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Topic: Misfits Thread

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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7210 on: August 27, 2020, 07:48:16 PM »
Senators McCain and Feingold tried hard to change that--in a bipartisan manner.

After the Rhenquist Supreme Court upheld most of the law, the Roberts Supreme Court gutted the judgement of the Senate, House, and President. Judicial activism? (Determining what is judicial activism is a fun game.)
That law was unconstitutional, and it wasn't all that close. 

Whether you agreed with the law or not is immaterial. It was a flat out attack on free speech, and on the most important speech there is; political speech.


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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7211 on: August 27, 2020, 07:49:32 PM »
What exactly is this?
What are "the Trump Republicans"?
They are ones who didn't craft a party platform for 2020 beyond saying that they support Donald Trump's agenda.
They are ones who dodge the media, or if cornered say "no comment" after Donald Trump as told yet another outrageous, inflammatory, defamatory lie.
They are ones who said character counted, until Donald Trump became the party nominee.
They are ones who wanted to address the growing budget deficit when Obama was president, but have turned into Alfred E. Neumann under Donald Trump.
They are ones who condemned Obama for his executive orders but see nothing wrong when Donald Trump does the same thing or worse.
They are ones who think that good government consists of "owning the libs" and causing "liberal tears."
I could go on if you'd like.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7212 on: August 27, 2020, 07:49:52 PM »
I appreciate you all talking about hope and solutions. 

I'm pretty much resigned to the idea that humanity is a failed experiment of evolution, and the sooner it ends, the better. Hopefully we end without taking a couple thousand species with us.


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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7213 on: August 27, 2020, 07:52:52 PM »
You and I are in full agreement on this.  To me it as if the Dems want to maintain their position of power by encouraging an entitlement frame of mind
I have thought that for decades, 320.
But lately I've been trying to give them the benefit of the doubt by assuming that they are just wrong rather than ill-intentioned.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7214 on: August 27, 2020, 08:00:10 PM »
I don't know where you come up with this stuff. What are you seeing that makes you think that white supremacists see Republicans as their allies? I have not seen this.

On of the reasons that Republicans for years, did not reach out for the black vote is that they assumed that the Democrats had it locked up and it would be a waste of time and money in an effort to go after it. It is not that they didn't want the black vote, but since the New Deal and the LBJ War of Poverty, Republicans feel that there was little hope of attracting the black vote.

That is until recently. Trump seems to have started to erode some of the democratic support in the black community and have seen them coming over to vote Republican. I believe this has the Democrats very concerned in this election. Watching the RNC, they have highlighted a number of prominent black republicans and even a couple of Democrats, that are making a case that the Democrats have done nothing for the blacks for years while the Republicans are working in their interests.

I don't know how it will play out, but I do believe that the Democrats are very worried about that possibility.
I don't think that Trump's right hand knows what his left hand is doing.  I'm pretty sure that both of them are working hard to make him feel good about himself.
But at the same time he has some policies that have actually helped black communities, he won't condemn the white-supremacist elements that have endorsed him, and, in fact, retweets their crap, stoking the fires of disunity.
Or are you making a distinction between Republicans and Trump?
I agree that Republicans have over the last 40-50 years written off the black vote.  John McCain was a brave man to try to reverse that.  But the mainstream of the party leadership rejected that sort of thing in 2008, just as it did with Jack Kemp in the 1990s.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7215 on: August 27, 2020, 08:17:56 PM »
What's section 8 housing,obama phones,food stamps,affimative action......
What that is is a bunch of programs that get people dependent on handouts.  I would include a gradual phase-out of the race-specific aspects of those programs as part of a reparations deal.  I think affirmative action is wrong in principle and in practical effect, so if I could wave my magic wand, I would end that tomorrow.

And what about about 150 yrs ago?I had a great grand father 4 times removed fought in I believe it was Buel's Army at Shiloh,he died from his wounds.Point being todays rioters weren't slaves and I wasn't a slave owner.We have a syrian & lebanese families down the the street finding jobs and owning homes.Also my favorite beverage store Ned's was bought by an Egyptian.

Albert Sidney Johnston is who you are thinking of at Shiloh.

You probably don't have any relatives who did one damn thing to any Japanese-Americans during World War II, but the country as a whole, including your relatives, paid reparations to those who had been wrongly interned and who lost almost everything they owned in the process.  FDR's solicitor general lied to the SCOTUS in the Korematsu case in which the Court ruled those actions constitutional.

The government at every level has done far more damage to black Americans than it did to the Japanese.  Why are blacks not owed anything more than programs that stick them in poverty?

  Every one has time,everyone can study,if an individual chooses to not pay attention at school or not pursue a skill,trade,profession that's on themselves.I'm on the measily end of the economic scale -make too much to collect any of those terrible free benefits.And I'm not in a high enough tax brackett to get the write offs that some of you here enjoy.The middle class is getting taxed into poverty.Too many section 8 renters get to vote on whether a home owner pays them more benefits/taxes on schools.People who don't see a bill for shit shouldn't be voting on whether I pay more money for something that benefits them and not me - taxation with out representation.My community has the 2nd highest tax rate in the largest most heavily taxed county in the state
This is not just a black thing (and I'm not saying that you implied that it is).  Numerically, there are more white people in poverty and on welfare than blacks.

Mr./Mrs./Ms. Anonymous made this pithy comment: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.”

We seem to be there, brother.  Red and yellow, black and white, we want our goodies from the gummint.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7216 on: August 27, 2020, 08:31:44 PM »
1.) I don't use Google as they have been intentionally altering their search results to support a left wing narrative. I use Duck Duck Go. If you don't believe me, try it sometime. Google Obama Scandals in both search engines and compare the results.

As far as the "Republicans" you listed, many of those are part of the reason that I really don't support the Republican party as they are pretty much establishment figures, more concerned with the party than the country. Trump is more of a threat to the establishment Republicans than he is to the Democrats and that is why so many are running towards Biden.

2.) As to the black voters support, we shall see. I don't pretend to know how it will go, but from what I have seen so far, I believe that the Dem leadership is very concerned about loosing a significant portion of that vote. But again, we shall see.

As for changing my mind, I will support ANY political candidate that will uphold the Constitution and favor a small and limited government. Right now, most of those appear to be some of the new comers in the Republican party. Not all, but most. 

Five years ago, I thought that those "squishy" Republicans were the source of all our problems.  Worse than the Democrats, because they operated under false colors.

But then Donald J. Trump arrived, and I realized that we could do much, much worse than Republicans who didn't 100% of the time faithfully support every tenet of my notions of government.  And we have done much worse with Trump.  He not only doesn't support most tenets of conservatism, he doesn't even pretend to follow the Constitution.  I cannot understand what he does that you think indicates he supports, or even understands, the Constitution.  I think the Constitution, to Donald J. Trump, is like "Two Corinthians."  Somebody wrote him a memo about it once and as usual he didn't bother to read it.

from another NOB post . . .

It may be verbiage to you, but I really do wish we could get to that. The Federal Government was never meant to be what it has become. While it will never shrink to what it should be or how the founders envisioned, it could be shrunk if we had elected officials that put aside personal aspirations and worked for the good of the nation.

There are some incremental things that could be done to start the process. For example, eliminate the Department of Education. Why not? It is nothing but a bloated agency designed to consolidate power usurped from the states. Get rid of it.

Eliminate or greatly simplify the income tax and eliminate or greatly reduce the IRS. 

There are things that could be done. The biggest would be to repeal the 17th Amendment. That would go a long way in returning power back to the states where it was originally supposed to be. 

I really wish that we could get to that too.
But we aren't making any progress whatsoever in getting there under the leadership of Donald J. Trump.  He's adding to the problems rather than reducing them.  He's run up more debt in less than one term than Obama did in two.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7217 on: August 27, 2020, 08:42:59 PM »
One man’s “ progress” is another man’s regression. 

I don’t want your version of “progress”.     

I wish we had a real choice.  Not two horror shows.  

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7218 on: August 27, 2020, 09:46:24 PM »
What that is is a bunch of programs that get people dependent on handouts.  I would include a gradual phase-out of the race-specific aspects of those programs as part of a reparations deal.  I think affirmative action is wrong in principle and in practical effect, so if I could wave my magic wand, I would end that tomorrow.

Albert Sidney Johnston is who you are thinking of at Shiloh.
No pretty sure he was in Buell's Army
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7219 on: August 27, 2020, 09:55:48 PM »
No pretty sure he was in Buell's Army
I'm sorry, I misread your comment.

I thought you meant that the Army commander died of his wounds.  That would have been A.S. Johnston, the Confederate.

But you meant that your G-g-g-g-grandfather was in Buell's Army and that your ancestor died of his wounds.

You're right.  Buell's force was the Army of the Cumberland that arrived on the field at the end of Day 1 and was part of the victorious counterattack on Day 2.

Sorry about that!
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7220 on: August 27, 2020, 09:59:03 PM »
One man’s “ progress” is another man’s regression.

I don’t want your version of “progress”.   

I wish we had a real choice.  Not two horror shows.
He's a lifelong Democrat who realized he couldn't hijack the Democrat Party--maybe because they knew him too well--so he hijacked the only semi-conservative party we have and transformed it into his personal party that now knows no ideology other than supporting whatever he wants.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 10:05:35 PM by CWSooner »
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7221 on: August 27, 2020, 10:12:39 PM »
  That would have been A.S. Johnston, the Confederate.

But you meant that your G-g-g-g-grandfather was in Buell's Army and that your ancestor died of his wounds.
I had a cousin who did a lot of research on great gramps but he's no longer around and the family didn't hang on to or lost things he researched.Military Historians say Johnston would have been a great one had he survived.Unlike that fiery preacher Polk Sherman's Army killed or Bragg who both appeared to be political appointees
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7222 on: August 27, 2020, 10:13:43 PM »

They are ones who said character counted, until Donald Trump became the party nominee.
This is my favorite demographic now.  The evangelicals being a major subset of it.  THE #1 most hypocritic group of humans, ever.  
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Re: 2020 Offseason Stream of Unconciousness
« Reply #7223 on: August 27, 2020, 10:17:41 PM »
One man’s “ progress” is another man’s regression.

This is horrific bullshit.

Progress is inclusive of more people.
Accepting of more people.
Accommodating of more people.  

It looks like ending slavery.
It looks like women voting.
It looks like any 2 people in love getting maried.

You are backwards.  Thankfully, social progress will continue on without you.  Trump can't stop it, all he can do is be a speedbump.  It is inevitable, yet you fight against it.  In vain.  I laugh at you.  
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