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Topic: You Know What I Hate....?

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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #434 on: July 03, 2018, 09:19:51 AM »
Sometimes I think folks are more interested in eloquently and uniquely defining themselves as opposed to us all agreeing on what works and just getting on with it.
Saw this post more than a month ago and said hmm but held off replying until now.
Years ago when I was a younger man, I lived in Oklahoma and had an amazing lover.  She's was 5' tall and maybe weighed 100 lb sopping wet and holding a bag of groceries.  She had long, curly, red hair, big brown eyes, a splash of freckles across her nose, snaggle teeth and a big, loud mouth with the countriest accent you ever heard.  She had been born in raised in south Ohio along the Kentucky border and she was so improbably and imperfectly not-beautiful that she was mesmerizingly cute.

We got along like mashed taters and butter, and we enjoyed one another immensely but we just weren't destined to be soul mates forever because the good Lord just wired us differently.  
I remember we went to see a movie with Lawrence (he was Larry then) Fishburne and Jeff Goldbloom called "Deep Cover."  Afterwards we went up to this little Italian food restaurant in an old Taco Bell building on North May in OKC and got hot squares of tasty lasagne.
As we were eating, we discussed the movie.  I asked her how she liked it and she said she liked it fine.  She asked me how I liked it and I gushed something like this:
"I loved it.  It reminded me of the old film noir classics of the late 1940s, but what I really liked was the scriptwriters thoughtful attention to detail.  Not only was there character development and even character change in the primary character but there was also character development and even character change in the secondary and even tertiary characters."
She paused snarfing her lasagne and looked at me like I was a shark who had washed up on the shore and started speaking in tongues.
Then she said, "Why you got to overanalyze things? Why can't you just say you liked it?"
I felt like she had just poked my intellect in the snout.   I looked at her and like the Apostle Paul in Acts 9:18 the scales fell away from my eyes.  She was still a cute little desirable thing who felt nice and smelled good but I realized her brain just didn't work like mine and mine just didn't work like hers.  And it was a sobering moment too because when you're young and naive and in love or at least that heady mix of fondness, lust and amusement, you project yourself onto and into the object of your affection and assume your soul mate is just like you.  It's troubling to discover you're a dog from Mars and they're a cat from Venus.
And so a month ago I read EastAthen's concisely written, thoughtful and insightful description of his ideological values and nodded.  Then I read Brown County's flippant dismissal and relived my lasagne movie critique revelation.
I guess some of us like to study every aspect of things that interest us and think it through until we have nailed down a very nuanced impression.  Once you finally get there after years of soul searching, it's nice to be able to share it because it's unique.  It's not a cookie-cutter opinion somebody handed you.  It's like nobody else's opinion on that particular subject and it's precious because you worked on it for years and can explain how you arrived at every conclusion.
For others, I guess it's just an instinctive unquestioned self-awareness that tells them "I'm this, not that, I like this, not that, I believe this, not that."
Seems kind of ignorant to a thirsty, researching questioner like myself but I suppose it takes all kinds to make a world and maybe God even loves idgits like that too.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #435 on: July 03, 2018, 09:37:20 AM »
damn. @CharleyHorse46 , that there was deep.  was the lasagna beef or pork?  both?  and, more about the gal, please... 

anyway- that was my attempt to make light.  i'm not real good at light.  

i've fancied myself a song writer for a long time.  i've done it since i was a kid.  i've even had audience with some big names in some circles, and saw their method up close and personal- and realized i'm nowhere near that caliber... that was bitter/sweet- meaning it was terrible to learn i'm just not that good, but good to know i gave it everything just to discover it wasn't /isn't for me- call it a 'work release' from a type of imprisonment. 

at any rate- something you said in both your response to @EastAthens coming a month later, as well as the sentiment in your response equating to a personal experience- you held onto that and use it as a filter.  that's good.  it demonstrates awareness most don't.  and that is actually pretty rare- not exceedingly rare, but rare enough to call it that.  

i've read tales of folks taking literally years to finish writing a song- like, twenty or more.  i've got at least three more than two digits old and one nearing 30 that i'm not willing to give up on yet, so i guess i can relate- it's not that the words aren't there, it's just that i haven't caught them yet.  what that means is i lack the life's experience to draft analogy in the right framework to finish.  

some songs came right out in a flood, from beginning to end- even with the chord progressions in mind before i even picked up an instrument.  

it's funny like that.  the better tunes seem to flood.  as a for instance Jim Croce is said to have written his entire second album in the matter of eight hours after getting into a big fight with his wife- at some sort of emotional pivot point as the driving force but obviously something that had been building up.  

equating that to sentiment both you and EastAthens shared- just maybe snap determinations are the right one's? something that's determined without consciously knowing what or why? 


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #436 on: July 03, 2018, 09:53:36 AM »
pretty sure God loves us poor simple dirt farmers too, but I'm not going to type out 5 or 6 paragraphs elaborating the point

are you sure this little redhead actually  used the term, overanalyze?  that's more than just a few syllables.
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #437 on: July 03, 2018, 09:55:58 AM »
also, pretty sure I'm not much of a songwriter.  One of my high school classmates moved to Nashville and has written more than a few top 40 country hits for the stars with fake southern accents

but, I'm derned sure I'd be a better songwriter than singer.
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #438 on: July 03, 2018, 10:02:25 AM »
i've a buddy who makes a living doing that, @FearlessF , and his kids have followed suit.  his daughter was contracted to draft 10 songs in 6 months for some studio in nashville, and ended up turning them over in about three... they called her in to 'discuss'... she was asked if it was a problem if some words were altered to 'meet the criteria of the current demands' they believed people were wanting to hear.  truth is, THEY drive that, and why music is largely no longer authentic- but that's another post for another time... 

at any rate, they decided songs about angry love-lost women, patriotic, and God-fearing was the flavor of the quarter, and sold the songs to various artists to record.. those various artist took the instruction to change a word here or there at the music company's urging, and because of which those songs appeared as 'co-written' on the album cover.  

gotta love it.   


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #439 on: July 03, 2018, 10:07:57 AM »
Oh yeah.  The word "overanalyze" came out of that big nasty adorable mouth of hers.  And of course it took her four times longer to say it than most people would cause she said "oh-verh-AAAAN-uh-liiiiiize."

And she was so loud too.  Everybody in the restaurant stopped eating to look at her.

I blame 1970s television.  If Hee Haw hadn't come on every Sunday in the late afternoons after the NFL and the Wide World of Sports and before the Wonderful World of Disney, I never would've watched it.  And if the sets and skits hadn't been filled with smiling friendly country girls in short shorts and halter tops, I never would've watched a country music show about pickin and grinnin.  And if I had never seen the smiling friendly country girls in short shorts and halter tops on Hee Haw to begin with, I never would've had any affinity twenty years later for a feisty little big mouth redhead with a hillbilly accent.

After all, my momma was a country girl from Oklahoma and she was mean as hell and drove my poor thoughtful father, a man of otherwise refined taste, to despair.

But ain't that the way life goes.  Or that way love goes as I believe Janet may have sang along about the same time.

That message was for Frankie.  Hang on Drew, I'm getting to you.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 10:09:50 AM by CharleyHorse46 »


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #440 on: July 03, 2018, 10:20:22 AM »
I watched Hee Haw religiously, cause my Grandfather seemed to enjoy it.

All of those young ladies in the short shorts and halter tops were well over 110 lbs and packed it on the the best places
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #441 on: July 03, 2018, 10:21:34 AM »
i've a buddy who makes a living doing that, @FearlessF , and his kids have followed suit.  his daughter was contracted to draft 10 songs in 6 months for some studio in nashville, and ended up turning them over in about three... they called her in to 'discuss'... she was asked if it was a problem if some words were altered to 'meet the criteria of the current demands' they believed people were wanting to hear.  truth is, THEY drive that, and why music is largely no longer authentic- but that's another post for another time...

at any rate, they decided songs about angry love-lost women, patriotic, and God-fearing was the flavor of the quarter, and sold the songs to various artists to record.. those various artist took the instruction to change a word here or there at the music company's urging, and because of which those songs appeared as 'co-written' on the album cover.  

gotta love it.  
my buddy says some of his songs are hard to recognize after a few words are altered
he doesn't care for the butchering, but he cashes the checks
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #442 on: July 03, 2018, 10:26:30 AM »
So Drew.  Thank you for your compliments.  I'll mull them over for the next six weeks or so to determine their full import but for now thanks.

You know it's interesting that you are song writer but an admittedly frustrated one.

Somebody asked me the other day if I was going to retire soon and what kind of hobbies I might spend more time doing when I did.  They specifically asked about golf cause many of the older brothers I socialize with around the office play golf.

I said, "Golf.  You got to be kidding me.  For the last 20 years my hobby has been raising kids.  For the 10 years before that my hobby was chasing girls.  I ain't got no hobbies."

But I do, because I withheld information.  You see, I paint.  I paint oils on canvas.  When I was a kid, I was a doodler and a drawer.  One of the peeps I mowed for as a youngster was an artist and he showed me the ropes.  When I was chasing girls, it was an impressive ice-breaking skill to admit to .  I used to draw portraits of dancers on cocktail napkins along with clever but generic little flourishes I'd add to make myself look insightful.  Like I might draw her on a beach or reading a book or wearing a sundress or riding a horse - whatever I thought she looked like the type who might want to do such a thing.  Over time, I got pretty good at guessing and drawing, and it opened a lot of doors for me.

I painted for years until my first child started toddling and getting into stuff.  Then I put everything away for about 20 years.   A couple of years ago, I got everything out, replenished my supplies and tried to pick up where I left off but couldn't.  I don't have the eye-hand coordination anymore.  It's not like riding a bike.  My every attempt at painting looks like horrid crap.

So I just don't know what to do.  Should I keep painting until I get good because I used to be good and when I was good it was gratifying and I loved it passionately?  Or should I just give up because I can't paint anymore and it isn't fun or gratifying to paint crap while I'm trying to relearn?

Should I try to find another hobby?  I just don't know.  It's kind of sad when you get to be in your late '50s and the only extracurricular activities you're any good at is taking kids to sporting events and saying witty things to make women giggle and blush.  Ain't got no little kids no more and catching fish, so to speak, gets kind of old when you know you're just going to throw them right back and not eat any of them.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #443 on: July 03, 2018, 10:35:19 AM »
I watched Hee Haw religiously, cause my Grandfather seemed to enjoy it.

All of those young ladies in the short shorts and halter tops were well over 110 lbs and packed it on the the best places
Remember Gunilla Hutton?
Gunilla.  Cool name.  I might name my next mutt Gunilla.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #444 on: July 03, 2018, 10:44:38 AM »
Should I try to find another hobby?  I just don't know.  It's kind of sad when you get to be in your late '50s and the only extracurricular activities you're any good at is taking kids to sporting events and saying witty things to make women giggle and blush.  Ain't got no little kids no more and catching fish, so to speak, gets kind of old when you know you're just going to throw them right back and not eat any of them.
well, sure as heck, DO NOT take up golf!
blasted foolish game is like cigarettes, once yer hooked you can't quit and it will probably be the death of you.
I'm experienced
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #445 on: July 03, 2018, 10:45:52 AM »
Remember Gunilla Hutton?
Gunilla.  Cool name.  I might name my next mutt Gunilla.
from Petticoat Junction?
one of my all-time favorite blondes
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #446 on: July 03, 2018, 11:13:02 AM »
Several years ago I played a round of golf at the old Desert Inn in Las Vegas.

I was by myself and the starter put me with a group of Japanese business men

These guys were very friendly but spoke very little english

Every time I hit the ball one of them would say goo sha which I later

determined was Good Shot

anyway we became pretty good friends during the round and on the 18th green

they called me over for a group photo with me in the middle

The thought that somewhere in Japan there is a photo of them playing with a great American

golfer has warmed my heart over the years
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 11:14:56 AM by longhorn320 »
They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #447 on: July 04, 2018, 12:15:11 PM »
I hate it when my dog gives me the stink eye.
So I’m sitting here in bed, catching up on social media and my dog, curled up on thd floor beside me is giving me dirty looks. She even repositioned herself and snorted audibly.
Like what?
If I were 25 and she was my girlfriend and looked like Alicia Vikander, I might give a damn but as it is she can just piss off.
Guess she’s mad because I didn’t go to work today or something and she imagines she has to sit beside me and keep me company instead of doing what she wants to do like barking at squirrels or rolling in poo.
And here in a nutshell we have what’s wrong with interpersonal relationships in America today. Too much resentment over the unrequested but assumed expectations of others.
She just better get over it or I’ll roll up a newspaper.  Giving me the stink eye.  I don’t think so.


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