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Topic: Misfits Thread

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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8470 on: September 04, 2020, 09:30:45 PM »
theres lots of folks who didnt serv CW they should not be condemned for that

I guess we just are going to believe what we believe CW

I dont think this kind of stuff hurts him one bit but the dems keep throwing it out there and hoping
I think I responded to this earlier but I might have shut the computer down to go mow the yard before it got sent.
So . . . It's not particularly that Trump didn't serve.  It's that he didn't serve and laughed about how he got out of serving with his "bonespurs," and stated that he should have  gotten a medal for not catching V.D. And how he has publicly disparaged "losers" who got killed or captured, like John McCain, who underwent 5-1/2 years of torture and beatings in North Vietnamese prisons.
So his reported comments disparaging the dead of previous wars is perfectly consistent with what we already know of him.  Not from fake news (i.e., any news that makes Trump look bad), but from things that are part of the public record.
What would be inconsistent with his known behavior would be for him to express genuine respect, regret, and mourning for our war dead.
As an aside, I have come to believe that a man who didn't serve during his generation's war should not be the POTUS.  We've had three Vietnam-era presidents, and two of them ("I loathed the military" Clinton and "bonespurs" Trump) took positive steps to avoid it and the other (W) took positive steps to serve in the cushy Air National Guard.
Not a great record.  Not exactly ancient Athens, where all male citizens--even philosophers like Socrates--served as hoplites in the line of battle.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8471 on: September 04, 2020, 09:38:06 PM »
I guess that where most adults are at yet at least half can't see the appalling bomblasts from the other side of the political isle
The badness of the other side does not make Donald Trump OK.
If people want to argue that both sides are bad but Trump is a smidgeon less bad than Biden, all things considered, fine.  I disagree, but fine.
But that's not what we are seeing here.
We are seeing comments more along this line: "How dare you say these things about Trump, you Marxist!  Don't you know about Pelosi and Cuomo?"
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8473 on: September 04, 2020, 09:47:51 PM »
Maybe CWS doesn't have a "tribe".  I know I don't.  I have a loosely held group of "notions" some of which are con and some of which would be viewed as lib, and I don't know if any of them are really correct.
The tribe left me in 2016 and has gotten further and further away from what I at least thought it was for my entire adult life.  Now it stands for nothing more than loyalty to one man, just like a tribe in some 3rd-world dictatorship.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8474 on: September 04, 2020, 09:52:02 PM »
Kind of like Goodyear tire?  Or Starbucks with BLM versus Blue lives matter?
I'm not aware of either company saying you can't wear an American flag. 


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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8475 on: September 04, 2020, 10:00:03 PM »
True story.

I'm a Tarantino movie fan. I find fault with plenty in his movies, but I enjoy most of them. Would be happy to discuss my reviews of his movies another time. Regardless, my current favorite is Inglorious Basterds. One reason is that it calls back to a time when we knew Nazis were the bad guys.

My son is a WWII buff, stemming originally from his love of battleships because WWII was the apex of the battleship. However, his love of WWII sucked him into tanks as well, particularly German and Russian tanks. At 13 year old, I would bet he could outdo all but the best read historians among this group on the details of Operation Barbarossa. I bet CWS and CD could give him a run for his money, but I'd take odds against anyone else, including me.

So, a couple of years ago we started playing World of Tanks on the X Box. It appeals to our interest in tanks. And it's fun. It's a guilty pleasure--judge me if you must.

Anyway, the highest, best use of that game is in multi-player, where you play in two teams of 15 players. Your team is linked, and you can talk to the other members of your team. Generally, as with the anonymity of the internet, the "group chat" is a toxic mix of men screaming expletives at their teammates, blaming them for all manner of ills in the game. So we turn off the group chat feature. But you can also join a "platoon" that gets assigned to teams together. In that platoon, you can use the chat function to limit who you are talking to, so you're not involved in the toxicity of the anonymous group chat.

Over time you run into people that seem like minded enough that you join platoons with them. So the other night, I'm playing with a group of folks. One was from Pennsylvania, one Texas, and one somewhere I didn't catch. Texas guy says, so my grandfather as an SS officer in WWII, and served in Hitler's protection team. He starts to brag about it. Pennsylvania guy says, "How are we supposed to feel about the SS, now?" and these three guys laugh about it, but not the, "of course that's horrible" kind of laugh.

Now, there's some ambiguity here. Maybe Pennsylvania was trying to figure out how to address Texas's family's military history. I get that military service to one's country is an honorable pursuit, and it doesn't mean support for that country's terrible causes. Heck, I served in a war effort (to be clear, not combat service) that I fundamentally disagreed with. I get that; it wasn't my choice--I signed up to do what We the People told me to do, and I did it. I understand that. And I understand the pride in a family's historical military service. But the conversation I was listening too sure didn't sound like it was acknowledging and working around that ambiguity.

How did we get to a place where serving in the SS wasn't automatically a negative?
Once upon a time, nobody in America would have bragged about a family connection to Hitler's SS bodyguard.
Now we've got people claiming to be patriots waving Nazi flags.
I don't know how that compares to Americans waving North Vietnamese flags during the Vietnam War.  They may have been claiming they were patriots too, as they rooted for the commies to win and their own country to lose.  Which is worse?
Also, I think there's a distinction to be made between the SS--even the Waffen SS--and the German Army.  The German Army committed plenty of atrocities too.  But its reason for existence was not to commit atrocities.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8476 on: September 04, 2020, 10:05:45 PM »
If college football fans can't unite behind Lou holtz and not deserving any sort of medal, what do we have left?


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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8477 on: September 04, 2020, 10:10:25 PM »
Is there evidence those companies allow BLM masks?

Of course not.  He invented a thing that was false and is hoping we move on.  
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8478 on: September 04, 2020, 10:25:29 PM »
That is bad, dumb and silly on his part. I hope he does not double down and make it a thing, but instead admits a mistake with grace.
It's no worse than the hundreds of falsehoods Trump has issued since 2016--like Ted Cruz' father being part of a conspiracy to kill JFK and like his inauguration crowd being bigger than Obamas, both repeated ad nauseam--but it's stupid.  And Biden will make more mistakes like that.  It's what he does.
He was not the sharpest knife in the drawer on his best day, and his best day is not even visible in his rear-view mirror.
But IMO he's less of a threat to the Republic than is Donald J. Trump.
Most politicians have a weakness for saying things that they're pretty sure that their audience wants to hear.  Biden has it worse than most, I think.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8479 on: September 04, 2020, 10:28:41 PM »
Of course not.  He invented a thing that was false and is hoping we move on. 
Since you don’t know how to read or you do know how to read but are blind because of your hatred I will say it again:

It took me 20 seconds to find two examples of people not allowed to wear a mask with an American flag on it. How many more do I have to find, which would not be hard before you get what I’m saying moron.

That should be all you need to hear to be outraged. If an American, in America cannot wear an American flag on their mask things are very fucked up. Well at least for most of us, since I know you just love that
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8480 on: September 04, 2020, 10:32:14 PM »
He may have meant Garrett Morgan from here in Cleveland

However, the credit for the "first electric traffic signal" usually goes to James Hoge. A system based on his design was installed on Aug. 5, 1914, in Cleveland. Hoge received a patent for the system in 1918. (He had filed his application in 1913.) Hoge's traffic signal used the alternating illuminated words "stop" and "move" installed on a single post on each of the four corners of an intersection. The system was wired such that police and fire departments could adjust the rhythm of the lights in case of an emergency.
William Ghiglieri of San Francisco patented the first automatic traffic signal that used red and green lights in 1917. Ghiglieri's design had the option of being either automatic or manual.

Then in 1920, William Potts, a Detroit police officer, developed several automatic traffic light systems, including the first three-color signal, which added a yellow "caution" light.

In 1923, Garrett Morgan patented an electric automatic traffic signal. Morgan was the first African-American to own a car in Cleveland. He also invented the gas mask. Morgan's design used a T-shaped pole unit with three positions. Besides "Stop" and "Go," the system also first stopped traffic in all directions to give drivers time to stop or get through the intersection. Another benefit of Morgan's design was that it could be produced inexpensively, thus increasing the number of signals that could be installed. Morgan sold the rights to his traffic signal to General Electric for $40,000.
Early breathing devices[edit]
According to Popular Mechanics, "The common sponge was used in ancient Greece as a gas mask..."[9] In 1785, Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier invented a respirator.
Primitive respirator examples were used by miners and introduced by Alexander von Humboldt already in 1799, when he worked as a mining engineer in Prussia.[10] The forerunner to the modern gas mask was invented in 1847 by Lewis P. Haslett, a device that contained elements that allowed breathing through a nose and mouthpiece, inhalation of air through a bulb-shaped filter, and a vent to exhale air back into the atmosphere.[11] According to First Facts, it states that the "gas mask resembling the modern type was patented by Lewis Phectic Haslett of Louisville, Kentucky who received a patent on June 12, 1849." [12] U.S. patent #6,529 issued to Haslett, described the first "Inhaler or Lung Protector" that filtered dust from the air.[13]
Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854[14] and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s.[15] Another early design was the "Safety Hood and Smoke Protector" invented by Garrett Morgan in 1912, and patented in 1914. It was a simple device consisting of a cotton hood with two hoses which hung down to the floor, allowing the wearer to breathe the safer air found there. In addition, moist sponges were inserted at the end of the hoses in order to better filter the air. This was later modified to include its own air supply, leading to World War I era gas masks.[16][17][18][19]
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8481 on: September 04, 2020, 10:32:45 PM »
The badness of the other side does not make Donald Trump OK.
If people want to argue that both sides are bad but Trump is a smidgeon less bad than Biden, all things considered, fine.  I disagree, but fine.
But that's not what we are seeing here.
We are seeing comments more along this line: "How dare you say these things about Trump, you Marxist!  Don't you know about Pelosi and Cuomo?"
Maybe that’s what you are seeing. What I am seeing is more like:

How dare you blame anything on a democrat- their disgusting behavior is Trumps fault.
So basically certain people here carrying CNNs  and MSNBC propaganda

well guess what- that may work on Facebook or Twitter but it’s not going to stand here. We are going to discuss the many disgusting things going on in this country that can directly be tied to the left. 
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8482 on: September 04, 2020, 10:42:10 PM »

Hahaha.  Watch the video of. “ journalist asking Biden a “ question “
I suppose you’re impressed that he finally tried to answer two or three questions for the first time.  The left should be embarrassed

The analogy would be a reporter asking this question to POTUS:

“ Hello Mr. President. Yesterday Joe Biden flipped his position, a little bit on violence, and a lot on fracking. Also Biden became incoherent after saying that a black man invented the lightbulb. When you hear this Mr. President does it scare you that Joe’s dementia is obviously getting worse and you’re afraid for the country that he can’t give a straight answer without flip-flopping or losing his train of thought? Also, isn’t it obvious that Democrats have clearly been supporting violence? And lastly, why does Antifa, the group known for violence and chaos, have their website  directly linked to Joe’s Website?
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #8483 on: September 04, 2020, 10:45:39 PM »
In the early part of the last century I think Ringling Brothers would be more than happy to have me.Riding the rails with the circus - hellz Ya.Long as they lock up the Big Cats and leave my Oktoberfests alone
Charlton Heston made a pretty good movie about a circus that traveled by rail.  The Greatest Show on Earth.
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