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Topic: 1/4 into season ramblings

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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2018, 11:40:36 AM »
Teams better than I suspected (so far):

Alabama (that is scary)
Kentucky (so far)
LSU (two nice wins)
Missouri (3-1, hung around with UGA)

Team worse than expected:

Arkansas (and I didn't expect much)

I'm going to cut the Vols a break for now because of the 6 TOs.


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2018, 11:56:04 AM »
I've said it elsewhere, but... 

UT lacked proper preparation.  plain and simple.  that is ALL on the coaches.  

furthermore, they hit the panic button on the first drive and fell right into the rhythm and 'game' UF wanted to play, which was well within their comfort zone... I've said it here (well, CFN) for years: this game is about cohesive play and playing within your teams strengths (aka 'comfort zone').  UT wasn't as much 'robbed' of that as they freely coughed it up.  that is the mark of an insecure team playing w/o confidence, which is to say they lacked proper preparation. 

the confounding thing to me while watching UT trying to land the roundhouse head shot in some sort of effort to recover in one fell swoop:  the coaches wouldn't have attempted the early onside, nor would they have attacked the UF secondary unless they had confidence in the team.  they 'thought' the team could 'pull it off', but were mistaken, and they were mistaken because the team was stuck in some form of quicksand..... they were trying high risk low percentage plays with more than a half remaining in some mindset not dissimilar to somebody spending their last dollar on a lottery ticket.  

they should never have allowed themselves to be in that position (duh), and then- they should NOT have taken the bait knowing there was a hook buried in it.  they did... immaturity of coaching was on display... a team lacking preparation was on display.  hopefully that is Pruitt's one folly all freshman HC's seem to deal with... 

UT is BAD- but they aren't as bad as that game was.  


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2018, 12:40:56 PM »
Drew, I think you are misreading what is going on at Tennessee. The wins and losses this team compiles this year are irrelevant. Pruitt is putting Tennessee through basic training a la Paul Bryant at Texas A&M circa 1955. It is what comes out after basic training that is important.

Also Tennessee has very little talent. It takes a while to build up the talent level. Be patient. Tennessee has the right person.


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2018, 01:19:57 PM »
i hope you're right, @bamajoe , i really do... and, Pruitt has done well every place he's ever been.  given time and opportunity i think he'll do very well at UT.  

his SEC debut was a debacle, though, and i stick with my contention the team lacked preparation. 


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2018, 07:16:48 PM »
Exactly Cincy. TN did far more to lose that game than the Gators did to win it but fans like Afro don’t have the intellectual integrity to admit it. Both teams suck terribly. One team imploded. The other took advantage of short fields given them. It’s that simple. I told a guy last night during the game that it was like watching the Bad News Bears.
Are you trying to fill the role left by a certain someone?  Please don't.  Be a person.  You know, with rational thoughts and treating others as if they were people too (because we are).
It's as if you didn't read my previous posts on this very thread at all.  
Think about what I'm asking of you:  just be a person.  Is that too much to ask???
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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2018, 07:28:27 PM »
You can look at the 6 turnovers and equal yards if you want to and pretend the teams aren't that far off, but you'd be delusional.
1st turnover - QB hit as he throws, INT.
2nd - DL sees the screen and picks it off INT
3rd - bad snap
4th - hustle play by CB, causing a TE to fumble it out of the end zone FUM
5th - diving INT by deep pass into double coverage - INT
I don't remember the last one.....oh, the fumbled kickoff return, which was forced as well

These weren't all quirky plays.  Maybe the first one just falls to the ground as an incompletion. Fine.  Maybe there's no bad snap, but by then the game was decided.  One could argue a TE shouldn't be caused to fumble by a little CB in a one-on-one situation.  

But the 2nd INT, great jumping INT by the safety, and the kick return fumble were all legit.  Because of the lopsided score, Tennessee got a quarter and a half of garbage-time yardage gains vs Florida's backups.

I wasn't going to say all of that, but if one of you wants to get nasty and stupid, I'll go there, too.
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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2018, 12:26:54 PM »
These things aren't mutually exclusive.  

Just got around to watching this yesterday, and both points were fairly glaring.  Florida is flat better than Tennessee AND Tennessee did a lot of things to shoot themselves in the foot.  The differences on the lines--particular UF DL vs. UT OL--were enough that UT would have trouble scoring if you played this game 10x.  If they don't repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot, they probably still lose this game 9 or 10x, just would lose a closer game where UF doesn't score so much.   

take it fwiw, I have no dog in the fight.  

There's really no X's or O's to adjust over a hypothetical 10-game matchup.  These teams played each other about as straight up as possible.  Florida seemed to know it had better talent and opted to minimize risk and let the odds play out.  Conversely, UT did very little schematically to try and mitigate their talent disadvantage.  Or maybe they did and things went disastrously wrong and I couldn't spot it.  It's hard to know what play you're attempting when people decide not to block a guy like David Reese.  Damned if I can distinguish a zone-power from a GT-counter when there's two or three Gators in the backfield about the same time the QB gets the ball in his hands.  

Okay, that didn't happen every play.  But it happened enough.  


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2018, 12:44:00 PM »
I only caught part of the 3rd and 4th quarters on replay.  It was pretty boring by then of course.  I saw some Vol players playing hard and some obviously taking it easy, I presume most were the backups by then.  The UF defense was in the backfield quickly.

The UT OL perhaps is their weakest link right now.  I know Badger kept talking about how Jones wasn't right in his scheme for OLs in the SEC.  UGA dominated them last year I know.  They may just not have the horses on OL right now.  And of course a weak OL is about the worst thing a team can have.  UGA should dominate both sides of the ball early and get this one over by the half.  Should.


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2018, 02:43:55 PM »
Somebody needs to call for the Ole Miss upset over LSU.  I'm not predicting it, but it won't surprise me either.  LSU taking the 2nd half off of games until late in the 4th quarter is no longer a tendency, it's a trend.  They're due for a wakeup call and Ole Miss has the right matchup advantages to nail LSU if they can't learn to put their foot on a throat.  

Then people can go back to predicting them to be a 5-7 team and be amazed all over again when they best Florida and MSU, just like Miami and Auburn.  

I told you 8 wins was the floor, and I'm sticking with it.  I thought AU might be one of the L's, so we've got another one to give away somewhere.  More than 8 won't surprise me.  There's two or three areas that need significant work, and it may not ever come together this season, but there's playoff talent here.  It's odd to see people here occasionally claim to ignore the mediots and boast about how much better analysis is here, when people here rampantly parroted the media about the Tigers.  They for some reason picked LSU as a dead team walking--God knows why--and all you had to do was take an honest look at last season and who comes back.  Anything LESS than 8 wins would be a gross underachievement.  God knows I couldn't do ELA's countdown, and I could honestly care less where he pegged the team--that's just a matter of interpreting the data--but half of his preview data on us was flat wrong.  I strive to make arguments about LSU a rare thing....I have a feeling my observations of my team are largely seen as that of a homer.  Although after 12 years here I'm not sure why I'd ever be mistaken for a guy who doesn't critically identify our shortcomings.  

Going back to the preseason rankings I posted for fun....a lot of those are looking good atm, but boy, so far I/we sure missed Kentucky on the lines.  Thought they'd be at the bottom on both sides of the ball, but I can't believe how well UK's OL did against Florida and Clanga.  DL has been better than expected as well.  If those lines are for real, UK has a way higher ceiling than I thought and I'll eat crow and admit it.  


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2018, 03:20:31 PM »
FWIW IMHO the Ole Miss is a very dangerous game for LSU. Ole Miss is a very explosive team with zero defense. LSU is a team with an excellent defense and a mediocre offense. I think LSU can control the ball 40 minutes and score 35 points. Ole Miss can score very quickly and put up about the same number of points. I say 35-32 LSU.

Also, ELA had LSU ranked around 42nd and behind some real dingers. If you find the thread you will see I thought he was way off and I posted so. I really don't think the win over Miami which I predicted was a big deal. They are very mediocre. The win over Auburn though was monumental. Congrats on that.


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2018, 08:04:14 PM »
I agree on Miami.  Looking at what they actually did last year, who returns, etc, I and most LSU fans who are hardcore football junkies did not see what was supposed to be so great about them.  Not dissing them, they're a good team, but I'm saying I didn't think they were out of our league and a team we couldn't beat if we played a clean game.  That Louisiana kid Gerald Willis III is the real deal though.  That guy is one of the best DLs we'll see all year, and he cleaned our clock the whole game.  

I did see your posts on ELA's thread.  Saw Badger's responses too, which.....I dunno, like I said, people claiming not to be full of the media's popular opinions sure fall down the same holes, which honest to goodness, doesn't take much scrutiny to pick apart when assessing LSU.  I think people look at the Troy loss last year and give in to lazy thinking to write LSU off, without looking at what was going on, talent on hand, etc.  

Agree on Ole Miss too.  LSU better bring it or they'll lose.  Not saying they will, just saying for as bad as Ole Miss has been, they can beat this LSU team.  LSU has a WRs who don't get separation nearly enough and don't catch the ball.  Odell Beckham and Jarvis Landry had the same problem for a couple years, then one day the light went on and they marauding the league their final go-round, and we hope that something similar will eventually happen, but I certainly wouldn't count on it.  All we've got right now are guys who are physically gifted and need a lot of work.  The line is a constant rotating patchwork due to injuries.  The offense has been explosive, but not at all consistent.  I'm not ready to pronounce a final judgement, but the secondary is not as good as I thought it'd be.  Still think we hit 8 wins, and if the light somehow does go on, the talent is there to play with anybody on the schedule.  Right now there's enough issues that they can lose to anyone as well.  Split the odds, I think 8 wins is a safe bet.  


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2018, 09:34:02 PM »

The UT OL perhaps is their weakest link right now.  I know Badger kept talking about how Jones wasn't right in his scheme for OLs in the SEC.  
I screamed this from the Smokey Mountain Tops and you are one of the only ones who paid attention.

Jones was a disaster of a hire for Tennessee, on top of the other disasters they hired prior to him. Jones fed off of Brian Kelly and got a big paycheck every f'ing time he followed him. And Kelly ain't that good either, by the way.

It takes a long time (3+ recruiting cycles) to build an OLine suitable for SEC or B1G play. Not sure if Pruitt is the guy - too little time to make that call. Considering his background, he probably deserves 3 years to prove it. Also, considering what Tennessee went through in the last search, it would be foolish to move too fast on firing yet another coach.

I trust Fulmer. Too bad the brass in Knoxburgh didn't trust him when they decided to whack him.


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2018, 09:38:21 PM »
just think about this... it'll offer at least thirty seconds entertainment i promise:

Haslam and the three former AD's did this... they hired the man-child kiffin and got dumped... then fooley... and then, the greatest blunder of all- they hired the only guy fooley ever out coached, Jones.  


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Re: 1/4 into season ramblings
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2018, 09:39:09 PM »
As for LSU.. Dave Aranda. 

Badger Grrroowwwwllll.



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