America has a massive obesity problem. Worst in the entire world. OECD estimates 50% of the US will be obese by 2030. That's just 8 years from now. We've got to be tackling that issue, not reinforcing to people that it's cool to be obese and that you'll be on magazine covers.
Was very surprised to recently learn that only about
25% of the age-eligible population physically qualifies for military service due to the younger generation’s steadily rising lifestyle factors of illicit drug use, medical histories of disqualifying prescriptions (Ritalin, Adderall, Benzos), criminal backgrounds, and, most of all,
When I enlisted right out of high school in the mid-2000s, probably
65-75% of the boys in my graduating class were fit and drug-free enough to serve. Now only 25%.
Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled programming: here’s two of my favorites – Audrey Hepburn and Diana Agron, both masters of the Classic Hollywood look, and both starring as nuns in major roles: