Group of Twelve- LITE Version

This is a taste, and so you’ll be familiar with the little “Evaluation of your skill” we attempt to ascertain every week.

This may go for one week, or, it may go for several. We like our groups to be ‘managed’ here more so than we do on the parent site. If you’re seeing this you’ve either stumbled across it by accident, or, you’ve been invited.

Here is the basic concepts:

You choose the outright winner of 12 games presented in the evaluation. There is a third choice, which is a ‘regulation tie’. It’s my position that if a team ties another in regulation, anything that happens in overtime isn’t really indicative of one team being remarkably better than the other- so- the ‘regulation tie’ stays put.

Your entry will be graded against others and the person (or group of people) scoring the highest correct will be called the winner(s) and any accolades will be their’s alone (or the group of ‘most correct choices’).

This one is primarily to demonstrate how the ‘real’ game works. Access to the ‘real’ game is for Season Pass holder’s only, and then week-to-week, playing it when you want or letting it go until you’re more comfortable with the selections. We have a short memory here insofar as participants, so it’s up to you to keep up with who is better than who- perhaps sharing and discussing your metrics and method in the cfb51-LINE forum is a place to do that? You’ll gain access to that if you become a Season Pass Member here (Privileged Access User). The forum here, though, is highly moderated and closely guarded and the topics stay on the subjects of wagering on NCAAF, NCAAB, and NFL games, the metrics employed, the methods applied, the smart move, them money pits, and the windfalls.

What we seek to gain here is a community of people highly capable of spotting breaks and willing to share the breaks with each other. With SportsBooks opening in your state, or a state near you and at the rapid rate- we intend on leveraging ‘group think’ to make things better understood and to stack against ‘the house’ when and where we can.

Those who are ‘Privileged Users’ here, aka ‘members’, will have access to the ‘real’ “Group of 12 Evaluation” with each weekly breakdown they purchase from the site. The newsletter will collect the better options for the wager, if applicable and legally done in your state (or one close that legally allows sportsbook wagering). From the entries of the Weekly Letter, the ‘Group of Twelve Evaluation’ will be voluntarily submitted by the entrant, and the best picks will be made known in the cfb51-LINE forum.

We’re hiring. But, we’re not hiring just anyone. We’re hiring independent contractors to describe to us their metrics and methods, and to do so by submitting and article that we’ll pay them for on a week to week basis. If the submission is worthy of a payment exceeding $600, we’ll solicit a contract to you directly by using the information provided on your ‘Group of Twelve Evaluation’ and pay you, in cash and with accompanying IRS form 1099-Misc (if amount exceeds $600), what we determine to be fair. Fair?

Meanwhile, we hope you like the articles we post which are drafted by members here, and we hope you consider joining. It’s a lot of fun, and if you’re into wagering on the books- this will be a handy place for information.

Enjoy your taste of the weekly “Group of 12 !!!LITE!!!” !!!

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