This made me think about being out for dinner a few months ago with another couple (it was planned a few days in advance, we both have two kids) and we were eyeballing a couple that was out on a date together, they were likely low to mid 20s, and not only were they not really talking to each other, they of course were taking pictures of every plate of food that whizzed by, but they were constantly on their phones (not taking calls of course), I walked past them and he's snapchatting away, and she's likely doing something similar.
I swear there's a segment of the populace that just doesn't want to be social in a conversational sense, they simply want to curate their lives for their social network friends.
Your point Erin is well taken though, not enough spontaneity anymore, and you mention the other dimension, which is people who can't commit or exhibit some flexibility. Yeah, who doesn't want to have a good meal, but so you have to go to a 'strange' or not so wonderful place to eat, so what, have some fun for cryin' out loud.