sooo...about that neo-nazi problem....the official twitter account of the Ukranian national guard has a pretty disgusting post in which Azov Batallion fighters are shown dipping bullets in pigs lard to "kill the Kadyrov orcs."
According to their faith, Muslims cannot consume/have pork in their bodies. Kadyrov is a reference to Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of the Chechen Republic, a Muslim-majority region of Russia. Orcs is a derogatory slang term used in Ukraine for Muslims- and refers to demons from the Lord of the Rings.
This is the official twitter account of the Ukrainian national guard. to recap, the Western-backed Ukrainian state is publicly portraying Muslims as barbarians and lauding its neo-nazi soldiers for threatening to kill them with lard-greased bullets that they hope will send Chechen fighters to hell.
The Azov Battalion is an explicitly neo-nazi militia (which helped lead a violent US-sponsored coup in Ukraine in 2014) and has subsequently been incorporated into the Ukrainian armed forces. And the US has zero business letting arms fall into these goons hands. In fact, they have a moral obligation to ensure that does not happen.
Azov Battalion uses Nazi symbols like the German Wolfsangel and they preach a white-supremacist fascist ideology which portrays Ukrainians as a pure white race fighting supposedly impure “asiatic” Russians.
Here's Azov Battalion fighters...bunch of swell fellas....

And here's US officers chumming it up with Azov Battalion commanders