and that win, last weekend, was poetry- but against an O they expect, and one that is pretty well documented. Still, that 'furd tailback got free a couple of times... once for a big chunk, no?
UTa hung 56 points last weekend. I am in the frame of thought (and shamelessly stealing the notion from many great coaches, and to the point its origin is lost) that any team that can score 56 in a game has a good O, regardless of the competition. Obviously, they can't do that against really good D's, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous to those 'better' D's, right? It means they have a better chance of neutralizing them consistently.
In my way of doing this, and at this point in the week (*before i've really studied) i'll share this:
UT-a can score at least 17 on USCw over the period of regulation, and with a ceiling of 35 on them.. They can likely hold USCw to 35 points and a roof of 49 (sorry, that is one helluva backfield USCw has). that is a Texas mean score of 26, and a USCw mean of 42. And that sounds about right to me except for the intangibles- and this game ought to be full of them due to history, the spotlight, bruised ego's, and both teams hungry (one especially hungry). I'd lay out as much as 17 free points on the intangible aspect of this game- and they can go to anyone...
so... mean of 42/26 in USCw's favor, adding those 17 to Texas? Texas wins... barely. that ain't gonna happen, most likely, but- I think Texas get's the greater share of those free points to the tune of 14ish... now you've got a game, no?
Texas scores 40... USC scores 45.
^they may as well not even play, now... just read that there.