your opinion of the person.  You still love them with all your heart.

When somebody has alzheimer's, it's hard to remember the person they once were.   They can spend 70 or 80 years investing in a cache of good will with their thoughtful and pleasant demeanor.   With the onset of alzheimer's they can completely deplete that cache, make you thank the lord when they go, and then make you hate yourself for being relieved.

It's such an insidious disease.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 11:17:39 AM by CharleyHorse46 »


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #582 on: August 01, 2018, 11:35:25 AM »
Suck it, alzheimer's
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #583 on: August 01, 2018, 01:01:00 PM »
My grandfather didn't have Alzheimer's but he did have a form of dementia with some similar symptoms.  

However, fortunately, he didn't become unpleasant.  If anything, he became much sweeter.  Even when he didn't remember exactly who we were, he always knew we were his.  He'd just refer to all of as as his "kin" which was a really nice thing.  


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #584 on: August 01, 2018, 03:18:45 PM »
It seems like every kind of loss is its own kind of hell and I've come to believe there's no use comparing them.  Hell is hell, despite the fact that it always seems like things would be better in the other boat.  I've definitely thought that at times, how this untenable part of my life would be bearable if it just weren't this way....this is the worst possible situation.  A couple times, a few years later I'd wind up in one of the other situations and realize it felt at least as bad, and surely it was worse now, and how stupid I must have been then for thinking that was the worst it could be.  

Watching a family member spiraling downhill has got to suck.  Like, really bad.  I've seen it, but fortunately not with anyone in my immediate family.  Watching a vibrant, bright warm person slowly morph into someone with limited cognitive ability be robbed of their memories, the very things that heavily define who we are, has got to be brutal.  Just absolutely soul-wrenching.  It's hell.  

My friend's dad had pancreatic cancer, notorious for presenting no symptoms until it's far too late.  So this 64 year old dude is apparently healthy, he's happy, been a handy-man around town for years who is loved by many, spends as much time with his kids and grandkids as any family could ever hope, and demonstrates his love for them clearly and often.  Then he goes to the doctor with pain in his torso.  "Stage 4 cancer," they tell him, "Go home on hospice and it won't be long."  Six days later, he's gone.  His poor wife is completely blindsided, his family and friends barely had any time to process.  There's a certain numbness that goes with it, but even by the funeral it was starting to sink in.....he was here and we expected years to go with him, now suddenly he's gone.  It's a horrific realization that will reveal itself slowly, in stages, over a good year or two.  They'd like to be done with it now and begin moving on, but it doesn't work that way.  It's only just now starting.  It's hell.  

My fiance's mom was diagnosed a year and a half before she passed, and only the last 4 months were really bad.  Even then there was hope.  It wasn't until she declined further dialysis that we knew she would last only days more.  Her family had plenty warning that things could end, and then a relatively short period to deal with a really heartbreaking quality of life for the sweet lady.  And it still smashed her husband, kids and grandkids, and her poor parents who are both still alive and well.  They're in hell, I can see it.  

I'd never try to diminish what someone goes through with the loss of a loved one.  I'm just no longer convinced there is a better way to go that's easier on the loved ones.  Death is death, pain is pain, and loss is loss.  There is some psychological research to suggest that personal loss even while seeming objectively worse in certain situations over others appears to affect the bereaved exactly the same, mentally.  It's probably confirmation bias on my part, but I find that easy to believe.  

My pastor growing up used to say that for the person going to heaven, this life for better or worse is the only hell they will ever know.  I get some comfort from that.  
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 03:24:05 PM by MikeDeTiger »


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #585 on: August 05, 2018, 02:54:59 PM »
I want to live a long healthy life and die in a stunning fashion that will give people something to talk about. When I go I want my bio to read something like this:
Hooky Hornstein went to be with Jesus Monday morning.  He was 94 years old.
He is survived by his new bride of six months, Heather Tiffany nee Alba Hornstein, 19, their expectant baby, four grown sons from a previous marriage, 16 grandchildren, and 68 great-granchildren.
Mr, Hornstein, the 2041 and 2053 Pulitzer Prize winner for lierature was wheeling his garbage to the curb when witnesses say he was viciously attacked by a rabin lion that had escaped from the San Antonio zoo several days before and had left a bloody wake of over one dozen deaths.
Mr. Hornstein’s fierceness, tenacity and self-preservation is being credited with enabling authorities to recapture the lion that was found severely maimed near by.
Rescue workers discovered the lion’s severed ear in Mr. Hornstein’s mouth and the lion’s scroctum and testes in Mr. Hornstein’s left hand.
“Old bastard put up a fight,” said Police Chief Junior Moyers IV.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #586 on: August 06, 2018, 10:43:48 AM »
Good one CH

As for me I want to go as Im pushing my last dollar on the bar

My kids dont like that much but hey go out and make your own fortune

They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #587 on: August 06, 2018, 11:10:40 AM »
Many times in life I have had oopsy moments where my guardian angels have had to step in.

You know the kind...

Replace a ceiling fan, go to turn the switch on and see it's already on.

Get sick of a dull blade on the circular saw, replace it, go to plug the thing back in and see you forgot to unplug it.

I have about four of those a year.  One of these days one of them is bound to get me.  Probably won't actually kill me.  More likely to give me pain and consternation.


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