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Topic: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas

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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17948 on: May 24, 2022, 12:51:26 PM »
My wife STILL has it. I told her to wait until Thursday to burn another test kit.


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17949 on: May 27, 2022, 07:57:50 AM »
She is finally negative. Lost her taste though. Hopefully she gets that back.


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17950 on: May 27, 2022, 10:05:32 AM »
She is finally negative. Lost her taste though. Hopefully she gets that back.
sounds like the original covid strain

Glad she is negative now
They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17951 on: May 27, 2022, 10:15:25 AM »
These latest variants have some of the Delta stuff in them, based on what I've read. I'm thinking that's what we just got done with here.


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17952 on: May 28, 2022, 09:12:58 AM »
So, about this 4th booster...

CDawg's wife got it, I presume, since he did, and she got Covid about a minute later, cancelling a cruise.

Obviously we had it in our house, but did not have that 4th shot. Mild cases for sure.

Supposedly an Omicron booster is coming. Will it be obsolete for the new variants? Anyone take a good look at this lately? I'm curious.


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17953 on: May 28, 2022, 03:21:36 PM »
So, about this 4th booster...

CDawg's wife got it, I presume, since he did, and she got Covid about a minute later, cancelling a cruise.

Obviously we had it in our house, but did not have that 4th shot. Mild cases for sure.

Supposedly an Omicron booster is coming. Will it be obsolete for the new variants? Anyone take a good look at this lately? I'm curious.
We have twins nephews coming this summer, so my parents have been investigating it quite a bit.  They were told the high end 2nd booster protection is 6 weeks, and that's in <5% of people, and she advised within 4 weeks of when they wanted to visit their new grandchildren.

"Apparently" the Omicron specific booster is also designed based the ways the virus is mutating, so I don't think it's obsolete against future variants, but I have seen nothing about whether it's good for any more than a month.


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17954 on: May 29, 2022, 07:38:37 AM »
We have twins nephews coming this summer, so my parents have been investigating it quite a bit.  They were told the high end 2nd booster protection is 6 weeks, and that's in <5% of people, and she advised within 4 weeks of when they wanted to visit their new grandchildren.

"Apparently" the Omicron specific booster is also designed based the ways the virus is mutating, so I don't think it's obsolete against future variants, but I have seen nothing about whether it's good for any more than a month.

Second booster. 10 days later, isolated, with symptoms. 

CA Gov Gavin Newsom tests positive for COVID-19, enters isolation | The Sacramento Bee (sacbee.com)


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17955 on: May 29, 2022, 08:14:15 AM »
the shots and boosters are not much help preventing the virus

some question how much they do to lessen the severity of the symptoms 
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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17956 on: May 29, 2022, 09:41:29 AM »
the shots and boosters are not much help preventing the virus

some question how much they do to lessen the severity of the symptoms
Right, which if you are getting it to protect newborns you plan to be around, doesn't really help


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17957 on: May 29, 2022, 11:59:55 AM »
Well, I say no more shots until it's proven something actually works. There is no vaccine for a cold, right?

For most, this is a cold, and not a bad one. 

(Anecdotal: Yes, my first bout sucked for a few days, but I've had worse colds and flus. The next 3 were simply mild colds.)

If you are compromised, be diligent in your actions. 

If not, live your life.

Society needs to take another look at how we are handling this. People used to travel and socialize and work and go to school all the time with colds. Why should this be different now? We have treatment technology. 

This should be no different. It's a coronavirus. 


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17958 on: May 30, 2022, 06:26:14 AM »
I decided to get the second booster (shot 4) before the cruise as a precaution May 1.  That provided time to "kick in".  We think she contracted it at the symphony May 14, could have been at a restaurant, but we didn't dine out often, we were eating the food we had.  We left for the cruise May 15, returning yesterday.

She had started sneezing more than usual and said she had fever off and on, but hardly any real symptoms, we walked all over the place, but she doesn't complain about such things.  It was a real surprise when she tested positive May 17 and 18.  I never tested positive, never had any symptoms, so maybe it protected me.  I'd guess it eased her symptoms.  This isn't always an on or off kind of binary thing except for the transport issues.

The funny thing is Lufthansa was VERY strict about mask wearing on the flight, the attendants were chastising folks left and right, who knew the Germans could be that way?

Then you get into the airport at Frankfort and Copenhagen and masks were rare events, really only Asians wearing them.  The same was true in Denmark and Sweden.  Then Air Canada coming back, masks required, including at the Toronto airport (which was a true mess).

Then ATL and no masks of course, except some Asians.


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17959 on: May 30, 2022, 07:24:12 AM »
So, Copenhagen and Malmo were 100% open.  The only masks being worn were at the test centers and by a few Asians walking about, otherwise no masks, no isolation, no testing required, no vaccine program, no nothing really.  Folks were going on with it.  One Canadian at the airport told me "They don't have Trudeau", he wasn't being kind.

The Danes struck me as being a pretty happy lot, they are of course "liberal" by our metrics, and pay heavy taxes.  The tax in Sweden on any alcohol is 25%.  And of course the price you see is the price you pay, nothing with taxes or tips added.  


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17960 on: May 31, 2022, 06:37:50 AM »
Denmark COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer (worldometers.info)

Denmark had a surge last winter, but today is very low in reported cases.

The NYT morning feed had an unusual take on masks (I read their feed for free, it can be interesting):

The evidence suggests that broad mask mandates have not done much to reduce Covid caseloads over the past two years. Today, mask rules may do even less than in the past, given the contagiousness of current versions of the virus. And successful public health campaigns rarely involve a divisive fight over a measure unlikely to make a big difference.

The evidence
From the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a paradox involving masks. As Dr. Shira Doron, an epidemiologist at Tufts Medical Center, puts it, “It is simultaneously true that masks work and mask mandates do not work.”
To start with the first half of the paradox: Masks reduce the spread of the Covid virus by preventing virus particles from traveling from one person’s nose or mouth into the air and infecting another person. Laboratory studies have repeatedly demonstrated the effect.
Given this, you would think that communities where mask-wearing has been more common would have had many fewer Covid infections. But that hasn’t been the case.
In U.S. cities where mask use has been more common, Covid has spread at a similar rate as in mask-resistant cities. Mask mandates in schools also seem to have done little to reduce the spread. Hong Kong, despite almost universal mask-wearing, recently endured one of the world’s worst Covid outbreaks.
Advocates of mandates sometimes argue that they do have a big effect even if it is not evident in populationwide data, because of how many other factors are at play. But this argument seems unpersuasive.
After all, the effect of vaccines on severe illness is blazingly obvious in the geographic data: Places with higher vaccination rates have suffered many fewer Covid deaths. The patterns are clear even though the world is a messy place, with many factors other than vaccines influencing Covid death rates.
Yet when you look at the data on mask-wearing — both before vaccines were available and after, as well as both in the U.S. and abroad — you struggle to see any patterns.


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Re: Coronavirus discussion and Quarantine ideas
« Reply #17961 on: May 31, 2022, 06:38:16 AM »

The idea that masks work better than mask mandates seems to defy logic. It inverts a notion connected to Aristotle’s writings: that the whole should be greater than the sum of the parts, not less.

The main explanation seems to be that the exceptions often end up mattering more than the rule. The Covid virus is so contagious that it can spread during brief times when people take off their masks, even when a mandate is in place.
Airplane passengers remove their masks to have a drink. Restaurant patrons go maskless as soon as they walk in the door. Schoolchildren let their masks slide down their faces. So do adults: Research by the University of Minnesota suggests that between 25 percent and 30 percent of Americans consistently wear their masks below their nose.


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