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Topic: Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones

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Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones
« on: October 23, 2017, 03:29:00 PM »
Is the temperature emitting from Butch Jones, or, is it just consuming him (pending spontaneous combustion)?

Tennessee was a giant, once. The program struck fear into whomever spotted them on their schedule- except Florida.  They recruited not only nationally, but globally- bringing in players from the South Pacific as easily as from their own backyard.  A matter of fact, they often brought those players in from fertile grounds like Texas, Southern California, Florida, Louisiana and Georgia at the cost of losing High School coaches within their own state permanently.

There was a magical potion that comprised those teams.  It took one part Fulmer, one part Chavis, and one part Cutcliff to realize.   Dashes of T-Martin, Peyton, Big Al Wilson, Peerless receivers (hehehee, like that?) and solid as granite linemen on both sides of the ball.   The only guaranteed player from Tennessee on the roster was the punter-  and they were all from clan Colquitt.   Well, there was a TE from those hills in upper east Tennessee of note, who will find himself in the Retirement League’s (NFL) HoF.  He deserves mention, I reckon.  The remainder of those rosters were missing that twang-crossed-drawl made famous (and often imitated to both alarmingly bad and amusingly misused results) in Nashville recording studio’s.

For reason’s unknown, Cutcliff sought glory at Ole Miss- taking the lessor Manning (sorry, he’ll always be lessor as he lacks VFL status) with him.  He left UT with Randy Sanders.  Seriously, a more vanilla offensive coordinator can’t be found in any ranks (including peewee).   The greatest QB coach who has ever stalked a 43, 34 or nickel/dime defense left- and Chief Chavis was right behind him.  Fulmer tried- and though his intentions were good- without the potion offered complete, it just wasn’t going to happen.  We witnessed the demise of something great, those of us lucky enough to have been observers of that era (who are likely shaking their heads at my depiction of the circumstances right about now).

Losing national prominence limits a team’s ability to recruit nationally.  Not having working relationships with in-state high school coaches (aka ‘blowing them off’) has repercussions, too.  But neither have the impact of hiring a “clown-in-training who would openly rather be coaching at Southern Cal than where he’s at and straight up telling the team such” has.  Taking starred players with him after being hired by that surfer-bunch is equally bad, but an even stronger insult.  That’ll leave a mark on a once great institution, but the ridicule was far from over- to add injury to insult, the ‘make money fast and dash‘ AD hires Derrick friggin’ Dooley as some form of mockery apparently only a few understood (but everyone even loosely affiliated with UT football felt)… Losing games is a helluva lot worse then losing national prominence in recruiting… but hey, at least the players of that period know how to shower, right?

In a class presumably offered at UT Knoxville with focus on abstracts and philosophy, being a “Champion of Life” is quite the honor.  The problem with this award is that it never arrives singularly.  It has to be attached to some other great accomplishment.   I think, unless I’m totally unaware, that the accomplishment must be losing control of your team due to the antics of prima donna players with really bad hair cuts (oh SNAP- add to that, from in-state!!!) and whatever mischief lends credit to its nurture in that environment.   Whatever….

THIS IS UT!!! THIS IS UNSAT!!!! THIS HAS TO BE CORRECTED!!!! THIs….. THis… This… this issue is intolerable (as emphasis spirals in my delivery).  But, is it really?  Is this not precisely what should have been expected?

Considering where the program has been and where it is headed have been the thoughts weighing in my brain this weekend, and since the 100th Bama meeting (which i will forever refer to as the ‘debacle of two defensive birds’).   Casting myself into a third person perspective (which is easier to do than it sounds with the perspective of members of our forum readily available~ shout out to CFB51.com!!!) it is pretty plain- clearly evident- self defined freakin’ obvious….. UT thought they could maintain the momentum brought by a magic potion of three major ingredients and ride an already storied past into a new era and dominate if not win- just because.

I like Coach Butch Jones.  A little more than casual observer’s thoughts on the man and the coach state that he is a good man and UT should be proud to be affiliated with him and his legacy off the field.  I think his every intent coming to UT (as opposed to DDooley) was to win championships and embark upon a dynasty run- which you may think is obvious, but it’s not.  The child Lame Kitten came to UT to sharpen his image- and use UT as a stepping stone and/or leverage to land the USC job.  DFooley came to UT to straight up burglarize the coffers.  His lack of interest in recruiting and fundamental understanding of the culture should be a great big glowing exclamation point hovering above his head and indicator that his intent was to make bank until “those orange clowns can’t or won’t pay anymore”… and it didn’t take too long, even under the man I’m almost certain intentionally dismantled UT’s men’s athletics Mike Hamilton (toi toi toi- even typing his name is distasteful)… Hamilton rode the program built by men much better than him into the ground; he rode it for every penny he could mostly with shortsightedness, and left them in the condition that would precede the present condition.

We, as UT fans, haven’t given Butch Jones a fair opportunity.  We have done him a disservice.  He is a good man who was the only man who would take the job when we needed someone to come in and revitalize the program.  We have used him like a, well… a borrowed mule.  The man has put his heart and soul in the team in honest attempt to accomplish greatness, and has failed.  The situation was impossible.  The only break that we should offer ourselves in our guilt is “he ought to have known what he was getting into“.   He was and is not the man to return UT to greatness on the field.  In retrospect, he never was.  However, every UT fan should consider, pending administrators decision and timing, writing the man and offering thanks for his efforts rebuilding the program from the hot ploppy it was when Fooley bounced.  Hate for this man is seriously, dramatically, and hugely misplaced.   We put him in a position he couldn’t win.  Before you drag my assessment through the halls of scorn,  consider this: Coach Butch Jones is the only coach the orange panted Fooley ever out-coached while standing opposite on the field.

He will be sent off.  If there is a single UT fan happy for this situation, shame on you.  The shame, in all fairness, resides in the legacy of a really really bad AD who enticed the university too long with short sighted financial gains and if not for Bruce Pearl (and yet another debacle describing his) legacy, would likely still be raiding the work and contribution of men far greater than him.  General Neyland weeps.  Thanks, Hammy.

Coach Jones- you’re always welcome in my providence.  I’m terribly sorry you couldn’t do the impossible- really and truly.  As most UT fans I find myself watching and waiting, knowing what you no doubt already know, and praying you can retain honor in what’s inevitable.  It’s not your fault for aiming higher than the situation allowed- it’s instead the fault of those who put you in that position, and who should have zero surprise whatsoever that this day has come.  Fair winds and following seas, Coach (which is moniker exceeding the regard of ‘sir’).  May you land in a program where your talents are required, and may greatness ensue.
*now- circle the wagons, y’all…. UT is all-in on this next one.  If they can’t score a known diamond prior to releasing CBJ, the program deserves whatever comes. 


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Re: Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2017, 08:08:11 PM »
I think you needed reported to the moderator LOL

I agree with a lot of what you said, but I don't think he was the only one who would come. IMO our AD went rogue 

THis time around we need to have a bird in hand before releasing CBJ, but I don't think he can salvage himself now. Here is hoping he proves me wrong 
President Harry S. Truman said: “The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount.  The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings…  If we don't have the proper fundamental moral background, we will finally wind up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the state.”


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Re: Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2017, 02:43:14 PM »
What happened we hired Athletic Directors that didn't have ties to UT even though Dickey was a Florida alum he had been HC at UT.

Hamilton and especially Hart never really wanted UT to be a power house in football again that's why we got what we got as football and basketball coaches.

Think I'm wrong do you think any BAMA alum would want Tennessee to beat their precious Tide? Don't think so that's why Hart hired Butch. Then he hired an over the hill basketball coach to add insult to injury.

People in Alabama are still laughing their ass off at us on how dumb UT was for hiring one them to run our sports programs.

It was like hiring Colonel Sanders to watch after the chickens.

If everyone is thinking alike then somebody isn't thinking.

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Re: Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2017, 08:50:35 PM »
What happened we hired Athletic Directors that didn't have ties to UT even though Dickey was a Florida alum he had been HC at UT.

Hamilton and especially Hart never really wanted UT to be a power house in football again that's why we got what we got as football and basketball coaches.

Think I'm wrong do you think any BAMA alum would want Tennessee to beat their precious Tide? Don't think so that's why Hart hired Butch. Then he hired an over the hill basketball coach to add insult to injury.

People in Alabama are still laughing their ass off at us on how dumb UT was for hiring one them to run our sports programs.

It was like hiring Colonel Sanders to watch after the chickens.

you got that right........hart is a complete idiot, like dummy hammy


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Re: Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2017, 11:43:43 PM »

Hey Jack refs and CBJ both sucked
President Harry S. Truman said: “The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount.  The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings…  If we don't have the proper fundamental moral background, we will finally wind up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the state.”


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Re: Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2017, 01:39:15 AM »
yeah, BIG TIME, Dan


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Re: Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2017, 09:11:14 AM »
yeah, BIG TIME, Dan
Disappointing to not read that CBJ and a couple assistants have not been fired. Would have been a nice birthday present to me
President Harry S. Truman said: “The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount.  The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings…  If we don't have the proper fundamental moral background, we will finally wind up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the state.”


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Re: Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2017, 11:50:15 AM »
Wow.  I didn't hear a word about UT-UK all night, as Florida's beatdown and HC drama is filling the news sites.

Tennessee lost to Kentucky.  Okay, it was sort of a toss up game, so what?  Tenneessee was +4 in turnovers and still lost.  To Kentucky.  How in the holy hell is Florida getting rid of McElwain before UT is dumping Jones?  

Strange world we live in.
Lie about death threats?  Gone.
Go 0-5 in SEC play?  We'll see.
“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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Re: Source Found Responsible for Temperature around Butch Jones
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2017, 12:35:02 PM »
@OrangeAfroMan , i have no clue about your schools new AD, but i will say with great jealousy that Foley was a superior AD to anyone anywhere.  

if McStarkist was willing to be underhanded (aka lie), he could easily generate threats to be shown.  I have a hard time buying those threats or lies about threats would even be a point of contention if not for the opportunity it offers to fire him.  

in short:

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we ...
this is the tale of two programs... 

it takes little imagination to determine which is which... 


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