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Topic: site is now "in the clear"

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site is now "in the clear"
« on: January 09, 2018, 07:37:25 PM »
i've been chasing an abuse of the server by a guest user for over a week.... it was touch and go for a while there, but they never got in... they consumed resources in attempt to tie up security functions enough to slide through, and came close several times... 

many if not most of you likely encountered 500 code errors over this period, as well as other weird behaviors of the page.... that wasn't because of the brute force attack directly, but because i dialed back access via bandwidth and system memory because of this clown (or group of clowns).... while i waited and watched i took the (holy hell a lot of) time to nail some doors shut, tidy up, and install functions to speed processes up.... i did that while i waited for a patch to arrive and because i didn't know how long i'd have to wait for that patch (hours? days? weeks? MONTHS?).

i'm ecstatic to report the patch was implemented a short while ago, which meant i could reallocate the bandwidth and memory as it was before- but this time with all the optimizations performed. translation?  this joint is now world class (no chit- trufe) insofar as protocols, security, and should translate to performance in terms of speed. 

i invite y'all to hold shift and hit refresh.  your caches will populate over the next couple of page uses, and BOOM... there will be speed and security. 

thanks for bearing with me through all of this!!!! apologies for any frustrations it may have caused. 


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Re: site is now "in the clear"
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2018, 10:32:05 AM »
I just dumped every team board in effort to clean up some... no need loading them if they're not being used, right? 

the only one left is the UT board, which does get some use.  I'm thinking about moving them over to their own domain.  


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Re: site is now "in the clear"
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2018, 04:21:06 PM »
Thank you for doing all of this. Damn, a lot of work man.


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Re: site is now "in the clear"
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2018, 10:39:56 AM »
Thank you for doing all of this. Damn, a lot of work man.
it's a lot like working on my boat or building an engine to me... it's relaxing in that it takes focus and your mind off any intrusions.  so, i don't mind one bit.  i got demons, yo... :)
now comes the hard part, though.... which is locking it down and leaving it alone.  the page is exactly as it should be right now as far as the back end of it.  i guess the presentation could use some tweaking still- but as far as function goes (server side), it is rocking.  
I installed yesterday afternoon and last night the latest and greatest ciphers- which means we scored a straight up A on the validation (which will boost rankings tremendously, and provide the cutting edge security for users).  that is quite an accomplishment, believe it or not.  the only drawback to it is some users using old machines/browsers are going to find they'll have to update to use the forum.  
we received a high B on speed tests- which could obviously be improved, but the weight of the page is over 2 megabytes, and to score a B with that kind of heft?  pretty damn good.  
over on the publisher, which i am preparing for actual writers, i dumped over 12 thousand posts- all aggregated in from various places... i kept only the last 7 days, and will try to keep no more than 30 days from here out... that heft dropped from the database also kicked the site up a gear.  
what this all means: we're getting there... slowly but surely we're getting this place squared away. 


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