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Topic: Worst Shows on TV

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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #98 on: March 08, 2021, 09:26:05 PM »
It's funny, I've got a few years on you, and I have such a different memory of that show (to be clear, still schlock).

In the early 2000s, Family Guy was this kind of white whale. It had been canceled after 2-3 seasons. It was a thing you had to find on DVD or pirate. The audience was dipshit teenage boys who liked something transgressive without thinking much beyond that. There are a lot of those, and adults who act like those.

It was simpsons-ish, but more dark and crass, back when TV was a much smaller world. The revival in 2005 was a big thing. We only had so much TV. I think I binged Scrubs in HS.

It wasn't good, just crass and rude and often funny in crass and rude ways. It was different, and I use the word transgressive again. Perhaps if it had just stayed a cult thing, we'd see it differently.

But it turned out to be a money machine. Looking around our culture, a LOT of folks like crass and transgressive for the sake of crass and transgressive. And it's super easy to make, actor never age out.

Do you remember THE CRITIC and DUCKMAN animations from the mid-90s? Only airing for 2-3 seasons? These shows are still sort of white whale in the sense they're maybe on DVD or truncated on YouTube like I found them after dismissively growing out of shows like Family Guy and South Park somewhere between the time I could buy cigarettes and the time I could buy booze.

Their short life and somewhat obscure broadcastings established both as a cult thing and we do, in turn, see them differently; both are treated like scarce commodities deserving more respect. Retrospective criticisms of both are very favorable, often labeled as ahead of their time, and I agree, because when I first came across both, I was struck: So, this is where Family Guy learned to execute its more cheaply done pop-culture references and this is where South Park learned how to stage its satire.

Though critically favorable, The Critic and Duckman commercially failed where Family Guy succeeded in not dumbing itself down to what a twelve year old might find "edgy." They walked so Family Guy could (stupidly) run, so to speak.


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #99 on: March 08, 2021, 09:47:32 PM »
I remember.  I liked the Critic despite not really finding Lovitz worth a damn in anything else.  Duckman was definitely underground.  I dont remember much of it.  He was some private eye type. 


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #100 on: March 08, 2021, 10:53:59 PM »

Do you remember THE CRITIC and DUCKMAN animations from the mid-90s? Only airing for 2-3 seasons? These shows are still sort of white whale in the sense they're maybe on DVD or truncated on YouTube like I found them after dismissively growing out of shows like Family Guy and South Park somewhere between the time I could buy cigarettes and the time I could buy booze.

Their short life and somewhat obscure broadcastings established both as a cult thing and we do, in turn, see them differently; both are treated like scarce commodities deserving more respect. Retrospective criticisms of both are very favorable, often labeled as ahead of their time, and I agree, because when I first came across both, I was struck: So, this is where Family Guy learned to execute its more cheaply done pop-culture references and this is where South Park learned how to stage its satire.

Though critically favorable, The Critic and Duckman commercially failed where Family Guy succeeded in not dumbing itself down to what a twelve year old might find "edgy." They walked so Family Guy could (stupidly) run, so to speak.

I think I watched the critic streaming well before it was called that? No idea what Duckman was. 


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #101 on: March 09, 2021, 08:26:27 AM »
I remember.  I liked the Critic despite not really finding Lovitz worth a damn in anything else.
I thought he was good as the bull shitter in the SNL skits and did a good job in "A League of Their Own"
« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 08:32:35 AM by MrNubbz »
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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #102 on: March 09, 2021, 10:04:15 AM »
I recall The Critic when it originally aired... Loved that show. I don't think I ever found Duckman.


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #103 on: March 09, 2021, 01:40:56 PM »
I liked the Critic pretty well too, despite-- like MarqHusker-- not really liking much of what Lovitz did, even in his SNL days.


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #104 on: March 10, 2021, 10:08:33 AM »
A dose of Duckman, voiced by Jason Alexander:



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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #105 on: March 10, 2021, 10:10:52 AM »
Oh yeah now I remember that show.  Not sure I ever watched it, but I at least saw previews.


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #106 on: March 17, 2021, 11:15:47 PM »
One person I'd pinpoint as contributing a lot to bad TV is Mary Ellis-Bunim.  I believe she's the person behind the Real World from MTV back in the day.  In particular, her style that has spread to many of the crap shows on TV now is the splicing stock footage between segments or scenes.  It's literally just garbage filler that adds up to minutes of a show, seconds at a time. 
I hate when bad ideas spread like wildfire.

By the end of the 90s, her formatting tricks for piling on the filler were the norm for the explosion of reality TV that plagued the 2000s and beyond. To add to your point, what worked in tandem to create the sea of cheap, mindlessly digestible reality shows was the TV gods realizing they could conjure up enough of an audience by featuring otherwise faded celebrities into the fold. The Osbournes (which was actually good), Hogan Knows Best, Wahlburgers, Girls Next Door, Real Housewives, Kardashians, etc. One show that stands out as encapsulating the worst of these is - does anybody remember ROCK OF LOVE with Bret Michaels (2007-09)?

Style-over-substance "Rocker Girls" competed weekly via elimination to be Bret's next groupie, fighting drunk with each other and luxuriating in a ton of inappropriate attention and things Bret says to them that would never survive this Me Too era. The 80s Rock culture is played up so much and taken so seriously - tramp stamps, fake chests, black eyeliner, head bands, bad hair, guitars suspended from ceilings - that the total douche factor generates an atmosphere of an ongoing, un-self-conscious parody of itself, unto itself.

I'll admit I watched, but my greater point is that the 90s was the last decade in which TV shows all worked hard to create realities unto themselves, unconcerned with playing off or referencing the rest of TV/Movies. The 2000s is when TV realized it could get away with living off the past, passing off mere celebrity as bankable substance, fueling storylines or conflict based on obsessive references to Pop Culture, and leveraging nostalgia in place of risking creativity.


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #107 on: March 18, 2021, 11:39:38 AM »
I'm not real impressed with traditional sitcoms, but they're Oscar-worthy compared to the pseudo-reality TV/cut-scene, stock-footage crapola.
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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #108 on: March 26, 2021, 01:44:15 PM »
Watching In Harms Way

an old John Wayne movie

Im amazed at how many stars are in it

John Wayne
Kirk Douglas
Patricia Neal
Paula Prentiss
Dana Andrews
Stanley Holloway
Burgess Meredith
Carroll O'Connor
Slim Pickens
James Mitchum
George Kennedy
Larry Hagman
Henry Fonda
Hugh O'Brian

Produced and directed by Otto Preminger

If you like John Wayne this is a gooden

They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #109 on: March 26, 2021, 02:34:37 PM »
They have DVD sets of all those old movies in collections by actor - a good gift for elder statesmen.  

Here, dad, here's 7 John Wayne movies you can fall asleep to in between 10-hour Fox News marathons.  I love you.
“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #110 on: March 26, 2021, 03:37:18 PM »
They have DVD sets of all those old movies in collections by actor - a good gift for elder statesmen. 

Here, dad, here's 7 John Wayne movies you can fall asleep to in between 10-hour Fox News marathons.  I love you.

They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: Worst Shows on TV
« Reply #111 on: March 26, 2021, 03:48:35 PM »
There's literally nothing wrong with my post.  It's not even political, just factual for my dad.
“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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