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Topic: In other news ...

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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7602 on: August 13, 2021, 08:02:54 PM »
The portable gallows and the shouts of "Hang Mike Pence" were not just a protest of the results of the election.
IMO, it's the attempt to normalize that day that is absurd.
I guess we'll just disagree about that.
Who is normalizing that day? All I see people here saying is- yeah let's not overreact. It's more than a gigantic stretch however to imply or say it was an "armed insurrection attempting to overthrow the government!"

First of all- it was a small group of complete and utter morons, rejects, and inbreds who wouldn't know how to overthrow a government if their lives depended on it. They all clearly broke the law and deserve to be arrested and prosecuted- but no one was armed except for the police. There were what- anywhere from 30,000 to 50,000 people marching towards the Capitol protesting, how many of them were the inbreds who stormed the Capitol and destroyed property? 800-1,000 at most maybe. So a tiny fraction take matters into their own hands and break the law and suddenly the other 99+% there are guilty too?

And how many people died that day? 4 people died that day, 4 of them Trump supporters. No lawmakers were killed and no capitol police were killed that day. 4 people died that day. 1 Trump supporter who died of a heart attack, another Trump supporter who died of a meth overdose, another Trump supporter who died of a stroke, and then a 4th Trump supporter who was shot in the neck by Capitol Police for attempting to crawl through a broken window. There was a 5th person that died the following day who was a Capitol Police Officer- but he died of a stroke- of natural causes- he didn't die by getting his brains bashed in by a fire extinguisher like the god awful useless garbage mainstream media initially reported for months.

Look, it was undoubtedly a politically motivated riot and despicable to say the least- but calling it anything other than that is again- more than a gigantic stretch.

And what was the gov'ts response? To make a hard right wing turn towards MORE authoritarianism, violate MORE privacy rights of everyday American citizens & push for MORE surveillance of everyday American citizens, push for MORE censorship on social media platforms, and to add $2 BILLION more in Capitol Police funding and try to turn it into a bloated intelligence agency instead of a policing agency that is suppose to you know- only protect the Capitol- and open Capitol Police offices in other states- first time that's ever happened. Having Capitol Police offices anywhere outside of DC makes zero f#n sense.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7603 on: August 13, 2021, 10:30:19 PM »
May be an image of 1 person and text that says '"Insanity in individuals is something rare but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule." Nietzsche REMARKABL AIU'
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7604 on: August 14, 2021, 01:42:08 AM »
Who is normalizing that day? All I see people here saying is- yeah let's not overreact. It's more than a gigantic stretch however to imply or say it was an "armed insurrection attempting to overthrow the government!"

First of all- it was a small group of complete and utter morons, rejects, and inbreds who wouldn't know how to overthrow a government if their lives depended on it. They all clearly broke the law and deserve to be arrested and prosecuted- but no one was armed except for the police. There were what- anywhere from 30,000 to 50,000 people marching towards the Capitol protesting, how many of them were the inbreds who stormed the Capitol and destroyed property? 800-1,000 at most maybe. So a tiny fraction take matters into their own hands and break the law and suddenly the other 99+% there are guilty too?

And how many people died that day? 4 people died that day, 4 of them Trump supporters. No lawmakers were killed and no capitol police were killed that day. 4 people died that day. 1 Trump supporter who died of a heart attack, another Trump supporter who died of a meth overdose, another Trump supporter who died of a stroke, and then a 4th Trump supporter who was shot in the neck by Capitol Police for attempting to crawl through a broken window. There was a 5th person that died the following day who was a Capitol Police Officer- but he died of a stroke- of natural causes- he didn't die by getting his brains bashed in by a fire extinguisher like the god awful useless garbage mainstream media initially reported for months.

Look, it was undoubtedly a politically motivated riot and despicable to say the least- but calling it anything other than that is again- more than a gigantic stretch.

And what was the gov'ts response? To make a hard right wing turn towards MORE authoritarianism, violate MORE privacy rights of everyday American citizens & push for MORE surveillance of everyday American citizens, push for MORE censorship on social media platforms, and to add $2 BILLION more in Capitol Police funding and try to turn it into a bloated intelligence agency instead of a policing agency that is suppose to you know- only protect the Capitol- and open Capitol Police offices in other states- first time that's ever happened. Having Capitol Police offices anywhere outside of DC makes zero f#n sense.
Please reflect on this post.
The bolded parts are:
"let's not overreact".......ummmm, what you describe as "a small group of complete and utter morons, rejects, and inbreds" attacked the US Capitol building AND GOT IN.  They had free reign to do what they wanted and happened not to interact with lawmakers, basically by dumb luck.  So you're (and others) are suggest we not overreact when a small group of morons can successfully storm the Captiol.
(only) "4 people died that day".......you're downplaying the loss of life.  You further downplay it by specifying what they weren't.  This is another despicable tactic.  Also, measuring an event simply by the loss of life and ignoring all other injuries/hospital visits/permanent injuries is disgusting as well.
"push for MORE surveillance of everyday American citizens".........wake up, bud.  US citizens are the dangerous enemy now.  The caricature of the turban-wearing Arab with a shoe bomb isn't taking lives today.  Rufus the town fix-it guy, with his 'don't treat on me' flags waving high IS.  WAKE UP!  If you have nothing to hide, then you're not being surveilled.  And if you are, then it's a waste of time and that program needs to be corrected.  The point is, an non-descript American citizen can be just as much of a threat as the guy you're still wary of when getting on a plane with a name you can't pronounce.  
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7605 on: August 14, 2021, 08:10:19 AM »
"US citizens are the dangerous enemy now"?

Huh.  That seems to be an over generalization.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7606 on: August 14, 2021, 08:45:18 AM »
"US citizens are the dangerous enemy now"?

Huh.  That seems to be an over generalization.
You are wasting your time cd.  You are an independent thinker trying to have a conversation with “the real Rufus“ who sees everything through his political spectrum.

he sees himself as one of our “elite” 😂
you know -the ones who think they’re smarter than you and therefore have to set the rules for you so they can control you. Just like Obama, Rasheed Talib, and all the other pro mask mandate Talking Heads who always get caught off camera breaking the rules they so vehemently want to apply to others.

He reads stories from CNN like the one the other day where they talked 4 school teachers from Broward county who died from Covid in the same day and then they pan directly to governor DeSantis as if he had something to do with that. But of course what they don’t tell you is that all four were NOT vaccinated-and the school district they work in doesn’t even begins school until next week. But he will throw that on the Internet as if it actually is a story told in it’s true context.  Yes Rufus is the real spreader of miss information.

he accuses MDot of sweeping death and destruction under the rug. But he ignores the 90 consecutive days of RIOTING we saw in this country where there were dozens and dozens of deaths, property, including federal buildings, court houses and police stations,  were burned and looted to the value of billions and billions of dollars, innocent people were mercilessly beaten to death for not complying with the mobs opinion, and dozens and dozens of law enforcement officers were killed or seriously injured.  He sweeps that under the rug.  He sweeps under the rug that people that fall on his side of his famous political spectrum, were the ones doing all of this damage and the ones bailing out those who were caught and arrested.

Do you see the obvious pattern?  He completely loses his shit for anyone that has a different opinion. Sound familiar? 

he has a fixation for “Rufus“ and rural “
Murica” - because that is the polarized way in which he views the world.  Either you see things his way or you’re stupid. How familiar is that?

he may actually have some thing when he says US citizens may be the biggest threat but again he’s looking at that from his side of his political spectrum. BLM, antifa, many in the main stream media, and many who hold high positions in federal office are a huge threat to this country.

you will never hear him talk about the “four”dead if it’s in reference to one shooting in Chicago or Philadelphia or Washington DC- things that happen multiple times every single weekend all over this country.  He sweeps those things under the rug effortlessly because they are not issues to him because those are crimes perpetrated almost exclusively by Black people.
he doesn’t play his own stupid game fairly though. He will politicize anything he can but it only applies to those he opposes. You will never hear him talk about the negligence in New York and Michigan where governors put people with Covid into nursing homes and caused thousands to die. But he will yell at DeSantis for giving people a choice of whether or not to have their children wear masks even though the science, and this is the important point, the science is against his argument. 

so yeah CD, you’re wasting your time trying to have a logical conversation with him. I don’t even take anything he posts seriously.  I don’t deal too much with people who politicize everything and try to alter the fax to their point of you with gobs and gobs of confirmation bias, but won’t stick around to have the conversation because they get so angry.   
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7607 on: August 14, 2021, 08:49:18 AM »
I'm not having a logical conversation, I'm pointing out some "over generalizations", in my view.  But I'm "sophisticated" and "vaccinated", so I'm immune.

The partisan "angles" on the Jan. 6 attacks are indicative of partisanship, in my view, and are predictable, and I think both are wrong because they are trying to spin the event either way, instead of taking it as it actually was.  Using it as evidence that US citizens are somehow our greatest threat is one angle, and basically claiming it was a "mostly peaceful protest" is another.

But, we all expect spin and positioning and hype.  I think most of "us" have a pretty good opinion on what it was.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7608 on: August 14, 2021, 08:57:39 AM »
"Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power." - René Descartes
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7609 on: August 14, 2021, 08:59:41 AM »
I'm not having a logical conversation, I'm pointing out some "over generalizations", in my view.  But I'm "sophisticated" and "vaccinated", so I'm immune.

The partisan "angles" on the Jan. 6 attacks are indicative of partisanship, in my view, and are predictable, and I think both are wrong because they are trying to spin the event either way, instead of taking it as it actually was.  Using it as evidence that US citizens are somehow our greatest threat is one angle, and basically claiming it was a "mostly peaceful protest" is another.

But, we all expect spin and positioning and hype.  I think most of "us" have a pretty good opinion on what it was.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7610 on: August 14, 2021, 11:03:23 AM »
I'm not having a logical conversation, I'm pointing out some "over generalizations", in my view.  But I'm "sophisticated" and "vaccinated", so I'm immune.

The partisan "angles" on the Jan. 6 attacks are indicative of partisanship, in my view, and are predictable, and I think both are wrong because they are trying to spin the event either way, instead of taking it as it actually was.  Using it as evidence that US citizens are somehow our greatest threat is one angle, and basically claiming it was a "mostly peaceful protest" is another.

But, we all expect spin and positioning and hype.  I think most of "us" have a pretty good opinion on what it was.
I don't know if you include me in that group that believes it was a mostly peaceful protest or not. But I agree with almost everything in your post.

What I will say is that a vast majority of those that protested at the capital that day were NOT the idiots and morons that were breaking windows and doors and trying to get into restricted areas. There were a number of them that did and they should all be prosecuted for their crimes. 

But the problem is that the media blew this thing somewhat out of proportion by focusing on the most insane and bizarre of the group, while ignoring the many peaceful that were not acting like idiots. 

Just for the record, I am not condoning what any of them did that were breaking the law. All I am saying is that it is being portrayed as something that it was not. Were there a few that thought they could alter the vote? Most likely there were. But they were a very small minority that day, but have received all of the focus. 


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7611 on: August 14, 2021, 11:55:45 AM »
a small minority from the far right organizations that are down right crazy and dangerous
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7612 on: August 14, 2021, 12:41:16 PM »
a small minority from the far right organizations that are down right crazy and dangerous
glad its just a small group and that they dont burn down businesses or loot
They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7613 on: August 14, 2021, 01:12:37 PM »

He reads stories from CNN like the one the other day where they talked 4 school teachers from Broward county who died from Covid in the same day and then they pan directly to governor DeSantis as if he had something to do with that. But of course what they don’t tell you is that all four were NOT vaccinated-and the school district they work in doesn’t even begins school until next week. But he will throw that on the Internet as if it actually is a story told in it’s true context.  Yes Rufus is the real spreader of miss information.

I specifically didn't mention this for 2 reasons:
a- it has nothing to do with the topic
b- the deaths had nothing to do with the teachers doing their job
I'm sorry that I'm not a blind lefty like you paint me out to be.  It is interesting that you include this paragraph, conjuring it from nothing.  Off-topic, not mentioned by me, yet you toss it in there.  Good for you.
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7614 on: August 14, 2021, 01:15:32 PM »
he doesn’t play his own stupid game fairly though. He will politicize anything he can but it only applies to those he opposes. You will never hear him talk about the negligence in New York and Michigan where governors put people with Covid into nursing homes and caused thousands to die. But he will yell at DeSantis for giving people a choice of whether or not to have their children wear masks even though the science, and this is the important point, the science is against his argument. 

Did someone laud the NY and MI governors here?  If I'm criticizing someone's positive post about DeSantis, that's what my post is going to focus on.  
Do you eat red herring for dinner every night?  
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #7615 on: August 14, 2021, 01:18:42 PM »

The Chinese media is almost as deceptive as our own. 😂🤣
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
-Mark Twain


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