CFB51 College Football Fan Community

The Power Five => Big XII => Topic started by: Drew4UTk on July 25, 2017, 10:19:00 PM

Title: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on July 25, 2017, 10:19:00 PM
are not there twisters down yonder ways?
don't they account for sumpthin like 93% of all porch disappearances?

do you not rebuild them?


welcome to the porch, y'all!!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 26, 2017, 09:40:28 AM
nope youre thinking of trailers not porches
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on July 27, 2017, 10:49:29 AM

I'm here for the porch tea - only make mine a Long Island style.

May  not stay long, the heat is unbearable right now, but wanted to come by and say hello. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 27, 2017, 10:54:08 AM
Howdy Erin, hope your system is still better able to access this place than the other one.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on July 27, 2017, 10:55:37 AM
It is much better and I do not have any issues with any of the links on this site (so far)!   
I'll keep my fingers crossed that it stays that way.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 27, 2017, 10:47:47 PM
love hot chicks on the porch!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 15, 2017, 05:31:02 PM
We need to liven this place up

crank up the radio utee
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on August 28, 2017, 01:49:37 PM
The season has started, y'all - be sure to check schedules and listings if you already missed Week 0.  There are some Thursday and Friday games coming up Week 1 and Aggie/UCLA on Sunday.

Week 0 comments:

I didn't watch a ton - but Colorado State looked very sharp.  They hung 50+ on PAC12 Oregon State, and the new CSU stadium is a nice facility.  They didn't go for cheap "bigness" like Baylor did - just a beautiful, well-built stadium.  I would like to see CSU beat Colorado this Friday night, and wouldn't mind the Big 12 giving them another look as a BYU partner.

Charlie Strong - hmmm, well he won by 20 points, and the game lasts 60 minutes.  But holy moses, did anyone see the first quarter?  San Jose went up early 16-0, while USF committed every special teams blunder you can possibly think of.  If I squinted my eyes, the bulls on the USF helmets looked like Longhorns.  Watching the 1st quarter of that game was like watching the last 3 years at Texas on fast-forward.  But again, the USF talent finally showed up the 2nd Qtr and took it home from there.

Oklahoma State vs Tulsa this Thursday.  Could be interesting for the first 5 minutes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: RockChalk7598 on September 12, 2017, 05:00:39 PM
Hi...long time no see. I was contemplating deleting my account over at scout, and I logged on the day before they torched that board. I took it as a here I am. I don't know if this is temporary or not, but again, here I am.

KU Football is still abysmal...and I am still pissed about it. But I won't go all internet on anyone about it.

<br />( (<br /><br />upload your photo (<br />
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on September 12, 2017, 05:07:06 PM
howdy!!!! good to see you made it over, Sir!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 12, 2017, 05:41:52 PM
Glad you made it over, and no, this is not temporary.

This is our home, built by us (Drew), for us (me).  :67:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 13, 2017, 12:01:00 PM
good to see ya made it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 19, 2017, 12:18:02 PM
Hey, a question for the gang here-- what would you recommend as a new dishwasher?

My current LG, that came with the house when we bought it, just crapped out.  Some PCB inside burned up and pretty near set the cabinets on fire.  I always hated that LG anyway, it cleaned poorly and acted quirky.

So now I'm looking for a new dishwasher.  It has to be stainless steel to match the rest of the kitchen, and I like the idea of that 3rd flat top rack but I'm not married to it.  I need it to be really, really quiet since the kitchen is open to the great room in a very open floor plan, and I want to be super reliable while cleaning well.

My appliance service guy recommends Kitchenaid, he says he sees the fewest problems with them in the field.  

What say you, Porch denizens?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 19, 2017, 12:21:51 PM
We've had our stainless steel Kitchen Aid for 14 years, raised 3 kids with it, and no problems.  We also have very hard water, so I expected the wands to crust out or something.  Just recently my wife broke one of the little roller wheels so I jimmy-rigged it, but we've been satisfied.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on September 19, 2017, 12:26:24 PM
i just bought one last week... a Bosch Ascenta... so far so good- it is almost silent- like, really really quiet.  wife says it takes care of the dishes too...

on an aside- she bought new dishes... apparently, dishes need to match cabinets, which should match the counters and then the floors and we'd be remiss to forget appliances!!! ... so... cabinets were painted, appliances installed, i spent all Sunday knocking out ceramic tile it took me a month and a half to install working on after work and weekends ten or so years ago, granite counters this week and floors next..... all because of.... wait for it....... dishes.

If your wife buys new dishes, make sure they match your kitchen.  for the love of God, less than $200 worth of dishes on sale from TJMaxx just cost me over $10k......
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 19, 2017, 12:48:21 PM
I remember my parents owned cars and appliances and lawn equipment that lasted forever.   Or maybe I was just a little kid and six years seemed like forever.

All I know is nothing seems to last forever anymore.  It seems like I've bought a new weedeater every year I've been married.

My wife and I put all new appliances in our home when we bought it in 2005.  We've had the stove/oven repaired once, the refrigerator repaired three or four times, we've replaced the microwave twice and dishwasher four times.

After replacing it with new models three times, I looked on Craigslist for the fourth replacement.  I figure why spend $300 or more for a new one when I can get one for $50 that will probably last just as long.

Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that life ain't fair and it's going to suck in some ways.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 19, 2017, 12:50:10 PM
Just recently my wife broke one of the little roller wheels so I jimmy-rigged it, but we've been satisfied.
Nice.  That's what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on September 19, 2017, 01:02:36 PM
"engineered to fail" ain't no accident, though... it's robbery.  Yeah, I recall gramma having a 'fridge with one of things atop it looking like a tub of some sort... thing wouldn't die.  same with her clothes washer- swap a belt ever-so-often and it would still be around (except by the time she passed people were color coordinating freakin' wash rooms, and it had no place).  If there weren't so much jacked up shit going on in the world politically and such, "engineered to fail" and "planned obsolescence" would be my #1 gripe... TV's lasting for three years... major appliances for 7... cars getting far greater mileage but critical plastic parts failing @ 5~7 years.... seriously, a plastic intake manifold?

i worked on a particular family of sensors the military uses... they are made in Europe... we received some from across the pond once that didn't pass through the company office in the US, and I fielded them... when one crapped out I pulled the data and noticed several applications aboard them that didn't exist on the ones we got from stateside... the applications were diagnostics- which meant i cold now do what we were paying people $800 each for JUST TO DIAGNOSE... then, I stumbled upon a script that had the devices failing at timed intervals- which correlated to intervals I'd been tracking in my service database... the reason for failing? so I would have to send it to them to collect environmental data... and they'd flip a switch to restore function.. which cost us $800 in 'diagnostics', and another $1k in service fees for performing the 'fix'.... all to make more money.  and we paid it... even though i made them aware. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 19, 2017, 02:18:06 PM
We have a stainless steel Bosch and have been very happy with it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 19, 2017, 02:49:43 PM

"engineered to fail" ain't no accident, though... it's robbery.  Yeah, I recall gramma having a 'fridge with one of things atop it looking like a tub of some sort... thing wouldn't die.  same with her clothes washer- swap a belt ever-so-often and it would still be around (except by the time she passed people were color coordinating freakin' wash rooms, and it had no place).  If there weren't so much jacked up shit going on in the world politically and such, "engineered to fail" and "planned obsolescence" would be my #1 gripe... TV's lasting for three years... major appliances for 7... cars getting far greater mileage but critical plastic parts failing @ 5~7 years.... seriously, a plastic intake manifold?

i worked on a particular family of sensors the military uses... they are made in Europe... we received some from across the pond once that didn't pass through the company office in the US, and I fielded them... when one crapped out I pulled the data and noticed several applications aboard them that didn't exist on the ones we got from stateside... the applications were diagnostics- which meant i cold now do what we were paying people $800 each for JUST TO DIAGNOSE... then, I stumbled upon a script that had the devices failing at timed intervals- which correlated to intervals I'd been tracking in my service database... the reason for failing? so I would have to send it to them to collect environmental data... and they'd flip a switch to restore function.. which cost us $800 in 'diagnostics', and another $1k in service fees for performing the 'fix'.... all to make more money.  and we paid it... even though i made them aware.
I'm completely with you on the first paragraph.
I'm shocked on the second paragraph.  That seems to be near-criminal.  Not all that different from Volkswagen tweaking their sensor levels in their system's firmware to lie about emissions data.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on September 19, 2017, 02:55:48 PM
i was told under no uncertain terms to STFU and 'foghetabouit'- else i could find somewhere else to work.  and friend, that's just the tip of the iceberg.  i almost got fired once for 'talking the gov't' into buying an item that cost $175k and would meet the mandates for next 7 years instead of the counter item that cost over $4M and would need to be replaced in three years as it didn't meet the security mandates expected 3 years out... why? because the contractor (my company) would miss the middle man surcharge of 30% profit built in........ and here i thought i was doing a good thing. i could describe many more situations like that too.  it's stupefying...  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 19, 2017, 02:56:44 PM
In high school I purchased and drove a 1986 Chrysler Laser XT Turbo that I absolutely loved.  It was black with black leather interior, a tint so dark it'd get you arrested these days, and it was sporty and quick enough.  Chryslers at the time had plenty of quality issues, but my Laser ran beautifully and never had any problems.

Except for one.

You see, the radiator was made of metal edging bonded to a plastic core.  And after just a couple of years, sure enough, that plastic core started cracking away from the metal edges.  

But not to worry, for at the tender young age of seventeen, I had already discovered the magic and majesty of JB Weld.  That crappy radiator would spring a leak, and I'd weld it right back up.  A couple months later, another leak, and more JB Weld to the rescue.  Over the next four years, I'd repaired it so many times I have no doubt that radiator was made up of far more JB Weld than original plastic.  But I'd kept it running, and that's what matters.

Screw you, Chrysler Corp and your planned obsolescence.  I defy you.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on September 19, 2017, 03:04:58 PM
i bought a 89 cutlass supreme w/20k miles on it in 91, while a young Marine... i looked at one that had 60k miles on it and was a lot cheaper. the lady owning that one sat beside me on the test drive, and when i got it to highway speeds it started shuddering and miss firing... she looked at me and said "nobody can tell me what's wrong with it"... I obviously passed on the car. 

a couple years passed with my driving that hunk of junk, and i crossed 60k miles on I95 just south of DC heading back to base at Quantico- as SOON as i passed 60k miles it started coughing and sputtering just like her's was doing... and nobody could determine why.. .i'm not an idiot when it comes to cars- and it baffled me until the day i traded out of it.  i've owned one gm vehicle since- a 93 silverado i drove until 327k miles with only expected issues for a truck that age- my father put another 5 on it over the next 10 years, using it only when he needed a truck- it ran fine when he did the 'cash for clunkers' thing... you'd never coerce me into owning a gm with a build date post 95 and OBDII- there are land mines galore programmed into them.  same with dodge and ford too, though, just not to the extent.  it's NOT that they've 'forgotten how to make things', it's that they've learned 'if you build it too good, we won't get paid next year'. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 19, 2017, 03:07:26 PM
My grandma had a Kitchen Aid dishwasher for 47 years.  It just bit the dust last Christmas, with never a faulty day once in my lifetime.  My uncle and I put a new one in for's noiseless, so that's nice, but I count the days until she tells me it's croaked.  

Washers and dryers are the worst.  Those things could easily last generations, but they don't.  

I think I've mentioned this here years ago....a friend of mine from Austin who is a mechanical engineer told me once that the capability exists to make cars that last 35-40 years with only minimal routine maintenance (no major breakdowns), for about the same cost as what they're making now, but that there's not a manufacturer in the world who will touch such a build, for obvious reasons.  

It is one of the more infuriating things about our society.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 19, 2017, 04:08:26 PM
I ride a Suzuki DR650 motorcycle.  It is a 2000 model which is kind of irrelevant since it hasn't changed since 1996 and the 2018 models are the same.  It is dirt simple, carbureted, air/oil cooled, no electronics except the ignition. It is the most common bike for people who ride "Round the World" since it doesn't break and used parts are plentiful almost everywhere.
I don't know how much longer new ones will be made, it was discontinued in Europe some years ago because of emissions.  Still, the old thumpers will be around look after new ones are no longer made.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: RockChalk7598 on September 19, 2017, 05:30:30 PM
Sounds like I really need to get a KitchenAid. Wow!

I currently have a Samsung unit in stainless steel that came with the house I bought two years ago. This model is about a decade old, I believe, and when we moved in it was great because it was better than any DW I've ever had--quiet, cleaned well, and has a "sanitize" function. About 6 months ago, we started getting a blinking error code a few minutes into the cycle. "Over water level" error, the manual said. I could restart the washer on "quick" cycle and it was fine. I got in there and took the spinner arm off, cleaned some stuff out of it, and put it back together. Also, we had some slow drain issues in the sink so snaked that out too. All was good again. For a while. Now I'm seeing the error again, and more frequently. I've been researching online about this model. It's pretty much a 1 or 2-star rating anywhere you look. GREAT!

So, long story short--NOT A FAN of Samsung dishwashers right now.

I'll cosign on KitchenAid--I have a friend who owns one - can't recall what model but she got it 2 years ago and she loves it. No issues, dishes sparkly clean every time. Been eyeballing it every time I see it now, so that may be the way to go.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 19, 2017, 05:36:59 PM
Blinking error codes.

The first hooked index finger of the grim reaper, beckoning your appliance to just give up, step aside and make room for more capitalism.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 19, 2017, 05:49:22 PM
KitchenAid ain't what it once was fellers.

I went there about 10 years ago, and then about 8 years ago a bought a Bosch. I'm not looking back.

The former is fine for stand mixers and food processors. Not so much for large stuff anymore.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 19, 2017, 05:52:05 PM
I do have a Samsung fridge (and TV's..) and I love that (those).

I've heard bad things about their D/W's and ranges, but good things about their W/D's. 

I've got Kenmore for W/D. Just waiting on Sears to finally bite the dust, and then they will fail at the same time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 19, 2017, 06:44:26 PM
Ive got a Kenmore W/D that was bought in 1975

never been serviced
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 19, 2017, 11:39:57 PM
My LG dishwasher is total crap.  Aside from some internal PCB burning up and nearly setting fire to my house, it never cleaned well and always had weird quirks.  I'll never do LG appliances again.

Between the tailgate party and home use, I've tried every single brand of TV over the past 15 years, and none have been as consistently high quality, and reliable, as Samsung.  That's all we have in the house now.

But I hear some of their appliances are crap.

I've seen lots of testimonials and 3rd party reports that say Kitchenaid is good for dishwashers.  badgerfan's is actually the first and only negative review  I've heard, but I trust and like badgerfan, so I'll certainly consider his opinion.

I have a couple of friends with Bosch dishwashers that like them well enough, and you fellers have had good things to say as well.  In general I sort of get a feeling that Bosch might be a bit overhyped, but then I look at their prices and for what I'm looking for, they're right in line with the other brands I'm considering, so really if it's good and reliable and people like it and it's an "overhyped" name brand that doesn't actually cost any more than its less hyped competitors, then how can it really be considered overhyped?

Ultimately there's zero doubt I'm overthinking this.  But I'm an engineer, and this is exactly what my people created the internet for to begin with.  So there you have it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on September 28, 2017, 02:16:57 PM
[taps mic]

Is this thing on?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 28, 2017, 02:18:25 PM
oh shit!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on September 28, 2017, 02:20:37 PM
[taps mic]

Is this thing on?
Hold up, did anybody go around and spray for pests before we moved in??
One seems to have gotten through....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on September 28, 2017, 02:21:15 PM
kidding of course.     Welcome, Shiner! 
Hope you are doing well this year, or at least better than some of us. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on September 28, 2017, 02:23:08 PM
Could be better... could be worse.   At least I don't live in Houston.

Been an interesting year to say the least....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 28, 2017, 02:37:47 PM
No gathering is complete without representation of Aggy.

Which reminds me, are any of these new-fangled Shiner beers any good?  I've seen the commercials, Shiner varieties are popping up like a Sonic drink fountain.  Bear in mind, I live in God's country, so it's not like I can ask the rancher next door about the new Shiner macros, as he is likely too well churched to indulge in such.

Should I expand beyond the reliable Bock?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on September 28, 2017, 02:38:20 PM
Could be better... could be worse.   At least I don't live in Houston.

Been an interesting year to say the least....
Meanwhile in Houston, we are thinking "at least we don't live in Puerto Rico!"
Yes, it could always be worse. 
Glad you found the Porch and good job to your Aggies on that last OT game.  Pretty good one there. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on September 28, 2017, 02:40:37 PM
Not really sure since I haven't had any.  I've been sticking primarily to Dallas area craft brews.... so my knowledge of said line of beers has diminished recently.  

But I'm not against taking this as an opportunity for research.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on September 28, 2017, 02:42:55 PM
Meanwhile in Houston, we are thinking "at least we don't live in Puerto Rico!"
Yes, it could always be worse.
Glad you found the Porch and good job to your Aggies on that last OT game.  Pretty good one there.

Sumlin had 1st and goal at around the 10yd line, with 26 seconds left... and essentially chose to play for the tie rather than take a shot into the endzone to win it outright.
At the time I nearly threw something at my TV in disgust.  Afterwards I see that Sumlin was probably telling himself he had the Arky's right where he wants them.  OT has been good to the Ags.... particularly against the pigs.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 28, 2017, 02:44:13 PM
Yo Shiner.  Good to see you around.

95-- I like the Shiner Bohemian Black.  Kosmo is pretty good too.  I haven't tried the IPA since that's not a style I like very much.  Their wit wasn't my favorite, and now that Celis White is back, there's no need to drink any other Belgian-style witbier out there.   Sort of the same on their Oktoberfest, it's not my favorite and now that Live Oak is in cans, I don't need to get any other (American) Oktoberfests, either.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 28, 2017, 02:47:43 PM
95-- I like the Shiner Bohemian Black.
Thanks for the recommendation.  And thanks for sparing me the lecture of how my pedestrian taste buds should grow up and move past macro swill varieties.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 28, 2017, 02:50:21 PM
Shiner isn't as good as it was when I was in college, too much use of corn adjuncts.  But I'll always have a soft spot for it, so no lectures forthcoming from me.

If you truly like American light (in color not calories) lagers though, there are plenty of craft options that are similar in style to the macros, and taste a heck of a lot better.  Texas specifically has a ton of really good craft pilsners being brewed these days.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on September 28, 2017, 02:50:47 PM
Thanks for the recommendation.  And thanks for sparing me the lecture of how my pedestrian taste buds should grow up and move past macro swill varieties.
He probably figures you're beyond hope at this point.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 28, 2017, 02:51:30 PM
He probably figures you're beyond hope at this point.
Ha!  And that, too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 28, 2017, 03:02:59 PM
He probably figures you're beyond hope at this point.
This relationship is guaranteed to pick up where it left off.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 28, 2017, 03:22:51 PM

Damn theyll let anybody in here
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on September 28, 2017, 03:34:38 PM

Damn theyll let anybody in here
This is the Backporch.... the security has always been weak.... and the clientele a bit shady...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 28, 2017, 03:42:53 PM
How weird, I was just thinking about you either yesterday or the day before, for the first time in I don't know how long.  And then, like the devil, you appear.  

If your boys can't beat us this year, y'all never will.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on September 28, 2017, 03:45:23 PM
How weird, I was just thinking about you either yesterday or the day before, for the first time in I don't know how long.  And then, like the devil, you appear.  

If your boys can't beat us this year, y'all never will.  
My guess is we don't.  Which should seal Sumlin's fate I might add.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 28, 2017, 04:16:33 PM
My guess is we don't.  Which should seal Sumlin's fate I might add.
Because having a 3-1 record is just unacceptable.  A&M has a way of burning down its own house.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 28, 2017, 04:24:16 PM
I was just thinking about you either yesterday or the day before.  And then, like the devil, you appear.
Start thinking about Marisa Tomei in my bedroom.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 28, 2017, 04:29:01 PM
I don't want to think about anyone in your bedroom.

What's the 3-1 record?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 28, 2017, 04:40:09 PM
What's the 3-1 record?
Evidently it's a firing offense at A&M.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 28, 2017, 05:59:44 PM
One thing I've noticed forever, and for some reason it hit me like a ton of bricks at work today - Anytime someone has a baby the first thing women talk about is what?....  you guessed it, how much the damn thing weighed.  And they are all interested in this factoid, while men just kinda nod as if some disposable information just went right in and right out.

I mean, what is it, a bass?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on September 29, 2017, 10:47:14 AM
Evidently it's a firing offense at A&M.
Sumlin won't be fired for what he's done in the month of September.  We're the September National Champions afterall.  It's what he has done (and will do) in the other months that will be his undoing.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 29, 2017, 11:01:15 AM
It's what he has done (and will do) in the other months that will be his undoing.
Ah the SEC.  It's already cost A&M one natty.  And now Sumlin will join Nick Saban's graveyard of coaches that would likely have done well in other circumstances.  Both Dabo and Jimbo would be in the graveyard by now too if they were in the SEC.
Sorry about all that.  14 teams.  Only 1 will rise up.  Saban in your conference.  And a fan base that somewhere down the line decided its school should be a blue blood force.
Good luck with all that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on September 29, 2017, 11:07:36 AM
Ah the SEC.  It's already cost A&M one natty.  And now Sumlin will join Nick Saban's graveyard of coaches that would likely have done well in other circumstances.  Both Dabo and Jimbo would be in the graveyard by now too if they were in the SEC.
Sorry about all that.  14 teams.  Only 1 will rise up.  Saban in your conference.  And a fan base that somewhere down the line decided its school should be a blue blood force.
Good luck with all that.
Saban can only account for one loss per year for the Aggies.  That won't be Sumlin's undoing either.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: TexasFan on September 29, 2017, 03:53:15 PM
I'm just glad Texas won last night.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on October 12, 2017, 12:27:20 AM
I'm just glad Texas won last night.

why is the porch so vacant?  
is the quoted post being immortalized or something?  fearful of trying to end on a positive note and failing?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 12, 2017, 09:07:47 AM
No offense because I don't think anybody realized this before but the Big 12 porch is more of a religion than a place of worship.  It's alive but it seems to follow the posters from one thread to another while this one sits empty.  Maybe we'll all congregate here again someday, like an Easter or Christmas, or revival or pancake supper, or if someone dies or gets married.  But until that time the porch is a spirit that moves.  Right now he may be on the haiku thread.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 12, 2017, 09:08:24 AM
Well, now you've gone and done it!

Say drew, what's your favorite deep-fried food, or food served on a stick, or other generally unhealthy food, the type of which is served at, say, large state fairs?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 12, 2017, 09:10:09 AM
For me personally, it's still got to be the venerable old corny dog.  And specifically, the Fletcher's corny dog.  I like it with a little mustard, but I won't fault someone for using ketchup either.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 12, 2017, 09:13:47 AM
I telework on Thursdays and la familia has to go to HS JV football games right after work so I've been fixing dinner and in memory of my dearly departed mean as hell crazier than a poophouse rat Okie momma, I've been fixing things she used to fix in the '70s.

Like cheeseburger hamburger helper, lasagne, quick and sloppy king ranch chicken casserole made with doritos.  Tonight I believe I'll fry up a round steak, make cream gravy and biscuits.  Next week might be shake and bake chicken.

My kids can't believe we used to eat such crappy, cheesy, decadent food in the '70s.  They're starting to understand why we don't have many brain cells left.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on October 12, 2017, 09:28:06 AM
shrimp burgers are a local thing... so is shrimp and cheese grits... i'll not turn either down, but as you can imagine they vary widely depending on who made them. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 12, 2017, 09:39:03 AM
Don't see any shrimp burgers around here, but plenty of places do shrimp and cheese grits.  Tends to be New Orleans style when we do it here.

Speaking of food from the 70s, and grits, my mama makes this delicious sausage-cheese-grits casserole.  We usually have it as one of the sides for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter dinner.  It's so freaking delicious, and it's one of those old school 70s recipes that is so old it actually has a store-bought ingredient that no longer exists-- the Kraft Garlic Cheese Log. It was discontinued several years back and now there are all kinds of food blogs that have developed substitute recipes.  

They taste close enough, but certainly aren't as convenient as the overly-processed deliciousness of the original garlic cheese log.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on October 12, 2017, 09:47:57 AM
y'all ever eat sausage balls?  no... never rare... 
breakfast sausage and shredded cheddar cheese in equal proportions, (say a pound each), and then a couple cups of bisquick... all mixed up, formed into balls.. put on a cookie sheet and broiled for twenty or so minutes... boom- delicious little bites you just can't stop eating... I usually do this around Christmas with intent to chomp on them during the games- but the family has since discovered them and they're gone a few hours after production. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 12, 2017, 10:15:48 AM
About these shrimp burgers ... are they burgers with shrimp added, or are the basically shrimp sandwiches on hamburger buns?  Either way it sounds pretty yummy.

There’s a place here in my new digs, ie 51, er I mean, Maryland called simply Fish Tacos that’s a true Mexican outfit and features a lot of different shrimp taco and burrito plates.  It’s REALLY good.  But no burgers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 12, 2017, 10:28:16 AM
To me, burger = ground meat of some type.

Ground up shrimp? An unimaginable desecration.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 12, 2017, 10:30:18 AM
Never heard of sausage balls, Drew.  I doubt anybody ever has.  Must be something your family invented that you just imagine othrr people eat.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on October 12, 2017, 10:30:30 AM
basically it's fried P&D shrimp piled up on a butter-toasted bun with coleslaw and cocktail sauce... they're purty dang tasty... 

i never thought i'd like something called fish taco's, but... i do.. especially blackened fish or shrimp... key is good slaw and black beans, and a splash of sour cream... a good pico also adds to the experience. 

my wife makes a great slaw- and she also makes some sort of pepper infused mayo- it's fantastic on beer battered fried chicken breast sandwiches, and it's even better on hickory-smoked pork loin sandwiches.  i did that a couple weeks ago, and... I'll be doing it again. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 12, 2017, 10:31:55 AM
About these shrimp burgers ... are they burgers with shrimp added, or are the basically shrimp sandwiches on hamburger buns?  Either way it sounds pretty yummy.

There’s a place here in my new digs, ie 51, er I mean, Maryland called simply Fish Tacos that’s a true Mexican outfit and features a lot of different shrimp taco and burrito plates.  It’s REALLY good.  But no burgers.
Why you gotta use the M word?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 12, 2017, 10:33:25 AM
And yet such desecrations abound, eg: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 12, 2017, 10:34:55 AM
I like to hear people say 'slaw.'   Sounds like a temporary placeholder word the early Brits just never got around to replacing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 12, 2017, 10:38:18 AM
It’s just in the spirit of RRS week primo.  But you know that ... I’m bracing myself for cyclone references, and in fact I can’t believe y’all haven’t yet exploited the tornado ripping up Norman image on the haiku thread yet.  Such a natural!

Of course the only tornado I’ve ever witnessed myself was in Paris Texas 1982.  That was a doozy - damn.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on October 12, 2017, 10:39:07 AM
shag in eastern carolina's and shag across the drink in the UK mean two very different things.   often the brits train here with us on one of the regional bases, and then on a weekend when they venture out, some prim and proper southern woman will ask the brit's to 'shag'- all coy like, but knowing damn well what they're doing.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 12, 2017, 12:11:41 PM
I like it with a little mustard, but I won't fault someone for using ketchup either.  
I will easily and readily fault someone for using ketchup on a corn dog.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 12, 2017, 12:21:01 PM
I will easily and readily fault someone for using ketchup on a corn dog.
Well, I believe it's already been well-established that I'm a lot nicer than you are. :)

I'll be at the Texas State Fair tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to trying one of the new award winners, deep-fried chicken noodle soup on a stick.

In fact, my friend Bald Greg doesn't even call it the State Fair, he calls it the Dallas Food On A Stick Festival.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 12, 2017, 01:03:04 PM
Well, I believe it's already been well-established that I'm a lot nicer than you are. :)
I'm not so bad.  Something about a keyboard can make me a bastage.
Whereas in real life, if I witnessed someone dipping a corn dog in ketchup, I would likely just insult his mother and move on.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 12, 2017, 01:11:57 PM
My gf has made sausage balls similar to what you're talking about, Drew.  Her son loves fish tacos, I think they're just okay. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 12, 2017, 01:54:12 PM
I've had those sausage balls too.  They're a staple for holiday parties, especially the kinds that have pot-luck appetizers/dishes.

I really like fish tacos, too. I like pretty much any kind of taco.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 12, 2017, 02:00:09 PM
Sausage balls


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 12, 2017, 02:07:27 PM
When you look at sausage balls, the thing about sausage balls is size and time cooked.  I've known moms who roll them small and burn them crunchy all the way through.  I like the ones that are a tad larger and possess the wonderful light hint of bisquick flakiness amidst their sausage and cheese.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on October 12, 2017, 02:11:22 PM
somebody in the Dallas Ft Worth area maybe ought to deep fry some and sell them on a stick this weekend?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 12, 2017, 02:20:26 PM
Regarding the ketchup on corn dog discussion earlier, I seem to recall a funny quote from an otherwise terrible remake of the Bad News Bears where some kid says "My dad says the only people who put ketchup on hot dogs are mental patients and Texans."  

Hilarious because I would imagine we're the last people in the US to reach for a bottle of ketchup.  Our condiments are legion.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 12, 2017, 02:27:02 PM
Fried hamburger on a stick. 

I'm gonna do it. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 12, 2017, 02:36:24 PM

True story: We are in the process of adopting another dog. I found this one last week and was debating on applying for him, but he would have to be willing to change names.  I'm not sure I could call for him with his current name and keep a straight face:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 12, 2017, 02:44:48 PM
Corndog.  It's a good name.

I always wanted to have a dog named "Mrs. Jones," "Mizz Jackson," or "Mrs. Peel."  I always thought that be a cute name for a little dog.

And then I could say things like, "me and Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones."  Or "Sorry Mizz Jackson, I am for real."  

As for Mrs. Peel, do any of you remember the original British series, "The Avengers"?  When I was a kid, British shows like that came on PBS to provide us with a more cosmopolitan point of view.

I can still recall young Diana Riggs in her leather pantsuit.  

Mmm... Mrs. Peel.

It would have to be a very good looking dog to deserve that moniker.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on October 12, 2017, 02:49:34 PM
True story: We are in the process of adopting another dog. I found this one last week and was debating on applying for him, but he would have to be willing to change names.  I'm not sure I could call for him with his current name and keep a straight face:

you get that critter around the wrong crew at the wrong time, and after a few puffs, the bottle of ketchup may come out and a foot pursuit ensued.... definitely change the name...

an aside:  three weeks ago i adopted a new pup- had to drive five hours to get him (actually, sent wife and kids off on that lil' trip)... couldn't believe i found a cane corso for free- (well, adoption fee's not withstanding).  he's going to be huge- he's 14 weeks old and 37 pounds, standing right at 16" at the shoulder... he's scrawny because he's growing so fast his weight/proportions can't keep up.... so far he's a blast.  i lost my rescued catahoula leopard dog in late june/early july after ten years with her (adopted her at around 4yo) and wanted another as seemingly fierce as she was.... this guy will fill that role for certain... he should top somewhere between 130 and 180 with a shoulder height of somewhere around 28".... i refused to chop and dock his, but otherwise- he'll look like a massive pitbull- or a massive pitbull that hasn't been docked and chopped...  

i wager anyone approaching my ladies with bad intentions when i'm not around will quickly alter their plans after seeing this guy (after he's fully grown).   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 12, 2017, 02:59:41 PM
I always wanted to have a dog named "Mrs. Jones,"

And then I could say things like, "me and Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones."
Given the context, I wouldn't sing any further into that song.
Your intent goes from charming to alarming in a hurry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 12, 2017, 03:00:04 PM
Congrats on your new addition @Drew4UTk (;u=1) , and sorry for your loss. Catahoulas are so interesting and sweet, for sure. 

We lost our senior in July as well, and our pup that we still have has been terribly lonely and a little depressed.  Not sure if corndog is the answer, but looking to find one that would mesh with her personality.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on October 12, 2017, 03:18:07 PM
thank you @UT-Erin03 (;u=62) ... she was possibly the best dog i'll ever have had the opportunity to meet.   her 'pound' name was 'coco', which was changed to 'soco' (like southern comfort), which helped in her responding to the new name and paid homage to her catahoula breeding (state dog of Louisiana)... she rescued me as much as anything.

there were three breeds i was watching for once the shock of her passing wore- a presa de canario, a dogo argente, and a cane corso... the one i found (named vito) is the american version (not the italian), and they go a size or two larger than their italian kinfolk, and have much larger head proportions... i could really care less how he looks, though- as it's their temperament with 'family' as opposed to strangers that i like.... weird crap is encroaching in my 'hood, literally, and.... this ought to offer a layer of protection...

are you a really active type?  

i have a friend with an Australian Shepard.. he literally runs that dog 20+miles a day five days a week... he's a competitive mountain biker, and the dog follows along him on the trail (5.25miles a lap for five laps) every time he goes... he bails out and chills in the truck most often on the last lap, he say's, and has since he was a pup... great dog- and madness that it has that much energy and stamina... dog has to be every bit of ten years old, now.  

that dog may be too smart to not have a very active outlet.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 12, 2017, 04:30:40 PM
Im sorry to hear about your loss too Drew.  We had a Golden for 11 years and I still miss her.  Aren’t in a position to have a dog now so I find myself needing a wet nose fix pretty often - anytime I’m in a place like hanging out at a table in front of a coffee shop and a candidate canine comes by, I’ll extend my hand and see if I get the nose treatment.  Our golden had a way of sticking her nose under any outstretched hand and kind of moving her head up to signal that a good ear scratch would be welcome.  I think a lot of dogs have that gene.

And she also had endless energy.  I trained for a marathon back in ‘04 and she was my personal trainer.  We’d go to Lief Erickson trail in forest park above Portland, which is 11 miles long with quarter mile posts.  About 1000’ of relief.  Perfect for out and backs including of course those long 20 milers you do a month or so before the big day.  It’s a popular trail so lots of folks on it and I kept her on leash, usually.  

But at the end of one of those really long runs, we were both covered in trail mud, and I was wiped out, and I mistakenly thought it’d be okay to let her go off leash as we walked back to the car.  She’d be beat too, right?

Wrong.  First couple that came walking the other way suddenly had a big muddy golden retriever planting her paws on one of their chests with wildly lolling tongue and total glee to greet them!  The 20 miler hadn’t phased her a bit!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 12, 2017, 04:47:17 PM
thank you @UT-Erin03 (;u=62) ... she was possibly the best dog i'll ever have had the opportunity to meet.   her 'pound' name was 'coco', which was changed to 'soco' (like southern comfort), which helped in her responding to the new name and paid homage to her catahoula breeding (state dog of Louisiana)... she rescued me as much as anything.

there were three breeds i was watching for once the shock of her passing wore- a presa de canario, a dogo argente, and a cane corso... the one i found (named vito) is the american version (not the italian), and they go a size or two larger than their italian kinfolk, and have much larger head proportions... i could really care less how he looks, though- as it's their temperament with 'family' as opposed to strangers that i like.... weird crap is encroaching in my 'hood, literally, and.... this ought to offer a layer of protection...

are you a really active type?  

i have a friend with an Australian Shepard.. he literally runs that dog 20+miles a day five days a week... he's a competitive mountain biker, and the dog follows along him on the trail (5.25miles a lap for five laps) every time he goes... he bails out and chills in the truck most often on the last lap, he say's, and has since he was a pup... great dog- and madness that it has that much energy and stamina... dog has to be every bit of ten years old, now.  

that dog may be too smart to not have a very active outlet.  
When I met my husband, he had the two Australian shepherds that were sisters from the same litter.  He was a coach at the time for soccer & cross-country, and did run multiple times a week with them.  He no longer coaches, but we still do neighborhood walks and he runs with the one we have left a couple of times a week.  She has turned into a frisbee dog, though, so most of the her exercise is chasing the frisbee in the yard which is great for me because I can just plant my butt on the patio chair and she brings it right over.  

Were hoping to stick with the breed because of the extreme loyalty, intelligence & easy training traits, and that they are not bolters.  Even when our dogs got out of our gate on accident once, they sat right in the front lawn watching cars & waiting for us to get home.  I  have been around dogs that can't be out of the house at all without a leash, but none of the Aussies I've been around are like that since they would rather be by their people than wandering alone.

<br />( (<br />
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 12, 2017, 05:19:19 PM
We had a golden retriever from 1975 to 1990

Greatest children dog there is

Addy helped us raise both my boy and my girl

She was an outside dog unless it was raining or cold

when we would take her for a walk she would run 50 feet in front of us but would stop and sit at each

intersection she waited for the go ahead to cross

once we caught up and made sure no cars were coming Id say the word go and off she went until

the next intersection

If were met somebody going the other way she would come back to us so that we could attach her leash

I miss Addy to this day
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 12, 2017, 06:51:07 PM
Fried dog on a stick.

I'm gonna make a fortune in Vietnam.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 16, 2017, 08:38:00 PM
pretty sure that's been done there
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on October 24, 2017, 07:58:08 AM
There is far too much discussion on these boards about horn football...... seriously, why so much talk here about some also ran program with a hangup for playing concussed QBs?

Not nearly enough discussion about topics that really matter...... beer..... women..... tex-mex food.....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 24, 2017, 09:52:45 AM
How do you like Sumlin now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on October 24, 2017, 11:08:14 AM
'bout the same as always.  Had he managed the clock even just marginally better against UCLA.... we'd be sitting here at 6-1 with a close loss to the #1 team in the country.  So about par for the course this time of year.  No reason to be wildly for or against him as far as I can tell.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 24, 2017, 11:19:10 AM
I will say considering the magnitude of ill-will and fallout from all factions of Texas A&M toward Sumlin following his infamous UCLA meltdown, I am surprised that he has held it together enough to only lose to Bama.  Some credit is due there somewhere.

I fully expected Sumlin (and his team) to pack it in after a regent said GTHO, and some loony sent that letter.  It all still stinks, and given the chance, I think Sumlin would jump at another offer.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 24, 2017, 11:24:44 AM
There is far too much discussion on these boards about horn football...... seriously, why so much talk here about some also ran program with a hangup for playing concussed QBs?

Not nearly enough discussion about topics that really matter...... beer..... women..... tex-mex food.....
I hope to be visiting my Brother in Arlington in February........  I'm encouraged to learn there is a Bone Daddy's (women) and a Chuy's (tex-mex) on Int 20 near the UT-A campus.  I'm confident I will find some beer.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on October 24, 2017, 11:24:51 AM
He still might.... and if he does... it'd be exactly what our fanbase deserves.  

If someone were to force me to make a decision on whether to keep Sumlin, or let him go... I'd say keep him.  While we may still be on track to win just 8 games (again... ugh)... it's been a tumultuous year for the Aggies, as it has been for the entire SEC sans Bama.  Hell at this rate, 8 wins may be enough to finish second in the West... who knows.  And if more Aggies are honest with themselves, 8 wins is more than they were expecting going into this season.

And that's all with a true freshman QB, a shaky Oline and a pedestrian WR corps (outside of Kirk).  Truth be told.... not a bad job.

At the end of the day... I WANT Sumlin to succeed.  I like him as a coach.  But.... I don't get to make the call.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 24, 2017, 01:17:06 PM
So anyway, just got back yesterday afternoon from the COTA racetrack.  What an awesome weekend of Formula 1 racing.  Met tons of folks from out of the country, including a huge group of Aussies that we introduced to American football and tequila shots whilst watching the Longhorns in between on-track action on Saturday.

For a Ferrari fan, it was a good day with cars finishing 2 and 3.  But of course I really wanted Vettel to win the race and Hamilton to struggle, to keep alive Ferrari's chances of taking the World Driver's Championship.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 24, 2017, 02:37:05 PM
no beer, women, or Tex-mex in that post, but you're getting warmer

couldn't you at least describe a few of the young exotic ladies that were introduced to tequila?

oh, and you just had to mention horns football for Shiner
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 26, 2017, 12:59:48 PM
Speaking of recipes (on the Astros thread), anyone have a good bread pudding recipe?  It's my mom's favorite and her birthday is this weekend so I was thinking I might try to make it for her.

There are plenty of them on the intertoobz that look correct enough, but thought someone around here might be able to contribute.

Best bread puddings I've ever had have been in Louisiana, so... paging MDT? :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 26, 2017, 03:46:04 PM
My telework Thursdays continue with more fattening '70s classics my momma used to make.  Today I'm cooking shake and bake chicken, a hashbrown casserole with sour cream and cheddar cheese in it and topped with corn flakes, french cut green beans and garlic butter Texas toast slices.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 26, 2017, 05:37:04 PM
My telework Thursdays continue with more fattening '70s classics my momma used to make.  Today I'm cooking shake and bake chicken, a hashbrown casserole with sour cream and cheddar cheese in it and topped with corn flakes, french cut green beans and garlic butter Texas toast slices.
That was pretty much our every-Wednesday meal for about the first 14 years of my life.  I mean, every single dish and side, the same.  Did all women in the 70s/early 80s cook from the exact same cookbook?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 26, 2017, 05:45:22 PM
Did all women in the 70s/early 80s cook from the exact same cookbook?
So you Betty Crocker's will concede that it was women doing the cooking in the 70s/80s?  Cuz you worry me fellas.
It's 2017 and my wife would run me out of the kitchen if I so much as toasted a pop tart.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 26, 2017, 05:51:32 PM
Casseroles were definitely a staple in my house growing up.  The more cheesy, the better.

At ACL Fest this year we got some frozen bananas from Bananarchy, which I guess is a food truck there in Austin(?), but it was pretty damn good.  I need to figure out a way to make some mini ones for Christmas treats this year. Hadn't been to ACL Fest in over 10 years, but the food choices were awesome.  

Met a group of Bama fans while I was there who traveled down for all 3 days of the weekend festival.  Not sure if it's a normal thing with Bama fans and I just didn't know it, but the dude we were talking to ended every sentence with "Roll Tide", as if it was a case of Tourette's or something.  "Yeah, the bathroom line wasn't too bad 10 mins ago, Roll Tide".   "We were over in that area for the Chili Peppers, Roll Tide".    I wasn't sure if it was more funny or annoying, but he was nice enough other than the constant hammering of his favorite phrase.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 26, 2017, 06:00:36 PM
So you Betty Crocker's will concede that it was women doing the cooking in the 70s/80s?  Cuz you worry me fellas.
It's 2017 and my wife would run me out of the kitchen if I so much as toasted a pop tart.
Well I can't speak for the entire generation, but Slick mentioned it was his momma, and for it was pretty much my momma on weekdays.
But on weekends my dad cooked a lot.  He ALWAYS made the big breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday mornings which usually consisted of scrambled eggs con chorizo, hash browns, bacon, toast, milk, OJ, etc.  And on weekend evenings he loved to grill hamburgers, steaks, pork chops, beer can chicken, and the like.  And he also loved to BBQ.  To this day his BBQ brisket and ribs are the best I've ever eaten, and I've eaten at every single "traditional, noteworthy" BBQ restaurant in the state of Texas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 26, 2017, 06:40:04 PM
Roll Tide Tourette’s ... ha!

Cuz, have you been to Soulmans BBQ in Terrell (or elsewhere I guess it’s a chain).  My brother took me there on my last Texas trip - pretty good stuff.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 26, 2017, 10:38:23 PM
No Cuz I haven't, but it's sort of funny that you mention Terrell.  My i s c & a aggie wife's Aggie dad (and his entire Aggie family) are from Terrell, Texas.  And she used to tell me about this AMAZING Tex-Mex place in Terrell.  I always sort of rolled my eyes, because Terrell is a pretty small town and it's just a little too far NE Texas for me to believe that it could have AMAZING Tex-Mex.

And then one weekend maybe a year after we started dating we made a trip up to visit her grandmother, and her grandmother wanted to go out that Friday night to her favorite restaurant, and sure enough it was this Tex-Mex place that my i s c & a aggie wife had been raving about.  I was wary, perhaps even a little fearful, but certainly willing to humor an 85 year old woman and go to her favorite Tex-Mex restaurant in Terrell, Texas.

And I'll be darned if it wasn't one of the tastiest Tex-Mex places I've ever had the good fortune to experience.  Just perfect brown enchilada chile gravy, great cheese cnhiladas, and crisp house-made tortillas, shells, and chips. Really delightful.  

So, there ya have it.  A story that had nothing to do with Soulman's BBQ.  But that's the way things are going for me tonight, I guess. ;)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 27, 2017, 09:38:39 AM
Aside from grilling outdoors, my father rarely ever cooked in the kitchen.  When he did it was always very upsetting for everybody.  Invariably he would try to make breakfast on days mom wasn't feeling well and he would struggle to get the bacon, eggs and toast completely cooked at the same time.  One or two things would burn, he'd get angry and curse.  We'd lose our appetite.  Mom would stagger out of bed to berate him.  

Just terrible.  Ugly.  Bad for everybody.

As for me, being a teen of the '70s, I often had the munchies.  We didn't have Sam's or Costco then.  We didn't even have a microwave.  So I had to learn how to cook.  I started with scrambled eggs and grilled cheese and eventually moved up to my mom and my grandma's recipes.

My great-grandma had the most challenging recipes.  They would say things like:

HF of flour
p of salt

Know what an HF and a p is?  That's a handful and a pinch.  A very inexact science.   And she'd use archaic terms too - like "lard" or "oleo."  Or "chill in the ice box."

I remember being about 20 and wandering all around HEB once looking for "oleo" until I finally broke down and asked some little old lady who I thought might know.

Yeah, I have no qualms with cooking.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on October 27, 2017, 10:00:53 AM
If I ever use the word "delightful" in common discussion..... please someone kick me in the junk.

That aside.... utee's description of that tex-mex makes me hungry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 27, 2017, 10:37:47 AM
From my travels around the state, I've learned three things:

1. Don't eat at a Chinese Buffet in the east Texas piney woods.

2. Never order Tex-Mex north of Austin or east of Houston.   It could be good but why risk it?

3. Finding good barbecue can be an adventure and requires some investigative work because the best places are seldom the ones on the main thoroughfares with the billboard advertisements three miles outside of town and almost never the ones with the most stars on yelp.

Course I am picky.  I like somewhat fatty barbecue.  I don't like that lean overcooked stuff you have to slather in sauce.

Some of the best I've come across is Leon's in Galveston and Burn's in Houston.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 27, 2017, 10:41:07 AM
If I ever use the word "delightful" in common discussion.....
I think you just did.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 27, 2017, 03:07:42 PM
Delightful is a delightful word.  More people should use it in everyday speech.   This world would be a better, happier place.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 27, 2017, 03:26:03 PM
If I ever use the word "delightful" in common discussion..... please someone kick me in the junk.

That's a good job for Burnt Eyes
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 27, 2017, 03:28:07 PM
wait a golderned minute

That would be a delightful job for Burny
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 27, 2017, 03:29:17 PM
In Lost in Translation, Bill Murray's character says to Scarlett Johanson's character that ones children are the most delightful people one will ever meet.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 27, 2017, 03:44:56 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 27, 2017, 05:10:42 PM
I'll have to think about that............  I have daughters

and don't tell them I typed this
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 27, 2017, 06:08:20 PM
I'm sure Tex-Mex is better in the southern half of the state, primo, but for some of us, Austin is a fur piece.  So, we'll have to get our T-M where we can.

Actually my Argentine sister-in-law (who incidentally earned her PhD at UT-Austin, so she appreciates good Tex-Mex) has found some good Tex-Mex places in France (where she's lived since the 1980s).  So, they do exist outside of the Austin-San Antonio-Houston conurbation ...

If you remember the name of that one in Terrell, Cuz, let me know.  It's where my Texas sister-in-law's brother lives (hmmm, is there a better way to describe one's sister-in-law's brother? like second brother-in-law?) and so I'll probably be back there at some point.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2017, 07:52:01 PM
Chili weather is fast approaching 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 28, 2017, 09:03:48 PM
I'm sure Tex-Mex is better in the southern half of the state, primo, but for some of us, Austin is a fur piece.  So, we'll have to get our T-M where we can.

Actually my Argentine sister-in-law (who incidentally earned her PhD at UT-Austin, so she appreciates good Tex-Mex) has found some good Tex-Mex places in France (where she's lived since the 1980s).  So, they do exist outside of the Austin-San Antonio-Houston conurbation ...

If you remember the name of that one in Terrell, Cuz, let me know.  It's where my Texas sister-in-law's brother lives (hmmm, is there a better way to describe one's sister-in-law's brother? like second brother-in-law?) and so I'll probably be back there at some point.
Man, the most miserable Tex-Mex I ever had was in France.  I'd been in Nantes about three months and my local French field service guy (who'd been to Texas many times and should have known better) dragged me to a Tex-Mex place there.  The French are peculiar about their beef, they really REALLY like to eat steak rare, or even less than rare, "bleu" they call it which basically means wave  cigarette lighter near it for 3 seconds.  So they also thought that skirt steak (fajita meat) should be served that way.  It was truly horrifying I can tell you, and that was the BEST food they served.

But, I did have one funny moment there that night. There was a cute little French shot girl serving tequila shots from a bandolier and holsters she was wearing, and there was a large table with a bunch of young French college students attempting to do shots.  But they were doing them like tequila slammers, where you put some sprite and some tequila into a shot glass, pound it on the table so it fizzes, and then slam it.  But they weren't even doing that part right-- after they slammed the shot glass down, they would then sip it gingerly over the next couple minutes, like a freaking Chardonnay or something.

So the local French guy and our local French customers that I'm having dinner with call our waitress over and start speaking to her in French.  Which is exactly what they'd been doing all evening, because as we were ordering, they'd translate my English to French for her, although as always I did my best to attempt at least a little French and show the locals that I'm doing my best to try and be a good citizen.  But it seemed like she just couldn't understand my attempts, so my buddies translated, and that was all fine.

So anyway I'm not sure what they're talking about but a few minutes later the waitress and the shot girl come over and my local French buddy tells me they want me to do a tequila shot.  They've explained to the waitress and the shot girl that I'm a Texan and that I know all about tequila.  So the two girls are looking at me expectantly, and the entire table of young French students are also looking over at me too.  The shot girl pulls a shot glass out of her bandolier, and pulls a tequila bottle and the sprite bottle out of the holsters, and is getting ready to prep a tequila slammer.  But at that point I had to stop her.  I asked my French buddy to have her bring me lime, and salt, and poor a shot of tequila with no sprite.  She does that, and then I salt the back of my hand, lick the salt, shoot the tequila, and suck the lime.  You know, all Spring Break tequila shot proper-like.  The table of French students are king of wide eyed, the shot girl is smiling, and the waitress who I thought couldn't understand me all night long looks at me and, in perfect un-accented English, says, "That's the fastest I've ever seen anyone drink tequila."  My local French buddy is just laughing because he knew exactly what was going to happen.

Anyway Cuz, my i s c & a aggie wife tells me the name of that delicious Tex-Mex place was Carmona's.  But she also tells me  that they changed locations, got too big, and it's not as good now.  Which is too bad.  I hate change.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 29, 2017, 09:31:23 AM
Chili weather is fast approaching
it has arrived in Iowa
brewed a batch yesterday
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2017, 08:19:34 PM
Speaking of the French, My social media has somehow become inundated with French bulldog videos.  Never owned one but they seem to be cute little critters.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 30, 2017, 10:29:11 AM
In Lost in Translation, Bill Murray's character says to Scarlett Johanson's character that ones children are the most delightful people one will ever meet.

I'm not sure I have ever used the words "delightful" and "children" in the same sentence, personally.  I could actually come up with about 100 things that are more delightful than children but I suspect you would say "You don't know what you are missing".  However, if yours are delightful then count yourself lucky. Most of them do not seem to be that way.  ;-) 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 30, 2017, 10:38:18 AM
Number 1 rule when raising children who are under 8 years old.....

If everything is quiet in the house go find out what your children are doing cause more often then not
it aint good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 30, 2017, 12:38:39 PM
Kids, much like dogs and spouses, are a lot like farts.  Everybody likes their own and cannot even imagine  How anybody else could possibly think they stink.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 30, 2017, 01:31:57 PM
I was a dink long enough to understand Erin’s POV completely.  Then I became a dad and it was a wonderful new world watching my baby boy grow and discover and, well, despite all the worries about his safety, just having a lot of fun with him.  When he turned 13, he became very independent and responsible, and now I see him as a strong ally.

But life is like that - whatever path you’ve chosen, that’s your path and no one else’s.  It does no good to say that your path is better, or worse, than anyone else’s or even compared with all the other ways you could have gone, because frankly, we just don’t know enough about someone else’s moccasins, and also, it’s just not relevant.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 30, 2017, 02:45:35 PM
scariest moment of parenthood is when your child drives away in the family car for the first time
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 30, 2017, 03:00:14 PM
I was a dink long enough to understand Erin’s POV completely.  Then I became a dad and it was a wonderful new world watching my baby boy grow and discover and, well, despite all the worries about his safety, just having a lot of fun with him.  When he turned 13, he became very independent and responsible, and now I see him as a strong ally.

But life is like that - whatever path you’ve chosen, that’s your path and no one else’s.  It does no good to say that your path is better, or worse, than anyone else’s or even compared with all the other ways you could have gone, because frankly, we just don’t know enough about someone else’s moccasins, and also, it’s just not relevant.
Nicely said.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 30, 2017, 03:13:15 PM
The thing about parenthood is that it damages your dignity.

When you hit puberty in middle school, you learn the importance of dignity.  Keep your head down, be inconspicuous, wear the right clothes, don't draw attention to yourself and if you do it had better be for the right reasons like you can tackle or sing or drive a cool car and not for the wrong reasons like your mom made you wear the cardigan your aunt bought you.

So we grow, picking and choosing with dignity and developing into a bright, charming, intrepid person with no baggage who can find a mate.

Then we become that fun, happy couple who has all the right taste, does all the right things and makes all the right choices.

And if we choose to have kids even that seems a cool choice at first because everything seems under control.  Then we start to lose it.

Soon we have multiple little people with their own strange interests and allies.  We're running them here.  We're running them there.  We're trying to fathom why they're rowdy, why they're coarse, why they're incorrigible, why they don't appreciate our sound judgment.

We wear $11 blue jeans so we can pay for select baseball, buy them laptop with enough memory they can dominate as a gamer, and pay for Rice.  Then they knock us for wearing dad pants.

Yeah, layer by layer, parenthood strips away every shred of dignity to the point that you're just happy to be alive and to be able to provide for the ones you know and love.

And that's a good thing.  It's like the enlightenment of a Buddhist monk.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 30, 2017, 05:45:42 PM
Kids are the cutest at Halloween, I will admit that.  All the tiny spidermen, ninja turtles, and princesses do make my cold, dead heart twinkle just a bit when they come begging for the candy.   I am nice enough to hand them out every year, and even choose to buy the good chocolate candy (mostly so we can eat the leftovers).  However, with the big game on tomorrow, I'm trying to decide if I am going to be the Scrooge that just turns the light off after the game starts around 7:30, or leave the bowl out with the "please take 2" sign and just trust the little humans.     I've never done that before, but I'm thinking watching the game is more important than stalking the door when they just want candy and likely don't care if I'm the one who gives it to them directly.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 31, 2017, 10:52:48 AM
Well, you do have an advantage that your parents did not-- you have a DVR.  ;)

But I leave it entirely up to you whether or not you choose to employ that.  Typically in our neighborhood, the last of the trick or treaters come by around 8.  Maybe some roving groups of teenagers without costumes and kids bussed over from other neighborhoods after that, but they're fewer and further between.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 31, 2017, 11:25:27 AM
I will turn off the porch light and draw the curtains at first pitch - 7:20 central

probably won't get home from the office until about 5:20 if lucky, so 2 hours of the little buggers will have to do.

my daughters usually hand out the candy, but they are out of the house
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 31, 2017, 11:32:42 AM
Doesn't get dark here until almost 7, so we won't see many trick or treaters until then.  7-8 is the prime trick or treating time, then it tapers off quickly.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 31, 2017, 11:59:57 AM
My son's girlfriend is handing out the candy

no problems

someone has to watch the game and it might as well be me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 31, 2017, 01:54:29 PM
sun sets here at 6:20

many don't wait for it to get dark and most are done by the time it gets dark

fewer kids get hit by cars in the daylight
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 31, 2017, 02:34:55 PM
I move the cars away, set up lawn chairs, and grill brats on my driveway.  Around 6:30 the tiny kids start coming and they get progressively bigger as the night wears on. By 10:00 they look about 30 and I don't mind them coming by either. Sometimes they're the more interesting trick or treaters.

I was planning to hand out candy until the 6th inning or so because that's when things have been heating up in this series. 

But it looks like it may be chilly and drizzly so we might not even get any tick or treaters this year.

That would be a sad Halloween.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 31, 2017, 03:15:00 PM
do ya hand out leftover brats to the 20 somethings at the end of the evening?

I might stop by
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 31, 2017, 03:19:20 PM
I guess the key question for this fine Halloween evening is:

Who's gonna get tricked, and who's gonna get treated,

in LA?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 31, 2017, 03:22:26 PM
Check this out:

How many world series have been clinched on Halloween? (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 31, 2017, 03:26:15 PM
Since then, there have been four World Series games on Halloween – AL teams have a 3-1 edge

Let's make it 4-1
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 01, 2017, 10:44:58 AM
The rain pretty much did a bang-up job at discouraging the candy-beggers this year, so I didn't much have to worry about disruptions during the game.  We did have a couple of groups stop by with their umbrellas and ponchos on, but maybe 12 kids total that came by, which is definitely down from most years I have been in this house.    

Disappointed the Stros couldn't earn a memorable Halloween-championship last night, but like everything else for Houston, nothing comes easy.  We are used to having to earn any respect, and hopefully tonight will do just fine for that.  I'll be happy to stop listening to the totally biased announcers in this Series, as that has been really upsetting to keep hearing during the games.     If they do lose, well at least I have half a bowl of leftover chocolate to stress-eat my feelings about the loss.  Either way, this team has made history for the franchise and I'm proud of how far they have come & what they have brought to our hopeful city.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 01, 2017, 11:03:17 AM
do ya hand out leftover brats to the 20 somethings at the end of the evening?

I might stop by
No sir.  Left over brats are the best thing for breakfast.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 01, 2017, 11:05:33 AM
The rain pretty much did a bang-up job at discouraging the candy-beggers this year, so I didn't much have to worry about disruptions during the game.  We did have a couple of groups stop by with their umbrellas and ponchos on, but maybe 12 kids total that came by, which is definitely down from most years I have been in this house.    

Disappointed the Stros couldn't earn a memorable Halloween-championship last night, but like everything else for Houston, nothing comes easy.  We are used to having to earn any respect, and hopefully tonight will do just fine for that.  I'll be happy to stop listening to the totally biased announcers in this Series, as that has been really upsetting to keep hearing during the games.     If they do lose, well at least I have half a bowl of leftover chocolate to stress-eat my feelings about the loss.  Either way, this team has made history for the franchise and I'm proud of how far they have come & what they have brought to our hopeful city.

I think tonight's game may last until 2 a.m.   I imagine both teams will play every pitcher on their roster.  Why the heck not?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 01, 2017, 01:05:00 PM
The thing about parenthood is that it damages your dignity.

When you hit puberty in middle school, you learn the importance of dignity.  Keep your head down, be inconspicuous, wear the right clothes, don't draw attention to yourself and if you do it had better be for the right reasons like you can tackle or sing or drive a cool car and not for the wrong reasons like your mom made you wear the cardigan your aunt bought you.

So we grow, picking and choosing with dignity and developing into a bright, charming, intrepid person with no baggage who can find a mate.

Then we become that fun, happy couple who has all the right taste, does all the right things and makes all the right choices.

And if we choose to have kids even that seems a cool choice at first because everything seems under control.  Then we start to lose it.

Soon we have multiple little people with their own strange interests and allies.  We're running them here.  We're running them there.  We're trying to fathom why they're rowdy, why they're coarse, why they're incorrigible, why they don't appreciate our sound judgment.

We wear $11 blue jeans so we can pay for select baseball, buy them laptop with enough memory they can dominate as a gamer, and pay for Rice.  Then they knock us for wearing dad pants.

Yeah, layer by layer, parenthood strips away every shred of dignity to the point that you're just happy to be alive and to be able to provide for the ones you know and love.

And that's a good thing.  It's like the enlightenment of a Buddhist monk.
Love this.

If we're honest with ourselves, we judge our own parents just as harshly as our kids judge us. 

Take my father, for instance. He really excelled at most things.  Graduated from OU med school.  Took several residences at St Johns in Tulsa, and then settled in as an OBGYN in private practice.  Helped bring over 2000 babies into this world (he didn't keep count, but I asked him one time and this was his estimate).  The OU medical program had a special emphasis on patient care and actually listening to patients, and he was really good at it - was always known for his bedside manner and spending extra time with patients to better understand their ailments and what to do about them.  So, folks in my small-medium sized town (40K pop) knew dad, and all I had to say was that I was Dr. Wilson's son, and doors would open. People loved dad.

Dad was also a fix-it guy.  He spent weekends repairing stuff and building stuff.  It's a trait he learned from his own father, who was an electrician with OGE, and to some extent he passed all that down to my brother and me.  We're both always tinkering with stuff, just like dad and granddad did.  One year he even built a boat - fiberglass and all - and that converted our family (including his brothers and their families, who lived in OKC and Houston) into a water skiing outfit.  Every summer we'd meet several weekends out at either Tenkiller or Ft Gibson and ski our asses off.
Dad also drove the coolest cars - his first really cool one was a silver Mustang Boss 302, and then later he went through several generations of Z cars.  He also sold the boat he built and had other boats, including a cabin cruiser, which created really high wakes to jump when you're skiing - I loved it.

But what my brother and I always remember are his clothing choices.  This was the 1970s, and he worked in a leisure suit, with a beeper on the belt.  On weekends, he typically wore plaid shorts, black socks, keds, a golf cap (even though he never golfed) and a shirt with his cigarette pack in the front pocket.  For such an overall successful and resourceful guy, he dressed like a complete dork.  

Anyway, I miss him, big old plaid shorts and all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 01, 2017, 04:29:01 PM
my father refused to wear short britches (bright white legs)

but, always had that pack of bare-assed camels in his shirt pocket
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 03, 2017, 11:40:34 AM
I have been notified that Houston now has a professional Rubgy team in the works, mostly because they will be playing at the nearest sports venue to my house.  I couldn't help but notice the new logo looks very familiar - like a combination of KSU and Iowa's logo.  Also, I'm not very pleased with the mascot "Sabercats", but nobody asked me.  Perhaps I can score some cheap tickets during the football offseason and give this new team a little support.  Anyone else been to a professional rugby match before?


Iowa Logo:


KSU logo:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 03, 2017, 12:45:36 PM
professional Rubgy?

you mean those blokes take a paycheck?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 03, 2017, 12:53:44 PM
professional Rubgy?

you mean those blokes take a paycheck?
Maybe they get paid in lagers and underpants. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 03, 2017, 01:31:22 PM
now thats what I call an offensive penalty
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 03, 2017, 02:08:24 PM
now I understand why american footballers use those fancy cinch belts
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 17, 2017, 10:54:09 PM
looks like the kinda place Hooky Hornstein would have enjoyed (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 19, 2017, 04:14:15 PM
some folks predict that UT will go to the Texas Bowl

doesnt seem fair to go to a bowl named after us
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 19, 2017, 04:48:30 PM
some folks predict that UT will go to the Texas Bowl

doesnt seem fair to go to a bowl named after us
Except, the last time we went to that bowl, we got our heads kicked in by Arkansas, so...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 19, 2017, 05:05:51 PM
I heard we might play Kentucky

that sounds more like our speed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 19, 2017, 06:02:13 PM
I noticed that the current playoff rankings has OU 4th with 1 loss and Wisconsin 5th with no losses

there is no way the committee will let a 1 loss Big 12 team stay ahead of an undefeated Big 10 team

so the question is do they wait till the last week for Wisconsin to leapfrog OU or just do it next week
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on November 19, 2017, 07:40:15 PM
Wisconsin has to play tOSU for the B1G championship.  If they win, they will be in the playoff.
Clemson & Miami will play in the ACC championship so the loser will drop out.  That means OU will be in the playoffs IF they win out.
Bigger question is what to do with tOSU if they win out?  Will a 2 loss team get in or will a conference (SEC or ACC) get 2 teams in?  If OU loses next week and/or the B12 CGC then there will be some serious chaos.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 19, 2017, 09:45:40 PM
Yeah, come on 320, you haven't figured out their game yet?

Clemson and Miami are both ranked highly because ESPN's selection committee knows that one must lose to the other and that losing team is out.

If OU wins out they're in.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 19, 2017, 10:35:16 PM
ok how bout this

OU barely wins in overtime against TCU

Clemson struggles to beat Miami but does after 2 overtimes (all the eastern sports writers says its the greatest game ever played)

Wisc completely blows out Ohio St winning by 4 TDs



and the Big 12 gets the shaft

just giving you something to think about
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 19, 2017, 11:15:44 PM
We haven’t had an NC from the Big 12 in over a decade.  Haven’t even been in a title game since 2009.  Meanwhile the ACC has surged ahead with two different teams winning NCs recently.

It sucks to be an also ran conf.  You pretty much have to be perfect to get in, and the only reason OU is still in the conversation is they knocked off a major helmet in the Horseshoe to make up for the major slip up of losing to ISU (who might be abnormally good this year but they’re still the Clones). 

Got to win decisively next week and in the ccg to get in.  And I hope TCU beats Baylor and keeps its high ranking.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 20, 2017, 09:33:57 AM
I tried a Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale over the weekend.  

Smooooth beer.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 20, 2017, 04:24:38 PM
5 posts went by without a mention of UT, so it's time to steer the conversation to food or drink.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 20, 2017, 04:43:35 PM
5 posts went by without a mention of UT, so it's time to steer the conversation to food or drink.
Hey CW
I saw your post on the Big10 board about WW! and the Civil War
Buford is one of my favorite Gettysburg subjects
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 20, 2017, 04:55:03 PM
I saw your post on the Big10 board about WW! and the Civil War
Buford is one of my favorite Gettysburg subjects
Buford is my favorite too.  But more along the lines of Buford T. Justice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 20, 2017, 05:06:18 PM
Buford is my favorite too.  But more along the lines of Buford T. Justice.
No BC this is John Buford a Cavalry Officer for the Union at Gettysburg
The Union had a second Cavalry division at Gettysburg with George Custer its commanding officer
anyway Buford's cavalry was the first to make contact with the south on the 1st day of battle and is credited with keeping the South from getting the high ground there
which might have caused a union defeat
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 21, 2017, 03:04:20 PM
ok how bout this

OU barely wins in overtime against TCU

Clemson struggles to beat Miami but does after 2 overtimes (all the eastern sports writers says its the greatest game ever played)

Wisc completely blows out Ohio St winning by 4 TDs



and the Big 12 gets the shaft

just giving you something to think about
OU's a bigger helmet than Clemson and Miami put together.  And ESPN's selection committee isn't about to put two teams in from the same conference and piss off over half the country in doing so, unless they absolutely must because a bunch of P5 conferences end up with 3-loss champs or something.  The sole goal of ESPN's selection commimttee is to maximize television ratings, so selecting helmet teams with major national appeal, and getting as much geographic diversity among the playoff contenders, is of paramount importance to them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 21, 2017, 03:20:49 PM
if OU does not win big over TCU they run the risk of not being selected

Im not sure the committee considers the Big 12 a P5 conference
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 21, 2017, 03:26:39 PM
OU's a bigger helmet than Clemson and Miami put together.
Hmm, I dunno.  It's the "put together" part that gets me.

Clemson has the NC going for them.  (what have you done for me lately...)

And Miami is "The U", and all the trappings that go along with that (for better or worse).

I would say more people on a national level would tune in for a Miami Hurricanes bowl game than an Oklahoma Sooners bowl game.  The Hurricanes have an extra coastal demographic that the Sooners don't have, while most of the heartland demographic will still watch the infamous Hurricanes.

But I'm not talking "helmet" per say, I'm talking TV ratings, which I'm not sure are exactly the same.

On a helmet scale, I'll say:
Meaning Miami + Clemson = 14 > OU.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 21, 2017, 03:29:12 PM
Im not sure the committee considers the Big 12 a P5 conference
I'm not sure I do either.
I would think nothing if TCU beat OU in the rematch.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 21, 2017, 04:06:08 PM
I'm not sure I do either.
I would think nothing if TCU beat OU in the rematch.
it would serve the Big12 right if TCU wins
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 21, 2017, 04:25:37 PM
it would serve the Big12 right if TCU wins
It's a "flip a coin" scenario.  I mean, TCU can do anything that Iowa State can do.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 21, 2017, 04:30:39 PM
if OU does not win big over TCU they run the risk of not being selected

Im not sure the committee considers the Big 12 a P5 conference
If OU wins by one point, they're a 1-loss conference champ.  ESPN's selection committee isn't going to put in a 2-loss team over them.  Some of y'all are smoking crack.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 21, 2017, 04:32:59 PM
I'm not sure I do either.
I would think nothing if TCU beat OU in the rematch.
TCU isn't a helmet, and they already have 2 losses including a loss to OU.  They could definitely get passed over if they beat OU and are a 2-loss conference champ.  Same would be true if Indiana won the B1G with 2 losses, Kentucky won the SEC with 2 losses, Washington State won the PAC with 2 losses, or Duke won the ACC with 2 losses.  It's not about the conference at that point, it's about the lack of helmet status.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 21, 2017, 04:50:21 PM
If OU wins by one point, they're a 1-loss conference champ.  ESPN's selection committee isn't going to put in a 2-loss team over them.  Some of y'all are smoking crack.
Nobody said anything about a 2 loss team being elevated over OU
Both Clemson and Miami would have 1 loss if Clemson beats Miami in the CC game
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 21, 2017, 05:16:50 PM
The helmet schools are (in no particular order) - Michigan, Notre Dame, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama. Ohio State, Nebraska, Penn State and USC.

Just those nine and none other.  You rank them by most wins, you get those nine.  You rank them by winning percentage, you get those nine.  No one else comes close in both categories.  That's why it's only these nine.  

Michigan hasn't won an MNC since 1997.  So what?  It's still these nine.

Texas and Nebraska have been bad.  So what?  Still these nine.

But what about Tennessee, Georgia, A&M and Michigan State?  You don't become a helmet school by playing helmet schools or by having campuses in close proximity to other helmet schools.  You're either a helmet school or not.

BYU is usually good.  Won an MNC.  Ain't never going to be a helmet school.

Clemson is good.  Won a couple of MNCs.   Ain't never going to be a helmet school.

There are, however, two additional tenuous helmets.   That's not to say they have always been helmet schools like the other nine or will always be helmet schools but at this moment in time they sit at the table.

Additional tenuous helmet school # 1 is LSU.  People have this vague idea they were once good back in the 1950s when Dennis Quaid played for them.  And they've won several (or so it seems) MNCs in recent years.  So we'll give them that despite their lack of blue blood.  

Additional tenuous helmet school # 2 is the vague notion Floridian of success that gives a luster to Florida, Florida State and Miami.  It's like none of them have the history to own a helmet but collectively they share one.  So if a helmet represents 10 points, at any given time each of the three Florida schools may be splitting a 10 point pie.  Some years, one of the three may have 8.  Other years, two have three and one has four.  But they squabble over that helmet and it's more than most non-helmet teams have.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 21, 2017, 05:28:13 PM
Nobody said anything about a 2 loss team being elevated over OU
Both Clemson and Miami would have 1 loss if Clemson beats Miami in the CC game

They're not putting in a 1-loss non-champ, either.  And they're not putting in two teams from the same conference unless they have zero other options.  You're doing all sorts of weird mental gymnastics to manufacture a slight to the B12.  It's silly and unnecessary.  If OU wins out, they're in.  It really is just that simple.
Now the B12 could certainly get left out if TCU wins out and beats OU, but they'd be a 2-loss conference champ.  And of course they're decidedly NON helmet.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 21, 2017, 05:29:19 PM
The helmet schools are (in no particular order) - Michigan, Notre Dame, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama. Ohio State, Nebraska, Penn State and USC.

Just those nine and none other.  You rank them by most wins, you get those nine.  You rank them by winning percentage, you get those nine.  No one else comes close in both categories.  That's why it's only these nine.  

Michigan hasn't won an MNC since 1997.  So what?  It's still these nine.

Texas and Nebraska have been bad.  So what?  Still these nine.

But what about Tennessee, Georgia, A&M and Michigan State?  You don't become a helmet school by playing helmet schools or by having campuses in close proximity to other helmet schools.  You're either a helmet school or not.

BYU is usually good.  Won an MNC.  Ain't never going to be a helmet school.

Clemson is good.  Won a couple of MNCs.   Ain't never going to be a helmet school.

There are, however, two additional tenuous helmets.   That's not to say they have always been helmet schools like the other nine or will always be helmet schools but at this moment in time they sit at the table.

Additional tenuous helmet school # 1 is LSU.  People have this vague idea they were once good back in the 1950s when Dennis Quaid played for them.  And they've won several (or so it seems) MNCs in recent years.  So we'll give them that despite their lack of blue blood.  

Additional tenuous helmet school # 2 is the vague notion Floridian of success that gives a luster to Florida, Florida State and Miami.  It's like none of them have the history to own a helmet but collectively they share one.  So if a helmet represents 10 points, at any given time each of the three Florida schools may be splitting a 10 point pie.  Some years, one of the three may have 8.  Other years, two have three and one has four.  But they squabble over that helmet and it's more than most non-helmet teams have.
Yup, all of this.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 21, 2017, 07:09:55 PM
I generally agree with the Hookster too, except that I’d consider Tennessee in the tenuous helmet, or maybe tennuous helmet, category.  

True they haven’t done squat in 20 years but they’re still clinging to top 10 numbers in various categories.

I guess that’s the question.  How long does a helmet school have to suck before they lose the helmet?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 21, 2017, 08:48:59 PM
Tennessee has a lot of wins but a very pedestrian winning percentage.   Not a helmet.

They can pretend to be a helmet much like a green crayon is often found in the little four packs of crayons haggard waitresses give to rowdy kids in cheap roadside cafes but just like everybody knows green isn't really a primary color, everybody knows Tennessee isn't really a helmet school.  It just thinks it is.

You give Tennessee a spot at the table where does it stop?

Next thing you know Wofford will think it belongs at the table.

Next thing you know people will be screwing chickens in church.

Best to nip heresies in the bud.  Nip it.  Nip it.  Nip it good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 21, 2017, 09:44:39 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 22, 2017, 12:35:12 AM
Colorful post primo, and hard to argue with.

But ...

If there’s a meme for that chicken thing, please forgive me, but I don’t wanna see it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 22, 2017, 10:26:19 AM
It comes from an old Bob Einstein joke.  Sometime when I'm not at the office on their computer, I'll reiterate the joke.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 22, 2017, 11:14:56 AM
Here we are coming up on "Rivalry Week."  Seems like a cruel joke when it comes to the B12.  This weekend used to mean UT playing A&M, often on Thanksgiving night, and OU playing Oklahoma State, with Nebraska playing Colorado.  And before that,back in the old Big8, obviously Nebraska and OU played during Rivalry Week.

Now I'm forced to attempt to look forward to things like the Egg Bowl and the Apple Cup and the Civil War.  It's not the same...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 22, 2017, 11:17:38 AM
But we do have Longhorn Network.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 22, 2017, 12:01:49 PM
But we do have Longhorn Network.
It's pretty cool, I get to watch a ton of volleyball and baseball games I wouldn't otherwise see.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 22, 2017, 01:04:32 PM
Here we are coming up on "Rivalry Week."  Seems like a cruel joke when it comes to the B12.  This weekend used to mean UT playing A&M, often on Thanksgiving night, and OU playing Oklahoma State, with Nebraska playing Colorado.  And before that,back in the old Big8, obviously Nebraska and OU played during Rivalry Week.

Now I'm forced to attempt to look forward to things like the Egg Bowl and the Apple Cup and the Civil War.  It's not the same...

Change is hard.
I imagine the peasants of France and England felt much the same way in the years following the Hundred Years War.
They were probably like, "I remember the Battle of Crecy, the Battle of Poitiers and the Battle of Castillion.  Nobody ever fights anymore.  It's not like it used to be.  It's just a cruel joke."   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 22, 2017, 02:05:04 PM
Change is hard.
I imagine the peasants of France and England felt much the same way in the years following the Hundred Years War.
They were probably like, "I remember the Battle of Crecy, the Battle of Poitiers and the Battle of Castillion.  Nobody ever fights anymore.  It's not like it used to be.  It's just a cruel joke."  
Ha!  Bloody peasants...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 22, 2017, 03:06:13 PM
But hey at least we sent those mofos out of the Big 12 with a boot in their asses.

First here are the Horns saying “goodbye to A&M” with that memorable game winning field goal on their turf: (

Then the Sooners saying so long Huskers.  Skip to about the last two minutes to see OU convert a 4th and 1, kick the winning FG, and then stuff the Huskers with successive sacks to ice the game: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 22, 2017, 06:31:19 PM
don't forget the A&M vs UNL game on the Husker's way out in 2010

16 penalties for 145 yards

Big 12 leadership showing true colors
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 22, 2017, 06:53:31 PM
Aggies.  I’ll have to admit that while I miss the Huskers in the Big 12, I don’t miss A&M.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 22, 2017, 07:42:42 PM
Aggies are a different sort for sure

I don't blame the Aggies, I blame the conference leadership

the demise of the newly created conference was it's horrible leadership

and I'm not impressed with it's leadership yet today, but leadership is easy to criticize
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on November 22, 2017, 07:59:31 PM

I guess that’s the question.  How long does a helmet school have to suck before they lose the helmet?
Probably a really long time. Like Gopher long time - 50 years?

The other question is, what does a newcomer have to do to get the helmet? It's probably a non-starter. The helmets are what there are because for anyone else to become one is beyond reach.

The game won't be around long enough, most likely, for anyone else to get in.

Which is either smart, or PoA. Just take off the damn helmets and let the kids play. If there was no helmet, they wouldn't be used as a weapon.

I got more solutions. I'm loaded with solutions. I'm an Engine Ear.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 23, 2017, 08:01:32 PM
They're not putting in a 1-loss non-champ, either.  And they're not putting in two teams from the same conference unless they have zero other options.  You're doing all sorts of weird mental gymnastics to manufacture a slight to the B12.  It's silly and unnecessary.  If OU wins out, they're in.  It really is just that simple.
Now the B12 could certainly get left out if TCU wins out and beats OU, but they'd be a 2-loss conference champ.  And of course they're decidedly NON helmet.

well well well now Miami is ranked ahead of Clemson in the Playoff poll
Does this create any doubt in your mind utee?
The committee is positioning Miami to be in the playoff even if Clemson beats them
at least it looks like it
I will repeat my opinion
if the Clemson Miami is close and OU does not convincingly beat TCU OU might just be left out
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 24, 2017, 11:15:25 AM
Tennessee mattered way back when the forward pass was implemented, and when helmets were folded and shoved in pockets, and they've mattered throughout the modern era... the 'spell' they're going through now is their only non-competitive era of consequence.  It makes rivals feel warm and fuzzy to dial them back to the heard, but that's all it is. 

Miami seems to be the darling this season, all while accomplishing nothing of real note- last week, if any of y'all care to watch that game, the zebras were a tremendous help in their remaining undefeated.  I don't have a dog in that fight, but i can tell you the ref's did everything they could to keep Miami in the game when they were under threat of going 21 down.  it's rare i'll make such an assertion and even more rare that i will decisively say that their injustice impacted the outcome of a game- but that is precisely what happened.  

my own reckoning says that OU deserves to play in the group of four, and because when they play well they play very very well- but.... they kinda screwed themselves.  if they're victims, they victimized themselves.  Clemson will most likely be in a dogfight with USCe, and they can lose that game.  Miami will lose to them there should be little doubt.. and that may be the opening (of likely/possible happenings possible) OU needs.  They'll also need help that Bama doesn't slip tomorrow which could open the door for a UGA return (IF they can beat auburn on the rematch).  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 24, 2017, 11:51:26 AM
I don't often root for Pitt, but when I do, it's against the canes!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 24, 2017, 11:55:50 AM
that game is at Pitt, right?  hopefully the homecooking won't follow the 'canes north... I'm tellin' ya, those zebras MUGGED virginia last weekend... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 24, 2017, 11:59:23 AM
the sooners are in if they win out

same goes for the canes, Clemson, Badgers, Tide, Georgia, and probably Auburn

all others need help

sooners don't need help if they win out
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 24, 2017, 12:01:24 PM
at Pitt, starting now

I really don't like the Canes and don't want them in the playoff

Mark Richt is a good guy, don't have a problem with him
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 24, 2017, 12:05:55 PM
if logic, reason, and accountability rule the day you're right... the only real concern OU should have is UGA, Wiscy and Clemson winning out, right? That leaves most likely two SEC teams in the group of four, and an argument for Clemson, or OU.  We'll kinda need Auburn to beat Bama to clear a path for those just outside to make the argument less of an argument between those on that committee.  

Auburn winning out- and that is a distinct possibility, will open the door for a lot more possibility.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 24, 2017, 12:15:31 PM
if UGA beats Bammer, Bammer should be left out

not a P5 champ

but, ya never know... bammer has clout

really hope the committee would do the "right" thing and put OU in as a conference champ

Bammer could be #5 in the final poll by a hair
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 24, 2017, 04:10:34 PM
well well well now Miami is ranked ahead of Clemson in the Playoff poll
Does this create any doubt in your mind utee?
The committee is positioning Miami to be in the playoff even if Clemson beats them
at least it looks like it
I will repeat my opinion
if the Clemson Miami is close and OU does not convincingly beat TCU OU might just be left out
Well never mind
OU is in if they win
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 24, 2017, 04:32:33 PM
that loss makes me happy.... not because i don't like Miami (but I don't) and nothing against Richt (I like the guy) but everything about this 'Miami is back' BS that the talking heads are shoving down our throats... 

a 'superior' team doesn't lose to even a 'decent' team.  they (miami) wouldn't have beaten virginia without the assist from the ref's, and... they certainly couldn't be a 'superior' team and lose to Pitt.  

it makes me happy to see the best laid plans of the media fall to ashes... they were likely in attempt to drive interest in the acc championship game anyway. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 24, 2017, 04:55:27 PM
that loss makes me happy.... not because i don't like Miami (but I don't) and nothing against Richt (I like the guy) but everything about this 'Miami is back' BS that the talking heads are shoving down our throats...

a 'superior' team doesn't lose to even a 'decent' team.  they (miami) wouldn't have beaten virginia without the assist from the ref's, and... they certainly couldn't be a 'superior' team and lose to Pitt.  

it makes me happy to see the best laid plans of the media fall to ashes... they were likely in attempt to drive interest in the acc championship game anyway.
so how will you feel when Miami beats Clemson
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 24, 2017, 05:08:16 PM
if that were to happen, and wasn't in part because of zebra's, i'd genuinely be shocked... but i'm thinking USCe will take Clemson down a notch prior.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 24, 2017, 08:45:09 PM
screw Miami and Clemson

the ACC is a basketball conference

that's how I feel
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 24, 2017, 11:09:22 PM
320 you overlooked Pittsburgh in your argument.  Maybe Miami did too

But I’m hoping OU, *if* the Sooners manage to beat both WVU and TCU for the second time and make the playoffs, get to play either Miami or Clemson, since both have scoreboard on us.

Right now though it’s just all about preventing those Eers from burning couches in Norman 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 25, 2017, 09:17:09 AM
well well well now Miami is ranked ahead of Clemson in the Playoff poll
Does this create any doubt in your mind utee?
The committee is positioning Miami to be in the playoff even if Clemson beats them
at least it looks like it
I will repeat my opinion
if the Clemson Miami is close and OU does not convincingly beat TCU OU might just be left out
Regardless of what happened yesterday between Miami and Pitt, if OU wins out, they were going to be in.  They're not leaving out a 1-loss conference championship winning helmet team like OU, in favor of a 1-loss non-champ that would result in two teams from the same conference.  I'll keep repeating this as long as we have the current system, and I'll be correct every time.
TCU was a totally different story, since at best they would be a 2-loss champ, and they're not a helmet.  It's not about the B12 right now, it's about the losses, and the helmets.
Anyway, sitting here at 6-6 with yet another suckbutt Longhorn team, I don't really give a rat's ass who plays in the CFP.  Sucking sucks.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2017, 10:12:49 AM
well utee we will not find out this year and Im glad 

we need an 8 team playoff

winner of each p5 and 3 others named by the committee
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2017, 10:15:43 AM
we are scheduled to have 40 bowl games this year

3 of which for the playoff

what the hell would it hurt to take four of the remaining 37 bowl games and

have an 8 team playoff
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2017, 12:04:41 PM
how about 6 teams with the top 2 getting a bye week?

or better yet, a 2-team playoff?

unbeaten SEC champ Bammer vs unbeaten Big Ten champ Bucky
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2017, 01:39:23 PM
or just name the sec champ the winner
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2017, 04:51:50 PM
that hasn't worked 3 outta the last 4 seasons

the SEC sucks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2017, 05:12:36 PM
that hasn't worked 3 outta the last 4 seasons

the SEC sucks
however 8 out of last 11 seasons it was sec
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2017, 05:14:37 PM
what have ya done lately?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2017, 06:33:16 PM
what have ya done lately?
more then Neb or UT thats for sure
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2017, 06:53:23 PM
speakin of lately..

The Wildcats in purple score late to snatch one from the Cyclones
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 25, 2017, 07:37:20 PM
Speaking of Iowa teams, Iowa really torched the Huskers.  I read that this is NU’s worst season since 1961.

Do you think Riley’s a goner?  He’s had three years and it seems to be getting worse not better.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2017, 07:47:20 PM
Riley was gone before noon today

it was time

yes, worst season in 55 years
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2017, 08:16:55 PM
What I want to know is how the hell did UT beat Iowa St

we must have bought off the refs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 25, 2017, 08:34:28 PM
Riley was gone before noon today

it was time

yes, worst season in 55 years
Bring back Dr Tom!
He’s only 2 years older than Coach Snyder
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2017, 10:04:57 PM
Doc Tom's last victory will be bringing Scott Frost back to UNL
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 25, 2017, 10:57:12 PM
No BC this is John Buford a Cavalry Officer for the Union at Gettysburg
The Union had a second Cavalry division at Gettysburg with George Custer its commanding officer
anyway Buford's cavalry was the first to make contact with the south on the 1st day of battle and is credited with keeping the South from getting the high ground there
which might have caused a union defeat
I hold John Buford in the highest respect too, 320.  He didn't win the battle, but he determined what was the key terrain, and his dispositions and his leadership on the morning of 1 July 1863 ensured that the Union would be fighting from the top of the key terrain, while the Confederates would spend the next 2 1/2 days fighting uphill into the teeth of Union defenses.

But there were actually three Union cavalry divisions.  1st was Buford's, which performed as you described.  2nd was David Gregg's.  The Cavalry Corps CG MG Alfred Pleasanton thought Gregg was hell on wheels, when actually he had little idea of what was out in front of him.  3rd was Judson Kilpatrick (a.k.a. "Kill Cavalry"), and Custer was a brigade commander in this division.

Custer's brigade fought against the lead brigade of Jeb Stuart's command well east of Cemetery Ridge on 3 July, and there's at least one historian who believes that this fight precluded Stuart striking the Union line on Cemetery Ridge from the rear just as "Pickett's Charge" was striking it from the front, and just maybe saved the battle for the Union.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 26, 2017, 01:12:53 AM
wow thanks for you reply CW

I always thought there were only 2 cav divisions at Gettysburg

One thing I noted about Buford was his feeling that a cavalry unit should be able to dismount and fight

similar to an army unit

I guess it was this ability to dismount and fight that made the difference that first day

anyway its great hearing from you
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 26, 2017, 11:49:33 AM
wow thanks for you reply CW

I always thought there were only 2 cav divisions at Gettysburg

One thing I noted about Buford was his feeling that a cavalry unit should be able to dismount and fight

similar to an army unit

I guess it was this ability to dismount and fight that made the difference that first day

anyway its great hearing from you
Yep.  Buford was ahead of the curve in learning that the rifle-musket pushed mounted troops out of the main battle area.  Cavalry had to be able to fight dismounted or become nothing more than a scouting force.  Back to WWI, it was a lesson that, even with the advent of rapid-fire rifles and machine-guns, the European armies hadn't learned as of 1914.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 26, 2017, 11:25:29 PM
Back to football, Kevlin Sumlin was let go at A&M, in spite of having yet another winning season in the tough SEC.  Seems to me he had a pretty good run; never good enough to win a conf title but his A&M teams played respectably well.  Never lost more than 5 games and always had winning bowl eligible teams.

What do folks think?  Time for him to go or did the Aggies act prematurely?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 27, 2017, 12:30:10 AM
The Aggies are delusional, and will never be satisfied with a coach who doesn't take them to where they think they belong, but the pattern of Sumlin's wins and losses made him particularly vulnerable.  Every year, he got off to an impressive start, and every year his teams staggered to the finish line.

That's my not-very-in-depth assessment, anyway.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 27, 2017, 09:03:47 AM
Ahh... the predictable mentality from the fan of a "blueblood" school.  A&M and schools of their ilk should just sit back and enjoy winning seasons and not bother to aspire to anything better.  Just be happy where you're at.   *** yawn ***

Sumlin's offense has dropped off in recent years due to questionable hires at the OC position.... He struggled to put together a consistent running game... the OL has clearly dropped off after Sherman's kids graduated.  He's struggled to finish out seasons with strong starts.  He's finished above .500 in SEC west play only once... has barely a winning record in the SEC overall... and has a LOSING SEC RECORD AT HOME.  Nevermind his stunngingly bad decision making at the end of games at times (see UCLA).

I would presume just a couple of these bullet points would be enough to ouster a coach at an OU or Ohio State or somesuch.  

While I personally wasn't 100% convinced we should fire him at this point... The justification is clearly there for those that were.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 27, 2017, 09:31:02 AM
there are sure a lot of coaches available to aggie to hire

better find one that can beat Florida, Bama, Georgia, LSU and Auburn or nothing will change
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 27, 2017, 10:35:09 AM
Yep..... preferably all in the same season, at least on occasion.  

Guess we'll see what we get.  Been watching the dumpster fire that is the Tennessee head coaching search...  can't help but laugh... while at the same time remember that if there's a school that could out-do their ability to go full-retard when trying to hire a new head coach, it's probably us.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 27, 2017, 10:58:02 AM
Agree with all of Shiner's take.   I don't know if I personally would have favored firing Sumlin were I an Aggie, at least not quite yet, but I can certainly understand those that did want him fired.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 27, 2017, 10:59:59 AM
I remember when my school would fire a coach for 7 wins.  Those were the days.

And my instinct is to be envious if A&M lands Jimbo.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 27, 2017, 11:05:32 AM
We'll see on the Jimbo thing.... We seem to be all in on him.  Eerily quiet right now on both fronts (A&M's and Jimbo's) with no other names being mentioned. Latest thing I've heard is he'll be announced after their game this weekend.... I have to believe given the supposed offer on the table that he's a legit possibility.  $7.5Million isn't chump change for any school.

I'm not sure how he'd do at A&M.... or if he'll fit.  I'm not sure of much of anything in college football anymore.  

Right now, my bar is low..... I'd settle for just knocking off LSU for once.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 27, 2017, 11:21:30 AM
If Jimbo accepts, and if the dollars we have been hearing are real, Jimbo must win.  Well, sort of.

A&M has set a new precedent by throwing this kind of money around.  Quite likely, A&M can afford it.  Even if Jimbo is a bust.  I'm sure others will knee slap if Jimbo flops, but truth is - A&M is pure bank these days, and is willing to use it.

Texas, otoh, is kicking back and cashing LHN checks.  I do not see urgency at Texas.  Yes, after losing to Kansas we replaced a coach, but the fact is we do not even have an Athletic Director, and this is Texas.  I'm laying this at Fenves' feet.  And it's what we get for continually hiring these Berkeley nancies to run UT.  As long as athletics makes money, then it's fine.  And LHN is why we make money, which is revenue independent of success.

Back to A&M, you have to believe it's purely a cash move for Jimbo, and the passion will have to come later.  I'm not sure how that would work out.  Aggies are not patient folk anymore.  New Army has the tolerance of a t-shirt Texas fan.  Jimbo could get pissed before he starts to feel like an Aggie.

Oh well, all conjecture at the moment.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 27, 2017, 11:28:56 AM
If Jimbo accepts, and if the dollars we have been hearing are real, Jimbo must win.  Well, sort of.

A&M has set a new precedent by throwing this kind of money around.  Quite likely, A&M can afford it.  Even if Jimbo is a bust.  I'm sure others will knee slap if Jimbo flops, but truth is - A&M is pure bank these days, and is willing to use it.

Texas, otoh, is kicking back and cashing LHN checks.  I do not see urgency at Texas.  Yes, after losing to Kansas we replaced a coach, but the fact is we do not even have an Athletic Director, and this is Texas.  I'm laying this at Fenves' feet.  And it's what we get for continually hiring these Berkeley nancies to run UT.  As long as athletics makes money, then it's fine.  And LHN is why we make money, which is revenue independent of success.

Back to A&M, you have to believe it's purely a cash move for Jimbo, and the passion will have to come later.  I'm not sure how that would work out.  Aggies are not patient folk anymore.  New Army has the tolerance of a t-shirt Texas fan.  Jimbo could get pissed before he starts to feel like an Aggie.

Oh well, all conjecture at the moment.
Lotta truth in that post.  Definitely a possibility that Jimbo gets pissed... or we push him out before we even give him a reach chance.  That's assuming we even hire him, which I'll believe when I see it.

Patience  is inversely proportional to cash spent in this business.  And A&M has a lot of cash to spend.  We have spent our way into the top echelon of college football.... now the BMA's want the onfield success to go with it and want it now.  Time won't be a luxury for Fisher.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 27, 2017, 06:32:57 PM
Back to football, Kevlin Sumlin was let go at A&M, in spite of having yet another winning season in the tough SEC.  
The SEC was pretty mediocre this year.  I hesitate to say "bad" without honest analysis, but compared to where it was a couple years ago, it wasn't even close this year.  
I can't believe the amount of talk in the media about "Is this the year that the SEC gets two teams in the playoffs?"  If that somehow came to fruition, the entire committee needs to be scrapped, arrested, burned at the stake, and we should all be returned to the old, pre-BCS bowl system.
Actually, do that last part anyway.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 27, 2017, 06:47:10 PM
I get the dilemma.  

Sumlin was 49-25 in the SEC West during it's most difficult era at a program that is historically the fourth strongest of the seven teams.  He's a good coach.  He couldn't get them over the hump, but he did a good job there.  

Those things being said, Shiner's points also still stand.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 27, 2017, 09:56:17 PM
The SEC was pretty mediocre this year.  I hesitate to say "bad" without honest analysis, but compared to where it was a couple years ago, it wasn't even close this year.  
I can't believe the amount of talk in the media about "Is this the year that the SEC gets two teams in the playoffs?"  If that somehow came to fruition, the entire committee needs to be scrapped, arrested, burned at the stake, and we should all be returned to the old, pre-BCS bowl system.
Actually, do that last part anyway.  
I look at “the body of work” and hell i think he’s done a pretty darned good job.  I do get that A&M wants a title and 7-5 is going the wrong direction, and I’ll take your point that the SEC is in a general downstroke to boot.
So I don’t blame the Aggies in general, but at the same time I wouldn’t have made the move without having another top level coach already pretty much in hand.  If they do, they haven’t shown that hand yet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 27, 2017, 10:18:43 PM
hey, the right coach is out there

ya gotta keep trying or y'all never find him

Fisher would be a big catch - don't know if he would win SEC championships there, but it would be worth trying
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 27, 2017, 11:39:16 PM
Ahh... the predictable mentality from the fan of a "blueblood" school.  A&M and schools of their ilk should just sit back and enjoy winning seasons and not bother to aspire to anything better.  Just be happy where you're at.   *** yawn ***

Sumlin's offense has dropped off in recent years due to questionable hires at the OC position.... He struggled to put together a consistent running game... the OL has clearly dropped off after Sherman's kids graduated.  He's struggled to finish out seasons with strong starts.  He's finished above .500 in SEC west play only once... has barely a winning record in the SEC overall... and has a LOSING SEC RECORD AT HOME.  Nevermind his stunngingly bad decision making at the end of games at times (see UCLA).

I would presume just a couple of these bullet points would be enough to ouster a coach at an OU or Ohio State or somesuch.  

While I personally wasn't 100% convinced we should fire him at this point... The justification is clearly there for those that were.
I don't know if you were responding to me or Fred, Shiner, but I'll plead semi-guilty as charged.

Only semi-, though, because I'm not saying that A&M fans should just sit back and like it if the Aggies can just go 7-5 and get to a bowl.  What I'm trying to say is that it is very difficult for a peasant to become a duke, or a duke to become a baron, or a baron to become a king.

HH/CH posted elsewhere about the "9 schools" that seem to be in the top 9 in many categories.  It's extremely difficult for other schools to break the glass ceiling (or whatever) and join those 9.

I'll go further.  It's hard for any school to rise significantly above its historical norm.  It happens sometimes, with a just-right coach.  Mike Leach lifted Texas Tech above its historical norm.  But Leach is long gone, and the heady days of Mike Leach's success in Lubbock are gone with him.  Texas Tech is back to its historical norm.

Same process has been seen in action at K-State.  Bill Snyder lifted them w-a-a-a-y above their historical norm, then retired.  And down they sank.  He came back, and they rose, although not to the levels he had previously taken them.  I assume that when he retires for good, they will sink again.

Greg Schiano lifted lowly Rutgers high enough to get into the Big Ten.  Now Rutgers is where it was before his time there.

Same process may be at work at Baylor.

Good luck on your coach search.  May you find one who will take your program upward rather than tread water or sink.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 28, 2017, 08:05:29 AM
Oregon and Oklahoma State are two more examples, and that’s even with massive infusions of $$$ from sugar daddies like Knight and Pickens.

The Florida trio might be the major exception I can think of.  But it took them decades and each winning multiple NCs.  A&M (and all the other schools mentioned like OSU and Oregon) still haven’t claimed the NC (at least in anyone’s active memory)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 28, 2017, 08:22:20 AM
Oregon was very close to winning a national title... and one wonders what may have happened had they gotten over that hump.  Does Kelly still leave?  Do they still drop off?  

Clemson is another interesting data point.  Historically.... they've been about what A&M is.  They currently sit just below A&M in alltime wins and winning percentage.  Yet... they've found the right coach, have played in two title games recently, won one of them. And they're on the doorstep of doing it again.  It can be done.

Now... has Clemson worked their way into that "group of 9"?  I'm not even sure who those 9 teams are... but I doubt it.  But they're getting there.  

Auburn is another.  They sit only 3 spots above A&M in wins and winning percentage.  However in recent years, they have 2 undefeated seasons, a national title and are setup to play for another one this year.  Ironically, with Clemson in the same playoff field. 

Personally.... I couldn't care less if we're ever considered a "blue blood" of CFB... and honestly, I'm betting Clemson and Auburn fans don't either.  I just want to compete regularly in the SEC west for a berth in the conference title game.  I don't want to be eliminated before October is up every year.  And every once in awhile... be in serious discussion come December for a playoff berth.  I'm fine with that.  And that is certainly within reach for Texas A&M.... if we can find the right coach.  

I'll let you "blue blood" fans lose your shit every December when you're not winning national titles every single year as if it's some ridiculous birthright.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 28, 2017, 10:19:46 AM
Jimbo's going to A&M.

If not, he is by now doing a disservice to his players and the fans by not wanting to talk "other jobs" - merely to leverage FSU for more $$.  He could outright deny it, it's not like the talk is not all over the country.

The game is now past the "gaming" stage.  He's going to Aggieland.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 28, 2017, 10:38:49 AM
Not to change the subject but a few days ago I promised Cousin Freddie I would share the Bob Einstein chicken joke next time I could post from home on a non-work associated device....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 28, 2017, 10:39:31 AM
A young boy grew up in a town with an infamous whore house...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 28, 2017, 10:40:17 AM
One day he found himself on that side of town with a few bucks in his pocket so he knocked on the door...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 28, 2017, 10:41:40 AM
The madam comes to the door and asks him what he wants.  He embarrassedly hems and haws but somehow manages to convey he has $3 he wants to spend on sexual gratification...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 28, 2017, 10:42:09 AM
She takes him to a room and just leaves him there...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 28, 2017, 10:43:21 AM
There's nothing in the room but a chicken so after about an hour of waiting for something else to happen, he screws the chicken and leaves....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 28, 2017, 10:45:04 AM
Next day he comes back with ten dollars so the lady takes him to a room where six old guys with their pants pulled down to their knees and their tools in their hands are staring intently a closed circuit TV monitor...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 28, 2017, 10:46:29 AM
Boy says, "what is this?"

An old man says, "Just wait.  Yesterday some kid screwed a chicken."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 28, 2017, 11:19:54 AM
Jimbo's going to A&M.

If not, he is by now doing a disservice to his players and the fans by not wanting to talk "other jobs" - merely to leverage FSU for more $$.  He could outright deny it, it's not like the talk is not all over the country.

The game is now past the "gaming" stage.  He's going to Aggieland.
Everything has died down.  

Rumor is that he's waiting to finish the regular season with FSU this weekend against ULM.  That game was canceled earlier this year (hurricane I think) but was rescheduled recently since FSU needs that win to become bowl eligible.  Otherwise the announcement would've already occurred.  Anyway... after the game Saturday, supposedly he'll be announced as A&M's next HC.  We'll see.  

Given all news related to A&M's vacancy and Jimbo's future has completely stopped... I tend to put some stock in the rumor. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 28, 2017, 11:24:26 AM
Given all news related to A&M's vacancy and Jimbo's future has completely stopped... I tend to put some stock in the rumor.
I'll tip my hat to A&M for doing what Texas evidently no longer has the will or the brand to get done.  Longhorn Network notwithstanding.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 28, 2017, 11:36:43 AM
On a related note... A&M Regents meeting is called for this week with the hiring/compensation of a new head football coach listed on the agenda.

Doesn't mean it's Jimbo Fisher.  But...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 28, 2017, 11:43:42 AM
Any truth to the rumor that they haven't officially fired Sumlin instead they just put the writing on the wall and they're hoping he takes the hint and moves on to someplace like Arizona State so they won't have to pay his buyout?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 28, 2017, 11:50:24 AM
There is no buyout of Sumlin's contract.  Byrne gave him a guaranteed contract.... He has $10.4 Million remaining on his contract and we're on the hook to pay him every last cent of it... within 60 days of this past Sunday.  There is no getting out of it.  

Just goes to show how incredibly stupid our administration has been over the years.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 28, 2017, 12:01:15 PM
There is no buyout of Sumlin's contract.  Byrne gave him a guaranteed contract.... He has $10.4 Million remaining on his contract and we're on the hook to pay him every last cent of it...
$10.4 million to get rid of a coach.  $7.5 million/year contract for the next one.  And who knows if the inbound coach will have to be bought out?

This is a school that wants to win at football.  Everything else be absolutely damned.

Drive through C-stat if you don't believe me.  Looks like Arlington.  With a few buildings mixed in to hold classes or some such fiddle faddle.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2017, 12:20:49 PM
When Shiner is around, he posts here.  And here is where the discussion of A&M's terminated coach and potential new coach resides.  

This confirms my long-held belief that Texas A&M is in fact a Big 12 school.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 28, 2017, 12:45:36 PM
This confirms my long-held belief that Texas A&M is in fact a Big 12 school.  
Let me dispel that belief.
Sumlin would be a 9-10 win coach in the Big 12, and would be happily employed.
Jimbo would never even be considering A&M if not for SEC.
Kyle Field would not be larger than DKR.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 28, 2017, 12:47:17 PM
I'll let you "blue blood" fans lose your shit every December when you're not winning national titles every single year as if it's some ridiculous birthright.  
Nah.  You’re hyperbolizing again.

I never think much about national titles, at least not until the Sooners are actually IN an MNC game, and even then the chances are roughly just a coin flip.

Conference titles though - yeah - I do want the Sooners in THAT discussion.  That’s still the true mark of a successful season in my book, but even then I’d be happy with a conf title every 3-4 years.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2017, 03:01:22 PM
Just goes to show how incredibly stupid our administration has been over the years.  
Aggie is hardly alone in that regard.  
I've been doing some thinking, and I'd like to have a topic about it to get other folks' weigh-ins.  But the SEC people will hardly know what to do with a non-gridiron thread, and if I do it here then I'll have HH crawling up my ass again about interlopers filling up the B12 board with unrelated spam.  
While noting it's okay to expend a rapid succession of digital ink on a story about chicken-humping.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 28, 2017, 03:18:51 PM
When Shiner is around, he posts here.  And here is where the discussion of A&M's terminated coach and potential new coach resides.  

This confirms my long-held belief that Texas A&M is in fact a Big 12 school.  
I post here because the SEC board is boring more days (present company notwithstanding).... and this place sees more action.  If we had more discussions about beer, women and chicken fried steak over there.... that's where you'd find me.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 28, 2017, 03:29:04 PM
I post here because the SEC board is boring more days (present company notwithstanding).... and this place sees more action.  If we had more discussions about beer, women and chicken fried steak over there.... that's where you'd find me.  
I do believe that one day the SEC will do something that will fly below the Aggie standard, whatever that may be, and A&M will buddy back up with Texas in the future.
For instance, LSU will hire Art Briles, or something along those lines.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2017, 03:35:39 PM
I see no denials that A&M is indeed a B12 team.  So it is decided, so let it be.  

The conference is going to try and force us to be blood-rivals, just like they did us with Arkansas in a 20-yr experiment that never, ever took.  I spend most Thanksgivings with my family in Houston who are all Aggies, and they really try to talk smack, but it's obvious their heart is not in it the way it always was with UT.  All I have to do is mention the Horns and you can almost see the blood flowing harder in their face.  

But just like Florida as a lock-in, the conference is convinced that organic things can be manipulated by dumbasses in Birmingham.  

Whatever.  I guess with no real rivals I don't actually care what our schedule plays out like.  I guess I should just take a win where I can find it and be impressed that our spineless AD actually got us out of Thanksgiving games.  Alleva actually accomplishing something that the university wanted that the SEC and another school didn't.....yeah, I can hardly believe it either.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 28, 2017, 03:48:45 PM
I see no denials that A&M is indeed a B12 team.  So it is decided, so let it be.
Let's put it this way - if you want A&M to become a heart & soul SEC team, bring Texas over to the SEC as well.

Otherwise, it's just a feigned passion.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 28, 2017, 04:07:39 PM

Yeah.... we're an SEC team.   You're focused on the wrong thing MDT.  The better question is, are all the folks posting on the SEC board actually SEC fans?  I mean... no discussions about beer or women or good food really make one wonder.  Ain't life in the deep south all about those things in addition to football?

Anyway.... bringing the horns to the SEC would be a tragic mistake that everyone in the SEC would quickly regret.  That's a shit show y'all don't want any part of and we're happy to be away from.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2017, 04:19:33 PM
Let's put it this way - if you want A&M to become a heart & soul SEC team, bring Texas over to the SEC as well.

Otherwise, it's just a feigned passion.
We tried, twice.  Horns don't wanna play.  
Incidentally, you might take a look at Aggie's history before you go impugning the integrity of other schools, particularly linking Briles to LSU--even in an example--because it's an example that will never, ever happen, or anything like it.  Which is not to say LSU can't do something stupid.  But really man.....let's not act like Aggie is above our moral standard over here.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 28, 2017, 04:30:54 PM
Anyway.... bringing the horns to the SEC would be a tragic mistake that everyone in the SEC would quickly regret.  That's a shit show y'all don't want any part of and we're happy to be away from.
I'm thinking the B1G would happily oblige, should we ever go shopping.

Peers should hang around peers, may be the way to look at it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 28, 2017, 10:01:04 PM
We tried, twice.  Horns don't wanna play.  
Incidentally, you might take a look at Aggie's history before you go impugning the integrity of other schools, particularly linking Briles to LSU--even in an example--because it's an example that will never, ever happen, or anything like it.  Which is not to say LSU can't do something stupid.  But really man.....let's not act like Aggie is above our moral standard over here.  
A&M's "sordid" past consists almost exclusively of paying players.  Whoop-de-do-dah.
BC mentioned Art Briles.  The two are hardly comparable.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2017, 11:58:19 PM

But you clearly missed the point.  I don't know what makes him think any of the SEC schools are going to do something like hire Briles, but it's very, very unlikely they do anything more than cheating in some fashion.  Which I'm not wrong to point out is not outside A&M's moral scope.  

The Aggies may leave one day, but it won't be because the SEC offended their sense of goodness and dignity.  

It will be because A&M could never, ever beat LSU ;-)

And I know BC was tossing out an example, but he should note that as far as anything dirty goes, like infractions and violations, LSU has the best record in the modern era in the SEC in that regard next to Vandy.  And it wasn't that long ago that utee94 coined the term Bonghorns for a reason.  Something about glass houses and stones.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 29, 2017, 08:12:48 AM
1.  A school can't have a moral scope.  It's boosters and admins do.

2.  A&M isn't leaving the SEC.

3.  BC doesn't speak for A&M or its fanbase.  

4.  It's unlikely anyone will be impressed with LSU's record on infractions.  It probably just means you haven't been caught as much.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 29, 2017, 09:58:17 AM
BC doesn't speak for A&M or its fanbase.
But I did sleep in a Holiday Inn last night.
(oh, and I do have a Master's degree from A&M, but that's just details...)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 29, 2017, 10:26:58 AM
But I did sleep in a Holiday Inn last night.
(oh, and I do have a Master's degree from A&M, but that's just details...)
now the BC picture is becoming clearer and clearer
no wonder he hates the LHN and wants to go to another conference
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 29, 2017, 11:09:05 AM
I knew I liked BC for some reason... just couldn't put my finger on it before now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 29, 2017, 11:13:47 AM
now the BC picture is becoming clearer and clearer
no wonder he hates the LHN and wants to go to another conference
This juggernaut conference we are currently in is too competitive and I need less helmet schools on my season ticket package.
Oh yeah, and who needs Nebraska and A&M in their conference, when you can watch Augie cooking shows and the same 3 commercials all day long?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 29, 2017, 11:27:55 AM
I knew I liked BC for some reason... just couldn't put my finger on it before now.
you two deserve each other
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 29, 2017, 11:29:18 AM
you two deserve each other
You mean.... like the longhorns deserve this sucktitude they're suffering from?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 29, 2017, 11:36:25 AM
You mean.... like the longhorns deserve this sucktitude they're suffering from?
Nice try but sucking doesn't phase 320.  Win, lose, whatever, it's all the same from a recliner.

Nap time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 29, 2017, 11:44:25 AM
Oh geez, so this thread has devolved into an Aggie mutual admiration party?

Next thing you know they’ll be talking about which of their male cheerleaders is the hottest ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 29, 2017, 12:02:39 PM
Nice try but sucking doesn't phase 320.  Win, lose, whatever, it's all the same from a recliner.

Nap time.
hard to take a nap when Im LMAO
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2017, 12:14:46 PM
A master's degree from A&M?  I knew it.  T95 is a vet!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 29, 2017, 12:26:53 PM
Maybe a large animal vet?  Routinely with his arm up a cow’s arse?  Maybe that’s why he has such a dim view of longhorns in general ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 29, 2017, 12:31:30 PM
Let's not incite anything.  You both know better.

I know my way around large animals, but that's about it.  "Around" them, not inside them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 29, 2017, 12:36:42 PM
So BC is secretly an Aggie and Shiner is secretly an LSU fan.

This board is full of surprises.

Next thing you know, I'll meet up with utee at the Louisiana Longhorn and he'll be wearing a K-State shirt.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 29, 2017, 12:40:32 PM
I take all this grief and utee gets a free pass for having an Aggie wife.  It just ain't right.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 29, 2017, 12:48:47 PM
utee94's biography (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2017, 01:49:16 PM
utee94's biography (
That's all exactly correct.  Even the French Horn part.  It's like I wrote that song or something...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2017, 01:52:06 PM
So BC is secretly an Aggie and Shiner is secretly an LSU fan.

This board is full of surprises.

Next thing you know, I'll meet up with utee at the Louisiana Longhorn and he'll be wearing a K-State shirt.  
Well now that part is highly unlikely...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 29, 2017, 02:02:46 PM
That's all exactly correct.  Even the French Horn part.  It's like I wrote that song or something...
So it's an autobiography.
I have no idea why the first line with symbols appeared in that post.  I even went back to edit it out, but it doesn't show up in the text box.  I've used the link function before without that happening, but something is wonky.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 29, 2017, 02:03:33 PM
Perhaps a Slippery Rock t-shirt.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2017, 02:29:59 PM
Perhaps a Slippery Rock t-shirt.

Shiner would be delighted to know that my 10yo daughter loves animals and has decided she wants to be a vet.  Of course my i s c & a aggie wife jumps on this as her way to push her toward going to A&M, and my daughter is fully on-board with that and says she's going to A&M.

Meanwhile, ever the rebellious one, my 8yo son is now insisting that he wants to go to UT and be a football player so he can "juke people."  He's actually pretty athletic whilst playing soccer and flag football, but I'm not certain D1-A athletics are in the genes.  I suppose there could be some recessive genes in there somewhere that prove me wrong...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2017, 02:30:46 PM
golderned editing, how does it work?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 29, 2017, 02:31:35 PM
So it's an autobiography.
I have no idea why the first line with symbols appeared in that post.  I even went back to edit it out, but it doesn't show up in the text box.  I've used the link function before without that happening, but something is wonky.  
a space after usually clears it up... there are some other bugs i'm tracking down, too. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 29, 2017, 02:32:21 PM
can you guys see the basketball scoreboard to the right? 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2017, 02:33:58 PM
a space after usually clears it up... there are some other bugs i'm tracking down, too.
I figured it was just you jacking around with an LSU fan.
But hey, while you're here, when I create paragraphs in the response box, most of the time once the message is posted, it eliminates all but one carriage return, so new paragraphs only look like a new line below the last one.  What's up with that?  On this response for example, I put three CRs between the first line, and this second paragraph.  But I'm betting when it posts, there will be no white space between the two.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 29, 2017, 02:35:48 PM
^and that one is the most frustrating bug with the WYSIWYG editor- i can't find it to save my life.  but i'm looking... one day (hopefully soon) it'll just work again... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2017, 02:38:28 PM
^and that one is the most frustrating bug with the WYSIWYG editor- i can't find it to save my life.  but i'm looking... one day (hopefully soon) it'll just work again...
Am I able to turn off the WYSIWYG?  Shoot, I can post in straight HTML if need be, I sort of remember it from the early 90s.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 29, 2017, 02:39:10 PM
^and that one is the most frustrating bug with the WYSIWYG editor- i can't find it to save my life.  but i'm looking... one day (hopefully soon) it'll just work again...
I second utee's petition.  White space is important.  I hate for my brilliant remarks to all run together.  I like white space to give each lucid thought it's due respect.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 29, 2017, 02:43:09 PM
it's embedded- and though i can toggle it on and off, the function that is causing that problem remains... it has to be simple and something i'm overlooking.  

most html functions, even if i allowed it, are scripted out- and don't work... simple one's can be used, but very little of it.  the reason is if someone were to open, say a table? -- and not close it, or make an unordered list or something without closing that- it would break the the forum until it was found and rooted out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 29, 2017, 02:49:47 PM
I second utee's petition.  White space is important.  I hate for my brilliant remarks to all run together.  I like white space to give each lucid thought it's due respect.
Given the fact you don't have very many.... I can understand your desire to have them highlighted by white space.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 29, 2017, 02:51:38 PM
Given the fact you don't have very many.... I can understand your desire to have them highlighted by white space.
Consider that I am giving you the Baker Mayfield salute right now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 29, 2017, 02:55:39 PM
Consider that I am giving you the Baker Mayfield salute right now.
Real class act that Mayfield....  a bit surprised things didn't work out for him in Lubbock. 
Does seem to fit in well in Oklahoma however.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2017, 02:56:21 PM
Yup, he's a perfect fit in Oklahoma.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 29, 2017, 05:51:10 PM
Your daughter is TEN now?  Geez man....nothing like a progeny update to remind us how old we're all getting.  

I found a work-around for the paragraph thing, when I remember to do it.  Type the message, then instead of hitting post, I hit preview, and the preview has been correct.  If it shows the correct space, I go ahead and hit post.  If it's showing that all paragraphs are crammed together, one of two things are next.  Either back in the text box all the words will be crammed together and I separate them again, or the text box looks correct.  In either case, I hit preview again, and almost always on the second try the preview will show the post will be correct.  

It takes a few extra seconds, and I usually forget to check it, but it's been working when I do it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 29, 2017, 05:57:14 PM
THANK YOU @MikeDeTiger (;u=1588) !!!!!

you gave me something to go on.. I wager the issue is 'load' related... certain scripts are de-prioritized when there is activity.. they simply don't run... maybe that's the issue? there is a good chance the 'cleantalk' review doesn't run when there is a certain server load, and boom- it 'strips' all the characters as it's 'sposed to, (checking for spam) but it doesn't rebuild them correctly.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 29, 2017, 07:41:03 PM
and the clock is stuck on Eastern time?

Not a big deal, I've adjusted
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 29, 2017, 07:53:51 PM
The clock is at gmt-6... daylight savings time jacked that one for us.. I've been looking for a way to log in users time instead of a global time. ... it's more difficult than it sounds. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 29, 2017, 08:15:29 PM
Real class act that Mayfield....  a bit surprised things didn't work out for him in Lubbock.
Does seem to fit in well in Oklahoma however.

That's a good one coming from a fan of Texas A&M, school of Johnny "Show Me the Money" Manziel.

And posting it it makes you seem like a Horn.  Kid spends his first 18-19 years growing up in Texas, acquires a dose of jackassery--a not unknown Texas character trait--goes to OU and, suddenly, "just like a typical Sooner."

That's what Horns say.  Are you secretly a Horn?

Actually, there is something about Baker Mayfield that is typical for a Sooner.  He's got his team in the hunt for a national championship, and he's probably going to win the Heisman.

Does he still have some growing up to do?  Yes, a lot.  Maybe he's taking longer than expected to overcome what he learned growing up in Austin, Texas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 29, 2017, 08:48:18 PM
CWS.... I see your point.

The difference is though.... I'll tell you straight up that Johnny Football is a world class D-bag.  I'm not gonna sit here and defend him or make excuses for his dumbass behavior.  He's just that... a dumbass.  I flat out stated on our old board that I was happy to see him go when he left school early.  

Time will tell how Mayfield turns out I suppose.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 29, 2017, 09:03:19 PM
That's what Horns say.  Are you secretly a Horn?
I’m a Texas fan, and I’m clearly the alpha poster on this board and all previous boards for decades, you know.
And just for the record the only thing I’ve ever said about Mayfield is that I’m offended by people who are offended by the inconsequential antics of college kids.  You can read it on page 5 of the Boomer Sooner thread.
And no I’m not a closet Sooner.
If I never set foot in that insipid weak beer state again it’ll be fine with me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 29, 2017, 09:10:29 PM
But since we’re ungraciously griping about this wonderful forum, Mr Drew so graciously gave us, I’d just like to say it slays me when I’m in a thread, want to post, see I’m not logged in, log in and it throws me outside the thread into the opening menu and I have to spend several precious seconds of my aging and fleeting life to get back into the thread where I wanted to post.
It’s not a deal breaker and I can live with it and be grateful but if we’re all going to piss and moan I don’t want to left out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 29, 2017, 09:33:52 PM
i may be able to handle that one, @CharleyHorse46 (;u=21) ... give me a bit. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 29, 2017, 09:38:50 PM
I don’t care what all the ungrateful bastards say, Drew.  You’re a decent human being in my book.  Even if you are from/for Tennessee.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 29, 2017, 10:20:52 PM
Did hooky just call himself the alpha dog here?  Ha... 

This place is a collection of alpha dogs.  Get in line.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 29, 2017, 10:52:29 PM
Did hooky just call himself the alpha dog here?  Ha...

This place is a collection of alpha dogs.  Get in line.  
Cute little puppy... assumed I meant alpha dog...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 29, 2017, 11:21:56 PM
CWS.... I see your point.

The difference is though.... I'll tell you straight up that Johnny Football is a world class D-bag.  I'm not gonna sit here and defend him or make excuses for his dumbass behavior.  He's just that... a dumbass.  I flat out stated on our old board that I was happy to see him go when he left school early.  

Time will tell how Mayfield turns out I suppose.
Well, for the record, I thought Manziel was a pretty story for awhile.  Before it became obvious that he was a d-bag.

Mayfield is aware of the comparison to Manziel.  He has said that he thought the comparison was cool at first, and then realized that it was for actions off the field, and then it wasn't so cool.

Mayfield may be a bad guy.  I hope not, but it could turn out that he is.  There are good things he does--with kids, with teammates, with old friends--that give me reason to hope that he's a great guy, an unselfish team leader, but a guy who crosses the line at times.  Right now, I think he's a little like John McEnroe.  I hated McEnroe for his antics on the tennis court, but later was pleasantly surprised to learn that he was a great student of the game, revered its traditions, loved being part of the Davis Cup competition, etc.  He just couldn't behave properly when on the court.

Here's a truth, and Mayfield has said this about himself: if he were on the other team, I probably would hate him.  I would see it as such an indictment of Longhorn football, especially if UT had its program going well right now, if he were wearing burnt orange.  But he's our guy.  Mostly, I like what I see, and then he does something that makes me wince.

There's a good article on him on the SI website: (  It comes out in the print edition tomorrow.  I'll be buying a copy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 29, 2017, 11:29:43 PM
I’m a Texas fan, and I’m clearly the alpha poster on this board and all previous boards for decades, you know.

And just for the record the only thing I’ve ever said about Mayfield is that I’m offended by people who are offended by the inconsequential antics of college kids.  You can read it on page 5 of the Boomer Sooner thread.

And no I’m not a closet Sooner.

If I never set foot in that insipid weak beer state again it’ll be fine with me.
Heh!  You know what I'm talking about.  Some kid from Dallas does well (or badly, it doesn't really matter) at OU.  No sweat--he's from Baja Oklahoma, not from Texas.  I would almost swear I've seen you post comments to that effect.

But maybe not.  Maybe it's just the beta Horns who say stuff like that.

I put spaces between your paragraphs.  You're welcome.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 30, 2017, 08:02:33 AM
Cute little puppy... assumed I meant alpha dog...

Yeah... I stopped short of saying alpha male..... So I used dog as a placeholder.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 30, 2017, 08:20:37 AM
yeah Shiner but I remember well how much you enjoyed Mansiel leading the Aggies to victory including that Aggies cotton bowl win over the Sooners etc, and I don’t remember you worrying too much about JFF’s demeanor.

CW and I have also admitted right here before this present gathering of dogs, sharks and various sundry alphas that Baker has more than his share of jackassery.

And Id go further and say we’re all part jackasses.  Anyone who spends time talking about other sports teams and their fans in the way we do here, particularly for example on a rivalry weekend like OU-Texas, is guilty of it.  If you doubt that, go check the haiku or meme threads this past October.  Texas and Oklahoma fans being total jackasses to one another.  It’s fun.  I make no apologies.  

You tell me that if you were in Baker’s shoes and you had his talent and enthusiasm and team leadership, and you walk out to midfield and the other team refused to shake your hand in front of thousands in the stands and millions on the tube in the Standard way that you wouldn’t react?  If the other team was making that extra hit on you after you threw a pass and talking shit in your face that you’d turn the other cheek?  In football??  Heck you guys (and I) can’t even turn the other cheek when someone here says your team sucks.  

In fact as often as not, we’re those KU captains out at midfield egging it on.

Face it.  To varying degrees, we’re all jackasses.  And we’d love to be Baker Mayfield right about now.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 30, 2017, 08:33:25 AM
Antagonizing and shit talking occur in every game, every weekend.  But I don't see guys flipping the other team off or grabbing their crotch on national TV in response to it.  What if you had a 10 year old son like I do watching the game... and he saw that?  So to answer your question, I'd like to believe I'd react like the other 99% of CFB players out there.... not the 1% that Mayfield appears to be a part of.

Obviously I liked Manziel's performance on the field.... but what you don't remember me doing is defending his jackassery off of it which is where his largely occurred.  It was embarrassing.... to the point (again) that I was glad to see him go when he left for the NFL early.  Think about that... our first Heisman winner since the 50's and most dynamic player in our school's history... and I was happy to see him go.  

And don't waste our time trying to compare the good natured ribbing we do here to making obscene gestures on TV.  We (like it or not) aren't held to the same standard, and there aren't millions of people watching us on ESPN.  

You're very much bordering on the mentality of "yeah he's an asshole... but he's a potential Heisman winner and may give us a MNC so it's all good".  That would be a shame.  Don't defend it.... call it what it is and move on.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 30, 2017, 09:23:29 AM
Im thinking everybody that age is entitled to one mistake even if that mistake was done on national TV

To my knowledge he has not made a habit of doing this so unless he repeats it Im willing to give him a pass

Ol Johnny though would shoot himself in the foot reload and do it again which kinda separates him from the

Mayfields in this world
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 30, 2017, 09:32:06 AM
Kid spends his first 18-19 years growing up in Texas, acquires a dose of jackassery--a not unknown Texas character trait--goes to OU and, suddenly, "just like a typical Sooner."
I'm not seeing the confusion here.  Yes, he came from Texas.  Yes, he is one of our awnry bad apples.  Yes, he went to OU, like all our bad apples do.

Not just talking football players, btw.  Check the sooner student body contingent that comes from Texas.  Replete with rejection letters from UT, A&M, and sometimes even Tech.

And Shiner is a Horn just for knowing this?  No, he is a Texan.  We all know it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 30, 2017, 09:37:46 AM
You're very much bordering on the mentality of "yeah he's an asshole... but he's a potential Heisman winner and may give us a MNC so it's all good".
Umm..  I don't see no bordering.  That's pretty much what he's saying.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 30, 2017, 09:53:52 AM
But in terms of Manziel and Mayfield:

If you just compare their college years, and if Mayfield rates a 10 on the bad guy scale, then I'll say Johnny rates a 9.5.

Both had scuffles with the law, both raised middle fingers on the gridiron, but only one hoisted a handful of jewels.

And outside of the antics, let's get real.  Baker is no Johnny Football.  JFF is likely the best I've ever seen.  And I take no glee in saying that.  Baker is a punk who couldn't shine at Tech because he wasn't surrounded by exceptional talent.  He's got that at OU.  Manziel would have taken any team just as far, or further than he took that mediocre Aggie squad.

Now I am leaving Johnny's post-college drama out of this equation.  Johnny is fighting addiction, and it has pretty much cost him millions by this point.  I doubt Baker will follow him in that regard.

But I suppose we'll hear even less about Baker's post-college life than we did Johnny's.  I see a Mayfield's Insurance office in Norman, Ok in the near future.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 30, 2017, 11:55:07 AM
Ya know, I don't remember all this supposed greatness of JFF.  

I don't think most here qualify for alpha male status.  Most of those guys are dicks, and I like y'all pretty well.  They also tend not to hang out on message boards.  And they mostly hate me.  Unless I'm more disliked here than I'm aware, it's tough to put y'all in that bin.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 30, 2017, 11:58:34 AM
Ha, no matter how much white space you enter today, you ain't gettin' none.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 30, 2017, 12:02:27 PM
I don't think most here qualify for alpha male status.  Most of those guys are dicks, and I like y'all pretty well.  They also tend not to hang out on message boards.  And they mostly hate me.
I'm sure yer a good feller MDT.
And don't worry about CH's alpha proclamations.  He could shame your grandma in the kitchen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 30, 2017, 12:36:51 PM
I'm not seeing the confusion here.  Yes, he came from Texas.  Yes, he is one of our awnry bad apples.  Yes, he went to OU, like all our bad apples do.

Not just talking football players, btw.  Check the sooner student body contingent that comes from Texas.  Replete with rejection letters from UT, A&M, and sometimes even Tech.

And Shiner is a Horn just for knowing this?  No, he is a Texan.  We all know it.
You're just being stupid here.

But in terms of Manziel and Mayfield:

If you just compare their college years, and if Mayfield rates a 10 on the bad guy scale, then I'll say Johnny rates a 9.5.

Both had scuffles with the law, both raised middle fingers on the gridiron, but only one hoisted a handful of jewels.

And outside of the antics, let's get real.  Baker is no Johnny Football.  JFF is likely the best I've ever seen.  And I take no glee in saying that.  Baker is a punk who couldn't shine at Tech because he wasn't surrounded by exceptional talent.  He's got that at OU.  Manziel would have taken any team just as far, or further than he took that mediocre Aggie squad.

Now I am leaving Johnny's post-college drama out of this equation.  Johnny is fighting addiction, and it has pretty much cost him millions by this point.  I doubt Baker will follow him in that regard.

But I suppose we'll hear even less about Baker's post-college life than we did Johnny's.  I see a Mayfield's Insurance office in Norman, Ok in the near future.
And here too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 30, 2017, 12:56:15 PM
'luv you fellers... NOT IN A SKIN ON SKIN WAY TO BE SURE.... 


if'n anyone of you were an alpha, you'd have a competitive streak at least 16' wide (larger than most standard roads can handle) and if you were an alpha and beyond age 40, you'd look back at the struggle you had containing that, and emotion while reconciling it against good sense and class when you were 18~22 or so...   

some people race because they love it and that is all the motivation they need... some race for the competitiveness of the enterprise... both can be really good at it, and it's not like one is exclusive of the other... but the one's driven by competition? coupled with youth and immaturity? highly emotional? 

they act like johnny football... or baker mayfield.. or, like some of us did.. .

by the way, i ain't trying to be all philosophical at all... I just wanted to type up some proper paragraphs to see if my white space adjustments were/are working. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 30, 2017, 12:57:55 PM
To dismiss my posts as stupid, while arguably being a convincing stance, still doesn't refute said stupidity.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 30, 2017, 01:50:56 PM
Heh!  You know what I'm talking about.  Some kid from Dallas does well (or badly, it doesn't really matter) at OU.  No sweat--he's from Baja Oklahoma, not from Texas.  I would almost swear I've seen you post comments to that effect.

But maybe not.  Maybe it's just the beta Horns who say stuff like that.

I put spaces between your paragraphs.  You're welcome.
Yeah, must be a beta.
I do have an antipathy for North Texas (Baja Oklahoma) and a disdain for Oklahoma and the general concept of Oklahomans in general (with the notable exceptions of individual Oklahomans I’ve actually gotten to know - like you, Thumper and Cousin Fred).  But as for OU, I have a begrudging respect appropriate for a hated rival.  The hatred is borne of  competitive resentment rather than contempt.
As for how I view players, I’d like to think I’m consistent regardless of where they play.
If they do something hateful or violent like rape women, beat women or beat people with baseball bats, I honestly have no respect for them as a human being.
If they do stupid things like get drunk, smoke weed, steal fish, grab their crotch, etc. , I’ll pretty much cop “a there but by the grace of God go I also” attitude.
I was dumb kid.  I’m not so sure my kids are smart.   Dumb is forgivable.  Hatefulness is dispicable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 30, 2017, 01:53:53 PM
Your daughter is TEN now?  Geez man....nothing like a progeny update to remind us how old we're all getting.  

I found a work-around for the paragraph thing, when I remember to do it.  Type the message, then instead of hitting post, I hit preview, and the preview has been correct.  If it shows the correct space, I go ahead and hit post.  If it's showing that all paragraphs are crammed together, one of two things are next.  Either back in the text box all the words will be crammed together and I separate them again, or the text box looks correct.  In either case, I hit preview again, and almost always on the second try the preview will show the post will be correct.  

It takes a few extra seconds, and I usually forget to check it, but it's been working when I do it.  
@MikeDeTiger (;u=1588) - get 'unused' to having to review the paragraph thing... I WHOOPED IT!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 30, 2017, 02:13:29 PM
'luv you fellers... NOT IN A SKIN ON SKIN WAY TO BE SURE....


if'n anyone of you were an alpha, you'd have a competitive streak at least 16' wide (larger than most standard roads can handle) and if you were an alpha and beyond age 40, you'd look back at the struggle you had containing that, and emotion while reconciling it against good sense and class when you were 18~22 or so...  

There’s alpha and then there’s alpha.  There’s all kinds of alpha.
I scare cops, delight women and dazzle many with good humor and imaginative wit.  But put me in a steel octogon with a UFC fighter and I might prefer to just go ahead and concede right off the bat rather than having to go to the trouble to bite off his ear and rip off his balls.
Remember Anothy Michael Hall’s line in ‘Sixteen Candles’?   “Yeah, they may be jerks but I’m kind of like their leader.  I’m like the king of dipshits.”
Or as Milton said Satan said in ‘Paradise Lost’: “better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.”
We may not all be alphas, per se, but nobody here wants to be a sheep either.
Not with that aggie, Huckleberry, running loose.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 30, 2017, 02:14:51 PM
Good job, Drew!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 30, 2017, 02:40:51 PM
Did hooky just call himself the alpha dog here?  Ha...

This place is a collection of alpha dogs.  Get in line.  
y'all had to get in line behind Burnt Eyes when he was hanging around, but alas, he doesn't even lurk here
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 30, 2017, 02:46:56 PM
What is he up to these days anyway?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 30, 2017, 04:21:51 PM
I'm not seeing the confusion here.  Yes, he came from Texas.  Yes, he is one of our awnry bad apples.  Yes, he went to OU, like all our bad apples do.

Not just talking football players, btw.  Check the sooner student body contingent that comes from Texas.  Replete with rejection letters from UT, A&M, and sometimes even Tech.
What a load of bullshit.  You're talking about Oklahoma, not some small directional school or community college.  I mean, geez BC do you really expect anyone to believe your nonsense?

Take a look at last year's rivals recruiting roster for the Sooners (  Of the 28 commitments, 9 were from Texas.  Take a look at those nine and you'll find the majority got offers from Texas (as well as from lots of other places, including Bama, Michigan, UCLA, etc).  They chose OU instead.  This is not because they're "bad apples" but rather they liked the program, the coaches and the potential for winning at OU.

As did a whole lot of other kids from California, Georgia, NC, Florida, Pennsylvania and elsewhere around the country.  Only half of OU's commitments came from Oklahoma or Texas.  And, guess what.  Oklahoma was ranked #7 in the country by rivals last year.  Texas was ranked #31.  You're not even in the top 25.  Talented kids like OU a lot better than Texas these days.  They like A&M (#10) better too.

Sorry.  I'm sure it will eventually change and Texas will climb out of their current abyss, and back to the glory days of Mack Brown or DKR.  But for now you're losing the recruiting game to your more successful neighbors.  Has nothing to do with bad apples going elsewhere, and has more to do with sour grapes in Austin.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 30, 2017, 04:27:55 PM
As for how I view players, I’d like to think I’m consistent regardless of where they play.
If they do something hateful or violent like rape women, beat women or beat people with baseball bats, I honestly have no respect for them as a human being.

If they do stupid things like get drunk, smoke weed, steal fish, grab their crotch, etc. , I’ll pretty much cop “a there but by the grace of God go I also” attitude.
I was dumb kid.  I’m not so sure my kids are smart.   Dumb is forgivable.  Hatefulness is dispicable.
Well said, primo!  

Definitely.  The peak of my dumbassery happened when I was in the service, and my only mode of transport was a yamaha 750.  I was damn lucky (or maybe my dear mother's prayers were heard) to make it past the age of 22.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 30, 2017, 04:55:05 PM
@MikeDeTiger (;u=1588) - get 'unused' to having to review the paragraph thing... I WHOOPED IT!
Or did you? 
I initially pulled this thread up on my phone, on which all paragraph spacings were present.  By the time I was ready to respond, the laptop from which I'm typing was booted, and on here, I don't see the spaces between paragraphs.  
That's really weird.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 30, 2017, 04:58:38 PM
And as far as I can see in my post above, there's no paragraph spacing there either :-(

I'm on Windows 10/Chrome browser, if that happens to matter for anything.  Phone is Android/Chrome.  Sometimes web guys ask what platform and browser people use for different problems, and claim it makes a difference sometimes.  Dunno if it applies here.

All this is not to say I don't appreciate your hard work on this place.  I believe you're a veteran, correct?  Between that and this place, I'm positive I don't say thank you nearly enough.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 30, 2017, 04:59:32 PM
What a load of bullshit.  You're talking about Oklahoma, not some small directional school or community college.  I mean, geez BC do you really expect anyone to believe your nonsense?
I'll leave it for the asterisks (and Red's Car Lot) to explain why any athlete prefers Norman, Oklahoma to virtually any place in Texas.

And I do realize I'm talking about Oklahoma - a depressing, impoverished place that you blow through as you exit Texas en route to the great Midwest.

For Pete's sake, ever wonder why all the houses are on the south side of the Red River?  As soon as you cross over - nothing.  Then 5 miles down the road a near-beer joint.  Then poverty.  And more poverty.  And meth.  And OU t-shirts.

Yes indeed, I realize I'm talking about <cough> Oklahoma.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 30, 2017, 05:09:43 PM
And as far as I can see in my post above, there's no paragraph spacing there either :-(

I'm on Windows 10/Chrome browser, if that happens to matter for anything.  Phone is Android/Chrome.  Sometimes web guys ask what platform and browser people use for different problems, and claim it makes a difference sometimes.  Dunno if it applies here.

All this is not to say I don't appreciate your hard work on this place.  I believe you're a veteran, correct?  Between that and this place, I'm positive I don't say thank you nearly enough.  
you'll have to dump the cache on all the devices and refresh- phones hold onto cache's like it's gold or something.  
otherwise, hold shift hit refresh (or f5) and the new script should take hold. 
let me know if it doesn't?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 30, 2017, 05:10:20 PM
utee, I'd be remiss in my proselytizing if I didn't offer this alternative to the conundrum of your daughter's future education.  If she wants to be a vet, but you don't want her to be an Aggie, send her to LSU  :-D  

Rankings change all the time, but the Tigers have had a great vet program for years.  Plus the university will probably be so hard up for cash by then that they'll not only have waived the out-of-state fees, they'll probably be begging people to enroll so much that they wind up paying you.  

I mean, if you can't be happy, I see no reason why your wife should be.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 30, 2017, 05:14:24 PM
Thanks for that zero substance response, BC.

You’re so full of shit your eyes (of Texas) are Brown (cough) County.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 30, 2017, 05:16:51 PM
Is dumping the cache the same as clearing browsing data?

I appreciate that there's multiple conversations going on at once here.  Like a real porch.  Or a Seinfeld episode.  A thread about nothing.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on November 30, 2017, 05:20:24 PM
@MikeDeTiger (;u=1588) , yup... you can clear the cache specifically instead of ALL browsing history (such as cookies and pre-populated form data), and which is easier to do sometimes.  

it's harder to do on a phone... some carriers eliminated that from options (presumably to monitor your online activity). 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 30, 2017, 05:31:16 PM
Yes a thread with multiple strands of nothing.  Gotta luv it!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 30, 2017, 05:55:31 PM
Thanks for that zero substance response, BC.

You’re so full of shit your eyes (of Texas) are Brown (cough) County.  
You're right.  I should call names next time.  Much more substantive.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 30, 2017, 06:35:28 PM
You're right.  I should call names next time.  Much more substantive.
I’m just calling bullshit.  I gave you last years OU recruiting commitments and effectively countered your baseless contention that all the Texas “bad apples” go to OU.  

You came back with some fiction about Oklahoma being an impoverished land of meth users, contrasted with a Texas as some kind of utopia, a land of milk and honey.  For those of us who’ve lived in both Oklahoma and Texas, we know you’re full of it.  And for those of us who’ve lived in Texas and then were privileged to get the hell out of there for better locales, we’re just darned thankful, believe me.

So come back when you have something.  You know like a long list of Oklahoma football players who were rejected at UT, A&M and Tech because they were “bad apples”.  According to you, Oklahoma is full of such players, so this should be easy.  THAT would be substantive.  I won’t hold my breath waiting.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 30, 2017, 07:18:33 PM
utee, I'd be remiss in my proselytizing if I didn't offer this alternative to the conundrum of your daughter's future education.  If she wants to be a vet, but you don't want her to be an Aggie, send her to LSU  :-D  

or better yet, KSU in the little apple!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 30, 2017, 08:59:49 PM
I must be seeing things

I just read a very entertaining broadside by CW and went back and it was gone

CW dont delete your posts 

its the only entertainment I have
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 30, 2017, 09:05:38 PM
Oh, Fred had already said it better than I did.

Eschew redundancy, I always say.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 30, 2017, 09:29:07 PM
Oh, Fred had already said it better than I did.

Eschew redundancy, I always say.
Oh to hell with tidiness.  Just throw crap at the wall, CW.  Some of us have missed your crap.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 01, 2017, 12:48:01 AM
Oh to hell with tidiness.  Just throw crap at the wall, CW.  Some of us have missed your crap.
This CW is not nearly as meek and mild as the old CW.  This new version is feisty, ornery and may ultimately resort to verbal beatdowns.  I support this fully, and am thinking of attacking him myself just to liven the place up.  
The old CW would just try to bore me into submission with lengthy descriptions of helicopters used in the Vietnam War.  This iteration of CW sounds like he might try to kick my ass.  
Hellz yeah.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 01, 2017, 09:31:11 AM
For those of us who’ve lived in both Oklahoma and Texas, we know you’re full of it.
I'll leave it for you to defend the virtue of Oklahoma, better get a big hoe.
For now I think I'll lay off the sooner care state, it's too easy, and it seems to rare up your feathers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 01, 2017, 09:35:49 AM
I just read a very entertaining broadside by CW and went back and it was gone
Crap I missed it.
It ain't pretty when you bring the real sooner out of a sooner.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2017, 09:37:28 AM
I'll leave it for you to defend the virtue of Oklahoma, better get a big hoe.
For now I think I'll lay off the sooner care state, it's too easy, and it seems to rare up your feathers.
BC I dont think you made CWs and Freds Christmas list
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2017, 09:42:25 AM
This CW is not nearly as meek and mild as the old CW.  This new version is feisty, ornery and may ultimately resort to verbal beatdowns.  I support this fully, and am thinking of attacking him myself just to liven the place up.  
The old CW would just try to bore me into submission with lengthy descriptions of helicopters used in the Vietnam War.  This iteration of CW sounds like he might try to kick my ass.  
Hellz yeah.  
Ol CW is still capable of giving us a long dissertation on many subjects but we just havent said anything interesting
enough to trigger it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 01, 2017, 09:58:41 AM
BC I dont think you made CWs and Freds Christmas list
I do think I made one of their lists
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on December 01, 2017, 10:39:52 AM
I'm seriously surprised CW and Cousin Fred even responded to BC's silly trolling bait.  I miss the old days when texsa fans could talk some serious smack and do some chest thumping.  BC's haterade schtick makes him look delusional as Crunchy but without the humor.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2017, 10:52:44 AM
Crunch would be even better with this coaching search going on
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 01, 2017, 11:27:57 AM
I can't believe all the SEC crew wanted him gone so badly.  That guy was comedy gold, whether he was genuinely insane or just the world's greatest troll.  Even level-headed Cincy who has an otherwise good sense of humor didn't like him.  

Now they're over there wondering why the board died.  Well, it's cuz they ran off everybody entertaining.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 01, 2017, 11:33:24 AM
Crunch WAS comedy gold... i didn't mind him one bit... 

he has some issues, though.. to be sure.. talking 'black helicopters' issues, and believing the feds were coming for him. 

he's likely had his computer room access taken away from him from whatever asylum he resides. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 01, 2017, 11:46:24 AM
I don't think he was a real person.  And watching OAM take the bait for years was high comedy that you simply can't contrive.  

I got tired of the Gump brigade and OAM at the end, but that would've been okay if 25, beachbumgator, CrimsonTide87, kwyoung, TexasPacker, mhasen, and a bunch of the other old crew hadn't left.  

Maybe as the days go by it'll pick up new entertaining posters, but at a new URL, the guys who weren't around for the switch will likely never find this place.  Except 25....I think TK knows him irl.  The funniest online dickhead I've ever known.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 01, 2017, 03:46:58 PM
I enjoyed the smack downs with Crunchy during the recent OU-Tenn home and home series big time.

You’d think from Crunch that simply walking into Neyland alone would seal the Sooners fate.  That they’d be so overwhelmed by the place and the glorious history of UT that our players would just collapse into a quivering mass and curl up in one big fetal position at midfield and wait while the Vols administered pain and suffering that would be absolutely beyond anything ever experienced in the weak and pathetic high school league called the Big XII.

That lasted up until about the middle of the second half as the Sooners staged a major comeback win.  Then after a bit of silence as the realization sunk in, the accusations began to fly - against the refs, the play calling, the conduct of OU, and that of course that Butch should be fired.

Actually it was a whole lot like playing Texas.  UT fans: Can’t live with ‘em, can’t kill ‘em ... but it’s sure fun to beat ‘em
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2017, 04:18:24 PM
I don't think he was a real person.  And watching OAM take the bait for years was high comedy that you simply can't contrive.  

I got tired of the Gump brigade and OAM at the end, but that would've been okay if 25, beachbumgator, CrimsonTide87, kwyoung, TexasPacker, mhasen, and a bunch of the other old crew hadn't left.  

Maybe as the days go by it'll pick up new entertaining posters, but at a new URL, the guys who weren't around for the switch will likely never find this place.  Except 25....I think TK knows him irl.  The funniest online dickhead I've ever known.  
Texas Packer.  Man, that name rings a bell.  I can remember a months-long argument between him and the  Pac-12 guys on the Pac-12 board.  I think the subject was OOC-scheduling or the like.
He was wrong, but was impervious to facts or logic.  The epitome of an SEC homer.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 01, 2017, 04:27:53 PM
TP and 25... they were friggin' AWESOME... along with Eltigre, Mike, KW, Hawg66 (h's here but haven't seen him since season stated- hope he's okay)... what was the UT fan that was always under folks skin?  Smokey?  

we've had some real fun over the years.. 

would love to see them make it here... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 01, 2017, 05:12:25 PM
That's Burnt Eyes.  He was the greatest Texas smacker the CNN/Scout boards ever saw, imesho. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on December 01, 2017, 05:16:05 PM
We have a few of the old gang here.

Every time I get a chance I scour the Scout boards looking for old posters. We've landed a few and hope there are more.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2017, 08:56:32 PM
good ole daze

I cornsider myself lucky to have lived them
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 02, 2017, 03:39:57 PM
Sounds like Herman is damning the torpedoes.  A birdie tells me he is out on the trail telling recruits that they will start.

So that maybe that explains the perceived disenchantment of some current players looking to move on.

I believe Herman is convinced he’s dealing with duds.  If he wants to field all freshman next year, I’m fine with it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 02, 2017, 04:11:06 PM
youre just full of cheer today BC

take a happy pill and relax
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2017, 10:27:43 AM
gonna lose some games if playing more than a few freshmen

maybe it's worth it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 03, 2017, 10:40:47 AM
"Blow it up, burn it down, and rebuild" is a high-risk, high-reward strategy.

For comparison, it's not what Bob Stoops did when he took over from John Blake (12-22 over three years) at OU.  Stoops embraced the players he inherited, but made it clear that there would be changes in preparation, expectations, and performance.

And with that team of 85 bad apples and rejects from the reform schools, and community colleges of Texas, he won a national championship in his 2nd year.

The National Merit Scholars and Eagle Scouts that Herman will recruit will probably do well too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 03, 2017, 05:58:22 PM
Y'all joke about Texas arrogance, but you're really missing the true calling card of Texans, which is the fixation with arming yourself.  I mean, I'm all for the right to bear arms and take a relatively harsh view of most gun control laws, but I don't fixate on it.  Instruments of warfare to me are just a tool that allows us to get on with the rest of our lives...not something I I focus on 24/7.  

So yesterday I had a good internal chuckle when I accompanied my girlfriend to a family get-together in Tyler, TX.  I've met her grandfather once, a while back, and he's a joker's joker.  Almost nothing that comes out of his mouth is serious and he says it all with a straight face.  Well, as soon as we walked in he greeted me and said "I got you this present" and he handed me a mid-size fixed blade knife with a nice sheath and belt clip.  Based on our previous encounter I thought he was joking and kept waiting for the punch line.  As he continued to talk I realized he was serious....he was randomly giving me a knife.  

As I met and talked to her uncles and cousins the rest of the day I kept thinking "This is the most Texas thing that has ever happened to me.  I showed up to a party unarmed so they corrected the oversight."  

It's kind of like the third Miranda Right.  You have the right to a weapon.  If you do not have a weapon, one will be provided for you.  Because TEXAS, dammit.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 03, 2017, 06:16:27 PM
Keep that thing with you next time you go into a biker bar wearing penny loafers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2017, 08:37:03 PM
just don't take it to a gun fight
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 03, 2017, 11:07:07 PM
Great story Mike.  Sounds like you’ve been accepted into her family.

And along with the follow up comments from FF and CW, makes me think of that classic Paul Newman scene: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 03, 2017, 11:49:17 PM

Where's a ROTFLMAO emoticon when you need it?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2017, 02:17:10 PM
1, 2, 3, GO!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2017, 02:19:37 PM
Crunch WAS comedy gold... i didn't mind him one bit...

he has some issues, though.. to be sure.. talking 'black helicopters' issues, and believing the feds were coming for him.

he's likely had his computer room access taken away from him from whatever asylum he resides.
I loved crunch, that guy was awesome.  I always chose to believe it was all just deeply focused schtick.  I don't want to accept a world where that personality really exists... :smiley_confused1:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2017, 05:22:44 PM
hah, it's a helluva lot more fun to assume that was a true personality

I'll sign the petition to get him back!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 04, 2017, 07:31:58 PM
It'd drive OAM nuts.

So, I'll sign it too.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2017, 07:57:57 PM
OAM is already pretty nuts. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2017, 08:09:54 PM
oh, it could get worser
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 05, 2017, 08:32:48 AM
That's probably true.

Raining and cool here in the ATX.  Might even get some overnight lows down into the mid 30s this week.  Seems like it's time to make chili!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 05, 2017, 10:57:39 AM
Just remember to nix the beans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 05, 2017, 11:02:39 AM
you guys are a week late

and it has no beans
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 05, 2017, 11:06:46 AM
Right.  No need to remember to omit beans, since beans are not part of chili.

A week late?  Man, it was 80 degrees a week ago.  Low of 53.  That's just not cold enough to motivate me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 05, 2017, 02:30:46 PM
youre just full of cheer today BC

take a happy pill and relax

just switch to a sooner fan right?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 05, 2017, 09:02:59 PM
just remember playing Nebraska
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 07, 2017, 10:46:57 PM
It's  SNOWING in H town

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 07, 2017, 11:14:42 PM
It's  SNOWING in H town

Wow.  It hasn’t snowed here in Md yet this year.  Have fun!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 07, 2017, 11:52:36 PM
It's 22 in Tulsa, but there's no precip.  We may get some in the next day or two.

At the other end of the spectrum, I've got a stepson out in L.A. on constant alert to evacuate because of the fires.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 08, 2017, 12:13:17 AM
could somebody please tell me why the hell California has so many fires

it doesnt matter what time of year it is fires happen

If I owned a house out there I wouldnt feel safe unless I plowed at least 3 miles around my house
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 08, 2017, 10:14:08 AM
could somebody please tell me why the hell California has so many fires
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 08, 2017, 10:43:49 AM
don't look back, right? 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2017, 12:01:07 PM
 I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 08, 2017, 12:05:27 PM
I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac
I was thinking more of the stones... :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 08, 2017, 12:31:37 PM
I was thinking more of the stones... :)
I never was much for the Dead.  Never got it.
Now the Stones I can do.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2017, 12:41:32 PM
I was thinking more of the stones... :)
I much prefer Don Henley and/or the Eagles over the Rolling Stones.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2017, 12:43:00 PM
But with the line Don't Look Back, I'd think more about that "just another Band out of Boston" than I would the Boys of Summer... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2017, 12:52:25 PM
I never was much for the Dead.  Never got it.
Now the Stones I can do.
I feel the same way
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 08, 2017, 01:04:55 PM
love the stones.... love henley.. can tolerate that 'band from boston', and the dead were either all over it or missed by a wide margin.

the 'stones' i spoke of was a couple disobedient wives looking over their shoulders and becoming such as a result.  that's about where cali is right now (at least in the offices of leadership)  

"when i lit out from reno i was trailed by twenty hounds"... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 08, 2017, 02:58:48 PM
I much prefer Don Henley and/or the Eagles over the Rolling Stones.
Yes to Eagles and Stones for me.  And yes to Boston for sure.
I do own the American Beauty album - but still never understood the Dead.

And I never quite appreciated solo Henley as much as Eagles.  Kinda like John Waite.  Never appreciated his stuff as much as the Babys.

Opposite with Sammy Hagar.  Liked his stuff but Van Hagar sucked.  Gimme Van Halen or Sammy, but do not mix.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 08, 2017, 03:00:59 PM
Just remember to nix the beans.
You guys and your meat and water chili...  tsk, tsk...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2017, 03:58:00 PM
I enjoyed OU812

and 5150
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 08, 2017, 04:00:50 PM
I enjoyed OU812
I enjoyed OU8BVO
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 08, 2017, 04:11:46 PM
I enjoyed OU8BVO
I'll be looking for that license plate.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 08, 2017, 04:12:44 PM
Tom Scholz is a genius but could have done so much more with Boston.  What did they make, only 3-4 albums, but it was such a good sound, with the synthesizer and guitars and Bradley Delp's voice.  So smooth but yet energized.  Like a Cmaj7 or an Fmaj7 chord, but with a charge.  I first saw them when they were the front band for Black Sabbath in Tulsa in 1976, right when MTAF began climbing the charts.  They were already better than Sabbath, imo.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2017, 04:41:09 PM
Black Sabbath was iconic, but not very good.  JMO of course. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 08, 2017, 04:44:58 PM
I did some sifting of my music library awhile back.  Of Boston, I only kept the albums Boston and Don't Look Back.  I chunked Third Stage, which had maybe 2 good tunes, but was a let down relative to the first two.

The style and sound of Boston was something where a little was just right, but too much would have burned it out.

I saw them at the 2nd Texxas Jam, but I missed the Don't Look Back tour with Hagar opening.  I don't remember much about seeing them, but I still have the stub that says I was there.  Their stage performance likely wasn't the highlight of Boston, more just the great songs and unique sound.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 08, 2017, 04:47:32 PM
Black Sabbath was iconic, but not very good.  JMO of course.
I like early Sabbath pretty well, but it's not for everybody.  It had to grow on me somewhat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2017, 04:50:42 PM
for a month or 2 back in 1981 with a new pair of head phones, I thought Boston was the best thing ever

but, I got over it

still very good, but........... yes, those two albums are high rate classics
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2017, 04:54:08 PM
I still like Third Stage, but it's certainly not as good as the first two.  And I don't tend to have a ton of Boston in the rotation at home although I own all three albums.  But, when I hear one of their songs on the radio, I'll typically turn it up.  It's pretty catchy feel-good music for the most part.

Of course, my favorite classic feel-good song is ELO's Mr. Blue Sky, and I must admit that when I heard it used in the opening title sequence of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2, I might have screamed like a little girl, for just a second.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2017, 04:55:36 PM
I preferred Judas Priest to Sabbath

"You got another thing coming" always makes me think of the Sooners and Huskers football rivalry.

the Sooners got another thing comin

Huskers screaming for Vengeance
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 08, 2017, 05:09:05 PM
Boston is horrible.  Probably the worst drummer with any notoriety of that era, and I can't really tell you much about the rest of them because he's impossible to get past.  Didn't like their songs particularly well either. 

If I listen to a band from Boston, it's gonna be Aerosmith. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 08, 2017, 05:10:49 PM
I much prefer Don Henley and/or the Eagles over the Rolling Stones.
^^^  This guy gets it.  I knew I liked you. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 08, 2017, 05:11:59 PM
I preferred Judas Priest to Sabbath

"You got another thing coming" always makes me think of the Sooners and Huskers football rivalry.

the Sooners got another thing comin

Huskers screaming for Vengeance
Heh, we’re still just payin’ y’all back for ‘71, and ‘78, and ‘97, and ‘01, and ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2017, 05:37:37 PM
and our next meeting

Frost vs Riley

sounds much better than Riley vs Riley
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2017, 05:38:09 PM

If I listen to a band from Boston, it's gonna be Aerosmith.
^^^  This guy gets it.  I knew I liked you. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 08, 2017, 06:01:42 PM
and our next meeting

Frost vs Riley

sounds much better than Riley vs Riley
True - the previous would sound like that movie Kramer vs Kramer.  Who gets the kid?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2017, 07:38:29 PM
maybe we should play for Scott Frost's first born kid?

Riley got a kid to put up on the wager?

since we never came up with a trophy such as an ax, or jug, or hog, or broken chair
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 09, 2017, 04:37:18 PM
I'll certainly agree on being a big fan of Aerosmith.  I've been lucky enough to see them a couple of times over the years, and they bring a lot of energy to the stage.  Or at least they did 20 years ago...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 09, 2017, 09:30:40 PM
I’ve seen Aerosmith live back at their peak (walk this way, dream on, etc era).  Perry riffs well.  They hit me a bit like AC/DC, which I’ve seen live too.  They both put on a great show.  I can listen to either for about maybe half an hour and then I’m switching to other stuff.  They kind of wear on you after awhile.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 10, 2017, 09:46:01 AM
I'm old.

I can listen to album after album of Bon Scott AC/DC

and all the older Aerosmith, newer aerosmith I stick to the singles

like this one.....

Aerosmith- St. John - YouTube (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2017, 11:34:54 AM
I could see how bands like Aerosmith and AC/DC grate on folks after a while.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 10, 2017, 10:53:32 PM

If I listen to a band from Boston, it's gonna be Aerosmith.
They’re both good.  On Aerosmith, I culled out everything after Night In The Ruts.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 11, 2017, 08:22:04 AM
np: Songs of Experience, U2’s latest, resleased Dec 1.  Am listening endlessly, no problem.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: DevilFroggy on December 11, 2017, 01:39:08 PM
While of course The Eagles were a very solid band, Don Henley’s solo career was fantastic. Lots of gems in that catalogue. Like this one: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 11:13:01 AM
Boston is horrible.  Probably the worst drummer with any notoriety of that era, and I can't really tell you much about the rest of them because he's impossible to get past.
I have been chewing on this one.  I mean really?  Boston's drummer sucks?  And so Boston sucks?  You can't even enjoy Tom Scholz's sound and songcraft because of the patter in the background?

Might I suggest you listen to Gene Krupa records and abandon rock 'n' roll.  What kinda statement is that - Boston's drummer sucks.  Good Lord do you hate Phil Rudd?  Bun E. Carlos?

Wait, you say Aerosmith is good?  Ok I agree, but Joey Kramer?  He just flat kills Boston's drummer? (Sib Hashian?)

Boston is good.  The sound is good.  The tunes are good.  The drumming amply does it's job.  Just like Phil Rudd does his job.  Just like Neal Peart does his.

I don't get it - forget Boston man, their drummer sucks.  What?

That's like saying Whataburger sucks.  The fries suck.

No it's not.  It's like saying Whataburger sucks.  The Fanta Orange doesn't taste right.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2017, 11:18:56 AM
That's a good one, the album Building The Perfect Beast had several really good tunes. Of course, my favorite from the album is Boys of Summer, just a tremendous job of capturing nostalgia and longing in music and lyrics.

Later in the 90s, a band called The Ataris did an alternative/punk remake of it that was sort of interesting:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 11:26:58 AM
I remember living in DFW and listening to KZEW and Q102.  I couldn't get Boys of Summer off the radio.  Maybe it's a good tune, it's decent I guess - but I could think of about 500 dozen better songs to burn out on an album rock station.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2017, 11:33:55 AM
I think it's a great tune.  To each his own.

But I'd certainly classify it more as 80s pop/rock than 80s album rock.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 13, 2017, 11:53:53 AM
II've never really thought about the percussion for that group - was always focused on Scholz handiwork on synthesizer and guitar

I didn't realize that Boston's (main) drummer (SH) had died earlier this year.  Too bad. 

Of course the bigger stories this year were losing Prince and Tom Petty.  Huge losses.  But I guess as we all get older that these legends will keep checking out on us
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 13, 2017, 11:58:22 AM
That's a good clip, utee

Speaking of good clips, check this out - two of my faves going at it: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 12:13:28 PM
Of course the bigger stories this year were losing Prince and Tom Petty.
I only acquired my full appreciation of Tom Petty over the last 2 decades.

Back in my younger rabble rousing days, I had the Damn The Torpedoes album (like any self-respecting enthusiast should), and I quite enjoyed the album - but that didn't mean I would run out and buy other TP albums.

Then later on I picked up Hard Promises.  Damn this is good I thought.  Then he came out with the Full Moon Fever album which was also great.  That was when I backtracked and bought all his stuff.

TP may not be for everybody, but he's got that thing you can't put your hands on - you just know it's there when you hear it.  It's the opposite of shallow and artificial.  It's deep and the real deal.  Not deep musically persay, but folksy deep I guess?  It's real.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 12:19:09 PM
Of course the bigger stories this year were losing Prince and Tom Petty.
Now to address the Prince part of this comment.  It's like the guy on the commercial - I dunno dog.

When Prince passed, there was some more hoopla about his greatness, so I dug out my copies of Purple Rain and 1999.  I figured maybe I just didn't get it back in the day.

I still don't get it.  I dunno dog.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 13, 2017, 01:13:15 PM
Prince was at least in the class of the greatest guitar players of all time, he just didn't cut loose all that often like many who focus on it as a primary function.  he was also a heckuva prolific songwriter- not only for himself.  gotta give him credit for his contributions though i'm not the sort to sit and listen to him for extended periods. 

Tom Petty is authentic... that's the better word imHo... 

a good example is Chris Stapleton's new album lead song "millionaire"... it's a good song, and I appreciate his rendition... but the original artist (and writer) Kevin Welch (and who is a friend of mine) is 'authentic'... it's evident in the delivery, but i can't put my finger on exactly why.  All of Kevin's music is authentic, except for one which was sold to Garth Brooks (who changed some of the words and took shared ownership of writing because of) "pushing up daisies"- Garth's version, who'm he dedicated to his father, is presented with a lot more attachment than Kevin's, and seems more authentic... 

same argument for 'Hurt', between Cash's or Reznor's, Cash stole the show... I've heard it said Reznor was born to write that song, and Johnny was born to sing it... all of the studio theatrics of Reznor's original version detracts from the song, where Johnny's vibrato and aged chords rattle it out to where you flat out believe it.  

authenticity is where it's at.... somebody posted SRV- and THAT dude, when caught jammin', was absolutely authentic- 'life by the drop' and (Hendix's) 'little wing', both in acoustic, i could listen to back to back for days on end... even SRV playing little wing electric through that old tubed amp has some sort of transcendent quality to it that pulls you right into it and in a way reserved mostly for classical music.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 02:30:33 PM
Tom Petty is authentic... that's the better word imHo...
Yeah that's a good word for it.  Let's go with that one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2017, 03:39:11 PM
That's a good clip, utee

Speaking of good clips, check this out - two of my faves going at it: (

I was fortunate enough to get to see SRV perform quite a few times at various festivals, and even sneaking into a couple of bars underage, back in the day.  Just a great talent.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2017, 03:41:52 PM
As far as Prince, I dunno how anyone can say they dunno, dog.  He's one of the best guitar players in the history of rock music, he can play pretty much any other instrument too, he's a great performer, and he's a talented and prolific songwriter as drew pointed out.  But to each his own I guess.

Speaking of Tom Petty and Prince (and Steve Winwood and Jeff Lynne) this performance was amazing, and if you want to see Prince really cut loose and shred it, watch his entire solo on the outro from about 3:20 on...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: DevilFroggy on December 13, 2017, 04:08:09 PM
As far as Prince, I dunno how anyone can say they dunno, dog.  He's one of the best guitar players in the history of rock music, he can play pretty much any other instrument too, he's a great performer, and he's a talented and prolific songwriter as drew pointed out.  But to each his own I guess.

Speaking of Tom Petty and Prince (and Steve Winwood and Jeff Lynne) this performance was amazing, and if you want to see Prince really cut loose and shred it, watch his entire solo on the outro from about 3:20 on...

Seen this video a dozen times and it still leaves me in awe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 05:02:14 PM

The general defense of Prince is he's a great guitar player, even though it's not overly highlighted in his music.  Well, I'm a marine biologist, I just don't highlight it in my work.

I'm not arguing the point.  Prince could belt out some nice fretwork, and he had a distinct style in going about it.  But he didn't overdo it.  In fact, he underdid it.  If his music had been based around his guitar riffing, it may have familiarized itself.  But rather his guitar playing stayed somewhat unfamiliar, and so people would salivate in realizing that he could actually play.

But it's the songs stupid.  The songs sucked.  I'm convinced Prince was the first musical act that many 40-somethings discovered, and Purple Rain was their first album when they were 12.  So nostalgia keeps the praise coming.  Everyone forgets that Prince was for little girls back in the day.

Little Red Corvette?  Are you serious?  And WTH is Darling Nikki?  Garbage.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2017, 05:29:04 PM
The general defense of Prince is he's a great guitar player, even though it's not overly highlighted in his music.  Well, I'm a marine biologist, I just don't highlight it in my work.

I'm not arguing the point.  Prince could belt out some nice fretwork, and he had a distinct style in going about it.  But he didn't overdo it.  In fact, he underdid it.  If his music had been based around his guitar riffing, it may have familiarized itself.  But rather his guitar playing stayed somewhat unfamiliar, and so people would salivate in realizing that he could actually play.

But it's the songs stupid.  The songs sucked.  I'm convinced Prince was the first musical act that many 40-somethings discovered, and Purple Rain was their first album when they were 12.  So nostalgia keeps the praise coming.  Everyone forgets that Prince was for little girls back in the day.

Little Red Corvette?  Are you serious?  And WTH is Darling Nikki?  Garbage.

Yeah, you're completely wrong and your opinion totally sucks.  This is nothing new, though. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 13, 2017, 05:32:11 PM
Seen this video a dozen times and it still leaves me in awe.
Agree.  Love that clip.  I saw it back when TP passed, and was floored.
I kind of understand what BC is saying.  Prince's songs don't do a lot for me.  But his musical talent was just out of this world good.  A true virtuoso. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2017, 05:38:23 PM
Agree.  Love that clip.  I saw it back when TP passed, and was floored.
I kind of understand what BC is saying.  Prince's songs don't do a lot for me.  But his musical talent was just out of this world good.  A true virtuoso.  
Meh, the Beatles' and the Rolling Stones' songs don't do a lot for me, but I'm not a complete musical idiot so I don't go around saying they sucked.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 13, 2017, 05:41:16 PM
Meh, the Beatles' and the Rolling Stones' songs don't do a lot for me, but I'm not a complete musical idiot so I don't go around saying they sucked.
Sure.  He took it waaaaaaaaaaaaay too far, as is his wont.  Definitely Prince does not suck.  That's absurd.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 05:46:55 PM
Meh, the Beatles' and the Rolling Stones' songs don't do a lot for me
Good grief I fell way better now.  I'll eat this desk if you aren't 40-something.
The Beatles and Stones are one step below divinity.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 05:48:34 PM
Definitely Prince does not suck.
Prince does not suck.  His songs do.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 05:51:57 PM
Yeah, you're completely wrong and your opinion totally sucks.
Dog you just said the Beatles and Stones don't do it for you.  Yeah, moving right along.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 13, 2017, 05:55:21 PM

We've got a 40-something accountant who waxes on about Prince.  He also likes some other good music but the Prince thing seemed odd.

So one day I said, dude Purple Rain must have been your first album when you were 12.  He said damn straight it was.

Something about that "Dearly Beloved..." opening that reels the kiddies in for life.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2017, 07:48:39 PM
T95, everyone knows your opinion on just about everything is wrong and completely sucks.  This has been well established over many years.  So jJust stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

We get it, you're an old fart that prefers old fart music.  Now put on your Depends and get back in bed.

And nope, Prince wasn't my first album.  Rush Moving Pictures was.  But my brother was 5 years older so I didn't really need to buy too many albums, I just listened to his.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 13, 2017, 07:55:10 PM
Agree.  Love that clip.  I saw it back when TP passed, and was floored.
I kind of understand what BC is saying.  Prince's songs don't do a lot for me.  But his musical talent was just out of this world good.  A true virtuoso.
I'll defer to probably everyone here on knowledge of the technical aspects of music.

But here's what I see on that clip.  A bunch of guys really into paying tribute to George Harrison and his greatest song, and one guy really into his own musicianship.  Prince ruins that set for me.

But, then, I liked (the) Eagles better before Joe Walsh showed up and raised the level of their musicianship.

EDIT: And I liked the Beatles who covered Buddy Holly songs a lot better than I liked the hallucinogenic drug-addled quartet who did "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on December 14, 2017, 09:37:22 AM
I'm terribly late in this conversation, but I saw Boston this year in a nice new venue.  The ticket was $20.   It was WELL WORTH the price I paid and I thought the show was fun, the band sounded great (probably better than ANY other old-rockers I have seen recently) and I didn't see any issues with the drummer they had at the show.  Of course, the main attraction for going for me, personally, was to see Joan Jett and the Blackhearts who opened up for them.   She's in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, so don't even try to tell me she sucks.  I don't even care what you think, she is a total badass and I'm SO glad I went to that show. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2017, 09:54:32 AM
Speaking of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, these are to be the new inductees: Bon Jovi, Dire Straits,Moody Blues, The Cars and Nina Simone

The nominees on the ballot included:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 14, 2017, 10:04:39 AM
just to show you guys how far Im removed from this conversation Ive only heard of 5 on utee's list

wake me up when something interesting comes up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 14, 2017, 10:47:01 AM
Of course, the main attraction for going for me, personally, was to see Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
Joan Jett kicks.  Do you wanna me touch me...yeah...yeah...yeah!!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 14, 2017, 10:59:04 AM
T95, everyone knows your opinion on just about everything is wrong and completely sucks.  This has been well established over many years.  So jJust stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
I've got some kind of block, I can't read your words.  All I can process is this is the fellow that says meh Beatles, meh Stones, yay Prince.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 14, 2017, 11:04:36 AM
Mainly what I get from this conversation is that BrownCounty is a doofus who thinks Randy Jackson is nothing more than the "I dunno dog" guy along with a slew of other empirically verifiable ridiculous opinions, and the rest of y'all are ok. 

I didn't get into Prince until my late teens/early 20's by which time I was already a professional drummer, and I don't know what to say about a guy who thinks Prince wrote bad songs and Boston wrote good ones. 

To be fair, not all their stuff sucked.  Just most of it, and the feel of their playing irreparably damaged the couple of songs I'd probably have liked otherwise.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 14, 2017, 11:10:47 AM
Hey Erin, you go to a lot of great concerts.  Joan Jett - very cool. Glad to read the positives on the current rendition of Boston.  

On the HOF ballot, my favorites are Radiohead and DS.  Surprised RH didn’t make it.  But I’m sure eventually they will
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2017, 11:12:29 AM
I've got some kind of block, I can't read your words.  All I can process is this is the fellow that says meh Beatles, meh Stones, yay Prince.

You've got much bigger problems than some kind of block.  Between yours and C-Dubb's ramblings, this is becoming the old farts yelling at clouds thread.  Yippee!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2017, 11:14:22 AM
just to show you guys how far Im removed from this conversation Ive only heard of 5 on utee's list

wake me up when something interesting comes up
That ain't my list, that's the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's list of nominees.  And the five I listed before are this year's winners, so to speak.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 14, 2017, 11:16:10 AM
You've got much bigger problems than some kind of block.  Between yours and C-Dubb's ramblings, this is becoming the old farts yelling at clouds thread.  Yippee!
meh Beatles, meh Stones, YAY PRINCE!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2017, 11:18:19 AM
Actual newspaper photo of T95:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 14, 2017, 11:24:14 AM
Mainly what I get from this conversation is that BrownCounty is a doofus who thinks Randy Jackson is nothing more than the "I dunno dog" guy along with a slew of other empirically verifiable ridiculous opinions, and the rest of y'all are ok.  
Yep MDT, I'm one of those guys.  You know, the kind you described in another post.  In these parts, the odd one out.
Who's Randy Jackson?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 14, 2017, 11:26:25 AM
Actual newspaper photo of T95:
Yay Pwince!!  He's so pwecious!!
Stones? ew!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2017, 11:30:44 AM


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on December 14, 2017, 11:44:34 AM
Hey Erin, you go to a lot of great concerts.  Joan Jett - very cool. Glad to read the positives on the current rendition of Boston.  

On the HOF ballot, my favorites are Radiohead and DS.  Surprised RH didn’t make it.  But I’m sure eventually they will
Yes, I started learning how to play music when I was 8 (piano) and have always had a huge appreciation for music and unique artists of every genre.  I don't consider myself a music snob, but probably more like an all-around-music fan.   Just this year alone I've seen bands from so many genres from pop to country to rock.  Each show has it's own unique elements, artistry, and interactions between the bands & audience.   I have to say, going to concerts is probably my favorite thing to do, even over going to a Longhorn game.    It was an easy choice this year to spend my fun-money on concerts over games, as I had a feeling this wouldn't be the season to try and get to all the games for anyhow.  Instead I got to see musical greats like Joan Jett, U2, Metallica, Maynard with A Perfect Circle, ZZ Top, Journey and Lady Gaga.

But the one game I DID go to this season was pretty epic, so at least I went did fulfill my game-loving-desires, and I'm going to the bowl game.  
Houston may have a lot of downsides to it, but the ability to get so many great shows with our many different venues is part of the reason I enjoy living here.  I'm constantly perusing the bands coming to town and plotting my next show to look forward to.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 14, 2017, 11:50:15 AM
I don't know what to say about a guy who thinks Prince wrote bad songs and Boston wrote good ones.
Really?  Because I know pretty much what to think about anyone who wrote the above.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 14, 2017, 11:57:05 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2017, 12:01:22 PM
I'm not much of a big venue kind of guy, including large music festivals like ACL Fest, but I love seeing bands at clubs. 

However, I am breaking my own no-big-venue rule for the Foo Fighters at COTA in April.  I've wanted to see them for a long time. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 14, 2017, 01:53:24 PM
guess I'm too old for the Foo Fighters

of course I was too old for REM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 14, 2017, 02:05:13 PM
the best place to see show's by my reckoning is the bluebird in nashville and the house of blues in myrtle beach.  after going there, i really don't want to see a show elsewhere- and will wait until the band comes to either. 

REM was a great band- but not near as great as their lead man thought he was.  David Grohl from foo fighters is just plain badass- that goofy song they did when they first got together that had a video mocking a mento's commercial severely limited how serious i took them until later, but i'm glad i came around and gave them another shot.  He is an amazing artist. 

one of the things i am really diggin' on, at least in concept, is the 'home concert' thing some artists are doing...  basically a bunch of people get together and decide who they want to see- then collect the $ either via tickets or donation- and seek contract with the artist.  somebody offers up their home for the show, and there you have it.  If i didn't live on the edge of the earth, i'd do it in a heartbeat... set them up outside and let the drinks flow freely from the bar... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 14, 2017, 02:14:44 PM
the rich and famous throw some pretty good parties with big name bands

I've attended a couple by invitation, but I don't run in those circles

either that or I'd just hire a local band from the area for a few hundred dollars
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 14, 2017, 02:23:06 PM
guess I'm too old for the Foo Fighters

of course I was too old for REM
REM was in the latter stages of my time.  I enjoyed their music.  The Green album and Automatic For The People are must haves.  I never was much for following the personal or political lives of entertainers, so that never swayed my opinion good or bad.
I don't know no Foo Fighters.
I'm still waiting for the Prince album that I supposedly missed.  I can tell you it wasn't 1999 or Purple Rain.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on December 14, 2017, 02:25:37 PM

one of the things i am really diggin' on, at least in concept, is the 'home concert' thing some artists are doing...  basically a bunch of people get together and decide who they want to see- then collect the $ either via tickets or donation- and seek contract with the artist.  somebody offers up their home for the show, and there you have it.  If i didn't live on the edge of the earth, i'd do it in a heartbeat... set them up outside and let the drinks flow freely from the bar...
I went to one of those last year at my friend's house here in Houston!  That was really cool, just in their living room and people brought either chairs or pillows for the floor to sit on.  
It wasn't really a full band so there was plenty of space, but was the artist Alec Ounsworth from Clap Your Hands Say Yeah with his guitars and harmonica for a solo acoustic set.   My friend the homeowner had just applied through the online contest and had gotten selected, so I had to go and check it out for myself.  Truly a unique and different way to take in music!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 14, 2017, 02:32:25 PM
we're certainly not talking headliners... but some names that come to mind that have done it that i know about are:

... and it can be done for a couple thousand dollars depending on complexity... the trick is to find the band/performer when they're local so lodging is easier (just extend a night), or not needed- and travel isn't a huge part of the overhead.  depending on how much in demand the performer(s) are/is, if every couple kicks in $200 ($100ea) and you get a collection of 50 people- that's $5k, and five grand covers the band (usually 60~70%), + the food and drinks, and any amp/equipment rentals.  you'd be surprised who you could bring in for that.  

it's usually a lot of fun- the artists kick out a few songs- interact with the crowd individually- a few more- have a few drinks with the crowd and mingle, toss down some chow, a few more songs- usually the folks who host these things are musically inclined and there are a few shared sets... Usually, the band/performer chosen was chosen by committee (crowd) and they're all fans- not strangers to the artists- and the artists love interacting with their fans in a closed and controlled environment.   it's a helluva lot of fun.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2017, 02:47:44 PM
we're certainly not talking headliners... but some names that come to mind that have done it that i know about are:

  • reckless kelly
  • cross canadian ragweed
  • steve earle
  • lyle lovett+john hiatt (this is a fantastic show)
  • joe ely
  • robert earle keen
  • ray wilie hubbard
  • drive by truckers
  • billy joe shaver
  • wilco
  • rosanne cash
  • james mcmurty
  • ryan bingham

... and it can be done for a couple thousand dollars depending on complexity... the trick is to find the band/performer when they're local so lodging is easier (just extend a night), or not needed- and travel isn't a huge part of the overhead.  depending on how much in demand the performer(s) are/is, if every couple kicks in $200 ($100ea) and you get a collection of 50 people- that's $5k, and five grand covers the band (usually 60~70%), + the food and drinks, and any amp/equipment rentals.  you'd be surprised who you could bring in for that.  

it's usually a lot of fun- the artists kick out a few songs- interact with the crowd individually- a few more- have a few drinks with the crowd and mingle, toss down some chow, a few more songs- usually the folks who host these things are musically inclined and there are a few shared sets... Usually, the band/performer chosen was chosen by committee (crowd) and they're all fans- not strangers to the artists- and the artists love interacting with their fans in a closed and controlled environment.   it's a helluva lot of fun.

The first 7 on your list all play in Austin regularly and I've seen them in all in small clubs/venues, some of them several times.  Really great shows, the lot of them.  Ray Wylie Hubbard in Luckenbach is something special.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 14, 2017, 02:52:17 PM
Ray Wilie Hubbard, his wife and son (Lucas maybe?) hung out with a group of us at Kevin Welch's (who also does home concerts) back in 2010- the dude gave me personal guitar lessons on his finger picking style- if you're interested, i can post a pic of the page where he graphed it in my notebook (i thought that was cool as it gets). 

most of those listed are in the Austin area (the Hubbard's and Welch live in Beverly)... getting a home show if you live near Austin is super easy and cheap..... waiting for one of these to make it to the edge where i'm at, and then to have buffer enough in their schedule to do it, is difficult.  

i envy the hell out of you living in that area for the music scene all by itself... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 14, 2017, 09:24:16 PM
You've got much bigger problems than some kind of block.  Between yours and C-Dubb's ramblings, this is becoming the old farts yelling at clouds thread.  Yippee!
Drive the old farts off, and you'll have about 3 posters left on this thread.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 15, 2017, 07:44:31 AM
We should be so lucky!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 15, 2017, 08:12:06 AM
Drive the old farts off, and you'll have about 3 posters left on this thread.
While that may be true... the yelling to get off your lawn, and the stench of mothballs would both die down dramatically.  I'd call that a good thing.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 15, 2017, 09:02:49 AM
While that may be true... the yelling to get off your lawn, and the stench of mothballs would both die down dramatically.  I'd call that a good thing.  
Hey Shiner, whatcha drinking this Christmas season?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 15, 2017, 09:21:57 AM
While that may be true... the yelling to get off your lawn, and the stench of mothballs would both die down dramatically.  I'd call that a good thing.  
Umm, no it wouldn't, as this post exemplifies. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 15, 2017, 09:24:20 AM
as Im probably the oldest of the old farts here I say


all you flat belly knuckleheads
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 15, 2017, 09:43:15 AM
320 also exemplifies why I support keeping old farts around, as he has grown on me a lot over the years, and is now one of my favorite posters on the Porch

Merry Christmas you old fart (from this old fart)

And happy holidays to everyone ... including of course the Sooner faithful cheering for a big victory on Jan 1!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 15, 2017, 09:49:59 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 15, 2017, 10:13:30 AM
Really?  Because I know pretty much what to think about anyone who wrote the above.
That he's not an old fart and knows who Randy Jackson is? 
How 'bout Willie Nelson?  Can you at least agree that he's awesome?  Can we all agree that a duet with Willie and Ray Charles was one of the coolest things ever to happen to music? 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on December 15, 2017, 10:16:06 AM
seven spanish angels.... great tune.
Willie and Merle doing the late great Townes Van Zant's "Poncho and Lefty" was also a milestone in country/western... that is one of the most well written and composed songs of all time. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 15, 2017, 12:42:05 PM
I suppose there are people who have never had anything worse happen to them than encountering someone with different musical tastes.

As the great Mr. T would say, "I pity the fools!"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 15, 2017, 12:58:31 PM
I suppose there are people who have never had anything worse happen to them than encountering someone with different musical tastes.

As the great Mr. T would say, "I pity the fools!"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 16, 2017, 10:45:33 AM
While that may be true... the yelling to get off your lawn, and the stench of mothballs would both die down dramatically.  I'd call that a good thing.  
you're not getting any younger
on day not so far away, you will be an old guy
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 16, 2017, 10:57:56 AM
Perish the thought.

The intro to the Merle/Willie version of Pancho and Lefty always cracks me up.  It sounds like gameshow jingle music, doesn't fit the rest of the song at all.  But that's part of its charm.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 16, 2017, 11:04:12 AM
Anyway, I'm a huge fan of Willie.  It's very tough for me to pick a favorite, but if I had to, it'd probably be this one:

So leave me if you need to
I will still remember
Angel flying too close to the ground

That lyric gives me chills every time.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 16, 2017, 10:02:22 PM
Congrats to the TAMU-C Lions, Div II national champs! (
 ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2017, 11:29:29 AM
How 'bout Willie Nelson?  Can you at least agree that he's awesome?
I can agree Waylon is awesome.  And I can respect the opinion that Willie is awesome.  I like Willie, but Waylon always hit home with me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2017, 11:32:32 AM
Congrats to the TAMU-C Lions, Div II national champs! (
Go East Texas State.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2017, 11:43:06 AM
I suppose there are people who have never had anything worse happen to them than encountering someone with different musical tastes.
I was able to overlook "Prince" being lumped into a conversation involving obvious Rock GODs, but then when <gulp> "Prince" was said to be superior to the Rock GODs, well...

It's like me clamoring that my macro Coors Banquet is superior to Pablito's Pink Turtle Crème Lager or whatever metro micro crap that quite possibly is better than Coors to the trained palate.

Prince > The Rolling Stones?

The hell you say.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 18, 2017, 11:51:11 AM
you're not getting any younger
on day not so far away, you will be an old guy
Feelin' older every day.
But I don't smell like mothballs.... yet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2017, 12:43:39 PM
I'm surprised youngsters (<50) know what mothballs smell like.  Or even that they exist.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 18, 2017, 01:14:04 PM
Go East Texas State.
It’s a solid little univ with small classes (at least in the sciences) and good profs, which meant I ended up working very closely with several, kind of like you expect out of a high end liberal arts college, except that I only had to pay $200/semester tuition.  It was an outrageously good deal.  I’ll always be grateful to ET.
Go Lions!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 18, 2017, 01:51:28 PM
It’s a solid little univ with small classes (at least in the sciences) and good profs, which meant I ended up working very closely with several, kind of like you expect out of a high end liberal arts college, except that I only had to pay $200/semester tuition.  It was an outrageously good deal.  I’ll always be grateful to ET.
Go Lions!
ET?  I thought he went home
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2017, 02:38:30 PM
It’s a solid little univ with small classes (at least in the sciences) and good profs, which meant I ended up working very closely with several, kind of like you expect out of a high end liberal arts college, except that I only had to pay $200/semester tuition.
Wait, so you mean you're not really even a Sooner?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 18, 2017, 03:05:58 PM
I’ve always been an OU fan.  Cheered for them my whole childhood, and my paternal grandfather went there in the 1910s/1920s, then my dad went to OU med school, and all my uncles attended there.  I didn’t go to college there - got out of the military and my parents had defected to Texas so I joined them and went to the univ closest to their place.  Four years in the usmc makes you appreciate home cooking.

Regardless I always cheered for OU.  For example later was in grad school at UVA and they played in some bowl - Citrus, Gator, whatever - and I wore an OU sweatshirt to work on the Charlottesville campus off and on during the weeks leading up to the game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2017, 03:16:26 PM
my parents had defected to Texas so I joined them
I guess it's nostalgia or something.  People flee from one place to a better place, yet they still fly and salute the banner of the place they got the heck out of.
If some place is good enough for me to leave Texas, then I'll change my allegiance.  But of course that can't happen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 18, 2017, 03:25:44 PM
It matters where you grew up.  I spent 16 of my first 18 years in Oklahoma, and all my grandparents and parents were from there, so when I think back it's all just a bunch of fond memories as a kid with all these wonderful people who took such good care of me and whom I dearly loved and who are now sadly all gone.  The fact OU football, Cardinal baseball, etc were happening then too just kind of weaves it all together into a big warm and fuzzy package of long lost childhood.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 18, 2017, 03:33:42 PM
ET?  I thought he went home
ET is Lion to ya then.
For those of us attended before they joined the A&M system, it will always just be ET.
And Commerce will always be known as "Cowmess"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2017, 03:41:31 PM
The fact OU football, Cardinal baseball, etc were happening then too just kind of weaves it all together into a big warm and fuzzy package of long lost childhood.
Ok I get it.  I do understand warm and fuzzy memories.  But Cardinal baseball?  As in St. Louis Cardinals?  I figured most Okies were KC Royals fans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 18, 2017, 04:16:02 PM
Ok I get it.  I do understand warm and fuzzy memories.  But Cardinal baseball?  As in St. Louis Cardinals?  I figured most Okies were KC Royals fans.
Tulsa had the Oilers, which was the Cards AAA team, and so we had KMOX St Louis (Jack Buck, Mike Shannon, and even Harry Caray back before my time, before he got on the wrong side of the Busch family) repeated on an am station in Tulsa (KVOO, I think it was) every night on the radio.  The Royals only started in 1969; we did have one neighbor who adopted them, but most of our family and friends were Cards fans (except for my maternal grandmother who was a Yankees fan because Mickey was from Spavinaw only a few miles up the road).  And, I even had a great uncle who played in the Cardinals farm system; he pitched in the minors, but never made it to the Big Show.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2017, 04:33:31 PM
Just to fully disclose my Okie connections, I am from a town in NE Texas called New Boston, and I have family in Idabel, Broken Bow, etc.

My cousins from SE Oklahoma were a rough bunch, and although as children they were great ball players and tough as nails, their grown-up lives didn't turn out too well, some marred by drug addiction, etc.

If you've ever seen the movie Leaves Of Grass, that's what I come from.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 18, 2017, 07:51:07 PM
ET is Lion to ya then.
For those of us attended before they joined the A&M system, it will always just be ET.
And Commerce will always be known as "Cowmess"
I thought this might clear this up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 18, 2017, 08:13:46 PM
Wait, so you mean you're not really even a Sooner?
y'all understand that the majority of college football fans didn't attend any university, let alone the university they root for?
Heck, what about NFL fans?  What high school do you need to attend to be worthy of rooting for an NFL team?  One in the inner city?
the inner city of New England or Green Bay?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2017, 10:57:02 PM
Wow, talk about missing the whole point.

That’s kinda what the NFL is for, ya know.  For fans of football, no affiliations necessary. In the old days, you support the franchise closest to where you live.  That’s about it.

States like Alabama and Oklahoma have always had college fans for lack of a pro team.  So there is somewhat a precedent in some areas.

But then ESPN came along and created a monster where coaches are paid $6-7MM per year, players are dumber than rocks and have no business at a university, and the stands filled up with plumbers and mechanics who think calculus is found in the fresh produce section.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 19, 2017, 07:59:00 AM
Just to fully disclose my Okie connections, I am from a town in NE Texas called New Boston, and I have family in Idabel, Broken Bow, etc.
Cool.  My parents moved to Paris.  Not that far away from your part of NE Tx.  I spent one summer in college electroshocking fish and dodging cottonmouths in the Sulphur River and its tribs.  That was before Cooper Lake went in.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 19, 2017, 10:09:07 AM
So, it came up on a thread on the B1G board, but I'm not going to see Star Wars The Last Jedi until Christmas Eve, so please no spoilers.  Thanks! :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 19, 2017, 10:34:29 AM
So, it came up on a thread on the B1G board, but I'm not going to see Star Wars The Last Jedi until Christmas Eve, so please no spoilers.  Thanks! :)
why in hell would you post that
now i feel like looking up star wars spoilers and posting them
but I wont
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 19, 2017, 10:36:36 AM
No worries lh320, I'm still a moderator around here and have the power to delete posts.

And ban users.

So maybe I won't.

But maybe I will. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 19, 2017, 11:38:38 AM
No worries lh320, I'm still a moderator around here and have the power to delete posts.

And ban users.

So maybe I won't.

But maybe I will.

I feel violated
I think I should go public with this
Everyone will believe me and youll be toast
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 19, 2017, 11:52:41 AM
No worries lh320, I'm still a moderator around here and have the power to delete posts.

And ban users.

So maybe I won't.

But maybe I will.
Don't believe him 320.

You think I would still be around here if utee had a happy trigger finger?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 19, 2017, 02:18:06 PM
Hell.... if utee were that malicious, my username woulda been banned before I ever had the chance to register here.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 19, 2017, 02:58:01 PM
I don't think most here would cornsider that malicious
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 19, 2017, 05:35:45 PM
I don't think most here would cornsider that malicious
This made me laugh out loud, and not in a fake internet LOLz kind of way.
Y'all still have it. ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 20, 2017, 10:43:44 AM
While I didn’t actually laugh, it did bring a big smile ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 20, 2017, 12:53:25 PM
I hope Shiner was able to smile about it as well

all in good clean fun
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 20, 2017, 01:32:54 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 20, 2017, 01:37:10 PM
now thats funny

an aggie knowing how to unplug stuff I mean

a little scary too
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 20, 2017, 02:04:12 PM

I plan to visit my brother in Arlington the week of January 8th.

I'd buy you a beer if you have time.

I assume you are still in that area working on a corvette
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 20, 2017, 02:49:45 PM
Yep... still in the DFW area.  Tinkering on the Vette when time permits, which is next to never.

Happy to take you up on that offer.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 21, 2017, 12:31:40 PM
So far I've made it to a brewery every day this week.  That should continue today and tomorrow.  It feels good to be a gangta.... :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on December 21, 2017, 01:45:52 PM
So far I've made it to a brewery every day this week.  That should continue today and tomorrow.  It feels good to be a gangta.... :)

Edit:  That sounded real bad when I re-read it.  Apologies, Utee.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 21, 2017, 01:46:56 PM
Popular Mechanics online is going to town on Star Wars on the series' inability to see how its own technology would have revolutionized warfare, but somehow it hasn't.   The battle scenes are conceptually from World War I or World War II--space flight and faster-than-light travel has basically done little except enable spectacular re-enactments of the Battle of Jutland, the Battle of Britain, and the Battle of the Bulge in outer space and on alien planets.

Also ongoing explanations of how pizza-slice-shaped spacecraft make no sense.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 21, 2017, 01:47:42 PM
I didn't get to a brewery, but a stop at Old Chicago allowed me to taste 4 or 5 different brews last night.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 21, 2017, 01:49:52 PM
Popular Mechanics online is going to town on Star Wars on the series' inability to see how its own technology would have revolutionized warfare, but somehow it hasn't.   The battle scenes are conceptually from World War I or World War II--space flight and faster-than-light travel has basically done little except enable spectacular re-enactments of the Battle of Jutland, the Battle of Britain, and the Battle of the Bulge in outer space and on alien planets.

Also ongoing explanations of how pizza-slice-shaped spacecraft make no sense.
it's hollywood, never makes any sense
one reason I don't watch movies - nothing real about them - insulting to my limited intelligence 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 24, 2017, 02:46:36 PM
No worries lh320, I'm still a moderator around here and have the power to delete posts.

And ban users.

So maybe I won't.

But maybe I will.

And I can un-ban them.  
I received a message from the local e-gods that I am now a mod.  But I have no idea how to use my powers or what they are.  
That said, yeah, no spoilers, cuz I can probably figure it out and ban their rears.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 24, 2017, 02:56:29 PM
Popular Mechanics online is going to town on Star Wars on the series' inability to see how its own technology would have revolutionized warfare, but somehow it hasn't.   The battle scenes are conceptually from World War I or World War II--space flight and faster-than-light travel has basically done little except enable spectacular re-enactments of the Battle of Jutland, the Battle of Britain, and the Battle of the Bulge in outer space and on alien planets.

Also ongoing explanations of how pizza-slice-shaped spacecraft make no sense.
Like all publications, I reckon they have space to fill and clicks to generate, but that's really par for the course in the movies.  Since when does much of anything in the movies make any sense in the real world if you think about it too much?  It's fiction for a reason.  
Almost nothing in the movies makes great sense if you think about it too hard.  There an entire youtube channel (often very funny) dedicated to nitpicking everything that was wrong with a current blockbuster.  There's another hilarious channel called "How It Should Have Ended" and way back when they started and the animation was much poorer, they did Lord of the Rings, and I nearly fell over laughing, because it was funny, they had a point, and also because I had the same thought after I spent too much of my life reading Tolkien's books as a kid.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 24, 2017, 04:43:41 PM
I've finally seen Star Wars, really enjoyed it.

People that feel the need to nitpick science fiction are generally mirthless assholes that deserve to live their miserable lives being frustrated by the fiction part of science fiction.  

That's not my problem and I'm not going to bother with it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 24, 2017, 06:30:27 PM
Like all publications, I reckon they have space to fill and clicks to generate, but that's really par for the course in the movies.  Since when does much of anything in the movies make any sense in the real world if you think about it too much?  It's fiction for a reason.  
Almost nothing in the movies makes great sense if you think about it too hard.  There an entire youtube channel (often very funny) dedicated to nitpicking everything that was wrong with a current blockbuster.  There's another hilarious channel called "How It Should Have Ended" and way back when they started and the animation was much poorer, they did Lord of the Rings, and I nearly fell over laughing, because it was funny, they had a point, and also because I had the same thought after I spent too much of my life reading Tolkien's books as a kid.
Sure.  Every site wants clicks and making controversial arguments is a way to get them.
But I think that PM is mostly criticizing a failure of imagination.
If you can remember back into the ancient past, think of a scene in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.  Kirk and the Enterprise are fighting Khan in the hijacked Reliant.  Spock points out that Khan is using 2-dimensional tactics, a failure of the imagination.  Kirk is able to exploit this, and Khan is defeated.
But the entire Star Trek universe was one of 2-dimensional space attacks.  The Enterprise was always "right side up," and enemy vessels nearly always approached as if they were floating on the same invisible ocean.  At most, they might come in from 10-15 degrees above the "horizon," nearly always from the forward quarter, and oriented to the same arbitrary "up" and "down" as the Enterprise.
And the same thing has largely been true of the Star Wars universe, although I have to qualify that by saying that George Lucas lost me with Episode One, so maybe it has gotten better since then.  PM seems to be saying that it has not, citing the "Dreadnought" in the latest movie as an example.
In space, there is no gravity, no up or down.  It's all the same, all around you.  The early rendezvous-and-docking sequence in 2001: A Space Odyssey got that part better than either Star Trek or Star Wars (through Jar Jar Binks, anyway) has typically done.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 26, 2017, 02:54:21 PM
Yep... still in the DFW area.  Tinkering on the Vette when time permits, which is next to never.

Happy to take you up on that offer.  
I sent an email to your old hotmail address.  Haven't heard back from you.  No worries, a couple weeks away yet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 27, 2017, 10:22:23 AM
I've finally seen Star Wars, really enjoyed it.
You're a patient fellow.  I saw it 40 years ago.

I caught the Empire Strikes sequel when it made it to cable (Showtime, TMC, HBO...), seemed to me it was better than the first.  Then came Return of the Dead Guy, or something along those lines, and I never saw it or anything since.

Fiction is not the problem.  Corny is the problem.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 27, 2017, 03:47:16 PM
Dialog and character development have always been weaknesses in the Star Wars series.

I bailed out after Phantom Menace.  That was so bad that I didn't want to contribute one more cent to the knuckleheads who created it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 27, 2017, 09:03:31 PM
You're a patient fellow.  I saw it 40 years ago.

I caught the Empire Strikes sequel when it made it to cable (Showtime, TMC, HBO...), seemed to me it was better than the first.  Then came Return of the Dead Guy, or something along those lines, and I never saw it or anything since.

Fiction is not the problem.  Corny is the problem.
Lulz.  I was obviously talking about the newest Star Wars movie, episode VIII, subtitled The Last Jedi.  I enjoyed it.

The "prequels" episodes 1,2,3 were not very good.  The new movies are, IMO.  But if you didn't like Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, then you just don't like Star Wars movies.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 27, 2017, 09:20:33 PM
I enjoyed the first one when I was a kid

just not enuff to watch any of the others
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MarqHusker on December 27, 2017, 11:47:46 PM
I'm tempted to see the Last Jedi, but I've been told I need to go back to see the one prior to this, otherwise it won't make any sense.   I too bailed after one of those first couple 'new ones.'  Trouble is, i don't go to the movies, aside from the rare flick for the kids.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 28, 2017, 10:49:15 AM
I sent an email to your old hotmail address.  Haven't heard back from you.  No worries, a couple weeks away yet.
fearless.... got your email.  That week should be good. Just shoot me an email when it gets closer.  I'll PM my cell.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: DevilFroggy on December 28, 2017, 11:38:51 AM
Even the most dedicated Star Wars fans will tell you the prequels were largely crap, but they're irrelevant to the story line of the newest batch of Star Wars movies and they are under a completely different studio so there's no worries of, heaven forbid, giving money to the same people who made the prequels.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 28, 2017, 12:52:36 PM
Yes.  Heaven forbid.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on January 04, 2018, 10:30:13 AM
A&M just forced LSU to saw a nut off in order to keep their DC.

Methinks A&M is not making friends in the SEC as they go on their southeastern coach purchasing tour, wagging money in all directions.

I could see A&M getting the "UT" stigma in the SEC, sans the championships of course.  They've always wanted to be big for their britches, and now they are living it out.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least if relationships sour as the *real* SEC is a proud and tight-knit bunch (LSU, Bama, Auburn, Georgia, Florida, Tenn).  A&M was brought into the SEC for the benefit of access to Texas, not to become the Jock Ewing of the conference.

Certainly wouldn't count on any "gentlemen's agreements" if I were A&M.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2018, 11:01:30 AM
fearless.... got your email.  That week should be good. Just shoot me an email when it gets closer.  I'll PM my cell.

cool, probably Monday or Tuesday
might be in Round Rock most of the week
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2018, 11:03:10 AM
Certainly wouldn't count on any "gentlemen's agreements" if I were A&M.
counting on gentlemen's agreements with anyone in the SEC would be foolish at best
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 05, 2018, 12:41:42 PM
How 'bout that Austin-area Superbowl winning QB?

I loathe the Eagles, but I could at least pull for Nick Foles.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 05, 2018, 02:22:14 PM
Nick seems like a good guy 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on February 05, 2018, 06:49:54 PM
Nick's papi ownes Z-Tejas & Hopdoddy's.

I thought Tide won.

And can we all agree, objectively and quantifiably, that Jeff Fisher had no business coaching in the NFL.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 05, 2018, 07:13:36 PM
J Fisher is an A hole of the highest level
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 05, 2018, 11:08:30 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 12, 2018, 07:32:05 PM
for Burnt.....................

Celebrate Pi Day at Old Chicago!

Buy One Large Pizza, Get A Large Cheese Pizza For Only $3.14!

Valid today through Wednesday, March 14th only.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 30, 2018, 09:43:02 PM
why in the wide wide world of sports is Jeff Bagwell wearing a GB Packers cap in a mexican restaurant called Irma's across the street form the Stro's ballpark in Houston????

did he lose a bet or marry a Packer Backer???

maybe the Patriots sucked when Bags was a kid, but not more than the Pack
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on April 03, 2018, 10:46:00 AM
Fandom is a weird and seemingly arbitrary thing.

I listen to sports radio here in the ATX and the talk show hosts occasionally let their preferences be known.

Craig Way, the long time play by play guy for Longhorn sports, is originally from North Carolina so he's a closet Tar Heels fan but he let on last year that he's also a Dodgers fan.  Why?

Then there's Chad Hastings who grew up in Waxahachie and went to A&M.  He's a Bucs fan.  Why?

Then there's Kevin Dunn who grew up in Austin as the son of parents from Chicago who went to Notre Dame, so you can kind of see why he likes the Horns, the Irish and the Cubs.

Then there's this guy named BK who grew up in Austin and roots for the Horns but also likes Jayhawk basketball.  Why?

Perhaps the weirdest is Bucky Godbolt who grew up in Pennsylvania, went to Boston College and coached at Illinois and Texas.  He likes the Yankees and the Vikings.  Why?

And so it goes.  Nearly every "personality" on the station has some weird affiliation.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 03, 2018, 01:06:33 PM
life is weird

especially in Austin
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 03, 2018, 01:29:01 PM
Ain't that the truth.

I was born and raised in Austin by two Texas grads, and I graduated from UT with an undergrad and graduate degree, and I'm a Longhorn fan.    Growing up in Austin and spending a lot of time with my uncle and cousins in Fort Worth, I'm also a Dallas Cowboys fan.

Makes no sense at all!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on April 03, 2018, 02:01:40 PM

Ain't that the truth.

I was born and raised in Austin by two Texas grads, and I graduated from UT with an undergrad and graduate degree, and I'm a Longhorn fan.    Growing up in Austin and spending a lot of time with my uncle and cousins in Fort Worth, I'm also a Dallas Cowboys fan.

Makes no sense at all!

While your choice of teams to root for makes plausible sense, there is  - nonetheless - much about you, mi amigo, that makes no sense.
Hockey for example.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 03, 2018, 03:25:17 PM
My hockey scthick (get it?) is a bit of a joke.

But I'm definitely a huge fan of Formula 1, Ferrari in particular.  And also of international soccer, and of the EPL in particular, especially Manchester United.  Neither of those two make much sense for a native Austinite born and raised in the 70s/80s, that's for sure!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on April 03, 2018, 03:35:20 PM
Well... we do live in an F1 town.  

And Manchester United is one of those trendy things, like yoga, vegetarianism, gardens,  shelter pets, beards, online grocery shopping and e-menus.   Everybody in the ATX has to have at least one affectation like that.  Yours could be worse.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 03, 2018, 10:00:17 PM
Manchester United is basically the New York Yankees of the EPL, so not really an affectation, more of a bandwagon thing if you want to get all accusatory and judgy about it.

And I've been an F1 fan since the early 80s, so a little bit before Austin had a track.  

I'd say my ironic hipster-style Austin affectation was wearing mesh-back trucker hats (we called 'em "gimme caps" back then 'cause they were all free), but I did it all through the 80s and 90s and never stopped.  At least, not until the hipsters started doing it, and it was no longer ironic.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on April 03, 2018, 10:22:41 PM
Bravo. Getting defensive and claiming you did something ironically long before it became a cliche has to be the most quintessential Austin cliche ever.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 03, 2018, 10:28:25 PM
YOU GET ME!!!!!! :88:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on April 04, 2018, 10:46:13 AM
One of my latest Austin affectations was to buy a tin of beard balm.  I suspect it may simply be a rebranding of Crisco and I'm not exactly sure what it does other than making my hand greasy and my beard whiter, but I look damn good and get lots of compliments so I guess I'm committed to doing it for the rest of my working career.

One day I came to work in a slim fit suit and a cute 30 something female coworker said I remind her of James Bond.  I asked, "Are you saying I look like an old man trying to be cool and impress young women?"

She said, "Yes."

But she winked when she said it, so at least I have that going for me.     
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 04, 2018, 12:52:49 PM
did you immediately inform her how much you appreciate the "sneaky" nipple experience?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on April 04, 2018, 08:32:54 PM
Nah. They have rules about sexual harassment nowadays.  Best just to leave her wink unreciprocated.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on April 04, 2018, 08:44:12 PM
I may have mentioned that a couple of years ago I took a short term part time job at a Home Depot to bump up my income just enough that I could buy three sons vehicles wihout incurring debt. 

What I had never realized before I started working there but soon realized once I was there is that an inordinate number of people in this metro area get their jollies by doing things of a rather exhibitionary and risque nature along the back wall of the store and wihin our demo store rooms.  

A disappointing majority of the interactions seemed to be of the not-that-there’s-anything-wrong-with-that variety, followed by the  motorcycle grandma variety.  But every now and then a panner finds a gold nugget among the river rocks and gravel.  And so it was.  Ever so often you’d come across a little angel sent straight from heaven in a handbasket.   The nips weren’t so sneaky the.  Rather a single item on a smorgasbord.  But still... if you weren’t careful something like that could make you walk into the corner of a sheet of tin.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 05, 2018, 12:34:28 PM
Nah. They have rules about sexual harassment nowadays.  Best just to leave her wink unreciprocated.
you sir, are getting old
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 05, 2018, 08:50:08 PM
No experience in a Home Depot, but I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 05, 2018, 08:59:39 PM
No experience in a Home Depot, but I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

I'm sure all the drunks throwing up appreciated the show
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 05, 2018, 09:31:18 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 08, 2018, 11:35:52 AM
Longhorn Nation, join us in welcoming Drew Martin and Shawn Eichorst to the Forty Acres!

(  (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 08, 2018, 11:36:31 AM
Eichorst is a turd

good luck
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 08, 2018, 11:54:26 AM
and thanks, hope Shawn is well paid..................

Fired last September 21 by Nebraska, Eichorst at that point had $1.7 million remaining on a contract that ran through June, 2019. While his new salary at Texas is not known, whatever it is would cut into the nearly $1 million he is still owed by Nebraska.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 08, 2018, 01:20:57 PM
So he is the reason the huskers suck

He should fit right in at UT
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 08, 2018, 01:36:24 PM
I understand Huskers have no love for him, but I'll go ahead and trust Chris Del Conte on this one.

I can assure you these is zero possibility he's worse than Chris Plonsky, who he and the other new assistant AD Drew Martin are effectively replacing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 08, 2018, 02:24:39 PM
he might be fine in whatever role

just don't allow him to hire Mike Riley as the head football coach
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 12, 2018, 04:33:56 PM
he might be fine in whatever role

just don't allow him to hire Mike Riley as the head football coach
I'll definitely agree with you there.  I don't think that's an imminent danger, though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 07, 2018, 11:07:22 AM
I done ran into my baby

and finally found my old blue jeans
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on July 07, 2018, 03:39:59 PM
But lyrical almost like a country song
But country songs usually aren’t so opaque
An ex?
Had sloppy comfortable sex with an older lady?
Perhaps one who once stole an actual pair of your old blue jeans.
I’m disturbed but happy for you.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on July 07, 2018, 04:42:54 PM
well I could tell that they was mine

From all that oil and the gasoline
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 08, 2018, 10:44:28 AM
Lord, How happy could one man be?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 25, 2018, 12:45:48 PM
no introduction needed here on the porch (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 25, 2018, 01:48:17 PM
Wishbone.  Amen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 25, 2018, 02:03:53 PM
The following Saturday, Texas put up 39 points in another win against another rival, this time ninth-ranked Arkansas. Back in Room 2001 of the Capri, Royal had a Budweiser in hand, when somebody asked, "Darrell, what are you going to call this offense?" Houston Post writer Mickey Herskowitz chimed in that the formation looked like "a wishbone." From then on, that's what Royal called it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 18, 2018, 06:23:22 PM
Well I sold the Airstream last week.  

And bought a modern, new camper trailer yesterday.  It's much larger and suits the family better.

But I put a lot of work into that Airstream and I'm sad to let it go.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 19, 2018, 09:30:49 AM
hopefully the work paid handsomely in resale value

see you at the Texas State Fair
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 20, 2018, 11:05:47 AM
Well I sold the Airstream last week.  

And bought a modern, new camper trailer yesterday. 
I don't even know you anymore.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on August 20, 2018, 04:31:01 PM
No experience in a Home Depot, but I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

I worked at Woolworth in my teen years.  There was a girl working the cash register that went to the high school across town.  Woolworth had a receiving area that was closed and dark during the night shift.

She drove me crazy.  I had to let down my pup tent.  Thank goodness for that receiving area.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 20, 2018, 07:47:52 PM
Well I sold the Airstream last week.  

And bought a modern, new camper trailer yesterday.  It's much larger and suits the family better.

But I put a lot of work into that Airstream and I'm sad to let it go.
I don't even know you anymore.
Indeed.  I am terribly sorry to disappoint.
On the flipside-- brand new RV that's all clean and modern with appliances and systems that work EVERY TIME.  And, WARRANTY!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 20, 2018, 09:24:09 PM
probably gave up on making the adirondack chairs as well
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 21, 2018, 08:38:05 PM
Well looks like I finally stumbled on the new hiding spot after unsuccessfully trying to log into Dustin's old site awhile back.  Where's Shiner, Bonfired, etc.  I see JCG aka Hooky aka Charleyhorse is still kicking.  After following you guys from CNNSI to TheAlamo to WingedHelmet's to Dustin's  site I was afraid I lost touch with everyone.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on August 21, 2018, 09:07:43 PM
What up, G?

So I’m in El Paso on bidness at the moment.  I love this city. You can drink like five 32 oz frozen margaritas and they give you a check for like $10.39.

And I’ve learned all the words to Sofia Reyes song Dos Tres which isn’t all that easy to sing with a baritone when your face is numb.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on August 21, 2018, 09:08:49 PM
Wait.  There’s ice in these things.  They ain’t frozen.  They’re ON something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 21, 2018, 10:31:24 PM
welcome back to the Porch, Gigem
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 22, 2018, 07:01:25 AM
So I see this is a mismatch of Dustin's old site (CF Refugees?) and the old CFN forum.  Curious as to what happened to Dustin's old site and where he is?  I didn't stop by often but I appreciated the camaraderie between the longtime posters.  Heck I didn't even know about Big Matt until awhile later RIP.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 27, 2018, 03:32:17 PM
Hey Gigem good to see you.

Shiner has been here a couple times, I'd expect he might come by now that the season's about to start up.

I don't think Bon ever showed up here, although I told him about it on Dustin's site.  Dustin himself made one or two stops, called himself Big D I think.  :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 27, 2018, 03:33:14 PM
I think Ski and WC4E might have stopped by once too?  Would love to see those cats again.  

#11 didn't ever come over though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 28, 2018, 04:06:07 PM
Hard to believe all of us have been chatting CFB for 21 years now.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on August 29, 2018, 02:36:47 PM
Someone call my name?

Yeah.... it's about that time again.  Season starts tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on August 30, 2018, 12:22:32 AM
Hard to believe all of us have been chatting CFB for 21 years now.  
That’s crazy!
But true.
Weird how some things that are really important in life - like a job or a love or a particlar home or car or a faithful dog can be so fleeting, but something as seemingly insignificant as a coffee cup or an end table can last forever.
Life is weird.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 30, 2018, 11:58:16 AM
You know what else is true?

It's 11 AM, and OU still sucks.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 30, 2018, 10:53:04 PM
I guess Im the kid on the block as I started posting in 2006
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on August 31, 2018, 07:17:01 AM
I guess Im the kid on the block as I started posting in 2006
Probably too busy doing something immature and irresponsible to get here sooner.
Like working.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 31, 2018, 08:45:14 AM
nope I never let something like work interfere with doing immature stuff

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on August 31, 2018, 10:11:35 AM
I lurked for a few months during the 2004 season before jumping in, but then I just never left.  I remember my first post being after the Rose Bowl game in Jan 2005  when people on these boards were giving Texas props for the close win, when everyone I knew in real life was snickering saying we "got lucky" in that game (I worked with a lot of Aggies, of course).     Not sure if that makes me still a "new" poster or if I have achieved senior-ranking yet but I definitely wasn't on the boards back in the 90's, as I didn't even know back then that I would be a longhorn.   

I wasn't raised a longhorn fan, but when I was chosen to be among their student population, the football spirit washed over me and hasn't ever left.  I had never attended a school with a decent-to-good football team before, so it was a fun time to be a "new" fan back in those years.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on August 31, 2018, 11:07:41 AM
... when everyone I knew in real life was snickering saying we "got lucky" in that game (I worked with a lot of Aggies, of course)...
I like getting lucky.   Ain't nothin wrong with getting lucky.
I imagine a lot of them dern Aggies just wish they'd get lucky.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 31, 2018, 01:04:31 PM
Trust me, we wish we could all be so lucky.  I think luck has a lot to do with it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 31, 2018, 01:17:42 PM
"Luck is when opportunity meets preparation" 

said by Seneca long ago in a galaxy far away
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on August 31, 2018, 01:22:37 PM
I think UT proved the following year that it was more than just luck. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on August 31, 2018, 01:48:13 PM
Indeed... I wish A&M would stumble into some luck like that.  

Maybe someday we will..... In the meantime we'll just throw gobs of cash at the problem hoping that works.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 31, 2018, 02:04:26 PM
I like Jimbo as a coach, I think he'll be really good for the Aggies.  Of course, I also thought Franchione would do very well at TAMU, so what do I know?

Last night the Ags looked good in doing what they were supposed to do, or at least they did in the 2 quarters or so I managed to catch.  I was flipping back and forth between that one, and my high school alma mater's opening game.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on August 31, 2018, 02:16:39 PM
Solid start for the Ags.  59-7 and a RB with >200 yds in a half of play is nothing to sneeze at irregardless (word used to annoy Junior) of the opposition.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on August 31, 2018, 02:18:25 PM
"Luck is when opportunity meets preparation"
Hell, I don't know about that.  There were a time or two I got lucky when I didn't have a thing in my pocket.  I wasn't prepared at all and it didn't make no dern difference.

At least not on the front end.

To me.

As far as I know.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 01, 2018, 07:15:53 AM
I think UT proved the following year that it was more than just luck.
Well what I mean by luck is there just always seems to be one moment in a season that can make it or break it.  You remember the year OU won the MNC (2000)?  They lost zero starters to injury that year.  How many times does a team lose zero starters to injury for the whole year. How many times did a season seem to be lining up just right, when you're team was deep at a certain position when suddenly you lose one or two key people and then the rest goes to hell in a handbasket quick?  What about the UT/Neb '96 CCG where it was like 4th and 2 and they went for it on 4th down with a precarious lead?  In 2000 A&M was leading OU late in the game when they got a pick 6 that sealed the deal.  I can name off so many games and seasons where we were so damn close and that one moment may have changed the entire season.  Not many people remember but about 2006 or so Fran was like 10 points from having A&M leading the Big 12 South but instead we lost a couple of key games by a handful of points.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 01, 2018, 12:02:43 PM
I agree with gig ‘em. Luck plays an important role in something as iffy and arbitrary as college football.

How many times have we seen an ultimate national champion lose in October or November?  How’d they get that shot over other one loss teams? 

They got lucky.

Look at 2008.  Was OU or Florida any better than Texas?

No but they were luckier.

Still, who can bitch? Texas shoulda beat the Red Raiders.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 01, 2018, 12:03:48 PM
Did I see that both Tech & wvu are favored over their SEC opponents or did I misread the betting line?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on September 02, 2018, 12:26:28 AM
You know what else is true?

It's 11 AM, and OU still sucks.
Posted the day before Texas once again stinks up a non conference game they shoulda won.
Funny that 63-14 score by which OU won their game today rings a bell.
I wonder what that could be.  Maybe the 2000 RRS game?  Oh yeah that’s it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 02, 2018, 11:42:49 AM
Posted the day before Texas once again stinks up a non conference game they shoulda won.
Funny that 63-14 score by which OU won their game today rings a bell.
I wonder what that could be.  Maybe the 2000 RRS game?  Oh yeah that’s it.
careful Karma can be a bitch
at least we played somebody
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 02, 2018, 02:05:09 PM
Let the gloaters gloat, the mopers mope and the haters hate.

Right now I kind of hate the team I love cause I was stupid enough to eat the poison cheese.

And you know what happens when you eat the poison cheese?

You end up feeling like a dead rat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 02, 2018, 02:09:25 PM
On the bright side, my #3 son James (named after Street & Brown my two favorite Texas QBs at the time of my son’s birth four years prior to VY) is starting DE for a HS team that is off to a very good start.

Hopefully next year he’ll be playing for somebody like UTPB or West Texas A&M and I can start following THAT program instead of THIS program.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 02, 2018, 06:53:46 PM
On the bright side, my #3 son James (named after Street & Brown my two favorite Texas QBs at the time of my son’s birth four years prior to VY) is starting DE for a HS team that is off to a very good start.

Hopefully next year he’ll be playing for somebody like UTPB or West Texas A&M and I can start following THAT program instead of THIS program.
I remember when he was born, but I forget which board we were still posting on at the time.  Seems like it was about the time when you taunted the badmitton players board with smack talk?  That was seriously comedy genius.  NKOBMT (Notorious King of BadMitton Trash)!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on September 02, 2018, 09:59:45 PM
careful Karma can be a bitch
at least we played somebody
Karma?  You mean like a Horns fan saying OU sucks on Friday, and then watching the Sooners win going away the next day while your Texas boys lose?

Yep, that’s a bitch alright.  

Maryland is somebody?  They went 4-8 last year.  They’re not exactly Ohio State.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on September 02, 2018, 10:22:31 PM
Belated hello Gigem.  Wish you guys were still in the XII.  OU-A&M had begun to develop into some serious rivalry material after all those annual games against each other.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 02, 2018, 11:53:59 PM
Got to tell you that OU really had our # during the Bob Stoops Era in our Big 12 days.  I was happy to see A&M put a beatdown on OU in that Cotton Bowl.

After A&M won the Big 12 in 1998 I thought we were poised for great things but we quickly descended into mediocrity and most of the blame/credit goes to Bob Stoops and OU.  I know that Texas had our number during this time as well but I think losing so many recruiting battles to OU during this time is what really set us back.  Usually a guy headed to Texas would have been headed there anyway but with OU they took a lot of talent that would have otherwise gone to A&M and I believe that is really what set the program back.  OU built great facilities in the 90's years before ours even made the drawing board and then once Stoops got there all the pieces were in place for championship football and they stayed on top for 20+ years.  Shoot, even when we beat OU (2010) they still managed to squeak in ahead of us to the B12 CCG.  I still to this day cannot fathom or figure out 77-0 but in hindsight the school should have fired Fran when he got off the plane that day.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 03, 2018, 12:31:10 AM
I remember when he was born, but I forget which board we were still posting on at the time.  Seems like it was about the time when you taunted the badmitton players board with smack talk?  That was seriously comedy genius.  NKOBMT (Notorious King of BadMitton Trash)!!

Very kind of you to remember the kid.
Yep, I have four & I love them all equally but differently but this one was destined for a football future. Not only was he named James, he was conceived during halftime of the Cotton Bowl.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
I wasn’t at the Cotton Bowl but I was watching it on TV.  And I was sad.  Major wasn’t himself and Arkansas had our number.
My i s c & a w put the two older ones down for naps and traipsed into the living room wearing nothing but a black teddy with red ribbons.   She had a Butterfinger candy bar twirling in her hands and she asked me if I’d like to earn a bite or two.
Fun times.
Whenever that kid is a bonehead I try to remember how hard I worked for that candy bar and how much love I put into his momma that day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 03, 2018, 03:34:47 AM
Very kind of you to remember the kid.
Yep, I have four & I love them all equally but differently but this one was destined for a football future. Not only was he named James, he was conceived during halftime of the Cotton Bowl.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
I wasn’t at the Cotton Bowl but I was watching it on TV.  And I was sad.  Major wasn’t himself and Arkansas had our number.
My i s c & a w put the two older ones down for naps and traipsed into the living room wearing nothing but a black teddy with red ribbons.   She had a Butterfinger candy bar twirling in her hands and she asked me if I’d like to earn a bite or two.
Fun times.
Whenever that kid is a bonehead I try to remember how hard I worked for that candy bar and how much love I put into his momma that day.
LOL now I remember why I remember.  JCG you've always had a good story to tell.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: TexasFan on September 03, 2018, 11:08:38 AM
If we had not run off Mizzou, A&M, CU and Nebraska .....  :smiley_confused1:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 03, 2018, 11:17:06 AM
you'd have a guaranteed win each year with the Huskers
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 03, 2018, 12:30:29 PM
It’s possible that the misery Texas finds itself in is the ECFGs still punishing us for DeLoss Dodds’ hubris.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on September 03, 2018, 06:19:27 PM
It’s possible that the misery Texas finds itself in is the ECFGs still punishing us for DeLoss Dodds’ hubris.

ECFGs are not letting go till LHN is 6 ft under.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 03, 2018, 06:51:02 PM
ECFGs are not letting go till LHN is 6 ft under
Explain ECFG's?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on September 03, 2018, 11:05:51 PM
Only JCG can do the ECFG (evil capricious football gods) explanation Justice.  In fact he may have invented the whole idea.  

But as far as Texas and what they did to offend them, I have my own hypotheses, but I’ll keep them to myself as it could open a can of worms hereabouts.  I’ll just let the Allmans sum it up (as they reprise a classic Elmore James tune): (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on September 03, 2018, 11:15:04 PM
Got to tell you that OU really had our # during the Bob Stoops Era in our Big 12 days.  I was happy to see A&M put a beatdown on OU in that Cotton Bowl.

After A&M won the Big 12 in 1998 I thought we were poised for great things but we quickly descended into mediocrity and most of the blame/credit goes to Bob Stoops and OU.  I know that Texas had our number during this time as well but I think losing so many recruiting battles to OU during this time is what really set us back.  Usually a guy headed to Texas would have been headed there anyway but with OU they took a lot of talent that would have otherwise gone to A&M and I believe that is really what set the program back.  OU built great facilities in the 90's years before ours even made the drawing board and then once Stoops got there all the pieces were in place for championship football and they stayed on top for 20+ years.  Shoot, even when we beat OU (2010) they still managed to squeak in ahead of us to the B12 CCG.  I still to this day cannot fathom or figure out 77-0 but in hindsight the school should have fired Fran when he got off the plane that day.  
That’s quite a generous take on things and it makes me remember how much I enjoyed Aggie posters like you and bonfired back in the early days of this little old porch community.  
Most of those Aggie-Sooner games in the XII were nail biting affairs, aside from that one blowout you mentioned, and then the Cotton Bowl with JFF, ugh, what a pantsing.  
You guys will have that scoreboard until we finally meet again!  Belated kudos, gigem.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 04, 2018, 02:20:22 AM
I actually had beers with Bonfired (Will?) one day at the dixie chicken.  Which to my dismay is the only person I've ever met from the boards.  Wonder where he disappeared to?  

ECFG is nowhere near the description for any troubles Texas has had for the last few years.  They had a very, very good run and won one MNC and came damn close to winning 2 or 3 more.  Heck, Bob Stoops only won one in the same time period although they were a better overall program.  

Still waiting for A&M to play up to it's potential.  I'll know we've got there when we win 10+ games a year for 2-3 years.  I envision A&M being the "Clemson" of the SEC.  I pick Clemson because they are "never had's " in CFB.  Good years followed by mediocre years punctuated by a 10 win season every decade or so.  Close but no cigar until they found the right mix.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 04, 2018, 10:19:22 AM
I'm quite certain the Horns troubles started when they made the deal with the Devil to go 9-1 vs the Huskers when the Big 12 was formed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 04, 2018, 12:30:04 PM
I had a very decent hamburger at the Dixie Chicken on a bidness trip several months ago.   It was a very interesting place, full of history and charm.

But, you know... it was also quite sticky.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 04, 2018, 12:50:56 PM
The ECFGs.  Where do I begin?

Life can be unpredictable but it's often explainable.  Fall and bust you're butt and you might turn around to see you slipped on ice or water or maybe you just weren't paying attention.   Life is filled with correlations between cause and effect.

Even basketball, baseball and the NFL make sense.  The best players and best coaching generally prevail.

But that doesn't always ring true in college football.  In college football the damnedest things can happen.  Here's one example:

October 10, 2009 Texas Tech 66, Kansas State 14
October 17, 2009 Kansas State 62, Texas A&M 14
October 24, 2009 Texas A&M 52, Texas Tech 30

You can't make that kind of stuff up.  And yet it happens all the time.   Some (cough Mr Tulip) might write it off as 18 to 22 year-olds playing with a funny shaped ball.  I think it's something more sinister.  I think it is the Evil Capricious Football Gods.

Now I know most Americans are monotheist and the thought of ECFGs may sound aberrant but many who embrace God, the Great Creator, accept the existence of angels as well.  Theologians have argued that more angels can stand on the head of a pin than you can shake a stick at.  And we know that 1/3 of them are very, very naughty.

Look at the Seven Deadly Sins.  Who's #1?  Pride.

More times than not when a team suffers an unexpected loss of apocalyptic holocaust proportions you can point back to some uncharitably arrogant word or deed somebody affiliated with their program said or did in the weeks leading up to the comeuppance.

Oklahoma 2004.  Fourteen players had NFL careers.  They rolled through 12 games with nary a scare.  In the days leading up to their Orange Bowl match up with USC, somebody like Cody Perkins makes some smart remark they would've been better off keeping to themselves.  Next thing you know USC wins 55-19.

Was USC 55-19 better than OU?


It was the doings of the ECFGs.  They're out there like gremlins on the wings of a plane.  You'll see their handiwork a hundred times every season.   It's insidious.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 10, 2018, 09:09:22 PM
ECFGs are not letting go till LHN is 6 ft under.
Seriously does anybody really care about the LHN?  Wouldn't it have been so much better to transform the LHN into the Big XII network?  
Sometimes I find in life that although you can do something, it doesn't always mean you should.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 10, 2018, 09:14:59 PM
and if you do, do something

you can realize it's a mistake and do something to make it better
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 10, 2018, 09:26:12 PM
Heh. Frankie said do do.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 10, 2018, 10:49:24 PM
the old dirtfarmer used a well placed comma
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 14, 2018, 03:22:54 PM
Frankie say relax
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 14, 2018, 11:18:35 PM
( (
► 3:55
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Jim Wingert on September 14, 2018, 11:44:37 PM
<br />( (<br />
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Jim Wingert on September 14, 2018, 11:46:28 PM
Please tell me NKOT is here!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 15, 2018, 12:31:43 AM
holy sheep dip!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2018, 09:21:21 AM
OK, is Jim Wingert a new name for someone I knew under a different name?

And I do occasionally wonder whatever became of Trashy.  He was funny.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 15, 2018, 09:38:21 AM
Wingert = Wingnut

not much of a stretch, especially since Hooky called for him
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 16, 2018, 05:18:35 PM
Yo Wingnut!  Whassssuuuuppppp?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on September 16, 2018, 05:19:35 PM
This week's half-assed resident genius question is especially for the big red font crowd.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 17, 2018, 02:37:12 PM
well, now I'm curious and will take a peek
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 08, 2018, 03:03:59 PM
Wallowing around here in the week after a RRS game that was lost, and I'm in serious need of some consolation. 
Time to listen to one of my latest downloads, the ever babelicious Alicia Keys.  Can't get enough of her: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 08, 2018, 06:02:17 PM
Seriously does anybody really care about the LHN?  

Yes - to watch Longhorn baseball.  Very cool from that standpoint.

Wouldn't it have been so much better to transform the LHN into the Big XII network?

You'll have to ask ESPN.

Sometimes I find in life that although you can do something, it doesn't always mean you should.

Find me another school that would have turned ESPN away.  No thanks, we don't want our own network.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 08, 2018, 07:10:10 PM
Come on Caveman, try to find an article anywhere in cyberspace written recently that says the LHN has been anything but a disaster.  Go ahead, I'll wait.  

A simple search like "longhorn network status 2018" yields articles like: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 08, 2018, 07:42:27 PM
disaster for ESPN and the Big 12

apparently the Horns are still cashing good checks

not a disaster for the Horns
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 08, 2018, 07:49:19 PM
Seriously does anybody really care about the LHN?  Wouldn't it have been so much better to transform the LHN into the Big XII network?  
Sometimes I find in life that although you can do something, it doesn't always mean you should.  
and this is where 320 interjects the fact that the Big12 voted down establishing its own network prior to the creation
of the LHN
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 14, 2018, 08:15:15 PM

Cold front just hit Brownwood.  Should be blowing into Austin in a couple.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 14, 2018, 08:18:21 PM
Come on Caveman, try to find an article anywhere in cyberspace written recently that says the LHN has been anything but a disaster.
I am no fan of LHN.  Many here are sick of my anti-LHN ramblings and do not wish to hear it again.
But I say again - find me any school that would have turned ESPN away.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 14, 2018, 09:28:49 PM
No doubt.  T95's self-loathing peaks with the LHN.  He hates the thing and blames it for all the ills of the world, basically exactly the same as the Aggies.  And if the shoe fits...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 14, 2018, 11:44:12 PM
So being part cat, curiosity got to me and I had to find Brownwood on the map.  I spent the better part of a week duck hunting around Throckmorton once and thought it might close to there, but I see now it’s about 100 miles south of there.  

So what exciting about Brown County?  Do you have any attractions worth seeing?  One of my favorite things to do in central Texas is nose around in road cuts and river beds collecting fossils, but that might be too far west of prime fossil country?  Or not? 

What about places to eat?  What’s Browneood known for cuisine/restaurant/diner wise?  

Or is it like Luchenbach where nobody’s feeling any pain?  Or Muskogee where white lightnin’s still the biggest thrill of all (which of course was untrue - it was more like dazed and confused than anything else when I was there)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 14, 2018, 11:50:26 PM
No doubt.  T95's self-loathing peaks with the LHN.  He hates the thing and blames it for all the ills of the world, basically exactly the same as the Aggies.  And if the shoe fits...
So you suspect our BC friend of being a closet Aggie?  Ha, that would be funny if he was a pseudo-Horn.  Weirder things have happened, although for the life of me I can’t imagine anyone going to all the trouble to have a false identity.  Wouldn’t be, you know, just kind of exhausting?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on October 15, 2018, 08:13:14 AM
No doubt.  T95's self-loathing peaks with the LHN.  He hates the thing and blames it for all the ills of the world, basically exactly the same as the Aggies.  And if the shoe fits...
I don't hate the LHN at all.  In fact, I'm quite thankful for it.  It was the catalyst that spurred us to leave.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 15, 2018, 08:31:36 AM
I don't hate the LHN at all.  In fact, I'm quite thankful for it.  It was the catalyst that spurred us to leave.

me too
when aggie left the Big12 and went to the sec
the quality of play went up in both conferences 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 15, 2018, 09:35:47 AM
So you suspect our BC friend of being a closet Aggie?  Ha, that would be funny if he was a pseudo-Horn.  Weirder things have happened, although for the life of me I can’t imagine anyone going to all the trouble to have a false identity.  Wouldn’t be, you know, just kind of exhausting?
I believe BC is exactly who and what he claims to be.  I have many friends in real life who are even more absurd and exasperating than he is.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 15, 2018, 09:46:13 AM
I believe BC is exactly who and what he claims to be.  I have many friends in real life who are even more absurd and exasperating than he is.
That looks much snarkier than I meant it to look so let me try to tweak it.
Key word may be "friends."  I actually like people with enough intelligence and independence to not be a stereotype or to possess opinions contrary to the stereotypical norm.
We live in a society that's becoming more and more tribalistic and sloppy in its group-think.  It's amazing what people collectively believe to be true nowadays.  And I'm not pointing the finger at any opposing ideology.  Every group is flawed in their overly-persuasive reasoning.
So I love people who are bold enough, smart enough and daring enough to diverge.
In some ways, BC fits some of the stereotypes that city folks like to assign small town folks, but when it comes to Texas football, he's not your typical fan.
I like that about him.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 15, 2018, 02:12:07 PM
I don't hate the LHN at all.  In fact, I'm quite thankful for it.  It was the catalyst that spurred us to leave.

And I am similarly delighted with anything that caused the Aggies to leave. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 17, 2018, 05:19:03 PM
My second-favorite F1 driver, the Aussie Daniel Ricciardo, was at the UT-Baylor game on Saturday.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 17, 2018, 08:22:33 PM
And I am similarly delighted with anything that caused the Aggies to leave. :)
Remind us to say "thanks" on 9/7/19.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 17, 2018, 09:10:21 PM
Remind us to say "thanks" on 9/7/19.  
Lulz.  No backsies.
At least y'all got an annual guaranteed win out of the deal.  You're welcome.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 17, 2018, 10:09:13 PM
It's Tom Herman.  You'll beat the tiger-poop out of LSU.  It's one of the surrounding games, La. Tech, Rice, or Kansas, that you'll inexplicably drop.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 18, 2018, 07:40:42 AM
Sad but true.

Headed out to Circuit of the Americas for the US Grand Prix all weekend, we're camping out there in the cold and rain so wish us luck. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 18, 2018, 09:12:16 AM
So being part cat, curiosity got to me and I had to find Brownwood on the map.  I spent the better part of a week duck hunting around Throckmorton once and thought it might close to there, but I see now it’s about 100 miles south of there.  

So what exciting about Brown County?  Do you have any attractions worth seeing?  One of my favorite things to do in central Texas is nose around in road cuts and river beds collecting fossils, but that might be too far west of prime fossil country?  Or not?

What about places to eat?  What’s Browneood known for cuisine/restaurant/diner wise?  

Or is it like Luchenbach where nobody’s feeling any pain?  Or Muskogee where white lightnin’s still the biggest thrill of all (which of course was untrue - it was more like dazed and confused than anything else when I was there)

Fred, I can't lie.  Your final paragraph describes Brownwood more accurately.

Deer hunting?  Absolutely.  Folks come from all around for a piece of that action.

Attractions?  Somewhere between no and meh.  Or maybe just no.  I'll give Brownwood way bigger props than Muskogee however - you can get killed in Muskogee.  I've blown through there a few times en route to NE Arkansas.

Places to eat?  Nothing to brag about.  Underwood's has a big following but it's a cafeteria style thing.

No... when you put it that way... Brown County is just no big deal.  Except folks are real and I wouldn't be anywhere's else.

And Austin is only 2 hours away when I'm in the mood for foreigners.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 18, 2018, 09:25:36 AM
And I am similarly delighted with anything that caused the Aggies to leave. 

Why do we play this game?  Aggies say they are happy they don't play Texas and Longhorns say they are happy A&M left the conference.

Liars.  The lot of us.  I would enjoy A&M back in the conference, and I have talked to A&M students who would rather play Texas, Tech, TCU and Baylor than to play SEC schools.  But those who have a dog in this fight would never say such things.

Here's my white flag.  My life is worse without A&M in our conference.  What other game could pack out 110k on a Thanksgiving Day?  Don't lie, Aggies.  You couldn't do it with LSU either.

Yet we are glad we don't have that game?  If I'll buy that will you throw the golden gate in free?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 18, 2018, 09:45:28 AM
when a wife becomes an exwife there aint much love there
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 18, 2018, 10:25:23 AM
when a wife becomes an exwife there aint much love there

was UT/A&M ever a relationship built on love?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 10:39:06 AM
Fred, I can't lie.  Your final paragraph describes Brownwood more accurately.

Deer hunting?  Absolutely.  Folks come from all around for a piece of that action.

Attractions?  Somewhere between no and meh.  Or maybe just no.  I'll give Brownwood way bigger props than Muskogee however - you can get killed in Muskogee.  I've blown through there a few times en route to NE Arkansas.

Places to eat?  Nothing to brag about.  Underwood's has a big following but it's a cafeteria style thing.

No... when you put it that way... Brown County is just no big deal.  Except folks are real and I wouldn't be anywhere's else.

And Austin is only 2 hours away when I'm in the mood for foreigners.

Oh BC. You sell your hometown short.  Are you trying to keep Cousin Fred from moving in?
Lake Brownwood is nice.  Very, very nice.  And the farther west you go, lakes get fewer and farther in between.
And as my football son (Zacby’s Defensive Varsity Player of the Week) has started going to football camps and visiting west Texas state universities in 5he Lone Star Conference, we’ve turned left in Brownwood on the way and right in Brownwood on the way back.  It’s a sprawling little town with restaurants, gas stations and grocery stores.   It’s like the last outpost of civilization for a long, long ways.
For city folks like us, it’s an oasis in the desert.
Im about to switch gears.  I’ll hope on another post.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 18, 2018, 11:19:05 AM
we’ve turned left in Brownwood on the way and right in Brownwood on the way back.

I would guess you were headed to Angelo State, possibly?

Look for CR153 about 3-4 miles west of Brownwood.  T95 manor is about a mile past the railroad tracks headed south on that road.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 11:31:02 AM
Never did that subsequent post. Sidetracked. Maybe laters.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 11:31:58 AM
I would guess you were headed to Angelo State, possibly?

Look for CR153 about 3-4 miles west of Brownwood.  T95 manor is about a mile past the railroad tracks headed south on that road.
Invitation for fried chicken?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 18, 2018, 11:51:53 AM
Invitation for fried chicken?

Ha!  I dunno, chicken-fried steak more likely.  Any time we have fried chicken, I pick up a bucket from Underwood's.  It's just hard to beat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 12:30:46 PM
You a good man, BC.

Yep, Angelo St, UTPB, WTAMU, ENMSU. I could be wrong (they all blur together) but it seems like Brownwood is on the way to every destination.  Heck I may have even gone through there on my way to Louisiana.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 12:42:40 PM
RE A&M...

Unlike Texas’ rivalry with OU or even Arkansas, there were very, very few times when Texas and A&M were both good at the same time.  1974, 1975, 1990, 1995, 1998 maybe amd that’s about it - for my entire 57 year lifetime.

There were a smattering of times, like in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s when A&M was great but Texas was terrible.  The rest of the time it was reversed.

Consequently it was never really a competitive rivalry or a compelling rivalry, IMO.   Each year there were two or three other games I found more interesting.

Plus there just didn’t seem to be any advantage in playing A&M from the Texas point of view.

Beat them like they stole something and it was no big deal.  It was the natural order of things.

Lose to them and OMG.  Here’s a fan base with an 80 year old MNC and a 20 year old CCG that celebrates close losses to top ten teams.  When they beat you it’s like the inmates of an insane asylum for mongoloid chimpanzees are jizzing on you in the shower.

There’s no joy in that.

Best to let them go their own way and hear their crazy WRTS BS through Feinbaum.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 12:53:11 PM
NBack to Brownwood...

The missus and I are at that stage in life where we’re starting to think about where we want to end up.

The Austin metro area is a great place to work and raise kids but I wouldn’t want to be old here.  It’s just too crowded and teo expensive.

Ideally I’d like a place in NM on the hill between Alamogordo and Cloud Croft and a place in a poor cheap town on the Texas coast and a nice RV to go between them.

But that’s a lot of work. Maybe a small town in Texas would be better.

I like the warmth and dryness to the west and south, but the cultural diversity to the east and south.

So where to go?

Maybe Brenham.  Drivable distances to the Horns, Astros and Spurs and all the ice cream I could want.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 18, 2018, 01:07:01 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 18, 2018, 02:40:30 PM
Taylor has a dirt track 9-hole golf course and Louie Mueller BBQ 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 18, 2018, 02:45:12 PM
I like the idear of retiring in New Mexico

never been there but they tell me it's nice

well, the climate/weather is supposed to be superb
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 03:14:41 PM
I like the idear of retiring in New Mexico

never been there but they tell me it's nice

well, the climate/weather is supposed to be superb
Inordinate amount of lesbians there.  Can’t swing a dead cat without hitting one.  I have no problem with ‘em.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 03:15:15 PM
Beautiful town.  Not a bad suggestion.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 18, 2018, 03:21:03 PM
I like the state of Texas in general, but the appeal lessens when thinking about retirement.  After the boon of no state income tax wears off, put me in a place like Louisiana where property taxes aren't going to eat my soul until I die.  

...but not actually Louisiana.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 18, 2018, 03:29:38 PM
I'd like to live in a place with a real autumn, regardless of what period of my life it's in.

That's sounds like real old fart territory.

Can't help it.  My parents used to get together with one my uncles and his wife, and me and my cousin would forced to ride along on fall days for hours while those idiots drove probably 100's of miles to "look at the leaves."  

They were insane.  Who wastes time doing something like that?  I got basketballs to bounce, Legend of Zelda puzzles to figure out, scrambled porn channels to try and make out the occasional boob.  Life is hectic when you're a young guy...who wants to be cooped up in a car with your parents, and who even gives a rat's ass about what color some leaves are?

Fast forward to some point in my 20's--I don't know when exactly it started--I began lamenting the hot/green periods contrasted only with very cold/dead foliage periods.  Every time I visit people in a place like Nashville, or Missouri...anywhere with a real fall, I think how nice the leaves look and how I wish I had a few months of that per year.  And I especially covet the true autumn weather.  'Round here we go from Sauna to Freezer, whiplashing back and forth, with very few days in between with just nice, cool weather.  

I also wanna build a deck, so I can sit outside and drink coffee while I take in the autumn weather and look at the pretty leaves.

Jeez....what happened to me?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 18, 2018, 03:39:06 PM
Inordinate amount of lesbians there.

Plenty opportunity to work your magic.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 18, 2018, 04:37:53 PM

Jeez....what happened to me?  
No idear whatsoever
come on up to NW Iowa
we have great fall season - sitting on my deck with a cigar and a robust beverage such as an oktoberfest beer or a glass of scotch
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 18, 2018, 04:43:39 PM
I like the state of Texas in general, but the appeal lessens when thinking about retirement.  After the boon of no state income tax wears off, put me in a place like Louisiana where property taxes aren't going to eat my soul until I die.  

...but not actually Louisiana.  
ya don't need or want a large piece of real estate when ya retire
If the house or yard is too big and nice and worth something, the children will be stopping by and staying far too often and for too long of periods
git yerself a small shotgun shack that doesn't have enough worth to tax
less carpet to vacuum
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 18, 2018, 05:45:54 PM
You may underestimate Texas' ability to level property taxes.  

I could retire in a cardboard box under the bridge here and it'd be more than I want to pay in retirement.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 06:44:34 PM
The amount I pay my mortgage company each month is 50% mortgage and interest (mostly the latter), 10% insurance (via escrow) and 40% property tax (via escrow).  I couldn’t believe my property tax the first few years but now I’m used to it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 06:46:50 PM
Plenty opportunity to work your magic.
Nah.  Live and let live.  They do make great neighbors though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 18, 2018, 06:48:05 PM
Amos.  Might I suggest the aforementioned Kerrville. Their trees turn colors.  I’ll move there if you move there. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 18, 2018, 07:12:18 PM
I also wanna build a deck, so I can sit outside and drink coffee while I take in the autumn weather and look at the pretty leaves.

Jeez....what happened to me?  
I totally get this, but I've always been into leaves, falling leaves.  And I mean literally.  
I remember back when I was in scouts (mostly cub, but some boy), we'd spend overnighters at Fred Darby, which is a camp in the Boston Mtns close to Tenkiller Lake, generally in the area of Where the Red Fern Grows.  This place was full of hills densely adorned with blackjack and pin oak trees, and in the fall all those leaves would come down and the floor was so thick with them that you could get a big piece of cardboard and go sliding down those leaf piles down into the ravines for hundreds of feet at a time.  It was as good as sledding after a big snow.  Now, it should be acknowledged that not infrequently one of those big slides would come to a sudden stop when you hit some rock outcrop, but we were young and no one broke anything that I heard of anyway.  And so like in a sledding day (eastern Okla had about four good sleddable snows a year - not as good as where FF is from but still some respectable snow days would always happen), we'd trudge back up to the top of the hillslope and go careening down again, daring those hidden rock outcrops to do whatever damage they could.
So, for me, big piles of deciduous leaves had a very active element to them growing up, right in there with bouncing a basketball or riding your banana bike around a dirt track jumping ramps.
Now, though, as I'm too old to do anything as nutty as slide down a rocky hillslope covered in leaves on a piece of cardboard into a ravine, I'm perfectly fine just to sip my tea, ideally after having enjoyed one of my remaining edibles from an Oregon dispensary, and look out over a landscape of leaves, particularly red ones from oak trees, and my new digs here in Md are full of oaks among other trees like maples, and reminisce about leaf sledding days of yesteryear.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 19, 2018, 02:20:48 PM
Amos.  Might I suggest the aforementioned Kerrville. Their trees turn colors.  I’ll move there if you move there. (
I do love the Fredericksburg area.  Can't remember if I've stopped in Kerrville or not.  I'm inclined to think they're still going to kill me in property taxes and not have enough cool weather, but it's worth doing my research.  I'll happily be neighbors with you.  
Longhorns make good neighbors.  Had a Michigan fan next door one time in Pflugerville that sucked, tho. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 19, 2018, 02:40:09 PM
I totally get this, but I've always been into leaves, falling leaves.

Head to northern Arkansas.  I would if I wasn't so Texanized.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 19, 2018, 04:42:28 PM
Head to northern Arkansas.  I would if I wasn't so Texanized.
Right - what I described was northeastern Oklahoma, about half an hour from the Arkansas border.  The Ozarks (Boston Mtns are the southern part of the Ozarks) are totally charming, and they extend well into Oklahoma.
I'll never live there again, as life has taken me in other directions, but it was a pretty nice area to grow up in.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 19, 2018, 05:29:13 PM
Longhorns make good neighbors.  Had a Michigan fan next door one time in Pflugerville that sucked, tho.
I hear ya.  Dude next door to me is from northern Ohio, outside Toledo, so he's a Michigan fan too.   Dude next to him is from Rhode Island and is a Patriots fan.  The huge overly friendly proselytizing family across the street root for BYU.  Lady across the other street (I live on a corner) is a Penn State fan.  The hillbilly cattycorner from me is a Texas Tech fan.
Ain't no normal people anywhere in the ATX metro nowadays.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 21, 2018, 09:58:57 PM
count your blessings

no Sooners or Huskers near
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 21, 2018, 10:19:16 PM
Amos.  Might I suggest the aforementioned Kerrville. Their trees turn colors.  I’ll move there if you move there. (
I'm in.
Gotta be some BBQ there.
And I found the muni course (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 22, 2018, 02:19:22 PM
We could start an ex-pat community.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 22, 2018, 02:46:12 PM
Been years since I owned any property in Louisiana, so my memory was fuzzy.  But I just asked my grandma this weekend what her property taxes are.  She has 4 or 5 lots, zoned and fenced into one very big yard.  A house, a nice workshed and some other structures make up the improvements.  Her annual property taxes are $87 and some change.

You Texans just think about that for a minute.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 22, 2018, 02:59:25 PM
I need utee94's help.  I probably need PiratesRoost, but I haven't seen that guy in years.

Can somebody explain to me the NFL TV contracts?  My limited, basic, probably-wrong understanding is that FOX carries NFC games and CBS carries AFC games.  Most games are local, so it depends on your local affiliate which team they show.  One of them (I think FOX maybe, but I pay so little attention, I don't know) usually carries a 3:30 game, which I thought was national, i.e., everybody sees it.  

Last week Dallas played an AFC team, and CBS aired it.  Okay, no big confusion, an AFC team was involved, for whatever reasons CBS gets that one.  But this past weekend Dallas played a division rival, most definitely another NFC team, and it was still on CBS (at 3:30).  I don't understand that.  

It's probably not relevant, but it mattered for the following reason.  My wife is a big Cowboys fan and wants to watch Dallas every Sunday.  We live near Beaumont, so in general CBS carries the Texans and FOX carries the Cowboys.  We cut the cord this year, dropping satellite and using Hulu Live TV for the football season.  Hulu offers local channels, but evidently they don't have a contract with the local CBS.  There is no local news at night, and no Texans games airing at noon on Sundays.  Weeknights feature CBS' sitcoms, and Saturdays feature the SEC game of the week, which I know are national for CBS.  The rest of the time it's airing CBS News, pretty much around the clock.  Just these relentless talking heads droning on about world events.  All of which leads me to conclude this is some kind of national CBS station that Hulu offers because for whatever reason they don't have Beaumont's local CBS.  

We weren't able to watch either Cowboys game on CBS as a result.  Last week's game was a noon game, I believe, so that didn't surprise me.  I thought ok, it's a local thing, this version of CBS didn't have it.  But this past week's game was a 3:30 CBS game, which I thought meant everybody gets it, but we didn't.  

So I'm confused on A) why CBS had a game featuring two NFC teams, and B) which games count as "local" and which ones are games everybody gets?  I would've left Hulu by now if they didn't show the SEC Saturday games, and I assumed that meant we should also get national NFL games on Sunday.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 22, 2018, 03:21:31 PM
Been years since I owned any property in Louisiana, so my memory was fuzzy.  But I just asked my grandma this weekend what her property taxes are.  She has 4 or 5 lots, zoned and fenced into one very big yard.  A house, a nice workshed and some other structures make up the improvements.  Her annual property taxes are $87 and some change.

You Texans just think about that for a minute.  
I don't know if it's just me or if all Texans feel this way but as a whole, in general, Louisianans kind of scare me. 
I've traveled to all of the states and country surrounding Texas and have visited with many lovely people in those places.
I like those quiet, gentle, pleasant souls in Mexico.  I like the stoic New Mexicans who hit on my wife.  I like those  friendly, bucolic and vacant Okies.  I like those disgusting fried food eating, cigarette smoking Arkansans.  
Louisianans are friendly and offer such a delicious culture.  Everybody I've ever met from Louisiana was great.  I could drink chickry coffee and eat beignets every day of my life.
But there's something kind of scary, creepy about Louisianans.
Maybe I saw too many movies as a kid about chain gangs and voodoo and stuff.  Or maybe I've heard too many stories about Death Valley.
But there's this kind of feeling that behind the friendly almost-Texan hospitality lurks a uniquely Louisianan lack of judgment, safety or fear of consequences.
Such as it is, it's a great place to visit but a relief to return home from.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 22, 2018, 03:28:07 PM
Well sure, but for minimal property taxes when the state government can no longer levy income tax in retirement, I'd almost be willing to put up

....if we just had better fall weather and more consistent winters.  

Honestly, it doesn't matter if you're retired or not.  LA's state income tax is not enough to offset how cheap property taxes are once you homestead.  Even with the grocery tax, living in LA just just cheaper than living in TX.  It just happens to look a lot better if you are retired, I'd think.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 22, 2018, 03:40:18 PM
Forget property taxes. What it’s really about is total taxes. How much income tax would you pay?  Sales tax? Vehicle tax? Gasoline tax?  And what do you get for your taxes?  I feel fairly good about how the state and county uses our taxes to maintain the roads etc. 

My property tax here in small town Texas is about $4k per year. I live in an older (1972) but nice two story home. It’s about 2400 sq ft plus garage. The trick is to protest your taxable value every year. 

If I lived outside of town I could knock about $1500 off my tax bill. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 22, 2018, 05:02:16 PM
Forget property taxes. What it’s really about is total taxes. How much income tax would you pay?  Sales tax? Vehicle tax? Gasoline tax?  And what do you get for your taxes?  I feel fairly good about how the state and county uses our taxes to maintain the roads etc.

My property tax here in small town Texas is about $4k per year. I live in an older (1972) but nice two story home. It’s about 2400 sq ft plus garage. The trick is to protest your taxable value every year.

If I lived outside of town I could knock about $1500 off my tax bill.
what Id like to see is a freeze on prop taxes if owner is 65 or older
living on a fixed income can be a real bummer when property taxes increase
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 22, 2018, 05:31:00 PM
I don't know much about Hulu or the network ties, but I do know you can buy one of those $20 HD boxes from Best Buy and get ALL the local channels that way, without having to pay an additional service for streaming or cable.   It's basically a one-time purchase and you get some 30 local channels that have the same programming as the CBS/FOX/NBC showing on those paying for cable.      I can vouch that the same game playing on CBS on the HD box is the same game playing on my cable listing for CBS.   Just FYI, or maybe you already knew that, but at any rate, it's the cheapest way to watch the main channels in HD without paying anything more than the equipment cost. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 22, 2018, 05:48:23 PM
You don't need a set top box to receive local channels in HD.  You just need a TV with a digital HD tuner in it (most TVs sold in the past 6-8 years do), and you need an antenna.  

I have no idea what states might charge as an income tax. Sales tax plays into it as well.  I don't know whether or not it's cheaper to live in small town Louisiana compared to small town Texas.  Large, populous, and popular cities like Houston, Dallas, and Austin are likely more expensive to live in than cities in Louisiana, but that's specific to municipalities rather than states.

And this article explains how Dallas-Washington ended up on CBS.  The answer: "Cross-flexing."

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 22, 2018, 06:10:59 PM
We live too far out of Beaumont to get OTA channels with a digital antennae.  That was the first thing I tried, because I used that some in San Marcos to get Austin and San Antonio channels.  That's mainly for people who live very near a city with broadcasting stations.  The old rabbit ears had quite a bit more range when I was a kid, but these digital antennaes have less than half of that.  

Erin, I'm not familiar with whatever box you're talking about.  I'll have to look into that.  Does it get you PBS too?

The sales tax rate is higher in LA than TX, but it's negligible.  Having done quite a bit of property research in TX for oil companies I had occasion to snoop around appraisal districts and tax rolls quite a bit.  Obviously there are hundreds of towns in both states with which I have no specific knowledge, but I'm comfortable in saying on the whole property tax is worlds lower in LA than TX, wherever you live.  Anecdotally, this is true for everyone I have known who has lived in both states.  Not having a grocery tax in Texas is nice, and it does add up.  Not having state income tax is nice too.  But they don't offset the property taxes, in my sphere of knowledge.  Louisiana state income tax is annoying, but it's hardly what Federal Income Tax is, and groceries, well, people only buy so many groceries.  Nearly half of my wife and I's mortgage goes to property tax here, and I imagine it's been roughly the same for all the Texans I have known.  Meanwhile these schlubs in Louisiana are paying $40 bucks or less annually.  That stuff doesn't even get folded into mortgages there, no bank would ever bother.  If you rent in Texas, as I did, you come out way ahead (obviously I'm not talking about the rent vs. own long-term-wealth debate).  If you retire in Louisiana, I have to think you come out way ahead.  And of course that ignores the other good points y'all made....are you happy with what you get for your money?  It's entirely possible to not want to live in Louisiana because you think the state sucks and Texas has better BBQ or something.  

Thanks for the link, utee!  I'll give it a read and see if I can learn something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 22, 2018, 06:17:41 PM
I have wanted to see if the hype about the Mohu Leaf is legit.  It's an indoor digital antennae that supposedly has far superior range and power compared to the stuff that's been sold the last ~10 years before it.  If I had the time and money, I believe you can also get an outdoor digital one that mounts on the side of the house, just like the old analog ones.  They supposedly have far superior range to the indoor digital antennas as well.  

Don't tell my wife, but I'm not THAT interested in doing something about it.  I don't care about the NFL, and anyway I see that the rest of the Cowboys games are scheduled to be on FOX, which we have no problems with, and I feel like she should already be grateful that I don't bogart the TV on Saturdays when Texas plays.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 22, 2018, 06:27:42 PM
That link was pretty helpful.  Unfortunately it doesn't say if CBS' 3:30 slot was national or not.  It did confirm that the FOX 3:30 slot is a national game, and it does seem to imply (the comment about the game reaching 80% of the country) that the CBS late afternoon slot is also national.  That leaves me still wondering why the CBS offered with Hulu didn't air it.  

It also makes me wonder how often CBS airs a late afternoon game.  During all the years I had DirecTV with all local channels included, Fox almost always had an afternoon game while CBS hardly ever did.  

It's odd that I care so much more about understanding the business side of this than I do watching NFL football.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 22, 2018, 09:02:15 PM
I don't know much about Hulu or the network ties, but I do know you can buy one of those $20 HD boxes from Best Buy and get ALL the local channels that way, without having to pay an additional service for streaming or cable.   It's basically a one-time purchase and you get some 30 local channels that have the same programming as the CBS/FOX/NBC showing on those paying for cable.      I can vouch that the same game playing on CBS on the HD box is the same game playing on my cable listing for CBS.   Just FYI, or maybe you already knew that, but at any rate, it's the cheapest way to watch the main channels in HD without paying anything more than the equipment cost.

put up a digital antenna, don't even need a fancy box

and consider yerself blessed if you didn't get to watch the Cowboys game
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 22, 2018, 09:07:52 PM
what Id like to see is a freeze on prop taxes if owner is 65 or older
living on a fixed income can be a real bummer when property taxes increase
I'm getting closer to 65, but why should the old folks live in a fancy huge house and get to cap their property tax?
If ya can't afford the taxes or think you can't.  Move into an apartment or into the senior living complex, or simply downsize your house.
let some young folks move in and pay the taxes
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 23, 2018, 07:42:48 AM
Like I said before, I have no idea what states charge for income tax, having never had an official residence outside of Texas.  Is it 1%?  Is it 10%?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll say that any state income tax in Texas higher than 4-5% would absolutely cost me more than my state/municipal property taxes.  And I live in a pretty heavily taxed location.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 23, 2018, 07:50:44 AM
The old aerial antennas (the huge ones on a pole that towered over your home's roof) work really well for receiving long-range OTA (over the air) signals, just as they did in the 50s, 60s, and 70s.

I'm not sure everyone understands this, but the broadcast signals themselves are no different than they used to be.  Your UHF frequencies still run 450-952 MHz and there's actually no difference in the way a digital antenna receives that signal compared to the way an analog one does.  The difference is the signal contained within that wave.  The packaged signal inside the wave is now digital data, rather than analog.  But that is not "unpacked" until it reaches the digital tuner which is inside the TV.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 23, 2018, 09:07:33 AM
We live too far out of Beaumont to get OTA channels with a digital antennae.  That was the first thing I tried, because I used that some in San Marcos to get Austin and San Antonio channels.  That's mainly for people who live very near a city with broadcasting stations.  The old rabbit ears had quite a bit more range when I was a kid, but these digital antennaes have less than half of that.  

Erin, I'm not familiar with whatever box you're talking about.  I'll have to look into that.  Does it get you PBS too?

Yes, it gets PBS and strangely there are something like 4 different CBS channels, 4 different ABC channels, etc, so it's more than just the 6 basic ones.  There are the  main NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, CW, and then there are bonus ones under those channel numbers that come in and show old classic TV shows.    When the satellite goes out during terrible storms, the HD box is going strong and we still get all of those channels clearly so it has it's benefits for us.    We didn't want to pay for the HD Box for direcTV so we bought this box thing years ago and it works great for us for anything on those main channels, particularly in testy weather situations.

Yes, we bought it when we had an older TV without the tuner in it, as it was about 4 or 5 yrs ago when we got it.  We do have a Roku TV now but still use the box because of the HD quality and it was easy enough to figure out the setup for us non-techhie people.  
I don't know if this is same brand we have but ours looks like this.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on October 23, 2018, 10:34:53 AM
I have no sense of scale. I live in the middle of Waco, TX, and I have this on my house:

I don't need that. I could just as easily get by with half of it, but like I said, I have no sense of scale and enjoy the way it looks like I'm texting with George Jetson or something.

OTA HD signals also provide a clearer picture than cable simply because what you get is uncompressed data. Your local (my antenna gets Dallas stations, sometimes in Vietnamese, but that's another post) broadcast station just flings the signal into the air. Cable has to make trade offs between how many channels they can support and how much data each channel takes up - resulting in slight picture degradation.

Play around with
It will let you enter your address, and then map out where your TV stations are, how many channels you could expect to get, and what type of antenna (measured in gain) you'd need to get more.

Utee touched on the point that TV stations used to send analog signals. When you get an analog signal, you can get a "sort of" picture where the signal was barely strong enough to receive, so you'd get "snowy" or staticy pictures. That does not happen with digital transmission (all of today's TV signals). The tower is sending out data. Your antenna gets that data, locks on, and the result is either a (largely) crystal pure perfect picture every time, or isn't able to lock on at all - resulting in no picture ever.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 23, 2018, 11:00:46 AM
It sounds like Erin has a digital tuning box.  It might also have a nicer user interface than simply tuning from one channel to another on the digital tuner in your HDTV.  But if you have a modern HDTV it most likely has a built-in tuner, and all you'll need beyond that, is an antenna.

As droog said, the picture quality over the air is better than what you're going to get via cable, or satellite, or internet-based options like Hulu or YouTubeTV or Sling, simply because OTA delivery is not compressed, while the cable/satellitei/nternet carriers have to compress the signal due to bandwidth limitations.

But again, to receive OTA local HD, all you need is an antenna, provided your TV is modern enough to have a built-in digital tuner.  The one I bight 13 years ago did not, the one I bought 10 years ago does, and so do all newer ones I've purchased subsequently.

And although manufacturers claim that one antenna might be better "tuned" for digital than an analog antenna, I haven't seen a lot of credible research that says this is true.  There's no difference between a "digital" antenna and an older "analog" one, because there's no difference in the waves they are picking up at your house.  A higher quality powered antenna is going to work better than a passive one, and the large aerials work really well.  It's not uncommon to see people mounting these back on their houses these days, as they attempt to "cut the cord."  Larger antennae can collect more energy and therefore capture weaker signals from further away.  The shape also matters, one shape works better for VHF, another works better for UHF, and still others for the types of waves used to broadcast AM and FM radio.  Most antennae from the 60s and 70s had a couple of different arrays on them, to capture both VHF and UHF signals as well as possible.

The last time I did a quick scan with my oldest digital-tuning HDTV through a small powered antenna only, in Austin, (it's the TV I keep in my RV),  I found something like 40 digital channels.  This is possible because a local ABC affiliate (KVUE channel 24 UHF here in Austin) actually has more bandwidth than their original signal ever used.  So they're able to broadcast multiple channels across the same frequency.  So I get a channel 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, and 24.4.  Often one of them will be broadcast in Spanish.  And maybe another one only plays old TV shows from the 60s.  One of them might be an all-day weather or news channel.  Likely only the main channel will be in HD, but they are all digital.  

If you've never done it, you should hook up an antenna to your modern digital HDTV and see what channels you can get.  If you're in a pretty large urban area, there are likely dozens.  Out in the country, you'll have fewer options, but that was always the case and is nothing new.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 23, 2018, 01:00:51 PM
Like I said before, I have no idea what states charge for income tax, having never had an official residence outside of Texas.  Is it 1%?  Is it 10%?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll say that any state income tax in Texas higher than 4-5% would absolutely cost me more than my state/municipal property taxes.  And I live in a pretty heavily taxed location.
iirc, it was 4% for me when I was working there.  Would be 6% for me with my current job, probably for you too.  
In my current position, the property tax folded into the mortgage, x 12 (annual), is about $2000 more than what 6% additional annual income tax would be.  It's possible the grocery tax offsets that, but I doubt it.  I've never done the math to isolate such a thing, but I know from my overall budget that it was cheaper to live in Louisiana than anywhere I've lived in TX so far, and this correlates to any number of Cost Of Living databases I've seen through the years.  
But again, cheaper does not necessarily = better.  For example, I like the roads in TX, if I had kids I would probably like the schools better, on the whole.  In various areas, I'm happy with the tradeoff and would rather live in TX.
No clue how I'll feel in retirement, but getting out from that property tax when the income stops would probably look very attractive.  Ugh.  I hate that this thread has forced me to confront the fact that I may actually seek to spend my final years in my muggy, mosquito-ridden home state.  I bet I die getting eaten by an alligator.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 23, 2018, 01:07:00 PM
Just a side note

Texas does have an income tax for corporate businesses 

Its called a franchise tax but its really an income tax
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 23, 2018, 01:07:42 PM
Iowa state income tax is at 7%

Iowa state sales tax is at 7%

Property tax on my $120,000 house is almost $2,000 per year

I'd prefer a flat sales tax of 10-15% (whatever it took) and abolish the other multiple taxes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 23, 2018, 01:16:09 PM
Just a side note

Texas does have an income tax for corporate businesses

Its called a franchise tax but its really an income tax
Yup.  Paid that the whole time I lived in TX before for my fancy little LLC, and I'm 'bout to pay it again, I hope.
I'm still adjusting to life as a married man, so I'm not even thinking in terms of multiple incomes.  If both spouses work, it seems like living in a state with no income tax such as Texas would then look much more attractive.  Being single, Louisiana was cheaper.  When we're both working, off the top of my head, I don't see how Texas wouldn't be cheaper.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 23, 2018, 01:19:31 PM
So the old outdoor antennae still does its thing so long as their's a digital converter in the TV?  Possibly somebody in my family may have an old discarded one I could try.  I didn't know that.  The digital antennae I bought back in San Marcos was such a different-looking deal compared to the old rabbit ears that I guess I assumed the actual signal had changed and thus needed an antennae capable of catching a "digital signal."  

If I'm understanding you correctly, the signal is just the signal, the data inside the signal is what used to be analog and is now digital, so the old antennae's still work.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 23, 2018, 01:52:03 PM
Exactly right MDT.

The "carrier" signal is the one that's 30-300 MHz for VHF and 450 - 952 MHz for UHF, which are the two standard bands for television signals in the USA.

I just googled to see if I could find a simple and straightforward description of the modulation of a carrier wave.  The modulation is how we encode data into the carrier wave, and it's different depending on whether it's digital or analog.  Unfortunately the links I found were all pretty detailed and academic.   I find it to be a fascinating subject, personally, but I also willingly spent 5-6 semesters of my undergraduate electrical engineering coursework studying it in various forms, so there's that...

I'd say the simplest way to think of it, is that the carrier signal is the "envelope" for the data, and the modulation determines the contents of that envelope.  The envelope hasn't changed for the entire history of broadcast television-- indeed it CAN'T change, because it's just a manifestation of the physical laws that define and describe the electromagnetic spectrum.  So the carrier signal is the same, it is broadcast using the same equipment as it ever was, and it can be received using the same antenna as it ever was.

The content inside that envelope is what has changed, and the switch from analog to digital rendered the old analog tuners inside our televisions obsolete.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 23, 2018, 02:51:02 PM
What's a bummer is that Beaumont does not appear to have a PBS affiliate, so nothing I do sans going back to cable/satellite will give me that.  My wife and I enjoy a few different things from the Masterpiece and Masterpiece Mystery stuff that PBS does.  Soon we'll probably get the $5 Amazon add-on that PBS has, but on principle I feel like the Beaumont area should have PBS OTA for free.

I liked DirecTV and the way it functioned.  But ultimately we just don't watch enough to justify $100/mo. or whatever.  Hulu isn't perfect, but it's getting us through the football season nicely, and I'm free to cut it off after the SuperBowl.  I think Amazon and Netflix have better shows on the whole than what broadcast or cable channels have.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 23, 2018, 02:57:42 PM
Speaking of my relatively new wife, there's been a term here some used to describe their better halves.  Something along the lines of ics&aw (I know that's not right, but something close to Irrepressibly Cute, Sweet & Adorable Wife).  I recently changed my wife's contact in my phone from a nickname I'd given her a while back to simply "My Hot Wife."  Maybe for our purposes, she should be my HSLW, which of course stands for my hot, sweet, Longhorn wife.  I need another adjective, because the acronym needs another letter.  I'll work on it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 23, 2018, 03:19:34 PM
"Hot wife" has a very specific meaning, just so you know...

It's a bummer that you don't get PBS in Beaumont.  Looks like the Houston affiliate is the closest one to you, Channel 8 I believe.  There are 11 total in Texas:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 23, 2018, 03:26:14 PM
Well the PBS-status in Beaumont is out of my scope of knowledge, much like anything tech-related.   I do like to watch it, too, they have some badass concerts on there including one I saw of the Foo Fighters performing in the Acropolis in Athens, Greece in a wicked-cool venue.  I actually just found a link showing the episode when I was google searching:

Anyways, was just trying to help with the box-recommendation thingy, as it solved a problem for us years ago and we are still using that thing today, whether we actually NEED to or not. It's been reliable for us, still working perfectly and we watch pretty much any game on ABC/CBS/FOX using that tool, which only cost $20 flat fee and even if we cut cable and have no other streaming options, it will still be working for us.  

And I guess I must be boring, the husband-type's number in my phone is just 'Mike' but now you got me thinking about changing it to Master Farter, MC-Sexypants, or maybe even 'Yin to my Yang'.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 23, 2018, 03:37:57 PM
If I had his number in my phone it would probably be "guy I froze my balls off with in Tiger Stadium that one time."  Srsly, that is my lasting image of him.  When I think about it, I remember meeting him pre-game, hanging out, having some good conversation, eating food at the tailgate, etc.  But spur of the moment, the one enduring memory I have is of us waiting on you to come back from the bathroom, trying hopelessly to draw our coats tighter around us to get some warmth.  We tried to talk, but the wind was hard to hear over, and my body was mostly interested in shutting down and dying at that point.  

Good thing I was still on a high from watching Johnny Football get his ass kicked, again.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 23, 2018, 03:43:31 PM
If I had his number in my phone it would probably be "guy I froze my balls off with in Tiger Stadium that one time."  Srsly, that is my lasting image of him.  When I think about it, I remember meeting him pre-game, hanging out, having some good conversation, eating food at the tailgate, etc.  But spur of the moment, the one enduring memory I have is of us waiting on you to come back from the bathroom, trying hopelessly to draw our coats tighter around us to get some warmth.  We tried to talk, but the wind was hard to hear over, and my body was mostly interested in shutting down and dying at that point.  

Good thing I was still on a high from watching Johnny Football get his ass kicked, again.  
Yeah, we  need a do-over - Baton Rouge in 2020, with the REAL Texas team!   I promise not to take too long in the bathroom, unless of course your Tigers cause some pain for my horns and I need to compose myself in private.    

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 23, 2018, 05:04:21 PM
"Hot wife" has a very specific meaning, just so you know...

It's a bummer that you don't get PBS in Beaumont.  Looks like the Houston affiliate is the closest one to you, Channel 8 I believe.  There are 11 total in Texas:
That's "hotwife," without a space.  "Hot wife" is just a noun with a descriptor indicating a female spouse considered attractive (by me). 
Yeah, bummer on PBS.  It's hard to believe that much of Texas is left uncovered OTA.  I suppose it's that way for a lot of broadcast channels, but I believe some of the other cities like San Angelo, McAllen, etc. do have affiliates for the Big 3 of NBC, ABC and CBS.  There's only 7 municipalities in LA that fit my definition of "city," but I guess LA is so small that since all 7 of them have PBS, pretty much the whole state is covered.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on October 23, 2018, 05:40:57 PM
See, I read it as "hot wife" as in "hot spare".

I was trying to design a procedure for zero latency inline failover in real-time.

Then, I realized this was probably a very bad idea.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 23, 2018, 05:47:23 PM
I'm pretty sure you can hot swap a hotwife.  I think that's kind of their thing...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 24, 2018, 12:47:27 PM
Well, it could be changed to "lovely," I suppose.  She's also lovable, which is different, but apt.  The "Longhorn" has to stay though.  That puts me at LLLW and that's an alliteration I don't care to get into.  Needs more work.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 24, 2018, 01:01:13 PM
keep working, you'll get it

Or Charley will come around and nail it immediately 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 24, 2018, 03:23:17 PM
I keep dropping the bait out there, but the fish keeps swimming away.

Durned absent, lazy 'Horn.....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 24, 2018, 04:01:19 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 24, 2018, 04:35:39 PM
And I guess I must be boring, the husband-type's number in my phone is just 'Mike' but now you got me thinking about changing it to Master Farter, MC-Sexypants, or maybe even 'Yin to my Yang'. 
I wasn't paying much attention to this latest thread twist until I read the above from Erin, which made me COL (chuckle out loud).
The code word in my phone for the LOML (love of my life, an acronym I've never written down until now) is something that would be absolutely meaningless to anyone except for me and her.  We have all sorts of names for each other that are barely above, if they're even above, animal gutteral sounds.  She has come up with most of them, but I've contributed a few.  When one of them slips out in front of others, such as our son or one of our siblings, it just embarrasses everyone in earshot.  So we try to keep the primal purring reined in when in public.
They're not worth repeating here.  There's no alliterative quality to them, no catchy double entendre like Yin to my Yang, no meaning to the outside world about the relative hotness of my wife, nothing of the sort.  They're like the secret ingredient in the Kung Fu Panda's goose father's soup, which is to say, nothing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 24, 2018, 09:06:15 PM
So... you have NOT had the noodle dream, I take it?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 25, 2018, 08:43:54 AM
ha, nope, still waiting ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 25, 2018, 05:29:22 PM
What the hell is wrong with i s c & a w?  My Cayman Island account increases by $1.13 every time somebody uses it.

So Amos, how tall is the missus?

Starting with you, I’m guessing what... 6’ and 3/4”???

I know you ain’t as tall as me cause that always pisses me off and I can’t recall ever being pissed at you.

So if your 6’-0” to 6’-1” then Toto is collectivelly 5’-8” to 5’-9”.  Maybe 5’-10” after rehab.

Putting your i s c & a w at 5’-5” in heels.  Take away the big shoes and she’s what?  5’ and 3/8th of an inch?

You can do a lot with a little woman.  They’re no damn good at moving appliances. They just get squashed and make you feel bad.  But when it comes to everything else I’d take a little woman over a taller, bigger, more normal sized woman 7 days a week and twice on Sunday.

You’re a lucky man.  Obviously, God loves you right back.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 25, 2018, 06:46:32 PM
The problem with that, duh, is if I used it I'd have a bunch of Longhorns tripping over themselves to tell me that's their thing, I stole it, why the hell do I have to be so unoriginal.  

I'm 6'2".  Math is pretty good elsewhere.  Those are some short fellas, thought so ever since the first time I watched them play years ago.  But then, my one trip to Los Angeles years ago led me to believe everybody is short in L.A.  Wife is 5' even, she says.  

It's possible she married me just because I can reach the high cabinets in the kitchen.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 25, 2018, 07:14:58 PM
I'm 5'10" on the tape measure, but #1 in your hearts!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 25, 2018, 07:23:44 PM
the big black hat helps
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 25, 2018, 07:34:21 PM
For years, I told people that I was 5'11&3/4", while my brother said he was 6'2" and my father said he ruled over us at 6'3"

Then one day, we actually measured.  The results:

Me: 5'11&3/4"
Brother: 6'1&1/2"
Dad: 6'2&3/4"

Since that time, I've been 6 foot even, at the round up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 25, 2018, 07:39:17 PM
I was 5'10" at one time

Pretty sure I'm shrinking in my old age
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 25, 2018, 07:41:23 PM
There's a point when it's a good idea to stop measuring ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 25, 2018, 07:49:12 PM
The Arg/Fra side of my family measures in cm, which puts all these measures into triple digits.

My 182 cm of height towers over the entire French contingent in my family as well as everyone on the Argentine side except my dear wife's maternal grandfather, who was full blood Irish descent, and stood at 185 cm.  Or as my wife says, he was a meter eighty five.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 25, 2018, 07:51:19 PM
the big black hat helps
That and the boots will put me at 6'2" easy!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 25, 2018, 07:52:31 PM
The Arg/Fra side of my family measures in cm, which puts all these measures into triple digits.

My 182 cm of height towers over the entire French contingent in my family as well as everyone on the Argentine side except my dear wife's maternal grandfather, who was full blood Irish descent, and stood at 185 cm.  Or as my wife says, he was a meter eighty five.
The Metric System?  Is that thing still around???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 25, 2018, 08:00:06 PM
The Metric System?  Is that thing still around???
I know, it's pretty scarce.  It only exists in the countries in green on this map:

( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 25, 2018, 08:01:55 PM
The USA, Myanmar and Liberia all know better.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 25, 2018, 09:50:17 PM
Yeah I’m pretty good at guessing people’s heights.  It helps me to calculate how many karate chops it’d take to kill ‘em.

When I was younger I used to pick out the cutest female in any given restaurant, airline, church, school room, office, whatever so I’d know which one to rescue in the event of an apocalypse to ensure the continuation of the species.

But I guess I’ve had my fill of women over the years.  I’m by no means misogynistic. I still find them fascinating and I like to speculate how well each one can make pie and what pie she’d make but I really wouldn’t want to be beholding to any more than the one I got.

So now in social situations I do the karate chop calculation so that I can back the fatal blow out of calculation.  I wouldn’t want to accidentally kill somebody just cause the shit jumped sideways.  

You know?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 25, 2018, 10:48:58 PM
so, how many karate chops to kill an average height guy like Utee or I at 5'10"?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 25, 2018, 11:17:59 PM
so, how many karate chops to kill an average height guy like Utee or I at 5'10"?
About 147’ give or take, I’d guess.

I’m no Chuck Norris.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 26, 2018, 07:49:30 AM
The USA, Myanmar and Liberia all know better.
In engineering, pretty much all measurements are in metric, so I'm well acquainted with it.  Obviously it's much easier calculating Newton-meters than it is calculating slug-feet per furlong and such.
But in everyday measurements, I still have to mentally translate the measurements.  A quart is about a liter, a kilogram is a little over 2 lbs, a mile is a little over 1 1/2 kilometers, etc.  It's easy enough to do, but it really would be far simpler if the rest of the world would just switch over to our measurement systems.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 26, 2018, 08:00:33 AM
I’m equally conversant.  As a scientist I think day to day in metric at work.  Having married into an Argentine family, our scales are in kg and we use either F or C equally for temperature.  But I live in a country that still uses the Imperial system that the UK has given up, and you can’t fight city hall.  When we cook we mostly use Imperial measures because that’s most of the recipes, etc.

So it doesn’t matter to me either way.  I’d rather OU win another MNC than have the USA catch up with the rest of the world on this system of measurement.  I can think equally in pounds or kg, and in km or miles, and so who cares.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 26, 2018, 08:22:40 AM
Of course, pounds and kilograms don't technically translate that way.

A pound is a unit of force, while a kilogram is a unit of mass.  Only in Earth's gravity does a pound-mass equal a pound-force.  While a kilogram's a kilogram the universe around, or somesuch.  I can't speak for sure, I'm still waiting for the universe to catch up to us and use Imperial measurements.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 26, 2018, 09:13:37 AM
Of course, pounds and kilograms don't technically translate that way.

A pound is a unit of force, while a kilogram is a unit of mass.  Only in Earth's gravity does a pound-mass equal a pound-force.  While a kilogram's a kilogram the universe around, or somesuch.  I can't speak for sure, I'm still waiting for the universe to catch up to us and use Imperial measurements.
Force in SI is a Newton, which you get by multiplying mass (kg) by acceleration (m/s2), ie the 2nd law of motion.  In the imperial system they confuse things by clumsily using the same name for these two different things, and so one needs to define what type of pound (ie pound-mass vs pound-force) they’re considering.  Practically though no one outside of scientists and engineers care.  A kg = 2.2 lbs and anything else like this conversation we’re having is just geek speak.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on October 26, 2018, 10:20:06 AM
Then, you'd have to further explain your question. "How much do you weigh?" could be different than "How much mass do you represent?".

The "weight" question would then need to be clarified by "What? You mean here on Earth? At sea level? During which lunar phase?". 

At that point, they threw me out of CVS. I'm not sure if it was all of them, or just the local branch.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 26, 2018, 10:50:05 AM
Force in SI is a Newton, which you get by multiplying mass (kg) by acceleration (m/s2), ie the 2nd law of motion.  In the imperial system they confuse things by clumsily using the same name for these two different things, and so one needs to define what type of pound (ie pound-mass vs pound-force) they’re considering.  Practically though no one outside of scientists and engineers care.  A kg = 2.2 lbs and anything else like this conversation we’re having is just geek speak.

Well, were you, for example, trying to calculate the forces required to move a space craft beyond the earth's gravitational field, using Imperial rather than metric, then it would of course be a big deal.  You'd need to use the Imperial measure of mass, the slug, rather than a measure of force, like the pound, because a pound-mass wouldn't be a pound-force at anything other than precisely 1G.
In reality, they use the metric system, so all of this is merely academic.  Scientists and Engineers are nerds, what can I say?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 26, 2018, 10:59:47 AM
About 147’ give or take, I’d guess.

I’m no Chuck Norris.
thanks, was just curious
heck, I don't even watch Chuck Norris movies
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 26, 2018, 11:46:32 AM
The ounce used to confuse me as a kid, memorizing the different equivalents to larger/smaller units.  Sometimes an ounce measures weight, sometimes it measures volume.  Always had to stop and think about which set of conversions am I trying to deal with here.  

I'll tell you something about measurements.  

Einstein's relativity model--now the most tested and proven principle in all of physics and probably in all of science--basically just an extension of the old Newtonian model, calls for continuous motion and time.  It's probably correct because as mentioned, General Relativity has been tested in the extreme and continues to pass with flying colors.  Continuous motion and time....think about that.  

Meanwhile, GR unfortunately doesn't jive with QM, which among other things, calls for discrete units of distance and time, called Planck time and length, I think.  This is also very well tested, and physicists have thus far failed to reconcile the two.

Sometimes I lay awake at night and I don't know what's more frightening...the thought that every moment of time or movement has seen me pass through an infinite amount of time and space (every distance or length of time can always be divided by 2), or the fact that there may be a stopping point, at which place matter fails to exist at one point of space and time, and then reappears at another, not passing in between because there is no in-between.  

You scientists with all your fancy measurements can go jump.  All you do is keep good people awake at night.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 26, 2018, 11:51:25 AM
Here's a joke for you science nerds.

Heisenberg gets pulled over by a cop for speeding.  Cop asks him "Do you know how fast you were going?"

He replies, "No, but I know exactly where I am."

Bewildered, the cop says "Sir, you were going 100 mph."

Heisenberg is irritated and says "Oh great, now I'm lost."

Same cop pulls over Shrodinger.  He looks over the car and asks if he has anything in the trunk

"A cat," Shrodinger tells him.

Cop pops the trunk and says "Hey!  This cat is dead!"

Shrodinger angrily replies "Well he is now!"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 26, 2018, 12:20:31 PM
and this concludes the Big Bang Theory marathon 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 26, 2018, 12:55:10 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 26, 2018, 01:05:27 PM
I don't really watch the show, but my i s c & a aggie wife enjoys it.  I can say with all honesty that I've always approved of Penny.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 26, 2018, 01:54:16 PM
I just wanted to stop by and say hello to all you short folks.  

Back to the nerd talk!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 26, 2018, 01:57:28 PM
I don't really watch the show, but my i s c & a aggie wife enjoys it.  I can say with all honesty that I've always approved of Penny.
I like many things about Penny, but I'm also glad that she's a Husker
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 26, 2018, 01:59:22 PM
That's yet another reason I know that everything I see on TV is fake.  I don't really believe Nebraska has any fans that cute.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 26, 2018, 02:17:31 PM
I like many things about Penny, but I'm also glad that she's a Husker
I like that she is childfree by choice!  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 26, 2018, 02:19:19 PM
I just wanted to stop by and say hello to all you short folks.

Let's put it this way:

1) My nickname is Shorty

2) I live in a rural community

Do the math.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 26, 2018, 05:47:54 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 26, 2018, 10:36:08 PM
That's yet another reason I know that everything I see on TV is fake.  I don't really believe Nebraska has any fans that cute.  
Dude,  get yer arse to Lincoln or Omaha to the CWS
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 27, 2018, 10:05:01 AM
Dude,  get yer arse to Lincoln or Omaha to the CWS
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 27, 2018, 01:18:08 PM
When the Royals opened at the Stros a few years ago, transplanted midwesterners came out from under their rocks to mingle together and rally around a unifying, albeit disgusting, bond.

In the enchantingly ethnic diverse H-town where hookers dress like business women and business women dress like party girls, the Royals women looked strikingly white, pale and chubby.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I like assortments.

Besides, I’m sure they’re all complex, interesting and fascinating human beings so why objectify them, Junior?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 27, 2018, 07:44:16 PM
not all Royals fans are Husker fans

the large majority, but not all
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 28, 2018, 12:02:04 AM
not all Royals fans are Husker fans

the large majority, but not all
Hmmm, i wonder what WC4E, ski, et al would think of this notion?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 28, 2018, 12:05:44 AM
When the Royals opened at the Stros a few years ago, transplanted midwesterners came out from under their rocks to mingle together and rally around a unifying, albeit disgusting, bond.

In the enchantingly ethnic diverse H-town where hookers dress like business women and business women dress like party girls, the Royals women looked strikingly white, pale and chubby.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I like assortments.

Besides, I’m sure they’re all complex, interesting and fascinating human beings so why objectify them, Junior?
Huh?  WTF you talkin bout, Slick????
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 28, 2018, 12:06:56 AM
Horns lose.  Sooners and ‘Eeeers win big.  The Big XII lead is up for grabs again.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2018, 09:00:22 AM
The  Horns are not out of this yet but now we have to run the table
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 28, 2018, 09:48:42 AM
Hmmm, i wonder what WC4E, ski, et al would think of this notion?
they probably think it might be time for Wild Bill to retire
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 08:43:29 AM
The  Horns are not out of this yet but now we have to run the table
You’re out of the playoff hunt.  You can still win the conference but you’ve got some tough matches ahead, and if Texas can’t play any better than they did on Saturday, they’re not running the table.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 10:03:40 AM
You’re out of the playoff hunt.  You can still win the conference but you’ve got some tough matches ahead, and if Texas can’t play any better than they did on Saturday, they’re not running the table.
Oklahoma looks great.  You could run the table, but let's not forget you're not perfect either.  As a matter of fact, Texas beat you.  So could Texas Tech, so could West Virginia, so could Oklahoma State.  So maybe you should worry about your own team instead of ours.
Tom Herman has repeated something over and over that makes a lot of sense.  Texas' best game is enough to beat anybody left on Texas' schedule, but Texas isn't capable of beating anybody on its schedule if it doesn't play its best.  That's exactly where Texas is at.  It's no mystery.  I don't think any of us expected Texas to win the national championship or even make the playoffs this year.  We just wanted to see improvement which we have.

We'll see how things shake out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on October 29, 2018, 10:34:02 AM
I was told Taylor Cornelius was an inaccurate QB, and his receivers couldn't catch. Dude was dropping dimes on fingertips, and those fingertips were sticky.

Texas learned how to win close games. Now they're going to have to learn that everyone kicks it into a higher gear when Texas has a single number near their name. It's part of the progression from suckitude to the top of the mountain.

Of course, with the Big 12's "one true champion, because we have an idea on what to do about the end of the season to solve a nonexistent problem", the TX/OU game never happened.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 29, 2018, 10:56:13 AM
It was a bit frustrating to watch Cornelius pull the ball and fool the defense by the end of the game.  I kept thinking surely they have to be aware of the keeper by now.  

I get whiplash watching this team, especially the defense.  Sometimes they look like the best unit in the country.  Sometimes they look like a decently coached high school team. 

Sometimes in the same game.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 11:41:15 AM
Transitive properties generally do not exist in college football.   A can > B, and B can > C, and C can still > A.  

Sometimes you enter a game where the other team plays so extraordinarily well you can't believe it.  Everything goes right.  And sometimes you play a game where everything goes wrong for you.  Receivers drop balls, kickers tackle opponents sitting on the bench, stupid calls hurt you.

Generally when those things happen you can lose 42-16 - even if you're as good or better than the team you're playing.

We lost 38-35 and I'm claiming a moral victory in that.  Texas is not at a place where it can take anything for granted.  Everything must be assessed and critiqued.

It's a pain to lose.  It's pain to lose to somebody you think you could normally be better than.  That's football.  That's why the games are played.

No excuses.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 11:44:43 AM
What could be interesting is if wvu or OU win out and go to CCG only to face a battle-scarred team from a field of 6-3 or 5-4 (conference record, of course) teams that have beat the crap out of each other.

And the lowly underdog dominates the one loss team.

Yeah, that'd be fun.  Especially if Texas is the one that can spoil the Sooner's shot at CFP.  :-)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on October 29, 2018, 12:52:56 PM
It was a bit frustrating to watch Cornelius pull the ball and fool the defense by the end of the game.  I kept thinking surely they have to be aware of the keeper by now.  

I get whiplash watching this team, especially the defense.  Sometimes they look like the best unit in the country.  Sometimes they look like a decently coached high school team.

Sometimes in the same game.  
Texas plays an intricate style defense with usually 3 DL and a general mishmash of everything else, LB, DB, tweeners what-have-you. They line up at odd places and move right before the snap. The object is to make the offense figure it out in real time - not after an OC sitting in the booth relays the exact call to attack it to the QB.
When it works, it's beautiful. The problem is that Big 12 offenses know how to attack the missed assignment. If a player goes the wrong way or doesn't cover his responsibility, then that's where the ball goes. It makes everyone else look stupid and out of position. Texas suspended its 2 usual starters for the 1st quarter for being late to a team meeting. The backups were certifiably lost. I guess credit Tom Herman for sticking by his suspensions while the Cowboys rang up 17 points.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 29, 2018, 01:34:24 PM

Texas is a young team and still mentally immature for this level of play.  The #6 ranking destroyed them.  And then so did Oklahoma State in the 1st half.

Texas will show up and curb stomp West Virginia.  It will be impressive.

I never expected Texas to be a playoff team this year or even next.  We're way ahead of schedule.  We're already back to Mack Brown firing status.

Yesterday was bound to happen with this team.  They know how to play, they've got it in them.  But "winning is hard"...  You've got to be up for it every week.

Texas didn't show up for a Ok State team that Texas Tech throttled.  You could see it in their anger and frustration at the end.  They blew it.  They knew they blew it.  They're mad at themselves.

God help West Virginia.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 01:57:51 PM
What could be interesting is if wvu or OU win out and go to CCG only to face a battle-scarred team from a field of 6-3 or 5-4 (conference record, of course) teams that have beat the crap out of each other.

And the lowly underdog dominates the one loss team.

Yeah, that'd be fun.  Especially if Texas is the one that can spoil the Sooner's shot at CFP.  :-)
Yeah, I can see why that would be fun, from your pov, particularly if it was 1-loss OU who got punked by a battle-scarred Texas team, which would mean that particular brand of lightning having struck twice in one year. 

So, that's your fantasy, and here's mine.  What I'd like to see is OU and Texas ending up in the CCG, and OU returning the RRS favor with a resounding win with the conf title on the line.

But, you know, that's just too obvious a fantasy, and so here's a more deep and dark and delicious one

A second fantasy scenario could be:  OU whips WVU by a lot, and Texas loses to WVU by, say a lot, or at least, a last minute touchdown catch, and the three teams end with identical 1 loss conf records, having beaten each other in turn.  In this case, the first two Big 12 tiebreaker rules (round robin records against each other, and then against rest of the conference, both of which would be equal for all three) don't appear to resolve it, and it moves to score differential, the third tiebreaker.  At the moment, from my quick look, it appears that OU and WVU have better score differentials than Texas, and that would mean that Texas, despite winning the RRS against OU, would be left out of the CCG.

And, then the fun would begin.  The Texas fan base would scream bloody murder, accuse OU of cheating even though the Sooners simply followed the rules, accuse Big 12 officials of OU favoritism despite being involved with (or even demanding) the creation of these revised tiebreaker rules, and then out of frustration UT fans fly blimps with banners over stadiums, and the Texas HC might even end up on national tv, perhaps at the halftime of the Bedlam game, whining about how unfair life is. 

It would be 2008 all over again, and karma for the Mack-tivated BCS and Rose Bowl snub of Cal back in 2004, living on, and on, and on ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 29, 2018, 02:25:18 PM
Yeah, I can see why that would be fun, from your pov, particularly if it was 1-loss OU who got punked by a battle-scarred Texas team, which would mean that particular brand of lightning having struck twice in one year.  

So, that's your fantasy, and here's mine.  What I'd like to see is OU and Texas ending up in the CCG, and OU returning the RRS favor with a resounding win with the conf title on the line.

But, you know, that's just too obvious a fantasy, and so here's a more deep and dark and delicious one

A second fantasy scenario could be:  OU whips WVU by a lot, and Texas loses to WVU by, say a lot, or at least, a last minute touchdown catch, and the three teams end with identical 1 loss conf records, having beaten each other in turn.  In this case, the first two Big 12 tiebreaker rules (round robin records against each other, and then against rest of the conference, both of which would be equal for all three) don't appear to resolve it, and it moves to score differential, the third tiebreaker.  At the moment, from my quick look, it appears that OU and WVU have better score differentials than Texas, and that would mean that Texas, despite winning the RRS against OU, would be left out of the CCG.

And, then the fun would begin.  The Texas fan base would scream bloody murder, accuse OU of cheating even though the Sooners simply followed the rules, accuse Big 12 officials of OU favoritism despite being involved with (or even demanding) the creation of these revised tiebreaker rules, and then out of frustration UT fans fly blimps with banners over stadiums, and the Texas HC might even end up on national tv, perhaps at the halftime of the Bedlam game, whining about how unfair life is.  

It would be 2008 all over again, and karma for the Mack-tivated BCS and Rose Bowl snub of Cal back in 2004, living on, and on, and on ...
look at the little sooner man running smack even though we have scoreboard
thats cute
what you better hope for is for WV to beat UT cause if they dont it might be a dissappointing season for the 
land grabbers
additionally you guys have to play both Tech and WV as visitors 
so good luck with that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 03:27:37 PM
I think I said it would be "interesting."

My fantasies do not involve football.  

My fantasy would be finding a bottle on a beach, rubbing it and Jessica Alba popping out of it in a cloud of smoke with a warm fresh baked coconut cream pie in one hand and a fork to feed it to me in the other.

I love coconut cream pie.  It's one thing I can just never get enough of IRL.

Football is something I watch on TV when I'm not fantasizing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 29, 2018, 03:39:17 PM
I sometimes fantasize while watching football on TV

but, it's never been coconut cream pie
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 04:07:37 PM
fan·ta·sy /ˈfan(t)əsē/
noun: fantasy 1. the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
verb: fantasy 1. imagine the occurrence of; fantasize about.
So, yep, you were fantasizing Primo.  Now it's a judgment call about whether your imaginative scenario about whether a roughed up Texas might knock a 1-loss OU out of the CFP is improbable, and whether my three way tie but Texas is gets ejected on the third tiebreaker is improbable, but it was definitely something you and I both were imagining, respectively.

I like the beach fantasy better of course, but the football one (either yours or mine) wasn't bad.  Hopefully it was good for you too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 04:21:27 PM
Well, primo.  I think it much more likely that a won loss team will meet a two or more loss team in the CCG than that Jessica Alba will be my pie bearing genie.

Texas, West Virginia and Oklahoma are all one loss teams.  West Virginia still has to play both Texas and Oklahoma.  Therefore it is impossible for Texas and West Virginia or for West Virginia and Oklahoma to meet in the CCG as one loss teams.  Texas and Oklahoma could possibly meet as one loss teams, but how likely is that when OU still has Texas Tech, Oklahoma State and West Virginia to play and Texas still has West Virginia, Texas Tech and Iowa State still left to play?

It's probably even more likely that both teams in the CCG will have two conference losses each than that both would only have one conference loss.

So it is entirely within the realm of probability that a one loss team could face a multi-loss team.  Not improbable.  Not a fantasy.  In fact, it's likely.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 04:21:51 PM
look at the little sooner man running smack even though we have scoreboard
Wow, that's pretty disrespectful of the long running porch relationship we have.  SMH, 320.  You're a bigger man than you're showing here.  I guess that Stillwater loss burned you pretty bad.  It certainly seemed to burn your HC, who embarrassed himself at the end of the game there.  Is Tom Herman 40?
And, if having scoreboard stopped the other side of the RRS from running smack, then Texas fans would have ceased and desisted in their anti-OU smack for about 2/3rds of the 21st century.  And of course we know that didn't happen. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 04:30:00 PM
Well, primo.  I think it much more likely that a won loss team will meet a two or more loss team in the CCG than that Jessica Alba will be my pie bearing genie.


So it is entirely within the realm of probability that a one loss team could face a multi-loss team.  Not improbable.  Not a fantasy.  In fact, it's likely.
Sad but true on the first part.
On the second point, it doesn't have to be improbable to be imagined, although we could do the probability and it means OU wins out (not that likely) and Texas wins out or at least does better than the other 8 teams in the Big 12 (not that likely either) and then if you put those together you have two at most partly likely things combining to make an even less likely outcome.  And besides, we all know that a rematch between two closely matched teams often favors the team that lost the first time.  OU-NU in 1978 or Bama-LSU a few years ago, etc.  It's at least even money that OU would beat Texas in a rematch.  Put all those things together and ...
No, darn it all, Jessica as your desert island pie is still more unlikely.
Everything we're talking about though are just imagined scenarios. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 29, 2018, 04:36:13 PM
I'd be very comfortable with Texas playing OU again. 

Not sure it'll happen though, any of the WVU, @Tech, and ISU games are potential losses for the Horns.  I expect Texas to lose one of those, and I'm hopeful it's not 2, or 3.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 04:36:34 PM
Scenario 1 = wvu wins out.  They are 8-1 while both OU and Texas could be no better than 7-2 at best.

Scenario 2 = OU wins out and are 8-1.   Only Texas has a shot at being 8-1 as well but has a difficult path with wvu, Tech and Iowa St left.

Scenario 3 = Texas  wins out and are 8-1.   Only OU has a shot at being 8-1 as well but has a difficult path with Tech, oSu and wvu left.

Scenario 4 = Texas Tech wins out and are 7-2.  Only wvu has a shot at being 8-1 but has a difficult path with Texas, TCU, oSu and OU left.

Scenario 5 = Iowa State wins out and are 7-2.  Either wvu or OU could be 8-1, but not both and both have difficult paths.

Yeah, wouldn't surprise me at all to see two teams in the CCG with 3, 4 or 5 conference losses between them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 04:38:07 PM
I guess it's all thanks to our damnedable (or is that damnable?) conference parody, lol
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 04:38:37 PM
Sad but true on the first part.
On the second point, it doesn't have to be improbable to be imagined, although we could do the probability and it means OU wins out (not that likely) and Texas wins out or at least does better than the other 8 teams in the Big 12 (not that likely either) and then if you put those together you have two at most partly likely things combining to make an even less likely outcome.  And besides, we all know that a rematch between two closely matched teams often favors the team that lost the first time.  OU-NU in 1978 or Bama-LSU a few years ago, etc.  It's at least even money that OU would beat Texas in a rematch.  Put all those things together and ...
No, darn it all, Jessica as your desert island pie is still more unlikely.
Everything we're talking about though are just imagined scenarios.  
But imagined scenarios do not enter the rarefied air of being considered a fantasy unless they are improbable, impossible, involve Jessica Alba or coconut cream pie. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 04:40:10 PM
Much parody.  No fantasies.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 04:41:43 PM
Yummm, coconut cream pie.  I'm with you there.  Probable or improbable, that's definitely fantasy material.

My sweet wife and son both like banana cream pie better than coconut, which I have a lot of trouble understanding.  It's all good, but my maternal grandmother made the best coconut cream pie in the universe, and so when I eat that it's both good and sends me back to those days at her dinner table, which were fine times indeed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 29, 2018, 05:12:42 PM
my Father's and youngest daughter's favorite pie was banana cream - thanks to my Father's mother

fortunately, she taught her great granddaughter to make a very good banana cream pie

not much coconut cream pie in our experience
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 05:14:26 PM
banana cream

one of those phases that kind of makes a person grinace.

Grinace of course is a grin and a grimace rolled into one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 05:16:22 PM
my Father's and youngest daughter's favorite pie was banana cream - thanks to my Father's mother
Don't know why but that was the most difficult to comprehend sentence I read all day.  I had to read it like four times and every time you hit me with more relatives.
Sheesh.  You're a regular William Falkner.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 29, 2018, 05:18:08 PM
I certainly didn't start out typing that post to cause that much thinking, but the more I typed the more I enjoyed it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 29, 2018, 06:21:31 PM
Why the hell were people talking about football in this thread?

I'm glad y'all got this thing back on track.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 29, 2018, 06:47:22 PM
I like all kinds of pies.  Cobblers, too.  And dump cakes, those are tasty.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 29, 2018, 06:58:39 PM
cobblers and dump cakes?

I'm not going to ask.............
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 07:44:04 PM
Hmmm, me neither.  Sounds like some kind of clean out the frig thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 08:42:22 PM
I know all about cobblers and I have an idea what a dump cake might be.  I imagine Amos does too.  If you’re lucky or unlucky enough to be a churched kid, your Sundays are shot to hell but you grow up on pot luck suppers and learned all about the marvelous things old women can whip up in their kitchens.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 29, 2018, 08:53:54 PM
Wow, that's pretty disrespectful of the long running porch relationship we have.  SMH, 320.  You're a bigger man than you're showing here.  I guess that Stillwater loss burned you pretty bad.  It certainly seemed to burn your HC, who embarrassed himself at the end of the game there.  Is Tom Herman 40?
And, if having scoreboard stopped the other side of the RRS from running smack, then Texas fans would have ceased and desisted in their anti-OU smack for about 2/3rds of the 21st century.  And of course we know that didn't happen.  
Not really
Im pretty much what you see or read
You better hope the sooners dont play the Horns again this year cause after we beat you twice
its more then scoreboard......... its being owned
as far as our coach is concerned
I have no problem with a coach showing a little attitude especially after the fake punt bad call
Im sure bobby never showed any emotion on the sidelines nor Mack Brown for that matter
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 08:56:54 PM
I'm a big cobbler fan.  The closest thing to a "dump cake" I've experienced might be a pineapple upside down cake?  This has inspired me to look up a number of dump cake recipes, and darn if they don't look mighty good.  Might have to try this at home.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 09:07:40 PM
You better hope the sooners dont play the Horns again this year cause after we beat you twice
its more then scoreboard......... its being owned
That's pretty bold there 320.  I'm just using hypothetical probabilities, while you're making absolute predictions.  No wonder Texas keeps finding themselves on the wrong side of the ECFG's, with brash fans like yourself spouting off regularly like this.  Tsk, Tsk.
As for twice beaten = owned, if that's your definition, then since 2000 alone Texas has owned Oklahoma two years from 2006 and 2009, while Oklahoma has owned Texas for, heck, let's count, it'd be 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004, then again in 2010 and 2011, and one more time recently in 2017.  That'd be seven times, vs your two.
Thanks for clarifying "ownership" here. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 29, 2018, 09:30:23 PM
That's pretty bold there 320.  I'm just using hypothetical probabilities, while you're making absolute predictions.  No wonder Texas keeps finding themselves on the wrong side of the ECFG's, with brash fans like yourself spouting off regularly like this.  Tsk, Tsk.
As for twice beaten = owned, if that's your definition, then since 2000 alone Texas has owned Oklahoma two years from 2006 and 2009, while Oklahoma has owned Texas for, heck, let's count, it'd be 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004, then again in 2010 and 2011, and one more time recently in 2017.  That'd be seven times, vs your two.
Thanks for clarifying "ownership" here.  
That's pretty bold there 320.  I'm just using hypothetical probabilities, while you're making absolute predictions.  No wonder Texas keeps finding themselves on the wrong side of the ECFG's, with brash fans like yourself spouting off regularly like this.  Tsk, Tsk.
As for twice beaten = owned, if that's your definition, then since 2000 alone Texas has owned Oklahoma two years from 2006 and 2009, while Oklahoma has owned Texas for, heck, let's count, it'd be 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004, then again in 2010 and 2011, and one more time recently in 2017.  That'd be seven times, vs your two.
Thanks for clarifying "ownership" here.  
yep thats me, Im bold
To be owned you must lose twice to the same team in one year
If the Horns beat the sooners twice this year that will qualify as being owned
for us to play again we both probably will have to go undefeated the rest of the year
and that would be quite a feat
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 10:13:25 PM
I'm a big cobbler fan.  The closest thing to a "dump cake" I've experienced might be a pineapple upside down cake?  This has inspired me to look up a number of dump cake recipes, and darn if they don't look mighty good.  Might have to try this at home.
Pinapple upside down cake is what ”dump” as in the verbfor turning something overand spilling out its contents.  That was pronounced “tump.”  A dump was a city landfill, a hovel or a big BM.
So I’m sure it would’ve been called a tump cake on my side of town.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 29, 2018, 10:18:10 PM
I made a life changing discovery today.  After fantasizing about pie, I got to searching for pie near me and found a place 400 feet from my office - Bill Miller’s BBQ.

Now they were in my zone and off my radar because they make the worst barbecue in Austin, but it turns out they make good pie.

The call it a coconut meringue pie which is odd but it was good.   I’d have to say this is my best discovery since Ojo Locos.

I might gain a pound or two.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 10:29:57 PM
yep thats me, Im bold
To be owned you must lose twice to the same team in one year
If the Horns beat the sooners twice this year that will qualify as being owned
for us to play again we both probably will have to go undefeated the rest of the year
and that would be quite a feat
Hmmm, thanks for clearing all this up, 320. 
And, I suppose if - gasp - the unthinkable happens, and the Sooners beat the Horns, which means they'd have beaten Texas every year during the last three years, and seven times during the last nine years, etc, it's just business as usual, huh?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 10:35:09 PM
I made a life changing discovery today.  After fantasizing about pie, I got to searching for pie near me and found a place 400 feet from my office - Bill Miller’s BBQ.

Now they were in my zone and off my radar because they make the worst barbecue in Austin, but it turns out they make good pie.

The call it a coconut meringue pie which is odd but it was good.   I’d have to say this is my best discovery since Ojo Locos.

I might gain a pound or two.
Very cool.  Somewhat similarly, my son and I made a local discovery too.  There's a place called "Lucky Strike" that's sports bar with craft brew and ... pause ... filet mignon sliders ... just about 1/2 mile from our (relatively new) place.  We watched part of one of the world series games there, and it proved to be a keeper. 
Filet mignon sliders.  That's as close to a lomo sandwich from Argentina as I've found in the States.  Tasty.
The name is because they have a mini-bowling alley behind the bar (about 6 or so lanes) ... this is in the bottom of a big mall, but is open late and they allow teenagers.  We'll be back.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 29, 2018, 11:05:05 PM
Hmmm, thanks for clearing all this up, 320.  
And, I suppose if - gasp - the unthinkable happens, and the Sooners beat the Horns, which means they'd have beaten Texas every year during the last three years, and seven times during the last nine years, etc, it's just business as usual, huh?

the only difference is that neither one of us would have scoreboard but if we win we own ya
seems like all the pressure would be on you guys
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 29, 2018, 11:36:14 PM
the only difference is that neither one of us would have scoreboard but if we win we own ya
seems like all the pressure would be on you guys
Actually you have scoreboard now, and if we play again and OU wins, we'll have scoreboard after that.  Or you will if you win again.  I think that's how it works.  
I'm not sure about ownership.  Your definitions are kind of intriguing, kind of like those mirages that look like water out on the desert highway or those times we husbands fool ourselves into thinking we've won an argument with our sweet cute and adorable wives using logic that sounds perfectly reasonable but only to males, which of course we will pay for later, and dearly.
But as for pressure, looking at the KState defense this past Saturday, there wasn't much pressure on Oklahoma, and for that matter looking at the Oklahoma defense last Saturday there wasn't much pressure on OU either.
Meanwhile, the story in Stillwater seemed a bit different, but I dunno, maybe that was a Texas ploy to make OU think they're weak by losing to our weaker rival, like a masterful rope a dope strategy, only to sneak up on us and win in the CCG, or something like that, I wouldn't rule anything out with you sneaky burnt orange blooded bovine bastages.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 29, 2018, 11:42:10 PM
Dump cake is pretty much the same thing as cobbler, I make them both in a Dutch oven just like my grandma did. Also, apparently, there are similar dessert classifications called crumbles and crisps and even brown Bettys.  I'd guess the differences are largely regional.

Bill Miller BBQ has good pie, good fried chicken, and terrible BBQ.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 30, 2018, 09:07:38 AM
I'm a big cobbler fan.

Cobblers rule.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 30, 2018, 09:32:42 AM
Cobblers rule.
They’ve got sole
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 30, 2018, 09:33:23 AM
Bill Miller BBQ has good pie, good fried chicken, and terrible BBQ.

I'd try the fried chicken
I assume they serve beer?
Y'all can have the pie
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 30, 2018, 10:13:39 AM
Nah, Bill Miller doesn't have beer.  Tea, lemonade, soft drinks, that's about it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 30, 2018, 11:29:27 AM
I like all kinds of pies.  Cobblers, too.  And dump cakes, those are tasty.
Dump cakes are amazing.  Correct that they are more like cobblers.  You can do dump cobblers too.  I know this because my grandma does them and it's like my second favorite thing behind her gooey fig cakes.  
I might have a sugar problem.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 30, 2018, 11:32:38 AM
Nah, Bill Miller doesn't have beer.  Tea, lemonade, soft drinks, that's about it.
I'm out
BBQ and Fried Chicken w/o beer?
are youse Texans just plain goofy?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 30, 2018, 12:09:46 PM
Dump cakes are amazing.  Correct that they are more like cobblers.  You can do dump cobblers too.  I know this because my grandma does them and it's like my second favorite thing behind her gooey fig cakes.  
I might have a sugar problem.  
Yah I dump a cobbler too.  Make 'em pretty much the same way.
Fearless-- Bill Miller is a crappy local BBQ chain that's based more on a 60s/70s cafeteria-style of mindset.  So no booze.  In fact, beer at BBQ joints is a relatively new phenomenon (like, past 30 years) in Texas.  Typically it was all tea and lemonade and soft drinks-- especially local Texas brands like Big Red and Dr. Pepper.  And of course, Coke.  And usually RC. 
Never Pepsi though, that's viewed as communist and/or yankee swill down here in Texico.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 30, 2018, 12:13:21 PM
Y'all can have the pie
Say what ??

( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 30, 2018, 12:14:03 PM
Pepsi is evil - probably the drink of Liberals/commies

I was a staunch Coke the real thing drinker back in the day.  Before the recipe changed.  Before I drank beer I consumed at least 8-10 cokes in a day.  Some hot summer days many more.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 30, 2018, 12:20:06 PM
I played this commercial for my son the other day, and he just shook his head and looked at me with sympathetic eyes for having to grow up with stuff like this on TV:
I'd like to buy the world a coke (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 30, 2018, 12:20:51 PM
Cousin Fred,

I enjoy pie much more than cake or most other sweets/desserts, but I just don't eat much sugar.

There's plenty of sugar in chipotle BBQ sauce, mango/habanero wing sauce, spicy brown mustard, & horseradish sauce.

I don't even eat ketchup cause there's too much sugar

If I do eat a sweet something, it's certainly going to be a fruit pie, hopefully with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 30, 2018, 12:22:59 PM
I played this commercial for my son the other day, and he just shook his head and looked at me with sympathetic eyes for having to grow up with stuff like this on TV:
I'd like to buy the world a coke (
better than this crap.............
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 30, 2018, 12:57:53 PM
It's not from my childhood, but I like that old Gatorade commercial circa 1998 or so where all these famous personalities were singing "If I could be like Mike" spliced with clips of Michael Jordan doing Jordan things, then at the end the music stops and Larry Bird looks into the camera and says "I'm not gonna sing."  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 30, 2018, 02:09:48 PM
Yeah, the hippie Coke commercial wasn't good.  But then we had this:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 30, 2018, 02:11:44 PM
I also remember this one vividly:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 30, 2018, 02:13:03 PM
Thanks Mean Joe!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 30, 2018, 02:34:37 PM
Frankie, Junior speaketh the truth.

Back in the day, there were certain ways to do things.  Big productions, if you will.

Dining at a Tex-Mex restaurant used to be like this.  They'd bring you chips and salsa and you'd order tea.  Or maybe a beer or margarita if you were an adult without kids.

Then they'd bring you the first plate, the cold plate.  On it you would find a puffy crispy open-faced taco, a scoop of guacamole on a bed of shredded iceberg lettuce and a chile con queso.

Then when you finished your last bite, they'd bring you your second plate, the hot plate.  On it you would find enchiladas, a tamale, rice and beans.  They'd bring about ten steamy soft corn tortillas per person in a separate, closed container with a hole on top.

When you finished that you got a choice of either a single pecan praline in little cellophane envelop or a single scoop of rainbow sherbet in a chilled bowl with a chilled spoon.

And so it was...

Barbecue was a clear cut process too.

Four or five slices of beef brisket and two links of sliced up sausage on a plate with brown beans, coleslaw and tater salad.  Unlimited amounts of sliced white bread, sliced white onions and pickles available to supplement your meal.

Now here's where things diverge.

Some folks liked lean brisket slathered in barbecue sauce washed down with sweet tea, while other folks liked fattier barbecue washed down with Big Red.

The lean brisket/sweet tea types got nanner puddin for dessert while the fatty brisket/Big Red types got yeller cake.

I've walked in both worlds and I prefer the fatty brisket, Big Red and yeller cake, though it's hard to criticize the lean brisket slathered in barbecue sauce with sweet tea and nanner puddin.

Actually if I had my druthers I'd go back to 1978 and buy about six chopped beef on the bun selling 3 for a dollar.

They don't make chopped beef like they used to.  I think they throw away a lot of trimmings nowadays and chop up lean slice brisket into sauce.  But back in the day, it was as greasy or greasier than chorizo.  Probably 40% fat or more.

They'd wrap those bad boys in butcher paper and the grease would turn the paper transparent.  You'd have to roll up your sleeves because once you bit into one, you'd have a stream of orange grease dripping down your elbows.

That was good eating.  Probably knocked several years off the back-end of my life but sometimes you have to look out for the you in the here and now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 30, 2018, 02:39:25 PM
I think Texans disdain for Pepsi has something to do with Oklahoma.

Waitress would say what would you like to drank?

We'd say, we want cokes.

She's say what kinda cokes?

We'd say Dr Pepper, Big Red and Coca-Cola.

She'd turn to the one what said Coca-Cola with big tears wellin up in her pretty eyes and say, is Pepsi okay?

Nine times out of ten, the retort would be Oklahoma's okay but I wouldn't want to live there.  I'll jes drank water.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 30, 2018, 02:43:27 PM
In the late '70s yankees moved to Texas.   Went over to a girl's house and her old man said, "You want a pop?"

I looked at him like chimpanzee with a rubick's cube.

I honestly thought he was asking me my intentions with his daughter and trying to convince me she was a virgin.

Then he pulls out a Shasta and I knew I was dating a rich girl.  All my momma ever bought were Plazas.  

They were like Shastas only you could get six more for a dollar.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 30, 2018, 03:02:03 PM
They'd bring you chips and salsa and you'd order tea.  Or maybe a beer or margarita if you were an adult without kids.

Then they'd bring you the first plate, the cold plate.  On it you would find a puffy crispy open-faced taco, a scoop of guacamole on a bed of shredded iceberg lettuce and a chile con queso.

Then when you finished your last bite, they'd bring you your second plate, the hot plate.  On it you would find enchiladas, a tamale, rice and beans.  They'd bring about ten steamy soft corn tortillas per person in a separate, closed container with a hole on top.

When you finished that you got a choice of either a single pecan praline in little cellophane envelop or a single scoop of rainbow sherbet in a chilled bowl with a chilled spoon.

Matt's El Rancho back in the old days?

So anyway I was always too stuffed for the praline.  I would eat every last one of those damn corn tortillas, rolled up and smothered in butter.

I'm thinking about a Mexican food Christmas this year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 30, 2018, 03:15:41 PM
I assume you have a family that gives you tamales?

Seems like there are two kinds of families in Texas:

I remember when I was about six years old I chased my friend, Tony, into his kitchen when his mom, sisters,  grandmas, great grandmas and various and sundry aunties were making about 64,000 tamales.

It had never occurred to me before then that tamales were made with meat from the face and head of a pig.

I was so appalled, the sight of that pig head put me off tamales for a good half hour.  At least 20 minutes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 30, 2018, 03:46:30 PM
I assume you have a family that gives you tamales?

No, but I know a little ol' senorita that I usually buy 8-10 dozen from.  She also hooks me up with her own chili sauce to pour over.  And her green chile sauce is amazing so I score some of that too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 30, 2018, 04:10:09 PM
Frankie, Junior speaketh the truth.

Back in the day, there were certain ways to do things.  Big productions, if you will.

I've walked in both worlds and I prefer the fatty brisket, Big Red and yeller cake, though it's hard to criticize the lean brisket slathered in barbecue sauce with sweet tea and nanner puddin.

I'd have tried to figure a way to have fatty brisket with sweet tea, and nanner puddin
mighta had to do some tradin and swappin
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 31, 2018, 11:07:28 AM
<br />( (<br />

I'm over here looking at the rules for the game this weekend in Tempe and noticed the 4th item posted on the prohibited list is Tortillas. 

@DevilFroggy (;u=35) is there a story to the tortilla ban, or is it just what happens when you host a game against Texas Tech?    Either way, I had to laugh and make note not to have any tortillas in my clear bag this weekend. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: DevilFroggy on October 31, 2018, 12:33:57 PM
<br />( (<br />

I'm over here looking at the rules for the game this weekend in Tempe and noticed the 4th item posted on the prohibited list is Tortillas.

@DevilFroggy (;u=35) is there a story to the tortilla ban, or is it just what happens when you host a game against Texas Tech?    Either way, I had to laugh and make note not to have any tortillas in my clear bag this weekend.

There is actually a story about it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on October 31, 2018, 12:44:17 PM
There was a lot of commentary on ESPN about Orlando Pace and myself,” Roque said. “He was going to be a Hall of Famer, in hindsight, there really was no comparison. Fans took to it about the ‘pancake block’ and ASU said, ‘Well, Roque makes tortilla blocks, and they’re flatter than pancakes.”
Tammaro said Roque became the media’s darling for embracing his Hispanic origins and speaking with the media in Spanish.
As the name grew, so did the student section’s affinity for tortillas. It was at the USC vs. ASU game when the team was 6-0 that the students took the next step — bringing tortillas into the stadium and frisbee throwing them onto the field. 
“At first, I had no idea what it was," Roque said. "I thought it was some kids throwing tortillas. Then it was on campus that one of the original throwers … asked me, ‘Hey did you like the tortillas on the field?’ I said, 'Yeah, it was pretty funny.’ He said, 'Those were thrown for you, dude.’”
At first, there were only three to five kids throwing the food, but within three weeks, at Roque’s final home game, Tammaro said there were around 30 students repeatedly tortilla-tossing. 
After Roque graduated, the tradition held strong for 13 years.
“For a while people didn’t really notice that they were throwing them or they weren’t hitting the field," Tammaro said. "Basically, those things can fly. Then he graduates and people keep throwing them."

Nice, that was worth the read. I feel like this story needs to be told more, I didn't know about it & I'm glad I asked!    
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 31, 2018, 12:55:50 PM
I hate sweet tea.  Gross.

I was definitely all about the cokes for drinking with BBQ.  And my favorite coke with BBQ was Big Red.

We owned a BBQ restaurant when I was a kid, and of course I was allowed all over the place.  Back then restaurants kept the soda fountains back behind the counters, it wasn't like these days with free refills and whatnot.  So as the kid of the owner of a restaurant with a soda fountain, I had the treasured and rare honor to be able to go back there and make my very own "suicide."  And get all the free refills I wanted, too!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 31, 2018, 12:59:02 PM
I'm not a fan of sweet tea either.

I hope your father put you to work hauling all the refills to the tables.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 31, 2018, 01:13:21 PM
I did everything at that restaurant.  When I was really young I washed dishes, then got a little older and bused tables. Then I got to refill drinks, assemble setups, and eventually waited tables, worked the register, and finally got to slice for the orders.  I've never bothered to count, but the number of briskets I've taken apart has got to be well up into the thousands.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: DevilFroggy on October 31, 2018, 02:26:51 PM
Sweet tea tastes like liquid diabetes. I don't mind the tea flavor but my god is that stuff way to damn sweet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 31, 2018, 02:42:52 PM
I hate sweet tea.

The hell you say.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 31, 2018, 02:44:44 PM
Sweet tea tastes like liquid diabetes. I don't mind the tea flavor but my god is that stuff way to damn sweet.
This is correct.  Sweet tea = beetus juice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on October 31, 2018, 03:11:25 PM
"Do you like your tea sweet or unsweet?"  There are only certain parts of the country where this is even a question.  On the west coast, no one serves it.  In the deep south, nearly everyone does.

Sometimes I'm in the mood for sweet tea, other times not.  I guess that reflects a little bit of where I've lived, which includes North Carolina where it's really popular, and the eastern parts of Oklahoma and Texas where restaurants often default to it.  I've lived in other unsweet tea parts of the country too, though, and don't mind unsweet tea.  Turns out there's a certain geography of sweet tea loving areas in the country (and check the domain of this www site):
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 31, 2018, 03:13:34 PM
I didn't really know sweet tea was mainly a southern thing until I moved to Austin and nobody served it.  I remember asking a waitress for it early on and she said "We don't have sweetened tea, but you're welcome to sweeten it yourself with the assortment of sweeteners on your table."  As if that was the same thing AT ALL.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 31, 2018, 03:47:39 PM
One of the more amazing things about the restaurant industry is how much profit a restaurant makes off of a glass of tea

tea cost just pennies to make but most time cost at least a dollar

it is by far the leading profit maker with a baked potato (even fully loaded) not far behind
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on October 31, 2018, 04:34:30 PM
I like to order Arnold Palmers.  It makes me sound exotic and well-traveled and it lets the waitress know I'm a fun, discriminating man of means who will tip her well if the service is good.  I've seen waitress get giddy when I order Arnold Palmers.  They twitter, they blush.  They get exciting, run to the back and tell all the other servers they have an Arnold Palmer man at one of their tables.  Sometimes I can even hear the high fives.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on October 31, 2018, 05:09:39 PM
I didn't really know sweet tea was mainly a southern thing until I moved to Austin and nobody served it.

There is comedy in the above sentence.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 31, 2018, 05:24:09 PM
Sweet tea sucks.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: DevilFroggy on October 31, 2018, 05:53:26 PM
I like Arnold Palmer's too, preferably about a 2-1 ratio of unsweetened tea to lemonade. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 01, 2018, 12:16:01 AM
Arnold Palmers are fine for senile decrepit old men that have to wear dentures.

And diapers.

I'll be having the John Daly, thank you very much.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 01, 2018, 09:57:59 AM

Junior sees his kids growing up, realizes he isn't getting any younger, goes into an anxiety attack and posts successive hyperbolic posts ridiculing others for being older than himself.

Feeling younger now, Junior?  A little more in control of your destiny?

Good for you.   I'd rather sympathize with you and encourage you than to criticize you.

Age is a relative thing, contingent in large part upon happiness.  You have a blessed life, Junior and a future before you that is still quite sizable.  Enjoy life and fret not.  There's no need for ugliness.  You're better than that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 01, 2018, 10:30:39 AM
More gaslighting from the oldtimer.

(I hope you know I'm not serious.  I like Arnold Palmers, too.  Before 5 PM of course)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 01, 2018, 10:38:35 AM
I like to order Arnold Palmers.  It makes me sound exotic and well-traveled and it lets the waitress know I'm a fun, discriminating man of means who will tip her well if the service is good.  I've seen waitress get giddy when I order Arnold Palmers.  They twitter, they blush.  They get exciting, run to the back and tell all the other servers they have an Arnold Palmer man at one of their tables.  Sometimes I can even hear the high fives.
I order them quite often.  Never heard the high fives, but I'll be listening from now on
And long before John Daly brought his alcoholism to professional golf, Arnold Palmers have been served with vodka.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Entropy on November 01, 2018, 10:39:07 AM
I'm beginning to understand how Taco Bell was voted the best Mexican food in the United States...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 01, 2018, 11:03:22 AM
I'm beginning to understand how Taco Bell was voted the best Mexican food in the United States outside of Texas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 01, 2018, 11:16:48 AM
I'm beginning to understand how Taco Bell was voted the best "Mexican food" in the United States outside of Texas
FIFY both
what foolish gringos (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 01, 2018, 01:02:23 PM
when the list of places to vote for consists of.......

Taco Johns
Taco Bell
Taco Del Mar
Taco Cabana
& Taco Tico

ya gotta pick a bad one
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 01, 2018, 01:04:56 PM
Taco Cabana is way way way better than Taco Bell. It's almost legitimate Tex-Mex and certainly does in the pinch.

I haven't had any of those others so can't comment on them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 01, 2018, 01:05:19 PM
Sweet tea sucks.
You suck.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 01, 2018, 01:06:29 PM
And frankly it adds to the already dubiousness of your food opinions, already hampered by the fact that you're not from Louisiana.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 01, 2018, 01:29:37 PM
And frankly it adds to the already dubiousness of your food opinions, already hampered by the fact that you're not from Louisiana.  
Fine.  See if you ever get an invitation to my house for BBQ, then.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 01, 2018, 02:39:24 PM
when the list of places to vote for consists of.......

Taco Johns
Taco Bell
Taco Del Mar
Taco Cabana
& Taco Tico

ya gotta pick a bad one

Add Taco Casa to the list.

Now you have a easy winner!

I wouldn't feed Taco Bell to my dog as long as we have a Taco Casa in town.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 01, 2018, 02:41:02 PM

And never mind about those barf shacks in Oklahoma called Taco Mayo.  Bleh!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 01, 2018, 02:56:02 PM
Ever heard the story of Taco Bell?  Dood named Bell moved to Cali from the east coast and opened a hot dog stand.  Cattycorner from his hot dog stand was a little Mexican food restaurant where people bought tacos.  He could see that these taco thingies were more popular among the locals than his hot dogs so he looked into tacos, simplified a glorious food down to its most essential denominators and started taco bell.

Many others have done the same thing.

Sometimes on a Sunday night, I'll open a can of refried beans, heat them up and dollop a spoonful onto a store bought tortilla I've heated on a burner.  I'm not proud of it.  I don't feel like I've accomplished much or appropriated a beautiful culture or even paid a decent homage to a beautiful culture but it's a lazy way to put some food in my belly.  

And that's kind of like these places we're talking about are.  Even giving them the dignity of a comparison among themselves is kind of embarrassing because we're talking about the first three mm at the wrong end of a 100 mile long continuum.

But since we've gone there, let me throw out the name El Pato.  It's the Taco Bell of the Valley.  You know the Brownsville, Harlingen, Edinburg, McAllen area.  Folks there know a thing or two about Mexican food.   On a 1-10 scale of crappy fast food Mexican food places, I'd give El Pato an 8, Taco Cabana a 6, Taco Bueno a 3 and Taco Bell a 2.   Never heard of any of those other places mentioned.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 01, 2018, 02:59:33 PM
Here's another one - Rosie's Tortilla House.  Hails from west Texas and Texas panhandle I think. It's huge and its menu is ginormous.  So it's like a Taco Bell on steroids. But it's still on the far left end of the Tex-Mex continuum from bad to good cause it's kind of lousy.

They do have one redeeming quality.  Sopapillas.  And they don't mess them up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 01, 2018, 03:50:25 PM
Working extensively in the valley was my introduction to real Mexican food.  Give me Tex-Mex any day. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 01, 2018, 03:55:56 PM
There's lots of great "real" Mexican food.  It's a large country and the food varies tremendously from region to region.  None of it is very much like Tex-Mex though, despite the fact that they share many of the same ingredients.

Tex-Mex is basically our version of comfort food. Most of it is not particularly healthful, but it can be immensely satisfying.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 01, 2018, 05:13:15 PM
Add Taco Casa to the list.

Now you have a easy winner!

I wouldn't feed Taco Bell to my dog as long as we have a Taco Casa in town.

Pretty sure you shouldn't feed even top quality Mexican food to your dog...
I have a Great Dane. That could get ugly quick.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 01, 2018, 05:18:36 PM
Mr Tulip is really smart

because he has experience
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 01, 2018, 07:15:05 PM
Back when we lived on the left coast, my sweet and adorable wifita occasionally visited a Trappist Abbey in the middle of Oregon wine country for periods of reflection and meditation.  I would occasionally tag along, but it was really her thing.  The monks there funded the abbey by also managing a vineyard, as well as producing and selling fantastic bread and lots of Catholic paraphernalia (candles, rosaries and the like).  No monks speak, even to one another, with the exception of one selected to interface with the public, and his name was Brother Martin.  Brother Martin was originally from Mexico, and he and my wife got along amazingly well, as they're both Catholic and native spanish speakers, despite being from totally different cultures.  She would regularly consult him for words and advice of spiritual wisdom.  Part of his ministry was to regularly go to local Mexican food stands/carts and lend his services cooking inexpensive meals for migrant workers, but of course anyone was welcome to dine at these stands.  I believe they did this as a non-profit activity and used the profits to help support migrant families (so a twofer, both low cost meals and then the profits get returned to the community).  Brother Martin was also a jokester and he often said that his job was to convert that part of Oregon to appreciate real Mexican food and culture.  Of course, his real mission was to help spread the ministry, so he was mostly just kidding about the Mexican culture part.  Anyway, he was a treasure, and I miss those visits to the abbey to see Brother Martin.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 02, 2018, 10:54:37 AM
Martin sounds like a cool guy.  That's a great story, Fred.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 02, 2018, 11:00:04 AM
There's lots of great "real" Mexican food.  It's a large country and the food varies tremendously from region to region.  None of it is very much like Tex-Mex though, despite the fact that they share many of the same ingredients.

Tex-Mex is basically our version of comfort food. Most of it is not particularly healthful, but it can be immensely satisfying.
You hit the nail on the head, Junior.
I regularly see articles by cursory food critics who imagine stupid lazy anglo Texans bastardized authentic Mexican food into this terrible thing called Tex-Mex that has no business even being recognized as a food.
In post WWII as Texans moved from the farms to cities and tried new and exotic dishes like Mexican food, the local Tejanos made and served food with what they had and what they loved - meat, processed cheese and lots of cumin.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 02, 2018, 11:21:11 AM

The farthest back that I can remember Mexican food was when I was but a lass growing up in an east Texas hick town a little ways to the west of Texarkana.

My dad would say "let's go to that messcan food place" and I would think BLEH, I hate that place.  It was El Chico.  I would get the junior burger plate.

Once I reached the ripe old age of 12 I decided it was time for me to suck it up and give it a try.  By that time, the old man liked to go to Pancho's - an all you can eat Mexican buffet place.  I went ahead and told them to give me a couple of those rolled up thingys (tamales) and figured I could choke down some rice as well.

The heavens opened.  Angels began to sing.

I wore the flag out raising that damn thing.  I tried it all before the night was through.  Holy moses, that slop was delicious.  Then they had these roll things called sopapillas?  I went to town on those things as well.  Taco in hand, my mother dragged me away from the table once the old man was ready to go.

From that day forward, I begged to go to Pancho's.  These days I settle for TaMolly's in Abilene, which is quite good actually.

Messcan food.  Sure, it may kill you, but after all, it's to die for.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 02, 2018, 11:26:54 AM
Amen, brutha!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 02, 2018, 12:26:58 PM
When I was a kid, Sunday lunch was a big deal.  Most weeks it was the day my mom made her best meal - like roast!  But on the first Sunday of every month we went out to eat and more times than not it was to a Mexican food place.

There was this one particular family that my dad knew and they had a string of restaurants in Austin from the late '40s through the early '90s.  Their restaurants were El Toro, El Mat's (short for El Matamoros, NOT to be confused with Matt's El Rancho), Antonio's and Casa Daniel.

When I was just a tadpole they started me off with tamales.  I'd shuck 'em and stack the skins on another plate like the corpses of vanquished enemies.

El Toro got bought out by some downtown hotel that built a parking garage.  

In the '70s the Austin American Statesman had an earnest competitor whose name I have forgotten, but their claim to fame was the expose that El Mat was using Alpo dogfood in their enchiladas.  My brother and I were at the lake, fishing with a couple of cute little blondes when the album rock station mentioned the story.  We threw our fishing gear into the back of the GTO and raced into town to dine at El Mat's before the city shut 'em down.  It was the first time we ever went there that we didn't have to wait for a table.  The place was empty and the service was excellent.  Our girls wouldn't eat the enchiladas but my brother and I did.  Alpo or not, they were excellent as usual.  The place was shut down for good a few days later.

In the '80s Casa Daniel opened up on Jollyville and Antonio's opened up on North Lamar.  Great food.  Antonio's kind of sold out over the years.  Bought a new place on I-35.  It's where Ojo Locos is now.

Ojo Locos is great but they don't sell enchiladas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 02, 2018, 01:05:49 PM
I loved Casa Daniel.  Two of my best friends worked there for a while when we were in high school, busing tables and washing dishes.  They fried their own tortilla chips and my buddies also performed that duty.  At the end of the night, employees got to take home whatever was left, since they only served fresh.  We ate our weight in free chips that summer, as I recall.

Pour House is now in that location, and they finally fixed the weird layout and awkward flow of the place.

Antonio's was never as good IMO.  Even their early locations.  But they weren't terrible.

Never made it to El Toro or El Mat's, I was just a little too young for those.

But my favorite Tex-Mex by FAR in Austin was Carmen's La Tapatia on E 6th (completely unrelated to the current "La Tapatia" chain around Austin).  The enchilada gravy at that place was just... heavenly.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 02, 2018, 02:19:56 PM
When I was a kid in Sewer City (late 60s early 70s) there was a popular pizza place called Shakee's.  They had a player piano and a long window where you could watch the pizzas being made.  Great place for kids and they served beer in pitchers so the Dads enjoyed it.

Someone found the Strongheart dog food cans in the dumpster and yup they closed the place down.  A damned shame!

this was the same stuff I fed my German Shepard at that age

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 02, 2018, 02:21:10 PM
I had just started college (UT) and I was craving some Mexican food one evening and my eye had caught this place called Z Tejas Grill.  I figured it was Mexican so me and the (now) wife checked it out.

Hmm...well....ok, so it was more like some eclectic Austin place actually, not that it was bad.  But it wasn't greasy rot gut Mexican slop.  So I went ahead and enjoyed the evening and never went there again.

I'm not sure if I ever found my favorite Mexican place while in college but I did frequent Pappasito's because they just built it while I was down there.  Tried Trudy's a few times and Chuy's of course.  This is late 80's, early 90's, btw.

I'm positive I ate out more at Shady Grove than anywhere.  That place just worked for me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 02, 2018, 03:25:27 PM
Airstream chili!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 02, 2018, 04:43:07 PM
Yup, I'm a big fan of Shady Grove.

Z Tejas was probably best classified as "Southwestern" food, definitely not Tex-Mex  but it was good when it first opened and was local, and predictably went downhill when it expanded nationally and went corporate.

Trudy's and Chuy's and El Arroyo are all what I call "Aus-Mex" which is a specific style on its own.  None of these places make very good standard Tex-Mex but they each have a few dishes that are interesting and tasty on their own. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 02, 2018, 06:09:52 PM
We have a Chuy's in Bethesda, so they've expanded pretty far and wide I guess.  It's okay.  They have kind of a specialized tortilla making operation, if I'm remembering correctly.  Food overall is okay, but nothing special.

Far better hereabouts is a place called Fish Taco, which seems fairly authentic.  It's a tad bit Americanized but not too much.  They even have Mexican futbol up on the TV.  

Back on the left coast, there were some decent places in PDX, including Cha Cha Cha, Y Porque No?, and Muchas Gracias.  Used to be a place called The Original Taco House, but it closed down earlier this year, which is too bad.  I think these were/are all Mexican (or at least Mexican American) owned
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 02, 2018, 06:24:58 PM
If Fish Taco features fish tacos then it sounds more like Cal-Mex to me.  I like fish tacos though, so I'm not disparaging. 

I'm not a huge fan of Chuy's, like I said their actual Tex-Mex dishes are underwhelming.  They have a chimichanga that I like, and their jalapeno ranch sauce is pretty great.  Their green chile dishes are decent as well, but that's much more New Mexican than Tex-Mex.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 02, 2018, 06:46:55 PM
I enjoy the green chile dishes at Chuys when I visit

pairs well with beer
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 05, 2018, 09:53:16 AM
Read carefully:  this is not an actual football post, don't want to be mistaken.

As mentioned, my wife is a Texas Longhorn fan, and that means I am now contractually obligated by the laws of God and man to watch UT games with her.  

It was not a good weekend in the DeTiger household.  

She was looking for a bounceback from me yesterday with a Saints win, but it seems no matter how many times I tell her I'm not much of a Saints fan, I don't think she understands.  She's hoping for a bounceback with a good Cowboys game tonight.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 05, 2018, 11:18:49 AM
the Cowboys are DOOMED
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 05, 2018, 12:26:26 PM
Read carefully:  this is not an actual football post, don't want to be mistaken.

As mentioned, my wife is a Texas Longhorn fan, and that means I am now contractually obligated by the laws of God and man to watch UT games with her.  

It was not a good weekend in the DeTiger household.  

She was looking for a bounceback from me yesterday with a Saints win, but it seems no matter how many times I tell her I'm not much of a Saints fan, I don't think she understands.  She's hoping for a bounceback with a good Cowboys game tonight.  
But the Saints beat the Rams.  Even if you're not a fan, that's something.  I'm not a Saints fan and I was impressed.
Sorry to hear you're in need of bounce backs.   Seems to me there ought to be a lot of new things newlyweds in love could try to get their minds off of football.
My son James was conceived during halftime of Texas' terribly discouraging loss to Arkansas in whatever Cotton Bowl followed the 1999 season.
In 1998 Mack Brown seemed to get Texas back on track.  They had an outstanding recruiting haul in February 1999 and despite losing the opener to NC State because of about 14 blocked punts, they rallied to win 9 of their next 10 and the future seemed bright for Texas.  
Then the Aggies poisoned Major Applewhite because their bonfire tumped over and everything went to heck in a handbasket.  Three straight losses to end the season.  A harbinger f five years of heartache during which time we would lose to OU in every way imaginable.
Misery, misery, misery.
But do I look at my son James (named after James Street and James Brown, the Horns' best QBs pre-VY) and get all sad?
Heck no.  I grin like Mr. Magoo when he finds his slippers because James reminds me that there's a lot more to life than football.
Like boom boom boom and a zoom zoom.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 05, 2018, 12:30:25 PM
Maybe I should clarify.

It was not a good football weekend, and she's hoping for a football bounceback.  

Obviously there's plenty more to life, much of which is great.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 05, 2018, 12:41:26 PM
clarification is good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 05, 2018, 12:52:20 PM
True story from the Board Meeting of 2018, occurring less than 48 hours ago. 

We're walking out of the stadium en route to a bar/restaurant to attempt to catch the very tail end of the horns/WVU game after ASU had a nice upset victory.  As the clock-time on the little ticker-score phone update went down and we can see the longhorns have lost, I was about to get temporarily down in mood for a minute until someone very special passed by me heading in the opposite direction and my mouth would remain shut to complaints for as long as I can help it.  

In between all of the post-game bustle of people walking this way & that from the stadium, and in/out of all the packed campus bars nearby, a man in a wheelchair was being pushed through the crowd and as I moved over to make space I see this happy fan in the wheelchair just smiling away, and he has no legs or arms.  Just a torso without any visible limbs coming out of his gameday attire, yet with the biggest smile on his face.      My college football game day was great, despite my own team suffering a hard loss, partly for the well-timed dose of perspective and amazing atmosphere & company I was able to spend it this time. 

Also, I can't remember if this was the thread where we were complaining about flight pet peeves, but I did NOT hate that I got a middle seat between two uniformed pilots on the connecting flight coming back yesterday.  They were courteous and didn't do the man-spreading thing, so in return for them being so respectful I did not force them to take a seat-selfie with me as punishment for the physical intrusion.    Or maybe I wanted that to happen and was a little disappointed that they did not cause me to take such action...  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 05, 2018, 12:58:52 PM
My wife has two sons, one doesn't live here anymore, the youngest still alternates a week with us and a week with his dad, by choice.  He's old enough he should be able to stay where he wants.  Really good kids.  I'm lucky that they're not little assholes.  They're polite, easy to get along with, and smart guys.  Oldest is going to technical school for electrical work, the youngest is in college, aiming for civil engineering.  

Actually it would be kinda sad if I didn't like him, because his mom has pointed out for a long time how much alike we are, and the more I've gotten to know him the last couple years, she's right.  She has a running joke that due to some sci-fi time warp kinda thing, he's somehow actually my son.  Other than the fact he looks so much like his dad, she's not wrong.  The resemblances between he and I are many and noticeable.  

But it's probably asking the impossible to enter marriage at my age for the first time, with a blended family, and encounter zero snafus.  Mine is that the kid constantly knocks the A/C down and leaves lights on everywhere when he's here.  I don't by any means keep it hot around here, but there's no need for it to be freezing.  And my wife tasked me with the family budget (which I happily took it, I'm a nerd that way, and I'm good at it) and one item on the to-do list is get her big electric bill down.  These are both actions I don't identify with because A) my folks drilled into me from an early age turning off lights I'm not using and that I can adjust the thermostat when I pay the bills, B) I'm anal and I was born this way, or C) both A and B.  Frankly, at the moment, we need to scrape all the pennies together we can to keep these boys in college.  I tend to project my thinking onto other people, and particularly a kid who otherwise is shockingly like me.  It almost never crossed my mind to touch the A/C growing up, because my mom and dad would've said exactly what I just said, I'm welcome to put the temp where I want it when I live in my own place.  Otherwise, they're keeping it where they want it either for comfort or for the bill's sake.  

It's not enough of a thing for me to make a thing out of it, and my wife would like to avoid there being any "things" between us, so I'm careful to not to fight any battles that don't really need fighting.  And I understand that....I had a stepdad in my later growing up years and I know my mom didn't want "things" between me and him either.  I also never touched the dude's thermostat while I lived with them.  

So I just go along behind him throughout the day and cut it up a couple degrees from where he cuts it down.  It either doesn't cross his mind that the interface keeps mysteriously adjusting on him all day, or else he knows what's going on and thinks it's his prerogative to put it where he wants it.  And I cut off the lights in his room and the spare room that is kind of his rec room every time he leaves the house, because cutting off lights is not a habit he has.  A lot of times I cut off the TV and gaming systems in the rec room too, and I'm pretty sure he and his friend leave them on all night when they get tired and go to bed.  

It irks me a little bit.

But like I said, there's a thousand worse ways he could be causing us grief, and while I would personally try to drill different habits into my own son so he doesn't waste money one day, it's a pretty small nit to pick in the grand scheme.  My wife raised good kids. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 05, 2018, 02:08:36 PM
My i s c & a aggie wife's Longhorn mom is a total freak about turning off the lights, to the point that she'll walk into... say... the breakfast nook of her house where I'm talking to my FIL, and she'll look at us there in the room, ask if we need the light on, and then just turn them off and walk out of the room, leaving us in near-total-darkness.

This isn't noon on a bright sunny day, it could happen at dusk, or the dead of night.  But if she's not in that room personally, she sees no reason to have a light on in there.  It's just one of her quirks, very strange, but I don't worry about it too much.  I, too, was raised to switch the lights off when leaving a room, so I'd rather it go that direction, than leaving them all blazing on all day and night.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 05, 2018, 02:17:50 PM
What do you call a man with no arms and legs whose team has just won?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 05, 2018, 02:21:18 PM
Amos, science was never my strong suit and my knowledge of biology is probably rudimentary at best but I’m pretty sure you weren’t born anally.

Might’ve been conceived anally depending on position, drip and gravity.  More inconceivable conceptions have been conceived than that, but I’m pretty sure you weren’t born anally.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 05, 2018, 02:26:57 PM
In life there are things we can control and things we can’t.

Oftentimes we feel a sense of responsibility to control things out of our control and it causes frustration that can lead to bad judgment.

Read the news and see the folks who make terrible mistakes.  Probably cause they were trying to control something they couldn’t control and shouldve let go.

Amos, you have a wonderful opportunity right now to just get over it and let your pettiness over the electric bill go.  What’s the consequence?  $50 a month?  A happy family is well worth it.  Don’t be a dick.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 05, 2018, 02:31:30 PM
PS - Amos,  I should probably add that I read your entire post & I know you’re already taking the high road.  I just like to misinterpret your posts so you’ll get in a dither.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 05, 2018, 02:37:07 PM
my daughters are not good about turning things off that require electricity such as light bulbs

We all know each other very well, communication is not a problem between the 3 of us.  When they were younger I would scold them and force them to go back and turn off lights and such.  All the coaching, encouraging, yelling, and other tactics seemed to have much affect.

Daughters are now 21 and 24, the youngest lives in Lincoln at an apartment paying her own utility bill.  The oldest lives in my basement and leaves the electricity running all the time.

I merely turn things off when it's convenient and have given up the battle.  I'm sure it only costs me a few quarters a day more and for a few dollars a month it's money well spent to live in harmony instead of discord

and once, once I decided I preferred this choice it doesn't bother me much
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 05, 2018, 02:38:38 PM
the kid constantly knocks the A/C down and leaves lights on everywhere when he's here.

Dammit Amos, do you at least keep the little bastard off your lawn?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 05, 2018, 02:52:09 PM
Mike, it's a challenging situation.  I can relate vicariously I suppose as I have a close friend (not me, but a very close friend) who married a woman with two daughters and then they had one more child together.  There were all sorts of habits that these first two truly adorable girls had that weren't exactly the ideal way to behave according to my friend. 

One was eating vegetables, or at least avoidance thereof.  Now, I know, all kids avoid vegetables, but these girls at first looked at eating vegetables much they way you or I might look at eating bark off a tree or grazing weeds out of the ditch at the side of the road.  It was a heavy lift to get them to do so much as look at carrot without running screaming from the table.  Anyway ... to make a long story short ... what my friend did was just play it cool and gained their trust on all sorts of other fronts and role modeled the eating of veggies ... and slowly ... over time they began to eat more balanced meals.  But I'm talking years here. 

It's really hard to un-learn a habit.  I realize thermostat behavior is not the same as vegetable avoidance, but there are some parallels in the sense of what a person, even a youngster, gets used to. Takes more time than it should, but then again, I guess a lot of time went into establishing it, so it's probably some kind of cosmic balance here in general.  Anyway, that's my two cents ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 05, 2018, 03:38:52 PM
In life there are things we can control and things we can’t.

Oftentimes we feel a sense of responsibility to control things out of our control and it causes frustration that can lead to bad judgment.

Read the news and see the folks who make terrible mistakes.  Probably cause they were trying to control something they couldn’t control and shouldve let go.

Amos, you have a wonderful opportunity right now to just get over it and let your pettiness over the electric bill go.  What’s the consequence?  $50 a month?  A happy family is well worth it.  Don’t be a dick.

You may have missed the part where the budget is razor thin at the moment.  $50 may be nothing to you, but right now we're having to fight for every cent to avoid the credit card.  

Hopefully my job will go through soon, but you can't imagine what we've cut out to keep things in the black.  

......but yes, even if we were rolling in it, it'd still irk me because it's a paradigm I don't identify with.  

Didn't any of yall see the Daddy's Home sequel movie with Mel Gibson?  Since I can believe everything I see in the movies I can conclude that a man's control over his thermostat is a real thing, and it's not just me.  I thought that scene was hilarious, and true.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 05, 2018, 03:40:22 PM
probably best to sit down and have a detailed conversation at a good time for all parties

nothing confrontational or biased, just open conversation about how everyone feels about the issue.

there may not be a resolution that pleases everyone, but at least everything can be above the table and might all learn something about one another

Then, get a thermostat that you can control from your smartphone and don't give up the password!!!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 05, 2018, 03:57:14 PM
Mike, it's a challenging situation.  I can relate vicariously I suppose as I have a close friend (not me, but a very close friend) who married a woman with two daughters and then they had one more child together.  There were all sorts of habits that these first two truly adorable girls had that weren't exactly the ideal way to behave according to my friend.  

One was eating vegetables, or at least avoidance thereof.  Now, I know, all kids avoid vegetables, but these girls at first looked at eating vegetables much they way you or I might look at eating bark off a tree or grazing weeds out of the ditch at the side of the road.  It was a heavy lift to get them to do so much as look at carrot without running screaming from the table.  Anyway ... to make a long story short ... what my friend did was just play it cool and gained their trust on all sorts of other fronts and role modeled the eating of veggies ... and slowly ... over time they began to eat more balanced meals.  But I'm talking years here.  

It's really hard to un-learn a habit.  I realize thermostat behavior is not the same as vegetable avoidance, but there are some parallels in the sense of what a person, even a youngster, gets used to. Takes more time than it should, but then again, I guess a lot of time went into establishing it, so it's probably some kind of cosmic balance here in general.  Anyway, that's my two cents ...
You and FF are both correct.  As is Charley.  I hope nobody here missed the point that things are indeed pretty harmonious and I have not even come close to deciding to make this a thing and die on that hill.  He'll only be here a few more years, he's very motivated to launch, just like his older brother, and then who knows how much we'll get to see him.  I don't want anything about his time here to reek, particularly in light of the fact I did not have a good experience with my stepdad when I was his age, and I would never want an environment like that for him.  Mostly it was just a story about my quirks I thought I'd share.
I've been posting here since 2006.  I was in my mid-20's, a young adult but with less cares and responsibilities than many other adults.  I've learned all kinds of junk from y'all over the years, in more categories than I can count.  I've met several of you, some of you multiple times.  Some of you I even have phone #s for and text infrequently.  Y'all are kind of like my big brothers in a sense.  Suddenly little brother who was basically Peter Pan and never faced some of the challenges of adulthood (not always by choice) got married and gained and instant family, without the natural progression of going through the stages where you first learn to clean poopy diapers and THEN you learn all the dumb things you say and do that will probably psychologically damage a tiny human being.  Basically I just think it's neat to keep the CFN family updated on the progression of kid brother.  Sometimes you get a stepson and realize maybe I need to grow up a little bit.  Sometimes people tell me they had their own biological, tiny children, and realized they needed to grow up a little bit.  Maybe it's a wash.  
There are a lot of things my wife loves about me that she hopes her boys develop, but we both agree that at this point it's too late to coerce things into them you want them to have.  That's for children, and these aren't children.  Besides, they have a dad for a male role model already (even if he is a certified asshole) and--more importantly--as noted, they really are great kids.  I can't imagine I could raise better kids myself.  Some quirks that make you raise your eyebrows is surely nothing.  Lord knows my mom, and my dad in particular has to just shake their head sometimes at the way I am, despite their best efforts.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 05, 2018, 04:35:07 PM
I would still be acting like a 20 something crazy drunken male if I had not become a father in my very early 30's

I'm not perfect yet, although I'm much more mature

My daughters aren't perfect, but they are maturing.

bottomline is that it's best to choose your battles and don't choose too many.  And that goes for all your relationships, not just your significant other or your children or your family.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 05, 2018, 06:33:02 PM
bottomline is that it's best to choose your battles and don't choose too many.  And that goes for all your relationships, not just your significant other or your children or your family.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 05, 2018, 06:35:47 PM
Fred has been dealing with Horns for decades
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 05, 2018, 09:31:31 PM
Amos, I’m sorry things are tight.  I’ve been there.

I know religion, politics, sex & race are the four things we never talk about around here, and indeed we should not.  They’re  mindfields.

But God.  The idea that our cells just randomly function perfectly for us to randomly accomplish so many things in an environment that is just randomly conducive to our survival on one of a million random planets that just happens to be rotating perfectly around one of a million random stars.  Yeah. God. Is there any question? How could there not be a God?

And smaller miracles happen everyday.  I’m a budget guy.  Accounting.  Auditing.  I cannot take a pencil to paper and explain how my wife and kids and I financially survived for so many lean hard years.  It was mathematically impossible.  We never had enough money but somehow every month a hundred little miracles transpired to enable us to make ends meet.

And now (knock on wood) life’s a little easier and blessings are piling up.

Start a gofundme account, Amos.  I won’t insult you or rob you of faith & blessings by dumping a legacy windfall on you, but I’ll push $20 or so a week your way until you’re more profitable.  Maybe some of these other aholes would too.  I’d consider it an an honor to help your stepson leave a damn light on.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 06, 2018, 01:56:57 PM
Thankfully we're not at that point, we just have to be careful and really watch it for now, but your kind thoughts are well-received and much appreciated.  

And you are correct.....why, just this month due to a long-winded State Farm thing I won't bore you with, we don't owe any car insurance for the boys' vehicles....cha-ching!  That helps us out considerably.  

We're getting by.  Just need my job to hurry up and go through so we can move from getting by to paying down some debt, getting insurance, planning for the future, things like that.  And get some entertainment back in the budget.  What's the point of having a cute wife if I can't take her out in public and watch the jaws drop of everyone who looks at me, then looks at her, then looks at me again, and visibly wonders "Now how the hell did he pull THAT off?"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 06, 2018, 02:12:10 PM
Wise words HH

My 2 cents on this is that same friend I was mentioning (with the anti-veggie stepkids) was in a similar situation when he married not just one but three (his wife and her two children).  It's A LOT to take on.  And like you say, all AT ONCE.  

But I'll tell you that this dude came through, with flying colors, and to a large extent I think it was because he was motivated to be there fully for his new family out of his love for her, and them.  And, he officially adopted both those girls and now is the grandfather of the oldest's fabulous kiddos (9 and 11 years old), and he couldn't be happier.  

MDT you sound similar to the friend I'm mentioning, and even though we haven't met in person, based on our conversations here over the years, I'm betting on you too.  It's not an easy road, but it can be a happy one, and it sounds like (stepping back and squinting) you're on a good path here.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 06, 2018, 02:14:53 PM
...What's the point of having a cute wife if I can't take her out in public and watch the jaws drop of everyone who looks at me, then looks at her, then looks at me again, and visibly wonders "Now how the hell did he pull THAT off?"
Any way, I should've mentioned Smokey when I made my offer last night.  You know, Smokey, right?  Burnt Eyes?  Mean hombre.  Bad mofo.   
So years ago when Smokey was selling like a top sales man should and swimming at night in a vault filled with gold coins, like Scrooge McDuck, because he was so successful, he convinced his boss that their company needed me to sort data for them.   Seriously.  Ludicrous as that sounds, it's true.
So Smokey got his boss to hire me to sort data.  I wrote a little query and ran it once a month.  It took 15 minutes and Smokey's company sent me a little compensatory paycheck that supplemented my income and kept my hungry kids from starving.

Yes.  Smokey did that.  The bastard's a saint.  And he'll probably break my spine if any of you ever tell him I said this.
So if I can ever pay if forward and show somebody else a little kindness like Smokey showed me it would be a cool thing.  
Nevertheless I'm glad you're okay, Amos.

And I'm glad I didn't really kill this thread.  I was beginning to think I had.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 06, 2018, 02:17:04 PM
Wise words HH

My 2 cents on this is that same friend I was mentioning (with the anti-veggie stepkids) was in a similar situation when he married not just one but three (his wife and her two children).  It's A LOT to take on.  And like you say, all AT ONCE.  

But I'll tell you that this dude came through, with flying colors, and to a large extent I think it was because he was motivated to be there fully for his new family out of his love for her, and them.  And, he officially adopted both those girls and now is the grandfather of the oldest's fabulous kiddos (9 and 11 years old), and he couldn't be happier.  

MDT you sound similar to the friend I'm mentioning, and even though we haven't met in person, based on our conversations here over the years, I'm betting on you too.  It's not an easy road, but it can be a happy one, and it sounds like (stepping back and squinting) you're on a good path here.  

But did the girls ever learn to eat vegetables?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 06, 2018, 02:21:24 PM
So to lighten the mood a bit, I'll tell you what I did last night.  I went to my cousin's funeral.  She was an old hippie and her funeral consisted of Bob Seger songs, Patsy Cline songs and Led Zepplin songs - and we threw carnations in a river to set her spirit free.  It was beautiful.

But on the way back from her place in the woods along the highland lakes, I was driving down one country road after another when I passed a Twin Liquors just sitting out there in the middle of no where.

A few minutes later, I passed a busy fireworks stand.

Several miles down the road it hit me that we're nowhere near the 4th of July or New Years and yet the stand was open and they were selling fireworks like hotcakes.

Them country people.  They know how to live.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 06, 2018, 02:30:12 PM
Them country people.  They know how to live.

You ain't just a whistlin' Dixie.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 06, 2018, 02:30:47 PM
Wise words HH

My 2 cents on this is that same friend I was mentioning (with the anti-veggie stepkids) was in a similar situation when he married not just one but three (his wife and her two children).  It's A LOT to take on.  And like you say, all AT ONCE.  

But I'll tell you that this dude came through, with flying colors, and to a large extent I think it was because he was motivated to be there fully for his new family out of his love for her, and them.  And, he officially adopted both those girls and now is the grandfather of the oldest's fabulous kiddos (9 and 11 years old), and he couldn't be happier.  

MDT you sound similar to the friend I'm mentioning, and even though we haven't met in person, based on our conversations here over the years, I'm betting on you too.  It's not an easy road, but it can be a happy one, and it sounds like (stepping back and squinting) you're on a good path here.  
Ok guys....let me first say I really appreciate the sentiments.  Genuinely.

However, I think something has been read in here that I did not mean to convey.  There is no tension.  No friction.  Nobody is walking on eggshells, we all get along wonderfully, and things are going better than I could possibly have imagined.  Seriously.  I was actually told all my life by people how much of an adjustment marriage would be, how hard different things are, etc.  And perhaps I'm speaking WAY too prematurely, having only been married a couple months, but I have found settling in here has been easier than I thought, and her son who still lives with us half the time appears to have no problems adjusting either.  We are a ton alike, as I've said.  When he's here, he likes to talk to me about all the nerdy interests we share, scientific interests, what he's learning his freshman year of college, you name it, he likes to verbally download it.  And my interests run far more parallel to his than either his mom or his dad's, so his mom informs me that she feels like he's having those conversations with me because he knows it's all lost on her and his dad.  

I just can't imagine getting off to a better start in my married life.  

This was only supposed to be a story for humorous purposes playing on how many men like control of the temperature in their home, and how fast their eyebrows can raise if someone appears to challenge that control.  A story about a guy y'all have known for a while, a guy who never had to think about anyone from himself, and how there's a mild amount of humor in realizing that life is not always going to be all about me or just the way I want it.  I thought some here would find that humorous.  The situation is not serious, nor was the post intended to be.  If it didn't come off right, that's probably on my writing skills.  I really didn't mean to worry y'all, BUT I will add that advice and opinions are always welcome.  I'd be a fool to ignore the wisdom and warnings of men who've been doing this for much longer than I have.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 06, 2018, 02:47:29 PM
Poor Amos.

Always misunderstood.  

It's a Louisiana thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 06, 2018, 03:17:57 PM
Seriously Ludicrous
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 06, 2018, 03:25:32 PM
I will be attending the funeral of my aunt this weekend....  she enjoyed Patsy Cline songs and I have always enjoyed them myself.

My aunt was born a few years earlier than Patsy Cline.  I guess Patsy was a popular name back in the 1930s because my Aunt's name was Patsy.

My Aunt wasn't a hippie, but she did like to tip a drink as much as anyone and have a good laugh.  She will be missed.

There will only be hymns and such at the service, but I will try to remember to play some Patsy Cline while reminiscing with my family. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 06, 2018, 04:12:48 PM
You know, Frankie, Willie Nelson wrote "Crazy."  

Course "I Fall To Pieces" and "Walkin' After Midnight", both written by others, were fine songs too.

Willie Nelson was only 29 when he wrote "Crazy."  Course it wasn't his first big hit.  Faron Young had recorded Willie's "Hello Walls," two years before, which was right around the time Billy Walker released "Funny How Time Slips Away."

One my favorite's (and possibly Dandy Don Meredith's favorite) was "The Party's Over."  I could go on but I think I've harped on Willie enough.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 06, 2018, 04:45:37 PM
Mike, that's great that everything's groovy.  I remember those days, not that long ago really, when everything with my sweetie was new.  We'd just moved to Portland, and had bought an old bungalow house on the east side, which is in the exact same neighborhood that Beverly Cleary wrote all those Ramona Quimby stories, and were walking one night, petting random cats who'd come out to greet us, and we saw an older lady working her front yard garden and she had this one beautiful bush that turned out to be a lacecup hydrangea, and we asked what it was.  

This nice older lady said, oh that's a french hydrangea (which is what we called it for years), and we told her how beautiful it was.  Well, we got to chatting about how we'd just moved there, and the next thing you know, she's digging up about 1/3 of this lovely plant right out of her front yard, root and all, and giving that to us and saying go plant that in your new yard.  Wow.

And so we did, right next to our front steps, and at first it had a bit of trouble but then in about year 2 or 3 it flourished.  And, I always remember what she said to us as we were walking away with a 1/3 of her beautiful plant in hand "you're such a nice young couple and there's no time like right now, when everything is new and you're just getting going"

I don't have a 1/3rd of a beautiful plant to give you MDT, but nevertheless, here's a virtual toast to you and your new wife, and family!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: DevilFroggy on November 06, 2018, 05:03:58 PM
Funny to see how our lives have evolved over the many years on the board together. 

I joined as a brash 18 year old goofball wannabe know-it-all posting primarily from the library of the Tarrant County College. Since then I've dropped out of ASU, got married, moved a shit-ton of times, had my twins, got divorced, and have a very nice career going for myself here in Phoenix. The single dad life ain't ideal but I'm making it work. Ex and I are amicable (most of the time) and didn't have a nasty fight working out the details of the divorce. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 06, 2018, 05:07:48 PM
Heh!  I remember us once having a discussion about whether DF should live with his cool dad or his hot mom.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 06, 2018, 09:54:26 PM
You know, Frankie, Willie Nelson wrote "Crazy."  

Course "I Fall To Pieces" and "Walkin' After Midnight", both written by others, were fine songs too.

yup, if I remember correctly Hank Williams wrote a couple songs that Patsy made famous
Willie is a legend but so is Hank Sr.  I prefer Hank overall, but ya can't go wrong with those two.
and oh by the way, I'm telling Smokey!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 06, 2018, 10:28:44 PM
My head's like a football!!!!

The Irish Rovers, Wasn't That A Party - YouTube (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 08, 2018, 12:59:54 PM
Here’s a tip on that thermostat battle:

Go buy another thermostat. Leave the current one where it sits and relocate the other one some place inconspicuous. The wires are pretty cheap and you may have to get into the attic to do it. Unless it’s a fancy nest style stat it shouldn’t look any different. 

Use the new one to control temp and leave the old one as a dummy control. I’ve even heard of some people recalibrating the old ones by a few degrees to give the impression that it’s colder than what it really is. Tell no one and problem solved. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 08, 2018, 04:08:52 PM

I’ve even heard of some people recalibrating the old ones by a few degrees to give the impression that it’s colder than what it really is. Tell no one and problem solved.

That wouldn't work for my wife, who lives her life without numbers.  I don't care if the thermostat says 48, she's bumping it down if she feels hot.

Let's not discuss how my wife's number-free existence affects my finances.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 08, 2018, 04:32:30 PM
bumping the thermostat a couple degrees up or down isn't an issue.  It's when it's cranked 5-10 degrees up or down and then left that way.  Especially when the person who cranked it, then leaves the house.

something I did to help myself deal with the daughters leaving lights on was to replace the old bulbs with the highly efficient LEDs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 09, 2018, 03:26:00 PM
bumping the thermostat a couple degrees up or down isn't an issue.  It's when it's cranked 5-10 degrees up or down and then left that way.  Especially when the person who cranked it, then leaves the house.

something I did to help myself deal with the daughters leaving lights on was to replace the old bulbs with the highly efficient LEDs
My front porch lights and garage carriage house lights are all LEDs.  I leave 'em on all night, every night.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 09, 2018, 03:33:23 PM
rough neighborhood?

I leave the light over my kitchen sink on all night most nights.

That will probably stop when the daughter moves out, IF she moves out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 09, 2018, 03:56:57 PM
Burnt Eyes never was a bad mofo.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 09, 2018, 04:25:21 PM
He told us how he kicked yer arse!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 09, 2018, 10:39:40 PM
Bedlam time. In honor of Big Matt I’m rooting for oSu. Well, Matt and a deep seated hatred of all of things OU. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 10, 2018, 08:18:09 AM
Bedlam time. In honor of Big Matt I’m rooting for oSu. Well, Matt and a deep seated hatred of all of things OU.
Sounds like something a Horn fan, not an Aggie, would say.  Either way you’re an idgit.  i started a Bedlam thread yesterday in tribute to LBM.  Bedlam always deserves its own thread.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 10, 2018, 08:37:49 AM
Sounds like something a Horn fan, not an Aggie, would say.  Either way you’re an idgit.  i started a Bedlam thread yesterday in tribute to LBM.  Bedlam always deserves its own thread.
The only idgit are the ones rooting for the land thieves.  
Excuuuuuse me for not checking every thread.  
As far as something a Horn fan would say I think all Texans can stand united in a deep seated hate of all things sooner.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 10, 2018, 09:24:57 AM
Baloney - a good chunk, a minority but a sizable one, of north Texas roots for OU.  There’s a lot of Okie-Texas intermarriage going on including in my own family.   I know as I lived there and still have family there.

Most real Aggies hate UT first and then maybe Ark or other old SWC teams and then only after that do they bother worrying about anyone north of the Red, and even then it’s pretty much just a numb feeling of dislike wrapped in apathy.  I’ve never seen an Aggie selectively hate OU above all else or even in their top 2 or 3 hates.

You sure you ain’t a Texas fan posing as an Aggie?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 10, 2018, 10:13:13 AM
Pretty sure gigem is not a t-sip.

Hey, since we have so many Ags posting right now (two), any advice on where to park?  I'm taking the i s c & a aggie wife and my family to the Aggie-UAB game next week.  I've bought tickets and was planning on buying a parking pass, but not sure which is the best place?  Are those lots around Reed Arena a good place to park?  Is that where the most tailgating is?

I'll hang up and listen...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 10, 2018, 10:23:47 AM
Here’s an Arkansas mascot loose in Japan: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 10, 2018, 11:18:40 AM
I love Gigem’s idea about the ol thermostat switcheroo.  That is absolutely brilliant.

And I appreciate Cousin Fred affirming what I’ve been saying for years - that North Texas is basically Baja Oklahoma.

When I was a young teenager back in the ‘70s Austin was a quirky little sleepy college town and Dallas was like Hollywood.  I’d go up there to visit my cousins and I’d be blown away by its opulence and sophistication.  Everything was just so perfectly and successfully pretentious.  Expensive cars, trendy clothes, girls and women from 14 to 70 with big hair, fake tits, flawless Mary Kay makeup and eff you attitudes.

Dallas in 1978.  You couldn’t buy a cold beer in 7-Eleven but if you knew anybody then someone was bound to offer you a tightly rolled 20 and ask if you wanted a snort.

Somewhere n the ‘90s things kind of changed and Dallas started to become a bigger version of Texarkana, complete with non-Texans of possibly incestuous ancestreal lineages.

Nowadays when I travel, I stay south of an imaginary arc from El Paso through Waco to Houston and send my employees up into the nether regions of the state - unless things go horribly wrong.

Had to go to Longview one week.  i swear them crazy East Texans would fry red Kool-Aid if they could figure out how.

Please build the wall 300 miles to the north.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 10, 2018, 11:34:51 AM
Las Colinas epitomized the Dallas opulence and pretentiousness for me.    I lived there in the big D two years, long enough for me to do a stint (as an embedded hippy and) as an intern at the HQ of Frito Lay, and to get a masters degré e and find the love of my life, and then we bought a big old cake with the words Goodbye Texas on it, had a big goodbye party, and high tailed out of there never to return.  My dear brother however was not so lucky.  He’s still there!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 10, 2018, 04:34:45 PM
I love stories of people moving away from Texas.  Thank You For Your Support. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 10, 2018, 08:56:15 PM
Well Cousin Freddie luckily for me I get to decide who I hate the most and I long ago decided to go against the grain and hate on OU more than A&M’s little brother to the west. 

Something about that 77-0 outcome that just never goes away, ya know?  

As far as what people in Dallas do I really wouldn’t know, that’s practically yankee territory for us South Texans (apologies to Shiner  :)). I haven’t been to Dallas in over 20 years, hell maybe even 30 except when I drove through there from Branson, MO 10 years ago. So I guess if you consider stopping at a filling station once in 30 years the extent of my time in Dallas I can’t say I’ve been there much. 

All “real Texans” agree. OU sux. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 10, 2018, 09:02:31 PM
Pretty sure gigem is not a t-sip.

Hey, since we have so many Ags posting right now (two), any advice on where to park?  I'm taking the i s c & a aggie wife and my family to the Aggie-UAB game next week.  I've bought tickets and was planning on buying a parking pass, but not sure which is the best place?  Are those lots around Reed Arena a good place to park?  Is that where the most tailgating is?

I'll hang up and listen...
Sorry Utee  I haven’t been to a game since Johnny Footballs last one so I’m really not up to speed. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 10, 2018, 09:12:06 PM
Actually I’d prefer you hating OU rather than being apathetic about us.  That means we’ve got your attention, as well as a majority of scoreboards vs Aggies as well as a majority of conf titles while A&M was in the Big XII

So it’s all good.  Hate away!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 10, 2018, 09:42:44 PM
Yep, but we’ve got the last win, and how sweet it was. 

OU, what’s not to hate?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 10, 2018, 11:14:05 PM
Yep you do have that.  Not much else.

OU fans don’t really hate A&M.  No real reason to >shrug<
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 11, 2018, 09:11:22 AM
Sorry Utee  I haven’t been to a game since Johnny Footballs last one so I’m really not up to speed.
That's alright, thanks anyway Gigem. I just bought a parking pass for the lots around Reed Arena. It's realtively close to the stadium and I hear there's some good tailgating there.  
Congrats on the win over Ole Miss, by the way.  It was touch and go for a while, but the Ags showed a lot of grit at the end.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 11, 2018, 11:46:00 AM
Yeah you’re not gonna believe this but we’re two years away from greatness. 

I’m actually considering going to the game myself. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 11, 2018, 02:36:48 PM
Yeah you’re not gonna believe this but we’re two years away from greatness.
I totally believe you because Texas is two years away from greatness too.
It’s like the “Free Beer Tomorrow” sign in Catfish Parlor.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 12, 2018, 10:45:45 AM
I'm a week late in pointing this out...

In order to reach a NY6 bowl, my team has to become SWC champs to close the season, needing victories over Arkansas, Rice, and Aggie.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 12, 2018, 03:15:16 PM
Congrats on yer SWC championship and NY6 bowl, then, my friend. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 12, 2018, 03:36:40 PM
evil twin.... Yes, the lots around Reed are just fine.  As you say, a relatively close walk to Kyle from there and the tailgating is pretty good, obviously the closer you get to the stadium.  Although I can't speak to how great it'll be for UAB.  

Let's just hope UAB doesn't pull the upset.... I hear they're pretty decent this year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 12, 2018, 04:19:04 PM
Congrats on yer SWC championship and NY6 bowl, then, my friend. :)
That'd be nice, but a win against Aggie is no guarantee this year.  Shoot, the way our OL has played lately, I can barely take Rice for granted   :73:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 12, 2018, 07:24:00 PM
Thanks evil twin, appreciate it.  UAB is better than the average pastry, but I don't think they're going to beat the Ags.  Maybe keep it close longer than is comfortable though, I could see that.

On the flipside, MDT-- LSU is going to beat A&M. It's what they do.  Just as the Aggies are always going to beat Arkansas. It's what they do.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 12, 2018, 11:01:11 PM
Thanks evil twin, appreciate it.  UAB is better than the average pastry, but I don't think they're going to beat the Ags.  Maybe keep it close longer than is comfortable though, I could see that.

On the flipside, MDT-- LSU is going to beat A&M. It's what they do.  Just as the Aggies are always going to beat Arkansas. It's what they do.  
Not this year. I’m callin’ it. A&M will beat LSU 24-16.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 12, 2018, 11:05:28 PM
Not this year. I’m callin’ it. A&M will beat LSU 24-16.
I mean, one can always dream I suppose?
The problem, is that y'all already got your guaranteed win against Arkansas.  If you'd lost that game, I'd be willing to concede the possibility of an Aggie win against LSU.
Maybe next year?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 13, 2018, 09:25:54 AM
Ags are never going to beat LSU.....  well..... unless we leave the conference.

It was apparently the price to pay for entry into the SEC.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 13, 2018, 09:28:11 AM
Saw a good question on TexAgs..... 

What is the best and worst pie for the holidays?

Best:  My wife makes an otherworldly chocolate pecan pie.  The best.  Regular chocolate, pecan and apple are runners-up.

Worst:  Not a fan of cherry pie.  Or blueberry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 13, 2018, 09:38:00 AM
Worst:  Mince Meat Pie.     Unfortunately there is usually one on our table, because it's one of my uncle's favorites and he is pretty much the only one who wants to eat it.  I have tried it, it's almost like a pie version of a fig newton or something, but definitely the last one I would go for. 

Best:  Apple is a favorite in general for me, but on Thanksgiving I do also love pumpkin smothered in whip cream. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 13, 2018, 10:47:26 AM
Don’t know if y’all have ever noticed this about me, but more times than not, I prefer disagreeing to agreeing because it makes for livelier human interaction.  However I must attest to the truth when it comes to pie.

Huckleberry is correct. Chocolate pecan is true bomb dot com.

And I must agree with the lovely young Erin as well.  Mincemeat pie is Turkish prison food.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 13, 2018, 10:50:04 AM
But living in a home with picky eaters I must say Coconut Cream pie is my lusted after forbidden fruit.  Whenever I travel out of town, I always try to grab one.  House of Pies in H-town makes the best.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 13, 2018, 10:54:26 AM
For Thanksgiving I love pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and sweet tater pie.

I like the fruit pies like apple, cherry, and blueberry, but to me those are more associated with spring and summer.  Which makes sense for some fruits, although apples harvest in the fall, so what are you gonna do?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 13, 2018, 10:57:34 AM
I have a story about cherry pie.

Up until I was about 14 it was my favorite.  Then one day when I was feeling rotten and staying home sick, my sweet, lovable sister-in-law (bride of my brother) made me a cherry pie.

She left it with me and I was all alone.  It was warm and sticky and beckoning.

I ate a slice.  It was amazing.  Perfect.  I had a second and walked away.

The pie called to me.  I had no self control.  Slice by lovely slice I ate the whole thing.

I was fine for a while.  Maybe even an hour.

But remember how I was sick?  It made me sicker and I lost it.

What people tend to forget between vomits is how much is forced out through your nose.

I was blowing cherry skins out my nose for a couple of days.

I’ve never really been hungry for cherry pie since.  Guess you could say I had my fill.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 13, 2018, 12:10:04 PM
What people tend to forget between vomits is how much is forced out through your nose.

I love how this forum lifts me up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 13, 2018, 12:30:59 PM
I never met a pie I didn't like

So, there is no worst, but just grades of best

Eating a good pie is like seeing one's life flash before their eyes, without dying

When I eat Coconut Cream Pie, I'm back at my Grandmom TJ's house for a holiday dinner, and she's got three different pies on on the buffet, at the ready.  Coconut cream was always one of them, usually mixed in with a pumpkin and a fruit pie of some kind.  And, sometimes swap out a berry pie for a cobbler - usually blackberry or blueberry. 

Seeing these three there on the buffet ready to be devoured was in some ways like trying to decide which of Charlie's Angels is the best looking, kind of a win win win situation.  Coconut cream was kind of like Jaclyn Smith (even though Farah Fawcett's hair color kind of goes more with coconut)

Anyway, the angels aside, eating pie is like traveling back in time to my grandmom's house.  She was a larger than life type grandmom who made everyone feel good - always joking with a twinkle in her eye.  Going to her house was like walking into a Norman Rockwell painting, in real life.

Pumpkin and berry pies do this for me too, but not to the extent that coconut cream pie does.  Yumm.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 13, 2018, 03:08:43 PM
There's a ton of great pies, but if we're talking about the holidays, I'll vote for pumpkin and pecan.  

It's not uncommon for my folks to do pecan pies throughout the year, but for the childhood I had, pumpkin pie just screams Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year.  

However, in the grand scheme, much like in the Coke vs. Pepsi Wars how I sided with Dr. Pepper, in the classic Pie vs. Cake debates, I have to choose C) gimme one of my family's cobblers.  

But for the holidays, I'll take pumpkin pie.  Maybe with a bit of PromiseLand eggnog, which I'm happy to report SETX finally has got their **** together and started carrying.  No more PL eggnog had to be the worst thing about leaving Austin.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 13, 2018, 03:19:01 PM
However, in the grand scheme, much like in the Coke vs. Pepsi Wars how I sided with Dr. Pepper, in the classic Pie vs. Cake debates, I have to choose C) gimme one of my family's cobblers.

That's because there is simply no debate.

Cobbler > (Pie || Cake)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 13, 2018, 09:15:06 PM
MDT-- Have you ever had fresh homemade egg nog?

I grew up hating egg nog.  All I'd ever had was storebought, and I loathed it.  

Then I started dating my i s c & a aggie wife, and she told me about her family tradition of meeting at her great uncle George's house on Christmas afternoon and having their family recipe homemade egg nog.  I scoffed, because I'd always hated it.  After we'd been dating a while and I went to her family gathering, she begged me to try it.  Hesitantly, grudgingly, I tried a sip.  And another.  And another.  It was so light and frothy and fresh and creamy and delicious, I couldn't believe it.  It was nothing like the nasty premade storebought crap.  It was incredible.

Now, every year we host a Christmas party for family and closest friends.  We call it "A Toast To George" in memory of her great uncle George who passed a decade or so ago, and the featured highlight is the homemade family recipe egg nog.  We actually spend the entire night before the party making it, we're up to about 6 gallons of the stuff per year and we still run out in the first hour or so.

Anyway, point being, you need to make the stuff yourself.  It' otherworldly.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 14, 2018, 12:14:08 AM
Sounds like she’d cleverly laced that nog with a utee-will-fall-head-over-heels-for-me potion, which clearly worked.  Smart gal!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 14, 2018, 01:23:44 AM
No lacing necessary!

But, it does have quite a bit of booze in it. 

In her Great Uncle's recipe that he wrote down for her mom sometime in the early 70s, he talks about how the alcohol "cooks" the raw eggs and then commands "Remember, that it should be strong, as weak egg nog is insipid."

The first year we did the Toast To George I had t-shirts printed up with that quote. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 14, 2018, 08:11:28 AM
Tend to agree that cobbler has a high ranking in my household versus pie, and especially cake.

My grandmother is up there in years now, but used to make the best peach cobbler.  They lived out in east Texas outside of Nacogdoches on a few acres and grew their own peaches.  Actually they had a HUGE garden and grew their own everything.  Some of the best food I've ever had and likely ever will have I had visiting my grandparents.... To include the peach cobbler.  It was good enough I'd wipe out a small village to obtain some of it.  Along with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, I have to say it's probably the best dessert ever. 

I group desserts into tiers.... with Tier 1 being peach cobbler, chocolate pecan pie and my wife's ice cream pie.  Tier 2 would be things like homemade apple pie, pecan pie and cake brownies.... Tier 3 encompasses most everything else. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 14, 2018, 08:37:56 AM
I don't have much of a sweet tooth, really. The only times I eat dessert tend to be holiday dinners, or when dining out and celebrating special occasions.  

Oh, and church functions.  Always have to sample what the old ladies bring out for those.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 14, 2018, 12:11:08 PM
MDT-- Have you ever had fresh homemade egg nog?

A few.  As I assume would be expected, recipes vary wildly.  I've had some pretty decent stuff people made themselves, tho.  
I won't touch storebought eggnog unless it's PromiseLand.  I love that stuff.  The junk other brands sell is terrible and not even worth mentioning, but I like the PromiseLand stuff better than any homemade I've ever had.  
The rest of what you wrote....I can only assume I am invited to your place for the holidays to try y'alls homemade recipe.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 14, 2018, 12:56:16 PM
Sounds to me like you still haven't ever had any decent homemade egg nog.  It'll change your life, no lie!

And sure, come on by!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 14, 2018, 01:40:38 PM

Egg nog could be the most delicious beverage known to man.

But I'll never know.  Why?  Because it's a drink and it has the word "egg" in it.  That's right.  My plemedial cortex shuts me down to it - it could taste like cherry koolaid but it would register as egg yolk on my tongue.

So I've never had the pleasure, nor will my synaptical predisposition ever allow me to.  Sucks to be me.

P.S.  There's no such words as plemedial or synaptical, but I had to make a point.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 14, 2018, 02:30:54 PM
It tastes like sugar and cream and booze, pretty much. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 14, 2018, 03:12:59 PM
So I've never had the pleasure, nor will my synaptical predisposition ever allow me to.  Sucks to be me.

P.S.  There's no such words as plemedial or synaptical, but I had to make a point.
Ha, I loved those "words"
But I can give some advice on reducing the "sucks to be me" factor ... just replace that burnt orange uterus you have for an avatar with a crimson paper clip.  It'll cut the suckage factor way way down ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 14, 2018, 03:48:11 PM
Ha... well played BC. 

My wife teaches neuroanatomy at a local university.  I was going to ask her what the hell those terms meant.  I'm glad I won't be doing that now.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 14, 2018, 07:16:48 PM
Sounds to me like you still haven't ever had any decent homemade egg nog.  It'll change your life, no lie!

And sure, come on by!
Maybe, maybe not.  So many different nuances people can throw into it, it's impossible for anyone to have ever had a decent sample size of what's out there.  
It's doubtful that any of them can match the brand I like though, just my personal taste.  No chance if they're alcoholic.  That's an automatic minus for me.  I don't like alcohol in general, with a few exceptions, but especially not in my nog.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 14, 2018, 07:25:27 PM
If there's no alcohol, it's not egg nog.  That's what the "nog" is. Otherwise, it's just egg.

But no worries, I rescind your invitation.  Done and done.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 15, 2018, 09:45:16 AM
Eggnog is useless without the booze.  It's like a hot toddy without whiskey, just a sad useless drink.  

Just have a hot chocolate and enjoy your sobriety, keep the eggnog drinking to those of us that are extra festive.  :) 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 15, 2018, 10:02:47 AM
if you drink eggnog without booze you probably put beans in your chili

oh the humanity 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 15, 2018, 10:03:09 AM
Man, that didn't take much.  Tough crowd.  Or tough hosts, as the case may be.  

Fair enough, though one can't help but notice this is from the guy who uses the term "bean soup" even though it's obviously erroneous and flat out fake news.  

Erin, the eggnog I like is nothing like hot chocolate, but I'm glad to know you'll be leaving more of it for me  :-D
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 15, 2018, 11:00:21 AM
I actually admire people that can get through the holidays without booze. 
I'm certainly NOT one of those people, as I'm definitely more holly-jolly & generous with a drink in hand.  But if you have that holly-jolly spirit already within you, without needing external chemicals to summon the feeling to surface, that's aweseome! 


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 15, 2018, 12:04:14 PM
Life isn't worth livin' without some tasty booze....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 15, 2018, 12:47:35 PM
The first year we did the Toast To George I had t-shirts printed up with that quote. :)
Ha, nice touch!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 15, 2018, 12:50:25 PM
Why would I want to dilute my Captain Morgan's with egg stuff?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 15, 2018, 02:47:14 PM
I actually admire people that can get through the holidays without booze.

I'm certainly NOT one of those people, as I'm definitely more holly-jolly & generous with a drink in hand.  But if you have that holly-jolly spirit already within you, without needing external chemicals to summon the feeling to surface, that's aweseome!

History says that I do some really stupid things when I drink.
The last time I really went at it, I guess I was about 21, and I won't elaborate, but long story short, I had one of those moments where you swear you won't do any of that again, for good reason.  Turns out I faced chemical death at worst and up to 20 years imprisonment if I'd been caught.  Only barely ever touched anything 2 or 3 times after that, so I mostly stuck with it.
Think I might have had a bit to drink at the '07 board meeting....not sure.  Knocked a few back with old friends shortly afterwards at my 10 year reunion.  You might reasonably assume that previous indiscretions could be chalked up more to being young and dumb, but a couple years after that, which is the last time I can remember having anything to drink, I wound up making out with somebody I really shouldn't have, and it was mild drama.  
Plus--and I'm comfortable being in the minority here--I never liked the taste of most alcohol.  I almost exclusively drank for the sole purpose of getting drunk.  Very few things I drank to merely enjoy, so that makes it a lot easier to stay away from.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 15, 2018, 04:24:39 PM
....Turns out I faced chemical death at worst and up to 20 years imprisonment if I'd been caught...
Jeepers H Chrismas
I don't even want to know what you did.  Just glad you have the good sense to say "no mas."
Always been strange to me how different people have different Achilles heels but most everyone's got one.  It used to chaff me when I was a kid in the '70s because my dad all other members of the man making up establishment, loved absolutes.  Do that and you'll become a drug addict.  Do that and you'll throw yourself off a building.  Do that and you'll go blind.
When you do and you didn't, Mr Man has lost all credibility.  Cause most people who do, don't.  But there's always that one thing for everybody.  That kryptonite.
Might be able to do a hunnert vices and none will enslave you but then along comes vice 101.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 15, 2018, 05:17:52 PM
I'm with you Mike - I only like alcohol for the effect not the taste (except for beer and wine, but those are in a different category in my book).

I can't remember the last time I was actually drunk.  I can't even remember the last time I had hard liquor at all.

But back in the day, I made the mistake of mixing motorcycles with mojo (which in the usmc was just pouring koolaid and/or some kind of juice into a bin with whatever hard liquor we had on hand) regularly. 

I remember leaving the NCO club one night after beaucoup shots of 151, celebrating somebody's retirement, on my bike, yelling my goodbyes to all at the top of my lungs (a mildly obnoxious but happy drunk, or at least so they tell me).  Next thing you know someone is shaking my shoulder and saying "Yak are you okay??" (my nickname was yak, everyone in the usmc has a nickname), and I realize I've got dirt in my mouth, laying sideways in a ditch and my bike was still "running" somehow with the back tire up in the air and spinning, but of course this was all a blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

And then there were the "races" I had with fellow biking buddies on those NC back woods highways. Lit. It's amazing i lived to be 22. I believe my mother was praying daily for me, and I give her all the credit.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 15, 2018, 05:23:37 PM
But there's always that one thing for everybody.  That kryptonite.
Might be able to do a hunnert vices and none will enslave you but then along comes vice 101.
Yep, so true.  You just got figure out how to reach a detente with that kryptonite.  Or find a way to shield yourself from it.  Or go live on another planet!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 15, 2018, 05:37:46 PM
Mojo, eh?  In college we called it trash can punch.  Primary booze that went in it, was everclear  (actually, "diesel" which was cheaper (not the gasonline, but rather, a 190-proof alcohol)).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 15, 2018, 05:38:51 PM
You would think actually getting arrested would curb my alcohol-appetite, but nope!  I'm a stubborn one.   

I love it so much that I found a side-hustle where I get paid to push booze, and get to keep the rest for myself.   Lots of people say "no" when I offer the free booze samples, with some claiming they don't drink at all, and that's fine with me... more left in the bottle for me to consume!     

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 15, 2018, 05:57:16 PM
I drink almost exclusively hard liquor, and a lot of it.

I'm a reasonably happy, well mannered person. I enjoy the taste of many liquors. I consider myself a "professional drinker" meaning I don't miss work, get sick, abuse the family finances, or put anyone in physical or emotional danger.

Many times, I shut off the drinking for several weeks just to prove to myself that I could if I wanted/needed to.

There are many things that I just "shouldn't", and I've tried to learn those. To all who realize they "shouldn't", and then "don't", I raise my glass!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 15, 2018, 06:16:32 PM
There are many things in this world that I have heartily enjoyed but could actually take or leave.  Alcohol, cocaine, rich foods,  gambling, etc...

But my achilles heel is women.

Throughout my life, whenever I ever allowed one to worm her way into my heart, I almost inevitably allowed her to turn me inside out.

I’ve been a damned fool for love.  

I’ve stood in glass on the highway in my underwear alternately begging the nightmare of my dreams to come back and go F herself.

When I’ve had it good, I’ve messed it up.  And when I’ve had it bad, I’ve made it worse.

I probably take after my mom. Can’t tell you how many times she pulled a butcher knife on my sweet long suffering pop.

I guess I finally failed so many times, I lost my passion and earned enough apathy to me a somewhat tolerable partner, but the chicas still flirt and disaster is always just one bad decision away.

Yep. Women. If anything ever destroys me, it’ll be women.

Probably a 5’ tall brown eyed angel who looks like she wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 15, 2018, 08:08:03 PM
Buncha drunks up in here.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 16, 2018, 08:40:32 AM
So anyway, about the egg nog-- I never even considered aging it, until I saw Alton Brown's Good Eats episode about it.  He suggested letting it age for up to a year.  

I was like, wait, WAT???  Raw eggs, heavy whipping cream, sugar, and booze-- sitting and aging for a YEAR?  NO WAI!

But two years ago I accidentally forgot about one mason jar of the stuff I'd put back for a relative, who never came by to pick it up.  It was hidden at the back of the beer fridge.  I discovered it about 6 months after Christmas, and decided to let it go until the following Toast To George party.

So after we'd made our new batch (and by "we" I mean my i s c & a aggie wife), and let it sit in the fridge overnight, I pulled out the aged one and poured a cup, next to a cup of the fresh one, and did a taste test.  And man oh man if Alton Brown wasn't 100% correct.  It had aged really well.  It was more mellow and smoother, not quite as creamy/frothy because it has "relaxed" for a year, but it was pretty tasty.  

So last year I put back a half-gallon of the stuff instead of just a pint.  Now it's at the back of my beer fridge, just taunting me.  That first really cold night a couple days ago, I almost broke down and opened it up.  But I checked myself.  It'll be even better next month.

Mmmmmmmmm rich, creamery nog.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 16, 2018, 08:52:30 AM
It can sit for a year and not go bad?  Whodathunk.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 16, 2018, 08:53:32 AM
Buncha drunks up in here.
Well most of us ARE Texans, and there's a reputation to uphold here. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 16, 2018, 09:33:44 AM
Well most of us ARE Texans, and there's a reputation to uphold here.

On my trips to the Northern mid-west, I find out what drinking really is.  Dammit, I can't keep up with those people.  Every night - pub, pub, pub...

Texas folk could drown in the amount Wisconsin cheeseheads drink.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 16, 2018, 09:42:22 AM
On my trips to the Northern mid-west, I find out what drinking really is.  Dammit, I can't keep up with those people.  Every night - pub, pub, pub...

Texas folk could drown in the amount Wisconsin cheeseheads drink.
Well, there's nothing else for them to do in their God-forsaken yankee lands, so it makes sense they'd want to drink themselves to death.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 16, 2018, 09:49:35 AM
Well you haven't met me yet, but I've been told at past board meetings that I can drink most men under the table... I think that includes the mid-westerners.  
Then again, I haven't quite figured out if that is something to be proud of or not.  

When I did my study abroad in college in Barcelona, we stayed in a dorm that had drink vending machines on the bottom level that included rows of beer.   Every single day the 15 of us from Texas would deplete the beer rows, and every morning we'd see the dude restocking it again.  I asked him if he could just take out one of the Fanta rows and add more beer, as he would sell more while we were there that way.    The 2 single Wisconsin dudes in that dorm were amazed that we would pretty much deplete the beer stash before dinnertime, even on the days we had classes.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 16, 2018, 10:24:48 AM
Damn you all are some partying mofos ...

I could never keep up 

But it wasn’t for lack of trying - lol
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 16, 2018, 11:56:56 AM
Well you haven't met me yet, but I've been told at past board meetings that I can drink most men under the table... I think that includes the mid-westerners.  

I would have thrown a challenge your way when I was in my young 20's.  At this point, I will avoid being shamed a la Bobby Riggs.

This is honest to God's truth - for Friday night I would buy a wine cooler, a case of beer, and a Mad Dog 20/20.  I lived a couple of years doing this every Friday.

I would drink the wine cooler on the drive home.  I would start pounding the beer shortly thereafter, and a party was usually found somewhere or at my place.  Around 1am, I would have finished the 24 beers, and would hit the Mad Dog.  What I did after that is anybody's guess, but I know a few women were involved.

I wouldn't go back to that, and I probably should wish I had never done such things.  But like I said, there were few beauties that I still have sketched in my memory, and I ain't letting go of that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 16, 2018, 02:52:58 PM
I better make my eggnog this weekend, so it can age for a month
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 16, 2018, 04:54:43 PM
so whats the best booze for eggnog

I favor Brandy
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 16, 2018, 05:35:46 PM
so whats the best booze for eggnog

I favor Brandy
I usually like a little spice to counter the sweet - so usually a dark spiced rum or a whiskey. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 16, 2018, 09:10:45 PM
utee94 posted his egg nog recipe over on the "tailgate and other recipes" thread on November 28, 2017,

I recommend it highly
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 16, 2018, 10:09:31 PM
utee94 posted his egg nog recipe over on the "tailgate and other recipes" thread on November 28, 2017,

I recommend it highly
I can relate my eggnog recipe in one word
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 16, 2018, 11:12:03 PM
never liked the store bought stuff

always had to spike it heavily
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 16, 2018, 11:12:36 PM (

for Cincy, if he stops by
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 18, 2018, 02:53:19 PM
So lemme get this straight: 

If OU beats WVa and Texas beats KU then it’s OU vs UT for the Big 12 title in a rematch?  

Wtf happens if WVa wins?  OU and WVa play again the next week?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 18, 2018, 03:15:31 PM
If Texas beats Kansas, they will play the winner of OU @ WVU.

OU wins it’s 1. OU (8-1), 2. Texas (7-2) & 3. WVU (6-3)

If WVU wins, it’s a 3 way tie for #1 with OU, Texas & WVU all 7-2 but Texas & WVU would both have wins over OU.

Even if Texas loses there’s a scenario that gets Texas in but it’s tedious and convoluted.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 18, 2018, 03:45:16 PM
Horns will beat the Hawks

Sooners will beat the Mountaineers

glorious rematch

Sooner Magic
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 18, 2018, 04:18:26 PM
I just caught the tail end of the Texans and Redskins. I wasn’t aware that Colt McCoy was still playing but I guess he got in the game at the end for some reason. I know y’all don’t think an Aggie can root for a longhorn but I was sure rooting for colt to pull it off. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to make it happen but I’m glad he’s still in there hanging on, he was one of my all time favorite college players even though he was wearing the wrong colors. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 18, 2018, 04:55:49 PM
Thank you, gigem.  I believe it.

I think college football fans root for players of rivals more often than most people would imagine or admit to.

Sometimes players that pissed me off in college become a favorite in the NFL.  Like Wes freaking Welker.

I’ve rooted for Sam Bradford, I’ve hoped for the best for Manziel, I love that damned Martellus Bennett.

I could go on but I won’t.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 18, 2018, 04:58:59 PM
I am anxious to see if OU can make any stops against WIll Grier and the WVU offense.  It wouldn’t surprise me if they score on every possession.  

I don’t think that bodes well for OU.  I’m expecting a Texas-WVU CCG.

Sorry Fred.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 18, 2018, 05:42:04 PM
Could be.  Our defense is giving up 425 ypg.  But then again Texas is giving 401 and WVU is slightly better at 379.  Defense is not exactly a strength of any Big XII team this year, sad to say.

Then again on offense, total ypg is different

OU 576 (that’s kinda high you know)
WVU 502
Texas 424

In the OU-WVU matchup, the net favors OU just barely, but then these stats may not apply to Morgantown

I am glad the KU game was played in lousy weather conditions, which will be some conditioning for the Sooners for that cold couch burning country.

But it still may not be enough.

Meanwhile no doubt Texas will paste the Jayhawks.  Watch for that Pooka guy though - he’s a pretty good ‘un
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 18, 2018, 09:27:54 PM
Wow what a weekend.  A lot to unpack.

1) We put both whiskey and rum in our egg nog. Brandy's good too.

2) My trip to Aggieland was fun.  Ags looked good against a game UAB team.  

3) FF- Sooner Magic is a thing against the Huskers.  It's not a thing against the Longhorns.  62-46-5 agrees with me.  

4) I'm alright with a rematch against OU or WVU.  Texas played extremely flawed football in both games, and came away with a 3-point victory in one, and a 1-point loss in the other.  Texas could once again beat either team, or lose to either team.  Along those line I think Texas could lose to just about any team in the country, or beat any team in the country not named Alabama.  Such is the way of things in 2018.

Anyway, the B12 has been fun to watch this year, and here's hoping Texas can beat Kansas and win the B12.  Wouldn't that be something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 18, 2018, 10:02:23 PM
13-10 head to head and 10-3 in conference titles since the Big XII started might suggest otherwise. I do agree that historically "Sooner Magic" © is mainly an OU-NU thing, but sometimes it spills over into other rivalries.  The name Roy Williams comes to mind.

Not named Alabama or Clemson.  FIFY.  Those two are in a league by themselves these days, much to the chagrin of SEC homers who can't stand the thought of ACC interlopers like Clemson, or earlier FSU, upsetting their self styled all time greatest conference apple cart.  Unfortunately though our Big XII teams are not in that conversation, but then again neither is any other P5 conference.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 18, 2018, 10:14:50 PM
I expressed above that I had a good time at the TAMU-UAB game, and I've stated my opinion on these message boards many times before, that I enjoy watching football games ay Kyle Field.

However, I can't help but point out an observation from the gameday experience at Kyle Field, mostly because it's something I've observed in Austin and at other college football stadiums, but didn't really expect in College Station given the strong ties to tradition and history they have.  And that observation is-- man, even at A&M, the intrusion of the NFL-like over-abundance of commercials and loud PA rock music instead of college band music and cheerleader (or yell leader) chants is overwhelming. I've grown accustomed to it in Austin over the past couple decades (although I don't like it or approve of it), but I thought College Station of all places would avoid it.

It was in the back of my mind, but my i s c & a aggie wife really brought it to my attention when, toward the end of the first quarter, she just looked at me and said, "I don't really recognize this place."  I thought she was just referring to the stadium renovations, but she said "what is all this piped-in music? What does it have to do with Texas A&M or college football?"

Honestly it saddened me all the more, because A&M was the last place I expected it.  It was really surprising.

Still a good place to watch a college footbal game, but definitely not the same atmosphere it was even as recently as 10 years ago.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 18, 2018, 10:25:56 PM
13-10 head to head and 10-3 in conference titles since the Big XII started might suggest otherwise. I do agree that historically "Sooner Magic" © is mainly an OU-NU thing, but sometimes it spills over into other rivalries.  The name Roy Williams comes to mind.

Not named Alabama or Clemson.  FIFY.  Those two are in a league by themselves these days, much to the chagrin of SEC homers who can't stand the thought of ACC interlopers like Clemson, or earlier FSU, upsetting their self styled all time greatest conference apple cart.  Unfortunately though our Big XII teams are not in that conversation, but then again neither is any other P5 conference.
The measly 13-10 record H2H given all the extra luck the Sooners have gotten OUTSIDE the annual game against Texas to get a 10-3 conference championship advantage, actually only serves to strengthen my point about Sooner Magic being something that doesn't apply to the game against Texas.  If you think about it critically, you'll understand that.
And Clemson?  No.  They barely beat the completely average Texas A&M team I've watched all season long.  In previous years they might have been on a similar level to Alabama, but this year's Alabama team might just be the best college football team I've ever seen, and this year's Clemson team isn't the same as the past few.
I'd feel no terror if Texas somehow were to be matched up against them.  Doesn't mean I'd expect a Texas win, but it also doesn't mean I'd expect a Texas loss.
I'll stick with my statement-- Alabama's the only team in the country I don't think Texas could beat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 19, 2018, 02:15:38 AM
Clemson has been an Achilles heel for us.  So they always give me pause. And they’ve been laying waste to most everyone on their schedule.  I guess A&M was an exception.

I see your point about the proportions being different.  It requires a bit more thinking than just that though.  

Most of those conference wins (and it was 11 not 10, I’ve lost count!) have come after beating Texas.  8 of the 11 by my count.  Some times we’ve also beaten Texas but then didn’t win the conference like in 2002 and 2004, during the five year streak.  

And three of Texas ten wins were in the 1990s.  If we’re talking 2000 on, OU’s winning advantage is nearly 2:1.  And that’s what it’s been this decade too, 6 to 3.

Anyway, I know it won’t change your mind, which is fine of course, because you’re a great fan of your team and I respect that, but I’ll just say that when we play Texas as the two overall best teams in the Big 12, it feels no different than when we used to play Nebraska as the two best teams overall in the Big 8.  Always a tough game, but I always like our chances.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 19, 2018, 08:41:37 AM
I expressed above that I had a good time at the TAMU-UAB game, and I've stated my opinion on these message boards many times before, that I enjoy watching football games ay Kyle Field.

However, I can't help but point out an observation from the gameday experience at Kyle Field, mostly because it's something I've observed in Austin and at other college football stadiums, but didn't really expect in College Station given the strong ties to tradition and history they have.  And that observation is-- man, even at A&M, the intrusion of the NFL-like over-abundance of commercials and loud PA rock music instead of college band music and cheerleader (or yell leader) chants is overwhelming. I've grown accustomed to it in Austin over the past couple decades (although I don't like it or approve of it), but I thought College Station of all places would avoid it.

It was in the back of my mind, but my i s c & a aggie wife really brought it to my attention when, toward the end of the first quarter, she just looked at me and said, "I don't really recognize this place."  I thought she was just referring to the stadium renovations, but she said "what is all this piped-in music? What does it have to do with Texas A&M or college football?"

Honestly it saddened me all the more, because A&M was the last place I expected it.  It was really surprising.

Still a good place to watch a college footbal game, but definitely not the same atmosphere it was even as recently as 10 years ago.
I’ve heard that the”DJ” thang is new to Kyle Field starting this season or maybe last. A lot of Aggies are unhappy about it especially when it interferes with the yell leaders. I think it’s there for the recruits but honestly I think the Kyle Field experience itself is what set us apart. Oh well they never asked my opinion. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 19, 2018, 10:31:14 AM
I hate to be the "old man yells at cloud" guy, but I think you've hit upon a problem.

I've bloviated a bunch on our various boards about the magic of college football that sets its passion apart from other similar (mostly professional) sports. I think I've got the test control subject.

Baylor used to really suck at football. I watched a lot of bad ball in the old stadium. It was still fun, though. The crowd, even while moaning and griping about the ineptitude, was still supporting a college program.

Then, the Bears got good for awhile. I won't delve into the other aspects, but it got them a new stadium. It's state of the art. Everything polished and perfect. Big TVs. Blasting sound system. A toilet seat roof, er, well it was an idea anyway.

In the new stadium, the band is there some place. Every once in awhile, you can hear them between thudding pump-up tunes. The tunes vary to try and support all cultures, but it's just there. However, the whole experience is sterile. Much like Diana in "A Chorus Line", I feel nothing. Some times they do well, other times not so well. Either way, I just feel like I'm watching a plastic version of something that used to be interesting.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 19, 2018, 10:44:48 AM
Cousin Fred, you have every right to lord over us Texas fans about the Big 12 era and I attribute much of OU’s success to Mack Brown.

He was the best of coaches and the worst of coaches.

He recruited VY, figured out he needed to leave him alone and let him be VY and he won an MNC, so I love him.

However he was a weird duck too.  Seemed to value 10-win seasons more than championships.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 19, 2018, 10:52:54 AM
Furthermore when DeLoss Dodds and the BMDs stuck with Mack Brown from 2000 to 2004 they pretty much affirmed they were cool with being #2 - much to the chagrin of fans like me and  Junior, Smokey, Dustin, Erin, Dopple, 320, etc...

Notice I didn’t say BC.  Didn’t know him then but I assume from what he’s said about Mack that he was cool with Texas being #2 too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 19, 2018, 11:10:46 AM
Clemson has been an Achilles heel for us.  So they always give me pause. And they’ve been laying waste to most everyone on their schedule.  I guess A&M was an exception.

I see your point about the proportions being different.  It requires a bit more thinking than just that though.  

Most of those conference wins (and it was 11 not 10, I’ve lost count!) have come after beating Texas.  8 of the 11 by my count.  Some times we’ve also beaten Texas but then didn’t win the conference like in 2002 and 2004, during the five year streak.  

And three of Texas ten wins were in the 1990s.  If we’re talking 2000 on, OU’s winning advantage is nearly 2:1.  And that’s what it’s been this decade too, 6 to 3.

Anyway, I know it won’t change your mind, which is fine of course, because you’re a great fan of your team and I respect that, but I’ll just say that when we play Texas as the two overall best teams in the Big 12, it feels no different than when we used to play Nebraska as the two best teams overall in the Big 8.  Always a tough game, but I always like our chances.
Fair enough.
Oh, and... SCOREBOARD. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 19, 2018, 11:31:54 AM

And Clemson?  No.  They barely beat the completely average Texas A&M team I've watched all season long.  In previous years they might have been on a similar level to Alabama, but this year's Alabama team might just be the best college football team I've ever seen, and this year's Clemson team isn't the same as the past few.
Oh geez.
You're better than this, and I expected better from you.  
Insert team X, repeat.
Mississippi State just showed an few elite D linemen is all you need to make Alabama's offense look ugly.  Hell, LSU made them look normal, which most people didn't even think was possible--dump people, who don't learn from history--and they did it without any elite linemen.  Then Simmons and Sweat reminded everybody, oh hey, nobody looks good when your line is getting blown up and a QB doesn't have time.  Of course both LSU and MSU lack anything resembling an offense.  But a team that fields one is out there, and this Alabama team is not as deep or as good against the pass as even previous versions.  
Clemson also was playing Kelly Bryant vs. A&M.  Trevor Lawrence is a bit of a different animal.  Clemson also recruits bit studly D-linemen.  They'll give that greatest team you've ever seen another whale of a game.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 19, 2018, 11:40:54 AM
Oh geez.
You're better than this, and I expected better from you.  
Insert team X, repeat.
Mississippi State just showed an few elite D linemen is all you need to make Alabama's offense look ugly.  Hell, LSU made them look normal, which most people didn't even think was possible--dump people, who don't learn from history--and they did it without any elite linemen.  Then Simmons and Sweat reminded everybody, oh hey, nobody looks good when your line is getting blown up and a QB doesn't have time.  Of course both LSU and MSU lack anything resembling an offense.  But a team that fields one is out there, and this Alabama team is not as deep or as good against the pass as even previous versions.  
Clemson also was playing Kelly Bryant vs. A&M.  Trevor Lawrence is a bit of a different animal.  Clemson also recruits bit studly D-linemen.  They'll give that greatest team you've ever seen another whale of a game.  
You seem to be taking this quite personally.  There's no reason for that.
Texas 2005 was an incredible team and still played some close games.
I guess the 95 Huskers didn't, and they're my true "best team ever."  
My actual point was, I don't think Texas could beat Alabama.  Have you seen what our defense looks like this year, the ISU game notwithstanding?  
I do think Texas could beat Clemson.  I suspect it would be a close 1-3 point affair either way.  Because that's sort of our thing, this season.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 19, 2018, 11:44:13 AM
I'm with you Mike - I only like alcohol for the effect not the taste (except for beer and wine, but those are in a different category in my book).

I can't remember the last time I was actually drunk.  I can't even remember the last time I had hard liquor at all.

But back in the day, I made the mistake of mixing motorcycles with mojo (which in the usmc was just pouring koolaid and/or some kind of juice into a bin with whatever hard liquor we had on hand) regularly.  

I remember leaving the NCO club one night after beaucoup shots of 151, celebrating somebody's retirement, on my bike, yelling my goodbyes to all at the top of my lungs (a mildly obnoxious but happy drunk, or at least so they tell me).  Next thing you know someone is shaking my shoulder and saying "Yak are you okay??" (my nickname was yak, everyone in the usmc has a nickname), and I realize I've got dirt in my mouth, laying sideways in a ditch and my bike was still "running" somehow with the back tire up in the air and spinning, but of course this was all a blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

And then there were the "races" I had with fellow biking buddies on those NC back woods highways. Lit. It's amazing i lived to be 22. I believe my mother was praying daily for me, and I give her all the credit.
See, and I don't even have these kinds of ordeals to blame stuff on.  I've heard a hundred stories just like this and half of them came from people I knew, whose stories I helped them live through.  But not me.  I never blacked out, and I don't really understand the concept.  Either I go to sleep, or I'm awake.  I'm unfamiliar with walking, talking, performing actions that I am not aware or or can't remember.  And I've been reeeeeeally drunk.  But I remember it all.  I remember having free will and making conscious decisions to do every stupid thing I ever did.
Because the sad fact is in my case what they say about alcohol is really true.  Alcohol doesn't change me, it just lowers my inhibitions.  Whatever dumb things I did, I was inclined to do them anyway and alcohol just made me braver.  
Charley's story humbled me and forces me to amend my earlier story to tell the whole truth.  I can't blame making out with somebody I shouldn't have on the booze.  That was there anyway, the alcohol was just a convenient excuse.  Fact is I've messed around with more people than just her that I shouldn't have, and I was usually sober.  Ugly truth is, there was a period of time when I willingly chose to be stupid concerning women.  
I never got mean when I drank.  Never got violent.  Never got criminally inclined (what I did that one time that could've landed me in the clink was an honest mistake, I had no idea what I was doing was illegal).  Because I'm not any of those things sober.  The chance to press some flesh with a good looking female, well, I'd like to blame indiscretions on the alcohol, but I can't.  
I do think it'd probably be a different story today, because I've been super happy with my now-wife for the 3+ years I've been dating her, in a way I never was before.  I imagine I'd be fine to drink now and there'd be no problems, mostly because I don't have the urge to chase other women sober anymore.  
But the fact remains, I just don't like the taste of most alcohol.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 19, 2018, 11:49:15 AM
You seem to be taking this quite personally.  There's no reason for that.
Admittedly, yes, I am tired of hearing every year how this is the greatest Alabama team we've ever seen and they are perennially the greatest team of all time.  And I'm tired of the fact that while it's hyperbole to a sickening extent, that it's true enough that they are routinely one of the best, possibly the best, team in that given year, and I'm tired of being stuck in a division with them.  
One of the reasons I like the B12 board is because that stuff doesn't exist here, so...yeah, bit of a reaction when I come to my favorite lounge and suddenly the same smell I'm trying to get away from everywhere else was detected.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 19, 2018, 12:12:57 PM
Well I can certainly understand that.

So how 'bout something we can ALL agree on-- well, everyone that matters anyway--

OU sucks.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 19, 2018, 12:14:30 PM
On the topic of Kyle Field.... I believe that DJ was instituted last season.... I haven't been to a home game last season or this.  From what I hear, I may be better off for it.  The feedback I've heard is that the DJ thing is an absolute abomination and most everyone doesn't just dislike it... they HATE it.  And yes the commercialism is now also overwhelming.

But as mentioned... I supposed it's done to appeal to recruits... because it sure as hell isn't appealing to stodgy old Ags with big checkbooks.

Kyle Field, like much about A&M.... is but a shell of its former self.  And it makes me sad.  But.... it's just a symptom of a changing world we live in.  The unfortunate part is that I don't see much changing for the better.

Which is why........... I prefer whisky in my egg nog.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 19, 2018, 12:23:11 PM

You may be my evil twin, but when you are right, you are so very, very right.  Amen brutha.

And I didn't think the atmosphere at Kyle Field was terrible-- it's just not as "pristine" as it used to be.

Honestly, the game with the absolute best "old-school" college football atmosphere, that I've been to in the past couple decades, is the TX-OU game at the Cotton Bowl.  There's still some ads and a little bit of piped in music,  but for the most part it's just the two bands, the two sets of cheeleaders, the cannon and the sooner dudes with their pop guns.  It's just an unbelievable COLLEGE football environment and reminds me of what it was like in our home stadium a couple of decades ago.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 19, 2018, 12:31:07 PM
I miss the 80's
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 19, 2018, 01:05:42 PM
If I never hear that stupid rap song "I'm from Louisiana" at another LSU game, it will be too soon.  But they play, like...a bunch.  And that's a shame because I love the standard LSU fight songs.  The band still does their thing plenty often and still puts on amazing halftime shows, but it'd be better if it were 100% the band, and none of the piped in crap.

The game-day atmosphere itself....well, that's been covered ad nauseum.  Combination of a spoiled rotten fan base who won 10-11 games so much they forgot how to be happy with good seasons, a generation who's flat out spoiled in general, and the administration slowing pricing out the average fan over the last 10 years such that Tiger Stadium is full of a bunch of trophy wives and status hogs who can't be bothered to show up, stay late, or make noise....and you get what we have now.  It's not Death Valley until further notice.  

Speaking of ticket prices....I just checked on tix for the UT/LSU game next September.  Man, UT (and almost certainly LSU in 2020) can go **** themselves.  I really wanted to make that game and take my wife to her first Longhorn game, but I ain't paying $1650 for two tickets.  Cheapest I saw were $350 per, and that was for the super nosebleeds.  Even if I had it, that's insane.  I routinely scalped tickets for Texas games in 2005, pretty decent seats too, for a solid price I was willing to pay, and that was during a season everybody knew they were on a NC run.  This crap?  Hellz no.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 19, 2018, 01:29:31 PM
If I never hear that stupid rap song "I'm from Louisiana" at another LSU game, it will be too soon.  But they play, like...a bunch.  And that's a shame because I love the standard LSU fight songs.  The band still does their thing plenty often and still puts on amazing halftime shows, but it'd be better if it were 100% the band, and none of the piped in crap.

The game-day atmosphere itself....well, that's been covered ad nauseum.  Combination of a spoiled rotten fan base who won 10-11 games so much they forgot how to be happy with good seasons, a generation who's flat out spoiled in general, and the administration slowing pricing out the average fan over the last 10 years such that Tiger Stadium is full of a bunch of trophy wives and status hogs who can't be bothered to show up, stay late, or make noise....and you get what we have now.  It's not Death Valley until further notice.  

Speaking of ticket prices....I just checked on tix for the UT/LSU game next September.  Man, UT (and almost certainly LSU in 2020) can go **** themselves.  I really wanted to make that game and take my wife to her first Longhorn game, but I ain't paying $1650 for two tickets.  Cheapest I saw were $350 per, and that was for the super nosebleeds.  Even if I had it, that's insane.  I routinely scalped tickets for Texas games in 2005, pretty decent seats too, for a solid price I was willing to pay, and that was during a season everybody knew they were on a NC run.  This crap?  Hellz no.  
Where are you seeing those prices, or trying to buy them from?  
I'm sure there will be some released for general public through the regular UT box office, even if it's a limited number of seats released for sale that way.  That's how I usually buy them, much like concert tickets, if I hawk-eye the release dates and get myself ready for them.    I try to never pay more than face value for the events I go to, as long as I understand the system and when they are released to general public.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 19, 2018, 01:32:44 PM
When UT when to play USC in California, it was one of the first "sold out" games in years for them - and we got our tickets through the USC box office at face value the day they went on sale to public.  It can be done, is all I'm saying...   and I'm pretty good at doing it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 19, 2018, 01:37:31 PM
Whatever site that was the fbs schedules site takes you to when you view schedules and it offers "buy tickets"...I think it's or something like that. 

I don't pretend to understand how tickets do what they do.  I'm guessing Texas hasn't put them on sale, but how can people sell tickets if UT hasn't released any for sale yet?  

I'd be happy to pay face value, but I'm not sure what the chances are of grabbing anything like that.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 19, 2018, 01:50:59 PM
Whatever site that was the fbs schedules site takes you to when you view schedules and it offers "buy tickets"...I think it's or something like that.

I don't pretend to understand how tickets do what they do.  I'm guessing Texas hasn't put them on sale, but how can people sell tickets if UT hasn't released any for sale yet?  

I'd be happy to pay face value, but I'm not sure what the chances are of grabbing anything like that.  
Okay, yeah all resale sites are going to be ridiculous this far out and likely they are people who have season tickets putting them up for bid.  Not people who have bought single game tickets at face value, so those prices are not at all accurate for what the face value is going to be. 
I would wait at least 6 months, and I also want to go to this game so I'll keep you in the loop with any information I have on hand.  Right now UT hasn't even announced prices yet for 2019 games, so I wouldn't even try to buy anything from anywhere for next year.    Football is different than concerts, but I know enough to work the system as far as I can to get face value tickets.   You already know I'm eyeing this series so I'll do what I can to see about reasonable tickets for you and myself! 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 19, 2018, 02:00:45 PM
Yeah, those tickets don't even exist yet, definitely don't buy off resale sites until they've been released, which won't be until August.

And like Erin said, try through the box office, first.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 19, 2018, 02:03:57 PM
I’m a Stub Hub guy.  Astros turned me onto them.  Don’t believe the Stros even have a box office.  They just tell you to go to Stub Hub so now I use it for Texas games too.  I like the little viewpoint from the seat pictures.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 19, 2018, 02:11:40 PM
For Astros, I just get standing room tickets (the cheapest ones) and then just sit wherever I want. They have a box office that you can buy from the day of the game, and it's rarely sold out, plenty of seats to choose from even without a "seat" ticket! 

FTR, I have been to 6 "sold out" events over the past 16 months, and got all those tickets at face value when they went on sale.  If you are diligent and watch the dates, and get online at the right time, it's really possible to get them for the actual price they are set for.      
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 19, 2018, 02:23:22 PM
Sometimes Texas (and other schools) try to force you to buy a package though, if you want one of the "good" games.  At least initially, unless/until it gets a lot closer to the game date and tickets aren't yet sold out.  So to get LSU tickets, you might also be forced to buy Baylor and ISU.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 19, 2018, 02:50:45 PM
For Astros, I just get standing room tickets (the cheapest ones) and then just sit wherever I want. They have a box office that you can buy from the day of the game, and it's rarely sold out, plenty of seats to choose from even without a "seat" ticket!

FTR, I have been to 6 "sold out" events over the past 16 months, and got all those tickets at face value when they went on sale.  If you are diligent and watch the dates, and get online at the right time, it's really possible to get them for the actual price they are set for.      
I like to get seats in the 300s as close to home plate as possible.  I like those little green boxes in the 300s because the view is good, the area is small and it's high enough that you can hunker down on a fajita or text the GF without having to worry about getting beaned by a foul ball.  But sometimes I'll encounter what I now suspect are you standing room peeps.  You get up to go pee and come back and somebody's in your seat.  You just look at them like they're something the cat dragged in and they sit up straight and say, "Is this your seat?" I go, "Cha!" and they get up and wonder off.  I always wondered who those aimless people are.  I like saving money but sometimes I don't mind spending it.  For example, I'd rather be the person telling somebody to move than the person being told to move.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 19, 2018, 03:12:37 PM
I like to get seats in the 300s as close to home plate as possible.  I like those little green boxes in the 300s because the view is good, the area is small and it's high enough that you can hunker down on a fajita or text the GF without having to worry about getting beaned by a foul ball.  But sometimes I'll encounter what I now suspect are you standing room peeps.  You get up to go pee and come back and somebody's in your seat.  You just look at them like they're something the cat dragged in and they sit up straight and say, "Is this your seat?" I go, "Cha!" and they get up and wonder off.  I always wondered who those aimless people are.  I like saving money but sometimes I don't mind spending it.  For example, I'd rather be the person telling somebody to move than the person being told to move.
Word.  I bought club level seats for the Aggie game this past weekend. My i s c & a aggie wife was surprised, wondered how much I spent.  I said, "I spent enough so that we don't have to jack around with the dirty unwashed masses.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 19, 2018, 03:20:03 PM
Well I always move quickly & without comment when I can see someone has the seat I'm sitting in, but yes, that would be me. Because I can and they don't kick you out for doing it.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 19, 2018, 10:22:56 PM
 "I spent enough so that we don't have to jack around with the dirty unwashed masses.  
in typical rich arrogant longhorn fashion!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2018, 08:22:26 AM
in typical rich arrogant longhorn fashion!
I am what I am and make no apologies for it. :)
I laughed as we walked past the huge lines to sit in the cheap seats in "The Zone."  We had our own entrance, our own escalators to the club level, numerous bars and food stands inside the club with barely any lines, no aimless standing room peeps trying to snake your seats while you go pee--it was great! If you have the means, I highly recommend it. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 20, 2018, 09:11:55 AM
I am what I am and make no apologies for it. :)
I laughed as we walked past the huge lines to sit in the cheap seats in "The Zone."  We had our own entrance, our own escalators to the club level, numerous bars and food stands inside the club with barely any lines, no aimless standing room peeps trying to snake your seats while you go pee--it was great! If you have the means, I highly recommend it.
and you werent bothered by all the stupid aggies who stand up for the whole damn game
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2018, 09:20:10 AM
That's only the student section.

And it's really no different than any other game I've ever been to.  Students at UT stand for the whole game.  I mean, they don't do it for pride or tradition so they'll sit down during time outs or when they need to pour more bourbon from their boot flask into their stadium coke, but while on-field action is occurring, I can't recall a single stadium I've ever been to, where the students didn't stand.  They stand at Tech, Baylor, TCU, Houston, Arkansas, and of course at the Cotton Bowl for TX-OU.  Heck, what few students I ever saw at a Rice game, were standing too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 20, 2018, 09:51:06 AM
That's only the student section.

And it's really no different than any other game I've ever been to.  Students at UT stand for the whole game.  I mean, they don't do it for pride or tradition so they'll sit down during time outs or when they need to pour more bourbon from their boot flask into their stadium coke, but while on-field action is occurring, I can't recall a single stadium I've ever been to, where the students didn't stand.  They stand at Tech, Baylor, TCU, Houston, Arkansas, and of course at the Cotton Bowl for TX-OU.  Heck, what few students I ever saw at a Rice game, were standing too.
this must have started post 1970 cause when I went to UT students did not stand except to sing the Eyes of Texas or the National Anthem or to celebrate a great play
and yes we had plenty boot flasks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 20, 2018, 12:10:15 PM
I always sat on the west side but I do seem to recall the Texas fans around me being condescending golf clappers until 1977.

I think it took the crappy season of 1976 (and especially the horrible 30-0 home loss to UofH) to snap us out of our entitled complacency.

In the ‘90s when everybody talked about how great the Nebraska fans were, I could relate.  It’s easy to be gracious and somewhat apathetic when you’re beating the crap out of everyone.

Have Husker fans gotten serious yet?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2018, 12:20:14 PM
I always sat on the west side but I do seem to recall the Texas fans around me being condescending golf clappers until 1977.

I think it took the crappy season of 1976 (and especially the horrible 30-0 home loss to UofH) to snap us out of our entitled complacency.

In the ‘90s when everybody talked about how great the Nebraska fans were, I could relate.  It’s easy to be gracious and somewhat apathetic when you’re beating the crap out of everyone.

Have Husker fans gotten serious yet?

Some of the worst fans I've ever encountered were Husker fans after the 1999 B12 CCG in San Antonio.  They had finally beaten Texas for their first (and only) time in the B12, and they were certainly real serious assholes about it.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 20, 2018, 12:35:59 PM
I remember on several occasions the student section was used as a flash card section

there would be several different colored cards and a card with listed colors on it numbered

there would be a leader who would yell what number we were supposed to do

on his command we were supposed to hold up the appropriate color

this was only done when we were on national tv with the blimp circling around

course there was always the guy who would purposely hold up the wrong color or the guy who would try and break the record for the card fling

those were the days
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 20, 2018, 12:59:20 PM
So how 'bout something we can ALL agree on-- well, everyone that matters anyway--

OU sucks.
hey there self-proclaimed "internet good guy", thanks a heap for relegating me to the status of a nobody, but just remember the old saying
nobody's perfect!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2018, 01:02:23 PM
It's not self-proclaimed!  I was awarded the 1999 CNN/SI Message Board Internet Good Guy Award by Freeky OSU.  So you can blame HIM for it. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 20, 2018, 01:28:02 PM
It's not self-proclaimed!  I was awarded the 1999 CNN/SI Message Board Internet Good Guy Award by Freeky OSU.  So you can blame HIM for it. :)
Well it was certainly self-promoted.  Durned arrogant Horn ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 20, 2018, 01:32:29 PM
I was proclaimed the funniest poster a few times years ago when we used to slap one another on the back at the end of each season and bestow "Dundie"-like awards on one another.

But you don't see me bringing that up as often as somebody tends to remind us that he's the Internet Good Guy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 20, 2018, 01:34:49 PM
I was proclaimed the funniest poster a few times years ago when we used to slap one another on the back at the end of each season and bestow "Dundie"-like awards on one another.

But you don't see me bringing that up as often as somebody tends to remind us that he's the Internet Good Guy.
But you ARE the funniest poster ... that one I get. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 20, 2018, 01:37:47 PM
But the thing is I'm not funny.  I'm just misunderstood genius like Yogi Berra.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on November 20, 2018, 01:42:35 PM
Your chewbacca observation still has me chuckling ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 20, 2018, 02:14:20 PM
Everybody loves Chewbacca. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 21, 2018, 10:59:04 AM
I'm more of a Princess Leia guy myself, but if you love Chewbacca, more power to ya.  NTTAWWT.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 21, 2018, 12:21:43 PM
that's not nice

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 21, 2018, 12:56:49 PM
Your chewbacca observation still has me chuckling ...
Must’ve missed that one. Mind ‘splainin it to me?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 21, 2018, 01:12:57 PM
Must’ve missed that one. Mind ‘splainin it to me?
go back you will find it up there 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on November 21, 2018, 02:07:28 PM
Must’ve missed that one. Mind ‘splainin it to me?
Dood.  You is like a sloth at a turtle race.  We’re blinding you.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 21, 2018, 10:52:32 PM
Never mind it was on a different thread. Carry on. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 26, 2018, 04:24:05 PM

Kirby Hocutt says Texas Tech will return to elite status.

What decade did I sleep through?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 04, 2018, 12:30:50 PM
I just caught the tail end of the Texans and Redskins. I wasn’t aware that Colt McCoy was still playing but I guess he got in the game at the end for some reason. I know y’all don’t think an Aggie can root for a longhorn but I was sure rooting for colt to pull it off. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to make it happen but I’m glad he’s still in there hanging on, he was one of my all time favorite college players even though he was wearing the wrong colors.
Darn shame That Colt broke his leg. Get well soon Colt!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2018, 12:32:14 PM
Adrian's legs still work
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2018, 02:34:44 PM
Yeah that sucks for Colt.  I really wanted him to have a legitimate chance at some starts (and not against the Cowboys).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 04, 2018, 03:44:03 PM
Kirby Hocutt says Texas Tech will return to elite status.

What decade did I sleep through?
Now don't be ugly.
Texas Tech is an elite polo, rodeo and pom squad school.  Everybody knows that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 07, 2018, 08:27:04 AM
Here’s an argument for Ohio State making the playoffs:

( (

A bacon vending machine in Columbus!

But the catch is that it’s only planned to be there until Dec 13.  If it had lasted at least through the Bowl season I think they’d have had a much better argument.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 07, 2018, 10:17:48 AM
Pearl Harbor Day. I always take a moment on this day, to remember the tragic loss of life, the sacrifices made by those sworn to protect us, and the infinite horror of war. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 07, 2018, 11:15:35 AM
My grandfather lived from 1888 to 1977 and was a machine gunner in WW1.

My father lived from 1924 to 2007 and was a radio operator in WW2.

My father was one of maybe a million American men to take advantage of the GI Bill that created America’s middle class as folks were moving from farms to cities.

Growing up, I just knew I’d have to fight in WW3 but fortunately I did not.

I offer this brief family history as context for the reason I commend you, Junior, for keeping Pearl Harbor in your heart.

You see, one of grandfather’s complaints was that WW1 was forgotten when Armistice Day became Veterans Day in 1954.

Can you imagine, being yanked from your farm, sent to France to fight in the Great War where bodies had already been piling up for four years.  More Americans died in WW1 than had ever died in any American war other than the Civil Waror would ever die in any other American war other than WW2 or Vietnam.  It was supposed to be the war to end all wars and Armistice Day was supposed to be its day of remembrance.  Now it’s just a day we honor all veterans, whether they fought or not, and the memory of WW1 is largely forgotten.

So in honor of my grandfather and his heartbroken dignity, Armistice Day is a day I always try to remember.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 07, 2018, 02:44:06 PM
Amen, brutha!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 07, 2018, 02:54:25 PM
Nice tribute Primo
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 07, 2018, 09:00:31 PM
Thanks amigos. Sorry to kill the thread.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 08, 2018, 11:27:36 PM
This made me laugh.  

<edited: fixed link>
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 09, 2018, 12:38:22 AM
Meanwhile former A&M quarterback K Murray just won a Heisman playing for OU.  Just like last year when former TT quarterback B Mayfield won a Heisman playing for OU.

and all you Aggies are left to do is make fun of our logo?  Lol

Via third party smack no less

I mean wow dude

Don’t you even realize how totally pathetic that makes you look?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 09, 2018, 11:41:20 AM
That horns down logo in the OU logo reminds me of a floppy disk.  The later ones that were weren’t so floppy.  The white part looks like the little metal chingadera.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 09, 2018, 11:42:44 AM
Congrats to Kyler.  Sell deserved.   Cool family.  Heroes of A&M, Texas and OU.  (Kevin, Calvin & Kyler, you know).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 09, 2018, 11:45:13 AM
Lighten up,  Francis. If you can’t have a little humor here then where can you?  

Besides, if anything it was making fun of Tom Herman and his thin skin. God, if you okies have such thin skin when you’re winning I’d hate to see what happens when you’re not.

I guess congrats to Kyler on his Heisman. I’m well aware that Sumlin/A&M let a great one get away. It’s going to be interesting watching him matchup the next game (or two).

Good luck in your games.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 09, 2018, 12:45:00 PM
HYWell even though i know you’re a pseud posing as Aggie (bad acting job my friend - the Horniess within just oozes forth from your posts like a continuous odor of SBD burnt orange farts), it gave me license to rub the total Aggie choke job on QBs in, even to the point of comparing A&M to the team they most hate to be compared with: Tech!  Even if there aren’t any Aggies here to see it - lol
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 09, 2018, 01:18:14 PM

I haate family squabbles.  Why can’t we all just get along?  Simmer down fellows.  It’s the holiday season.  Time for Sooners, Aggies & Horns to celebrate the camaraderie of our ccommon love of college foodball.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 09, 2018, 03:51:09 PM
I’m still genuinely baffled cousin Freddie didn’t get a laugh out of the OU logo thing?  Shoot, I specifically posted it for his enjoyment. 

Carry on...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 09, 2018, 05:24:11 PM
We is humans.  Sometimes we have distracting burdens on our hearts & minds.  Many a time I have refused to give folks the response they’re expecting.

Course I’m a contrary imp.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 09, 2018, 05:56:50 PM
Yep I’m definitely a catlike contrary to ordinary human bean.

I’d seen the logo thing before and so it wasn’t news.  Truth be told, the Horns have a very cool symbol even if they borrowed it from Minnesota.   Generally Texas does obsess about OU too much for their own good.  We probably do the same in reverse, and the upside down hand thing is evidence of that.  When we’re not playing Texas, who cares?  I think it should be discouraged outside of the RRS.  

Anyway, if you were sincere Gigem, thanks for thinking of me.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 09, 2018, 07:06:43 PM
We borrowed Minnesota’s logo?  They have a straddle-legged maroon M outlined in gold and we have an orange longhorn head.  I see the resemblance to The Ram truck emblem, the female reproductive organs and the tan lines a women in a t-back gets but I don’t see the connection to Minnesota.  Can you explain, Cousin Fred?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 09, 2018, 07:35:10 PM
I know nothing more than what this wiki site says: (

No doubt it seems like a weird thing for a team/program whose mascot is a gopher for sure, but I guess you’ll have to take that up with authors who contributed to that wiki site
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 09, 2018, 10:20:17 PM
Well wikipedia has certainly never been wrong, so...

That would be interesting if true, but since there's no citation for that assertion, it really just sounds like an Aggie edited it and made up some shit just for the fun of it.  It's been known to happen...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 09, 2018, 11:23:28 PM
Another thing that makes one suspect Aggie input is that it’s either in that wiki, or in an article that it links, where the hook’em sign was said to be done in response to the Aggies already having a gig’em hand gesture.  Or maybe it’s true, who knows.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 10, 2018, 08:57:50 AM
Maybe there's some backstory there I didn't bother to read up on.... but I can't fathom why Freddie would be offended by that logo thing.  Is that somehow a dig at the sooners?  Guess I'm not getting something..... 

For that matter, I can't fathom why horn fans get so ridiculously lathered up over the horns down sign.  I mean... is that seriously a penalty in your league now?  That is laugh out loud ridiculous.... If my fanbase got so riled up over something like that to the point the league catered to making it a penalty on our behalf, I'd be embarrassed.

But that's the Big XII for you....  :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 10, 2018, 09:15:09 AM
I didnt think an aggie can get embarrassed 

learn something new every day
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 10, 2018, 11:58:44 AM
I work with a Sooner fan who displays an OU flag.  Once you see the horns down in the flag, you can't unsee it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 10, 2018, 12:11:20 PM
... If my fanbase got so riled up over something like that to the point the league catered to making it a penalty on our behalf, I'd be embarrassed...
This is where your aggieness meets my longhorniness.  
Neither of us know why the league made that decision.  As far as I can tell no one has gone on record to say why the league made that decision.
You conjecture that the league made that decision to accommodate the fan base.  Naturally you would.  It fits in the Aggie's longstanding narrative that Texas fans are despicable and that whatever conference Texas is in succumbs to Texas' browbeating and subserviently acquiesces to whatever Texas want.
Many people in this world love snuggling up in their imaginative narratives to explain things.  It helps them extrapolate things beyond the documented facts in a way that makes them smile.
Now I don't know why the league made that decision and I won't pretend I do.  I will say an awful lot of fans on both the Texas side and the OU side have expressed disgust at Bowlsby trying to regulate the rivalry by penalizing what people say and do.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 10, 2018, 12:29:11 PM
didnt some team get a penalty in Lubbock when a player made an upside down gun sign

I kind of remember that

anyway this constitutes taunting which is why its a penalty

Id venture to say if folks started giving an upside down gig em sign when scoring against aggie a penalty would be called
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 10, 2018, 12:30:07 PM
If my fanbase got so riled up over something like that to the point the league catered to making it a penalty on our behalf, I'd be embarrassed.
Wait a minute.  I just realized who was talking about fanbases.
Wasn't it your fanbase that cornered the Marching Owl Band in 1973 for mocking your traditions in a halftime routine?
Wasn't it one of your corps members who drew a sword on an SMU cheerleader in 1981?
Then there's the list eater, turd flinger, Mike McKinney who was punched by another aggie but claimed it was the Tech goal post, the woman who carved a B in own face and claimed she was attacked, etc. etc.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some.  I think there are even ancient tales of corps members loading up cannons to fire at Baylor.
What a crazy, wacky, thinskinned group.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2018, 01:37:11 PM
didnt some team get a penalty in Lubbock when a player made an upside down gun sign

I kind of remember that

anyway this constitutes taunting which is why its a penalty

Id venture to say if folks started giving an upside down gig em sign when scoring against aggie a penalty would be called
Texas WR Mike Davis was given an unsportsmanlike penalty for "holstering the guns" after scoring a TD in Lubbock a few years back.
Texas WR Roy Williams was given an unsportsmanlike penalty for doing the horns-up after scoring a TD in Austin a few years before that.
Before the UT-WVU game a few weeks back, WVU coach Dana Holgorson specifically asked the refs about it, and it was during that game that I saw the first-ever flag thrown for someone doing horns-down.  
Then once more, before the B12 CCG, OU coach Lincoln Riley asked the league office about it.  This was just after Breckyn Hager said "ou sucks" in an interview and the B12 reprimanded him and forced him to make a public apology, or else face suspension.
The people that think UT is somehow "getting over" are laughable.  But, since they're mostly Aggies, they were laughable anyway. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 10, 2018, 01:38:46 PM
You're suggesting the league - with no urging from the horn admin/athletic department whatsoever - just arbitrarily enacted a rule against disparaging the precious horn hand sign?  

Yeah.... okay.  Sure. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 10, 2018, 01:41:22 PM
Wait a minute.  I just realized who was talking about fanbases.
Wasn't it your fanbase that cornered the Marching Owl Band in 1973 for mocking your traditions in a halftime routine?
Wasn't it one of your corps members who drew a sword on an SMU cheerleader in 1981?
Then there's the list eater, turd flinger, Mike McKinney who was punched by another aggie but claimed it was the Tech goal post, the woman who carved a B in own face and claimed she was attacked, etc. etc.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some.  I think there are even ancient tales of corps members loading up cannons to fire at Baylor.
What a crazy, wacky, thinskinned group.
I have no idea how listeater is relevant to the discussion.
And the corps?  Really?  They embarrass A&M almost annually.... Feel free to disparage them all you like.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2018, 01:42:24 PM
In general, I think the taunting rules are stupid.  I guess they're supposed to protect the integrity of the NCAA's hallowed sport of college football, which is a joke in and of itself.  But these aren't elementary school kids, they're legal adults playing one of the toughest sports on the planet. I think they can handle a little taunting.

All that said, the horns-down is-- by definition-- a taunt. Its sole purpose is to be disrespectful and mocking toward The University of Texas.  So as long as the taunting rules are on the books, then horns-down should be called as an unsportsmanlike penalty.  Same as "holstering the guns" or the throat-slash or any number of other gestures that have long been flagged for taunting by officials in NCAA football games.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 10, 2018, 01:43:39 PM
You're suggesting the league - with no urging from the horn admin/athletic department whatsoever - just arbitrarily enacted a rule against disparaging the precious horn hand sign?  

Yeah.... okay.  Sure.
There was NO COLLUSION!  Lol
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 10, 2018, 01:53:09 PM
I tend to doubt that when the taunting rule was put on the books that they had the horns down thing on their minds.  I don't buy that was the intent of the rule... and the horns down thing has been done for as long as I can remember.  But it's just another example of how people go out of their way to find something to be offended at.  Such is life now.... and it extends way beyond football.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 10, 2018, 02:00:00 PM
All that said, the horns-down is-- by definition-- a taunt. Its sole purpose is to be disrespectful and mocking toward The University of Texas.  
Just speaking as a Sooner fan, given the rivalry, the purpose is to say we are going to beat your ass.  It’s more of a “let’s get it on, beeatch” than anything more nefarious or odious or noxious or disrespectfulious.  I can’t speak for all Sooners on this because certainly when we’re hearing a cascading cacophony of callous Horn calls all saying “OU Sux”, well there might be some tit for tat agoing on here.  But for me the Horns down just means either we just beat your ass (Dec 1 in this case) or we’re about to beat your ass (next Oct).
IOW, Scoreboard
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 10, 2018, 02:03:11 PM
I have no idea how listeater is relevant to the discussion.
does it bother you when I bring up...
list eater?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 10, 2018, 02:05:32 PM
does it bother you when I bring up...
list eater?
No..... is it supposed to?
Back on horns down... I find this article to be interesting.  Good points made.  
Perhaps the horns up should be penalized too.... since flashing horns up at your opponent after scoring a TD is.... you know, by definition.... taunting.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2018, 02:10:03 PM
No..... is it supposed to?
Back on horns down... I find this article to be interesting.  Good points made.  
Perhaps the horns up should be penalized too.... since flashing horns up at your opponent after scoring a TD is.... you know, by definition.... taunting.  

If the horns-up were done directly to the opponent, I'd consider it taunting.  When Roy Williams was flagged for it, he was celebrating in his own stadium, toward UT fans, and not directing it to the opponent at all.  It was clearly a celebration and not taunting.
But, this is one of the many reasons I'm fine with eliminating all of the taunting rules.  Giving the officials LESS subjective crap to call, can only be an improvement.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2018, 02:13:44 PM
Just speaking as a Sooner fan, given the rivalry, the purpose is to say we are going to beat your ass.  It’s more of a “let’s get it on, beeatch” than anything more nefarious or odious or noxious or disrespectfulious.  I can’t speak for all Sooners on this because certainly when we’re hearing a cascading cacophony of callous Horn calls all saying “OU Sux”, well there might be some tit for tat agoing on here.  But for me the Horns down just means either we just beat your ass (Dec 1 in this case) or we’re about to beat your ass (next Oct).
IOW, Scoreboard
The thing is, you don't get to decide on behalf of Longhorn fans whether or not it should be offensive.  Your intent of not being nefarious is completely irrelevant.
And yes, Longhorn fans have long said "ou sucks."  If the players were doing it, on the field, and the officials caught it and flagged them for it, that would be completely within the rules as well.
I think the rule is stupid and impossible to enforce evenly.  But as long as it's a rule, then horns-down is an obvious taunt.  That it's gone this long without being called is odd.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 10, 2018, 02:29:07 PM
 That it's gone this long without being called is odd.
Not really. 
Like you said yourself... this is a sport played by adults.  I too think they can handle the horns down without crying about it.
It seemed like everyone got along just fine for the longest time with horns up and horns down without the need for penalties.  Everyone was a grown up so I'm not surprised at all it went this long without being called.    As I said, I tend to doubt a school hand gesture was what the rule makers had in mind when they instituted the taunting rule.

Appears it wasn't until longhorn football coaches (at least according to the article) starting complaining that it became an issue... mostly notably Herman.  And voila.... here we are.  Horns down is a penalty.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 10, 2018, 02:35:06 PM
But, this is one of the many reasons I'm fine with eliminating all of the taunting rules.  Giving the officials LESS subjective crap to call, can only be an improvement.

Ed Zachary.
One thing that's always amused me about the enforcement of the taunting penalty is how it has often targeted the offensive players but not the defensive ones.
A safety on a blitz can get a sack, do the didn't see me, shoot an imaginary arrow into the stands, shovel an imaginary pile of dirt on the prone QB and even drop his imaginary pants and drop an imaginary deuce on the QB and it's all good clean fun.
A wide receiver shakes his head while crossing the goal line and it's taunting.
I exaggerate but not by much.
It's like the the blind eye to defender's taunting make up for the legion of rules giving the offense every advantage.
Taunting is fun.  Don't want to be taunted, don't let the other team have a big play.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 10, 2018, 02:36:23 PM
Referring to the last post by utee: Back to your defense of the “rights of the offended to be offended” argument, with sincere comments made by the other side written off as irrelevant.  Ok sure be offended.  It’s your right by gar.

As for what happens on the field, I’m not a big fan of refs being able to change the outcome of the game based on subjectively determined side issues that don’t amount to anything.  If taunting leads to a brawl, okay penalize em.  But players giving each lip across the lines etc, no big deal, as long as it doesn’t lead to a physical fight.  That’s just part of the game, and it will always be part of it.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 10, 2018, 02:39:27 PM
Huh, I find myself in agreement with both Shiner and Hooky at the same time on this one.  Weird ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 10, 2018, 02:40:30 PM
... at least according to the article...
Are you unfamiliar with Mac Engle?
He doesn't report the news.  He isn't even aware of what's going on.
I remember in 2013 when Texas had narrowed Mack's replacement down to Charlie Strong , James Franklin and David Shaw, Mac Engle wrote a long article chiding Texas for not considering a minority candidate.
9 times out of 10 when I read something idiotic, Engle's name is on the byline.
The guy is a complete moron.  I wouldn't believe a word he says.  He's the biggest joke in the dying industry of print journalism.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 10, 2018, 02:47:08 PM
Google "mac engel idiot"

399,000 results

Links to Killerfrogs, texags, the Star Telegram itself, etc...

The guy is thoroughly unreliable and universally despised.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 10, 2018, 03:14:14 PM
He could be a complete moron for all I know.  He's a "journalist" afterall.  The bar is set quite low.

That said, is the article I linked getting facts wrong?  If so, please clarify.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 10, 2018, 03:16:58 PM
I just read an article from nov 28 where he ended with 

Ok?  Cool.  Hook’em

Sounds like something a moron would say for sure

j/k guys - lol
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2018, 03:29:14 PM
If anyone on the Texas side complained, I have zero doubt that it was something like, "Hey, if you're going to call the horns-up as taunting, and if you're going to call the holstering pistols as taunting, then you should also be calling the horns-down as taunting.

Which is 100% correct, so I have no problem with a conversation like that happening.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 10, 2018, 03:42:51 PM
And you just described the slippery slope.

Personally, I'm against legislating hand signs..... but then.... I'm not a flaming liberal either.  

To each their own I guess.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 10, 2018, 04:03:18 PM
He could be a complete moron for all I know.  He's a "journalist" afterall.  The bar is set quite low.

That said, is the article I linked getting facts wrong?  If so, please clarify.
Come on, Huckleberry.   You're an intelligent, educated man.  Don't pretend you've read something that isn't there.  Where in that article does it draw a documented correlation between Texas/Tom Herman and the rule?
It's not journalism.  It's an opinion piece that basically opines that if horns down is a penalty, then horns up should be a penalty too.  
After whining about how horns up is "disrespectful and hurtful," and "deeply disrespectful" he has the incredible absence of self-awareness to talk about "snowflakes."
Nowhere in that article does Egel explicitly say that the Big 12 imposed the rule because Tom Herman asked Bob Bowlsby to do so.  
Nowhere in any of the articles Engle links (one of which was a Burnt Orange Nation article that called penalties for horns down "ridiculous") does it explicitly say that the Big 12 imposed the rule because Tom Herman asked Bob Bowlsby to do so.  
Engel does his best to imply it with statements like, "The person in the middle of this crisis? My Tommy Boy."
But he doesn't back it up with any facts.  He just talks about Herman taunting the Missouri quarterback, and how Herman is a hypocrite.
If you're writing an article about how Herman is so upset about horns down, don't you think most intelligent writers would maybe add something... like... oh I don't know... a quote by Herman perhaps, complaining about horns down.
Would you like to know what Tom Herman really said about horns down, when somebody actually asked him about it?  He said, "we're used to it." (
Granted he said a lot of stuff about handling ourselves with class and how people have always disrespected Texas and granted comments like that can be laughed at by detractors.  Heck, I even find them ironically amusing and I'm a Texas fan.
But to jump from that to calling him a snowflake and saying with (undocumented) authority that he (as Mac Engel contends or the Texas fan base, like you first asserted, Huckleberry) is the reason the Big 12 calls those penalties is a leap of wishful thinking, unsupported by any evidence.
Especially unsupported by anything in that crap article.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 10, 2018, 04:17:36 PM
That is a very long winded post.  You seem a bit sensitive to this issue.

Maybe Engel isn't such an idiot and is on to something afterall.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 10, 2018, 04:36:17 PM
I hadn't been paying attention to this tempest in a UT-pot until now, but definitely Tom Herman is out to lunch on this imo.  Forget the sportswriters.  I just saw a video clip of Coach Herman himself after the WVU game arguing that a WVU touchdown should be reversed because a WVU player did the horns down thing.  Are you kidding me?  That's complete chicken shit.  No two ways about it.

Texas has a cool hand signal.  This is well known.  They're a successful program and the envy of others.  They're gonna catch some flak about it.  We Sooners catch flak all the time, via all manner of BS, in fact the whole "OU Sux" machine based in Texas is practically a cottage industry all on its own.  I don't see our coaches or players whining about it.  But I do see them going out and showing the haters how to win on the field. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 10, 2018, 04:40:28 PM
That is a very long winded post.  You seem a bit sensitive to this issue.

Maybe Engel isn't such an idiot and is on to something afterall.  
Yeah, I went Jane Goodall for a minute and thought I could reason with an Aggie.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 10, 2018, 05:32:13 PM
Yeah, I went Jane Goodall for a minute and thought I could reason with an Aggie.
We are talking about primate behavior after all.  I mean hand signals?  Lol.  This is definitely an off-season type conversation, but you know, I bet there's a thing or two we could all learn from Dr. Goodall on this, and at this point I'm not talking about football but how to navigate the Baltimore-DC traffic going home in a few minutes!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2018, 07:09:35 PM
It's really quite simple. If taunting is on the books as a rule, then horns-down is a clearcut and obvious violation of the rule.  There's zero gray area.  Players throwing up the X with their arms has been called taunting. Players throat-slashing has been called taunting.  Players putting the Texas Tech guns in holsters has been called taunting.  And Texas players celebrating a TD with the horns-UP has been called taunting.

The taunting rule is stupid, but as long as it remains a rule, then horns-down is an obvious violation of it.  

This is simple stuff.

If you don't like it, advocate for the removal of the taunting rules completely.  I certainly do.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 10, 2018, 07:55:25 PM
Has Texas been penalized for it?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2018, 09:43:54 PM

I've already stated it several times.  Texas has been penalized both for doing the horns-up, and for "holstering" the guns against Texas Tech.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 10, 2018, 10:14:11 PM
Ok. Cool. Boomer!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2018, 10:25:26 PM
Steals land, steals handsigns, and now steals catch phrases.  Golderned copycat!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 11, 2018, 08:40:19 AM
Yeah, I went Jane Goodall for a minute and thought I could reason with an Aggie.
I just let the conversation go essentially... and you revert to insults.
How times have changed on the 'Porch!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 11, 2018, 12:15:30 PM
Steals land, mocks handsigns, and now mocks catch phrases.  Golderned rival!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 11, 2018, 12:25:17 PM
I like how you're proud of the stealing part.  Don't ever change, Sooner fan! :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 11, 2018, 12:41:53 PM
All land in these United States was stolen.  Some day you'll figure that out.  Or, well, maybe not >shrug<
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 11, 2018, 01:16:15 PM
Europe was stolen

Asia was stolen

Lots os stealing going on
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 11, 2018, 01:48:16 PM

I tried doing the #1 thing upside down.

Nobody got it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 11, 2018, 02:07:03 PM
I tried doing the #1 thing upside down.

Nobody got it.
Be careful, if you slip and fall in that position you could break a finger
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 11, 2018, 04:40:04 PM
I just let the conversation go essentially... and you revert to insults.
How times have changed on the 'Porch!
things haven't changed that much
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 11, 2018, 05:03:14 PM
are "snowflakes" just a wee bit too sensative?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 11, 2018, 09:46:10 PM
All land in these United States was stolen.  Some day you'll figure that out.  Or, well, maybe not >shrug<
Well done, perfect response when prompted, and exactly as expected.  Cheaters and thieves always use the "everybody else was doing it" defense.  Don't ever change, Sooner fan!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 11, 2018, 11:26:14 PM
Well done, perfect response when prompted, and exactly as expected.  Cheaters and thieves always use the "everybody else was doing it" defense.  Don't ever change, Sooner fan!
Sheesh.  What a stereotypical oh holier than thou Texas response from the highly self promoted “internet good guy”

I could keep this silly pissing contest going, but really, this has gotten old.  We’ve already done the RRS twice this year.  

There are of course wonderful Texas fans here like Hooky and Erin.  Thankfully.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 12, 2018, 07:14:26 AM
Sheesh.  Such a sensative Sooner.  There's a line about dishing it out, and taking it, that's appropriate here.

Especially when it's all, supposed to be, in jest.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 12, 2018, 07:37:05 AM
I mean seriously, Freddy, think about it-- do you HONESTLY think that I think you celebrate stealing things?  That is, other than your socialist views, of course? :)

I'll go ahead and answer-- I don't believe that you celebrate stealing things.  From what I've known of you over the past couple of decades, I believe you to be an honest, caring, and forthright human being.

So come on, man!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 12, 2018, 09:04:02 AM
C'mon utee... you had him on the ropes.  Then you gotta go all "internet nice guy" on us again.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 12, 2018, 10:33:49 AM
Sheesh.  What a stereotypical oh holier than thou Texas response from the highly self promoted “internet good guy”

I could keep this silly pissing contest going, but really, this has gotten old.  We’ve already done the RRS twice this year.  

There are of course wonderful Texas fans here like Hooky and Erin.  Thankfully.

Thanks, Cousin Fred.  I’m no internet good guy but I remember the words of Jimmy Stewart in Harvey.
He said to go far in life you either have to be really smart or really nice.
Then he added, for a lot of years I tried to be smart but I believe I prefer nice.
Course niceness is lost on Huckleberry. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 12, 2018, 11:53:44 AM
Good thing I'm crazy smart.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on December 12, 2018, 12:11:25 PM
Good thing there's no real-life taunting violations, as I have the occasional habit of flashing offensive hand gestures weekly in Houston traffic.  
Sometimes it's accompanied by vicious threats, but mostly uttered to myself with the car windows up.    Regardless, I don't think anybody is perfect in handling their emotions, including college aged players, and if the taunting rule in sports is intended for safety concerns and/or promoting good sportsmanship, then I'm fine with them enforcing it appropriately as needed.  The problem definitely lies with how subjective the rule is, but really a lot of the rules are not always clear cut and based on judgement calls, but bitching about official calls seems to be the MO lately for some of us, so why not pick apart this one, too?  :91:

Admittedly I don't know all the facts of when it was introduced, who asked for the rule, and who gets penalized the most for the taunting, because it's neither here nor there for me.  If it's part of the rules, then teams should do their best to represent with class and avoid such violations whenever possible and no matter who they are playing. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 12, 2018, 12:21:35 PM
Doesn't really affect me much since we don't play a Big XII schedule... We have other silly rules in the SEC, like a rule against artificial noisemakers.  However there are exceptions to that rule, like MSU... who is free to use their artificial noisemakers (cowbells).  Talk about unfair.

Regardless.... I'm not the type to just throw up my hands and say "well that's the rule so we should all just live with it".  Nah... if the rule is stupid, it should be changed.  

A rule against horns down is stupid... and should be changed.

A rule against artificial noisemakers, but then allowing an exception for a particular school is stupid... and should be changed.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 12, 2018, 02:06:24 PM
A rule against artificial noisemakers, but then allowing an exception for a particular school is stupid... and should be changed.  

How does firing a cannon figure into this?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 12, 2018, 02:17:11 PM
Fair question.  But considering the cannon isn't fired up to and immediately prior to the opponent's snap of the ball I'm not sure it's relevant. 

If MSU wants to ring cowbells until their blue in the face while their own offense is on the field... have at it.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 12, 2018, 03:01:59 PM
Doesn't really affect me much since we don't play a Big XII schedule... We have other silly rules in the SEC, like a rule against artificial noisemakers.  However there are exceptions to that rule, like MSU... who is free to use their artificial noisemakers (cowbells).  Talk about unfair.

Regardless.... I'm not the type to just throw up my hands and say "well that's the rule so we should all just live with it".  Nah... if the rule is stupid, it should be changed.  

A rule against horns down is stupid... and should be changed.

A rule against artificial noisemakers, but then allowing an exception for a particular school is stupid... and should be changed.  

Fine with me, as long as all other type of taunting are also allowed.  Throat-slashes, forearm X, standing over a player while he's down, what have you. All examples of poor sportsmanship should be fair game, if one is. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 12, 2018, 03:04:15 PM
Cowbells used to be prevalent at Texas games.  I don't recall whether they were made against the rules, or if it just fell out of fashion.

Either way, I'm happy about it, because those things were crazy annoying even if they were being used to make life more difficult for the opponent.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 13, 2018, 03:21:54 PM
how about the bell ringing Techsters?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 13, 2018, 06:10:55 PM
New thing these days are silent clubs.  They give you headphones & you can pick one of like three DJs so that people on the dancefloor are dancing to three different tunes while people without earphones can’t hear anything.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 13, 2018, 07:08:59 PM
your son's tell you about this new fad?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2018, 08:28:21 PM
your son's tell you about this new fad?
I've read about silent DJ parties that kids are throwing, from the various mom womenfolk I know on Facebook.
I guess the biggest positive is, you don't have to listen to the horrendous crap that DJs play at clubs. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 13, 2018, 08:46:58 PM
kids have evolved to take the social interaction out of the social setting
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 13, 2018, 10:57:00 PM
your son's tell you about this new fad?
No.  Remember picture of the little nurse I showed you in whatever cold bleak north Texas town we were in?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2018, 10:57:40 PM
Yeah I don't get it.  My neighbors' kids didn't bother learning to drive when they hit 16.  When I was a kid, I had everything lined up so the day I turned 15 I was taking Driver's Ed.  And the day I turned 16 I was down at the DPS office getting my driver's license.  Skipped a half day of school to do it, but that's what everyone did and the school office completely expected it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 13, 2018, 11:20:50 PM
No.  Remember picture of the little nurse I showed you in whatever cold bleak north Texas town we were in?
yup, little nurses are good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2018, 07:58:06 AM
dig it dig it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 14, 2018, 08:24:13 AM
Yeah I don't get it.  My neighbors' kids didn't bother learning to drive when they hit 16.  When I was a kid, I had everything lined up so the day I turned 15 I was taking Driver's Ed.  And the day I turned 16 I was down at the DPS office getting my driver's license.  Skipped a half day of school to do it, but that's what everyone did and the school office completely expected it.
That's exactly what I did.  But like your neighbor kid, My niece has done the same thing.  She's 17 now, applying to colleges.... and as far as I know, hasn't driven yet.  Not sure how that's gonna work out for her.
It's a mad, mad world we live in.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2018, 09:14:05 AM
The car was my freedom. I couldn't wait to get away from the house.

I always worked as a kid, when we owned the restaurant I worked there, but once I hit about 13 I made my own jobs for my own money.  I saved up for the sole purpose of having a car.  When I turned 16 I was lucky enough to be given a car by my grandparents, but I had to pay my own insurance and gas and the money went to that.

Riding a bike to work limited my range, and put a ceiling on my earnings. Once I got a car, I was able to range further out, and make more money.  I never had to beg my folks' for date money, and I was able to afford the finest Chili's and TGI Friday's date meals that my money could buy.

I understand kids these days are more connected through texting and social media, but you still can't GO anywhere without a car.  I just don't get it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 14, 2018, 09:33:03 AM
I have four sons.  Birth order sons one and four were highly motivated drivers to be, champing at the bit, raring to go, wanting a learners permit at 15, wanting to go driving at every opportunity, getting (my oldest one) or in line to get (my youngest one) a license at the earliest opportunity - their 16th birthday.

Meanwhile, birth order sons two and four played sports.  Played football, wrestled, ran track and into competitive weight lifting.  At school from 7AM to 10PM.  Never had time for drivers ed.  Hitched rides with friends.  Finally got their licenses when it fit into their schedules.

That's the way it goes.   If you get caught up in this crazy world crazy things can happen.

Good things too.  Number three son is comparing several scholarship offers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2018, 10:40:24 AM
Sweet, good luck to him!

I get how busy it can be, I had a similar schedule in high school plus working part time.  But that's precisely why I had to get a license and a car.  My parents both worked full time, they weren't around to take me anywhere even if they'd been willing to (which they were not, once I was old enough to drive myself).

Just a sign o' the times I suppose.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 14, 2018, 11:47:01 AM
Well I'm glad I'm not alone.  Son #1 is already 15 and has taken drivers ed but has not yet got his permit. He really doesn't seem all that excited about driving. I'm like utee, I got my DL on the day I turned 16 (actually the day after, I flunked the first test because I hit the cone parallel parking).  I think he has to have his LP for 6 mo before he gets his license.  I've told him he's going to feel really stupid sitting at the house this summer when all his friends are out doing things.  We've even discussed what kind of car to buy etc.  He works, he helps me at my part-time business ( I fix water wells on the side).  He's a good worker, knows much more than many people in their 20's at my regular job.  He just doesn't seem really motivated to get his DL when he turns 16 and he's not alone, I've met many kids with the same attitude.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 14, 2018, 11:50:03 AM
Speaking of kids driving, I checked into insurance and just to add him to our policy we have now (two vehicles, one a '16 car and one a '16 truck) is $200/month.  I was checking into buying a 2018 Ram, which I can buy for about $20,000 and the insurance alone was $350/mo.  Ain't gonna happen.  Now we're looking at vehicles in the $8-12K range.  

Any tips?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 14, 2018, 12:02:17 PM
In Texas you add kids to insurance when they get their real DL, not when they have a learners.

If your kid is in no hurry to drive, count your blessings.  Why be in a hurry to pay more $.

Get him a beater and pay liability only.  When he goes off to college you can upgrade.

Look into multi-car/home policy discounts, good student discounts, etc.  Be sure to identify the primary driver for each vehicle (read - the kid doesn’t drive the new vehicles).

I’ve been happy with GEICO.  They partner with Travelers for home owners policies.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 14, 2018, 12:11:53 PM
PS when you take your kid to get his learner’s permit and they tell you that you need proof of insurance, don’t freak out & imagine you have to add Jr to the policy then.  Mom & dad’s proof of insurance will suffice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 14, 2018, 12:13:22 PM
In Texas you add kids to insurance when they get their real DL, not when they have a learners.

If your kid is in no hurry to drive, count your blessings.  Why be in a hurry to pay more $.

Get him a beater and pay liability only.  When he goes off to college you can upgrade.

Look into multi-car/home policy discounts, good student discounts, etc.  Be sure to identify the primary driver for each vehicle (read - the kid doesn’t drive the new vehicles).

I’ve been happy with GEICO.  They partner with Travelers for home owners policies.
Yep, I've got that figured out.  I hear you on counting my blessings, it's just a little strange to me.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 14, 2018, 12:24:47 PM
One of the scariest moments in a parents life is when their teenage child drives away alone in the family car for the first time
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on December 14, 2018, 01:45:32 PM
Less teen drivers on the road, the better, I say! 

terrible former-teen driver who got in too many wrecks and got kicked of parents' insurance policy as 'high risk'

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 15, 2018, 01:00:38 AM

Also, the fewer old AF dickweeds who can't see shit and suck at driving on the road, the better.

Or basically, the fewer that are not me on the road, the better. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 15, 2018, 08:50:31 AM

Also, the fewer old AF dickweeds who can't see shit and suck at driving on the road, the better.

Or basically, the fewer that are not me on the road, the better. :)
you just need to stay off the roads between 10 and 2 when us old folks come out to play
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 15, 2018, 10:58:08 AM
What kills me are Honda CRV drivers. 

Don’t care whether they’re young, old, male, female, white, black, brown or yellow.

There just seems to be something about a Honda CRV that makes its driver dawdle much slower than the other traffic, wander from lane to lane, make absurdity wide turns, and even stop for no reason in traffic.

If any of you drive a Honda CRV, examine yourself and straighten up.  You’re the worst.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 15, 2018, 12:05:37 PM
I was watchimg Jerry Seinfeld the other day and he was talking about this very subject

He asked "just at what age does a person stop looking behind them when they back up?"

"They just trust in God that its clear"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 15, 2018, 02:08:52 PM
Jesus take the wheel
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 17, 2018, 08:10:12 AM
I haven't noticed that about Honda CRVs.  For me, it's always been minivan drivers.  I get it, it typically goes hand in hand with having a carload full of distractions, but any time I see a minivan on the road, I just steer well clear. Or find an alternate route.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 17, 2018, 10:51:58 AM
We don't see as many minivans as we used to.  Mom's drive crossovers now.

The only time I see minivans is at the Enterprise Rent-a-Car at the El Paso Airport.  They must've bought all of Dodge's Caravans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 17, 2018, 11:06:35 AM
I don't notice crossovers on the road.  It's possible I just filter them out because they all look pretty ugly to me.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 17, 2018, 02:00:56 PM
So I bought my Boston Terrier a Houston Astros jersey and now Amazon is trying to sell me a Rockets jersey and a Texans jersey for her.

Like I live in H-town.

Why can't they look at me Austin-metro address and see I'm a Spurs fan?

Course my dog isn't.   She only likes the Astros and the Longhorns.  Dogs are very particular in the viewing habits.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 17, 2018, 07:53:03 PM
We don't see as many minivans as we used to.  Mom's drive crossovers now.

The only time I see minivans is at the Enterprise Rent-a-Car at the El Paso Airport.  They must've bought all of Dodge's Caravans.
crossovers/suvs are glorified minivans
I lump them all into the minivan category
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 17, 2018, 08:59:47 PM
Eh, my SUV is a 4x4 offroad vehicle that's capable of towing up to 7700 lbs.  Minivans can't do that.  Not really the same thing at all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 17, 2018, 09:39:37 PM
if it's the equivalent of a Tahoe or Suburban with a V8 it's a truck
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 18, 2018, 07:44:01 AM
It's a Tahoe Z71 4x4 with a 5.3L V8.  It's a half-ton truck, but it's also an SUV, so I found your generalization offensive and now I require a safe space. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 18, 2018, 10:14:13 AM
My minivan is a great big leather clad space that allows human beings (or a fantastically large canine) to travel in comfort down paved roads.

It's also one huge agglomeration of blind spots.

Even though there's glass all around, it seems the pillars are strategically placed to limit the view of anyone driving on the rear quarter panel. When the back bench seat is completely occupied, the rearview mirror just shows faces. It gets worse when the sun shade nettings are pulled up for the passenger windows.

It isn't impressive. It isn't sexy. It doesn't turn heads. It does allow me to usher around people and stuff with minimal effort and great reliability. I still prefer driving my 2000 Dodge Durango because it has the subwoofer box in the back!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 18, 2018, 10:52:36 AM
My friends that had kids before me all told me that I'd eventually have to get a minivan.

I just bought a pickup truck instead.  Hooray, me!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2018, 12:23:32 PM
I just bought a pickup truck instead.

Atta boy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on December 18, 2018, 04:28:39 PM
Further proof that utee really is my evil twin. 

I drive an extended cab Silverado.  Have two kids.  

I mock mini-van drivers relentlessly.

Life is good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 18, 2018, 05:07:18 PM

If this were the SEC board we'd be arguing about whose truck was higher off the ground.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 18, 2018, 06:54:48 PM
Further proof that utee really is my evil twin.

I drive an extended cab Silverado.  Have two kids.  

I mock mini-van drivers relentlessly.

Life is good.
Two sides of the same coin, no doubt.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 19, 2018, 12:10:54 AM
I own three trucks myself, two are diesel. My favorite is my Ram 1500 with the ecodiesel. 28 mpg on the highway. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 19, 2018, 10:15:08 AM
If this were the SEC board we'd be arguing about whose truck was higher off the ground.
but, thankfully, it'd NOT the SEC board
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 19, 2018, 10:16:41 AM
I have the 5.3 in my Silverado double cab

with gas less then $2, I wish I'd have went with the big block

I get over 20 mpg on the highway
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 19, 2018, 10:28:41 AM
I have the 5.3 in my Tahoe as well.  I like it, it's been a great engine for that vehicle.

But the twin turbo 3.5L in my F150 Supercrew blows it away on speed, mileage, and towing capability.  It's an awesome engine.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 19, 2018, 04:06:21 PM
I owned a 2012 F150 4x4 with the eco boost. It was indeed a powerful motor but the gas mileage was nothing like some people claim. I never averaged more than 15-16 and the truck was by far the biggest pos I ever owned. I sold it and bought a Ram with the ecodisel. This is a 3 liter v6. It’s a great truck and gets awesome mileage but it isn’t as fast as my old ford. I get upwards of 26-28 mpg on the hwy and about 20 in the city. I get better mileage with my Ram towing my sxs or boat than my Ford got empty.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 19, 2018, 06:10:16 PM
Those first-gen ecoboosts had a lot of problems. The 2015 and later are really solid.  As always YMMV.

And it's certainly not going to get the kind of mileage a diesel gets, but it's a lot better than my V8 gasser was.  The Tahoe never did better than 20 on the highway and maybe 12 in the city.  The F150 gets no worse than 15 in the city and 25+ on the highway. But ultimately, I didn't buy it for mileage.  That's just a small bonus.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 19, 2018, 09:38:37 PM
The motor was fine, the truck itself was a POS. I did have to change the plugs out at like 60000 miles. 

I still own an F250 and F350. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 20, 2018, 09:53:51 AM
Cool.  The Tahoe is absolutely bullet-proof, it's sitting at around 175K miles and aside from routine maintenance, the only thing that's had an issue is the A/C unit which I had to get serviced at 100K.

So far all good with the F150.  Our worst car, sadly, is my i s c & a aggie wife's Toyota convertible.  After hearing so many people swear by Toyota I had high hopes for that car, but it's been an electrical nightmare since the day we bought it.  The quality and reliability aren't anywhere close to that of her Honda accord that we sold in order to get the Toyota.  I learned my lesson, never again with Toyota.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 20, 2018, 10:12:31 AM
I have a long-drawn out “testimony” I could share sometime about how I became a Ford man and why I resisted being a Ford man for so long.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 20, 2018, 11:47:41 AM
I have nothing against any of the auto manufacturers.  Well, except Toyota, screw those guys.

I've always bought what I liked, what fit my needs, and what fit my budget, at any given time.  I don't get wrapped up in the debates over the various manufacturers.  I'm not a "Calvin pissing on Ford or Chevy" kind of guy.

That said, I'm really loving my F150 for the time being, but I'm also happy to keep my Chevy Tahoe around.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 20, 2018, 12:01:07 PM
I was a GM/Chevy man most of my life but I didn't like the styling on the late '00 models and I wanted what was promised in the eco-boost.  

I sold my '03 Z71 ext cab in '12 at 90K mostly trouble free miles and bought a new 4x4 XLT F150 with the 3.5 EcoBoost.  It was a great truck until I hit about 50K miles.  I had to replace the power steering, which is really electric steering these days, for almost $2K out of pocket.  Then the A/C went out, another almost $2k out of pocket.  Then a whole bunch of other annoying small things, like the drivers seat ripping at only 50K miles.  I've come to the conclusion that the F150 is a suburbanite truck and my country life was just too hard on it.  I still have an F250 for my business (only 20K miles so jury's still out) and a F350 Diesel ('04 model stick shift!).  I might buy another Ford F150, because it was a great truck minus the problems, but I'd have to really hate the other 4 majors (GM, Dodge, Nissan, Toyota).  I will tell you this:  the Ram with the coil springs is a much better ride but won't tow nearly as well as the F150 with the EB.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 20, 2018, 04:54:34 PM
Yeah, ok.  So there's a lot of personal preference stuff here, but that's the way these discussions go, so...

1) I actually prefer the exterior styling on the GM pickups over the Ford I bought.  I like the squared out exterior molding details over the more rounded Ford.  I don't dislike my Ford, I'm growing used to it, but the exteriors on the GMs are nicer IMO.  This excludes what I've seen as previews of the new 2020 Chevy Silverado, which looks hideous.

2) I also prefer the interior styling on the GM base trim.  The Ford base trim is horrific and cheap-looking.  And I absolutely loathe the "Super Duty" injection-molded plastic all over the F250s.   Just awful.  In my opinion of course.

HOWEVER, when you get up to King Ranch, Limited, and Platinum trim packages, then I like Ford's trim over GM higher-end trim, including the GMC Denali (which I've always loved).  Which is one reason why I bought the Platinum F150, its trim was my favorite of them all.

3) I don't like the styling on current Rams at all.  I didn't give them a second thought. I don't like their interiors, and I really don't like their exteriors.  Aside from that, they don't have towing capability that I want outside of diesel, and for plenty of my own reasons I don't want diesel.

4) I won't buy a Toyota of any kind ever again. I don't care how many people tell me they make great trucks.  They told me the same thing about Toyota cars, and the one I currently own is a gigantic POS.  Lesson learned.  Never again.  If Honda made a pickup truck I'd definitely give it a look, though.  Best car I've ever owned was the Honda Accord.  

5) I'm not sure what you thought was "promised" in an ecoboost?  I guess the name was misleading?  I didn't expect diesel-like mileage (although it's certainly better than the V8 gassers it competes with in its class), but what I actually did receive was really good torque across a very broad range of the power band, which is awesome for towing.  Again it's not a diesel, it's not supposed to be, but it's a great combination of features and benefits and most closely aligned to what I wanted.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 20, 2018, 10:56:07 PM
I expected to get at least more than 15-16 mpg. I expected not to have major mechanical problems at 50-60k miles. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 20, 2018, 11:15:17 PM
Sounds like you got a lemon.  Like I said, my Toyota is a complete piece of crap.  Lots of folks love them.  I loathe it.

Better luck next time I suppose.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 20, 2018, 11:28:32 PM
Funny thing is I know lots of folks that have them with no problems. I loved the form factor. The Rams are very nice as well, and much cheaper. I bought my eco diesel for cheaper than some xlt F150s loaded. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 21, 2018, 09:03:10 AM
The F150 Supercrew has a lot more room in the back seat than the GM or Ram equivalents, and that was another major consideration.  This vehicle will have to replace an SUV on long haul towing trips, and that means the kids and the dog (very large black lab mix) are all inside.  That was easy with an SUV, but with a pickup we needed the maximum amount of interior cabin space we could get.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 10:07:47 AM
I have a long-drawn out “testimony” I could share sometime about how I became a Ford man and why I resisted being a Ford man for so long.
I know you’ve all been waiting patiently to here this.
I’ll tell it in chapters so it won’t be TL ; DR
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 10:13:28 AM
Ch 1 - My Mopar Upbringing 

My dad was a proud Mopar man so I was too. We knew Chrysler made the coolest, fastest, best cars.  Richard Petty proved it.

But every six weeks something would go wrong on my 6 year-old Duster with with 80,000 miles.  I can’t tell you how many voltage regulators I replaced.  Despite repairs and replacements the power steering unit leaked like a sieve.  Replacing the water pump was an annual event.  The thermostat about every six months.

I figured everybody had to tinker constantly to keep their cars running.  Then my brother got a Toyota.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 10:19:29 AM
Ch 2 - My Drug Running Brother

My brother used to run weed up from Mexico every weekend.  In 1978 a Mexican drug lord gave him a 1974 4x4 Toyota pickup with a camper shell.

Between 500 to 1000 miles a week.  Sometimes he had to cut across country, ford creeks, knock down fences.  He abused that truck for 8 years.

But unlike my Mopars, it didn’t break down on him.  The one time the starter went out and he got tired of starting it with a screwdriver, he took it out and replaced the copper bolts for like 78 cents.  Otherwise it was just gas, tires and oil for 300,000 miles.

Extraordinary.  I made a note to buy a Toyota.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 10:26:07 AM
Ch 3 - My Toyota Years

In 1986 I bought a brand new Toyota pickup.  Buying foreign cars in the 1980s was still kind of a scandalous thing to do.  It was the Reagan years and there was a big propaganda push to “Buy American.”  Only hippies, liberals and immigrants bought foreign cars.  As a matter of fact once I had it, lots of girls wanted to go out with me because they just assumed that if I had a Toyota pickup I must have weed.

Being a 20 something with a pickup, I spent most of my weekends helping my friends move.  

But I drove that truck for 10 years and 180,000 before I sold it.  Other than a front end alignment and a new clutch, it was nothing but gas, tires and oil.  

Very reliable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 10:29:42 AM
Ch 4 - The 90s.

I was very poor in the 90s.  The missus and I had kids.  She wanted to be a stay at home mom.  I worked like a dog.

When we needed cars I couldn’t afford Toyotas anymore because even conservative Republicans were buying foreign cars.  I had to buy American simply because their used car demand was negligible and you could get them for about half the price of a foreign car.

I opted for GM because I had done the Mopar thing and I wasn’t about to drive a Ford.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 10:33:39 AM
Ch 5  - My Ford Stigma

In the 1970s Ford sold Pintos that blew up.  In the 80s it was cars that would stall in traffic or jump out of park.  In the 90s it was Explorers with bad tires that would flip a high speeds.

Seemed to me Ford was doing what the guy on Fight Club talked about.  They were comparing the costs of fixing a problem versus the cost of settling civil suits.

I didn’t want to buy a vehicle made by people who valued the lives of their customers so flippantly.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 10:38:16 AM
Ch 6 - My GM years

From 1994 through 2016, I bought and drive GM vehicles with very few exceptions.

Some were great.  Others, belonging to the same class and having been built on the same assembly line were crap.

Some I owned 7 or 8 years with nary a problem.  Others were a pain in the ass.

My oldest son became a GM enthusiast.  He owns 4 OBS Chevy trucks and loves them but ironically he helped turn me onto Ford.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 10:49:29 AM
Ch 7 Coming Round to Ford

In 2008 when the US had to bail out the auto industry, I kind of liked the way Ford refused a handout.

Years later I started watching “Alaska State Troopers” and I was amazed and impressed by the intrepid endurability of their Ford Crown Vics.

Then my oldest son got a job with Direct TV.  They gave him a 10 year old Ford van with 250,000 miles and sent him every day from Leander to places like Bastrop, LaGrange, Columbus and Katy.

The kid drove the van like a mofo.  Down dirt roads to rural homes.  Through the woods to even more rural homes.  Every evening he’d sit and wonder why the OBS Chevys he drove required so much loving maintenance while this damn Ford van just went and went and went.

The final straw was an overheating problem with my last GM vehicle.  I replaced the radiator, hoses, water pump, thermostat, everything- nothing worked.  But there was one wickedly placed bolt on the thermostat housing that could only be unscrewed a mm at a time.  About the 50th I put it back in and it still overheated I said that’s it.  Screw GM.

I bought 3 Fords in the fall of 2016 and haven’t been this happy since I had my Toyota truck.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 10:53:18 AM
BTW, I don’t drive trucks myself but my oldest son who still masochistically tinkers with Chevy OBS trucks, gets to drive a variety of vehicles daily on his job.  He swears the F250 is the best.  Especially with vinyl flooring.  He’s at the age where he still spills Dr Peppers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 21, 2018, 12:20:15 PM
What’s an OBS GM?  Are you talking about the 90s models that predate OBDII?  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 21, 2018, 12:30:50 PM
The F150 Supercrew has a lot more room in the back seat than the GM or Ram equivalents, and that was another major consideration.  This vehicle will have to replace an SUV on long haul towing trips, and that means the kids and the dog (very large black lab mix) are all inside.  That was easy with an SUV, but with a pickup we needed the maximum amount of interior cabin space we could get.
The Ford does indeed have a much better crew cab, which was also one of the reasons why I bought it. The Ram is ok, not great, and the GMs of the era was just stupid.  You had to contort your body to get out of the backseat. 
Another plus for the Ford was that you could still get one with a full size 6.5’ bed.  
When I decided to get rid of the Ford I could buy a 4x4 Ram SLT for $33k. This is essentially the equivalent of an xlt Ford. The best price I could manage on the Ford was $42k. This was late 2016. I paid 36k plus ttl in 2012 for my first Ford. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 01:09:19 PM
OBS - old body style circa ‘88 - ‘98

Nothin to do with onboard diagnostics

Two different monkeys
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 01:14:45 PM
Gig em, you wouldn’t happen to live up near Wichita Falls would you?

I travel all over the state and the WF area amazes me b/c RAMS outnumber all other makes of trucks about 14 to 1.

It’s weird.

Course north Texas is weird so it’s like a David Lynch movie.  It’s all odd but nothing’s surprising.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 21, 2018, 01:25:24 PM
Never been to witcita falls. 

I live in Brazoria, Tx, which is a small town on the Brazos river south of Houston that Stephen F Austin himself named. 

In fact, I know the present owners of the Perry Ranch where SFA was originally buried.  The Perry’s are descendants of Emily Perry, who was Stephen Austin’s sister. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 01:34:23 PM
I know Brazoria! You a brother?  If you don’t mind me asking. Totally non-racist. I love all people.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 21, 2018, 01:36:33 PM
You made me laugh. I’m about as white as they get. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 02:17:04 PM
That’s cool, bro.  

I’ve done a lot of work in Brazoria & I’ve made a lot of connections with non-profits who serve the rather large but in some ways largely indigent African-American community there.

Fascinating place, Brazoria.  

Or hell maybe I’m thinking of Freeport in Brazoria county.   I need to check a few references.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 02:24:08 PM
Yeah guess I know the county better than I know your town.  Angleton, Freeport, Lake Jackson.

Never met no white folks down there before though. Guess I assumed there weren’t any until you got back up to Nolan country.

Learn something every day.

Good to know you, Gig em.  May you and yours have a delightful Christmas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 21, 2018, 02:42:10 PM
Totally non-racist. I love all people.

I'm pretty sure I don't love all people.  It's something I need to work on.  But I'm positive I love people of all races so I think maybe asshole has something to do with it.

Wait... I didn't mean it like that.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  I'll stop digging now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 21, 2018, 03:04:50 PM
I'm pretty sure I don't love all people.  It's something I need to work on.  But I'm positive I love people of all races so I think maybe asshole has something to do with it.

Wait... I didn't mean it like that.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  I'll stop digging now.
I actually understand you.
Abstractly, and in theory, I do love all people just like Jesus says I should.  But in practice, love is much harder.   There’s no group that I just blanketly despise across the board.  Like the president said there’s good people on both sides. Or like Victor Frankl who endured Nazi concentration camps once observed, sometimes your Jewish brothers can be bigger dicks than your Nazi captors. Best, I guess, to keep an unbiased heart like Babe the pig and give everyone the benefit of the doubt until the second time they screw you.
BTW, BC, may you and your loved ones have a blessed holiday season.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 21, 2018, 03:16:40 PM

CH, I wish a blessed and bountiful Christmas back to you and yours as well.

And to all you other kind folk and sooners.

"Never stop living.  It'll kill you." - BC
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 21, 2018, 05:31:43 PM
I opted for GM because I had done the Mopar thing and I wasn’t about to drive a Ford.
dern solid logic
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 21, 2018, 11:08:23 PM
Yeah guess I know the county better than I know your town.  Angleton, Freeport, Lake Jackson.

Never met no white folks down there before though. Guess I assumed there weren’t any until you got back up to Nolan country.

Learn something every day.

Good to know you, Gig em.  May you and yours have a delightful Christmas.
Hooky I don't know whether to laugh or to cry at your last post.  I guess we've about average with regards to diversity according to Wikipedia:
As of the census ([11] (,_Texas#cite_note-GR8-11) of 2000, 241,767 people, 81,954 households, and 63,104 families resided in the county. The population density ( was 174 people per square mile (67/km²). There were 90,628 housing units at an average density of 65 per square mile (25/km²). The racial makeup ( of the county was 77.09% White, 8.50% Black or African American, 0.53% Native American, 2.00% Asian, 0.03% Pacific Islander, 9.63% from other races, and 2.22% from two or more races. About 22.78% of the population were Hispanic ( or Latino ( of any race. About 12.1% were of German (, 11.2% American ( and 7.2% English ( ancestry according to Census 2000 ( About 79.0% spoke only English ( at home, while 18.1% spoke Spanish (

I can assure you there are all types of people here, and plenty of opportunity to be had making money as we have an extremely large amount of industry here on the Chemical Coast.  This is probably one of the few places where the average man (person?) can still make a decent wage without a whole lot of schooling.  I know scaffold builders here that make over $100k per year.  Granted, they're hustlin', but it's doable.  

Next time your down this way give me a heads up, we'll see if we can meet up.  

May you and yours also have a wonderful Christmas!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 21, 2018, 11:11:47 PM
Ch 7 Coming Round to Ford

In 2008 when the US had to bail out the auto industry, I kind of liked the way Ford refused a handout.

Years later I started watching “Alaska State Troopers” and I was amazed and impressed by the intrepid endurability of their Ford Crown Vics.

Then my oldest son got a job with Direct TV.  They gave him a 10 year old Ford van with 250,000 miles and sent him every day from Leander to places like Bastrop, LaGrange, Columbus and Katy.

The kid drove the van like a mofo.  Down dirt roads to rural homes.  Through the woods to even more rural homes.  Every evening he’d sit and wonder why the OBS Chevys he drove required so much loving maintenance while this damn Ford van just went and went and went.

The final straw was an overheating problem with my last GM vehicle.  I replaced the radiator, hoses, water pump, thermostat, everything- nothing worked.  But there was one wickedly placed bolt on the thermostat housing that could only be unscrewed a mm at a time.  About the 50th I put it back in and it still overheated I said that’s it.  Screw GM.

I bought 3 Fords in the fall of 2016 and haven’t been this happy since I had my Toyota truck.
I get it that your son had a long lasting Ford van but is it really fair to compare 20+ year old trucks to a new (or newer ) Ford?  If you did buy some used older Fords with the V8 Triton engine I can't wait until you find out how those suckers spit out sparkplugs like my youngest son spits out baby teeth!!  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 22, 2018, 11:30:26 AM
About, Brazoria county, I stand corrected.

But you know how it is.  You go into an area (in my case North Avenue H in Freeport) that’s run by certain people who serve certain people and they tell you about systemic obstacles and introduce you to other folks of a like experience and then all around the place (because of the community they serve) you see the same folks and it almost looks like a poorer third ward you can almost imagine the whold place is like that if you don’t know better.

Now I do.  And I’d love to visit with you next time I’m down there, Gig’em.   Angleton is on this year’s schedule.  I was planning to send a couple of employees but I might flipflop the schedule on them.  

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 22, 2018, 11:32:29 AM
I get it that your son had a long lasting Ford van but is it really fair to compare 20+ year old trucks to a new (or newer ) Ford?  If you did buy some used older Fords with the V8 Triton engine I can't wait until you find out how those suckers spit out sparkplugs like my youngest son spits out baby teeth!!  
I’ll be sure to stay away from one of those.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 22, 2018, 04:50:35 PM
Man y'all are a bunch of chatty mofos.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 22, 2018, 04:58:35 PM
Truck this and truck that truck all of ya

and oh ya Merry Christmas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 23, 2018, 04:32:17 PM
Same to you 320.  I'm hoping Santa  brings me some truck accessories this year.  Maybe a leveling kit and an underseat organizer for the rear seats. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 23, 2018, 11:46:14 PM
Ive been watching the market tank this week and it brought this to mind

pardon the Spanish subtitles
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 24, 2018, 12:17:36 PM
Merry Christmas to all!  

May you all have a safe and happy holiday.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on December 24, 2018, 04:35:15 PM
I mean seriously, Freddy, think about it-- do you HONESTLY think that I think you celebrate stealing things?  That is, other than your socialist views, of course? :)

I'll go ahead and answer-- I don't believe that you celebrate stealing things.  From what I've known of you over the past couple of decades, I believe you to be an honest, caring, and forthright human being.

So come on, man!
Okay cool cuz.  Sorry to get too serious.  
Best of luck next week in the Sugar.  Both Oklahoma and Texas are heavy dogs against those almighty SEC outfits, but here’s hoping we pull off a Big 12 coup in both games.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 24, 2018, 07:48:38 PM
here's to all teams getting a win over an SEC team for Xmas!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 25, 2018, 02:03:58 AM
Merry Christmas everyone!! 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 25, 2018, 09:22:10 AM
Ho ho ho

God bless us everyone 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 30, 2018, 11:26:31 AM
Charley, Utee, and others in the Austin area,

I'll be visiting my brother in Round Rock late next week.

If y'all wanted to get together for lunch on Friday pick a time and place.

In the past we've met at BoneDaddy's but if something else works better for you I'm flexible.

If anyone has time for a round of golf on Friday, Saturday or Sunday the weather forecast looks good.

Well, good for a yankee
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 30, 2018, 11:31:12 AM
Anyone near the Dallas/FW/Arlington area...........

I will be watching the Bama/Clemson game somewhere near Arlington.  Last year we were at the BoneDaddy's  on the northside of I-20 in Arlington.

I'll be there with a Sooner fan.

I will also be playing golf near there that Monday and Tuesday weather permitting
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 30, 2018, 12:18:15 PM
I don’t partake of rich men activities like golf but count me in for lunch on Friday.  Ojo Loco could be a nice change of pace.  A bit more south Texas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 30, 2018, 01:57:49 PM
7522B N. Interstate Highway 35 

gotta be easy to get to

I think my brother and I had a few beers and some chips at the Ojo Loco in Arlington last year.

damn shame regarding golf since Crystal Falls is a fine course
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 30, 2018, 02:53:06 PM
Well you know how it is, Frankie.   For the last 24 years raising kids and making ends meet has been my hobby.  Before that snorting coke and seducing women was my hobby.

I do drink margaritas and play bones (dominoes) from time to time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on December 30, 2018, 03:02:01 PM
And yes, sir.  Ojos Locos is just south of the SW corner of I35 & 183.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 30, 2018, 08:47:34 PM
you're not too old to take up golf

it's an old man's sport

although I warn everyone, golf is like cigarettes, it's addictive and bad for your health

bones would have been a better choice for me 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 01, 2019, 05:23:39 PM

Can you handle an early lunch?

We're gonna try to slip over to Bluebonnet Hill and play 18 after lunch.  It's less than 15 minutes from Ojos
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 01, 2019, 07:49:43 PM
Si, amigo. I can be over there when they open at 11. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 01, 2019, 08:00:54 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 02, 2019, 10:44:51 AM
I might be able to make it, Fearless.  I've got the kids at home this week but they're big enough for me to slip away for a bit.

Unless I have to actually work whilst at work.  That would suck.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 02, 2019, 11:15:00 AM
It would be quite pleasant to see you again, Junior.  With your native Texan insouciance, you can help me temper the midwestern ebullience that could otherwise unnerve the skittish waitresses.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 02, 2019, 11:16:37 AM
Heh!  You should bring your kids too.

I remember taking a couple of my ninos to Bone Daddy's when they were around 5 and 7.

Course the mean ol waitstaff stuck us in that little corner for little kids, ugly wives and drunken soccer fans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 02, 2019, 11:58:20 AM
hah, my brother's kids are in college these days - don't need them to charm the wait staff

Utee, that would be great if you could make it.

Might just be a couple hack golfers from NW Iowa, my brother might stay home to keep an eye on the smoker.  He doesn't play much golf.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 02, 2019, 12:00:43 PM
BTW, I bumped into Burnt Eyes on messenger last night.... forgot that he was in Tennessee.

Thought he might be in Texas for the holidaze and could meet us in Austin or meet me later in Arlington

He seems happy where he's at.  I gave him a "Hook'em" and a corngrats after the Horns beat the Dawgs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 02, 2019, 12:50:48 PM
Tennessee seems to be such an improbable place to live.

If I were to live outside of the ATX, I'd live in El Paso, Ft Davis or halfway up the mountain between Alamogordo and Cloud Croft.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 02, 2019, 12:57:02 PM
He picked it due to its proximity to natural resources like fresh water and fertile farming land, as well as relative seclusion from population centers, for when the apocalypse occurs. Not kidding...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on January 02, 2019, 01:04:28 PM
I was guessing he might have moved there to tell all those hillbillies who the real UT was ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 02, 2019, 01:19:12 PM
He picked it due to its proximity to natural resources like fresh water and fertile farming land, as well as relative seclusion from population centers, for when the apocalypse occurs. Not kidding...

Really?  Wow!
I love Smokey.  I really do.  And if that was his reasoning, I respect it.
It is interesting though.
When my kids were small, we put them in Cub Scouts because I remembered scouting as a kid and thought they'd like it.   Weird thing was most of the other families in our Pack and later in our Troop were of the home schooling/gun hoarding/anti-government/conspiracy theory variety.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  It's a free country and everybody is entitled to their opinion.  Just seems to me it would take so much energy and effort to live in constant fear like that.  Having a little faith in my future kind of frees me up to be a lazy couch potato.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 02, 2019, 01:24:42 PM
Really?  Wow!
I love Smokey.  I really do.  And if that was his reasoning, I respect it.
It is interesting though.
When my kids were small, we put them in Cub Scouts because I remembered scouting as a kid and thought they'd like it.   Weird thing was most of the other families in our Pack and later in our Troop were of the home schooling/gun hoarding/anti-government/conspiracy theory variety.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  It's a free country and everybody is entitled to their opinion.  Just seems to me it would take so much energy and effort to live in constant fear like that.  Having a little faith in my future kind of frees me up to be a lazy couch potato.
People that dislike the current president believe we're only a hair's breadth away from certain destruction.
Just like the people that disliked the previous president thought the same.
The world keeps turning, things are largely unchanged for average Americans from one administration to another, but some people just like to fear stuff.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 02, 2019, 01:31:29 PM
And there's only so much a person can control any way.

You can spend your whole life hoarding Campbell's Soup and be disappointed on your death bed that the Apocalypse didn't happen or you can enjoy life until you're obliterated.

I choose the latter. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 02, 2019, 01:38:27 PM
Same here.  Why prepare for near-certain death?  And how much fun would it really be, to struggle to survive in that post-apocalyptic world anyway? I mean, have you watched The Walking Dead?  Have you seen how dirty and grimy and gross and miserable that life is, even for the most powerful players?

Better just to enjoy life now and not worry about it all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on January 02, 2019, 01:54:03 PM
Yeah, I'm okay being one of the first to go and don't want to be one of the last standing, having to scour or fight for resources. 

I am unimportant and don't have kids so I don't have any reason to stick around or try to protect anyone else, and I'd rather just die before having to kill someone else so I'm not wired for self-protection anyway.   "Kill or be killed" - give me #2. 

That said, we do have a stash of stuff that the husband has stocked up like some kind of doomsday prepper, but I rationalize it by considering it hurricane/emergency stuff (mostly obscene amounts of canned goods, water jugs, etc).    He hasn't presented the idea of a bunker or moving to a more survival-worthy location, so I don't think he's too serious about the doomsday efforts.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 02, 2019, 02:34:09 PM
People that dislike the current president believe we're only a hair's breadth away from certain destruction.

Donald Trump lets Jimmy Fallon mess up his hair - YouTube (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 02, 2019, 02:37:33 PM
He picked it due to its proximity to natural resources like fresh water and fertile farming land, as well as relative seclusion from population centers, for when the apocalypse occurs. Not kidding...

most folks would not kid about this..........
Smokey referred to me as Amigo last night and told me to swing by his place anytime
I'd probably bring along some corn-fed beef as a house warming gift if I ever visit
Smokey liked his steaks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 02, 2019, 02:53:12 PM
most folks would not kid about this..........
Smokey referred to me as Amigo last night and told me to swing by his place anytime
I'd probably bring along some corn-fed beef as a house warming gift if I ever visit
Smokey liked his steaks
Might ought to make it jerky, so it will be appropriate for the anti-apocalypse stores. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 02, 2019, 03:13:07 PM
Or Campbell's Thick and Hearty Soup.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 02, 2019, 03:18:27 PM
Yeah, I'm okay being one of the first to go and don't want to be one of the last standing, having to scour or fight for resources.
Me too.
I don't even like to camp out anymore.
I used to, when I was single.  Back then, camping out just meant throwing a sleeping bag, 12 pack and some Slim Jims in the truck.
My irresistibly sweet cute and adorable wife, on the other hand, likes to take all of our condiments in a sloshy 80 lb ice chest that's always in the wrong place.  If it's in the back of the car, it needs to be by the picnic table because we're about to eat.  If it's by the picnic table, it needs to be in the back of the car so raccoons won't steal our soy sauce.
I can just see myself in a dystopian, post-apocalyptic world: trudging along with a sloshy 80 lb ice chest in my hands with my 1 s c & a w at my heels, imploring me to find more ice soon or the mayonnaise will go bad.
I don't want to be there then as that guy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on January 02, 2019, 03:22:26 PM
I will confess that we've done this once.  When the Gulf War started, my then gf now wife's apartment was on Connecticut Ave in DC roughly smack in between the Kuwaiti embassy on one side and the Israeli embassy on the other (within a 1/2 mile of either).  So, in a fit of what-ifs, we bought cases of peas, corn, and pinto beans  This was in the pre-Costco days before these kind of buys became routine.  And then, once we were back at the apt with all these cans, and it hit us how silly we were being, because even if one of these places were bombed it's not like we're suddenly going to be in need of a can of beans, and opened a bottle of wine and had a good laugh over it all.

But I'll have to admit, having those canned veggies on hand was kind of convenient ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 02, 2019, 03:36:20 PM
I'll make a confession too.

I saw Blue Lagoon when I was about 18 and after doing so I had serious thoughts about being stranded on a small island with Brooke Shields.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 02, 2019, 07:09:38 PM
I'd move to TN just because they have a full 4 seasons and I heard the summers aren't as brutal.  I wouldn't mind trading 10-15 degrees in the winter colder for about the same less heat in the summer.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 02, 2019, 07:15:00 PM
I'd move to TN just because they have a full 4 seasons and I heard the summers aren't as brutal.  I wouldn't mind trading 10-15 degrees in the winter colder for about the same less heat in the summer.  
its hot as hell in Texas so dont move here
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 02, 2019, 07:24:39 PM
4 full seasons means they have a real winter.  No thanks.

Central Texas is plenty hot in the summer, but still too cold for me in the winter.  My next stop very well might be somewhere very very tropical in the Caribbean, or maybe Hawaii.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 03, 2019, 12:08:10 AM
4 full seasons means they have a real winter.  No thanks.

Central Texas is plenty hot in the summer, but still too cold for me in the winter.  My next stop very well might be somewhere very very tropical in the Caribbean, or maybe Hawaii.
It's easy for me to say this because I've never lived through a full hard winter but I really don't mind the cold. I've been in CO when the daytime temps never got out of the low 20's and the night time temps got down into the teens and I never really felt that cold.  Of course, I was properly clothed and I was only there for a few days.  It snowed several inches here last winter in SE Texas and I really enjoy it. I much prefer a slightly colder winter to a slightly hotter summer.  You can always put on more clothes or build a bigger fire but you cannot make an A/C fire in summer.  Ideally, I'd prefer a place that the average summer high (Dog Days) of summer reached just under or slightly above 90*F with low relative humidity and where winter temps averaged in the 30's or 20's.  I'm not sure geographically speaking where that would be.  Perhaps Northern Arkansas or Southern Missouri?  I think Tenn would be a little colder than that. I've never visited but I have family there I should go see.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 03, 2019, 01:52:27 AM
I like it over 50 and under 90.  Basically the storage instructions for anything you buy at Lowes.  Why should I have to endure weather that ain’t even fit for glue, stain, laminate or latex paint?

I also like no rattlesnakes and nearby HEBs.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 03, 2019, 09:01:46 AM
I like it over 50 and under 90.  Basically the storage instructions for anything you buy at Lowes.  Why should I have to endure weather that ain’t even fit for glue, stain, laminate or latex paint?

I also like no rattlesnakes and nearby HEBs.
The lack of proximal HEBs is definitely one thing holding me back from ever moving to the Bahamas, that's for sure.  I've spent extended periods of time in locations that don't have HEB, and I have no idea how folks live that way full-time.  It's a damn shame.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 03, 2019, 10:47:20 AM
I got an ENO DoubleDeluxe Nest hammock (actually two) for Christmas - complete with straps, bug net, and rain fly! I'm gonna toss them in the bicycle saddle bags (I got last year) and take my own self camping!

I've always ended conversations about doomsday, the ones that start with "Whatcha gonna do when the grid collapses, huh? What then?" by saying, "I'm gonna go fix the grid. I actually know how."

I am now old enough to reflect on the irony of the Information Age actually making people dumber.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 03, 2019, 11:08:51 AM
I got an ENO DoubleDeluxe Nest hammock (actually two) for Christmas - complete with straps, bug net, and rain fly! I'm gonna toss them in the bicycle saddle bags (I got last year) and take my own self camping!

I've always ended conversations about doomsday, the ones that start with "Whatcha gonna do when the grid collapses, huh? What then?" by saying, "I'm gonna go fix the grid. I actually know how."

I am now old enough to reflect on the irony of the Information Age actually making people dumber.
I think about it all the time.  Way back in the late 80s/early 90s, way before the movie Idiocracy came out or was even conceived, I developed my "Theory of the Regression of Humanity."  I wrote a college paper on it and the prof was pretty astounded.
The original idea I had was based on several lawsuits I read about settled sometime in the 80s, and it got me thinking.  For thousands of years, mankind has worked to develop civilizations to protect individual citizens.  The premise is of course that the group has more diversity of skill, intelligence, thought, and capability, and is therefore more adept at protecting the individuals, than one would be working on one's own. Obviously when one group forms into a civilization, other individuals tend to feel threatened, whether they truly are or not, so they form another civilization of their own, and so on.
The net effect of this is protection of the species, but it also effectively defeats Darwinism.  Before, when stupid people did stupid things on their own, or when physically weak people were unable to protect themselves as individuals, they paid the price with their lives, and if this happened before procreation, their genes were subsequently removed from the gene pool.  
So civilizations designed to protect the individuals, have actually ended up harming the species as a whole, because Darwinism was not allowed to play out.  That alone might not be considered a regression, so much as a stagnation, but the point doesn't even need to be so finely made.
Because after reading through those court cases, I realized we've actually gone a step further.  What those court cases proved to me is that we've not only protected the stupid and weak all these milenia, by forming civilizations and societies designed to minimize the exposure of their weaknesses-- we're not simply defeating Darwinism.
We're reversing it.
When a man in California decides to pick up his lawnmower from below in order to trim the hedges, and slices all of his fingers off-- and he WINS the court case and is awarded millions of dollars for it-- he's not only being spared the death he rightfully earned for himself.  He's actually being promoted above his smarter, better peers.  His new wealth is capable of giving his witless progeny better resources than the children of smarter people who would never pick up the lawnmower in the first place.  His stupid kids are going to be poised to live better, longer lives and further spoil the gene pool, rather than be removed from it.
We're not simply stagnating, we're regressing.  We're not just protecting or tolerating the stupid and weak, we're promoting them within the species.
There were other court cases, I don't remember them all now, and it's really not that important, because I later realized that the Information Age itself was going to do more damage than any amount of tolerance of stupidity EVER could.  The Information Age is allowing our specie to regress at a much faster rate than I'd ever imagined back in the simple old 80s.
When Charlie Strong quipped that twitter was the downfall of society, he wasn't simply being a thin-skinned loser that was tired of his players acting like jackasses-- he was actually accurately predicting our ruin.
Who knew Charlie Strong would be so prophetic?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 03, 2019, 11:35:38 AM
My 12 year old son has recently attached himself to the concept of evolution. He tends to form all compassing fascinations with select topics for a random period of time. Currently, the topic is evolution and genetic mutations.
We've talked about how humans evolved based on select traits. These traits had to confer a survival or mating advantage in order to preferably propagate. Eventually, humans evolved the larger cranial capacity and opposable thumb.
At this point, evolution got short circuited. Rather than slowly evolve thicker hide or more hair as temperatures drop, we use our larger problem solving brains to modify the environment to suit us.
I guess it should have been evident that a group of nerds would see an infinite capacity to communicate and share information globally as the beginning of an intellectual renaissance where knowledge would be currency. We should have instead that human beings hate internalizing new information, and will preferentially seek reassurances of old thoughts - even when those thoughts are patently and demonstrably wrong. It's as if the Internet allowed us unfettered access to an endless supply of broccoli and bananas. Instead, we're flocking to the parts that dole out Skittles and Mountain Dew.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 03, 2019, 11:44:53 AM
The lack of proximal HEBs is definitely one thing holding me back from ever moving to the Bahamas, that's for sure.  I've spent extended periods of time in locations that don't have HEB, and I have no idea how folks live that way full-time.  It's a damn shame.
Depending on the time of year, HEB sells pineapples for $1.50 to $2.   I was up at some store in Ruiodoso and pineapples were $6.   Were they flown in by sparrows?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2019, 09:01:23 AM
Some of you sure do type a bunch.

I survived I-35 north of Oklahoma City yesterday.  I have experience in Winter driving skills.

Looking forward to lunch at 11.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2019, 09:02:54 AM
BTW, the mobile version on my phone looks and functions very well.

Nice work Drew!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2019, 11:54:16 AM
Not going to be able to make it to lunch today, guys, I'm very sorry.

Some of you have met my friend Bald Greg, he ran the tailgate party with me.  Well about 7 years ago his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She went through chemo and radiation, and had it beat for a couple of years.  But maybe 3 or 4 years ago, it came back in her bones.  She's been fighting it since, going through round after round of chemo, trying to find a combination of the drugs that would work to kill off the cancer cells.  Some of them helped delay the growth and spread, but none of them stopped it.  And recently, they found out they're out of new options.  The lesions have spread throughout her body quickly now.  So, she's entered hospice.  The doctors think it's about 2 weeks or so.

I'll be over there today with Bald Greg, and his wife Denise, and their 10yo son and 13yo daughter.  I'll take my kids so they can call play together.  I'll do what I can to help them.

Anyway, not trying to be a debbie downer, but I do know that several of you who've been to the tailgate have met Greg and might remember him and his wife Denise.  If any of you want to throw up some prayers or good thoughts, feel free to do so.

tl;dr -- Eff cancer
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on January 04, 2019, 01:49:19 PM
How horrible.  I’m so sorry, cuz, for your friend’s wife, as well as your friend and particularly for their young children.  Being with them is huge.  It’s important to give her the sense that people will be there for her kids in the years to come. 

And yes EFF cancer.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2019, 01:50:53 PM
Thanks Cuz.

I'm over at their house right now, finishing up some work and trying to stay out of their way while they take care of some business.  She's in decent spirits all things considered.

Ugh this sucks though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 04, 2019, 02:54:22 PM
Terrible and heartbreaking.  :-(
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2019, 03:00:59 PM
Indeed.  Sorry I missed y'all.  Hopefully next time!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 05, 2019, 10:01:12 AM

I'm sorry you couldn't make it as well but you were obviously in the right place.

Don't worry I will keep visiting the area but I won't move here.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 05, 2019, 12:50:41 PM
Ha!  Thanks my old friend.  You wouldn't like it here anyway, gets too hot for golf from June-September. ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 22, 2019, 02:55:34 AM
Well crap.  For those of you thathave met Bald Greg at the tailgate or elsewhere, his unbelievably sweet and amazing wife Denise left us yesterday.  She's been battling breast cancer for the past 7 years, it went into remission for a couple of years, but came back a few years ago.  Since then it's been an ongoing battle for her, basically knowing that her time was limited but always hoping the next new chemo drug was going to be the one that solved it all.

Sadly for us, there wasn't a drug that could fix this.  My heart aches for her children-- 9yo son and 13yo daughter-- and for the rest of us that are going to have to continue on, without her infectious smile and incredible light in our lives.

Eff cancer.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 22, 2019, 02:09:11 PM
sorry to hear this

Cancer Sucks

tragic for those children
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on January 22, 2019, 03:11:38 PM
My condolences cousin, to her children, her husband, family and all her friends such as yourself.  It really goes beyond words how horrible this is
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Drew4UTk on January 22, 2019, 03:13:44 PM
incredibly sad, Sir. 

eff cancer indeed.  

please offer condolences from this stranger to the family. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 22, 2019, 03:25:51 PM
Thanks guys.

I'm in a really bad funk right now and I just have no idea how long it will last.

I keep thinking about just how different everything is going to be and how much I'm going to miss her, and my wife will miss her, and our kids will miss her, and obviously her kids and husband will miss her.

We had plans to go Spring Break camping together and that's now going to be so different.  Bald Greg and the kids will still come, but it's just going to be so very very different without her. Like, there will be this big gaping hole where her heart and soul and smile always were.  And my i s c & a aggie wife won't have her gal pal around, she'll be the only woman.  And that's true of so many other things that we've always done together, as the 2 families.  

Just a funky funk funk.  Ugh.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on January 22, 2019, 04:27:53 PM
Very sorry, utee.  My thoughts are with you and the family, I hope you can find comfort & peace through the memories you share with Denise. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 24, 2019, 06:29:36 AM
Cancer sucks.  Sorry for your loss.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 25, 2019, 01:28:28 PM
Appreciate it, thanks.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 25, 2019, 08:36:53 PM
I'm sorry for your loss, Utee.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CharleyHorse46 on January 27, 2019, 11:30:21 AM
Marcus, my friend.  I have been at a loss for thoughts, let alone words, since Fearless first told me about Bald Greg’s wife.

There was a time in my life when I thought that in a dark and fallen world of tragedy and calamity, God had a plan and good would prevail.  I knew the platitudes.

As I get older, I don’t know.  I know nothing.  I still believe in God but there’s nothing I understand anymore.  I can offer you no words of comfort, my friend.  Anything I could say would sound like hollow, empty BS because I just don’t know anymore.

All I can give you is the thoughts of my love as a friend and hope that maybe in this inexplicable world intangible things like love can take wings like prayers to God and mean maybe a little something more than I could ever say.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 28, 2019, 03:21:04 PM
Thanks Jon, and C-dubb too.

We'll just soldier on, it's the only thing to do.  But the extended friends/family have gotten together more in the past couple weeks than in the past several years, and that part at least has been really good.  Getting to see folks I haven't seen in years, or even a decade.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 01, 2019, 12:37:56 AM
I was thinking today about how many sites we've all posted on through the years trying to remember them all.  Starting with CNNSI in the late 90's (1997 for me) was probably one of the first forums I ever joined, and then it seems like one of the Nebraska guys started one when CNNSI folded "The Alamo".  And then Wingnut started one but I really don't remember the name.  Then Dustin Rhinebold started CFB Refugees.  I never had an account with CFN but I would passively read through the years and I think many of us were dual posting between Refugees and CFN until this site came alone.  I'm sure I missed a site or two in there or maybe confused the names and times but some of that has been a long time ago.  

I got to wondering where Dustin R is these days?  I know he was a pilot but we haven't heard from him in awhile.  I was in and out on the various boards for awhile and missed some pretty heavy news like Big Matt's passing and other items of note (seems like Burnt Eyes cracked his head very badly).  I was fairly distraught when I tried to log into Dustin R's refugee sight last year and it didn't load.  I tried searching for all kinds of things to see where everybody went but I was getting anywhere (too generic search items) until I did a search for "Hooky Hornstein" and I landed on this site.  I guess people can just fall in and out of forums over time as interests and lifestyle change but I'm glad I found this place again it really makes the season entertaining.  

I hope you're all enjoying the new year and the folks up North aren't getting too frozen.  I saw on TV that it got so cold up North a water tower around chicago actually cracked due to the cold.  Brrrrrr......
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on February 01, 2019, 12:12:11 PM
I was thinking today about how many sites we've all posted on through the years

The first site I ever posted on was RSFC - Rec.Sport.Football.College.  It was around in the early 90's.

It was just text, obviously.  But it was the most fun I ever had in cyberland.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on February 05, 2019, 09:31:22 AM
mIRC was my jam in the 90's. 


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 09, 2019, 01:55:30 PM
Didn’t see this coming...

Bob Stoops to XFL (Dallas). 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 09, 2019, 03:19:43 PM
amazing what folks will do for money
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 09, 2019, 03:59:48 PM
mIRC was my jam in the 90's.


Yeah, I was on IRC a lot back on those days too. Remind me what is A/S/L?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 10, 2019, 11:06:14 AM
I did IRC in the early-mid 90s as well.  Interestingly enough, my handle was "Shiner."  Except another guy tended to steal it, so I switched to Shyner.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on February 11, 2019, 09:37:09 AM
Yeah, I was on IRC a lot back on those days too. Remind me what is A/S/L?

It was pretty much the standard greeting for the "chat rooms" that I ventured into.   Age/Sex/Location  was what it stood for. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 11, 2019, 11:50:48 AM
I think that became more common after I stopped spending much time on IRC, which was probably about 1993.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on February 11, 2019, 01:31:47 PM
Didn’t see this coming...

Bob Stoops to XFL (Dallas).

This I don't get.  No NFL for Bob.  No other helmet school for Bob.  But yes to XFL?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 11, 2019, 01:51:51 PM
I think the wife got tired of him hanging around the house and told him to get back to work
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 12, 2019, 09:27:26 AM
It was pretty much the standard greeting for the "chat rooms" that I ventured into.   Age/Sex/Location  was what it stood for.

I was trying to create it into something from the* hierarchy of UseNet. Your explanation is better (and a little less weird!).
I remember getting the video capture card to work, and starting "CUSeeMe". It was an endless chat environment exclusively comprised of CompSci nerds staring morosely at the screen, plus the occasional random d*ck pic.
Really not much has changed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on February 12, 2019, 12:56:26 PM
I'm not sure the exact years that I was active on mIRC but know it included '95-96 and I actually did meet up with people on there as a stupid teen who had recently got their drivers license.  I'm lucky I didn't get chopped up, but all the ones I met up with WERE total nerds.     Then again, I still meet up with some of you people from the internet so maybe I haven't gotten any wiser...   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 12, 2019, 01:53:46 PM
not many folks get chopped up in Lincoln NE
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 12, 2019, 03:00:24 PM
In Austin they'll steal your kidneys.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CousinFreddie on February 15, 2019, 02:46:01 PM
This I don't get.  No NFL for Bob.  No other helmet school for Bob.  But yes to XFL?
Beat a bunch of Texas teams.  Win the conf title.  Win the bowl if it doesn’t matter.  Lose the bowl if it does.  Rinse. Repeat.
Maybe it just got old ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 16, 2019, 08:29:19 AM
perhaps this is the stepping stone to impress Jerry (Skeletor) Jones and coach the Cowgirls
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 16, 2019, 11:59:53 PM
I doubt it, Fearless.  He could have been an NFL coach long before now if he had wanted to be one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 17, 2019, 08:35:39 AM
I doubt it as well, but perhaps he's wanting the job in Dallas and the others don't interest him
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on February 18, 2019, 10:33:09 AM
I'm thinking Stoops signed a contract which includes a truckload of up-front money, and he realizes the league will never even come to fruition, or will limp by for 2 years tops.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 18, 2019, 12:25:10 PM
and if his team sucks, no one will ever member it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 01, 2019, 09:53:53 PM
LSU visiting UT this weekend???

and no baseball talk????

Huskers vs Texas Tech tonight in Frisco
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 01, 2019, 11:11:26 PM
Huskers upset the Raiders at Dr. Pepper
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 02, 2019, 09:36:51 AM
LSU visiting UT this weekend???

and no baseball talk????

Huskers vs Texas Tech tonight in Frisco
Horns take 1st game 8 to 1
game 2 today at 3 on LHN
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 02, 2019, 09:13:51 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 03, 2019, 08:19:43 PM
crap weather in Frisco

Huskers vs No. 12 Mississippi St. cancelled today

yup, time for me to visit my brother in Arlington............  I plan to roll into the D/FW area Tuesday evening, hanging out Wednesday while my brother slaves away at UT/Arlington, then hopefully a round of golf in the Big D area thursday before heading to Round Rock thursday afternoon.

Anyone up for a drink, I'll buy the first one
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 03, 2019, 09:54:34 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on March 04, 2019, 11:14:48 AM

I would say a sweep of LSU offsets our loss to UTSA.

I kinda choked on that one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 04, 2019, 11:37:57 AM
LSUs pitching staff needs to get better quick or this will be a long season for them
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 08, 2019, 09:38:04 AM
Hard-fought first win at the Sunken Diamond out in Palo Alto last night.  3 more this weekend with the trees.  Hook 'em!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: TyphonInc on June 08, 2019, 10:12:34 PM
According to TicketCity, Texas A&M ( has a huge following on social media with twice as many Twitter followers and five times as many Facebook fans. Couple that with the fact that their tickets are averaging a higher price than the Longhorns and the Aggies easily are now the most popular team in the state.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 08, 2019, 11:57:15 PM
According to TicketCity, Texas A&M ( has a huge following on social media with twice as many Twitter followers and five times as many Facebook fans. Couple that with the fact that their tickets are averaging a higher price than the Longhorns and the Aggies easily are now the most popular team in the state.
Twice as many twitter followers huh

yep thats all the proof I need
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 10, 2019, 12:46:28 PM
According to Geocities, ocelots are a great source of some nutrients with more elevation and sheer color volume. Add in the basic mass of the International Space Station, and they're easily the most preferred mode of transportation in East Fishkill, NY.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 11, 2019, 02:13:50 PM
And that's about all that needs to be said about that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on June 13, 2019, 06:55:17 AM
According to Geocities, ocelots are a great source of some nutrients with more elevation and sheer color volume. Add in the basic mass of the International Space Station, and they're easily the most preferred mode of transportation in East Fishkill, NY.
Thank You Obi Wan I've been groping along short of enlightenment as I pass thru on my mystic travels - I now have an answer to what's it all about
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 13, 2019, 11:56:54 AM
I just figured I could stick together a bunch of not-at-all-connected entities and end my statement with a conclusion completely unrelated to the subject.

My 11 grade English teacher had a lifetime of instructing extremely gifted students. She was a rude awakening for those of us used to stringing together plausible sounding BS and settling for a "B" on a paper we wrote in half an hour. Your facts had better be true and also be germane to support your argument and conclusion.

The lesson stuck, and made me particularly unsuited to participate in online discussions.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 13, 2019, 01:08:03 PM
scarred for life
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 13, 2019, 06:42:05 PM
I just figured I could stick together a bunch of not-at-all-connected entities and end my statement with a conclusion completely unrelated to the subject.

My 11 grade English teacher had a lifetime of instructing extremely gifted students. She was a rude awakening for those of us used to stringing together plausible sounding BS and settling for a "B" on a paper we wrote in half an hour. Your facts had better be true and also be germane to support your argument and conclusion.

The lesson stuck, and made me particularly unsuited to participate in online discussions.

I think online discussions are a particular gift of yours, my friend.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 13, 2019, 11:35:27 PM
oh, we enjoy his posts

he just has trouble with our posts
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 04, 2019, 08:51:37 AM
Happy 4th all

Dont eat too much

and try not to blow your hand off

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 04, 2019, 10:46:32 AM
word up, same to you.  

Happy Birthday America!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 04, 2019, 10:57:08 AM
Happy Independence Day!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 04, 2019, 10:26:57 PM
it's a great country
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 13, 2019, 03:37:21 PM

Didn’t know where to post this but figured here would be appropriate.  Those NU teams from the 90’s were something to behold. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 13, 2019, 04:18:29 PM
1995 Huskers were the best college football team I've seen play in my lifetime.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 13, 2019, 05:28:34 PM
You had the biggest and the strongest (even inventing and innovating to make them football strong) wanting to all be at the same place doing the same thing. That thing became unique, to the point that a given opponent had to specifically design a defense in order to even have a chance.

When Leach took OU into the 5-wide era, Big 12 teams had to decide if they wanted to recruit to stop OU's bazillion receivers or UNL's monsters.

I remember watching the Huskers trying not to run the score up on Baylor. They were running nothing but the HB dive in the middle of the 3rd quarter. Baylor was so beaten up and gassed that they could barely even get in the way.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 14, 2019, 07:45:50 AM
You had the biggest and the strongest (even inventing and innovating to make them football strong) wanting to all be at the same place doing the same thing. That thing became unique, to the point that a given opponent had to specifically design a defense in order to even have a chance.

When Leach took OU into the 5-wide era, Big 12 teams had to decide if they wanted to recruit to stop OU's bazillion receivers or UNL's monsters.

I remember watching the Huskers trying not to run the score up on Baylor. They were running nothing but the HB dive in the middle of the 3rd quarter. Baylor was so beaten up and gassed that they could barely even get in the way.

And by this, droog means "steroids" but hey, it was the 90s, so...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 14, 2019, 09:30:00 AM
Heh. Could be, could be...

But I was actually referring to the Huskers' strength and conditioning program itself that created very different ways to train football players. They stopped simply building big bodies with bench presses and leg lifts and started targeting specific small muscle groups and core pairs. By doing so, they got guys who were both strong enough to maul, but quick enough to find their man. A lot of training techniques we consider commonplace now days were pioneered by Big Red.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 14, 2019, 10:05:34 AM
Yeah, about that Strength and Conditioning Program at Nebraska in the 90s...

...TCU has been running a very similar program since Patterson took over.  

Take from that statement what you will...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 14, 2019, 10:11:20 AM
obviously S&C will continue to evolve, but I'm not sure we will see quantum leaps such as what Boyd Epley pioneered, that other programs take years to recognize and catch up

but, the SEC is slow....  it took them a decade or two to adopt real offenses
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 14, 2019, 10:57:42 AM
obviously S&C will continue to evolve, but I'm not sure we will see quantum leaps such as what Boyd Epley pioneered, that other programs take years to recognize and catch up

but, the SEC is slow....  it took them a decade or two to adopt real offenses

You and I both know you prefer the triple option! 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 14, 2019, 12:12:53 PM
and Frost actually used some of those concepts vs Ohio St. early this season

it moved the ball - Chase Young didn't know what to do
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Temp430 on November 21, 2019, 08:39:17 AM
Does Texas fire Tom Herman if they lose this Saturday in Waco?  I mean, if he's 6-5 why wait another year?  Texas has the cash to hire a couch like Mike Stoops.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 21, 2019, 08:50:03 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 21, 2019, 09:05:05 AM
TH sees another year no matter what
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 21, 2019, 10:12:48 AM
TH sees another year no matter what

I keep having to add more cache for 320's proclamations.

6-6?  So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 21, 2019, 10:47:24 AM
I keep having to add more cache for 320's proclamations.

6-6?  So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu.
Well BC you know what opinions are like
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 21, 2019, 10:53:01 AM
I don't think TH is gone at 6-6, either.

But I'm not CDC so...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 21, 2019, 12:28:33 PM
As the donors go, so goes the employment.

CDC just got an extension, and he's building a ton of stuff. There are enough valid reasons for a bad season right now not to arbitrarily condemn a coach still under contract. This type of talk is natural when Texas isn't winning, but not realistic.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 21, 2019, 12:41:21 PM
I think the most that will happen is TH replacing one or two asst coaches
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 21, 2019, 01:43:45 PM
CDC just got an extension, and he's building a ton of stuff.

You almost support the other side.

CDC is a rock star right now, he can do no wrong.  Oh, and he didn't hire Herman - who has visibly been sat down somewhere between his last 2 press conferences.

Whatever CDC wants (at this point) goes without question.  I say he chokes and pukes on 6-6.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on November 21, 2019, 02:58:34 PM
Well I was rather surprised when UT let Charlie Strong go after 3 seasons (of a 5 year contract), even with the dismal seasons at the time.     
It certainly wouldn't surprise me if they did the same with Herman, but don't think they cut the cord this soon, regardless of a Baylor Win/loss.    

Who really knows anymore, though?  Contracts don't mean a damn thing in sports these days, it seems.    
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 21, 2019, 04:29:26 PM
Good points.  And Herman also just got an extension after the Sugar Bowl.  I'd consider it "quite surprising" if 6-6 got him fired.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 21, 2019, 04:30:10 PM
Red McCombs publicly dissed Charlie Strong. Strong lost to Kansas.

In my opinion, the kicker there was that LSU was also needing to hire a coach. Tom Herman was the hot property, and was eager to land at Texas. However, he wasn't waiting forever. Texas, essentially, had to make up their mind who they wanted. It was Tom.

I'm certainly not a plugged in big (or medium, or any at all) money guy, so there might be stuff I don't know about. Firing a coach is a big deal, and at this point, Texas would start to scare off anyone worthy of the job if they know they're only getting 3 seasons to get to the MNC.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 21, 2019, 07:23:01 PM
*If* Herman was let go, it won’t be overtly explained or justified.  It will just happen.

6-6 will be good enough for the unspoken attributes to win out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 21, 2019, 07:35:00 PM
*If* Herman was let go, it won’t be overtly explained or justified.  It will just happen.

6-6 will be good enough for the unspoken attributes to win out.
first of all Im one of the few believers that think the Horns can win out
I think at least they beat Tech which is played in Austin

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 21, 2019, 09:29:42 PM
Sometimes it seems like a long time ago, sometimes like the day before yesterday.

But there was a time when OU and Texas fans were arguing over who was the better hire, Lincoln Riley or Tom Herman.

Early returns are a bit lopsided.

But Herman could turn out to be an all-time great, like Dr. Tom eventually did in Lincoln (Nebraska, that is).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 22, 2019, 10:16:07 AM
It seems the Sooners may be in 2nd place behind only the Huskers (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 22, 2019, 10:37:09 AM
Sometimes it seems like a long time ago, sometimes like the day before yesterday.

But there was a time when OU and Texas fans were arguing over who was the better hire, Lincoln Riley or Tom Herman.

Early returns are a bit lopsided.

But Herman could turn out to be an all-time great, like Dr. Tom eventually did in Lincoln (Nebraska, that is).
Well, one coach was handed the keys to a CFP program. He keeps helicoptering in Heisman QBs. Another coach took over when his predecessor's recruiting events were used by other teams to scout players.

Nobody's crying over Texas' talent, but the cold fact is that the roster is still building. Strong recruited like 9 defensive tackles one cycle, and had all but like two leave the program. There are holes, and where the holes have been patched, players get injured.

Sure, the coaching can do better, but ultimately the players have to produce. Texas can't go back and un-lose those games with a different coaching staff. We've paid for those lessons. We may as well reap the benefits.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 22, 2019, 12:07:57 PM
I don't recall any Texas fans saying much of anything about Lincoln Riley, other than he was an unknown at the head coaching position.  Sometimes that's bad.  It has clearly worked out for OU.  The stability though, I think that's what he has working in his favor the most.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 22, 2019, 01:02:14 PM
Well, one coach was handed the keys to a CFP program. He keeps helicoptering in Heisman QBs. Another coach took over when his predecessor's recruiting events were used by other teams to scout players.

Nobody's crying over Texas' talent, but the cold fact is that the roster is still building. Strong recruited like 9 defensive tackles one cycle, and had all but like two leave the program. There are holes, and where the holes have been patched, players get injured.

Sure, the coaching can do better, but ultimately the players have to produce. Texas can't go back and un-lose those games with a different coaching staff. We've paid for those lessons. We may as well reap the benefits.
Before he was handed those keys, Lincoln Riley as offensive coordinator helped revive both recruiting and offensive production, which had declined to a significant extent by the end of the 8-5 2014 season.
As far as "helicoptering in Heisman QBs," you could just as accurately say that talented QBs want to play for someone who will develop/feature/utilize them in ways that make them Heisman candidates.  Neither Baker Mayfield nor Kyler Murray were obvious Heisman candidates when they came to OU, and Jalen Hurts was a guy who had been a starter and lost that position, overshadowed by the brilliance of Tua.  I think that there was a good deal of interest in how he would do, but nobody last spring was penciling in his name for invitations to the Heisman ceremony.  Personally, I would rather see us develop the QBs that we recruit out of high school than be a magnet to guys who don't like it where they are, but the results have been at least semi-decent.
Per The Sporting News (, Texas has had the 7th-best recruiting results in all the land over the last decade.  I don't know what OU's ranking is, but it's not in the top 10.  Every team (except maybe The OSU) has holes.  We've got 'em at DL, LB, and safety.
Back to the coaches, 15 years ago, it seemed like about now we'd be seeing Josh Heupel and Major Applewhite as the head coaches in the RRS.  It's funny how things didn't even come close to turning out that way.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 22, 2019, 11:18:51 PM
Yeah, about that Strength and Conditioning Program at Nebraska in the 90s...

...TCU has been running a very similar program since Patterson took over. 

Take from that statement what you will...
TCU 6-2 vs. UT since joining the Big 12.  Sore losers much?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 22, 2019, 11:24:07 PM
Well I was rather surprised when UT let Charlie Strong go after 3 seasons (of a 5 year contract), even with the dismal seasons at the time.   
It certainly wouldn't surprise me if they did the same with Herman, but don't think they cut the cord this soon, regardless of a Baylor Win/loss.   

Who really knows anymore, though?  Contracts don't mean a damn thing in sports these days, it seems.   
It was obvious that Strong was way over his head.  He didn't just lose, he got his ass beat week in and week out and just looked inept.  It reminded me a lot of when Fran was here but we should have fired him after year 3.  He made it to year 5 with more of the same.  Most of the losses Herman has had have been tight games and any number of which could have been won. 
More importantly, even if Herman was let go, who would you replace him with?  That is the real question.  There ain't nobody available that's proven better unless you can get Urban Meyer. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 23, 2019, 12:36:38 AM

Matt Campbell.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 23, 2019, 01:30:46 AM
TCU 6-2 vs. UT since joining the Big 12.  Sore losers much? 


Texas 75-37-5 all time against A&M.  Sore loser much?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 23, 2019, 02:05:42 AM

Texas 75-37-5 all time against A&M.  Sore loser much?
I'm not the one suggesting nefarious activities by another teams S&C program.  You are.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 23, 2019, 02:12:53 AM
I'm not the one suggesting nefarious activities by another teams S&C program.  You are. 
I'm not the one adopting 3rd party smack.  You are.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 23, 2019, 08:47:16 AM
first thing I was told on this forum was no 3rd party smack
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 23, 2019, 09:29:31 AM
well, you rarely listen, so..........
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 23, 2019, 09:37:24 AM
well, you rarely listen, so..........
Im a Texan so what did you expect
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 23, 2019, 09:40:59 AM
I expected it

wasn't disappointed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 23, 2019, 12:41:35 PM
3rd party smack > conference smack
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 23, 2019, 12:45:15 PM
They're equally unacceptable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 23, 2019, 02:47:35 PM TCU fans here to defend themselves.  Devil Froggy where are you?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on November 23, 2019, 05:34:58 PM

nothing matters.  Aggy is in the SEC.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 23, 2019, 07:43:06 PM TCU fans here to defend themselves.  Devil Froggy where are you?
It was ag insiders on the ag message boards that first broke stories of TCU's "enhancement regime" back in the mid 2000s.  This is nothing new.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 23, 2019, 11:20:07 PM
I've been on most Aggie message boards since there was such a thing.  In fact, my username on Texags, before and after the bonfire crash of 1999 is "Gigem".  I've never heard anything about TCU using steroids.  

I guess we'll see how much good karma Herman has left from 2018.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 24, 2019, 08:19:02 AM
I've been on the ag message boards that long as well.  It was among the first places where that info dropped.

Maybe you're just old and have a bad memory?  This was 15 years ago, after all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 24, 2019, 02:56:51 PM
Yep. And it also just dropped on Texags that Chip Ambres and Choo Freeman are enrolling in the spring!  Finally...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 24, 2019, 03:50:18 PM
Yep. And it also just dropped on Texags that Chip Ambres and Choo Freeman are enrolling in the spring!  Finally...
Out on parole?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 24, 2019, 08:52:19 PM
Yep. And it also just dropped on Texags that Chip Ambres and Choo Freeman are enrolling in the spring!  Finally...
Don't blame me if your message boards are stupid and full of shit. 

Once in a blue moon they get something right.  You should be proud of their dumb asses, not arguing with me about it. *shrug*
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 24, 2019, 11:43:07 PM
So lets get this straight....3rd party smack = no good, but 3rd party hearsay = OK?  

Just making sure the rules are clear.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 25, 2019, 08:00:13 AM
Sure, pretty much.  

Also, you seem to be taking this very seriously.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 25, 2019, 01:08:31 PM
I am thankful for this weather today, beautiful blue skies and sun and in the 60s.  I just got back from the library, I didn't want to come inside, so now I'm off to the park for some wind sprints.  I don't know why they are called that.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2019, 01:38:08 PM
I am thankful for this weather today, beautiful blue skies and sun and in the 60s.  I just got back from the library, I didn't want to come inside, so now I'm off to the park for some wind sprints.  I don't know why they are called that.

for me it cause you always break wind when you run them
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 25, 2019, 02:28:22 PM
Sure, pretty much. 

Also, you seem to be taking this very seriously. 
No, my bullshit meter pegged out a long time ago.  But it’s kinda dull in here so why not?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2019, 02:43:15 PM
for me it cause you always break wind when you run them
I don't always break wind, but I always get winded
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 25, 2019, 04:00:02 PM
I did get winded for sure.  The fields were closed so I ran on the track (rain usually causes them to close the inner fields).  Then I went to the gym.

My kid from New Braunfels was here last week and wore me out with work outs.

Gonna see if the wife thinks she can make it to our French restaurant tomorrow, half priced wine night, she's now 2 weeks from hip surgery.  She told me she got up last night and had forgotten she had had surgery for a minute.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2019, 04:52:38 PM
I don't always break wind, but I always get winded
youre a very windy guy
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2019, 04:54:16 PM
I did get winded for sure.  The fields were closed so I ran on the track (rain usually causes them to close the inner fields).  Then I went to the gym.

My kid from New Braunfels was here last week and wore me out with work outs.

Gonna see if the wife thinks she can make it to our French restaurant tomorrow, half priced wine night, she's now 2 weeks from hip surgery.  She told me she got up last night and had forgotten she had had surgery for a minute.

Doc says it's ok to drink wine again

off the serious painkillers?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 26, 2019, 07:54:56 AM
I don't really do "wind sprints" anymore but when training for long races, there are days when I do "intervals" which are sort of the same thing.  Short periods of time sprinting, filled in with longer periods of time running at easy pace.  The idea is to build up your max speed on those days, so that as your endurance builds up on the "long run" days, the combination of the training methods will get you faster for the longer races.

I'm currently training for a half-marathon in January.  I've run this distance before, when (over-)training for 10-milers, but I've never done it for an officially timed event.  Should be a lot of fun.

10 years back I thought that I'd someday run a marathon.  At this point, I don't think it's realistic, but I do really love being able to just go out and run a 10K on any day I feel like it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 26, 2019, 08:58:14 AM
The doc prescribed 42 oxy pills, she took one of them and quit.  She was in a lot of pain pre-op, and tells me her pain level post-op has been largely zero.  She has some quad soreness at times, no doubt because the surgeon moved it around to inspect her hip and femur.  (This was a hip revision, nor replacement, he swapped out the ball with a new ceramic one).

I think interval training is very good, I usually run a mile at a slow jog and then walk and start 100 m "sprints" and walks.  I'm amazed at two things really, first is how much has changed in 30 years, most of which was sitting, and second, how much I have improved trying to get into shape (a bit).  It is MUCH tougher mid-60s.

I play baseball each January in Florida and my legs give out too soon.  My shoulder is a total mess of torn meniscus so I can't throw hard enough to really have additional arm soreness.  I am thinking about getting it scoped, it's starting to bother me in routine activities.  I tore it as a junior in HS first game of the year.  It was cold and I tried to over throw.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 27, 2019, 07:25:17 AM
She went to Costco with me yesterday and did fine.  I walked behind her in the crowded sections to keep anyone from running a cart into her.

The store was more than its usual crowded mess.  That has been one of the best stock purchases I've made.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 27, 2019, 09:42:22 AM
Costco is a madhouse around the holidays.  I'm fortunate enough to have a very flexible work schedule, so I'll only go there at something like 9:30 AM on a Tuesday or Wednesday.  Occasionally my i s c & a aggie wife decides to go on a weekend, and she knows better than to ask me if I'll join.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 27, 2019, 10:15:40 AM
Yeah, we do the same, Tuesday or Wednesday morning, and it's "less crowded".  My then financial adviser told me he liked the company but thought the stock was over priced.  I went on my own a couple years back and decided to buy some anyway.  I've done fairly well without their management, though I have some misses of course.

I filled up yesterday for $2.62 for premium there.  That is the cost of regular anywhere else.  And it's a top fuel gasoline they sell.  The place is really amazing, but we know if we go in to get 5 things, we'll come out with 20.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 27, 2019, 07:02:45 PM
What state are you in?  Pretty good prices here in TX close to the tap. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 27, 2019, 07:11:45 PM
What state are you in?  Pretty good prices here in TX close to the tap.

Cincydawg lives in Atlanta.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 28, 2019, 08:27:54 AM
Gasoline prices generally reflect state taxes more than proximity.  Georgia used to have very low taxes and I'd always fill up here, but now they are about the same as neighboring states.  The highway system was neglected for decades before about 1968 due to insider shennigans one could see on the map.  They finally got a decent head of the DOT who changed that but it takes time.  I went to school with his son.

For example, I-85 was rerouted south because the then governor was from a small town south of the obvious route (Lavoinia).  South Carolina had already built a segment which now would not match the new path.  You can see that on the map today.  So, the route missed larger towns of Gainesville and Athens and went through sparsely populated parts of the state.  I-16 was the same way as the DOT head was from Soperton.

Metro Atlanta has 60% of the state's population now and for decades lacked the political power to get its share of the funding.  Our sales tax now is nearly 9% in part to try and compensate for that past history.

But, it's worth it for us.  A 200 acre park is across the street from our condo and we go there almost every nice day.  We don't really need a car, but have one (down from two).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 28, 2019, 05:12:09 PM
state and federal tax increases on gasoline have nearly matched the increase on the price of gas per gallon since 1980
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 29, 2019, 05:17:33 AM
The price of gas today is (slightly) less than it was in 1980 when adjusted for inflation.

It takes a lower percentage of real median income than it did back when.  And it's higher quality gasoline by some metrics.  (I'm not a fan of the ethanol part.)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2019, 09:54:48 PM
The win over the roaches was quite a bit a "relief"

Not sure what's gonna result from this disappointing season. Tom Herman isn't going to be fired, but his assistants will be viewed as fair game. I guess we'll see what happens.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 29, 2019, 10:41:53 PM
Is Herman keeping his job a good thing or otherwise?

When John Blake was running the OU program from the definition of mediocrity (Schnellenburger's 5-5-1 season) into the dirt, a lot of OU fans were hoping for losses so that he would get fired ASAP.

That's not a good comparison, because Herman hasn't reached that level of mediocrity, much less the depths to which Blake reached.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 29, 2019, 11:19:05 PM
I like Herman

He should get another year

I hope we have a different def coach next year

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2019, 11:57:13 PM
Herman wasn't going to be fired at 6-6.  So he's not going to be fired at 7-5.

I hope he takes this opportunity to upgrade coaching for defense and special teams, and somehow improve offensive playcalling.

If he doesn't, then next year's record will look similar to this year's record, and another year worse than 8-4 would absolutely get him fired.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 30, 2019, 05:01:13 AM
I'm not a fan of firing a HC after only three years for obvious reasons (other than for cause).  Some programs might have been in a deeper hole than widely realized.

The other piece of course is who are you going to hire who is better?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 30, 2019, 06:51:31 PM
the other piece doesn't seem to be of much consideration
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2019, 12:23:20 AM
Apropos of this discussion, I have been reading some very critical opinion pieces on Tom Herman coming from media outlets in Texas.  There was one in the Houston Chronicle that essentially said this:

That one was probably the harshest, but commentary from Dallas and even Austin has been almost as critical.

Reading that in the Chronicle article stunned me.  I think of Texas as being much better than that, not just in recruiting rankings but in on-field performance.  I think of the Horns winning the 2005 NC and playing in the 2009 BCS title game with Alabama.

For some reason, Texas has played OU better than it has played its average opponent, while OU cannot say the same thing about its play against Texas.  I guess that the fact that it almost always seems very hard for OU to beat Texas has colored my thinking about Texas in general.

So now, I wonder.  As the flagship university in a football-crazy state, a state that produces a wealth of Div I FBS players each year, possessing a budget bigger than the budgets of 98% of Div I FBS programs, possessing platinum-plated facilities, why is Texas not a perennial top-5 program rather than one that finishes ranked only half the time?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 01, 2019, 07:10:46 AM
How many upper level HS players in Texas go out of state to college these days?  Obviously some go to A&M in state.  I don't recall seeing Texas in the recruiting rankings like I've seen USC for example (and certainly not near Bama/Clemson/OSU/UGA).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2019, 09:45:15 AM

So now, I wonder.  As the flagship university in a football-crazy state, a state that produces a wealth of Div I FBS players each year, possessing a budget bigger than the budgets of 98% of Div I FBS programs, possessing platinum-plated facilities, why is Texas not a perennial top-5 program rather than one that finishes ranked only half the time?
no worries, The Horns will be back with a vengeance.

As soon as they find the right coach
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2019, 10:14:36 AM
How many upper level HS players in Texas go out of state to college these days?  Obviously some go to A&M in state.  I don't recall seeing Texas in the recruiting rankings like I've seen USC for example (and certainly not near Bama/Clemson/OSU/UGA).

Texas ranked 7th for 2020 and 3rd for 2019 and 2018

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 01, 2019, 01:41:34 PM
My recollections are not recalling very well.

Why aren't they recallections?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2019, 01:56:03 PM
My recollections are not recalling very well.

Why aren't they recallections?
I dont know

why is the sky blue
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 01, 2019, 02:08:18 PM
The sky is blue (in daytime when there are few clouds) because red light is refracted less than blue light, so it comes through the atmosphere unimpeded, in effect.  Sunsets are more red because of this.  The blue light is scattered.

Blue has more energy than red light, but red lights can stop automobiles.  Blue lights are special.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2019, 02:37:16 PM
The sky is blue (in daytime when there are few clouds) because red light is refracted less than blue light, so it comes through the atmosphere unimpeded, in effect.  Sunsets are more red because of this.  The blue light is scattered.

Blue has more energy than red light, but red lights can stop automobiles.  Blue lights are special.
ok wise ass then why do cows face north or south when grazing or resting
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2019, 03:08:53 PM
why is that particular color named "blue"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2019, 03:25:01 PM
all the other names were taken
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2019, 03:33:54 PM
why wasn't it spelled, "blew"?

or maybe it was to begin and some SEC fan changed it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 01, 2019, 04:21:35 PM
It comes from the French, like much of our language.  Bleu or bleue.  Cows face N or S because of magnetic fields obviously that makes the grass taste better that way.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2019, 04:46:23 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2019, 06:02:38 PM
How many upper level HS players in Texas go out of state to college these days?  Obviously some go to A&M in state.  I don't recall seeing Texas in the recruiting rankings like I've seen USC for example (and certainly not near Bama/Clemson/OSU/UGA).
I was going to answer this, but I see that 320 already did.
I'll add that The Sporting News ranked Texas the 7th-best in recruiting over the last 10 years (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2019, 06:54:00 PM
AUSTIN, Texas — After going 7-5 in a season in which Texas was picked by the media to return to the Big 12 title game, third-year coach Tom Herman began making big changes to his coaching staff, including offensive coordinator Tim Beck, defensive coordinator Todd Orlando and outside receivers coach Drew Mehringer, as well as reassigning inside receivers coach Corby Meekins. reported last week that Herman was looking for a new offensive coordinator and cleared the way for that to happen by removing Tim Beck, who served as Texas’ offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach the past three years but only called plays in Herman’s first season (2017). In a press release Sunday, Texas announced Orlando and Mehringer had been fired, while Beck will be retained as quarterbacks coach through UT's bowl game and Meekins will be leaving the coaching staff for an administrative position within the program.

“After taking time, looking back and evaluating the season in its totality, I am very disappointed in our performance in a number of areas in 2019,” Herman said. “Going 7-5 will never be our standard at Texas and I take full responsibility for any and all of our shortcomings and know we need to do a better job coaching across the board.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2019, 07:22:42 PM
After just three seasons at South Florida, Charlie Strong is out as head coach. Strong was fired by athletic director Michael Kelly in a move first reported by Dan Wolken of USA Today.

Strong went 10-2 his first season at USF with a win in the Birmingham Bowl over Texas Tech. The Bulls finished the year ranked No. 21 in both the AP and Coaches polls. Since then, things have not gone nearly as well.

Strong led the Bulls to a respectable 7-6 season in 2018 which ended in a loss in the Gasparilla Bowl to Marshall, but 2019 is really when things started to go south. USF finished with a 4-8 record with a 2-6 mark in American Athletic Conference play. The offense is where things really fell short. The Bulls failed to score 20 or more points seven times this season.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2019, 07:38:28 PM
AUSTIN, Texas — After going 7-5 in a season in which Texas was picked by the media to return to the Big 12 title game, third-year coach Tom Herman began making big changes to his coaching staff, including offensive coordinator Tim Beck, defensive coordinator Todd Orlando and outside receivers coach Drew Mehringer, as well as reassigning inside receivers coach Corby Meekins. reported last week that Herman was looking for a new offensive coordinator and cleared the way for that to happen by removing Tim Beck, who served as Texas’ offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach the past three years but only called plays in Herman’s first season (2017). In a press release Sunday, Texas announced Orlando and Mehringer had been fired, while Beck will be retained as quarterbacks coach through UT's bowl game and Meekins will be leaving the coaching staff for an administrative position within the program.

“After taking time, looking back and evaluating the season in its totality, I am very disappointed in our performance in a number of areas in 2019,” Herman said. “Going 7-5 will never be our standard at Texas and I take full responsibility for any and all of our shortcomings and know we need to do a better job coaching across the board.
I know that coaches whose seat is getting warm say this sort of thing all the time, but, logically, if he takes full responsibility, then shouldn't he resign rather than firing the assistants?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2019, 08:15:30 PM
yup, he hired the guys he's now firing

what confidence should be given that he can do better the 2nd time?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2019, 10:04:33 PM
This year's coaching carousel, already.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2019, 11:58:04 PM
you non Horns sure do a lot of Horn talkin

A Nebraska fan telling us Horns when to fire our coach is really rich

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 02, 2019, 12:33:17 AM
We're just looking out for your best interests, 320.

Trust us on this.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 02, 2019, 08:19:53 AM
Is Herman keeping his job a good thing or otherwise?

Beating Tech could be a very expensive win.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 02, 2019, 08:26:11 AM
what confidence should be given that he can do better the 2nd time?

Not sure there is any.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 02, 2019, 10:48:02 AM
you non Horns sure do a lot of Horn talkin

A Nebraska fan telling us Horns when to fire our coach is really rich

must be other Nebraska fans on the Porch, wasn't me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 02, 2019, 10:53:40 AM
It got chilly over night, from watching some folks playing volleyball in shorts yesterday to medium coat today.  At least the sun is now out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 02, 2019, 11:18:19 AM
From a management perspective, you have to be careful with firing.

Being the head coach at Texas is a very unique position. There's just no adequate training that could prepare you for it. Maybe Saban or Urban Meyer know how to handle it, but they've got other jobs. They're not heading to Texas.

As such, a guy's gotta learn. Herman has been up next to the head man at a big school, but never has had to drive it himself. Texas is paying for his education with some unnecessary losses, but those games are gone. Changing coaches won't get them back. The question for management becomes, then, did Tom learn from them? Will better things happen in the future?

Tom just made hard choices. These coaches came with him from UH, and were a comfortable, friendly crew. He could have justified retaining Orlando by citing youth and injury. Really, his innovative schemes got clockwork type predictable once opponents had tape. He's still a decent coach, but not for Texas.

There will be lots of assistant coach talent available now that some big programs have fired their head coaches. Texas deserves an actual OC - not 4 guys all "co" coordinating and specializing.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 02, 2019, 11:25:08 AM
I understand Strong was just fired

Maybe we can get him back
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 02, 2019, 11:28:32 AM
I'd guess Tom has some relationships with current Buckeye staff

their offense and defense seem to be doing well

but, Obviously the Buckeye staff is being well paid.  Will take more than $$$
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 02, 2019, 11:59:27 AM
Right now, I'm hoping for Graham Harrell from USC for OC.

I think he's a perfect fit for our current situation. He's familiar with the Big 12, has experience with big programs, obviously understands a multi-receiver passing offense, but also teaches Green Bay's west-coast style. Crucially, he's actually coordinated an offense by himself before. We wouldn't have him for long, since he'll be a mid program HC if it works out at Texas.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 02, 2019, 12:35:00 PM
btw, my post above is in no way trying to suggest that Hermann should hire a Buckeye assistant
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 02, 2019, 01:56:03 PM
Right now, I'm hoping for Graham Harrell from USC for OC.

I think he's a perfect fit for our current situation. He's familiar with the Big 12, has experience with big programs, obviously understands a multi-receiver passing offense, but also teaches Green Bay's west-coast style. Crucially, he's actually coordinated an offense by himself before. We wouldn't have him for long, since he'll be a mid program HC if it works out at Texas.

Your post makes some good points

I just hate to see UT become Texas Tech
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 02, 2019, 02:09:51 PM
That's the easy reference for Harrell, but I don't think it's accurate.

I think Harrell has the ability to coordinate multiple forms of offense. Green Bay loved to use TEs and also throw the HB swing and flat passes. This season, when Texas TE Cade Brewer got hurt, our offensive staff simply had no answer as to how to change away from power run first. When you can put Devin Duvernay, Brennan Eagles, and Jake Smith on the field at the same time (and yes Malcolm Epps), this doesn't even need to be a question. Texas, though, just threw up their hands and continued business as usual.

I don't think he'll have an issue working with Herman's "run first" mindset. The difference is being able to exploit a defense camping on the "run first".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 02, 2019, 02:13:22 PM
I can't remember the last time we had a good tight end who also stayed healthy for even half a season.  Was it Jermichael Finley, who was right after David Thomas?  Has it really been over a decade that we've been able to rely on that position?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 02, 2019, 02:24:37 PM
I can't remember the last time we had a good tight end who also stayed healthy for even half a season.  Was it Jermichael Finley, who was right after David Thomas?  Has it really been over a decade that we've been able to rely on that position?
A good healthy tight end sure would be useful to our offense

Loved Thomas wish we had one like him again
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 02, 2019, 05:13:15 PM
Before that, Bo Scaife was hurt every year - until he wasn't. It's like Spinal Tap's drummers.

That, though, is the reality of the college game. If your important players didn't sign, didn't make grades, or got hurt, you can't go to the waiver wire to keep running your favored schema. You have to be ready to go into team meetings on Sunday and say, "OK, here's how we're thinking on offense this week!".

Losing Brewer and Colin Johnson was a significant hit to talent, and no doubt. However, the plays Texas ran showed me that they just didn't have the intellectual capacity to scheme with the players they had. So many versatile pieces could have easily been repurposed without a huge learning curve. The OCs just never did their homework.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 03, 2019, 03:26:21 PM
Heres what has happened so far (

stay tuned

I guess we will play our bowl game with one coach
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 03, 2019, 04:19:32 PM
Right now, I'm hoping for Graham Harrell from USC for OC.

I don't understand how anyone who is already coaching at the P5 level comes to Texas for what could *easily* be a one-year stint.  Joe Brady from LSU?  Why?

It's not like any of them will stay around if the gig doesn't work.

Better start raiding Tulsa and Houston.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 03, 2019, 04:50:49 PM
I don't understand how anyone who is already coaching at the P5 level comes to Texas for what could *easily* be a one-year stint.  Joe Brady from LSU?  Why?

It's not like any of them will stay around if the gig doesn't work.

Better start raiding Tulsa and Houston.
I think thats exactly whats going to happen

which doesnt mean its a bad thing
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 03, 2019, 09:04:25 PM
I’m sorry but how many times have we seen this movie.  At Texas or anywhere else.  Sacrificial mass coordinator firings are the final chapter.  Next season is just the epilogue.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 04, 2019, 08:38:12 AM
OK Debbie Downer we'll just have to wait and see
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2019, 08:39:34 AM
I find myself feeling similar to T95.  I could use a shot of Droog Optimism right about now! :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 04, 2019, 08:48:02 AM
We win our bowl game

We get a highly ranked recruiting class

We win at least 10 games next year

hows that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2019, 08:58:27 AM
I don't really care about bowl games, never have.  They're just exhibitions.  Winning is always better than losing, but winning the Camping World Bowl or somesuch isn't going to move the needle for me.

I also don't give a rat's ass about recruiting rankings.  Our current staff, and multiple previous staffs, have proven more than capable at squandering talent with lack of development and bad schemes.

A 10-win season next year would be great-- but I don't really see a path to that. That's the part where I need someone to cheer me up.  How do we get there?  What coaches can we realistically hire to do that?  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2019, 09:02:13 AM
I "like" recruiting rankings.  The top teams generally are from the group at the top of them 2-3 years back.  Wisconsin is an outlier.  Perhaps Texas is as well in the other direction.  I like bowl games.  For one thing you get the extra practice.  If you play in the Underpants Bowl, perhaps some of your younger players get some PT.  You might also be able to claim another winning season at 7-6.  

And I'll be watching whoever is playing in said bowl during the nadir of activity in December because it's college football.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 04, 2019, 09:15:39 AM
A 10-win season next year would be great-- but I don't really see a path to that.

Of nominal interest will be the coordinator hires.  If we are able to bring on some P5 coaching experience, I may lift an eyebrow.  I just don't see why any of them would make that move at this juncture.

If we end up elevating a new cast of coordinators to P5, then I fear we are just going thru motions while waiting out the inevitable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 04, 2019, 10:01:32 AM
Bowl games are more important then you may think

They help recruiting

They give us more practice time

They put a positive outlook (if you win) on the up coming season

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 04, 2019, 10:09:59 AM
Football coaches are guys with families and careers. Fans get all het-up when the team isn't winning and want them fired, just because that's the only thing they feel they can control. It just doesn't work that way.

Unless Texas goes 2-9 or something next season, Tom Herman isn't getting fired. At some point, the Texas brass gets into the same trap you're talking about. Firing the head coach within 4 seasons, several times, means no one wants to move their family to Austin. How many programs are the equivalent of Texas in complexity and pressure? Hardly any. Those that are there have a FEW successful head coaches. Those guys aren't looking for another job - ever! They might once they get stale, but Texas won't want them then. In short, Texas has to face facts that it's going to get a head coach with an incomplete resume. Mistakes will be made. Growth will be needed.

That's what you're currently seeing out of Tom Herman. Growth. He just cut loose a large part of his security blanket. These coaches gave him stability as he left a small commuter college to become head coach at one of the most pressure packed places in the world. They helped get him established, but now clearly weren't working. He fired his friends, not necessarily to save his own skin, but because it was clearly the right thing to do. You want that business decision making from your head coach.

Now comes the critical part. Getting the right guys hired. The stability hire initially was understandable. That's over now. Time to hire experts that can grow the program. In the next week or so, we'll see how much pull Herman still has.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2019, 11:07:47 AM
If I may digress a bit, my OPINION is that TV commercials during games today are getting worse and worse.  Maybe it's because I'm older and "wiser" (??).  They repeat for one thing, I really don't like Dr. Pepper and am not going to buy it regardless of how quasi-cute you get, over and over.  The Mayfield commercials are perplexing, I suppose by design, I don't even know what they are promoting.  I also get barraged with ads for Medicare Supplements, probably because "I am of the age".  And buying gold.  And using this brokerage firm over that one.

I recall fondly some of the Bud commercials with the Clydesdales, or the original Bud Lite commercials.  I don't care for their beer aside from a real pinch, but at least the ads were entertaining.  "They usually go for two.".  I can even tolerate the Coke polar bear commercials, which make no sense and I don't drink 3 Cokes a year anyway.  At least it's a local product.

When I was in seventh grade, we took a trip to NYC and I recall being amazed that they had Coke up there as well.  Huh.  The Big City has everything.  Back then, the ATL had just passed a million residents in the metro area, which was Big News around here.  I saw some projection that we'd have 8.3 million by 2050.  

At least the weather today is shaping up nicely, I should be able to run in the park.  We're decorating the lobby for the Holidays at 1 PM and the wife likes to do that.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 04, 2019, 11:55:35 AM
Unless Texas goes 2-9 or something next season, Tom Herman isn't getting fired.

That's an uninformed statement.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2019, 12:26:47 PM
Maybe it is just his opinion
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 04, 2019, 12:42:06 PM
No. It's completely informed. I know this as a rock solid, indisputable fact. I have evidence to prove it.

Of course it's as uninformed as everything else around here!

Texas fans want the coach fired when we don't win games by enough points. That just ain't the way it works. Realistically, the way it works is that there's about 7 guys who donate money. When they want the coach fired, he's fired - not before. I'm not one of those guys.

The team underperformed this season, even when accounting for injury. All the head coach can do is take steps to fix it. If he hadn't, you'd be complaining that he should have. Since he did, you're complaining that it was out of desperation, and the ship is still sinking.

Things may or may not work out in the end. However, right now, Tom Herman is doing everything he should be doing. Now, let's wait and evaluate who eventually shows up to work as his assistants.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2019, 12:53:30 PM
Of nominal interest will be the coordinator hires.  If we are able to bring on some P5 coaching experience, I may lift an eyebrow.  I just don't see why any of them would make that move at this juncture.

didn't LSU hire a new offensive guy that changed the system, found a QB and elevated the team immediately?

I'm just saying there's a chance
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2019, 01:25:38 PM
didn't LSU hire a new offensive guy that changed the system, found a QB and elevated the team immediately?

I'm just saying there's a chance
For sure.  I think Texas already has enough talent to compete in the B12.  Maybe not to win NCs right now, but definitely enough to beat the likes of TCU and ISU.  Games against LSU and OU were even competitive.

The Baylor game was NOT competitive, and it looked to me like the team was pretty lost and leaderless that game.  I thought the coaches had lost the team at that point, and then especially after going down 14-0 to Texas Tech a week later, but the way the team fought back and then completely obliterated the roaches in the final 3 quarters, showed me they've still got some guts.

Anyway, I do think that the RIGHT new coaches could help quite a bit.  I have no idea who those might be, but I'm also not paid $5M/year to figure that stuff out...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 04, 2019, 01:41:40 PM
For sure.  I think Texas already has enough talent to compete in the B12.  Maybe not to win NCs right now, but definitely enough to beat the likes of TCU and ISU.  Games against LSU and OU were even competitive.

The Baylor game was NOT competitive, and it looked to me like the team was pretty lost and leaderless that game.  I thought the coaches had lost the team at that point, and then especially after going down 14-0 to Texas Tech a week later, but the way the team fought back and then completely obliterated the roaches in the final 3 quarters, showed me they've still got some guts.

Anyway, I do think that the RIGHT new coaches could help quite a bit.  I have no idea who those might be, but I'm also not paid $5M/year to figure that stuff out...
nope we do it free of charge
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 04, 2019, 02:55:59 PM
That just ain't the way it works. Realistically, the way it works is that there's about 7 guys who donate money. When they want the coach fired, he's fired - not before.

I'll have to file that one under "opinion" also.

Man, the lecturing is getting deep around here, perhaps assuming we're all t-shirt fans?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2019, 02:58:14 PM
I'll assume you have a couple Horn T-shirts

I only have one Horn shirt
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2019, 03:20:28 PM
I'm a t-shirt Michigan fan, anyway.

Sure wish I'd chosen to be a t-shirt Alabama or maybe Ohio State fan way back when, but alas...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2019, 03:42:39 PM
it's a better switch to Ohio st
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2019, 03:46:10 PM
it's a better switch to Ohio st
I don't know about that.  If I'm going to abandon Good in favor of Evil, then I might as well go all-out and root for THE winner, not just A winner.

Roll Tide!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 04, 2019, 03:51:17 PM
Realistically, I only have the one Texas shirt right now. My daughter took the rest with her this semester.

She likes wearing my "Big 12 Champions - 1996" shirt around. Of course, she also confiscated my G'n'f'n'R 1993 tour shirt and the DLR Skyscraper 1988 one as well!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2019, 03:52:12 PM
Next preseason, I'm going to suggest posters "adopt a team", one not in the conference of their team, and post notions and reports about said team from time to time.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2019, 03:53:42 PM
Next preseason, I'm going to suggest posters "adopt a team", one not in the conference of their team, and post notions and reports about said team from time to time.

Cool I'm adopting Alabama.  Or maybe LSU.  How's Georgia looking for 2020? ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2019, 03:57:30 PM
Realistically, I only have the one Texas shirt right now. My daughter took the rest with her this semester.

She likes wearing my "Big 12 Champions - 1996" shirt around. Of course, she also confiscated my G'n'f'n'R 1993 tour shirt and the DLR Skyscraper 1988 one as well!
Ha!  My daughter found my Van Halen OU812 and Bon Jovi New Jersey concert t-shirts and absconded with them as well. 

I went to both GnR and DLR in '88 but didn't buy t-shirts, pretty sure I was just too broke.

And an ex-gf ended up with my Motley Crue Dr. Feelgood concert t-shirt (it was worth it).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2019, 03:57:48 PM
Georgia will be loaded preseason and ranked top five with all their five stars, many of whom will be second string because there is no room for them to play.  They own the preseason, along with Michigan and Texas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 04, 2019, 07:22:31 PM
Next preseason, I'm going to suggest posters "adopt a team", one not in the conference of their team, and post notions and reports about said team from time to time.
I remember, on the old board, when Duck fan Pirates Roost (?) adopted Iowa State.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2019, 07:32:00 PM
I remember that as well.  Haven't seen PR in a couple of years.  I believe he made it over here, briefly, but then went gentle into that goodnight.

He had a lady friend living here in Austin, and came by my tailgate party once upon a time.  It was nice to meet in person.

I miss having him around on the boards, always appreciated his perspective, and wish he still posted here.  I hope he's alright.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on December 04, 2019, 11:34:47 PM
Ha!  My daughter found my Van Halen OU812 and Bon Jovi New Jersey concert t-shirts and absconded with them as well. 

I went to both GnR and DLR in '88 but didn't buy t-shirts, pretty sure I was just too broke.

And an ex-gf ended up with my Motley Crue Dr. Feelgood concert t-shirt (it was worth it).

utee, just so that we’re even, i must say that your musical tastes equal my beer tastes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2019, 07:56:03 AM
I'm thinking about adopting Kansas State, and would were Snyder still there.  Any suggestions?  I'm thinking about a team that has a good shot at a bowl game and maybe 8 wins or so on the upside.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 05, 2019, 08:22:54 AM
I'm thinking about adopting Kansas State, and would were Snyder still there.  Any suggestions?  I'm thinking about a team that has a good shot at a bowl game and maybe 8 wins or so on the upside.
You should consider Texas Tech

I know they had a down year but next year who knows
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2019, 08:38:45 AM
TT, good thought, I know almost nothing about them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 05, 2019, 09:19:32 AM
TT, good thought, I know almost nothing about them.
all offense no defense
generally very good spread quarterbacks
good receivers
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 05, 2019, 09:34:38 AM
Tech's gonna be in a tough spot for a while I think.  I'd go with someone like KSU, ISU, or OkState.  I'd throw WVU in there too, but not sure how their new coaching is going to work out.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 05, 2019, 11:26:15 AM
Iowa State.

PR picked a good one.  Now that he's gone from the board, you (CD) could do much worse than picking up where he left off.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2019, 11:46:38 AM
Yeah, I watched Iowa State a few times last year and this year, more last than this.  I liked how they play the game, almost Wisconsinesque.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2019, 11:55:29 AM
Is there some basic reason the B12 is more "offensively minded"?  How long has that been the case?  Did OU "start it"?  Could a defensive team like say UGA manage to do well in that conference?   I can recall when the Pac seemed to be all O and no D.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 05, 2019, 12:09:01 PM
Mike Leach and the spread
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 05, 2019, 01:08:33 PM
It's somewhat circular.  The spread was perceived as a new, high-powered offense that Mike Leach largely brought to the conference, and it started producing video game numbers.  As always happens in football, imitators began trying it out as well, including high school teams.  Once a large number of high schools in the state of Texas were running variations of the spread, the talent became trained in that direction, and because most B12 schools recruit Texas quite heavily, it became almost necessary, or at least logical, for the college teams to increase their use of the spread.  It became a bit of a feedback loop at that point.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 05, 2019, 01:26:09 PM
The end of the SWC (in 1995) was a lot of Pro-Style 2 back teams.  When the Big 12 was created out of the Big 8 and the SWC, the big boy on the block was Nebraska. They famously ran a merciless option attack that was power and more power.

In order to be competitive, defenses had to deploy massive DTs and huge, hulking LBs. The secondary's emphasis was on making tackles and stopping sweeps.

When Mike Leach arrived to be the Sooners' offensive coordinator in the late 90's, he went completely the other direction. he wanted small, fast receivers - and a million of them! Early returns weren't good. It took too much coordination between passers and catchers to pull it off, and collegiate players only had 4 seasons to get it right. It was just too difficult.

Leach, for all his wackiness, really is a very intelligent guy. He devoted more time and thought to the problem. He put together concepts that pulled apart defenses, showed his QBs where the vulnerabilities were, and had his receivers run to them. Since "dime" coverage at the time was a silly notion only deployed against 4th and 20 situations, no one had enough defenders to even slow that machine down!

Please note that a lot of these concepts rely on the inherent advantages that the rules give to the offense. On a "behind the LOS" screen, the receivers can block. You can't block them, though, unless the pass has been thrown. Motion tips off zone or man. Essentially, it was just a given that these offenses were going to score - a lot!

The kids loved this PlayStation type offense! The high schools and QB camps began teaching these concepts so prospects arrived at college knowing how to throw a 20 yard back shoulder fade. The talent was going to go to schools where they could shine. Either you got with it and recruited them, or you were going to stand by helplessly - on the wrong side of a 52-10 route.

Big 12 schools would love to play defense. It's just easier to adapt a 6 man back end defense to stopping the run than it is to find a 4 man secondary that can shut down 5 WR and a QB trained to drop balls into a 10in window from 30 yards out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 05, 2019, 02:01:36 PM
Mike Leach and the spread
Additional info: Bob Stoops hired him as his first OC at OU.  Leach left after that year to take the HFC position at Texas Tech, where he lasted until he was fired just before the 2009-2010 bowl season so that Tech would not have to pay his retention bonus.

Leach had served as Hal Mumme's OC at Valdosta State and Kentucky.  At Kentucky, they played Florida when Bob Stoops was the DC there.  Stoops always found the Mumme-Leach offense hard to defend, so he hired leach to be the OC when he took the OU job.

Mumme and Leach are "Air Raid" guys first and foremost.  But the spread formation can be used as the basis for a run-heavy attack as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 05, 2019, 03:14:56 PM
Additional info: Bob Stoops hired him as his first OC at OU.  Leach left after that year to take the HFC position at Texas Tech, where he lasted until he was fired just before the 1999-2000 bowl season so that Tech would not have to pay his retention bonus.

Leach had served as Hal Mumme's OC at Valdosta State and Kentucky.  At Kentucky, they played Florida when Bob Stoops was the DC there.  Stoops always found the Mumme-Leach offense hard to defend, so he hired leach to be the OC when he took the OU job.

Mumme and Leach are "Air Raid" guys first and foremost.  But the spread formation can be used as the basis for a run-heavy attack as well.
I know it's a typo but they canned him in 2009.  I still can't believe he was there only 10 seasons (2000-2009).  I thought it was longer than that.  He really had our number, but of course a lot of teams had our number then because we weren't very good.  I think he would have been insanely successful had he come to A&M instead of little Debbie Fran.  But, maybe not.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 05, 2019, 03:49:37 PM
I thought Fran was going to be good at A&M.  His lack of success was surprising to me. My Aggie inlaws that went to his PR events told me he seemed pretty arrogant and aloof, not very likeable, and perhaps the team also didn't like him and never bought in?  I dunno.

If true, it sounds familiar to the way folks feel about Tom Herman.  Which is somewhat unsettling...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 05, 2019, 04:24:44 PM
Tom Herman is nothing like Fran IMO.  Fran not only lost a lot of games, he got his ass kicked with regularity.  And I'm not talking 30-40 point losses.  I'm talking 77-0 stuff.  And his bowl record was atrocious (he only had 3 here).  In general our teams looked lost a lot.  We almost lost to Fresno and Army, but barely won by like 1 point.  And this was not a year where those teams were decent.  

He did manage to recruit a few decent players amazingly including Von Miller and Ryan Tannehill.  Tannehill was recruited as a WR but moved over to QB.  He still starts in the NFL, if you can believe that.  Of all the QB's we've had through here over the years freakin' Tannehill still plays in the league.  Not Johnny Football.  Not Reggie McNeal.  Not Stephen McGee.  Oh yeah, two dudes named Kyle and Kyler start too.    
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2019, 04:31:38 PM
The stylistic differences between conferences is interesting.  Now that LSU and perhaps Alabama have come up with wide open offenses, I wonder if the SEC will shift some as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 05, 2019, 05:20:13 PM
The stylistic differences between conferences is interesting.  Now that LSU and perhaps Alabama have come up with wide open offenses, I wonder if the SEC will shift some as well.

I'm actually interested to see this.

Like I mentioned above, when OU (and then Tech) started sticking 50 points on everyone, the rest of the league had no choice but to embrace it. The offenses simply weren't stoppable with regularity to under 35 points. To win, you had to score.

A&M sort of started it, and Ole Miss tried. LSU appears to have gotten it right. The SEC will likely need to start scoring points to remain competitive.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 05, 2019, 05:23:40 PM
The stylistic differences between conferences is interesting.  Now that LSU and perhaps Alabama have come up with wide open offenses, I wonder if the SEC will shift some as well.
LSU 46 Alabama 41
Auburn 48 Alamaba 45

It's already happening.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 05, 2019, 05:28:02 PM
I know it's a typo but they canned him in 2009.  I still can't believe he was there only 10 seasons (2000-2009).  I thought it was longer than that.  He really had our number, but of course a lot of teams had our number then because we weren't very good.  I think he would have been insanely successful had he come to A&M instead of little Debbie Fran.  But, maybe not.
Thanks for catching that.  Yeah, it was just before the 2009-2010 bowl season.
Tech will never be as good as they got under Mike Leach.
And the flip-side of that is that Mike Leach will never have a better gig than Texas Tech, although he might have had he accepted his firing graciously instead of suing the school.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2019, 06:05:39 PM
 LSU appears to have gotten it right. The SEC will likely need to start scoring points to remain competitive.

IF LSU beats UGA something like 52-10, it might propel it further, but OTOH, if UGA wins say 26-24, nyet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2019, 06:06:17 PM
I just realized my adopt-a-team should be UNC.  First, Mack Brown coaches there.  Second, I actually have a degree from there.  Huh.  I kinda forget.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 05, 2019, 06:11:54 PM
I've always liked UNC.  That'd be a good one. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 05, 2019, 09:39:34 PM
UNC put a ton of players in the NFL back in the day
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2019, 07:02:26 AM
They finished 6-6 this year, which isn't much of course, but it's a minor bowl game.  I watched them a bit the past 3 years or so and thought they were soft and very injury prone.  My suspicion was they didn't do a good job with S&C and perhaps they didn't practice hard.  I can see a coach watching starters getting hurt in practice and pulling back from tackling and actually having the team less able to avoid injury in games because they have little experience hitting and being hit.

I'd guess Mack brought in more mental and physical toughness and took a team with marginal talent up to being mediocre.  He's also getting some talent in now.  I suspect they might be am 8-4 team in 3-4-5 years when Satterfield takes them over.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2019, 07:05:42 AM
Hey, a question for the gang here-- what would you recommend as a new dishwasher?

Kitchenaid or Bosch perhaps.  The wife wanted a quiet DW when we remodeled in the old house and I got one with low DBs listed.  The problem was we'd open the thing after the other person had started it it was SO quiet.  I realize I'm late to this topic, whatever.  I think it was a Samsung because she liked the outside and it matched the fridge.

Aesthetics.  We put in a Bosch range here to get an inductive cook top, but the current DW seemed to be OK so we left it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2019, 08:09:26 AM
Kitchenaid or Bosch perhaps.  The wife wanted a quiet DW when we remodeled in the old house and I got one with low DBs listed.  The problem was we'd open the thing after the other person had started it it was SO quiet.  I realize I'm late to this topic, whatever.  I think it was a Samsung because she liked the outside and it matched the fridge.

Aesthetics.  We put in a Bosch range here to get an inductive cook top, but the current DW seemed to be OK so we left it.
Ive got a Bosch and its great
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2019, 08:11:56 AM
Wow that's a blast from the past.  We ended up with a Whirlpool, the i s c & a aggie wife picked it out and it got thousands of good reviews online.  So far so good.  It's very quiet, and the dishes get clean.  I guess that's what's most important.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2019, 08:27:25 AM
I think most folks "wash" their dishes before they put them in the DW, I know the wife does.  If I get hot water to the sink I usually just wash them and put them up to dry.  She puts them in the DW.  For some reason it takes a long time to get hot water to the kitchen while it comes to the half bath 12 feet away in seconds.  We have hot water from the building, two boilers on the roof apparently.  They also provide hot water to our heat pumps which operate off water not air.  Maybe they just use cold water for them, I don't know for sure, they are strange heat pumps to me.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2019, 08:51:16 AM
I give mine a rinse, but most new dishwashers strongly suggest NOT washing the dishes beforehand, if you're using their sensing technology.  It will give the DW a false sense of the amount of dirt. 

When we owned a restaurant though, I  was lucky enough to have dishwashing duties as a youngster.  And when teaching me how to do the job,  my dad pointed to the big commercial dishwasher and said, "THAT is not the dishwasher.  It's the dish sanitizer.  YOU are the dishwasher." 

Ahhhh, memories. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2019, 08:55:55 AM
I never worked on dish washing products back in my day, I did spend some time working on laundry products.  Of course, we learned some about other stuff.  Back when, Cascade was mostly "builder" with very very little surfactant, as bubbles in a DW were very bad for the pump.   We used a phosphate builder, and today I think they are all zero P, I don't know what they use.  I've noticed the stuff often doesn't work that well.  The wife likes the pod thingees, and they sometimes don't dissolve, I told her to run the hot water until it got got before starting the DW.

Phosphate is a magical cleaning ingredient, specifically tripolyphosphate.  It apparently is bad for something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 06, 2019, 10:50:59 AM
The hot water is probably being made by the heat pump via the desuperheater effect. I believe it’s a byproduct from the cooling cycle but I could be wrong. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 06, 2019, 11:04:15 AM
I never worked on dish washing products back in my day, I did spend some time working on laundry products.  Of course, we learned some about other stuff.  Back when, Cascade was mostly "builder" with very very little surfactant, as bubbles in a DW were very bad for the pump.  We used a phosphate builder, and today I think they are all zero P, I don't know what they use.  I've noticed the stuff often doesn't work that well.  The wife likes the pod thingees, and they sometimes don't dissolve, I told her to run the hot water until it got got before starting the DW.

Phosphate is a magical cleaning ingredient, specifically tripolyphosphate.  It apparently is bad for something.

The phosphate generated is actually good for life - so good, that when it ends up in wastewater streams, it lets life flourish that wouldn't normally get a chance.

The problem is, that "life" is usually algae. It creates algae blooms where they wouldn't normally be. Stuff gets clogged, choked, and otherwise bungs up an ecosystem.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2019, 11:58:19 AM
The limiting nutrient can be nitrogen for algae blooms, which means we'd have to somehow better control nitrogen more than phosphorous.  There is still some debate about when and where.  The phosphate replacement was Zeolites when I was in the biz, and they left white crud on blue jeans often as not. ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2019, 01:25:52 PM
Cd you got too much time on your hands
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2019, 01:49:06 PM
How can a person have time on one's hands?  What is time anyway?  Can anyone define it?  It's what keeps everything from happening all at once?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2019, 02:43:57 PM
All I know about time is that it keeps slippin' slippin' slippin'... into the future.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2019, 03:04:26 PM
if only we could put time in a bottle
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2019, 03:22:32 PM
Does anybody really know what times it is?  Does anybody give a hoot?:smiley_confused1:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 06, 2019, 04:04:30 PM
Time, time, time,....see what's become of me?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2019, 07:06:53 PM
Time, time, time,....see what's become of me?
Love that song.  Paul Simon's original is iconic, but I have to say my favorite version is The Bangles which was featured in the movie Less Than Zero. 

That aside, I'll throw out

"So take me away, I don't mind
But you better promise me, I'll be back in time
Gotta get back in time"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 07, 2019, 09:44:09 AM
you need to stick to beer snobbery

the "bangles"???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 07, 2019, 10:06:25 AM
Just back from some running, I'm getting better just in time for baseball.  Feels good, almost addictive.  They had young kids trying to play soccer on the infields, it was cute.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 07, 2019, 10:38:12 AM
not as cute as the Bangles back in the 80s
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 07, 2019, 10:46:38 AM
you need to stick to beer snobbery

the "bangles"???
If you don't think the Bangles' version of Hazy Shade of Winter is great, then that tells me all I need to know about your musical taste.  

Good day, sir!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 07, 2019, 10:55:22 AM
Happy birthday to you, Sir!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 07, 2019, 11:03:37 AM
Ahhhh, you remembered.  Thanks indeed. :)

I'll pour one out for Wingy today, as well.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 07, 2019, 11:32:22 AM
In a few minutes, I'll tip a frosted schooner of crap macroswill in your honor
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 07, 2019, 11:59:49 AM
Gracias amigo.

My i s c & a aggie wife just poured me a mimosa that I shall enjoy whilst watching some football and some futbol this morning.

Later today, I have a nice bottle of non-macro-swill Delirium Noel Belgian dark strong ale.

And tonight, dinner at fancy French restaurant Peche.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 07, 2019, 03:56:49 PM
Those defensive games put me to sleep.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 07, 2019, 07:42:25 PM
Happy Bday Marcus. Mine was this week as well. It sucks getting old but it sure beats the alternative. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 07, 2019, 08:13:42 PM
Happy birthday to both you guys.

Don't worry about getting older and feeling it.  It eventually gets better.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2019, 10:02:20 AM
Happy Bday Marcus. Mine was this week as well. It sucks getting old but it sure beats the alternative.

Thanks and same to you!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2019, 10:04:25 AM
Happy birthday to both you guys.

Don't worry about getting older and feeling it.  It eventually gets better.

Thank you sir.  I'm happy to have the days I've been granted.  One of the "fun" things I got to do yesterday afternoon was go to a funeral for a friend who was my age, who died of colon cancer.  He fought it off for a couple of years but it just wasn't enough.

So I am indeed thankful for what I've got.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 08, 2019, 11:07:24 AM
Losing friends and colleagues your own age, or younger, is always a shock.  You wonder why him or her and not me?

A wiser man than I said that you can't be happy if you don't feel gratitude.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2019, 02:28:05 PM
Amen, brutha.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2019, 04:45:46 PM
It is different when you lose folks of the older generation, and folks of the younger generation (that one is really bad), and folks of your generation.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 08, 2019, 05:19:42 PM
The younger generation--that's the really tough one.  You're not "supposed" to outlive your children.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2019, 07:34:30 PM
He would be 33, prime of life.~???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 26, 2019, 10:22:36 AM
Merry belated Christmas, ya filthy animals!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 31, 2019, 10:06:56 PM
Hope that everybody had a good one.

I did.

The 28th was a little rough, though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 31, 2019, 11:54:31 PM
Hope that everybody had a good one.

I did.

The 28th was a little rough, though.
31st was pretty good I have to admit.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BrownCounty on January 07, 2020, 04:21:50 PM

Matt Rhule to Carolina Panthers.  Just sharing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 07, 2020, 05:48:01 PM
Matt Rhule to Carolina Panthers.  Just sharing.

Gonna be interesting times in Waco.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 14, 2020, 09:44:00 PM (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 14, 2020, 10:57:54 PM
Wow.  I wonder how that thing is attached.  Glue?  Suction cups?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 14, 2020, 11:48:18 PM
I'm guessing suction, because it's a Sooner thing

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 23, 2020, 07:51:02 PM
Today is National Pie Day.

That is all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 24, 2020, 09:32:03 AM (


So basically, turn on your defroster, pop it off with a credit card, and stab the speaker with a screwdriver.

Bonus: The GPS connects wirelessly with a SIM card. Go ahead and keep the SIM card for yourself. You can tether off it with an unused phone and get free unlimited data.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2020, 10:37:08 AM
Was there something wrong with the old-school mechanical boot?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 24, 2020, 10:49:08 AM
the "boot" wasn't friendly enough for the snowflakes

Glenn said. “(The Barnacle) is just a friendlier way than putting a boot on a vehicle and towing a vehicle.”
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 24, 2020, 11:55:52 AM
life aint friendly
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 24, 2020, 01:34:19 PM
I'd wager the boot is cumbersome to carry in your squad car, and fiddly for the average collegiate parking attendant to figure out as far as attachment points.

As much as I like to dig, truth be told, I've been on the UT campus plenty trying to maneuver around cars whose owners just couldn't find an acceptable parking place. They just bailed out wherever. Now, undergraduate parking passes are hilariously expensive, there aren't enough parking garages, and the restrictions placed on them are just asinine. However, just stopping your car and clogging up the street for everyone else has to be dealt with.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 24, 2020, 01:52:46 PM
arent there any fast food places near campus anymore

I used to pay the manager of a burger place near campus $10 a week (remember this is back in 1970)
to let me park my car there

amazing how money talks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2020, 02:09:47 PM
I'd wager the boot is cumbersome to carry in your squad car, and fiddly for the average collegiate parking attendant to figure out as far as attachment points.

As much as I like to dig, truth be told, I've been on the UT campus plenty trying to maneuver around cars whose owners just couldn't find an acceptable parking place. They just bailed out wherever. Now, undergraduate parking passes are hilariously expensive, there aren't enough parking garages, and the restrictions placed on them are just asinine. However, just stopping your car and clogging up the street for everyone else has to be dealt with.
These are campus police.  Generating revenue from giving out parking tickets is essentially their ONLY job.  They could just have a golf car or mule with trailer full of the things, and ride along and boot every third car for their inevitable laundry list of parking violations.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on January 24, 2020, 03:39:21 PM
I never bought parking passes because they were ridiculously priced even 15 years ago. 
What I did was look at the free bus routes and figure it out from there where I could park on the street, and give myself an extra 45 mins of time to allow for parking/bus waiting.   Usually I was able to find something in W Campus but if that wasn't looking good then I'd go on over by Disch Falk field and park over there where there was almost ALWAYS somewhere to park.    Not sure if the street is still free and clear over there but that was always my sweet-spot for free parking and easy bus-lifting. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 24, 2020, 04:43:37 PM
Thats a good strategy Erin 

Unfortunately for me there were no shuttle buses until my senior year
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 24, 2020, 04:54:56 PM
arent there any fast food places near campus anymore

I used to pay the manager of a burger place near campus $10 a week (remember this is back in 1970)
to let me park my car there

amazing how money talks
I did this back in the 80s
I suggested it for my daughter a few years ago, there wasn't enough parking near her apartment.

I'm sure she thought I was crazy.  Of course I do some crazy things from time to time.
not sure she ever asked any of the businesses with parking lots near by
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2020, 05:03:29 PM
I never bought parking passes because they were ridiculously priced even 15 years ago.
What I did was look at the free bus routes and figure it out from there where I could park on the street, and give myself an extra 45 mins of time to allow for parking/bus waiting.  Usually I was able to find something in W Campus but if that wasn't looking good then I'd go on over by Disch Falk field and park over there where there was almost ALWAYS somewhere to park.    Not sure if the street is still free and clear over there but that was always my sweet-spot for free parking and easy bus-lifting.

I lived on campus my freshman year, and had a car, so i had to have a permit for it.

After that I lived in apartments that were on shuttle routes and always took those.

Occasionally I'd drive down if I knew I was going to be later than the shuttles were running.  I started parking behind The Posse which was technically private parking, but the general manager knew me and knew I'd be in at some point to buy beer and a cheeseburger, so he only gave me a hard time every now and then.

In those pre-cellphone days, people would actually call Bald Greg or me AT the Posse.  And I still remember the phone#, 477-2111. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 29, 2020, 10:05:28 PM

Is this place legit?

Saw it in an online article

Lexington, TX

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 30, 2020, 01:03:14 PM
The French could use some real Bbq.  As for parking ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 30, 2020, 01:06:26 PM

Is this place legit?

Saw it in an online article

Lexington, TX


Aggie "whoopdom" aside, Snow's in Lexington is great.  I think they're currently the #1 BBQ place in Texas as ranked and rated by Texas Monthly magazine, which gets a lot of credence down here in Texico.  Yup, even rated above Franklin.  Personally I don't put anyone over Franklin but Snow's is darn tasty.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 30, 2020, 01:08:16 PM
The French could use some real Bbq.  As for parking ...

I'd be terrified of what the French would do to a brisket.  They'd probably try to serve it bleu which is about the worst thing you could do...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 30, 2020, 02:17:12 PM
My brother is not opposed to a trip to Snow's

Louie Mueller in Taylor is closer to RR and open more often that once a week

nice options
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 30, 2020, 02:52:15 PM
Get the beef rib at Louie Mueller.

And yeah, Snow's being way out in Lexington and only being open on Saturdays puts a damper on things.  I've been out a couple times but the lines are really long these days.  Way too much tasty BBQ in this part of the country to bother waiting in line for it.  I'll leave that to the hipsters who are only there to take pictures of themselves with the food.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 30, 2020, 03:30:11 PM
I'd be terrified of what the French would do to a brisket.  They'd probably try to serve it bleu which is about the worst thing you could do...
They need some Texas boys like Fox Bros.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 30, 2020, 05:13:08 PM
Who the heck are Fox Bros?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 03, 2020, 07:59:26 AM
I wonder what ol' Skicat has to say about the Chiefs' Scouts today?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 03, 2020, 11:01:21 AM
Ski and Forever replied to my texts - Ski's thinking about moving to Texas, Forever's daughter is moving to H-town.

Ski says that Lubbock is better than Austin - I think regarding NFL QBs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 03, 2020, 12:31:35 PM
Ski and Forever replied to my texts - Ski's thinking about moving to Texas, Forever's daughter is moving to H-town.

Ski says that Lubbock is better than Austin - I think regarding NFL QBs
Mahomes is from Tyler, same hometown as Earl Campbell. 

Pretty astounding how Kingsbury was able to completely waste his talent at Tech, though.  And then fall upwards into an NFL coaching gig.  Good for him I guess.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 03, 2020, 02:42:38 PM
better to be lucky than good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on February 04, 2020, 01:54:59 PM
Anyone have access to the 1976 A&M football roster?  I can't find it anywhere. 
a- the numerical roster, not the one from collegefootballreference
b- I know they're in the SEC, but you all are a bunch of old SWC boys in here, no?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 04, 2020, 03:24:14 PM
I doubt my Aggie inlaws have anything like that, at least not that's easily accessible.

You might check with the folks on though, that's the largest Ag-dedicated forum I know of, and tons of old-school ags post there.  Someome might have a hardcopy from a program or something.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 04, 2020, 03:34:16 PM
I have always wondered who played for them in 1976.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 04, 2020, 07:41:12 PM
I found this (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 05, 2020, 05:46:34 PM
Anyone have access to the 1976 A&M football roster?  I can't find it anywhere.
a- the numerical roster, not the one from collegefootballreference
b- I know they're in the SEC, but you all are a bunch of old SWC boys in here, no?
I don't know about the 1976 team but the 1975 team was highly ranked (#1 IIRC) until they had to play a late season game (After the UT game which is traditionally the last game of the season) at Arkie and were subsequently destroyed.  I'm pretty sure that's the last time A&M was ranked #1.  Many Aggies loathe to this day about that rescheduled Arkansas game, apparently it was moved for TV back when only a few games got broadcast.  I was born in late '75 so it was a little before my time. 

I'm pretty sure there is an SI cover featuring Bubba Bean that says "Texas A&M Stakes It's Claim" from that era.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on February 05, 2020, 10:25:57 PM
I found this (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 06, 2020, 10:16:53 AM
sorry bout that I didnt read close enough
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 06, 2020, 12:18:14 PM
I'd wager the boot is cumbersome to carry in your squad car, and fiddly for the average collegiate parking attendant to figure out as far as attachment points.

As much as I like to dig, truth be told, I've been on the UT campus plenty trying to maneuver around cars whose owners just couldn't find an acceptable parking place. They just bailed out wherever. Now, undergraduate parking passes are hilariously expensive, there aren't enough parking garages, and the restrictions placed on them are just asinine. However, just stopping your car and clogging up the street for everyone else has to be dealt with.
Barnacle beyond OU: Retracted parking device not controversial at Houston

Glenn pointed out as a “self-sustaining auxiliary department,” parking administration would not be able to fund itself without permit or ticket revenue. (

“We don’t make a profit in this department and we don’t receive any other university money,” Glenn said. “Building new parking lots, really expensive maintenance and repair, bond payments on parking garages … all of the money generated from parking permit sales goes right back into the operation.” (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 12, 2020, 07:46:46 PM
why dont they have commercials today like they used to (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 13, 2020, 07:58:39 AM
She looks fun!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 13, 2020, 10:06:02 AM
Heidi Klum has ALWAYS been fun!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 19, 2020, 07:33:11 PM
Then there was the time a grasshopper goes into a bar

The bartender looks down and says "I have a drink named after you"

The grasshopper looks up and says "You have a drink named Murray?"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 20, 2020, 08:07:01 AM
Then there was the time a grasshopper goes into a bar

The bartender looks down and says "I have a drink named after you"

The grasshopper looks up and says "You have a drink named Murray?"
I told you that joke 15 years ago. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 20, 2020, 09:39:47 AM
well thats one of the benefits of getting old

each day is new
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 24, 2020, 02:16:19 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 02, 2020, 07:16:09 PM
Happy Texas Independence Day!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Razorchique on March 03, 2020, 10:01:52 PM
Wow.  I can't believe how many of you are still here.  Got an email a couple days ago about the forums, so logged in to check it out.  I hope you are all doing well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 03, 2020, 11:12:32 PM
Wow.  I can't believe how many of you are still here.  Got an email a couple days ago about the forums, so logged in to check it out.  I hope you are all doing well.
Howdy Razorchique

Have not heard from you in a long time

welcome and sooie pig
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 04, 2020, 09:15:45 AM
Hello, good to see you

doing well
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 04, 2020, 02:24:56 PM
Hey Razorchique, good to hear from you, hope all is well with you and yours!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 07, 2020, 06:53:47 PM
Wow.  I can't believe how many of you are still here.  Got an email a couple days ago about the forums, so logged in to check it out.  I hope you are all doing well.

Hey, hope you are doing well over there in Arkansas!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 10, 2020, 11:58:42 AM
The aggie library burned down!

Yep. They lost both books and one

of them hadnt even been colored on yet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 11, 2020, 09:23:20 AM
Wow.  I can't believe how many of you are still here.  Got an email a couple days ago about the forums, so logged in to check it out.  I hope you are all doing well
( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 13, 2020, 03:54:06 PM
Holy virus Batman!

I hope everybody out there remains virus free.

May the force be with you.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 13, 2020, 08:14:42 PM
Forget the virus, I'm just worried about how to wipe my arse in a couple weeks since some dumbasses bought up all the toilet paper.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 13, 2020, 09:35:40 PM
Thats amazing.

I mean the last thing I would think about when I might get a virus is toilet paper.

Beer, food, clothes, a mask maybe but not toilet paper

Flush the bombers take us to defcon 1 and go out and buy all the toilet paper you can

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 16, 2020, 10:00:53 AM
Toilet paper may be the most easily replaceable thing I have. The other options are a tad less convenient, but definitely workable.

PLEASE don't start flushing paper towels! Being on lockdown with a backed up sewer is really gonna start a fight!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 16, 2020, 11:56:09 AM
that's when guns might be required
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 16, 2020, 02:24:09 PM
Get your hands up and give me all your toilet paper

none of that cheap 2 ply stuff and dont even think about throwing in a dye canister
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 16, 2020, 06:28:40 PM
The same paper machines that make paper towels can be switched in pretty short order to make toilet paper.  Paper towels generally have permanent wet strength polymers applied that don't break down in water.  Toilet paper either has temporary wet strength polymers or none at all.  Facial tissue is akin to paper towels.

The kinds of pulp fibers used are different and the basis weight of the paper is different, but the machines are the same.  They make a very large roll first and then run that through a converter to make the rolls we buy.  The shortage should be alleviated in a few days.

I agree this is an item rather easily replaced with something else in a pinch.  I was thinking of things like coffee, beer, popcorn, bread, canned goods, eggs, cheese, large foam cowboy hats, the essentials.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 16, 2020, 06:53:49 PM
good spirits take longer to distill
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 17, 2020, 07:41:35 AM
Or are distilled more times.  Or use a narrower cut.  Or more theoretical plates.  Yup, that's a real term.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 17, 2020, 09:52:51 AM
Or are distilled more times.  Or use a narrower cut.  Or more theoretical plates.  Yup, that's a real term.

My exam would have two questions, each question had like 10 sub-parts.

Right outta the box, my answer would be "this column is 1.5cm tall, and has a radius of 42.33km". Obviously, I did it wrong, but sub-part b would be "using your answer from part (a)...".

I did not do well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 19, 2020, 10:49:41 AM
Distillation process talk kills threads!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 19, 2020, 10:54:42 AM
Cincy hasn't stopped by..........
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: WC4E on March 19, 2020, 12:19:15 PM
What's up, fellow Armageddon survivors?  Scrolled back one page, saw another person got an email that prompted a return post.  How the hell did I ever have time to come hang out with you guys half the day?  

Hope everybody is well and stays that way!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 19, 2020, 12:23:51 PM
Same to you WC4E, and tell Ski howdy for us if you talk to him.

We're just hunkered down here in the ATX, getting way more exercise in than usual.  The dog loves Coronavirus, she's never in her life gone on walks 3x per day and now it's a regular occurrence.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 19, 2020, 01:13:23 PM
I keep Grubhub happy

Last night the girl delivering for them reached out as far as she could holding the bag in the tips of her fingers

I said dont worry Im well and she said but I thought youd be worrying about me

This world has gone completely crazy

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 19, 2020, 01:53:58 PM
maybe she thought of you as the creepy old man? 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 19, 2020, 02:04:50 PM
Thats entirely possible
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 19, 2020, 02:25:31 PM
It's okay for everyone to be cautious.  I assume everyone I see is infected and react accordingly.  

One of the worst problems with this virus, is that you can transmit it while being completely asymptomatic, and even if/when you show symptoms, you can be infectious several days before they show up.  It stays "hidden" within the body extremely well, which is part of why it's so dangerous.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 19, 2020, 05:38:35 PM
You Texicans might like this.


Cirrus clouds over Guadalupe National Park.

This, without the Bing watermark, is today's image on my Windows 10 login page.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: WC4E on March 19, 2020, 06:27:11 PM
Crazy indeed.  Downright certifiably, crazy.

My daughter set to graduate from K-State in May has 2 employers wanting her, one in Houston, and the other based there but who knows where they would send her. Highly dependent upon energy, as you might imagine. 

With this complete and utter decimation of the economy by virtue of flattening the curve, we all may be working in a warehouse gathering groceries to deliver.  If we're lucky.

I need to start walking the dog, but we are still in winter up here, except for the days we're not. ;) 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 19, 2020, 07:30:40 PM
My dog's getting 3 walks per day, she's never had it so good.  Nothin' else to do... :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 19, 2020, 08:20:15 PM
My dog's getting 3 walks per day, she's never had it so good.  Nothin' else to do... :)

Lots of poop to pick up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 19, 2020, 08:35:25 PM
Lots of poop to pick up
Yup.  Luckily the neighborhood has many parks and green spaces with trash cans, including those special cans that are for dog poop specifically.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on March 24, 2020, 04:51:45 PM
Hey, all, hope everyone is well & happy! 
I never imagined what a life without sports would be like, but here we are.    Interesting times, indeed. 

Our dogs aren't noticing a difference, both of us have the permission slips to keep working as usual.  I didn't think we were so essential, but apparently we are - but thankful for that at any rate.    Although my side-hustle is in shambles, at least I am still able to get income coming in.     Otherwise I'd seriously be thinking hard about applying for one of those HEB jobs, if just for the ability to see when the good stock comes in. 

Truly hope all of you are weathering this insanity in the best way possible, and that the disruptions in your life have been minimal (and will continue to be).   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 24, 2020, 09:14:23 PM
Hang in there Erin

This too shall pass

Both my children are working from home and still earning a paycheck

Im retired so no big change for me

I dabble in the stock market but sold out upon Trumps initial travel ban on China

Ill just keep my powder dry until it turns around

There will be lots of money there if you can time it right

Im so tempted to buy some really under valued stocks but Ill be patient

Me and grubhub are really getting to be buddies
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 24, 2020, 09:43:58 PM
should have bought this morning early apparently

tough timing

hang in there everyone

this shall pass and I think the survivors will be stronger
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 24, 2020, 10:02:22 PM
should have bought this morning early apparently

tough timing

hang in there everyone

this shall pass and I think the survivors will be stronger
If youre a day trader maybe otherwise the market could go down big time tomorrow who knows

Until there are definite signs of a turnaround its better to wait
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 24, 2020, 10:11:19 PM
yup, I'm waiting, for at least the next couple years
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 25, 2020, 09:54:44 AM
It could take a year for the general market to return to where it was before all of this, but I'm pretty certain it will happen.  The underlying conditions for a strong market haven't changed.

Some sectors are doing extremely well, even now.  For example, the extremely large computer manufacturing company that I work for, is posting record sales, as so many companies (large and small) shift their workforce to WFH and must buy the technology to support that.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 25, 2020, 12:08:25 PM
Major disasters like this have historically pushed technological shifts that never went away. In this instance, it's likely that a lot of employers continue to embrace working from home. Educational institutions may likewise prove to themselves the efficacy of remote learning.

Stuff they were resistant to trying may well turn out to be the norm.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 25, 2020, 01:09:14 PM
I hope not, Mr Tulip.

We already are suffering from a loss of face-to-face interactions.  And a webinar is inferior to a live lecture/discussion.

I'm sitting through the introductions to a webinar on the 1918 Flu Pandemic right now.  It's better than nothing, but it's not as good as being there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2020, 01:26:32 PM
I think it will result at least in small changes, more frequent WFH efforts etc.

Companies will introduce contingency planning for various crises that include that and engineer better options.

We're headed to a virtual existence in time anyway.

I was musing about a "shut down week" where everyone distances themselves to reduce the occurrence of influenza.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 25, 2020, 01:37:28 PM
Plenty of studies that show that face-to-face interaction among employees of a company increases productivity and workflow efficiency in dramatic ways.  It doesn't have to be a LOT of personal interaction, but in cases where people have met face to face even once, the working relationship ends up being much smoother, friendlier, and more productive.

At the very large computer manufacturing company headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, that I work for, we've gone back and forth on WFH vs. Office over the years.  Invariably The Powers That Be will focus on Opex budget for a while and determine we should close up buildings (that cost overhead) and shift the workforce home.  Then another executive comes along and decides that teams need to be in closer physical proximity in order to be more productive.

It's a balancing act, for sure, and there's no one way or right way to do it.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2020, 02:14:16 PM
Yeah, we had part of our work group in Germany once, and in Japan one other time.  We spent a lot of travel monies.  The Japanese were a lot of fun at least.  I had everyone over to my house one evening for dinner, beautiful night, had two guys from our Missouri plant bring in a towed BBQ rig and they did ribs for the Japanese (and us).  They were the best ribs I've ever had by far, dry rub and falling off the bone.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 25, 2020, 04:08:57 PM
the world keeps evolving - mostly for the better, sometimes not
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 25, 2020, 08:03:13 PM
the world keeps evolving - mostly for the better, sometimes not
Yer a cockeyed optimist, Fearless.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 25, 2020, 11:40:10 PM
could be worse
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2020, 09:47:58 AM
UTErin posted something on FB about hoping they could retain the new liquor law in Texas that started "If Texans behave, can we keep these rules?"

I responded "I quit reading after "IF Texans behave ..."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 26, 2020, 10:15:01 AM
UTErin posted something on FB about hoping they could retain the new liquor law in Texas that started "If Texans behave, can we keep these rules?"

I responded "I quit reading after "IF Texans behave ..."

Ha!  I saw that.  True enough...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on March 26, 2020, 10:50:43 AM
Yes, it's a tall order asking Texans to behave, we don't like listening to anyone and tend to write our own rules.    

I feel like our city had some (forced) practice at isolation during Hurricane Harvey, however that only lasted a week & not a month+.   We've been hoarding food, ammo & TP for years as necessary hurricane prep, so at least we had good practice before all this chaos hit.   This was just a little more intense & unexpected than those situations, at least we aren't worried about our houses being destroyed or our cars being flooded out.    And we still have electricity, WiFi, cable, open restaurants, & whatever else to keep us happy in our grounded state.  

Everything just feels on a tilt right now, but I'm sure everyone feels that way.  But I am appreciating ALL the humor to be found, and the funny meme-compensation to combat the anxiety, as well as the banter we still have with all our friends in various ways.    I haven't attempted the Zoom meeting thing, but one of these Friday nights I am going to a group happy hour session & drink with some people virtually because it looks like it might be kinda fun.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 26, 2020, 11:16:56 AM
We use Skype and Zoom at my very large computer-manufacturing company that I work for.

These days Zoom seems more stable, but it's also largely a function of whose servers you're using.  We have our own.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 26, 2020, 03:03:13 PM
I've practiced drinking alone for decades

no zoom needed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 26, 2020, 03:04:22 PM
also, I appreciate all of y'all here on the Porch - my interaction while drinking alone (sorta)

again, no zoom needed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 26, 2020, 06:57:20 PM
I'm gonna jump on a virtual happy hour Skype call tomorrow night myself.  Talking to a friend that moved to California and I haven't heard from in maybe a year.  And then my i s c & a aggie wife's birthday is Saturday, so it looks like I'll be falling off the wagon for a couple days. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 27, 2020, 09:27:24 AM
The court that the wife practices in front of is dabbling in remote meetings. There's some constitutional issues there, but mostly there's societal and safety issues with not adjudicating or representing these clients in a timely manner. Some are Skype, some are zoom.

The daughter cleared out her dorm and came home last week. She's taking online class now (I'm having to review my "strong acid" knowledge). Of course, the boy is also home, but he's always running video.

They laughed when I put my million-packet-per-second router in place. They called me mad when I wired up the Ubiquiti AP.

Actually, they didn't. They really had no idea what any of that meant, nor did they care. They just griped when I had to down the network for 5 minutes to set it up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 30, 2020, 04:46:00 AM
Strong acids?  Interesting, there was a professor at Case Western named George Olah who played around with "super acids" that could protonate just about anything, like cyclohexane.  His research group apparently was 100% Indian.

One of the most dangerous acids is a fairly weak acid, HF, it does nasty things to your body.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 30, 2020, 08:50:58 AM
Ive always been a fan of anti acids

especially after eating too much 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 30, 2020, 09:43:41 AM
Strong acids?  Interesting, there was a professor at Case Western named George Olah who played around with "super acids" that could protonate just about anything, like cyclohexane.  His research group apparently was 100% Indian.

One of the most dangerous acids is a fairly weak acid, HF, it does nasty things to your body.
My daughter is in her 2nd semester of General Chemistry. We're using the "common" definition of "strong acid". pKa values and such.

HF (regularly used to clean photomasks for IC etching - at least when I was younger) doesn't donate its proton aggressively enough to be a "strong" acid, but boy does that F- anion like to extract calcium from living tissue!

In the same way, anhydrous ammonia is a common enough substance. Farmers drive tanks of it around here all the time. If you're a form of life composed mostly of water, though, it's some of the most dangerous stuff on the planet!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 30, 2020, 01:09:54 PM
Yup, in my first professional life I was final test engineer for ion implanters, and I'd occasionally have to work with the techs to clean photomasks from wafers we'd test-burned in my implanters.  HF will pass through your skin without affecting it much, but eats away at the bones once it reaches them.  Suffice to say the PPE for that job was extensive.

For source material during ion implantation, I also got to handle solid arsenic and phosphorous, as well as Arsine, Phosphine, Boron Triflouride and Silicon Tetraglouride gases.  All of which are very very nasty stuff.  SCBA was required for all of that handling. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 30, 2020, 01:21:01 PM
The worst I ever read about is called fluoromethyl sulfate.  The story was that a post doc in Denmark got two drops on his lab coat, tore the coat off, jumped in the safety shower, and two hours later was dead of pulmonary edema.  Aldrich quit making it after that.  I never used it, though I used its cousin dimethyl sulfate, both potent methylating agents, kind of like how acids like to stick a hydrogen on something, these like to donate a CH3 group.

Often the useful reagents are highly reactive and thus tending to be very dangerous to humans.  I was not correct about Olah and superacids.  Memory is fading.

 George A. Olah ( prepared the so-called magic acid (, so-named for its ability to attack hydrocarbons (, by mixing antimony pentafluoride ( (SbF5) and fluorosulfonic acid ( (FSO3H).[4] ( The name was coined after a candle was placed in a sample of magic acid after a Christmas party. The candle dissolved, showing the ability of the acid to protonate alkanes (, which under normal acidic conditions do not protonate to any extent.
At 140 °C (284 °F), FSO3H–SbF5 protonates methane ( to give the tertiary-butyl carbocation (, a reaction that begins with the protonation ( of methane:[4] (
CH4 + H+ → CH+
 → CH+
 + H2CH+
 + 3 CH4 → (CH3)3C+ + 3H2

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 04, 2020, 09:07:43 PM
I don't have a clue what any of you are talking about and I work for one of the largest Chemical Companies in the world....LOL.  But I do know how to make hydrocarbons!!

We use WebEx.  It works pretty good, but not near as effective as a face to face meeting once you get above about 3 people.  There is a cool video on youtube of the typical large conference video meeting, but I'm too lazy to look it up.  

Stay Safe, I hope football season isn't disrupted. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 05, 2020, 06:09:56 AM
We once had a collaboration with Shell Chemical in Houston (Westhollow).  They had some amazing stuff there.  It was very neat what they could do with "streams" they called them, fractions from petroleum and NG, C1, C2, C3, C4, etc.  Hydrocarbons with so many carbon atoms.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 15, 2020, 10:20:09 AM

Last week I bought a computer from a very large, Austin based manufacturer whose name contains 4 letters.  I'm very disappointed.  I bought it to replace my ~5-7 year old previous model (running Win 7) and I think it's as slow as the old one.  It seems to be bogged down by lots of bloatware, not the least of which is McAfee which is constantly putting up pop up boxes wanting to upgrade to this or that.  I wish they still came with a restore disk where I could wipe the whole thing and load a fresh copy of Win 10.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 15, 2020, 10:56:31 AM
Sorry to hear that.  It definitely sounds like there's a problem, not even the bloatware should affect it THAT much.

If it's new, you should be able to restore via online.  But it'll still contain whatever software it originally came installed with.

Was this an Inspiron or something else?  DT or laptop?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 15, 2020, 11:48:43 AM

Last week I bought a computer from a very large, Austin based manufacturer whose name contains 4 letters.  I'm very disappointed.  I bought it to replace my ~5-7 year old previous model (running Win 7) and I think it's as slow as the old one.  It seems to be bogged down by lots of bloatware, not the least of which is McAfee which is constantly putting up pop up boxes wanting to upgrade to this or that.  I wish they still came with a restore disk where I could wipe the whole thing and load a fresh copy of Win 10. 
First of all you can get rid of that Mcafee pop up by deleting an installed program which has nothing to do with running Mcafee

If youre not using Mcafee just uninstall any and all Mcafee programs

Second there are forums for Dell computers you might try looking at those for tips

Third you can buy a windows 10 program for about $100

Buy it install it and then go to the dell support sight for any drivers you need

just a thought
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 16, 2020, 10:49:07 AM
I have a five year old Dell Inspiron that runs Windows 10.  I've been very satisfied with it.

The wife bought an Apple because it was "easy to use" and discovered it isn't for her, and she's always running out of HD room.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 16, 2020, 11:05:27 AM
I have a five year old Dell Inspiron that runs Windows 10.  I've been very satisfied with it.

The wife bought an Apple because it was "easy to use" and discovered it isn't for her, and she's always running out of HD room.
My wife hates her Apple laptop, she finally gave up on it and made me buy her a Dell XPS.  Which is pretty much the sweetest notebook I've ever used.  Way slicker than my company-issued Latitude business-oriented model.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 16, 2020, 11:29:48 AM
BTW, this COVID thing is no something I am enjoying at all, and I'm probably less impacted than most.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 16, 2020, 11:36:03 AM
I bought a Dell Aleinware 17 R5 last summer and have been very satisfied with it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 16, 2020, 12:15:36 PM
Got an XPS for the wife's attorney stuff. I think it's now the most powerful computer in the house. I built a lawyerly workstation with dual monitors and set one vertical. Hoping that saves wear and tear on "adult" eyes trying to read emails and text all day long.

Since it's located in the cove underneath a full sized loft bed, I hung a green sheet behind it. Lets me use all sorts of silly backgrounds whilst doing Zoom meetings!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 16, 2020, 01:50:12 PM
I bought a Dell Aleinware 17 R5 last summer and have been very satisfied with it
Wow, I had no idea you were a hardcore gamer.  Way to go, oldtimer!

My in-laws bought my son an Alienware Aurora R9 for Christmas, and I hooked him up with an 25" Alienware gaming monitor that I got for free because of my... you know... connections. :)  That, next to his Dell P2715Q (27" 4k) monitor, gives him a MUCH slicker dual monitor setup than my own.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 16, 2020, 02:18:20 PM
We tried the new burger place for lunch, it's a beautiful day here.  It was good, but a burger is $12, that is a double with bacon.

Killer Burger would be about $8 and just as good I think.  The new place JUST opened last week.  Sam's of SF.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 16, 2020, 02:18:32 PM
Wow, I had no idea you were a hardcore gamer.  Way to go, oldtimer!

My in-laws bought my son an Alienware Aurora R9 for Christmas, and I hooked him up with an 25" Alienware gaming monitor that I got for free because of my... you know... connections. :)  That, next to his Dell P21715Q 4-k monitor, gives him a MUCH slicker dual monitor setup than my own.
I realize the alienware is a top gaming machine but I dont play games too often

I just wanted performance under the hood and this computer has it in spades
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 16, 2020, 02:30:07 PM
I realize the alienware is a top gaming machine but I dont play games too often

I just wanted performance under the hood and this computer has it in spades

Yup it's a great machine.  A few of our executives actually use that as their "executive jewelry" rather than an XPS.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 16, 2020, 02:48:05 PM
We tried the new burger place for lunch, it's a beautiful day here.  It was good, but a burger is $12, that is a double with bacon.

Killer Burger would be about $8 and just as good I think.  The new place JUST opened last week.  Sam's of SF.
Man for a hamburger to be worth $12 the waitress would have to be topless
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 16, 2020, 04:21:54 PM
Man for a hamburger to be worth $12 the waitress would have to be topless
Yeah, not even then for me.  I was giving them some business for obvious reasons, but the wife said Killer Burger was just as good and Farm Burger is good also.

T ( problem with this place near us is parking and it's packed all the time.  They have a decent beer selection, like 6 or so on tap.  Their burgers are as good as I have had out except on Wagyu burger I had at a higher end steak house.

I have a major hankering for some Fox Bros. brisket right now, especially on a day like this.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 16, 2020, 04:32:09 PM
Yeah, not even then for me.  I was giving them some business for obvious reasons, but the wife said Killer Burger was just as good and Farm Burger is good also.

T ( problem with this place near us is parking and it's packed all the time.  They have a decent beer selection, like 6 or so on tap.  Their burgers are as good as I have had out except on Wagyu burger I had at a higher end steak house.

I have a major hankering for some Fox Bros. brisket right now, especially on a day like this.
Its always a good day for brisket 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 16, 2020, 06:01:42 PM
I had a brisket sammich from "Aggies" for lunch

cole slaw, mac&cheese

could have used more smoke, I suppose they go easy on the smoke here for the yankees
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 16, 2020, 06:02:32 PM
We tried the new burger place for lunch, it's a beautiful day here.  It was good, but a burger is $12, that is a double with bacon.

Killer Burger would be about $8 and just as good I think.  The new place JUST opened last week.  Sam's of SF.
$8 isn't bad, even here, if it comes with taters or a side of some sort
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 16, 2020, 06:50:27 PM
I haven't had a cheeseburger since December.  I think that's gonna change this weekend.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 17, 2020, 08:37:09 AM
The sides are extra at most of the better burger places here.  There was a kind of burger war happening but it had not caused more inducements.

Farm Burger is pretty good IMHO and they have $4 decent beers.  We can walk there easily, it's on a level below the Whole Foods.  Their service needs a bit of refinement I think.  It's a bit confused at times.  Killer Burger obviously has experienced servers who know how to get it done.

I've mentioned before I've been largely disappointed in the Q around here.  There are 3 places folks rave about I have not tried, but Fox Bros ranks high on most lists and the place was always crowded.  It's not particularly close to us.  The closest place is Fat Matt's and it's pretty mediocre for me, but they have live jazz at night and are crowded.  We have City BBQ which we had in Cincy and was probably the best place in Cincy, it's reliably decent, but not near us.  Maybe the good places are out in the 'burbs where the people live.  We have about half a million inside the city limits and 11-12x outside, maybe the largest different in a metro are inside versus out.

Folks also talk about ITP and OTP, Inside the Perimeter.  We live very ITP.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 17, 2020, 09:10:18 AM
We've had issues "inside the city" with residents complaining about BBQ smoke and trying to shut down BBQ restaurants.  That's less of an issue in the 'burbs.

Franklin is in the city but not that close to residential areas, more of a commercial/warehouse kind of area.  But several other places receive regular complaints from the natives.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 17, 2020, 09:18:10 AM
We've had issues "inside the city" with residents complaining about BBQ smoke and trying to shut down BBQ restaurants.  That's less of an issue in the 'burbs.

Franklin is in the city but not that close to residential areas, more of a commercial/warehouse kind of area.  But several other places receive regular complaints from the natives.

If you want true Texas BBQ theres gonna be a smell (which to me smells great)
The folks who dont like that smell should move back to Chicago or where ever they 
rode their horse in from
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 17, 2020, 09:25:13 AM
Fox Bros. are from Texas, and their Q "smells" in a good way.

My first visit there I tried the pulled pork and it was kind of meh.  The wife's brisket was delicious.  I've had the PP again and it was quite good, so I guess I hit a bad batch.

They consistently make the top 5 lists around here, I want to try the 3-4-5 other places that are highly regarded.  One is called Community BBQ".

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 17, 2020, 10:17:17 AM
I can eat cheeseburgers till i roll away. However, if I'm buying them at a restaurant, it's almost always fast food.

I like grilling burgers, and feel I've gotten it down to an art form. My big move is to mix 1pkg of Lipton Onion soup into every 2lbs or so of 80/20 ground beef. Stir in 3/4 cup or so of water to get the soup liquid. I hand form around 1/2lb patties. My son thinks watching me splat the round ball from hand to hand before forming is hilarious!

While waiting for the briquets to ash over, I soak a handful of mesquite shards in water. When the briquets are ready, I drain the water and sling the shards onto the briquets. Getting the charcoal at the right temperature that I can cook the patties for 6 minutes or so on each side while the shards smoke up the place and still have medium rare burgers takes practice. If I can deep fry french fries with 'em, I'm usually set! I usually make about 6 lbs of burgers at a time, so that I don't gotta make dinner for a couple of days.

The onion soup does tend to make one gassy for a day or so. Be warned.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 17, 2020, 10:43:08 AM
Good burgers are really good, and easy to fix.  The wife likes hers rare (she orders steak blu rare).  I'm not a fan of rare burgers.

My little electric grill does a pretty decent job on them.  Open flame not allowed of course.

The other thing I do with left over grilled burger is make chili.  All I need is some spaghetti sauce and some chili powder and of course beans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 17, 2020, 11:13:57 AM

Good burgers are really good, and easy to fix.  The wife likes hers rare (she orders steak blu rare).  I'm not a fan of rare burgers.

My little electric grill does a pretty decent job on them.  Open flame not allowed of course.

The other thing I do with left over grilled burger is make chili.  All I need is some spaghetti sauce and some chili powder and of course beans.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 17, 2020, 11:34:06 AM
Somebody's gonna get cut.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 18, 2020, 08:42:58 AM

about a half teaspoon of this is plenty
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 18, 2020, 08:49:32 AM
A buddy of mine in Ohio gives me enough each fall to last me a while.  He grows his own chilis and garlic and freeze dries the stuff.  It's quite good, the best I've ever found anywhere.  The garlic gives it more balance and depth I think.  The wife doesn't like it too spicy so I have to govern the amount added of course, it's potent.

I don't really add beans.  Even with Cincy "chili", I don't like the beans in it, they are waxy and obtuse to me.

I do like beans in general though.   I snagged some bags of dried beans here lately and the wife thinks I'm nuts.

She's right you know....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 18, 2020, 08:50:44 AM
Im lazy so I use McCormick chili spice mix

just right for us
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 18, 2020, 09:36:41 AM
Im lazy so I use McCormick chili spice mix

just right for us
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 18, 2020, 09:36:57 AM

She's right you know....
we know
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 18, 2020, 10:05:29 AM
I love beans.  They're often served alongside chili down here in Texico.

I don't use powders, I make chili from reconstitituted dried chile peppers. Same way I start my enchilada gravy, actually.

Speaking of enchiladas, I'm hearing rumors that my absolute favorite Tex-Mex place in Austin will be closing permanently due to the virus.  They tried to do take-out for the first week or so, but then just shut it down.  They were planning on reopening, but now it seems like that's not going to happen.  Major bummer, for me.

RIP Enchiladas y Mas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 18, 2020, 11:35:49 AM
I love what my wife calls "ham-hock and beans" along with cornbread.  I love various confections that start with a can of "pork and beans" or "baked beans."
And I love chilli.  But not chilli and beans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 18, 2020, 01:00:05 PM
We had something back in the day called "fat back", and a variation called "streak lean".  My mom used the latter in beans and greens.

I never see either any more.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 18, 2020, 01:21:50 PM
Parts of a pig, right?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 18, 2020, 01:30:17 PM
We had something back in the day called "fat back", and a variation called "streak lean".  My mom used the latter in beans and greens.

I never see either any more.
I think these items are related to bacon as far as where on the hog you find it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 18, 2020, 03:25:16 PM (

Fat back oddly enough if fat from the back of a hog.

Streak of lean is from the lower part of the belly and has a streak of lean meat in the fat.  Both can be made into salt pork for longevity.

Southern cooking uses both for seasoning in vegetables.  If you have ever eaten turnips, you know why.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 18, 2020, 03:43:12 PM
Or collard greens.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 18, 2020, 03:49:37 PM
Greens generally need "something".,  Turnips almost have negative taste.  A lot of southern sides need "something", like say grits.

My Dad talked about "leather britches" which are dried green beans.  He made a batch one fall by spreading beans in the attic.  My mom hated them because they stunk when cooked.  I didn't go near them as a kid, I might try them now, maybe.  I tried seiche once.

Frying of course is magical for a lot of meat items, if done properly.  The wife used to like KFC until I introduced her to some properly fried chicken.  She likes the brisket a lot too.  She is becoming very southern, but hasn't the accent yet.

She even likes going to college football games.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 19, 2020, 09:41:35 AM
I love beans.  They're often served alongside chili down here in Texico.

I don't use powders, I make chili from reconstitituted dried chile peppers. Same way I start my enchilada gravy, actually.

Speaking of enchiladas, I'm hearing rumors that my absolute favorite Tex-Mex place in Austin will be closing permanently due to the virus.  They tried to do take-out for the first week or so, but then just shut it down.  They were planning on reopening, but now it seems like that's not going to happen.  Major bummer, for me.

RIP Enchiladas y Mas

perhaps you can track where the chef lands and try that place
but that is a bummer - hard to recreate the experience in a new building or location
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 19, 2020, 10:19:21 AM
Not really a single chef, it's actually a pretty large family and their family recipes are key.  Execution matters too of course.

Perhaps one or more of the family will land somewhere else, or start a new place, and bring the magic along with them.  The building is an old dump that was a "39-cent hamburger stand" before, so although I like it, it's not really important to the experience.  In fact, their parking always sucked because it was designed as a drive-thru hamburger stand, so I'd be okay with a new location that had better access.

Fingers crossed!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 19, 2020, 10:32:47 AM
The larger chain restaurants obviously buy their materials from the larger food supply houses, which isn't necessarily terrible, but if you find a small place that actually does some work to get their food, it can be exceptional.  We had lunch 5 times at a small place in a tiny village in France.  I asked the chef lady where she got her food.  She said she got up at 4 AM to go to a market in a nearby town for everything (but some basic stuff like salt I presume).

I doubt many US restaurants go to that much trouble although the "farm to table" movement is growing, whatever that may really mean.

I never see fresh tomatoes any more other than at a real farmer's market in season (or I grow them).  A taco or whatever with a fresh diced tomato can on its own be outstanding, same with pico etc.  Kroger tomatoes might as well be cardboard.

Imagine spaghetti sauce made from real tomatoes and homemade pasta .... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 19, 2020, 12:15:04 PM
The key for a Tex-Mex place whose specialty is enchiladas, is the gravy.  You can find dried chiles anywhere down here, even the lily-whitest grocery stores have tons of them, and the Mexican or Asian oriented grocery stores even more.  Same goes for comino, Mexican oregano, smoked paprika, and the works.  

The necessary cheeses are widely available as well, and of course tortillas.  Really easy to source the materials, not so easy to make it taste as delicious as my favorite places do. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 19, 2020, 12:42:42 PM
I have never had an enchilada that I thought was remarkably uniquely great, but of course I don't live in TexMex country, though we have a ton of Mexican places here (and immigrants).  We went to a place near us in Cincy that had mediocre good but good margaritas and a nice outside dining area.

There isn't much Mexican near me now, a Chipotle if that remotely counts, and a Tin Lizzys, which is OK.  The better rated places are out Buford Highway.  Oddly enough, they are crowded and have limited parking.  There are so many I don't know where to start (but did anyway). (

I got into Korean good in Cincy and the good places are also out on Buford Highway.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 19, 2020, 12:50:06 PM
I have never had an enchilada that I thought was remarkably uniquely great, but of course I don't live in TexMex country, though we have a ton of Mexican places here (and immigrants).  We went to a place near us in Cincy that had mediocre good but good margaritas and a nice outside dining area.

There isn't much Mexican near me now, a Chipotle if that remotely counts, and a Tin Lizzys, which is OK.  The better rated places are out Buford Highway.  Oddly enough, they are crowded and have limited parking.  There are so many I don't know where to start (but did anyway). (

I got into Korean good in Cincy and the good places are also out on Buford Highway.

Well that's the key, isn't it? :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 19, 2020, 02:22:59 PM
I would guess the profusion of Mexicans hereabouts almost makes thie Tex-Mex country.

It would be interesting to see what you think of some of these places.

I have had fish tacos in Mexico that were insanely good but the fish was fresh, and that of course is a factor in any dish.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 19, 2020, 02:35:43 PM
Maybe your "Mexican" food is Jawga-Mex.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 19, 2020, 02:51:55 PM
It might be, but maybe not.  That area is heavily Asian/Mexian, places my be Mex-Nam or Mex-Thai.  The diners are mostly Mexicans.

There is a MARTA line nearby that used to be the Yellow Line, but they changed it to the Gold Line so as not to be offensive.

Now I'm hungry.  I'm going to heat up that chili I made and serve it over a flauta with green onion and shredded cheese.  Yum.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 19, 2020, 04:21:47 PM

I would guess the profusion of Mexicans hereabouts almost makes thie Tex-Mex country.

It would be interesting to see what you think of some of these places.

I have had fish tacos in Mexico that were insanely good but the fish was fresh, and that of course is a factor in any dish.

Well there's a couple of issues there, because Tex-Mex isn't the same as Mexican, and even if a restaurant in Atlanta is specifically trying to make Tex-Mex, it won't necessarily be the same, in fact it most likely will not be.  We've had the discussion many times around here over the decades.  It's not just access to proper ingredients, or having the right recipes, or having knowledgeable people prepare the food-- local taste preferences affect the flavor of foods as much or more than any of those other factors.  

For example, you can get pulled pork here, made by people that absolutely know how to BBQ meats, but it still doesn't taste the same as the various versions of pulled pork you'll find in the Carolinas.  The local taste here just doesn't accept the same flavor profiles.  I don't like the flavor of adding vinegary sauces into the meat, and that's a staple in the Carolinas and across the southeast.  The way I make pulled pork involves no sauce at all, rather I just capture the drippings and reintroduce them after I'm done pulling the meat.  I love it and prefer it that way, but that doesn't taste the same as how you'd find it in many places in the southeast.

That's not to say you can't EVER find authentic representations of food outside their original geography, I've had excellent New Mexican food in Belgium.  But it does often result in something that doesn't taste as expected.  So it might be "good" but it's not necessarily "right."  Knowwhatimean?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 19, 2020, 04:24:38 PM
Maybe your "Mexican" food is Jawga-Mex.

It most likely is exactly that.  And I haven't had it so can't comment on whether it's good or bad.  But for the reasons I mentioned above, it probably doesn't taste the same as Tex-Mex.  That's my only point.

Doesn't mean it's not tasty, for sure.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 19, 2020, 06:50:03 PM
I'm merely reflecting on how many Mexicans live up that way and how most of the patrons are obviously Mexicans.  As I said, it could well be Viet-Mex.  Which might be tasty as heck.  I would notice if I went to a Mexican style place and most patrons looked like me.  That would be scary.

So, what do expats cook when they are away from their home country for other expats?  

According to the Pew analysis, metro Atlanta ranks nineteen among the sixty largest metro areas for total Hispanic population—the 546,000 Hispanics who live here represent eleven percent of metro residents, and more than half of the Hispanics in Georgia (880,000).Aug 30, 2013

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 19, 2020, 10:18:08 PM
Yeah I hear you.

"Hispanic" includes a whole lot that isn't Tex-Mexican or even Mexican. Miami has a huge "hispanic" influence.  They make a great Cuban sandwich but nobody'd ever accuse them of being Mexcian or Texican.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 20, 2020, 01:00:02 AM
It might be, but maybe not.  That area is heavily Asian/Mexian, places my be Mex-Nam or Mex-Thai.  The diners are mostly Mexicans.

There is a MARTA line nearby that used to be the Yellow Line, but they changed it to the Gold Line so as not to be offensive.

Now I'm hungry.  I'm going to heat up that chili I made and serve it over a flauta with green onion and shredded cheese.  Yum.
Please tell me that you are joking.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 20, 2020, 10:26:45 AM
Nope, true story. (

Moving to tamp a controversy that has reached the national news, MARTA CEO Beverly Scott said Thursday afternoon that the transit agency would change the name of its “yellow” train line, which goes to Doraville, home to a large Asian-American community. The line will now be called "gold."

Scott said the details had not been settled on exactly how to make the change, but it would be phased in -- a less expensive option than implementing it all at once.

"We’re thrilled," said Helen Kim, director of advocacy and education at the Center for Pan Asian Community Services in Doraville. "I think this shows that MARTA heard our voice and they are sensitive to our concerns."

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 20, 2020, 10:28:00 AM
The other lines are labeled Red, Blue, Green, so they use the primary and near primary colors.  The Green line isn't much of a line right now, it's a spur intended to be lengthened some day with one station.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 20, 2020, 10:37:03 AM
The other lines are labeled Red, Blue, Green, so they use the primary and near primary colors.  The Green line isn't much of a line right now, it's a spur intended to be lengthened some day with one station.

being part Indian I object to the color red

they need to change it immediately 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 20, 2020, 10:41:40 AM
Well, the Red Line doesn't run through or to some Native American enclave.  It runs from the airport through town north to the white 'burbs.

I wonder if they would ever have an Orange line.  They built kind of the skeleton back in the 1980s and figured they'd add to that over time, but money ...

It's quite handy for us when we fly somewhere other than Europe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 20, 2020, 10:51:02 AM
I'm a very envious person so I'm offended by the "Green Line."  They should change it immediately.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 20, 2020, 11:20:37 AM
I wonder if the Blue Line offends sad people.

This sort of thing only happens in Western society.  Does anyone think that the name a transit line in Tokyo would be changed because an immigrant community claimed that the color offended them?

Watch.  At some point down the line, Helen Kim (or her successor) is not going to like gold as the line's color, because it stereotypes the "Pan-Asian community" as being affluent.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 20, 2020, 12:16:40 PM
I wonder if the Blue Line offends sad people.

This sort of thing only happens in Western society.  Does anyone think that the name a transit line in Tokyo would be changed because an immigrant community claimed that the color offended them?

Watch.  At some point down the line, Helen Kim (or her successor) is not going to like gold as the line's color, because it stereotypes the "Pan-Asian community" as being affluent.

And if that Gold line goes near any Jewish communities, then look out!  

(and not because any Jews would be offended, but rather some group of WASPy suburban Facebook Karens would go on a Social Justice Warrior crusade on their behalf)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 20, 2020, 01:32:51 PM
We  might have a Jewish community in Druid Hills, I'm not sure, not near the subway.  Weird name, but a very early subdivision back in the day.  A lot of the early subdivisions when I last lived here were slums or near to it, and most have gentrified.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 20, 2020, 04:13:51 PM

should just call it the snowflake line
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 20, 2020, 04:19:19 PM
Snowflakes are white.  Sounds pretty racist to me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 20, 2020, 04:31:46 PM
Georgia governor announcing partial reopening of some stuff Friday and restaurants on Monday.

He says no local government can say different.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 20, 2020, 04:38:54 PM
At some point we collectively need to sack up and deal with the fact that life is full of little things we don't like, and we don't get to change them just because we don't like them.

I am offended by about 50% of the commercials I see on TV.  Either because they have a cut every 1.2 seconds (obviously aimed at millennials, not at me) or because they show the dad to be a doofus and the kids to be wise, benevolent, geniuses.  Or because they show a beautiful, athletic woman completely absorbed in pedalling away on her exercise bike while her little kid sits there at the side wondering when mommy is ever going to fix breakfast or give him a split-second of her oh-so-busy life, and yet the advertiser obviously implies that you'll be a much better parent if you'll just spend more time on the bike getting toned and fit.

But I'm not starting petitions to get them changed to my liking.

P.S.  And that sacking up means not only not making ridiculous complaints, but to say "no" to those who do.  And I am not advocating that we go around looking for reasons to tell people to suck it up.  For example, I have long thought that Confederate statues and war memorials should not be on public property and should not be funded by taxpayer money.  Most of them were put up as a way to tell black people to stay in their place, and we should have no place in our society for that.

But to get outraged about the "Yellow Line"--sheesh!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on April 20, 2020, 05:34:25 PM
I can't believe Threadgills is closing permanently.    It already stung when the Riverside location closed, but now there's no more Threadgills at all, sadly. 
Aside from the plague going on, every day Austin seems a little less-Austin-y, or at least the Austin I was a part of so many years ago. 

Been trying to support the local restaurant biz here, but we only order out once a week.  I'm sure there will be many that end up shutting down permanently around here as well.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 20, 2020, 06:02:42 PM
I can't believe Threadgills is closing permanently.    It already stung when the Riverside location closed, but now there's no more Threadgills at all, sadly.
Aside from the plague going on, every day Austin seems a little less-Austin-y, or at least the Austin I was a part of so many years ago.

Been trying to support the local restaurant biz here, but we only order out once a week.  I'm sure there will be many that end up shutting down permanently around here as well. 
I had no idea Threadgills is closing

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 20, 2020, 06:57:06 PM
Threadgills, Enchiladas y Mas, Magnolia Cafe', dozens of others I can't name right now.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 20, 2020, 07:30:01 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 22, 2020, 11:21:00 AM
My laptop is just a cheapie, $400 laptop.  I think it's a dimension, but I really don't know.  I know it's not a performance model, but it still seems slow.  

It's amazing to me how cheap you can buy a fully featured computer, even more so how cheap you can buy a full featured laptop for these days.  I remember in the 90's a full featured computer was about $3,000 once you figured in the monitor and printer.  Then they got faster (and cheaper!).  How often can you say that?  I remember when the price went below $1k, that was a big deal.  There was a lot of talk about how much Microsoft charged for Windows and what was going to happen to their price when it went below $800.  Then it went below that, and then halved again.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 22, 2020, 11:44:09 AM
My laptop is just a cheapie, $400 laptop.  I think it's a dimension, but I really don't know.  I know it's not a performance model, but it still seems slow. 

It's amazing to me how cheap you can buy a fully featured computer, even more so how cheap you can buy a full featured laptop for these days.  I remember in the 90's a full featured computer was about $3,000 once you figured in the monitor and printer.  Then they got faster (and cheaper!).  How often can you say that?  I remember when the price went below $1k, that was a big deal.  There was a lot of talk about how much Microsoft charged for Windows and what was going to happen to their price when it went below $800.  Then it went below that, and then halved again.
We have different memories of computers in the '90s, Gigem.
I got my first personal computer after I got back from Korea (where I used a PC every day) in 1988.  It was an IBM PS1 (?) with a 129 Mb Kb (thanks, Mr. Tulip) hard drive that I got at Sears for under $300.  There were obviously much more expensive ones available.
I was on either my 2nd or 3rd PC by 1993, when I was assigned to West Point.  The head of our Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy group, whose whole profession revolved around computers, said about getting a new one: "Get the $300 computer.  It won't be the best, but it will do what you need it to do.  When you need a new one, get another $300 computer."
I'm talking desktops here.  I don't like laptops or briefcases.  When I have to use one I will, with a mouse, but I don't enjoy using them at all.  My wife has a Dell laptop that I've had to take to summer teacher workshops.  I hate it.  Not because it's a Dell, but because it's a laptop.
Anyway, my current HP Pavillion (tower CPU) is probably going on 8 or 9 years, and it works fine for what I need it to do.  (Actually, its monitor failed after the warranty expired and I got a replacement from Acer.)  It--the original computer setup--cost more in the range of $400, IIRC.  So, inflation.
All the students where I teach are issued, to keep, Google Chromebooks.  I'm not sure what we're paying for those, but it's got to be in the range of $250-300, I would think.  I wouldn't give $25 for one.  It is a piece of junk, as far as I'm concerned.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 22, 2020, 11:53:04 AM
My laptop is just a cheapie, $400 laptop.  I think it's a dimension, but I really don't know.  I know it's not a performance model, but it still seems slow. 

It's amazing to me how cheap you can buy a fully featured computer, even more so how cheap you can buy a full featured laptop for these days.  I remember in the 90's a full featured computer was about $3,000 once you figured in the monitor and printer.  Then they got faster (and cheaper!).  How often can you say that?  I remember when the price went below $1k, that was a big deal.  There was a lot of talk about how much Microsoft charged for Windows and what was going to happen to their price when it went below $800.  Then it went below that, and then halved again. 

The Dell Dimension was discontinued in 2007 so your computer is well over 10 years old which is very long time for a computer

Trust me if you invest in a new low cost Dell you will be very pleased at the performance
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 22, 2020, 12:35:40 PM
I built my home PC around 2008 for about $600. It was nowhere near bleeding edge when I built it. I don't need to do anything to it today for one simple fact:

All the video games are played on the PS4 or the Switch.

Realistically, there aren't many things a home user does on a desktop style PC that touch the power of the processor except for video games. To a certain degree, maintaining sufficient memory can help with having apps open, and a decent video card handles most of the display load. Unless  you're folding proteins, optimizing databases, or resolving concurrent streams, your machine just won't get that taxed.

My networking gear, on the other hand...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 22, 2020, 12:37:19 PM
I built my home PC around 2008 for about $600. It was nowhere near bleeding edge when I built it. I don't need to do anything to it today for one simple fact:

All the video games are played on the PS4 or the Switch.

Realistically, there aren't many things a home user does on a desktop style PC that touch the power of the processor except for video games. To a certain degree, maintaining sufficient memory can help with having apps open, and a decent video card handles most of the display load. Unless  you're folding proteins, optimizing databases, or resolving concurrent streams, your machine just won't get that taxed.

My networking gear, on the other hand...

Manipulating some of the spreadsheets I use for global forecasting, spins up all cores of my processor and puts me in a 45-second timeout occasionally.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 22, 2020, 01:14:48 PM
The Dell Dimension was discontinued in 2007 so your computer is well over 10 years old which is very long time for a computer

Trust me if you invest in a new low cost Dell you will be very pleased at the performance
My bad, it's an Inspiron.  It's brand new.  Like I said, I don't find it any faster than my old one that is at least 4-5 years old with a full hard drive.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 22, 2020, 01:17:28 PM
Found the info for it...

Inspiron 3785
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 22, 2020, 01:24:29 PM
We have different memories of computers in the '90s, Gigem.
I got my first personal computer after I got back from Korea (where I used a PC every day) in 1988.  It was an IBM PS1 (?) with a 129 Mb hard drive that I got at Sears for under $300.  There were obviously much more expensive ones available.
I was on either my 2nd or 3rd PC by 1993, when I was assigned to West Point.  The head of our Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy group, whose whole profession revolved around computers, said about getting a new one: "Get the $300 computer.  It won't be the best, but it will do what you need it to do.  When you need a new one, get another $300 computer."
I'm talking desktops here.  I don't like laptops or briefcases.  When I have to use one I will, with a mouse, but I don't enjoy using them at all.  My wife has a Dell laptop that I've had to take to summer teacher workshops.  I hate it.  Not because it's a Dell, but because it's a laptop.
Anyway, my current HP Pavillion (tower CPU) is probably going on 8 or 9 years, and it works fine for what I need it to do.  (Actually, its monitor failed after the warranty expired and I got a replacement from Acer.)  It--the original computer setup--cost more in the range of $400, IIRC.  So, inflation.
All the students where I teach are issued, to keep, Google Chromebooks.  I'm not sure what we're paying for those, but it's got to be in the range of $250-300, I would think.  I wouldn't give $25 for one.  It is a piece of junk, as far as I'm concerned.
Wow, maybe I'm misremembering but it sure seems like computers were very costly in the early 90's.  But I was a broke teenager then, I didn't even buy a real computer until ~1997 and it was a cheap Packard Bell (!) that was about $800-1000 used (scratch and dent new).  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 22, 2020, 01:34:06 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 25, 2020, 07:19:40 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 25, 2020, 07:20:05 PM
Best Buy ad 1998.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 25, 2020, 07:39:23 PM
Man that takes me back.  Look at that CRT monitor!!!:86:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 25, 2020, 08:33:30 PM
Well, my "Get the $300 computer" story doesn't match that very well.  I have to say, I wasn't talking about a printer, much less a color printer, nor was I talking about an "AMD K6" whatchamacallit.  Still, even given those qualifications, that's more expensive than I remember computers being.  I have never paid anywhere close to $1500 for a CPU-monitor-speakers setup.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 29, 2020, 08:42:44 AM
Actually I couldn't find an ad from the mid 90's but I distinctly remember PC's costing a lot more than that.  I'm talking about a full feature PC from that era, monitor, CD-ROM drive (!), modem, printer, etc.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 29, 2020, 09:27:25 AM
I bought my first computer circa 1985 from Sam's for $1800.  It had a hard drive, which was a big thing at the time, and two floppy drives, and a green and black monitor.  It was better than the one I used at work, I think it had 256 MEGs of RAM.  Back then, DOS would only handle 640 maxed out, if that.

I used a program called Symphony, which was an enhanced version of Lotus 1-2-3.  It had word processing and communications on it.

That was a lot of money in 1985.  Might have been more like 1988, I think we were in the new house (1987).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on April 29, 2020, 10:47:29 AM
I don't know what it had cost, but I remember our old PC setup with the floppy disks.  There was a game my dad had loaded on it called Leisure Suit Larry that my brother & I used to play until my mom said we couldn't do it any more when she noticed us soliciting a hooker in a bar in the game.   I'm sure I was only around 10 years old at the time but for some reason I remember my mom forbidding the game from us, only there were no parental controls back then so we just did it when she wasn't around since Dad didn't seem to care.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 29, 2020, 10:56:05 AM
AMD K6 would have been cheaper than whatever the Intel equivalent was at the time, I guess probably a Pentium 2?  And AMD-based computers might have made up maybe 5-10% of the market at the time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 29, 2020, 11:11:59 AM
I bought my first computer circa 1985 from Sam's for $1800.  It had a hard drive, which was a big thing at the time, and two floppy drives, and a green and black monitor.  It was better than the one I used at work, I think it had 256 MEGs of RAM.  Back then, DOS would only handle 640 maxed out, if that.

I used a program called Symphony, which was an enhanced version of Lotus 1-2-3.  It had word processing and communications on it.

That was a lot of money in 1985.  Might have been more like 1988, I think we were in the new house (1987).

The nerd is me feels compelled to mention that your computer probably had 256 Kb, rather than Mb, of RAM. DOS could only do 640kb at a time. There were several reasons for this, chief among them being that no one would EVER need more memory than that!

Later implementations would still have this limitation, but would mitigate it by creating 640kb "pages" of memory - then using a manager to flip between them.

At the time, everyone used to reference the Library of Congress as their standard. A 40Mb hard drive could "store all the books in the Library of Congress" - like someone was going to do that, or understood what that meant. Anyway, 40Mb at the time was considered prohibitively large!

I had begun my "career" a few years earlier when my parents innocently purchased a TRS-80 Color Computer (the kind that plugged into the TV) as an educational project, with help from a family friend in charge of a local bank's nascent computing division, after I'd shown interest in his. Over a couple of birthdays, etc, I acquired a bank of double sided dual head floppy disk drives and a 300 baud modem. I could read faster than that.

I'd come home from school and tie up the home phone line for an hour or so, connecting to local messaging systems in town (I realize now that my old @$$ would have to explain what a BBS was to anyone who asked). There were no usable programs, but they all had text files and messages from around the world from older tinkerers. These were files and plans for things needed to mess with the phone system and cable networks.

Turned out that, yes, it was educational!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 29, 2020, 11:14:02 AM
I don't know what it had cost, but I remember our old PC setup with the floppy disks.  There was a game my dad had loaded on it called Leisure Suit Larry that my brother & I used to play until my mom said we couldn't do it any more when she noticed us soliciting a hooker in a bar in the game.  I'm sure I was only around 10 years old at the time but for some reason I remember my mom forbidding the game from us, only there were no parental controls back then so we just did it when she wasn't around since Dad didn't seem to care.

Good Old Games: They have a ton of old software from the "glory days" for like $2 each. The entire "Leisure Suit Larry" catalog is available.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 29, 2020, 11:59:37 AM
1st Hard drive I ever bought was 20 meg and cost $200 this was about 1988 I think
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 29, 2020, 06:36:47 PM
Yeah, kilobyters, how quaint, you are correct of course.

I think that computer had 540 kb of RAM.  I later upgraded it at some cost to a 386 processor and expanded the RAM.  It really didn't help.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 29, 2020, 10:14:42 PM
Mine must have had 129 Kb.  I remember that there was some function that came along that would double that to (I guess) 258 Kb.  That sounds like an odd number, though.

Here's an ad that showed up a Google search of "sears computer ad 1988."


That's more computer than mine was.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 30, 2020, 08:07:22 AM
I bought one of these for myself with lawnmowing money in 1981 or 82:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 30, 2020, 10:26:38 AM
I have stored data/programs on punch cards, reel tape, paper tape, cassette tapes, floppy drives, large hard drives (that were marvels at the time), and RAM.

The 029 IBM card punch machine was a marvel.  No erase or backspace though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 30, 2020, 10:33:51 AM
while going to the business school at UT we used punch cards to run various accounting assignments

many hours were spent at those punch card machines
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 30, 2020, 11:08:54 AM
Does anyone here admit to putting ketchup on hot dogs?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 30, 2020, 11:23:23 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 30, 2020, 12:09:16 PM
Does anyone here admit to putting ketchup on hot dogs?
anyone who puts ketchup on hot dogs prob puts ketchup on chicken
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 30, 2020, 12:28:42 PM
and beans in their chili
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 30, 2020, 12:39:50 PM
The history of ketchup is fascinating, to me anyway.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 30, 2020, 12:50:28 PM
The history of ketchup is fascinating, to me anyway.

maybe you should hunts up an article or 2 on it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 30, 2020, 01:08:10 PM
I put all the beheinz me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 30, 2020, 01:21:29 PM
I like mustard on a hot dog.  And chili, chopped onions, grated cheese.

But not ketchup.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 30, 2020, 01:28:26 PM
I like mustard on a hot dog.  And chili, chopped onions, grated cheese.

But not ketchup.

you just described an "old fassion" dog at James Coney Island

They are gooooood
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 30, 2020, 01:40:49 PM
I've heard a lot about JCI, but never had it.  We don't have them here in Austin, as far as I know.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 30, 2020, 02:21:14 PM
I eat my hot dogs with cheese and ketchup. Always have.

Except in Chicago. They had views. I tried it their way. Still prefer it my way.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 30, 2020, 02:39:15 PM
I like mustard on a hot dog.  And chili, chopped onions, grated cheese.

But not ketchup.

These are very popular at Cincinnati chili parlors, it's a menu mainstay there, called "Coneys". 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 30, 2020, 03:13:32 PM
Back in the '20s, there was a national franchise chain of "Coney Island" hot dog stores.  They sold "Hot Weiners" for 5 cents.  Yes, "weiners," misspelled and all.  That way they didn't infringe on anyone "wiener" trademark.  The "weiners" were smaller than normal franks, on smaller-than-normal buns.

One of these shotps was in Tulsa, started in 1926, and it became a staple in the middle of downtown.  Customers sat in antique school desks.  It was owned by the family of the original owner, Greek immigrant Christ Economou.  That guy may have been the founder of the national chain for all I know.  I know that he started his first one in McKeesport, PA, in 1919 and started others as well.  His deal was start 'em up, get 'em profitable, and then sell 'em and move on.  Anyway, when he got to Tulsa he stayed.  I don't know what happened to the chain, but the Tulsa store kept going on.  And it still exists, at its 3rd or 4th different location in downtown Tulsa.

This was, I think, the original.  It's either the one I remember going to back as early as 1963 or one that looks very much like it.  You can see the little school desks at the far right in the background.

[img width=500 height=376.989][/img][/size][/color]

At some point in the 1970s, the Economou family began opening copies, but named "Coney I-Lander."  I don't know if there was a family falling out or what, but the Coney I-Landers are now separate from the original store.  But they serve the same things: little hot dogs ("coneys"), tamales, chili, even spaghetti covered with the same chili.

Another Greek family in Tulsa, the Bouakadakises, started a hot-dogs-and-more restaurant called Jim's Never on Sunday Coneys in 1968.  My sister played softball as a kid with a later owner of this restaurant, which closed up shop about a year ago.  Maybe the younger generation didn't want to run a restaurant any more.

"Coney" may have come from the old Dutch word for "rabbit," conyn.  So "Rabbit Island."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 30, 2020, 03:28:51 PM
I've heard a lot about JCI, but never had it.  We don't have them here in Austin, as far as I know.
plenty in Houston
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 30, 2020, 03:58:31 PM
plenty in Houston
That's what I hear.

Presumably, they're pretty convenient, for people who actually, you know, live in Houston...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 30, 2020, 03:59:59 PM
JCI started in Houston back in the 1920s

Family owned until they sold out to investors in the 1990s

The thing I like about JCI is that they have never messed with what made them great

Sometimes they have a promotion when you can buy their original old fashion hot dogs for

$1 each

They also have excellent frito pie (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 30, 2020, 04:05:17 PM
I've had hot dogs at restaurants in Chicago, and street vendors in New Orleans of course.  

But in general, they're not something I really think of ordering, when I go out to eat.  I'm happy to make them on my own, but when I'm deciding what kind of food I want for a night out, I don't think I've ever been struck with the thought that I needed to order a hot dog.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 30, 2020, 04:13:31 PM
I can put a package of hot dogs under the broiler for a few minutes while I heat up a can of chili sauce. Everyone in the house can doctor up their stuff like they want and not bother me about it.

It's a cheap fast dinner when I don't feel like putting on a production.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 30, 2020, 04:28:49 PM
I can put a package of hot dogs under the broiler for a few minutes while I heat up a can of chili sauce. Everyone in the house can doctor up their stuff like they want and not bother me about it.

It's a cheap fast dinner when I don't feel like putting on a production.
Yeah, we probably do hot dogs at the house once every 10 days or so.  Same as you, plus a can of ranch style beans, and boom.  Insta-dinner.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 30, 2020, 04:36:03 PM
I've had hot dogs at restaurants in Chicago, and street vendors in New Orleans of course. 

But in general, they're not something I really think of ordering, when I go out to eat.  I'm happy to make them on my own, but when I'm deciding what kind of food I want for a night out, I don't think I've ever been struck with the thought that I needed to order a hot dog.
You dont go to JCI to "eat out"

Its a quick drive through thing

When I was working Id sometimes hit them for a quick lunch
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 30, 2020, 04:43:38 PM
You dont go to JCI to "eat out"

Its a quick drive through thing

When I was working Id sometimes hit them for a quick lunch
If you say so.  I doubt I'd even do that.  Hot dogs are something I make at home, not purchase at a restaurant.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 01, 2020, 12:24:38 PM
for the Sooners..............

There’s a Game of the Century watch party tonight on Nebraska Athletics’ Facebook page at 6:30 Central. | HuskerMax game page ( (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 01, 2020, 03:41:21 PM
Thanks, Fearless.  I'll try to watch it.

May have to mow my lawn earlier than planned.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 01, 2020, 03:59:45 PM
If you say so.  I doubt I'd even do that.  Hot dogs are something I make at home, not purchase at a restaurant.

Hot dogs "out" are insanely expensive, really.  If you go to a Nathan's out they are what, $4 each?  You can buy a pack of 8 for $5 easily.  It's not as if it takes a chef to cook them.  So, you add the cost of some buns and mustard and whatever else, you can make nice dogs at home easily for well under a buck each.

The Costco polish dogs are decent for $1.50 and come with a drink.  They were selling pizza today there by the slice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 01, 2020, 04:46:27 PM
Thanks, Fearless.  I'll try to watch it.

May have to mow my lawn earlier than planned.
Didn't have to wait or adjust lawn-mowing time.  I just watched the 1st half.
OU leads 17-14 and there's been a 14-point swing due to OU turnovers.  :'(
This is the first time I've watched that game since the day it was played.  I've seen Johnny Rodgers' punt return for TD about 500 times.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 01, 2020, 04:57:44 PM
Hot dogs "out" are insanely expensive, really.  If you go to a Nathan's out they are what, $4 each?  You can buy a pack of 8 for $5 easily.  It's not as if it takes a chef to cook them.  So, you add the cost of some buns and mustard and whatever else, you can make nice dogs at home easily for well under a buck each.

The Costco polish dogs are decent for $1.50 and come with a drink.  They were selling pizza today there by the slice.
At the Coney I-Landers in Tulsa, a Regular Coney--with mustard, chili & onions--is $1.69.  A Cheese Coney--with mustard, chili, onions & cheese--is $1.89.  A small refillable soda is $1.39, so three cheese coneys--all I care to eat for lunch--and a drink runs about $7.75 with tax.  I can't replicate them at home.  I can make up good hot dogs in a variety of ways, but I can't replicate coneys from Coney Island/I-Lander.  Whenever my niece and nephew from Texas come to visit, they always want to hit the closest Coney I-Lander.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 01, 2020, 06:07:05 PM
That is about the price of a cheese coney in Cincinnati, give or take, and they are not hard to make at home, should one wish, perhaps they are a bit different.

But, I'm talking about a regular run of the mill hot dog like you'd get at Nathan's.  One nice thing about hot dogs at the MB Dome in ATL is the dogs are $1 each.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 01, 2020, 06:35:03 PM
That is about the price of a cheese coney in Cincinnati, give or take, and they are not hard to make at home, should one wish, perhaps they are a bit different.

But, I'm talking about a regular run of the mill hot dog like you'd get at Nathan's.  One nice thing about hot dogs at the MB Dome in ATL is the dogs are $1 each.
The chili is what is hard to replicate.
There was a guy in Norman who wanted to start a Coney I-Lander franchise.  The Economou family declined, so he started his own "Top Daug"* coney restaurant.  He's gotten close, but the chili isn't quite the same.
* "Top Daug" was OU's basketball mascot during the Billy Tubbs era.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 01, 2020, 06:42:41 PM
Didn't have to wait or adjust lawn-mowing time.  I just watched the 1st half.
OU leads 17-14 and there's been a 14-point swing due to OU turnovers.  :'(
This is the first time I've watched that game since the day it was played.  I've seen Johnny Rodgers' punt return for TD about 500 times.
Dang!  Same result as before.  Turnovers were the key.  3 for OU, 1 for the Huskers.
In a closely matched game like that one was, the team that takes care of the ball better usually wins.  On 25 November 1971, that team was Nebraska.  Came from behind twice in the 2nd half to win it at the end.
That was a great game.  The '71 Huskers are one of the handful of teams with a claim to "best MNC team ever."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 01, 2020, 09:18:30 PM
Blue Angels and Thunderbirds over New York City



Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 01, 2020, 09:27:22 PM
and this (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 01, 2020, 11:05:35 PM
That's cool, 320!

Four F-16s from Tulsa's 138th Fighter Wing of the OK ANG overflew the hospitals here yesterday.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 01, 2020, 11:19:27 PM
They are flying here tomorrow in the afternoon.  I'm going to try and find a spot not too crowded to watch.  They should make a loop right over where we live.  Usually, we go up to the deck on top of our unit but the HOA has closed it.  Bummer.  It's a nice deck, great views of the area.  Our private decks only face east and north.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 02, 2020, 09:41:40 AM
I love watching the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds, so cool!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 04, 2020, 08:56:57 AM
We played Leisure Suit Larry on my friends Tandy. Later we played all the sequels on a PC in college. It was still kind of taboo. Do you remember the blacked out bar over Larry when he got it on with a hooker?  Lol. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 04, 2020, 09:35:49 AM
My wife used to play Oregon Trail

She would name all the people after her actual family members

By the time she made it to Oregon we were all toast
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 04, 2020, 09:40:54 AM (

This starts as they are about to overfly where we live.  In cockpit view.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 04, 2020, 10:39:20 AM
Flying tight formation is hard, hard, work.  You can see how that pilot's head is moving constantly to keep the other F-18s in the flight in sight and his own aligned with them.  He can't make big adjustments, but he's making constant fine adjustments to the stick, throttle, and rudder pedals. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 04, 2020, 01:01:30 PM
Yeah, he is tracking the plane to his left and the plane ahead and above, the plane to his right is tracking him.  Tremendous trust obviously.  And the normal turbulence at that altitude would make this incredibly challenging for any normal person.  They did this for 40 minutes.  

Of course, they land on carrier decks too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 05, 2020, 01:10:02 AM
At night.  In bad weather.  And high seas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 05, 2020, 09:51:54 AM
My CFI and I used to joke about landing our Cessna on a moving carrier headed into the wind, we'd have to be giving it throttle to keep up.

We usually touched down 40-45 knots or so.  A carrier headed into a 30 knot headwind going flat out would generate an air speed of 70+ knots.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 11, 2020, 10:32:09 AM
Hope everyone who has a mother, or a wife that's a mother, or is a mother, had a lovely Mother's Day yesterday.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 15, 2020, 12:33:09 PM
Marcus I finally sat down on the new Dell the other day to see why it was running so slow.  I discovered that it was trying to run all my files through Microsoft One Drive and of course my one drive was full at 5 GB.  I don't remember activating this setting but of course I did load my Microsoft Account onto the computer (I still use my hot mail account from the 90's of course) and I guess this is a default setting.  

I uninstalled one drive since I prefer to back up my docs elsewhere and that pretty much solved it.  It still freezes on occasion, especially on wake, but overall the computer is much faster.  It still peeves me that something like this could happen.  Shouldn't the software have enough "sense" that it knows that not only is one drive full but it's slowing the whole thing down?  I blame MS as much as Dell but it's kinda like a great car with a good motor and bad transmission. I filled out one of those customer satisfaction survey's a few days ago and let Dell know of my unhappiness.  

I guess I'm old school.  I'll use the computer as a local station and upload to the cloud whatever I deem necessary, not default to the cloud and then use my computer as a local terminal.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 15, 2020, 12:55:24 PM
Yep I dont use the cloud either which is the MS one drive program

I like backing up my files myself
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 15, 2020, 02:24:49 PM
Marcus I finally sat down on the new Dell the other day to see why it was running so slow.  I discovered that it was trying to run all my files through Microsoft One Drive and of course my one drive was full at 5 GB.  I don't remember activating this setting but of course I did load my Microsoft Account onto the computer (I still use my hot mail account from the 90's of course) and I guess this is a default setting. 

I uninstalled one drive since I prefer to back up my docs elsewhere and that pretty much solved it.  It still freezes on occasion, especially on wake, but overall the computer is much faster.  It still peeves me that something like this could happen.  Shouldn't the software have enough "sense" that it knows that not only is one drive full but it's slowing the whole thing down?  I blame MS as much as Dell but it's kinda like a great car with a good motor and bad transmission. I filled out one of those customer satisfaction survey's a few days ago and let Dell know of my unhappiness. 

I guess I'm old school.  I'll use the computer as a local station and upload to the cloud whatever I deem necessary, not default to the cloud and then use my computer as a local terminal. 

Oh yeah, OneDrive is a pain.  We use it at work, alongside Teams.  It's a native install on my system from the corporate image and it's maintained by our corporate IT, so I do have recourse when it screws up. But it still manages to tank me about once every couple of weeks.

Glad you at least got that bit cleared up.  For my personal stuff I'm kind of the opposite of you, I back everything to the cloud and just let 'er rip.  We maintain all of our family photos and videos through my wife's Dell XPS so I'd hate to lose any of that stuff.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 18, 2020, 02:38:08 PM
Oh, I back things up to the cloud, but I prefer to pick and choose what I want backed up.  To do lists from January?  Nope.  Pictures of things I bought in the store that had no barcode so I took a pic of the label on the shelf?  Nope.  Kids hauling in a nice redfish? Yep! 

I also had to disable the auto power off and sleep would freeze up quite often on wake/power on.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 18, 2020, 05:59:09 PM
I have it set to automatically back up certain drives/folders, and not others.  One-off stuff like to do lists never go into an important folder.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2020, 08:00:18 PM
Texas Longhorns athletes are requesting the removal of "The Eyes of Texas" as the school song and changes to names of campus buildings in an effort to make the Austin campus more inclusive to the black community.

Without these changes, athletes said they would practice and participate in team activities but "will not be participating in the recruitment of incoming players or other alumni events."

"The recent events across the country regarding racial injustice have brought to light the systemic racism that has always been prevalent in our country as well as the racism that has historically plagued our campus," the athletes said in a statement, which was shared by several students on social media.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 12, 2020, 08:43:44 PM
Texas Longhorns athletes are requesting the removal of "The Eyes of Texas" as the school song and changes to names of campus buildings in an effort to make the Austin campus more inclusive to the black community.

Without these changes, athletes said they would practice and participate in team activities but "will not be participating in the recruitment of incoming players or other alumni events."

"The recent events across the country regarding racial injustice have brought to light the systemic racism that has always been prevalent in our country as well as the racism that has historically plagued our campus," the athletes said in a statement, which was shared by several students on social media.


I really dont think we will be dropping the Eyes of Texas but hay it doesnt hurt to ask

Id say dont let the door spank your butt on the way out
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 12, 2020, 08:45:47 PM
can you believe what would happen to the various donors if they did away with The Eyes of Texas song

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2020, 10:12:33 PM
ya know, if giving up "the eyes" would magically fix the race issue on campus, it would be worth it

but, it won't
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 12, 2020, 11:01:10 PM
ya know, if giving up "the eyes" would magically fix the race issue on campus, it would be worth it

but, it won't
I dont think there is an end to it

they will always want more
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 13, 2020, 12:36:38 AM
Who are "they," 320?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 13, 2020, 12:53:35 AM
Who are "they," 320?
all the folks tearing down statues 

the little snowflakes offended by The Eyes of Texas

I swear to God if they do away with The Eyes I will never watch another UT game
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 13, 2020, 07:25:56 AM
I think there will always be some racism

it can certainly get better

it's much much better now that it was in the 60's

hopefully, 60 years from now it's that much better.  I think it can be.

snowflakes are fragile, but they have empathy and tolerance for others that are oppressed.  They have their good qualities.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 13, 2020, 10:41:00 AM
Human beings are more comfortable with folks who look like them, talk like them, think like them.  It's inherent.  It's not so much racism, as otherism.

I think the more one travels and is educated and has disparate experiences, the more one learns to appreciate diversity, for real, and understands that most humans of whatever ilk have the same basic aspirations.

Even Sooner fans.  Usually.  Sometimes.  Maybe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 13, 2020, 07:19:38 PM
Diversity can include dimensions beyond national ancestry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 13, 2020, 10:26:12 PM
Yeah, I recall being shocked, shocked I say, to realize that Damn Yankees are pretty much normal people.

I'm embarrassed to post that.

Maybe even some Sooners are OK too, not sure of that one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 13, 2020, 10:35:08 PM
You just never know.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 13, 2020, 10:36:29 PM
Can't we all just get along?

We pretty much do here, oorah.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 14, 2020, 12:27:28 AM
Well, this Big 12 board isn't exactly a beehive of activity or a hub of controversy.  2 Horns, an Aggie, a Dawg, and a Sooner occasionally post here, and that's about it for weeks, even months at a time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 14, 2020, 11:46:49 AM
a couple ex-Big twelvers

but, they don't count, they're different
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 14, 2020, 02:20:08 PM
Wish we could arrange a reunion again.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 14, 2020, 02:50:17 PM
Oops!  Forgot about Fearless.  He might be the most prolific poster on this board.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 15, 2020, 09:58:51 AM
I've said this in lots of places, so I'll say it here.

As a white man, I don't get to tell black students what's offensive.

I've read about the racist origins and debut of "The Eyes of Texas". Never in my lifetime of singing it did I sense that it might convey a racist feeling, but that's the crux of the problem. It isn't up to me. If the black students or alumni feel insulted by the tune, then we need to change it.

I'd rather lose a song than divide a people. I just ask that they be certain that they can't live with it before we trash over 100 years of tradition.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 15, 2020, 10:34:17 AM
I'd rather lose a song than divide a people. I just ask that they be certain that they can't live with it before we trash over 100 years of tradition.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 11:22:51 AM

I'd rather lose a song than divide a people. I just ask that they be certain that they can't live with it before we trash over 100 years of tradition.
If I thought it would end there I might feel as you do but it wont end there

The same group asking to abolish The Eyes of Texas wont stop there 

Did you know that a number of the defenders of the Alamo were slave holders including Travis
so where does that lead us

Soon there will be a call to tear down the Alamo as it represents slavery

Texas was a slave state so its hard not to have some ties to it in our history

are we going to destroy our history over this

be careful here cause today its the Eyes of Texas but tomorrow its always going to be something else
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 15, 2020, 11:43:23 AM
"Slippery slope" arguments rarely hold merit. As intelligent people, we have to argue each point on its own merits.

George Washington himself owned slaves. It's a sad fact that practically all of our American institutions owe themselves to the mistreatment of primarily black people. It will generally not be possible to untangle every point. If a point has other positive qualities, then those have to be considered, too.

However, here we're talking about a song. True, it's a song that's represented millions of alumni and Texas fans for over a century. It's an institution unto itself. It's still, though, a song. If that historical institution divides a Longhorn of color and makes him or her feel less than included, then we should change it.

I can't answer the question of how feelings of racism are attached to it. Only those affected by it can do that. Thus, I'm calling for them to understand what they're asking, and to be really sure change is needed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 15, 2020, 11:51:49 AM
It kind of doesn't matter at this point.  The damage is done.  Justly or not, it has been labeled as racist and it will be the target of criticism and controversy until it is removed. That label is a powerful accusation.  It's a powerful tool.  And sometimes, it's a powerful weapon.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 12:29:13 PM
It kind of doesn't matter at this point.  The damage is done.  Justly or not, it has been labeled as racist and it will be the target of criticism and controversy until it is removed. That label is a powerful accusation.  It's a powerful tool.  And sometimes, it's a powerful weapon.

so is there some point that you would stand up and say no we arent going to do that or are you guys simply going to keep bowing down and say please sir may I have another
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 15, 2020, 12:33:24 PM
I think to say the slippery slope argument rarely has merit is to go down a slippery slope.

One of the first slave holders in VA was a black man apparently.  Maybe there is a back story to that.

Georgia was the first colony to ban slavery.  They back doored it later though.

Some Union states allowed slavery during the Late Unpleasantness.  Delaware I think was one, and MD, KY, MO.

I seem to recall some mistreatment of people of Japanese ancestry circa 1942.

Slavery still exists in the world of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 12:49:27 PM
I think to say the slippery slope argument rarely has merit is to go down a slippery slope.

One of the first slave holders in VA was a black man apparently.  Maybe there is a back story to that.

Georgia was the first colony to ban slavery.  They back doored it later though.

Some Union states allowed slavery during the Late Unpleasantness.  Delaware I think was one, and MD, KY, MO.

I seem to recall some mistreatment of people of Japanese ancestry circa 1942.

Slavery still exists in the world of course.
you didnt answer my question
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 15, 2020, 12:59:29 PM
I didn't even know I had been asked a question.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 01:21:47 PM
so is there some point that you would stand up and say no we arent going to do that or are you guys simply going to keep bowing down and say please sir may I have another
Here is my question
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 15, 2020, 02:18:36 PM
That is like asking me if I'm still beating my wife.

I haven't been "bowing down" to anyone that I know of, so I can't stop doing what I'm not doing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 02:39:42 PM
That is like asking me if I'm still beating my wife.

I haven't been "bowing down" to anyone that I know of, so I can't stop doing what I'm not doing.
that remains to be seen
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 15, 2020, 03:44:07 PM
so is there some point that you would stand up and say no we arent going to do that or are you guys simply going to keep bowing down and say please sir may I have another
have you contacted the administration at UT-Austin and voiced your opinion

have you asked this question of the board of regents?? (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 03:52:12 PM
have you contacted the administration at UT-Austin and voiced your opinion

have you asked this question of the board of regents?? (
actually I have
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 15, 2020, 03:54:09 PM
good for you, I assume many others have done the same

if you are a donor of substance, your opinion might carry some weight
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 15, 2020, 03:54:49 PM
you didnt answer my question
I don't think CD answered your question because he was more responding to Tulip's discussion points.  I'm not sure why you'd get so hostile with him?

For me, I don't think there's anything to be done about it, so I'm not going to bother arguing about it.

I have indeed let del Conte know my thoughts in an email to him.  They were similar to what droog already posted.  At some point I'll likely let the Regents know as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 15, 2020, 03:55:50 PM
good for you, I assume many others have done the same

if you are a donor of substance, your opinion might carry some weight
Ain't that the truth.  I am NOT a donor of substance do I don't anticipate my opinion on the matter to carry much weight.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 04:56:34 PM
Ain't that the truth.  I am NOT a donor of substance do I don't anticipate my opinion on the matter to carry much weight.

If they actually abolish the playing id the Eyes of Texas Im gonna become a sooner or aggie fan

This really bothers me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 15, 2020, 05:01:42 PM
What is exactly is racist about "The Eyes of Texas"?  I mean, I heard that they sang it in black face 100 years ago?  Oh MY GOD!  Seriously, I agree with 320.  Give and inch and they'll take a mile.  

They are trying to remove the statue of Sully at A&M because he fought for the confederacy. How many Texans fought for the confederacy for that matter?  

The sad part is that America inherited slavery, it was brought here by the Europeans.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 15, 2020, 05:13:33 PM
The Eyes of Texas was parodying a Texas president who constantly paraphrased Robert E. Lee saying, "The eyes of the South are upon you!". It definitely originally referred to the Confederacy.

Here we have a symptom of the problem. White people can't tell black people that they're being offended by something that shouldn't offend them. If you've heard the term "white privilege", this is an excellent example. The origin of the song might not offend white people, but the black students are saying it does offend them.

The song might not need to go. Maybe, after discussion and acknowledgement, an understanding can be achieved. I think that understanding is extremely unlikely if white people start by dismissing the concern out of hand.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 05:14:48 PM
What is exactly is racist about "The Eyes of Texas"?  I mean, I heard that they sang it in black face 100 years ago?  Oh MY GOD!  Seriously, I agree with 320.  Give and inch and they'll take a mile. 

They are trying to remove the statue of Sully at A&M because he fought for the confederacy. How many Texans fought for the confederacy for that matter? 

The sad part is that America inherited slavery, it was brought here by the Europeans. 
This will explain why the song is considered racist


w ( a stretch
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 05:22:27 PM
The Eyes of Texas was parodying a Texas president who constantly paraphrased Robert E. Lee saying, "The eyes of the South are upon you!". It definitely originally referred to the Confederacy.

Here we have a symptom of the problem. White people can't tell black people that they're being offended by something that shouldn't offend them. If you've heard the term "white privilege", this is an excellent example. The origin of the song might not offend white people, but the black students are saying it does offend them.

The song might not need to go. Maybe, after discussion and acknowledgement, an understanding can be achieved. I think that understanding is extremely unlikely if white people start by dismissing the concern out of hand.
Id be willing to bet not one of the black athletes objecting to this song had any idea it was tied to some words spoken by Robert E Lee until an organizer told them it did

This is such a reach 

I hope we dont bow to this manufactured racism complaint
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 15, 2020, 05:44:56 PM
I'm pretty sure Vince Young and most other black ball players enjoyed and supported the singing of the Eyes after games

apparently all those players were ignorant?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 15, 2020, 06:19:53 PM
The Eyes of Texas was parodying a Texas president who constantly paraphrased Robert E. Lee saying, "The eyes of the South are upon you!". It definitely originally referred to the Confederacy.

Here we have a symptom of the problem. White people can't tell black people that they're being offended by something that shouldn't offend them. If you've heard the term "white privilege", this is an excellent example. The origin of the song might not offend white people, but the black students are saying it does offend them.

The song might not need to go. Maybe, after discussion and acknowledgement, an understanding can be achieved. I think that understanding is extremely unlikely if white people start by dismissing the concern out of hand.
Someone on surlyhorns suggested altering and updating the song, rather than abandoning it altogether.  He even suggested some really good lyrics that put inclusiveness at the forefront, but in a way that wasn't overly cheesy.  I liked his version and would be happy to sing it.

I'm pretty sure Vince Young and most other black ball players enjoyed and supported the singing of the Eyes after games

apparently all those players were ignorant?

I don't know about Vince Young specifically, but some former players have definitely reached out to the current players to have a conversation about what the song means to them.

We are continuously being told we need to "listen" to what the minorities are saying.  We'll see if they're willing to do the same.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 06:36:45 PM
Someone on surlyhorns suggested altering and updating the song, rather than abandoning it altogether.  He even suggested some really good lyrics that put inclusiveness at the forefront, but in a way that wasn't overly cheesy.  I liked his version and would be happy to sing it.

I don't know about Vince Young specifically, but some former players have definitely reached out to the current players to have a conversation about what the song means to them.

We are continuously being told we need to "listen" to what the minorities are saying.  We'll see if they're willing to do the same.
good comments utee
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 15, 2020, 08:29:34 PM
so is there some point that you would stand up and say no we arent going to do that or are you guys simply going to keep bowing down and say please sir may I have another
Here's where I am on that, 320.
As TAFKAD said, you have to take each case on its merits.  If you base everything on "what will 'they' demand next," you end up defending the indefensible.
At a national level, you can't defend Jefferson Davis just because you think that "they" will next demand that Lincoln statues have to come down too, and that Washington, DC, must be renamed.  I'm not familiar enough with who were the good guys (if any) and bad guys in Texas on the issue of slavery, but I'm sure that there have been many bad guys on race (and not just in relation to African Americans) since the Civil War, and certainly there are still some today, just as everywhere else.
So, bottom line, defend what is worthy of your defense.  But don't defend the unworthy on the theory that in doing so you will somehow pre-empt attacks on honorable institutions.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 15, 2020, 08:43:56 PM
The Eyes of Texas was parodying a Texas president who constantly paraphrased Robert E. Lee saying, "The eyes of the South are upon you!". It definitely originally referred to the Confederacy.

Here we have a symptom of the problem. White people can't tell black people that they're being offended by something that shouldn't offend them. If you've heard the term "white privilege", this is an excellent example. The origin of the song might not offend white people, but the black students are saying it does offend them.

The song might not need to go. Maybe, after discussion and acknowledgement, an understanding can be achieved. I think that understanding is extremely unlikely if white people start by dismissing the concern out of hand.
From afar, I have watched this unfold.  I was not aware of any racist history or undertones to "Eyes of Texas" before this blew up.  But I was not aware of any racist history to "I've Been Workin' on the Railroad" either, and that definitely has a racist history, as the words to the verses were originally written in 1894, at Princeton, of all places, in "Negro dialect."  Very, very crude Negro dialect.
OTOH, the tune of the verses comes from the Poet and Peasant overture, by Franz von Suppé.  "Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah" and "Dinah won't you blow your horn" come from two different sources, one from the 1840s and one from the 1940s.
I also didn't know that "Eyes of Texas" was an allusion to R.E. Lee and "eyes of the South" (I would actually guess it was "eyes of Virginia") either.  But that makes sense.
I was aware of the "cowboy minstrel show" history of the UT marching band uniforms, however.  Were I an aggrieved black UT student/alum, those outfits would have been my first targets. (é&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LVT9c3NEwzMjM3KTTIUuLUz9U3MDJMj8_Q0slOttLPLS3OTNYvSk3OL0rJzEuPT84pLS5JLbJKzs8tyC9OLVJIzkksBipZxCrgVpSYV6VQlp-nEFxaUHB45Q5WRgCtmgkYYAAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwin9srSi4XqAhUXOs0KHXNuDJcQmxMoATADegQIAhAD)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 15, 2020, 08:46:45 PM
Someone on surlyhorns suggested altering and updating the song, rather than abandoning it altogether.  He even suggested some really good lyrics that put inclusiveness at the forefront, but in a way that wasn't overly cheesy.  I liked his version and would be happy to sing it.

I don't know about Vince Young specifically, but some former players have definitely reached out to the current players to have a conversation about what the song means to them.

We are continuously being told we need to "listen" to what the minorities are saying.  We'll see if they're willing to do the same.
I think that "they" have had to listen to what "we" have been saying for a long time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 15, 2020, 09:18:47 PM
I dont have a huge problem with taking down statues of confederate generals but its way too much of a stretch to tie racism to The Eyes of Texas

defendable  or not I feel very strong on this and wont take it well at all if they are successful
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 16, 2020, 07:24:12 AM
I think that "they" have had to listen to what "we" have been saying for a long time.
Unsurprisingly, "you" don't seem to be listening to "me" at all.

I'm not asking "them" to listen to "us" here.  I'm asking "them" to listen to their own brothers and sisters of color, and practice what they preach. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 16, 2020, 07:44:50 AM
I dont have a huge problem with taking down statues of confederate generals but its way too much of a stretch to tie racism to The Eyes of Texas

defendable  or not I feel very strong on this and wont take it well at all if they are successful
At UT, most (probably all) of the confederate monuments were placed on campus in the early 1900s  They were placed there at the behest of wealthy UT donor and regent, Major George Washington Littlefield, who had fought in the Civil War for the Texas Rangers of the Confederacy.  Their intent was pretty clearly to defy the "Northern Aggression" and the result has always been that they make minorities uncomfortable and angry. 

I suppose some small argument could be made in favor of maintaining monuments to Texans that also happened to be confederates, but Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were not Texas historical figures, and had no relation to The University of Texas.  I don't think monuments to them were ever appropriate on the UT campus, and am happy to see them removed.

I also believe buildings that are named after known and documented racists-- guys like T.S. Painter who worked actively to keep black people out of the university-- should be renamed, without a second thought.  I attended two different Physics classes in that building-- Painter Hall--  and, at the time, had no idea of Painter's racist history.  If I had known, I would have been upset, back then.

The song, well, it might or it might not be something else.  But as droog pointed out, I don't get to tell someone what they should be offended by.  And at this point, the accusation of racism is likely enough to end its use.  But perhaps a compromise can be reached, like I mentioned earlier.  New lyrics that promote inclusiveness, and a well of support from former athletes, might be enough.  Or it might not be.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 16, 2020, 09:01:41 AM
These minor monuments really mean nothing to me, or much of anyone else really, except the strident.  I'm not very strident.

If they offend someone, I'd move them somewhere else, it's not a battle I would fight personally.  I'd leave it up to the locality.

We have a rather large one here that causes a ruction from time to time.  It's impressive and I imagine at some point it will be covered up or sand blasted away. (

The largest high relief sculpture in the world, the Confederate Memorial Carving, depicts three Confederate figures of the Civil War, President Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson. The entire carved surface measures three-acres, larger than a football field and Mount Rushmore. The carving of the three men towers 400 feet above the ground, measures 90 by 190 feet, and is recessed 42 feet into the mountain. The deepest point of the carving is at Lee's elbow, which is 12 feet to the mountain's surface.

The carving is actually much larger than it appears from Stone Mountain Park's attractions. Workers could easily stand on a horse's ear or inside a horse's mouth to escape a sudden rain shower. A dedication ceremony for the Confederate Memorial Carving was held on May 9, 1970. Finishing touches were completed in 1972.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2020, 09:26:32 AM
someday they will want mount Rushmore sand blasted
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 16, 2020, 09:55:47 AM
someday they will want mount Rushmore sand blasted
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2020, 10:13:40 AM
and the flag of the United States of American altered

and the National Anthem lyrics changed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 16, 2020, 10:17:16 AM
I'd prefer a different anthem actually ... but it's not a big deal to me at all.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 16, 2020, 10:29:18 AM
I'd prefer a different anthem actually ... but it's not a big deal to me at all.

well all you have to do is be offended and wala its changed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 16, 2020, 10:38:03 AM
Oddly enough, some things in life do offend me, and viola, they rarely get changed as a result of that.  So, in the main, I just decide not to be offended by much.

Looting offends me of course, but I can't really do much about it.  Crimes against persons offend me.  Telemarketers kind of offend me, but I realize they don't like their job at all.  I get letters sent to my ex-wife (since 1993) at this address which is mildly offensive to me.  These days when you move, everything follows you, except maybe what you actually WANT.

Ignorance offends me, unless it's my own.  No, really, it offends me when it is my own, and I try and remedy that if possible.

Crappy beer offends me because I lived in a time when we only had crappy beer.  Now we have good beer and people still drink swill.

People who denigrate historical items offend me, it doesn't accomplish anything.  There is a peace statue near me that someone spray painted "racist" on the base.  The statue is meant to be about peace.  Somebody scrubbed it off within one day, that unoffended me. (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 16, 2020, 10:39:46 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 16, 2020, 11:12:28 AM
I have always liked the statue in front of the under graduate library of the two marathon runners

I hope they arent discovered to be racist
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 11:18:13 AM
Unsurprisingly, "you" don't seem to be listening to "me" at all.

I'm not asking "them" to listen to "us" here.  I'm asking "them" to listen to their own brothers and sisters of color, and practice what they preach.
"Unsurprisingly"?  Ay-yi-yi!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2020, 11:28:04 AM
people come and go, statues come and go

the world keeps turning
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 11:51:20 AM
These minor monuments really mean nothing to me, or much of anyone else really, except the strident.  I'm not very strident.

If they offend someone, I'd move them somewhere else, it's not a battle I would fight personally.  I'd leave it up to the locality.

We have a rather large one here that causes a ruction from time to time.  It's impressive and I imagine at some point it will be covered up or sand blasted away. (

The largest high relief sculpture in the world, the Confederate Memorial Carving, depicts three Confederate figures of the Civil War, President Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson. The entire carved surface measures three-acres, larger than a football field and Mount Rushmore. The carving of the three men towers 400 feet above the ground, measures 90 by 190 feet, and is recessed 42 feet into the mountain. The deepest point of the carving is at Lee's elbow, which is 12 feet to the mountain's surface.

The carving is actually much larger than it appears from Stone Mountain Park's attractions. Workers could easily stand on a horse's ear or inside a horse's mouth to escape a sudden rain shower. A dedication ceremony for the Confederate Memorial Carving was held on May 9, 1970. Finishing touches were completed in 1972.
Stone Mountain State Park wouldn't exist at all if it weren't a monument to white supremacy.  The 2nd KKK was founded there in 1915 by the Knights of Mary Phelan, a "fraternal" organization that had lynched the Jewish man (Leo Frank) wrongfully convicted of murdering an employee of his family's store.  Site of cross burnings for many decades.  The original suggestion for the monument was to have it also depict KKK night-riders.
Gutzon Borglum, who would go on to do Mount Rushmore, was the first sculptor.  Despite being a Yankee, he was involved with the KKK, so he was acceptable.  But he got fired.  The finished product was modest compared to the fantastic monument that he proposed.
All in all, it seems to be a gigantic "Eff You" to the black citizens of Georgia.  And it also seems that that's exactly what it was intended to do.
Do white Georgians express any unease about it?
So white supremacist Gutzon Borglum went on to do Mount Rushmore--in his mind a monument to the great white people who had built America.  I wish it had never been done.  And the same with Stone Mountain.  Because once they're up, they acquire importance that is hard to dismiss.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2020, 12:01:41 PM
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down those sculptures!"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 12:36:50 PM
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down those sculptures!"
A bunch of them did come down.
A bunch came down in Iraq.
Tearing down statues is symbolic and doesn't necessarily fix the underlying problems.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 16, 2020, 12:57:19 PM
A bunch of them did come down.
A bunch came down in Iraq.
Tearing down statues is symbolic and doesn't necessarily fix the underlying problems.

we have to destroy history
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 16, 2020, 01:15:41 PM
I myself really don't care about most of the monuments that are specifically about the confederacy, especially the ones that depict Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis.  Especially the ones that are here in Tx.  

Of course, there are many more monuments that are about the confederacy or have confederates in them such as the one of Lawrence Sullivan Ross at A&M.  Wanting to tear down a monument just because a person fought in the confederacy is a little far IMO.  People are flawed, and most people back then were racist.  

It makes me wonder if in the future our descendants will be ashamed of each one of us posting because we used ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles.  Or, *gasp*, we participated in activities like boating or went on cruises that have especially high emissions and pollution.  You don't even have to leave a diary or letters like in the old days, nowadays it's all on the internet or stored somewhere digitally. We documented our own crimes, with pictures and video on social media.  Even this site may be stored somewhere 100 + years from now.  

Or we used plastic products, or worse, worked for a company that makes lots and lots of plastic like myself.  So, should I be lucky enough to get a statue built in my honor (unlikely) 50+ years from now will said statue then be torn down 150+ years later once they realize that I burned fuel, used plastic straws, and worked in the very industry that created all the pollution in the first place even though it was perfectly acceptable and normal at the time I did such things?  

After all, there are people right now living as green as they can, riding their bike, walking, using non-plastic items, bagging their own groceries with reusable bags, taking public transportation, etc and encouraging everyone else to do the same.  But just like in the old days, there are always people advocating for the abolition of slavery, equal rights, etc but most people just accepted the norm until the norm was changed either by war or some other external mechanism.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 16, 2020, 01:16:20 PM
we have to destroy history

Don't know what they'll do with ALL of the confederate monuments on UT campus, but the Jefferson Davis statue wasn't destroyed.  It was moved into a university museum of American history.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2020, 04:11:08 PM
changing your culture is fine and probably for the best in most cases

but condemning folks from the past that lived in a different culture isn't right or helpful

gambling is legal in Vegas, prostitution is legal in Vegas and other parts of the world.  Owning slaves was once legal and "normal".  This doesn't make slave owners great people, but it doesn't make them terrible folks either.

laws and cultures change
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 16, 2020, 05:17:43 PM
Yeah, what "we" view as "moral" or at least "OK" changes a lot over time, I think some aspects are hard wired, basically a thing that harms another individual physically (or monetarily etc.) but not so much emotionally.  I can legally yell at a person and make them feel bad, with some limited exceptions.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2020, 05:43:14 PM
reefer madness was a terrible thing at one time

not so much these daze
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 06:48:44 PM
we have to destroy history
Taking down a statue of Robert E. Lee does not destroy history, any more than taking down a statue of Adolf Hitler would.  (I'm not saying that they are the same thing.)
It's just choosing to no longer honor them on public property with taxpayer dollars.
Would you like a statue of Earl Browder, the 2-time head of the American Communist Party, erected on the campus of the University of Texas?  If there were one there now, would you want it to come down?  If you said yes, you'd like to see it come down, you wouldn't be destroying or erasing history.
When monuments have been in place for generations, they acquire an "importance" based on their longevity.  But that doesn't mean that erecting them in the first place was a good idea.
Before I got to OU, there was a mascot called Little Red.  He was a genuine Native American dressed in authentic period garb.  But by 1970 OU had retired him due to objections from various tribes.  Some OU fans even older than I am still lament that he was taken away.  But I think that it was the right decision, and OU football is not lessened because of Little Red's absence.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 06:53:40 PM
changing your culture is fine and probably for the best in most cases

but condemning folks from the past that lived in a different culture isn't right or helpful

gambling is legal in Vegas, prostitution is legal in Vegas and other parts of the world.  Owning slaves was once legal and "normal".  This doesn't make slave owners great people, but it doesn't make them terrible folks either.

laws and cultures change
We might argue about the "normal" part, but slavery was certainly legal.
People who owned slaves could have been otherwise decent, even honorable people.
But--IMO--that doesn't mean that in our day we can't (or shouldn't) decide to stop honoring them for their role in perpetuating slavery.
Robert E. Lee was by most accounts a fine man.  But statues of him weren't erected because he was a fine man, but because he was a great, effective commander in the war to perpetuate and expand slavery.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 07:01:14 PM
I myself really don't care about most of the monuments that are specifically about the confederacy, especially the ones that depict Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis.  Especially the ones that are here in Tx. 

Of course, there are many more monuments that are about the confederacy or have confederates in them such as the one of Lawrence Sullivan Ross at A&M.  Wanting to tear down a monument just because a person fought in the confederacy is a little far IMO.  People are flawed, and most people back then were racist. 
Why was the statue of Lawrence Sullivan Ross erected?  Would it have been erected had he not fought for the Confederacy?

It makes me wonder if in the future our descendants will be ashamed of each one of us posting because we used ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles.  Or, *gasp*, we participated in activities like boating or went on cruises that have especially high emissions and pollution.  You don't even have to leave a diary or letters like in the old days, nowadays it's all on the internet or stored somewhere digitally. We documented our own crimes, with pictures and video on social media.  Even this site may be stored somewhere 100 + years from now.  

Or we used plastic products, or worse, worked for a company that makes lots and lots of plastic like myself.  So, should I be lucky enough to get a statue built in my honor (unlikely) 50+ years from now will said statue then be torn down 150+ years later once they realize that I burned fuel, used plastic straws, and worked in the very industry that created all the pollution in the first place even though it was perfectly acceptable and normal at the time I did such things?  

After all, there are people right now living as green as they can, riding their bike, walking, using non-plastic items, bagging their own groceries with reusable bags, taking public transportation, etc and encouraging everyone else to do the same.  But just like in the old days, there are always people advocating for the abolition of slavery, equal rights, etc but most people just accepted the norm until the norm was changed either by war or some other external mechanism.
People of future generations will have to make their own decisions.  They might decide that people who worked to expand and extend actions that in their (future generations') time seem evil are not worthy of having public monuments erected in their honor.

New information on historical figures is always being unearthed, and new perspectives on the past are always emerging.  We disparagingly call this "revisionist history" when we don't like the new perspectives, while we cheer it when we like what the new information reveals.  Historiography--the writing of history--always says more about the people at the time the history is being written than it does about the historical people whose lives are being written about.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 16, 2020, 07:10:34 PM
CW wait till you see what will happens to our school's history books
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 07:28:05 PM
CW wait till you see what will happens to our school's history books
What you fear has already happened.  It was happening when you were in school.
But it's not all bad.
Woodrow Wilson is getting closer scrutiny, which I support.  He has gotten a pass from historians IMO because he was a progressive and he had a Ph.D.  Now historians are dealing with his racism and re-segregation of the federal government.
The Progressives in general are getting closer scrutiny, with their unpleasant underside beliefs like eugenics and scientific racism being exposed.
Slavery is seen as the fundamental cause of secession and civil war, not just one among many causes, or even almost irrelevant.
We can't control what the future generations say of us except by doing the best we can to do the right thing.
I don't think preserving statues of traitors erected on public property for bad reasons would look very good to them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 16, 2020, 08:02:49 PM
What you fear has already happened.  It was happening when you were in school.
But it's not all bad.
Woodrow Wilson is getting closer scrutiny, which I support.  He has gotten a pass from historians IMO because he was a progressive and he had a Ph.D.  Now historians are dealing with his racism and re-segregation of the federal government.
The Progressives in general are getting closer scrutiny, with their unpleasant underside beliefs like eugenics and scientific racism being exposed.
Slavery is seen as the fundamental cause of secession and civil war, not just one among many causes, or even almost irrelevant.
We can't control what the future generations say of us except by doing the best we can to do the right thing.
I don't think preserving statues of traitors erected on public property for bad reasons would look very good to them.
as I said before I dont have a huge problem with the statues of civil war confederate generals

I fear it wont stop there

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 16, 2020, 08:22:56 PM
CW this is what Im talking about (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2020, 08:43:58 PM
CW wait till you see what will happens to our school's history books
no battle of bull run?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 16, 2020, 08:49:24 PM
no battle of bull run?
not even Gettysburg
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 09:03:25 PM
CW this is what Im talking about (
That's where the fight should be, IMO.  But people who have discredited themselves by rioting over statues of Confederates will have no credibility in that fight.
We've got to make distinctions between the defensible and the indefensible.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 09:04:18 PM
History textbooks are de-emphasizing military history in general, not just Civil War battles.  That's not a good thing, IMO.

Traditionalists (like me) are losing in the culture wars.  But, again, protesting Confederate statues or other remnants of slavery, Jim Crow, etc. being removed is not the way to start winning those wars.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 16, 2020, 09:23:56 PM
That's where the fight should be, IMO.  But people who have discredited themselves by rioting over statues of Confederates will have no credibility in that fight.
We've got to make distinctions between the defensible and the indefensible.
well right now no one is speaking up cause they are scared to death of BLM

companies are being run out of business and people are getting fired for speaking out against BLM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 09:35:41 PM
There has definitely been some gross overreach.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2020, 10:05:28 PM

We've got to make distinctions between the defensible and the indefensible.
I only wish both sides would attempt to take this approach
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2020, 11:07:01 PM
No doubt about that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 17, 2020, 06:57:29 AM
History textbooks are de-emphasizing military history in general, not just Civil War battles.  That's not a good thing, IMO.

Traditionalists (like me) are losing in the culture wars.  But, again, protesting Confederate statues or other remnants of slavery, Jim Crow, etc. being removed is not the way to start winning those wars.
I didn't learn much at all history in school.  I later became interested in it, and was fascinated by what I had no clue about.  History classes in school were BORING and memorization of silly dates.

It's not so much what isn't taught as it is what is "taught" so poorly no one learned anything useful.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 17, 2020, 09:08:34 AM
I suppose Oklahoma is reasonably typical in this.  A history certification is relatively easy to get, so coaches are often history teachers.  When I was hired at my present job, I was the only male history teacher (out of 6 or 7) who was not a coach.  And coaches tend to be coaches first and teachers second.  So coach/history teacher tends to give the kids worksheets while he reviews video from last week's game.

There are coaches who are exceptions to this, and I've worked with some of them.  But the tendency to focus on coaching is usually there if the coach wants to keep coaching.

History is most interesting when it is told as a narrative, rather than working through one theme at a time.  But textbooks often don't present it that way, and teachers can't teach it that way if they don't know much more than what is in the book.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 17, 2020, 11:19:39 AM
Why was the statue of Lawrence Sullivan Ross erected?  Would it have been erected had he not fought for the Confederacy?
People of future generations will have to make their own decisions.  They might decide that people who worked to expand and extend actions that in their (future generations') time seem evil are not worthy of having public monuments erected in their honor.

New information on historical figures is always being unearthed, and new perspectives on the past are always emerging.  We disparagingly call this "revisionist history" when we don't like the new perspectives, while we cheer it when we like what the new information reveals.  Historiography--the writing of history--always says more about the people at the time the history is being written than it does about the historical people whose lives are being written about.
Sul Ross was a former governor of Texas who was pretty popular it seems.  They wanted to re-elect him but apparently he had enough of the governorship and wanted to do something else so they appointed him as the President of A&M.  He came to A&M at a critical point in the college's history and turned things around for the better.  At the time certain forces in the state wanted to de-fund and close the college down but Sully made changes that pushed A&M forward.  Oh, btw, he also established Prairie View A&M which is a black college. 

 Honestly I never really knew who or what he really was or did for the college but I knew that he used to be a governor and college president and that there was a statue of him that people would put pennies on.  Like most prominent southern figures in the mid to late 1800's they've all got a little baggage whether it be fighting for the confederacy or dealing in slavery in one way or another.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 17, 2020, 12:14:04 PM
I think all my HS history teachers were coaches, every one of them.  One of them was decent, my varisty BBall coach.  I had one quarter in college, all that was required, an honors level course with only 8 students.  It also was meh.  

I took sociology in college because it was a very easy A and I needed some liberal arts courses.  That was sort of interesting actually but not because of the professor.  They counted German as a liberal arts credit fortunately as I needed that for my degree anyway.  German was not easy though, took a lot of time and I made 4 Bs in it.  I can barely speak a word now.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 17, 2020, 01:21:57 PM
Sul Ross was a former governor of Texas who was pretty popular it seems.  They wanted to re-elect him but apparently he had enough of the governorship and wanted to do something else so they appointed him as the President of A&M.  He came to A&M at a critical point in the college's history and turned things around for the better.  At the time certain forces in the state wanted to de-fund and close the college down but Sully made changes that pushed A&M forward.  Oh, btw, he also established Prairie View A&M which is a black college.

 Honestly I never really knew who or what he really was or did for the college but I knew that he used to be a governor and college president and that there was a statue of him that people would put pennies on.  Like most prominent southern figures in the mid to late 1800's they've all got a little baggage whether it be fighting for the confederacy or dealing in slavery in one way or another.
Thanks, Gigem.
I just read on another site that Ross was also supposedly involved with the Klan.  That is coming to be the kiss of death as we have arrived at our reckoning with the unsavory aspects of our past.
One of the men who built Tulsa (my home) from a town into a city back in the teens and twenties was a guy named Tate Brady.  There was a E-W street running through the northern part of downtown named for him.  That led to the Tulsa Municipal Theater acquiring after a few decades the nickname of "Old Lady of Brady."  And there was the development of the Brady Arts District.
Well, in recent decades, as the long-hushed-up Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 began receiving attention and research, it turns out that Tate Brady was a member of the KKK and may have played a key role in organizing the armed invasion of whites into "Black Wall Street" and the adjacent residential areas to put Tulsa's blacks "in their place" by killing them and looting their homes.
It shouldn't have been much of a surprise.

[img width=500 height=311.989][/img]
So, a few years ago, Brady Street was renamed Matthew Brady Street after the Civil War-era photographer.  It (sort of) kept the alphabetical ordering of E-W streets north of Main, but it didn't really satisfy anyone.  Matthew Brady had no connection to Tulsa whatsoever.  So now the street is Reconciliation Way.
The names on that flyer/poster are some of the most prominent Tulsans of the day.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 17, 2020, 01:28:32 PM
I think all my HS history teachers were coaches, every one of them.  One of them was decent, my varisty BBall coach.  I had one quarter in college, all that was required, an honors level course with only 8 students.  It also was meh. 

I took sociology in college because it was a very easy A and I needed some liberal arts courses.  That was sort of interesting actually but not because of the professor.  They counted German as a liberal arts credit fortunately as I needed that for my degree anyway.  German was not easy though, took a lot of time and I made 4 Bs in it.  I can barely speak a word now.
I took 4 semesters of German in HS, and when I was in Germany 20 years later I found that I could barely say bitte schön and danke schön.  And while I had a decent German accent (so I was told), I could never do the German "r" very well.  Words like lehrer and richtig never quite rolled off my tongue.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 17, 2020, 01:52:37 PM
The Sul Ross thing gives me pause.

We know of plenty of statues and monuments that were erected for no other reason than naked intimidation of black people during critical periods of history. Usually, these monuments feature someone of something that has nothing at all to do with the area. Robert E. Lee had nothing to do with Dallas, Texas, yet it featured a statue. These deliberate provocations are long overdue for removal.

Sul Ross has a reason to be memorialized on A&M's campus. Likely, without his lobbying and support, there'd be no present day A&M campus. He earned plaudits in his own right before undertaking the abhorrent cause of the Confederacy.

I'd ask that, in that light, do black students at TAMU feel insulted or demeaned by the statue? Be prepared to listen to the dialog. It's not for me to supply both sides of the debate. I've got to listen to the other.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 18, 2020, 10:59:46 AM
I've never heard of Sul Ross being a part of the KKK and I can't find out if he owned any slaves or not (the light research I did says that his family may have had slaves but he did not).  He was a Texas Ranger before the Civil War and apparently did some Indian killin' and such.  He was actually seriously injured (shot in the chest) fighting the indians early in his life but recovered.

I hate how people look back on history through the lens of modern judgement.  You judge somebody based upon their actions appropriate to the time they lived in.  I'm not even sure racism was a word back then.  Heck, even among white people they were pretty racist against each other.  

At the end of the day if you tear down statues like Sull Ross and his contemporaries then you have to do the same for Washington, Jefferson, etc.  They all owned slaves and participated in some bad things by modern standards.  

I think there remains a pretty big divide among modern America as well in that there is a big misconception that everyone who fought in the civil war was fighting to keep slavery intact.  Sure, slavery was a big reason why the civil war occurred but there just so much more to it than that.  

To sum it up I give you the words of my 7th and 8th grade history teachers:  
7th Grade:  No matter what anyone tells you, the civil war was not about slavery.
8th Grade:  No matter what anyone tells you, the civil war was about slavery.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 18, 2020, 11:30:12 AM
Here's a little copy pasta from another board.  Take from it what you will: (

Folks, please read this biography, maybe we can pass to as many folks as possible. May not change any minds, but at least people will know more about him...good or bad.

Maybe it can be passed to our athletes for their enlightenment also

11 June 2010

Letter to the Editor

For the past few days I have noted the stories and conversation flying around about Sul Ross. True to form, there is a tremendous amount of misinformation and hype about President Ross. His life and career is one of the most researched and chronicled of Texans prior to 1900. I have spent over 40 years reviewing dozens of newspapers, archival documents, and publications on his life. Ross was an honorable man. However, there were opinions about him when he was alive and there have been barrels of ink used since 1900 to tell his story some of which, to no one's surprise have been politically motivated and revisionist in nature.
Ross was a household name by the time he was 19. Working on the Brazos Reservation near Graham with his father Shapley Ross, he was enlisted in the rangers to help stem the tide of hostile rouge Indians and disruptive white trouble makers, who attacked both new settlers in the region as well as friendly Indians on the reservation. There were those who encroached on Indian lands and efforts were made to stop them. The late 1850s was a very unsettled and violent period on the western frontier of Texas.
Ross did indeed serve in the Confederate army, as did thousands of Texans including the entire 1883 inaugural faculty at the University of Texas. He returned home to Waco and received a full presidential pardon. He was one of the most vocal supporters of local education for all. He worked with a number of African American and Indian families as the region struggled to recover. Known for his impartial fairness he was recruited to run for sheriff and arrested a growing gang of white-criminal squatters that preyed on citizens across East Texas. He abhorred mob violence and was swift to advocate harsh punishment for violators. To emphasis law and order he was the founder and catalyst in 1874 for the Sheriff's Association of Texas, that still functions today.
His only other known memberships was as a Mason (the College Station lodge is named in his honor) and a supporter of a veterans group that raised funding and assistance for the widowed and orphaned families.
As a state senator he championed education, frontier improvements, and agricultural affairs. In 1886 he was elected governor by one of the largest percent vote totals of any governor in Texas. A fiscal conservative he balanced the state budget yet insisted that education at all levels be funded. Texas A&M and Prairie View Normal College would not be here today if it were not for Sul Ross! When opponents in Austin attacked, he went direct to the legislature to prevent them from cutting off funding to both schools.
He continued to lead the efforts to expand African American rural schools when radical Democrats wanted to de-fund support of local black education and halted numerous attempts to attack the funding for Prairie View, fighting and demanding the legislature to do the right thing.
He won and provided additional funding and jobs after establishing one of the first agricultural experiment stations at an African American college in the United States.

When African American Senator William Holland proposed the hospital for the "Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Institute" (today MHMR), Ross supported the full funding. Against massive opposition from the radical white Democrats he appointed Holland, a Union Army war veteran, as its first director. When asked why, Ross simply noted, "He was the best man for the job."
Concerned with the Texas criminal process he insisted on a review and upon receiving the report he realized the inequity of justice and pardoned more African American sentences that all the previous governors combined.
In 1890, at a time when he could have pursued other elected office or returned to his farm near Waco, he was offered the presidency of the A&M College of Texas. The school was struggling to jell into an institution, having faced low budgets, faculty turnover, poor water, and limited housing for students. There were no traditions as we know them today and a bleak undeveloped campus. Known statewide and very popular, it was said after he arrived parents sent their sons not to A&M but "to Sul Ross."
And it was not only sons that attended A&M, Ross routinely enrolled from 7-9 girls each year, known as 'special students' (some wore cadet uniforms), and the credits they earned were transferable to other colleges. Prior to his death in early 1898 he proposed a school for girls to be co-located with A&M, the plan was supported by the Former Students (Cadets) Association and the local Bryan merchants who were quickly excited by the potential benefits to the local economy.
Ross increased the age to enroll, required entrance exams, and instilled an atmosphere and esprit de corps that rightly gives him claim as the founder of A&M traditions with the advent in the 1890s of football, the Aggie Band, the Aggie ring, the Battalion newspaper, corps trips, march to the Brazos, and much more that sealed the identity and image of what was to be known a few years later as the Fightin' Texas Aggies and Aggieland.
One of his greatest accomplishments was the support of Prairie View. While opponents in Austin yearly worked to kill funding, Ross made sure the only public school of high education for African Americans would grow and prosper. Ross hired close personal friend, Professor Edward L. Blackshear, the former director of African American schools in Austin when he was governor in the late 1880s, to become the 'principal' (president) of Prairie View.
Blackshear, the most prominent black educator and leader in Texas, testified to the "nobility of his character and his genuine support of education for colored youths."
In addition to Ross and his staff spending a great deal of time at Prairie View, including holding periodic board meetings in Hempstead, Ross hosted Blackshear, his staff and students both at his resident on the A&M campus but also at his home in Waco. To encourage the growth of black education, he arranged special reduced train rates for the Black Baptist State Association to hold their annual meetings in Bryan and a chance for him and Blackshear to urge the clergy to promote education back home in their congregations.
Ross instilled a source of excellence and pride in higher education and expoused transcendent values of equality and justice for all in Texas. It is for this reason that to honor him and his legacy of selfless service as governor and his years of dedication to education for all Texans, the State of Texas and the Legislature, not some outside organization, approved funding for an official State of Texas statue in 1919, conspicuous in civilian dress, to honor President Sul Ross.

And thus, it is the totality of the man's life for which the statue stands.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 18, 2020, 11:54:00 AM
The Sul Ross thing gives me pause.

We know of plenty of statues and monuments that were erected for no other reason than naked intimidation of black people during critical periods of history. Usually, these monuments feature someone of something that has nothing at all to do with the area. Robert E. Lee had nothing to do with Dallas, Texas, yet it featured a statue. These deliberate provocations are long overdue for removal.

Sul Ross has a reason to be memorialized on A&M's campus. Likely, without his lobbying and support, there'd be no present day A&M campus. He earned plaudits in his own right before undertaking the abhorrent cause of the Confederacy.

I'd ask that, in that light, do black students at TAMU feel insulted or demeaned by the statue? Be prepared to listen to the dialog. It's not for me to supply both sides of the debate. I've got to listen to the other.
Let me ask you a serious question:  How does Stephen F Austin compare to Sul Ross?  The man actually owned slaves, and there are documents that show he was instrumental in bringing slavery to Texas even against the Mexican governments wishes.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 18, 2020, 12:35:53 PM
so these Texas statue guys not only owned slaves or supported slavery, but they also committed the racist atrocities of killing Mexicans and native Americans?!?!?!?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 18, 2020, 02:21:57 PM
so these Texas statue guys not only owned slaves or supported slavery, but they also committed the racist atrocities of killing Mexicans and native Americans?!?!?!?
Yup. Get a rope.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 18, 2020, 05:49:35 PM
Let me ask you a serious question:  How does Stephen F Austin compare to Sul Ross?  The man actually owned slaves, and there are documents that show he was instrumental in bringing slavery to Texas even against the Mexican governments wishes. 

I hope you don't think my answer here is a cop out. I don't mean it that way. I really mean this to the point.

The point here is that I can't answer that question from a useful perspective. I'm a 48 year old white guy. Everywhere I go, I fit in.
It's not possible to put up a statue that "offends" me, because my position in this society has never been threatened. There's no representative out there that enslaved my ancestors. I can't sit in a lecture hall named after an academic that famously enforced the status quo by refusing to recognize my father as a human being worthy of acceptance. In short, it is simply not possible for me to entertain a frame of reference by which I can relate to the oppressed. I'm the living embodiment of "not oppressed".

It is inarguable that all our heroes (who are lauded with statues and plaques) are all humans with shortcomings and faults. Those faults might be put off as a "sign of their times", but that's just not for me to say. If a person of color claims to be genuinely hurt by the presence of these statues, then I've got to listen. I'm not saying I'm obligated to agree and act, but I've got to listen first. We can have a dialog and discuss human failings and historical contexts, but I've got to do most of the listening.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 18, 2020, 06:24:10 PM
MLK Jr. apparently had his flaws, as do we all.   I don't think that means we shouldn't celebrate what he accomplished.

Einstein married his cousin.

If you ever read anything about Paul Dirac, you might note that his fellow physicists thought he was weird and extremely smart.

Imagine Einstein thinking you are smart.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 18, 2020, 06:24:21 PM
I hope you don't think my answer here is a cop out. I don't mean it that way. I really mean this to the point.

The point here is that I can't answer that question from a useful perspective. I'm a 48 year old white guy. Everywhere I go, I fit in.
It's not possible to put up a statue that "offends" me, because my position in this society has never been threatened. There's no representative out there that enslaved my ancestors. I can't sit in a lecture hall named after an academic that famously enforced the status quo by refusing to recognize my father as a human being worthy of acceptance. In short, it is simply not possible for me to entertain a frame of reference by which I can relate to the oppressed. I'm the living embodiment of "not oppressed".

It is inarguable that all our heroes (who are lauded with statues and plaques) are all humans with shortcomings and faults. Those faults might be put off as a "sign of their times", but that's just not for me to say. If a person of color claims to be genuinely hurt by the presence of these statues, then I've got to listen. I'm not saying I'm obligated to agree and act, but I've got to listen first. We can have a dialog and discuss human failings and historical contexts, but I've got to do most of the listening.

Counterpoint-- a statue of Barry $witzer on the UT campus.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 18, 2020, 09:51:39 PM
I hope you don't think my answer here is a cop out. I don't mean it that way. I really mean this to the point.

The point here is that I can't answer that question from a useful perspective. I'm a 48 year old white guy. Everywhere I go, I fit in.
It's not possible to put up a statue that "offends" me, because my position in this society has never been threatened. There's no representative out there that enslaved my ancestors. I can't sit in a lecture hall named after an academic that famously enforced the status quo by refusing to recognize my father as a human being worthy of acceptance. In short, it is simply not possible for me to entertain a frame of reference by which I can relate to the oppressed. I'm the living embodiment of "not oppressed".

It is inarguable that all our heroes (who are lauded with statues and plaques) are all humans with shortcomings and faults. Those faults might be put off as a "sign of their times", but that's just not for me to say. If a person of color claims to be genuinely hurt by the presence of these statues, then I've got to listen. I'm not saying I'm obligated to agree and act, but I've got to listen first. We can have a dialog and discuss human failings and historical contexts, but I've got to do most of the listening.
Oh ok then.  White guy, can't have an opinion.  Or at least can't really express your opinion, because, you know, you might offend somebody.  

Look, just think of it in these terms. 

Sul Ross = bad white man, killed indians and mexicans, and fought for slavery.  Erase him from our history.  Take the statue down, everything's good right?  

Stephen F Austin = worse white man.  Indian killer and mexican killer.  In fact, maybe the father of slavery in Texas.  Helped establish slavery here, supported people who wanted it even going against the Mexican government.  

Here are some snips from Austin's wikipedia page:  

Austin continued to encourage violence both against and between the Indian tribes, culminating in 1825 with his order for all Kawankawa to be pursued and killed on sight.[19] (

Arguing that the loss of slaves would be ruinous to the colony, he arranged for his settlers to receive eighty acres of land for each slave they brought with them to Texas. In August 1825, he recommended that the state government allow immigrants to bring their slaves with them through 1840, with the caveat that female grandchildren of the slaves would be freed by the age of 15, and males by age of 25.[36] ([34] (,_p._191-34)[37] ( His recommendation was rejected.

Austin went before the legislature and pleaded that, at the least; his original 300 colonists should be allowed to keep their slaves.[37] ( He argued against the "bad faith" of freeing them, demanded reparations ( to slaveowners for every slave emancipated by the state, warned that the loss of slaves could leave some colonists destitute, and reasoned that freeing them would not only leave his settlers alone in the harsh Texas environment, but would also expose them to the discomfort and nuisance of living amongst freed slaves, who would become vagrants seeking retribution upon their former owners.[42] ( While he waited for the legislature's verdict of his request, Austin went into a deep depression over the issue and sent his brother, Brown Austin (, to further lobby the legislature on his behalf.[32] (,_p._190-32)[39] (,_p._206-39)

Texas must be a slave country. Circumstances and unavoidable necessity compel it. It is the wish of the people there, and it is my duty to do all I can, prudently, in favor of it. I will do so.[37] ("

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 18, 2020, 09:52:25 PM
Hell, in comparison of Sul Ross to Stephen Austin, Ross was a god damn saint in fact.  

So just go ahead and plan on changing Austin back to Waterloo.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 18, 2020, 11:03:44 PM
Forget that, Waterloo is named after a part of England, and the English are the a-holes that created slavery in the colonies from the very beginning.  It's all THEIR fault.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 19, 2020, 07:27:43 AM
A part of England?  Named after a small village in Belgium I presume?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 19, 2020, 08:43:07 AM
While we are at it we better look into the song "Go tell Aunt Rhody the old gray goose is dead" song

for the aggies

Im sure there must be something there thats racist
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 19, 2020, 09:07:24 AM
Never heard of that song. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 19, 2020, 09:17:20 AM
Actually the roots of the name are somewhat uncertain. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 19, 2020, 09:32:26 AM
Oh ok then.  White guy, can't have an opinion.  Or at least can't really express your opinion, because, you know, you might offend somebody. 

Look, just think of it in these terms.

Sul Ross = bad white man, killed indians and mexicans, and fought for slavery.  Erase him from our history.  Take the statue down, everything's good right? 

Stephen F Austin = worse white man.  Indian killer and mexican killer.  In fact, maybe the father of slavery in Texas.  Helped establish slavery here, supported people who wanted it even going against the Mexican government. 

Here are some snips from Austin's wikipedia page: 

Austin continued to encourage violence both against and between the Indian tribes, culminating in 1825 with his order for all Kawankawa to be pursued and killed on sight.[19] (

Arguing that the loss of slaves would be ruinous to the colony, he arranged for his settlers to receive eighty acres of land for each slave they brought with them to Texas. In August 1825, he recommended that the state government allow immigrants to bring their slaves with them through 1840, with the caveat that female grandchildren of the slaves would be freed by the age of 15, and males by age of 25.[36] ([34] (,_p._191-34)[37] ( His recommendation was rejected.

Austin went before the legislature and pleaded that, at the least; his original 300 colonists should be allowed to keep their slaves.[37] ( He argued against the "bad faith" of freeing them, demanded reparations ( to slaveowners for every slave emancipated by the state, warned that the loss of slaves could leave some colonists destitute, and reasoned that freeing them would not only leave his settlers alone in the harsh Texas environment, but would also expose them to the discomfort and nuisance of living amongst freed slaves, who would become vagrants seeking retribution upon their former owners.[42] ( While he waited for the legislature's verdict of his request, Austin went into a deep depression over the issue and sent his brother, Brown Austin (, to further lobby the legislature on his behalf.[32] (,_p._190-32)[39] (,_p._206-39)

Texas must be a slave country. Circumstances and unavoidable necessity compel it. It is the wish of the people there, and it is my duty to do all I can, prudently, in favor of it. I will do so.[37] ("

I never said you can't have an opinion. White guys can most certainly have an opinion, and need to be part of the dialog.

The issue, as I understand it, is that we white guys, the ones who have essentially set the tenor and flavor of how America is run for around 400 years, keep having the "I don't see a problem there, so your opinion is stupid." line. We're being asked right now to listen. The concern from the black community may not seem like a big deal to us, but that's mostly because we've been able to see things through a culture that we've arranged to our own liking.

Think of it as the difference between being a guest in someone's house and having ownership of the house. When you're a guest, the host may try to make you comfortable, but you'll always be living in someone else's place. When you have an ownership stake, you can criticize the drapes and throw the dated Nagel print (gasp!) in the dumpster. Courtesy dictates you discuss it with the other owners, but they're not free to dismiss your opinion out of hand.

If the black community raises concerns about the presence of a statue, it's time we discussed it. No one's obligated a priori to a certain decision, but honest discussions are required.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 19, 2020, 10:23:41 AM
Imagine Einstein thinking you are smart.
sorry, can't even imagine
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 19, 2020, 06:28:23 PM
We had a sign posted in the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering at West Point.  It was allegedly a quote from Einstein.

"As a young man, my fondest dream was to become a geographer. However . . . , I thought deeply about the matter and concluded that it was far too difficult a subject. With some reluctance, I then turned to physics as an alternative."
That quotation was debunked in 1997, but it was great while it lasted.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 19, 2020, 06:32:23 PM
All history is revisionist history.  It's not an objective field of study, so nothing is ever "settled."

As I think I posted elsewhere (or maybe it was earlier in this rather longish thread), when we hate the new interpretation, we scornfully call it "revisionist," as it has just been made up.  When the new interpretation is one we agree with, we call it "proof positive."

History is always seen through the lens of the present, with the present's ideals and prejudices coloring it.  That was the case when the "original" version that we agree with was written, and it will still be the case long after we have decayed to dust.

Oh, the Civil War was about slavery.  The people who mattered, the planter elite, and the few others who had any input, made it very clearly that that was why their states were seceding.

Why men fought--that is a different subject.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 19, 2020, 06:36:57 PM
On the eve of the Civil War, the South was about as close to a medieval, feudal society as there was in Western civilization.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 19, 2020, 10:40:02 PM
I am not supportive of the Confederacy any more than I would support the Nazis.  I do admire certain generals like Manstein and Black and Jackson and Forrest, but also Sherman.

We don't hear much about Manstein and Balck in  the US.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 19, 2020, 10:42:43 PM
my 7th grade teacher must have told me the civil war wasn't all about slavery 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 19, 2020, 10:46:05 PM
I am not supportive of the Confederacy any more than I would support the Nazis.  I do admire certain generals like Manstein and Black and Jackson and Forrest, but also Sherman.

We don't hear much about Manstein and Balck in  the US.
Manstein a little, Balck not much at all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 19, 2020, 10:47:58 PM
my 7th grade teacher must have told me the civil war wasn't all about slavery
I don't know about your 7th-grade teacher, but my 9th-grade Alabama History teacher told me that it was all about states' rights.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 19, 2020, 10:56:18 PM
she wasn't wrong
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 20, 2020, 06:52:50 AM
A lot was about the new states, whether they would be slave or free.  The 1820 Compromise delayed the Civil War over that issue.

Without slavery, no war.

Speaker of the House Henry Clay proposed that Congress admit Missouri to the Union as a slave state, but at the same time admit Maine (which at the time was part of Massachusetts) as a free state. In February 1820, the Senate added a second part to the joint statehood bill: With the exception of Missouri, slavery would be banned in all of the former Louisiana Purchase lands north of an imaginary line drawn at 36º 30’ latitude, which ran along Missouri’s southern border.

Former President Thomas Jefferson ( wrote to a friend that the “Missouri a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror. I considered it at once as the knell of the Union. It is hushed indeed for the moment. But this is a reprieve only, not a final sentence.”

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 20, 2020, 09:53:20 AM
I used to enjoy some Henry Clay cigars
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 20, 2020, 11:25:21 AM
Henry Clay was known as "the Great Compromiser," and it was meant as a compliment.

It's funny, in an unpleasant way.  All but one the sectional conflicts of the antebellum era were over slavery.  The exception was the Nullification Crisis of 1832-33, and even that one was indirectly about slavery, because, as John C. Calhoun saw it, if the North was able to impose an unacceptable tariff on the South, the next thing you know, the North will be trying to ban slavery in the South.

The others were the Missouri Compromise (1820), the Wilmot Proviso (1846) the Compromise of 1850, the Ostend Manifesto (1854) the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), "Bleeding Kansas" (1856-61) the Dred Scott Decision (1857), and John Brown's Harpers Ferry Raid (1859).

Also, because of the slavery issue, Congress could not pass a homestead act or a pacific railroad act.

Considering all that, it is mind-boggling that for a century-plus after the Civil War, American schoolchildren (at least in some parts of the country) were taught that the Civil War was not about slavery.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 20, 2020, 11:51:46 AM
It's a popular revisionist aspect of history for some, Area 15 gets riled up over any suggestion that slavery perhaps was a major cause of the CW.

Confirmation bias.

It puzzles me why anyone wishes to think that.  What good does it do, aside from being ridiculous?  

Well, a lot of stuff puzzles me some, but I don't expect solutions.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 20, 2020, 12:10:21 PM
Nobody wants to think, "My people started a war that killed 750,000 Americans and it was all about preserving slavery."

I wonder if that is related to the widespread disbelief that the punk Lee Harvey Oswald could have acted alone to kill the most powerful man in the free world?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 20, 2020, 01:16:02 PM
As I often note, humans are prone to forming a half backed conclusion on something and then cherry picking whatever they have to to support said opinion.

Incidentally, I am reading up on Culp's Hill currently.  I think I need to go back and spend more time on the terrain there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 20, 2020, 01:22:32 PM
Ive been to Culp's Hill

on the far right of the Federal line

If I remember correctly it was protected by Custer cav during the battle but I may be wrong

anyway it was very heavily wooded and so was a challenge to the attacking confederates to take
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 20, 2020, 01:35:16 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 20, 2020, 02:53:08 PM
As I often note, humans are prone to forming a half backed conclusion on something and then cherry picking whatever they have to to support said opinion.

Incidentally, I am reading up on Culp's Hill currently.  I think I need to go back and spend more time on the terrain there.
Who's the author?  Harry Pfanz, by any chance?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 20, 2020, 03:03:52 PM
Ive been to Culp's Hill

on the far right of the Federal line

If I remember correctly it was protected by Custer cav during the battle but I may be wrong

anyway it was very heavily wooded and so was a challenge to the attacking confederates to take
I don't know of Custer participating in the defense of Culp's Hill.
His noteworthy achievement at Gettysburg was on Day 3 fighting Stuart to standoff long enough for Stuart to abandon whatever it was he was behind the Union lines trying to do.  That took place at what is now called East Cavalry Field, ENE of Culp's Hill.

Hannover Road at the bottom of this map runs W by N to the center of Gettysburg.
Custer received a brevet promotion to major for this fight.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 20, 2020, 03:52:42 PM
Culp's Hill was an infantry fight.  No cavalry in that terrain.  Some arty.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 20, 2020, 04:24:44 PM
Culp's Hill was an infantry fight.  No cavalry in that terrain.  Some arty.
Yep.  Any cavalry would have had to be dismounted.  They would only have been put into that fight if they were the last troops Meade had to throw in.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 20, 2020, 05:13:49 PM
Yep.  Any cavalry would have had to be dismounted.  They would only have been put into that fight if they were the last troops Meade had to throw in.
I thought he was attached to a group defending Culp's Hill and held in reserve until Stewart did his thing but you would know better then me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 20, 2020, 06:14:26 PM
Not as far as I know, 320.

After Buford's cavalry division fought Confederate infantry on the morning of Day 1 (1 July), the Union cavalry didn't do much except to perform flank and rear security until Day 3, when Custer had his fight with elements of Stuart and Farnsworth had an unfortunate and fatal fight with Confederate infantry to the south of the main battlefield (at what is now called South Cavalry Field).  Farnsworth was stupidly ordered into near-certain death by his division commander, Judson "Kill Cavalry" Kilpatrick.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 20, 2020, 06:22:09 PM
Who's the author?  Harry Pfanz, by any chance?
I'm reading on line stuff right now.  The accounts vary.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 20, 2020, 07:19:35 PM
If you want to buy a genuine book, Harry Pfanz produced the most intensively researched accounts of Gettysburg as of 25 or 30 years ago.  He went to great lengths to synchronize the various accounts and get accurate timelines.  They are well-written too.

Culp's Hill and Cemetery Hill is the volume that would be relevant in this case.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 21, 2020, 09:48:57 AM
Heh, I had JUST ordered both books from before reading this note.  I read an one line sample of the Culp's Hill book and ordered both.

My neighbor told me about last night, so I put it to use.

I've been to Gettysburg twice and was being used by others as a tour guide, so I never made it to Culp's Hill.  They had seen the movie and that was their interest.  I always wonder how the trees have changed over the years, I know they tried to restore them to a degree.

I've been to Chickamauga and it's just woods everywhere, and monuments, lots of monuments.

I've visited every major battle field but Shiloh.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 21, 2020, 10:13:10 AM
Heh, I had JUST ordered both books from before reading this note.  I read an one line sample of the Culp's Hill book and ordered both.

My neighbor told me about last night, so I put it to use.

I've been to Gettysburg twice and was being used by others as a tour guide, so I never made it to Culp's Hill.  They had seen the movie and that was their interest.  I always wonder how the trees have changed over the years, I know they tried to restore them to a degree.

I've been to Chickamauga and it's just woods everywhere, and monuments, lots of monuments.

I've visited every major battle field but Shiloh.
Ive also been to Gettysburg twice

We also visited Harpers Ferry, Antietam and Vicksburg

At Vicksburg we had one of the Daughters of the Confederacy take us on a tour

That was really a treat
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 21, 2020, 12:37:52 PM
My last assignment in the Army was at the Combat Studies Institute at Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth.  Within our department, we had a staff ride team under the direction of Dr. William G. Robertson, one of the pre-eminent academics who began reviving the staff ride concept in the 1980s.  (Dr. Jay Luvaas at the Army War College was another.)  We did staff rides of Chickamauga (our "marquee" event, although far from my favorite), Shiloh, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, and both battles of Bull Run/Manassas.  Those were just the Civil War battles.  We also did "Sioux Wars," which included the Fetterman Massacre, the Wagon Box Fight, the Battle of the Rosebud, and the Battle of Little Bighorn.  We also did the Battle of Attu (Aleutians, 1943), which was the 2nd-bloodiest battle of the Pacific War in terms of casualty rates.

They were all hard work and most of them were also very enjoyable.  Gettysburg was unique in that our staff-riders were foreign students attending C&GSC.  The foreign officers had to take a course on the American Civil War (which American students could not take), and it culminated with the Gettysburg staff ride.

It was on McPherson's Ridge, where we were just breaking for lunch after discussing Lee's instructions to Longstreet on the morning of Day 2, that I had one of the more memorable experiences of my 20 years in the Army.  A Ukrainian colonel with a Ph.D. told me as we were walking to the picnic area, that he was very glad that the Union had won our Civil War.  I of course agreed, but I asked him what in particular prompted him to say that.  He said words to this effect: if the Confederacy had won, the United States would not have been able to lead the fight for freedom in the 20th century.  That was pretty impressive coming from a guy who had been on the opposite side during the Cold War.

Vicksburg ("the Gibraltar of the Confederacy") I think was the most interesting.  We did that one for the students in the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) program that was an extra year for the top C&GSC graduates.

Grant tried several different approaches to get to the high ground on the Vicksburg (east) side of the Mississippi River.  A failed attack north of Vicksburg at Chickasaw Bayou in Dec 1862.  Two or three expeditions going up the Yazoo River north of Vicksburg.  An attempt to dig a canal to bypass Vicksburg.  An attempt to use Lake Providence as the start point for a canal.  Finally, he ran past Vicksburg's artillery batteries at night and got most of his army, most of his gunboats, and most of his transport boats through.  Then, a gunboat duel with shore batteries at Grand Gulf.  Finally, a landing at Bruinsburg on the east bank on the night of 30 April and the inland advance beginning on 1 May.  On that day, Grant seized Port Gibson, the "town too beautiful to burn."  Then came an operational pause while Grant collected his forces and considered his options.  Then, cutting himself off from his base of supplies, in quick succession, Grant defeated the Confederates at Raymond on the 12th, at the state capital of Jackson on the 14th, at Champion Hill on the 16th, at the Big Black River on the 17th, and began the siege of Vicksburg on the 18th.  One of the best campaigns in American military history.

What was funny was that Dr. Robertson was a Virginian through and through, and he just wouldn't/couldn't give Grant his due.  Despite the obvious results of the campaign, he had to find his ways to denigrate Grant at every opportunity, even to the point of claiming that Mark Twain wrote Grant's memoirs.  Which, to be fair, is a theory.  A widely debunked theory, but a theory.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 01, 2020, 04:16:45 PM
My Pfanz books arrived.  I've read to the beginning of Day Two.  My impression is that Ewell's forces were rather disorganized after clearing the town and an assault on Culp's Hill would have been problematic without good intel.  What would Jackson have done in that situation?  That is the focal point of a novel I'm writing incidentally about a very young VMI Lieutenant that Jackson took a liking to.

The LT had a personal slave named Billy who was with the group at Chancellorsville and heard rifles clicking and pulled Jackson back and was shot instead and saved Stonewall.  Stonewall at first was quite angry that someone would pull him almost off his horse but then realized what had happened and had his personal doctor endeavor to save Billy (and he did).  So, I get Stonewall to Gettysburg after he is highly tempted to raid Harrisonburg.

I'm trying to figure out now what he would do given the same situation on the evening of Day One.  I'm going to have him attack the hill in the waning light.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 11, 2020, 08:48:35 PM
Since we're just speaking hypthetically, we could suppose that Jackson would have had a tighter rein on his division commanders in the fight north of Gettysburg, and would have had his forces in somewhat better order coming out of Gettysburg on the south.  And he would have understood that Lee's "if practicable" meant "if at all possible."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 11, 2020, 08:55:04 PM
Speaking of the Shiloh battlefield--it's like the battle itself.  Very cut-up and confusing.  Nothing like the near-mile of separation between Seminary Ridge and Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg.  You can understand how units got misoriented and intermingled once the shooting started and the woods filled with smoke.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 12, 2020, 07:50:30 AM
I read Pfanz's book on Cemetery/Culp's Hill.  I am very surprised the casualties were as low as they are reported to have been.  I'd think in some cases nearly everyone in an attacking regiment would have been KIA/WIA.  The Federals had the high ground and most were behind some sort of barricade, and they had rifles, granted muzzle loaders.  I suppose the reason is that few of the shots fired hit anyone.  But the volume of shots fired must have been deafening.  

And of course once a regiment starts an attack and breaks cover if the attack fails they have to retrace their steps under fire, cannon and rifles.

Maybe the CW soldiers were not very good shots, or maybe many were firing blind, or just volley firing in the general direction.

And the casualties were of course horrific.  It's also interesting how many of the WIA recovered from gun shot wounds, maybe less a limb or two.

I know folks like Sam Bell Hood took several serious wounds and got back in the fight, so to speak, hereabouts in fact.  We have historical markers all over about this or that unit moving this or that way.  The terrain is so urbanized it is hard to get any feel for it though.  Peachtree Creek is a decently largish creek and has a rather deep valley, for a creek.  The city is building some walking paths along parts of it now, which could get interesting.  It's not a major obstacle I'd guess, but it is significant.  I guess back in the day there would be fords along where the valley didn't cut so deep.  And the river here is substantial, we had lunch the other day at a nice place right on the river.  I was musing about getting across it with wagons and artillery.  I suppose in August the flow is pretty low compared to now and there would be fords.  

It's pretty astonishing to me what 1860s armies were able to traverse, Sherman getting up through SC is really a something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 12, 2020, 07:51:48 AM
I just got the new book on Grant, am enjoying it very much, same author as my book on John Marshall (SCOTUS Justice).

I'm reading about the Mexican War part, it just ended and Grant has just resigned from the Army.  The man had some "bad luck" with money.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 12, 2020, 10:50:56 AM
Interesting thing about those muzzle-loading rifle-muskets.  You not only had to load them, you had to put a percussion cap on the nipple at the breech end.   Some soldiers failed to do that, and in the general din didn't realize that their weapons hadn't fired.  After the battle, abandoned weapons were recovered with up to a dozen unfired loads in the barrel.

I don't know about Sherman's army in particular, but Union armies in general had capable engineers who could build field-expedient bridges pretty quickly.

Is your Grant book by Ron Chernow?

A nice compact account of the Vicksburg campaign is Grant Wins the War: Decision at Vicksburg, by. James R. Arnold.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 12, 2020, 04:09:24 PM

When Sherman headed north out of Savannah in 1865, he had to cross myriad swamps and large rivers with his entire army.  Grant had the idea of sea lifting him to Virginia, Sherman wanted to go cross country.  And he did.

I'm up to the initial stages of the Civil War where Grant kind of lucked into a command and promotion.

Jean Edward Smith was a biographer and the John Marshall Professor of Political Science at Marshall University. He was also professor emeritus at the University of Toronto after having served as professor of political economy there for thirty-five years.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 12, 2020, 10:49:18 PM
Is Jean Edward Smith a Canadian?  I ask because he's professor emeritus at a Canadian college and because "Jean" is not commonly a man's name in the USA, but methinks it might be in Canada, especially amongst the Francophones.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 13, 2020, 07:37:26 AM
A graduate of McKinley High School ( in Washington, D.C., Smith received an A.B. from Princeton University ( in 1954. While attending Princeton, Smith was mentored under law professor and political scientist William M. Beaney. Serving in the military from 1954–1961, he rose to the rank of Captain ( (RA) US Army ( (Artillery ( Smith served in West Berlin ( and Dachau (,_Bavaria)Germany ( In 1964, he obtained a Ph.D. ( from the Department of Public Law and Government of Columbia University (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 13, 2020, 11:25:06 AM
Well, there you are.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 13, 2020, 04:01:08 PM
His book on Grant is very readable.  His book on Marshall was a bit too much depth for me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 13, 2020, 04:04:51 PM
I'm up to Shiloh.  I used to have a computer game (DOS) that played Shiloh.  It seemed to be fairly realistic, if simple, but was a good way to understand the terrain and troops involved.  Johnston of course adopted a rather strange battle formation, I gather everyone wanted to be the next Napoleon, and he was late getting into position due to rain and then off into battle that morning, or it could have been worse for Grant.

I had not realized the Grant and Halleck problems.  I'm also kind of marveling at the resiliency of the Confederacy in being able to assemble an army and go on the offensive in the west at that point after having lost much of Tennessee.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2020, 07:57:51 AM
Reading about Jedediah Hotchkiss.  I think that is a kind of neat first name.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 14, 2020, 10:57:12 AM
Somewhere I've got the Readers Digest version of the "maps" volume of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion.  There are some in there by Jedediah Hotchkiss.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2020, 11:09:08 AM,0.895,0.278,0.105,0 (,0.895,0.278,0.105,0)

They are on line, rather interesting, amazing detail.

Done on tracing linen backed with cloth for sturdiness.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 14, 2020, 12:33:22 PM
He was a hell of a cartographer.  Did fantastic work given the limitations of his day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 14, 2020, 03:14:09 PM
I've done some drafting on the board in my youth on linen with ink.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 14, 2020, 03:34:13 PM
I've done some drafting on the board in my youth on linen with ink.
oh yeah well can you load a musket and fire in under a minute
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 14, 2020, 05:01:47 PM
used to be able to do that

the black powder rifle kits were popular back in the 70s
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2020, 05:23:21 PM
The British army had ample supplies of gunpowder circa 1805 and were trained to fire 4 times a minute.  Other European armies could manage only 3, at best.  Imagine marching up under fire to 60 yards from your opponent, volley firing once, and then charging with the bayonet.

The British were devastating in line formation of they got close and their adversaries knew this.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 14, 2020, 05:43:07 PM
I think 3 shots/minute was the standard for the U.S. Army during the Civil War.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2020, 06:32:50 PM
I think 3 shots/minute was the standard for the U.S. Army during the Civil War.
They were firing of course Minie balls (which aren't balls) and had percussion caps (which as noted could be forgotten).  The British Brown Bess was powder and ball in a wrap that you chewed the end off, run most of the powder down the barrel, spit the ball into the barrel, ram the charge, replace the ram, place some powder in the primer position, unless it was a flintlock.

Napoleon did not like rifles because they were slow to load, for accuracy they wrapped the ball in a piece of leather and the rifling made ramming the charge difficult apparently as the clearance was very tight to get the ball to spin.

And of course the Northern cavalry later was given "repeaters" in fair numbers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 14, 2020, 07:05:18 PM
It's funny how "ball" is still used to describe solid projectiles.  Standard M16 ammo when I was shooting M16s was Msomethingorother 5.56mm Ball.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2020, 09:45:47 PM
Full metal jacket.  Yeah, I've heard "Wad cutter" and "hollow point" and "FMJ" and "armor piercing" and "ball and some I've forgot.

Tank rounds have similar diversity, probably more so.  I'm on a tank Facebook thing where guys argue incessantlly about the best tank and the best round.

I think modern tank rounds are either discarding sabot or HEAT.

And a sabot is a wooden shoe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 14, 2020, 11:12:09 PM
From whence we get "sabotage."  Throwing wooden shoes into the machinery to mess it up.

I like the string of initials that sabot rounds have.  Like HVFSAPDS.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 15, 2020, 08:07:48 AM
Yeah, sabot makes for an interesting round, usually comprised of uranium depleted of U235.  It is usually not impacted by reactive armor, which is interesting as well.

That tank group gets into "fights" (verbal) about the merits and deficiencies of various WW 2 tanks, it's amusing.  I'd say the Tiger is most popular, followed by the Panther.

One side makes charges and the other makes excuses.  The notion that all tanks had pluses and minuses is not tolerated.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 15, 2020, 12:06:08 PM
No complexity allowed!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 15, 2020, 01:38:34 PM
All one, or all the other.  I blame the egg lobby.

There is a neat video someone posted that explained how each major tank was in fact a good choice for the country or origin and there was not best tank of WW 2, and then ended with saying the best tank was the NZ Bob Semple tank.  It was hilarious, but not many laughed.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 15, 2020, 01:43:27 PM (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 15, 2020, 01:49:28 PM
All one, or all the other.  I blame the egg lobby.

There is a neat video someone posted that explained how each major tank was in fact a good choice for the country or origin and there was not best tank of WW 2, and then ended with saying the best tank was the NZ Bob Semple tank.  It was hilarious, but not many laughed.

fun haters
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 16, 2020, 12:34:15 AM (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 25, 2020, 01:30:59 PM
Sure quiet over here.  Saw that UT is renaming the field after Campbell and Williams.  Smart, IMO.  Especially since Joe Jamails Family is on board.  The only question is are they going to have to add another name if somebody else wins a heisman?  It's a good problem to have I guess.  

I thought I saw where the Big 12 has pushed back their start date but now I can't find the story.  So far A&M has lost CU as an opponent this year with much more TBD as we get closer to kick-off (if it even happens).  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 25, 2020, 02:56:54 PM
Sure quiet over here.  Saw that UT is renaming the field after Campbell and Williams.  Smart, IMO.  Especially since Joe Jamails Family is on board.  The only question is are they going to have to add another name if somebody else wins a heisman?  It's a good problem to have I guess. 

I thought I saw where the Big 12 has pushed back their start date but now I can't find the story.  So far A&M has lost CU as an opponent this year with much more TBD as we get closer to kick-off (if it even happens). 
I thought I read that the Eyes of Texas remains in tact but maybe I dreamed it who knows

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 25, 2020, 11:38:51 PM
Sure quiet over here.  Saw that UT is renaming the field after Campbell and Williams.  Smart, IMO.  Especially since Joe Jamails Family is on board.  The only question is are they going to have to add another name if somebody else wins a heisman?  It's a good problem to have I guess. 

I thought I saw where the Big 12 has pushed back their start date but now I can't find the story.  So far A&M has lost CU as an opponent this year with much more TBD as we get closer to kick-off (if it even happens).
Maybe what you've heard is that OU got permission from the NCAA to move its opener (with Missouri State, blech!)up to 29 August.  OU wanted to do that to keep 2-week separations between games early in the season for Covid-19 purposes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 27, 2020, 08:29:31 AM
I thought I read that the Eyes of Texas remains in tact but maybe I dreamed it who knows

For now it seems the compromise includes keeping the Eyes, but not forcing players to sing if they don't want to do so.  

I suspect it will come up again.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 27, 2020, 09:55:34 AM
were players ever "forced" to sing?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 27, 2020, 10:06:49 AM
were players ever "forced" to sing?
I dont think they ever needed to be forced

now any player not singing will be the same as kneeling 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 27, 2020, 10:08:07 AM
I'm pissed about everything.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 27, 2020, 10:13:09 AM
Nope, never forced.  I suppose you could say it was a custom or a tradition and it was expected.  In general, they always wanted to.  It brought them together with the fans, which is one thing a lot of players say they enjoy.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 27, 2020, 10:22:45 AM
I see this a lot these days......

folks saying they are being forced to do something when it's merely a suggestion or encouraged

being forced to go back to a job that they deem is unsafe after drawing unemployment for some time

or being forced the wear a mask, when no one is forcing them to walk into a walmart

this is still mostly a free country

you are forced to pay taxes, not much else
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 27, 2020, 10:39:43 AM
I think it's possible to "live off the grid" and not pay any taxes.  It's not easy.  Maybe every plot of private land now is subject to property tax, I don't know.

If I get say 100 acres in Idaho and live on my own, do I pay any taxes?  That means I can't buy anything of course, or maybe I could live in eastern Oregon where there is no sales tax.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 27, 2020, 11:05:09 AM
pretty sure all land is taxed

you could go mobile and live in a van down by the river
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 27, 2020, 11:23:23 AM
pretty sure all land is taxed

you could go mobile and live in a van down by the river

B.J. and the Bear were doing it back in the 70s.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 27, 2020, 11:35:57 AM
B.J. and the Bear were doing it back in the 70s.
so was Grizzly Adams  and ol Dan Boone
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 27, 2020, 12:01:45 PM
In several countries, everyman's "right to roam" is codified or understood. The basic essence being, you might own a title to the land establishing a right to use it for homesteading or commercial use, but you can't ever just bar someone from being on it.

I've got my mountain bike kitted with saddlebags. My hammock (along with bug net and rain fly) stuffs nicely in one. In a very real sense, I could live substantially with things I could stuff in there. With the right to roam, I could sashay across the country, spending the night swinging from whatever supports me, and gathering coin from odd jobs. While I'd technically owe income tax off whatever I collected, it might be difficult to file 100 1099s in support of $5,000 income over a year.

I've considered it more than once. Of course, here in America, I'd immediately run into a giddy "If someone's trespassin' on mah proppity, I can legally shoot 'em!" sovereign citizen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 27, 2020, 12:21:49 PM (

Looks like some are low, but nobody is at zero.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 27, 2020, 04:00:56 PM
there's a very annoying radio commercial playing over and over and over here proclaiming that gold and sliver have never been worth zero
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 27, 2020, 04:03:21 PM
there's a very annoying radio commercial playing over and over and over here proclaiming that gold and sliver have never been worth zero
The odds of drawing to an inside straight aren't zero either.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 27, 2020, 04:12:05 PM
they are obviously trying to get me to take my money out of the stock market and reinvest in gold

I heard gold hit an all-time high today, maybe I should have

but, the stock market has never been zero either

and making the call that you want to have those folks send you a few ounces so you can go shopping isn't great

do they give you a debit card so you can shop on Amazon?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 27, 2020, 04:14:18 PM
I know a few retired farmers that have purchased a huge 5th wheel camper, tow it behind their diesel pickup.......

to Tucson in the winter and back to Iowa in the summer.

not sure where they park in Tucson, but they park at their children's house in Iowa.

very few taxes, but a very small shower and shitter 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 27, 2020, 04:33:07 PM
Gold is, in fact, at an all time high. It will likely tick a bit higher.

That means the time to purchase gold was before now. Sure, there will be strategic buys from people who need to defend their portfolio in specific ways, but anyone buying commodities based on a commercial is simply driving the profit price higher for those already invested.

I understand many of my forebears tried this "investing from the living room" trick in the 70's when silver was skyrocketing (for a few weeks). Most of that silver is still hanging around as a memento to reckless behavior.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 27, 2020, 07:45:01 PM
Stocks are high, gold is higher. 

Which ones lyin’?

I’ve got my portfolio set, made out nicely this past year and didn’t touch a thing. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 27, 2020, 09:12:29 PM
I changed some things in late Febr/early March

it's been good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 28, 2020, 10:01:38 AM
The stock market is decoupled from the actual economy. Algorithmic trading basically ensures the number waft higher when there's absolutely no reason to do so. Unique shocks may cause radical swings over a couple of weeks, but the line will continue to trend upwards even when there's zero real reason to do so.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 28, 2020, 10:44:27 AM
The stock market is decoupled from the actual economy. Algorithmic trading basically ensures the number waft higher when there's absolutely no reason to do so. Unique shocks may cause radical swings over a couple of weeks, but the line will continue to trend upwards even when there's zero real reason to do so.
dont agree with your assessment 

home entertainment stocks are up and so is electronic communication

restaurant and airline stocks are down

the market reflects the fact that one industry's loss is another industriy's gain

amazon, medical supplies and equipment, home delivery services are booming
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 28, 2020, 11:33:50 AM
Most people don't invest in Amazon or Netflix or Bank of America. They invest in basket products that contain algorithmically curated mixtures of all those things. They're designed so that the losses are always slightly less than the gains. Money never goes away. It just moves from one ticker symbol to another.

If the money ever does go away, the Fed pumps more in. Risk gets undervalued, pickers get more aggressive, and the whole thing keeps bubbling upwards.

Now, if the $600 unemployment checks are suddenly removed for any length of time, we could see another "AIG" type event where all the ghost debt stashed around makes an ugly appearance.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 28, 2020, 11:43:50 AM
Most people don't invest in Amazon or Netflix or Bank of America. They invest in basket products that contain algorithmically curated mixtures of all those things. They're designed so that the losses are always slightly less than the gains. Money never goes away. It just moves from one ticker symbol to another.

If the money ever does go away, the Fed pumps more in. Risk gets undervalued, pickers get more aggressive, and the whole thing keeps bubbling upwards.

Now, if the $600 unemployment checks are suddenly removed for any length of time, we could see another "AIG" type event where all the ghost debt stashed around makes an ugly appearance.
my point exactly

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 28, 2020, 01:39:48 PM
The stock market won't stay "decoupled" for very long.  If the economy sinks over time, so will stocks.  

Stocks try to be forward looking obviously.  And right now, you can't get any interest on bonds etc. so folks look at dividend bearing stocks among other things.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 28, 2020, 02:28:38 PM
The stock market won't stay "decoupled" for very long.  If the economy sinks over time, so will stocks. 

Stocks try to be forward looking obviously.  And right now, you can't get any interest on bonds etc. so folks look at dividend bearing stocks among other things.

stocks market is not decoupled 

thats like saying a football team winning with a wishbone offense is decoupled

not decoupled just using the available assets in the best way

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 28, 2020, 02:53:01 PM
with the amount of money pumped into the stock market weekly with paychecks feeding 401Ks and 529's and all the others, how is it going to tank for very long?

sure, a few investors pulled back in Feb/Mar, but then the money just kept coming.........

a very small percentage of average folks may have switched to gold or silver or something out of the market, but not many and not for long
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 29, 2020, 03:34:11 PM
If the economy falls off again, the stock market will also fall.  Profits drive pricing, anticipation of profits.  A company will cut its dividend at some point if they start with negative cash flow.  Markets obviously can and do fall hard at times, they have always recovered in the past of course.  So has the economy.

Some of the "panics" of the 19th century were devastating, scary to read about.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 30, 2020, 09:27:56 AM
When OU’s “Soonerthon” changed its name to OU Dance Marathon, it was met with backlash from members of the OU community.

On Twitter, one community member expressed her opinion on the matter saying that anyone offended by the phrase “boomer sooner” should transfer schools. After she received backlash from other students, she deleted the tweet.

Crispin South, a computer science junior and member of the Choctaw Nation, said that mindset stems from a lack of knowledge about the history of the terms “boomer” and “sooner.”

“(The) removal of Native people is where the terms ‘boomer’ and ‘sooner’ come from,” South said. “When those terms are referenced without acknowledging the proper historical context, that brings up the historical trauma that's present for a lot of Indigenous people.”

OU Dance Marathon, formerly Soonerthon, announced its new name July 16. In a Twitter post, the organization said the change represented a new chapter of creating “an inclusive and memorable environment.” (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 30, 2020, 09:49:07 AM
are you kidding me

boomer sooner is now considered racist?

whats next?  Is the upside down horns sign also racist?

I always thought so

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 30, 2020, 10:49:14 AM
We've made fun of Sooners for being dirt burglars for decades, but I can honestly say I'd never given the terms "boomer" and "sooner" much thought from the perspective of the indigenous peoples.  Which, is pretty much their point.

As much as I can't stand the golderned Sooners and their annoying song, it would be weird for "Boomer Sooner" to leave our lexicon.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 30, 2020, 10:55:26 AM
We've made fun of Sooners for being dirt burglars for decades, but I can honestly say I'd never given the terms "boomer" and "sooner" much thought from the perspective of the indigenous peoples.  Which, is pretty much their point.

As much as I can't stand the golderned Sooners and their annoying song, it would be weird for "Boomer Sooner" to leave our lexicon.

well all they have to do is name their stadium after a black heisman trophy winner preferably with Indian heritage and they are off the hook
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 30, 2020, 11:08:50 AM
well all they have to do is name their stadium after a black heisman trophy winner preferably with Indian heritage and they are off the hook
Well he's not black, but Sam Bradford Stadium might work.  I always liked that guy, too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 30, 2020, 11:15:45 AM
Well he's not black, but Sam Bradford Stadium might work.  I always liked that guy, too.

Not sure that would fly

Was ol Sam down for the struggle
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 30, 2020, 12:47:15 PM
well all they have to do is name their stadium after a black heisman trophy winner preferably with Indian heritage and they are off the hook
white folks might be offended
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 30, 2020, 01:09:28 PM
white folks might be offended
That doesnt seem to matter anymore

when a school honors someone by naming a stadium after them it should be because the majority wants that not because that school is under duress
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 30, 2020, 02:45:52 PM
perhaps it would be as easy as not putting names of any sort on buildings and other things

especially corporate names
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 30, 2020, 03:06:02 PM
perhaps it would be as easy as not putting names of any sort on buildings and other things

especially corporate names
its sad if it has come to that and Im talking about college not the corporate world

If the Redskins want to change their name no problem cause it boils down to money which is why they exist

course now any team with an ethnic name will have to defend itself
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 30, 2020, 03:07:31 PM
wouldn't it just be easier to call the OU sports teams, "Land Thieves"?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 30, 2020, 03:28:59 PM
wouldn't it just be easier to call the OU sports teams, "Land Thieves"?
then all the geologists would be offended
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 30, 2020, 06:35:34 PM
Actually, Native Americans can't really complain about the Sooners. The Sooners' crime was getting into the opening land ahead of the gun starting the run.  If they were land thieves, they stole from their fellow white folks.

The Boomers, on the other hand, were squatters on native lands.  One of the black cavalry regiments--9th or 10th, I forget which--kept having to round them up and send them back to Kansas.  The Boomers were led--until his death--by David Payne.  The area in which he and his fellow squatters squatted is now Payne County.  The county seat of Payne County is Stillwater, home of Boomer Lake and Boomer Road.  And Oklahoma State University.

Per Romans 3:10: "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one . . . ."

We all live among institutions that were created in earlier times, times in which black people were enslaved and otherwise oppressed, and in which Native Americans who resisted the tide of occupation and settlement were defeated and confined to reservations.  Institutions and people that/who did not actively oppose the oppression are now seen by many as beyond the pale. (And even "the pale" was a term of oppression.)  Even those who worked against slavery, and fought to destroy it, and even those who tried to mitigate the harshness of Indian policy, are subject to having their statues toppled and their names sullied.

It has not pained me to see black athletes and students at UT complaining about "The Eyes of Texas." Trouble for the hated opponent and all that.  But I have acknowledged that the "racism" argument is pretty thin.  The offensive part of "I've Been Workin' on the Railroad" is really the "Someone's in the Kitchen with Dinah" chorus, and that is not part of even the tune of "Eyes."  The only connection to slavery (other than Texas' just general wrongness) I've been able to see is that whoever first said "the eyes of Texas are upon you" was alluding to something the governor (?) of Virginia said about the "eyes" of his state during the Civil War.

Now, the history of the UT band uniforms, with their origin in a "cowboy minstrel show," is really cringe-worthy.

Iowa State has a history to be proud of.  It was the only school that would admit George Washington Carver, and Jack Trice Stadium is named for a black player (son of a black cavalryman, BTW) who died of hemorrhaged lungs and internal bleeding two days after getting the hell stomped out of him in a road game at Minnesota.  But I'm sure that there are racial skeletons in the ISU closet too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 31, 2020, 09:40:09 AM
My wife is one that can quote the kings of England categorical. She recognizes actors in a movie, and can tell you just about everything else they were in.

When a song is being played, I'm your man. In particular, I'm fascinated and driven to research the foundations of American music. The blues and jazz have always driven me to investigate origins, roots, differences, and commonalities. I'm dogged about it.

The racist origins of "The Levee Song" and (the totally unrelated) "Someone's in the Kitchen with Dinah" are practically zero. "The Levee Song" is a standard worksong, sung by manual laborers. There were, of course, Blacks among these laborers. The laborers as a group were certainly not treated with any humanity or care regardless if they were building a levee or a railroad bed (they look almost the same). "Dinah" was composed in England, likely in the 1830s or so, as likely another "I came home drunk to another man with my wife" song. England was fond of those at the time. The two were likely crammed together at some point during a minstrel skit.

Minstrelsy embodied just about every offensive stereotype from the slave and post-slave world. At a time when white musicians were having their ears opened to the universe of Black music, minstrel shows were essentially the TV entertainment of the time. Black performers would play alongside white performers for the entertainment of white audiences. This was acceptable because the Black performers were rendered "harmless" by debasing themselves with black(er) face along with the white performers - depending on the skit.

It's tough to find an emergent tune between 1840 and 1890 that wasn't performed in minstrel shows. That's simply how music was heard, and how musicians, especially those forming the new connections to Black sounds that would eventually become jazz (and later blues - it took longer for Africans to let white people in on that).

Throughout these shows, lyrics and performances almost certainly incorporated elements insulting to Blacks.

Obviously, this is a long boring ramble that only music ethnologists like me care about. In practical terms, there's no reason for me to preach this lesson. The point is to make current or prospective Black students at the University of Texas feel like they are valued, belong, and are wanted. If this priority is compromised by a song, then we've got to clear that up. I value their inclusivity and participation at Texas more than I value a (very traditional and recognizable) song.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 31, 2020, 09:57:44 AM

Obviously, this is a long boring ramble that only music ethnologists like me care about. In practical terms, there's no reason for me to preach this lesson. The point is to make current or prospective Black students at the University of Texas feel like they are valued, belong, and are wanted. If this priority is compromised by a song, then we've got to clear that up. I value their inclusivity and participation at Texas more than I value a (very traditional and recognizable) song.
where does it stop

when is enough enough

There has never been any indication in the past that Black students were not valued or did not belong

this is about more then just a song 

its about completely undoing tradition and history 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 31, 2020, 01:49:44 PM
where does it stop

when is enough enough

There has never been any indication in the past that Black students were not valued or did not belong

this is about more then just a song

its about completely undoing tradition and history
So you're personally speaking for the combined opinion of the Black community? Are you speaking as a Black man?

My suspicion is that you're speaking as a white guy who's not personally affected by the issue, so therefore there can't possibly BE an issue.

I can't tell you the exact line where it stops, but my desire to include Black voices and experiences in the education of Texas' brightest students comes before a song. If that's keeping those voices from attending Texas and sending them to Duke and Stanford, then let's fix the song.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 31, 2020, 03:09:56 PM
Well to be fair, the guys that can get into Stanford are going to Stanford anyway.

Not so sure about Duke, the Carolinas aren't known to be a bastion of anti-racism themselves.

But in general, I agree with you.  I love the tradition of the song, but if it really is divisive-- after careful study and candid discussion with open ears on ALL sides-- then I'm okay with striking it.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 31, 2020, 03:49:59 PM
Im just happy that clearer heads prevailed

and the song stays
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 31, 2020, 04:03:23 PM
So you're personally speaking for the combined opinion of the Black community? Are you speaking as a Black man?

My suspicion is that you're speaking as a white guy who's not personally affected by the issue, so therefore there can't possibly BE an issue.

I can't tell you the exact line where it stops, but my desire to include Black voices and experiences in the education of Texas' brightest students comes before a song. If that's keeping those voices from attending Texas and sending them to Duke and Stanford, then let's fix the song.
Do you really think the Black students at UT even knew about the thinest of ties of the song to racism

Nobody came to this thought until organizers put out that crap

where were you 100 years ago were you racist cause I wasnt around and am not racist
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 31, 2020, 04:21:44 PM
folks driving slow in the left lane bothers me more than any song lyrics I can think of

but, different things bother different people.

I'd much more like to clean up the left lane than topple statues.

some folks would find it silly of me to feel this way, but that doesn't change how I feel about it.

some folks are bothered quite a bit my the horns down sign - I feel that's silly

I feel if a large enough group feels strongly enough to put together enough effort to change things, it should be closely looked into and possibly changed.

if it's merely a few folks that are simply doing every little thing they can to stick it to others for the sake of selfishness and hatred, then they need to be educated.

knocking down a few statues and changing a few songs won't effectively change things for a future generation IMO.  But, that's my opinion, I could be wrong
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 31, 2020, 04:39:55 PM
If I felt that this is a movement that rose up from the students themselves I would feel differently

This movement was shoved down their throats from outside forces and it pisses me off

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 31, 2020, 09:57:44 PM
if th
This movement was shoved down their throats from outside forces and it pisses me off

if this is the case, I'm fully against telling the students and the outside forces to pound sand
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 03, 2020, 10:04:27 AM
I don't mean for this to turn hostile of accusatory. It sounds like, though, you're suggesting that Black students didn't know or feel like they were marginalized until some nefarious outside presence convinced them they were.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 03, 2020, 11:02:12 AM
I don't mean for this to turn hostile of accusatory. It sounds like, though, you're suggesting that Black students didn't know or feel like they were marginalized until some nefarious outside presence convinced them they were.
thats exactly what Im saying

the timing of this strongly supports this view

why in hell would all of a sudden they start feeling marginalized unless someone stirred them up

to suggest that Black students felt marginalized from singing the Eyes of Texas is just not realistic

there were no previous complaints coming from the student council or articles from the student newspaper

now all of a sudden out of the blue all Black students realize they are marginalized

this is a movement not started at UT

again I would feel differently if there had been a campaign of issues brought up in the past by Black students at UT but there has not been

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 03, 2020, 11:08:02 AM
"nefarious outside presence"

Hopefully this is not the case, but if it is an outside group with an agenda of spreading hate and stirring up trouble just to strip up trouble, then this is a problem

I'm all for making people aware of things, promoting knowledge and not ignorance, but hopefully it is for a common good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 03, 2020, 11:44:13 AM
Respectfully, Black people have always been aware that they're marginalized. At best, they're interacting with a system set up by and for the benefit of males with white skin. They can hope that this system only sees them as "other" and does its best.

At worst, that system openly attacks them, rejects them as people, metes out punishment when a verbal acknowledgement would have been afforded the white man, or puts their lives at risk.

The system operates transparently for me because it was designed for me. It recognizes me as "normal" and proceeds accordingly. It's very easy, then, for me to consider the system as "normal" and wonder why someone not like me can't simply accept the system as it is.

Black football players are using their position as popular, accepted individuals to give a voice to the notion that the system can be changed by adding Black perspectives. By doing so, we could, therefore, grow the system. The system gets stronger and more diverse.

I'm glad we were able to, for the moment, reach an accord on "The Eyes". There is no call for blind acceptance of any one side of these issues. However, the danger is that those inside the system reject outright the existence of the issues themselves and refuse the debate.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 03, 2020, 11:58:34 AM
Respectfully, Black people have always been aware that they're marginalized. At best, they're interacting with a system set up by and for the benefit of males with white skin. They can hope that this system only sees them as "other" and does its best.

At worst, that system openly attacks them, rejects them as people, metes out punishment when a verbal acknowledgement would have been afforded the white man, or puts their lives at risk.

The system operates transparently for me because it was designed for me. It recognizes me as "normal" and proceeds accordingly. It's very easy, then, for me to consider the system as "normal" and wonder why someone not like me can't simply accept the system as it is.

Black football players are using their position as popular, accepted individuals to give a voice to the notion that the system can be changed by adding Black perspectives. By doing so, we could, therefore, grow the system. The system gets stronger and more diverse.

I'm glad we were able to, for the moment, reach an accord on "The Eyes". There is no call for blind acceptance of any one side of these issues. However, the danger is that those inside the system reject outright the existence of the issues themselves and refuse the debate.
well I guess we just disagree on the marginalized issue 

and tell me just what did renaming the stadium do to solve this problem
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on August 03, 2020, 12:17:49 PM
thats exactly what Im saying

the timing of this strongly supports this view

why in hell would all of a sudden they start feeling marginalized unless someone stirred them up

to suggest that Black students felt marginalized from singing the Eyes of Texas is just not realistic

there were no previous complaints coming from the student council or articles from the student newspaper

now all of a sudden out of the blue all Black students realize they are marginalized

this is a movement not started at UT

again I would feel differently if there had been a campaign of issues brought up in the past by Black students at UT but there has not been

Do you personally know that this was never 'brought up' before by black students?  Do you know all the black students who have ever walked across the campus in Austin?     Or is it possible it was 'brought up' once or many times and disregarded by those in power to change anything?   

I only ask because it's recently proven that MANY CASES of rape/assault/harassment are brought up in the military system and not once acted on, recorded for legal purposes, or resulted in any tangible action when female soldiers in the past have spoken out internally in their own military units.   Many would say that assault/harrassment isn't a problem because it isn't being 'brought up', but clearly there is a MAJOR problem when many female soldiers are speaking out against their own issues being disregarded/swept away after fellow soldier Guillen in Fort Hood has been senselessly murdered (and proven that she spoke up before her passing). 

I think we could all benefit a bit from listening to others' concerns, whether we feel they are 'valid' or not, and we can admit some of us are benefiting from the way things are and have been, while many others are being silenced or shunned when trying to speak out about injustices (whether it be as simple as an offensive fight song or as harmful as physical harassment). 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 03, 2020, 12:40:05 PM

Do you personally know that this was never 'brought up' before by black students?  Do you know all the black students who have ever walked across the campus in Austin?    Or is it possible it was 'brought up' once or many times and disregarded by those in power to change anything? 

I only ask because it's recently proven that MANY CASES of rape/assault/harassment are brought up in the military system and not once acted on, recorded for legal purposes, or resulted in any tangible action when female soldiers in the past have spoken out internally in their own military units.  Many would say that assault/harrassment isn't a problem because it isn't being 'brought up', but clearly there is a MAJOR problem when many female soldiers are speaking out against their own issues being disregarded/swept away after fellow soldier Guillen in Fort Hood has been senselessly murdered (and proven that she spoke up before her passing).

I think we could all benefit a bit from listening to others' concerns, whether we feel they are 'valid' or not, and we can admit some of us are benefiting from the way things are and have been, while many others are being silenced or shunned when trying to speak out about injustices (whether it be as simple as an offensive fight song or as harmful as physical harassment).

again there has not been any published record of these complaints having been made before

and to compare this to someone being raped is ridiculous

Its the timing of this that says a lot

Black student are members of various clubs and groups at UT

They are members of Frats and Sororities the student council and many other groups

they also hold various jobs on campus such as libraries etc

They are not being marginalized 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 03, 2020, 12:45:56 PM
does this look like marginalization (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: UT-Erin03 on August 03, 2020, 01:10:59 PM
Then I guess you consider yourself qualified to speak for ALL black students, past or present. 
Cool, cool. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 03, 2020, 01:19:09 PM
Then I guess you consider yourself qualified to speak for ALL black students, past or present.
Cool, cool.

no more then you are

but someone has to push back a little against the absurd

has there never been a case at UT of discrimination sure there has but its not accepted behavior at UT

you can tear down statues all day long you can change building names if you like you can name our stadium after heisman trophy winners

but stay the hell away from our song
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2020, 06:10:10 PM
are not there twisters down yonder ways?
don't they account for sumpthin like 93% of all porch disappearances?

do you not rebuild them?


welcome to the porch, y'all!!!!

For some reason, this seemed like a perfect quote from page 1, to reboot this ailing thread. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 11, 2020, 08:59:27 AM
We argue incessantly, in our position as college football fans, about games that were played. We criticize official calls, play selection, injured players, and which coach was where - sometimes even before the games were played!

We're about to enter a new phase of arguing. We're going to get to debate a season that never occurred!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 11, 2020, 09:27:35 AM
We argue incessantly, in our position as college football fans, about games that were played. We criticize official calls, play selection, injured players, and which coach was where - sometimes even before the games were played!

We're about to enter a new phase of arguing. We're going to get to debate a season that never occurred!
Thats ok Bama will claim the 2020 title anyway
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 11, 2020, 09:57:27 AM
Thats ok Bama will claim the 2020 title anyway
Nope the ags will beat them to it.  Put it on the Wall!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 11, 2020, 02:12:38 PM
Well most Ags were pretty excited about 2020 last spring before all this madness broke out.  We were supposed to have a pretty good team with a Sr. QB at the helm and some very talented youngsters.  Myself, I never saw Mond ever being a game breaker.  In fact, I think he's quite bad.  But we had a much easier schedule with no Clemson and Colorado instead.  We now will play @ UTenn and Florida at home ( I think).  I still think we have a shot at being decent, but now I'm thinking 7-8 wins tops instead of 10 because of, you know, no patsies and stuff!!  

Of course, in the revised SEC schedule Bama got the easiest new opponents and us and Ark got some hard ones.  Arkansas just can't catch a break.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 11, 2020, 02:20:34 PM
Well most Ags were pretty excited about 2020 last spring before all this madness broke out.  We were supposed to have a pretty good team with a Sr. QB at the helm and some very talented youngsters.  Myself, I never saw Mond ever being a game breaker.  In fact, I think he's quite bad.  But we had a much easier schedule with no Clemson and Colorado instead.  We now will play @ UTenn and Florida at home ( I think).  I still think we have a shot at being decent, but now I'm thinking 7-8 wins tops instead of 10 because of, you know, no patsies and stuff!! 

Of course, in the revised SEC schedule Bama got the easiest new opponents and us and Ark got some hard ones.  Arkansas just can't catch a break. 
I dont think you will play a down
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 11, 2020, 03:52:31 PM
I think Mond is pretty good.  The ag o-line has been the main problem, and that's been true for a lot of years.  Not unlike our persistent o-line problems at Texas.

And sadly I agree with lh320, I don't think the ags, or anybody else, will be playing this season.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 11, 2020, 04:26:52 PM
B1G out. Pac<X> meeting right now (spoiler: they're out).

Pretty sure the Big 12 and SEC will shuffle their feet and stare at the ground before moving to a proposed spring schedule too.

Tons of questions.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 11, 2020, 04:41:41 PM
I hope like hell the SEC tries to play games

and I hope like hell it goes better than expected and they play 10
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 11, 2020, 05:42:40 PM
I hope like hell the SEC tries to play games

and I hope like hell it goes better than expected and they play 10
if you were the SEC why would you play games now instead of when everyone else is

no chance of National Title 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 11, 2020, 06:27:51 PM
claim the 2020 title

the rest of the morons are waiting until spring of 2021
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 11, 2020, 09:47:01 PM
Yup.  No reason not to claim a 2020 title while everyone else twiddles their thumbs.

Except, not even the SEC will be playing this fall.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 12, 2020, 12:55:38 PM
Yup.  No reason not to claim a 2020 title while everyone else twiddles their thumbs.

Except, not even the SEC will be playing this fall.
Because by 21 September they will be shut down?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 12, 2020, 05:06:51 PM
Because by 21 September they will be shut down?
The schools?  No.  Football?  Yeah.  I don't think it'll ever actually get started-- too much scrutiny, too much potential liability.  Ultimately, the attorneys are going to take the day, even in the Southeast.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 13, 2020, 09:26:48 AM
I've been thinking that it will start but not finish.

But you might be right.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 13, 2020, 09:42:56 AM
I know Texas has moved all the classes it can to online. My daughter is not heading back to campus right now. Her only non-online class is a microbiology lab. She'll just drive the 90 minutes to class and back for the one time per week that it meets - if that happens at all.

Really, every other similar situation we've had, camps, sports practices, etc, resulted in contagion. It's a virtual given that commencing in person classes at colleges will further promote spread. I don't see how this won't immediately hit the football program.

Sept 26th seems like the perfect date to confirm new cases.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 13, 2020, 11:57:07 AM
My kids did 2 months of summer strength and conditioning camps and soccer practices with no issues.  But, that was all outside activity, no locker rooms, which I think makes a difference.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 26, 2020, 09:22:53 PM
How's the storm, 320?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 26, 2020, 10:04:23 PM
How's the storm, 320?
Its going to hit just east of the Tx/La boarder with wind up to 150 mph

Fortunately Houston will be spared any real problems

Galveston will have some high tides but the poor folks in Lake Charles will suffer quite a bit
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 26, 2020, 10:06:37 PM
Its a very fast moving storm so thats good

moving at about 15 mph and is expected to move on in with no hangups

it looks like Oklahoma may even get some rain from this storm
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 26, 2020, 10:19:52 PM
Glad to hear it.

My niece who lives in Galveston has been evacuated.

We'll probably get the rain in eastern Oklahoma rather than the western part of the state that needs it much more.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 26, 2020, 10:37:33 PM
Glad to hear it.

My niece who lives in Galveston has been evacuated.

We'll probably get the rain in eastern Oklahoma rather than the western part of the state that needs it much more.
Galveston might get a little rain and maybe 20 mph winds but thats all

This storm is a killer to those who dont get out of its way

very happy to dodge this bullet
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 26, 2020, 10:53:27 PM
Is that one the Cat 4?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 26, 2020, 11:06:55 PM
Is that one the Cat 4?
yes cat 4 is 130 to 156 mph

this one registers 150 sustained winds near the center with 175 mph gusts

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 26, 2020, 11:18:10 PM
Folks in La. better be hunkered down.  Or better yet, gone inland.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 27, 2020, 09:32:22 AM
Yep, we live in Brazoria county just south of houston.  Dodged quite a bullet on this one.  In fact, it's quite pleasant outside today.  Didn't even get any rain.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 09, 2020, 09:35:18 AM
So, I watch a show last night about BBQ in Texas, really about one spot and one lady who makes what it supposed to be the top Q in the state.  Snow's.  Anyone ever been? (

The following episode was from Australia and the dude was not doing BBQ, he wasn't even grilling on the coals, but using flames.   I was not a fan, stopped watching.  the coals are where the heat is, and the heat is what makes grilling grilling.

Upside down if you ask me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2020, 09:55:07 AM
Yeah, Tootsie at Snow's in Lexington.  Fantastic BBQ and she's a real treasure.

They're only open on Saturdays so the line gets pretty long, gotta get there early, like 8 or 9 AM, if you want to be sure you get some.  I typically make the trek maybe once per year or 18 months, and haven't been since the Ronas began so I'm not sure how they're handling it, still lining up, or taking orders in advance, or whatever.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 09, 2020, 10:14:54 AM
They are closed with the Rona, doing mail order only.

The Aussie dude offended me.  Maybe episode 3 is better.  That ain't Q.

He was a wussie sort also.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2020, 10:17:46 AM
They are closed with the Rona, doing mail order only.

The Aussie dude offended me.  Maybe episode 3 is better.  That ain't Q.

He was a wussie sort also.
That's one of the reasons I just don't ever watch those cooking show series where they feature a different place of the same style each episode.  Invariably they include a person grilling steaks as "BBQ" or a place that serves spaghetti sauce over noodles with beans as "chili."  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2020, 10:19:34 AM
On the plus side, one of the better Austin BBQ restaurants just opened a new location near me way out here in the northwestern suburbs, and I tried it out on its first day last week.  I had brisket, pork spare ribs, beef rib, and sausage, and it was all really, really great.  Hopefully they can stay consistent.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2020, 10:21:53 AM
On the plus side, one of the better Austin BBQ restaurants just opened a new location near me way out here in the northwestern suburbs, and I tried it out on its first day last week.  I had brisket, pork spare ribs, beef rib, and sausage, and it was all really, really great.  Hopefully they can stay consistent.

no pulled pork?

oh thats right this aint North Carolina
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2020, 10:24:48 AM
no pulled pork?

oh thats right this aint North Carolina
They serve pulled pork, and I like pulled pork, but I don't like the way restaurants tend to serve it, already sauced with gross vinegary-based crap.   It's much tastier if you just save the pan drippings and reintroduce into the meat after it's been pulled.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2020, 10:52:38 AM
I get our BBQ from a restaurant calld Spring Creek

They have a pulled pork sandwich with unsauced pulled pork and send the sauce in separate container

It to die for
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 09, 2020, 11:04:25 AM
When I went to UNC, the pulled pork sammich was "weird", to me, not Q at all, but I got more than used to it.

Now I'm hungry, off to Fox Bros for lunch today.

Fat Matt's here is closer and a fun place, but the pulled pork is soggy.

Not good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 09, 2020, 11:49:11 AM
On the plus side, one of the better Austin BBQ restaurants just opened a new location near me way out here in the northwestern suburbs, and I tried it out on its first day last week.  I had brisket, pork spare ribs, beef rib, and sausage, and it was all really, really great.  Hopefully they can stay consistent.

apparently, you were famished 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2020, 11:50:16 AM
apparently, you were famished

I brought the majority of it home and the family feasted on it for a couple of days.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 09, 2020, 02:17:55 PM
It is interesting to me that BBQ is not much of a thing in the ATL.  When I was a kid, there were two places that had all you can eat catfish on Friday nights, and even as a 10 year old I could eat a lot of catfish.  Those places are closed long ago.  We have a LOT of Italian places, and up Buford highway all sorts of Asian and Mexican (by which I mean a place where I'd be the only non-Hispanic in the joint).  A pretty good noodle place opened near us, Silverlake Ramen, and all three cooks are Mexicans, nice folks.

I have a notion most of our ethnic foods are prepared by Mexicans.  We don't always see into the kitchen.  We have a lot of really good Indian places near us, and they do have Indian cooks.  Two of them are the best I've ever had.  One thing we lack in walking distance is a Korean place, but a Korean fried chicken place is opening soon.  I hope.  I'd hate to open in this climate.

There is even two American style restaurants not far from us, both have been here for ages and ages, and both are famous.  One is called Mary Mac's Tea Room, and the other is the Colonnade, which is hard to get into.  We really should go back, it's pretty decent.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2020, 07:27:13 PM
I can't speak for Atlanta, Georgia, but it's certainly true that most workers in the back of restaurants throughout Texico are of Mexican descent.  Regardless of the type of food being served.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2020, 07:48:16 PM
I can't speak for Atlanta, Georgia, but it's certainly true that most workers in the back of restaurants throughout Texico are of Mexican descent.  Regardless of the type of food being served.

we had close to a thousand employees at Luthers that were back workers and Id estimate Hispanic made up better then 90%
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 10, 2020, 10:18:06 AM
In the main, they work hard, show up on time, and don't cause problems.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 10, 2020, 11:45:03 AM
In the main, they work hard, show up on time, and don't cause problems.

Absolutely.  Incredibly hard workers and typically very good attitudes about it.  Pretty easy to say that we either wouldn't have as many quality restaurants, or they'd all be much much more expensive, without all of those workers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 10, 2020, 01:19:49 PM
true and true

my youngest daughter is dating a young man of mexican heritage.  Hard worker and has been a cook at 4 or 5 places.  usually has at least two jobs

his father is also a very hard worker and a good man
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 10, 2020, 01:38:28 PM
When I was in high school I dated a Latina girl that I worked with at a retail store.  Her father didn't approve of me and was pretty open about it.  Ultimately she ended it with me because her father was such a racist. 

That sucked, she was really cute, and a great person.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 10, 2020, 04:26:51 PM
She was of different ethnicity, but the same "race".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 10, 2020, 04:39:14 PM
daughters father's can just be asshats
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 10, 2020, 04:45:24 PM
She was of different ethnicity, but the same "race".
Eh, so the official documents say I guess.

But that's not how it works down here.  It's racism.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 10, 2020, 05:41:03 PM
And also, here's a definition of racism:



Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 10, 2020, 09:19:15 PM
I think that is a recently generalized term.  But the term "race" technically doesn't really mean much, except in the extremes.  We have a lot of "us" who are not clearly one race of the other.

I don't think racism and sexism is the same thing, not is racism and ethnoism the same thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 10, 2020, 09:26:24 PM
Bigotry and discrimination toward someone that looks different than you, can pretty simply be defined as racism.  I'm good with that as a working definition, I don't think it needs to be more complex than that.

And that's exactly what happened to me.

It feels weird that you're trying to diminish a racist man's racist actions,  on technicalities.  I'm not sure why you'd do that.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 10, 2020, 09:52:37 PM
I think that is a recently generalized term.  But the term "race" technically doesn't really mean much, except in the extremes.  We have a lot of "us" who are not clearly one race of the other.

I don't think racism and sexism is the same thing, not is racism and ethnoism the same thing.
why are you being so anal about this

did something happen to you in your past to cause this reaction

if someone discriminates against another because they are a particular color thats racist always has been and always will be
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 10, 2020, 11:02:12 PM
I too think racism is meant today to be more things than intended by the term

because you look different, it's racism?

not being anal, just being literal

I suppose society can over time change the definition of a term, but.............
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 10, 2020, 11:21:58 PM
I too think racism is meant today to be more things than intended by the term

because you look different, it's racism?

not being anal, just being literal

I suppose society can over time change the definition of a term, but.............
Ok you come to me to interview for a job and I tell you we cant hire you cause youre Black.

is that racism?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 11, 2020, 03:35:56 AM
Racism generally means you think you race is superior to other races on whatever basis.  

I agree the term has become broadened in its use.

It's interesting how Harvard et al. discriminate AGAINST Asians in their entrance policies, but somehow that isn't racism.  It's a tactic admission they think Asians are more academically accomplished than white folks.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 11, 2020, 08:52:51 AM
Acting on it in a prejudiced, discriminatory or bigoted manner, as a result of a difference in skin color, is an act of racism.

My HS girlfriend's dad was a racist.

This is simple stuff.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 11, 2020, 09:16:01 AM
what if a Jewish person's skin color was the same?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 11, 2020, 09:19:34 AM
what if a Jewish person's skin color was the same?
Then it's prejudice and bigotry but not racism.  Not all forms of bigotry are racist but they're all still wrong obviously.  On this site, we have one poster that constantly belittles and looks down on people who live in the South, and especially those who live in the country.  He believes they are ignorant rubes that don't deserve to live their own lives without the intelligent elite commanding them how to do so.  He is quite possibly the biggest and most open bigot I've ever encountered, it's truly astonishing how twisted and sad his world view is.

Ultimately it doesn't really matter what you call it though. I was discriminated against, because of the color of my skin.

Again, really simple stuff.  Only pot-stirrers and people with odd agendas would choose to pick these nits.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 11, 2020, 09:20:38 AM
English is a living language. Words migrate meanings all the time.

Yes, biologically, there is only one human "race". However, when speaking English, we recognize prejudices based on skin variations or other markers as "racism".

Judaism has a special place in the bigot's playbook as it is both a religion and an ethnic marker.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 11, 2020, 09:25:06 AM
English is a living language. Words migrate meanings all the time.

Yes, biologically, there is only one human "race". However, when speaking English, we recognize prejudices based on skin variations or other markers as "racism".

Judaism has a special place in the bigot's playbook as it is both a religion and an ethnic marker.

Well put.

And yes, since there is really only one homo sapien race, then technically there can't be ANY form of racism.  And yet we call it that when referring to bigtory and prejudice toward African-Americans.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 11, 2020, 10:41:32 AM
Yeah, that makes sense.  It's impossible to draw an clear boundaries between races anyway.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 11, 2020, 11:16:36 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 11, 2020, 12:59:48 PM
I picked up a pack of four leg quarters at Kroger for $2.35, couldn't resist the deal.  Grilled them on my electric grill with some dry rub I use.

Chicken cooked properly is really tasty.  The wife just made me a sammich with the residuals with jalapeno and cheese on wheat bread toasted, yum.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 11, 2020, 01:04:35 PM
I need some quick advice if anyone here is familiar with ESPN+.  I don't have LHN and I'm trying to get my wife the game for tomorrow and somebody mentioned to me ESPN+ is an option.  I can't find much of an answer online and don't really feel like signing up even for a month if it's not going to let us watch the game.  As the various explanations read, it's not much of a live sports platform, but does offer some games here and there.  I can't find info specifically on if we'd be able to get the UTEP game.  

We currently have YTTV with credentials to ESPN's app, but YTTV does not carry LHN, so I'm just trying to figure something out.  A friend believes that a subscription to + would let us use the ESPN app to see the game, but I don't see any specifics like that.  If someone here knows something about that, or knows another way to catch this, drop me a line, will ya.  TIA
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 11, 2020, 01:14:03 PM
I need some quick advice if anyone here is familiar with ESPN+.  I don't have LHN and I'm trying to get my wife the game for tomorrow and somebody mentioned to me ESPN+ is an option.  I can't find much of an answer online and don't really feel like signing up even for a month if it's not going to let us watch the game.  As the various explanations read, it's not much of a live sports platform, but does offer some games here and there.  I can't find info specifically on if we'd be able to get the UTEP game. 

We currently have YTTV with credentials to ESPN's app, but YTTV does not carry LHN, so I'm just trying to figure something out.  A friend believes that a subscription to + would let us use the ESPN app to see the game, but I don't see any specifics like that.  If someone here knows something about that, or knows another way to catch this, drop me a line, will ya.  TIA
there are some web sites that might get you the game
not sure about ESPN+

you could try


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 11, 2020, 01:22:58 PM
I need some quick advice if anyone here is familiar with ESPN+.  I don't have LHN and I'm trying to get my wife the game for tomorrow and somebody mentioned to me ESPN+ is an option.  I can't find much of an answer online and don't really feel like signing up even for a month if it's not going to let us watch the game.  As the various explanations read, it's not much of a live sports platform, but does offer some games here and there.  I can't find info specifically on if we'd be able to get the UTEP game. 

We currently have YTTV with credentials to ESPN's app, but YTTV does not carry LHN, so I'm just trying to figure something out.  A friend believes that a subscription to + would let us use the ESPN app to see the game, but I don't see any specifics like that.  If someone here knows something about that, or knows another way to catch this, drop me a line, will ya.  TIA

I have this exact same setup. YTTV for my "main" TV type viewing. I have a $5 ESPN+ add-on subscription because it enables a lot of the MLS games I'll watch.

***This 100% absolutely, totally, does NOT LET YOU WATCH ANYTHING ON LHN. ***

You will NOT be able to view the game with YTTV plus ESPN+ add on. If you try to view LHN, it will ask you to sign in with a supported cable provider. Basically, you have to have subscribed to a service that natively offers LHN, like Grande or AT&T. It's always a possibility that you know someone who'd let you borrow their credentials.

Otherwise, try "one off" solutions like signing up for the trial packages of Sling Orange or Vidgo. You'll get 30 days free, then cancel.

I'm currently trying to locate a cleaner method, but those are the only above board options I know of.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 11, 2020, 01:40:38 PM
I hear Sling Orange package has LHN, and you might be able to get a free trial on it for just long enough to watch the game and then cancel it. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 11, 2020, 01:46:11 PM
Sling Orange sounds like a good solution.  Thanks doods!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 11, 2020, 01:51:10 PM
Sling Orange sounds like a good solution.  Thanks doods!
I just went to the first web site I listed and it looks like the game will be shown on it course you would have to stream it to you tv from your computer but its a possible solution should the sling option fall through
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 11, 2020, 01:55:53 PM
good luck DeTiger!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 11, 2020, 02:00:29 PM
DEFINITELY double-check though, MDT, to confirm SLng Orange has it. 

There's a thread on surlyhorns with lots of info and that is where I believe I heard that.

They also mentioned something called "Vidgo" which it sounds like offers a trial as well?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 13, 2020, 06:48:46 PM
Sling Orange plus the sports add-on worked fine.  One of the links 320 provided worked for a lot of other things but lacked audio when it came time for that particular game.  No worries, I knew Sling would be really quick and easy to sign up for.  Actually, I wouldn't mind keeping Sling except for they don't have local stations.

My wife spent much of the game on the couch mildly complaining that this would've been LSU week except for, you know, 2020 happened.  

I thought they looked rather good.  UTEP is bad, sure, but it generally takes a certain type of team to steamroll weak teams they way they did.  

I checked the stats at halftime and then argued with the Ricky/Fuzzy Whiskers/other guy when they said take Ehlinger out of the game.  By my rough estimate he was something like 42 yards away from taking the DKR single game passing record.  I completely understand the wisdom of not risking injury, but they way they were playing, there was about a 99% chance he breaks the record in 2-4 pass plays, and < 1% chance he gets injured.  And they did give him the first series anyway, they just kinda turtled.  If you put him back out there, let him go get it.  Kid has wanted to a be a Longhorn his whole life, he deserves it.  Would be a statement of sorts to set a record in the first game.  

Speaking of the foreigner who does hold that record for the time being, I recognized a fair bit of that offense last night.  Did y'all?  Several of the formations, routes and concepts were very similar to what Brady was bringing to Baton Rouge last year.  Particularly the way the WRs sought to clear out areas of the field.  They were classified as a pro-style spread team last year, like the Tigers, but the implementation of that general philosophy was very different.  Last night was not.  Very Saints/Payton-esque, I thought.  I did not see much of the pre-snap motion attempting to make the defense declare the coverage, but a lot of the rest of it was very familiar.  

Not as sure what to think of the defense, UTEP is bad, but no obvious concerns that stuck out.  The offense, though, operated such that it's easy to envision them looking good against significantly better defenses.  If nothing else, nobody else in the Big 12 looked like they were in that ballpark other than OU.  Guess it's the RRR.  Again.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 13, 2020, 07:17:06 PM
Yeah, overall everything looked solid for the Horns.  We've had season openers against scrub teams in other years, where everything did not look solid.  So I like this better.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 14, 2020, 08:55:53 AM
Do you think generally that a team of that ilk (your opp) is about on a par with the Twos of a top level team?  Or is it lower?

Maybe a team like say Rutgers is about like the Twos?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 14, 2020, 09:14:05 AM
I don't know about Rutgers, I haven't really watched them play much.

But I don't think UTEP's as good as the 2's of a top level team, if for no other reason than they also lack the coaching and "consulting" resources of a top level team.  So even if the athletes were as good as the 2's, their development/training/utilization still isn't going to be as good.

Just my opinion of course

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 14, 2020, 09:52:23 AM
I think you're right, which may mean you're wrong.

I figure UTEP et al. get 1-2 star players, some of who develop, most don't have the talent level of the twos of a Texas.

They would have more experience generally and be older.

I would guess the scout team at Texas would be competitive with UTEP.  Rutgers is about like Arkansas has been.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 14, 2020, 09:56:16 AM
UTEP got off the mat last week to beat SFA. They're not technically an FCS team, but competitively that's the way to think.

Concur with the feeling. This win doesn't validate Texas, but when compared to seasons past, it's good to see the team functioning as designed.

The first play from scrimmage is a perfect example. The defense showed a tight box. The offense all saw it. The outside receivers took their guys short and to the sides. The slot ran a perfect slant that locked up the safety, grabbed a training ground pass, and darted to the end zone. It was over in 5 seconds.

In seasons past, that play could have featured a breakdown in protection, or a receiver going too vertical, leading to tighter coverage. An incomplete pass could have been followed up with an earnest 3 yard run, plus maybe a mis-timed dig route and a punt.

UTEP's offense isn't toothless. The QB is legit, but needs some help from his receivers. If they scheme around the RB Hankins and his bashing style, they could be respectable. The Texas defense, like the offense, performed their schemes as designed. Modern offenses are hard to stop even when you're playing perfect defense, and UTEP could have helped themselves to 10 or so more points with better execution. Texas, though, avoided the assignment busts that usually lead to walk in scores.

For at least one game, Texas reminded me of the championship teams when I didn't have to sweat out the cupcakes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 14, 2020, 10:13:25 AM
I think UTEP's safety blew the opening play by closing on the receiver improperly

while that play should have been a good 20 or 30 yard gainer it shouldnt have been a TD

that wasnt the only mistake UTEP's def backs made and UT exploited it all night
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 14, 2020, 10:41:30 AM
I was sorta thinking about when the ones play the scout team in practice and how they SHOULD look good, and execute most of the time.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 14, 2020, 10:53:23 AM
And I agree it's good when your team executes against substandard competition.  Duh.

I have seen a few seasons where UGA looked out of kilter against bad teams.  Not good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 14, 2020, 11:44:02 AM
I think UTEP's safety blew the opening play by closing on the receiver improperly

while that play should have been a good 20 or 30 yard gainer it shouldnt have been a TD

that wasnt the only mistake UTEP's def backs made and UT exploited it all night

I haven't diagnosed the replays yet, and I was watching the game on a "secondary" feed on my tablet. I didn't really catch everything. I don't mean to split hairs.

The play was an RPO. Part bubble screen, part post. With the heavy box, a pass was coming. One safety saw the bubble and shifted to cover it. Sam saw the safety move and moved to his secondary pass option - the skinny post.

Perhaps the safety could have taken a better angle, but Josh Moore is one of the fastest players on the Texas Longhorns football team. Unless you're right next to him when he catches the pass, it's going to be hard to track him down one on one. Sam hit him easily in stride.

From my perspective, what made this different from years past is that everyone on the offense saw the same thing and knew their role. We obviously get a ton of talent at Texas, but that talent is wasted when half the team isn't on the right page. More than anything, this game showed the team almost always working in unison.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 14, 2020, 02:57:03 PM
Now that I looked closer at the play, UTEP's only player with a chance to make that play was the 1-high safety. He opted for the big downhill hit.

He, of course, utterly whiffed on that, not even making glancing contact. The rest was a jog to the orange paint.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 14, 2020, 02:59:40 PM
Now that I looked closer at the play, UTEP's only player with a chance to make that play was the 1-high safety. He opted for the big downhill hit.

He, of course, utterly whiffed on that, not even making glancing contact. The rest was a jog to the orange paint.
which brings us back to my original statement
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 14, 2020, 08:33:08 PM
I do seem to have some malware after visiting those sites, 320, so just be warned.  I'm not really surprised, sites like that are famous for it, can't blame anybody but myself for that one.  It's not that malicious, really just annoying, but it is proving surprisingly hard to get rid of.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 14, 2020, 09:40:14 PM
well, ya see what happens   Larry???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 14, 2020, 09:44:33 PM
I do seem to have some malware after visiting those sites, 320, so just be warned.  I'm not really surprised, sites like that are famous for it, can't blame anybody but myself for that one.  It's not that malicious, really just annoying, but it is proving surprisingly hard to get rid of. 
sorry bout that I guess my virus software protects me cause Ive never had a problem

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 19, 2020, 08:37:47 PM
Dang, just saw a blurb that Colt McCoy will be starting for the Giants this week. I did not know he was still in the league, have not seen him play for a long time. Of course, I never really watched much nfl, especially these days.  He was one of those players of your rivals that made you root for ‘em. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 19, 2020, 09:26:48 PM
Dang, just saw a blurb that Colt McCoy will be starting for the Giants this week. I did not know he was still in the league, have not seen him play for a long time. Of course, I never really watched much nfl, especially these days.  He was one of those players of your rivals that made you root for ‘em.
He still has a decent arm but his offensive line is really weak

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 20, 2020, 12:14:18 AM
Dang, just saw a blurb that Colt McCoy will be starting for the Giants this week. I did not know he was still in the league, have not seen him play for a long time. Of course, I never really watched much nfl, especially these days.  He was one of those players of your rivals that made you root for ‘em.
He played for them a couple weeks ago.  Won, too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 03, 2021, 09:25:56 AM
So who's starting for the giants against Dallas today?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 03, 2021, 09:34:17 AM
So who's starting for the giants against Dallas today?
Daniel Jones
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 03, 2021, 09:46:43 AM
Daniel Jones
Good.  Glad I'm not having to wish for Colt's destruction. ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 03, 2021, 07:40:09 PM
didn't matter
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 23, 2021, 04:26:45 PM
So any opinions on Bob Mike Stoops accepting the LB coach at Texas and then having the offer rescinded? 

Seems strange that they would do that just based on his ties to OU, especially after the fact that Darrel Royal was a sooner.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 23, 2021, 04:55:59 PM
Not Bob Stoops, Mike Stoops.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 23, 2021, 08:18:09 PM
Probably for the best considering past statements MS had made concerning UT

I dont consider LB coach a huge hole to fill at UT as there are plenty of good candidates out there
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 23, 2021, 09:26:41 PM
Not Bob Stoops, Mike Stoops.
I knew it was Mike but accidentally typed Bob. 
what did he say about UT?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 23, 2021, 10:13:52 PM
A lot of crap has come out of Mike's mouth in the past

one of his flaws
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2021, 09:59:31 AM
I don't think it's the OU connection.  For example, if it really had been Bob Stoops being considered for the LB coach, that would be considered a major achievement and he would have been welcomed.  Obviously Bob Stoops wouldn't actually consider anything other than a head coaching position, but I'm just pointing out it's not the OU thing.

After reading some about him, by many accounts, including several OU posters on the Longhorn boards-- Mike Stoops is real asshole.  And he's also rumored to be a boozer with a drug habit.  That's not something the Texas administration would be comfortable with, given Sarkisian's past.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 24, 2021, 10:05:44 AM
confirmed by the Chief Scouts
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 25, 2021, 09:14:48 AM
That message is Skicat-approved.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 25, 2021, 11:49:16 AM
I saw it as a VERY unnecessary risk to chemistry. Sark appears to have had a ton of well respected coaches leave their comfortable gigs to head to Texas as assistants. For each of them, there was an articulable reason for them to do so.

Mike seemed to, at best, be a decent LB coach. Even that statement could be argued. I'm sure that Sark worked with him long enough at Bama to conclude that his abusive history is behind him. Obviously Sark himself understands burying the past and earning redemption.

However, it seemed like it was maximal risk, maximal bad blood, for only a chance of getting a good LB coach. The man hired in place of Stoops is recognized as an assistant DC, was being considered to replace PK at Washington, and likely would see HC offers this season. The pedigree is much more in line with the other coaching hires.

At least Sark now very much knows where the line is.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 25, 2021, 12:19:55 PM
I saw it as a VERY unnecessary risk to chemistry. Sark appears to have had a ton of well respected coaches leave their comfortable gigs to head to Texas as assistants. For each of them, there was an articulable reason for them to do so.

Mike seemed to, at best, be a decent LB coach. Even that statement could be argued. I'm sure that Sark worked with him long enough at Bama to conclude that his abusive history is behind him. Obviously Sark himself understands burying the past and earning redemption.

However, it seemed like it was maximal risk, maximal bad blood, for only a chance of getting a good LB coach. The man hired in place of Stoops is recognized as an assistant DC, was being considered to replace PK at Washington, and likely would see HC offers this season. The pedigree is much more in line with the other coaching hires.

At least Sark now very much knows where the line is.
the question in my mind is was this line really necessary to draw

need to be careful to only draw lines when necessary

there is a difference between just being a boss and being a motivator 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 26, 2021, 03:43:47 PM
I first saw the term "chemistry" and had a different expectation of the discussion.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 26, 2021, 04:34:56 PM
I first saw the term "chemistry" and had a different expectation of the discussion.
ok go back to sleep
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 27, 2021, 05:36:56 PM
What in the Wide World of Sports?

Wine is good.  I like Tito's as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 27, 2021, 08:05:00 PM
What in the Wide World of Sports?

Wine is good.  I like Tito's as well.
the agony of defeat or was it my feet

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 28, 2021, 09:06:29 AM
NI3 is an unnecessary risk to chemistry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2021, 10:30:14 AM
We had a guy would would spread NI3 on the lab floor from time to time.

The boss got really mad at him about it.

My worst experience was with something called butane dithiol.  I knew it smelled bad, I just didn't know how bad.  I got a slight whiff and immediately threw up.

I think it would be useful for crowd control.  It's nontoxic.  I think.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 28, 2021, 10:46:22 AM
we are a random group today
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 28, 2021, 11:05:46 AM
Back in my wafer fab days, I used to change out arsine and phosphine gas bottles for our ion implanters.   And Boron Triflouride and Silicon Tetraflouride too.  

All of them quite toxic.  We had to wear SCBA and work in pairs.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 28, 2021, 11:15:56 AM
I use AMDRO to kill fire ants
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 28, 2021, 12:07:53 PM
We had a guy would would spread NI3 on the lab floor from time to time.

The boss got really mad at him about it.

My worst experience was with something called butane dithiol.  I knew it smelled bad, I just didn't know how bad.  I got a slight whiff and immediately threw up.

I think it would be useful for crowd control.  It's nontoxic.  I think.

NI3 is a favorite of unsupervised high school chemists. At least me, since I was fortunate enough to be in a new(ish) class lab that was put together from three extremely old high schools. The stock room was crammed full of stock that should never have been stored together - much less left to precocious high school chemistry students.

Obviously, we weren't isolating it pure. Creating it in the aqueous phase and letting it dry on surfaces was the height of hilarity.

Straight up butanethiol is usually used in stink bombs. Any time there's a "thiol" in something, chances are it'll smell bad.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 28, 2021, 12:14:19 PM
course I could have used several other stuff to kill fire ant but most of them cause cancer so Ill stick with AMDRO
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2021, 05:26:47 PM
1,4-butanedithiol is a super potent mix, much worse than butanethiol, IMHO.  I was doing organosulfur chemistry so I was used to bad smells.  This one was off the charts for me.  Dimethyl sulfoxide fascinated me, it actually has no smell when pure, it sublimes readily, but it reverts to small impurities of dimthehyl sulfide, which does smell, and sulfone, which does not, rather quickly.

My great discovery was a reaction that runs in circles, for a while.  It's of no practical use.  The conditions reduce a sulfoxide to a sulfide and then oxidize the sulfide back to a sulfoxide.  My boss wanted me to reduce sulfones, but no dice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 28, 2021, 05:38:29 PM
CD invented a (somewhat) perpetual motion device and nobody noticed...

I was also lucky enough to get to handle solid arsenic and solid phosphorous.  Good times.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2021, 06:10:56 PM
Well, it got me a paper in Journal of Organic Chemistry, so there is that.

I don't think it was cited very much.

My other great inventions relate to low Tg thermoset polymers derived from high internal phase emulsions, which really rolls off the tongue.  And that actually did make it into a product.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 29, 2021, 09:43:32 AM
Our sense of smell is really weird. By way of contrast, our eyes are basic photoreceptors tuned to a particular band of electromagnetic energy. Photons get focused on a given area, the energy causes the cells to fire, an electrical signal travels through a nerve, and the brain does its thing.

Smells come from basically airborne molecules. While a photon hitting our eye is either in band or out of band, molecules can be anything at all! The body goes through great lengths to arrange compounds in the body so they arrive at their receptor in just the right formation and conformation, but the nose just has to work with whatever gets breathed in.

If something called a "human" ever had a evolutionary use for the sense of smell, we lost that need too far back to even notice (any product touting "human pheremone" is crap. They might exist, but we can't detect them). However, the human brain has a great database of smells, and we quickly relate them to memories and emotional states in a much more intense manner than any other sense!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 10:07:02 AM
No doubt.

I stayed at an old hotel in France for many months while I was working there.  It had a really old, small elevator that had been retrofitted into the much-older building.  Whatever combinations of cleaning products, old wood, and whatever else was in that elevator, had a distinct but not unpleasant odor, although it didn't impact me at the time.

But many years later, I was getting onto a friend's old restored boat out on Lake Travis.  The cabin was the original all-wooden interior, and the smell in there launched me immediately back to my French hotel elevator from over a decade before.  It was remarkably acute.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 29, 2021, 10:09:17 AM
I think our sense of smell helps us avoid eating bad food, spoiled rancid meat for example.

I find women have a better sense of smell and I wonder if in pregnancy that evolved to protect the fetus from pathogens.  Men could get sick and survive but a pregnant women could lose the baby by eating bad meat.

I let the wife taste the wine in restaurants, her sense of smell is much more acute than mine.  

I heard a seminar once that compared our noses to gas chromatographs, they operate in the same general way apparently.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 29, 2021, 10:10:50 AM
We stayed in a small older hotel in Bordeaux three nights a while back.  We had to put our luggage on the elevator and take the stairs ourselves.  I think it took two trips to get our luggage up.  The elevator didn't seem very reliable anyway.

Small rooms but great location.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 29, 2021, 10:17:21 AM
I think our sense of smell helps us avoid eating bad food, spoiled rancid meat for example.

I find women have a better sense of smell and I wonder if in pregnancy that evolved to protect the fetus from pathogens.  Men could get sick and survive but a pregnant women could lose the baby by eating bad meat.

I let the wife taste the wine in restaurants, her sense of smell is much more acute than mine. 

I heard a seminar once that compared our noses to gas chromatographs, they operate in the same general way apparently.
I used to let my girlfriends taste as much wine as possible

When I was in grade school sometimes the teacher would pass out tests etc which had been memographed
I used to love to smell a memographed sheet I havent really smelled anything quite like it since
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 29, 2021, 11:52:06 AM
I used to teach wine classes in Cincy, and I found the ladies generally had a better developed sense of smell.

It's also possible the husbands were just there to drink and didn't care.

I held the classes in the municipal building which had signs saying NO ALCOHOL, but the mayor was one of he participants and the chief of police came to one.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 29, 2021, 11:59:41 AM
apparently, the mayor and the chief didn't smell anything wrong
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 29, 2021, 12:12:26 PM
Heh, no doubt, they enjoyed themselves.

Our mayor was the former President of the Ohio Senate.

Those wine classes were fun, a friend of mine took them over.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 01:10:00 PM
Now I'm thirsty
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 29, 2021, 02:01:06 PM
Our local liquor shop (or at least my favorite) did a couple of wine schools a while back. I enjoyed them greatly.

The object was to mostly expose the students to different variants of wine, explain where each predominantly came from, and what sort of characterized that variant. It gave me a lot of words that I think makes discussing it with others more relatable.

Oddly, it also helps me when building cocktails. I can more thoughtfully consider what each ingredient brings to the experience. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 29, 2021, 02:08:03 PM
I did some of that.  My favorite class which I did with the local Riedel rep was to serve the same wine in different glasses to show how it makes a difference.

That astonishes everyone who thinks the stem doesn't matter.

I also did a lot of blind tastings, like the same varietal at different price points.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 29, 2021, 02:15:44 PM
now I'm thirsty
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 02:26:45 PM
now I'm thirsty

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 29, 2021, 02:40:49 PM
Fore beer

I'll be at the local pub in less than 3 hours

$2 Budweisers all night!

I can't afford to stay sober!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 02:54:00 PM
Is $2 a good price?  Seems like highway robbery for that swill...


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 29, 2021, 03:01:01 PM
Is $2 a good price?  Seems like highway robbery for that swill...


after the first 6 it really doesnt matter
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 29, 2021, 03:05:27 PM
it's good, could always be better

the owner of the local bar is a friend of mine - wonder how that happened?  He's a K-state grad and fan.  Doesn't know SkiCat or the purple hayseed lawyer, but he's heard of the Chief Scouts.  the Busch corporation could probably afford to sell him beer cheap enough to only charge me a dollar, but doesn't seem to work like that....

one of the golf courses I'm a member is having happy hour tonight.  No golf obviously, just opening the clubhouse to sell beers for a buck each to clean them out before they expire.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 03:10:32 PM
Why no golf?  Weather is marvelous.  64 and sunny. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 29, 2021, 03:17:09 PM
come on up this weekend or next week

you can borrow my clubs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 03:37:46 PM
Oh I don't play.  Thanks anyway!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 29, 2021, 03:56:37 PM
I'll be in the Dallas area the week of the 22nd, hoping youse Texans are having some fabulous weather that week!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 04:08:33 PM
It'll either be great, or miserable.  That's winter in Texico.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 29, 2021, 04:08:54 PM
There was a bar in Athens circa 1973 called the B&L Warehouse.  They had live music every night, and Tuesday was quarter beer night.  They had a stage on each end of this long warehouse, with two long bars going down the side, and some random chairs in the middle and a dance floor.  One band would set up while the other played on the opposite stage.

Music scene vets look back at pre-R.E.M. days - Lifestyle - Athens Banner-Herald - Athens, GA ( (

Random Athens Memories: Remember When XTC and R.E.M. Shared a Bill? | Flagpole (

Local fans of both XTC and R.E.M. wish they could take a time machine back to Apr. 24, 1981 for their show at the B&L Warehouse in Athens. R.E.M. was a young band with a growing following. XTC was playing at the top of its game. Its sound lay somewhere near the intersection of punk and pop. Recently, I spoke with a few who were there. I also caught up with former XTC members Colin Moulding and Terry Chambers, who have just self-released an EP, Great Aspirations, with their new project, TC&I.
Here in Athens, the cavernous, dark room that was once the B&L Warehouse is long gone. Now a part of UGA’s Hodgson Oil Building on Oak Street, it has settled into a more pedestrian persona as an office complex. Brad Cahoon remembers walking to the XTC/R.E.M. show with some friends from his dorm across the railroad tracks. “The venue felt big compared to Tyrone’s O.C., which is what we were used to, but the same crowd seemed to be there.” Like so many Athenians in the early 1980s, he listened to WUOG, which had put XTC tunes “Life Begins at the Hop” and “Making Plans for Nigel” in heavy rotation. Cahoon thought it “was cool that our local heroes were opening for a big-time band.”

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 04:37:20 PM
I never saw XTC in concert but I did see REM once.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 29, 2021, 04:39:18 PM
REM put me to sleep.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 29, 2021, 04:40:58 PM
I did some of that.  My favorite class which I did with the local Riedel rep was to serve the same wine in different glasses to show how it makes a difference.

That astonishes everyone who thinks the stem doesn't matter.

I also did a lot of blind tastings, like the same varietal at different price points.

I love Hennessy cognac in that respect (all the other respects, too...).

If you pour a "shot" of Hennessy, first of all don't do that. Second of all, it'll just taste like stingy, alcoholic burning.
If you pour it into the ubiquitous bulb snifter, coat the bottom of the glass, then let the glass rest in your hand for around 10 minutes while you gently swirl it, you'll notice a couple of things when you sip it. The glass captures a delightful aroma, and the liquid is now sweet and warming on the tongue.

Yes, it has to do with esters and volatile organics and the rest, but the glassware totally makes a difference.
I was likewise astonished when, again making cocktails, I discovered that violently shaking a drink changes the taste when compared to gently stirring the same ingredients.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 29, 2021, 04:48:55 PM
I have some XO upstairs I bought in France last trip at a restaurant.  I do like it, never had any Louis Tres.

Ugnii blanc.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 29, 2021, 04:50:31 PM
I never saw XTC in concert but I did see REM once.
don't know who XTC is, but wouldn't walk across the street to listen to REM
but, I'm old
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 29, 2021, 05:56:12 PM
Yes, it has to do with esters and volatile organics and the rest, but the glassware totally makes a difference.
I was likewise astonished when, again making cocktails, I discovered that violently shaking a drink changes the taste when compared to gently stirring the same ingredients.
Why is this a factor, shaken versus stirred?  What sort of difference is conferred?  Are some better one way and other better the other?

I have wondered if the whole lot of shaking going on at bars is for show, not taste.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 11:01:24 PM
REM put me to sleep.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2021, 11:06:24 PM
I have some XO upstairs I bought in France last trip at a restaurant.  I do like it, never had any Louis Tres.

Ugnii blanc.

I keep a bottle of Hennessey XO around at all times, it's quite tasty.

One night out celebrating with some of our corporate bigwigs in France, I finessed my way into getting a pour of this stuff:


It was fantastic, but I wouldn't have spent the $100/snifter if it were my own money.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 30, 2021, 09:04:52 AM
Armangac of course can be quite good and a lot cheaper.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 01, 2021, 09:38:22 AM
Why is this a factor, shaken versus stirred?  What sort of difference is conferred?  Are some better one way and other better the other?

I have wondered if the whole lot of shaking going on at bars is for show, not taste.
Not quite sure yet. When I make Manhattans, I shook them, and the result was a cloudy light amber drink that never resolved. It was really rye-forward. When I stirred it, it stayed clear and was much more balanced.

When I make Hurricanes, I shake it like nobody's business. There's a lot of syrup in those that needs to be thoroughly (and apparently forcefully) combined.

I guess the conventional thought is that distilled liquors have a sort of oily component to them that shouldn't be broken apart. If your drink consists of whiskeys, gin, and some low-sugar type liqueurs, stirring keeps all the flavor stuff where it's supposed to be whereas shaking blends it all together.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 01, 2021, 09:57:55 AM
Shaking with ice rather than stirring also dilutes the drink more, but also renders it colder for obvious reasons.  Not sure that really explains differences in flavor though. I like the "oily booze" theory.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 01, 2021, 12:46:31 PM
It sounds stupid to say, but you need to shake drinks with really cold, solid ice. Certainly, it should be in pretty big chunks.
You're basically using the ice the way a spray paint can uses that agitator ball. The ice will slam back and forth in the shaker as one mass. Once it starts tinkling rather than slamming, it's time to pour. If you're giving it some effort, 10 seconds should be good. Keeping really cold ice will limit the amount of melt, but the extra water becomes a part of the drink's flavor too.

My personal shake pattern sounds like "Wipeout" by the Surfaris. Fierce sixteenth notes accented on the 2 and 4. I suppose I could try the hemiola phrase from "West Side Story's" "America" (duh-da-duh-duh-da-duh-DA-DA-DA) some time.
Just make sure to hold the cap on the shaker to avoid decorating your guests.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 01, 2021, 12:50:35 PM
It sounds stupid to say, but you need to shake drinks with really cold, solid ice. Certainly, it should be in pretty big chunks.
You're basically using the ice the way a spray paint can uses that agitator ball. The ice will slam back and forth in the shaker as one mass. Once it starts tinkling rather than slamming, it's time to pour. If you're giving it some effort, 10 seconds should be good. Keeping really cold ice will limit the amount of melt, but the extra water becomes a part of the drink's flavor too.

My personal shake pattern sounds like "Wipeout" by the Surfaris. Fierce sixteenth notes accented on the 2 and 4. I suppose I could try the hemiola phrase from "West Side Story's" "America" (duh-da-duh-duh-da-duh-DA-DA-DA) some time.
Just make sure to hold the cap on the shaker to avoid decorating your guests.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 01, 2021, 02:02:56 PM
Mine's more like a fast version of the Imperial March.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 01, 2021, 02:17:59 PM
as you know, almost all martini's are shaken

I prefer them that way.

Tito's or Bombay or both

don't want anyone shakin my whiskey
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 01, 2021, 02:45:38 PM
I guess the conventional thought is that distilled liquors have a sort of oily component to them that shouldn't be broken apart. If your drink consists of whiskeys, gin, and some low-sugar type liqueurs, stirring keeps all the flavor stuff where it's supposed to be whereas shaking blends it all together.
I can't imagine anything "oily" that would come over as distillate.  Ethanol is pretty low boiling.  You could pick up something higher molecular weight from aging of course.

About the only mixed drink I ever have is a gin and tonic.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 01, 2021, 02:59:55 PM
I do not advise shaking a gin and tonic.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 01, 2021, 03:08:47 PM
good to know, but I always stir my bombay &  tonic

easy on the tonic

I do like a little slice of something citrus 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 01, 2021, 03:10:07 PM
Gotta have a squeeze of lime in your G&T or it doesn't taste right.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 01, 2021, 03:25:47 PM
The Costco "Box" Cabernet Sauvignon is amazingly good IMHO.  I bought three boxes today, 3 L per box for $13.

It's my "Tuesday night wine".  

I find the Kirkland brand bottled wines to be nearly all excellent for the money.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 01, 2021, 04:11:05 PM
I should have recognized that, considering the current discussion, "oily" would have been taken in a phase sense.
I mean that distilled liquors tend to leave a film or coating in the mouth natively. Sort of hard to explain, but the taste is there. Whatever bit that is riding around in the liquor gets dispersed when shaken. It makes it too prominent.

Glad to hear about the Costco wine. I like the good "I'm going to sit down, watch TV, and drink a glass of wine whilst eating popcorn" type drinks.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 01, 2021, 04:32:41 PM
The Costco "Box" Cabernet Sauvignon is amazingly good IMHO.  I bought three boxes today, 3 L per box for $13.

It's my "Tuesday night wine". 

I find the Kirkland brand bottled wines to be nearly all excellent for the money.

no Costco or kirkland stuff around these parts

need to make a golf trip to Texas soon
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 01, 2021, 06:02:30 PM
I'm drinking some of that wine now, it's amazing at that price.  Our neighbor is coming in an hour for his birthday party, just us three.  I'm grilling some ribeyes, the wife has out Champagne, smoked salmon, and caviar.  I'm indifferent to caviar, she loves it, I do like smoked salmon.

Went to Costco today, premium gas was $2.13 and this new monitor was $180.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 01, 2021, 06:06:47 PM
I'm drinking some of that wine now, it's amazing at that price.  Our neighbor is coming in an hour for his birthday party, just us three.  I'm grilling some ribeyes, the wife has out Champagne, smoked salmon, and caviar.  I'm indifferent to caviar, she loves it, I do like smoked salmon.

Went to Costco today, premium gas was $2.13 and this new monitor was $180.

enjoy it while you can
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 01, 2021, 06:14:30 PM
There is a large over supply right now, quite a bit of oil is simply stored.  It's going to take some time to eat into the excess.

My car gets 25 mpg around town and 37 or so on trips, it's a GTI.  The wife thinks it is fun, she boots it a lot.  I was musing about a BMW240i convertible with a stick, but they are hard to find.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 01, 2021, 08:26:23 PM
There is a large over supply right now, quite a bit of oil is simply stored.  It's going to take some time to eat into the excess.

My car gets 25 mpg around town and 37 or so on trips, it's a GTI.  The wife thinks it is fun, she boots it a lot.  I was musing about a BMW240i convertible with a stick, but they are hard to find.

Its funny how the oil companies ignore the supply on hand produced at a lower cost and immediately value its inventory at current market price

so no the consumer wont benefit by the supply on hand
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 01, 2021, 09:03:07 PM
their kids need shoes too, ya know.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 01, 2021, 09:05:10 PM
soon to be OPECs bitch
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 01, 2021, 09:11:10 PM
we've survived that in the past

Mac McClung vs the Sooners on ESPN
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 01, 2021, 09:34:55 PM
we've survived that in the past

yep we will survive it but with less cash in our pockets
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 01, 2021, 09:39:34 PM
us rich folk don't need all that cash
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 01, 2021, 10:06:31 PM
us rich folk don't need all that cash
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 02, 2021, 06:23:43 AM
Gasoline prices move pretty much in lock step with global crude prices (aside from tax increases).  And global crude prices reflect demand, and the global economy is still down.  Once the economy recovers, a lot of shuttered production will come back on line, and eventually crude prices will recover and go higher and gasoline prices will follow.

I think that is a year plus off, we might see $3 gas by end of this year, more likely middle of next year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 02, 2021, 10:11:49 AM
Gasoline prices move pretty much in lock step with global crude prices

agreed, until a refinery explodes
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 02, 2021, 10:30:38 AM
Gasoline prices move pretty much in lock step with global crude prices

agreed, until a refinery explodes
even then

global prices will adjust for it

CD is very optimistic predicting $3 gas by year end

I think it will be closer to $4
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 02, 2021, 10:39:31 AM
It's a global market. Short of an outrageous tariff or blockade, government action really can't directly affect the price of gasoline. Of course, people speculate on the commodities markets, too. If they're thinking an influx of dollars will somehow lead to travel, they're likely to bet the future contract higher.

Oil has had its day. It now costs less per month to buy new wind generation equipment than it does to fuel a power plant. With energy densities in battery storage supporting 300+ mile ranges, the internal combustion engine no longer makes sense. It really isn't a political question. We moved on from horses, too, when we invented a better way.

Turns out the family likes smoked salmon. I do it with nothing more complicated than soaking a cedar plank in water for around 2 hours, then oiling a center cut salmon hunk with grapeseed oil and coating it with a little salt and pepper. Put it on the grill, offset from a lower heat bunch of charcoal, for around 25 minutes. I usually pair it with some couscous or quinoa to make it seem exotic. I'll nuke some "Steam in Bag" Green Giant Mediterranean vegetables or broccoli just to round it all out. Easy, cheap, quick to clean up, and it seems fancy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 02, 2021, 11:01:46 AM
It's a global market. Short of an outrageous tariff or blockade, government action really can't directly affect the price of gasoline. Of course, people speculate on the commodities markets, too. If they're thinking an influx of dollars will somehow lead to travel, they're likely to bet the future contract higher.

Thats not accurate.  We have shut doen the Keystone pipeline and stopped all oil production on federal lands which shuts down much of Alaska

Offshore drilling permits will be next as well as using fracking

all of this will take a huge bite out of the global oil supply

Once this is done OPEC will raise prices because they can
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 02, 2021, 11:14:23 AM
Thats not accurate.  We have shut doen the Keystone pipeline and stopped all oil production on federal lands which shuts down much of Alaska

This is incorrect, or badly exaggerated.

There are existing Keystone pipelines still in operation.  Construction on the XL was halted.  That in itself will not impact oil production, only shipping.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 02, 2021, 11:29:42 AM
Thats not accurate.  We have shut doen the Keystone pipeline and stopped all oil production on federal lands which shuts down much of Alaska

Offshore drilling permits will be next as well as using fracking

all of this will take a huge bite out of the global oil supply

Once this is done OPEC will raise prices because they can

because supply & demand
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 02, 2021, 11:38:24 AM
This is incorrect, or badly exaggerated.

There are existing Keystone pipelines still in operation.  Construction on the XL was halted.  That in itself will not impact oil production, only shipping.
oil produced in Canada really doesnt help the US especially if they sell it to China which was what was going to happen
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 02, 2021, 11:38:57 AM
because supply & demand
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 02, 2021, 11:45:59 AM
Oil produced anywhere creates global supply which helps reduces prices.

It's fungible.

That Canadian oil is going  to get to market one way or another, duh.  Pipelines are  safest and most efficient.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 02, 2021, 12:10:28 PM
yup, I told soybean farmers this when Trump put tariffs on China

china quit buying US soybeans, this drove the US bean market down for a month or so.

But, of course China still bought the same amount of beans, just from South America or somewhere else.  This caused others to purchase the US beans.  Prices leveled out where they had been.

It's a small world after all
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 02, 2021, 12:55:27 PM
Keystone XL would pump sour shale crude. It's basically sulfur entrained. American refiners won't touch it when there's abundant light sweet crude or Brent grade available. The only thing this pipeline would do is bypass trucking jobs in order to onboard the oil at a port to take it overseas.

My feeling is that crude peaked already. We've got enough domestic sources to essentially ride out the transition. Right now, getting former rig workers up to speed on wind installations would be a fantastic use of resources. The fact is, it's just cheaper and easier to let a propeller spin and generate energy than it is to continuously pull stuff from the earth, truck it, process it, ship it, and incinerate it for energy. Internal combustion is just a tedious, messy, and wasteful (thermodynamically) process.

Again, this isn't really a political question. Wind and solar have simply advanced to a point where storing energy from the environment is cheaper than generating it from minerals.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 02, 2021, 01:25:09 PM
CORRECTED-Even without Keystone XL, U.S. set for record Canadian oil imports | Reuters (

Why Canada Would Rather Export Oil Than Refine It | (

The more southern US refineries can refine the stuff, and do.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 03, 2021, 10:41:53 AM
I drank Keystone XL in college.  Tallboys were cheap.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 03, 2021, 11:24:44 AM
and you talk down to Budweiser
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 03, 2021, 11:58:33 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 03, 2021, 01:30:14 PM
and you talk down to Budweiser

Keystone doesn't taste like much of anything.

Budweiser actively tastes nasty.

But back in college I wouldn't turn down even Bud products when they were free.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 03, 2021, 01:47:00 PM
not many folks are uppity enough to turn down free beer
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 03, 2021, 03:16:47 PM
Our go tos in college were Red White and Blue and Old Mil.  I think the Lite beers came out about then, of course I was in college for a while.

I had a drinking buddy from south Georgia who had a heavy southern accent and drove a jacked up Mustang with headers.  Turned out he voted for McGovern and had a lot of liberal ideas.  Journalism major.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 03, 2021, 03:45:03 PM
Charlie Daniels Uneasy Rider - YouTube (

And I layed it on thicker and heavier as I went

I said would you beleive this man has gone as far
As tearin' Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars
And he voted for George McGoveren for president

Well he's a friend of them long-haired hippie type pinko fags
I betcha he's even got a Commie flag
Tacked up on the wall inside of his garage

He's a snake in the grass I tell ya guys
He may look dumb but that's jus a disguise
He's a mastermind in the ways of espionage
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 03, 2021, 03:45:52 PM
Our go tos in college were Red White and Blue and Old Mil.  I think the Lite beers came out about then, of course I was in college for a while.

I had a drinking buddy from south Georgia who had a heavy southern accent and drove a jacked up Mustang with headers.  Turned out he voted for McGovern and had a lot of liberal ideas.  Journalism major.

Back in my college days you could buy a quart of Old Mil for 50 cents

man those were the days
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 03, 2021, 04:49:57 PM
Never have been much for beer you can see through. Just kind of sloshes around inside me until it wants to get let out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 03, 2021, 05:00:24 PM
lucky to have Waller Creek nearby when tailgating for releasing see through beer
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 03, 2021, 05:24:48 PM
lucky to have Waller Creek nearby when tailgating for releasing see through beer
Waller Creek has other uses too
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 03, 2021, 06:31:37 PM
lucky to have Waller Creek nearby when tailgating for releasing see through beer
Can't believe you remember the Pee Tree.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 04, 2021, 02:25:38 PM
not sure why my memory works the way it does
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 04, 2021, 03:05:50 PM
I'm not sure why my memory doesn't work the say it does, and the thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 28, 2021, 10:23:56 AM
Well the old SWC is representing well into the Elite 8.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 28, 2021, 11:04:54 AM
should have let them into the 12
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 28, 2021, 12:21:26 PM
I'm sure Arkansas has an open invitation, and Baylor's already in.

I know a couple people that went to UH, they're decent folk.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 28, 2021, 04:39:44 PM
In the spirit of diversity it should be noted that Texas won its 15th national title in mens swimming and diving the other day so light the damn tower
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 29, 2021, 10:39:15 AM
Women's roundball takes down Maryland and is on to the Elite 8.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 29, 2021, 12:14:07 PM
Women's roundball takes down Maryland and is on to the Elite 8.
Hmmm I might have to actually watch em play
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 29, 2021, 02:05:44 PM
Hmmm I might have to actually watch em play
They play #1-seed South Carolina at 6:00 tomorrow night.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 29, 2021, 03:34:03 PM
They play #1-seed South Carolina at 6:00 tomorrow night.
locked it in
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 29, 2021, 04:01:49 PM
speaking of basketball..............

As the Texas Longhorns continue their search for a new head basketball coach, one name has continually been linked to the job. That man is Texas Tech coach Chris Beard, who is a 1995 graduate of Texas and started his coaching career there as a graduate assistant.

On Friday, NBA reporter Brad Townsend, who covers the Dallas Mavericks for the Dallas Morning News, reported that a close source told him Beard to Texas is already a ‘done deal.’ However, nothing has materialized there over the weekend.

One of Texas Tech’s most famous alum, Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, took to Twitter on Sunday afternoon to plead for Beard to remaining with the Red Raiders.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 29, 2021, 04:09:38 PM
I'm sure the contract is not a "done deal", since there's a buyout figure that gets REDUCED to $4million on this coming Thursday. If Beard were already committed, it could be argued that Texas owes the higher figure - whatever that number turns out to be.

I'm also curious about Texas interviewing Royal Ivey. He's a former Texas player under Rick Barnes who spent 11 seasons as an NBA player, a few as a teammate to Kevin Durant, and is now an assistant with the Nets. He's got no head coaching experience of any kind, so that's a risk. However, getting an alum of Ivey's caliber to run the program would be intriguing.

I'm too much of a basketball ignoramus to know if he's got any serious coaching chops.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 29, 2021, 04:35:52 PM
Yeah I know so little about basketball that I really can't make any comments on who should be hired for the gig.

Football and baseball, on the other hand... I have plenty of commentary for those sports. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 30, 2021, 09:11:18 AM
I know a vague amount of beisbol. Aside from the "hit 'em where they ain't" and other pithy sayings, I get the notion of aggression on a two out hit and such.

When we get to the "If your pitcher throws a slider, change, and fastball, how do you handle a lefty with one out, a man on second, and a 2-1 count up 2 in the 7th?", you lose me. I know analytics is supposed to be all the rage right now, and I understand cold numbers better than most. However, I believe humans aren't random, and that a hot pitcher who's a statistically weak match is better than a cold pitcher with better alignment. In short, I think baseball is less data driven than managers make it.

Now college football, I'm prepared to debate zone versus reach blocking, or foot alignment of the slot receiver on a levels route.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 15, 2021, 07:08:36 AM
I know baseball pretty well, having played and watched it much of  my life.  I THINK analytics has not completely taken over, managers still make gut decisions.  I also THINK analytics MIGHT win an extra 0.1 games a year over good manager decisions.  There certainly are preferred matchups between pitcher and batter, and folks always talk about "getting hot" as a hitter in particular.  Most hitters have a weak spot somewhere, this is why some players don't make it in the Bigs, they have a "hole in their swing" and MLB pitchers are good enough to find it nearly every time.  Good hitters have small holes, or none at all in some cases (Ted Williams).

I loved watching Maddux and Glavine pitch.  Neither could exceed 92 mph on their fastball, but it didn't matter.  They could locate within the hitter's "holes" routinely, and change speeds, and put enough movement on a pitch to be a problem.  Maddux was deadly with left handed batters, they had to know he would do this, but he'd throw a two strike cutter inside that would move over the edge of the plate at the end, and umpires would usually give him an inch or three.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 15, 2021, 09:21:05 AM
I've also seen baseball games that devolved into seeing which pitcher could tail the ball over the outside black of the plate three times out of six.

With today's streaming options, there's likely a rerun of "She's the Sheriff" on someplace.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 15, 2021, 10:54:42 AM
I love watching baseball live.

On TV, the only baseball I'll watch is the Texas Longhorns in Omaha.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 17, 2021, 12:51:58 PM
I like playing baseball, even though it is not a sport for older guys at all.  It has a tempo I enjoy.

And camaraderie usually.

Years ago, we visited the wife's friend in England and there was a test match happening just across the lane.  The husband and I sat there watching and he explained cricket to me, beautiful sunny day.  The ladies were bringing us "Pimm's", which are quite tasty and may contain alcohol.

Cricket is interesting, sort of, but they play for days at times.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 19, 2021, 11:40:45 AM
I think the long form Cricket match that takes like 3 days to complete has fallen out of vogue. I like it because, while being intensely competitive, it's very laid back. You can hit the ball, have it land in-bounds (even behind you is in play), and just sort of decline to move because you don't think you can make it to where you're going.

Any sport where you can score 200 times in one inning is one of patience. Like a lot of English sports, it relies heavily on protocol - like ensuring you've shaved properly before entering the pitch.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 23, 2021, 02:40:29 PM
Didn't old-school cricket matches sometimes take weeks?  I vaguely recall one of my British friends talking about that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 23, 2021, 04:05:39 PM
When the weather is nice and the ladies bring you tasty beverages, watching any sport is probably just fine.

While we were sitting there, another fellow came by and sat, I was introduced, he was a farmer of some sort, and began plying me with questions about the US crop report (wheat, not OJ).  I tried to indicate nicely I had no idea, which is true, he seemed to think all Americans were up on this stuff.

I had another beverage and he left somewhat dissatisfied, no doubt thinking I wanted to keep valuable intelligence from him.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 23, 2021, 04:07:31 PM
I mailed copies of my three books to CWS a bit back because he offered some useful critique of Book One.

I'm working on Four now, Lucy gets pregnant.  Our Hero is however in Louisiana and she's in Virginia now.  (They were together earlier, Lucy is not the type to whatever).

I keep notes on the various characters, it's not easy keeping names straight.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 23, 2021, 04:17:05 PM
I mailed copies of my three books to CWS a bit back because he offered some useful critique of Book One.

I'm working on Four now, Lucy gets pregnant.  Our Hero is however in Louisiana and she's in Virginia now.  (They were together earlier, Lucy is not the type to whatever).

I keep notes on the various characters, it's not easy keeping names straight.

Dude, thanks for spoiling it for all of us!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 23, 2021, 04:29:01 PM
Sorry, it seemed inevitable as an occurrence.  I'm a little bit stuck now, which happens.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 23, 2021, 05:28:59 PM
I mailed copies of my three books to CWS a bit back because he offered some useful critique of Book One.

I'm working on Four now, Lucy gets pregnant.  Our Hero is however in Louisiana and she's in Virginia now.  (They were together earlier, Lucy is not the type to whatever).

I keep notes on the various characters, it's not easy keeping names straight.

Man, that Charlie Brown fan fic took an unexpected turn!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 23, 2021, 11:12:12 PM
Man, that Charlie Brown fan fic took an unexpected turn!
Did it, though?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 24, 2021, 08:08:44 AM
A fun thing about writing fiction is how it makes you "god" in your fictional universe.  I dream up all sorts of situations when I'm idly posting here.

I reread Book 3 and thought it was "decent", but I can see a large gulf relative to the few writers I really enjoy.  I get one of their books and I'm hooked until I finish it, but those authors are rare, and I have started reading books far worse than mine often.

In my humble or not so humble opinion ....

I wrote a lot of technical reports when I was employed (not that anyone read them) so I'm used to typing.  Folks used to show up in my office and ask me questions about this or that project I had worked on and I'd hand them 2-3 tech reports and they'd leave, never to show their face again.  It was an effective "go away" tool.  They'd pile them in a corner and "plan to read them, some day", which never came.

Near the end of my career, I found a real sinecure and my main job was to send out a summary of relevant patents to about 120 people, most hard copy because my boss wanted me to do it.  I had three folks in India who did the real work, I would reformat a bit and send them to our printing folks.  Anyway, very few people read the report, even though I'd add a cover sheet with "patents of the week", usually three of them.  And, I entitled it "The Patent Summary Report".

I had exactly ONE PERSON ever make the connection who asked me about that title.

The rest gave it no attention.  What a job.  I did little else for a week, an occasional meeting and semiannual presentation to the "Leadership Team", who could care less.

Big Companies, you can find a slot and retire there, in effect, and get paid handsomely.  They are still paying me two more years.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on April 24, 2021, 03:09:24 PM
Must read/watch on Steve McMichael. 

Very sad to see/hear.

Steve McMichael: Chicago Bears great has ALS - Chicago Tribune (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 12, 2021, 06:02:40 PM
Just saw that Jim Bertelsen passed away at age 71

Jim was part of the great backfield UT had during the 1969 championship season

I spent many afternoons watching him run up and down the field


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 13, 2021, 09:07:42 AM
Indeed RIP
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 16, 2021, 02:07:38 PM
Surprised nothing was posted about the death of Jake Ehlinger, younger brother of Sam. Very sad for the family. RIP. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 16, 2021, 02:25:50 PM
Surprised nothing was posted about the death of Jake Ehlinger, younger brother of Sam. Very sad for the family. RIP.
Yes this is very sad

It appears he was diagnosed with a serious heart condition days before

very unexpected

may he RIP
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 30, 2021, 01:36:38 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 30, 2021, 01:41:29 PM
no thanks

But we used to play a game called "beer cow" when we were roadtripping to South Padre and other various places back in college.  The rules are difficult, when you see a cow  you holler out "beer cow" and take a drink of your beer.  

The driver was usually exempt.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 30, 2021, 01:43:38 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 30, 2021, 01:44:13 PM
we tip cows in Iowa and Nebraska

the driver is NOT exempt
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 30, 2021, 02:16:48 PM
I think folks do cow-tipping pretty much anywhere cows can be found.  My i s c & a aggie wife has been cow-tipping outside of Collie Station.

Personally, I've never participated.  Seems mean.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 30, 2021, 03:06:41 PM
It's a little mean, waking someone from a good sleep

I don't know that any cows were ever seriously injured, but I suppose it's possible
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 30, 2021, 04:41:15 PM
If it's dark outside and the evening's plans have anything to do with livestock, I'm out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 30, 2021, 04:50:13 PM
so what are the bulls doing during all this

do they practice people flipping
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 30, 2021, 05:02:02 PM
it don't take long to figure out that its dangerous to tip cows if they're not separated from the bulls
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 21, 2021, 04:22:12 PM
Texas, Oklahoma interested in joining SEC, per report ( (

I'd like to be the first to welcome our Horn and Sooner fans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 21, 2021, 05:00:31 PM
Texas, Oklahoma interested in joining SEC, per report ( (

I'd like to be the first to welcome our Horn and Sooner fans.
I'll believe it when I see it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 21, 2021, 05:41:34 PM
I wish it were not the case, but it was always set to end. The Big 12 is a league full of fascinating football, but no TV sets. It can't grow, but it could easily die.

Even if this news were true, and it probably is, the SEC will need to have further conversations. I don't think an ultra-bloated league is practical. With NIL and the NCAA abdicating, more radical models are possible.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on July 21, 2021, 07:54:26 PM
seemingly inevitable once you consider a 12 team playoff.  sec will get 3-4 teams into it most years as currently comprised.

makes sense for them to move given that format & the financial considerations.

but as with all things we've learned anything is possible & believe it when you see it.  we get lied to all the time as y'all know.

big 12 will get parted out thereafter.  most will be ok but probably not all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 21, 2021, 10:38:34 PM
I wish it were not the case, but it was always set to end. The Big 12 is a league full of fascinating football, but no TV sets. It can't grow, but it could easily die.

Even if this news were true, and it probably is, the SEC will need to have further conversations. I don't think an ultra-bloated league is practical. With NIL and the NCAA abdicating, more radical models are possible.
But is it really full of fascinating football?  Because honestly I think the answer is no and has been for awhile. OU is pretty good and not really much else. Texas has been mostly down since Mack left. Kansas is a perpetual mess. Tech is so much less interesting since they ran off the pirate. I honestly don’t even know who their coach is now. Baylor?  TCU?  WV?  Yawn. 

Bloated is right. Remember when thE WAC was 16 teams?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 22, 2021, 09:17:59 AM
fascinating football?

I'd guess this comes as the next TV contract is looming

not enough big games (fascinating content) to draw big $$$

heck even Sooners/Huskers non-con get an 11am kick.

when your big games include Iowa State in the coming season, that can't be good

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 22, 2021, 10:13:37 AM
I didn't say "National Championship Football" - I said "fascinating".

I'm obviously hoping Texas gets its competitive act together, but that's a different post. While Texas has been floundering, Iowa State made itself competitive. TCU can't seem to do anything but win against the big boys, and then lose to Baylor when it matters. OU is marching to the playoffs when KSU kicks the chair out from under them. Tech, well, Tech mocks you when they beat you and shrugs when they don't.

For the joy of the sport, I wish the Big 12 could stay together. Heck, I wish we could bring back TAMU, Arky, and certainly Nebraska. Ain't gonna happen, but it would be fun.

The Big 12 is a remnant of two conferences full of teams with nowhere else to go (doesn't mean they're bad or non-competitive) and Texas. Texas is the big anchor store at the mall. Texas will always be profitable and in demand. They can keep the property going, but not if all the other shops have "for lease" or "going out of business" signs.

If college football were just about playing ball, the Big 12 has a lot to recommend it. That's not reality though. Reality is that the Big 12 has no pathway to getting bigger, and infinite pathways to collapsing. I still hope it doesn't, but I know that any one of the 10 schools leaving will kill it. Any AD understands that he should keep his Rolodex handy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 22, 2021, 12:26:01 PM
doesn't have to be national championship football, just has to earn TV ratings

my brother driving north to visit me in Iowa this morning said the Oklahoma City sports radio guys think the Sooners started this, partially because they couldn't get a better kickoff time for the Husker game this fall.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on July 22, 2021, 01:28:50 PM
oklahoma didn't start anything
it was doomed from the beginning b/c the schools were never collectively about the good of the league as business partners.

whether they should have been is a matter of opinion.  if you wish cfb was still as comprised in 2009 (or 1994 or 1989 or etc) then the answer is yes.

as the years have passed & i've reflected on this blaming one school an infighting is intuitive but missing the mark.  we should collectively blame the people in power who look out for only themselves & care nothing for us.

16 team sec is better than 14.  play rr with the other 7 in your div, a couple from the other div rotating & then a mega ccg.  two mini leagues in the mega.

God help the rest of the nation if the sec adds two more blue bloods good grief.  doesn't matter to me we're never winning it either way.  eventually i figure they'll drive me away ruining the sport with this crap & nil & etc & i'll just watch golf & yell at gen z'ers to get off my lawn.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 22, 2021, 01:45:22 PM
Remember that the NCAA is also gut-shot. The NIL is a visible example, but in reality the SCOTUS has told the NCAA that they can't really enforce compensation or amateurism rules. While other sports might be able to survive that idea, history tells us college football bears too much pressure from financial and competitive sources. Someone is going to get creative, but this time it won't be against the rules.

That is to say, I don't actually believe the SEC will survive having this many teams. Logically, the football power centers (not necessarily the ones with the best competitive records) should organize, develop an independent set of rules under which they collectively feel they can compete equitably, and begin business outside the NCAA as pertaining to football.

Armageddon talk was speculative before. Without the NCAA, not only is there no reason not to, it becomes the most prudent course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 22, 2021, 01:56:39 PM
College athletics needs something akin to the NCAA.  If not that specifically, they would start something else.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on July 22, 2021, 02:04:04 PM
All kinds of talk out there.  After the PAC16 fiasco, I'll believe it when I see it.  Back then I was all for jumping to the PAC12/16 and now I'm glad I didn't get what I wished for.  OU has been pissed at FOX for a long time over the 11:00 am kickoffs and it really escalated when Bowlsby wouldn't back them for the NU game.  I don't know if that was a major factor or not.
I found it amusing that Boren said OU and OSU were a package deal last time they considered the SEC but now OU says that was never the case.  OSU is already threatening to go to the state legislature to keep them a package deal.  
As always, tv will decide what, if anything will happen with realignment.  If any changes or made, I wouldn't expect them to take effect until after the GOR expires so I dislike all the talk flaring up now to distract from the upcoming season.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 22, 2021, 02:21:51 PM
Boren is an effective leader. Effective leaders don't make big decisions on momentary passion, no matter how intense. The chafing at an 11am kickoff is understandable, but no reason to blow up a league.

The Big 12 works with 10, but not with less. Back when TAMU, NU, and Mizzou left, the rest of the league had to agree that they were all staying. If even one more member said no, the league was over. It's existed the same way ever since. No path to growth, always one step away from collapse.

If today's 5:00 meeting concludes with Texas and OU agreeing that they're staying (likely phrased as "this was all rumor and never true"), then the league is no more stable than they were last week or last year.

This only ever ends one way.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 22, 2021, 02:23:36 PM
At times, complaints are made, and threats, to get action someone wants.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 22, 2021, 02:34:44 PM
hopefully the Big 12 remains a solid conference

but, money will decide this in the end
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 22, 2021, 02:42:57 PM
My mids would try threatening me at times to get their way.  They didn't try it much after the first couple efforts.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 22, 2021, 04:35:43 PM
At times, complaints are made, and threats, to get action someone wants.
Except for the most likely outcome of this particular empty threat is a school like ISU doing a quick panic deal with another conference and ending the Big 12 by themselves.

Even so, there's no way Chris del Conte would go along with this jape. He's got enough 11am kickoffs on his own plate.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 22, 2021, 07:04:25 PM
Meh, if ISU gets a tody invite, they would go anyway I think.  Otherwise they will hold and wait.

I used to take my kids out to eat when I didn't feel like cooking dinner (which was often).  I'd tell them "We're going to bob evans."  If they whined about it, the rule was they had to propose an alternative.  It shut them up quickly.

If a kid whines, force them to provide a viable alternative.

Parenting Tip #3,947
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 22, 2021, 07:27:32 PM
Boren is an effective leader. Effective leaders don't make big decisions on momentary passion, no matter how intense. The chafing at an 11am kickoff is understandable, but no reason to blow up a league.

The Big 12 works with 10, but not with less. Back when TAMU, NU, and Mizzou left, the rest of the league had to agree that they were all staying. If even one more member said no, the league was over. It's existed the same way ever since. No path to growth, always one step away from collapse.

If today's 5:00 meeting concludes with Texas and OU agreeing that they're staying (likely phrased as "this was all rumor and never true"), then the league is no more stable than they were last week or last year.

This only ever ends one way.
It’s easy to do but you forgot CU.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 22, 2021, 07:38:19 PM
TV money “ saved “ the XII last time. Remember, Fox or whoever the tv networks were kept the tv money the same even with fewer members. 

I almost think the Big 12 would survive, albeit as a much weakened conference. Simply because I don’t see any alternatives for the state schools that are left. oSU, KU, KSU, TX TECH, WV, and ISU. Then they would add UH and somebody else to get back to Ten, and then throw in the best remaining AAC teams like Louisville and ?  

Would never be the same as it was but I just don’t see any of those schools going to a better situation. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 23, 2021, 10:11:55 AM
Except for the most likely outcome of this particular empty threat is a school like ISU doing a quick panic deal with another conference and ending the Big 12 by themselves.

Even so, there's no way Chris del Conte would go along with this jape. He's got enough 11am kickoffs on his own plate.
hah, don't worry.  ISU isn't getting a better offer
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 23, 2021, 05:10:10 PM
Wow I'm out of town for a few days and all these rumors start swirling.  I'll be out of town again for a few says starting Sunday so I expect all of the poop to hit the fan early next week.

Curiouser and curiouser.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 24, 2021, 07:52:18 AM
I thought it just a rumor at first, but it appears to have legs.  I'd guess it's likely to happen and soon.

Still a chance it won't.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2021, 09:58:28 AM
Yeah it's definitely not getting shot down and denied by TPTB at Texas or OU, as I'd expect to happen if it were completely baseless.

Also, it was Aggie insiders that broke it.  Like ANY conference move, these things happen in the background for months and months, long before any outsider gets wind of it.

This discussion is WAY down the path, that's for certain.  Any current reports of "Texas and OU reach out to the SEC" are likely 6 months to a year, too late.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 24, 2021, 11:05:16 AM
Yeah, I'd guess it's a 90% "done deal", things like timing and money might be yet to sort.

It turns some of UGA's OOC opponents into conference games, if all that holds.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on July 24, 2021, 11:45:18 AM
The #1 thing is we now have great comedy for the offseason.  The Aggies are leading the way currently.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 24, 2021, 11:53:51 AM
There is still the matter of the vote. For obvious reasons I’m assuming A&M would have to be left in the dark during much of the discussions. No sense in letting the cat out of the bag unless you have the 11 yes votes. Either that or we knew awhile back but chose to disclose the move ahead of schedule for strategic reasons. 

One more thing. Our old Prez, Loftin acts like he had a lot to do with our move. He’s a goofy sucker, an academic type. It’s long been whispered that he was just along for the ride but for some reason he craves the spot light and takes much of the credit. I’m not trying to discredit the man but don’t you find it curious that not long after we made the move East ( and he made a lot of publicity about his role ) we sent him packing?  Now he’s acting like some kind of insider, talking about gentleman’s agreements and all types of nonsense. He hasn’t been our president for close to a decade, so I’m not sure he’s really in the know. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 24, 2021, 12:15:01 PM
There is still the matter of the vote. For obvious reasons I’m assuming A&M would have to be left in the dark during much of the discussions. No sense in letting the cat out of the bag unless you have the 11 yes votes. Either that or we knew awhile back but chose to disclose the move ahead of schedule for strategic reasons.

One more thing. Our old Prez, Loftin acts like he had a lot to do with our move. He’s a goofy sucker, an academic type. It’s long been whispered that he was just along for the ride but for some reason he craves the spot light and takes much of the credit. I’m not trying to discredit the man but don’t you find it curious that not long after we made the move East ( and he made a lot of publicity about his role ) we sent him packing?  Now he’s acting like some kind of insider, talking about gentleman’s agreements and all types of nonsense. He hasn’t been our president for close to a decade, so I’m not sure he’s really in the know.

the vote must be a done deal else why go through so much planning
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on July 24, 2021, 12:22:29 PM
What is really amazing is how the announcement shook up the entire CFB landscape.  Almost every conference and every team is now evaluating how this affects them.  If the SEC deal falls through, the B1G and ACC are standing ready with invitations.  There are rumblings the B1G may go after USC & UCLA.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2021, 12:22:38 PM
There's zero chance that the Texas/OU and the SEC would let it get this far, if they didn't have everything lined up and ready to go.

Way too many actual insiders now, coming forth with reports that it'll be a done deal next week.

I'm surprised, I didn't think this would happen, especially not with a 12-team playoff that makes it even easier for B12 teams to get into it.  But, money talks.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2021, 12:29:47 PM
I will say that this was always the ONLY move I thought Texas and OU would ever make, if they made any move at all, and I always believed they'd do it together.

Moving west to the PAC never made any sense, their TV deals are even worse than the B12, the game start times make it difficult to capture audiences east of the Rockies, and the travel just gets too far-flung, especially for the olympic sports.  Same thing for the ACC, aside from Clemson, the B12 is a  better conference as far as football competition, and the B12 is better for money, so making that move never made any sense either.

The only potentially viable conference moves for Texas, were always the B1G or the SEC.  And it always sounded like the B1G was pushing back on OU, and since I thought both schools would move together, then the SEC was the only realistic option.

But also, I always thought that Texas would simply follow the path of least resistance and stay in the B12.  So I actually think OU might have forced Texas' hand a little bit on this.

Years from now it'll be interesting to read the articles about how it all went down behind the scenes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on July 24, 2021, 12:45:36 PM
I agree with you about the done deal and the SEC being the most viable place for OU/UT.  The ACC's new 20 year deal and the ACCN put them way above the B12 in money, maybe not above Texas.  This was one of OU's big concerns, that ESPN/Fox weren't interested in negotiating an extension to the Big 12 contract while the other conferences (except PAC) were getting new deals.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on July 24, 2021, 12:50:13 PM
From some of the reports I've read, it sounds like a Texas Regent started the ball rolling.  That's not to say there wasn't someone from OU nudging their Texas counterpart before that.  I'd like to see how all the back channel negotiations worked.  I would watch that movie.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2021, 12:51:04 PM
B12 contracts negotiations were eventually coming up and would have put them back well ahead of the ACC.  Truth is, nobody wants to watch the ACC play football.  Other than Clemson, they're really bad at it.

But no new B12 contract ever would have competed with SEC or B1G money.  And if that is the goal, then the only way to get there, is to join one of those two conferences.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2021, 12:54:49 PM
From some of the reports I've read, it sounds like a Texas Regent started the ball rolling.  That's not to say there wasn't someone from OU nudging their Texas counterpart before that.  I'd like to see how all the back channel negotiations worked.  I would watch that movie.
Yeah, I've maintained since 2010 that OU actually had the power in the relationship, because if OU left the B12, Texas would need to move, too.  Texas was fine to sit pat for the past decade, and OU seemed to be constantly exploring other options (and I don't blame them, they're a major brand in football and should be compensated along with the Alabamas and Ohio States).

So as long as Texas was content, but OU wasn't, then OU had the power to pull Texas away.  I think Texas and OU  need each other, now more than ever.  We still have one of the premier rivalries in the country and we absolutely must preserve if.  And these days, OOC rivalries are more difficult to maintain, for a lot of reasons, which is why I've always believed OU and Texas MUST stay together, no matter where they end up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 24, 2021, 01:01:34 PM
There's zero chance that the Texas/OU and the SEC would let it get this far, if they didn't have everything lined up and ready to go.

Way too many actual insiders now, coming forth with reports that it'll be a done deal next week.

I'm surprised, I didn't think this would happen, especially not with a 12-team playoff that makes it even easier for B12 teams to get into it.  But, money talks.
Who are the insiders?  Please don’t say Chip Brown.  Or ESPN. 

none of us here know how far things have really come. Too many things left to shake out. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2021, 01:04:29 PM
Who are the insiders?  Please don’t say Chip Brown.  Or ESPN.

none of us here know how far things have really come. Too many things left to shake out.

Yes, I can see how you have to view it that way. *shrug*

Personally I'm fine if it doesn't happen.

The timing doesn't make much sense to me, with the expansion of the playoff that makes it even easier for OU to get in every year, and potentially for Texas too, if we ever stop shitting the bed in football. 

I guess annual revenue is more important than playoff access.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2021, 01:38:20 PM

Regarding the above about the timing being odd since the 12-team playoff expansion appears inevitable, is what makes me believe that OU was the force behind the move.  Texas knows we need OU so we don't have much choice but to play along.

Overall I'm fine either way.  I like playing traditional in-state rivals like Tech and TCU.  But I'd also love to get old rivals Arkansas and Texas A&M back on the schedule for annual games.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on July 24, 2021, 02:44:39 PM
There is still the matter of the vote. For obvious reasons I’m assuming A&M would have to be left in the dark during much of the discussions. No sense in letting the cat out of the bag unless you have the 11 yes votes. Either that or we knew awhile back but chose to disclose the move ahead of schedule for strategic reasons.

One more thing. Our old Prez, Loftin acts like he had a lot to do with our move. He’s a goofy sucker, an academic type. It’s long been whispered that he was just along for the ride but for some reason he craves the spot light and takes much of the credit. I’m not trying to discredit the man but don’t you find it curious that not long after we made the move East ( and he made a lot of publicity about his role ) we sent him packing?  Now he’s acting like some kind of insider, talking about gentleman’s agreements and all types of nonsense. He hasn’t been our president for close to a decade, so I’m not sure he’s really in the know.

bowtie’s a megadouche - we both sent him packing idk where he is now 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2021, 02:49:10 PM
He's not still at Mizzou?  Interesting.  Isn't he the one that coined the "100 year decision" verbiage?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on July 24, 2021, 02:57:56 PM
Who are the insiders?  Please don’t say Chip Brown.  Or ESPN.

none of us here know how far things have really come. Too many things left to shake out.
sec is run well no chance all the school prez’ didn’t know many months before this week.  aTm is in an impossible position they just have to take it….maybe negotiate some particulars like scheduling.  i don’t even think you have to think about it, other than the aggies this move is received with glee at the other 13 schools it’s a no brainer for anyone not looking at it personally.

i hope it doesn’t happen bc i like the big 12 it’s a fun league it just isn’t as deep as it used to be - more than a mizzou fan i love the sport and i don’t think it’s good for it overall or for the fans.

anything can happen bc nothings official yet but more than the stories the behavior from the schools and the right people reporting on it lead me to believe the hays in the barn.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on July 24, 2021, 03:01:04 PM
He's not still at Mizzou?  Interesting.  Isn't he the one that coined the "100 year decision" verbiage?

ya that’s him.  he wore out his welcome pretty fast iirc
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2021, 03:16:31 PM
ya that’s him.  he wore out his welcome pretty fast iirc
I always thought he was pretty goofy, but he certainly knew how to play to his fan base at A&M while calling out evil t.u. as The Great Satan.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on July 24, 2021, 03:31:31 PM
i think he got run out during those protests so it was like 5-6 yrs ago but it'd be a mistake to blame it on that - in this instance that was the opportunity used.

friends that worked for the univ at that time were chirping about him shortly after he arrived.  great for a soundbite, atrocious interpersonal skills.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 25, 2021, 02:15:59 PM
This is from the UT site on Sports Illustrated.

JUL 25, 2021
Texas A&M Now Says They're "Ready" For Texas And Oklahoma In The SEC
After the weekend's fiasco, Texas A&M will now welcome their former Big 12 rivals to the Southeastern Conference

On Wednesday afternoon, Ross Bjork told Paul Finebaum that Texas A&M was proud to be the one program from the Lone Star State to be in the Southeastern Conference.
“The SEC has been a perfect fit for us,” Bjork said. “We want to maintain that same identity. Perhaps there’s a reason that Texas and Oklahoma are looking around – if that’s the case.
"We’re going to maintain that position, but we’re also going to make sure that we are a leader in college athletics and we’ll see what the future holds.”
Bjork now has a new message for both the Longhorns and Sooners should the deal become official: "We're ready."
Both Texas and Oklahoma could be joining the SEC as soon as the 2022 season. The two schools are expected to send a letter out to the Big 12 stating they will not re-sign their contract when their current deal is up in 2025.
Bjork, along with Texas A&M University president Kathy Banks, are now looking forward to the battles ahead with Texas, not just on the football field, but also in the classroom.
“We believe that throughout our time in the SEC, Texas A&M has become stronger than ever,” Bjork told the Houston Chronicle's Brent Zwerneman ( “We’re the largest university in Texas and in the SEC. We have 550,000 former students. We’re knocking on the door of the College Football Playoff, and our women’s basketball team is the reigning SEC champion. We’ve got so many Olympians. There are so many great things and strengths about our program."

READ MORE: Podcast: Texas and OU SEC Bound: What Happens to the Rest Of the Power 5? (
Bates also stated in a letter released Saturday that the university is committed in keeping the standards set in the SEC for years to come, no matter who would join in years to come.
“Since 2011, we have been a proud member of the best athletic conference in history and we look forward to continued success in our SEC partnership for many years to come.”
Conference realignment is nothing new, primarily in the Big 12. In 2010, Nebraska departed for the Big 10 while Colorado joined the Pac 12. The following season, both A&M and Missouri left for the SEC.
Texas still is looking to prove they are "back" since their championship run in 2009. They look to have the right coach in former Alabama offensive coordinator Steve Sarkisian. Last year with the Crimson Tide, Sark's offense averaged over 500 yards per game and scored an average of 48.5 points per outing.
READ MORE: Way-Too-Early Predictions: Texas Vs Baylor (
If anything, Texas' yearly income is a reason enough to join the conference. According to the Wall Street Journal, ( the Longhorns are the highest-ranked in average revenue, recording roughly $164 million per season.
Oklahoma, the six-time defending Big 12 champions, also brings in an average revenue of $126.5 million per season, ranking sixth among programs.
Should the two schools join the conference, the SEC would have seven of the 10 most valuable programs in average revenue.

READ MORE: Texas Lawmakers File Bill to Block Longhorns From Leaving Big 12 for SEC (
UT’s addition to the SEC would mean the Aggies and Longhorns would meet annually on the football field for the first time since 2011. All-time, Texas holds a 75-37-5 record against A&M. In the final 10 years, the Aggies went 3-7, including losing the final game on a kick from Justin Tucker.
“Ten years ago when we joined the SEC, it offered that culture that we wanted in every facet,” Bjork said. “Collaboration, equality, excellence on and off the field. The culture is what makes the SEC the best conference in college sports."
A&M's board of regents will meet at 5 p.m. Monday via teleconference to discuss “SEC issues." If and when the league elects to vote on bringing in two more schools, the conference will expand to 16 teams — the largest in college football.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 25, 2021, 02:20:19 PM
Ags are definitely not happy about this. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 25, 2021, 02:33:23 PM
No.  It's like having an ex-spouse move in next door.

But putting the best face on it is what they needed to do, and I'm glad they did it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on July 25, 2021, 02:38:23 PM
No.  It's like having an ex-spouse move in next door with a younger, prettier wife.

But putting the best face on it is what they needed to do, and I'm glad they did it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 25, 2021, 02:42:35 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 26, 2021, 12:04:25 AM
Although almost every Aggie I know would rather remain the sole SEC team in Texas we know that this is going to happen. It’s probably good for the SEC and good for CFB. 

But on the other hand it will be refreshing to see both OU and Texas compete in a league full of big dogs. For a long time OU and Nebraska competed in the Big 8 where they took turns winning the conference title every other year.  OU has since extended that streak with the Big 12 beating out heavy weights Baylor and Kansas. It goes without saying that Texas has mostly wandered the desert for the last 10+ years but they have the potential. 

The other thing is that Texas is used to being the center of their conference. They got the conference HQ moved to Dallas, they got the partial qualifiers removed. How long will it be until they insist the ccg be moved to Dallas ?  And I’m sorry but they’ve been the beneficiary of some really egregious calls by the zebras through the years. 

At the very least they will face Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, and Auburn every 3rd and 4th year. Three of these 4 have won the CFB championship and the other played for it and lost to another SEC team. It’s going to be a completely different road to hoe.  Will certainly be interesting to see how it plays out the next 8-10 years. OU has not had a losing season since 1997 seems like a long time to be on a winning streak in today’s world. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 26, 2021, 12:52:00 AM
Although almost every Aggie I know would rather remain the sole SEC team in Texas we know that this is going to happen. It’s probably good for the SEC and good for CFB.

But on the other hand it will be refreshing to see both OU and Texas compete in a league full of big dogs. For a long time OU and Nebraska competed in the Big 8 where they took turns winning the conference title every other year.  OU has since extended that streak with the Big 12 beating out heavy weights Baylor and Kansas. It goes without saying that Texas has mostly wandered the desert for the last 10+ years but they have the potential.

The other thing is that Texas is used to being the center of their conference. They got the conference HQ moved to Dallas, they got the partial qualifiers removed. How long will it be until they insist the ccg be moved to Dallas ?  And I’m sorry but they’ve been the beneficiary of some really egregious calls by the zebras through the years.

At the very least they will face Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, and Auburn every 3rd and 4th year. Three of these 4 have won the CFB championship and the other played for it and lost to another SEC team. It’s going to be a completely different road to hoe.  Will certainly be interesting to see how it plays out the next 8-10 years. OU has not had a losing season since 1997 seems like a long time to be on a winning streak in today’s world.
just like old times aggie

we are making payroll arrangements as we speak

just remember you get what you pay for
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 26, 2021, 07:41:38 AM
Boy the Big 12 is really groveling now. Word is they’re even offering them more of the conference share, which means the other schools will take less. For Christ sakes it’s the equivalent of rearranging the deck chairs as the titanic is going down. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 26, 2021, 08:58:58 AM
just like old times aggie

we are making payroll arrangements as we speak

just remember you get what you pay for
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Brutus Buckeye on July 30, 2021, 08:32:45 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 31, 2021, 09:36:33 AM
NCAA announces constitutional convention ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 31, 2021, 10:33:54 AM
Mongo could do it


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 31, 2021, 12:13:00 PM
Mongo only pawn, in game of life
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 31, 2021, 01:40:37 PM
Mongo only pawn, in game of life
320 feel same way
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Brutus Buckeye on July 31, 2021, 02:37:35 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 31, 2021, 05:55:55 PM
Hah!  Busted!

Good catch, Brutus!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 02, 2021, 01:08:28 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 02, 2021, 01:28:53 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 02, 2021, 03:56:01 PM
We're off tomorrow night to try an "upscale" Mexican place that looks good on paper.

Home - Casi Cielo Cocina Mexicana | Atlanta, GA ( (

We dined at "Bones" last week, a sort of a landmark kind of place, expensive, and probably don't feel a need to return.

Going to try again to get reservations at the Gun Show maybe next week.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 02, 2021, 04:52:45 PM
I like Mexican food.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 02, 2021, 05:19:10 PM
Really fine Mexican food often is hard to find.  The places up Buford Highway may be authentic (or not), their patrons are largely Hispanic, but the food isn't what I'd call fine.  It's good and cheap.  I've never had upscale Mexican, and this place says it's Oahacan "inspired".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 02, 2021, 05:21:30 PM
I haven't found anything upscale or expensive in this area
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 02, 2021, 06:07:46 PM
Really fine Mexican food often is hard to find.  The places up Buford Highway may be authentic (or not), their patrons are largely Hispanic, but the food isn't what I'd call fine.  It's good and cheap.  I've never had upscale Mexican, and this place says it's Oahacan "inspired".
Not hard to find here.  There's interior Mexican and coastal Mexican and Northern Mexican and Southern Mexican all over the place.  Jalisco, Oaxaca, Yucatan styles.  Some of it they call fine dining, some they don't.   They all use fresh ingredients, main difference I've found is the fine dining ones use catch-phrases like "locally sourced" or "farm to table" so they can charge more.  It's all pretty darn tasty.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 03, 2021, 12:57:27 PM
I haven't found anything upscale or expensive in this area
This is the first place I've found in the ATL, I'd guess there are more.  They have one menu item at $75.

The wife said she hoped it was good but not too good because for us it's a bit of a drive through a bad traffic area (which is most of the city).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 04, 2021, 06:17:23 AM
So, it was good, but not great.  It was crowded and a bit noisy for my tastes, a happenin' kind of place.  The bar was packed with maybe 20 people.  I had a steak which was pretty decent, just nothing unusual really, to me.  The wife had fish tacoes of some sort, said they were good.  I had a predinner mixed drink that was interesting and a glass of wine and the wife had a glass of wine, that pushed the final bill over $100.

We agreed it was good but not worth the drive (which ran into serious traffic expectedly and some heavy downpours).  I think I enjoy the Buford highway places about as much and they are full of Mexicans, and pretty cheap, and about the same drive for us.

We have a place near us called Tin Lizzy's that is acceptable, not great, but OK.  And we fix our own tacoes fairly often with leftover steak or chicken or fish.  The wife bought some colorful taco holders that work pretty well.

Some cuisines are impossible to fix at home without considerable skill of difficulty, Mexican does not seem to be of that ilk.  Nor is steak in my view.  I can get a nice porterhouse at our local butcher shop (walkable) for $25-30 and grill it myself and split it between the two of us and have leftovers.

For tacoes.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 04, 2021, 09:11:55 AM
why pay more money for good mexican food when you can easily get good mexican food for less?

unless, it's about the dining experience, of course
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 04, 2021, 11:58:25 AM
My curiosity is what "upscale" Mex is like.  I know what upscale French is like, and Spainish, and Italian, Chinese, Thai, Indian, even American.  We have two fairly upscale Indian places near us and they are markedly better than "ordinary" cheap Indian places I've dined.

It's a bit like going to Bones, tres cher indeed, but I was curious about it.

Going to a Japanese place tomorrow night, Nakato, much closer to us.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 04, 2021, 12:29:10 PM
My curiosity is what "upscale" Mex is like.  I know what upscale French is like, and Spainish, and Italian, Chinese, Thai, Indian, even American.  We have two fairly upscale Indian places near us and they are markedly better than "ordinary" cheap Indian places I've dined.

It's a bit like going to Bones, tres cher indeed, but I was curious about it.

Going to a Japanese place tomorrow night, Nakato, much closer to us.
well tell everyone konnichiwa from me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 04, 2021, 12:40:55 PM
I'm eating some homemade "upscale" Mexican right now.  Leftover tacos al pastor on homemade tortillas.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 04, 2021, 12:56:56 PM
I've dined at a handful of "upscale" places I thought were worth the "upscale pricing".  Nearly all have been in France, oddly enough.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 04, 2021, 01:04:31 PM
We had lunch here three years back, meant to go back sometime, it was good.  (Optimist, seafood place)

Best New Restaurants 2012 - Best Restaurants in America ( (

I was told also this place is worth the money, will try it soonish:

Bacchanalia – Restaurant Review | Condé Nast Traveler ( (

Then there is Gunshow one of these days, reservations almost impossible to obtain.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: GopherRock on August 05, 2021, 09:41:29 AM
I've dined at a handful of "upscale" places I thought were worth the "upscale pricing".  Nearly all have been in France, oddly enough.
When we were in Rome for our honeymoon, our hotel was across the street from what was probably the only Mexican restaurant in Rome.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 05, 2021, 09:48:11 AM
When we were in Rome for our honeymoon, our hotel was across the street from what was probably the only Mexican restaurant in Rome.
It surprises me how often I find "ethnic" restaurants in France, not nearly as often as here.  We dined at a Mexican place in Lyon, it was next door and we were hungry.  It was not very "Mexican" at all though, not bad.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 05, 2021, 10:53:51 AM
Yikes.  Mexican in foreign countries is never a good idea.

I went to a Tex-Mex place in Nantes, France, basically under duress from my local work peers.  The French love to serve their beef rare, and so the fajitas were quite rare.  This is absolutely the WORST way to cook skirt steak, it's so tough and stringy.  I could barely choke one bite down, before I just stuck with the guacamole and side salad that came on the plate.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 05, 2021, 10:59:55 AM
Although on second thought,  I will say I once found a tiny, delightful Southwestern/New Mexican place in Leuven, Belgium.  It had 6 tables, was always crowded, but finally one day I walked by pretty early (maybe 6 PM) and it was empty.  I think they'd just opened and didn't expect customers, but they let me come in and sit down.  From the back, an American came out and talked to me.  He and his wife owned the place, and he was originally from New Mexico.  He'd landed there in Belgium as he was touring with an American rock band, but he met his eventual wife there, and wanted to stay in Europe.  He'd also always been passionate about food and cooking, as was his wife, so when they settled, they opened up the restaurant.  He sourced the majority of his specific regional ingredients from his family that remained back in New Mexico.  We chatted for several minutes and finally I asked him to just bring out his favorites.

That was a darn file meal of sopes, green chile enchiladas, and carne adovada.

I went back several times in the months remaining, before I came home.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 05, 2021, 11:39:29 AM
One can stumble across hidden gems.  I have yet to find a place in ATL of any ilk that really wows me.  But as I get older and more experienced and worldly,  that probably gets tougher.  The wife did not like our local French place the first time we went, I took her back and now she really likes it.

My main learning in France as we discussed is how good hotel restaurants can be and often are.  Here a hotel restaurant is often over priced and ordinary, or perhaps "OK".

I think if one gets a creative chef, they soon are discovered.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 05, 2021, 11:44:49 AM
Yup.  The entire hospitality industry in France, is much more respected and esteemed, than it is here in the US.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 05, 2021, 12:08:06 PM
I prefer a $100 motel room in the US to the same in France.  But as you know, those little bistros can be superb there, and cheap.  

We stumbled across this place on the Gironde River that was about to close but they fed us lunch anyway, it was on a very narrow one and a half lane road I thought was one way, but wasn't.  It was superb, great view, out of the way, no signage, great food.

We ordered whatever they had ready to fix or extra.  Not sure I could find it again.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 05, 2021, 05:29:41 PM
Menu – Karv Kitchen (

Just spotted this place on line, Greek, I like Med foods.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 06, 2021, 09:09:42 AM
So, the Japanese restaurant was more upscale than I expected, it's in an area that is "transitional", there are strip bars in walking distance.  The food was good, it got pricey.  The interesting thing is that there were at various times attractive young women at the bar dressed "alluringly", and by themselves.  Two more came in as we were leaving.

I idly wondered if the strippers come after their gig to pick up some extra cash, or to meet someone prearranged.

This whole area is weird to me, some new rather nice apartment buildings, some nice restaurants, some of long standing, a lot of strip clubs, a liquor place, a notell motel, some run down abandoned areas, just weird.  The restaurant had valet parking and I asked, as I always do, if they guy could handle a stick.  He claimed he could and then flailed miserably when he was returning the car to me.  Probably a year's wear on the clutch.  Idiot.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 06, 2021, 10:32:32 AM
the attractive young women at the bar dressed "alluringly", could handle a stick
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 06, 2021, 11:34:45 AM
Probably, it was interesting.  The valet dude first put it in reverse, the car was parked nose out, but someone.  The two "ladies" who came in as we left, I held the door, were lookers for sure, one had on those ripped jeans, a style that I don't understand, and a top that exhibited, I didn't get as good a look at the other lady.

Maybe they just like the drinks there.  I thought it weird to have a long standing upscale restaurant in that location.

At least the food was good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 06, 2021, 12:05:25 PM
maybe it's the drinks if they know the bartender and are preferred customers
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 06, 2021, 01:40:32 PM
Probably, it was interesting.  The valet dude first put it in reverse, the car was parked nose out, but someone.  The two "ladies" who came in as we left, I held the door, were lookers for sure, one had on those ripped jeans, a style that I don't understand, and a top that exhibited, I didn't get as good a look at the other lady.

Maybe they just like the drinks there.  I thought it weird to have a long standing upscale restaurant in that location.

At least the food was good.
Eh, many stick shifts have the R in different places.  Some have been leftmost position and up, some have been leftmost position and down, some are rightmost position and up, you get the idea.  Every time I've driven an unfamiliar one it's taken a bit to get used to.  Not many sticks around these days anyways.  I've got an F-350 stick, the only one driveable, and my  kids know how to drive it.  They love it and think it's cool.  
Some people refer to stick shifts as anti-millennial theft device.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 06, 2021, 02:55:07 PM
Eh, many stick shifts have the R in different places.  Some have been leftmost position and up, some have been leftmost position and down, some are rightmost position and up, you get the idea.  Every time I've driven an unfamiliar one it's taken a bit to get used to.  Not many sticks around these days anyways.  I've got an F-350 stick, the only one driveable, and my  kids know how to drive it.  They love it and think it's cool. 
Some people refer to stick shifts as anti-millennial theft device.
My second car was a 1969 Datsun 2000, like this one.


The shift pattern was this.  Reverse was the one you didn't mention--rightmost and down.


I learned to drive on an old (ca. 1960) GMC pickup with a 3-on-the-tree shifter.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 06, 2021, 11:23:59 PM
Eh, many stick shifts have the R in different places.  Some have been leftmost position and up, some have been leftmost position and down, some are rightmost position and up, you get the idea.  Every time I've driven an unfamiliar one it's taken a bit to get used to.  Not many sticks around these days anyways.  I've got an F-350 stick, the only one driveable, and my  kids know how to drive it.  They love it and think it's cool. 
Some people refer to stick shifts as anti-millennial theft device. 
Back in 1970 my best friend got a Plymouth Duster 340 and brought it over to show me and have me take it for a test drive.  I looked at the shift knob which showed the typical 4 speed pattern, pushed the stick up and left and launched it ..... backwards....  :a102: at high speed.  The transmission was actually a 3 speed but Rick put a 4 speed shift knob to look cool.  Fortunately I didn't hit anything but that will get your attention quick.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 07, 2021, 09:39:25 AM
Reverse is a bit unusual, you push down and shift left and up, OK, but he was revving the engine and then stalling the car, three times.  You have to really work to get it in reverse, perhaps he left it there when he parked.  He still couldn't drive a stick, that car has an easy engagement point (GTI).

It was bucking when he finally got it moving, I was walking over to get him out of my car before he burned the clutch.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 07, 2021, 10:56:33 AM
Back in 1970 my best friend got a Plymouth Duster 340 and brought it over to show me and have me take it for a test drive.  I looked at the shift knob which showed the typical 4 speed pattern, pushed the stick up and left and launched it ..... backwards....  :a102: at high speed.  The transmission was actually a 3 speed but Rick put a 4 speed shift knob to look cool.  Fortunately I didn't hit anything but that will get your attention quick.
What your friend did sounds stupid, but it was consistent with "hot" cars ca. 1970.  That was an era of the appearance of performance even when the performance wasn't there.  Hood scoops that were closed off.  Same thing with "cooling" slots or scoops that didn't lead to anything that needed to be cooled.  For example, the '69-70 Mustang fastbacks had fake cooling scoops at the beltline just forward of the rear wheels.  The hood scoop on the Mach 1 was non-functional too.


The team that was developing the Boss 302 made a decision that there would be no non-functional frippery on the car, so they had to make a patch to cover up the hole where the fake cooling scoop went.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 07, 2021, 12:37:08 PM
Wagamama Restaurant Entering Georgia Market With Star Metals Debut | What Now Atlanta (

Interesting concept.  This area is really up and coming, used to be a light industrial area that is changing fast.

The Dogwood Festival is today, months after the blooming,  they cancelled last year.

You can overpay for mediocre food there, and gander at art.  A lot of patrons looked rather heavy to me.



Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 07, 2021, 02:27:40 PM
What your friend did sounds stupid, but it was consistent with "hot" cars ca. 1970.  That was an era of the appearance of performance even when the performance wasn't there.  Hood scoops that were closed off.  Same thing with "cooling" slots or scoops that didn't lead to anything that needed to be cooled.  For example, the '69-70 Mustang fastbacks had fake cooling scoops at the beltline just forward of the rear wheels.  The hood scoop on the Mach 1 was non-functional too.


The team that was developing the Boss 302 made a decision that there would be no non-functional frippery on the car, so they had to make a patch to cover up the hole where the fake cooling scoop went.


And the Boss looks WAY better than the Mach1, iMO.  Clean and tight.

Of course, even cleaner and tighter and SLIMMER, were the 65-66 models. Those are my favorites.  A '65 289 convertible is my dream car.  Someday...


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 07, 2021, 04:25:35 PM
As you may remember, I like the '65-66 models as well.

When I was teaching at West Point, ca. 1965, I would occasionally go driving on weekends, just to see the gorgeous countryside.  I came across a clapped-out red '65 Mustang 2+2 sitting on a long driveway.

I thought about seeing if it could be had for a reasonable amount of money, but I would have had no place to put it and no cost-effective way of getting it to my next duty station.

Wish I had it now.  With it and $30,000, I could have a really sweet car!  ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 07, 2021, 07:04:02 PM
That's right, you and I are Gen1 Mustang Bros. :)

My mom had a '67 coupe, but she traded it in for a station wagon when her 3rd and final child was born.  That 3rd child?  Me.  So it's all my fault.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 07, 2021, 07:30:12 PM
My 3rd car was a '67 fastback, 289, Autolite 4-bbl, automatic.  It wasn't hot, and it wasn't nearly as nimble as my Datsun 2000 had been, but it was fun enough.  I sort of beat the shit out of it, and I sold it for a pittance when I went into the Army in 1979.

I'd take it now in a heartbeat, but I really do like the '65-66 body style better.  It was the cleanest, freshest styling of all the Mustangs.  Almost everything since has been derivative of it.  The exceptions would be the early Fox-bodied Mustangs, and they just didn't look all that great, IMO, in addition to not looking much like Mustangs.

That has it's benefits.  Mustangs have always had a certain look, while Camaros never have.  But it does limit what Ford can do with the styling 56 years later.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 07, 2021, 09:37:21 PM
I had a couple of '65 notchbacks in my youth.  Both hot rodded and clapped out, not good at all.  Those Gen 1 mustangs were really just Falcons underneath. 
That Boss 302 in your picture is the car that got away from me.  When I went to buy my first new car, the Ford dealer had one on the lot in HullaBlue.  No AC, no power steering, brakes, windows, nothing.  Only options were an AM/FM radio and rear window louvers.  Price $2,900.  I had the money for the car but insurance for an 18 yo pony car owner in 1970 was $1000/yr.  I still long for that Boss.
I nearly bought the Datsun 2000 but insurance wasn't much better.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 07, 2021, 11:39:31 PM
That Datsun is a really pretty car.

And I don't mind the insides of a Mustang being a Falcon. I'm not much of a racer, so for me, it's what's on the outside that counts. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 08, 2021, 12:31:18 AM
I had a couple of '65 notchbacks in my youth.  Both hot rodded and clapped out, not good at all.  Those Gen 1 mustangs were really just Falcons underneath. 
That Boss 302 in your picture is the car that got away from me.  When I went to buy my first new car, the Ford dealer had one on the lot in HullaBlue.  No AC, no power steering, brakes, windows, nothing.  Only options were an AM/FM radio and rear window louvers.  Price $2,900.  I had the money for the car but insurance for an 18 yo pony car owner in 1970 was $1000/yr.  I still long for that Boss.
I nearly bought the Datsun 2000 but insurance wasn't much better.
Those '69-70 Boss 302s were the closest things to race cars that Ford ever sold as street cars called Mustangs, as opposed to the '65-66 Shelby GT-350s.
I knew a guy in HS who had a '70 Boss 302 in Grabber Yellow.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 08, 2021, 07:08:43 AM
0-60 Times | Find 0 to 60 & Quarter Mile Times Car Specs ( (

I like comparing times on old muscle cars with modern Honda Accords.

The 1970 Boss 302 had a 0-60 time of 6.1 seconds, did the quarter in 14.6.  Which is slower than my 4 cylinder GTI by a hair.

I realize this is apples and donuts, but fun, for me.

The 1974 Mustang II took 15.5 seconds to get to 60.  I test drove one as I recall, it was like molasses in winter time.  They pushed its fuel economy which really was not that good either.

Modern engine tech is amazing to me, but I think their days are almost done.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 08, 2021, 10:54:58 AM
For me, a more fun comparison is CW's Boss 302 (I'm guessing you still have it) vs the old ones.  Technology has come so far.  The new cars are much faster, safer, more comfortable.  If I had a 70 Boss, it would be too uncomfortable for me to drive it much today.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2021, 11:39:14 AM
For me, a more fun comparison is CW's Boss 302 (I'm guessing you still have it) vs the old ones.  Technology has come so far.  The new cars are much faster, safer, more comfortable.  If I had a 70 Boss, it would be too uncomfortable for me to drive it much today.

I'd somehow manage. :)

But yeah, if/when I ever get my 65, it'll be a weekender.  I need a tow vehicle anyway, for all of my trailers, so I'd keep the pickup as my daily driver.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 08, 2021, 08:51:49 PM
burn outs are an almost lost art
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2021, 11:38:47 PM
I got something to say

It's better to burn out... than to fade away.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 09, 2021, 12:17:27 AM
For me, a more fun comparison is CW's Boss 302 (I'm guessing you still have it) vs the old ones.  Technology has come so far.  The new cars are much faster, safer, more comfortable.  If I had a 70 Boss, it would be too uncomfortable for me to drive it much today.
I've still got it.
I still don't know how fast it will go.  Not even close.

I think it's speed limited to 145 or 150, but I have not approached that level.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 09, 2021, 09:04:20 AM
Did a job for a family friend this weekend.  He has a '66 maroon mustang.  Very nice car.  I was thinking of you utee, you would have drooled, even if it is maroon.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2021, 09:20:01 AM
Did a job for a family friend this weekend.  He has a '66 maroon mustang.  Very nice car.  I was thinking of you utee, you would have drooled, even if it is maroon. 
Heh, yup.  Even a maroon '66 would be drool-worthy.

Fearless usually jumps in every time I post my dream car to remind me that it's HUSKER RED. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2021, 09:53:38 AM
A buddy of mine was into Jags, he had a V-12 and a six, about 1970 vintage.  I drove the V-12.  It was a rattle trap with bad steering and was missing third gear, I don't know why, he said to skip it.  It needed some restoration inside, the outside was decent, and it is a great looker, it just drove like crap.

Great torque though.  I had him drive my then almost new 2005 Cadillac CTS behind me.  We then had a 2016 CTS with the four cylinder and AWD which was a nice car, but big for the city.  Torque is more important than horsepower for most of us.

I also drove a friend's 1968 I think Camaro 350, it was similar to the Jag.  I had a 1973 Nova with a 350 that I really liked, but it was obviously with some issues and only 185 hp out of 5.7 L.  I kept thinking I'd add headers and an Edelbrock some day but never did.  I think 0-60 was 8.5 seconds in the mags.  Slow by today's standards.

EVs are upon us, faster than I expected.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 09, 2021, 10:11:01 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2021, 12:10:16 PM
Sick burn!

Summer isn't the issue here, never has been.  A week of sub-freezing weather on the other hand, es no bueno.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 09, 2021, 11:21:10 PM
Aren't you into F1 racing, utee?  Did you see the movie 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2021, 11:25:28 PM
Aren't you into F1 racing, utee?  Did you see the movie
Yes, and yes.

I loved Rush, although plenty of the "purists" love to point out the historical inaccuracies, which is I guess what "purists" do.  But I thought it was a lot of fun and they managed to weave much of the truth, through an interesting storyline.

There are also a couple of interesting biographical documentaries on the Lauda/Hunt years as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 10, 2021, 08:23:16 AM
no need to be a purist to point out inaccuracies in hollywood
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 10, 2021, 08:43:33 AM
A movie can be somewhat ruined by the purist approach, or it can be ruined by just simple stupid mistakes for no reason in the movie.  Top Gun is replete with factual silliness but it's still entertaining if taken as being a movie.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 10, 2021, 09:16:36 AM
An electric motor has full use of all of its torque at any RPM. By putting the motor(s) directly inline with the wheels, I can save inefficiencies through transmissions and linkages.

Crucially, it also means that, by detecting slippage, I can fire an EV off the line as fast as the rubber will stay stuck to the road surface. Any wheel that starts to slip will be detected immediately and torque reduced until it's no longer slipping. I don't even need an accelerator. I just need to tell it to "go".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2021, 10:01:47 AM
An electric motor has full use of all of its torque at any RPM. By putting the motor(s) directly inline with the wheels, I can save inefficiencies through transmissions and linkages.

Crucially, it also means that, by detecting slippage, I can fire an EV off the line as fast as the rubber will stay stuck to the road surface. Any wheel that starts to slip will be detected immediately and torque reduced until it's no longer slipping. I don't even need an accelerator. I just need to tell it to "go".
Hey droog, there's a lengthy EV thread on the B1G forum, if you're interested.

Not trying to be thread police at all, I think we all know that's not my thing, but that board gets more traffic than this one does and there's been lots of good discussion on EV and the general future of the automobile (autonomous, networked, etc.)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 10, 2021, 10:12:52 AM
Policing the Porch is like herding cockroaches.

Wasn't gonna take it and run with it. I just enjoy the fact that internal combustion requires linkages and all sorts of non-drive-train related add ons to function - mostly dealing with eliminating unwanted effects of internal combustion. They were fascinating machines full of clever engineering, but really made wheels turn in an extremely complicated way. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2021, 10:26:26 AM
Policing the Porch is like herding cockroaches.

Wasn't gonna take it and run with it. I just enjoy the fact that internal combustion requires linkages and all sorts of non-drive-train related add ons to function - mostly dealing with eliminating unwanted effects of internal combustion. They were fascinating machines full of clever engineering, but really made wheels turn in an extremely complicated way.

Growing up I had a set of toys called "Capsela."  They were bubble-shaped modules that you linked together to create things like cars, or cranes, or tractors, or even boats.  A couple of them had small electric motors, and then others had the gears and drive shafts, and others had the axles and wheels, or a propeller, that linked into all of that.

Before I'd ever looked at a diagram of a car, I'd played with those, which gave me a solid, basic understanding of what a an engine and drivetrain would look like.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2021, 10:29:05 AM
Still available on ebay, apparently. :)




Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 10, 2021, 12:06:34 PM
An EV with AWD can really launch like a bullet.  And torque to each wheel is computer controlled.  No diff, no tranny (usually), weight kept way low, very simple.

I was talking up EV delivery vans on the other thread.  That could be the first market heavily changed.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 10, 2021, 12:20:50 PM
Right now, charge density for storing power is the limiting factor. For decades, we only needed what was practical to drive a laptop computer for 8 hours. Then, we needed miniaturization to make a cell phone last.

We left the field of battery optimization static for a long time. I expect rapid breakthroughs in charge per weight in the near future.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 10, 2021, 12:58:43 PM
When it comes to automotive engineering excess, I like to look at Konigsegg.  I am especially awed by the tiny friendly giant (TFG) ( powerplant in the Gemera.  This is your basic 4 door hybrid family sedan with over 1700 combined hp and over 8,000 ft/lbs of torque that will run on almost any fuel including hydrogen.  Doesn't really need gears as it will go from 0-250 mph in the one gear.  
Just the thing to load the kids in and head to the Chic-Fil-A drive thru.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2021, 01:03:28 PM
When it comes to automotive engineering excess, I like to look at Konigsegg.  I am especially awed by the tiny friendly giant (TFG) ( powerplant in the Gemera.  This is your basic 4 door hybrid family sedan with over 1700 combined hp and over 8,000 ft/lbs of torque that will run on almost any fuel including hydrogen.  Doesn't really need gears as it will go from 0-250 mph in the one gear. 
Just the thing to load the kids in and head to the Chic-Fil-A drive thru.
It sounds super-affordable! :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 10, 2021, 02:29:06 PM
My best friend growing up, his first car was a 64 1/2 Mustang his dad got him so he could learn to work on cars.  Body was in great shape, several parts needed replacing, and the entire breaking system.  Only got in on just a little bit of that, as by then we had moved to Georgia and I was only visiting BR for a few weeks that summer, but we had some interesting times in that car before it was technically road worthy.  I don't know why he didn't keep it longer.  While lacking some amenities of modern vehicles, it had a lot of cool factor and was in excellent shape when they got done with it.  But he had a boring Chevy pickup by the time we graduated.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2021, 02:47:00 PM
My best friend growing up, his first car was a 64 1/2 Mustang his dad got him so he could learn to work on cars.  Body was in great shape, several parts needed replacing, and the entire breaking system.  Only got in on just a little bit of that, as by then we had moved to Georgia and I was only visiting BR for a few weeks that summer, but we had some interesting times in that car before it was technically road worthy.  I don't know why he didn't keep it longer.  While lacking some amenities of modern vehicles, it had a lot of cool factor and was in excellent shape when they got done with it.  But he had a boring Chevy pickup by the time we graduated. 
Yup.  One of my best friends in high school, had a '66 Mustang coupe, in sort of a light blue color.  His dad got it brand new as a graduation gift from dental school, he'd used it as a daily driver for a while but it was only a weekender by that point.  So he had it fixed up so it ran well, and gave it to his son.  He was the first of us to turn 16 with an early September birthday, so I rode pretty much exclusively with him, until I finally got my driver's license in December.  Even then, if the choice was my 1981 Dodge Omni shitbox, or his '66 Mustang, we were definitely taking the 'Stang.

It looked almost identical to this:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 10, 2021, 03:16:17 PM
Hey droog, there's a lengthy EV thread on the B1G forum, if you're interested.

Not trying to be thread police at all, I think we all know that's not my thing, but that board gets more traffic than this one does and there's been lots of good discussion on EV and the general future of the automobile (autonomous, networked, etc.)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 10, 2021, 03:19:42 PM
"1981 Dodge Omni shitbox"

Lol.  The year, make, and model are different, but it's that last part that my first car really identifies with.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2021, 03:27:03 PM
"1981 Dodge Omni shitbox"

Lol.  The year, make, and model are different, but it's that last part that my first car really identifies with. 

I was blessed to have a car that I didn't have to pay for.  

Even if it did fail to start pretty frequently, and looked like this:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 10, 2021, 03:35:10 PM
I hear you.  I was blessed that I didn't have to pay for my first two cars, although there is a bit of a caveat to that.  I only had the first one a year, it was a rolling death trap, and it was unwise to take it on the highway.  My dad got tired of me asking to borrow a parental vehicle when I wanted to go out of town, so he ditched the clunker and got me a new one.  A '97 Ford Escort, it had zero coolness or manliness to it, but I drove the hell out of it for 9 years.  It lasted me the rest of high school, through college and beyond, and didn't give up the ghost until it left me stranded on 183 in Austin one day. 

The hilarious thing was it was a stick, and I didn't know how to drive a stick at the time.  You need a lot of self-confidence when you live in a small redneck town where everyone has trucks, you have an Escort, and for several weeks you might stall out at any given stop sign.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 10, 2021, 03:52:34 PM
I never really warmed up to the early Mustangs.  I had a couple and I had several friends who had them.  I preferred the Falcon which was pretty much the same except the sheet metal.  I had a '65 futura like this:(

It had the 289 2bbl and automatic.  I bought it when it was 10 years old and it had 16,000 miles on it.  The old guy I bought it from said it had never been out of the city limits.  After I bought it, I took it out on the highway and it promptly blew a head gasket. Since I had to take the heads off, I scrounged the intake, carb, and distributor off a wrecked Boss 302 and added headers.  Biggest problem was there was no way to get a decent tire on the back without cutting into the body and narrowing the rear end.  I didn't do that so there was never enough traction. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 10, 2021, 04:03:48 PM
The tire patch, the area in contact with the ground, it basically a constant (at constant pressure).  If you add wider tires, the shape changes, but not the area.  You get better traction in show with narrower tires.

Slicks give the best traction on dry pavement of course, and they can deform enough to increase surface area.

And oddly enough, cars with the minispare handle about as well as cars with four regular tires.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 10, 2021, 05:01:35 PM
If you add wider tires, the shape changes, but not the area. 

I agree with all but this.  Given the same diameter and deformation, patch size increases with tire width
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 10, 2021, 05:17:56 PM
The car mags did a neat study on wheel diameter impact on car performance.  As the wheel gets larger, acceleration drops, and handling does not improve.  They tested a BMW 330i with 17" to 21" wheels.  The 18" was about the best overall compromise.  Wheels weigh more than tires.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 10, 2021, 05:20:24 PM
agree with a taller wheel/tire, but not a wider tire
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 10, 2021, 05:49:16 PM
I suppose theoretically you could start doing a "wider with lower inflation pressure" type thing to create a larger contact patch for a given weight. Doing things like varying the sidewall and tread material could also increase flexion and the coefficient of static friction (somebody had to say it).

These seem like things people who know the tires will be replaced after 1/4 mile of usage might do. For the rest of us, minimizing wheel weight is probably the best option.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 10, 2021, 07:40:42 PM
I loved Le Mans, with Steve McQueen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 10, 2021, 07:53:28 PM
I should know by now not to disagree with Cincy.  After researching, the contact patch stays mostly the same but changes to shorter and wider as the tires get wider.  
What I do know is the stock 6.95x14 tires would burn through 1st and part of 2nd gear.  There wasn't a lot of wheel selection since the brake drums were drilled for a 4 bolt pattern.  Some guys redrilled the drums or swapped out for Mustang 5 bolt drums but there still wasn't much reward for all the work.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 10, 2021, 08:05:32 PM
If narrow vs. wide doesn't matter, why do racers use wide wheel-tire combinations?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 10, 2021, 08:41:04 PM
it matters a little
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2021, 08:45:11 PM
I loved Le Mans, with Steve McQueen.
Me too!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 10, 2021, 09:09:40 PM
I liked Bullitt
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 10, 2021, 10:59:34 PM
Maybe there's been a greater chase sequence than Bullit's.

But I don't know what it would be.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2021, 11:51:49 PM
I can't name one.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 11, 2021, 12:13:35 AM
There are a lot of great Steve McQueen moments.  The Bullitt chase is the GOAT.  It did pain me to see that Mustang GT get thrashed so badly.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 11, 2021, 08:14:21 AM
The French Connection had a nice chase scene.  Not as classic.  The Great Train Chase was riveting as well.  Or was it robbery?

That bus movie with Reeves and Bulloch was "fun".

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 11, 2021, 08:15:02 AM
Steve McQueen of course drove race cars, for real, after shooting the movie LeMans.  You remember the Pontiac model of that name?  We mispronounced it.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 11, 2021, 08:50:15 AM
Of course.  The GTO was based off the LeMans.  I remember car purists having a hissy because the LeMans had nothing to do with the town or the race and the GTO (Gran Turisimo Omologato) did not meet the specs for a grand touring car.  Don't even get them started on the Gran Prix.
I miss Pontiac, they had some edgy cars in their heyday.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 11, 2021, 08:58:21 AM
Steve McQueen walked the walk.  He was a real gear head.  Even his golf cart was powered by a V8. 
Right now his '68 Husqvarna 360 dirt bike is up for auction:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 11, 2021, 09:13:44 AM
My Dad had a 1970 LeMans with a 350, 2 bbl, pretty nice car, like a Monte Carlo, and I would have kept Pontiac and eliminated Buick, but Buick was a big seller in China.

Pontiac had more of an image, to me.  They could have sold performance versions of the Chevys.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 11, 2021, 09:34:35 AM
what does Buick translate to in Chinese?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 11, 2021, 10:08:40 AM
My first car was a 1979 Pontiac Grand Prix - the one with the 4 foot long 2 doors. Fun car. Totally quiet for a V8. Began my fascination with upgrading car audio.

After that nuked out, I got a 1986 Pontiac Fiero GT. The exact thing a kid going off to college needs! 2 seater, no trunk room, mid-engine plastic bodied pseudo-sports car. Loved that car and drove every last mile out of it. Sold it to the mechanic four months before we found out we were pregnant with our daughter. Perfect timing!

Wish I could say something nice about the 1988 Pontiac LeMans my wife had. Hyundai built that car, and I suppose they let some 17 year old design it as part of a class project. Everything about this very simple machine was wrong. Eventually, it got towed out of my driveway in Austin as a write off donation to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (yes, there is such a thing). Most noble thing that car ever did.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 11, 2021, 10:31:50 AM
In 1979, I needed a new car and the choices were abysmal.  I finally settled on a Mercury Capri RS like this one.


It was Mercury's version of a Mustang, slightly more upscale.  Mine had green stripes instead of the ugly orange things shown here and it was a V6 rather than the turbo 4.  The turbo had these weird size wheels (390mm diameter) and a specially made Michellin tire was the only thing that fit them.

One evening I was driving from Tulsa to Salisaw and I got on I-40 just before sunset.  I heard some honking and in the left lane was a string of black sporty cars (Camaro, TransAm, 944, 280z, etc.) waving at me to get in their train.  That was back during the 55mph days.  I don't know how fast we were going as the speedometer only went to 85 but we made some great time.  What amazed me was the cars in the right lane didn't get pissed but honked and waved and gave us the thumbs up as we passed.  Very surreal.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 11, 2021, 10:32:55 AM
I always wanted a Fiero!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 11, 2021, 10:36:10 AM
After she had wrecked the 1981 Dodge Omni shitbox sufficiently enough to pass it on down to me, my older sister had a Mercury Capri.  It wasn't as slick as your black one though.


I could never get over how it ALMOST looked like a Mustang, but had that weird bubbly rear window.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 11, 2021, 10:37:54 AM
Several years later, I'd have a 1983 Mustang GLX convertible.  It wasn't my dreamcar '65, but it did make for a fun college car.


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 11, 2021, 10:45:38 AM
The Fiero had the makings of a good car, but as usual, GM botched it out of the gate with cost cutting.

GM consistently built interesting cars with some good tech and some really bad features.  I owned a 1982 Cadillac Cimarron with a manual transmission. It handled well and I put 130,000 miles on it, and it got decent mpgs for the day, but the acceleration was, not.  I got it at the end of the model year and nobody wanted a manual.

I got a 1987 Dodge Caravan with a manual transmission the same way about a month before we learned the wife was have twins.  We knew she was expecting, and we already had Chris.

I got the author copies of my last book yesterday if anyone wants one, or they are $6 on Amazon.  I had pretty good sales for self publishing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 11, 2021, 10:48:50 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 11, 2021, 10:51:08 AM
That is one cool photo.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 11, 2021, 11:48:20 AM
Pontiac was, of course, always the "sporty fun" division. The engineers wanted to create something sort of exotic and Italian type flavored. Legend has it that when they showed off their 6 cylinder, transverse mounted, 2-seat masterpiece, the GM brass said, "Fantastic! Now, if you'll make it 4 cylinder and put in a trunk, we can sell it as a family coupe as well!". That's what the world got in 1984 - an underpowered, complicated piece of engineering too cramped to do anything in.

Mine was an '86. The GT version went back to the original 6-cylinder design, but still lacked the gearing and oomph from the original. Despite the look, it was a relatively safe car with an all steel cage. The plastic body panels were glued on. With the mid-engine setup and "transaxle" (a transmission and differential built together right out of the engine), it was practically impossible to service without a lift. The weight distribution, though, was practically right through the center point of the car. Because of this, Pontiac designed it with massive understeer. Those who "corrected" this feature found themselves spinning the car exiting on cloverleafs.

They finally got all the bugs kicked out of the design around 1988, which, of course, is when they canceled the whole thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 11, 2021, 12:08:07 PM
Any of y'all watch "Future Man" on hulu?


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 11, 2021, 12:15:09 PM
Exactly what mine looked like (when it was "new" to me in the summer of 1990):

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 11, 2021, 01:44:10 PM
It could have been a truly great car.  I wish the current Camaro were something similar to it, a modern turbo 4 would be adequate indeed.

I do not fit in a Mazda Miata, at all, no way.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 11, 2021, 02:07:27 PM
Nice Fiero, Droog.  That was my favorite version.  I bought my daughter an '84 notchback when she turned 16.  She picked it out off the lot even though it had a 4 speed and she'd only driven automatics.  I had fond memories of teaching her to drive it.  Speeding tickets and accidents, not so much.   
My grandson got a turbo Mini Cooper for well below Blue Book because it was a stick.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 11, 2021, 02:17:42 PM
I drove a Mini Turbo in Boston, we stayed at a friend's house and his wife was away.  Mini Cooper S.  I prefer the GTI by a wide margin, but snagging one used could be an idea.  I keep looking at convertibles.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 11, 2021, 02:20:09 PM
Back in the mid 90's, I got the urge to have a project pony car again so I got an '85 IROC Z/28


It wasn't as fun as I remembered and wrenching on it was a PITA.  I took off the T-Tops twice before deciding it wasn't worth it.
Those old '60's cars were crude but there was a lot of room in the engine bays.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 11, 2021, 02:23:32 PM
I drove a Mini Turbo in Boston, we stayed at a friend's house and his wife was away.  Mini Cooper S.  I prefer the GTI by a wide margin, but snagging one used could be an idea.  I keep looking at convertibles.
Mini Coopers have a lot of mechanical issues.  I would much prefer your GTI.  My grandson traded his Coop for a new Jetta.  He did learn a lot and he has been restoring his step-mom's Miata.  He has it in running and driving condition and now is working on the cosmetics.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 11, 2021, 02:35:34 PM
Back in the mid 90's, I got the urge to have a project pony car again so I got an '85 IROC Z/28


It wasn't as fun as I remembered and wrenching on it was a PITA.  I took off the T-Tops twice before deciding it wasn't worth it.
Those old '60's cars were crude but there was a lot of room in the engine bays.

In high school I dated a girl that drove one of these pictured below.  In looking up the pics, the comments indicate that apparently it was quite rare.  It looks cool but we found the lack of a backseat to be... challenging.  Fortunately my car had one...


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 11, 2021, 03:44:22 PM
Well this conversation turned up something neat.  I asked my friend why they got rid of that 64 1/2 Mustang, and I found out they didn't, it just got retired for a few decades.  First picture is as I remember it, on the last day he drove it.  Evidently it stayed at his parents house for about 22 years and now he's brought it to his place where he's begun the process of tearing it down to the bones to rebuild (2nd photo).  I'll be interested to see it again when he's done with it. 

Driving that thing felt like trying to tame a lion that's starting to get hungry. 

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Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on August 11, 2021, 04:11:44 PM
I always wanted one of these when I was in high school. In fact, I'd like one now, 38 years too late.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on August 11, 2021, 04:12:28 PM
Well this conversation turned up something neat.  I asked my friend why they got rid of that 64 1/2 Mustang, and I found out they didn't, it just got retired for a few decades.  First picture is as I remember it, on the last day he drove it.  Evidently it stayed at his parents house for about 22 years and now he's brought it to his place where he's begun the process of tearing it down to the bones to rebuild (2nd photo).  I'll be interested to see it again when he's done with it. 

Driving that thing felt like trying to tame a lion that's starting to get hungry. 

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Howdy, old friend. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 11, 2021, 04:23:45 PM
Well this conversation turned up something neat.  I asked my friend why they got rid of that 64 1/2 Mustang, and I found out they didn't, it just got retired for a few decades.  First picture is as I remember it, on the last day he drove it.  Evidently it stayed at his parents house for about 22 years and now he's brought it to his place where he's begun the process of tearing it down to the bones to rebuild (2nd photo).  I'll be interested to see it again when he's done with it. 

Driving that thing felt like trying to tame a lion that's starting to get hungry. 

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The Mustang was mostly of unibody construction.  The exception was forward of the firewall, where you can see the stub frame rails.

There was a "Ferrari Testarossa" aftermarket body kit that could be appled to the Fiero.


I believe that the top one is the genuine article.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 11, 2021, 04:25:06 PM
The GTI, for us, is a near perfect vehicle.  I get close to 40 mpg highway cruising at 80.  It has plenty of torque in 6th gear to climb hills and accelerate on freeways without downshifting.  There is room in the back for Costco, and the rear seat is adequate.  And it handles well, they dialed out the understeer for the most part.  The only issue I've had is replacing two tires from road damage.  The Caddy was a bit large for the city.

And it really had no more usable room.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 11, 2021, 04:36:44 PM
My mother had a 1st-gen VW Scirocco.  Quick and handled well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 11, 2021, 04:53:10 PM
The Mustang was mostly of unibody construction.  The exception was forward of the firewall, where you can see the stub frame rails.

There was a "Ferrari Testarossa" aftermarket body kit that could be appled to the Fiero.


I believe that the top one is the genuine article.

What I remember vividly is an aftermarket guy named "V8 Archie". He sold kits that would let you put a V8 engine in your Fiero. Several kits adapted the Corvette LT1 for Fiero use.

I was just happy to keep mine functioning. Like everything else, stuff like the automatic headlights started goofing up, the doors started sagging, etc. What eventually killed it was the leaking clutch master cylinder. It locked solid in the parking lot of IBM on 31 December 1999. I had it towed to the mechanic who said it could be fixed for around $700. Since the blue book for a "fair" condition car (generous) was $725, I asked if he'd give me $350 for it. He knocked off $50 since he'd spent diagnostic time on it. I brought the title and walked off with $300 cash plus the CDs I'd left in it.

Bought my 2000 Dodge Durango in the next month. Still have it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 12, 2021, 10:06:31 AM
The GTI, for us, is a near perfect vehicle.  I get close to 40 mpg highway cruising at 80.  It has plenty of torque in 6th gear to climb hills and accelerate on freeways without downshifting.  There is room in the back for Costco, and the rear seat is adequate.  And it handles well, they dialed out the understeer for the most part.  The only issue I've had is replacing two tires from road damage.  The Caddy was a bit large for the city.

And it really had no more usable room.
you seem to have more tire issues than normal
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 12, 2021, 10:46:42 AM
The Caddy was awful on tires, 35 profile run flats.  That was the only issue we had with that car.  I got a tiny nail in one tire with the GTI and had to replace it and the wife hit a pothole obliquely and tore a hole in another recently.  I had to change it, I had not changed a tire in many decades.  So, two tires in three years.

The Caddy tire type and size would only match Pirellis if I stayed with run flats, which had a sidewall issue.  And those tires were $460.  Each.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 12, 2021, 10:58:00 AM
don't know why anyone would want run flats - especially for the price
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 12, 2021, 11:28:20 AM
I didn't know much about them, they "sound" good, but we had seven tires replaced on that car.  Cadillac gave me a warranty for free after the first three, so four were replaced "free".  Every time I got an oil change it seemed they found a tire bulging.  I don't want 19" rims with 35 profile tires at all, the pothole damage issue is severe.

Some of the roads around here are in poor shape mostly because they keep digging them up and patching them to put in cable or new pipes or whatever.

Every time a new building goes up they dig out the pavement and usually don't patch very well.

At least they bury the electric lines.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 12, 2021, 11:32:58 AM
It will be nice in the far future when electric lines are all buried and we can let trees grow to their full dimensions along streets and roads.

If there is a far future.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 12, 2021, 11:49:33 AM
Changing the tires on some cars like a corvette is a major undertaking. The body is too close, and the wheel is too large. In those cases, run-flat tires are the way to go. It'll get you back home or to the shop.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 12, 2021, 11:50:07 AM
Anything new built here has to bury the lines.  There is some exception if you build something very small apparently.  The good news is the pace of new construction is incredible, to me.  It gives us reason to walk through town instead of the parks every few days anyway just to watch the buildings going up.

I am amazed at it all, the level of coordination needed to build something and haul all that tonnage onto the site in the right order, more or less.  The skyline is dotted with cranes.  This one should be nice when finished in a year or so, that gap is to be a ped walkthrough with retail on each side (restaurants and bars).  The traffic impact will get interesting as the city is shrinking a lot of the roads from four lanes to three to put in bike paths.


The interesting thing to me also is the number of buildings oriented to students here, pretty luxurious midrise and highrise buildings.

High-rise roundup: Tower projects advance in Midtown, downtown | Urbanize Atlanta (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 12, 2021, 12:33:49 PM
Georgia Tech students?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 12, 2021, 01:05:44 PM
Ha, I remember those Testarossa panels for the Fiero!  I thought they were brilliant at the time.  I was also around 14 at the time, so... :)

Another car I loved in the 80s, was this one:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 12, 2021, 01:32:27 PM
I always wanted one of these when I was in high school. In fact, I'd like one now, 38 years too late.

We've gone too long without commenting on this.  I couldn't really believe that Buick of all brands would come out with a serious muscle car but this one was.  Especially the GNX version.  Today, most cars would laugh at the 235 hp this produced but it was way more than my IROC Z of the time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 12, 2021, 01:34:41 PM
Georgia Tech students?
My neighbor who is a retired GT physics professor noted that a lot of Tech students are Asian, and some have money, and there is also Georgia State which has become more of a residential U, and has a large student body, so yes.  They are quite luxurious by my notions of where students live.

Off Campus Housing In Midtown | The Mark Atlanta (


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 12, 2021, 01:37:03 PM
Yeah, the GNX was reportedly underrated on horsepower figures.  

Officially, Buick claims a 0-60 mph time of 5.4 sec for the GNX versus their Grand National number of 6.9. Through the quarter mile, the GNX clocks 13.4 sec to 104.0 mph against 15.7 at 97.5.Sep 5, 2016

That was fast for the era.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 12, 2021, 01:37:13 PM
Howdy, old friend.

Hey 847, good to see you and be seen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 12, 2021, 01:39:22 PM
My neighbor who is a retired GT physics professor noted that a lot of Tech students are Asian, and some have money, and there is also Georgia State which has become more of a residential U, and has a large student body, so yes.  They are quite luxurious by my notions of where students live.

Off Campus Housing In Midtown | The Mark Atlanta (



Mighty fancy digs for folks that don't even have SEC speed. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 12, 2021, 01:39:52 PM
It will be nice in the far future when electric lines are all buried and we can let trees grow to their full dimensions along streets and roads.

If there is a far future.
There’s always a far future. We might not be in it, but it’s always coming. 

I don’t think all the lines will ever be buried. It’s expensive, and I’m certain not practical in every type of area. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 12, 2021, 01:52:10 PM
The GTI, for us, is a near perfect vehicle.  I get close to 40 mpg highway cruising at 80.  It has plenty of torque in 6th gear to climb hills and accelerate on freeways without downshifting.  There is room in the back for Costco, and the rear seat is adequate.  And it handles well, they dialed out the understeer for the most part.  The only issue I've had is replacing two tires from road damage. 

The GTI is the Volkswagen hatchback, right?  I recall you are a tall fella like do you rate the leg room, driving that?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 12, 2021, 02:00:56 PM

The GTI is the Volkswagen hatchback, right?  I recall you are a tall fella like do you rate the leg room, driving that? 
It is one of two cars I've ever been in where I don't put the seat all the way back.  It has a lot of leg room for the driver, not as much for the passenger, that side is not a power seat and I guess it doesn't go back quite as far.  We have the "Autobahn" version with a manual transmission.  I paid about $32 K for it new.  It is a remarkably efficient design for volume.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 12, 2021, 02:04:19 PM
There’s always a far future. We might not be in it, but it’s always coming.

I don’t think all the lines will ever be buried. It’s expensive, and I’m certain not practical in every type of area.

Yeah....we might not like the future or be around to see it, but it'll be there.  Well, until the heat death of the universe, I guess.  One way physicists define time is as a measurement of entropy.  Once we reach total equilibrium, there's no more time.  Wrap your head around that.

On the second thing, maybe Tesla wasn't crazy after all and there'll be a way to transmit energy wirelessly, and then we wouldn't have buried wires as you say, but no topside lines either.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 12, 2021, 02:10:04 PM
There is a way to transmit electricity wirelessly obviously.  It's just not efficient over distance, Coulomb's Law plays into that.  Folks are testing induction as a means to recharge batteries in cars now.  Distance is the key.  (Our stove has an induction cooktop that is marvelous.)

What was the entropy of the Universe AT the Big Bang itself?  

It is POSSIBLE the universe will reach a certain point and begin contracting.  The finding that the expansion is accelerating has blown a lot of minds though.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 12, 2021, 02:14:24 PM
There is a way to transmit electricity wirelessly obviously.  It's just not efficient over distance, Coulomb's Law plays into that.  Folks are testing induction as a means to recharge batteries in cars now.  Distance is the key.  (Our stove has an induction cooktop that is marvelous.)

What was the entropy of the Universe AT the Big Bang itself? 

It is POSSIBLE the universe will reach a certain point and begin contracting.  The finding that the expansion is accelerating has blown a lot of minds though.


I suspect that like many natural phenomena, entropy could asymptotically approach equilibrium, but will never achieve it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 12, 2021, 02:31:15 PM
Ha, I remember those Testarossa panels for the Fiero!  I thought they were brilliant at the time.  I was also around 14 at the time, so... :)

Another car I loved in the 80s, was this one:

Those were good times.  You could get a great sports sedan for less-than-Mercedes prices.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 12, 2021, 02:37:31 PM
good times

1981 I was a frosh in the engineering college.  Graduating seniors were starting around $30,00 per year and a new Porsche 911 cost about $30,000
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 12, 2021, 02:38:25 PM
It is POSSIBLE the universe will reach a certain point and begin contracting.  The finding that the expansion is accelerating has blown a lot of minds though.

This seems to be the prevailing view, as far as I can tell as a layman.  When I was in school the expanding/contracting model was still popular, but since then "they" have learned a lot more about dark energy and its effect on expansion.  Krauss, Hawking, Tyson, etc. have written about it quite a bit, and if they are to be believed, the majority consensus currently seems to be that the universe will not contract.  

They'd certainly know better than me.  Philosophical doofuses, but brilliant physicists.  Of course scientists have been known to change their minds.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 12, 2021, 02:46:08 PM
We've gone too long without commenting on this.  I couldn't really believe that Buick of all brands would come out with a serious muscle car but this one was.  Especially the GNX version.  Today, most cars would laugh at the 235 hp this produced but it was way more than my IROC Z of the time.
I was selling Chevys when the Z28 returned as a 1977 model. It was powered by a 350 cu in (5.7 L) V8 with four-barrel carburetor producing 185 hp.
By 1981, the 350 was down to 175 hp, and was only available with an automatic transmission. The four-speed manual versions had the 165 hp 305 cu in engine.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 12, 2021, 03:04:46 PM
my classmate got a new 1981 Z28.  It was still pretty fast compared to other stuff on the street.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 12, 2021, 03:12:40 PM
I always wondered. If the universe is expanding as you say, what exactly is it expanding into?  

Wrap your mind around that…
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 12, 2021, 03:33:06 PM
into the abyss, of course
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 12, 2021, 03:46:50 PM
I always wondered. If the universe is expanding as you say, what exactly is it expanding into? 

Wrap your mind around that…

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 12, 2021, 04:02:19 PM
I always wondered. If the universe is expanding as you say, what exactly is it expanding into? 

Wrap your mind around that…

I try not to.  Before I properly understood the standard model of cosmology, it was impossible to imagine infinite space without end.  Now that I know that somewhere beyond the observable universe, at the boundary of the actual universe, space itself is still expanding.  Into what, as you say?  I can't imagine a point beyond which there's....nothing...not even space.  

It's right up there with Planck time and length.  I could never fathom that time and distance could infinitely divided, that however small of an increment forward I could imagine, you could divide by 2 and get an even smaller increment forward.  Then the smart guys said there's actually a point distance at which there is no in between, particles move discretely from points of time and space to other points, not smoothly across the infinitely divisible.  I also can't fathom a distance that can't be divided by 2.  

My head hurts either way I go.  The universe is out to make me feel dumb.  Thanks for reminding me, Aggie.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 12, 2021, 04:59:15 PM
It is space-time that is expanding, and it is creating space-time as it goes, in effect.  There is not even nothing past the boundary.  The "explosion" created "time" as well as the other 3 (+?) dimensions, which did not exist "before" as there was no before.  If you were able somehow to travel in a straight line far enough, you'd find yourself back where you started.

There is excellent support for the expanding universe aside from theory, the truly weird thing is that apparently the rate of expansion is accelerating.  That is one of the major problems in physics today and gave rise to the Dark Matter/Energy concept.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 12, 2021, 06:49:43 PM
I could be wrong, but I think I've got this straight...  The smart guys have made some small progress towards the detection of dark energy, which probably means "testing for" as in a hypothesis.  I believe it has moved from a proposed solution to describe the missing piece of a phenomenon to a (limited) confirming of such a force.  Similar to how inflation was a proposed solution for the heat signature across the universe but has in recent years confirmed, or detected, in a limited sense. 

Dark matter seems even more solid, though I don't know that it has anything to do with the expansion of the universe, other than however its mass (which is considerable) might affect gravity in its useless fight against dark energy. 

I could be wrong, but you know how it is, I read some books on it and now I'm an expert online.  Believe it or not, I dove into this stuff for the same class I teach at my church mentioned elsewhere, but utee says that's boring and I'm not to talk about it anymore. 

So in other news, just now I completed my first masters class.  Never ever thought I'd go back to school, and yeah, I'm old and my brain is made out of crawfish, but I don't think the oil and gas thing is ever coming back for me, so I thought "well, in couple years I can be nearing my mid-40's and keep working the same piddly job I have now, or I can be nearing my mid-40's and have a new skillset to hang my hat on."  Either way I'm still getting older.  I made a B.  But I have until Sunday night to retake my exams and maybe pull an A.  I might or might not spend my weekend on that.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 12, 2021, 06:55:31 PM
The 3 K heat signature was detected by accident decades ago and melded into the Big Bang theory as a huge piece of evidence in support thereof.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 12, 2021, 07:09:43 PM
Right, but I believe early rapid inflation was the mechanism used to explain the heat signature, along with other big-bang cosmology problems, and it remained mainly theoretical until about 5 years ago with the detection B-mode polarization in the CMB radiation, considered a signature of inflation.  It was supposed to be a big deal as confirmation of the early inflationary epoch.  An experimental confirmation of what was long theoretically suspected. 

I don't know exactly how or why, but it was supposed to be another passed test for Einstein's theory of relativity.  Supposedly relativity is the most proven principle in all of physics.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 12, 2021, 08:19:31 PM
Relativity is poppycosh.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 12, 2021, 08:26:41 PM
This absolutely cannot compare to Dark Matter, but it's interesting.

Ford GT test mule spied, and rumors of a new engine are swirling
Zac Palmer
Wed, August 11, 2021, 3:16 PM


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This isn’t what we expected to see today, but one of our spy shooters just caught a Ford GT mule rolling around Allen Park, MI. We’ve all but put the Ford GT off to the side at this point, as production was expected to wrap up shortly.

There’s always the chance of a special edition-something at the end, but we didn’t expect to see any GTs with emissions testing pipes driving around Ford’s test laboratory where it performs EPA testing on future vehicles. The longstanding assumption, of course, was that the GT would use its 3.5-liter twin-turbo V6 engine until the end. Any suggestion otherwise seems easy to dismiss and semi-unfathomable at first blush. However, the presence of this test mule, and some recent reports that we’ll get into, throw this assumption into doubt.

We’ll start with a recent Ford Authority report, wherein they cite an unnamed source telling them Ford is testing a GT in metro Detroit that is hiding a powertrain different from the current twin-turbo V6. The report goes on to say that this mystery powertrain GT sounds “very different” from the V6 we’re accustomed to at this point.

Next up, our spy shooter is also telling us that he’s heard rumors of a different engine making its way into the GT. The rumor, and we’re not giving it any more credit than that, points to the 7.3-liter Godzilla V8 with a pair of turbos strapped to it — there are even more rumors to back this rumor up. It sounds fairly far-out to us, but do keep in mind that the 7.3 is a significantly more compact pushrod motor, not a DOHC design like the 3.5-liter V6 is. Maybe Ford could make it work.

7.3 liters is 445 cubic inches.


Where is any kind of evidence for these musings? Well, the spy shots do indicate that Ford is up to something with the GT’s powertrain. For one, this engine’s oil cap (circled in red in the closeup) is sitting atop the glass where a standard GT’s trunk would extend to. That’s a clear hint that all isn’t normal underneath the engine cover. Plus, (it’s very difficult to tell) the exhaust routing in and around all of the chassis and suspension components doesn’t look identical to that of a regular GT. The blurriness of the photo and general mess going on underneath keeps us from getting a super clear comparison, but some of the twists and curves in the exhaust appear slightly changed. All that said, we’ll need a better photo comparison to come to any grand conclusions.

All of the above put together is enough to put us on high alert for Ford GT news. Ford is up to something with its mid-engine supercar, and it seems certain at this point that it won’t be letting the GT go silently into the night.

Related video [from 2017]: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 12, 2021, 11:23:04 PM
it's still just a Ford and over priced compared to a Chevy
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 13, 2021, 07:44:27 AM
There is Special Relativity of course as well as General, and it could be they are two of the most tested theories in physics because of their elegance.

And Einstein got zero Nobels for both, which is rather remarkable.

And he devised the first, and got it published in a top tier German physics journal while working as a patent clerk, along with four other very different papers in his "Miracle Year" of 1905.  His contributions are inconceivable, in one year, ranging over such disparate topics.  Nobody else came close ever in one year.

His other four papers are somewhat rarely mentioned even though he did get the Nobel years later for one of them.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 13, 2021, 08:07:00 AM
This V8-Swapped Fiero Drag Car Sound Video ( (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 13, 2021, 08:58:45 AM
There is Special Relativity of course as well as General, and it could be they are two of the most tested theories in physics because of their elegance.

And Einstein got zero Nobels for both, which is rather remarkable.

today's birthday is ....

Frederick Sanger (1918)

After earning his PhD at Cambridge University in 1943, British biochemist Frederick Sanger decided to continue conducting his research at his alma mater. He remained there for the entirety of his four-decade career, making discoveries about the structure of proteins, particularly insulin, as well as DNA sequencing that would earn him not one but two Nobel prizes. He was only the fourth person in history to have earned this distinction.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 13, 2021, 09:41:13 AM

What kind of masters class are you taking?  

I didn’t realize you were in O&G. It’s definitely cyclical, but I’m beginning to think that as we on-ramp more and more kinds of alt energy it will have a long slow decline. Of course the petrochemical industry will use o&g essentially forever. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 13, 2021, 10:46:14 AM
My outlook on O&G isn't as much about the industry as it is about myself, though it's definitely true the industry is cyclical.  I was fortunate to survive some down times during the years I did it without ever having any periods of unemployment.  My job was very white-collar, not labor intensive at all, but it required constant travel and the ability to be on your feet for long periods at a time.  I have a number of physical issues these days and that's not doable for me. 

A couple years ago, on our first anniversary, I took my Longhorn wife to a Texas game which she really enjoyed as she'd never been to a UT game.  It was the week before LSU came to town, go figure.  That was well past my limits, physically, and I don't think I'll be trying that again.  I may have spent my final gameday at DKR......watching Texas and La. Tech. 

I'm in a Data Science program.  I found the format and pace quite challenging.  Might work out, might not.  We'll see how it goes, I'm just trying to start the process of doing something different.  False starts don't really bother me anymore.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 13, 2021, 10:52:45 AM
it's still just a Ford and over priced compared to a Chevy
Let's pick up this conversation after Chevy wins Le Mans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 13, 2021, 11:13:54 AM
Let's pick up this conversation after Chevy wins Le Mans.


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 13, 2021, 11:34:54 AM
I can wait
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 13, 2021, 01:50:31 PM
To be fair, the Chevrolet Corvette has won its class at Le Mans.  It just hasn't taken the overall race.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 13, 2021, 04:05:23 PM
Zero to 60 mph: 3.0 sec
Zero to 100 mph: 6.2 sec
Zero to 130 mph: 10.1 sec
Zero to 150 mph: 14.5 sec
Zero to 170 mph: 21.4 sec
Rolling start, 5-60 mph: 3.6 sec
Top gear, 30-50 mph: 2.3 sec
Top gear, 50-70 mph: 2.3 sec
Standing ¼-mile: 10.8 sec @ 134 mph
Top speed (drag limited, mfr's claim): 216 mph
Braking, 70-0 mph: 145 ft
Roadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 1.11 g

2021 Ford GT Review, Pricing, and Specs ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 13, 2021, 04:07:46 PM
Rollout, 1 ft: 0.2 sec

Zero to 60 mph: 2.8 sec

Zero to 100 mph: 7.2 sec

Zero to 130 mph: 13.2 sec

Zero to 150 mph: 19.4 sec

Rolling start, 5–60 mph: 3.5 sec

Top gear, 30–50 mph: 1.9 sec

Top gear, 50–70 mph: 2.5 sec

Standing ¼-mile: 11.2 sec @ 122 mph

Top speed (drag limited, mfr’s claim): 184 mph

Braking, 70–0 mph: 149 ft
Roadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 1.03 g
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 13, 2021, 04:44:36 PM
To be fair, the Chevrolet Corvette has won its class at Le Mans.  It just hasn't taken the overall race.

And we do want to be fair.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 13, 2021, 04:45:07 PM
Rollout, 1 ft: 0.2 sec

Zero to 60 mph: 2.8 sec

Zero to 100 mph: 7.2 sec

Zero to 130 mph: 13.2 sec

Zero to 150 mph: 19.4 sec

Rolling start, 5–60 mph: 3.5 sec

Top gear, 30–50 mph: 1.9 sec

Top gear, 50–70 mph: 2.5 sec

Standing ¼-mile: 11.2 sec @ 122 mph

Top speed (drag limited, mfr’s claim): 184 mph

Braking, 70–0 mph: 149 ft
Roadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 1.03 g
What car is this?  A Corvette?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 13, 2021, 05:33:04 PM
Yeah, 2020 Corvette Z51.  Faster to 60 because of the midengine, but runs out of steam, relatively above that.  Only 495 hp.  Pushrod engine, must be the pinnacle of pushrod design.

Life is not fair.

But the Corvette for the money is a major steal.  I'd rather have a Porche with a Blaupunkt though.  And a curveball.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 13, 2021, 08:26:59 PM

And we do want to be fair.
not believing this for a second, from a Sooner 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 13, 2021, 09:30:03 PM
not believing this for a second, from a Sooner

We want to be at least as fair as the zebras who missed three clips on Johnny Rodgers' punt return for a TD in 1971.
Not that I still obsess about that play or anything.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 13, 2021, 09:37:59 PM
3 clips???

we call that Sooner Magic
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 13, 2021, 10:03:58 PM
Hah!  Precious little Sooner magic that day.

There was a little Husker magic on the GW TD drive.

Actually, the margin of victory for the Huskers was provided by the turnover differential, 3:1 I believe.

I believe that the Huskers were the better team.  They had a significantly better defense, and an offense that was almost as good as the Sooners' wishbone.  Sooners had the HFA, but gave the ball away too many times.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 13, 2021, 10:04:47 PM
This is just the kind of smack talk that would be quite relevant on the RIVALRY thread.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 13, 2021, 10:13:53 PM
both teams were great teams

someone had to lose

very evenly matched

turnovers were the difference
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 13, 2021, 11:26:12 PM
This is just the kind of smack talk that would be quite relevant on the RIVALRY thread.

Hmmm.  Whom do we know with the awesome powers that it would take to move this conversation to that thread?  ~???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 14, 2021, 08:16:58 AM
When two great teams collide, it comes down to turnovers, a break, a bad call, something pretty random, usually, or maybe an insane play by VY.

Best game I ever saw.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 14, 2021, 08:45:27 AM
When two great teams collide, it comes down to turnovers, a break, a bad call, something pretty random, usually, or maybe an insane play by VY.

Best game I ever saw.
That was quite a game course I might be bias 

There is a show on the LHN where Mack Brown sits down with some of the players from the NC Horn team and reviews the game film of that game

very entertaining
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 14, 2021, 08:50:09 AM
well, it's on the correct network
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 14, 2021, 08:50:53 AM
A buddy of mine came over, we were going to drink some wine and watch the first half, we had work the next day.  At the half, he said "Mind if we watch the rest?"

He's on Ohio State fan, that game was riveting, neither side was going to lose it.

Best game I've ever seen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 14, 2021, 09:17:22 AM
you may have missed the "Game of the Century" or too young to remember it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 14, 2021, 09:34:50 AM
Fearless just cant stand it if we aint talkin Husker FB
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 14, 2021, 10:09:20 AM
Actually, I brought up that game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 14, 2021, 10:16:18 AM
Actually, I brought up that game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 14, 2021, 10:45:42 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 16, 2021, 01:38:26 AM
So, Saturday Mrs. Thumper and I went to Ft Riley to see the Custer House Museum and the 1st territorial capital of Kansas.  On the drive in we saw the building for the UH 60 simulator.  Think they will let me take it for a spin? :)

Mrs. Thumper was bummed that the actual house the Custers had occupied had burned down and we were touring one of the 6 original officers homes.  Actually they were really nice digs for 1855.  Most of the original limestone buildings used "local limestone" as the description called it.  It was actually from post rock country west of Salina about 90 miles away.  Hard to imagine they haule all that in with wagons and mules.  Also impressive was the fact that all the woodwork was milled in Cincinnati and hauled in.  It was some really pretty figured walnut and cherry.

The territorial capital was a 2 story limestone building that all that is left of a town called Pawnee City.  It was only the capital for 5 days.  The legislature was called the Bogus Legislature  (  Seems like modern times.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 16, 2021, 08:41:40 AM
Sometimes, these lesser known historical sites are the most interesting.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 16, 2021, 02:07:16 PM
So, Saturday Mrs. Thumper and I went to Ft Riley to see the Custer House Museum and the 1st territorial capital of Kansas.  On the drive in we saw the building for the UH 60 simulator.  Think they will let me take it for a spin? :)

Mrs. Thumper was bummed that the actual house the Custers had occupied had burned down and we were touring one of the 6 original officers homes.  Actually they were really nice digs for 1855.  Most of the original limestone buildings used "local limestone" as the description called it.  It was actually from post rock country west of Salina about 90 miles away.  Hard to imagine they haule all that in with wagons and mules.  Also impressive was the fact that all the woodwork was milled in Cincinnati and hauled in.  It was some really pretty figured walnut and cherry.

The territorial capital was a 2 story limestone building that all that is left of a town called Pawnee City.  It was only the capital for 5 days.  The legislature was called the Bogus Legislature  (  Seems like modern times.
Did they say when the Custer house burned down?  I was up there in the early '90s for a command post exercise and I think I remember that it was standing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 16, 2021, 04:25:10 PM
I sometimes wonder how much a modern "people's car" would cost today, a very basic, economical, but safe reasonably spacious small car without bells and whistles.  I'm pretty sure there would be minimal profit potential at best which is why we don't have one.  I imagine air cooling is not an option today, but a small 3 cylinder turbo should be fairly cheap, a basic interior,  very few options, just a car.

My daughter once had an el strippo Chevy Cruise, it had zero options, none, and it was still very nicely equipped.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 16, 2021, 05:02:23 PM
power steering, power brakes, cruise control, am/fm radio, tilt wheel, heat & A/C

crank windows and adjustable seats, no power
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 16, 2021, 05:11:27 PM
Her Cruze had power windows, I think today it's cheaper.  No power seat though.  I'm not sure how basic one could make a car today really.

It would be interesting to try.  A heater used to be an option on cars.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 16, 2021, 05:31:38 PM
Like the old VW microbus that was little more than a rear engine power plant, frame, and a steering mechanism. That was the point of the original "Mini" in England. It was something you could drive.

Wonder what I could do with like a double shaft electric motor up front and enough battery power for 200 miles? Seems like you could do something real simple and no frills.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 16, 2021, 07:11:33 PM
I like the idea of a simple EV, maybe even with 120 miles range.  You could get pretty good low end punch from it.  For an around town car, it would be great I think, if cheap enough.  How often do folks drive over 120 miles in a year, with their second car?

Maybe a two seater hatch?  Companies build ever more complex and equipped vehicles because of profit, I wonder if this is a niche.  Nissan has their Leaf, but it's too expensive I think.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 16, 2021, 07:12:45 PM
Did they say when the Custer house burned down?  I was up there in the early '90s for a command post exercise and I think I remember that it was standing.
The lady at the desk didn't know when it happened and I haven't bee able to find out.  The Custer's lived at #21 and the current museum is at #24.  It looked to me like there is a house at that location so I'm guessing they rebuilt it with modern materials.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 17, 2021, 01:21:39 AM
You can buy a small, cheap car brand new for around $15k. I can’t imagine how cutting the few extras like ac or power windows would cut the cost much. 

Cut the safety features, like the beefier doors and crash zones and air bags now you’re getting the price down. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 17, 2021, 10:51:27 AM
Yeah, it would be tough, and with little profit.  I doubt you could cut AC or PW.  I think the Nissan Versa is the cheapest car you can buy today.  

The "Smart" car is more my thought, but it was always way expensive for its size.  I've seen them on the freeway, they look dangerous.

The notion of a cheap EV is interesting, maybe 120 miles range.  Maybe that's the Leaf, which is not cheap.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 17, 2021, 01:02:41 PM
The USA required safety and emission controls and certifications really add a lot to the cost of a basic car.  For instance this is required to have antilock brakes:


Emissions controls and the brakes are a substantial part of the $3900 price tag.  Still, this would be an excellent urban commuter for most folks at 112 mpg.  The 45 mph top speed with a 200 lb rider would limit it to city streets or backroads.

This EV isn't available in the US at this time but is expected to be soon.  With a 70 mph top speed, 75 mile range, a 36 liter trunk and $1,350 price tag (probably $1700 to $2000 when it gets here), I could see this as my 2nd vehicle.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 17, 2021, 01:08:12 PM
I have a friend who used to collect and restore vintage Vespas.  I always thought it would be cool to have one.


(this is not his collection, just a rando picture from the internet, but he did have a black/white one and a blue one that looked like the ones in this picture)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 17, 2021, 01:13:00 PM
Is that Honda a 2 stroke or did they all get eliminated?

I looked it up.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 17, 2021, 01:46:59 PM
Most of Honda's bikes are for the global market so they would have to meet Euro 5 emissions as well as the US standards.
If the bike has small sales, some exceptions are made here in the US.  An example is the Suzuki DR650 dual sport, which is what I ride


My 2000 is very close to the 2021 shown below.  It still has a carburetor and no ABS or traction control.  Around 98% of the parts interchange between 1996 and 2021 models.  It is sold in the US, Australia, and some South American countries.  Every year DR riders expect it will have to be discontinued but it looks like it will make it to 2022.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 17, 2021, 07:03:33 PM
My dad drove a scooter in Okinawa, ca. 1957-60.  I think it was a Lambretta.

In my childhood memory, it looked like this.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 17, 2021, 07:31:41 PM
My dad drove a scooter in Okinawa, ca. 1957-60.  I think it was a Lambretta.

In my childhood memory, it looked like this.


Nice.  I've been thinking about buying an old scooter and restoring it.  

It would be a lot of work, but less work than a 26' Airstream, plus it would fit in my garage, so...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 17, 2021, 07:35:03 PM
the Cushman Eagle scooters are popular around here

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 18, 2021, 08:26:49 AM
These little scooter things are popular around here, and dangerous when folks zip by on sidewalks (which is illegal apparently).  I've started not moving out of their way.  It's my sidewalk.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 18, 2021, 09:32:53 AM
giv'em a shoulder, forearm or elbow
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 18, 2021, 11:30:32 AM
These little scooter things are popular around here, and dangerous when folks zip by on sidewalks (which is illegal apparently).  I've started not moving out of their way.  It's my sidewalk. 
Is it worse than the swarms of scooters in a lot of large European cities?  I'm amazed watching them fly around in all directions.  I've seen a few funny wrecks, but I'm honestly shocked and impressed that it doesn't happen a LOT more often.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 18, 2021, 01:16:36 PM
Whatever happened to the Segway?

That was going to revolutionize transportation.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 18, 2021, 01:20:22 PM
Is it worse than the swarms of scooters in a lot of large European cities?  I'm amazed watching them fly around in all directions.  I've seen a few funny wrecks, but I'm honestly shocked and impressed that it doesn't happen a LOT more often.
It is for folks walking on sidewalks.  I wondered if the Parisian scooters were 2 strokes, they sound like it, tinny and polluting like crazy.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 18, 2021, 02:43:23 PM
We don't have any full-sized scooter on sidewalk issues.

For a while, we had an issue with those stand-up electric scooters that you can rent by the minute.  Companies like Lime and Byrd and whatnot, dumped off thousands of them all over the city sidewalks.  People were causing all kinds of problems for pedestrians, and also crashing into folks on the street.  And they'd just leave them lying around all over, basically trash on all of the sidewalks.  Some folks got so mad they'd go around at night collecting them and dumping them into garbage dumpsters, or creeks, or the lake.  

That was pre-COVID-lockdowns.  When all the people disappeared from the city streets for 6 months, so did all those scooters.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 18, 2021, 02:52:20 PM
We don't have any full-sized scooter on sidewalk issues.

For a while, we had an issue with those stand-up electric scooters that you can rent by the minute.  Companies like Lime and Byrd and whatnot, dumped off thousands of them all over the city sidewalks.  People were causing all kinds of problems for pedestrians, and also crashing into folks on the street.  And they'd just leave them lying around all over, basically trash on all of the sidewalks.  Some folks got so mad they'd go around at night collecting them and dumping them into garbage dumpsters, or creeks, or the lake. 

That was pre-COVID-lockdowns.  When all the people disappeared from the city streets for 6 months, so did all those scooters. 
We had some scooters like those.  They were being left around too.

Enthusiasm for them seemed to wane after a kid took his little brother on a ride on Riverside Drive after dark and they got hit and killed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 18, 2021, 02:59:31 PM
Yeah I could see how that might put a damper on things.  

As far as I know, nobody here got killed, but LOTS of broken bones and hospital visits.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 18, 2021, 03:04:42 PM
Just saw an ad for these.


Aventon e-bikes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 18, 2021, 08:47:40 PM
E-bikes are a big thing.  Even Harley-Davidson is in the game.


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 18, 2021, 08:53:16 PM
Speaking of Harley, they are also in the electric motorcycle business but they decided to market it as the Live Wire brand instead of Harley


I could really go for this except for the $22k price tag.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 18, 2021, 09:45:46 PM

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 19, 2021, 12:17:23 AM
I thought of that song when Harley started using that name.  I think they could have done better for a name but the bike is very impressive.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2021, 06:08:00 AM
The Motley Fool just issued one of their "rare" all in reccos, something that they advertise month after month.

Bacchanalia was enjoyable, good food, nice sommelier (young lady), good service, not sure it was entirely worth the price, but what is?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 19, 2021, 09:38:28 AM
if it was enjoyable, it was worth it

we all need more enjoyable experiences
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 19, 2021, 09:40:08 AM
here's your live wire band

it still says Harley on the tank
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 19, 2021, 09:41:07 AM
E-bikes are a big thing.  Even Harley-Davidson is in the game.


I've only seen advertisements 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 19, 2021, 11:03:43 AM
here's your live wire band

it still says Harley on the tank
Tank of what?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 19, 2021, 11:09:50 AM
not sure, antifreeze?  it appears to have a cap
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 19, 2021, 11:18:24 AM
Facebook says this would have been Big Matt's 50th Birthday

RIP brother

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 19, 2021, 11:33:47 AM
Facebook says this would have been Big Matt's 50th Birthday

RIP brother


RIP Mateo Grande Pequeno
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2021, 11:40:45 AM
if it was enjoyable, it was worth it

we all need more enjoyable experiences
I agree, and since we have limited our travel expenses a LOT for a year and a half, I'm spending some of that dining out.

Miller Union is next,  I think, not nearly as pricey, and fairly close by.

75 Best Restaurants in Atlanta - Atlanta Magazine

At Miller Union, Georgia native Steven Satterfield gathers every misguided notion about Southern food and tosses them in the compost heap. What’s left: dishes that are understated revelries (that silky farm egg in lush celery cream, oh my) and  ( explorations of the modern South ( (see: Seasonal Vegetable Plate). That they’re served in the most unpretentious high-end restaurant in Atlanta—equally suitable for the laziest of lunches or the most special occasion—makes the fried pork chop with creamed greens and the duck breast with hoecakes and strawberry even more exceptional. When Satterfield won the James Beard Award for Best Chef in the Southeast ( in 2017, he was only the second Atlanta chef in 10 years to bring home the honor. At Miller Union, he has proudly picked up where his mentor, chef Scott Peacock, left off; Satterfield spent a decade working for Peacock at Watershed, the iconic restaurant that similarly modernized Southern food in that era. With Miller Union hitting the 10-year mark in November, Satterfield and co-owner/general manager/sommelier Neal McCarthy have firmly established their Westside gem as a beacon of Southern hospitality, both in the warm, all-welcoming dining room and in the inclusive, equitable kitchen. Behind the scenes and on the plate, Miller Union is a vision of an evolving South.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 19, 2021, 11:47:48 AM
James Beard award winner

sounds very promising
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 19, 2021, 12:16:05 PM
now I'm hungry
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 19, 2021, 01:31:03 PM
Facebook says this would have been Big Matt's 50th Birthday

RIP brother

Rest in peace, LBM.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2021, 09:11:18 PM
We had Fox Bros. takeout for dinner.

I thought about LBM and some of his stories in Athens.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 20, 2021, 04:29:04 PM
I came across this a couple of days ago and it reminded me of our Fiero chat.


This one is for sale on Bring a Trailer (  It has a supercharged 350 chevy engine with the 5 speed Getrag trans.  Comes with a mini me go cart.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 20, 2021, 04:38:04 PM
I'm a fan of V8's but I don't want one of those

especially in white
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 20, 2021, 05:32:56 PM
I like a good in line Six, BMW makes a honey, it makes nice sounds and goes fast.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 21, 2021, 03:37:26 PM
P-47 cockpit.


I'm impressed we could train pilots as fast as we did in WW Two.  You first had to learn some basics in a Stearman or eq and then graduate to "complex trainers" with variable pitch props and manifold pressure, and then at some point into this.  And, you needed to be able to fly it in "unusual attitudes" and high speed.  I can make out some of the guages and instrumentation.  I'm not sure where the throttle is, maybe that cylinder on the left?  Or is that to lock the canopy?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 21, 2021, 05:00:54 PM
I love P-47s!  That's a P-47D-25 model or later.  The windscreen/bulletproof glass arrangement changed at that point when Republic went from a razorback upper-rear fuselage to a bubble canopy.

The gray cylinder on the left is indeed the throttle.  The red ball you can see at the base of it is the mixture control.

There's a Youtube channel called Greg's Airplanes and Automobiles.  I think he's got 5 or 6 hour-long shows on the P-47.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 21, 2021, 05:35:59 PM
could the P47 be used as a carrier fighter or strictly land
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 21, 2021, 05:46:32 PM
Land-based only.

The F4U Corsair was carrier-based.  It had the same basic engine (the Pratt & Whitney R-2800) as the P-47, minus the turbocharging for high-altitude performance.  It wasn't a high-altitude, long-range escort fighter, but other than that it could do most of the things that the P-47 could.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 21, 2021, 05:56:27 PM
In Europe when the P-47 could stay with the bombers all the way to their targets the tide of the air war changed by a lot
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 21, 2021, 06:21:39 PM
By the time that the AAF managed to get drop tanks for P-47s, Mustangs were starting to take over the long-range escort mission.  But the great 56th Fighter Group, "Zemke's Wolfpack," with aces like Francis Gabreski and Robert Johnson, stayed with Thunderbolts all the way to the end of the war.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 21, 2021, 06:26:43 PM
By the time that the AAF managed to get drop tanks for P-47s, Mustangs were starting to take over the long-range escort mission.  But the great 56th Fighter Group, "Zemke's Wolfpack," with aces like Francis Gabreski and Robert Johnson, stayed with Thunderbolts all the way to the end of the war.
yep I got the p 47 mixed up with the p 51
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 21, 2021, 06:32:11 PM
Well that was a fine aircraft too!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 21, 2021, 06:39:31 PM
Well that was a fine aircraft too!

Is that pic from the time when Ford was doing some one-off WWII-themed Mustangs?

I think that the airplane is painted up like Chuck Yeager's P-51 or at least one in his squadron.  That "B6" squadron code looks familiar.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 21, 2021, 08:37:23 PM
Is that pic from the time when Ford was doing some one-off WWII-themed Mustangs?

I think that the airplane is painted up like Chuck Yeager's P-51 or at least one in his squadron.  That "B6" squadron code looks familiar.
There are a couple of picture series along those lines out there on the intertoobz, with various "new" Mustangs painted in WWII themed colors and patterns.  I'm not sure if that was a Ford thing, or an aftermarket thing.

Since you actually own one from this vintage (plus or minus :) ) I'll definitely defer to you on that subject.  I just found the pics on Google search and thought they were interesting.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 21, 2021, 10:01:55 PM
Yeah, I think it was an aftermarket thing.  I think that I remember that they were to be raffled off or auctioned off for charity.

My Ford Mustang is a half-generation newer than that one.  That's a 2005-09 car.  There was a refresh for 2010 that carried through 2014.  An all-new chassis, with IRS, was introduced in 2015 as the 6th generation.  Mine is a 2012.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 22, 2021, 09:58:27 AM
I really like the new body, from 2015-on.  It's pretty.  But it also looks more European, the lines are sort of Aston Martin-like, which makes for a beautiful car, but it's definitely moved away from the more raw throwback look from 2005-2014, which is why I loved those cars so much when they came out.  I'd love to have some version of your 2012.  

I do think Aston Martin is making the most beautiful cars on the planet right now, and that's quite an admission from a Ferrari fan like myself. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2021, 11:35:58 AM
Yeah, the current one is pretty, and I love that it has IRS.  But you have to squint a bit to see the Mustang in it.

I don't want to get going on the Mustang Mach E.  :96:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 22, 2021, 11:37:49 AM
saw the first C8 Vette yesterday live.  Only for a bit over a block.

opened my window and could barely hear it.

looked good to me, even in blue
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 22, 2021, 11:41:00 AM
Yeah, the current one is pretty, and I love that it has IRS.  But you have to squint a bit to see the Mustang in it.

I don't want to get going on the Mustang Mach E.  :96:
I don't consider it a Mustang so it doesn't bother me.  Not unlike the Mustang II. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2021, 01:33:28 PM
The Mustang II is an odd case.

If you are going to consider that the Mustang has been in continuous production since 1964, as Ford claims it has, you have to count the Mustang II as a Mustang.

Mustang IIs don't bother me too much.  I never wanted one and never would want one.  But I could say the same for the bloated '71-73 Mustangs.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 22, 2021, 03:04:10 PM
The Mustang II is an odd case.

If you are going to consider that the Mustang has been in continuous production since 1964, as Ford claims it has, you have to count the Mustang II as a Mustang.

Mustang IIs don't bother me too much.  I never wanted one and never would want one.  But I could say the same for the bloated '71-73 Mustangs.
Ford can claim whatever it likes.  But you see, I don't have to consider that at all. :)

Back when I was hanging out a little with the car club people, the vintage Mustang club wouldn't allow in the Mustang II.  Not that many Mustang II owners were really trying to join.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 22, 2021, 05:12:20 PM
The wife likes the new Mustang (convertible 5.0).

It's more liveable I think than the Camaro by a long shot.

I saw a dark blue C8 Vette today also, it was ahead of me, and I turned off into our place so didn't pass it.

They are pretty rare.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 22, 2021, 05:16:14 PM
The F4U incorporated the largest engine available at the time, the 2,000 hp (1,500 kW) 18-cylinder Pratt & Whitney R-2800 ( Double Wasp radial ( To extract as much power as possible, a relatively large Hamilton Standard ( Hydromatic three-blade propeller ( of 13 feet 4 inches (4.06 m) was used.

The performance of the Corsair was superior to most of its contemporaries. The F4U-1 was considerably faster than the Grumman F6F Hellcat and only 13 mph (21 km/h) slower than the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt ([36] ([37] ([38] ( All three were powered by the R-2800. But whereas the P-47 achieved its highest speed at 30,020 feet (9,150 m) with the help of an intercooled ( turbocharger (,[39] ( the F4U-1 reached its maximum speed at 19,900 ft (6,100 m)[40] ( using a mechanically supercharged engine.[41] (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 22, 2021, 05:18:31 PM
We used mostly the F4U and F6F in the Pacific, and the P-38, as fighters.  There were some P51s, I don't know if any P47s were in that theater.

The former two were carrier capable, but it was the British who figured out how to land the F4u on a carrier.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2021, 06:53:24 PM
We used mostly the F4U and F6F in the Pacific, and the P-38, as fighters.  There were some P51s, I don't know if any P47s were in that theater.

The former two were carrier capable, but it was the British who figured out how to land the F4u on a carrier.
We used long-ranged P-47Ns (with larger wings holding more fuel).  Neal Keerby was a P-47 ace in the Pacific.
P-38s were more effective in the Pacific than in Europe because there was far less fighting at high altitude in the Pacific Theater.  The P-38 didn't have a good cockpit heater and there were some other problems with high altitude and cold weather.
The P-38 never got the development that the P-47 and P-51 did.  It never got propellers that could absorb all the power its engines were capable of producing, for example.  Also, it was designed just before NACA released a lot of research on streamlining that influenced the P-47 and P-51 designs.
So, although it was quite fast, it wasn't as fast as it could/should have been.
It was designed before the effects of compressibility as Mach 1 was approached were understood.  Consequently, it got into trouble in high-speed dives.  Again, much of this wasn't a factor in the lower altitudes where fighting took place in the Pacific.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 23, 2021, 08:22:02 AM
The twin engines in the P38 were viewed as an asset in the Pacific also.  That Wasp twin radial was a massive engine.  

I am now curious why the F4U had a supercharger while the P47 got a turbocharger, perhaps the less prevalent high altitude combat was a factor.

My Dad told me that the night they went down, they taxiid out on their usual plane and had a "runaway supercharger" during run up, and had to return to get another plane.  That second plane was listed as having gone down due to mechanical malfunction shortly after takeoff, but my Dad said he knew he had rolled down the radar dome before they went in and that meant they were at cruise altitude.  The official report and his account don't square, which is not a shock.  The were in the ocean for several hours.

He said the only way he could have gotten out was that the radar dome hit water first and broke the fuselage open and he floated free, his normal egress was convoluted.  The copilot went through the wind screen and the flight engineer went right after him and was relatively unhurt.  I met the copilot once, his forehead was sloped back at a weird angle from the crash.  The engineer was a man from NY named Lamica about whom my dad thought the world, and later he went missing on a flight to NZ for R&R.

I got in contact with his nephew, a Navy LtCmdr, in 2005, somehow, the family had no word on how Lamica was killed.  Maybe his mom did but she never talked about it.

I was chatting with him when I got my own "news" and lost track after that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 23, 2021, 01:40:51 PM
The twin engines in the P38 were viewed as an asset in the Pacific also.  That Wasp twin radial was a massive engine. 

I am now curious why the F4U had a supercharger while the P47 got a turbocharger, perhaps the less prevalent high altitude combat was a factor.

My Dad told me that the night they went down, they taxiid out on their usual plane and had a "runaway supercharger" during run up, and had to return to get another plane.  That second plane was listed as having gone down due to mechanical malfunction shortly after takeoff, but my Dad said he knew he had rolled down the radar dome before they went in and that meant they were at cruise altitude.  The official report and his account don't square, which is not a shock.  The were in the ocean for several hours.

He said the only way he could have gotten out was that the radar dome hit water first and broke the fuselage open and he floated free, his normal egress was convoluted.  The copilot went through the wind screen and the flight engineer went right after him and was relatively unhurt.  I met the copilot once, his forehead was sloped back at a weird angle from the crash.  The engineer was a man from NY named Lamica about whom my dad thought the world, and later he went missing on a flight to NZ for R&R.

I got in contact with his nephew, a Navy LtCmdr, in 2005, somehow, the family had no word on how Lamica was killed.  Maybe his mom did but she never talked about it.

I was chatting with him when I got my own "news" and lost track after that.
The R-2800 engine had a mechanical supercharger. Different variants of the R-2800 had different models of supercharger, dependent on what altitude requirements were for the type of airplane it was going to be installed in.
The P-47 had a turbosupercharger in the rear fuselage in addition to the engine-driven supercharger.  The F4U and F6F used variants of the R-2800 without turbosupercharging.
The Allison V-1710 engines of the P-38 also had mechanical superchargers.  But then each one got a turbosupercharger that sat on top of the boom where it crossed the wing.
We were behind on mechanical supercharging because the USAAC/USAAF had not identified a need for fighters to fight at high altitude until well after we got into the war.
Was your Dad on a P-61?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 23, 2021, 05:09:48 PM
They're building some high voltage high lines in my area.  Interestingly enough once they get the towers built they use a small chopper to help pull the cables and lift certain items into place.  It looks like the one on the original Magnum, PI show from the 80's.  I took some video of them working, it's really a bad ass deal to see it in action.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 23, 2021, 05:10:45 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 23, 2021, 05:27:23 PM
about time they upgrade the grid there
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 23, 2021, 05:30:45 PM
That helicopter is a relative of the Magnum, P.I., chopper.

It got started with the Army's OH-6 Cayuse scout helicopter, built by Hughes Helicopters.  Within Hughes, it was known as the Model 369.

Upgraded and nice-ified for civilian sales, it became the Hughes 500.  Hughes Helicopters long ago got swallowed up and it is now MD Helicopters, part of the McDonell-Douglass conglomerate.  The versions of the original are now the MD500 and MD530.

It's a great helicopter.  I've got about 0.5 hour of stick time on one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 23, 2021, 07:32:53 PM
about time they upgrade the grid there
This line actually supplies one industrial facility in our area, a LNG export terminal. I heard they wanted to use nat gas fired equipment but could not due to the emissions, being in the Houston non-attainment zone. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 24, 2021, 09:11:56 AM
Was your Dad on a P-61?
B-24, Snoopers they were called, 868th.  They flew mostly night missions.

Snoopers, WW2 B24 Low Level Bombers in the Pacific (


Interestingly, my Dad could "slave" his radar to the bomb drop and they would drop automatically on preset intervals.  They would try and line up with an enemy ship and fly over at 500 feet and drop 3 500 pounders in sequence.  When they first started, the Japanese would stay dark thinking they could not be seen, but that changed.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 24, 2021, 09:13:06 AM
Main menu tomorrow night at Miller Union:

seafood chowder, crab, clams, andouille, potato, corn, fennel, dill, grilled bread …. 27
grouper fillet, snap beans, spaghetti squash, vidalia, almond, sauce vierge …. 25
roast chicken, tomato-yogurt curry, benne seed, field peas, eggplant, shishito …. 27
barbecue quail, carolina gold rice, okra, corn & tomato maque choux ….28
grilled pork chop, sweet corn & butterbean succotash, roasted figs …. 25
grass-fed flank steak, peanut romesco, potato, grilled cabbage, sweet peppers …. 29
seasonal vegetable plate …. 24

I'm thinking quail or chowdah.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 24, 2021, 09:26:37 AM
I'd probably do the quail.  I almost always go with wild game when it's available on a menu.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 24, 2021, 09:40:41 AM
seafood chowder please
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 24, 2021, 09:52:54 AM
I figure the wife will do Chowdah and I can get a taste.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 24, 2021, 02:08:09 PM
Here's Where Whataburger Will Open Its First Metro Atlanta Restaurant | What Now Atlanta (

When I was a kid in Augusta, there was a What-A-Burger place that I liked when we went, it might have been a knock off, like McDowell's.  I remember I called it "Water Burger".

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 24, 2021, 02:11:59 PM
Some people really get overly freaked out and excited about fast food burger joints. Whataburger.  In n Out.  Some people even really love White Castle.

I'm not really like that.  It's just fast food.  But Whataburger is pretty good, for a fast food burger.

Not cheap at all, though.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 24, 2021, 02:25:03 PM
I think the same of course, it's fast food.  It can be OK at times.  We can all make a great burger at home easily.  

The best I've had around here is called Grindhouse Killer Burger, they have beer on tap.  Farm Burger is solid also.  I had a Philly Willy yesterday for lunch and was thinking "I could make this pretty easily.".

Same with tacos, I am amazed how much folks charge for tacos.  Fashion I guess.  I see on menus two tacos for $9.  Gotta be some profit in that.

This isn't the places out Buford Highway that are all Hispanics.

The local noodle place we like has Hispanic cooks, they are very nice and the food is great.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 24, 2021, 02:52:03 PM
There's gringo taco joints and then there's Mexican taquerias.

The gringo taco joints have things like the "Taco Of The Month" that might feature a Panko-battered chicken tender on a bed of crispy bacon, with award-winning Green Chile Queso, Diablo wing sauce, poblano ranch slaw, blue cheese crumbles, and a drizzle of honey, all served on a flour tortilla for $5.75.

The Mexican taquerias serve basic standard fare every day with ingredients that include things like intestines and cheek or head meat.  Usually topped with just a little cilantro and queso fresco, and sold for around a buck each.

Both can be quite tasty, and they're certainly not the same thing.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 24, 2021, 03:16:18 PM
Yup, we have both, but the places out Buford Highway are the former.

El Rey del Taco – The best authentic Mexican food in Atlanta ( (

We;ve had lunch here a few times, it's packed.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 24, 2021, 04:56:40 PM
You can get lots of gringo tacos around here (and far more places that make authentic ones), but the very gringo-iest of them all, is a place called Torchy's.  They started here in Austin but have become a fairly large national chain that spans from Colorado in the west to North Carolina and Virginia in the east.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 24, 2021, 05:18:48 PM
Why do some people in public hold a long winded discussion with a voice that carries to everyone else around?

Was just at the pool, two guys, one describing how he redid his house in CA apparently.  On and on, he was very proud and wanted me to hear I guess 30 feet away.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 24, 2021, 05:19:51 PM
Why do some people in public hold a long winded discussion with a voice that carries to everyone else around?

Was just at the pool, two guys, one describing how he redid his house in CA apparently.  On and on, he was very proud and wanted me to hear I guess 30 feet away.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 24, 2021, 05:31:49 PM
The other annoyance also happened today, a person at a restaurant talking on speaker phone.  He was asked by a server to stop, fortunately. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 24, 2021, 06:58:58 PM
The other annoyance also happened today, a person at a restaurant talking on speaker phone.  He was asked by a server to stop, fortunately.
Consideration for others is in short supply these days.
Society in general is fraying at the edges.  Politics inserts itself into nearly every other function of family and social interaction.
Why bother being considerate?  That guy at the next table that your speakerphone is blasting might be one of those bastards anyway!  Screw him!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 24, 2021, 07:06:56 PM
Some people really get overly freaked out and excited about fast food burger joints. Whataburger.  In n Out.  Some people even really love White Castle.

I'm not really like that.  It's just fast food.  But Whataburger is pretty good, for a fast food burger.

Not cheap at all, though.

In general I agree.  I do rather like Five Guys though.  But also not cheap, as burgers go.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 24, 2021, 07:17:42 PM
Here's Where Whataburger Will Open Its First Metro Atlanta Restaurant | What Now Atlanta (

When I was a kid in Augusta, there was a What-A-Burger place that I liked when we went, it might have been a knock off, like McDowell's.  I remember I called it "Water Burger".
Similar spellings abound in the eternal effort to profit from someone else's brand without quite breaking the law.
What-A-Burger, Whataburger--sound alike but two entirely different things.
When I was in 3rd-5th grade, there was what I remember as Lot-A-Burger.  In the 50+ years since then, I've seen other Lot-A-Burgers, Lottaburgers, Lotta-Burgers, and probably some other spellings I've forgotten.
We've got 3 Five Guys restaurants in Tulsa, but before they got here, a "Fat Guys" opened up with what I think is a very similar theme.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 25, 2021, 12:23:21 AM
Guilty as charged. I’m basically deaf in my right ear due to a viral infection as a teenager and I really don’t hear all that well in the other ear. I talk loud. Like really loud. Even though I try not to do it my voice level will always trend higher when I’m engaged in conversation. My dad and other relatives were hard of hearing as well so we always talked loud, even when younger and not quite so deaf. 

So basically just remember that anytime you hear somebody talking loud just remember there is a good chance they are hard of hearing and really just don’t realize it. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 25, 2021, 01:07:54 AM
My mother has lost over half of her hearing and I can't sell her on getting hearing aids.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 25, 2021, 11:53:21 AM
I like Torchy's

what A Burger is similar to Burger King or McDonalds IMO - nothing special and try not to eat at these types of places
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2021, 01:14:24 PM
I like Torchy's

what A Burger is similar to Burger King or McDonalds IMO - nothing special and try not to eat at these types of places
Whataburger has a ton more choices and options than McDonald's or Burger King, and they use fresh-never-frozen beef.

For the actual food itself, I'd say it's a lot closer to a 5 Guys or even a Red Robin, than it is to McDonald's or Burger King.

For the experience, well, it's fast food and not fast casual, so that's gonna be like a Mickey D's rather than a Red Robin.

But I don't eat at any of the above very often, usually only on roadtrips. When I want a burger, there are some really great places in town that are neither fast food nor fast casual.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on August 25, 2021, 02:08:21 PM
My mother has lost over half of her hearing and I can't sell her on getting hearing aids.

Same.  Mine doesn't talk loud, she just can't hear a word you say and constantly asks you to repeat yourself.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 25, 2021, 04:14:33 PM
I've spent a lot of the last 30 years in front of amplifiers. Some of that has been behind a drum kit.  I'm the only one in the house that doesn't jack the TV up to ear bleeding levels.

I will say that I do notice I've lost part of the upper frequency range. I guess cymbal hits will do that. Depending on my role, I've started wearing ear filters when playing or at EDM concerts. The 48 hour ringing afterwards just isn't as fun as it used to be.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 26, 2021, 08:48:08 AM
Miller Union restaurant review:

Listed at #1 in ATL Magazine.  The fare is southern farm to table, it's pretty casual, no tablecloths, service was decent but not excellent, I had the quail, the wife had chicken.  The chicken was better, quite good, the veggies served were really good, I wished I had ordered their veggie plate.  I had smoked oysters as an appetizer, two of the six were chewy.  The wine list was extensive, nothing was under $60, most were ~$100, and a DRC was $2550.  Overall, it was quite casual, decent ambience, pretty good food, the check came to $158 pretip.  

Not what I'd consider the top restaurant in a large city, Bacchanalia was better (and pricier), ranked #6.  Both oddly enough are in "west midtown" which is the other side of the freeway, an former light industrial area that is developing fast due to low land costs.  I think magazine rankings are often influenced by the status of the chef rather than the actual experience.  Conde Nast wrote the review below.

PRESS – Miller Union (

At Miller Union, a warehouse-turned-restaurant on the Westside, James Beard Award winner Steven Satterfield makes poetry from produce. His most popular dish—and certainly the most photographed—is the farm egg appetizer, baked in a rich celery cream and served with crusty grilled bread. If you’re a carnivore, there are plenty of meaty entrées; still, you should try the seasonal vegetable plate, which can include heirloom tomatoes with basil and local feta cheese, crispy fried okra, and pickled beets with ginger. The brown-butter bourbon cake is the perfect way to end the meal.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 26, 2021, 08:55:20 AM
21 Best Restaurants in Atlanta | Condé Nast Traveler ( (

Gunshow is almost impossible to get in over the next month.  

Taqueria del Sol – Restaurant Review | Condé Nast Traveler ( (

Might give this a try next, it's casual.  We don't seem to have an upscale upscale French place to my knowledge.

Review on Nikolai's Roof Restaurant ( (

I took the wife here 7-8 years ago and it was good and tres cher.  It's sort of Russian-French fusion.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 26, 2021, 11:19:04 AM
I'll keep all this in mind, next time I'm in Atlanta... ;)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 26, 2021, 11:28:08 AM
I think CD has a crush on Atlanta

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 26, 2021, 11:36:56 AM
I've never been to Atlanta, only been through Atlanta, but I hear it's a cool town, even from people who are NOT CincyDawg... :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 26, 2021, 11:38:09 AM
Hey CD-- when Georgia hosts Texas in an epic SEC matchup in Athens, you gonna be there?  If so, I might just come out and meet up with you.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 26, 2021, 01:20:39 PM
Toby Rowland
It’s coming to Norman!
@FletchersDogs  is coming to Owen Field this year. East side of the stadium.
@tjperry1400’s dream has come true thanks to @soonerad

No need to go to the Texas State Fair anymore, I guess.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 26, 2021, 03:25:25 PM
Hey CD-- when Georgia hosts Texas in an epic SEC matchup in Athens, you gonna be there?  If so, I might just come out and meet up with you.
I would make every effort to see that matchup, I could snag two tickets and drive us up, and put you in the guest suite downstairs.

I'd come back to Austin for it as well.

Tickets would be a bit pricey.  The ND game tickets in SB went through the roof.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 31, 2021, 10:28:19 AM
Cincy, you need to check out the fine dining in Texas, although I wouldn't order trout.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 31, 2021, 12:51:55 PM
That won't play.  I was treated to some fine dining in Houston when I was working with Shell Chemical back in the day.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 31, 2021, 12:54:42 PM
Steak Market Opens August 29 Serving a $590 Gold Leaf-Encrusted Tomahawk For Midtown Brunch | What Now Atlanta (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 31, 2021, 12:55:10 PM
You have to open it in Youtube.  Pretty funny scene, actually.  I've been to diners like that in small town Texico.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 31, 2021, 12:59:47 PM
Steak Market Opens August 29 Serving a $590 Gold Leaf-Encrusted Tomahawk For Midtown Brunch | What Now Atlanta (

no thanks

not even if utee is buying
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 31, 2021, 01:00:50 PM
no thanks

not even if utee is buying
Well I was gonna offer, but I guess not.

And yeah, that thing looks stupid.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 31, 2021, 01:13:40 PM
No need to go to the Texas State Fair anymore, I guess.
KOREAN POUTINE CORN DOG. Stacks of Nathan’s Famous and sharp cheddar, battered, rolled in chopped French fries and panko.  Fried crispy, topped with kewpie mayo, scallion and served with a side of B16 gravy.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on August 31, 2021, 01:14:07 PM
You have to open it in Youtube.  Pretty funny scene, actually.  I've been to diners like that in small town Texico.

It was a really good movie "Hell or High Water".  It had 4 Oscar nominations including best picture and best actor for Jeff Bridges.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 31, 2021, 01:27:16 PM
KOREAN POUTINE CORN DOG. Stacks of Nathan’s Famous and sharp cheddar, battered, rolled in chopped French fries and panko.  Fried crispy, topped with kewpie mayo, scallion and served with a side of B16 gravy.

[img width=525.99 height=866.997 alt=May be an image of food][/img]

I'd try that.

Here's what won the Texas State Fair's "Big Tex Choice" award for best new savory dish-- the deep fried seafood gumbo balls.  


Description: Using a family recipe that has been handed down four generations, the base is a dark, rich, and savory roux that represents the true essence of New Orleans. The balls are then loaded with Gulf Coast shrimp, stewed chicken, blue crab meat, and andouille sausage. The balls are then rolled in our saltine cracker and breadcrumb batter, then fried, creating an explosion of flavor. Served with a side of dark gumbo roux sauce, chicken fried okra spears, saltine crackers, and a small bottle of hot sauce.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 31, 2021, 01:44:39 PM
Both look really good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 31, 2021, 02:03:13 PM
very good, but......

the true essence of New Orleans

shouldn't even be allowed to compete at the Texas State fair
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 31, 2021, 02:10:16 PM
very good, but......

the true essence of New Orleans

shouldn't even be allowed to compete at the Texas State fair
Why not?  Lots of New Orleans/Cajun/Creole influence in Texas cooking, especially Houston and much of East Texas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 31, 2021, 02:21:00 PM
well, by that logic....... probably get some great authentic Texas BBQ and Tex-Mex in New Orleans

maybe even authentic Texas Red chili
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 31, 2021, 02:30:02 PM
the company I used to work for had 3 BBQ rest. in NO and they did very well
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 31, 2021, 02:31:13 PM
well, by that logic....... probably get some great authentic Texas BBQ and Tex-Mex in New Orleans

maybe even authentic Texas Red chili
I mean, I'm sure you can find versions of all those things in New Orleans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 31, 2021, 03:52:25 PM
Got a couple of Tomahawk steaks vacationing in Cancun earlier this month. Mine weren't wrapped in gold foil, though. About as good as a steak gets when prepared by a competent chef. Met my expectations for a premium steak.

Wouldn't pay $600 for it. Of course, I wouldn't pay $200 for a bottle of Scotch Whiskey either, and I really like Scotch Whiskey. It's replaceable and repeatable.

Wine, on the other hand, that vintage and year will never happen again. I may not have a cultured enough palate to appreciate every nuance, but it's irrefutable that every bottle opened represents a moment that can never be recreated.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 31, 2021, 07:01:37 PM
I was in NO for three days with my wife and a French lady painter who insisted on "showing us around".  She took us to two of the worst restaurants I've ever dined at in the price range, at least she paid.  Later my wife and I stumbled around and found a pretty good, not great place, on our own, for lunch.

Don't go out with folks who paint ladies.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 31, 2021, 07:03:52 PM
I think the best steak I ever had out was a tomahawk ribeye at Eddie Merlot's in Cincy.

The steak at Bones and STK here were good, but not great, per the price.  I had a Delmonico at STK Saturday for $84, it was OK.  Really, I can do better or at least as well at home, it's not that hard.

Steak tip from CD - Have one with an austere white wine some time, like a good sauvignon blanc or albarino.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 01, 2021, 10:59:40 AM
I was in NO for three days with my wife and a French lady painter who insisted on "showing us around".  She took us to two of the worst restaurants I've ever dined at in the price range, at least she paid.  Later my wife and I stumbled around and found a pretty good, not great place, on our own, for lunch.

Don't go out with folks who paint ladies.

That's sad.  New Orleans is one of the best food cities on the planet.

You seem to pick some really bad guides.  If you can't find a good meal in Austin or New Orleans, then your guide is actively not trying.  I feel sad for you.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 01, 2021, 11:23:43 AM
It strikes me that the combination of words "French lady painter" can be interpreted as:

A person of French ancestry that creates paintings of ladies
A female of French ancestry that paints anything
A person of French ancestry that paints specifically on ladies
A person of unspecified ancestry that paints specifically on ladies of French ancestry.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 01, 2021, 11:56:18 AM
That's sad.  New Orleans is one of the best food cities on the planet.

You seem to pick some really bad guides.  If you can't find a good meal in Austin or New Orleans, then your guide is actively not trying.  I feel sad for you.
I think the two ladies have different food tastes than we do, and might not really know the area well.  I try and find "local flavors" rather than going to a "French restaurant" or steak place, etc.  If Atlanta has "local flavors", I'd guess it's fried chicken and local veggies, or something, typical southern food.  

And maybe I'm too picky, but I grilled some steelhead trout last night and commented to the wife we didn't need to go out to get good food.  I got some ribeyes at Costco for tonight.  The only places that have really dazzled me, as in "No way could I cook that", are all in France.

This is our friend the French lady painter.  Just about all the art we have is by her.

nicole sebille artist - Google Search (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 01, 2021, 08:46:26 PM
I think the two ladies have different food tastes than we do, and might not really know the area well.  I try and find "local flavors" rather than going to a "French restaurant" or steak place, etc.  If Atlanta has "local flavors", I'd guess it's fried chicken and local veggies, or something, typical southern food. 

And maybe I'm too picky, but I grilled some steelhead trout last night and commented to the wife we didn't need to go out to get good food.  I got some ribeyes at Costco for tonight.  The only places that have really dazzled me, as in "No way could I cook that", are all in France.

This is our friend the French lady painter.  Just about all the art we have is by her.

nicole sebille artist - Google Search (

Oh yeah for sure, I love cooking things like steak and fish, as well as or better than any restaurant. I can also cook Mexican, Tex-Mex, and BBQ, better than any restaurant I've ever been to.  That doesn't mean I always want to spend the time doing it, of course.

I do a good job with most of the French dishes I like.  I didn't always, I spent a lot of time working at it, after I returned from my first trip to France 25 years ago.

For me, the dishes that are most difficult to reproduce, tend to be Asian.  I've tried to make Vietnamese pho dozens of times, it's still never as good as my favorite restaurant, and it's also just as expensive to do it at home as it is to buy it commercially.  I've tried to do sushi as well, but not ever really impressed myself.  Korean Bulgogi, I have yet to do well.  And plenty of others that continue to elude me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 02, 2021, 08:43:26 AM
Yeah, I'm too lazy to get into trying all that, really, or unmotivated.  I'll pay others who do it well, if they do it well.  Fried foods is the same for me, too messy.

But I can grill steak and fish and chops and they are very good, and I make decent spaghetti and soup and stews.  We had a lot of steak left over and that probably will become either beef stew or tacos, my wife loves tacos at home.  She makes slaw that is really good on tacos for some reason.

I've made bread before, long ago, that was superb, and keep meaning to get back into it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 06, 2021, 09:21:25 AM
Restaurant report from Fogo de Chao, otherwise known as heartattackcity.

We had a good time, the wife's birthday, I had looked around for somewhere to take her and she'd commented often she'd like to go back.  We went to one in Brazil and another in  Chicago.  AYCE places generally are not my cup of tea.  The final tab with tip was $240 for two, which of course is a bit pricey.  The "salad bar" is impressive, the beef less so IMHO, the lamb was excellent, and I had one small rib that was quite good.  It's entertaining.  The place was packed though one large section was empty, I wondered if they had enough staff.  You can watch how they prepare the meat through a large glass.

If we go back, I might do just the salad bar and not the meat, that's $31 versus $59 for the full monte.

We had to wait 15 min to be seated even though I had reservations, I was not keen on being told to wait in the bar.  Service was good.  The staff all are Brazilian that we saw.

How many is a brazillion?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 14, 2021, 08:42:20 AM
Well hurricane Nicholas blew through here last night about 20 miles south of me. Sitting mostly in the dark except for a few lights powered by my trusty Honda EU2000i generator. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 14, 2021, 08:44:31 AM
Glad to hear things are okay.

@longhorn320 (;u=16) is all well in your neck of the woods?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 14, 2021, 08:46:52 AM
Well hurricane Nicholas blew through here last night about 20 miles south of me. Sitting mostly in the dark except for a few lights powered by my trusty Honda EU2000i generator.
I was lucky and didnt lose power

The eye passed south of down town Houston and helped me a lot since Im in the northwest Willowbrook area

Louisiana catches it now
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 14, 2021, 09:02:28 AM
Yeah, like they need more troubles.  

I have a buddy in Baton Rouge, I asked him if he was ready to move back to Austin and he said, "Yup!"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 14, 2021, 04:52:25 PM
Yeah, like they need more troubles. 

I have a buddy in Baton Rouge, I asked him if he was ready to move back to Austin and he said, "Yup!"

Wow.  I knew it was bad but not THAT bad.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 14, 2021, 05:15:10 PM
Californy is the place you want to be.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 14, 2021, 05:29:48 PM
word up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 14, 2021, 06:05:53 PM
Californy is the place you want to be.
yep nothing to worry bout cept quakes, tsunamis and fires
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 14, 2021, 06:06:37 PM
yep nothing to worry bout cept quakes, tsunamis and fires
and a crazy government
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 09:19:20 AM
Californy is the place you want to be.

Then why are they all moving to Texas and Florida?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 09:24:10 AM
I wish they would stop moving to Florida.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 09:29:13 AM
I wish they would stop moving to Florida.
Yeah. Folks moving from yankee states to Florida is a real problem.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 09:30:08 AM
Depends on their intentions. We don't want to turn into Georgia.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 09:32:45 AM
Depends on their intentions. We don't want to turn into Georgia.
Their intentions are most definitely to turn Florida into Georgia.  Or better yet, Massachusetts.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 09:38:29 AM
That kind of stuff will get you banned from Twitter.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 09:40:59 AM
wtf is a twitter?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 09:41:39 AM
I guess I'll be moving to Texas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 09:49:18 AM
I guess I'll be moving to Texas.

They're trying to turn that into California.

You got nowhere to run.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 09:50:41 AM
I guess I'll be moving to Texas.
No difference here.  Slightly fewer yankees, but more Californians.  On balance it's all the same.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 09:52:35 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 09:55:02 AM
If there weren't so many shithole failed states in the Union, we wouldn't have this problem.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 10:00:12 AM
I don't know what the rules are here anymore, but I see I'm some sort of mod, so ostensibly I can just un-ban myself...

So on a related note, I saw this morning Newsom peed on California's leg and told them it was raining, and they believed him, again. 

I look forward to the NEXT mass exodus of Californians to my state.  Data is not concrete yet, but there are indications these people have no idea what caused the stuff they're fleeing, so they come here and vote the same way. 

If voter ID = voter suppression, then I must be Hitler, 'cuz I'm 'bout at the point where I'd favor having to pass a basic civics comprehension test.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 10:01:34 AM
I'll drink to that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 10:03:54 AM
The only thread on this board that is actively moderated against politics, is the Coronavirus thread.  

I think folks are pretty free to discuss politics openly, anywhere else.  But just be warned that, just like every other place on the internet, almost all political discussion on this message board inevitably devolves into bullshit identity politics, talking points, ignoring the other point of view, my team is the only good team and your team sucks, etc.  

In other words, it's pretty pointless.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 10:06:23 AM
But I'm certainly on-board with questioning the intelligence and/or sanity of people that vote a certain way, then leave that state because it becomes a mess, come to a different place, and then try to vote the same way they did in the previous place, with the misplaced expectation that it will somehow not also lead to an inevitable mess.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 10:07:29 AM
I'd rather talk policy than politics, but that's a fine line too. So...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 10:13:24 AM
When people actually do bother to talk policy, it usually results in a slightly more nuanced discussion.

But I still find that, because policies tend to break along party lines, it still invariably devolves into my team/your team bullshit.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 15, 2021, 10:25:40 AM
plenty of fresh water, fresh air, good beer, great brats and outstanding cheese in Wisconsin

Let's all move there!

oh wait, ..... Packer fans!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 10:26:27 AM
And winter.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 10:31:33 AM
I like to think I'm a bit more thoughtful, even-tempered, open to discussion, and stay relatively away from the your-team-sucks, my-team-great thing.

But, also, sometimes people say some really DUMB things and I whack 'em in the head ideologically as a reflex.  

Why is COVID off limits?  Due to my job I tend to be more up on the moving parts than the average citizen.  I don't see the difference in that and every other issue that people over-simplify and ignore the reality that there is no panacea, only trade-offs and order of priorities.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 10:34:55 AM
I like to think I'm a bit more thoughtful, even-tempered, open to discussion, and stay relatively away from the your-team-sucks, my-team-great thing.

But, also, sometimes people say some really DUMB things and I whack 'em in the head ideologically as a reflex. 

Why is COVID off limits?  Due to my job I tend to be more up on the moving parts than the average citizen.  I don't see the difference in that and every other issue that people over-simplify and ignore the reality that there is no panacea, only trade-offs and order of priorities. 
Only that thread on the B1G board. UTee (and I) decided early on that there is too much good information exchange there to muck it up with politics - despite the virus being politicized from the beginning.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 10:55:03 AM
Well it certainly has been that.

I'm no medical professional, but my boss is, and she also is the health authority for our county and one other.  I piddle around on the admin side, but because we're a small clinic we all have to deal with patients, particularly phone calls.  And because we get a ton of calls about COVID, doc tries to keep us briefed on the legits.  My wife is also a medical provider there, and she says I can't embarrass her (or mislead patients) by not knowing stuff or misrepresenting it.  I've formed two opinions during all this.  1)  our patients, and possibly the public at large, is really, really dumb about medical things.  Like, you can't imagine the stuff people believe, not just about this, but about medicine and their own bodies in general.  2)  as I hash stuff out with Doc and Mrs. DeTiger to make sure I'm not saying the wrong stuff, I've come to believe the messaging has been really poor from the government and health care officials.  Granted the media they often have to speak through is a hot mess, but I don't think they've done a good job of explaining the things they're trying to say.  They need editors in the worst way.  Nobody can foresee everything, but there is a basic level of anticipating the questions people will have--ask yourself "have I answered those?"--and how people are likely to misunderstand what you've said--ask yourself "have I clarified my points?"  No, they just put out sound bytes, are happy about it, the media microwaves it and folds it into whatever picture they'd like to paint that day, and boom.....our patients, even the smarter ones, are misinformed. 

Granted I am certainly not the be-all end-all of covid info.  But I do trust the people I work for, and they do their best to prep me with the basics for the public's consumption.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 11:08:25 AM
All true.

Unfortunately it's the norm from our society not just for issues related to health care, but pretty much all other areas of law and statute, as well.

The public is bad at understanding laws, cost-benefit, and the various consequences of specific actions.

And the government is bad at messaging to them, or really, the government often intentionally misleads the public in order to push its own agenda which is NOT a public mandate.

It's all a mess.  And it's certainly not unique to the USA, it's everywhere.  In a lot of ways, it's much worse elsewhere.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 11:10:35 AM
Great posts.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 15, 2021, 11:16:36 AM
Well it certainly has been that.

I'm no medical professional, but my boss is, and she also is the health authority for our county and one other.  I piddle around on the admin side, but because we're a small clinic we all have to deal with patients, particularly phone calls.  And because we get a ton of calls about COVID, doc tries to keep us briefed on the legits.  My wife is also a medical provider there, and she says I can't embarrass her (or mislead patients) by not knowing stuff or misrepresenting it.  I've formed two opinions during all this.  1)  our patients, and possibly the public at large, is really, really dumb about medical things.  Like, you can't imagine the stuff people believe, not just about this, but about medicine and their own bodies in general.  2)  as I hash stuff out with Doc and Mrs. DeTiger to make sure I'm not saying the wrong stuff, I've come to believe the messaging has been really poor from the government and health care officials.  Granted the media they often have to speak through is a hot mess, but I don't think they've done a good job of explaining the things they're trying to say.  They need editors in the worst way.  Nobody can foresee everything, but there is a basic level of anticipating the questions people will have--ask yourself "have I answered those?"--and how people are likely to misunderstand what you've said--ask yourself "have I clarified my points?"  No, they just put out sound bytes, are happy about it, the media microwaves it and folds it into whatever picture they'd like to paint that day, and boom.....our patients, even the smarter ones, are misinformed. 

Granted I am certainly not the be-all end-all of covid info.  But I do trust the people I work for, and they do their best to prep me with the basics for the public's consumption. 
this post is fine on the COVID thread - no politics mentioned
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 11:28:06 AM
this post is fine on the COVID thread - no politics mentioned

In marketing communications, the idea is to have one key message.  The general public is either too dumb or too lazy to take away more than one meaningful message, from your campaign.

Right now, that message for COVID, should be: "Get the vaccine."

Nothing else.  Quite simply, "Get the vaccine."

Don't talk about masking, it's a distraction, it's a hot button issue, and it's significantly less effective at controlling the spread, than the vaccine is.  Orders of magnitude less effective.

So stop talking about it.  It's a conflicting message.  It's an incorrect message.  And it's a bad message.

I am of course talking specifically about 12+.  Children that are not eligible yet for the vaccine are a different story. 

But the sole message from government and all public officials right now, needs to be, get the vaccine, because it works and all outcomes are significantly improved.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 11:39:25 AM
All true.

Unfortunately it's the norm from our society not just for issues related to health care, but pretty much all other areas of law and statute, as well.

The public is bad at understanding laws, cost-benefit, and the various consequences of specific actions.

And the government is bad at messaging to them, or really, the government often intentionally misleads the public in order to push its own agenda which is NOT a public mandate.

It's all a mess.  And it's certainly not unique to the USA, it's everywhere.  In a lot of ways, it's much worse elsewhere.

So, like, I'm also not an engineer, so my analogy might not be a good one.  Much in the same way you can't have a 100% efficient machine, you can only have trade-offs based on priorities/preferences and immutable limits, so it goes with public policy.  There is no one-size-fits-all panacea that magically makes everything better.  This, in spite of the fact that CNN and Fox News want me to believe such.  Anything I've ever learned about independently (I hesitate to say "researched," that's a whole other rant) or had the opportunity to learn about due to working in the field, I've found there's always a give and take, and many more factors to consider than just what gets presented in our insanely polarized society.  

Studies show that most members of both sides of the aisle tend to want the same things.  They differ in priorities and how to best achieve those things.  That's not the story we're told everyday.  Propaganda says "those people are evil idiots."  

History was never an interest of mine, but has really become one the last year or so.  I have this nagging suspicion that there are nefarious characters out there who want us this divided and blind, because it's a great opportunity to grab more control.  I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.  

At any rate, I've been as guilty as anyone else, and it's a chore for me to engage/refute ideas rather than attack the people who hold them.

Your team does suck, though.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 11:49:40 AM
I have no team.

I'm willing to join yours though, if the price is right.  My contractual fees are steep and must be paid in full, up front.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 12:30:08 PM

But the sole message from government and all public officials right now, needs to be, get the vaccine, because it works and all outcomes are significantly improved.

I agree, but would add that even this doesn't cover the full spectrum of the nuanced situation re: vaccines.  Unless you're simply saying since people can't process much info at once, then this should be the main message.  In which case, I don't necessarily disagree with it, but would maintain there's more to consider than "Yes, get vaccinated."  (fyi, I consider myself pro-vax, and got vaccinated, though I probably did it for different reasons than the average person.)  But there's still so much missing here.  Not misinformation, but incomplete. 

I'm going to share my thoughts in another post, but because lot of you have the attention span of kindergarterners and can't handle TLDR, the above is my basic view.  Feel free to skip the next one.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 12:32:57 PM
I agree, but would add that even this doesn't cover the full spectrum of the nuanced situation re: vaccines.  Unless you're simply saying since people can't process much info at once, then this should be the main message.  In which case, I don't necessarily disagree with it, but would maintain there's more to consider than "Yes, get vaccinated."  (fyi, I consider myself pro-vax, and got vaccinated, though I probably did it for different reasons than the average person.)  But there's still so much missing here.  Not misinformation, but incomplete. 

I'm going to share my thoughts in another post, but because lot of you have the attention span of kindergarterners and can't handle TLDR, the above is my basic view.  Feel free to skip the next one. 
I stated my assumptions-- people are stupid or lazy or both.  

One message, and one message only.  There is no tolerance for nuance, so don't attempt to deliver it.

Cut out all of the noise and send the message.  

Get vaccinated.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 12:41:07 PM
Some other issues re: solely the vaccine conversation:

Many of our vax'd patients think they got vax'd, it's all good, never to worry.  But not so.  We know that there's about an 8 month limit on the antibodies once you've been vax'd.  After that, the vax isn't going to do you much good, if any.  Nobody presents this as something that, as it stands now, you'll have to keep doing over and over periodically.  That's something to consider. 

They also think you can't get covid if vax'd.  Also not so.  Your chances of needing hospitalization and/or dying from it are profoundly reduced, but you can still get it.  Although you may not, so there's no hard and fast rule there.  Wife and I just got through with covid even though we were still (barely) within the 8 month window.  There's no way for us to know if we still had antibodies, and how much, the PCR tests we took didn't distinguish between IgN and IgA.  All we know is we had much milder cases compared to many we know who did not vax, and we were still within the 8 month window.

At any rate, now we fall into the category of people with naturally produced antibodies, which are a bit stronger and last longer (about 10ish months, last I heard) than the vaccine would provide.  So before covid we would've either soon been due for some sort of booster or been unprotected.  Now there's no point in us thinking about this again for another 10 months.  In the meantime, people can get lost who tell me to re-vax or I suck.  This includes the commander in chief who is losing patience with me, I reckon.  The larger point is there's been no consideration for people who've had covid when directing the ire of the people in charge that I've seen.  Health Departments work so hard to keep track of covid cases....well, that means they have a list of people who need to stop being bothering about vaxing, at least for a while.  Those numbers need to be counted when considering "making our population safe," but they're not.  They erroneously use total numbers, which are worthless when considering the intent.  People who had covid need to be in the "marked safe from political scorn" category, at least for a while.  And people who are vax'd do not get to stay in that category indefinitely.  Our bodies don't work that way, and if they yell about "ignoring the science" I'm inclined to tell them to mix the science with some philosophy and statistics and get back to me.  

There's also that tiny % of the population that shouldn't get vaccinated.  It's a great idea to check with one's doctor, somebody who either knows one's medical history or at least can be told it.  I see the point of ignoring this, this is such a small group of people that it's probably not worth fooling with, and god knows if our patients are any indication, you start saying stuff like this and suddenly everybody thinks they're in that special category of people who shouldn't be vax'd.  Nevertheless, it's a thing.  We have one patient whom Doc told her family do not vaccinate her.  They got freaked out by the messaging and did it anyway, and this young woman had a terrible reaction.  Fortunately they were persuaded after that not to do the second shot.  

And of course, none of this even touches the non-medical aspects of things.  To wit, I'm pro-vax but anti-mandate.  I don't want the government or (most) employers or anyone else telling people what they will and won't inject.  Because, quite simply, this is not merely a medical issue, despite the fact its repeatedly presented as one.  And there's a MAJOR problem with the messaging here.  Either the government wants us to think vaccines work or they don't.  Supposedly they do, so it's ridiculous for all the vaccinated people to go around demanding the unvax'd join their camp.  If the vaccines work, then you're protected.  Shut up and let other people do what they want to do.  At this point virtually everyone who wants to be vaccinated has been.  I wanted to, and I was.  It's not my place to make that decision for others, and I can't say "It's not about protecting you, it's about protecting others" because that's ridiculous if the vaccines work.  I vax'd....I'm protected whether anybody else vax'd or not.  If somebody else couldn't be bothered to get a free vaccine, or didn't want it, it's not my job to make them put on a life jacket, and they're no danger to me if the vaccines work.

And finally, "they" talk like this is going to be over with at some point if we just do the "right things."  This is misleading and, I think, probably intentionally so.  The sad reality is this thing is here.  It's mutating at a heretofore unseen rate.  It's also showing early signs of being the "smartest" virus we've encountered in its adaptability and ability to find ways to mutate to infect previously immune systems.  At best, it's like the's here, it's in the population, it's always changing with a new strain annually, you have to deal with this every year, you can take this year's flu vaccine or not, and know that some years "they" get it pretty spot on, and other years the flu vaccine is much less effective.  At worst--and I hope this is not the case but it's not out of the question--this thing mutates faster and more efficiently than we have any hope of keeping on top of with new vaccines, and this is just a thing that we all live with in our society now.  The messaging has been "Do what we say and we'll get you through this and it will all be over if you bend the knee."  I've been told nothing and seen nothing to make me think this is the case.  This is not going away, and shame on politicians for misleading with their stupidity, or intentionally lying for their gain.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 12:50:08 PM
I stated my assumptions-- people are stupid or lazy or both. 

One message, and one message only.  There is no tolerance for nuance, so don't attempt to deliver it.

Cut out all of the noise and send the message. 

Get vaccinated.

That message has been sent repeatedly.  My concern is without nuance that message quickly turns into mandates.  As a society we'd better work on our nuance, or we're toast. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 15, 2021, 12:57:44 PM
Some other issues re: solely the vaccine conversation:

Many of our vax'd patients think they got vax'd, it's all good, never to worry.  But not so.  We know that there's about an 8 month limit on the antibodies once you've been vax'd.  After that, the vax isn't going to do you much good, if any.  Nobody presents this as something that, as it stands now, you'll have to keep doing over and over periodically.  That's something to consider. 

How do we know that?  Ive not seen anything saying that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 15, 2021, 01:03:10 PM

And finally, "they" talk like this is going to be over with at some point if we just do the "right things."  This is misleading and, I think, probably intentionally so.  The sad reality is this thing is here.  It's mutating at a heretofore unseen rate.  It's also showing early signs of being the "smartest" virus we've encountered in its adaptability and ability to find ways to mutate to infect previously immune systems.  
again where did you get this info.  Not trying to say you are wrong but unless you have some good source its just your opinion
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 01:08:14 PM
I assume from the studies my boss and my wife read.  Me personally, my info comes from them.  I'm not capable of reading a scientific journal article on medicine/covid, but they do.  Mrs. DeTiger, to stay up on things.  My boss, because it's her job.

Like everything else, things may change the more data that comes in.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 01:11:11 PM
How do we know that?  Ive not seen anything saying that.
We don't. Yet.

The FDA (and the folks resigning from it) seems to believe a booster is not needed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 15, 2021, 01:11:26 PM
Some other issues re: solely the vaccine conversation:

holy moly!!!

I'm stealing this post, because it is ed zachery how I think about the Vax.

Thanks for typing it so well.

Copy & paste 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 01:12:25 PM
I assume from the studies my boss and my wife read.  Me personally, my info comes from them.  I'm not capable of reading a scientific journal article on medicine/covid, but they do.  Mrs. DeTiger, to stay up on things.  My boss, because it's her job.

Like everything else, things may change the more data that comes in. 
Of course. There may be only one or two people who really know what this thing is, and it's quite possible they have disappeared.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 01:14:52 PM
That message has been sent repeatedly.  My concern is without nuance that message quickly turns into mandates.  As a society we'd better work on our nuance, or we're toast. 
That message has NOT been sent repeatedly.  It's been mixed up with masking messaging, and social distancing messaging, and all sorts of other distractions that are counterproductive.

One message-- get the vaccine.  

That's it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 01:17:43 PM
Here's one thing I do know, not exactly first-hand, I guess this would be second-hand.  Since it's inappropriate to treat yourself and close family, the doc I work for is the doctor to some other doctors in the area, and one of them is also her doctor.  We have some dealings with him because of this.  Speaking with us at our office recently, he had tested his antibodies 8 months after vax'ing because he has some co-morbidities, so he needs to avoid covid if possible, and because he was getting the same info.  His test showed no antibodies.  Similar to not having vaccinated, in other words.  This would be the one and only person I have any non-theoretical knowledge of, but it fits with what Doc and the missus tell me.  It's not going to be hard and fast.  8 months is an average. 

I wouldn't let this sway people from vaccinating.  The vaccines are very effective at stopping serious cases.  I believe they are overall a good idea, by far.  I'm only pointing out right now it seems there's a time-stamp on that effectiveness.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 01:20:27 PM
That message has NOT been sent repeatedly.  It's been mixed up with masking messaging, and social distancing messaging, and all sorts of other distractions that are counterproductive.

One message-- get the vaccine. 

That's it.

Okay, I see what you're saying.  

Do you think there's a risk of things still going off track, though?  I'm not asking if you're pro or anti-mandate.  Only asking if you think the harder and more simply "get vaccinated" is pushed, if that has potential to morph from messaging to mandates.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 01:36:21 PM
We don't. Yet.

The FDA (and the folks resigning from it) seems to believe a booster is not needed.

We do know that its mutating.  That's not in question.  Delta is the main one that's here now, there are others.  Right now the vaccines are off to a very promising start in dealing with the delta variant.  The more it mutates, though, the less the original vaccines are going to work.  It's no different than the flu, and that's a different vaccine every year, because the strain they're chasing is different every year.  Granted I don't think the people I get my info from have seen that in studies, but using their knowledge of viruses, that's the likely trajectory.  Anything that mutates cannot remain subject to a single vaccine indefinitely.  

As far as the 8 month thing....I'll ask how solid that is.  She doesn't tell me things like that.  She tells me quick and easy to memorize things to pass on to the never-ending string of calls we get.  Again, one of our patients, also a doctor, tested his own antibodies 8 months out, and had none. 

What I don't know is if there might be benefit to ever having had antibodies.  I know it's not nearly as good as having them, but for all I know, having had antibodies and no longer having them may be better than never having had them at all.  Presumably the same would apply to recovered covid cases.  Natural antibodies supposedly only last so long as well, so it's worth wondering if people who had covid are likely to fair better if they get it again, later than the time their natural immunity has stopped keeping a blueprint for stopping the thing.  Right now I don't know of anyone in that category.  There are people in our county who have gotten covid twice, but still within the window of time of natural immunity.  No surprise, they absolutely fair better the second time.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 15, 2021, 01:39:41 PM
The experience in Israel, where folks were vaccinated very early on, suggests the resistants does start to attentuate in ~8 months or so, and that coincided with Delta hitting them.  Maybe efficacy was down to 50-70%, that was low enough to allow spread (which appears to be dropping now).

They are going ahead with a booster, and news today suggests a booster is effective.  They still are at a 64.5% vax rate in Israel (not nearly that high for folks under 16 of course).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 02:20:13 PM
We do know that its mutating.  That's not in question.  Delta is the main one that's here now, there are others.  Right now the vaccines are off to a very promising start in dealing with the delta variant.  The more it mutates, though, the less the original vaccines are going to work.  It's no different than the flu, and that's a different vaccine every year, because the strain they're chasing is different every year.  Granted I don't think the people I get my info from have seen that in studies, but using their knowledge of viruses, that's the likely trajectory.  Anything that mutates cannot remain subject to a single vaccine indefinitely. 

As far as the 8 month thing....I'll ask how solid that is.  She doesn't tell me things like that.  She tells me quick and easy to memorize things to pass on to the never-ending string of calls we get.  Again, one of our patients, also a doctor, tested his own antibodies 8 months out, and had none. 

What I don't know is if there might be benefit to ever having had antibodies.  I know it's not nearly as good as having them, but for all I know, having had antibodies and no longer having them may be better than never having had them at all.  Presumably the same would apply to recovered covid cases.  Natural antibodies supposedly only last so long as well, so it's worth wondering if people who had covid are likely to fair better if they get it again, later than the time their natural immunity has stopped keeping a blueprint for stopping the thing.  Right now I don't know of anyone in that category.  There are people in our county who have gotten covid twice, but still within the window of time of natural immunity.  No surprise, they absolutely fair better the second time. 
From my own experience, I had antibodies after 3 months, and then none after 6 months. But, it's not about that really. It's about what your T and B cells do to remember the virus, and know to attack when it comes again (because it will come again, forever).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 15, 2021, 02:22:30 PM
I would hope that we could all agree on the basic ideas on what viruses are, how they infect and make the human body sick, how your immune system reacts to try and defeat viruses, and how vaccines in general work. I need these concepts understood in the general sense.

The mRNA vaccines are a novel approach to healthcare, but easy to understand (again in the general) if the previous ideas are accepted. In fact, it will immediately become clear that mRNA vaccines are safer and more reliable than previous "killed or weakened pathogen" vaccines. The "RNA" and "DNA" cause some people to skip a knowledge step and jump to some worrying but incorrect conclusions. The "m" is very important in that it removes from possibility a huge range of side effects.

By understanding these facts, it should be easy to intuit that masking will help mitigate, but not eliminate, a "direct strike" infection where someone sneezes or coughs in your general area. Maintaining separation of 6 feet is of little value. Plexiglass shield tend to inhibit local airflow and likely do more harm than good.

And overall, get vaccinated. Unless you're told by a physician not to, or are currently under 12 years old, getting a vaccination runs the likelihood of suffering a serious infection down to single digits. As the vaccine has only been in "general public" adoption for less than one year, the length of efficacy is still being studied, but the efficacy itself is not in question.

"Mandates" is a separate debate. I'm prepared to mention Thomas Hobbes, social contract theory, Rousseau, Locke, and Kantian ethics for starters. The executive summary is that we all greatly benefit from living in a social organization with other humans, that organization requires rules, and rules that serve the largest public good are ethical.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 15, 2021, 02:26:36 PM
The "public health exception" to our "rights" is a concern to me, I'd like it to be more clear cut, but perhaps that is impossible.

I'm intrigued with the flu numbers last season, perhaps much was reduced travel from China.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 15, 2021, 02:56:40 PM
Public health isn't an exception to our rights. Unless we're declaring ourselves as completely independent hermits, we're deriving benefit from living together. I'm deliberately not arguing law, but rather ethics and morality. I'll provide citations if requested or as necessary, but I don't want anyone to think I'm just espousing stuff I thought up. I'm not that clever. These are foundational ideas.

America is founded on our spirit of rugged individualism. I respect that. However, we're not mountain trappers or nomads. Those guys didn't live that long, and what life they lived were filled with suffering and hardship. By living together, we can specialize and expand. Living socially provides orders of magnitude greater improvements of life quality.

In living socially, we limit our individualism to achieve that improvement. We agree to rules discouraging behaviors that damage the group. Driving 70 through town would get us all to our destination faster, but some of us will die. I'd like to throw dance parties in my backyard until 2am, but the neighbors have other thoughts. The phrase "your rights end at the tip of my nose" sums up a lot.

I presented a list of vaccinations I'd received before attending any school in my life. Not doing so would have subjected everyone else at school to life altering diseases. My employer is morally obligated to protect my fellow employees, our customers, and all our respective families.

Between the science behind the vaccine being solidly understood, and the extreme threat to public health, mandating vaccines is on solid ground.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 15, 2021, 04:55:42 PM
I'm talking about the "public health exception" which can allow government to force individuals to do certain things they may not want to do.

It's a concern of mine that it could be misused as it is poorly defined.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 06:13:32 PM
Kudos to the B12 message board on a great discussion, by the way.

There's zero chance a similar conversation on the Coronavirus thread on the B1G board would have made it even half this long, without me having to nuke about half the posts from orbit.

B12 board >>>> B1G board

Yeah, I said it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 15, 2021, 06:39:25 PM
Florida just declared war on Texas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 07:33:41 PM
From my own experience, I had antibodies after 3 months, and then none after 6 months. But, it's not about that really. It's about what your T and B cells do to remember the virus, and know to attack when it comes again (because it will come again, forever).

Correct.  The jury is wildly out on that though, as I understand it.  I did ask this evening some of these things to see if I clear up for myself some of the points y'all raised.  When I asked her if ever having had antibodies is of more benefit than someone who never had them, the short answer would be paraphrased something like "Nobody can answer that.  The data various so wildly right now, is so new, and is likely of little value.  I don't know.  Time may tell more.  Or not."  I also got a dissertation about T cells, the difference between what the mRNA vax is teaching our bodies and what natural immunity is doing for us.  Frankly, it was too technical for me to remember and repeat.  There were a metric ton of variables to boot and as opined before, the real world is a lot more complicated than simple slogans and ideologies.  What Doc was firm on is people without antibodies are not in as good of shape as people with them, no matter what your T cells are doing.  My wife was in the conversation and knows her stuff, but frankly is tired of my questions, and as she is currently cooking my supper, I'm not inclined to push her.  


you asked a good question so I asked it myself.  "Who says?" and the answer was, again--the shortened version--all the medical research facilities.  Baylor College of Medicine was one she named, these places have been tracking the antibody behavior since development and on into use in the real world.  That's just one of many places.  The data looks pretty solid right now that antibodies go away over time.  I was reminded that 8 months is an average and is by no means applicable to any single individual.  Some people keep their antibodies longer.  Some people less.  We don't know why right now, other than bodies are different.  But again, refer to Badger's point above, antibodies is not the only factor to consider, though it's a biggie.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 08:07:12 PM
Maintaining separation of 6 feet is of little value. Plexiglass shield tend to inhibit local airflow and likely do more harm than good.

And overall, get vaccinated. Unless you're told by a physician not to, or are currently under 12 years old, getting a vaccination runs the likelihood of suffering a serious infection down to single digits. As the vaccine has only been in "general public" adoption for less than one year, the length of efficacy is still being studied, but the efficacy itself is not in question.

I must disagree with the bolded part.  That goes against everything I have been told and explained.  It's certainly not going to fix the problem, but incorrect to say there's no value there. 

The second part, I mostly agree, but there's other demographics who might want to think twice before vaxing.  Some concerns are early and may ultimately amount to nothing--there's no way to know until the years pass and we see whether or not some of the concerns were actually warranted or not.  But again, I caveat that this is still going to be a pretty small segment of the population, and I reiterate overall I agree, I encourage most people to get it.

Here's a pretty good discussion on some other things to consider, if you don't mind the technical stuff.  Don't let it put you into panic mode, but it's worth thinking about.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 08:16:46 PM
Public health isn't an exception to our rights. Unless we're declaring ourselves as completely independent hermits, we're deriving benefit from living together. I'm deliberately not arguing law, but rather ethics and morality. I'll provide citations if requested or as necessary, but I don't want anyone to think I'm just espousing stuff I thought up. I'm not that clever. These are foundational ideas.

America is founded on our spirit of rugged individualism. I respect that. However, we're not mountain trappers or nomads. Those guys didn't live that long, and what life they lived were filled with suffering and hardship. By living together, we can specialize and expand. Living socially provides orders of magnitude greater improvements of life quality.

In living socially, we limit our individualism to achieve that improvement. We agree to rules discouraging behaviors that damage the group. Driving 70 through town would get us all to our destination faster, but some of us will die. I'd like to throw dance parties in my backyard until 2am, but the neighbors have other thoughts. The phrase "your rights end at the tip of my nose" sums up a lot.

I presented a list of vaccinations I'd received before attending any school in my life. Not doing so would have subjected everyone else at school to life altering diseases. My employer is morally obligated to protect my fellow employees, our customers, and all our respective families.

Between the science behind the vaccine being solidly understood, and the extreme threat to public health, mandating vaccines is on solid ground.

You bring up some valid points here.  Here we have an example of where people may see the same information but have different priorities or values.  I submit it is not clear cut morally superior to argue this vaccine be mandatory in a given setting.  We can discuss further at your convenience.  But I'm not going to poo-poo your notions here, I consider them valid and they should remain at the table of public conversation.  

I would add about the vaccines you and I were required to get for school, we're talking about things like MMR shots, for example, and this is not something I consider equivalent.  What that protects you from kills people.  A lot of people.  With no vaccines whatsoever, covid is over 99% survivable, people with co-morbidities included.  The MMR shot also has a median effectiveness range of something like 50-60 years.  You get that thing, we're done here.  It's long enough to where we have more or less removed those things from the modern world.  We're not talking about the same degree of crisis or comparable diseases or vaccines, at all.  Not right now, anyway. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 15, 2021, 08:17:30 PM
Florida just declared war on Texas.

The spread is currently Florida  -17
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 08:47:30 PM
The spread is currently Florida  -17
Texas has more people and way more guns.  I like our chances.

"725,368 guns are registered in Texas, the most of any state and 67% more registered guns than second-place Florida."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 15, 2021, 09:35:42 PM
Texas has more people and way more guns.  I like our chances.

"725,368 guns are registered in Texas, the most of any state and 67% more registered guns than second-place Florida."
Im proud to say Im one

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 15, 2021, 09:40:29 PM
Here's one thing I do know, not exactly first-hand, I guess this would be second-hand.  Since it's inappropriate to treat yourself and close family, the doc I work for is the doctor to some other doctors in the area, and one of them is also her doctor.  We have some dealings with him because of this.  Speaking with us at our office recently, he had tested his antibodies 8 months after vax'ing because he has some co-morbidities, so he needs to avoid covid if possible, and because he was getting the same info.  His test showed no antibodies.  Similar to not having vaccinated, in other words.  This would be the one and only person I have any non-theoretical knowledge of, but it fits with what Doc and the missus tell me.  It's not going to be hard and fast.  8 months is an average. 

I wouldn't let this sway people from vaccinating.  The vaccines are very effective at stopping serious cases.  I believe they are overall a good idea, by far.  I'm only pointing out right now it seems there's a time-stamp on that effectiveness.
This just out.  People with autoimmune disorders are at a much higher risk of dying once infected because their bodies attack the antibodies that should attacking the vaccine.

My wife has lupus.  That greatly limits the exposure I'm willing to risk, because I don't want to contract it and bring it home without even knowing I've got it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 15, 2021, 09:48:41 PM
Public health isn't an exception to our rights. Unless we're declaring ourselves as completely independent hermits, we're deriving benefit from living together. I'm deliberately not arguing law, but rather ethics and morality. I'll provide citations if requested or as necessary, but I don't want anyone to think I'm just espousing stuff I thought up. I'm not that clever. These are foundational ideas.

America is founded on our spirit of rugged individualism. I respect that. However, we're not mountain trappers or nomads. Those guys didn't live that long, and what life they lived were filled with suffering and hardship. By living together, we can specialize and expand. Living socially provides orders of magnitude greater improvements of life quality.

In living socially, we limit our individualism to achieve that improvement. We agree to rules discouraging behaviors that damage the group. Driving 70 through town would get us all to our destination faster, but some of us will die. I'd like to throw dance parties in my backyard until 2am, but the neighbors have other thoughts. The phrase "your rights end at the tip of my nose" sums up a lot.

I presented a list of vaccinations I'd received before attending any school in my life. Not doing so would have subjected everyone else at school to life altering diseases. My employer is morally obligated to protect my fellow employees, our customers, and all our respective families.

Between the science behind the vaccine being solidly understood, and the extreme threat to public health, mandating vaccines is on solid ground.
Excellent mini-essay, TAFKAD.

I'll talk law.  In Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), the SCOTUS ruled that refusal to be vaccinated (it was for smallpox, IIRC) is not protected by the Constitution.

“Real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own, whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others.”
— Justice John Marshall Harlan, in Jacobson v. Massachusetts (7-2 opinion that vaccine mandates were constitutional)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 15, 2021, 11:59:22 PM
Im proud to say Im one

I'm not.

Not registered that is.

I do own guns.  Actually, lots of guns.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 16, 2021, 08:53:20 AM
I'm not.

Not registered that is.

I do own guns.  Actually, lots of guns.

Same. And I've got a bigger Navy. 960K boats. Texas only has 580K. Gotta move people around somehow.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 16, 2021, 08:53:54 AM
This just out.  People with autoimmune disorders are at a much higher risk of dying once infected because their bodies attack the antibodies that should attacking the vaccine.

My wife has lupus.  That greatly limits the exposure I'm willing to risk, because I don't want to contract it and bring it home without even knowing I've got it.
Did you end up retiring to reduce risk? I know you were at least considering that move.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 16, 2021, 08:55:20 AM
The spread is currently Florida  -17
Wisconsin gonna declare war on Texas too.

Badgers -?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 16, 2021, 09:09:30 AM
Oh, ok, I thought it was a battle by proxy of governors.  DeSantis is a little chubby, but Abbott is....well, you know, he's in a wheelchair. 

If we can use the whole roster, then I think the oil and gas industry alone makes Texas a 2 TD favorite. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 16, 2021, 09:38:50 AM
This discussion is now getting weird.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 16, 2021, 09:39:52 AM
Just like old times brother.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 16, 2021, 10:13:15 AM
Excellent mini-essay, TAFKAD.

I'll talk law.  In Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), the SCOTUS ruled that refusal to be vaccinated (it was for smallpox, IIRC) is not protected by the Constitution.

“Real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own, whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others.”
— Justice John Marshall Harlan, in Jacobson v. Massachusetts (7-2 opinion that vaccine mandates were constitutional)

He said "mandating vaccines is on solid ground."

I go back to my previous point, this stuff y'all are bringing up and COVID-19 are not comparable, and I would rather the law not treat them as such.  Smallpox, measles, mumps, etc.....these things are matters of life and death.  I guess this sounds odd coming from a pro-vax guy, but I can't consider anything with a 99.5% survival rate anywhere in the same category, and I don't want the government having precedent to say "This could affect a few lives here and there.  We now have the right to force you to do whatever we say."  I'm assuming as a historian you can cite several instances where that kind of thing doesn't go well.

And WHY would you want to mandate something against somebody's will if the vaccines work?  You and Tulip don't want to die from it?  Get vaccinated.  If you're vax'd and I'm not, I'm no threat to you if the vaccines work.  And they do.  What reason do you have for taking away one's personal choice in that case?  Everyone who is afraid they'll fall outside that 99.5% range or who just doesn't want to deal with a worse case than necessary can vaccinate themselves.  There's no justification I see for that to allow those people (and I am one) to tell the others "we will force you to comply."  We seem to be laboring under the assumption that if everybody vaccinates then covid will somehow "end."  I don't know that there's any estimates that could potentially be the case.  Our world has changed, this thing likely isn't going away.  And even if it could "end," I have moral reservations about forcing compliance in this case.  Point me to the place in history where stripping liberties in the face of crisis helped that society in the long term.  I can point to a lot of the opposite.  

The ridiculousness of this is illustrated in the flu, which has been with us a long time.  An average of 35k - 60k people die from the flu each year in the U.S.  Something like (I think) an average of 60% of the population gets the flu vaccine each year.  So for years the flu has been annually infecting some 40 million U.S. citizens, hospitalizing some 500k of those, and killing, let's say, 50k.  Every year.  For like, forever.  Who ever heard of mandating flu vaccines nation-wide?  Locally?  Corporately?  I haven't.  Nobody is scared of the flu because we've dealt with it forever.  The key phrase is "dealt with it."  The fact is COVID is new and so it scares people.  It drives erratic behavior and there are no shortage of people seeking to take advantage of this.  I'm not biting.  NOT mandating flu vaccines is better comparison and more recent precedent to consider than the diseases and vaccines you and Mr. Tulip point to.  

I say all this as a pro-vax guy, and one who just lost my aunt to covid.  She almost certainly would be here today had she been vaccinated.  Her and my uncle were like a second set of parents to me during my teenage years, and next month I'll go to her memorial service.  I wish more than just about anything she had chosen the vax.  I wish my mom would.  I wish my grandma would.  My aunt's death has hit them pretty hard and I've very gently tried to tell them that our family would rather not go through this with them, and would they like to reconsider getting vaccinated in light of all this?  But the answer is they don't want to.  And despite my personal feelings on the matter, I still make a hard distinction between what people want for themselves and how I want to force them to do what I want them to do.  One is hard, but morally acceptable.  One is a solution that makes me happier and makes me feel better, but is not morally acceptable.  

Unrelated note:  you mentioned your wife, that reminds me:  some other people who should really check with their doctor before being vaccinated are people on immuno-suppressant meds.  I think in general it's a good idea to check with your doctor first.  People almost certainly fall into the category of folks for whom the vaccine is fine.  There are a small group of people out there who don't need to do it simply because the gub'ment, the scorn of pop culture, and message-board warriors like me said so.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 16, 2021, 10:21:25 AM
Kudos to the B12 message board on a great discussion, by the way.

There's zero chance a similar conversation on the Coronavirus thread on the B1G board would have made it even half this long, without me having to nuke about half the posts from orbit.

B12 board >>>> B1G board

Yeah, I said it.
pot stirrer
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 16, 2021, 12:06:18 PM
I'm not.

Not registered that is.

I do own guns.  Actually, lots of guns.
What kinds of shooting do you do Marcus?  I didn't take you for a hunter.  Most of mine are hunting related, deer rifles, shot guns, some .22LR's.  No AR's.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 16, 2021, 12:52:20 PM
What kinds of shooting do you do Marcus?  I didn't take you for a hunter.  Most of mine are hunting related, deer rifles, shot guns, some .22LR's.  No AR's. 
I really only hunt dove and quail.

But I like target shooting in ranges, and shooting targets or trap out on friends' ranches.

Almost all of mine are inherited from my grandfather, and one given to me by my dad, and one given to me by my FIL.  Several wheel-gun pistols, 38s.  My grandfather's 1911 from his Army service at Fort Hood.  Two 12G shotguns, a couple of 410s, one funky shotgun/rifle over/under combo, a couple of deer rifles, one Russian sniper rifle which is my fave.    A couple of .22LRs as well.

No ARs for me either. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 16, 2021, 02:10:43 PM
Did you end up retiring to reduce risk? I know you were at least considering that move.
I'm retiring at the end of this year.
The way our school district is treating the issue (doing virtually nothing) makes me wish I had hung up my dry-erase marker last May.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 16, 2021, 07:19:01 PM
I have a dark, sick appreciation for an outfit that put this into the world and then made a bazillion dollars selling us masks.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 16, 2021, 07:29:53 PM
Well now you're starting to sound like @847badgerfan (;u=5) !
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 16, 2021, 11:57:52 PM
This thing just keeps eating away.  One of my neighbors died from it, another was on life support but partially recovered.  This happened before vaccines were available.  
Last Saturday, one of my nephews called me and some old friends back in Oklahoma died from it.  The wife was in the hospital and her husband was staying in a motel to be near her when he came down with it.  She died and he died 20 hours later.  Neither was vaccinated.
Just got word yesterday that the 53 year old lady across the street is dying.  She is bleeding from the liver and they can't stop it.  They are blaming it on a reaction to the vaccine.
We have several friends come down with it in the last couple of weeks.  They were all vaccinated and they had one or two rough days but were mostly symptom free in 3-4 days.
My wife and I had severe cases back when they were saying there was no Covid in Kansas.  They have since found some deaths that happened back then that were attributed to pneumonia that were Covid.  We have both been vaccinated since.  I have had 2 doses of Pfizer and my wife has had 3 since she has CLL and a very weakened immune system.  She is in a study for vaccine effects on people with blood cancers.  Today she went in to see if she has developed any antibodies after the booster shot.  She had very few after the first doses.
Hopefully this thing will start slowing down again.  I'm not seeing a complete end to it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 17, 2021, 08:02:25 AM
I don't think there will ever be a complete end to it. It's here to stay - as it was designed to do.

There's that 847badgerfan blabbering again.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 17, 2021, 10:36:01 AM
For sure it'll never end.

It should slow down.

It's becoming endemic around the globe.  Eventually it'll no longer be novel and it'll just come around every year like the illnesses associated with scores of other coronaviruses.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 17, 2021, 01:08:45 PM
Well now you're starting to sound like @847badgerfan (;u=5) !

I don't know if that's good or bad, but I'm just stating a couple of facts that are ironic at best and evil genius at worst.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 17, 2021, 01:14:24 PM
For sure it'll never end.

It should slow down.

It's becoming endemic around the globe.  Eventually it'll no longer be novel and it'll just come around every year like the illnesses associated with scores of other coronaviruses.

And now you're starting to sound like me.

I hope this is right.  You should listen to that podcast I posted if you haven't.  Hopefully that's the least likely scenario but it's crazy to think about.  

My main question is in the meantime how much power does the western world hand over to its gub'ments?  Far as I can tell, once gub'ments get control of something, they don't give it back.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 17, 2021, 01:22:02 PM
And now you're starting to sound like me.

I hope this is right.  You should listen to that podcast I posted if you haven't.  Hopefully that's the least likely scenario but it's crazy to think about. 

My main question is in the meantime how much power does the western world hand over to its gub'ments?  Far as I can tell, once gub'ments get control of something, they don't give it back.
I hope this thread doesn't turn toxic the way the one on the Big Ten board has.

Here's a different question for you.  When do the American people rediscover the concept of civic virtue?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 17, 2021, 01:33:03 PM
I hope this thread doesn't turn toxic the way the one on the Big Ten board has.

Here's a different question for you.  When do the American people rediscover the concept of civic virtue?
Right now would be fine with me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 17, 2021, 01:54:19 PM
I hope this thread doesn't turn toxic the way the one on the Big Ten board has.

Here's a different question for you.  When do the American people rediscover the concept of civic virtue?
I'll edit this one too if it heads that way.

But I don't see any problem with discussing relevant social issues and concepts, as long as we don't devolve into the identity politics party line bullshit that always sends the other thread off the rails.

So far, I'd say this recent conversation on this thread has done a fine job of staying civilized and conceptual.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 17, 2021, 02:00:06 PM
It's all about the people.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 17, 2021, 02:54:21 PM
It's all about the people.

Yup, glad you agree:

B12 people >>>> B1G people
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 17, 2021, 03:07:02 PM
Back to war.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 17, 2021, 03:10:55 PM
You yankee folk are so violent.  Must be all those decades of snow and winter, that'll sour pretty much anyone.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 17, 2021, 03:32:50 PM
My hunch is the stories about "civic virtue" in the past are oversold, and the lack thereof today is as well.  

Read up on the election of 1800 for example.

We barely made it.  1876 was nother whopper.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 17, 2021, 05:20:52 PM
I hope this thread doesn't turn toxic the way the one on the Big Ten board has.

Here's a different question for you.  When do the American people rediscover the concept of civic virtue?

Looks like we're doing pretty good to me.  We've got some different views going on here and yet I think if the larger world discoursed as well as we're doing here we'd all be a lot better off.  

Second sentence....great question.  I had written something much longer and more thoughtful, but now I've decided to spare you all and not bore you to tears again with a wall of text.  Short answer is civic virtue (or virtue of any sort) will follow when people rediscover a sense of Judeo-Christian beliefs.  You can't really say that anymore.  It's "offensive."  

I am prepared to back that up with up a nuclear arsenal of philosophy and history.  

You might enjoy Eric Metaxas' "If You Can Keep It" and Os Guinness' "A Free People's Suicide."  They're good in their own right, but portions dealing with your question include rehashing ideas Alexis de Tocqueville laid out in his seminal work "Democracy In America," which I'm willing to bet you've already read.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 17, 2021, 05:45:44 PM
My hunch is the stories about "civic virtue" in the past are oversold, and the lack thereof today is as well. 

Read up on the election of 1800 for example.

We barely made it.  1876 was nother whopper.

If you mean many examples of lack of virtue exist in the past, and that many examples of virtue exist today, I agree.

If you mean society at large, which is what I took CW's question to be about, I disagree. 

And just because I'm ornery....I keep seeing the 1800 and 1876 elections brought up.  I think there's definite distinctions between what American society faced then and what it faces now.  Although the upheaval was real, society's ability withstand such and eventually settle down into something resembling "American life" is not what it once was, imo.  I'm not dismissing the shenanigans of the past.  I won't overlook the newer and steeper cliffs we've found to direct ourselves towards either.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 17, 2021, 09:36:43 PM
So I'll be hitting not one but TWO football games tomorrow.  It's one of those rare occasions when we can see both Texas and A&M play on the same day.

So we'll be hitting College Station, TX to see the ags play New Mexico tomorrow at 11 AM Central, and then headed back to Austin to see the Horns play Rice at 7 PM.

Best thing is, we got free tickets from friends/family for both games. The tickets for the A&M game are actually in a luxury suite.

Gonna be a good day, yay football!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 17, 2021, 09:45:17 PM
So I'll be hitting not one but TWO football games tomorrow.  It's one of those rare occasions when we can see both Texas and A&M play on the same day.

So we'll be hitting College Station, TX to see the ags play New Mexico tomorrow at 11 AM Central, and then headed back to Austin to see the Horns play Rice at 7 PM.

Best thing is, we got free tickets from friends/family for both games. The tickets for the A&M game are actually in a luxury suite.

Gonna be a good day, yay football!

youll need the Texas game to rest up cause youll be standing during the aggie game

course you get to kiss your wife a million times so alls not lost
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 17, 2021, 10:15:58 PM
Heh, I've been to quite a few aggie games.  Only the students stand the whole game, and these days, not really even them.

We'll definitely be kissing though.  My kids will no doubt be embarrassed.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 18, 2021, 12:40:33 AM
Jealous. I haven’t been to a game since 2013, JFF’S last home game vs MSU.

Probably will make one this year, but not tomorrow. Got a lot of post hurricane things to do. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 18, 2021, 11:31:04 AM

I'll be spending today installing a new dishwasher for Mrs. DeLonghorn, hopefully with one eye on the games.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 19, 2021, 08:37:41 AM
That was a LONG day of football, but a productive one.  Both teams did what they're supposed to do against overmatched opponents.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 19, 2021, 10:45:03 AM
Back to the Covid thing.  The wife had the Pfizer booster shot a few weeks ago.  At the time her antibodies were 96.  She was tested last week and her antibodies were >2500.  We know antibodies are not the only relevant indicators but it is some relief to know she has more resistance than she did.
Title: F4U Corsair story I had never heard ...
Post by: Cincydawg on September 19, 2021, 01:01:05 PM
How the Navy Tamed the “Killer Corsair” | History | Air & Space Magazine ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 19, 2021, 01:50:56 PM

I'll be spending today installing a new dishwasher for Mrs. DeLonghorn, hopefully with one eye on the games. 

Wrong.  Thing was delivered damaged and I'm having to negotiate its return.  That shouldn't even be in question.  There have been other fiascos in the purchase of this thing.  I won't be using Lowe's again for appliances.  Unfortunately there's no more Sears here.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 19, 2021, 01:52:03 PM
I had good luck with Lowe's appliances in Cincy.  That was a good Lowe's generally, I imagine they vary.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 19, 2021, 01:57:33 PM
Overall I'm probably more comfortable with Sears, but I've used Lowe's and Home Depot for a ton of things over the years.  Probably not appliances, I guess.  It was hard to even get something, they have no appliance inventory in store anymore since covid.  That's the first can't get one off the floor you can inspect for yourself.  Instead you order what you want sight unseen and they deliver it to you 4 weeks later.  Mrs. DeBevo is getting real cranky about this dishwasher situation, even though I've mostly been the one handwashing the dishes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 19, 2021, 09:43:20 PM
supply chains, service, all so completely messed up after covid.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 19, 2021, 10:24:03 PM
We replaced the refrigerator, range and over-the-range microwave and it was an ordeal.  I worked for a supplier so I got cost + 5%.  We got the GE Profile range which had an induction oven which is also an air fryer.  Sounded gimmicky but works great and we loved it.  Supply was tough, we ordered it in October, got it in February.
Since the wife wanted all fingerprint resistant stainless, we had to go with Whirlpool for the fridge.  First one was defective and they replaced it.  It was also ordered in October, got the first one in January and the replacement in March.  The replacement is excellent.
The microwave was a horror story.  It is a GE to match the range and it also came in in February and worked 1 hour.  Tried to get it fixed under warranty.  Took 6 weeks to get the repair company out.  They took it in and said it had a faulty magnatron.  Took another 6 weeks to get the parts.  Got it reinstalled and it worked 10 minutes.  They ordered a replacement which finally arrived in August.  This one works like a champ. While it was out for repairs we bought a $79 countertop model from Walmart.  Of course it works perfectly.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 19, 2021, 10:39:20 PM
Yikes, that's a real horror story. 

In the last year or so I've repaired some minor problems to our fridge and oven, but fortunately they were able to be fixed with some new parts and some youtube videos to tell me what to do.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Bonfired on September 19, 2021, 10:50:02 PM
Been a day or two since I've been here...mostly recognizable noms de plume. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 19, 2021, 11:20:50 PM
Been a day or two since I've been here...mostly recognizable noms de plume.

I remember your name but from years ago

anyway glad you stopped by
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 19, 2021, 11:40:29 PM
Been a day or two since I've been here...mostly recognizable noms de plume.
Howdy. Been some time. Didn’t you and I meet at the Dixie chicken once about 20 years ago?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 08:07:00 AM
Hey Bon!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 20, 2021, 09:43:59 AM
Are either one of these guys Shiner?  And if not, whatever happened to that closet LSU fan?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 10:30:56 AM
Nope neither are Shiner.

I saw him around, maybe a year ago?

I'm a little surprised he hasn't shown up to taunt us Horns about finally capitulating and begging to join his team's conference.  

Perhaps he's so depressed to have to be in the same conference with us again, no amount of taunting will console him...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 20, 2021, 11:13:35 AM
I replaced our dishwasher last year, and this year. It was sort of a rolling thing that became hilarious (in hindsight).

Of course, everything's backordered. Since I don't anticipate replacing a dishwasher very often, I was prepared to wait for the one I wanted. Didn't know I'd be waiting 6 months. Of course, when I got it, it turned out that the guys that reworked the kitchen before we moved in laid tile and installed the woodwork to the counter around the dishwasher. This, of course, meant that an installed dishwasher would work fine, but wouldn't actually come out of the opening. Nothing a jigsaw couldn't make worse. I definitely made it worse.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 20, 2021, 11:55:15 AM
So Mrs. DeCattle asked me when will Texas and LSU start playing regularly.  I told her I don't know, but I hear rumblings that contract snags will all go away by next season and we'll all be one happy mega-conference by the 2022 season. 

This brings up an important relationship skill in my relatively young marriage.  When we got married I never imagined our teams would be conference rivals.  It's easy to be married to a Longhorn when the two just have a cold war over some recruits here and there.  When they start playing regularly, well....our pastor's wife is a licensed, practicing marriage counselor, and I'm wondering if we're gonna need her. 

You folks who are married to fans of other teams, give some advice for navigating turbulent waters.  After the 2019 game she said she was happy for me.

There were minor signs she may not have been too happy.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 12:07:21 PM
I am never happy for my i s c & a aggie wife when her team beats mine.  Nor is she in the opposite case.

I'll put it plainly-- you need to prepare for rough waters.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 20, 2021, 12:21:41 PM
This is one benefit Ive got on you two

Both my wife and I are UT grads

so we are either happy or sad together
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 20, 2021, 12:33:30 PM
Mrs. Droog has a Texas Law degree to go with her Baylor undergrad. That said, she's a Baylor fan first, second, and third.

She's being unreasonably closed minded about my well thought out and supported explanations about how Texas and OU had no real choice but to go to the SEC.

I haven't even brought up the part about how, if she likes Dave Aranda so much, she can cheer for LSU next season!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 20, 2021, 12:53:58 PM
I was hoping that if LSU <= 7 wins this season they'd pull Chris Petersen out of retirement.  I mean, I know he says he's a west coast guy but you at least back up the Brinks Truck to his front porch and make him say no.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 01:00:31 PM
I posted my review of "Hamilton" in FB and got some interesting responses, basically saying I didn't  give it a fair shot.

I get a sense it's socially unacceptable to dislike that play.  I don't care, I didn't like it, at all.  It's just amusing to get told my opinion is wrong on something so subjective.

Of course, I tend to stir pots at times.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 20, 2021, 01:49:06 PM
I posted my review of "Hamilton" in FB and got some interesting responses, basically saying I didn't  give it a fair shot.

I get a sense it's socially unacceptable to dislike that play.  I don't care, I didn't like it, at all.  It's just amusing to get told my opinion is wrong on something so subjective.

Of course, I tend to stir pots at times.
I haven't seen the whole thing, but every other teacher workshop I've attended in the last couple of years has featured a presentation on how to use Hamilton in the classroom.
I don't like rap "music," so that's one strike against it.  I don't like how it has become a cudgel in the culture wars, so there's strike two.  Hamilton is shaky on the history, as any Broadway production would be, so . . . strike three.
It's interesting how having actors of color play historical roles of people who were white is a signal of creativity and virtue.
OTOH, having actors of whiteness play Asian or Native-American roles is a signal of racism, theft, and cultural oppression.
We live in a world of crazy children, and the adults seem to have gone on a long, long vacation.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 01:51:47 PM
Y'all just need to get woke.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 01:55:10 PM
I wanted to leave after ten minutes, seriously, it was, for me, that bad.  I'm not talking about cultural this or race that, I just hated the show.  I couldn't understand whatever they were saying and quit trying to follow along.  I tried to sleep during the first part of it.  One of my kids thought it was pretty bad also, she said it was "interesting" and then that she didn't enjoy it.  The other kids said he liked it.  The wife had mixed comments.

I just found it interesting that my negative comments were taken as being insensitive or something, by some, or the fact someone else liked it meant I had to be wrong.

"[color=var(--primary-text)][color=var(--primary-text)]Doesn’t sound like it to me. You went in with preconceived notions that were confirmed. And to think you didn’t understand what was going on, with your knowledge of history, is a bit disingenuous. It pretty much boils down to do you like the musical style, and “no” is a perfectly acceptable response. And that’s it.[/color]


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 01:56:08 PM
Y'all just need to get woke.
For sure, it's a "thing" apparently.  I try and be who I am, not who someone else thinks I should be.  It's hard enough being me without trying to be someone else.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 02:02:13 PM
I wanted to leave after ten minutes, seriously, it was, for me, that bad.  I'm not talking about cultural this or race that, I just hated the show.  I couldn't understand whatever they were saying and quit trying to follow along.  I tried to sleep during the first part of it.  One of my kids thought it was pretty bad also, she said it was "interesting" and then that she didn't enjoy it.  The other kids said he liked it.  The wife had mixed comments.

I just found it interesting that my negative comments were taken as being insensitive or something, by some, or the fact someone else liked it meant I had to be wrong.

"[color=var(--primary-text)][color=var(--primary-text)]Doesn’t sound like it to me. You went in with preconceived notions that were confirmed. And to think you didn’t understand what was going on, with your knowledge of history, is a bit disingenuous. It pretty much boils down to do you like the musical style, and “no” is a perfectly acceptable response. And that’s it.[/color]

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It's problematic that this person accuses you of going in with a closed mind, but then mentions that you must not have liked the musical style, and that's an acceptable answer.

They belie their second point with their first, but that's not even what's problematic.

This play is a musical.  If you don't like the musical style, then it follows that you're not going to like the musical.  And since we're talking about art, and various interpretations of art and various views of appreciation for art, it's completely okay not to like the style of music, or the musical. It should be embraced and encouraged to have your own opinion of art.

My parents love musicals and hate hard rock or acid rock music.  They think the musical Tommy sucks.  I don't, but I totally understand why they do, because they vehemently dislike that style of music.

It's art and there's nothing wrong with their opinions.  If we all liked the exact same art, what a boring world this would be.

BUT-- the musical Tommy isn't a racially charged piece aimed pointedly at embracing and invigorating woke culture.  Hamilton, is.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 20, 2021, 02:26:32 PM
"Hamilton" is like 6 years old now. I say that just because it means expectations for first time viewers are likely inflated.

Alexander Hamilton was a pretty well sidelined guy before Lin Manuel Miranda picked up his lengthy biography. He was in the history books, but sort of one of the "cast of others" hanging around George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson when we launched the nation. Some knew about his duel with Aaron Burr, but few knew what it was about.

White people have never been marginalized in the theater. The writers are usually white guys telling white guy stories to white guy audiences. The financiers and theater owners are usually white guys. The "important" figures in our history are, of course, white guys, so the subject matter created about them is abundant. In short, the White America voice in the theater has been, and continues to be, strong. Nothing inherently wrong about this, but it's kind of limiting.

LMM put together a real creative piece. There's a TON of words ("Guns and Ships" hits 6.3 words per second) coming at you real fast. The interplay is brilliant. Kind of like, but for different reasons, it's helpful to read Shakespeare before seeing the plays performed (it helps if your brain doesn't have to de-tangle Shakespearean English while enjoying it), hearing "Hamilton"'s soundtrack a few times leaves you freer to be in the moment with the production.

I mentioned "Hamilton" has been around a while. Like "Les Miserables", the theater world is pretty well sick of it. It's beaten to death. I don't know where it's still being performed, but there's a good chance the cast wasn't very peppy.

Now, we're all busy bashing "In the Heights" for not being authentic enough Afro-Caribbean.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 02:31:30 PM
I don't enjoy musicals that are movies, none of them.  I can abide a few of them where the singing is part of the gig, like SOM.  I never have liked them.  

I really like classical music, most of it, which many find "boring", which is OK with me.  I mostly was amused that my negative opinion elicited such reactions from some.

The audience at Hamilton was 90% white and at least half over 50 from what I could see.  The audience at the symphonies we attend is 90+% white and much older.  I do see more younger folks in Atlanta than in Cincinnati.

Cincinnati has a fabulous venue built in 1885 or so, and we got to know the conductor, a really neat French dude.  Atlanta's venue is more modern, circa 1960 or so, and not really very welcoming, and the acoustics are not great.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 02:33:16 PM
I keep an eye out for plays at the local theater, but they all seem very modern and I'm not sure I'd like them.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 02:34:24 PM
"Hamilton" is like 6 years old now. I say that just because it means expectations for first time viewers are likely inflated.

Alexander Hamilton was a pretty well sidelined guy before Lin Manuel Miranda picked up his lengthy biography. He was in the history books, but sort of one of the "cast of others" hanging around George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson when we launched the nation. Some knew about his duel with Aaron Burr, but few knew what it was about.

White people have never been marginalized in the theater. The writers are usually white guys telling white guy stories to white guy audiences. The financiers and theater owners are usually white guys. The "important" figures in our history are, of course, white guys, so the subject matter created about them is abundant. In short, the White America voice in the theater has been, and continues to be, strong. Nothing inherently wrong about this, but it's kind of limiting.

LMM put together a real creative piece. There's a TON of words ("Guns and Ships" hits 6.3 words per second) coming at you real fast. The interplay is brilliant. Kind of like, but for different reasons, it's helpful to read Shakespeare before seeing the plays performed (it helps if your brain doesn't have to de-tangle Shakespearean English while enjoying it), hearing "Hamilton"'s soundtrack a few times leaves you freer to be in the moment with the production.

I mentioned "Hamilton" has been around a while. Like "Les Miserables", the theater world is pretty well sick of it. It's beaten to death. I don't know where it's still being performed, but there's a good chance the cast wasn't very peppy.

Now, we're all busy bashing "In the Heights" for not being authentic enough Afro-Caribbean.

Mostly true, except I don't think the theater community is tired of Hamilton.  Broadway might be, but Broadway gets tired of anything that's more than 3 weeks old.  

From what I see, the general theater community is still quite taken with Hamilton.  Every high school theater group out there is trying to do it, and every local avid theater-goer is gushing over this traveling company that's currently performing.

But overall, I agree with what you're saying about the musical itself.  But it's still okay not to like it.

Moreover, it's okay not to like it because you don't like the style of music.

It's also okay to dislike Tommy because you don't like acid rock.

And it's okay to dislike My Fair Lady because you don't like the traditional theatrical musical style.

But expressing dislike for Tommy or My Fair Lady, is not treated the same as expressing dislike for Hamilton.

Pretty obvious from our discussion here, precisely why that is.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 02:35:45 PM
I guess this means I'm a racist and not woke.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 20, 2021, 02:42:34 PM
I don't enjoy musicals that are movies, none of them.  I can abide a few of them where the singing is part of the gig, like SOM.  I never have liked them. 

I really like classical music, most of it, which many find "boring", which is OK with me.  I mostly was amused that my negative opinion elicited such reactions from some.

The audience at Hamilton was 90% white and at least half over 50 from what I could see.  The audience at the symphonies we attend is 90+% white and much older.  I do see more younger folks in Atlanta than in Cincinnati.

Cincinnati has a fabulous venue built in 1885 or so, and we got to know the conductor, a really neat French dude.  Atlanta's venue is more modern, circa 1960 or so, and not really very welcoming, and the acoustics are not great.

I cant think of any successful musical that wasnt made into a movie

hard to believe you dont like the movie version West Side Story or South Pacific
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 02:44:21 PM
I like the music just fine, not the movies.  

There are people who don't like college football also.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 02:45:56 PM
I like the music just fine, not the movies. 

There are people who don't like college football also.
Do you like the stage productions of them? 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 20, 2021, 02:50:35 PM
I like the music just fine, not the movies. 

There are people who don't like college football also.
not quite the same thing

if you dont like college football it doesnt matter if you see it in person or on TV

what you are saying (I think) is that you liked the stage version but when they made a movie from it all of a sudden you didnt like it and while I agree being at the actual play brings something you cant get from just watching a movie it still is surprising that you dont enjoy any musical made into a movie

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 02:51:29 PM
Stage productions of musicals?  I've only seen one of them.  I like stage productions of college football games.

I have not seen many plays at all, though I cowrite one in high school that we produced and was seen by the entire school.  It was awful, truly awful, I had not realized how bad until I watched one from the audience.  The students liked it, it was not school.  It was a parody of Julius Caesar.  It was awful.  No music though.

I'm trying to get back to writing novels, kind of hit a soft spot of late.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 02:53:50 PM
what you are saying (I think) is that you liked the stage version but when they made a movie from it all of a sudden you didnt like it and while I agree being at the actual play brings something you cant get from just watching a movie it still is surprising that you dont enjoy any musical made into a movie
I don't like any movies that are musicals.  I can abide a few.  I wouldn't like a stage production of them either.  I never have liked some "play" where folks start singing for no apparent reason.  At least in SOM it was sort of part of the story.

I don't think I've ever seen SOM all the way through.  I played the music on the piano back in the day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 20, 2021, 02:58:46 PM

Taco For The Cause Week is back!!! All week long we are featuring this collaboration taco with our friends from @taqueriadelsol to benefit @hogsforthecause and @childrensatl! This Smoked Pork Taco features Fox Bros Smoked Pork tossed in Chef Eddie’s Birria style Red Chile Sauce, cheese and cilantro in a corn tortilla. All proceeds from each taco sold benefit families with children battling pediatric brain cancer. Served at all Georgia TDS locations and all Fox Bros locations (excluding stadiums) all week long!! Giving was never this tasty!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 20, 2021, 03:02:30 PM
I just cant like any taco that has a picture of it posted on the internet
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 03:34:39 PM
I just cant like any taco that has a picture of it posted on the internet
That's weird.  I like any taco that tastes good, regardless of whether or not is has ever been photographed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 20, 2021, 04:04:26 PM
This is one benefit Ive got on you two

Both my wife and I are UT grads

so we are either happy or sad together
My wife and I are both A&M grads.  She could care less about the football team.  I could tell her we won the national championship and she would shrug her shoulders.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 20, 2021, 04:31:08 PM
That's weird.  I like any taco that tastes good, regardless of whether or not is has ever been photographed.

just because you have an open mind is not my concern
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 20, 2021, 04:37:28 PM
I've only seen about the first hour of Hamilton.  I think it's ~ 3 hrs or so?  I didn't so much intentionally stop watching as much as it was late and I fell asleep, and then we failed to ever get back to it.  

I don't often like watching musicals, but I often enjoy them well enough in person.  I found that in watching 1/3 Hamilton on Disney, or whatever it was, I liked the music pretty well.  I found the lyrics clever and the music mostly enjoyable.  Either I didn't get far enough or I wasn't paying attention....I don't remember being turned off by socio-political commentary.  As a (very) amateur historian, I can tell you that the Hamilton musical is not at all fact the real Alexander Hamilton was a terrible singer :)

One of my nieces is a theater geek and she loves it.  She's also super-woke.  I probably always thought I'd consider it suspect if I really dug into it based on that alone.  

I like the original Sound Of Music okay on film.  And I once watched Tyler Perry's Madea goes to jail--a video recording of a stage play--and I recall really liking it.  A few years later I saw the movie and I didn't like it at all.  To be fair, there were marked differences, and not just the fact that the stage play is a musical and the movie is not.  The movie was just kinda...there.  In the stage play, Perry stopped to get almost anti-woke with the audience a few times, I probably liked that.  And I liked the live band that was playing the music the stage actors sang to.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 20, 2021, 04:41:37 PM
My wife and I are both A&M grads.  She could care less about the football team.  I could tell her we won the national championship and she would shrug her shoulders. 

Mrs. DeBurntOrange cares.  She's actually into way more sports than me.  She's an avid tennis follower, NFL, and MLB as well, which I don't care about so I'm free to tag along and root for whatever makes her happy.  All things considered we have few points of possible contention.  She seems to have a hard time remembering that I'm not a Saints fan, she frequently would tell me she was sorry they lost.  I've explained that I liked watching Drew Brees but have never been a Saints fan, but I don't think it computes with her.  She's Cowboys girl through and through, I don't think she can relate to not being bummed out when your NFL team loses.  I don't have an NFL team.  Since she often has games on and I'm forced to notice them in passing, I pick out former LSU guys and root for them to have good games.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 20, 2021, 04:48:15 PM
I've only seen about the first hour of Hamilton.  I think it's ~ 3 hrs or so?  I didn't so much intentionally stop watching as much as it was late and I fell asleep, and then we failed to ever get back to it. 

I don't often like watching musicals, but I often enjoy them well enough in person.  I found that in watching 1/3 Hamilton on Disney, or whatever it was, I liked the music pretty well.  I found the lyrics clever and the music mostly enjoyable.  Either I didn't get far enough or I wasn't paying attention....I don't remember being turned off by socio-political commentary.  As a (very) amateur historian, I can tell you that the Hamilton musical is not at all fact the real Alexander Hamilton was a terrible singer :)

One of my nieces is a theater geek and she loves it.  She's also super-woke.  I probably always thought I'd consider it suspect if I really dug into it based on that alone. 

I like the original Sound Of Music okay on film.  And I once watched Tyler Perry's Madea goes to jail--a video recording of a stage play--and I recall really liking it.  A few years later I saw the movie and I didn't like it at all.  To be fair, there were marked differences, and not just the fact that the stage play is a musical and the movie is not.  The movie was just kinda...there.  In the stage play, Perry stopped to get almost anti-woke with the audience a few times, I probably liked that.  And I liked the live band that was playing the music the stage actors sang to. 

Lin Manuel Miranda cast himself as Hamilton. He's actually the weakest part of the whole ensemble! =P

I likewise don't usually dig musicals. I'm not much of a singer (although I'm hoping to land a part in "Ring of Fire" this week), and enjoy letting my music breathe to the point where I don't care to tie it to action onstage.

Theater productions have several lives. They obviously hit the "big time" stages first. Once they get past whatever contract is there, they get released to tour and travel. Eventually, they get released to the local producers. I'm bracing myself for every high school wanting to try it on.

"Tommy" is a self indulgent Townshend vanity project. It's got some fantastically awesome hits in it! No doubt! The story and acting, though, is unwatchable (well, there's Ann Margaret, so not unwatchable).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 20, 2021, 04:56:44 PM
Y'all just need to get woke.

I find that term ironic.

For instance, I consider myself "awake" to quite a few things.  

Yet I frequently disagree with people who are "woke."  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 20, 2021, 05:07:08 PM
Mrs. DeBurntOrange cares.  She's actually into way more sports than me.  She's an avid tennis follower, NFL, and MLB as well, which I don't care about so I'm free to tag along and root for whatever makes her happy.  All things considered we have few points of possible contention.  She seems to have a hard time remembering that I'm not a Saints fan, she frequently would tell me she was sorry they lost.  I've explained that I liked watching Drew Brees but have never been a Saints fan, but I don't think it computes with her.  She's Cowboys girl through and through, I don't think she can relate to not being bummed out when your NFL team loses.  I don't have an NFL team.  Since she often has games on and I'm forced to notice them in passing, I pick out former LSU guys and root for them to have good games. 
you definitely married up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 05:17:54 PM
Lin Manuel Miranda cast himself as Hamilton. He's actually the weakest part of the whole ensemble! =P

I likewise don't usually dig musicals. I'm not much of a singer (although I'm hoping to land a part in "Ring of Fire" this week), and enjoy letting my music breathe to the point where I don't care to tie it to action onstage.

Theater productions have several lives. They obviously hit the "big time" stages first. Once they get past whatever contract is there, they get released to tour and travel. Eventually, they get released to the local producers. I'm bracing myself for every high school wanting to try it on.

"Tommy" is a self indulgent Townshend vanity project. It's got some fantastically awesome hits in it! No doubt! The story and acting, though, is unwatchable (well, there's Ann Margaret, so not unwatchable).
And there are those that think similarly of Hamilton, up to and including Lin Manuel Miranda's choice of casting, you know, himself, as Hamilton. ;)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 20, 2021, 05:18:14 PM

"Tommy" is a self indulgent Townshend vanity project. It's got some fantastically awesome hits in it! No doubt! The story and acting, though, is unwatchable (well, there's Ann Margaret, so not unwatchable).

I mean Elton John, Eric Clapton, Keith Moon, Jack Nicholson and Tina Turner

bunch of amateurs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 20, 2021, 05:21:57 PM

I mean Elton John, Eric Clapton, Keith Moon, Jack Nicholson and Tina Turner

bunch of amateurs
Heh... indeed.

I really only brought up Tommy as an example of a musical theater production, with a style of music that differed from the norm, and that many people (including my parents) disliked and rejected.

And most everybody accepted that just fine, because in THAT case, everyone understood that art is a matter of personal taste.

The woke culture (and the PC culture that preceded it) have done a tremendous amount of damage to the freedom of expression that is absolutely critical for the pure expression and appreciation of art-- which includes the freedom to dislike any art you feel like, and openly state that opinion if you desire, without fear of your opinion being canceled by those who fear individual thought.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 20, 2021, 05:50:56 PM
I never saw it live. I saw Ken Burns' movie, so maybe it's better onstage. It's billed as a "rock opera", since there's no dialog other than the songs.

And yeah, Miranda is a pretty brilliant playwright, but he needs to give his roles to an actual actor. It feels like the coach's son playing QB sometimes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 20, 2021, 05:51:15 PM
you definitely married up

No doubt.

Are you a Cowboys fan?  I woulda took you for a Texans fan, being a Houston guy.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 20, 2021, 05:53:17 PM
The woke culture (and the PC culture that preceded it) have done a tremendous amount of damage to the freedom of expression that is absolutely critical for the pure expression and appreciation of art-- which includes the freedom to dislike any art you feel like, and openly state that opinion if you desire, without fear of your opinion being canceled by those who fear individual thought.

Comedians have been pretty vocal lately about the woke culture.  They say it's killing their careers.

You know things have soured when Bill Maher rants about the far left.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 20, 2021, 07:31:13 PM
No doubt.

Are you a Cowboys fan?  I woulda took you for a Texans fan, being a Houston guy. 
you bet

there was a time when right before the cowboy kickoff when the kicker would look over to the ref for approval to kick the ref would make sure I was sitting in front of the TV with a cold one and then give his approval to kick

in high school our offensive line ( of which I was one) would rise and fall like the boys used to do before the ball is snapped

those were the days

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 20, 2021, 10:33:44 PM
I don't enjoy musicals that are movies, none of them.  I can abide a few of them where the singing is part of the gig, like SOM.  I never have liked them. 

I really like classical music, most of it, which many find "boring", which is OK with me.  I mostly was amused that my negative opinion elicited such reactions from some.

The audience at Hamilton was 90% white and at least half over 50 from what I could see.  The audience at the symphonies we attend is 90+% white and much older.  I do see more younger folks in Atlanta than in Cincinnati.

Cincinnati has a fabulous venue built in 1885 or so, and we got to know the conductor, a really neat French dude.  Atlanta's venue is more modern, circa 1960 or so, and not really very welcoming, and the acoustics are not great.
Is Cincinnati's music hall the one that his supposed to be haunted, or was built on top of a burial ground, or something like that?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 20, 2021, 10:42:04 PM
I cant think of any successful musical that wasnt made into a movie

hard to believe you dont like the movie version West Side Story or South Pacific
I like both of those.
But a WWII combat Marine, Robert Leckie, who wrote Helmet for My Pillow, went to see South Pacific on Broadway and angrily walked out, saying that WWII was not a musical.  One might ask what he thought he was going to see.
This poem is taken from the aforementioned book.  It describes a battle along the Tenaru River on Guadalcanal.

The Battle of the Tenaru, August 21, 1942
by Robert Leckie

A helmet for my pillow,
A poncho for my bed,
My rifle rests across my chest-
The stars swing overhead.

The whisper of the kunai,
The murmur of the sea,
The sighing palm and night so calm
Betray no enemy.

Hear! river bank so silent
You men who sleep around
That foreign scream across the stream-
Up! Fire at the sound!

Sweeping over the sandspit
That blocks the Tenaru
With Banzai-boast a mushroomed host
Vows to destroy our few.

Into your holes and gunpits!
Kill them with rifles and knives!
Feed them with lead until they are dead-
And widowed are their wives.

Sons of the mothers who gave you
Honor and gift of birth
Strike with the knife till blood and life
Run out upon the earth.

Marines, keep faith with your glory
Keep to your trembling hole.
Intruder feel of Nippon steel
Can't penetrate your soul.

Closing, they charge all howling
Their breasts all targets large.
The gun must shake, the bullets make
A slaughter of their charge.

Red are the flashing tracers,
Yellow the bursting shells.
Hoarse is the cry of men who die
Shrill are the woundeds' yells.

God, how the night reels stricken!
She shrieks with orange spark.
The mortar's lash and cannon's crash
Have crucified the dark.

Falling, the faltering foemen
Beneath our guns lie heaped.
By greenish glare of rocket's flare
We see the harvest reaped.

Now has the first fierce onslaught
Been broken and hammered back.
Hammered and hit, from hole and pit-
We rise up to attack!

Day bursts pale from a gun tube,
The gibbering night has fled.
By light of dawn the foe has drawn
A line behind his dead.

Our tanks clank in behind him,
Our riflemen move out.
Their hearts have met our bayonet-
It's ended with a shout.

"Cease fire!" -the words go ringing,
Over the heaps of the slain.
The battle's won, the Rising Sun
Lies riddled on the plain.

St. Michael, angel of battle
We praise you to God on high.
The foe you gave was strong and brave
And unafraid to die.

Speak to the Lord for our comrades,
Killed when the battle seemed lost.
They went to meet a bright defeat-
The hero's holocaust.

False is the vaunt of the victor,
Empty our living pride.
For those who fell there is no hell-
Not for the brave who died.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 21, 2021, 08:02:31 AM
Is Cincinnati's music hall the one that his supposed to be haunted, or was built on top of a burial ground, or something like that?
Maybe, not that I know of.  It was recently refurbished to the tune of $85 million and it looks great.  It was funded by German immigrants who did well here back in the day, it's in the area termed "Over the Rhine" because it's north of what once was a canal.

Cincinnati Music Hall

Music Hall was built over a potter's field, a place where immigrants and the poor who had died without identification were buried. It is rumored that the "soul and spirits" of those buried now haunt the building, according to Friends of Music Hall.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 21, 2021, 08:05:03 AM
We really enjoyed going there even though it was a 12 mile drive.  Now we can walk but the new hall is sterile.  My wife got to know the Cincy conductor and his wife very well, Louis Langree, he's an interesting character, really a fun guy.  I greatly enjoyed his conducting style.

The ASO conductor is in his last year, Robert Spano, she tried to get Langree apply for the position.  I hope they can upgrade/update the hall soon, COVID wiped out a season of course and the funds.  Now they are checking vax cards at the door.  My vax card could be duplicated in about 5 seconds.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 21, 2021, 09:44:08 AM
So you're in ATL these days?  What precipitated the move away from Cincy?

And now don't we have to change your name to AtlantaDawg?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 21, 2021, 09:46:43 AM
You really HAVE been gone awhile.

In other recent news, Fidel Castro is dead!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 21, 2021, 09:49:37 AM
you bet

there was a time when right before the cowboy kickoff when the kicker would look over to the ref for approval to kick the ref would make sure I was sitting in front of the TV with a cold one and then give his approval to kick

in high school our offensive line ( of which I was one) would rise and fall like the boys used to do before the ball is snapped

those were the days
Lots and lots and lots of Dallas Cowboys fans in and around the Houston area.  Why?  It's simple.  Dallas has won superbowls, while Houston teams haven't done squat.  A lot of fans threw in the towel on the Oilers when they blew that 30 point lead at Buffalo.  Texans haven't exactly done much either.  Of course, Cowboys are running on past glory, but that's something.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 21, 2021, 01:52:23 PM
Maybe, not that I know of.  It was recently refurbished to the tune of $85 million and it looks great.  It was funded by German immigrants who did well here back in the day, it's in the area termed "Over the Rhine" because it's north of what once was a canal.

Cincinnati Music Hall

Music Hall was built over a potter's field, a place where immigrants and the poor who had died without identification were buried. It is rumored that the "soul and spirits" of those buried now haunt the building, according to Friends of Music Hall.


Yeah, I thought I remembered that.

At some point, I had a slide on the Cincinnati Music Hall in a PowerPoint file on the architecture of the Gilded Age.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 22, 2021, 10:07:49 AM
Any gardening/arborist nerds here?  My stepson is into air-layering plants (an easy propagation method), he's done quite a few between our yard and his dad's.  I didn't know about it until I saw him do a few.  So I thought it'd be fun to go do a few of my dad's.  I've wanted a fig tree for a while, but instead of buying one I figured it would be cool to have a "legacy" tree of sorts, plus one of dad's fig trees has outstanding genetics, the kind that makes you say "Yeah, I'll take a clone of that in my yard."  He also has a nice vitex chaste that I just like the looks of, and the wife and I were planning on planting the air-layer in our front yard. 

They didn't go well.  They rooted well but didn't survive transport and planting.  Must be harder than the kid lets on.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 22, 2021, 11:04:33 AM
I think I might have understood every third word in that paragraph, so it's probably safe to say, I'm not a gardening/arborist nerd.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 22, 2021, 11:26:52 AM
7 Sensational Mexican Restaurants You've Got To Try In Atlanta - Secret Atlanta (

I've been to El Rey's, it's good, it's a drive for us, now to try this one.  we can walk there through the park, win.

Atlanta's Margarita Bar & Taqueria on the BeltLine | Guac y Margys | GyM (

Guac y Margys (@guacymargys) • Instagram photos and videos (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 22, 2021, 11:34:05 AM
Any gardening/arborist nerds here?  My stepson is into air-layering plants (an easy propagation method), he's done quite a few between our yard and his dad's.  I didn't know about it until I saw him do a few.  So I thought it'd be fun to go do a few of my dad's.  I've wanted a fig tree for a while, but instead of buying one I figured it would be cool to have a "legacy" tree of sorts, plus one of dad's fig trees has outstanding genetics, the kind that makes you say "Yeah, I'll take a clone of that in my yard."  He also has a nice vitex chaste that I just like the looks of, and the wife and I were planning on planting the air-layer in our front yard. 

They didn't go well.  They rooted well but didn't survive transport and planting.  Must be harder than the kid lets on. 
Mrs. 847 is doing a lot of that down here. Of course, everything just grows here, whether you want it to, or not.

You can stick a branch in the ground and a month later you got a bush.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 22, 2021, 11:45:19 AM
Mrs. 847 is doing a lot of that down here. Of course, everything just grows here, whether you want it to, or not.

You can stick a branch in the ground and a month later you got a bush.

Yep.  Which makes it all the more incredible (not in a good way) that I seem to have botched my two attempts.  

Looks like this wasn't the best time to plant a fig tree....probably shoulda researched that first.  And should've potted it before planting.  The vitex may make it, it's still alive, but it appears dead just by looking at it.  We'll give it a while, my wife says she's seen things in worse shape make a comeback.  Just not sure why it got so bad off in the first place.

We can always go to the store and buy plants, but I thought this would make a for a minor hobby.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 22, 2021, 11:52:11 AM
My wife bought a plumeria in Hawaii.  It looked like a greenish stick about a foot long.  Well, it frew and now is 4 feet tall, she cut a branch and stuck it in some potting mix and it's growing now too.  We have WAY too many plants though.  WAY.  Fortunately we have three decks and I have banned all but a few plants from two of them.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 22, 2021, 12:02:11 PM
We have an appropriate amount of plants outside.  I wouldn't mind doing a little more in the landscaped areas. 

Inside though, I think we have way too many.  Mrs. DeDKR seems to think we don't have nearly enough.  They keep appearing, and my desk is routinely overrun with creeping vines.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 22, 2021, 12:04:34 PM
Mrs. CD buys them on line often as not, I try and keep her out of Home Depot.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 22, 2021, 12:09:10 PM
If you want to grow something that is crazily robust and indestructible and will make you feel like a mighty green-thumbed warrior, plant some cilantro.  It's pretty much impossible to prevent it from flourishing.

But do it in a pot, otherwise your entire yard will become cilantro.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 22, 2021, 12:19:27 PM
Yikes, I don't need any more weeds.  Ever since Harvey laid waste to this area a few years ago our yard has been a fight to keep tidy. 

I recently cleaned out a flower bed that runs along the back side of the house that had gotten in a sad state, and we planted purple heart for some ground cover.  It's starting to look real nice.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 22, 2021, 12:22:39 PM
We grow all of our own cilantro, basil, oregano, and Italian parsley.  All in pots, otherwise that's all our yard would be. Every now and then, if I don't catch one before it goes to seed, the wind will grace us with some basil or cilantro in the grass.  I pull those in a hurry when I see them.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 22, 2021, 12:37:03 PM
Utee's Homegrown Herbs.  I like it.  I'll take a dozen of each.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 22, 2021, 12:44:21 PM
If you want to grow something that is crazily robust and indestructible and will make you feel like a mighty green-thumbed warrior, plant some cilantro.  It's pretty much impossible to prevent it from flourishing.

But do it in a pot, otherwise your entire yard will become cilantro.

This is one herb the wife cannot grow, at all, it dies in weeks.  I don't know why.

She does have a nice kudzu crop though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 22, 2021, 01:08:15 PM
I didnt think anybody could kill cilantro

thats a gift
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 22, 2021, 01:14:01 PM
She grows every other major herb, but cilantro dies on her every time.

We have a bay leaf/laurel plant about 3 feet high.  Mint she can grow of course, that stuff gets evil.

She has a large fig tree now, meaning like 5 foot.  She's getting figs now, and she grows Mayer lemons.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 22, 2021, 01:28:24 PM
maybe if you look up how to grow cilantro on google that would help
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 22, 2021, 01:57:22 PM
Don't tell her.  Please.  We have enough now.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 22, 2021, 01:58:10 PM
yes, women will actually read the instructions
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 22, 2021, 02:07:58 PM
They actually will ask directions too, it's the darndest thing.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 22, 2021, 02:10:20 PM
I didnt think anybody could kill cilantro

thats a gift
No kidding.  I've never heard of such a thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 22, 2021, 05:40:31 PM
The deep freeze took out my rosemary bush. That was fine with me, because it was impeding access to the mailbox, and I'm not gonna eat that much turkey ever (all I really use it for).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 22, 2021, 06:21:03 PM
This is one herb the wife cannot grow, at all, it dies in weeks.  I don't know why.

She does have a nice kudzu crop though.

Judging by my admittedly brief couple of years living in GA, kudzu is an inevitability, not a planned goal.  

I haven't been to Macon in years but I doubt it's there anymore.  I expect the kudzu took that city over years ago.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 22, 2021, 06:26:08 PM
The deep freeze took out my rosemary bush. That was fine with me, because it was impeding access to the mailbox, and I'm not gonna eat that much turkey ever (all I really use it for).

It took out our star jasmine, sort of.  It's still alive, but ugly as hell and likely to stay that way for a long time.  It makes the driveway area of our front yard look like a haunted house.  Didn't get our nice blooms this year that smell kind of like honeysuckle.  I'm thinking of just digging them up and re-planting.  They got a little out of control beyond the trellis they climb anyway.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 22, 2021, 11:23:15 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 23, 2021, 09:14:27 AM
Judging by my admittedly brief couple of years living in GA, kudzu is an inevitability, not a planned goal. 

I haven't been to Macon in years but I doubt it's there anymore.  I expect the kudzu took that city over years ago. 
We spent the night recently in a B&B in Macon, I had never been downtown.  It's missable.  The Indian mounds are pretty neat.  That is near perfect kudzu weather.

You can watch the stuff grow on a hot day in about 15 minutes see the tendrils move and the plant extend.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 23, 2021, 10:27:23 AM
Full Metal Jacket 4K | I Am Your Drill Instructor Mashup | Warner Bros. Entertainment - YouTube (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Bonfired on September 23, 2021, 07:16:47 PM
Hey Bon!
Greetings, utee (and others).

Gigem, I think you're right...that was a hell of a long time ago. I met Shiner around 2005 or so. Seems like it was before the Iowa State game where Todd Blythe had eleventy billion yards receiving and I think 4 touchdowns...that was the season I was officially done with the man I called Francovic. We have two of our former coaches battling cancer right now...oof.

Anyway, good to see some of the old crew still hanging in there. I can actually see retiring from teaching on the horizon...hit my number in 2024. I had just finished my first year when I found CNNSI in was still kind of the Internet Wild West back then.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 24, 2021, 01:00:51 AM
still driving around in that beat up corvette?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 24, 2021, 10:08:53 PM
Good to hear from you again Bonfired. You’re the only person from this board I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. 

Glad to hear the end is in site for your teaching career. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 24, 2021, 10:21:22 PM
still driving around in that beat up corvette?
oops, that was Shiner
sorry Bon
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Bonfired on September 25, 2021, 08:36:21 AM
Good to hear from you again Bonfired. You’re the only person from this board I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.

Glad to hear the end is in site for your teaching career.
Me, too. It's sort of like when athletes know their time is up and it's time to hand the baton off to the younger generation...I am basically there, just have to get to "rule of 80" to give myself the option of, well, pursuing other options. Sitting at 76 now.

I won't bore folks with tales of the 2020-21 school year, but to say it sucked would be a colossal understatement.

Fearless, no worries. I've got my 2001 F250 still going, even though it's been stolen twice since 2018. Idgits who took it for a joyride in 2018 put regular gas in the diesel engine...$8000 to repair it. I was shocked that it wasn't totaled by the insurance folks.

Trying to remember the message board folks that I've met through the years....Gigem, Shiner, #11, Sarita, KSBearsFan, Dustin, a handful of the Huskers (Fearless and his brother, Entropy, Chuck Green, Vine St. Bomber), Burnt Eyes and the late, great Hookster.

Don't have a great feeling about today's game against the not-so-wee Piggies. They've given us grief even when they weren't very good, and they appear to be a semi-competent bunch this year.

It's a nice morning, so off for a walk. One smart thing I did for myself during the Covid unpleasantness was lose some weight. Figured a healthier body was as good a way as any to try to reduce any ill effects if I did catch the 'Rona.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 25, 2021, 10:42:53 AM
I’ve been wondering what happened to Sarita and #11.  Perhaps they post under another name?  And what happened to Dustin?  I remember he was a pilot but also had a lot of interest in programming. Shiner has popped in thru the years. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 25, 2021, 11:12:48 AM
I'm Facebook friends with mr. b and #11.  They moved to Paris for a while and did the expat thing.  I think they're back now, though.  Neither has posted in a long time.

Dustin ran his own version of Wingy's site for a while but finally decided to kill it.  I saw him and his dad at my tailgate party pretty regularly, but when I gave up the tailgate... four years ago maybe... I haven't seen or heard from him since.

I stay in touch with Burny, he's living the doomsday prepper life on acreage in the foothills of Tennessee these days, seems quite happy not to interact with humans much at all anymore. Can't say I blame him. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Bonfired on September 25, 2021, 12:01:15 PM
Burny in the foothills of Tennessee...would not have guessed that. I make it to those parts every now and then (Chattanooga).

#11 and Mr. b/Sarita's daughter is (I think) 9 now. We went to an Astros game some years ago, and I saw #11 maybe 2 years ago when he was back in the states for a bit.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 25, 2021, 02:41:44 PM
Glad not to do a push-up for each point the Dawgs put up, Vandy is awful.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 25, 2021, 03:31:51 PM
I'm Facebook friends with mr. b and #11.  They moved to Paris for a while and did the expat thing.  I think they're back now, though.  Neither has posted in a long time.

Dustin ran his own version of Wingy's site for a while but finally decided to kill it.  I saw him and his dad at my tailgate party pretty regularly, but when I gave up the tailgate... four years ago maybe... I haven't seen or heard from him since.

I stay in touch with Burny, he's living the doomsday prepper life on acreage in the foothills of Tennessee these days, seems quite happy not to interact with humans much at all anymore. Can't say I blame him. :)
I never went to the CFN site, just Dustins site. CF Refugees maybe?  I didn’t visit often, but when I tried to visit once it was shut down. I didn’t know what happened and I didn’t think I’d find everybody again but I tried googling college football forum and college football fan sites.  I luck until I googled hooky hornstein and this site was the first hit where he posted his own username once or twice. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Bonfired on September 25, 2021, 03:38:38 PM
Glad not to do a push-up for each point the Dawgs put up, Vandy is awful.
Yeah, when your point total (62) nearly exceeds your opponent's yardage (77), you've dominated.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 25, 2021, 05:20:38 PM
oops, that was Shiner
sorry Bon

Understandable...they all look alike. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 29, 2021, 09:15:36 AM
from ESPN.................

So how hostile can Texas and Oklahoma expect it to get?

At that media day in 1990, emotions ran so high that Baylor coach Grant Teaff compared the Hogs' move to that week's invasion of Kuwait.

"I'm now thoroughly convinced that the Southeastern Conference is the Iraq of the college football scene in America," Teaff said.

Then-Texas A&M coach R.C. Slocum said that teams would be geared up to "get their last licks on Arkansas," adding, "The fans will probably be more emotionally involved than the players."

The players, for their part, were more insulated from it. They were already accustomed to fans taunting them. But the 1990 and 1991 seasons added a new wrinkle on the field.

"Players would hit you and say, 'Take that to the SEC with you,'" said Quinn Grovey, Crowe's quarterback in 1990. "There was a lot of trash talk." (

While both Texas and OU are favored this weekend, Crowe preached caution.

"You've drawn a line with every other state [in the Big 12] that you're about to throw 'em out," he said. "You can be their undoing. You're taking some of their pride with you, because it won't be the same. Those other teams know it's never gonna be any better than it was.

"Good luck, Texas and Oklahoma."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 29, 2021, 09:31:48 AM
So now they're REALLY gonna play hard against Texas and OU?

OU's string of dominating the Big 12 doesn't need any more ink (is that still a thing, like "dial a phone"?). If you play in the Big 12, I'm sure OU gets your full attention in practice and on Saturday.

Texas. Every school's alumni and donor base hates Texas. We're the arrogant, "do less with more", entitled rich kids who live off glory 40 years old. If you signed your scholarship papers with another Big 12 institution, you know all this. The fans tell you. The coaches tell you. It's Texas week!

Nobody overlooks either of those teams, ever. Much like God favoring the side with the better artillery (misquoted and misattributed), the team with the better trained OL and DL usually carry the day over those with bulletin board material. Texas has struggled to be that team over the last decade. My heart thinks Texas may be changing that. My brain is starting to believe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 29, 2021, 09:47:38 AM
Yeah, I don't really see teams getting any MORE up, than they already do, against Texas (or OU).

That Gary Patterson stat is telling.

TCU is 2-9 the week before playing Texas.  They are 7-2 against Texas.  They are 3-6 the week after playing Texas.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 29, 2021, 11:27:38 AM
Maybe they play a good team the week before?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 29, 2021, 11:30:53 AM
like Oklahoma
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 29, 2021, 11:34:23 AM
Maybe they play a good team the week before?
SMU the past two years.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 29, 2021, 11:40:42 AM
How would a player get "up" for one opponent more than others?  Would it be beneficial in general for his performance?  Is a RB going to run harder somehow against X but not Y?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 29, 2021, 11:43:23 AM
How would a player get "up" for one opponent more than others?  Would it be beneficial in general for his performance? Is a RB going to run harder somehow against X but not Y?

Sure.  Of course.  Why not?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 29, 2021, 04:12:34 PM
There shouldn't be a reason for it. An athlete should give maximal controlled effort every time.

But we know that's not the way 18-22 year old male brains work. You can say it all you want, but the OL will play differently in the 3rd quarter of a blowout against Texas Southern than they will against Georgia. Once they job is essentially done, it's tough to convince the brain to stay at peak performance.

A good athlete can harness rage and aggression and make it work for him. If it's uncontrolled, it leads to sloppy play and mistakes. That anger just comes more naturally against some teams. It helps when the coach tells you what the alumni think of that particular team.

Everybody who ain't Texas hates Texas. Everybody who IS Texas knows that. When you put on the Longhorn helmet, the guys on the other side will enjoy beating you. For them, the last 10 years were a lot of fun!

I don't see how you can hate from outside of the club!
I mean, you can't even get in!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 29, 2021, 04:49:37 PM
I'm sure teams back off when way ahead, I'm thinking of motivation at the start of a game.  I played sports in HS, still play baseball on occasion.  I cannot recall ever being more up for a game over some other game.  That's just me, but you only get so many competitive events in your life.  College football is pretty exciting stuff.  I think nearly all are amped the same before each game.  They may get tired later or back off a bit if the score is out of hand.

I can understand being over confident playing Directional State, but under motivated at the start?  That would puzzle me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 29, 2021, 04:54:14 PM
I'm sure teams back off when way ahead, I'm thinking of motivation at the start of a game.  I played sports in HS, still play baseball on occasion.  I cannot recall ever being more up for a game over some other game.  That's just me, but you only get so many competitive events in your life.  College football is pretty exciting stuff.  I think nearly all are amped the same before each game.  They may get tired later or back off a bit if the score is out of hand.

I can understand being over confident playing Directional State, but under motivated at the start?  That would puzzle me.
I'm not sure baseball is particularly analogous to a highly physical, highly aggressive sport like football.

A university of Texas football player that I know, told me that as a player, you just can't get UP for every game.  It's unrealistic and impossible.  And being "UP" makes a difference in how you play a physical, aggressive game like football.  

He said that you CAN get up for 2-3 games per year.  Rivalries are usually among those.

I'll go ahead and take his word for it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 29, 2021, 10:06:03 PM
it's more about not being extremely focused the week in practice leading up to the game

than a few minutes after kickoff
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 30, 2021, 07:47:50 AM
it's more about not being extremely focused the week in practice leading up to the game

than a few minutes after kickoff

Coaches are fond of saying, "you play the way you practice."  If you put in extra intensity all week long preparing for a rival, it's going to show during the game itself.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 30, 2021, 09:20:10 AM
"Only mad people win football games"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 30, 2021, 11:17:15 AM
I can see being more intense in practice, it's a motivation for everyone.  I played basketball also, was pretty decent in HS, I didn't get up or down for any opponent, and it's fairly physical.  But, yeah, practice before playing Vandy could be less intense, and likely is, compared with Florida or Arkansas.

UGA didn't seem to have first quarter issues with Vandy, but they may be historically bad for them.

I do like what I see from Arkansas and Pittman, I think they found a coach to match their style and persona, reminds me a bit of the Dooley teams.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 30, 2021, 11:31:45 AM
Arkansas can screw right off.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 30, 2021, 04:07:12 PM
So I look outside my front door yesterday and there is a dead cat about 4 feet from the door in the flower bed

I really didnt want to miss with it so I went about finding someone to take it away

Plan A:  I called Harris Cty animal control and got absolutely no where
All I got were recordings and no actual person.  It was like calling the IRS

Plan B:  I looked up some services on google but they wanted 2 to 3 hundred
dollars to come get the cat.  No dead cat in the world is worth $300

Plan C: I called my yard guy and he said he'd make it disappear for $50
Problem solved

The joys of home ownership never disappoints

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 30, 2021, 04:13:32 PM
I'd have done it for $40 if I was in the neighborhood

or 8 subway sammiches
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 30, 2021, 04:26:22 PM
I'd have done it for $40 if I was in the neighborhood

or 8 subway sammiches
My neighbors son was Plan D
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 30, 2021, 04:41:13 PM
he'd have prolly done it for 20 bucks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 30, 2021, 04:49:55 PM
he'd have prolly done it for 20 bucks
yep but what exactly would he have done with it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 30, 2021, 05:37:49 PM
hah, you don't want to know
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 01, 2021, 09:44:00 AM
I'd have called a local Chinese restaurant.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 01, 2021, 10:08:20 AM
I'd have called a local Chinese restaurant.
never thought of that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 01, 2021, 10:24:46 AM
they prefer live cats, of course

freshness is important
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on October 02, 2021, 09:53:10 AM
they prefer live cats, of course

freshness is important
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 02, 2021, 09:57:42 AM
Lava Sent 100 Feet Into the Air After Kilauea Volcano Eruption - Breaking Weather (

We're headed out there for two weeks in December.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 02, 2021, 11:00:54 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 02, 2021, 11:05:07 AM
good one CW
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 09, 2021, 10:26:56 PM
Where's Gig 'em?  The Aggies are beating Bama 31-17 in the 3rd quarter.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on October 10, 2021, 12:01:58 AM
Aggies down Bama on a walk off FG.  Congrats!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 10, 2021, 12:02:50 AM
Where's Gig 'em?  The Aggies are beating Bama 31-17 in the 3rd quarter.
hes trying to catch all his flying pigs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 10, 2021, 12:06:42 AM
Maybe he caught 'em.

Congratulations to the Aggies.

The SEC board is dead.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 10, 2021, 12:29:28 AM
God damnit. I was shitting bricks and sweating bullets. 

Where TF has this Aggie Team been ?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 10, 2021, 11:47:44 AM

Your Aggies were pretty beat-up by the end of the game.  They showed a lot of heart after letting a big lead get away and then coming back to tie, to stop Bama's attempt at a game-winning drive, and to drive for the game-winning FG behind a QB who probably should have been standing on the sideline with his ankle in a brace.

I'm sure that win will be celebrated in Aggie lore for a long time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 10, 2021, 12:43:38 PM
It’s hard to express how good that felt, especially after the two disappointing losses v Ark and Miss St. 

We’ve had some memorable games with Alabama, especially competitive first halves where we were playing well and even leading only to see it all come unraveled in the 2nd half and lose by 3 TDs. It felt like more of the same during the 3rd quarter when we didn’t do anything and then had the blocked punt for a TD. 

I knew we were going to win when Achane had the KO return for a TD. Even when Bama went up by 38-31 I still felt like we were going to win. It’s hard to understand how Calzada played so poorly earlier in the season. We barely beat CU, did nothing against Ark and MSU. 

Now I’m wondering what it would take to win the SECW. If Bama loses one more and we win out is how I see it. A long way to go before that happens, but stranger things have happened. When was the last time a 2 loss team won the SECW?  LSU in 2007 is one I’m thinking of. Maybe Auburn in 13?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 10, 2021, 01:01:39 PM
Well, all things, good and otherwise, eventually come to an end, so maybe Bama's reign in the SEC is ending.  Stranger things have happened than a 2-loss team not named Bama winning the SEC West.

Good luck with the rest of your season.  I look forward to OU playing A&M again once the move to the SEC happens.  I have fond memories of my one road trip to College Station.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2021, 06:16:18 PM
Indeed congrats to the ags.  My i s c & a aggie wife was delighted with the outcome.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 11, 2021, 07:55:47 PM
SEC slaps Texas A&M with fine for rushing the field after downing top-ranked Alabama (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 12, 2021, 02:02:21 PM
I can see why higher authorities would want to discourage fans rushing the field.  It can be dangerous.

But A&M fans would probably be glad to contribute toward paying that fine.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 12, 2021, 10:29:14 PM
well, the bluebloods don't rush the field often so, protecting your own
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on October 13, 2021, 10:48:06 AM
I think the fines are a way of saying, "This is against the rules! We punished them for breaking the rules!... Anyway, we disclaim any liability arising from anyone getting hurt while this happens. After all, it's against the rules.".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 13, 2021, 01:29:45 PM
well, the bluebloods don't rush the field often so, protecting your own
You're right!
But OU fans rushed the floor of the Cotton Bowl Saturday, so there's yer exception.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 14, 2021, 10:06:51 AM
no mention of a fine?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 14, 2021, 12:53:45 PM
I don't think I remember any discussion of a fine.

The OU radio guys talked about the Sooner fans rushing the field as if it had never happened before in Dallas.  That doesn't make it true--that talk was right after the game was over, amidst all the hubub.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 16, 2021, 11:48:42 AM
Interesting. I just watched a Fox Pregame show where they were talking about the history of Bevo. The head silver spurs guy stated that they weren’t sure where Bevo got his name but it was thought to be a offshoot of the plural beef, which is Beev, and then they added the o.  Never heard that one before. I’ve heard about the Bevo beer and of course the A&M 13-0 branding story. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 16, 2021, 11:53:47 AM
Interesting. I just watched a Fox Pregame show where they were talking about the history of Bevo. The head silver spurs guy stated that they weren’t sure where Bevo got his name but it was thought to be a offshoot of the plural beef, which is Beev, and then they added the o.  Never heard that one before. I’ve heard about the Bevo beer and of course the A&M 13-0 branding story.

they need to fire that guy

the 13 to 0 story is the correct one
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 16, 2021, 12:01:25 PM
yup, keep it real
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 16, 2021, 03:33:55 PM
Does Texas now officially have 4th-quarter problems?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 16, 2021, 05:14:21 PM
ya think
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 18, 2021, 07:53:51 AM
Deleted. Too heavy for this forum. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 18, 2021, 09:38:18 AM
wow you do have a lot on your plate

sounds like you need to prioritize your problems

older brother number one IMHO

If you need a cash infusion for the business dont fall prey to some investment crooks that are out there

maybe small business loan might be the answer get to know your banker very well

when you do this have a plan dont just jump into it

as far as sleep goes thats just your brain working on problems for a solution
thats fairly common
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 18, 2021, 09:59:46 AM
I retired a few months ago, my life is stress free at the moment.  But, I still wake up ai 3 or 4 am and then struggle to get back to sleep.

Hang in there, wish you well.

Is selling the family business and option?

Get the younger brother a different job?  Jobs are plentiful

hopefully the older brother comes around.  Divorce can shake things up, but hopefully he gets it out of his system.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 18, 2021, 10:30:17 AM
hope he finds a reason to get some help

as you know, it's gotta be his idea
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 18, 2021, 10:38:07 AM
I’ve been talking to him for awhile about it. He at least acknowledges he needs help but he won’t admit he needs to go to rehab. He tells me that rehab is for losers and he’s nothing like those people. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 18, 2021, 10:58:53 AM
you got the first step, at least to a degree

some strong minded folks can do it w/o rehab

they have other good people in their lives they can lean on, perhaps you and younger brother, perhaps another good woman

Good luck
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on October 22, 2021, 09:46:01 AM
Watched Dune last night.  The movie is really well done but I was bummed to find out it was only half the story even though it was 2 hrs and 35 min.  Worse is that they haven't even done the script for the second half yet and it would be 2024 at best for part 2 to come out.
After spending yuuuge bucks for the sets (and sandworms!) you would think they would have done the second part while they were there.  LOR and the Hobbit did all three parts at the same time.
Dune looks to be a financial winner but this looks like they are going to kill the momentum it has going.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 22, 2021, 08:28:24 PM
I haven't seen it, and probably won't, as we just don't go to many movies anymore.

In the popup ads on the www, the Paul Atreides character looks like a hermaphrodite.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

But I don't know why these film adaptations of Dune (I'm thinking also of the 1984 version by David Lynch) seem to need that character to be of ambiguous sexuality.  Kyle MacLachlan is a "pretty" boy in that one.  (That does seem the norm for David Lynch from what little else of his work I've seen.)

In reading Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, and enough of God Emperor of Dune to know that I had had enough, I never thought that Paul Atreides was anything other than an unambiguously straight male.

Or maybe that was there but it was just too subtle for me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 22, 2021, 09:51:53 PM
I haven't seen it, and probably won't, as we just don't go to many movies anymore.

In the popup ads on the www, the Paul Atreides character looks like a hermaphrodite.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

But I don't know why these film adaptations of Dune (I'm thinking also of the 1984 version by David Lynch) seem to need that character to be of ambiguous sexuality.  Kyle MacLachlan is a "pretty" boy in that one.  (That does seem the norm for David Lynch from what little else of his work I've seen.)

In reading Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, and enough of God Emperor of Dune to know that I had had enough, I never thought that Paul Atreides was anything other than an unambiguously straight male.

Or maybe that was there but it was just too subtle for me.

Here's an article on the new version. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on October 22, 2021, 10:13:10 PM
I watched it on HBOMax.  I read the books 4 decades ago, never noticed anything specific but it appeared Paul was into Fremen girl.  
I didn't care much for the David Lynch adaptation.  There was just too much material to pack it into a feature length film. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 23, 2021, 07:24:46 PM
I read the Dune series decades ago too.  So it's completely possible that I missed something about Paul Atreides.  But I think it's more likely that "edgy" directors want to make him into something other than the character that Frank Herbert created.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 11:52:22 AM

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 04, 2021, 12:18:45 PM
An interesting chili experience.  Our neighbor invited us over for .... "Texas chili" using a recipe he got from the NY Times.  You can see where this is going.  He said he had 2 pounds of ground turkey in the freeze which he bought for his dog, who passed away recently, so he made "chili" with it.  He told us the recipe called for cocoa powder and numerous spices, and of course it had two kinds of beans, a lot of them.  The ground turkey was tough and tasteless.  The sauce was meh.  There were far too many beans even for those who like beans in chili soup.  The wife raved about it fortunately.

Our neighbor is a nice enough fellow and he had opened two bottles of semidecent quaffable cab.  He used to live part time in Manhattan and is like a new yorker though he was born in Alabama.  Anyway, I'm thinking I need to make my style of chili to get that taste out of my brain.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 12:19:52 PM
gotta be some smoked pork belly and smoked cheese and smoked beans in there someplace
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 12:21:42 PM
Our neighbor is a nice enough fellow and he had opened two bottles of semidecent quaffable cab.  He used to live part time in Manhattan and is like a new yorker though he was born in Alabama.  Anyway, I'm thinking I need to make my style of chili to get that taste out of my brain.
check the monkey thread for a Cajun recipe with beans
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 04, 2021, 12:42:07 PM
My own "chili" is pretty simple, usually involving whatever I find in the fridge.  It's usually, nearly always, quite quaffable.  I like a lot of onions and garlic and bell pepper and usually use ground beef.  It works for me.  I've had some white bean chili like soup that I like a lot also.

I'm going down to Willy's now for a "baja burrito", which I like a lot.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 12:53:28 PM
check the monkey thread for a Cajun recipe with beans
no thanks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 01:07:13 PM
shoulda said no thanks to the SEC SEC SEC

of course, as you always state, no one asked you to make that decision
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 01:10:58 PM
I always figured Texas and OU would end up in the SECSECSEC.  It's the only conference that makes sense, geographically.

I just didn't think it would be quite this soon.  But here we are.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 04, 2021, 02:03:59 PM
Man, you guys are going fast--going from charcuterie to "Texas chili" consisting of ground turkey and lots of beans to monkeying around to joining the SEC sooner than anyone expected.

Like SEC Speed!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 04, 2021, 02:04:54 PM
I'm trying to plan a trip to Austin, to visit, sometime, probably springish.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 02:10:18 PM
I might get to Austin sometime before the end of March

Brother's friends were in Lincoln for the Sharkwater tailgate and invited me to visit
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 02:11:31 PM
My Version of Authentic Chili:

3 cups finely minced white onion (2 large)
16 garlic cloves, finely minced (2 large)
32 ounces chicken broth, with fat removed (1 box)
15 ounces tomato sauce (1 can)
6 tablespoons ground cumin (2oz)
2 tablespoons Tres Ochos chile powder
2 tablespoons Bull Canyon chile powder
1 tablespoons Habanero chile powder (hot)
1 tablespoons Puebla chile powder
1 tablespoons New Mexico Hot chile powder 
4 tablespoons Pecos Red chile powder
6 tablespoons Chipotle chile powder
4 teaspoons salt

6 pounds tri-tip beef, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
4 tablespoon virgin olive oil
2 teaspoon meat tenderizer

In a large pot simmer onion and minced garlic in 8 cups of chicken broth for 10 minutes. Add tomato sauce and all dry spices, except the tenderizer. Mix well. Brown the meat in oil using a separate pan and drain well. Sprinkle the meat with the tenderizer. Add the meat to the onion/spice mixture. Add remaining broth and simmer for 2 1/2 hours.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 04, 2021, 02:23:43 PM
Because OU is the only 9-0 team in all the land yet sits at #8 in the CFP rankings, I was thinking this morning about the perception (and to some extent, the reality) of the Big 12 as a weak football conference.  The perception must be a big part of the reason that OU and UT are leaving to join the SEC.

So, of course, like any right-thinking person, I find that it's all Texas' fault!  :)

In terms of on-the-field performance, if Texas of 2010-2020 had been like Texas of 1996-2009, I don't think that OU and UT would be leaving.  The Big 12 would be stronger, and the perception would be even "more" stronger.

Texas is a blueblood that gets a lot of attention--a national audience--because of its history.  (As does OU, of course, although somewhat less of a national audience, I think.)  If Texas' performance were living up to its reputation, we'd not only be seeing OU and UT having great RRS battles, more often than not, we'd be seeing rematches in the CCG.  That would be making the Big 12 more prominent, we'd have bigger TV contracts, we wouldn't be in the position of getting stuck with so many 11:00 start times for televised games, etc.

So, to the Irate 8 I say, BLAME IT ON THE HORNS!

P.S.  To my original point, I understand that if OU had been blowing out teams like Tulane, Nebraska (~???), West Virginia, and Kansas, the perception of the Big 12 as a weak conference wouldn't so much.  But OU hasn't been, so it does.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 04, 2021, 02:41:30 PM
Those close games don't help perceptions of course, and I think it is merited.  OU can fix that over the next four games.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 02:48:38 PM
Chile recipe looks good, Fearless.

These days I use reconstituted whole chiles, instead of chili powder.  I get more depth of flavor, although I certainly can't control the flavor profile as tightly.  That's why competition chili cooks tend to use powders as well.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 04, 2021, 03:08:42 PM
A buddy of mine freeze dries chili powder from peppers he grows, and garlic he grows.  I use that, sparingly, the wife is not a fan of spicy.

I prefer diced tomatoes if I don't have fresh.  I prefer ground beef, when I get fancy I grill the beef and then break it up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 03:47:12 PM
the particular chile powders change depending what I have in the box from Pendery's .

the key is to find a good flavor profile but also a heat profile from mild to damn hot

yup, competitions call for a smooth texture - nothing stuck in yer teeth of gliding over your tongue, so no chile skins or seeds, no tomato skins

and nothing that might be the least bit bitter, such as using beer as a liquid
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 03:49:04 PM
I had planned on bringing a crockpot full of this chili to the tailgate for the OSU game Saturday, but with the 11am kickoff I relented

many Yankees and poor dirt farmers aren't familiar with eating a bowl of Red for breakfast
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 03:53:31 PM
the particular chile powders change depending what I have in the box from Pendery's .

the key is to find a good flavor profile but also a heat profile from mild to damn hot

yup, competitions call for a smooth texture - nothing stuck in yer teeth of gliding over your tongue, so no chile skins or seeds, no tomato skins

and nothing that might be the least bit bitter, such as using beer as a liquid
I use a Vitamix, there's zero chance of skins or seeds surviving.

Texture is actually one key advantage of reconstituted chile peppers over chili powder.  No matter how long you cook it, the powder always puts a little graininess into the mixture.  Reconstituted peppers, blended in the Vitamix, are absolutely smooth as silk.  I'll never go back to powders.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 03:58:17 PM
Oh another advantage of reconstituted peppers, is that the blended up skins act as a thickening agent all by themselves.  No need ever to add masa, which a lot of recipes call for to thicken it.  I can always taste masa in a chili mixture and the flavor is off-putting to me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 04:01:34 PM
I had planned on bringing a crockpot full of this chili to the tailgate for the OSU game Saturday, but with the 11am kickoff I relented

many Yankees and poor dirt farmers aren't familiar with eating a bowl of Red for breakfast
Oh man, chili for breakfast is one of winter's great pleasures.  I like to fry an egg and put it on top.  So good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 04:03:58 PM
I'm trying to plan a trip to Austin, to visit, sometime, probably springish.
Let me know when, maybe er can meet up if you have time.  Even if not, I can provide recommendations for restaurants and set you on the correct path. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 04:05:12 PM
I use a Vitamix, there's zero chance of skins or seeds surviving.

Texture is actually one key advantage of reconstituted chile peppers over chili powder.  No matter how long you cook it, the powder always puts a little graininess into the mixture.  Reconstituted peppers, blended in the Vitamix, are absolutely smooth as silk.  I'll never go back to powders.
good to know, now I need another appliance

holy moly!  $400 for a blender?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 04:05:24 PM
Oh man, chili for breakfast is one of winter's great pleasures.  I like to fry an egg and put it on top.  So good.

I've tried and keep trying to educate the unwashed masses here in the great white north
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 04, 2021, 04:13:31 PM
Let me know when, maybe er can meet up if you have time.  Even if not, I can provide recommendations for restaurants and set you on the correct path. :)

We should have time, I think, I would plan on it, you can speak Francais with my wife.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 04:21:46 PM
We should have time, I think, I would plan on it, you can speak Francais with my wife.
Ha!  I wish I could speak French.  I can sort of read menus and attempt to order in French, that's about it.

But I don't reckon I'd need to take you to any French restaurants in Austin. We have a couple of good ones, but that's not why anyone comes here. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 04:53:01 PM
good to know, now I need another appliance

holy moly!  $400 for a blender?
Yeah... that's what I said when my i s c &  aggie wife brought one home one day about a decade ago.

But i have to say, it's been well worth it, over the years.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 04:54:34 PM
not sure I'll live long enough to get my money's worth

gotta chop a lot of chiles and make a lot of chili
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 04:55:29 PM
Yeah.  I use it to make enchilada gravy, too.  And soups.  And frozen drinks.

But yeah.... it's still a lot of money.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 04:57:35 PM
I'd have to learn to make enchilada gravy

I make some good soups

not frozen drinks, those are for girls
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 04:58:46 PM
No drink with tequila in it, is for girls.  Says so on the sign as you enter Mexico.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 04, 2021, 05:09:14 PM
Those close games don't help perceptions of course, and I think it is merited.  OU can fix that over the next four games.
The scenario that all the 1-loss teams and OU dread is Bama beating Georgia in the SEC CCG and both of them going to the playoff.  With Bama #2, a close win over Georgia would almost certainly have Bama #1 and Georgia somewhere in the 2-4 range.
I don't necessarily think that OU is under-ranked in the CFP.  Nor am I confident that OU will win out.
But I do think that Bama is over-ranked in the CFP.  Losses have to count for something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 05:21:01 PM
If OU finishes undefeated they'll be in the playoff.

If not, then all bets are off and you start needing help.  Same as every other year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 04, 2021, 06:42:00 PM
You're probably right, and I hope you're right.

But the situation is different this year.  Before, OU has lost an early game and backed into the top 4 as other teams lost.  This year, OU is undefeated, and a loss would eliminate them.

Imagine that Bama beats Georgia in the SEC CCG.  There are two of the slots taken right there.  Then there are the three other 1-loss teams--Oregon, Ohio State, and Michigan--ahead of OU.  Of course, Michigan and Ohio State still have to play each other, and Ohio State has to play undefeated #3 Michigan State.

So, you are probably right, but it's not a lock.

Not dead solid perfect.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 06:48:10 PM
I'm not sure Bama and Georgia both get in with one loss

over undefeated teams from the P5
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 04, 2021, 06:51:05 PM
I'm not SURE either, but Bama being ranked #2 with one loss, ahead of Michigan State who has a notch for Michigan on its sixgun, means that the Committee is thinking that they could both get in.

Oh, well, nothing that I can do about it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 04, 2021, 07:01:22 PM
the committee

will adjust things appropriately for the final ranking/poll

an undefeated Michigan State is in
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 04, 2021, 10:31:45 PM
It’s not the perception that the Big 12 is weak, it’s the reality that it is weak. It just is. Even if Texas was strong, it wouldn’t be enough. Plus the fact that OU breezes through the conference year after year only to get smoked in the playoffs only reinforces the idea that OU is the tallest midget that gets by with easy schedules and no defense. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 04, 2021, 10:52:44 PM
the committee

will adjust things appropriately for the final ranking/poll

an undefeated Michigan State is in
Yup.  Whatever the rankings are right now, don't really have anything to do with what they will be for the final 4 in the CFP.

And undefeated OU and an undefeated B1G champ are in.  Clemson's not clogging up their usual spot and the PAC and Notre Dame already have a loss.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 05, 2021, 09:05:30 AM
Last week my son had a pep rally at his school and I got to thinking about how unique American high schools are compared to the rest of the world. I mean football is obviously American, and of course they are big on soccer in Europe. 

I really don’t know much at all about things like this in Europe. My impression is that high school is this really stale place, mostly academic, no cheerleading or marching bands or twirlers etc. And what about Canadian football?  Do they have the same atmosphere at their football games?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 05, 2021, 09:11:13 AM
High school in France is academic in nature, no team sports.  They also "stream" kids very early and only about half as many go to college as do here.  Folks talk like Europe has free college, but part of that is many fewer kids go to college.  The other difference is you take very few courses outside your major.  If you major in chemistry, nearly every class is chemistry, you might take a math or physics or biology class, but no history or French or sociology, none at all.  You were expected to learn that other stuff in HS.  And largely they do because they only take the upper part of the HS students, and the elite colleges there take a thin slice of that.  And if you want to do well in government or business, you need to go to one of the elite colleges.

The US sends nearly 70% of HS grads to college, in France is a bit over half that, so you get a more select group that rarely needs remedial work.  We are very egalitarian here in comparison.

My step daughter has been stressing about her oldest son getting into college in France, he's interested in design stuff, not math etc.  So they are thinking of sending him here to SCAD at considerable expense.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 05, 2021, 10:51:24 AM
Yeah but does France have the equivalent of community college and the smaller state schools?  Is college really “free” in France and Europe?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 05, 2021, 11:52:50 AM
College is partially free in most countries, there are expenses.  They have places you can go to get a plumber's license etc.  and apprentisships.  I don't know about community colleges, I've never seen one, anywhere.  France has 5-6-7 "elite" universities and then state schools dotted around that apparently are not great on your resume.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 05, 2021, 12:03:11 PM
Yeah but does France have the equivalent of community college and the smaller state schools?  Is college really “free” in France and Europe? 
Taxes are extremely high in most European countries.  There's no such thing as "free."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 05, 2021, 12:09:18 PM
Taxes are extremely high in most European countries.  There's no such thing as "free."
They are, and they hit the middle much harder than we do here.  Plus there is a VAT, a national sales tax of 20% or so.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 05, 2021, 03:31:05 PM
Taxes are extremely high in most European countries.  There's no such thing as "free."
Hence the “ free” in my sentence. 
People often forget that college is heavily subsidized here as well. 

i prefer our system. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 05, 2021, 03:43:51 PM
not much talk of student loan forgiveness lately

was a hot topic around election time
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 05, 2021, 03:47:53 PM
Hence the “ free” in my sentence.
People often forget that college is heavily subsidized here as well.

i prefer our system.
I actually don't.  College is a terrible investment for a huge segment of the population, the ROI is actually negative in some cases.  Not negative within a window of ten years or 20 years... completely negative.  Forever. 

College in the US was never supposed to be a vocational system and it performs extremely poorly in that function.  In the US, centuries ago, colleges were intended to deliver a rounded liberal arts education to the sons of wealthy gentlemen.  Their families already had money and purpose, college was supposed to be a finishing school.

We've perverted that original function, and conflated it with the American Dream, resulting in the idea that everyone should go to college, and that a college education is necessary in order to be successful.  This is complete bullshit and it's failing miserably across the board here in the USA.

In Europe, as CD pointed out, they start separating folks into different tracks much earlier in their educational program.  They freely acknowledge that not everyone should go to college, and they provide secondary education tracks to prepare the public for vocational training and eventual jobs as electricians or plumbers or service industries.

Fewer people in Europe waste money and time getting a college education they don't want, don't need, and will never use, in their eventual professional career.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 05, 2021, 04:23:00 PM
Oh I agree with this totally. I just meant that I prefer our system of lower taxes. 

All that being said, are you planning on sending your kids to college ?  My oldest is doing community college, probably transferring to the university in the fall. Youngest is a freshman in high school. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 05, 2021, 04:44:27 PM
Oh I agree with this totally. I just meant that I prefer our system of lower taxes.

All that being said, are you planning on sending your kids to college ?  My oldest is doing community college, probably transferring to the university in the fall. Youngest is a freshman in high school.

It's going to depend on what they want to do.  For now, my 14 yo wants to be a vet, so college will be necessary.
My 12yo has no idea.  He knows that he likes pizza and might like to be a "pizza man" so... I guess he should go to Tech? ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 05, 2021, 04:45:48 PM
Free community college is actually a very closely debated item. It'd be a reality today if a certain Eeyore clone in West Virginia would quit pining for coal mines and legislate - but that's too close to inflammatory politics, so I won't mention it.

Certain career paths have a college prerequisite by necessity. The rest are oversold. Now that I think of it, I could have likely learned more engineering if I would have simply apprenticed under a practicing one for several years. I know I would have learned more CS doing that.

My daughter took a ton of dual credit courses in high school, and essentially graduated as a collegiate junior. She's been irritated about her college experience being locked up in an overpriced apartment bedroom working on a laptop.

Really, I think we're seeing, likely as part of the pandemic, a re-evaluation of being alive. My generation was sold the tale of "working hard and making something of yourself". We really just became conduits for other peoples' wealth aggregation. Our children are eager to work, and are driven. They're just not driven towards materialism. They're fine doing without. I'm personally interested to see what happens when the "carrot and stick" approach that we've used since the early 1900's stops working.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 05, 2021, 04:59:13 PM
It's going to depend on what they want to do.  For now, my 14 yo wants to be a vet, so college will be necessary.
My 12yo has no idea.  He knows that he likes pizza and might like to be a "pizza man" so... I guess he should go to Tech? ;)
If she wants to be a vet, I think the only choices in state are Texas A&M and Texas Tech. Tech’s vet school is still kinda new too. 
can always do undergrad school wherever. The owner of another forum I frequent daughter just graduated from A&M vet school. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 05, 2021, 05:09:07 PM
I'll bet Kansas state has a great vet program

my golfing buddy's 95 year old father is a retired vet, KSU grad, played football there back in the day
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 05, 2021, 06:19:09 PM
If she wants to be a vet, I think the only choices in state are Texas A&M and Texas Tech. Tech’s vet school is still kinda new too.
can always do undergrad school wherever. The owner of another forum I frequent daughter just graduated from A&M vet school.
Well her mom is an aggie, so you KNOW she's been pushing that angle.

I keep telling her that you actually SHOULDN'T do grad school in the same place you did you undergrad, which is true, even though that's exactly what I did.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 05, 2021, 06:21:51 PM
Free community college is actually a very closely debated item. It'd be a reality today if a certain Eeyore clone in West Virginia would quit pining for coal mines and legislate - but that's too close to inflammatory politics, so I won't mention it.

Certain career paths have a college prerequisite by necessity. The rest are oversold. Now that I think of it, I could have likely learned more engineering if I would have simply apprenticed under a practicing one for several years. I know I would have learned more CS doing that.

My daughter took a ton of dual credit courses in high school, and essentially graduated as a collegiate junior. She's been irritated about her college experience being locked up in an overpriced apartment bedroom working on a laptop.

Really, I think we're seeing, likely as part of the pandemic, a re-evaluation of being alive. My generation was sold the tale of "working hard and making something of yourself". We really just became conduits for other peoples' wealth aggregation. Our children are eager to work, and are driven. They're just not driven towards materialism. They're fine doing without. I'm personally interested to see what happens when the "carrot and stick" approach that we've used since the early 1900's stops working.

I'd say Engineering is as close as you can get to a vocational school, within the universities.  I gained valuable knowledge in the engineering program and I wouldn't have been nearly as good of an engineer if I hadn't attended an engineering college program.

CS/Coding/Programming, on the other hand, I've learned almost entirely on my own, or on the job.  I don't think a CS degree would have prepared me any better, but I've been coding since I was 9 years old and it comes very naturally to me.  Not everyone is like that, I totally understand.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 05, 2021, 06:58:48 PM
I'd guess 90% of the chemistry I once knew was learned on my own, independent of college.  What I think I did learn in grad school was how to approach problems, and enough background to learn what else I needed to learn.  College at best provides a framework, a mostly empty canvass, with lines already present one can fill in later.

I changed from being an organic chemist to a polymer chemist at work, which is not that unusual, but it was some work, and I never knew for sure if I had it right initially.  We hired a "real" polymer chemist and he said we had it right.  And did more good work.

We had long discussions about the topic later, very useful.

I think college provides a license to learn as much as learning.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 05, 2021, 07:12:04 PM
I'd say Engineering is as close as you can get to a vocational school, within the universities.  I gained valuable knowledge in the engineering program and I wouldn't have been nearly as good of an engineer if I hadn't attended an engineering college program.

CS/Coding/Programming, on the other hand, I've learned almost entirely on my own, or on the job.  I don't think a CS degree would have prepared me any better, but I've been coding since I was 9 years old and it comes very naturally to me.  Not everyone is like that, I totally understand.
accounting is pretty vocational
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 05, 2021, 10:59:49 PM
accounting is pretty vocational
How much NON accounting/business coursework is there to earn a degree?

In Engineering school, I think I had maybe 12 hours out of 140+ that were not hard science/math/engineering.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on November 05, 2021, 11:47:56 PM
I'll bet Kansas state has a great vet program

my golfing buddy's 95 year old father is a retired vet, KSU grad, played football there back in the day
Yes, they do and we have about a gazillion vet clinics here in Kansas.  One of the best ROI degrees I've seen is construction management.  KSU has a great program as does OSU.  Pittsburg State is good as well.  These programs have a 100% placement rate and most grads get $80k+ to start if they are willing to be in larger metro areas.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 05, 2021, 11:49:31 PM
How much NON accounting/business coursework is there to earn a degree?

In Engineering school, I think I had maybe 12 hours out of 140+ that were not hard science/math/engineering. 
I dont really remember but it was never my point to compare my mediocre accounting degree with the likes of the mighty engineering degree

just pointing out that there are various vocational majors

my wife majored in Spanish and History at UT and taught for over 40 years

my daughter was a communications major at UT and today is a successful lawyer
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 06, 2021, 12:55:38 AM
I had several fraternity brothers who were accounting majors.  Their goal was to get into a (then) "Big Eight" accounting firm.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 06, 2021, 01:35:23 AM
I had several fraternity brothers who were accounting majors.  Their goal was to get into a (then) "Big Eight" accounting firm.
yep thats what I wanted also

course now the Big Eight is more like the Big Fifteen

I was recruited on campus by a fortune 500 company and started off in their Tax Dept

a year later they moved me into their internal audit dept

I never worked in public accounting
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 06, 2021, 10:23:42 AM
a year later they moved me into their internal audit dept

then always loved by everyone!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 06, 2021, 10:37:28 AM
a year later they moved me into their internal audit dept

then always loved by everyone!
we were actually received well by the management of the locations we would visit

we were truly there to help them not to take names and kick ass

I learned a lot while there that served me well later on

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 06, 2021, 10:39:28 AM
Yes, they do and we have about a gazillion vet clinics here in Kansas.  One of the best ROI degrees I've seen is construction management.  KSU has a great program as does OSU.  Pittsburg State is good as well.  These programs have a 100% placement rate and most grads get $80k+ to start if they are willing to be in larger metro areas. 
CM is what my son will be studying. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 06, 2021, 10:50:10 AM
I dont really remember but it was never my point to compare my mediocre accounting degree with the likes of the mighty engineering degree

just pointing out that there are various vocational majors

my wife majored in Spanish and History at UT and taught for over 40 years

my daughter was a communications major at UT and today is a successful lawyer

I wasn't trying to belittle accounting, good sir. :)

I was truly wondering how many non-business/accounting focused classes you took, to see how it compared to my education.

I really love literature, and history, and many other subjects, that I barely got to study in college.  I was on a scholarship at Texas, and the money ran out after four years, so I had to rush through and only take the minimum number of non-engineering courses I could.  But I'd have loved to have taken more.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 06, 2021, 11:42:23 AM
Back then you were only required to have a BBA in accounting to qualify for becoming a CPA so I didnt stick around for a masters

out of 120 hours Id guess business classes was about 60 My electives consisted of 
classes in the Civil War, Advertising and Psychology

otherwise it was standard English Math and History  plus Geology for a science

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 06, 2021, 01:21:21 PM

I definitely wished I'd gotten to take more "college" courses and fewer "engineering" courses.  I think my only requirements outside of math/engineering/hard science, were:

1 semester of civics/government
1 semester of Literature
1 semester of soft science (I took modern Philosophy)
1 semester of history.

Literally, 12 hours, out of over 140 it took to earn the degree.

And those were the only classes where I ever encountered any cute girls.  That modern philosophy class was VERY fruitful. It was super-easy and enjoyable for me, but several different attractive young ladies struggled with it, and I was more than happy to help tutor them.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 06, 2021, 01:38:17 PM

I definitely wished I'd gotten to take more "college" courses and fewer "engineering" courses.  I think my only requirements outside of math/engineering/hard science, were:

1 semester of civics/government
1 semester of Literature
1 semester of soft science (I took modern Philosophy)
1 semester of history.

Literally, 12 hours, out of over 140 it took to earn the degree.

And those were the only classes where I ever encountered any cute girls.  That modern philosophy class was VERY fruitful. It was super-easy and enjoyable for me, but several different attractive young ladies struggled with it, and I was more than happy to help tutor them.

the cute girl class for me was Geology 

poor things just couldnt seem to find any fossils on our field trips so I was more then happy to help them search
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 07, 2021, 06:37:21 AM
I had to go an extra quarter because I was short one course in "liberal arts".  I took German IV, which was technical translation of German to English.  I went to summer school four years in a row so it was hard to fit everything in.  Summers were for the pastry courses mostly.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 07, 2021, 09:09:16 AM
I seem to remember taking way more than 12-14 hours of non-technical classes. I did go to community college for a few years though. I’m going to look up what the requirements are now. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 07, 2021, 09:50:22 AM
We are headed to Savannah for three days, I've never stayed there more than one, hope to see more of the place and get some good food.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 07, 2021, 10:27:25 AM
I've never been to Savannah, I hear it's a cool place.  

I dated a girl who was from there, she was hot and from old money.  Totally crazy but a lot of fun for a guy not interested in marriage at the time...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 07, 2021, 10:31:18 AM
It's the oldest city in Georgia, founded in 1733 as a buffer with the Spanish in Florida by James Ogelthorpe, with some debtors.  The colony outlawed slavery for a while.

The old area is pretty neat, laid out in squares with a park in the middle.  The old houses had fallen into serious neglect 1970ish but most have been restored.  The river front is pretty neat, touristy neat.

I'm looking at restaurants now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 07, 2021, 06:54:45 PM
We are headed to Savannah for three days, I've never stayed there more than one, hope to see more of the place and get some good food.
I knew a guy there who had been an armorer with the American Volunteer Group ("Flying Tigers") in China during WWII.  Later in the war, he served as a B-25 flight engineer/aerial gunner in the 1st Air Commando Group under Col. Philip Cochran (the model for "Flip Corkin" in Milton Caniff's "Terry and the Pirates" comic strip), also in the China-Burma-India Theater.
Chuck Baisden was his name.  I imagine that he and his wife have passed on to greener pastures and bluer skies by now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 08, 2021, 07:40:59 AM
My Dad was in a B-25 a few times, he said the plane was like a fighter as compared with the B-24.  He also flew in some B-18s on antisub duty off Langley before they deployed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 08, 2021, 08:04:12 AM
The B-24 was really a lumbering beast--I can understand your dad's comment about the B-24 in comparison.

The B-18 was based on the design of the DC-2, the slightly smaller predecessor of the DC-3.  It was declared the winner of the competition that the Boeing 299 (the future B-17) dominated after said Boeing crashed due to pilot error.  It was obsolescent the day the first one rolled off the assembly line.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 08, 2021, 09:08:34 AM
He said they routinely took off over loaded in the B-24s.  The pilot would pull the gear up as soon as they cleared the runway, which often was just barely over the ocean.

That may have caused his crash.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 08, 2021, 12:23:54 PM
The "analytics" of WWII said that the B-24 was better than the B-17.  It was certainly a newer design, and it could carry a heavier bomb load over a longer distance.  Far more B-24s were built than B-17s.

But it was a hard airplane to fly.  For that reason, in the ETO, it could not maintain the tight formations with mutually overlapping fields of fire the way the B-17 could.  It was easier to shoot down than the B-17, both because of its looser formations and because it could not tolerate battle damage as well.

The crews preferred the B-17.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 12, 2021, 09:23:33 AM
It was preferred in the Pacific, it seems, over the 17, obviously much lower chance of being shot down there.  But mechanical problems caused a lot of losses.

My Dad doesn't know why his went down.  The official report is they went in not long after takeoff, but Dad said he had the radar dome down, which he only did at altitude.  He finally received a Purple Heart decades later...

Savannah was nice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 12, 2021, 10:17:44 AM
WWII talk kills threads.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 12, 2021, 10:18:45 AM
Also, thanks to your dad, and your entire family,  for their service.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 12, 2021, 10:25:28 AM
Travelogues ( (

This is my overview of the trip.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 12, 2021, 10:15:20 PM
That was a nice report with some great pictures, CD.

Re the live oaks, as I'm sure you know, they were used in construction of navy ships in the age of fighting sail.

The Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge has the following about the construction of the USS Constitution:

Her keel was laid down on 1 November 1794 at Edmund Hartt's shipyard in Boston, Massachusetts, under the supervision of Captain Samuel Nicholson, master shipwright Colonel George Claghorn and Foreman Prince Athearn of the Martha's Vineyard Athearns. Constitution's hull was built 21 inches (530 mm) thick and her length between perpendiculars was 175 ft (53 m), with a 204 ft length overall and a width of 43 ft 6 in. In total, 60 acres of trees were needed for her construction. Primary materials consisted of pine and oak, including southern live oak which was cut from Gascoigne Bluff and milled near St. Simons, Georgia.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 13, 2021, 07:56:17 AM
Yeah, we visited the Constitution a couple years back, was interesting, still Navy sailors on board, active duty.

The specific name ( of the plant, usneoides, means "resembling Usnea (", a lichen.[5] ( While it superficially resembles its namesake, it is neither a lichen ( such as Usnea nor a moss (, and it is not native to Spain (

I dimly recall visiting Savannah as a kid.  It was very "run down" and depressing, not a tourist destination at all then.  The historic district was houses divided into low rent apartments and many were being torn down.  I noticed today on some squares you'd see a parking lot where nice houses once existed.

It's now the largest historic district in the US.  The University of Georgia was initially chartered in Savannah in 1785, location not specified.  Lore has it that its original location was to be in Watkinsville, but there was a bar there, so they moved it a few miles north to Athens, which at the time was probably little more than a crossroads.  It was the first state chartered university in the country, but UNC was first to open its doors and graduate a class.

There now is a Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) which is very prominent there and in Atlanta, started in 1979 with 80 students or so, now very large, and scattered, including in France.  They have been building fairly large dorms near where we live and we see SCAD on various and sundry.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 13, 2021, 09:01:57 AM
Why Army helicopters have Native American names | Article | The United States Army (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 13, 2021, 03:45:03 PM
Why Army helicopters have Native American names | Article | The United States Army (
Good article.
Sometimes, other names take over, despite the good intentions behind the official names.
So the UH-1 Iroquois became the Huey.  The attack development, the AH-1, became the Huey Cobra and eventually just Cobra.
Nobody I ever knew called the OH-58 Kiowa the Kiowa.  It was just "scout."  Maybe the armed OH-58D Kiowa Warriors got called something else.  The OH-58's better, faster, more survivable predecessor the OH-6 Cayuse was more often called the Loach.
Going back further and shifting services, nobody called the C-47 Skytrain a Skytrain.  The Brits called them Dakotas and the Americans called them Gooney Birds.
Nobody calls the A-10 Thunderbolt II by its official name.  It's the Warthog.  And the original P-47 Thunderbolt had the popular alternate name of Jug.
I don't think that the F-111 had an official name, but it was called the Aardvark.
The B-1 Lancer has been called the Bone a lot more than its official name.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 20, 2021, 10:07:42 AM
not a great great quality pic, but this popped up in a memory

no going to point anyone out, but ........... after a round of golf in Kansas City

Fearless Phil, SkiCat, Jack, Uncle Skeeter, Entropy, and Big Matt

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2021, 10:31:51 AM
No WC4E that day, huh?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 20, 2021, 10:54:30 AM
probably busy defending the innocent
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2021, 11:03:50 AM
probably busy defending the innocent

Is THAT what he calls it...? ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 24, 2021, 02:56:53 PM
You Could Own a Former Military Town

A plot of land in Fort Wingate, a New Mexico town that once housed a military installation of the same name, is on sale for $11 million, reports Mary K. Jacob for the New York Post. Located about 130 miles west of Albuquerque, the United States Army outpost was founded in 1868 during the Western Indian Wars, decommissioned in 1912 and officially shut down in 1993. During its years in operation, the fort housed Black servicemen known as “Buffalo Soldiers” and Navajo code talkers. (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 24, 2021, 03:39:16 PM
You Could Own a Former Military Town

A plot of land in Fort Wingate, a New Mexico town that once housed a military installation of the same name, is on sale for $11 million, reports Mary K. Jacob for the New York Post. Located about 130 miles west of Albuquerque, the United States Army outpost was founded in 1868 during the Western Indian Wars, decommissioned in 1912 and officially shut down in 1993. During its years in operation, the fort housed Black servicemen known as “Buffalo Soldiers” and Navajo code talkers. (


There are whole villages for sale in far more picturesque locations in Europe.  I think I'd rather have one of those.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 24, 2021, 03:49:34 PM
but, you're not a military junkie like many of the Porch people

and ya just can't beat the NM weather
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 24, 2021, 03:57:42 PM
but, you're not a military junkie like many of the Porch people

and ya just can't beat the NM weather

Gets too cold in NM.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 24, 2021, 04:17:23 PM
46 there at the moment

balmy, no gloves or hat required
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 25, 2021, 09:01:44 AM

1930 photo of some town somewhere.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 25, 2021, 10:08:04 AM
So I took my son up to A&M over the last weekend. He’s a recent high school graduate and attending junior college. Of course the opponent was Prairie View A&M so it was a blow out game. I haven’t been to a game since Johnny Manziels last one in 2013 in the old Kyle Field and the old stadium. We’ve been to a few games over the years but he never really enjoyed going and wasn’t into football. With me working 50% of my weekends over the years and being a few hours away we just never really spent much time there.

It’s sorta hard to describe how different the stadium is.  I mean I knew it was redone but this whole entire stadium is brand new, with the oldest part the North Endzone seating that was built in 1999. We sat in the east stands in the student section with the students. Well, we didn’t sit with the students, we stood with them. It’s a strange feeling being in a spot you’ve sat in and familiar with but the surroundings are totally different. It definitely brought back a lot of great memories.

We always knew he was going to do the Jr college thing first for at least a year and I have always told him that college has to be his choice and we needed to look around to check out different colleges. We went to visit Sam Houston state as well a few months ago. I had quite a few friends and acquaintances graduate from there over the years and it’s a nice little place. You can probably easily walk the entire campus in about 15 minutes.

He was really excited about Sam and for us being small town people it does feel right sized.

After the A&M game we walked around campus for several hours. I’m not real sure how other universities change over the years but my god I was amazed at how much the campus had changed. A&M has always been a large place and it seems like they have squeezed new buildings into every nook and crannies around. Of course their are still plenty of the older buildings around but some of those have been heavily remodeled as well. They took an iconic building like the Zachary Engineering center and rebuilt it from the inside out, adding floors and wings to the point it was totally unrecognizable.

I showed him the places where I had classes and where I spent most of my time.  We just really enjoyed our day together and now he’s talking about applying for the fall. It’s a much larger place today than when I was there (67,000 students vs 43,000) but it feels like the same kinda place to me. 

Of course it’s weird seeing high rise type apartments at Northgate and very much more high density urban settings than 20 years ago. 

I’m excited about him maybe going there and me getting to go back to campus much more often. He’s going to be studying construction science. 

We’ll see what the future holds. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 25, 2021, 10:24:45 AM
When I returned to UGA and UNC many years later, I was struck by the trees, where before had been either open lots off campus or scrub pines at UNC now was a full grown forest, and the trees near my dorm were enormous, so many trees.  I took my daughter to a game last year and parked on east Campus and I had no clue where I was, the area was wide open when I was in school, now it was forest obstructing any view.  I had to follow the crowd to find the stadium.

I think the UGA population has grown from about 20K to about 30K, in fifty years, so not that much expansion really.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2021, 10:28:36 AM
Nice story Gigem

My son went to Sam Houston so Im very aware of that school

Its great for the kid who doesnt want to go to a large university

Good luck to your son

does he know what his major will be?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 25, 2021, 10:44:34 AM
Construction science or construction management. Different schools call it different things. 

It’s what I do now after being in operations for the last 18 years. I’m also in the midst of rejoining the family business and if he decides to get into that it will have a good base for him to have. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2021, 10:49:47 AM
Construction science or construction management. Different schools call it different things.

It’s what I do now after being in operations for the last 18 years. I’m also in the midst of rejoining the family business and if he decides to get into that it will have a good base for him to have.
Thats cool

My son followed my profession and became a CPA and my fatherly pride has never been greater 

have a great Thanksgiving

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 25, 2021, 10:52:18 AM
We get to an Aggie game at least once every two years, so the changes to the stadium and on campus aren't as noticeable to me, but when I think back to what it was like when I first started going to games there when I was in high school, I can still recall how much it's changed.

First game I attended there, it already had the triple decks on each side, but the Zone wouldn't be built for another ten years or so.  And obviously since then, there have been some massive changes, and as you say it's almost an entirely new stadium at this point.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 25, 2021, 10:59:52 AM
Back in 1967 UT's stadium had no upper decks and an open end zone so the changes have been massive for me

I still remember students climbing trees to keep them from been cut down when they were putting on the first 2nd deck

the times they were a changing
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2021, 11:06:41 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 25, 2021, 11:20:58 AM
Back in 1967 UT's stadium had no upper decks and an open end zone so the changes have been massive for me

I still remember students climbing trees to keep them from been cut down when they were putting on the first 2nd deck

the times they were a changing
Yeah it had the west side upper deck and the full horseshoe in the north endzone by the time I really started attending games in the late 70s.  But I've been very aware of all of the changes since then.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 25, 2021, 11:56:17 AM
When I showed up in Norman in 1972, Oklahoma Memorial Stadium was single-story and shaped like a block-U, with the north end closed.  The School of Architecture had classrooms inside the north-end structure.  The south end had moveable bleachers that partially covered (IIRC) a baseball practice field and were moved out of the way when needed.  There was gameday parking on that field.  There was a dirt track--used for the indoor track season--underneath the seating areas.  Capacity was 62,000.  I can't find a picture of it online.

Now it's this.


The bleachers that were south end-zone seating in 1972 have been replaced by the bowled-in complex at the left end.  Upper decks have been added on both sides.  Capacity is 80,000+.  I imagine that the next major renovation will be to remake the west deck to match the double-layered-with-luxury-suites east deck.  And then probably to wrap the deck around the north end.

As CD said about the UNC campus, it seems like there are more trees now than there were 49 years ago.  When David Boren was University President, his wife spearheaded many campus-beautification efforts, and the campus is much more attractive now than it was then.

I sat in the Zone at Kyle Field at the 2006 OU-A&M game.  When I watched the Bama at A&M game this year on TV, I hardly recognized the stadium as being the same structure I saw 15 years ago.

I saw the Army-UNC "game" (62-8 Tarheel win) in 1982.  I was impressed with the UNC campus.  I had spent Sep 1980-May 1982 at Fort Bragg, so I was reasonably familiar with the familiar with the scenic beauty of parts of North Carolina.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 25, 2021, 12:12:17 PM
That looks really nice.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 25, 2021, 12:15:46 PM

This is an old photo of Sanford.  It was double deceked when I was there, but the open end had a train track where people sat for free.  They were called the Track People and some would camp out Thursday night and smoke weird stuff.  The other end had a bridge and they charged $3 to sit on the bridge.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 25, 2021, 12:17:18 PM
This is a view from the tracks, you can see the bridge opposite.  This is how it looked when I was a student, many a time I crossed that bridge from North to South campus.  That building peaking out on the left is Chemistry.  Most of the STEM stuff was built on south campus.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 25, 2021, 05:15:47 PM

This is an old photo of Sanford.  It was double deceked when I was there, but the open end had a train track where people sat for free.  They were called the Track People and some would camp out Thursday night and smoke weird stuff.  The other end had a bridge and they charged $3 to sit on the bridge.
Good to see that the hedges were there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 25, 2021, 05:21:07 PM
This is a view from the tracks, you can see the bridge opposite.  This is how it looked when I was a student, many a time I crossed that bridge from North to South campus.  That building peaking out on the left is Chemistry.  Most of the STEM stuff was built on south campus.

The near end doesn't look like it's open.  Looks like there are bleachers there.  Am I mistaken?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 26, 2021, 05:51:23 AM
There were bleachers there, they were pretty small obviously, and the track people could see the game, sort of.  It would be packed for big games.  That end was closed in in 1981.  It is kind of funny, attendance was fairly sparse when I was in school, plenty of seats would be open for most games.  I don't recall any tailgating, if there was some, it was of the literal kind meant to defray expenses.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 26, 2021, 10:36:34 AM
The first time I saw tailgating at a college football game was at West Point in the '93-'95 seasons.  And it was done in the parking lot.  So, literally, tailgating.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 26, 2021, 10:46:38 AM
Yeah, I'd see folks park their trucks and eat from a cooler in the back and maybe sit around in chairs a bit.  It was fairly rare as I dimly recall.  I never saw any at Chapel Hill.  Our lab was across the street from the stadium and I'd go in on Saturdays, usually, to work.  It made parking a bit of a pain, I'd ride my bike often as not.

Kenan Stadium is quite pretty, I've never been inside it.  Our building was called Kenan labs.  Big donor.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 26, 2021, 12:29:42 PM
Official radio rumor:

Matt Campbell to USC, where he will not have to change any of his school-color clothing.  Supposedly, he's already discussed team personnel with the people with whom such discussions would he held.

Then . . . Tom Herman to Iowa State.

Maybe we need to resurrect Hooky's old "Coaching Carousel" thread.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 26, 2021, 12:40:33 PM
Are there unofficial radio rumors somewhere?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 26, 2021, 12:42:05 PM
Yeah, I'd see folks park their trucks and eat from a cooler in the back and maybe sit around in chairs a bit.  It was fairly rare as I dimly recall.  I never saw any at Chapel Hill.  Our lab was across the street from the stadium and I'd go in on Saturdays, usually, to work.  It made parking a bit of a pain, I'd ride my bike often as not.

Kenan Stadium is quite pretty, I've never been inside it.  Our building was called Kenan labs.  Big donor.
My favorite "other" football venue is Michie (pronounced "Mikey") Stadium at West Point.  More for the beautiful view of the Hudson River and surrounding countryside than for anything special about the stadium itself.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 26, 2021, 12:43:37 PM
Are there unofficial radio rumors somewhere?
Not according to the rumormongers!
Actually, in fairness to the radio pundit, he expressed some skepticism.
But that doesn't keep it from being official.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 26, 2021, 12:49:58 PM
My favorite "other" football venue is Michie (pronounced "Mikey") Stadium at West Point.  More for the beautiful view of the Hudson River and surrounding countryside than for anything special about the stadium itself.
Gatorama said this was his favorite venue and the prettiest by far.

I've never been.  My kid was accepted there  but turned it down.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 26, 2021, 12:51:25 PM
I'd forgotten about that, but he did say that.

And if anyone should have known, it would have been he.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: EastAthens on November 26, 2021, 05:27:22 PM
These  were the track people in 1980.  In 1978, during the thrilling UGA comeback against GT, I mistakenly turned and passed a joint to a police officer who smirked at my horror and passed it on. The track people were largely unregulated and could hold up signs saying things like UGA does it doggie style. That track was so much fun. Both teams got off the bus right in front of us and in those days, the abuse was epic.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: EastAthens on November 26, 2021, 05:33:35 PM
From 1980 UGA legendary DC Erk  Russell
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 26, 2021, 06:50:38 PM
Erk Russell

I always mispell his name.  I have watched him butt heads with his players before a game, and his head would get bloody.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2021, 12:55:44 PM
I went to high school with a guy named Eric Russell.  

Not the same person, of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 29, 2021, 02:14:57 PM
I went to high school with a guy named Eric Russell. 

Not the same person, of course.
I think everybody went to school with a guy named Eric Russell.  I'm pretty sure I can dig up an old year book and find at least one or two. ;)  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2021, 04:25:34 PM
There was an Eric Harris, too.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2021, 05:12:44 PM
Texas Memorial Stadium, Thanksgiving Day, 1940.  Texas vs. A&M.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2021, 05:15:44 PM
Texas Memorial Stadium on its opening day, 1924, similar angle but closer:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 29, 2021, 05:17:39 PM
From the same corner of the stadium, this time 2009:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 29, 2021, 06:50:17 PM
Looking to the NE, right?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 30, 2021, 12:20:32 AM
Looking to the NE, right?
That's actually from the NE, looking to the SW.  The larger upper deck is on the stadium's west side.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 30, 2021, 07:03:28 AM
I recall thinking the upper deck is really high up there as it all starts at ground level.

I didn't go to the game, Gator and I watched the WLOCP on your TV with Pearl.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 30, 2021, 10:05:45 AM
I recall thinking the upper deck is really high up there as it all starts at ground level.

I didn't go to the game, Gator and I watched the WLOCP on your TV with Pearl.
Yes, the west-side upper deck is massive, and tall.  The upper decks on the east side and in the north endzone (which are contiguous to one another) are maybe half the height.

I couldn't find a recent picture from the same angle of the latest 2021 renovations, all in the south endzone.  Instead of bowling it in to match the north endzone, they built it out with a lot of club seating, luxury suites, and "party loges" which I'd never even heard of until they started advertising them, but apparently they're all the rage in new stadium design, at least for NFL clubs anyway.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 30, 2021, 10:37:27 AM
That's actually from the NE, looking to the SW.  The larger upper deck is on the stadium's west side.
OK.  My esposita and I drove around there on a summer day about 10 years ago after dropping off the kids (my stepkids) at a summer camp south of Austin.  I guess I'm misremembering the street layout.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 30, 2021, 11:07:59 AM
I'm familiar with the 2009 version
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 30, 2021, 11:30:20 AM
OK.  My esposita and I drove around there on a summer day about 10 years ago after dropping off the kids (my stepkids) at a summer camp south of Austin.  I guess I'm misremembering the street layout.
In the 1924 pic you can clearly see the Capitol building in the background, in fact it's the only downtown building standing tall enough to see in that pic. The Capitol is south of the stadium by 8 bocks or so, and west by 3 blocks.

And in the 2009 pic you can see much of the downtown area, south of the stadium, with only the rotunda of the Capitol peaking out amongst the other buildings.

And now 12 years later, downtown already looks much different than THAT.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 30, 2021, 11:32:13 AM
I'm familiar with the 2009 version
Indeed you are!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 30, 2021, 01:14:53 PM

This happens when you play an "away" game at your rival's place and they are atrocious.  At least they sold out.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 30, 2021, 02:13:26 PM
Husker's stadium looks similar during the halftime show

many folks use the restrooms and clog the concessions or otherwise stretch their legs

many football fans are not huge marching band fans
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 30, 2021, 06:05:37 PM
In the 1924 pic you can clearly see the Capitol building in the background, in fact it's the only downtown building standing tall enough to see in that pic. The Capitol is south of the stadium by 8 bocks or so, and west by 3 blocks.

And in the 2009 pic you can see much of the downtown area, south of the stadium, with only the rotunda of the Capitol peaking out amongst the other buildings.

And now 12 years later, downtown already looks much different than THAT.
Got it.  I remembered an E-W street at the south end of the stadium and was mistaken that street in the lower right for it.  And, now that I look at it more closely, that street in the picture is wider than the one I was remembering.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 30, 2021, 06:50:09 PM
Husker's stadium looks similar during the halftime show
I'd bet the fans remaining are not nearly all wearing the colors of the opposition.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 30, 2021, 06:58:47 PM
you are correct, Sir
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 30, 2021, 09:31:25 PM
Got it.  I remembered an E-W street at the south end of the stadium and was mistaken that street in the lower right for it.  And, now that I look at it more closely, that street in the picture is wider than the one I was remembering.
It's sometimes a little odd that so many of us have regularly attended the TX-OU game, some of us even making it 20+ years in a row, and yet we don't know each others' home stadiums because the game is always at the Cotton Bowl.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Still, I've visited Norman before, I dated a girl who went to grad school there, and so I've at least seen your stadium in person.  Most Longhorns never have.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2021, 08:04:22 AM
I would guess that more Sooners have seen DKR than Longhorns have seen GF/OMS because more Texans come to OU than Oklahomans go to UT.  But that's just a guess.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 01, 2021, 08:43:15 AM
I would guess that more Sooners have seen DKR than Longhorns have seen GF/OMS because more Texans come to OU than Oklahomans go to UT.  But that's just a guess.

Yes that certainly could be true. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 01, 2021, 11:10:30 AM
I would guess that more Sooners have seen DKR than Longhorns have seen GF/OMS because more Texans come to OU than Oklahomans go to UT.  But that's just a guess.
If an Oklahoma person goes to UT, would that not make them a longhorn?  And vice versa?  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 01, 2021, 11:47:00 AM
If an Oklahoma person goes to UT, would that not make them a longhorn?  And vice versa? 

I believe he's saying that a lot of native Texas  kids, have potentially seen UT-Austin while growing up in the state, even if they end up going to college at OU.  The reverse case is not as frequent, not as many native Oklahomans end up at  UT.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 01, 2021, 11:54:43 AM
OU gives full rides to National Merit Semifinalists in the country.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2021, 07:24:25 PM
I believe he's saying that a lot of native Texas  kids, have potentially seen UT-Austin while growing up in the state, even if they end up going to college at OU.  The reverse case is not as frequent, not as many native Oklahomans end up at  UT.
Yep.  That's what I was at least trying to say!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2021, 07:25:49 PM
OU gives full rides to National Merit Semifinalists in the country.
I'm not sure that that is still the case.  That was one of former-prez David Boren's pet programs, but we're two guys down the line from him and I think that program may have gone to the chopping block.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2021, 07:27:35 PM
I had white turkey chili for dinner.

Well, it had beans in it--white northern beans--so I guess that technically it was chili-flavored soup.

But it was a pretty good way to use Thanksgiving leftovers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 01, 2021, 08:05:26 PM
That sounds like a delicious soup.  I'd eat it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 01, 2021, 09:07:26 PM
It had onions, garlic, and Hatch green chiles.  My esposita added jalapeno slices (stadium nachos-style) to the recipe.  It was good.  I had seconds.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 02, 2021, 08:56:19 AM
we had something like that at the Black Friday tailgate

just more northern style w/o the green chiles and the jalapeno slices
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 02, 2021, 08:59:51 AM
I like the white bean "chili", whatever it is, I like it a lot.

We had salmon last night, grilled.  I prefer steelhead trout.

Really nice day here today, sunny and in the 70s.  We'll dine out somewhere for lunch.  It's great to have a sequence of days like this in December.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 02, 2021, 10:13:59 AM
sunny and in the 60s here with little wind

another day on the golf course

it's much more unusual here and therefore more appreciated, of course

I'll have a ham & cheese sammich on the way to the course.  That will soak up a couple Budweisers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 02, 2021, 11:27:38 AM
It's sunny and 60s right now, it'll be 77 today.  Gonna be 80 on Sunday.  

But yes, we often get stretches like this in December.  And January.  And February.

Many years back I went water-skiing on a Saturday in February, when the high temp hit 97.  The lake was in the upper 50s though, so you had plenty of incentive not to fall down...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 02, 2021, 05:15:20 PM
I got the "chili" simmering already, be eating about 7:30.  

onion diced  garlic 3 cloves  ground beef, a pound 3 cans of tomatoes diced.  I didn't have any bell pepper which I often use.  My friend's homemade chili powder.  Some salt and pepper.  Simmer 3 hours.  Serve over rice, if you like it that way.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 02, 2021, 06:54:54 PM
The condo smells redolent of chili.  I like that word.

I'm cooking rice now.

I'm glad we had this little chat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 02, 2021, 07:09:46 PM
CD sometimes I think you use the board as diary

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 02, 2021, 07:41:10 PM
It's sunny and 60s right now, it'll be 77 today.  Gonna be 80 on Sunday. 

But yes, we often get stretches like this in December.  And January.  And February.

Many years back I went water-skiing on a Saturday in February, when the high temp hit 97.  The lake was in the upper 50s though, so you had plenty of incentive not to fall down...
When I was in officer candidate school at Fort Benning, GA., in Jan 1980, we had to cross Victory Pond on a "1-rope-bridge."  That means a rope in the water from one side of the pond to the other side.  I suppose that it was 100 yards or more to the other side.  The water temp was 51.  That was very, very cold.  The air temp was about 40, so it was not much of an improvement when we got out.  I think there were some trash-barrel fires for warming.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2021, 12:29:48 AM
Yeah, a lot of folks don't realize how the relative thermal conductivity of water versus air, affects the body.  Relatively long exposure to 70-degree water can result in hypothermia, while exposure to 70-degree air isn't going to do that. 

I vaguely recall from my SCUBA classes that water removes heat from the human body around 4x as fast as air.  But don't quote me on that.

And I'm not a chemical or mechanical engineer, so I never took Thermodynamics.  Sorry. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 03, 2021, 07:41:35 AM
Water at 70°F feels pretty cold, to me.  Thermal capacity and density are two factors.

I'm always fascinated seeing mammals thriving in ice cold waters.  Water has so many strange properties and it's a good thing ice is less dense than water.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2021, 07:42:57 AM
Water at 70°F feels pretty cold, to me.  Thermal capacity and density are two factors.

I'm always fascinated seeing mammals thriving in ice cold waters.  Water has so many strange properties and it's a good thing ice is less dense than water.
Yup. Life on Earth as we know it probably wouldn't exist without this property.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 03, 2021, 07:53:30 AM
Dear Diary, I got up a bit after 7 and made coffee, which is good.  My wife has pilates today so she'll be up directly.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 03, 2021, 08:21:43 AM
Track people, 1976:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2021, 09:46:52 AM
ZZ Top Concert at UT's Memorial Stadium in September, 1974.  Not sure whose bright idea this was, but they completely trashed the whole place. Looked like the remains of a demilitarized zone aftwerward.






Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 03, 2021, 09:54:08 AM
Neat.  I don't think I would have enjoyed that packed a crowd for a rock concert.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2021, 10:35:12 AM
Neat.  I don't think I would have enjoyed that packed a crowd for a rock concert.

I have mild claustrophobia and I'm also a misanthrope, so to me, those scenes look like nightmare fuel.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2021, 10:38:15 AM
My dad was there, but up in a reserved section.  He was the GM for a popular country radio station in Austin, and at the time it was his radio station that had the radio broadcast rights for all UT games, so he got all kinds of perks on campus.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 03, 2021, 10:41:02 AM

Urban Dictionary: Chalante (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 03, 2021, 11:15:36 AM
Dear Diary, I got up a bit after 7 and made coffee, which is good.  My wife has pilates today so she'll be up directly.
Ha  thats the spirit CD

and we do care about everything you do
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2021, 12:33:24 PM
I attended Farm Aid III in Lincoln in 1987

don't remember it being that packed, probably limited total capacity

the Field Turf was covered to avoid damage as it was Sept and the Huskers needed a football field shortly

huge concerts like that aren't my thing, but I've been to more than a few - when I was younger
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 03, 2021, 12:49:00 PM

We're headed here in less than a week.  Yay.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2021, 12:49:13 PM
Yeah I used to go to huge concerts and festivals a lot when I was younger.  High School and College utee was a lot more tolerant of mingling with idiots, than the current version of me.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2021, 12:50:23 PM
I'll be here, 3.5 weeks from now:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 03, 2021, 01:36:49 PM

My lunch.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2021, 01:54:49 PM
I'm not planning any trips in the next few months

but, I'm coming out of retirement and starting a new job Monday

3 weeks of vacation, but I might be kinda busy learning the ropes for a few months

not sure when I'll make it to Colleyville to bother my brother

I do plan to attend the Memorial golf tournament in Dublin, OH the end of May, beginning of June
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 03, 2021, 01:56:52 PM
I'm not planning any trips in the next few months

but, I'm coming out of retirement and starting a new job Monday

3 weeks of vacation, but I might be kinda busy learning the ropes for a few months

not sure when I'll make it to Colleyville to bother my brother

I do plan to attend the Memorial golf tournament in Dublin, OH the end of May, beginning of June
Coming out of retirement wow

Hope this was an opportunity just too good to pass up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2021, 02:48:33 PM
it's something I've always wanted to try


I'll be on the road shaking hands and buying lunches, beers, dinners, and rounds of golf for customers and potential customers.

sleeping in hotels in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa and putting on miles

hoping it goes well and I enjoy it

if not, I reserve the right to retire again
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 03, 2021, 03:25:21 PM
it's something I've always wanted to try


I'll be on the road shaking hands and buying lunches, beers, dinners, and rounds of golf for customers and potential customers.

sleeping in hotels in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa and putting on miles

hoping it goes well and I enjoy it

if not, I reserve the right to retire again
sounds like they hired a fox for the hen house
good luck
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 03, 2021, 03:31:37 PM
Nice to be able to work because you want to and find it interesting.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2021, 05:25:29 PM
Ed Zachery

I want to give this a try and I think it could be interesting and almost enjoyable

time will tell

I don't need the money, but I might get overly bored during the cold dark long NW Iowa winter
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 03, 2021, 05:54:32 PM

My lunch.
Cincinnati-style chili?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 03, 2021, 06:03:30 PM
Nope, no chocolate, and with rice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 03, 2021, 06:27:02 PM
years ago I came home from work one day and my wife wanted to go out to eat

I said Honey Ive been working all day and Im kinda tired

She looks at me and says that doesnt count cause you love your job

how can you win against that logic so of course we went out
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2021, 06:47:15 PM
I'm guessing I won't be as eager to go out to eat, but I don't have a wife or anyone else at home that might feel differently when I get back.

I don't eat out often.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2021, 09:13:12 PM

You Carried One Of These With You All The Time

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 03, 2021, 09:33:08 PM
Nope, no chocolate, and with rice.
Cincinnati chili has chocolate on it?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 03, 2021, 09:40:47 PM

You Carried One Of These With You All The Time

Never in my 20 years in the U.S. Army did I carry--or see anyone else carrying--a pillow with guard-duty instructions on it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2021, 10:20:48 PM
it's a paper card
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2021, 10:22:04 PM
The photo belongs to William Powis of the 11 ACR, dated 1970.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2021, 07:00:23 AM
Cincinnati chili has chocolate on it?
Many versions do, it's a bit odd.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2021, 08:19:13 AM
I'm guessing I won't be as eager to go out to eat, but I don't have a wife or anyone else at home that might feel differently when I get back.

I don't eat out often. 
From what I can tell you eat out every week-- wings and Bud Fat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2021, 08:21:28 AM
Many versions do, it's a bit odd.
Chocolate can be found in various chile-based dishes and sauces in Mexico.  Many versions of mole' sauce use chocolate.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2021, 09:10:39 AM
Cincy chili is brown, not red.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2021, 09:11:53 AM

This is a "five way", homemade, the restaurant stuff looks a bit different, a lot more cheese.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2021, 09:23:34 AM
I see kidney beans!!!

actually looks good this morning.  HAven't had breakfast

I'd have a plate
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2021, 09:24:26 AM
From what I can tell you eat out every week-- wings and Bud Fat.
One meal a week isn't much for most folks
ask Cincy
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2021, 09:37:58 AM
66% Of Consumers Think Electric Vehicles Have A Gas Engine | Carscoops (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2021, 09:39:38 AM

This is a "five way", over cooked spaghetti, chili, onions, beans, and cheese.  Blue Ash Chili concocted a six way with fried japanenoes.  With a lot of hot sauce, it's edible.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2021, 09:53:10 AM
I'd like it just fine

probably wouldn't eat much of the pasta/noodle base, but the rest is appealing

never tried fried japanenoes to my knowledge

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2021, 09:53:42 AM
I've never really had a problem with the dish.  It just isn't chili.  It's Mediterranean-flavored spaghetti sauce over noodles with optional beans, cheese, and other stuff thrown on top.  It's a pasta dish, not chili.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2021, 09:55:38 AM
Fried jalapenoes is like anything fried, really tasty, but after a few they can start to bite.

Skyline locations are only in Cincinnati with a few in Columbus and I think a few in Florida.  It's highly regional.  There might be a few more sprinkled around.

It's worth trying if you find yourself there for a day or three.  The Air Force Museum in Dayton is spectacular.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2021, 10:00:08 AM
well, I plan to visit Columbus in May/June

I better give it a try

I was amused by your spelling of fried japanenoes ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 04, 2021, 12:10:18 PM
it's a paper card
I figured it was.  But it looks like it was stored/carried for years in something that was not flat.
We carried a card like that in Basic/AIT.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 04, 2021, 12:31:54 PM
The photo belongs to William Powis of the 11 ACR, dated 1970.

Nice picture!  An AH-1G Cobra that is.
One thing about Cobras assigned to air cavalry units--like that one--is that they didn't carry the maximum load of rockets.  Instead of four 19-shot rocket pods, they carried two of them plus two 7-shot pods, as that one is.  The reduced weapons load enabled them to carry a full tank of JP-4 for increased range/time on station.  Cobras in aerial rocket artillery units typically carried four 19-shot pods for increased firepower, but with less than a full tank they had less range.  Those are twin 7.62mm mini-guns in the turret.  Could have been twin 40mm grenade launchers, or one of each.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 04, 2021, 02:12:46 PM

This is an AH-1S (ECAS) (later called "AH-1E") Cobra from 1-17 (Air) Cavalry, 82nd Abn Div, in Operation Urgent Fury--the invasion of Grenada in Oct-Nov 1983.  I was assigned to that squadron--platoon commander of the scout platoon of A Troop--at the time.  Note the mix of 19-shot and 7-shot rocket pods and the 3-barreled 20mm cannon mounted on the turret.  Either of the rocket pods on either side could be replaced by TOW missile racks holding four missiles each.

The 82nd Combat Aviation Battalion had a company of newer AH-1S (Fully Modernized) (later called "AH-1F") Cobras.  They were better-suited to killing Soviet tanks in Germany than ours were, but ours were better for our cavalry missions--reconnaissance and screening.  Their version had a big, heavy IR suppressor on the exhaust--the best recognition feature.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2021, 08:21:31 AM
well, I plan to visit Columbus in May/June

I better give it a try

I was amused by your spelling of fried japanenoes ;)
Get the four way onion (no beans) and use hot sauce.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 05, 2021, 09:24:36 AM
Can you get it without the noodles, and with cornbread instead?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 05, 2021, 11:47:25 AM
Chili on top of noodles resembles the "Darlin'" of the late, great Denco Cafe in Norman.

That had elbow macaroni as the noodles.


This is supposed to be it, but that's not how it was served in my day.  Back then, it was served in a black oblong plate, made of some sort of thermoplastic, with a hot steel liner.

The eggs on top would have been an extra-cost option, and were called "two lookin' at ya."  And there was no little cup of dipping stuff.  There were two squeeze-bottles at each table.  One had Creamy French dressing in it; the other had Green Goddess.  A basket of probably-made-on-site greasy tortilla chips was also served.  They are called "hardsies."  The eating technique was to take a hardsie, scoop up some of the noodles and chili, then squirt a dab of dressing on it.  Then eat and enjoy, while listening to Hank Williams, Marty Robbins, Charlie Pride, et. al., on the jukebox.  Nothing in town better than that at 2 a.m.!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 05, 2021, 02:10:52 PM
Get the four way onion (no beans) and use hot sauce.

sounds like my preference
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2021, 02:31:26 PM
Can you get it without the noodles, and with cornbread instead?
They won't have cornbread.  You can get it with no noodles, I did once, it was awful.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 05, 2021, 03:25:10 PM
crackers would be a good substitute for noodles

the folks in Indiana like to have crackers on the table with butter
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 05, 2021, 03:29:50 PM
crackers would be a good substitute for noodles

the folks in Indiana like to have crackers on the table with butter
This is common at old-school Tex-Mex places, too.  Saltines, butter, and salsa.  You dip the crackers in a little butter, then into the salsa.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 05, 2021, 04:19:51 PM
They have crackers, I never thought of it, just get a bowl of chili with the cheese and use crackers.

When I was a kid, I'd eat saltines with  butter at restaurants as an appetizer, which I didn't much need, I could eat a lot.  I was 6'4" and under 180 in HS and ate a ton.

Somehow I added weight over the years.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 05, 2021, 05:18:31 PM
Interesting article about semi conductor industry coming to Texas

utee what do you think of this
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 05, 2021, 06:40:32 PM
They have crackers, I never thought of it, just get a bowl of chili with the cheese and use crackers.

When I was a kid, I'd eat saltines with  butter at restaurants as an appetizer, which I didn't much need, I could eat a lot.  I was 6'4" and under 180 in HS and ate a ton.

Somehow I added weight over the years.
don't see it much around here in Iowa, but in Indiana, they will have 2 or 3 types of crackers in the little cellophane wrappers and squares of butter for appetizing before the meal.

Bread and butter is more common here.

haven't noticed the melted dipping butter 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 05, 2021, 06:48:19 PM
May 1922: 78-year-old Robert T. Lincoln (son of Abraham Lincoln) is helped up the steps at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 05, 2021, 11:47:10 PM
Robert Todd Lincoln was Lincoln's only child (of four sons) to live to adulthood, and he never had any children.  So he was the end of the line for his family.

He served as our Minister to the United Kingdom during Benjamin Harrison's administration and as Secretary of War in the James Garfield-Chester Arthur administration.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2021, 07:42:18 AM
Interesting article about semi conductor industry coming to Texas

utee what do you think of this
It's a lofty dream, and this new Samsung plant is a step in the right direction.  But Samsung was already producing chips in the USA, and in the Austin area specifically.  But it's mostly low-cost memory chips, not the kind of complicated microcontroller/CPU chips that are the primary cause of the shortages.  There's a reason so much semiconductor manufacturing has moved overseas, it's still cheaper to do it there, than here.

Over the last two decades, Austin alone has lost semiconductor plants from semiconductor giants like Motorola, Spansion, AMD, and TI.  All of them used to manufacture complex ICs right here in town, and now not a single one of them does.  There are only a couple of wafer fabs left, and it's all R&D now, not production.

And that's just Austin, the drain has occurred throughout Texas, and the entire United States.  It would take another couple of decades to get it back to where it was in the 90s/early 2000s.  That doesn't mean it can't be done or isn't worth trying, because I agree 100% with reducing our reliance on foreign countries for critical supply chain/infrastructure needs.  But it's going to take a lot more time, effort, and resources, than many folks might think. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2021, 09:11:10 AM
thanks for your reply

like chicken soup it cant hurt

I really love it when a big company moves to Texas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2021, 09:44:35 AM
Samsung has been here for many years, but this certainly represents major expansion.

We've also had major Apple expansion here recently, including building a manufacturing site.  And Oracle has expanded recently.  

Obviously Elon Musk is expanding his operations in the Lone Star State as well.

All good news for sure, but I don't think anyone should get too excited about statements from the governor about bringing "all of the semiconductor manufacturing" to Texas.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2021, 11:16:37 AM
I think its great to have a governor who really supports this state

I dont always agree with him but theres no doubt where his heart is

Hes basically inviting the semi conductor industry to consider Texas

There are some basic things a state can do to attract companies to move there 

and it looks like Texas is very willing to do those things
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2021, 12:05:59 PM
He's pro-big-business, no doubt about that. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2021, 12:16:55 PM
Low taxes, modest cost of living, available work force, decent schools, lowish crime, decent weather, not a secret.

I was a kid when the South was replete with textile mills transplanted from the NE (and now gone to Thailand et al.).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2021, 04:16:30 PM
Low taxes, modest cost of living, available work force, decent schools, lowish crime, decent weather, not a secret.

Counterpoint:  Ugly women, no beer, roaming gangs of organ harvesters that will steal your kidneys, and the inside-out green mist.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2021, 04:21:16 PM
Counterpoint:  Ugly women, no beer, roaming gangs of organ harvesters that will steal your kidneys, and the inside-out green mist.
Folks please welcome our Chamber of Commerce representative
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2021, 04:26:21 PM
I was speaking generally about where companies like to move.  I should have mentioned transportation as well.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2021, 06:40:29 PM
I was speaking generally about where companies like to move.  I should have mentioned transportation as well.

what about transportation
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on December 06, 2021, 10:38:43 PM
Counterpoint:  Ugly women, no beer, roaming gangs of organ harvesters that will steal your kidneys, and the inside-out green mist.
Might want to tell that to the Yahoos coming from the other way
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 07, 2021, 07:02:21 AM
A location with good transportation, highways, rail, air, a port, will be preferred over ones without any, or relatively poorer.

Mass transit could be a factor for some, it is a bit here anyway, a lot of development is happening near the subway stations.  Google and MS have new campuses or buildings near a station, the MS campus is planned, not yet extant.  We live about 0.8 miles from either of two stations, in good weather we walk there with luggage to get to the airport.

I'd say highways and rail are highly desirable for any manufacturing facility, obviously.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 07, 2021, 09:34:02 AM
I dont think Texas requires rail mass transit to attract industries

and a lot of times corporate headquarters are away from downtown in big cities

just to get away from the mess

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 07, 2021, 01:00:44 PM
Manufacturing plants still get their raw materials and ship out finished product by rail. It's a vital artery.

My irritation with Texas is usually that the deals give away more in abatements and incentives than get replenished. The maintenance to roadways and utility usage usually leaves the average Texas resident with more of a burden than benefit.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 07, 2021, 01:26:39 PM
Manufacturing plants still get their raw materials and ship out finished product by rail. It's a vital artery.

My irritation with Texas is usually that the deals give away more in abatements and incentives than get replenished. The maintenance to roadways and utility usage usually leaves the average Texas resident with more of a burden than benefit.
I wasnt talking about rail in general of course industry needs rail and Texas has plenty of it

as far as giving away too much in incentives I dont remember an instance when this has happened
could you give an example of this
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 07, 2021, 04:25:48 PM
The incentives often are tax abatements, and every locale in competition for a company will grant some version of them.

I've read of course about new interchanges being built off freeways and brownfields being decontaminated to attract a company.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 07, 2021, 05:09:17 PM
I wasnt talking about rail in general of course industry needs rail and Texas has plenty of it

as far as giving away too much in incentives I dont remember an instance when this has happened
could you give an example of this

My feelings are largely an opinion.
As CD mentioned, tax abatement packages of all types are a normal and expected part of enticing new business to an area. I don't have a problem with them. I feel like the Texas leadership loves touting "low taxes" so much that they fail to fund necessary infrastructure projects - leaving bridges, roads, water supplies, and sewers to degrade past the point of safe usage. I believe that Texas often gives deals to attract business that don't pay Texans back fully in compensation or improvement. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 07, 2021, 05:17:46 PM
everyone is free to have opinions
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2021, 07:32:23 AM
everyone is free to have opinions
That's just like your opinion, man.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2021, 09:07:51 AM
the dude abides
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 08, 2021, 09:43:39 AM
pass the chips man
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2021, 09:48:49 AM
I had seen parts of that movie before and didn't get it, I then watched its entirety on a plane trip (nothing else looked watchable).  It was pretty good, it got in a group of silly movies that I like, like Roadhouse.

I've never seen Airplane all the way through.

They don't have that on planes though.

We're headed to Hawaii tomorrow, I'll watch something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2021, 10:09:07 AM
There are some quotable lines in Lewbowski, and the cast is fantastic, but overall I think it's one of their weaker efforts.  Raising Arizona, on the other hand, is a masterpiece.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2021, 12:34:53 PM
Rivian's next US plant may call Georgia home, report says - Roadshow ( (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2021, 01:07:44 PM
Rivian's next US plant may call Georgia home, report says - Roadshow ( (

I see that CD's Diary has made its return.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2021, 01:30:48 PM
I was musing about how much they would get offered by the state for that move.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 08, 2021, 01:31:59 PM
well whatever it is its too much

course that just my opinion
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2021, 03:13:48 PM
well whatever it is its too much

course that just my opinion
Wait, I thought you were in favor of enticing big business to your own state?  How else do you think they do it, without tax abatements and subsidies?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 08, 2021, 04:22:38 PM
Wait, I thought you were in favor of enticing big business to your own state?  How else do you think they do it, without tax abatements and subsidies?
thats only if Texas does it then its a good thing
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 09, 2021, 09:14:46 PM
My feelings are largely an opinion.
As CD mentioned, tax abatement packages of all types are a normal and expected part of enticing new business to an area. I don't have a problem with them. I feel like the Texas leadership loves touting "low taxes" so much that they fail to fund necessary infrastructure projects - leaving bridges, roads, water supplies, and sewers to degrade past the point of safe usage. I believe that Texas often gives deals to attract business that don't pay Texans back fully in compensation or improvement.
don't forget the power grid
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 09, 2021, 09:21:28 PM
don't forget the power grid
all has been fixed

we are good to go
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2021, 02:12:55 PM
I think the amount of attention being paid by the national mediots (and pot stirrers like Fearless) to the Texas power grid is amusing.

A once-in-ten-generations or alternatively once-since-the-beginning-of-recorded-history-in-Texas storm happens and it's below-freezing for an entire week, and there are power grid failures.  And so everyone wants to pile on the Texas power grid that just so happens to run outside of the US power grid and is the only non-Federally-regulated grid in the country.

I mean, surely there's no agenda there, right?  Surely the national mediots couldn't be calling out Texas' energy independence because they'd prefer to see everything Federally controlled?  There's NO WAI they could be pushing their own editorial views here, right?

Meanwhile, the Texas power grid endures brutally hot summers on an every-year basis without any failures, while California goes into rolling brown-outs every time the temperature dial goes over 85 degrees, but not one word about those power failures from the national mediots, even though it happens every single year.

But, sure, there's no agenda...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 10, 2021, 02:41:48 PM
Ive lived in Texas all my life and dont remember it ever being below freezing for an entire week in Houston

Until I see differently Im assuming we have put in sufficient improvements to avoid a repeat of that crap should we be blessed 2 years in a row

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2021, 03:33:34 PM
Ive lived in Texas all my life and dont remember it ever being below freezing for an entire week in Houston

Until I see differently Im assuming we have put in sufficient improvements to avoid a repeat of that crap should we be blessed 2 years in a row

Yup, my entire life in Austin, it's never happened.  I'm willing to bet it won't ever happen again during my lifetime.

Regardless, actual preparedness or lack thereof, is NOT the reason why the national mediots went after the Texas power grid.  If that were a concern, then they'd be talking about California every single year.  But they aren't, and they won't.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 10, 2021, 03:51:37 PM
It wasn’t simply below freezing. It was 15-20 degrees below for days. We’re no more built to handle that kind of cold than Ohio is built to withstand hurricanes or heat waves. And don’t give me no bullshit about how hot it gets in Ohio or any of the Northern states. It’s not the same. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2021, 04:08:36 PM
All true.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 10, 2021, 07:17:19 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on December 18, 2021, 10:50:56 AM
It wasn’t simply below freezing. It was 15-20 degrees below for days. We’re no more built to handle that kind of cold than Ohio is built to withstand hurricanes or heat waves. And don’t give me no bullshit about how hot it gets in Ohio or any of the Northern states. It’s not the same.
Ed Zachery,that's why i don't move to the infernal regions.Can always throw on another layer or two when the the cold winds roar out of Canada and across the Great Lakes.Much nicer IMO than getting slow roasted - but that's just like my opinion,man
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 18, 2021, 12:00:02 PM
Ed Zachery,that's why i don't move to the infernal regions.Can always throw on another layer or two when the the cold winds roar out of Canada and across the Great Lakes.Much nicer IMO than getting slow roasted - but that's just like my opinion,man
Your opinion is correct.  Texas is horrible.  Nobody should ever move here.  Everyone current living here should leave.

Thank You For Your Support
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 19, 2021, 06:36:27 PM
A couple of things I wanted to add about the power grid failures. I work in an industrial facility.  It’s not a power plant, but very similar. We have fired equipment, generate steam, use boiler feed water, etc. Our equipment has a design temp that is spec’d when we built the plant. So much degrees for so many hours/days. We have heat tracing and insulation etc according to these specs. This is a billion dollar facility built in 2015, but all the plants are similar. 

I think our plant was specd to run at 18 deg F for 24 hours. The lower the spec, the more expensive it is to build, run, and maintain. When you insulate things you get cui, known as corrosion under insulation. You have to strip the insulation off for maintenance, etc. 

Not only could we not run, we ran out of nat gas. We froze anyways. We recorded temps down to 12 deg F for days. I’m not sure if the power plant located on-site was able to run or not but I think they had to shut down as well. 

Just not designed to run in weather that cold. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 24, 2021, 05:15:56 PM
Yeah, that sounds very reasonable to me, and likely is exactly the case.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on January 01, 2022, 12:00:57 AM
Happy New Years to you filthy animals
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 01, 2022, 01:18:47 AM
Happy New Years to you filthy animals
Happy New Year ya bastage
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 02, 2022, 02:11:18 PM
Battleship Texas is going to go into dry dock for repairs after being in salt water for over 100 years.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 02, 2022, 02:20:22 PM
This isnt the first time

as a teenager I remember her being retrofitted in Galveston and it looks like they are going to repeat that

I still remember seeing her docked in Galveston and seeing her towed back
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 02, 2022, 02:26:22 PM
Here's a longer video about the ongoing conservation of Battleship North Carolina, with some references to the issues facing Battleship Texas. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 03, 2022, 10:59:36 AM

Even though Ireland is the birthplace of Guinness beer, Britain is the number one consumer of the beverage, Nigeria is second, and Ireland is third. An estimated 40% of all Guinness beer is sold in Africa.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on January 03, 2022, 03:24:45 PM
I cannot believe this place still exists.... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 03, 2022, 03:29:14 PM
I cannot believe this place still exists....
man I thought you were dead

how ya been
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 03, 2022, 05:03:39 PM
Shiner Bock!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 03, 2022, 05:47:45 PM
I cannot believe this place still exists....

Hey what's up my new conference mate buddy???? :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 03, 2022, 11:14:13 PM
I cannot believe this place still exists....
Come on in. The waters warm. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on January 04, 2022, 09:52:10 AM
man I thought you were dead

how ya been

Dead?  Ha..... nah..... still kicking. I ain't that old!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2022, 09:56:17 AM
well, ya ain't any younger

like the rest of us getting long in the tooth
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on January 04, 2022, 10:06:46 AM
Hey what's up my new conference mate buddy???? :)
The horns eating humble pie and deciding to join the SEC is one of the more comical turn of events in CFB in the last year. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2022, 11:53:44 AM
they're not even humble about sucking up to the SEC

just not their nature
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2022, 12:14:02 PM
The horns eating humble pie and deciding to join the SEC is one of the more comical turn of events in CFB in the last year.

I've been saying for the past decade that the SECSECSEC was inevitably where the Horns would end up, and that Texas and OU would go together.  It's both a blessing, and a curse, always being right about everything.

And you know better than to think Horns are capable of being "humble" about anything 'tall. :)

Hope you had a Merry Christmas.  How's that Corvette restoration coming along?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on January 04, 2022, 02:32:01 PM
Sold it.  Didn't finish it, but was reasonably close.  Just didn't have time to work on it.  As my kids have gotten older, I got less and less time as they are each playing multiple sports.... so it didn't make sense to keep it.  Found a local couple who was excited to pick up where I left off and sold it to them.  My son just made the HS baseball team and starts practice for the spring season next week.... so any small amount of time I may have had to work on projects like Corvettes is out the window.  Even if it weren't for sports, I also picked up a new stick burner for weekend smoking so that would occupy my weekends anway.  

Since I sold the Vette, I recently filled that garage space with a new '21 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon.  Tons of fun to drive so that's been cool and I have to admit, it's nice have two driveable cars in the garage now.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2022, 02:45:08 PM
Very cool.  A couple years ago we sold my i s c & a aggie wife's old car and also got her a 2017 Wrangler Rubicon, 4-door so it's an Unlimited.  We both love that car.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on January 04, 2022, 03:19:05 PM
Yeah... I got an unlimited as well.... Granite Crystal Metallic.  Also got the 6speed manual paired to the 3.6L.  Haven't driven a stick since my college days... That makes driving it that much more fun.  The wife is not as thrilled with that aspect of the purchase since she doesn't know how to drive it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2022, 03:27:21 PM
My wife wanted a red one, so that's what she got. :)  And it's her daily driver so it's definitely automatic.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Bonfired on January 04, 2022, 09:55:14 PM
A Shiner sighting...holy shit.

Not that I have any room to talk.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 04, 2022, 10:05:16 PM
Man they're comin out of the woodwork now

Is this honorary aggie Tuesday?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2022, 10:22:21 PM
My wife wanted a red one, so that's what she got. :)  And it's her daily driver so it's definitely automatic.


obviously, HUSKER RED
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Bonfired on January 04, 2022, 11:45:22 PM
Man they're comin out of the woodwork now

Is this honorary aggie Tuesday?
Guess so.

3 of us in a day's time is a veritable plethora. Some of y'all might call it an infestation.

Coming up on a quarter century of intermittent (very intermittent in recent years) banter with some of ya. Hard to believe...I had just finished my first year of teaching when I found CNN/SI, and I can retire in 2024. Crazy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 05, 2022, 08:26:55 AM
Good to see you Bon, hope all is well with you and yours.  Good ol' Gigem isn't gonna know what to do with all of this Aggie support. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 06, 2022, 07:54:39 PM
good to hear from you, Bon
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 07, 2022, 07:28:04 PM
QB Casey Thompson is going to Nebraska.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 07, 2022, 10:28:13 PM
That's good for Nebraska.

I wish he'd stuck around, he was playing well before he injured his thumb, and presumably that would have healed during the offseason.  

But I can understand he felt that bringing in Ewers meant he wouldn't have any further opportunity. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 08, 2022, 03:32:56 PM
best news for Husker football since Frost was hired 4 years ago

hope this turns out better than that hire
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 10, 2022, 09:09:15 AM
Casey Thompson is a fantastic QB. He was wasted (as anyone would have been) behind the Longhorn tissue paper OL. 
He's not what Sark is looking for, though. Ewers and Card are his preferred types. I'm not throwing Hudson Card away at the moment. He was thrown in against some really ugly stuff. If we didn't break him Garrett Gilbert style, he's got a good chance. Of course, there's also a decent chance he's been recruited over.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 10, 2022, 11:33:31 PM
gonna have to be fantastic to save Frost's hide next season
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 11, 2022, 11:39:58 AM
As always, QB play depends largely on o-line play.  How are your trench ponies?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 12, 2022, 11:37:17 AM
they suck

Martinez may have been the QB Frost thought he was with a solid O-line and therefore a solid running game from RBs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 12, 2022, 11:57:51 AM
As always, QB play depends largely on o-line play.  How are your trench ponies?
I think tihs nearly always is true, but a few elite QBs can manage with an average OL.  Bryce Young would be an extant example.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 12, 2022, 12:24:39 PM
I think tihs nearly always is true, but a few elite QBs can manage with an average OL.  Bryce Young would be an extant example.

I'm hoping your statement is correct, for no other reason than Bama's line shouldn't have been "average". The talent on their roster should have their OL "exceptional" or "elite". 
If they weren't up to their usual standard (and I don't see that they were), then I want it to be because the OL coach is now on Texas' sidelines. I've got transformative playmakers on the field - if the OL can keep the QB upright till 4-Mississippi.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 12, 2022, 01:22:40 PM
I think tihs nearly always is true, but a few elite QBs can manage with an average OL.  Bryce Young would be an extant example.

Sure.  But even the most elite QBs can't do anything with trash o-lines.

Vince Young's o-lines were very good.  Most of those guys played on Sundays for several years.

But with our o-line from last year?  He'd have been running for his life on almost every single play.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 12, 2022, 02:37:59 PM
A great QB may do about as well with an average OL as a very good one, perhaps an elite OL makes him even better, slightly?   I'm not sure, no way to test, but we've all watched elite QBs with otherwise mundane OLs be elite.  It also helps to have a great RB tandem with said elite OL, there you can't do much unless you are Barry.

And of course elite WRs can pull bacon from fire.  And TEs.  Maybe it's a team sport ...

We just saw a pretty unheralded QB win the NC and I didn't think the OL was elite at all, better than mediocre, but not elite.

It would be interesting to see Joe Burrow with a mediocre OL, he had one of the greatest years I've ever seen.  Did LSU have a great OL?  Does Cincinnati?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 12, 2022, 02:47:49 PM
Any team getting into the CFP has at least an average o-line.  It's simply not going to happen with trash o-line, no matter who's behind center.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 12, 2022, 06:13:48 PM
Yeah, but a lot of OLs are about average for decent teams (not like G5s).  I think the Dawgs had a slightly better than average OL for P5 teams.  Some of this is scheme and technique of course.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 18, 2022, 03:49:57 PM
so it looks like the Big 12 is going to formally go to 2 7 team division starting in 2023

so is it assuming too much to think UTs and OUs first sec season will be 2023
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 18, 2022, 04:45:05 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 18, 2022, 04:53:41 PM
so it looks like the Big 12 is going to formally go to 2 7 team division starting in 2023

so is it assuming too much to think UTs and OUs first sec season will be 2023

No.  The plan was to start SEC play in 2022, but the lawyers have dragged things out enough, that it's going to slip back to 2023. 

Texas and OU will not ever be part of a 14-team B12.  Not sure what other schools they think will join to get to 14.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 18, 2022, 07:47:32 PM
No.  The plan was to start SEC play in 2022, but the lawyers have dragged things out enough, that it's going to slip back to 2023.

Texas and OU will not ever be part of a 14-team B12.  Not sure what other schools they think will join to get to 14.
I'm not asserting you are wrong about this, but, FWIW, the OU writers here are thinking that it's going to take longer, and that the 14-team will involve OU and Texas (in different divisions) for a year or two.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 18, 2022, 08:19:10 PM
I'm not asserting you are wrong about this, but, FWIW, the OU writers here are thinking that it's going to take longer, and that the 14-team will involve OU and Texas (in different divisions) for a year or two.

The writers are all being told 2025 right now, because that's what the contracts say, and the contract renegotiations haven't been completed.  Nobody in an official capacity is about to feed a journalist a different number and risk the consequences of breach of contract.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 19, 2022, 06:48:55 AM
My personal opinion is that OU and UT get to decide when they leave, not the Big 12. And if the B12 is not playing ball, they will just claim state sovereignty and roll on and there ain’t a damn thing the B12 can do about it. 

Everybody just has to say the right things u til they get to the edge of that particular cliff, right up until they go nuclear and push that particular button. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 19, 2022, 08:48:50 AM
That's negotiation for you. Everyone claims the other side's position is absurd, while acknowledging that it isn't - mostly because they themselves aren't taking the action they claim they're entitled to take. 

Texas plays Alabama as a marquee out of conference game next season Sept 10. It'd be damned inconvenient to suddenly make that part of the conference schedule. 

I really do wish our good buddy Pirate's Roost were around. I hate to paraphrase his argument, because it was a solid one, and I'll get the details wrong. The idea was rooted like this:

The "Grant of Right", signed by Texas (and the other Big 12 teams) gives the Big 12 the rights to distribute all the Tier I contracted broadcast revenue for a prescribed period. That's useless because Texas doesn't actually have any contracts for Tier I broadcast revenue. Those agreements are between the broadcast partners like Fox and ESPN and the Big 12. The Big 12 collects media revenue and distributes it to the member schools. 
If Texas were to ditty bop over to the SEC, then they'd be in breach of the "Grant of Rights". In that scenario, the Big 12 could withhold all revenues from Texas - only they wouldn't be collecting any. Texas wouldn't be playing any Big 12 games. The SEC's media partners would then happily compensate the SEC for Texas games. The SEC would then provide Texas that share. 

I'm making a hash of the details, but that should be the gist.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 19, 2022, 10:29:53 AM
as with all contracts it comes down to what the real losses are not the prearranged remedies for unrealized losses

that question could be decided by the courts or in a sane world just be hashed out between the parties involved

right now the hashing out process is going on and no one who knows is talking about it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 19, 2022, 01:46:58 PM
as with all contracts it comes down to what the real losses are not the prearranged remedies for unrealized losses

that question could be decided by the courts or in a sane world just be hashed out between the parties involved

right now the hashing out process is going on and no one who knows is talking about it

And this is exactly what's happening right now.  It's just happening a little slower than originally expected.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 19, 2022, 03:20:51 PM
well guess what

Gary Patterson is joining the UT coaching staff in a non coaching role

I hope one of his first special assignments is to figure out how to improve our defense

I find this kinda strange.  I cant believe he couldnt get a HC job with a P5 school

This leads me to believe he might just be our Defense Coach in the near future
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 19, 2022, 04:48:41 PM
Gary's probably a little fed up with being "the man". He may feel it again in the future, but getting paid by Texas in an advisory package isn't all that bad of a gig for someone who relishes the X's and O's of football.
PK's defense, politely, underwhelmed last season. I think that's almost exclusively on the players, but he was a coach that Sark hadn't directly worked with before. His credentials are impeccable, and I'm sure that he'll ultimately succeed. However, Sark isn't in the business of feeding egos. Having a spare DC in the office doesn't hurt.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 19, 2022, 05:58:39 PM
Underwhelming.  Yeah that would be one word.

The word I'd use is "sickening."  As in, watching Texas football attempt to play defense in 2021 sickened me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 19, 2022, 07:40:02 PM
Another video on the "Battleship New Jersey" channel about Battleship Texas.

It's about the blue camouflage scheme that Texas currently wears, which is consistent with how she looked in 1943-44. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 20, 2022, 09:21:54 AM
They do sleep-aboards on the Battleship Texas.

I've never done that, but I did do one with my son's Cub Scout pack onboard the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi.  To say those sleeping quarters are cramped, would be an understatement.  I have some mild claustrophobia and I had a tough time getting any sleep at all.  There's no way I could have ever lived like that onboard a ship for any length of time. But my son loved it, and that's what matters.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 20, 2022, 06:53:59 PM
One of my stepsons was in JROTC in high school.  His group took a field trip to New Orleans and they spent the night on the museum ship Kidd.  USS Kidd (DD-661) was a Fletcher-class destroyer commissioned in April 1943.  She was named for Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, who died on the bridge of his flagship, USS Arizona, on 7 Dec 1941.  My stepson said that the bunks were crammed in pretty tightly.

Coincidentally, I landed an OH-58 scout helicopter on board the 2nd USS Kidd (DDG-993) off Grenada in Nov 1983.  It was the lead ship of four in its class of destroyers built for the Imperial Iranian Navy, but taken into service by the U.S. Navy when the shah was deposed before they were completed.  The four became known as the "Ayatollah" class or, alternatively, the "Dead Admiral" class, as all four were named for Admirals killed in WWII.  Two of the others, Callaghan and Scott, were named for men killed in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, Nov 1942, aboard USS San Francisco and USS Atlanta, respectively.  The fourth, Chandler, was named for a man who died of burns when a kamikaze crashed into his flagship, Louisville, in Jan 1945.

All four of those ships are currently serving in the Republic of China (Taiwanese) Navy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 20, 2022, 07:13:14 PM
From, the "best barbecue restaurant" in each state ( BBQ AN011722 CHR En - Desktop USA YA), extracted to just feature the Big 12 states.

Smokey D’s - Des Moines, Iowa

Smokey D’s is the product of Darren and Sherry Warth's hard work. The couple competed to earn accolades of about 75 state BBQ championships and nearly 800 local, regional, and national wins. The Warths overlook three Iowa places where guests can taste their dishes, which include chopped pork, pulled chicken, smoked ribs, sliced turkey and pit ham.

Smokey D’s - Des Moines, Iowa

You will go crazy picking your favorite - smoked chicken wings glazed with your favorite BBQ or plain Kansas City-style burnt ends with Asian glaze, or Buffalo sauce.

Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que - Kansas City, Kansas

Initially known as Oklahoma Joe’s, this is a Kansas City favorite and representative of the city’s distinctive barbecue styles. Their burnt ends are available in limited quantities just three days a week and are particularly delicious.

Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que - Kansas City, Kansas

Crispy and mouth-watering, they have to be one of the best in America. Jeff and Joy Stephney set up their joint at a former fried chicken store-front in an old gas station, and their venture quickly became a hit for their excellent pulled pork, ribs, and brisket (slow-cooked for a whopping 15 hours).

Jamil's Steakhouse - Tulsa, Oklahoma

With experience of 65 years, Jamil's Steakhouse is undoubtedly the oldest steakhouse in Tulsa. It is a Lebanese restaurant offering the best steaks, smoked bologna, hummus, cabbage rolls, and briskets. The real joy in Oklahoma lies in embracing the people and their work.

Jamil's Steakhouse - Tulsa, Oklahoma

Instead of comparing themselves to the barbecue in Texas, they found their own way to make the best bologna. The bologna sandwich with a side of tabbouleh from the Jamil’s is the most popular lunch item there.

Louie Mueller Barbecue - Taylor, Texas

No one can leave Louie Mueller Barbecue without a pleasant smile on their faces, whether it’s because of the food or the homely environment. Wayne Mueller, the third-generation owner, is currently running the business and has been upholding the taste and culture that originally made the restaurant so popular.

Louie Mueller Barbecue - Taylor, Texas

You will always find enough room for a relaxing time even if the place is crowded. Besides, the classic perfectly smoked steaks along with the other barbecue dishes are massively popular too.

Dem 2 Brothers And A Grill BBQ - Charleston, West Virginia

Dem 2 Brothers And A Grill BBQ is well-known in all of Virginia especially because of its half rack ribs. Adrian Wright, the shop owner, is a former footballer, and he moved from Tampa Bay back to his native town in West Virginia to start a new page of his career.

Dem 2 Brothers And A Grill BBQ - Charleston, West Virginia

As it turned out, fame followed him very closely, this time for his fantastic barbecue, though. The ribs made with a sweet and spicy touch with mustard is genuinely worth a try.


If you asked 100 barbecue fans in Tulsa which is the best BBQ restaurant in the metro area, none of them would name Jamil's.  Most of them would be surprised that it is on any kind of list for BBQ, because it's a steakhouse that serves "barbecued" baloney as a side dish.

There's lots of good barbecue in Tulsa, but it is not found at Jamil's.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 20, 2022, 07:45:12 PM
Yeah, these kinds of lists are often made to be "controversial" and drive clicks.

Louie Mueller in Taylor isn't completely undeserving-- they still have one of the best BBQ beef ribs ever to grace this planet. But I can name ten places in Central Texas alone that are better overall BBQ joints.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 20, 2022, 10:24:09 PM
been to Smokey D’s and Louie Mueller

Smokey D’s might be the best BBQ in Iowa

I prefer Louie Mueller to Smokey D’s
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2022, 10:06:17 AM
Louie Mueller is pretty good.  The beef rib is excellent.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 25, 2022, 10:31:29 AM
it's expensive and worth it!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 04, 2022, 09:44:03 PM
Seeing as how we’re in 2022 does everybody still think OU and Texas still start SEC play this year?  It’s been awfully quiet lately.  Lots of schedule changes coming up and that will ripple across CFB. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 04, 2022, 10:03:15 PM
I would be very surprised if OU and Texas play in the SEC this fall.

I think that's no more likely than 2025 being the year.

But I have no connections whatsoever to people who might be in the know.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 04, 2022, 10:04:11 PM
Seeing as how we’re in 2022 does everybody still think OU and Texas still start SEC play this year?  It’s been awfully quiet lately.  Lots of schedule changes coming up and that will ripple across CFB.
No, at this point I think if it were going to happen for 2022 it would be announced.

Seems like the attorneys hit some snags they just couldn't work through, so 2023 it is.

Probably not the worst thing in the world for Texas to attempt to fix some of the terribleness before heading into SEC play.  Hope springs eternal, as they say.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 04, 2022, 10:20:15 PM
yep If I had to put money on it Id go for 2023

cause they dont want to mess around with OU and UT when setting up divisions
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 05, 2022, 01:11:46 AM
yep If I had to put money on it Id go for 2023

cause they dont want to mess around with OU and UT when setting up divisions
Somebody about 3 weeks ago floated a plan where OU and Texas are in different divisions but would be scheduled as interdivisional opponents.
That way, whenever the departure is, it wouldn't require realigning the divisions.
But I too think that 2023 is probably the year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 05, 2022, 09:40:17 AM
I'd guess 2024.  I will be sorry to lose some great OOC games UGA had schedule further out with both teams.  Maybe they can replace them with someone else, though if the league goes to nine game conference slates, I doubt the Dawgs will want to have three P5 OOC opponents as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 05, 2022, 11:40:03 AM
I'd guess 2024.  I will be sorry to lose some great OOC games UGA had schedule further out with both teams.  Maybe they can replace them with someone else, though if the league goes to nine game conference slates, I doubt the Dawgs will want to have three P5 OOC opponents as well.
I'd like 2024.  Georgia @ OU in 2023 is the marquee game for the Centennial of Oklahoma Memorial Stadium.  Getting that game in would be a nice consolation for another year in the Angry Eight.
We've got @ Tennessee scheduled for 2024, the "return" game for the Tennessee @ OU game that didn't happen in 2020.
LSU is scheduled for 2027-28, @ Georgia is scheduled for 2031, and Bama is scheduled for 2032-33.

Selfishly, I hope that the SEC goes to a 9-game schedule.  Every good (for OU) scheduling scheme I came up with after the announcement was made involved 9 conference games.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 05, 2022, 02:39:11 PM
With so many teams, they'd need a nine game slate, but I like seeing more OOC games by the top dogs.

UGA has scheduled 3 P5 OOC games starting in the later portion of the decade, and I like that, it means only one pastry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 05, 2022, 05:46:27 PM
Seems like Georgia and Bama, have led the way in the SEC in making strong OOC schedules.

Still too many Citadels and College of Charlestons being played, IMO, but the frequency of those games seems to be headed in the right direction--toward "never."

For the most part, OU has only been scheduling 1 P5 OOC opponent over the last couple of decades.  Worse, we've scheduled FCS programs.  I've been hoping to see that improve.

P.S. I would only want more OOC games if they were against good opponents.  I don't care about games vs. Missouri State, Western Carolina, UTEP, Kent State, Arkansas State, et. al.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 06, 2022, 10:10:32 AM
Yup, for the most part, an elite team is going to pound FCS or P5 teams about the same.  UGA played UAB last year, a credible G5 team (9-4, beat BYU), and Charleston Southern,  the result being about the same.  

The schedule as set for end of the decade would have three P5 OOC games scheduled including Clemson, FSU, OSU, OU, Texas, and of course Tech, who really is not going to be competitive.  I'd like everyone to play at least ten P5 level teams a year.  I love seeing big OOC games more than most conference games.

Now of course OU and Texas will get reset to something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 06, 2022, 12:09:36 PM
Yup, for the most part, an elite team is going to pound FCS or P5 [G5, right?] teams about the same.  UGA played UAB last year, a credible G5 team (9-4, beat BYU), and Charleston Southern,  the result being about the same. . . .
I'm going to disagree with your point.
No matter whether your team is elite or not, playing an FCS team is not about the same as playing a credible G5 team, even though the final scores may be similar.  The difference is in the increased wear and tear your team endures to beat the credible G5 team compared to beating the FCS team.  You may have to have your starters still playing in the 4th quarter against the credible G5 team, whereas they would be resting after halftime against the FCS team.
The score is not the proper metric.  The amount of effort your team had to expend is, IMO.
Playing an FCS team in November is not as restful as having a bye, but it is a chance to give starters a rest and to get injured players healthy.
All that notwithstanding, in my experience, the scores are seldom similar.
To use OU as an example, playing credible G5 Houston is not the same as playing FCS South Dakota. Houston beat OU 33-23 in 2016.  OU beat South Dakota 70-14 in 2019.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 06, 2022, 12:59:33 PM
The UGA starters played one series after the half against UAB.  That might not be a general comparison, but I do think generally whether you play Akron or Charleston Southern, the outcome is pretty much the same, wear and tear the same, etc.  And UGA was starting what had been a fourth string walk on QB as well.  It was 28-0 a minute into quarter 2.  Now there could be more broadly some difference as you note.  UAB probably is quite a bit better than CS.

Scoring Summary

Jermaine Burton 73 Yd pass from Stetson Bennett (Jack Podlesny Kick)
2 plays, 75 yards, 0:38
Kenny McIntosh 12 Yd pass from Stetson Bennett (Jack Podlesny Kick)
5 plays, 40 yards, 2:30
Brock Bowers 89 Yd pass from Stetson Bennett (Jack Podlesny Kick)
1 play, 89 yards, 0:14
Arian Smith 61 Yd pass from Stetson Bennett (Jack Podlesny Kick)
1 play, 61 yards, 0:36
Brock Bowers 9 Yd pass from Stetson Bennett (Jack Podlesny Kick)
6 plays, 17 yards, 2:48

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 07, 2022, 11:35:00 AM
In general, I would say most P5 teams will struggle less with any FCS versus G5 oppo, and of course some lose, and it's rare to lose to an FCS team.  I'm thinking either is a speedbump for an elite level team with not that much difference between them.

I'm sure there are some examples of legit top ten teams going down to the wire with a typical G5 team.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on February 07, 2022, 11:36:48 AM
Yeah... I got an unlimited as well.... Granite Crystal Metallic.  Also got the 6speed manual paired to the 3.6L.  Haven't driven a stick since my college days... That makes driving it that much more fun.  The wife is not as thrilled with that aspect of the purchase since she doesn't know how to drive it. 

love sticks.  gonna be sad when they completely go away.

i have two, both tacomas, ones old (98) & the other is for work (20)

i bought an fj cruiser a couple years ago & wanted a stick but they're hard to come by so i ended up settling for an auto.

enjoy the jeep!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 07, 2022, 11:54:46 AM
love sticks.  gonna be sad when they completely go away.

i have two, both tacomas, ones old (98) & the other is for work (20)

i bought an fj cruiser a couple years ago & wanted a stick but they're hard to come by so i ended up settling for an auto.

enjoy the jeep!
then you would have loved my college car a 65 Volkswagen
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 07, 2022, 12:23:38 PM
A manual can make even a slow car fun to drive and involving.

Today, most autos are faster than the equivalent manual.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 07, 2022, 01:17:29 PM
Transmissions are obsolete technology. Direct drive DC motors have the full torque band available at any RPM.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 07, 2022, 01:21:15 PM
Train engines figured that out a while back.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 07, 2022, 11:29:18 PM
nice win by the Horns over the Jayhawks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 08, 2022, 05:15:57 AM
We've mused about a Diesel hybrid where a small Diesel only recharges the battery when needed and the electric drives the car, akin to a train.

One could design a Diesel to run very efficiently at one RPM to drive a generator.  Would be nice for a truck, plug in hybrid with maybe 50 miles of battery range to cover many local trips, and then take it on the road with the Diesel available.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 08, 2022, 10:01:53 AM
might work in the western states if the fuel tank was large enough
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 08, 2022, 10:03:13 AM
We've mused about a Diesel hybrid where a small Diesel only recharges the battery when needed and the electric drives the car, akin to a train.

One could design a Diesel to run very efficiently at one RPM to drive a generator.  Would be nice for a truck, plug in hybrid with maybe 50 miles of battery range to cover many local trips, and then take it on the road with the Diesel available.
The engineer in me wonders if the weight of the engine plus support systems (fuel, exhaust, cooling, etc) would be better used on extra battery storage? I'm also a believer in the idea that we've only just started to seriously research battery storage chemistry. For years, a battery that ran our laptop for 6 hours was "good enough".

The fact that those huge mining dump trucks are also diesel generator, electric driven vehicles always impressed me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 08, 2022, 02:03:41 PM
Where I worked owned Duracell for a time, and they came over to our place and presented a nice summary of the inherent problems with batteries, it was impressive.  We're obviously trying to cram electrochemical potential into a small volume, and you read limits, I doubt we'll ever see a ten fold increase in capacity.  Then you have recharging limits and cycling issues with some chemistries.  They might be good initially but degrade too fast.

I think they sold Duracell to Warren Buffett.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 08, 2022, 02:05:39 PM
The engineer in me wonders if the weight of the engine plus support systems (fuel, exhaust, cooling, etc) would be better used on extra battery storage? I'm also a believer in the idea that we've only just started to seriously research battery storage chemistry. For years, a battery that ran our laptop for 6 hours was "good enough".
That depends on what you want, I'm looking at a truck that runs 50 miles on batteries and can run another 400 on Diesel and then be refueled in 3 minutes.
You might get 350 miles of range with only batteries, but then ...

The electric trucks from Ford and GM have some impressive specs.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 09, 2022, 10:59:41 AM
So what we'd need is a battery conformation that essentially worked like a gas tank. Like have fungible units in an industry standard (or near enough) form factor where I could pull into a "station", they could swap out my depleted cell with a fully charged one, and send me on my way - obviously charging for the service.

I know that batteries are currently stashed all over the vehicle in an attempt to balance the weight and protect from impact. Being creative with the form factor would be required.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 11:11:39 AM
The advanced battery packs today are "part of the frame", an integral part, it would be tough to swap them out and maintain frame stiffness without weight gains.

GM’s purpose-engineered ‘skateboard’ EV chassis uses the huge 24-module Ultium battery pack, rather than a ladder frame, as its foundational structure. That makes it “extremely stiff” in bending and torsion, Kraatz noted. Combined with Silverado’s independent suspension the skateboard structure benefits ride/handling and simplifies GM’s bill-of-material and in-plant complexity, at the expense of customer choice. The industry will be watching which EV pickup strategy, GM’s or Ford’s, proves most profitable over time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 11:16:56 AM
Yes all of that, plus even if you made the battery bank modular and removeable without jeopardizing the vehicle's structural integrity, you'd still have the simple logistical and mechanical issues of replacing these battery banks "at the pump."

Self-serve would be gone, and the amount of human interaction required "at the pump" would increase dramatically, as would the execution time and the wait time.  Presumably, eventually, robots could be used, but I'd say that's a very long way off in practical application.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 11:49:33 AM
I'm interested in whether inductive charging on the move is viable longer term.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 11:57:09 AM
Compared to building conventional roads it would be extremely expensive and therefore likely cost-prohibitive for the foreseeable future.

I'd imagine they'd eventually be able to cost-down enough to implement it, but by then we'll all have flying cars as promised on The Jetsons and there will be no need.

Or maybe not...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 09, 2022, 12:10:28 PM
The old Nokia cell phones had battery packs that clip on and off. I was envisioning something like that where the gas tank is conventionally located. Drive over, stop, have the techs in the pit below snap the spent one off and clip in a new one. Obviously, it won't be exactly like that due to safety requirements and other logistics, but that's the idea.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 12:13:32 PM
The concept of battery swaps has been tested and does "work", but the weight problem is inherent.

This Is the Decade for Smart, Portable Power for All - Gogoro (

How Is This A Good Idea?: EV Battery Swapping - IEEE Spectrum (

Here in 2021, Battery swapping in EVs has become an especially bad idea. It’s a technical and market dead-end that seems more about separating green investors from their money than providing a solution. That’s despite credulous media reports that coo over the (admittedly cool) spectacle of robots switching car batteries like greasy Rube Goldbergs—but tend to avoid asking tough questions about how it’s supposed to work in the real world. 

The technology’s troubled history traces to Better Place (, or Exhibit A in the case against battery-swapping’s future. The Israel-based Better Place—founded in 2007 by smooth-talking Silicon Valley entrepreneur Shai Agassi—promised to change the world with robotic service stations that would pluck a battery from a car and pop in a fresh one, extending its driving range in a matter of minutes. In those quaint EV days, with Tesla taking baby steps with the Roadster (built from 2008 to 2011), battery swapping seemed to hold hazy promise. Most newfangled EVs (Tesla excepted) could barely get beyond city limits on a charge, including the 2011 Nissan Leaf and its 73-mile range. Once range was depleted, reliable public charging barely existed, as I recall from my own anxious drives in San Francisco when I tested the original Leaf and BMW i3. When you did find a working plug, batteries took forever to charge. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 12:17:12 PM
Folks muse about high speed rail, which of course is a lot of infrastructure.  I lean to thinking inductive charging and autonomous vehicles is a better concept.  A freeway lane would be rebuilt with inductive coils as needed and would read your car ID to charge you a fee and your car would get "in line" with a long line of cars nose to tail separated by inches and running perhaps 120 mph.  When you neared your exit, your car would separate to an outer lane and drive locally to wherever you're going on batteries alone.

This would render HSR obsolete in my mind.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 09, 2022, 12:24:09 PM
how bout we just jump into our rebuilt 57 chevy and just enjoy life
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 12:32:19 PM
I'm game if it has an LS7 up front, and a Tremec on the floor.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 09, 2022, 01:13:37 PM
I'm game if it has an LS7 up front, and a Tremec on the floor.
nope just good ol original American
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 01:25:56 PM
The old Nokia cell phones had battery packs that clip on and off. I was envisioning something like that where the gas tank is conventionally located. Drive over, stop, have the techs in the pit below snap the spent one off and clip in a new one. Obviously, it won't be exactly like that due to safety requirements and other logistics, but that's the idea.
I think you're underestimating the size of these battery banks.  They're slightly larger than an old Nokia phone battery... ;)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 09, 2022, 01:59:20 PM
Sheesh! My musings on a football board aren't meant to be patent applications. I do those on the music boards. =)

If you're gonna do it right, just nationalize transportation. Use your phone or other app to summon the car (or other vehicle). Tell it where you want to go, and let the autonomous driving AI coordinate on the roadways with all the other traffic. You won't feel much but G-forces from smooth acceleration, but outside, the vehicles could operate inches away from each other at 100+mph speeds. They'd enter and exit as appropriate. Overall optimized trips. Low pollution.

Heck, even the inevitable disasters would be optimized.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 02:05:38 PM
Nationalized transportation.

Because there's no better organization for coordinating these types of highly critical interactions, than the Government.

What could possibly go wrong????
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 02:43:19 PM
I used to spend quite a bit of time on my '73 Nova keeping it running "right".  I don't even check under the hood any more unless it's out of wiper fluid.

I admire those older cars a lot, but they were maintenance hogs, relatively, worse with a 4 bbl.

I watch the Mecum auction when I'm bored, some of those restos are pretty cool.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 04:12:29 PM
I still dream of a 1965 Mustang convertible. Perhaps by the time I finally get around to buying one, it'll be easy and inexpensive to retrofit as an electric or hybrid. :)  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 04:55:46 PM
I like the look of the current 'stangs.  I've had a rental convertible a few times, they drive like crap though, the cheapie drive trains.  My wife enjoys them though.

I was surprised how poorly the ecoboost ran, maybe it was tired.

The others were V6s back in the day.

So, I'd have to get the GT model, they run around $50 K new.  I keep looking for one 2-3 years old, along with the BMW 240i.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 05:24:57 PM
I like the look of the current 'stangs.  I've had a rental convertible a few times, they drive like crap though, the cheapie drive trains.  My wife enjoys them though.

I was surprised how poorly the ecoboost ran, maybe it was tired.

The others were V6s back in the day.

So, I'd have to get the GT model, they run around $50 K new.  I keep looking for one 2-3 years old, along with the BMW 240i.
Ecoboost on my truck is bad-ass.  Of course it's the 3.5L not the 2.3L version found in the Mustang.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 05:51:54 PM
Yeah, I hated the drive train, that 10 speed transmission was awful and power was anemic.

It was actually hard to drive for me, and I don't say that about the Kias I often rent.

I had something in France that was a DCT and impossible to drive when you need to creep up on something, which is common there as you know.

Fortunately they usually have manuals on rentals.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 05:56:04 PM
My F150 has the 6-speed, they didn't start putting in the 10-speed in the F150 for another couple of years.  But from various folks on the owners' forums, they seem to like it a great deal.  Especially for towing.

I haven't had any issues with my 6-speed though, it's worked just fine for my purposes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 05:58:20 PM
I expected the 2.3 L to be more like my GTI which is of course a 2.0 L.  My GTI of course has a manual in it.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 06:01:35 PM
About 1 year from now, I might be knee-deep in finding out.  My daughter wants a Mustang for her first car, and her grandparents are likely to get her whatever she wants, used and within reason of course. They're not the Rockefellers.

I was thinking a 12-year-old Volvo station wagon would be a good idea, but she doesn't seem to be going for that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 09, 2022, 06:08:24 PM
Psh. My son has a beauty of a 2012 Toyota Corolla sitting practically untouched in Grammy's garage waiting for him in August of this year (provided I don't kill him prior to that).

I may swap the head unit in it to an Android Auto compatible one just because I know he'll have his phone there whether I tell him to or not. Rather  have it paired and hands-free.

If it survives the first year, I'll drop the dual 15"'s in the trunk.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 06:40:33 PM
Smart move making allowances for the hands-free.

And a 10-year-old Corolla is pretty much a Bentley compared to my 1981 Dodge Omni.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 07:10:34 PM
I once posed a question around the lunch table what vehicle Bill Gates should buy for his 16 year old.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2022, 07:28:47 PM
2021 Cadillac Escalade Diesel Is Smooth, Fuel-Sipping Euphoria ( (

all this slick versatility carried an $111,865 as-tested price, but that doesn't seem to bother Cadillac shoppers, who are readily forking over more than $100,000 ( for their 2021 Escalades. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 09, 2022, 08:31:34 PM
The advanced battery packs today are "part of the frame", an integral part, it would be tough to swap them out and maintain frame stiffness without weight gains.

GM’s purpose-engineered ‘skateboard’ EV chassis uses the huge 24-module Ultium battery pack, rather than a ladder frame, as its foundational structure. That makes it “extremely stiff” in bending and torsion, Kraatz noted. Combined with Silverado’s independent suspension the skateboard structure benefits ride/handling and simplifies GM’s bill-of-material and in-plant complexity, at the expense of customer choice. The industry will be watching which EV pickup strategy, GM’s or Ford’s, proves most profitable over time.
A super-stiff frame allows softer springing at the wheels, hence better ride/handling qualities.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 09, 2022, 09:29:57 PM
My ‘12 F-150 3.5 EB was indeed a powerful beast. About 90k miles on it when I sold it. Worst truck I ever owned. Shame too, because I loved the truck, but it had too many problems. 

My ‘16 Ram with the 3 liter diesel isn’t nearly as fast but I love the little Diesel engine. The truck has been much more solid than the Ford. I tow all kinds of stuff with it too, like my Kubota tractor. Great fuel mileage too, gets in the upper 20’s unloaded and high teens towing lightly. The F-150 never managed more than 15-16 unloaded. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2022, 09:44:39 PM
No issues at all with my 2015 F150.  And it had the best towing capacity and the largest cab of all options at the time, so a no-brainer for me.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 10, 2022, 08:23:03 AM
Frame stiffness in vehicles is a big virtue these days, and car makers design various chassis for various car/truck types and sizes to maximum stiffness and minimize weight.

A battery pack is there and adds, potentially, frame stiffness with little weight penalty if done properly.  This is why cars feel so much tighter today than in 1970, and it's a thing I really notice when I drive an older vehicle, even a restomod.

It's interesting to me how the Chevy EV truck is described as something in between body on frame and unibody.  I'm not sure what that means.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 10, 2022, 02:01:02 PM

Really nice day here.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 10, 2022, 04:04:16 PM
I still dream of a 1965 Mustang convertible. Perhaps by the time I finally get around to buying one, it'll be easy and inexpensive to retrofit as an electric or hybrid. :) 
Refit it with a crate Windsor 302.  Computer-controlled/EFI.  For $3 thousand or so you can get a very nice powerplant.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 10, 2022, 04:06:13 PM
Frame stiffness in vehicles is a big virtue these days, and car makers design various chassis for various car/truck types and sizes to maximum stiffness and minimize weight.

A battery pack is there and adds, potentially, frame stiffness with little weight penalty if done properly.  This is why cars feel so much tighter today than in 1970, and it's a thing I really notice when I drive an older vehicle, even a restomod.

It's interesting to me how the Chevy EV truck is described as something in between body on frame and unibody.  I'm not sure what that means.
There's a lot you can do to stiffen an old pony-car chassis.  Various sources produce kits for the purpose.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 10, 2022, 04:07:23 PM
Refit it with a crate Windsor 302.  Computer-controlled/EFI.  For $3 thousand or so you can get a very nice powerplant.
Yeah but that won't help me re-charge my car whilst cruising along the electrical induction highway.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 10, 2022, 09:33:28 PM
Yeah but that won't help me re-charge my car whilst cruising along the electrical induction highway.
No, it wouldn't do that.
Maybe you need a second car for that.  Not a bizarre incarnation of a Mustang.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 10, 2022, 10:13:08 PM
No, it wouldn't do that.
Maybe you need a second car for that.  Not a bizarre incarnation of a Mustang.
Hmmmm, perhaps you're right. ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 11, 2022, 08:16:39 AM
There's a lot you can do to stiffen an old pony-car chassis.  Various sources produce kits for the purpose.
Money and weight.

It's best if designed into the frame obviously.  My buddy had a 1971 Jag XKE V12, it drove like crap.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 13, 2022, 10:45:21 AM
In reality if I ever get my long-desired Mustang, it's only going to be used as a fun weekender.  

I'm not much of a speed demon so I don't THINK I'd really need additional frame stiffening or a new crate engine for it, but I'd also like it to be mechanically sound and I'm not sure that's realistic in a near-60-year-old car without replacing a lot of the original bits.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 13, 2022, 10:55:20 AM
A friend of mine restomoded a 1966 'stang, it looked incredible relative to where he started with it.  He put in a modern 302 and transmission and upgraded the suspension and brakes, and it still drove like crap.  It was fun to be out in on a nice day (not a rag top), but it really didn't drive well at all, in my opinion (and he agreed).

It's also surprising how slow the 60s muscle cars were in comparison in acceleration in most cases.  My other friend's Jag was original, it needed some cosmetics work and he thought the engine wasn't really pulling it's worth but he worked on it a lot.

that said, I think one can have fun with them, just don't expect some great driving experience.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 13, 2022, 11:05:31 AM
Being in a convertible Mustang on a sunny Austin day, IS a great driving experience. :)

I wouldn't ever be taking it cross country or anything so I'm not overly concerned.  One of my best friends in high school and college had a 66 Mustang coupe that I drove quite a bit, and it was fine for around-town.  

Of course all of this discussion presupposes I ever get one, which is pretty questionable.  Maybe when the kids are out of college in... 2032?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 13, 2022, 11:14:38 AM
I wish I'd have purchased one of the Vettes I looked at back before crazy inflation

it would be worth a few thousand more today than it was a couple years ago

it's questionable if it will ever happen, not very practicable  or logical
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 13, 2022, 11:35:10 AM
A friend of mine restomoded a 1966 'stang, it looked incredible relative to where he started with it.  He put in a modern 302 and transmission and upgraded the suspension and brakes, and it still drove like crap.  It was fun to be out in on a nice day (not a rag top), but it really didn't drive well at all, in my opinion (and he agreed).

It's also surprising how slow the 60s muscle cars were in comparison in acceleration in most cases.  My other friend's Jag was original, it needed some cosmetics work and he thought the engine wasn't really pulling it's worth but he worked on it a lot.

that said, I think one can have fun with them, just don't expect some great driving experience.
The thing that manufacturers can do, that restomodders can't (except with huge inputs of time, work, and expense) is development.  They test, test, test, until they get the right combination of wheel size, tire profile, spring rates, shock settings, steering ratio, etc., etc., etc.  Sometimes, they don't get it quite right, but they nearly always get it better than an individual building his dream car gets it.
20-30 years ago, Korean cars rode and handled like their suspensions were made of two-by-fours.  Probably a lot like your friend's restomod Mustang did.  Then Korean manufacturers learned the development piece, and some of their products are now world-class.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 13, 2022, 11:36:01 AM
Yeah I coulda/shoulda bought a Mustang 10-15 years ago, prices have skyrocketed since then.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 13, 2022, 12:14:12 PM
When COVID hit, rental car agencies were fire selling their performance cars, and they had some nice ones.  And yeah, I wish I had stepped in, but it was kind of a scary uncertain time.  Now renting a car costs an arm and a leg.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 13, 2022, 12:16:57 PM
The car mfgrs also have some major computing power and programs to test virtually.  They can optimize a chassic in a computer and then start to work out at least a first shot on suspension tunings.  The thing to do is get a nice '65 Mustang body and slap it on a new Honda Accord.  It wouldn't be unibody and it wouldn't be as good, but it would look nice and drive pretty well.

My neighbor just snagged a 7 year old Lexus with 30 K miles on it and it's really a nice car, boring to drive I imagine, but comfortable.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 13, 2022, 01:06:45 PM
always wanted to put a 62 vette body on a 2002 vette chassis

I assume that would outrageously expensive

I'll ask my body man

probably cost as much as a nice used 2012
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 13, 2022, 02:01:11 PM
This C6 Corvette With A C3 Body Is The Perfect Combination Of Old And New | Carscoops (

While many restomods typically use the car’s original chassis and add a modern drivetrain, what Hardcore Engine Builders did was actually the opposite: they used the C6’s chassis and drivetrain, then added the C3’s body on top.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 13, 2022, 02:45:54 PM
yup, unfortunately the C3 isn't my favorite
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 13, 2022, 02:46:13 PM
super bowl chili is simmering in the pot
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 13, 2022, 02:57:37 PM
yup, unfortunately the C3 isn't my favorite
I like the C2 in general.  C1, I like the '56-57.  That's the cleanest of the C1 body-styles.

How about a "789" Chevy.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 13, 2022, 03:00:12 PM
super bowl chili is simmering in the pot
If you pour it over noodles and top with beans you'll be supporting the Bengals.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 13, 2022, 03:29:45 PM
I'll find another way to support Zac Taylor and the Bungles
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 14, 2022, 09:08:12 AM
If you pour it over noodles and top with beans you'll be supporting the Bengals.
Beans are optional, but it usually comes topped with onion and cheddar cheese product.

One variant comes with fried jalapenoes.  That is called a six way.  In Cincy, you can order up a three way legally.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 14, 2022, 09:11:34 AM
I recall my first experience with Cincy chili.  I had just arrived that day from Chapel Hill and moved into an apartment, and for dinner walked over to a chili parlor, I had noticed them everywhere, and I like chili, so I figured this was the place for me.

I recall ordering it and the waitress asked me "what kind?" which I didn't understand, so I said "just chili".  It was AWFUL.  I mean really bad, I was poor so I choked it down, brownish gruel, really bad.  I didn't go back for years until someone at work explained to me and I agreed to try it again.  I finally figured it out and got used to it, expectations an all, and would go once a month or so.

There was a place near where I lived that hadn't changed their menus in decades and inflation was rampant so I'd take the kids there because it was cheap.  I recall my boy would order an "8 way", which was two 4 ways.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 14, 2022, 09:57:00 AM
I'll try it if I ever get to Ohio
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 14, 2022, 10:17:20 AM
I'll try it if I ever get to Ohio
Same here.  I've had the Skyline stuff out of the can and it wasn't really my thing, but I can recognize that the mass-produced packaged version is not going to be representative of what they serve at the restaurant.

I like to kid around and give it a hard time, but I'm sure it's fine in the way that local ethnic dishes can be.  Really my only problem with it, is that it's called "chili" when in reality it's a Mediterranean spaghetti sauce.  If folks referred to it as that, and treated it as that, then my expectations for it would completely change.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 14, 2022, 10:21:22 AM
Anyway, one of my friends at the Superbowl party we attended last night is a big Bungles fan and brought a bunch of canned Skyline stuff and all the fixins but obviously it didn't generate enough mojo to produce a win.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 14, 2022, 10:59:15 AM
I'll try it if I ever get to Ohio
It took me a while to like it, I do go back if we're in Cincy once though.  I get a four way no beans and put hot sauce on it, and it's not bad.  

The stuff out of a can is not good at all and not like they serve in the restaurants, at least that I had once (Skyline).  My favorite place is Blue Ash Chili.

Skyline and Gold Star to me are less flavorful.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 14, 2022, 07:45:17 PM
There's a place in Tulsa that Will Rogers used to patronize--Ike's Chili.

The chili recipe is probably unchanged since the 1920s.  It's a mild chili.  If you want it hot, there are 3-4 varieties of hot sauce at the table.  IIRC, you can get jalapeno slices on the side.

You can order it much like Skyline chili.  In a bowl as chili.  Over spaghetti.  Over spaghetti with cheese.  Over spaghetti with cheese and onions.  Etc.

As for the chili itself, it's not like any chili that I fix, but it's good in its own way.

I lost a friend to Parkinson's disease 2 years ago this April.  For over 10 years, about 4 out of every 5 Saturdays, we'd go to lunch to eat at locally owned restaurants that served one of the following: BBQ, pizza, Mexican food, hamburgers, or chili.  Ike's Chili was on the list.

As far as what is chili and what is not, I defer to the Font of All Wisdom:

Chili con carne (also spelled chilli con carne or chile con carne and shortened to chili or chilli), meaning "chili with meat", is a spicy stew containing chili peppers (sometimes in the form of chili powder), meat (usually beef), tomatoes and often kidney beans. Other seasonings may include garlic, onions, and cumin. The dish originated in northern Mexico or southern Texas.

Geographic and personal tastes involve different types of meat and other ingredients. Recipes provoke disputes among aficionados, some of whom insist that the word chili applies only to the basic dish, without beans and tomatoes. Chili con carne is a common dish for cook-offs, and may be used as a side, garnish, or ingredient in other dishes, such as soups or salsas.
I prefer mine without beans, FWIW.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 14, 2022, 07:45:32 PM
I'll try to remember 4-way

I'll easily remember hot sauce

I like it on many things
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 14, 2022, 10:31:34 PM
I don't actually like to put hot sauce on chili.  All hot sauces have their own flavor, many of them include vinegar, and adding them to another dish fundamentally changes the flavor of that dish.  I like putting hot sauces on scrambled eggs or something like that, because then the entire point is to alter the flavor.

But chili alone is complex dish with a customized combination of flavors designed to create a specific profile.  Hot sauce changes that flavor profile. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 14, 2022, 10:38:44 PM
"Chili con carne (also spelled chilli con carne or chile con carne and shortened to chili or chilli), meaning "chili with meat", is a spicy stew containing chili peppers (sometimes in the form of chili powder), meat (usually beef), tomatoes and often kidney beans. Other seasonings may include garlic, onions, and cumin. The dish originated in northern Mexico or southern Texas.

Geographic and personal tastes involve different types of meat and other ingredients. Recipes provoke disputes among aficionados, some of whom insist that the word chili applies only to the basic dish, without beans and tomatoes. Chili con carne is a common dish for cook-offs, and may be used as a side, garnish, or ingredient in other dishes, such as soups or salsas."

As far as that's concerned-- Ha.  As if.

I'll defer to the rules for the largest and most famous chili cookoff in the world, the one in Terlingua, Texas.

1.Chili must be cooked on site the day of the cookoff from scratch. "Scratch" means starting with raw meat and using regular spices. "Scratch" means starting with raw meat and spices. Commercial chili powder is permissible, but complete commercial chili mixes are NOT permitted.
2.Chili must be prepared out in the open in as sanitary a manner as possible.
3.No beans, pasta, rice or other similar items are allowed.
4.The head cook must prepare the chili to be judged."

I don't include tomatoes in my chili but I've had plenty of versions I like, that did.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 15, 2022, 07:33:47 AM
we all know how terms get confused and redone, like the terms cuisine and entree, which in French mean something different.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 15, 2022, 07:35:12 AM
My own "chili" is often spaghetti sauce to which I later add chili powder, and I like it served over rice.

Occasionally I will top it with diced raw onion and shredded cheddar to make my variant of Cincy chili.  It's better.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 15, 2022, 12:17:28 PM
Diced onion and shredded cheddar are common toppings for chili here in Texico and pretty much anywhere else, that's not the part unique to Cincy chili.  The noodles and the heaping helping of beans certainly are, though.  And of course the flavor, which doesn't taste like chili but rather tastes like Mediterranean spaghetti sauce.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 15, 2022, 01:22:46 PM
I'm all for diversity in food options.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 15, 2022, 01:27:40 PM
For sure, folks should be empowered to eat any kind of spaghetti sauce they like.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 15, 2022, 01:40:07 PM
We had lunch yesterday at a new Persian place up the street, this is the review I penned for our condo newsletter:

Wow, it's outstanding,  my new favorite in Atlanta.  We went for lunch on Valentine's Day, evening reservations are tough to find and it was pretty full at lunch.  Catherine ordered rack of lamb which was probably the best I've ever tasted.  They have a number of "small plates" which aren't that small, all delicious, and an extensive wine list.  And the interior is gorgeous.  Our server Maria was excellent.  It is both interesting and superb, a great combination and welcome addition to Midtown.If you go for lunch, two appetizers is plenty of food for one.

One thing I liked a lot was the diversity of flavors.  We took our Turkish neighbor with us and talked about the similarities with Turkish food.  The lamb was probably the best I've ever had.  All these food items were experimental at some point, I surmise, and some folks like spaghetti noodles with a weird kind of spaghetti sauce on them.  Some new things work and no doubt many are less popular.

Whoever first ate snails and oysters was brave and or hungry.  We're headed out tonight to our fav French place.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 15, 2022, 02:44:01 PM
I'm a big fan of snails and oysters.  I'll eat just about anything.

Except cucumbers, I hate 'em.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 15, 2022, 02:53:25 PM
I like just about everything except liver.  Some things like caviar I find to be meh, my wife loves it, I don't.  

She has learned to like sweet tea, grits, collard greens, corn bread, black eyed peas, field peas, and BBQ.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 15, 2022, 02:57:07 PM

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 15, 2022, 02:58:09 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 15, 2022, 02:59:40 PM
I'm down with liver. 

I don't like sweet tea, that's a southern thing but not a Texas thing. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 15, 2022, 04:28:13 PM
I'm down with liver.

I don't like sweet tea, that's a southern thing but not a Texas thing.

yep sweet tea is like the fire ant it just kinda migrated here in the last 20 years or so
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 15, 2022, 04:38:57 PM
yep sweet tea is like the fire ant it just kinda migrated here in the last 20 years or so
I call it "Diabeetus Juice"

No thanks.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 16, 2022, 08:05:04 AM

1.Chili must be cooked on site the day of the cookoff from scratch. "Scratch" means starting with raw meat and using regular spices. "Scratch" means starting with raw meat and spices. Commercial chili powder is permissible, but complete commercial chili mixes are NOT permitted.
2.Chili must be prepared out in the open in as sanitary a manner as possible.
3.No beans, pasta, rice or other similar items are allowed.
4.The head cook must prepare the chili to be judged."
So, if the Terlingua chili cook-off's rules define what chili is, then no dish made with a commercial chili mix is chili.  Wick Fowler might say otherwise.

Just as in BBQ, there are specific rules for cook-offs that exist for the purposes of the cook-offs, but they don't define the limits of the world of chili.

The Terlingua cook-off does not own the patent or copyright or trademark on "chili."

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 16, 2022, 09:04:39 AM
There is a kind of similar argument about Brunswick stew, so the two claimants to having originated the real stuff have a contest each year, and the winner alternates.

I really like good Brunswick stew, no potatoes.  It is sort of like chili a bit but is based on pulled pork and chicken.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 16, 2022, 09:30:13 AM
So, if the Terlingua chili cook-off's rules define what chili is, then no dish made with a commercial chili mix is chili.  Wick Fowler might say otherwise.

Just as in BBQ, there are specific rules for cook-offs that exist for the purposes of the cook-offs, but they don't define the limits of the world of chili.

The Terlingua cook-off does not own the patent or copyright or trademark on "chili."


Counterpoint: Yes, it does.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 16, 2022, 09:35:45 AM
There is a kind of similar argument about Brunswick stew, so the two claimants to having originated the real stuff have a contest each year, and the winner alternates.

I really like good Brunswick stew, no potatoes.  It is sort of like chili a bit but is based on pulled pork and chicken.

I'd never even heard of Brunswick stew until some of you folks more from the Deep South were talking about it on this message board (or, likely, one of its predecessors).

It's definitely not a thing here in Texico, but I believe OAM opined that he wouldn't consider a southern place to be a true BBQ joint without it.

Here in Texico, we have "the trinity" which are pretty much required, in order to be considered a true BBQ joint.  That would be brisket, pork spare ribs, and sausage.  That's the minimum, but other smoked meats you'll commonly find are beef ribs, beef cheeks, turkey, chicken, pork loin, pulled pork, and then less commonly and typically only featured as specials, things like pork steaks, pork belly, prime rib, and one of my favorites-- the chicken fried BBQ beef rib.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 16, 2022, 11:00:30 AM
Brunswick stew is a Southern dish that features a tomato base with beans, vegetables, and meat. Early Brunswick stews ( were often made with squirrel, rabbit (, even opossum, but these days pork, chicken, and beef are common. The original thinking was to use local ingredients and those you have on hand, which remains the same today.

This Brunswick stew is made with cooked pork shoulder ( or leftover pulled pork, along with shredded or chopped cooked chicken thighs and vegetables. The barbecue sauce and a touch of cayenne pepper add rich flavor to the classic stew. This recipe is a good use of leftover meat and vegetables, as well as taking advantage of what ingredients are in your pantry.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 16, 2022, 11:13:53 AM
Yeah I read up on it after y'all mentioned it.  Looks good, I'd certainly give it a try were I to find it on a restaurant menu.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 16, 2022, 12:30:59 PM
It's pretty easy to fix, and it clears out your fridge pretty much.  It's a lot better than Cincy "chili".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 16, 2022, 07:01:52 PM
My son ate at Scouts on Monday and I'd already made some steaks, so I have a leftover bone-in strip steak that I cooked for him and went uneaten.

So tonight's dinner will be steak tacos, with the steak cut into strips and briefly braised in a chipotle chile gravy and topped with diced onion, cilantro, and a little queso fresco.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 16, 2022, 07:05:46 PM
My son ate at Scouts on Monday and I'd already made some steaks, so I have a leftover bone-in strip steak that I cooked for him and went uneaten.

So tonight's dinner will be steak tacos, with the steak cut into strips and briefly braised in a chipotle chile gravy and topped with diced onion, cilantro, and a little queso fresco.

or you could slice it thin slap some mayo on two slices of bread layer it two deep and your there
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 16, 2022, 08:31:59 PM
or you could slice it thin slap some mayo on two slices of bread layer it two deep and your there
That's certainly something a person could do. 

Tacos were delicious, I realized I still had some Hatch red chile powder that I picked up in New Mexico over the holidays, used that as the base for the gravy, and it made for rich and spicy deliciousness.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 17, 2022, 07:17:24 AM
When I had left over steak, I'd make stew with it, I know one usually makes stew with cheap cuts, but the expensiver cuts make tasty stew.

I once ordered a rather large steak medium rare and it came pretty much well done and the server spotted it and replaced it and let me take the steak home after.  I didn't want to make a fuss because it was an "event" I was hosting for 30 people, but she noticed it was not properly cooked.  

My wife really likes tacos made at home.  Obviously they are easy to make and you're not spending $4-5 for he same thing out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 19, 2022, 11:19:21 AM
Two kinds of hot sauce I like is Tabasco Green Sauce and Frank's.  I find both have good flavor per Scoville Unit.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 19, 2022, 11:49:30 AM
Two kinds of hot sauce I like is Tabasco Green Sauce and Frank's.  I find both have good flavor per Scoville Unit.
I like those two as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 19, 2022, 12:36:24 PM

I like them all

the green - Jalapeno is too mild but has good flavor

I like the first 3 the best

wish the chipotle was hotter, but love the smoky flavor
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 19, 2022, 01:56:13 PM
The green is quite mild, not to be used of course when you want spicey.

Frank's has a bit more kick and some garlic, they put in on Cincy chili.  I'm not a fan of regular Tabasco.  Cholua is "OK" for me, but not the best.

I guess you could blend chipotle with something hotter.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 19, 2022, 02:47:43 PM
blending original and smokey is good

I enjoy some heat
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 19, 2022, 05:51:18 PM
From Food & Wine:

The Definitive Ranking of Every Tabasco Flavor
We tried them all so you don’t have to.
By Max BonemUpdated July 27, 2017

( ( garlic pepper to raspberry chipotle%2C we tried them all so you don't have to.)
These are very spicy times we live in, thanks in part to the vast selection of hot sauce ( available at just about every grocery store, market and bodega in the country. While the options for hot sauce have never been more varied, ( Tabasco ( is one brand that has been spicing up our foods for over 150 years.
These days, though, Tabasco has moved way beyond their original flavor and they now offer 12 different hot sauces, with two new flavors added just recently ( We decided to subject our tongues to a hot sauce gauntlet and try all 12 so we could decide once and for all which Tabasco flavor reigns supreme. Here are Tabasco’s 12 hot sauces ranked.
12. Raspberry Chipotle
This is a case of math gone wrong. One would think that since both of these flavors are great by themselves that they would work together. Unfortunately, the raspberry chipotle combination ends up in that netherworld of not being sweet or hot enough for our taste.
11. Scorpion
For those only seeking the extreme burn that hot sauce is capable of, Tabasco’s new Scorpion flavor is for you. This sauce is blindingly hot and even just a few drops will send you searching for a glass of milk and a prayer.
10. Sriracha
We all love Sriracha, but Tabasco’s take on this southeast Asian staple was just a little too sweet and it lacks the depth of flavor found in similar sauces. Just like we’d be dubious of Huy Fong Foods making a Louisiana-style hot sauce, Tabasco's Sriracha seems like a stretch.
9. Buffalo
In a pinch, Tabasco’s Buffalo sauce could be used to sauce up a dozen wings. However, its surprising heat left us panting a little more than we expected. Mixing it with butter might be the best route rather than using it by itself the next time you’re getting your wings on.

8. Habanero
If it wasn’t for the Scorpion sauce, Habanero would have been deemed the hottest of the dozen. Instead, this sauce was almost timid in comparison. It has a nice pepperiness and is still fairly hot, but lacks the in-your-face heat that we’ve come to expect from Habanero sauces.
7. Green Pepper
Ah yes, Green Pepper Tabasco, the sauce that was always readily available at Chipotle. It stands out more for its color than it's flavor, which is fine, but not particularly exciting.
6. Sweet and Spicy
Tabasco’ Sweet and Spicy seems, in some ways, like a response to the Raspberry Chipotle flavor—Tabasco took the best parts of that experiment and distilled it into a new sauce. A little bit of kick and a little sweetness, Sweet and Spicy is a great gateway hot sauce for heat-seeking newbs.
5. Roasted Pepper
Tabasco’s other new flavor, Roasted Pepper, is as close to a proper barbecue sauce as Tabasco veers. It’s thicker than other hot sauces and has a rich, sweet and smoky flavor to it. The Roasted Pepper would be especially good for a grill marinade or to toss wings with (sorry, Buffalo Tabasco).
4. Original
Sometimes, you just want your favorite band to play the hits. That's the case with Tabasco Original. It’s reliable, as expected and, as one of Food & Wine staffer put it, “it’s old faithful and should be in everyone’s kitchen.” We couldn’t agree more.
3. Family Reserve
Tabasco Family Reserve is the “small batch whiskey” version of Tabasco. It’s smoother and more mellow than the original, while still possessing a hit of heat on the backend. This might not be your new everyday hot sauce, but just like with a vintage Scotch, Family Reserve is great for special occasions and celebrations.
2. Garlic Pepper
Do you love garlic? Not like garlic, but seriously, do you love it? If that’s the case, then Tabasco’s Garlic Pepper is for you. While there is, of course, a peppery component to the sauce as well, this is in-your-face garlic madness that actually adds a nice savory component that's missing from some of the sweeter and more vinegary hot sauces.
1. Chipotle
There was once a prophecy of a hot sauce that would come to rule the world. It went something like this:
One sauce to rule them all, one sauce to find them,
One sauce to bring them all and in the hotness bind them,
In the Land of Avery Island where the peppers lie.

Tabasco’s Chipotle flavor is the sauce of power, the one sauce that truly does rule them all. It’s smoky, sweet, full-bodied and provides enough flavor that even the heat heads can appreciate it. During our taste test it was called, “the champ,” defined as “the absolute best,” and described simply as, “damn.” In the end, there is only Chipotle sauce and we are all witnesses to its greatness.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 19, 2022, 07:23:27 PM
Does anyone add the Buffalo sauce to things other than something that's supposed to taste like Buffalo wings?

Just curious.

I like and have and use a lot of different brands and flavors of hot sauce.  But I don't ever just whip up some eggs or tacos or tamales, and add Buffalo sauce.  I'd probably use any of the others for that purpose, but not the Buffalo.

Could be just me though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 19, 2022, 09:18:28 PM
nope, don't use buffalo for eggs,  but  the egg lobby would approve
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 20, 2022, 08:19:14 AM
I rarely buy buffalo sauce, as in I did once, it was OK.  I put it on chicken, usually legs, that's it.

I stumbled across some rating of the best steak houses in the US, didn't click on it though.  I figure the best place is some no name place in Kansas or something.  We've been to two "highly rated" steak houses here, not really blown away at all.  We go back to one because they have a killer "happy hour" gig going on, and occasionally some decent specials.  And it's blocks away.  The other is called "Bones" and it's more a place to see and be seen, apparently.  We went because it's kind of a thing around here.

One timer, OK got it.

I cooked a nice ribeye from our butcher last night using cast iron, it was quite tasty, about a pound for two of us.  My wife likes hers blu rare.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 20, 2022, 10:50:31 AM
so, you cut the ribeye in two pieces before or during the cooking?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 20, 2022, 11:54:25 AM
Gatorama once told me that the best steak he ever had was at a VFW or American Legion hall in some small-to-medium-size place in Oklahoma.  Maybe Enid.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 20, 2022, 12:20:34 PM
so, you cut the ribeye in two pieces before or during the cooking?
Yup, before cooking, I usually do 60:40.  

My electric grill, which is pretty good, is in abeyance for now.  I've been using the cast iron to good effect.  The trout I used to grill I've been broiling.

We have an induction stove and it gets really hot really fast, my main problem is not setting off the smoke detectors, and we have a sprinkler system I worry about.

I fixed her grits this AM with an over easy egg on top.  That was pretty decent.  I was curious about shrimp and grits, it's very popular hereabouts for brunch.  I almost never order it, I want something a bit more interesting if dining out.  The below sounds more interesting.

The origin of this popular dish is thought to be Charleston, SC, and the Low Country, more than 70 years ago, when fresh, local, small, peeled shrimp were fried in bacon grease with onion and green pepper and served alongside grits at breakfast.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 20, 2022, 12:27:29 PM
Shrimp and Grits: A History - Deep South Magazine (

Since then, shrimp and grits had remained a breakfast dish found mainly in the lowcountry marshes near the Southern coast. However, in 1982, when Bill Neal became a chef at Crook’s Corner (, a restaurant in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, he forever changed the status of shrimp and grits. Neal used a simple recipe of cheese grits fused with cheddar and parmesan as a base, and then topped it off with jumbo shrimp as well as mushrooms, bacon and a few other ingredients. After Craig Claiborne of The New York Times visited the restaurant and published Neal’s recipe ( in 1985, the once humble dish started gaining widespread popularity.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 20, 2022, 05:01:47 PM
Gatorama once told me that the best steak he ever had was at a VFW or American Legion hall in some small-to-medium-size place in Oklahoma.  Maybe Enid.
I've told y'all bout the great steakhouse in NW Iowa in a town of 11,000
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 20, 2022, 05:04:07 PM
BTW, everything is relative

What is your idea of a small town?

mine is anything under 1,000.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 20, 2022, 05:26:21 PM
Ohio has some strict designation and a "small town" was called a village officially.  Ours had 3200 residents and was a village.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 20, 2022, 05:28:55 PM
Ohio is a bit different than Iowa or Nebraska or South Dakota
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 20, 2022, 05:31:48 PM
To me, a small city would be about 50,000.  A town would be 10,000, a small town maybe 2,000, and a tiny town 500 or fewer.

But it's usually arbitrary unless some state defines it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 21, 2022, 08:56:06 AM
Texas may have a town of 800 people, but it's 2000 sq mi in size. The "town" is basically where the cotton gin was or is.

But you can be sure they want their own ISD, stadium, and football team!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 21, 2022, 09:16:06 AM
Towns in Ohio often sprung up every 20 miles, because that is where a tavern or stage coach livery would have been.  Travel back then was tough over any distance at all.

I had to work this out in my books where folks traveled quite a bit on horseback, and I probably got it wrong.  I figured a lone rider might make 30 miles in a day.  A horse walks about 4 mph.

Getting it Right: Time and Distance on Foot and Horse | Celebrating Independent Authors ( (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 21, 2022, 09:47:11 AM
Best steak I've ever had was cooked by me,  at my house.

Best restaurant steak I've ever had was at some fancy place in Newport Beach, California.  It was a local, super-swanky joint that our field sales team took us to after we secured a really huge contract with Rockwell Semiconductor.  I also drank a $95 snifter of Louis XIII that night.  Good times.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 21, 2022, 10:42:17 AM
I grew up on a dead end street in a town of 4-500

I now live on a dead end street in a town of 3-400. Because of the bedroom community status caused by the small city of 70-80,000 within 10 miles, both towns have one bar.  no grocery, no hardware

the town that was 4-500 through my high school daze, is near 700.  They have a gas/convenience station - beer, cigs, lotto tickets , milk & bread, pizza & donuts

too busy for me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 21, 2022, 11:10:24 AM
Where I mostly grew up was unincorporated, but had a name and HS.  It probably had 8,000 people, several churches of course, and small grocery, a cafe which is still there and a good sized lumber yard which survived called Cofer Brothers.  It had a DQ also.

Then Atlanta hit and hit hard.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 21, 2022, 11:17:45 AM
I grew up in a town of 20,000 so it wasnt really a small town

It felt like a small town to me as I knew a lot of people

In fact I knew most of the 30 man police force very well.

I never got a ticket but did get lectured with a threat to tell my parents if I didnt slow down
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 21, 2022, 11:46:39 AM
I grew up on a dead end street in a town of 4-500

I now live on a dead end street in a town of 3-400. Because of the bedroom community status caused by the small city of 70-80,000 within 10 miles, both towns have one bar.  no grocery, no hardware

the town that was 4-500 through my high school daze, is near 700.  They have a gas/convenience station - beer, cigs, lotto tickets , milk & bread, pizza & donuts

too busy for me
Well then Austin as a moving destination is right out.  This city has become really, really big.

It was 200-300,000 when I was a kid.  Now the city is almost 1M and the metro area is over 2M. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 21, 2022, 11:53:09 AM
The police force in Cincy in our village pretty much knew who I was.  I knew the chief and a sergeant but none of the others.  I used to hold wine tastings in the civic center which had signs "NO ALCOHOL ALLOWED" on the doors.  The mayor and chief would often come.

I had two that ran over 60 people, you don't have to do much to get folks to drink wine.

That was way too many.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 21, 2022, 11:53:29 AM
yup, as is Round Rock

but, I'd find a quiet place near a golf course

maybe near Taylor, there's a dog track of a 9-hole course and decent BBQ
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 21, 2022, 11:54:56 AM
Towns in Ohio often sprung up every 20 miles, because that is where a tavern or stage coach livery would have been.  Travel back then was tough over any distance at all.

I had to work this out in my books where folks traveled quite a bit on horseback, and I probably got it wrong.  I figured a lone rider might make 30 miles in a day.  A horse walks about 4 mph.

Getting it Right: Time and Distance on Foot and Horse | Celebrating Independent Authors ( (
That's a good link.

There's a book of frontier soldier reminiscences called Forty Miles a Day on Beans and Hay (  Despite that title, we on the Combat Studies Institute Staff Ride Team at Fort Leavenworth found that 30 miles a day was much more typical for cavalry units on the western plains.
I had a C.O. in A Trp, 1-17 Cav, at Fort Bragg, who had been shot down 5 times while flying scout helicopters in Vietnam.  He was a runner.  He maintained that over a long enough distance a man can outrun a horse.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 21, 2022, 11:57:01 AM
Well then Austin as a moving destination is right out.  This city has become really, really big.

It was 200-300,000 when I was a kid.  Now the city is almost 1M and the metro area is over 2M.
50-60 years ago, Tulsa had a larger population than Austin did.
A Tale of Two Cities.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 21, 2022, 11:59:56 AM
yup, as is Round Rock

but, I'd find a quiet place near a golf course

maybe near Taylor, there's a dog track of a 9-hole course and decent BBQ

Taylor is nice.  Pretty soon it'll be getting swallowed up by the metro, though.  The crawl is crazy, and since the lakes and hill country effectively bound Austin to the west, most of the new growth is headed east.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 21, 2022, 12:00:48 PM
That's a good link.

There's a book of frontier soldier reminiscences called Forty Miles a Day on Beans and Hay (  Despite that title, we on the Combat Studies Institute Staff Ride Team at Fort Leavenworth found that 30 miles a day was much more typical for cavalry units on the western plains.
I had a C.O. in A Trp, 1-17 Cav, at Fort Bragg, who had been shot down 5 times while flying scout helicopters in Vietnam.  He was a runner.  He maintained that over a long enough distance a man can outrun a horse.
not this man
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 21, 2022, 12:07:49 PM
To me, a small city would be about 50,000.  A town would be 10,000, a small town maybe 2,000, and a tiny town 500 or fewer.

But it's usually arbitrary unless some state defines it.
In New York, "towns" are geographical subsets of counties.  Despite the label, they are actually townships.  Incorporated communities smaller than towns are villages.  Usually a village is contained within a single town, but not always.
At West Point, the community outside the main gate is the village of Highland Falls, pop. 3,900.  It is contained within the Town of Highlands, which has a population of 12,492, in Orange County, pop. 401,310. (Population figures per the 2010 census.)
Orange County's name is a good hint about which Europeans settled the area first.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 21, 2022, 12:08:25 PM
not this man
Nor this one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 21, 2022, 02:49:23 PM
I knew a lady in Wyoming who did long distance races on horseback, 100 miles was typical.  She said every 20 miles there was a vet stop to check the T of the horse, and if it was high you were DQd.  I asked if they checked her T and she laughed.

She said she had to lead the horse a certain part of the journey, especially up hill, and it was grueling.  I chuckle at Westerns that show folks galloping long distances, a horse simply can't do that.  A western antelope can though, amazingly for an herbivore.

As my lead character in my books was usually mounted, I had to sort out how far he could go in a "normal" day.  I made some comments about getting grain to feed the horse when possible.  Herbivores normally are quite inefficient at getting Calories.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 21, 2022, 06:02:58 PM
Human beings don't have a very high "top end" speed, but we're incredibly durable. We got a lot farther per day than horses or dogs as a rule.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 21, 2022, 11:35:00 PM
reportedly, Grizzly bears are great sprinters
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 22, 2022, 07:09:34 AM
Humans can run, climb, and swim, none of them very adeptly, but adequately in many cases.  Not many animals can do all three.

The pronghorn is the fastest animal in the Western Hemisphere. It can run at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour and it can run long distances at speeds of 30-40 miles per hour. It can make bounds of up to 20 feet when it is running. When the pronghorn runs, its mouth is open so it can breath in extra oxygen. Speed is important because the pronghorn lives in open areas, and there is no place to hide from a predator! It has to be able to run away!

I think this mammal has by far the best time:distance quotient of any.  It's quite amazing really.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 24, 2022, 08:47:21 AM
Today is National Chili Day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 24, 2022, 08:51:06 AM
Then I think I'll make some chili!  Supposed to barely break above freezing here today, so good weather for it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 24, 2022, 03:12:59 PM
I guess I will not have chili today.  I don't have all the fixin's on hand, and the roads are slick enough to make it not worth my while to go out and get them.

We have been out of school the past two days, doing the "distant learning" thing that is about 1/3 as effective as face-to-face classroom instruction.

Maybe I'll hit Ike's Chili this weekend, or get the stuff to make my own, and have a belated celebration.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 24, 2022, 03:27:19 PM
CW are you still planning on making this your last year of teaching?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 24, 2022, 03:30:02 PM
I nearly always have the fixins lying around during the winter months.

I always have the chile peppers and spices anyway, and luckily had a couple pounds of chuck frozen that I thawed this morning.  Cubed it and got the whole pot simmering by about noon, it should be good to go by 6.  I also had a couple pounds smoked brisket frozen, it's almost thawed and I'll dice maybe half of it and throw it in with a couple hours to go.  The rest of the brisket will either become tacos or enchiladas over the weekend.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 24, 2022, 04:17:15 PM
I would make chili but I am out of beans.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 24, 2022, 04:29:03 PM
CW are you still planning on making this your last year of teaching?
Yep.  Sent in the paperwork yesterday to start the process.
Between the pandemic and other changes that have been going on in our district, it's hard to get fired up for another year.  I've been going all out to not make this a year in which I coast to the finish line, but I don't want to do another one.
The kids are a factor too.  They come to HS a little less prepared academically and a little less willing to do hard work each year.  Or so it seems in my subjective view of the universe.
So I'm planning on making it to Lincoln this fall to seen the Sooners and Huskers meet.  OU with a first-time HFC and Nebraska with a beleaguered one.
Now, if some cheap tickets would fall out of the ceiling, all would be well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 24, 2022, 04:35:09 PM

Quote from: utee94 2/24/2022, 2:30:02 PM

I nearly always have the fixins lying around during the winter months.

I always have the chile peppers and spices anyway, and luckily had a couple pounds of chuck frozen that I thawed this morning.  Cubed it and got the whole pot simmering by about noon, it should be good to go by 6.  I also had a couple pounds smoked brisket frozen, it's almost thawed and I'll dice maybe half of it and throw it in with a couple hours to go.  The rest of the brisket will either become tacos or enchiladas over the weekend.

It's the meat I'm missing.

I would make chili but I am out of beans.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 24, 2022, 04:49:39 PM
glad you have the ability to retire CW

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 24, 2022, 06:11:19 PM

I'm glad too.

I'm also glad I already had military retirement, so that I could afford to be a teacher in my second career, instead of something that paid better.

There are some trends in education that I really don't like, and they are not about politics or the culture wars.

They're about technology.  With which we are in love.

The research for decades has shown that the best student learning takes place in a classroom with a good teacher.  But we are making the teacher more of a deliverer of IT and less of a hands-on educator.

Research has shown that people retain what they read in a book better than what they read online, so we are buying e-textbooks that the kids read on their Chromebooks.

Research has shown that students retain information better when they take pen-on-paper notes than when they enter information via a keyboard, so we are having them do their homework digitally on Chromebooks and submit it via the www.

"Technology" and "innovation" are the buzzwords.  So we toss out the tried and true and buy expensive hardware and software, both of which have to be regularly updated.  And we don't feel like we have to pay teachers well enough to attract good ones, because teacher-quality will soon be irrelevant.

From my subjective perspective, I'm leaving at the right time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 24, 2022, 06:24:22 PM

I have school aged kids and I hate how much technology they use. Every class, no book. Have a question, refer to these low resolution copy of a copy handout.  Or just use the internet. Don’t even bother asking which site. There are just so many good sites, they say. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 24, 2022, 08:31:08 PM
Yep.  Sent in the paperwork yesterday to start the process.
Between the pandemic and other changes that have been going on in our district, it's hard to get fired up for another year.  I've been going all out to not make this a year in which I coast to the finish line, but I don't want to do another one.
The kids are a factor too.  They come to HS a little less prepared academically and a little less willing to do hard work each year.  Or so it seems in my subjective view of the universe.
So I'm planning on making it to Lincoln this fall to seen the Sooners and Huskers meet.  OU with a first-time HFC and Nebraska with a beleaguered one.
Now, if some cheap tickets would fall out of the ceiling, all would be well.
I'll let you know when the ceiling falls
the tickets won't be as much as usual because the fans are beleaguered as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 25, 2022, 08:24:25 AM
I've wanted to see a Nebraska game, maybe I'll show up as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 25, 2022, 09:00:59 AM
Memorial Stadium in Lincoln is supposed to be a great place to see a game.  I know gatorama always lauded it, and all of my Longhorn friends who've been up there had great things to say about the crowd and the atmosphere.  Even Burny... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 25, 2022, 09:04:21 AM
Yup, he told me that in person, in Austin, watching Pearl the bulldog as my Dawgs beat Florida that day.  What is the date of the OU game?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 25, 2022, 09:24:27 AM
September 17th

come on up - it'll be a mini board meeting

We'll try a dry aged steak at Archie's waeside 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 25, 2022, 09:25:55 AM
Memorial Stadium in Lincoln is supposed to be a great place to see a game.  I know gatorama always lauded it, and all of my Longhorn friends who've been up there had great things to say about the crowd and the atmosphere.  Even Burny...
well, I was a decent host and Burnt always got the result he was hoping for
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 25, 2022, 09:30:26 AM
well, I was a decent host and Burnt always got the result he was hoping for
Oh no, he said YOU were a total a-hole.  It was the OTHER Huskers he was so impressed by.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 25, 2022, 11:15:04 AM
I've wanted to see a Nebraska game, maybe I'll show up as well.
If y'all are serious about attending, you'd be wise to reserve hotel rooms now.
can always cancel
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 25, 2022, 12:52:31 PM
If y'all are serious about attending, you'd be wise to reserve hotel rooms now.
can always cancel
Got any recommendations, Fearless?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 25, 2022, 12:56:08 PM
There are some Hilton places in Omaha still available.  As a Diamond member, I can get a room even if they are sold out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 25, 2022, 04:39:12 PM
Omaha isn't that far away, it's just that the traffic is like rush hour in Atlanta pre and post game

well over half of the 90,000 attending the game come from the east

if it's a night game, pregame isn't so bad cause it spreads out the traffic, but of course post game is brutal unless you wait till after midnight to head to Omaha

if it's an 11am kick, pregame is horrible
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 25, 2022, 04:41:43 PM
There are some Hilton places in Omaha still available.  As a Diamond member, I can get a room even if they are sold out.
Hilton Garden Inn Lincoln Downtown/Haymarket is walking distance to everything
801 R St, Lincoln, NE 68508
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 25, 2022, 04:52:37 PM
Got any recommendations, Fearless?
Hilton Garden Inn downtown/Haymarket
Embassy Suites by Hilton
Hyatt Place Downtown
The Kindler Hotel
Holiday Inn & Suites Downtown is new
the Graduate has small rooms, but refreshed
Lincoln Marriott Cornhusker is were opposing teams stay

these are all walking distance and therefore expensive

I usually get a place across town and uber in and out - save some dough

if I was only coming to one game in my lifetime, I might splurge

the Townhouse Extended Stay Hotel downtown is a shit hole

as is the Great Plains Budget Inn on "O" Street

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 25, 2022, 05:10:47 PM
I would assume you're flying into Omaha

better prices and options for flights than Lincoln airport

warning - almost all hotels near the Lincoln airport are shit holes
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 25, 2022, 05:24:54 PM
I would fly into Omaha and likely stay there, I think, I know the drive back could be interesting.

I've driven back to ATL from Athens a few times.  The DOT is changing one four lane highway to limited access, but it'll take years to finish.  They built a lot of four lanes here without limited access because of the money, and now rebuilding some of them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 25, 2022, 05:32:51 PM
If it's not a night game, you can easily wait a few hours having dinner and talking with friends before driving back

it's the 11am kick or the evening kick that cause problems
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 25, 2022, 11:06:57 PM
My esposita and I are thinking of driving.  The "Inn" at Offutt AFB may be have vacancies.  They can't take reservations this far out, though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 25, 2022, 11:13:43 PM
as you might know... Offutt is East of Lincoln
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 26, 2022, 10:53:44 AM
Right.  It's just south of Omaha, in Bellevue.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 26, 2022, 12:30:26 PM (

Stella's Bar & Grill

106 Galvin Rd S

Bellevue, NE 68005

Tel: 402-291-6088


Our 6 1/2 ounce, hand-pressed, fresh (never frozen) ground beef patties are served on a Rotella’s Hamburger Bun (delivered fresh every morning) with lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, and real mayo.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on February 26, 2022, 10:07:49 PM
last i went was before the most recent expansion

cool stadium

many bars close by i recall parking and drinking our way down and back some main drag

great college town

no traffic info we drove in fri and drove back sun all three trips

you should def go cw 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 27, 2022, 12:03:15 AM
Hey NWM, hope all is well with you and yours.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on March 11, 2022, 12:00:52 PM
Hey NWM, hope all is well with you and yours.

same to you ut
i am sad to report that my father passed away on 2.27 after a long battle with lewy body dementia.
so it's been hard lately.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 11, 2022, 12:02:44 PM
Our condolences.  I know that hardly helps.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 11, 2022, 01:41:45 PM
same to you ut
i am sad to report that my father passed away on 2.27 after a long battle with lewy body dementia.
so it's been hard lately.
I lost a good friend 23 months ago to that same thing, NW.
You have my deep sympathy.  That is a hard disease to deal with.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 11, 2022, 02:27:45 PM
Very sorry to hear that NWM, condolences from me as well.

And for your friend too, C-Dub.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 13, 2022, 05:39:18 PM
Very sorry to hear that NWM, condolences from me as well.

And for your friend too, C-Dub.
I appreciate that, Utee.
I remember awhile back you lost your friend Greg.
My friend's name was Greg too.
It's tough watching someone you care about having his central nervous system waste away.
. . .
On a happier note, I took my mother to lunch yesterday at the aforementioned Ike's Chili.
I had the 2-way--chili over spaghetti. Yes, I used Tabasco sauce on it.
Mom had the "straight" bowl of chili.  She couldn't eat it all, so I gladly finished it off.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 14, 2022, 08:05:13 PM
Yes C-Dubb.  Although it was actually Greg's wife, Denise.  She was also a very close friend of mine, and my wife's.  Breast cancer sucks.

Now my FIL has cancer as well, non-Hodgkins lymphoma in his digestive tract.  It's supposedly very treatable and he's about halfway in.  We're all praying for a full recovery.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 16, 2022, 11:27:43 PM
That's a bunch of cancer piled up on your loved ones, Utee. You have my best wishes for speedy and lasting recoveries.

Cancer really sucks.  My wife has it running through both sides of her family, and she's had a bunch of skin cancer cut off and cut out, but she has dodged the deadly bullets so far.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 17, 2022, 03:18:20 PM
Glad to hear she keeps getting it cut out, best wishes for continued success there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on March 21, 2022, 12:57:26 PM
So what happened with Baker Mayfield ?  Looks like Cleveland dumped him. I thought he was doing pretty good there, but I don’t watch much nfl. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 22, 2022, 08:48:47 AM
Dunno, I don't ever follow NFL outside of the actual season.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on March 22, 2022, 08:54:28 AM
Dunno, I don't ever follow NFL outside of the actual season.
I was hoping the resident Sooner fans would chime in.  Houston sent Deshaun Watson to Cleveland, now Baker Mayfield is on the chopping block.  Like I said, I don't follow NFL that much, was just curious what they're take is.  Of course Deshaun has his own problems following him, seems kind of strange Cleveland would risk losing him before the season starts.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 22, 2022, 10:57:13 AM
I believe Mayfield is going into his last contract year. Cleveland just spent $230mil on Watson. That's not "backup" money, so he feels like Cleveland's moving on from him.

I think Mayfield's a punk, but this looks like another reason why Cleveland gets high draft picks. They're chronically mismanaged. Baker's an above average QB. Not great, but serviceable with an NFL quality offense. Cleveland was on the verge of fielding one, but now they're jettisoning another top draft choice for a flashy, expensive piece of a puzzle that was already filled. Much like Dallas did with Jerry Jones and Barry Switzer, they bring in the big, high-dollar names, but don't understand the role level players that actually make a team function.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 22, 2022, 06:53:22 PM
I think that Baker Mayfield should have gotten his non-throwing-shoulder labrum fixed after getting hurt early last season.  He tried to play through it and had his worse season.  Bad mistake, as I see it.

De Shaun Watson is a bigger talent than Mayfield.  But I don't think he's going to take Cleveland to the Promised Land.  He's going to be getting a lot of money that could be going for better trench ponies.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 22, 2022, 06:59:44 PM
Doesn't Mayfield live in that stadium?  Will they serve him an eviction notice?  Who will water the planters outside?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 23, 2022, 12:45:59 PM
Interesting questions.

Like, "What would have happened if Eugene Debs had won the 1920 presidential election while he was serving his prison term for violating the Espionage Act of 1917?"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 23, 2022, 06:36:04 PM

"Did I leave the iron on?"

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2022, 08:38:54 AM
I kinda liked those commercials, I forget what they were advertising though.

Mayfield is a much better version of that A&M QB who was an obvious NFL bust.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2022, 08:41:23 AM
It's also interesting how many productive college QBs basically have no shot at the pro level, or turn out to be mediocre at best.  The Stafford style college QB more often tends to do well than the Mayfield types.  Stetson Bennett is actually a decent college QB but nearly all agree he would not even get drafted, or might go last round.

Aaron Murray set most SEC passing records and held clipboards, same with Jake Fromm.  Maybe you really need to be 6'4", and then there are enough exceptions to make it fascinating.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 24, 2022, 11:03:58 AM
I see it as kind of an ugly tradeoff. The NFL is still very much a drop back and throw your route tree league. Unfortunately, the teams that draft high (and are thus pressured to select a big name QB talent) are least equipped to succeed with that game plan.
Obviously, college teams like to use mobile QBs and RPO schemes to stress defenses and threaten the entire field. When you can set up on one hash mark and force the LBs and DBs into coverage conflicts, one defender late to his assignment can break a play into a TD. The NFL is still too fast for that. The field is too small to allow even the quickest offensive players to escape their equally speedy defensive counterparts. Thus, the NFL still covets the taller, rocket-armed QBs that can fire the 15 yard sideline pass on a rope through a tight window.
The teams drafting high, though, don't have the weapons to make that work. They'd be better off with a more mobile QB that could pick up cheap yards, convert first downs, and help out a usually substandard OL (as the true root of the problem). That style QB is not usually well regarded by an angry fan base, and would be limiting.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2022, 12:06:12 PM
I watch new zero NFL, so I'll ask, do they run wheel routes much?

In college they often work well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2022, 06:35:33 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 24, 2022, 06:48:23 PM
so what kinda data do you compile to figure out if your school is a top party school
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2022, 06:59:40 PM
The claimed to use some metrics, but I don't think it matters much, it's click bait.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 24, 2022, 07:08:09 PM
The claimed to use some metrics, but I don't think it matters much, it's click bait.

well whatever it is they are way off if they have Texas at 41
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2022, 07:09:07 PM
Yeah, Texas at 43 would clearly be wrong, they are more like 41.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 24, 2022, 07:09:48 PM
Yeah, Texas at 43 would clearly be wrong, they are more like 41.
yes I corrected it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 24, 2022, 07:20:27 PM
This is the kind of list where I'm AOK with my school not being at the top.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 24, 2022, 07:35:30 PM
This is the kind of list where I'm AOK with my school not being at the top.

hey we who came before all you whipper snappers worked long and hard to attain party school status so show some respect
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2022, 08:18:11 PM
My esposita is an Arizona ("U of A") grad.  She'll be happy to see that ASU is #3.  She won't be happy to see where her alma mater sits.

I'm happy to see that Texas is ranked ahead of OU, albeit only be one spot.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 24, 2022, 08:27:51 PM
My esposita is an Arizona ("U of A") grad.  She'll be happy to see that ASU is #3.  She won't be happy to see where her alma mater sits.

I'm happy to see that Texas is ranked ahead of OU, albeit only be one spot.
Im surprised they allowed us in the sec
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 24, 2022, 10:21:14 PM
we all are
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 24, 2022, 10:23:06 PM
Money talks and you know what walks.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2022, 05:13:48 AM
Once in the SEC, folks will learn how to party hearty.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 25, 2022, 10:13:01 AM
Once in the SEC, folks will learn how to party hearty.
well we have a rule about not dating our cousins but otherwise go for it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 25, 2022, 10:28:34 AM
you're in the SEC now

cousins are part of the deal
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2022, 11:39:10 AM
One metric of a sort apparently is how many fraternities there are, and how many students are in them, which probably is a decent way of looking at it.

I was a fairly rare student at UGA not in a frat (aside from girls).  My cousin joined one and they did party a lot.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 25, 2022, 11:42:35 AM
One metric of a sort apparently is how many fraternities there are, and how many students are in them, which probably is a decent way of looking at it.

I was a fairly rare student at UGA not in a frat (aside from girls).  My cousin joined one and they did party a lot.
I was in one at UT
We had a keg party just about every week
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 25, 2022, 11:43:33 AM
I crashed a few Frat parties
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 25, 2022, 12:38:34 PM
Not many engineers join frats.  The ones that do, typically don't last long in engineering.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2022, 12:46:44 PM
I noticed that about the premeds also.  UNC had a lot of frats from what I could see.  I didn't consider that place to be a party school very much at all.  For one thing, Chapel Hill is a really small town.  There were only two student bars in the whole place when I was there, TWO.  It was astonishing to me.  And they didn't have liquor by the drink either.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 25, 2022, 01:25:11 PM
I noticed that about the premeds also.  UNC had a lot of frats from what I could see.  I didn't consider that place to be a party school very much at all.  For one thing, Chapel Hill is a really small town.  There were only two student bars in the whole place when I was there, TWO.  It was astonishing to me.  And they didn't have liquor by the drink either.

We had several pre meds in our Frat 
One of which went on to be a department head at Boston General

We did not have many engineering majors
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2022, 04:36:08 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2022, 04:37:26 PM
The only engineering they had at UGA at the time was Ag Eng.  I understand now they have an actual regular Eng program for some reason.  I thought we had a minor adjunct university, or institute, down the road a bit that took care of it.

North Avenue Trade School, "NATS" for short.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 25, 2022, 04:59:05 PM
not soon enough
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 25, 2022, 05:13:54 PM
a good majority of the guys in frats were pussies when it came to partying and most other things

of course some could hold their own with anyone
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 25, 2022, 05:29:27 PM
a good majority of the guys in frats were pussies when it came to partying and most other things

of course some could hold their own with anyone
I think that must have been a Nebraska trait wasnt that way in Texas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 26, 2022, 09:20:42 AM
My brother was in a fraternity and I hung out with them some.  They were fun, some of their parties were epic.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2022, 09:35:12 AM
I went to one frat party, during rush, my cousin was interested (and joined it).  Some gal sat down next to me making eyes and when I told her I was not interested in the frat at all, she got up and left.  That particular party was quite lame in my estimation.

We had a wine tasting here last night that got fairly epic.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2022, 09:36:13 AM
My frat did quite a bit of community service

handing out toys at a childrens hospital

serving food at various charity functions

it wasnt all just parties

we participated in various scholastic league sports

we even had a choir and serenaded various sororities 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2022, 10:01:39 AM
Learn to Speak EV: Electric Cars Explained for Gearheads ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2022, 10:31:26 AM
Learn to Speak EV: Electric Cars Explained for Gearheads ( (
longhorn not want to speak EV

He is happy speaking this

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 26, 2022, 11:28:16 AM
I think that must have been a Nebraska trait wasnt that way in Texas
very possibly very different than Texas

not many farm boys in frats at UNL

mostly doctor's, lawyer's, banker's sons
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2022, 11:28:22 AM
I wouldn't want to Judge you for that desire.

GTOs are pretty cool, but I bet they drive like crap today.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 26, 2022, 11:28:58 AM
they drove like crap back in the 70s
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2022, 12:01:32 PM
Yeah, but we didn't know it.  Modern cars are pretty amazing to me, if expensive-ish.

My GTI would outrun most 60s and 70s GTOs every made in the quarter mile and on any race track, or keep up with them anyway.  This one was fast in 1969.

1969 Pontiac GTO Judge

0-60 mph 6.4  Quarter mile 13.9
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2022, 12:05:40 PM
very possibly very different than Texas

not many farm boys in frats at UNL

mostly doctor's, lawyer's, banker's sons
right well sounds like the frat folks just dont measure up to you huskers

doctors and lawyers and bankers oh my
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2022, 12:09:53 PM
Yeah, but we didn't know it.  Modern cars are pretty amazing to me, if expensive-ish.

My GTI would outrun most 60s and 70s GTOs every made in the quarter mile and on any race track, or keep up with them anyway.  This one was fast in 1969.

1969 Pontiac GTO Judge

0-60 mph 6.4  Quarter mile 13.9

You dont drive electric???

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2022, 12:19:20 PM
No, I bought the GTI in 2018 when we moved to the city.  It has been an almost perfect car for our needs and wishes.  And it's a manual.  

We had a CTS and my wife found it just too large for getting around here.  That was a really nice car, but a bit too big.  We also had a lot of problems with potholes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2022, 12:20:37 PM

My other ride ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2022, 12:22:46 PM
A 1971 GTO with a 455 4 speed trans could do 0 tp 60 in 6.1 and the quarter mile in 13.4 sec thank you very much,(164%20km%2Fh).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2022, 12:24:47 PM

My other ride ...
one of them looks like high maintenance
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2022, 12:33:13 PM
A 1971 GTO with a 455 4 speed trans could do 0 tp 60 in 6.1 and the quarter mile in 13.4 sec thank you very much,(164%20km%2Fh).

2018 Volkswagen GTI Autobahn (Manual)
0-60 mph 6.1Quarter mile 14.6

2018 Volkswagen GTI Autobahn
0-60 mph 6.0Quarter mile 14.5

2018 Volkswagen GTI SE
0-60 mph 5.7 Quarter mile 14.3

The GTO is faster in the quarter, about the same to 60, with front wheel drive, which is a disadvantage in acceleration usually.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 26, 2022, 01:01:31 PM
one of them looks like high maintenance
both of them are
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2022, 01:09:55 PM
The Chevy is a restomod likely with some LS fuel injected modern engine in it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 26, 2022, 01:16:27 PM
My frat did quite a bit of community service

handing out toys at a childrens hospital

serving food at various charity functions

it wasnt all just parties

we participated in various scholastic league sports

we even had a choir and serenaded various sororities
My fraternity did much the same.
I have more memories of intramural sports than I do of parties.
Not that there weren't some great parties . . . .
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 26, 2022, 01:18:04 PM
that would help, but I'd still be leery about putting 100,000 miles on it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2022, 01:20:55 PM
Spray-painting killer asteroids could redirect them away from Earth | (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2022, 01:45:10 PM
Spray-painting killer asteroids could redirect them away from Earth | (
so all we gotta do is round up half the gangs in LA and send their asses to the approaching asteroid

problem solved
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 27, 2022, 10:36:57 PM
Yeah, but we didn't know it.  Modern cars are pretty amazing to me, if expensive-ish.

My GTI would outrun most 60s and 70s GTOs every made in the quarter mile and on any race track, or keep up with them anyway.  This one was fast in 1969.

1969 Pontiac GTO Judge

0-60 mph 6.4  Quarter mile 13.9
Muscle-car-era performance cars were fast in a straight line, less capable when it came to turning and stopping.
They do have the looks and general "cool" factor that modern performance cars do not.
Modern performance cars are better-engineered, better-constructed, and safer. They get more performance with better fuel economy.
And they cost a lot more money.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 28, 2022, 07:58:11 AM
Tires have improved a lot since 1970 in terms of traction, which aids acceleration off the line.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 28, 2022, 09:10:23 AM
ha, my grandfather bought a new Buick back in the day with "radial" tires

looked flat and slapped the cracks in the pavement with a popping sound

of course, when drag racing my 70 Nova SS, I'd let a little air out of the back tires - 14 inch 60s
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 28, 2022, 09:27:43 AM
Summer tires today make a large difference in traction versus all seasons, which are still way better than any 1970 tire.  Put summer tires on that GTO and I bet the 0-60 time would come down 0.5 seconds.  Or more.  Sports sedans today can generate 1.0 g on the skidpad, way more than a sports car from 1970.

Tires are amazing really when you consider they appeared to be largely optimized by 1980 or so with little additional benefit to be had.

If you can manage it, running summer and winter tires in season provides a large benefit.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 28, 2022, 09:48:58 AM
I have two sets of wheels for my pickup, therefore summer/winter

I can swap them as easily as a rotation in my driveway
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 28, 2022, 09:52:22 AM
My choice for an older muscle car would be a restomod with better brakes and suspension and an LS engine with the frame stiffened up as much as possible, and modern tires of course.  The solid rear axle would be left I think, maybe one could add modern positrac if needed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 28, 2022, 10:19:31 AM
gotta be able to do impressive burnouts
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 28, 2022, 11:30:44 AM
Y'all be careful, if this keeps up, I'm going to invite bwar over here and we'll bore you to tears with Jeep talk.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 29, 2022, 08:19:27 PM
Tires have improved a lot since 1970 in terms of traction, which aids acceleration off the line.
And cornering capability.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 29, 2022, 08:22:23 PM
Summer tires today make a large difference in traction versus all seasons, which are still way better than any 1970 tire.  Put summer tires on that GTO and I bet the 0-60 time would come down 0.5 seconds.  Or more.  Sports sedans today can generate 1.0 g on the skidpad, way more than a sports car from 1970.

Tires are amazing really when you consider they appeared to be largely optimized by 1980 or so with little additional benefit to be had.

If you can manage it, running summer and winter tires in season provides a large benefit.
I think I remember the 1973 SD455 Pontiac Trans-Am cornering at 0.8 g, the highest any American production car had ever achieved.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 30, 2022, 08:56:31 AM
Yeah, that's about right, my 1973 Nova was listed at 0.74g with bias belted tires and the F41 suspension.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 30, 2022, 09:52:28 PM
70 Nova SS didn't corner fer shit
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 31, 2022, 11:35:05 AM
My 73 cornered decently well on smooth pavement, for the time period.  It had the F41 suspension on it which meant higher rate springs and shocks and a rear stabilizer bar.  It also had leaf springs of course.

They didn't label it an SS in 73 for whatever reason, though it had a 350 in it.

I think that 5.7 L engine was rated at 185 hp, which is pretty pathetic really.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 31, 2022, 12:55:49 PM
1st car I bought after college

1971 Pontiac Lemans

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 31, 2022, 01:02:50 PM
My Dad had a blue 1970 Lemans.  It was a nice car for the time I thought.

GM had a 350 cid engine for every mark except Caddy and they were all different engines.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 31, 2022, 01:11:46 PM
My Dad had a blue 1970 Lemans.  It was a nice car for the time I thought.

GM had a 350 cid engine for every mark except Caddy and they were all different engines.

I paid aprox $3,000 for mine

Boys are those days gone
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 31, 2022, 01:32:08 PM
Yeah, but $3 K back then was fairly serious money, we didn't earn as much either.  I didn't earn anything of course.

My first real job was in 1980.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 31, 2022, 01:38:53 PM
Yeah, but $3 K back then was fairly serious money, we didn't earn as much either.  I didn't earn anything of course.

My first real job was in 1980.
My first job out of college was with a fortune 500 company in their tax dept
I was making $775 a month
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 31, 2022, 03:09:11 PM
I went from making about $5 K a year as a grad student to over 5 times that.  I couldn't believe it.  In one year I saved enough to buy a condo.

I had a nice apartment that was $350 a month, 2 bdr townhouse in nice area.  The condo was $78 K as I recall, also 2 bdr.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 31, 2022, 03:26:14 PM
it seems like kids now days dont want to start at the bottom and work their way up

they are so spoiled
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 31, 2022, 04:32:51 PM
Heck, I didn't want to start at the bottom at all, and didn't, unless you count school.

My two kids have done far better than I expected they would, financially.  I'm sort of amazed.

They both had liberal arts majors.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 31, 2022, 06:17:29 PM
Heck, I didn't want to start at the bottom at all, and didn't, unless you count school.

My two kids have done far better than I expected they would, financially.  I'm sort of amazed.

They both had liberal arts majors.
When you get that first job out of college or even if no college that should be considered your bottom. Some start higher then others but no matter who they are they will climb the success ladder from where they start.

My point is I find many kids today are not ready to accept the fact they have to put in some time and effort to achieve their professional goals.  

So CD you did start at the bottom which you determined and you did work your way up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 31, 2022, 06:32:46 PM
My first job after college wasn't at the bottom at all.  I even had someone reporting to me.  There certainly were folks above me of course.

I felt as if I were at the bottom during 8 years in college though, mostly because I was.  I'm amazed looking back that I made it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 31, 2022, 06:42:39 PM
My first job after college wasn't at the bottom at all.  I even had someone reporting to me.  There certainly were folks above me of course.

I felt as if I were at the bottom during 8 years in college though, mostly because I was.  I'm amazed looking back that I made it.
ok I give up

carry on
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 31, 2022, 06:48:23 PM
Who will win the Big 12 next season?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 31, 2022, 09:19:16 PM
OU, ISU, oSu, or Baylor.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 31, 2022, 10:27:25 PM
My first car purchased after my 5 years and 89 credit hours at OU, then 2 years in the workplace, then a year in the Army.


Not my actual car, but same make, model, and color.  I loved it.  That Wankel engine was smoooth power!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 01, 2022, 06:42:31 AM
I had a friend who loved Mazdas with Wankels.  He had a Cosmo at one point, I think it was called.

Emissions and poor fuel economy killed them.  I read somewhere they work well with hydrogen as a fuel.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 01, 2022, 09:32:58 AM
My i s c & a aggie wife drove a silver RX7 in high school.  We weren't dating at the time, but we were friends.


  After driving my terrible 1981 Dodge Omni for almost two years, I finally got a "cool car" for my senior year in high school, a black 1986 Chrysler Laser XT turbo.  It was not particularly fast, but it felt speedy, for the era.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 01, 2022, 10:04:50 AM
In 1974, I test drove a Mustang II because it got better gas mileage.  Holy cow was it slow.

My about to be wife in1980 was given a Chevy Chevette, with an automatic transmission.  That one was dangerous even with 55 mph speed limits.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 01, 2022, 12:40:59 PM
Those Mustang IIs are pretty hideous looking, IMO.  The Mustang club that I was a member of, wouldn't even let them join.  Or at least they claimed they wouldn't, I'm not sure anyone that owned a Mustang II ever really thought about joining a Mustang Club.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 01, 2022, 12:51:20 PM
I guess my 1981 Dodge Omni got decent gas mileage.  But that was partially because with its vapor lock issues originating from its Volkswagen engine, it stopped working about 1/2 the time during the Central Texas summers, and left me stranded in all sorts of places on numerous occasions.  But it sure saved me money, by not operating...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 01, 2022, 01:44:10 PM
I've been looking at new Mustang convertibles, the GT.  They run about $50 K.  I was looking at Corvettes, the only ones nearish me are $80 K, and up.  BMW stopped making the 240i convertible, at least for now, I really like that car.  I would get a Camaro convertible perhaps if you could see out of them with the roof up.  They seem like a pretty decent car otherwise.  

In reality I'll probably just be looking and not buying, especially now.

Corvettes seem really large for a two seater.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 01, 2022, 02:26:42 PM
I've been looking at new Mustang convertibles, the GT.  They run about $50 K.  I was looking at Corvettes, the only ones nearish me are $80 K, and up.  BMW stopped making the 240i convertible, at least for now, I really like that car.  I would get a Camaro convertible perhaps if you could see out of them with the roof up.  They seem like a pretty decent car otherwise. 

In reality I'll probably just be looking and not buying, especially now.

Corvettes seem really large for a two seater.
My daughter really wants a Mustang convertible.  Her grandparents really want to buy her one.  It wouldn't be new, of course, probably something like 3 years old with the lowest miles possible.  And she doesn't want, or need, a GT.  She just likes the way they look.  I think she likes silver.


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 01, 2022, 02:38:08 PM
We've had some rental Mustang convertibles.  They have decent trunk space.  We had a V6 version once that was "so so" and later the 4 cylinder eco with the ten speed transmission that was pretty bad, I thought.  My wife likes convertibles.  We have two parking spaces side by side and it's nice to just park in the middle now.  And I don't need a second car at all, just dreaming really.  The BMW 240i sounds really good, it's an in line six, and gets pretty good gas mileage.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 01, 2022, 10:53:07 PM
My 73 cornered decently well on smooth pavement, for the time period.  It had the F41 suspension on it which meant higher rate springs and shocks and a rear stabilizer bar.  It also had leaf springs of course.

They didn't label it an SS in 73 for whatever reason, though it had a 350 in it.

I think that 5.7 L engine was rated at 185 hp, which is pretty pathetic really.
that's why it wasn't an SS - also the tranny and rear end

my 70 SS 350 was rated at 300hp, muncie 4-speed tranny and 12-bolt posi rear end with 411 gears
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 01, 2022, 10:54:44 PM
My daughter really wants a Mustang convertible.  Her grandparents really want to buy her one.  It wouldn't be new, of course, probably something like 3 years old with the lowest miles possible.  And she doesn't want, or need, a GT.  She just likes the way they look.  I think she likes silver.

I wouldn't want my daughters driving a convertible for safety reasons - especially if it was her first car
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 01, 2022, 11:05:40 PM
I wouldn't want my daughters driving a convertible for safety reasons - especially if it was her first car
which brings to mind one of the scariest moments a parent has is when their child drives away in the family car alone for the first time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 02, 2022, 05:42:46 AM
that's why it wasn't an SS - also the tranny and rear end

my 70 SS 350 was rated at 300hp, muncie 4-speed tranny and 12-bolt posi rear end with 411 gears
The way they rated horsepower changed in 1972, they started using SAE net, which dropped numbers a lot.  My car's engine dropped from 285 to 185 because of this, though I think 5 of this was because of the added AIR pump.  They did not build an SS model in 1973.  The engine in mine was the most powerful they offered.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 02, 2022, 08:25:17 AM
didn't they also change in 1973 with emissions controls  and lower compression for gasoline or some reason

wasn't Ralph Nader the evil person involved in this?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 02, 2022, 08:29:24 AM
The only emissions change on my engine was addition of the AIR pump, which sapped about 10 hp.  Unleaded gas was still mostly in the future.  I know I used low lead in 1980, that was regular gas.  In 1975, most cars had catalytic converters and that required use of unleaded, which cost more.  TEL is a cheap was to boost octane.

Then ethanol happened, from corn.  Ethanol is also an octane booster, a pretty good one, but it reduces the power inherent in the fuel.  Premium gas can have a higher ethanol level than regular because of this, which means you'd get slightly lower fuel economy and power from premium.

40% of our corn crop goes to fuel ethanol, a thing nearly everyone agrees is nonsensical.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 02, 2022, 08:34:22 AM
everyone but corn farmers

greedy sumbitches
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2022, 11:19:15 AM
My i s c & a aggie wife drove a silver RX7 in high school.  We weren't dating at the time, but we were friends.

That's a newer one than my 1980 model.  You can tell by the more smoothly integrated bumpers on your future wife's car.
If that is her car, that is.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2022, 11:24:09 AM
The only emissions change on my engine was addition of the AIR pump, which sapped about 10 hp.  Unleaded gas was still mostly in the future.  I know I used low lead in 1980, that was regular gas.  In 1975, most cars had catalytic converters and that required use of unleaded, which cost more.  TEL is a cheap was to boost octane.

Then ethanol happened, from corn.  Ethanol is also an octane booster, a pretty good one, but it reduces the power inherent in the fuel.  Premium gas can have a higher ethanol level than regular because of this, which means you'd get slightly lower fuel economy and power from premium.

40% of our corn crop goes to fuel ethanol, a thing nearly everyone agrees is nonsensical.
Last I heard, it takes more energy to make a gallon of ethanol from corn than the gallon of ethanol contains.  The whole program is there to buy the votes of corn farmers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2022, 11:27:28 AM
Who will win the Big 12 next season?
I'd put my money on OU if I were a betting man.
But I wouldn't bet on OU making the CFP.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 02, 2022, 11:32:56 AM
That's a newer one than my 1980 model.  You can tell by the more smoothly integrated bumpers on your future wife's car.
If that is her car, that is.
It was a picture grab off the 'net but I think the year is correct, 1987.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2022, 11:34:18 AM
The way they rated horsepower changed in 1972, they started using SAE net, which dropped numbers a lot.  My car's engine dropped from 285 to 185 because of this, though I think 5 of this was because of the added AIR pump.  They did not build an SS model in 1973.  The engine in mine was the most powerful they offered.
I thought that they made that change in with the '73 models.
I remember that the 1973 SD455 Pontiac Trans-Am's engine was rated at 310 hp.  Then, later in the year, or maybe it was for '74, it was downrated to 290, with no actual change to the engine.
I loved Trans-Ams until the giant screaming chicken took over the hood.
Loved this:
Didn't care much for this:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2022, 12:11:02 PM
I got behind a C8 Corvette in traffic a couple of days ago.  It was a color that looked like battleship gray with a bit of dark green mixed in.  It had a black rear wing.
That was one ugly sumbitch.
And that's surely no accident.  The GM stylists aren't incompetent.  The damn thing is ugly on purpose.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 03, 2022, 11:15:35 AM
Mabe this color, unless the idgit had it painted

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 03, 2022, 11:25:21 AM
I like the look of the Corvette except at the rear, they were constrained by the requirement to have a trunk able to accept two golf bags apparently.  Then you have issues with cooling of course.  I read somewhere they are being separated from the Chevy brand.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 03, 2022, 01:09:12 PM
I'm still thinking of ordering one

waiting on a couple other things, such as my daughter's wedding
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 03, 2022, 03:30:01 PM
Yeah, I go back and forth, but they'd be a toy for me, and mostly just sit.

We had a lot of problems with the Cadillac tires (and wheels) and potholes.  I think it had seven tires go bad over three years, they were 35 profile run flats, and expensive.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 03, 2022, 10:03:47 PM
be a toy for me as well, but probably drive it at least once a week

to the golf course or some other fun place
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 03, 2022, 10:27:37 PM
I thought that they made that change in with the '73 models.
I remember that the 1973 SD455 Pontiac Trans-Am's engine was rated at 310 hp.  Then, later in the year, or maybe it was for '74, it was downrated to 290, with no actual change to the engine.
I loved Trans-Ams until the giant screaming chicken took over the hood.
Loved this:
Didn't care much for this:

I dig the flaming bird on the front.  Especially in Bandit black and gold.


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 04, 2022, 12:13:12 AM
Well damn. Missed winning the NIT by one shot, bounced off the rim. I know a lot of Aggies were upset we didn’t make the Big Dance but playing for the NIT championship in NYC IMO is much better than a probable first or second round loss in the NCAA tournament. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 04, 2022, 12:27:25 AM
Well damn. Missed winning the NIT by one shot, bounced off the rim. I know a lot of Aggies were upset we didn’t make the Big Dance but playing for the NIT championship in NYC IMO is much better than a probable first or second round loss in the NCAA tournament.

nothing wrong with playing in the NIT tourn

The Horns have done it several times

tough break on the rim shot
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 04, 2022, 12:37:12 AM
Mabe this color, unless the idgit had it painted

That looks like the right color, but I could swear that the one I saw the other day had a gloss--not metallic--finish to it.
I guess I would have sworn falsely.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 04, 2022, 12:40:02 AM
I like the look of the Corvette except at the rear, they were constrained by the requirement to have a trunk able to accept two golf bags apparently.  Then you have issues with cooling of course.  I read somewhere they are being separated from the Chevy brand.
Aesthetics are subjective, or at least the majority position within the field says so.
But the front end of the C8 Corvette looks like an explosion of lines blasting away from some point in space a few feet in front of the car.  Looks unattractive to me.
Not as ugly as the rear, though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 04, 2022, 08:56:22 AM
For some reason "gloss Bondo" is a popular color for cars right now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 04, 2022, 09:33:49 AM
I see a typical number of cars here with serious dents and hanging bumpers, etc., I try and stay away from them.  I'm surprised there aren't more really.  A lot of the traffic lanes here are narrow and curving.  They are supposed to rebuild the street we live on in a major way.  It used to be a narrow four land undivided road, it evolved into a three lane one way road, and now is going to be two lanes for cars and a separated lane for bikes and scooters.  It will be a mess for a while.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 05, 2022, 07:36:20 AM
The Chevrolet Nova: History, Generations, Specifications ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 05, 2022, 12:12:32 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 05, 2022, 07:47:10 PM
That was the luxury interior.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 05, 2022, 08:25:59 PM
yup, Gramp's 78 Continental had em
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 05, 2022, 11:33:24 PM
I can smell that interior.  It ain't pleasant.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 06, 2022, 09:11:19 AM
Oh and it appears Kansas won the basketball national championship.  

So I suppose this is the point where we break into the chant--

B12!  B12!  B12!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 06, 2022, 09:57:27 AM
Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk!!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 06, 2022, 10:20:53 AM
It was a great game
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 06, 2022, 11:05:52 AM
I missed it, was at my son's Boy Scout Court of Honor where he received 3 merit badges and moved up in ranking.  He's really loving Scouts, he can take or leave the rank stuff but loves the camping.  I'm raising him right.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 06, 2022, 12:46:46 PM
Good for you, Utee.  Being in the Boy Scouts was a very positive experience for me.  It sounds like it is for your son as well.

20 years in the Army sort of ground the love of camping out of me, but I can think back to the dawn of time and remember how great it was.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 06, 2022, 02:39:09 PM
Yeah, I could imagine how that might affect an affinity for camping...

Our family goes camping regularly throughout the year as well, but it's mostly in the RV so not the same as what the Scouts do.

Not this summer, but next summer, his troop is looking at a Philmont trek.  That's some serious backpacking/hiking/primitive camping.  I'd consider going with them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 06, 2022, 06:51:29 PM
My brother (6 years younger) did Philmont when he was in Scouts.  It was a great experience for him.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 06, 2022, 07:19:13 PM
my brother's son did a bunch of camping in scouts

I think the Father's in Texas like getting out in the woods and drinking while the scouts are asleep

or perhaps that's a take on my brother?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 06, 2022, 07:40:29 PM
Yup my brother did a Philmont trek, and Bald Greg not only did a trek as a Scout, but was a ranger working out there for a couple of years.  He's an Eagle Scout, too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 06, 2022, 11:06:57 PM
so, that just might be part of the reason scouts camping could be a bigger deal in Texas?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 07, 2022, 02:28:58 PM
Dads in my son's scouting troop don't really do that.  Other troops and organizations probably do.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 07, 2022, 02:29:36 PM
When we're camping on our own or with other families, though, you better believe many libations are consumed around the campfire.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 07, 2022, 04:11:18 PM
My daughter's boyfriend earned his Eagle Scout rank. It remains an admirable accomplishment.
My own experience with scouting was abysmal, likely due to my troop being populated with a bunch of turds who would've been locked up on petty charges if their parents weren't wealthy. I went on one camp-out. Turns out the movies lied to me. There wasn't a cheerleader camp on the other side of the lake. Just more miscreants.
I peaced out and started playing hair metal.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 07, 2022, 08:56:56 PM
Dads in my son's scouting troop don't really do that.  Other troops and organizations probably do.
not sponsored by Tito?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 07, 2022, 08:57:38 PM
My daughter's boyfriend earned his Eagle Scout rank. It remains an admirable accomplishment.
good to know
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 07, 2022, 08:59:00 PM
Bob Bowlsby, who has led the Big 12 since 2012 and most recently steered it through the tumultuous announcement of the departures of Texas and Oklahoma, will step down from his role as commissioner later this year, he said Tuesday.


since the Longhorn booster side money is now going to the SEC commish to make sure things are fair and balanced
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 07, 2022, 09:21:42 PM
Lulz.  Poooorrrrrrrr Huuuussskkkerrrssss.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 09, 2022, 07:06:31 PM
So, driving around on some errands today, I saw a Corvette of the '67-72 generation go by in the opposite direction.

Compared to the C8 Corvette, it looked small.

Which is funny, because there's not much difference in the dimensions except for wheelbase.

C3 Corvette:


Wheelbase (

98.0 in (2,489 mm)[2] ([3] (

  • 182.1 in (4,625 mm) (MY1968)
  • 185.3 in (4,707 mm) (MY1982)

  • 69.2 in (1,758 mm) (MY1968)
  • 69.0 in (1,753 mm) (MY1982)

  • 47.8 in (1,214 mm) (MY1968)
  • 48.0 in (1,219 mm) (MY1982)
Curb weight (

3,520 lb (1,597 kg)

C8 Corvette:


Wheelbase (

107.2 in (2,723 mm)

182.3 in (4,630 mm)

76.1 in (1,933 mm)

48.6 in (1,234 mm)
Curb weight (

3,647 lb (1,654 kg)[6] (

And it's remarkable how little weight it has gained in 55 years.  My 2012 Boss 302 is about 1400 pounds heavier than a '65 Mustang GT.

Maybe good styling looks small and bad styling looks big.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 10, 2022, 12:13:56 PM
The OU softball team right now looks like an awesome machine.

Great hitting, great pitching.  Best in both categories, and it's not really close (  They can beat you with the big fly and they can beat you playing little ball.  They can beat you 11-0 or they can beat you 2-1.  The team has a 35-0 record, and something like 30 of those wins have been by run-rule.  They're fun to watch, unless you are rooting for the other team.

Fielding appears to be the weakest link.  The Sooners have already committed about as many errors as they did in all of last year.  They're 74th out of 293 teams in NCAA Div. I, with a .966 fielding percentage, while category-leading FSU has a .986 mark.

I don't think they'll go undefeated, but I do think they'll win at Texas Tech today to have the best start since softball has been an NCAA sport.

Oklahoma State and Texas figure to be the biggest roadblocks between the Sooners and the Big 12 championship.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 10, 2022, 12:42:40 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 11, 2022, 07:59:40 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 11, 2022, 07:13:41 PM
Softball: OU at Texas, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, weather permitting.

Lady Horns have an opportunity to end the record-breaking season-opening win streak.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 14, 2022, 09:29:23 PM
Good softball game in Austin!

OU 3, Texas 0.

Texas had two on with no outs in the 6th, but Jordy Bahl struck out the next three.

Horns' led off the 7th with a single and then couldn't do anything with that opportunity either.

OU is now 37-0 with a 22-game winning streak over the Horns.

I'm thinking it's an even bet that the Horns win one of the next two.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 14, 2022, 09:43:16 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 14, 2022, 09:47:22 PM
We have a girl's softball team?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 14, 2022, 10:21:41 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 14, 2022, 10:33:40 PM
those whose pronouns are generally she/her

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 14, 2022, 10:57:43 PM
22 straight.

You guys need to see if Cat Osterman has any eligibility left.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 14, 2022, 11:04:56 PM
22 straight.

You guys need to see if Cat Osterman has any eligibility left.
Im happy for you

enjoy girls softball
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 15, 2022, 11:19:05 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 15, 2022, 11:45:56 AM
I always find it amusing when people who've never voiced a word of interest in a sport, are all of a sudden YUGE fans, when things are going well.

There's a term for that kind of fan...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 15, 2022, 11:57:19 AM
I'm that kind of fan, to some extent.

I'd guess if UGA basketball (the men's variety) magically got decent I might pay some attention.  The Hawks?  Nah.  Falcons?  Not really.  College baseball?  Yeah, some, I like baseball played well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 15, 2022, 12:17:56 PM
way back in another life I used to umpire boys baseball from little league up to Jr Teenage and I also umped teen girl softball

I found it much easier to call girls softball then any boys game.  The girls as well as their coaches never questioned a call and just went about business.  In my opinion the girls were much easier to coach and in a lot of cases more competitive.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 15, 2022, 12:31:58 PM
My daughter's youth soccer teams are WAY more competitive than my son's soccer teams, that's for sure.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 15, 2022, 12:34:48 PM
I used to ref rec soccer.  Half the coaches didn't know the rules, which is fine, but thought they did.

In soccer, when a ball is kicked high and arches out of bounds but returns and lands in bounds, it's out of bounds.  A player can stand out of bounds and control that ball so long as it is touching or inside the line.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 15, 2022, 12:52:44 PM
My kids' soccer refs do a good job.  The least understood rule by parents, is offsides.  The refs all know the rule and do the best they can, but sometimes they don't have side judges and the center ref is tasked with making an offsides call, without the benefit of the right angle or a clear line of sight, or even being able to watch what's happening upfield away from the ball.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 15, 2022, 02:24:54 PM
Offsides can be confusing, no doubt.  I met a lot of refs who didn't understand the rule, and a couple who just said they never called it.

I did everything from U7 on occasion to U18, which was a hoot.  That was coed, and the girls were often better than the guys.  I had to do a couple U18 games by myself which meant $140.  The kids drove to the games.  There would be an out of bounds on the other side of the field and I'd guess and the kids would point the other way, knowing I couldn't see it.  I'd reverse the call.

Occasionally two guys would get into it a bit and I'd have to remind them it's a rec league, and they'd shake hands and apologize.  It was pretty much the best level to ref.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 15, 2022, 05:07:12 PM
I always find it amusing when people who've never voiced a word of interest in a sport, are all of a sudden YUGE fans, when things are going well.

There's a term for that kind of fan...
Hah!  Insults ill-become you, Utee.

I've been an OU softball fan for the last 23 seasons.  And things aren't just now going well, they've been going well for a couple of decades plus.  And I've enjoyed watching it.  Patty Gasso has built a bigger, better dynasty than Bud Wilkinson or Barry Switzer did.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 16, 2022, 05:05:16 PM
Congrats to the Longhorn women, who won 4-2 today.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 16, 2022, 05:14:46 PM
Congrats to the Longhorn women, who won 4-2 today.
How in hell did we do that?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 16, 2022, 06:39:10 PM
Everyone likes a winner.

Attendance goes up when a team wins, Nebraska aside.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 16, 2022, 06:41:59 PM
Back in the day, I was an almost daily viewer of Braves baseball on TBS.  It was a habit, and they were so awful, if they won a game it was an event.  I think they were 62-100 one year, they were so bad Ted Turner tried to manage them for one game.  I enjoyed it, it was a pasttime, national and all.  Then came 1991 and things got really tense.

They started off 13-0, and then lost 5 straight.  Then Sid Bream had "The Slide" and they won the NLCS.  

It was almost more fun when they were awful and hapless, like being a Kansas football fan, or UGA bball fan.

Sid Bream is a fine fellow, BTW.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 16, 2022, 09:32:48 PM
Everyone likes a winner.

Attendance goes up when a team wins, Nebraska aside.

The Nebraska softball team moved to 32-9 and 12-0 in Big Ten Conference play after an 11-0 victory over Minnesota (19-17-1, 5-6 Big Ten) in five innings. Among eight Huskers who recorded a hit, Caitlynn Neal led the Big Red, finishing the day 3-for-3 with 6 RBIs including a double and a home run.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 17, 2022, 08:22:45 AM
It's more exciting obviously to be a spectator at a competitive game with a good team playing.  I'm guessing Kansas football fans who attend games don't get very excited by much, and the atmosphere is probably pretty quiet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 17, 2022, 02:04:42 PM
1967, Bob Devaney stands in front of the scoreboard in Kansas. The 10-0 final was the first shutout against the Nebraska coach. It was only their sixth home win in 75 yrs. over the Huskers. GBR!!!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 17, 2022, 09:08:11 PM
It's obvious why Kansas hasn't been any good in football.  They didn't even have a jumbotron scoreboard in 1967.  ~???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 18, 2022, 08:57:15 AM
Which are the worst five P5 programs since say 2000?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 18, 2022, 11:58:04 AM
as Brutus would say, "It's not Michigan"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 18, 2022, 01:40:19 PM
Michigan has had pretty decent teams under JH, and of course had a breakout year this past season.  Rutgers has been famously awful but is showing signs of life.  Maryland has been bad.  Vandy made a bowl game I think under Franklin.  They were incredibly bad last season.  Baylor used to be awful.  Missouri is odd to me, they have some tradition of good teams, won the SEC East twice, and just aren't very good, nor is Colorado.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 18, 2022, 03:00:02 PM (

P5 - Worst to less than worse

Iowa State
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 18, 2022, 03:39:56 PM
Close to what I might have guessed really, though Iowa State has some years that are decent.  Arizona should be a decent program.  Purdue once was pretty solid.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 18, 2022, 05:05:22 PM
the Hoosiers have had a few good seasons lately, but obviously not enough to overcome the 20 terrible seasons
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 18, 2022, 06:48:21 PM
The underperformers in my mind are Washington, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, and Colorado.  Maybe Texas is edging into the group.  Flagship universities in decently sized states should have decent CFB programs.  Cal Berkeley.

Texas is a good coach away from being good.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 18, 2022, 10:36:35 PM
The underperformers in my mind are Washington, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, and Colorado.  Maybe Texas is edging into the group.  Flagship universities in decently sized states should have decent CFB programs.  Cal Berkeley.

Texas is a good coach away from being good.
So we keep hearing.
The two guys previous to Sark came with good reputations and left with those reputations in severely damaged.
Sark came with a so-so reputation, and so far, he's lived up/down to that rep.
Maybe there's something about Texas that really good coaches shy away from.
The Austin malaise, the green fog, the sense of entitlement, the ganja, the meddling boosters, whatever.
We need Hooky back to get his take on this.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 18, 2022, 11:00:27 PM
So we keep hearing.
The two guys previous to Sark came with good reputations and left with those reputations in severely damaged.
Sark came with a so-so reputation, and so far, he's lived up/down to that rep.
Maybe there's something about Texas that really good coaches shy away from.
The Austin malaise, the green fog, the sense of entitlement, the ganja, the meddling boosters, whatever.
We need Hooky back to get his take on this.
dont forget about our stripper monkey
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 18, 2022, 11:48:45 PM
maybe Texas needs a great coach to be good?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 19, 2022, 08:44:48 AM
I think every program needs a great coach to be great, some places are a bit easier than others, Texas can recruit with a so so coach.  Of course, "we" often define "greatness" based on how many NCs they brought home.

I thought Snyder at KSU was a great coach, or at least a very good one, one I'd want my kid to play for.

I watched Spurrier outcoach Richt year after year with lesser talent, game day coaching is a thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 19, 2022, 09:46:21 AM
Be honest. You kinda had to squint and pretend to say that the previous coaches (everything since Mack's dotage) had good reputations. What they had was potentially good reputations. Neither had any experience running a program anywhere near the size of Texas. At best, they'd been close to people who'd run programs of that caliber.

Texas offended Mack and ran him out because they thought Saban was on the hook. While it was likely time for Mack to retire, Saban most definitely wasn't on the hook. When Dodds left, too, the administration had to scramble. They blew it. Big time. In every sense. Nobody was in agreement, and everyone left disappointed. I think, given proper support and time, Charlie could have produced. Texas gave him neither.

Herman got hired as "the next big thing". He was always a Texas guy. Charlie had underwhelmed. The fear was that LSU was gonna cut Orgeron loose (they should have), Herman was gonna take that opportunity, and Texas would once again have failed to act on the home town boy. Turns out standing next to Urban Meyer and winning at Houston doesn't make you the man. Worse, Herman didn't have a Rolodex. He hired assistants that were looking for work. There's a reason they were looking for work.

If there's a guy made for the Texas situation (and I'm not swearing there is such a guy), it's Sark. He's been at the top. He's screwed it up and destroyed himself. He went and put it back together. He did his time, learned, and decided to give it another go. Best yet, he made calls to top notch guys who could have stayed where they were for life, but agreed to join him. It's taken a decade, but Texas has an AD that got the BMDs to align.

Texas had to play ball last season. They had to do it with the roster on campus. They had a new coaching staff that had to evaluate players via ZOOM due to COVID restrictions. There just wasn't much time to fix the four year mistakes that got the previous staff fired. I'm not guaranteeing success. I'm just once again reiterating reasons how Texas ended up as they are. For all their history and resources, they've spent the last ten years with a crummy AD and a dysfunctional donor base bickering. Problems have been identified and solutions presented. We'll see what happens.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 19, 2022, 09:50:50 AM
That sounds pretty rational to me.  I don't expect Texas to be down forever, like Nebraska might be.  I'm curious about USC.

Texas A&M is on the spot this year too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 19, 2022, 01:13:38 PM
By the same notion, last season just gives Sark an "incomplete". The things he's doing make sense, seem to resonate, and have worked elsewhere. Ultimately, games need to be won. That didn't really happen last season. We can offer reasons why, but it's time to start posting W's.

I'm currently eyeing the LT spot. I believe Kyle Flood is the best OL coach out there. I'm just wondering if Texas has the guy on the team needed to play LT. I see a lot of Texas fans arguing, "Don't worry! We signed absolutely dominant freshman OL players! They'll be here in the summer to fix it!". There's no sense in debating them, but this is NOT HAPPENING. These are truly talented OL players, and one day (perhaps quickly) one of them will be the future LT at Texas. However, a true freshman used to abusing high school defenders just won't hold up against 22 year old collegiate players used to the weight room, the play book, and stunting.

The Texas offense, with top talent QBs, RBs, and WRs, will go as far as the OL takes them. The OL is as good as its weakest link. Right now, that link is tied to the ability to play LT. If a large land mammal currently on the roster gets angry enough, Texas can be a transformative team. Until that happens, we won't really know how Sark could operate.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 19, 2022, 01:26:51 PM
This is why I like it here.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 19, 2022, 03:47:46 PM

Be honest. You kinda had to squint and pretend to say that the previous coaches (everything since Mack's dotage) had good reputations. What they had was potentially good reputations. Neither had any experience running a program anywhere near the size of Texas. At best, they'd been close to people who'd run programs of that caliber.
Mr. Tulip:

How many programs are there "nearly the size of Texas"?  Half a dozen?

If having successfully run a program that big is a requirement, then Texas would not hire a Mack Brown or a Darrell Royal.  Nor a Bud Wilkinson, Barry Switzer, Bob Stoops, Lincoln ("Muleshoe") Riley, or Brent Venables.

A coach who is having success at one of the few programs that is UT's size might want to stay where he is for reasons that have been discussed here many times.  Nick Saban decided to stay at Bama, a smaller program with less money than UT has.  None of the other big names (I think I remember that Urban Meyer was one of them) who were discussed at the end of Herman's tenure came.

One could note that Steve Sarkesian has never run a program nearly as big as Texas.  And his two head-coaching stints--both at programs smaller than Texas'--were not roaring successes. 34-29 at U-Dub and 12-6 at USC.

All of this is not to say that Sarkesian is the wrong guy.  But his track record as an HFC is undistinguished, and his 1st year at Texas was a step not in the right direction, at least in terms of the scoreboard--from 7-3 to 5-7.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 19, 2022, 04:08:35 PM
Mr. Tulip:

How many programs are there "nearly the size of Texas"?  Half a dozen?

If having successfully run a program that big is a requirement, then Texas would not hire a Mack Brown or a Darrell Royal.  Nor a Bud Wilkinson, Barry Switzer, Bob Stoops, Lincoln ("Muleshoe") Riley, or Brent Venables.

A coach who is having success at one of the few programs that is UT's size might want to stay where he is for reasons that have been discussed here many times.  Nick Saban decided to stay at Bama, a smaller program with less money than UT has.  None of the other big names (I think I remember that Urban Meyer was one of them) who were discussed at the end of Herman's tenure came.

One could note that Steve Sarkesian has never run a program nearly as big as Texas.  And his two head-coaching stints--both at programs smaller than Texas'--were not roaring successes. 34-29 at U-Dub and 12-6 at USC.

All of this is not to say that Sarkesian is the wrong guy.  But his track record as an HFC is undistinguished, and his 1st year at Texas was a step not in the right direction, at least in terms of the scoreboard--from 7-3 to 5-7.
Everything you said is true. That's the tough part. There's just no way to be "experienced" coming into a program like Texas. Texas isn't the only program of its size and complexity, but they're very few. The comparable ones that have successful coaches pay them to stay. They're just not in play.

Understanding that, a new coach at Texas is going to have to learn. Learning means mistakes and losses usually. That's why I'm optimistic about Sark. He's been a head coach before and understands delegation and coordinators. He's been up front at a "name" school. He imploded spectacularly, and could have left it at that. The experience forced him to confront ugly parts of his character. Finally, he saw Saban run a "legacy" type program.

When he left 'bama, he took some of their coaching talent, so there's that! =)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 19, 2022, 04:42:16 PM
Saban's acolytes have generally fared well as coaches, right?  They even managed to beat him on rare occasion.

His tree is pretty impressive.  I'll have more fun watching Texas in the upcoming because of this discussion.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 19, 2022, 04:49:48 PM
Yes, I'm sure that Sark left Bama smarter (in running a football program) than he was when he got there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 19, 2022, 04:54:50 PM
Saban's acolytes have generally fared well as coaches, right?  They even managed to beat him on rare occasion.

His tree is pretty impressive.  I'll have more fun watching Texas in the upcoming because of this discussion.
In an underperforming program (like Oklahoma in the '90s), the new HFC hire is always going to be the guy who is going to turn things around.
Eventually that expectation is fulfilled.
Except when it isn't.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 20, 2022, 05:56:52 AM
It's a fascinating situation to observe.  Imagine UGA had lost again to Bama, well, Smart wouldn't be fired of course, but the rumblings would be continuing in the background.  And they could well have lost of course.  Had he not delivered in 4-5-6 more years, they might go searching, probably would, even winning the SEC E routinely.

Harbaugh has experienced rumblings obviously.  He finally beat Ohio State, so he's good for a bit (NFL aside).  But his team looked poor in the playoffs.

Riley of course was looking good, and now faces a real challenge (not that it wasn't at OU) of a different kind, rebuilding a Blue Blood.  Man we had a lot of well known coaches leaving this past year.  Why would anyone leave ND for LSU?  Chance to win the NC is better there?

The hot new coach from some G5 program gets a big seat fairly often, and fairly often seems to underperform.  I don't think there is a magic selection criterion here.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 20, 2022, 06:25:51 PM
Yeah, Brian Kelly to LSU seems like an odd fit, bordering on culture shock.  An Irish-Catholic from Massachusetts in the land of Cajun-Catholics.  Religion would seem to be the only thing in common.

I think that OU is going to be better with Brent Venables than it was doing with Riley.  There has been a bit of snark from national mediots like Cowherd, but I don't know of any OU fans who would rather have Riley back rather than BV.  There is total buy-in from the fan-base and seemingly from the players as well.

I felt like a prophet in the wilderness whom nobody wanted to hear, but I had been saying for something like 18 months that Muleshoe's program was trending gently but steadily downward.  His 1st season was his best, his 2nd season was 2nd-best, etc.  Now he's gone, and everybody and his dog sees the trend.

OU finished 3rd in the Big 12 in Muleshoe's last season.  I think Brent Venables can do that well in his first season.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 21, 2022, 09:05:42 AM
It's fun to see how these Names do at a new program.  Kelly did a bit better at ND than I expected.  We all know it has to start with recruiting, necessary but insufficient, as A&M could be learning.  How will Rattler fare at USCe or Daniels at WVU?  Story lines.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 23, 2022, 06:41:21 AM
On April 22, 1889, at high noon, the U.S. Government opened up nearly two million acres of unassigned land in the Indian Territory (now known as Oklahoma) for settlement. What happened next would become known as the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889. 50,000 people on horses, wagons, or their own two feet sprinted into the new lands to stake their claim to the best parcel of ground possible.
The land that made up the Indian Territory had been used as a relocation spot for Native American tribes since 1817, and by the 1880s it was home to such tribes as the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, Cheyenne, Comanche, and Apache. Soon however, it became clear that the lands of the Indian Territory would be very valuable for farming and for ranching. Pressure was put on President Benjamin Harrison to open up some of this land for white settlement. Harrison obliged, picking a two-million-acre area of the territory that had not yet been assigned to any tribe.
As far as seven weeks in advance, land hungry Americans began to gather near the soon to be opened land in an attempt to get the best positions for themselves. When the U.S officially opened the land, 50,000 people entered at once and by the end of the day had established the cities of Guthrie and Oklahoma City, each boasting 10,000 residents.  In addition to the people who had entered the land legally at the prescribed time, there were those who snuck into future Oklahoma before the Land Rush. These people, who became known as “Sooners,” laid low until the rush at which time they were quickly able to stake out the best claims for themselves.
Also, on this day in U.S. history:
1864: The 2-cent coin is minted, marking the first appearance of the phrase “In God We Trust.”
1914: Babe Ruth makes his professional pitching debut, a 6 hit, 6-0 victory.
1944: Helicopters were used for the first time in combat by the U.S. Military in World War II.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 23, 2022, 06:41:40 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 23, 2022, 12:52:35 PM
It seems that there's some disagreement about that image of "the Oklahoma Land Rush." Wikipedia has a small, somewhat posterized version of it in the article on the 1889 land rush and a full-size version of it in the article on the 1895 land rush.

There were also land rushes in 1891, 1892, and 1893.

The Native Americans, of course, got screwed in the process.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 23, 2022, 01:03:41 PM
If we're going for historical events in April, the 18th of April is my favorite day.

1775: Paul Revere and William Dawes ride to Lexington and Concord to warn Sons of Liberty leaders that "the Regulars are out."

1942: Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle leads 16 Army B-25 bombers off of USS Hornet to bomb Tokyo and other key Japanese cities. This causes the Japanese to revise their strategy, leading to their devastating defeat in the Battle of Midway a month-and-a-half later.

1943: P-38 Lighting fighters from Guadalcanal intercept, shoot down, and kill Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, the architect of the Pearl Harbor raid, as the G4M bomber he was riding started its descent to land for an inspection at Bougainville.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 23, 2022, 06:10:11 PM
I’ve often heard of the Doolittle raiders, but how did that force the Japanese to change their strategy ?  

More than anything I thought it was a psychological strike to show the Japanese people that they were vulnerable. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 23, 2022, 06:41:15 PM
I’ve often heard of the Doolittle raiders, but how did that force the Japanese to change their strategy ? 

More than anything I thought it was a psychological strike to show the Japanese people that they were vulnerable.
that was always my take on it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 23, 2022, 10:16:19 PM
Maybe this has something to do with me not liking the looks of the C8 Corvette.

It's got a trunk behind the engine. ( -- High Minus Dormant and 90 Day Non Openers)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 23, 2022, 11:06:50 PM
I’ve often heard of the Doolittle raiders, but how did that force the Japanese to change their strategy ? 

More than anything I thought it was a psychological strike to show the Japanese people that they were vulnerable.
So, by mid-April 1942, the Japanese had been successful in overrunning French Indochina, Wake Island, the Philippines, the north coast of New Guinea, and the Dutch East Indies.  The question was what to do next.
Understand something: the Japanese Army and the Japanese Navy hated each other so much that their relationship makes the OU-Texas game look like a love-in.
The Japanese Army wanted to expand its operations in China.
The Japanese Navy was split on what to do.  The Navy General Staff wanted to expand the New Guinea campaign with an invasion of Port Moresby on the south coast. That would enable them to bomb and potentially invade Australia. Even if they never invaded Australia, they could make it untenable for use as a base from which the Allies could advance northward into the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.
But Admiral Yamamoto, architect of the Pearl Harbor raid, Commanding Officer of the Combined Fleet, believed that the navy's first priority needed to be the destruction of the U.S. carrier fleet. Yamamoto was so certain about this that he was implying that he would resign if he didn't get his way.
The Doolittle Raid took place in the middle of this debate. It did shock and alarm the Japanese, especially as one of the B-25s dropped bombs within earshot of the Imperial Palace. It was obvious that the B-25s must have come from a carrier, odd as it seemed, because the Allies had no bases from which B-25s could reach Japan. So this strengthened Yamamoto's argument.
The Japanese Army and Navy did not agree on a combined effort. But within the Navy, Yamamoto's argument carried the day.  Sort of.
The preparations for the operation to capture Port Moresby were too far advanced to easily cancel them. So a compromise was reached.
The Moresby operation (Operation MO) would go on as scheduled, in early May, but with reduced resources and a reduced objective. Then, in early June, Yamamoto would launch the Midway operation (Operation MI) to capture Midway Island in order to force to U.S. carriers to come out and fight, as Midway is too close to the main islands of Hawaii for the U.S. to allow Japan to hold it. When the U.S. carriers came out, the Japanese carriers would launch air strikes to destroy them. Oh, the Japanese would also launch an operation in the Aleutian Islands (Operation AL) to gain bases from which to threaten Alaska.
So, Operation MO went off, but our crypto guys in Hawaii figured out enough of it so that we had two task forces--built around the carriers USS Yorktown and USS Lexington--operating in the Coral Sea in position to attack the Moresby invasion fleet.
The ensuing Battle of the Coral Sea was the first naval battle in which the ships never spotted each other--it was all done by airplanes. It was a tactical victory for the Japanese, as we sank the light carrier Shoho and damaged one of the two best fleet carriers in the world--Shokaku--while we lost one of our two largest carriers--Lexington--and got the somewhat smaller but more efficient fleet carrier Yorktown damaged. Strategically, it was an Allied victory, as the Port Moresby invasion fleet was turned back. This was the first setback for the Japanese, although they chose not to recognize it as such. They counted ships and tonnage sunk and concluded that it had been a victory. There would be another time to come back and capture Port Moresby after they eliminated the U.S. carriers in Operation MI.
But Shokaku--though not extensively damaged--would not even get into dry dock until after Operation MI. Just as bad--from the Japanese perspective--her sister ship Zuikaku had taken serious losses to her air group. Japanese doctrine at the time considered the air group to be part of the ship's crew. Whereas the U.S. Navy would have taken an intact air group from a damaged ship and either replaced the shot-up air group or provided enough replacements to get it back up to full strength. But the Japanese didn't do it that way. So both Shokaku and Zuikaku would be unavailable for Operation MI.
So the Japanese only had four carriers rather than six with which to attack Midway and then to destroy the U.S. carriers. They thought that that would be plenty. They figured that they had either sunk Yorktown or damaged her so badly that she would out of action for a long time at Coral Sea.  In reality, Yorktown steamed back to Pearl Harbor right into dry dock and the workmen went right into action to repair her. They worked round the clock for the next 72 hours, whereupon Yorktown--with her air group augmented by aircraft and crews from USS Saratoga, Lexington's sister, who was on her way back to Pearl from a refit on the West Coast--steamed out with the  escorts of her Task Force 17, and headed for a point NE of Midway, to join Task Force 16, with her two sister-ships, Enterprise and Hornet (who had not gotten back from the Doolittle Raid in time for the Coral Sea).
So, in carriers, the odds at Midway, in the first week of June, were 4-3 in favor of the Japanese, not 6-3, not 5-3, and not 4-2. And we got lucky. The Japanese conducted carrier strikes much better than we did, but we struck first, before they even knew that we had carriers in the vicinity of Midway. We sank or mortally wounded three Japanese carriers between 1020 and 1030 on 4 June 1942. The one Japanese carrier left, Hiryu, hit Yorktown twice, mortally wounding her, before strikes from Yorktown and Enterprise sank Hiryu. (Hornet's air group was pretty worthless at Midway. Just how worthless was covered up at the time and has only in recent years been fully understood.)
So, the Doolittle Raid caused Operation MO to be done half-assed, resulting in the temporary loss of the two best aircraft carriers in the world. This caused the Japanese carrier striking force to be at 2/3 strength for the Battle of Midway, which was an incredible victory for the Americans and a devastating defeat for the Japanese.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 24, 2022, 12:09:13 AM
It seems that there's some disagreement about that image of "the Oklahoma Land Rush." Wikipedia has a small, somewhat posterized version of it in the article on the 1889 land rush and a full-size version of it in the article on the 1895 land rush.

There were also land rushes in 1891, 1892, and 1893.

The Native Americans, of course, got screwed in the process.
yep and to this day all they have are casinos and all my money

I figure Ive paid them reparations many times over
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 24, 2022, 08:30:25 AM
We visited a small town in Montana east of Glacier NP.  They had a casino.  But the town was so poor I wanted to hand out twenties.  It was on a res.  Rarely have I seen so much evident poverty in one town.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 24, 2022, 11:51:52 AM
yep and to this day all they have are casinos and all my money

I figure Ive paid them reparations many times over
I think you figure wrongly, 320.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 24, 2022, 11:56:42 AM
I think you figure wrongly, 320.
lighten up sooner man

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 24, 2022, 12:10:31 PM
So, by mid-April 1942, the Japanese had been successful in overrunning French Indochina, Wake Island, the Philippines, the north coast of New Guinea, and the Dutch East Indies.  The question was what to do next.
Understand something: the Japanese Army and the Japanese Navy hated each other so much that their relationship makes the OU-Texas game look like a love-in.
The Japanese Army wanted to expand its operations in China.
The Japanese Navy was split on what to do.  The Navy General Staff wanted to expand the New Guinea campaign with an invasion of Port Moresby on the south coast. That would enable them to bomb and potentially invade Australia. Even if they never invaded Australia, they could make it untenable for use as a base from which the Allies could advance northward into the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.
But Admiral Yamamoto, architect of the Pearl Harbor raid, Commanding Officer of the Combined Fleet, believed that the navy's first priority needed to be the destruction of the U.S. carrier fleet. Yamamoto was so certain about this that he was implying that he would resign if he didn't get his way.
The Doolittle Raid took place in the middle of this debate. It did shock and alarm the Japanese, especially as one of the B-25s dropped bombs within earshot of the Imperial Palace. It was obvious that the B-25s must have come from a carrier, odd as it seemed, because the Allies had no bases from which B-25s could reach Japan. So this strengthened Yamamoto's argument.
The Japanese Army and Navy did not agree on a combined effort. But within the Navy, Yamamoto's argument carried the day.  Sort of.
The preparations for the operation to capture Port Moresby were too far advanced to easily cancel them. So a compromise was reached.
The Moresby operation (Operation MO) would go on as scheduled, in early May, but with reduced resources and a reduced objective. Then, in early June, Yamamoto would launch the Midway operation (Operation MI) to capture Midway Island in order to force to U.S. carriers to come out and fight, as Midway is too close to the main islands of Hawaii for the U.S. to allow Japan to hold it. When the U.S. carriers came out, the Japanese carriers would launch air strikes to destroy them. Oh, the Japanese would also launch an operation in the Aleutian Islands (Operation AL) to gain bases from which to threaten Alaska.
So, Operation MO went off, but our crypto guys in Hawaii figured out enough of it so that we had two task forces--built around the carriers USS Yorktown and USS Lexington--operating in the Coral Sea in position to attack the Moresby invasion fleet.
The ensuing Battle of the Coral Sea was the first naval battle in which the ships never spotted each other--it was all done by airplanes. It was a tactical victory for the Japanese, as we sank the light carrier Shoho and damaged one of the two best fleet carriers in the world--Shokaku--while we lost one of our two largest carriers--Lexington--and got the somewhat smaller but more efficient fleet carrier Yorktown damaged. Strategically, it was an Allied victory, as the Port Moresby invasion fleet was turned back. This was the first setback for the Japanese, although they chose not to recognize it as such. They counted ships and tonnage sunk and concluded that it had been a victory. There would be another time to come back and capture Port Moresby after they eliminated the U.S. carriers in Operation MI.
But Shokaku--though not extensively damaged--would not even get into dry dock until after Operation MI. Just as bad--from the Japanese perspective--her sister ship Zuikaku had taken serious losses to her air group. Japanese doctrine at the time considered the air group to be part of the ship's crew. Whereas the U.S. Navy would have taken an intact air group from a damaged ship and either replaced the shot-up air group or provided enough replacements to get it back up to full strength. But the Japanese didn't do it that way. So both Shokaku and Zuikaku would be unavailable for Operation MI.
So the Japanese only had four carriers rather than six with which to attack Midway and then to destroy the U.S. carriers. They thought that that would be plenty. They figured that they had either sunk Yorktown or damaged her so badly that she would out of action for a long time at Coral Sea.  In reality, Yorktown steamed back to Pearl Harbor right into dry dock and the workmen went right into action to repair her. They worked round the clock for the next 72 hours, whereupon Yorktown--with her air group augmented by aircraft and crews from USS Saratoga, Lexington's sister, who was on her way back to Pearl from a refit on the West Coast--steamed out with the  escorts of her Task Force 17, and headed for a point NE of Midway, to join Task Force 16, with her two sister-ships, Enterprise and Hornet (who had not gotten back from the Doolittle Raid in time for the Coral Sea).
So, in carriers, the odds at Midway, in the first week of June, were 4-3 in favor of the Japanese, not 6-3, not 5-3, and not 4-2. And we got lucky. The Japanese conducted carrier strikes much better than we did, but we struck first, before they even knew that we had carriers in the vicinity of Midway. We sank or mortally wounded three Japanese carriers between 1020 and 1030 on 4 June 1942. The one Japanese carrier left, Hiryu, hit Yorktown twice, mortally wounding her, before strikes from Yorktown and Enterprise sank Hiryu. (Hornet's air group was pretty worthless at Midway. Just how worthless was covered up at the time and has only in recent years been fully understood.)
So, the Doolittle Raid caused Operation MO to be done half-assed, resulting in the temporary loss of the two best aircraft carriers in the world. This caused the Japanese carrier striking force to be at 2/3 strength for the Battle of Midway, which was an incredible victory for the Americans and a devastating defeat for the Japanese.
Great write up. I used to enjoy reading about the nuances of WW2 battles. 

I often wonder how different the world would be if the outcome was different. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 24, 2022, 04:23:33 PM
The Japanese fleet also had earlier targeted British assets in India/Ceylon, likely a complete waste of force and fuel, though it set the Brits back on their heels.  This was a long strike mission for the Japanese fleet, but as noted above, they weren't sure what else to attempt.  Had the Japanese taken Midway, it would have been difficult to retain and supply.  Their logistics were often not well supported and planned, a makeshift operation.

In August-November of 1942, they landed large numbers of troops on Guadalcanal but could not keep them supplied.  The troops called it "Starvation Island".  They went to war basically unable to make any mistakes, something that is inevitable.  The US made plenty, but had the resources to cover for it.

I never read a good summary of how the Hornet air group could have been so out of it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 25, 2022, 07:15:37 AM
Did the air group from Hornet just get lost or what?  Let’s hear your thoughts. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 25, 2022, 09:05:28 AM
They failed to find the Japanese fleet.  It was of course somewhat of a miracle that others found the fleet.  They launched near maximum range so they didn't have a lot of time to search, and communications between air groups was apparently nonexistent.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 27, 2022, 08:05:04 AM
Did the air group from Hornet just get lost or what?  Let’s hear your thoughts.
This is a good summary from the U.S. Naval Institute: (
Or you can watch this: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 27, 2022, 08:17:16 AM
Thanks, very interesting, and I can see why the books generally ignored this gaping hole.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 29, 2022, 09:58:04 PM
Thanks, very interesting, and I can see why the books generally ignored this gaping hole.
Yeah, it's interesting that this story hasn't made it into the mainstream book-size literature on the Battle of Midway.  It wasn't there in Walter Lord's Incredible Victory, whichi I read in 7th grade.  It wasn't there in Mitsuo Fuchida's Midway: The Battle that Doomed Japan, but, then, Fuchida was telling the Japanese side (and none too truthfully), so you wouldn't expect it to be.  I don't think it's there in Craig Symonds' The Battle of Midway, which I have not read.  It's not there in Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway, by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully, which is an attempt to figure out and tell in English what actually happened on the Japanese side.  But, again, you wouldn't expect it to be in that book either.
The story of the abject failure of Hornet's air group has only come out--as far as I know--in niche venues, like the USNI and YouTube's "Military Aviation History" channel.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 01, 2022, 07:48:39 AM
We had a lot of planes in the area that did almost nothing, though the Midway planes at least distracted the Japanese without doing any damage.  They had six TBF Avengers at Midway and some B-17s (which of course were not known at the time as basically unable to hit a ship).  The also had Brewster Buffaloes as I recall, and some Wildcats.

Such is every battle in warfare it seems, just a compilation of mistakes and misapprehensions and folks getting lost.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 01, 2022, 04:33:44 PM
As you probably know, CD, the 6 Avengers at Midway were assigned to VT-8, Torpedo Eight of Hornet.  5 of them were shot down and the 6th crash-landed back at Midway.

So, counting the 15 out of 15 TBD Devastators lost by the shipboard part of the squadron, Torpedo Eight lost 20 of 21 airplanes on 4 June 1942.  And got no hits on the Japanese fleet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 05, 2022, 12:13:46 PM
Since Utee isn't around............

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 05, 2022, 12:38:09 PM
Another excuse reason to drink non-macroswill beer!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on May 05, 2022, 01:47:12 PM
On this date, a small force of Mexican revolutionaries held out unexpectedly against a superior French force. Let's party!
That sounded more sarcastic than I meant it to. It's a good excuse to drink and eat a lot of cheese! Just keep the comedy sombreros and oversized mustaches to a minimum (that is, none).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 05, 2022, 04:48:36 PM
Another excuse reason to drink non-macroswill beer!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 07, 2022, 11:11:50 AM
Now that it's Siete de Mayo, is everybody OK?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 07, 2022, 12:01:55 PM
Now that it's Siete de Mayo, is everybody OK?
its all good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 07, 2022, 12:11:04 PM
Maybe every 5th of May we should drink a toast to Alan Shepard, who on that day in 1961 became the first American in space.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 07, 2022, 01:06:02 PM
Maybe every 5th of May we should drink a toast to Alan Shepard, who on that day in 1961 became the first American in space.
still remember sitting there being glued to the tv

I think if I remember right it only lasted about 15 minutes
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 07, 2022, 06:08:22 PM
Yeah, it was suborbital, up and down, because the only reliable rocket we had at that point was the Redstone that lacked the lift capability.  Glenn of course orbited two missions later.  I was all over the space program as a kid.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 08, 2022, 12:04:13 AM
Yeah, it was suborbital, up and down, because the only reliable rocket we had at that point was the Redstone that lacked the lift capability.  Glenn of course orbited two missions later.  I was all over the space program as a kid.
I was in 2nd grade when John Glenn orbited. We were at recess and looked up wondering if we might be able to see Friendship 7.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 08, 2022, 07:42:35 AM
The more I read about various battles, the more I realize the apparent fact they have a huge random factor, with some exceptions.  Commanders are apt to make mistakes due to misinformation or assumption or just make mistakes because perhaps their brains are full.  The opponent might not be aware of the mistake and perhaps make their own mistakes, and randomly someone takes advantage of the gap created.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 08, 2022, 08:43:25 AM
similar to a college football game
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 08, 2022, 08:48:37 AM
Now that it's Siete de Mayo, is everybody OK?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 08, 2022, 09:00:26 AM
An interesting parallel.  We all see contested CFB games that hinged on a tipped pass, a missed block, and untimely penalty, a turnover, an injury, a slightly overthrown or dropped pass ... on such things hinge outcomes.  Then there is play calling, catching just the right play (or wrong) in a situation where it goes for a large gain.

A 7 point favorite will win MOST of the time, but lose about a third of the time, and folks are amazed at it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 08, 2022, 11:36:57 AM
Something completely different for Ocho de Mayo.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 08, 2022, 11:56:06 AM
ESPN Analyst Believes Urban Meyer Will Be the Next Texas Longhorns Coach - Sports Illustrated Texas Longhorns News, Analysis and More (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 08, 2022, 01:00:02 PM
The more I read about various battles, the more I realize the apparent fact they have a huge random factor, with some exceptions.  Commanders are apt to make mistakes due to misinformation or assumption or just make mistakes because perhaps their brains are full.  The opponent might not be aware of the mistake and perhaps make their own mistakes, and randomly someone takes advantage of the gap created.
Regarding that last point, I am reminded of the self-induced gap in Rosecrans' line and Longstreet's fortuitous timing in ordering a charge at the point where the gap had just been created.
Because we are discussing the Korean War in my Military History class I am reminded how the hero can quickly become the goat (not the GOAT). MacArthur's bold (some might have said foolhardy) and brilliant landing of X Corps at Inch'on on Korea's western coast in Sep 1950 was quickly followed by the foolhardy (some might have said bold) decision to pull X Corps back out through Inch'on, interfering hugely with Eighth Army's logistics in the process, wasted two weeks for mine-clearing to conduct an amphibious landing on the eastern coast at Wonsan, which the ROK Army had already captured 2 weeks earlier, and then encouraging X Corps to drive to the Yalu even as the Chinese were intervening in great numbers.  Appointing his good friend and chief of staff Maj. Gen. Ned Almond as CG of X Corps, and then keeping X Corps separate from Eighth Army after the Inch'on landing, seems positively nepotistic when looking at the disastrous Chosin Reservoir campaign.  Especially with our knowledge that Almond continued to order 7th ID and 1st Mar Div forward, even as they were being surrounded by Chinese who outnumbered them 10-to-1.  "Don't let a few Chinese laundrymen stop you," said Almond.
I am retiring from my 2nd career in 2 weeks. I received my equivalent of the gold watch--a wooden apple in a block of Lucite--in a retirement ceremony Wednesday.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 08, 2022, 01:01:01 PM
ESPN Analyst Believes Urban Meyer Will Be the Next Texas Longhorns Coach - Sports Illustrated Texas Longhorns News, Analysis and More (
He's got to go somewhere.  Might as well be the land of green fog and kidney thefts.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 08, 2022, 01:59:18 PM

I am retiring from my 2nd career in 2 weeks. I received my equivalent of the gold watch--a wooden apple in a block of Lucite--in a retirement ceremony Wednesday.
Congratulations CW

Are you planning anything big upon retirement

or just watch the world go by
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 08, 2022, 02:06:43 PM
Regarding the Texas-Nebraska comparison, it's interesting that it starts with the 2010 season.

After the 2009 season, Horn fans could have reasonably concluded that Texas was the ascendant program in the Big 12. They had won the conference's most recent NC in 2005. They had just won the Big 12 CCG. They might well have won the NC again in 2009 had Colt McCoy not gotten injured in the NCG vs. Bama. They had beaten OU in 4 of the last 5 RRS games, and one of those wins had been by their largest-ever margin of victory in the series.

Since then, no conference championships and a 3-10 record vs. OU.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 08, 2022, 02:11:17 PM
Congratulations CW

Are you planning anything big upon retirement

or just watch the world go by
Thanks, 320.

My plan is to do what my core faculty advisor--in my master's program at Vermont College (Monpelier, VT)--suggested that I do: expand on my my research papers on the development of American strategy in World War II and write a book on the subject.
I was able to easily use the FDR Library at the time, as I was teaching at West Point. Now, I'm within driving distance of the Truman Library in Independence, MO, and the World War II Museum in New Orleans, so those could be two resources.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 08, 2022, 03:03:06 PM
MacArthur is a bit of a mystery to me, perhaps more politician than field commander.  I've been rereading the books about Korea, historical fiction in particular by Webb Griffin.  The Chosun Frozen did something remarkable I think.

W.E.B. Griffin :: THE CORPS Series ( (

He was an Army guy who for some reason fell in love with the Corps.

My Dad for some reason had a very high opinion of the Corps, he was USAAF.  He told me they had a Marine on board the night they went down, I don't know why, nor did he, and he thinks the Navy searched for them to rescue the Marine.  Only my Dad, the flight engineer named Lamica, and the copilot survived and were picked up.

As to Chickamauga, that was the example I was thinking about.  I visited the battlefield twice but it's so wooded I couldn't make much sense of it.  Gettysburg is a lot different, as is Antietam.

It seems like a kind of crap shoot.

I had fun in my alternate history book moving Lee's Army in 1863 to Mississippi to face Grant at Memphis.  I had to read up on rail transport at the time, it was pretty hilarious really.   I sent Jackson off on a flanking move, who woulda thunk, but he got held up by a swollen river, and then Lee being desparate launched a frontal attack on Grant that ended poorly.

I like making up my own history.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 08, 2022, 09:06:37 PM

W.E.B. (William E. Butterworth) Griffin's Brotherhood of War series--about the Army--is very good too.  He did it before The Corps series.  Did he ever finish The Corps?  If he did, I missed it.

You're right about MacArthur, I think.  More politician than general.  He was the senior-ranking officer in the U.S. military establishment in 1941, having retired after his stint as Army Chief of Staff, gone off to be Field Marshall of the Philippine Army, and then gotten recalled to active duty.  He was really senior by 1950.

There was a little dereliction of duty on the part of the JCS in 1950, I think. They deferred to MacArthur, their subordinate in the normal order of things, because he was senior to them and because he was a (somewhat self-created) legend.  Even Truman was wary of taking him on.  Until he wasn't any more, after "God's Right Hand Man" finally went indisputably too far.

MacArthur had wangled for the GOP nomination for president while a serving officer, and he was wangling for it again in 1952 after his relief and 2nd retirement.  I think we are fortunate that he didn't get it either time.  His judgement was not sound.

FDR, when MacArthur was CoS, said that he was the most dangerous man in America.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 09, 2022, 08:32:31 AM
Dunno why I called him Webb beyond the obvious.

Manstein was a general/FM I thought was at a very high level, though the histories of the Eastern Front may not be entirely reliable.  Guderian got a lot of press with his book (which I read and think is self-aggrandizing, duh) and Rommel of course.  We in the US hear little about Manstein, who might have been able to stabilize the Eastern Front had Hitler left him to it.  The amount of material expended at Kursk by the Germans was enormous.

The what ifs of history are interesting but ultimately mean little, or nothing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2022, 03:16:51 PM
Apropos of nothing at all, the buzz here is that OU and UT go to the SEC in 2024.

I think I remember Utee posting something to that effect 2-3 months ago.

Also, the SEC commissioner has apparently said that there will be a scheduling set-up that involves all teams playing all other teams more frequently than is currently the case in the SEC.

That, to me, says "4-team pods."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2022, 06:38:35 PM
Apropos of nothing at all, the buzz here is that OU and UT go to the SEC in 2024.

I think I remember Utee posting something to that effect 2-3 months ago.

Also, the SEC commissioner has apparently said that there will be a scheduling set-up that involves all teams playing all other teams more frequently than is currently the case in the SEC.

That, to me, says "4-team pods."
Nothing like contradicting yourself within a few hours. . . .
Former Sooner LB Teddy Lehman now has a radio show in Oklahoma City that is carried by a station here in Tulsa.
He said that the OU Regents are meeting tomorrow and that facilities upgrades are on the agenda.
He thinks that this implies that OU will not want to move to the SEC early, but to get the improvements completed before the move, on the theory that you only get one chance to make a first impression.
Apparently, one of the improvements under discussion is the long-discussed replacement of the west upper deck and pressbox at Oklahoma Memorial Stadium.  You can't easily tell it from the picture, but the east deck is 2-tiered, with suites in between the tiers. Presumably, the new west deck--whenever it is done--would match that format. and perhaps the north end zone (on the right) eventually could be decked over to match.

The bottom left corner of this picture shows Heisman Park.
If the name Teddy Lehman doesn't sound familiar, he's the guy who scores the touchdown on this play. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on May 14, 2022, 02:28:28 PM
I am retiring from my 2nd career in 2 weeks. I received my equivalent of the gold watch--a wooden apple in a block of Lucite--in a retirement ceremony Wednesday.
Corngrats CWS,haven't stopped over here in a while.Keep moving,a rolling stone gathers no moss.Unless of course you have a good Military History Book in front of you. try Eisenhowers Armies by Nial Barr PHD,if you haven't already.:singing:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 14, 2022, 11:33:04 PM
Thanks, Mr. Nubbz.

I haven't been able to read a book just for fun in quite awhile.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 14, 2022, 11:34:11 PM
Congrats to the oSu Cowgirls, who knocked off the #1 Oklahoma Sooners 4-3 today in the Big 12 Tournament championship game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 16, 2022, 10:56:57 AM
Congrats on the retirement.  

I really just can't see either school waiting until 2024.  I honestly thought they would play in the SEC in 2022 last summer.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 16, 2022, 08:16:28 PM
Congrats on the retirement. 

I really just can't see either school waiting until 2024.  I honestly thought they would play in the SEC in 2022 last summer.
Thanks, Gigem!
I'm ready to see the move take place.  But I think OU is not in such a hurry that they will pay out the nose to leave the Big 12.
Do you have any insight into how the SEC will be organized into pods or divisions?  Or whether it will it be one big group in which each team works rapidly through home-and-home series with the other 15 teams in the conference?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 18, 2022, 01:58:45 PM
Thanks, Gigem!
I'm ready to see the move take place.  But I think OU is not in such a hurry that they will pay out the nose to leave the Big 12.
Do you have any insight into how the SEC will be organized into pods or divisions?  Or whether it will it be one big group in which each team works rapidly through home-and-home series with the other 15 teams in the conference?
Just my own personal opinion...the SEC knows the new conference will be quite large and somewhat top heavy.  Especially WRT blue chip programs, and near blue chip programs.  And with the CFB powers slowly but surely shifting south I'm sure they are aware that they need to keep the SEC fresh and not stale.  

I think they will not do an East-West configuration, or if they do it will be in name only.  I think they will take a hybrid approach so that they can appease some of the more traditional matchups, but also be able to rotate through an entire conference schedule in a 4 year period.  The current iteration of the SEC barely works.  I don't even think A&M has played at every conference opponent's stadium yet, or maybe just once for all.  It really all depends on how badly they want to preserve the matchups like Bama/Tenn, etc.  
I think they will avoid calling them pods at all costs.  It won't matter anyways because even this new iteration of the SEC will only last < 10 years.  I think the top 50 NCAA teams will break out and form a new super league, and CFB as we know it will officially be dead.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 18, 2022, 07:10:34 PM
Considering that I often lamented the fact that the Big 12 didn't establish permanent inter-divisional rivalries (so as to preserve OU-Nebraska as an annual series), I don't have some platform of principle to stand on here.

BUT the SEC is going to find that trying to preserve all those traditional rivalries is going to complicate and degrade everything else about football scheduling.

With the SEC, it's going to be an order of magnitude more difficult to preserve rivalries and yet have at least semi-regular meetings with "non-rivals."  And not all the old SEC schools have the same number of rivalries that they will want to preserve.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 19, 2022, 08:37:33 AM
It really just depends on which rivalry’s they want to preserve the most. There are lots of ways to make it work, but not everybody will be happy about it. 

It will all hinge on what 3-4 schools decide. One will be Alabama.  The rest are debatable. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 21, 2022, 06:33:31 PM
I saw on an Arkansas site a discussion on "what if" the SEC went to a 3-5-5 scheduling concept.  You'd play your three permanent rivals plus five of the other teams for two years, then play your three rivals and the "other" five teams for two years.  That would give you eight conference games, and you'd play at least a home-and-home with every program over the course of four years.

With OU and UT joining, that could be expanded to a 3-6-6 concept, which would accomplish the same thing with nine conference games.

Saban already is on the record wanting nine conference games, so it seems like he would support it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 24, 2022, 03:57:12 PM
Heard on the radio today that the SEC is currently having a "let's figure out what to do with the schedule after OU and Texas get here" meeting.

Speculation is about 3-6-6 or 1-7-7.  I can't imagine that the latter one would be the choice.  It would only allow one permanent rivalry to be preserved.

If preserving as many rivalries as possible is a high priority, 3-6-6 works well, even better than pods.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 25, 2022, 09:43:18 AM
preserving as many rivalries as possible should be a high priority, 6-6-3 would work better, anything is  better than pods.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 25, 2022, 08:46:57 PM
preserving as many rivalries as possible should be a high priority, 6-6-3 would work better, anything is  better than pods.
Is "6-6-3" a typo or a different concept than the 3-6-6 concept I described above?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on May 25, 2022, 09:37:33 PM
Jebus I always just thought CFB would stay the same - like a Rockwell painting.How wrong you can be.Better off raking leaves and growing pumpkins and joining Linus in the patch
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on May 25, 2022, 09:41:12 PM
Anyone here hear from 94,tain't seen a post for quite some time.Hope things are alright on his end
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 25, 2022, 09:44:46 PM
Is "6-6-3" a typo or a different concept than the 3-6-6 concept I described above?
don't know

6 opponents you play every damn season for rivalries
6 you play somewhat regularly
3 you play once in a blue moon just because they are a member of your too large conference
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 26, 2022, 09:32:37 PM
Yeah, that's a different concept.

What I was talking about, and what the SEC is talking about, is three teams you play every year, 6 teams you play two years out of four, and 6 other teams you play the other two years out of four.  With no divisions or pods.  Teams with the two best records at the end play in the CCG.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 26, 2022, 09:37:03 PM
Anyone here hear from 94,tain't seen a post for quite some time.Hope things are alright on his end
I've been wondering the same thing.
Hope he's OK.
Maybe he's just busy giving Sark some good advice.  Or rooting for the Horn baseball team.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 26, 2022, 10:38:37 PM
Yeah, that's a different concept.

What I was talking about, and what the SEC is talking about, is three teams you play every year, 6 teams you play two years out of four, and 6 other teams you play the other two years out of four.  With no divisions or pods.  Teams with the two best records at the end play in the CCG.
3 teams you play every year isn't nearly enuff IMO
but no one has been asking me the past couple decades

that's how we got to this shit show
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 27, 2022, 12:46:33 PM
3 teams you play every year isn't nearly enuff IMO
but no one has been asking me the past couple decades

that's how we got to this shit show
The overarching problem is that the conferences have gotten too big, and the trend is obviously for them to get still bigger.
The particular problem here is that the more conference teams you play every year, the less often you play the others.  As it is, some of the 14 SEC teams go for a decade or more without playing each other.  They are probably doing something like the 6-6-3 you mentioned, only as a 5-5-3.  Those "3" might as well not be in the same conference as the teams that they almost never play.
How does the B1G do it?  14 teams means 6 divisional opponents. How many of the 7 teams in the other division does Nebraska play each year, and what is the rotation schedule? 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 27, 2022, 01:09:26 PM
two divisions of 8 each means playing 7 games round robin for your division

why not play 4 more games against other division playing every team once in two years

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 28, 2022, 10:24:20 AM
How does the B1G do it?  14 teams means 6 divisional opponents. How many of the 7 teams in the other division does Nebraska play each year, and what is the rotation schedule?
I don't keep up on it because they change the divisions and they change scheduling practices every few seasons to try to fix issues

with the 9 game schedule we play the other 6 in our division (west) and then 3 from the other division

currently thinking about going to an 8 game schedule, so if might change again

yes, conferences are too big to be able to play all members each season
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 30, 2022, 07:09:16 AM
I recall when a conference slate would be six games.  Georgia Tech went decades in the SEC never playing a team from Miss, ever.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 01, 2022, 06:31:26 PM
two divisions of 8 each means playing 7 games round robin for your division

why not play 4 more games against other division playing every team once in two years
That would certainly be a great conference schedule.  But it would only leave room for one OOC game.

I like the 3-6-(6) schedule.  You still go through all the teams at least twice in four years, and you also get three OOC games.
Shifting gears, I heard on OU-homer sports radio today that Jimbo Fisher has said that he wants Texas-Texas A&M as an annual game.
Related to that, the 1-7 scheduling plan would seem leave Texas in a bit of a quandary as to its sole permanent rival.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 01, 2022, 06:38:15 PM
which is more important playing conference games with regularity or playing occ games that really dont mean anything
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 01, 2022, 08:59:30 PM
which is more important playing conference games with regularity or playing occ games that really dont mean anything
The bottom teams in a conference will perhaps give you a different answer than the big dogs would.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 01, 2022, 10:09:41 PM
The bottom teams in a conference will perhaps give you a different answer than the big dogs would.
so youre looking out for the little guys

very commendable 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 01, 2022, 11:33:08 PM
so youre looking out for the little guys

very commendable
Not particularly.
But I like to see OU play great non-conference, intersectional opponents like TOSU, Notre Dame, Michigan, USC, Nebraska (hoping that Nebraska will soon be good again), etc.  As well as many other games that do not involve OU.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 01, 2022, 11:43:09 PM
Not particularly.
But I like to see OU play great non-conference, intersectional opponents like TOSU, Notre Dame, Michigan, USC, Nebraska (hoping that Nebraska will soon be good again), etc.  As well as many other games that do not involve OU.
lets face it out of 3 ooc games a higher ranked team plays generally only 1 is a decent game

as example this year you guys are playing UTEP, Kent State and Nebraska

so really how much would you be giving up

Texas is playing UT San Antonio, Louisiana Monroe and Alabama

again how much would we be giving up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 01, 2022, 11:54:59 PM
I get your point.

But, in any event, the SEC is not going to adopt an 11-game conference schedule.  Nor is any other conference.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 02, 2022, 07:34:14 AM
I wonder what will happen with the series UGA has with Texas and OU later in this decade.  I was rather pleased to see UGA scheduling two powerhouse programs and GaTech in the same year OOC.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 02, 2022, 10:21:20 AM
Not particularly.
But I like to see OU play great non-conference, intersectional opponents like TOSU, Notre Dame, Michigan, USC, Nebraska (hoping that Nebraska will soon be good again), etc.  As well as many other games that do not involve OU.
hoping Nebraska is good enough this september!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 02, 2022, 11:35:24 AM
I wonder what will happen with the series UGA has with Texas and OU later in this decade.  I was rather pleased to see UGA scheduling two powerhouse programs and GaTech in the same year OOC.
It would be a good thing if the SEC were able to work those games into the conference schedules.  Might not be possible, though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 02, 2022, 11:38:22 AM
hoping Nebraska is good enough this september!
I wish you an 11-1 (9-0 in conference) regular-season record this year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 02, 2022, 01:29:27 PM
The Danish War Museum was excellent, incidentally.  They had fabulous ship models, large ones, and other stuff.



Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 02, 2022, 01:43:34 PM
Georgia ‘working on’ solution to scheduled series with Oklahoma, per report ( (

Georgia set up a home-and-home with Oklahoma to be played in 2023 and 2031. That series with the Sooners is now very much up in the air with the Sooners set to join the SEC by 2025; now, the question remains how this affects the would-be series.
Georgia athletic director Josh Brooks was asked about the scheduled series with the Sooners during Wednesday’s edition of SEC spring meetings in Destin, Florida. As was the case with many topics at this year’s meetings, Brooks explained nothing has been finalized on the matter.
“That’s something we are working on right now,” Brooks said, per DawgNation’s Mike Griffith. “When there’s clarity on that we’ll give everyone an update. It’s important to be respectful to everyone we’re working with.”

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 02, 2022, 04:47:25 PM
The Danish War Museum was excellent, incidentally.  They had fabulous ship models, large ones, and other stuff.


I had a Danish exchange student 4 or 5 years ago.  He was smart, seemed like a good kid.  Something went wrong with his visit, though, because his sponsors turned out not to want him and he had to move out of our district to live with a substitute sponsor family.
Danish is supposedly the language that the other Scandinavians find the hardest to speak and understand.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 03, 2022, 12:54:25 AM
In the WCWS, OU plays Texas in the 2nd round of the winner's bracket Saturday.  OSU plays Florida in the other winners' bracket game.

Three of the four first-game winners are the Big 12 teams in the series.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 03, 2022, 07:46:05 PM
SEC Can't Agree Yet on Future Scheduling (

Apparently, there was momentum going into the meetings in favor of the 3-6 format, and as the meetings end with no decision, the momentum is for the 1-7 format, as the less-successful programs only want to play 8 conference games.  Perhaps they want to schedule four games each with The Citadel and its ilk.

If it's 1-7, I suspect that some influential programs will get special consideration enabling them to maintain more than one permanent rivalry games.  That will cause the SEC to bastardize the schedule to make that happen.  That would not be a philosophical change, as the SEC has had irregular/uneven scheduling for most of its existence, including currently.

As I understand it, OU and Texas have had some representation at various conferences, but obviously do not have voting privileges.

I think that either pods or the 3-6 format would be the best for OU (and Texas too).  That's what I'm hoping to see adopted.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 04, 2022, 09:25:45 AM
play all 7 from your division, play one from the other division
if the two programs want ti to be annually, fine

if you want to play a 2nd or 3rd team from the other division, use your non-con games to make it happen

it's a terrible idea to try to play 15 teams regularly - especially with an 8 game schedule
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 04, 2022, 11:57:30 AM
play all 7 from your division, play one from the other division
if the two programs want ti to be annually, fine

if you want to play a 2nd or 3rd team from the other division, use your non-con games to make it happen

it's a terrible idea to try to play 15 teams regularly - especially with an 8 game schedule
I don't think they're going to have divisions, because:
● The NCAA has removed restrictions on what it takes to have a CCG.
Aside from being a money-maker, the CCG--when it's a game between division champions--is increasingly being seen as having too much potential to result in a team not even second-best in the conference winning the conference championship.
So conferences are moving in the direction of putting the two teams with the best records in the CCG.
So there is no actual need for divisions.
So, without divisions, there is no rationale for a 7-1 (or 7-2) schedule.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 04, 2022, 12:08:38 PM
I don't think they're going to have divisions, because:
● The NCAA has removed restrictions on what it takes to have a CCG.
Aside from being a money-maker, the CCG--when it's a game between division champions--is increasingly being seen as having too much potential to result in a team not even second-best in the conference winning the conference championship.
So conferences are moving in the direction of putting the two teams with the best records in the CCG.
So there is no actual need for divisions.
So, without divisions, there is no rationale for a 7-1 (or 7-2) schedule.
if they arent going to decide it on the field what good does it do to have a CCG

what you are suggesting is CCG by opinion

the number of games won means little without some type of round robin approach

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 04, 2022, 12:24:20 PM
conferences are too big

conferences this large w/o divisions id even worse
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 05, 2022, 10:12:17 AM
The Big 12 Conference announced $426 million in total revenue distributions for the 2021-22 school year Friday at the league's spring meetings, but the revenue trajectory is bound take a significant hit once the Big 12's two biggest brands — the Oklahoma Sooners and Texas Longhorns — depart for the SEC. That move will take place no later than Summer 2025, and even with the league welcoming four new members all by 2024, the departure of Oklahoma and Texas is a loss that can't merely be replaced overnight.

Big 12 Board of Directors chairman and Texas Tech president Lawrence Schovanec, speaking with reporters at spring meetings Friday, acknowledged the financial reality the Big 12 is facing as it looks to mitigate future losses. As it stands, BYU will enter the league in 2023, while Houston, Cincinnati and UCF are scheduled to join a year later in 2024, stretching the league's landscape across more than two time zones for the first time. But Schovanec and company know it's more complicated than time zones and membership count to ensure the Big 12 can continue on healthily without the Sooners and Longhorns.

"The financial aspects of this are very important to the health and vitality of our athletic programs," Schovanec said, via ESPN. "We know that. And that's why what we do beyond '24-25 is going to be so important. We recognize that the manner in which this inventory will be distributed is going to change. ... We're all analyzing how we're going to move forward. And I think a lot of that will depend on the relationships we develop with our new media partners. That will be one of the priorities of the new commissioner once that person is in place." (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 05, 2022, 12:03:23 PM
if they arent going to decide it on the field what good does it do to have a CCG

what you are suggesting is CCG by opinion

the number of games won means little without some type of round robin approach
I don't understand your first point.  How would it not be "decided on the field" (to the extent that that phrase even means anything)?
I don't understand your second point either.  The CCG would have the two teams with the best records, just as the Big 12 does it now.  The only difference is that those records wouldn't come from a round-robin schedule.  BTW, I am not suggesting that as a great solution.  I don't like CCGs when there aren't divisions.  Maybe it's just the least bad solution.
I think that a round-robin schedule with no CCG is best.  But we didn't have a round-robin schedule in the original Big 12.  The SEC doesn't have a round-robin schedule.  The B1G doesn't have a round-robin schedule.  The Pac-12 doesn't have a round-robin schedule.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 05, 2022, 12:06:27 PM
conferences are too big

I agree, but that horse left the barn back in the 1990s.

conferences this large w/o divisions id even worse

There are pluses and minuses with and without divisions.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 05, 2022, 12:08:04 PM
Is anyone in contact with Utee?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 05, 2022, 12:11:54 PM
not me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 05, 2022, 07:58:16 PM
Has he ever been absent from the board for a long period like this?

I don't know whether he has or not, as I've had long absences myself.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 05, 2022, 08:37:53 PM
seems unusually long for utee, but it's the good weather and his kids are of the age to keep him very busy

hopefully, things are going well for him and his family and friends and he'll be back soon
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 05, 2022, 09:59:02 PM
Been wondering about Marcus myself. Hope all is well. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on June 06, 2022, 08:29:55 AM
I have been in contact. He's all good, just not going to post anymore. Of course we all miss him.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 06, 2022, 09:26:00 AM
I have been in contact. He's all good, just not going to post anymore. Of course we all miss him.
Gosh, hate to hear it.  I've been reading his posts since about 1997.  Why the change?  His business, of course, just seems strange to drop out after 25 years or more.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 06, 2022, 11:05:35 AM
I only go back to 2006 but thats still a long time

Im not worried about him

The main thing is to be happy with what youre doing

If he was unhappy with posting here then he needed to make a change

Good luck utee
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 06, 2022, 12:47:06 PM
Best wishes, Utee.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 06, 2022, 02:47:46 PM
quitter  ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 06, 2022, 07:53:56 PM
COLLEGE STATION, Texas (WOAI) — Like a football recruit, Kyle Rittenhouse recently put on a Texas A&M hat during a talk radio show and said he's going to be an Aggie this fall.

"Kyle Rittenhouse is announcing he's an Aggie," Charlie Kirk said on his show where Rittenhouse was a guest on June 3.

Back in May, Rittenhouse took to social media to express his interest in attending Texas A&M in the fall, as he posted photos of his visit to College Station.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 06, 2022, 08:20:26 PM
Maybe he'll enjoy the hunting in Austin.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 07, 2022, 08:03:39 AM
Apparently Rittenhouse is not a student here nor has he been admitted. He’s going to Blinn. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on June 07, 2022, 08:33:55 AM
He's a good kid who should not have been where he was that night (he was 17).

I too was there that night, watching Kenosha burn as we stayed on our boat for that summer (sold the house). 

It was the third night of burning, and it was also the last night of burning.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 07, 2022, 12:48:58 PM
I really don't know much about the whole ordeal....but from my POV....he went looking for trouble and found trouble.  And lots of it.  It may have been his right, but like Mr Myagi says best defense is "no be there".  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 07, 2022, 01:04:37 PM
I really don't know much about the whole ordeal....but from my POV....he went looking for trouble and found trouble.  And lots of it.  It may have been his right, but like Mr Myagi says best defense is "no be there". 
He had family there whose property was being burned

The mayor completely turned his back on this as did the Governor

I have nothing but very high regards for him

and I hope hes successful in court suing various parties who defamed him
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on June 07, 2022, 02:07:27 PM
I really don't know much about the whole ordeal....but from my POV....he went looking for trouble and found trouble.  And lots of it.  It may have been his right, but like Mr Myagi says best defense is "no be there". 
He was called to action by a local. Obviously he should not have gone - even he admits this.

But, for those of us who were there and lived through it, it's probably a good thing he was there. Everything came to an end with the killing of two thugs.

Wanna hear the story about our parking lot in the marina? Scary stuff.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 08, 2022, 08:58:59 AM
I have no problem with Rittenhouse, and as I stated, I don't really know much about the case.  Maybe just a case of wrong place and wrong time.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 23, 2022, 02:59:34 PM
Big news outta Austin today as Arch Manning commits to the Longhorns.  I gather he will be a sophmore when UT moves to the SEC in 2024?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 23, 2022, 04:07:54 PM
It should be an interesting battle for QB1 a year from now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 24, 2022, 11:24:22 AM
Some of y'all might enjoy this:

The Eyes of Freedom - Casper, Wyoming 2022 - YouTube (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: BuckeyeAvenger on June 25, 2022, 10:00:09 AM
Will even acquiring Arch Manning, help Texas get over the hump in football? Tom Herman didn’t help, but he was awesome at Ohio State. They always have good talent, but that hasn’t mattered. Hiring Steve Sarkisian, and having him recruit well, isn’t going to do the trick either. Texas has wonderful facilities, so that isn’t the problem.  Texas’ problems are clearly cultural in nature: they seem pampered, soft, entitled, and Austin is too much damned fun (these are young guys with too much temptation). They have all the pieces to win, but never seem to be able to accomplish that goal. I think Arch Manning made a poor choice, but only time will tell. What prevents Texas from winning with top athletes, great coaches, fan support and everything else in their favor, year after year? Toxic culture.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 25, 2022, 10:02:57 AM
Other cities are fun also.  I think it's coaching, and little else.  A string of poor coaches can take down even an elite program obviously.  And then it's tough to climb back until/unless you find a good coach.  Look at USC and Nebraska for examples, and Tennessee, Miami, FSU ...

They might not need an Urban Meyer level coach, but they do need someone quite good, maybe Sark is it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2022, 10:44:10 PM
None of us are inside the UT program, so we don't know squat for sure.
However, a theory that a lot of OU fans have is that the Texas HFC operates under excessively restrictive guidance from the BMDs.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 26, 2022, 05:48:26 AM
Could be a factor, but "coaching" is obviously a broad term and has a lot to it, including getting very able assistants, by the HC.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 27, 2022, 08:47:37 AM
I've spelled it out before. Recency bias and whatnot.

Mack and DeLoss seemed to do pretty well for a while - to the point where we grumbled when we didn't win at least 10. The BMDs thought they had Saban on the hook to replace him. They didn't. Mack 'retired', and DeLoss was fed up. Enter panic mode and Steve Patterson who made his name with 'austerity measures' - apparently clueless that Texas prints money and has the exact opposite problem. No decent coach with a job wanted to risk that. We got Charlie Strong who could have learned, but he was never the organization's choice. Tom Herman was a lifetime Texas boy and the wunderkind of the moment who was picking either Texas or LSU for his next gig. Texas took him. He set about being Urban Meyer level jerk with none of the winning.

Which brings us here. Chris del Conte is the leader Texas needs. In almost dime novel fashion, Sark took the reins of a program, thought he was all that, and had it blow up. He destroyed himself, then had to seek the cfb sensei to rebuild. He's now in charge of a once-great institution that's been relegated to has-beens. He brought with him the best minds in the business (Kyle Flood is the reason Georgia has a trophy). It's all a bunch of potential right now.

Texas suffered from program rot during the last 2 or 3 seasons of Mack's run, but that angle is grossly overblown. Most of the rest is straightforward mismanagement.

Arch Manning is a rare talent. It's always better to have them than not. With a nod to our Purple Posters of yore, Texas will rebuild the program by winning the line of scrimmage.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 27, 2022, 08:56:28 AM
I had to google Kyle Flood.  I don't understand his connection to UGA.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 27, 2022, 10:28:16 AM
I had to google Kyle Flood.  I don't understand his connection to UGA.

Connection is he used to be Alabama's OL coach. He came with Sark to Texas. Bama dropped off the power run noticeably last season.

I appreciate offensive innovation, but I still  believe football works from the inside out. If you don't do anything about it, I want to run the football through the A gap off the Center's butt. I need you to commit defensive resources to stop that play. After that, we'll attack other areas.

If there's a voodoo skill in college football, it's going into a high school, seeing the 16-17 year old males, and deciding which ones of the 6'4 270lbs guys in there could carry 310lbs on 6'6" and still be fast enough to pull by the time they're 20 years old. I believe strongly that Flood is one of the better coaches at doing that.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 27, 2022, 11:54:38 AM
Connection is he used to be Alabama's OL coach. He came with Sark to Texas. Bama dropped off the power run noticeably last season.

I appreciate offensive innovation, but I still  believe football works from the inside out. If you don't do anything about it, I want to run the football through the A gap off the Center's butt. I need you to commit defensive resources to stop that play. After that, we'll attack other areas.

If there's a voodoo skill in college football, it's going into a high school, seeing the 16-17 year old males, and deciding which ones of the 6'4 270lbs guys in there could carry 310lbs on 6'6" and still be fast enough to pull by the time they're 20 years old. I believe strongly that Flood is one of the better coaches at doing that.
Re the bolded, I completely agree.
Like in the old wishbone days--run the fullback dive until they stop it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 27, 2022, 11:57:13 AM
I think when you have Bryce Young at QB with a pair of near AA receivers, you might shape your offense around that to an extent.    I think Bama's defense had taken a step back from earlier years as being a factor.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 27, 2022, 11:36:57 PM
Hooky would cite the Austin Malaise.  Man I miss him.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 28, 2022, 12:08:08 AM
me too
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 28, 2022, 07:32:34 AM
Weird college football, just recalling how if Tank Bigsby doesn't run out of bounds, Bama misses the playoffs.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 08, 2022, 12:48:18 AM
James Caan died at age 82.

R.I.P., Jimmy!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 12, 2022, 01:28:08 PM
RIP.  Enjoyed his performances in so many great movies.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 12, 2022, 03:56:50 PM
From jumping horses to jalapeños: the science of spicy peppers | NOVA | PBS (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 12, 2022, 07:36:50 PM
From jumping horses to jalapeños: the science of spicy peppers | NOVA | PBS (
That's certainly interesting.
I did not know that capsaicin is a toxin.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 12, 2022, 09:03:49 PM
yup, it's good for what ail's ya
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 13, 2022, 09:05:15 PM
anything interesting at  Big 12 Football Media Days???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 13, 2022, 11:30:28 PM
Bob Bowlsby said that his biggest regret was that OU didn't beat Georgia in the Rose Bowl.

I regret it too.  And I hope the Muleshoe regrets it till the day he dies, as that game was his to lose, and he lost it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2022, 08:50:06 AM
UGA had a bad first half obviously, but that late FG gave them some spark.  Then the running game got going.

I regret that blown coverage in the next game with 2nd and forever.  I felt that was about to happen again this year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 14, 2022, 09:20:25 AM
Beating Georgia in bowl games is fun.  I'd rather Texas have won the 1984 Cotton Bowl than the 2019 Sugar Bowl, but unfortunately, I don't get to decide these things.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 14, 2022, 09:37:55 AM
beating SEC SEC SEC teams in bowl games is fun

not just picking on the Bulldawgs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 14, 2022, 03:52:33 PM
UGA had a bad first half obviously, but that late FG gave them some spark.  Then the running game got going.

I regret that blown coverage in the next game with 2nd and forever.  I felt that was about to happen again this year.
The opportunity to kick that late FG in the 1st half was courtesy of Muleshoe's decision to squib kick after OU scored to go up by 17.
Kirby Smart outcoached Muleshoe. He didn't play it safe and run out the clock after recovering the squib kick.
As a result, Georgia had reduced the margin to two scores and had grabbed the momentum.
Muleshoe had a chance to atone, with 4th-and-short inside the 5 in the 1st OT trailing by 3. What to do? Win the game right now with your offense, or trust an inconsistent kicker to send it to 2nd OT, putting the burden back on the defense, the weakest element of the team?  We know what Muleshoe chose to do.
That game was the highest point in his five years at OU, and also the turning point, after which the next four seasons trended gradually downward.  I can say confidently that if Muleshoe had stayed another 15 years, he would not have won a national championship.
It's going to be interesting listening to Colin Cowherd try to explain why his man-crush Muleshoe fails to work miracles at USC.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 14, 2022, 03:57:02 PM
beating SEC SEC SEC teams in bowl games is fun

not just picking on the Bulldawgs
OU is 3-3 vs. the SEC in bowl games over the past 9 years.
Unfortunately, the three wins were not in CFP games and the three losses were.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2022, 04:06:02 PM
That was a solid UGA team that edged OU.  I do agree with your opinions on questionable coaching decisions.  I was relieved when they kicked the FG.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 14, 2022, 04:18:09 PM

Muleshoe had a chance to atone, with 4th-and-short inside the 5 in the 1st OT trailing by 3. What to do? Win the game right now with your offense, or trust an inconsistent kicker to send it to 2nd OT, putting the burden back on the defense, the weakest element of the team?  We know what Muleshoe chose to do.
I was yelling, "Dumbass" at the TV
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2022, 05:16:30 PM
The United States Army | Fort Benning | Photo Essay | So, you want to be a Ranger? - Mountain Phase (

Yonah Mountain photos, near Camp Merrill, the mountain phase.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 14, 2022, 05:57:01 PM
The United States Army | Fort Benning | Photo Essay | So, you want to be a Ranger? - Mountain Phase (

Yonah Mountain photos, near Camp Merrill, the mountain phase.
More infrastructure than I remember from 1980.  I remember the rappelling tower, but not much else.  The rappelling cliff looks similar, so maybe it was Mount Yonah that I went up and down.  I just don't remember that name being tossed around.
Surprised to see the helmets being worn.  We wore steel pots for jumps (I think there were three), but not much, if anything, else at all.  Other than that, in my murky memory, we wore patrol caps.
Mostly I remember being tired and hungry. I swore when I graduated that I would never be hungry again if I could help it.

I lost over 25 pounds. Went from 170+ to about 145.  And that was after I had eaten like it was going out of style for a couple of days between our final patrol and graduation.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2022, 06:08:43 PM
You were of course correct about Camp Merrill, I had not realized the training wasn't all at Mount Yonah.  

My kids did rapelling off a tower at PI, both had done it before and said it was fun.  The both managed the top level in the swimming, which both said was NOT fun.  Chris was a strong swimmer so it didn't surprise me.  He said the swimming instructors had crazy builds and one pushed his head down across his chest and took the skin off his face so he had to get his photo done two weeks later.  Part of the test is rescuing a drowing instructor.

I know there is a distinction between the Ranger tab and being a Ranger.  One captain told me they all did Ranger school but weren't Rangers.  He had jump wings.

This is the fellow that went to my daughter's graduation back when.  I told him to wear his uniform, which led to a couple neat incidents.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 14, 2022, 06:19:24 PM
You were of course correct about Camp Merrill, I had not realized the training wasn't all at Mount Yonah. 

My kids did rapelling off a tower at PI, both had done it before and said it was fun.  The both managed the top level in the swimming, which both said was NOT fun.  Chris was a strong swimmer so it didn't surprise me.  He said the swimming instructors had crazy builds and one pushed his head down across his chest and took the skin off his face so he had to get his photo done two weeks later.  Part of the test is rescuing a drowing instructor.

I know there is a distinction between the Ranger tab and being a Ranger.  One captain told me they all did Ranger school but weren't Rangers.  He had jump wings.

This is the fellow that went to my daughter's graduation back when.  I told him to wear his uniform, which led to a couple neat incidents.
I never had to pass a particular "swimming phase" of any school I did in the Army. I can see why Marines would emphasize it more than we did.
There is a distinction in at least some people's minds between being a Ranger and merely a "tab-wearer." Probably more in the minds of guys who served in Ranger units than the rest of us. I wouldn't argue with a Ranger Battalion guy on that point. BUT, I'll say this: When we graduated, we were Rangers. We weren't guys who were semi-Rangers or guys who were on probation until we served in a Ranger unit.
Back to your captain's comments, though, out in the non-Ranger 99% of the Army, you'd see guys wearing a Ranger Tab who didn't really impress anyone with their toughness or tactical proficiency.  Tab-wearers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 14, 2022, 06:30:15 PM
Tarawa.  After that, the Marines put in a swimming requirement.  Apparently it's not that tough to pass the first level, but you do have to be able to swim in uniform with a rubber rifle.

They have Level 3 as a requirement, then you can choose to try L 2, and then L 1, which is in fact tough.  My daugter said she was the first female to pass it in several years.  My son was the only one in his platoon to attempt it.

The Army of course effected several amphibious assaults in Europe in WW II with zero Marine help, and they tended to be massive multidivisional efforts.

Higgins boats.  They probably could have used some Hueys in some of those.  I read about three navy destroyers risking grounding to provide fire support up close at Omaha.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 15, 2022, 08:45:15 PM
Tarawa was a tough lesson about the need for swimming proficiency.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 16, 2022, 08:26:30 AM
It was a tough lesson also about understanding tides.

Peleliu was a tough lesson about attacking some pointless island.

Guadalcanal was a tough lesson for the Japanese about supplies and logistics, and the US as well.  

Battle of the Bulge was a tough lesson on "it ain't over til it's over".

Lots of tough lessons.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 16, 2022, 08:45:58 AM
Battle of the Bulge was about, what if we don't have a lopsided advantage in communications and stolen codes
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 16, 2022, 09:10:20 AM
It was astonishing how Germany could produce enough military force at that point to go on the offensive.  Hitler realized an offensive in the East would be a pinprick in a monster.  He hoped in the West it might alter the course.  Not enough fuel though.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 16, 2022, 02:15:54 PM
It was a tough lesson also about understanding tides.

Peleliu was a tough lesson about attacking some pointless island.

Guadalcanal was a tough lesson for the Japanese about supplies and logistics, and the US as well. 

Battle of the Bulge was a tough lesson on "it ain't over til it's over".

Lots of tough lessons.
I wonder if we have retained those lessons.
A bunch of Americans died unnecessarily in and around Grenada in Oct 1983 because nobody knew--or bothered to learn--about the currents around Grenada, nobody made sure that the proper maps were distributed to all parties, etc., etc., etc.
Guadalcanal was the Pacific battle where we and the Japanese were most equal in strength. One Japanese general called it the "death of the Japanese army."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 16, 2022, 02:33:27 PM
Guadalcanal is an interesting campaign, I think.  More sailors died than Marines or soldiers.

I can't think of a land battle of that size where the navies were the key for months.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 16, 2022, 06:40:14 PM

[At Guadalcanal, t]he U.S. Navy lost twenty-four major warships; the Japanese lost twenty-four.  Aircraft losses too were nearly equal: America lost 436, Japan 440.  Ashore, U.S. Marine and Army killed were 1,592 . . . .  The number of Americans killed at sea topped five thousand.  Japanese deaths set a bloody pace for the rest of the war, with 20,800 soldiers lost on the island and probably 4,000 sailors at sea.

It was the most critical major military operation America would ever run on such a threadbare shoestring. . . .  [T]he puzzle of victory was solved on the fly and on the cheap, in terms of resources if not lives.  The campaign featured tight interdependence among warriors of the air, land, and sea.  For the infantry to seize and hold the island, ships had to control the sea.  For a fleet to control the sea, the pilots had to fly from the island’s airfield.  For the pilots to fly from the airfield, the infantry had to hold the island.  That tripod stood only by the strength of all three legs. . . .  For most of the campaign, Guadalcanal was a contest of equals, perhaps the only major battle in the Pacific where the United States and Japan fought from positions of parity.  Its outcome was often in doubt.

~ James D. Hornfischer
Neptune’s Inferno: The U.S. Navy at Guadalcanal
Hornfischer also wrote Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors, the story of Taffy 3's battle off Samar during the overall Battle of Leyte Gulf.  It'll bring you to tears.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 16, 2022, 06:46:24 PM
This was a primary-source reading I used in my AP U.S. History course.

AP U.S. History Reading 221: “Battle of the Tenaru, August 21, 1942,” by Robert Leckie.
Robert Leckie (December 18, 1920 – December 24, 2001) was an American author of books on United States military history, fiction, autobiography and children’s books. As a young man, he served in the Marine Corps during World War II.  In January 1942, Leckie enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps.  He served in combat in the Pacific theater, as a scout and a machine gunner in H Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division.  Leckie saw combat in the Guadalcanal Campaign, the Battle of Cape Gloucester, and was wounded by blast concussion in the Battle of Peleliu.  Due to his wounds, he was evacuated to an Army field hospital on the Pavuvu Islands. He returned to the United States in March 1945 and was honorably discharged shortly thereafter.
Following World War II, Leckie worked as a reporter for the Associated Press, the Buffalo Courier-Express, the New York Journal American, the New York Daily News and The Star-Ledger.  In 1951, he saw South Pacific on Broadway and walked out halfway through. He said “I have to tell the story of how it really was. I have to let people know the war wasn’t a musical.”  His first and best-selling book, Helmet for My Pillow, a war memoir, was published in 1957.  This poem comes from that book.
The battle of the Tenaru was the first major Japanese counterattack to the U.S. landing on Guadalcanal.
Battle of the Tenaru, August 21, 1942
by Robert Leckie

A helmet for my pillow,

A poncho for my bed,
My rifle rests across my chest-
The stars swing overhead.
The whisper of the kunai,
The murmur of the sea,
The sighing palm and night so calm
Betray no enemy.
Hear! river bank so silent
You men who sleep around
That foreign scream across the stream-
Up! Fire at the sound!
Sweeping over the sandspit
That blocks the Tenaru
With Banzai-boast a mushroomed host
Vows to destroy our few.
Into your holes and gunpits!
Kill them with rifles and knives!
Feed them with lead until they are dead-
And widowed are their wives.

Sons of the mothers who gave you
Honor and gift of birth
Strike with the knife till blood and life
Run out upon the earth.
Marines, keep faith with your glory
Keep to your trembling hole.
Intruder feel of Nippon steel
Can’t penetrate your soul.
Closing, they charge all howling
Their breasts all targets large.
The gun must shake, the bullets make
A slaughter of their charge.
Red are the flashing tracers,
Yellow the bursting shells.
Hoarse is the cry of men who die
Shrill are the woundeds’ yells.
God, how the night reels stricken!
She shrieks with orange spark.
The mortar’s lash and cannon’s crash
Have crucified the dark.

Falling, the faltering foemen
Beneath our guns lie heaped.
By greenish glare of rocket’s flare
We see the harvest reaped.
Now has the first fierce onslaught
Been broken and hammered back.
Hammered and hit, from hole and pit-
We rise up to attack!
Day bursts pale from a gun tube,
The gibbering night has fled.
By light of dawn the foe has drawn
A line behind his dead.
Our tanks clank in behind him,
Our riflemen move out.
Their hearts have met our bayonet-
It’s ended with a shout.
“Cease fire!” –the words go ringing,
Over the heaps of the slain.
The battle’s won, the Rising Sun
Lies riddled on the plain.
St. Michael, angel of battle
We praise you to God on high.
The foe you gave was strong and brave
And unafraid to die.
Speak to the Lord for our comrades,
Killed when the battle seemed lost.
They went to meet a bright defeat-
The hero’s holocaust.
False is the vaunt of the victor,
Empty our living pride.
For those who fell there is no hell-
Not for the brave who died.

Approximately 817 Japanese soldiers of the 28th Infantry Regiment conducted a nighttime frontal assault on Marine positions at Alligator Creek in the early morning hours of 21 August 1942.  They were stopped with very heavy casualties.  The Marines counterattacked at daylight, killing more Japanese.  In all, 789 Japanese were killed in this action.  41 U.S. Marines were killed.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 17, 2022, 12:36:49 PM
Interesting finish setting up in The Open Championship.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 03, 2022, 09:28:51 AM
Vin Scully, R.I.P.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 03, 2022, 09:31:16 AM
indeed, RIP
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 04, 2022, 09:15:51 AM
Hornfischer also wrote Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors, the story of Taffy 3's battle off Samar during the overall Battle of Leyte Gulf.  It'll bring you to tears.

Yeah, I have that book, and Helmet for My Pillow, and With the Old Breed.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 04, 2022, 03:37:08 PM
My favorite novel of all time is This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 05, 2022, 08:14:28 AM
A fun read is Playing for Pizza by Grisham.

Also fun reads, "Miracle at Augusta" and "Miracle on the 17th Green".

I've read every book Bernard Cornwell published.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 05, 2022, 09:04:50 AM
Yup Playing for Pizza is definitely an entertaining read.  I like most stuff by Grisham, perfect airplane/vacation reading.

My favorite football book is definitely The Franchise by Peter Gent, same guy who wrote North Dallas Forty (which is also entertaining).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 05, 2022, 09:10:44 AM
Friday Night Lights is an excellent read, as well. The movie was pretty good but the book is better.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 05, 2022, 09:12:55 AM
Authors I enjoy reading:

Stephen Hunter
W.E.B. Griffin
John Sanford
Michael Connelly  (Bosch series)
Jane Austin
Stephen Ambrose
Forest Carter
C. S. Forrester
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 05, 2022, 11:09:49 AM
Authors I enjoy reading:

Stephen Hunter
W.E.B. Griffin
John Sanford
Michael Connelly  (Bosch series)
Jane Austin
Stephen Ambrose
Forest Carter
C. S. Forrester
Did W.E.B. Griffin ever finish The Corps series? I read through the Brotherhood of War series pretty quickly back in the '80s, then started reading The Corps. Seemed like he just quit on that series after book 2 or 3.
If you like C.S. Forrester, you might also like Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series. There are about 20 books, and they are, IMO, great.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 05, 2022, 11:27:47 AM
I couldn't get into O'Brians style for some reason, too much nautical stuff for me.

Griffin went into Korea with his series.  I just read that one.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 05, 2022, 11:30:03 AM
6 French Cafés & Bistros In Atlanta That Will Transport You To Paris - Secret Atlanta (

OK, we tried three of these.  They are in the "OK" range, but they didn't transport me to Paris at all.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 05, 2022, 11:32:28 AM
Authors I enjoy reading:

F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
Vladimir Nabokov
Oscar Wilde
Kurt Vonnegut
J.R.R. Tolkien
Stephen R. Donaldson
Anne McCaffrey
Robert Jordan
David Eddings
Piers Anthony
Isaac Asimov
Robert A Heinlein
Ray Bradbury
Arthur C Clarke
Orson Scott Card
Michael Crichton
John Grisham
Robert Ludlum
Ken Follett
Tom Clancy
Stephen King
Peter Straub

And dozens of others that I could go on listing forever, almost.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 07, 2022, 04:26:58 PM
What's up with this?


Is this the modern Airstream?

I passed one of these today and couldn't believe that it said "AIRSTREAM" on the back.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 07, 2022, 08:14:32 PM
too small for me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 02:27:01 PM
It's a "Basecamp" model made by Airstream but it's just one of many models they make.  It's a niche product designed specifically for back-country hikers/campers.  It's small and spartan, but made for better offroad travel so you can tow it behind your offroad 4x4 vehicle and make it deeper into the back country than you could with a more conventional RV.  Honestly it's kind of a gimmick and never sold all that well, I don't know if they even make them anymore.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 02:29:01 PM
The more conventional Airstreams are still being made and they look similar to how they've looked for the past 70 years or so.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 03:13:15 PM
And this, of course, is what MY Airstream looked like:



Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 08, 2022, 03:21:36 PM
I like the flags.  My wife wants to camping also, at a Hilton.  She doesn't get the RV thing, I think because in France it has a low low class implication.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 03:24:54 PM
They're considered to be pretty low-class by lots of folks here in the USA as well, but I've never much cared what other folks thought of me.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 03:26:12 PM
Here's my new RV, with flags flying. 

It is equally LESS cool, and MORE functional, than the Airstream was.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 08, 2022, 03:36:31 PM
They're considered to be pretty low-class by lots of folks here in the USA as well, but I've never much cared what other folks thought of me.
I had fun doing it, but it was with other folks' RVs.  I had a plan way back to retire and sell nearly everything and set out in a van RV whatever they call them to see the world.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 08, 2022, 03:39:22 PM
And this, of course, is what MY Airstream looked like:


What beach is that Marcus?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 03:43:26 PM
I had fun doing it, but it was with other folks' RVs.  I had a plan way back to retire and sell nearly everything and set out in a van RV whatever they call them to see the world.

Yeah my i s c & a aggie wife has talked about wanting to do that.  Although, she really wants a Class A motorhome, not just a B-Van.  Something like the below, which costs upwards of a million dollars.  She's always had expensive tastes...


They tend to look like yachts on the inside:




Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 03:45:00 PM
What beach is that Marcus? 
First picture is Padre Island National Seashore, the second one is at the Matagorda Bay RV Nature Park.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 08, 2022, 03:54:47 PM
Yeah, the Vantare Prevost would be my "I won the lottery and am buying this!" purchase. I'd make it gaudy, for shore!

Well, at least I've already got the Class B license. So, there's that...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 04:00:20 PM
Yeah, the Vantare Prevost would be my "I won the lottery and am buying this!" purchase. I'd make it gaudy, for shore!

Well, at least I've already got the Class B license. So, there's that...

Amen, brutha.  I love me some Prevost.

There are some companies that do some beautiful Bluebird restorations/conversions, too.  I could see going that route.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 08, 2022, 04:18:37 PM
I didn't know that you no longer had your Airstream, Utee.

Good that your new trailer is more functional, though.

The new "traditional" Airstreams have fewer pieces of aluminum making up the skin.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 04:28:48 PM
I didn't know that you no longer had your Airstream, Utee.

Good that your new trailer is more functional, though.

The new "traditional" Airstreams have fewer pieces of aluminum making up the skin.
It was bittersweet to get rid of it.  Not only was it much cooler than a "white box" RV, but I also put a TON of work into it.  Easily over a thousand man-hours involved in my restoration.

But it was also almost 50 years old when I got it and I spent as much time repairing it, as I did camping in it, whilst out on campouts.  Ultimately it had to go and everything on the new one just "works" without tinkering and fretting.  The new one also has a large slideout which provides a TON more living space, and the kids have their own bedroom all the way at the back, while we have our own parents' bedroom at the front.  Way more storage on the new one, too.

Also, you're 100% right about new Airstreams using fewer panels.  Over the past 50 years, they've figured out better ways to form the compound curves on the panels, and so they don't have to piece together as many little bits, to get the same curved shape.

Here's what the endcaps looked like on models even older than mine, it has 13 panels, versus the 7 on mine, and the 5 or so on the newest ones:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 08, 2022, 04:51:44 PM
The classic Airstreams look they they were built on B-24 assembly lines.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 08, 2022, 05:05:20 PM
My grandparents had theirs parked in the back area (hard to call it a "yard") of their house at the retirement community in Mesa, AZ.
Birds would kill themselves slamming into it since the aluminum made it indistinguishable from the desert sky.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 08, 2022, 05:13:06 PM
Here's a cool pic.


It's a 1935 Bowlus Road Chief, the predecessor of the first Airstream Clipper. The biggest change was moving the door from the front to the side.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 05:43:40 PM
Yeah those Bowlus trailers were really sharp.  Worth a pretty penny these days as well.

And they were definitely built using the same materials and technology as aircraft.  I pulled and replaced a few panels and I bought my own rivet gun to do it.  Rosie's got nothing on me! :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 08, 2022, 05:53:27 PM
Speaking of "Rosie," here she is.


Here she is not.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 08, 2022, 05:55:33 PM
Right now, my speed is bike-packing. My MTB is loaded with pannier-packs, and I'll bring along my backpack as well.
Typically, I'll take my hammock kit along to sleep in. I can ride pretty far to some backwoods primitive camping in a few parks.

Only drawbacks are (1) cooler weather usually coincides with college football season and (2) it's tough finding other riders. The wife and fam aren't really into it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 08, 2022, 06:11:39 PM
They can stay in your Prevost while you bike deeper into the backcountry.  Win-win.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 08, 2022, 06:16:10 PM
I liked camping when I was younger, for a day or two.  We'd backpack into the Smokies a few times and camp.  These folks who do the Appalachian Trail are impressive, to me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 08, 2022, 07:14:43 PM
So Cale Gundy said the N word in some sort of fashion and resigned. He claimed he was reading it off a players iPad. 

Strange story. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 08, 2022, 10:26:07 PM
He said it multiple times, so it wasn't just a failure to see what the next word coming was. He was trying to make a point about paying attention during film sessions. And he made it over, and over, and over.

He was given the choice between resigning and getting fired.

Sad end to a long career in Norman. As a player and a coach, he's been involved in 350 OU games, 271 of them wins. More than anyone else in OU history in both categories. But there's zero tolerance at OU for what he did, and he was well aware of the rules.

Almost to a man, the former players he's coached--most of them Black--have supported him. But the issue was not, "Are you a racist?" It was, "Can you follow the rules?"

It's a bad thing to happen less than 4 weeks before the first game. But Venables is determined to replace Muleshoe's "whatever" culture with one of accountability. And the coaches have to be accountable too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2022, 08:14:37 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2022, 08:53:30 AM
Interesting concept.  Not sure how practical it is, since most campsites are deep and not wide, but you could certainly use something like that for boondocking.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2022, 09:34:57 AM
Yeah, it's just a kind of fun looking gizmo.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 09, 2022, 09:45:14 AM
aerodynamic at 80mph
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2022, 09:51:15 AM
aerodynamic at 80mph

So is this, and this is a lot prettier:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 09, 2022, 09:53:22 AM
agreed, I wouldn't drive that other contraption
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2022, 09:58:47 AM
I love Airstreams and I miss mine all the time.  Someday I'll have one again.  Probably one of these:


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 09, 2022, 10:29:23 AM
hotels aren't that expensive
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 09, 2022, 10:41:17 AM
I love Airstreams and I miss mine all the time.  Someday I'll have one again.  Probably one of these:


Older than your old one?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2022, 10:55:05 AM
Older than your old one?
Yup, that one is 1957, my old one was a 1963.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2022, 10:57:50 AM
hotels aren't that expensive
I was looking at a Hampton Inn in Vancouver while visiting my daughter, $283 a night, for a Hampton Inn.

I'll end up using points, but still ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2022, 11:06:01 AM
Cost isn't really a driving factor for RV travel.  The main one, is being able to take the RV to places where hotels aren't.  Inside national parks and forests, state parks, etc.

Another consideration for some, particularly of the germophobic variety, is that you're never sleeping in someone else's bed or using someone else's space.  That became a big consideration for many, during the first year or so of COVID.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2022, 11:58:17 AM
Yeah, I think being able to stay a week inside a prime NP would be an inducment, for me.  Some of them offer lodges of course.  Zion NP is one of my real favorites.  We went to Glacier too early in the year and it was overcast and the road was closed.  Gotta do that again.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2022, 12:02:19 PM
We'll be doing Big Bend out in West Texas over Spring Break.  I'm really looking forward to that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2022, 12:07:59 PM
I don't have it scheduled yet, but looks like we'll be in Austin March or April.  Our travel slate is full and then some.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 09, 2022, 01:20:15 PM
I don't have it scheduled yet, but looks like we'll be in Austin March or April.  Our travel slate is full and then some.
and here I thought you had chosen to live in hell and rent out Texas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2022, 01:23:43 PM
That was not me, I merely quoted Phil Sheridan.  I've enjoyed visiting Texas several times, I wouldn't want to live there of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2022, 01:25:34 PM
Thank You For Your Support
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2022, 01:40:07 PM
I've mentioned before how we had a joint development with Shell Chemical west of Houston.  I'd be down there every 4-5-6 weeks.  In January, it was awesome.  Not so much this time of year.  Shell Chemical has a massive research facility in Westhollow.  Their former head of R&D was an engineer named Jimmy Doolittle, yeah, that guy.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 09, 2022, 02:47:24 PM
We'll be doing Big Bend out in West Texas over Spring Break.  I'm really looking forward to that.
I've been there.
At 10,000 feet in an AH-64, doing about 120 knots.
It felt like we were suspended on an invisible string. There was almost no discernible motion over the ground.
What was down below did not look like the Garden of Eden.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2022, 02:53:11 PM
Well it's certainly no Tulsa.

I guess beauty is in the eye...




Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 09, 2022, 02:57:58 PM
I've mentioned before how we had a joint development with Shell Chemical west of Houston.  I'd be down there every 4-5-6 weeks.  In January, it was awesome.  Not so much this time of year.  Shell Chemical has a massive research facility in Westhollow.  Their former head of R&D was an engineer named Jimmy Doolittle, yeah, that guy.
Did you ever get to meet Doolittle, CD?
Man, that guy was connected to everything in aerospace between the 1920s and the 1980s.
Somewhere, I've got I Could Never Be So Lucky Again, his autobiography. It's a fascinating story.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 09, 2022, 02:59:30 PM
Well it's certainly no Tulsa.

I guess beauty is in the eye...




It doesn't look like that from 10,000 feet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2022, 03:18:32 PM
Did you ever get to meet Doolittle, CD?
Man, that guy was connected to everything in aerospace between the 1920s and the 1980s.
Somewhere, I've got I Could Never Be So Lucky Again, his autobiography. It's a fascinating story.
No, he had passed.  They had a huge portrait of him in their main lobby.  I was told they wanted to name Westhollow Research Center for him, but didn't for some reason.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2022, 03:19:04 PM
My new camper ...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 09, 2022, 07:14:53 PM
Pierre, SD hotels are easily under $100
even during the Sturgis Bike rally season

that's where I'm staying tonight

headed to the Cattleman's Club for a big juicy beef steak!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2022, 08:33:44 PM
Beef.  It's what's for dinner.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 09, 2022, 11:31:42 PM
it was damned good


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 10, 2022, 01:00:08 AM
it was damned good


Looks good!

Big Muddy in the background?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 10, 2022, 07:23:36 AM
yes sir

great walleye fishing in SD
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 10, 2022, 10:07:16 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 16, 2022, 05:34:20 PM
There is a place in Sonoma called "Girl and the Fig" which had a rep and we dined there 3-4 years back with friends, and in fact, it was excellent.  I was surprised.

We didn't get there on this trip.  Next trip is across the pond and I'm sure to find something good there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 16, 2022, 07:19:32 PM
Menu at The Girl & The Fig looks great, I could spend days there.  And the prices are really reasonable, compared to the French places here in Austin. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 17, 2022, 08:05:09 AM
Not surprisingly, reservations are tough to come by, but it really deserves its rep IMHO.

We're on a week long tour conducted by retirees of a French company in Perigord Noir in September, I'm interesting in what food we get, it's all incl.

They had one in 2019 of lake country in Italy that I decided not to go on and wish we had now.

In other news, I signed up for both weeks of baseball fantasy camp.  And yes, I wonder how my legs will hold up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 18, 2022, 08:47:29 PM
177 chili recipes in Brian Baumgartner's new Seriously Good Chili Cookbook (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 18, 2022, 09:23:21 PM
177 chili recipes in Brian Baumgartner's new Seriously Good Chili Cookbook (
That seems excessive.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 18, 2022, 10:42:17 PM
Might be enough to last the rest of someone's life.

OTOH, there might not be an excessive number after you eliminate the ones that don't fit within your definition of chili.

Set to hit shelves on September 13, the cookbook — which features 177 recipes — will deliver variations of the comfort dish from all over the world including Texas chili, Cincinnati chili, chili verde, turkey chili, and even vegetable chili. And being the chili and BBQ master that he is, Brian Baumgartner even includes his own chili recipe, which he has been working on for years. A deliciously good time, I’m sure!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 18, 2022, 11:12:20 PM
Yeah that was pretty much my point. :)

A dish that originally included chile peppers, meat, salt, and pepper, probably doesn't need 177 variations.  Even if you want to throw in modern day additions like onions, garlic, comino, oregano, and tomatoes, I'm thinking 6 or 7  recipes has probably got you covered.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2022, 08:42:51 AM
How many common dishes today have evolved significantly?  Look up ketchup.  

I dimly recall when Wendy's offered "chili".  I think I ordered it a few times.  That likely influenced my notion of what chili could be.  There was a restaurant in Chapel Hill that specialized in chili and I dined there on occasion too.  It was tomatoey and served over rice, I think.  Been a while.

When my kids went off to college, I made a pot of spaghetti sauce on Monday and heated it up Tue and Wed and by Thu added chili powder to make "chili' for variation.  I did this week after week.  Granted I was kind of drifting through life at the time, so sameness was more tolerable to me then I think.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 19, 2022, 11:25:58 AM
Words must have concrete definitions, to have meaning.  If I'm at a restaurant and I order chili and they bring me a ham sandwich, I'm going to be confused, and likely angry.

That's an extreme example, of course, and I understand that our language evolves.  But the fact that "irregardless"-- a nonexistent word that if it did exist would actually mean the opposite of how it is incorrectly used-- is now in the dictionary, is a problem.

Specificity and consistency of language breeds clarity of communication.

Imprecise and inconsistent language results in miscommunication, confusion, mistakes, and potentially anger and sadness.

This applies to the names of foods, as well as anything else in general communication.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2022, 12:24:44 PM
Now your being inflammable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 19, 2022, 01:06:11 PM
I could care less. Really.

On a serous note, there's nothing remarkable about a dish in one region differing from a dish of the same name in another region. Or that a dish might have numerous variations. Or that similar dishes might have different names.

Corn dogs have a bunch of different names around the world, and to some extent, even region to region within the same country.

"Barbecue" certainly means different things in different regions, and even in different countries.

There's this, from the Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge:

A Monte Cristo sandwich is an egg-dipped or batter-dipped ham and cheese sandwich that is pan or deep fried. It is a variation of the French croque monsieur.

From the 1930s to the 1960s, American cookbooks had recipes for this sandwich under such names as "French sandwich", "toasted ham sandwich", and "French toasted cheese sandwich". The Monte Cristo sandwich supposedly entered the scene in the 1960s in Southern California, and exploded in popularity after the Blue Bayou Restaurant in Disneyland began serving it.

In most regions, the sandwich is savory rather than sweet. Traditionally, it is dipped in its entirety in beaten egg and pan-fried, though it may also be deep-fried. Regional variations may include sliced turkey. In some areas of the contiguous U.S. it is served grilled; in others, it is an open sandwich with only the bread egg-dipped and the assembled sandwich heated slightly under a grill or broiler. Some restaurants serve a variation that is batter-dipped and deep-fried. The Monte Cristo is sometimes covered in powdered sugar and served with maple syrup or preserves.
I've had French Toast with maple syrup, and I've had French Toast covered in powdered sugar.

I like chili without beans, but I'm sure that most "chili" made in the USA--even when advertised as "Texas-style chili"--has beans in it. Not in the ghost town of Terlingua, Texas, of course, but in other 99.9999999999% of the country.

I do think that a meatless chili isn't the real thing. Ersatz-chili, maybe. Same way with a hamburger.

And speaking of many variations, consider those of the hamburger. And of the hot dog. And pizza. And goulash.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 19, 2022, 01:13:06 PM

Lulz.  Your Oklahoma is showing.

Texas alone is about 9% of the US population.  And plenty of non-Texans eat proper chili. Fearless and badgerfan.  And sometimes Cincy himself. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2022, 01:15:44 PM
How could CWS care less?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2022, 01:18:01 PM
My wife knows I will correct improper use of the term "barbecue" every time.  Nearly.

I like variations on things.  The probable fact that the Willy's near us is not "real" Tex-Mex doesn't mean I don't like a baja burrito they serve.

I tried a Burger King Whopperish thing in Copenhagen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 19, 2022, 01:31:23 PM
My neighbors are yankees.  I've finally taught them what BBQ is, and what grilling out is.

I did this by making smoked brisket, beef ribs, and pork ribs for them.  Now they understand the true meaning of BBQ.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 19, 2022, 02:09:06 PM

Lulz.  Your Oklahoma is showing.

Texas alone is about 9% of the US population.  And plenty of non-Texans eat proper chili. Fearless and badgerfan.  And sometimes Cincy himself. :)
Terlingua isn't 9% of the population.
Reading comprehension. It's a thing.

FTR, Terlingua makes up approximately 00000000.332 of the U.S. population.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: GopherRock on August 19, 2022, 02:42:40 PM
There are large sections of Minnesota and the Dakotas where people will swear until blue in the face that a tasteless sloppy Joe is a barbecue.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2022, 02:43:26 PM
They probably also think grits is polenta....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 19, 2022, 03:07:11 PM
Polymer chemistry, as applied to chicken eggs, is fairly instructive.
A fried egg and a scrambled egg both have the exact same basic ingredient (indeed, you don't have to add anything). They can be prepared in the same pan. However, the difference in letting the egg sit undisturbed on the heat until it links into a solid makes it taste very different than constantly whisking the parts together and allowing those linkages to reset constantly. They are two different products.

BBQ, where an indirect heat source attempts to break down the meat slowly while not drying it out, creates an entirely different product than a grill. A grill attempts, via (reasonably) direct heat, to create a flavor profile through the meat by cooking the outside faster than the inside. The flavor of BBQ is greatly influenced by the type of heat source. A grilled meat is minimally influenced.

The right tool for the job.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2022, 03:41:30 PM
I'd say grilling is influenced by the heat level, which depends on source.  I find gas to be insufficiently hot.  Charcoal of course is among the best, and these high end ovens at steak houses are great.  A cast iron skillet can be great too.  Cast iron on an induction cook top ....

Wood is not great unless you let it burn to coals, that off gasses the volatiles that otherwise keep the heat down.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 19, 2022, 04:04:07 PM
I think the right choice of wood can make a difference when being prepared be a BBQ restaurant with a large pit

We always used Hickory 

In fact we used a vendor who went around the country making purchase deals for Hickory
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2022, 04:21:48 PM
I ended up being a mostly self taught semi-polymer chemist, and my step son in law gave me a book and cooking chemistry.  It was odd seeing it arrived at from the other side.  One neat thing with some amino acids is their thiol group, -S-H, which can readily be linked to another thiol on an adjacent amino acid, even if they are part of a protein, to form a disulfide bond -S-S-, which is part of the reason eggs "gel" up and why other items in food prep either thin out of thicken up.

Egg white extracts are often used to clarify wine, and I suppose beer perhaps.  I'm not a fan of hazy beer.

And the tannins in red wine can produce a sharp taste that many folks dislike and this can be reduced by oxidation by swirling or decanting and pouring from vessel to vessel or even pouring wine into a 2 L empty Coke bottle and shaking it, or by letting wine age.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 19, 2022, 06:00:52 PM
Terlingua isn't 9% of the population.
Reading comprehension. It's a thing.

FTR, Terlingua makes up approximately 00000000.332 of the U.S. population.

Your implication is that only the population of Terlingua values these rules, as if there aren't scores of millions of other people that hold similar values.  It's pure silliness.

It's not Terlingua that eats proper chili.  It's Texas and millions of others that eat proper chili.  As evidenced by my citation of non-Texans like Fearless and badgerfan.

Your Oklahoma is still showing. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 19, 2022, 06:02:01 PM
There are large sections of Minnesota and the Dakotas where people will swear until blue in the face that a tasteless sloppy Joe is a barbecue.
These people are sad and lost and there is no redeeming them.  Don't even try.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 19, 2022, 06:07:22 PM
I'd say grilling is influenced by the heat level, which depends on source.  I find gas to be insufficiently hot.  Charcoal of course is among the best, and these high end ovens at steak houses are great.  A cast iron skillet can be great too.  Cast iron on an induction cook top ....

Wood is not great unless you let it burn to coals, that off gasses the volatiles that otherwise keep the heat down.
Agree for the most part.  But flavor can be influenced by a lot more than just the Maillard reaction. Hence, steaks grilled over mesquite coals taste different (and better IMO) than steaks cooked solely on a cast iron skillet.

Definitely have to burn wood to coals for grilling, but for BBQ this is not necessary.  Some of the "dirty" smoke is absolutely necessary, to get where you need to go.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 19, 2022, 11:36:20 PM
Taking the oldest son to college tomorrow. He’ll be a sophomore at Sam Houston State. Coincidentally A&M and Sam play each other in the first game. I guess I need to find one of those “ house divided” shirts. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 20, 2022, 12:35:00 AM
Taking the oldest son to college tomorrow. He’ll be a sophomore at Sam Houston State. Coincidentally A&M and Sam play each other in the first game. I guess I need to find one of those “ house divided” shirts.
My son also went to Sam Houston so Ive been there
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 20, 2022, 07:08:16 AM
Sam Houston was against slavery.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 20, 2022, 07:23:41 AM
Yup, got himself ousted as governor because of it.  He was a good man for the most part.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 20, 2022, 07:35:16 AM
That is about the best thing we can say about anyone.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 20, 2022, 10:51:25 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 20, 2022, 01:04:45 PM
I'm not sure I follow the reference, but she's an attractive female, so I'm cool with it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 20, 2022, 01:19:10 PM
Sam Houston was against slavery.
Was he?
I know that he was against secession, and he delivered one of the pithiest and most perceptive explanation for why secession would fail.
But I'm not aware of his anti-slavery stance.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 20, 2022, 01:27:50 PM
But neither you nor the state of Texas owns the worldwide copyright on chili, and you'll just have to suffer through a world of darkness in which other scores or hundreds of millions of people eat concoctions that contain ingredients you don't approve of.

No.  No, I really don't.

Your Texas is showing.

You better believe it and I'm proud of it.  It's huge!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 20, 2022, 02:03:15 PM
Yes, Sam was against secession, and yes, his stance on slavery overall is more nuanced than I suggested.  He was against its westward expension on practical grounds.  And he thought emancipation would result in a calamity.

Houston initially had the support of many of his constituents in Texas. As more slaveholders moved into the state,[18] ( he suffered politically for holding firm to his belief that every state should decide for itself whether it wanted to be a slave state. The only Southern Democrat ( to vote against the act, the Texas legislature did not reappoint him to the Senate, but allowed him to finish out his term until March 4, 1859.[2] ( It later earned him a spot, though, in John F. Kennedy ('s Profiles in Courage ([19] ( Houston said of his stance: "The glory of my life was that I had the moral manhood on that occasion to stand up against the influences which surrounded me, and to be honest in the worst of times."[20] ( Houston lost the 1857 Texas gubernatorial election against Hardin Richard Runnels (, but defeated Runnels in the 1859 election, becoming the 7th Governor of Texas.[2] (
Speech on slavery (1855)[edit (]
Houston gave a speech on slavery on February 22, 1855, in Boston in which he stated that each of the original states relied on slave labor, although Northern states later outlawed slavery. He felt that each state should determine whether to allow slavery or not.[21] (–171-22)
Houston stated that progress in the United States was due to the supply of low-cost foreign labor, and if low-cost foreign labor could be sustained without the capital investment to purchase black people, slavery would die. He expressed his belief that blacks were better suited to performing long hours of hard work in hot weather in a way that white people could not sustain. Throughout his speech, Houston talked of the need for Northern and Southern states to work together for their individual and mutual interests.[22] (–177-23) The products of slave labor, sugar, and cotton were purchased by Northern states so that there was a mutual dependence on slavery.[21] (–171-22)
He felt that if enslaved people were to be freed altogether, they would end up living on the streets without jobs, without means to sustain themselves, and the Southern economy would be ruined.[23] (
He expressed his opinion about a possible future for enslaved people in the Colony of Liberia (
There they can rise to the stature of man; there they are prospering and doing well, where there is no opposing race, and they are not trodden down. The slave turned loose here cannot rise to the condition of the white race, and the white race cannot sink to the condition of the black man. Hence the system of transportation to Liberia is the only one that seems to loom up in the distance, by which a provision can be made f

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 20, 2022, 03:05:00 PM
I'm not sure I follow the reference, but she's an attractive female, so I'm cool with it.
this thread goes from chile to Sam Houston to wood used to BBQ in a split second

I think we are witnessing first class jibber jabber

not complaining just observing
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 20, 2022, 03:27:17 PM
I can envision the five or six of us settin' on a porch perhaps with a few cold ones and the conversation might drift about a bit, and probably should be recorded for posterity.

Food and drink seem to be common themes, especially chili and BBQ, and I think we're all down with that.  What is Number Three on that list?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 20, 2022, 03:40:52 PM
I can envision the five or six of us settin' on a porch perhaps with a few cold ones and the conversation might drift about a bit, and probably should be recorded for posterity.

Food and drink seem to be common themes, especially chili and BBQ, and I think we're all down with that.  What is Number Three on that list?

All true.  I'd love sharing beers in real life with you all.  Some of you, I actually have done so! :)

Number three... good question. Despite this being a football board, I don't think football even makes the top 5 or 6, of things we tend to talk about. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 20, 2022, 03:46:05 PM
Beer would be in the top 3 if we include drink.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 20, 2022, 03:52:52 PM
My daughter finally got her stand alone generator installed at her house

There was about a 7 month waiting period

Im very envious
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 20, 2022, 04:28:42 PM
Yeah orders went through the roof after Icepocalypse 2021.

I have two separate 3500W generators, good enough to run basic necessities in a pinch.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 20, 2022, 04:41:03 PM
Yeah orders went through the roof after Icepocalypse 2021.

I have two separate 3500W generators, good enough to run basic necessities in a pinch.
Yep in order to get one they ask for half up front and then wait for a long time

The only reason she trusted them was because she has a friend that used them and is pretty happy with the results

This one runs her whole house if needed

so now at least we wont have to check into a motel somewhere if the ice age happens again
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 20, 2022, 04:45:04 PM
Supposedly the new electric trucks will run your house for "a while".  That's a neat benefit in my book.  Of course the two energy hogs are the fridge and AC, I don't know how long they would power a 3,000 sf house with those two engaged.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 20, 2022, 06:47:02 PM

Based on an average U.S. home at 30 kilowatt-hours of use per day, F-150 Lightning with extended-range battery provides full home power for up to three days,

Average use in Texas is higher at 40KWh per day, and I'm sure it's quite a bit more at peak usage in July/August.  So maybe 1-2 days for peak usage in a place like Texas?

That's actually substantially longer than I thought, though.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 21, 2022, 10:02:16 AM
Yeah, it looks to be good for a day plus, and one could "cut back" to necessaries, fridge, maybe AC set at 80°F, and few lights, no stove usage, no drier, etc.

This tactic COULD end up being a nice substitute down the road for many making generators unnecessary unless you have frequent multiday outages.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 21, 2022, 11:35:47 AM
Yes, Sam was against secession, and yes, his stance on slavery overall is more nuanced than I suggested.  He was against its westward expension on practical grounds.  And he thought emancipation would result in a calamity.

Houston initially had the support of many of his constituents in Texas. As more slaveholders moved into the state,[18] ( he suffered politically for holding firm to his belief that every state should decide for itself whether it wanted to be a slave state. The only Southern Democrat ( to vote against the act, the Texas legislature did not reappoint him to the Senate, but allowed him to finish out his term until March 4, 1859.[2] ( It later earned him a spot, though, in John F. Kennedy ('s Profiles in Courage ([19] ( Houston said of his stance: "The glory of my life was that I had the moral manhood on that occasion to stand up against the influences which surrounded me, and to be honest in the worst of times."[20] ( Houston lost the 1857 Texas gubernatorial election against Hardin Richard Runnels (, but defeated Runnels in the 1859 election, becoming the 7th Governor of Texas.[2] (
Speech on slavery (1855)[edit (]
Houston gave a speech on slavery on February 22, 1855, in Boston in which he stated that each of the original states relied on slave labor, although Northern states later outlawed slavery. He felt that each state should determine whether to allow slavery or not.[21] (–171-22)
Houston stated that progress in the United States was due to the supply of low-cost foreign labor, and if low-cost foreign labor could be sustained without the capital investment to purchase black people, slavery would die. He expressed his belief that blacks were better suited to performing long hours of hard work in hot weather in a way that white people could not sustain. Throughout his speech, Houston talked of the need for Northern and Southern states to work together for their individual and mutual interests.[22] (–177-23) The products of slave labor, sugar, and cotton were purchased by Northern states so that there was a mutual dependence on slavery.[21] (–171-22)
He felt that if enslaved people were to be freed altogether, they would end up living on the streets without jobs, without means to sustain themselves, and the Southern economy would be ruined.[23] (
He expressed his opinion about a possible future for enslaved people in the Colony of Liberia (
I think that "insufficiently pro-slavery" better describes Houston's public pronouncements on slavery than "nuanced."
In the slave states, from the 1830s onward, you could not be anti-slavery and hold office. At times, you couldn't be anti-slavery and hold on to your life. Southern abolitionists like the Grimke sisters had to move to the north to avoid being lynched.
You could be opposed to the expansion of slavery and not be lynched, but after the issue of further westward expansion of slavery became an issue, during and after the Mexican War, that was a losing position for a southern politician to hold.
And you could be a "Unionist," opposed to secession, as Houston was, and not be lynched. There were men who voted to preserve the Union in every secession convention.
In societies or organizations where only one point of view is allowed, it's not enough to just not oppose that one viewpoint. The competition is not between that viewpoint and an opposing one, but who can most ardently advocate the one allowable viewpoint.
You can most easily see it at work in authoritarian/totalitarian governments, where all aspiring politicians try to outdo each other in proclaiming their love and support for the Fearless Leader. Stalin would give a speech and there would be hour or hours-long applause afterward. Nobody wanted to be the first one to stop clapping.
Anyway, I imagine that Sam Houston would have been killed had he advocated an end to slavery.
As it was, while he opposed secession, and he opposed Texas joining the Confederacy after secession, once the decisions were made, he supported Texas' government as a member of the CSA.
Here's his beautiful prediction of how the war would turn out: "Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives, you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it. I tell you that, while I believe with you in the doctrine of states rights, the North is determined to preserve this Union. They are not a fiery, impulsive people as you are, for they live in colder climates. But when they begin to move in a given direction, they move with the steady momentum and perseverance of a mighty avalanche; and what I fear is, they will overwhelm the South."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 21, 2022, 12:04:19 PM
"Official" Beer of Every State (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 21, 2022, 02:21:38 PM
What makes a thing "official" versus not?

The 420 here is a pretty decent lighter beer, I think, but the folks who crafted it are from Colorado.  They started here near a state park called Sweetwater.

Lists ...:91:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 21, 2022, 02:22:40 PM
I think that "insufficiently pro-slavery" better describes Houston's public pronouncements on slavery than "nuanced."
In the slave states, from the 1830s onward, you could not be anti-slavery and hold office. At times, you couldn't be anti-slavery and hold on to your life. Southern abolitionists like the Grimke sisters had to move to the north to avoid being lynched.
You could be opposed to the expansion of slavery and not be lynched, but after the issue of further westward expansion of slavery became an issue, during and after the Mexican War, that was a losing position for a southern politician to hold.
And you could be a "Unionist," opposed to secession, as Houston was, and not be lynched. There were men who voted to preserve the Union in every secession convention.
In societies or organizations where only one point of view is allowed, it's not enough to just not oppose that one viewpoint. The competition is not between that viewpoint and an opposing one, but who can most ardently advocate the one allowable viewpoint.
You can most easily see it at work in authoritarian/totalitarian governments, where all aspiring politicians try to outdo each other in proclaiming their love and support for the Fearless Leader. Stalin would give a speech and there would be hour or hours-long applause afterward. Nobody wanted to be the first one to stop clapping.
Anyway, I imagine that Sam Houston would have been killed had he advocated an end to slavery.
As it was, while he opposed secession, and he opposed Texas joining the Confederacy after secession, once the decisions were made, he supported Texas' government as a member of the CSA.
Here's his beautiful prediction of how the war would turn out: "Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives, you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it. I tell you that, while I believe with you in the doctrine of states rights, the North is determined to preserve this Union. They are not a fiery, impulsive people as you are, for they live in colder climates. But when they begin to move in a given direction, they move with the steady momentum and perseverance of a mighty avalanche; and what I fear is, they will overwhelm the South."

Very well thought out response. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 21, 2022, 02:33:19 PM
Yeah, good overview indeed.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 21, 2022, 08:33:28 PM
I've taught one sort of history or another for the last 27 years. If I can't do a historical overview, I ought to hang up my dry-erase markers.

Wait--I already have.

About "official" state beers, the quotation marks mean that the author can say whatever he wants without regard to inconvenient facts to the contrary.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 22, 2022, 08:38:26 AM
Attitudes about race back then were often what we'd consider extremely racist today.  I think with few exceptions, nearly all whites and probably many blacks views black folks are inferior on several grounds, to the point with some obviously thinking them hardly above "beasts of burden".  This applies to Lincoln as well, who favored the Liberia plan.  I once read how much shipping it would take to ship "all" the blacks back to Africa.  I dimly recall they reproduced faster than our entire shipping fleet could ship them unless you packed them in like they came over.

I now slavery has a long long history in human existence and it's fairly remarkable today in a way that it's not condoned by any government at least in public statements.  (This is as opposed to incarceration and forced labors practiced by some of course.)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 22, 2022, 08:54:17 AM
It's not officially condoned by governments as far as I know, but there are still areas that practice it and don't prosecute for it.  Places in Africa and in the Middle East.  Dubai especially comes to mind.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 22, 2022, 09:00:50 AM
I don't really know the history, but wasn't it legal in England and parts of Europe until the 1600-1700's?  And weren't the Dutch one of the major slave trading nations and were largely responsible for bringing slavery to the new world?  

I also wonder if the South had won how long it would have been legal.  Perhaps maybe a few more years, like into the 1880's, or do you think it would have existed well into the 1900's?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 22, 2022, 09:08:00 AM
The slave trade was widely practiced among European countries into the1800s, slavery itself was far less prevalent.  I read once that the cotton gin was in part responsible for the need for vast numbers of slaves in the South.  Before the gin, many slaves were more akin to "house slaves" who did laundry and cooking etc.

My GUESS is slavery would have persisted in the South for some decades.  The Planter Class controlled most everything and they needed it.  I think over time some gradual measures might have come about to "soften" somewhat its appearance, like perhaps they would get paid a pittance, being treated somewhat more like mill workers in mill towns.  In theory, one could eliminate the "property" aspect in the Code and still have slaves in any real aspect of the term.  Mill and mine workers had it pretty hard too back in the day.

CWS no doubt has a better take, or can amplify on this topic.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2022, 11:26:29 AM
Lincoln's views on race evolved. He was always opposed to slavery and he always viewed black people as human beings. He probably thought that they were an inferior sort of human being. He also was well aware of the severe limits on how far white people in Illinois could be brought to go in opposing slavery. He long believed that white people would not allow black people to live among them with equal protection of the laws. And he well understood that popular prejudices, whether justified or not, had to be taken into account by men in politics.

Illinois and Indiana were the two most racist northern states. The southern 40% or so of each state was populated by "Butternuts"--dirt-poor southerners who had moved north for economic opportunity. They didn't necessarily advocate slavery, but the definitely saw people of African descent to be inferior beings and were determined that the laws must keep things that way. Lincoln lived in Illinois, and he was a politician, so he felt compelled had to trim his public remarks on race. He never retreated from his anti-slavery position, but he definitely soft-pedaled ideas of racial equality.

This shows up in the 1858 debates with Stephen Douglas, especially the ones in the southern part of Illinois. Douglas repeatedly charged Lincoln with wanting to marry a black woman. And Douglas did not use the term "Negro." His rhetoric was as ugly as it could get, and the crowds in Jonesboro, Alton, and Charleston ate that up. Interestingly, Lincoln was born in slave-state Kentucky and grew up in southern Indiana and southern Illinois. OTOH, Douglas (who was born "Douglass," but dropped the 2nd "s" after Frederick Douglass published his first autobiography) was born in Vermont, moved to New York as a teenager, and drifted west until he wound up in Chicago, which became his political base. So the debates featured Lincoln, the southern Illinoisan vs. Douglas, the man from Chicago.

How black Northerners rallied to fight in the Army during the Civil War--despite being paid less and treated like crap--opened Lincoln's eyes. By the end of his life, he saw full citizenship and voting rights as the only just policies and said as much. In his last public speech, John Wilkes Booth was in the crowd. He supposedly said to his co-conspirator Lewis Powell: “That means n----- citizenship. That is the last speech he will ever make.”
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2022, 11:29:08 AM
It's not officially condoned by governments as far as I know, but there are still areas that practice it and don't prosecute for it.  Places in Africa and in the Middle East.  Dubai especially comes to mind.

And China has something like slavery--or worse, genocide--for despised non-Han minority groups like the Uyghers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 22, 2022, 11:34:18 AM

And China has something like slavery--or worse, genocide--for despised non-Han minority groups like the Uyghers.
Yes indeed, and it should be often noted, when considering dealing with China.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2022, 12:08:43 PM
The slave trade was widely practiced among European countries into the1800s, slavery itself was far less prevalent.  I read once that the cotton gin was in part responsible for the need for vast numbers of slaves in the South.  Before the gin, many slaves were more akin to "house slaves" who did laundry and cooking etc.

My GUESS is slavery would have persisted in the South for some decades.  The Planter Class controlled most everything and they needed it.  I think over time some gradual measures might have come about to "soften" somewhat its appearance, like perhaps they would get paid a pittance, being treated somewhat more like mill workers in mill towns.  In theory, one could eliminate the "property" aspect in the Code and still have slaves in any real aspect of the term.  Mill and mine workers had it pretty hard too back in the day.

CWS no doubt has a better take, or can amplify on this topic.
Spaniards, Portuguese, Dutch, and British were all heavily involved in the slave trade. The French? Less so, if at all. The Spanish enslaved the natives, and when the natives died off, they brought in African slaves to do the work.
The first Africans brought to British America arrived at Jamestown in 1619 aboard a British privateer, which had seized them from a Portuguese slave ship. They appear to have been treated as indentured servants, although under harsher conditions of indenture than whites. The first formal enslavement was in 1640. Three indentured servants--2 white, 1 black--ran away and were recaptured. The whites got a year added to their terms of indenture; the black man was sentenced to a life of servitude.
Slavery was never legal in England after about 1200. Scotland had slavery--mostly mine-workers--until about 1800. The British abolished the overseas slave trade in 1807, as did the USA, leading the rest of the world.
For nearly 1,000 years, southern and eastern Europe suffered periodic slave-capturing raids from Muslim polities in North Africa, the Middle East, and southwestern Asia.
Slavery in the American South was a millstone economically by the time of the Civil War. It existed as an all-encompassing social institution because it met the needs of white people in that respect.
It's hard to guess when slavery in America would have ended had the Confederacy gained its independence. The CS Constitution enshrined slavery (although it prohibited the overseas slave trade) and states were not free to prohibit it within their borders. That makes me think that it would have gone on into the 20th century. And that the South would have had an even more stagnant, retrograde economy than it did in fact for 100 years after the Civil War.
It's interesting how historians' opinions on how long the South would have kept slavery tend to track with their views about Lincoln. Pro-Lincoln historians tend to see the institution of slavery lasting longer than anti-Lincoln historians do. The early 20th century, the Progressive Era, was a time of scientific racism. Historians of that time tended to portray Lincoln in particular and the North in general as being wrong-headed in prosecuting the Civil War and liberating black people. Woodrow Wilson, born and raised in Virginia, whose father had been a Confederate chaplain, was a great example of that mind-set. America's "first great motion picture," Birth of a Nation, of 1915, reflects that point of view. The 2nd iteration of the KKK--the "we hate Jews and Catholics too" version--began in 1915 as well, with the famous ceremony on Stone Mountain.
Eugenics was a very popular field of "scientific" study during that period too. And not just in the USA. Wilson, T. Roosevelt, Margaret Sanger, and Churchill, to name a few prominent people, were true believers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 22, 2022, 06:15:27 PM
I lean to thinking it would have been modified by 1900 to APPEAR less heinous to become more like mill/mine workers in company towns.  Sure, you're free, but you owe the store and hafta pay that off, and there is nowhere for you to go.

I grew up pretty close to Stone Mountain and would drive out there pretty often to run/walk up the slopes, I remember when the carving was finished.  It's a point of occasional contention here now, the carving.  It's impressive at least, and enormous.

 The figures measure 90 by 190 feet, surrounded by a carved surface that covers three acres, it is larger than a football field – the largest relief sculpture in the world. The carving is recessed 42 feet into the mountain. Work on the Carving began in 1915 and was completed in 1972.
Over the almost half a century that it took to complete the Carving, designs were offered by three sculptures.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2022, 06:25:26 PM
I don't know about the other two sculptors, but Gutzon Borglum--who also carved Mount Rushmore--was a white supremacist.

Per the Font:

Borglum was an active member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (the Freemasons), raised in Howard Lodge #35, New York City, on June 10, 1904, and serving as its Worshipful Master 1910–11. In 1915, he was appointed Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Denmark near the Grand Lodge of New York. He received his Scottish Rite Degrees in the New York City Consistory on October 25, 1907. He was friends with Theodore Roosevelt for many years and during the 1912 United States presidential election Borglum was a very active campaign organizer and member of the Bull Moose Party.

While it has been claimed that Borglum was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, an article in the Smithsonian Magazine denies that there is proof that he officially joined the KKK. That said, he became "deeply involved in Klan politics", attending Klan rallies and serving on Klan committees. In 1925, having only completed the head of Robert E. Lee, Borglum was dismissed from the Stone Mountain project, with some holding that it came about due to infighting within the KKK, with Borglum involved in the strife. Later, he stated "I am not a member of the Kloncilium, nor a knight of the KKK," but Howard Shaff and Audrey Karl Shaff claim that "that was for public consumption." The museum at Mount Rushmore displays a letter to Borglum from D. C. Stephenson, the infamous Klan Grand Dragon who later was convicted of the rape and murder of Madge Oberholtzer. The 8x10 foot portrait contains the inscription "To my good friend Gutzon Borglum, with the greatest respect." Correspondence from Borglum to Stephenson during the 1920s detailed a deep racist conviction in Nordic moral superiority and strict immigration policies.

I imagine that someday even the majority of white Georgians will want those carvings obliterated.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 22, 2022, 06:34:51 PM
I dislike destruction of "art" in principle.  I think it can be managed appropriately with some signage around the sculpture.  When we visit the park, I see a lot of black folks strolling about unconcerned.  One "solution" I dreamed up was an equally sized sculpture of Lincoln/Grant/Sherman opposing them.  

They have some laser light show at night I've never seen but was described to me as a patriotic hodge podge blending it all into 'Merica ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2022, 06:38:26 PM
I lean to thinking it (slavery) would have been modified by 1900 to APPEAR less heinous to become more like mill/mine workers in company towns.  Sure, you're free, but you owe the store and hafta pay that off, and there is nowhere for you to go.
Maybe so.

But I think it might have gone on as long as lethal racial oppression actually did survive--for a century after the Civil War. Maybe even longer, as the real-life oppression--as close to slavery as could be maintained in the face of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments--was relieved mainly by actions of the federal government.
With slavery overtly mandated by the CS Constitution, it would have been difficult to gradually morph it into something with a less-heinous face.
Here's a counterfactual speculation. If the CS Constitution had been amended to abolish slavery, would some Confederate states have staged a second secession?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2022, 06:39:34 PM
Yeah, I don't like the destruction of art either.

But is Stone Mountain art, or is it public memorialization? Or both?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 22, 2022, 06:47:05 PM
I'd call it "art", and I sort of like the notion of having Sherman carved next to it.  I have some admiration for Sherman, as you likely know.  There are any number of historical markers in walking distance of our home related to the Battle of Atlanta, the actual main battle was about 3 miles south of us.  Peachtree Creek is about 3 miles north of us.

I have not been to Shiloh, I think I've been to every other major conflict area at least once.  It would be great to visit gettysburg with you on a walking tour of course.

A lot of battlefields are just jumbles of trees today.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 22, 2022, 06:52:26 PM
As Monuments Fall, Stone Mountain’s Confederate Carving Has Size On Its Side – WABE (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 22, 2022, 07:17:36 PM
I'd call it "art", and I sort of like the notion of having Sherman carved next to it.  I have some admiration for Sherman, as you likely know.  There are any number of historical markers in walking distance of our home related to the Battle of Atlanta, the actual main battle was about 3 miles south of us.  Peachtree Creek is about 3 miles north of us.

I have not been to Shiloh, I think I've been to every other major conflict area at least once.  It would be great to visit gettysburg with you on a walking tour of course.

A lot of battlefields are just jumbles of trees today.
I had a great walkbook for Gettysburg when I was doing staff rides at the Combat Studies Institute. I don't think I have it anymore, and my digital copy got left behind (along with most of all my other CSI stuff) at some point when replacing computers.
I know the Battle of Gettysburg much better than the Battle of Antietam, but I like the way that the Antietam battlefield has been preserved. From a perspective of wanting to understand the battle, Gettysburg is over-memorialized.

If my wife and I ever decide to go to Gettysburg, I'll let you know. Maybe you could make it too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 22, 2022, 09:10:48 PM
I’d like to think that slavery would have ended formally and legally by 1900. Maybe even by the 1880’s. But as a realist I have realized that it may have existed well into the 1920s, or at the point where machinery took most of the hard labor out of the equation. I shudder to think about that.  It was heinous, and it’s a reminder how cruel this world was and how cruel it still can be. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 23, 2022, 06:46:16 AM
I've read that slavery did persist decades after the Civil War and 13th Amendment in the form of "chain gangs".  Prison labor would be hired out as free workers, the warden would get a piece of course, and the convicts got squat beyond some exercise.  It's a dodge around 13.  Of course it wasn't pervasive in terms of the black population as most were not incarcerated.

The suppression of people on the basis of race is something I vividly remember in terms of specific examples.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 24, 2022, 08:11:52 PM
I've read that slavery did persist decades after the Civil War and 13th Amendment in the form of "chain gangs".  Prison labor would be hired out as free workers, the warden would get a piece of course, and the convicts got squat beyond some exercise.  It's a dodge around 13.  Of course it wasn't pervasive in terms of the black population as most were not incarcerated.

The suppression of people on the basis of race is something I vividly remember in terms of specific examples.
Also, there were laws that tied Black workers to their employers. The equivalent of company stores were part of that system. They couldn't leave until they had paid their debts and received approval from their employers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 24, 2022, 08:12:56 PM
The death of Tex-Mex as we know it (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 24, 2022, 08:59:44 PM
Also, there were laws that tied Black workers to their employers. The equivalent of company stores were part of that system. They couldn't leave until they had paid their debts and received approval from their employers.
I owe my soul to the company store
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 24, 2022, 09:35:32 PM
The death of Tex-Mex as we know it (

That's actually really interesting.  I don't think it's as drastic as all that, but it's definitely worth noting the current pressures on the style of cuisine and anticipating where it might head, next.

The pandemic killed my second-favorite Tex-Mex enchilada place in all of Austin, which was actually the cafe' inside a bowling alley.  Their enchilada gravy was heavenly and they adhered to the old guidelines of Tex-Mex-- simple ingredients and a lot of flavor.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 25, 2022, 07:44:17 AM
It seems terms like "French bread" have a less singular definition than one might think ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 25, 2022, 07:55:59 AM

1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name, Atlana. Old-timers are still allowed to call it Alana.
2. The morning rush hour is from 5:00 am to noon. The evening rush hour is from noon to 7:00 pm. Friday's rush hour starts on Thursday morning.
3. The minimum acceptable speed on I-285 is 80 mph. On I-75 and I-85, your speed is expected to at least match the highway number. Anything less is considered 'Wussy'.
4. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Atlanta has its own version of traffic rules. For example, Ferraris and Lamborghinis owned by sports stars go first at a four-way stop. Cars/trucks with the loudest muffler go second. The trucks with the biggest tires go third. The HOV lanes are really designed just for the slow Floridians passing through who are used to hogging the left lane everywhere.
5. If you actually stop at a yellow light or stop sign, you will be rear ended, cussed out, and possibly shot. Unless there is a police car nearby.
6. Never honk at anyone. Ever. Seriously. It's another offense that can get you shot.
7. Road construction is permanent and continuous. Detour barrels are moved around for your entertainment pleasure during the middle of the night to make the next day's driving a bit more exciting. Generally, city roads other than the main streets have more potholes and bumps (usually speed bumps) than most dirt roads in the countryside.
8. Watch carefully for road hazards such as drunks, ladders, possums, skunks, dogs, barrels, cones, furniture, cats, mattresses, shredded tires, squirrels, rabbits, and crows.
9. Be aware that spelling of street names may change from block to block, e.g., Clairmont, Claremont, Clairmonte.
10. If someone actually has their turn signal on, wave them to the shoulder immediately to let them know it has been “accidentally activated”.
11. If you are in the left lane and only driving 75 in a 55-65 mph zone, k, e.g., you are considered a road hazard and will be “flipped off” accordingly. If you return the flip, you'll be shot.
MOST IMPORTANT: If you get LOST, Look for a road named PEACHTREE... Then you are somewhere in Atlanta.
Source by Brittany Egly

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2022, 08:15:40 AM
It seems terms like "French bread" have a less singular definition than one might think ...
Ha!  Indeed.

But it's a good point.  Texas is pretty big, even the term Tex-Mex can encompass different things in different parts of the state.

Just as, I suppose, chili could mean different things around the globe.

Although it shouldn't.  ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2022, 08:23:13 AM
This is a plate of Dart Bowl enchiladas, with fried egg on top.  RIP, Dart Bowl Cafe'

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 25, 2022, 09:30:43 AM
I was in Albequerque years back and stumbled across a place downtown that had huevos rancheros for breakfast.  I still recall how good that was, ate there every morning.

I'm less interested in authentic than good.  Authentic German food is not very good in my experience. Danish and Swedish food is interesting and not bad, but not as good as French, Belgian, Italian, Southern ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2022, 09:45:16 AM
Yeah lots of good Huevos Rancheros on menus in Austin.  

I tend to do migas more often, though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2022, 12:38:02 PM
Streaming surpasses cable as top way to consume TV

Streaming has officially topped cable as the most popular method by which Americans consume television content, according to new data from Nielsen.

Why it matters: Just as cable's victory over broadcast ushered in waves of change to U.S. media, streaming's rise will continue to bring new businesses and cultural forces to the fore.

Details: Streaming now makes up more than one-third of all television consumption in the U.S., according to data from Nielsen's monthly Gauge study of TV consumption.
Netflix continues to be the top streaming platform, taking 7.7% of total share of TV consumption in July. YouTube, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+ increased their share of viewing time last month to 7.3%, 3% and 1.8%, respectively, while HBO Max held steady at 1%.

Yes, but: Traditional TV, which includes both cable and broadcast consumption, still collectively makes up the majority of TV viewing in the U.S., for now.
But if the rate of these categories' decline continues, streaming could very well surpass traditional television as the primary way Americans consumer TV content in the next few years.
While the total amount of TV consumption has remained consistent in the past year, the amount that Americans have streamed has increased 22.6%, compared to declines in cable and broadcast of 8.9% and 9.8%, respectively.

What to watch: With more live sports rights moving to streaming, that trend seems likely. Nielsen noted that sports viewing drove the biggest decline for cable.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 25, 2022, 01:21:24 PM
I'm surprised streaming is a third now.  Yeah, this is akin to broadcast to cable, only a lot faster, I think.

My wife has a TV in her office I hooked up with an antenna.  She watches a bit in the afternoon, that's the only broadcast we have.  An extra cable box is $7 a month.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 25, 2022, 01:22:00 PM
We had lunch at Mukja, Korean Fried Chicken, he had a side of mac and cheese with kimchi and bacon that is excellent.

Gallery - Mukja Korean Fried Chicken - Chicken Restaurant in Atlanta, GA ( (



Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2022, 01:34:22 PM
My i s c & a aggie wife is bringing home some gringo tacos from local gringo taco chain Torchy's.  I'll be having this:


And this:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 25, 2022, 02:12:58 PM
Torchy's is OK
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2022, 02:15:26 PM
Torchy's is OK
I think it's better than okay for what it is, which is gringo tacos.

There are a bazillion taquerias and taco trucks to get interior Mexican street taco-style food.  But there are really only a handful of places, comparatively, doing innovative things with the fillings and ingredients.

Only real weakness for Torchy's, is the store-bought tortillas instead of house-made.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 25, 2022, 02:22:16 PM
I've been to a few

better than OK is probably accurate

certainly not impressive, even for the price.  At least you can get a beer 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2022, 02:25:33 PM
To each his own, of course.

The fish taco is their taco of the month, I've never tried it before.  The other one is a barbacoa and Torchy's does it as well as any I've ever had, including both Texas and Mexico.

Only major drawback is the store-bought tortilla.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2022, 03:39:06 PM
Fish taco was okay.  Barbacoa was delish.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 25, 2022, 03:52:02 PM
I'm having fish tonight


not putting it in a store-bought tortilla

it'll be okay
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 25, 2022, 04:26:30 PM
It's been a long time since I had any "real fish", and not for lack of trying.  We do OK at home with steelhead trout from Costco, but it's more of a base on which to add other flavors like pesto etc.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 25, 2022, 04:34:35 PM
I like Walleye.  Would make a tasty fish taco.  Even in a store-bought tortilla.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 26, 2022, 08:44:49 AM
My high school alma mater put a major whipping on its in-town rival last night, 49-3.

The best part about that, is that all of my friends that went to that rival high school, and would be blowing up my Facebook feed if they had won, are blissfully silent this morning.

I'm not the kind to stir things up, so as long as they stay that way, they will not see 49-3 pasted all over their home page. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 26, 2022, 08:49:41 AM
You could be obscure, like saying "What is 52-49?"...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 26, 2022, 10:47:32 AM
French words that don't mean the same thing in English:

Poisson (OK, I'm stretching here)
Mercy (Same thing, in reverse)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 26, 2022, 07:20:33 PM
French words that don't mean the same thing in English:

Poisson (OK, I'm stretching here)
Mercy (Same thing, in reverse)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 27, 2022, 11:00:48 AM
I asked my wife at breakfast what "foyer" meant in French and got a lengthy definition(s)...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 27, 2022, 11:10:11 AM
careful what you ask for
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 27, 2022, 11:25:54 AM
careful what you ask for
Yup, I hosted my monthly wine tasting last night and one new lady showed up with another couple and asked a LOT of questions.  I try and KISS, but some of her questions were rather complex, like how do they make sparkling wine?

No simple answer really, but I contrived one.

What is Méthode Champenoise? ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 27, 2022, 11:34:33 AM
as long as the new girl is satisfied
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 27, 2022, 11:39:09 AM
I charge $10 a head to cover cost of wine.  She walked out without paying, I didn't say anything, I think the other couple reminded her in the elevator and she came back and left $20.  I told her it was only $10 and she said "It's worth $20".

That was a fun group, they stayed from 6 until nearly 9.  One of them is a retired MD who is quite interesting, and arthopod, or "organic mechanic" as he called it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 27, 2022, 08:49:21 PM
That's actually really interesting.  I don't think it's as drastic as all that, but it's definitely worth noting the current pressures on the style of cuisine and anticipating where it might head, next.

The pandemic killed my second-favorite Tex-Mex enchilada place in all of Austin, which was actually the cafe' inside a bowling alley.  Their enchilada gravy was heavenly and they adhered to the old guidelines of Tex-Mex-- simple ingredients and a lot of flavor.

Valentina's Tex Mex???
11500 Menchaca Road
Austin, Texas 78748
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 28, 2022, 08:44:04 AM
Valentina's is great.  It's actually part BBQ, part Tex-Mex.  Their brisket is excellent, and make outstanding brisket tacos (on house-made tortillas).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 28, 2022, 09:07:51 AM
I could deal with that ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 28, 2022, 09:55:41 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 28, 2022, 10:27:47 AM
We're looking at April now for our visit.  We have a length cruise slated for Feb-Mar.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 28, 2022, 11:09:01 AM
We're looking at April now for our visit.  We have a length cruise slated for Feb-Mar.
April's a good time to be here.  Lemme know when for sure, and I'll steer you to the actual GOOD places in the ATX. ;) 

And would of course love to meet up and share some dinner/drinks as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 28, 2022, 11:16:08 AM
Yeah, we'll meet up somewhere.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 04, 2022, 08:45:03 PM
Smithsonian Magazine
Why Do Some Humans Love Chili Peppers?
An anthropologist traces the origins and paths of one of his favorite kinds of plants
Gideon Lasco, Sapiens (
September 2, 2022

A vendor displays chili peppers at a local market in India.  Biju Boro / AFP via Getty Images

As someone who grew up in the Philippines, I have always loved hot, spicy foods. A typical Filipino meal includes some mix of soy sauce, fish sauce, vinegar, citrus, and peppers, which can be used to customize the flavor of a dish. I always make sure to pile on lots of red and green peppers or to add a dash of Tabasco. At one point, I even planted some chili plants in my family’s backyard and tried making hot sauce with my cousin Franz. [1]
When I stayed for an extended period in Mexico in 2021, one of the biggest pleasures was the food’s spiciness—from the salsa verde (a green sauce usually spiced by jalapeño peppers) to the aguachile (a ceviche-like dish typical of Mexico’s Pacific coast, made of shrimp marinated in lime and chili peppers, among other ingredients). Beyond the kinds of peppers that one can buy in local grocery stores in many places in the world—such as habañeros, jalapeños, and chile de arbol—there was a bewildering assortment of peppers with distinct shapes, sizes, and levels of spiciness. These ranged from the peppercorn-like chiltepin to the bell-like cascabel, all readily available in the nearest supermercado.
In fact, all of the world’s chili peppers—including the labuyo peppers that we typically use in the Philippines—likely came from the first domesticated chili plants ( (Capsicum annuum) in what is now Mexico. They were imported as part of the Columbian exchange (, which saw the two-way transfer of ideas, animals, plants, diseases, and people between the Eastern Hemisphere and the Americas following Christopher Colombus’ first transatlantic voyage in the late 15th century.

Unthinkable as it may sound today, the cuisines we have come to associate with spiciness—Indian, Thai, Korean, and Chinese, among others—had no chili peppers at all before their introduction in the 16th century onward. Prior to that, those cuisines relied on other spices ( or aromatics to add heat to dishes, such as ginger, likely native to southern China, or black pepper, native to India.
How did chili peppers become part of the human diet beginning in the Americas an estimated 6,000 ( to 10,000 years ( ago? And why were they eventually embraced by the rest of the world?

These questions fascinate me not just because of my personal love for hot sauce, but because, as an anthropologist, I am deeply interested in how culture shapes our human senses ( of sight, hearing (, touch (, smell (, and taste (
While our bodily senses are mediated by various receptors, how we interpret sensory stimuli depends on our previous experiences and our personal preferences, both of which are in turn influenced by the environments we grow up in. To give just one example, anthropologists have investigated ( how even color (that is, how we would “see” or visually perceive a particular object) is not universal but differs across societies.

Some evolutionary biologists have proposed ( that the human propensity for spiciness is borne of necessity. They posit that because peppers (and other spicy foods, including wasabi ( have natural antimicrobial properties that can help preserve perishable foods, humans developed a taste for them, particularly in tropical climates ( where food spoils easily. (In the evolution of the chili plant itself, the emergence of capsaicin, which creates the burning sensation in chiles, appears to be linked ( with its ability to ward off fungi.)
Psychology researchers, on the other hand, have posited that some people’s preference for capsaicin-containing foods is related to thrill-seeking tendencies. Psychologists Paul Rozin and Deborah Schiller concluded this ( back in 1980, drawing on an experiment that involved giving people increasingly spicy doses of chili. “Eating of chili, riding on roller coasters, taking very hot baths, and many other human activities can be considered instances of thrill seeking or enjoyment of ‘constrained risks,’” they wrote. More recent studies ( have associated the preference for chiles with personality traits like “sensation seeking” and “sensitivity to reward.” The recent popularity of chili eating competitions ( can be seen as an extreme example of these tendencies.
Beyond these biological and psychological investigations, anthropologists and those in related fields have also contributed to our understanding of why particular groups tend to prefer spicier foods by bringing in the element of culture. As anthropologists have documented over the years (, humans can eat a diverse range of foods—so our decisions about what to eat often speak to much more than our biological or psychological needs. They reflect our societies and their values.
In some parts of Mexico, for instance, the preference for hotter foods is tied to notions of national and regional identities. The cultural historian Esther Katz cites an expression ( shared by Indigenous Mixtec people from Oaxaca: “Somos fuertes porque comemos puro chile” (“We are strong, since we eat nothing but pepper”). The association between eating spicy foods and certain personality traits, such as courage or spunk, can be a way for some people to distinguish themselves from other groups, even those living within the same country.
Further illustrating this point, chili peppers figure in regional identities ( in Communist China, and even regional rivalries ( A common saying ( goes: “The Sichuanese are not afraid of hot chiles; no degree of heat will frighten off the people of Guizhou; but those Hunanese are terrified of food that isn’t hot!” The leader of the Communist revolution, Mao Zedong, was a native of Hunan who pointedly connected the revolutionary spirit with the ability to handle spice.

Mao is said to have remarked ( “Without chili peppers there would be no revolution.”
Spiciness is also connected in some places with gender identities. For instance, in Japan, as anthropologist Jon Holtzman has investigated (, men were traditionally expected to prefer spicy foods (and alcohol) and to disdain sweet foods. Attitudes toward food preferences have changed alongside shifts in Japanese societal notions of masculinity in the 20th century—though sweetness is still sometimes associated more with women and children.

Of course, it goes without saying that tastes change along with societies. Indeed, certain food products that may seem unpalatable or even disgusting to some can become well-loved by others. Take, for instance, the food spread Vegemite ( becoming part of Australian national identity, or guinea pigs (, traditionally eaten by Indigenous communities in the Andes, becoming part of Peruvian fine dining in recent years.
And even within a particular group, individuals have their own preferences. Associating certain ethnicities with food preferences can lead to inaccurate generalizations and damaging stereotypes. An eighth grader named Jacquelin Rojas from the U.S. summarized this point ( succinctly on a website inviting people to distill their thoughts about race. “Not all Mexicans like spicy foods,” she wrote.

In the end, there is no single explanation that can account for why some people desire spicy foods while others don’t. Regardless, the travels of chili peppers across continents and over the centuries shows just how far some humans—myself included—will go to spice up our diets and everyday lives.

This story (|01||2808efd2a0e741635e8508d9538aefb1|989b5e2a14e44efe93b78cdd5fc5d11c|0|0|637632678457125492|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|1000&sdata=blKyvCpipF39cG1WM61oqH9UuA%2F2KyDDXd7WYrY4SBs%3D&reserved=0) was originally published on Sapiens (|01||2808efd2a0e741635e8508d9538aefb1|989b5e2a14e44efe93b78cdd5fc5d11c|0|0|637632678457125492|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|1000&sdata=QEYemfkDaqIf%2BILBSvUv%2B6KW9HUhyNkwySEAHRLrL1c%3D&reserved=0), an anthropology magazine.
Gideon Lasco ( is an anthropologist and a physician based in Manila, the Philippines. He obtained his PhD from the University of Amsterdam and his MD from the University of the Philippines, where he currently teaches anthropology. His research ( includes the chemical practices of young people, the meanings of human height, the politics of health care, and the lived realities of the Philippine “drug war.” Lasco has a weekly column ( in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, where he writes about health, culture, and society. Follow him on Twitter @gideonlasco (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 05, 2022, 05:42:47 AM
I think it is connected to food spoilage reduction, much as frying in the south is related to cooking tainted food items so they are safe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 05, 2022, 09:22:01 AM

"Oklahoma" comes from the Choctaw words "okla" (people) and "humma" (red)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 05, 2022, 10:42:42 AM

"Oklahoma" comes from the Choctaw words "okla" (people) and "humma" (red)
That offends me

They will have to change the name
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 05, 2022, 10:16:34 PM
That offends me

They will have to change the name

They should just change their name to "Texas' Hat."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 05, 2022, 10:43:41 PM
all hat, no cattle
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 05, 2022, 10:47:19 PM
Lotsa hats, lotsa cattle, no teeth.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 06, 2022, 03:39:36 AM
Il fait froid 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 06, 2022, 07:59:22 AM
How cold is it?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 06, 2022, 09:33:15 AM
My watch says 84 F
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on September 06, 2022, 10:12:33 AM
That ain't cold.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 06, 2022, 11:33:34 AM

Guy Morris died.  Former Baylor, UK coach.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 06, 2022, 12:00:55 PM
I am seriously tired 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 06, 2022, 12:05:10 PM
So, "Texas" comes from táyshaʼ, the Caddoan word for "friends"; effectively, it was what the Caddoes called themselves.

Or, an alternative interpretation, it comes from teja, a Spanish word meaning "roof tile."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 06, 2022, 12:10:08 PM
We need to knock off a few roof tiles 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 06, 2022, 12:57:56 PM
So, "Texas" comes from táyshaʼ, the Caddoan word for "friends"; effectively, it was what the Caddoes called themselves.

Or, an alternative interpretation, it comes from teja, a Spanish word meaning "roof tile."

We need to knock off a few roof tiles

Is that a euphemism for killing Texans?????

This thread just took a dark turn...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 07, 2022, 12:14:08 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 07, 2022, 12:17:51 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 07, 2022, 12:52:37 PM
Is that the French version of this?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 07, 2022, 12:55:03 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 08, 2022, 09:31:05 AM
Rivalries are what make college athletics one of a kind, and sometimes fanbases of opposing teams get caught up in the moment. That’s part of it.

Well, Kansas State is threatening to take away one of its traditions if the Wildcats’ student section doesn’t quit with the “extra curriculars.”

Wabash Cannonball has been played at Kansas State athletic events since 1968, but it is in jeopardy of being being nixed if the student section doesn’t stop chanting “F KU” as part of the song.

Now, this is hard habit to break as rivals around the country have found ways to work in chants like this to fight songs of every tune and melody. It’s just want fan bases do. However, losing something like the Wabash Cannonball is something that just can’t happen. This is one of the best traditions in the Big 12, and to see it go for something so petty is just something that shouldn’t happen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 08, 2022, 10:29:31 AM

Magret de canard and 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 08, 2022, 11:00:25 AM

Magret de canard and
... go on....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 08, 2022, 12:32:42 PM
I guess the K-State students have a choice to make. Stop chanting "F___ K U" or lose "Wabash Cannonball."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 08, 2022, 12:36:14 PM
the wheatfield lawyer WildCatForever says he's getting old........ he doesn't approve of the F___ KU chant
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 08, 2022, 12:39:50 PM
It's amazing what people will do in crowds (mobs) that they wouldn't dream of doing by themselves. Looting a shopping district, burning couches, and shouting obscenities at the tops of their lungs.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 08, 2022, 12:54:58 PM
Student section at UT, in the middle of the UT fight song, yells "Give 'em hell.  Give 'em hell.  Make 'em eat shit."  That is, when they're not yelling, "Give 'em hell.  Give 'em hell.  ou sucks."

I chalk it up as typical teenage behavior and don't worry about it too much.  I did it when I was a student, and stopped doing it as an adult.

But even all the adults say, "Give 'em hell, give 'em hell, Go Horns Go" during that section.

For reference, the original lyrics to that section of the fight song, dating back to the early 1900s, were "Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on September 08, 2022, 12:56:13 PM
assuming they've been modifying it as long as mizzou fans have turned m-i-z-z-o-u into m-i-z-eff-k-u i wonder what brought this on.  lots of fanbases do this as ff stated.

are we sure kst "students" are the only offenders *read - "they are def not the only offenders"*?

i would say that i don't approve of it to the extent that there are always impressionable minds at these games & its w.t. but at the same time legislating something like that is an exercise in futility.  they will find a way to tweak the "new" tradition they roll out in its place & lbh it'll probably be atrocious as most things like this that are born of modern day college marketing departments typically are such as

^^first clue that scary smart was probably not going to work out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 08, 2022, 12:57:48 PM
F bombs aren't appreciated by some folks

eat shit isn't great, but it's not an F bomb

my Father told me way back in the day, Watch your language around women and children
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 08, 2022, 01:13:34 PM
F bombs aren't appreciated by some folks

eat shit isn't great, but it's not an F bomb

my Father told me way back in the day, Watch your language around women and children
Sure fair enough.

But... 18 year old college kids.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 08, 2022, 01:34:39 PM
yup, kids are gonna be kids

especially when drinkin

but, no excuse
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 08, 2022, 01:37:54 PM
My parents took me to the games from the time before I could even remember.  Anytime something like that came up, my dad said, "you're not allowed to say that."

And that was that.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 08, 2022, 01:48:52 PM
In a previous era, I was attending a Baylor/Texas game in Waco with my usual crew. The outcome of the game was never in doubt in those days.
As is went, Burnt Eyes was also at that game. My family was OK with him sitting in during the 2nd half.
Of course, there were, by that time, other Texas fans in the area. A couple of the younger generation in fact. As "Texas Fight" played, Burny and I demurred to "Go Horns Go!" considering the company. At this point, the young ladies turned around, addressed him directly and firmly, saying, "It's 'Make 'em eat s**t'! Not 'Go Horns Go'!".
Telling Rob how to cheer for Texas caused, well, a reaction.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 08, 2022, 01:54:46 PM
ha!  I can imagine.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 08, 2022, 02:03:14 PM
hah, I remember the first time I met Smokey

a few of ya'll warned me about him as I was leaving to go find him

he was a little intense back in the day
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 10:57:31 AM
So I ordered a new computer from Dell yesterday and was told the targeted ship date was October 25th

utee help!!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2022, 11:54:34 AM
So I ordered a new computer from Dell yesterday and was told the targeted ship date was October 25th

utee help!!!!

Supply chain issues, yo.

What did you order?  Was there nothing with similar specs, available immediately?

Just for reference, we use two different supply chains to reach the end-customer, one is BTO which is "build-to-order," and that's what you must have done. You can adjust certain specs to your liking, but it means it's probably going to be built to spec in China and then shipped overseas.

The other is BTS which is "build-to-stock," which means it has standard catalog specs and is typically available immediately.  We build a lot of these with just a few variants of the most common specs desired by customers, and stock them on the shelves of our fulfillment centers in Tennessee, Pennsylvania, El Paso, and Los Angeles.  These should typically arrive at your home in the USA within a week.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 12:17:07 PM
Supply chain issues, yo.

What did you order?  Was there nothing with similar specs, available immediately?

Just for reference, we use two different supply chains to reach the end-customer, one is BTO which is "build-to-order," and that's what you must have done. You can adjust certain specs to your liking, but it means it's probably going to be built to spec in China and then shipped overseas.

The other is BTS which is "build-to-stock," which means it has standard catalog specs and is typically available immediately.  We build a lot of these with just a few variants of the most common specs desired by customers, and stock them on the shelves of our fulfillment centers in Tennessee, Pennsylvania, El Paso, and Los Angeles.  These should typically arrive at your home in the USA within a week.

I ordered a Precision 7770 and it was build to suit

Its not an emergency so I chose what I wanted

This is a backup to my current computer Alienware 17 R5

Im having a battery issue with the Alienware and will have to install a new one

I wanted a 2nd computer to help me with the instructions which are involved and for just in case I screw up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2022, 12:23:03 PM
Nice.  You don't cheap out on your laptops that's for sure.  A sincere thank you for your support.

And yeah, that Precision is a mobile workstation.  We don't carry many of those as BTS fixed configuration, for the precise reason you cite. Our high-end customers that make purchases like that, typically desire to spec it out completely to their own liking.  There just aren't many fixed configs that would satisfy end-users like that.

So the good news is, you'll be getting a nice, fresh laptop that won't have been sitting on the shelf for weeks or months. ;)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 12:29:54 PM
Ive always had good results with Dell laptops and like the fact that they dont try to hide how to do repairs if needed with a detailed service manual

Some computer makers try to keep that a secret which is BS

I like the fact that the Precision 7770 can be upgraded to RAM of 128 which is much more then I need and can have up to 4 additional hard drives

I always like a 2nd drive in my laptop  and will add one later
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 12:36:22 PM
The only reason I didnt buy another Alienware is because they stopped putting numeric keypads on the keyboard

I do a lot of spreadsheet stuff and use my numeric keypad a lot

Dell only has numeric keypads available on the Precision and one or two other models

They should have an option available for this but have chosen not to which amases me

They didnt even consult me about it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2022, 12:42:18 PM
The only reason I didnt buy another Alienware is because they stopped putting numeric keypads on the keyboard

I do a lot of spreadsheet stuff and use my numeric keypad a lot

Dell only has numeric keypads available on the Precision and one or two other models

They should have an option available for this but have chosen not to which amases me

They didnt even consult me about it
I'll pass it on to the Alienware team. :)

I mean it, I will.  I'm friends with the Product Manager for Alienware laptops.  

It also surprises me, since traditionally there have always been a lot of video games that use the numeric keypad.  But I'm not much of a gamer anymore, so perhaps that's not really a thing these days.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 12:54:51 PM
Someone said just get an external number pad but thats not practical cause I do most of my computing with the laptop on my lap in front of the TV

I have visions of a boardroom with all the big wheels sitting  around this large table and someone says why is product x taking so long to develop and another exec speaks up and says theres a challenge with fitting a numberpad onto the keyboard and the head guy says just get rid of the numberpad I dont use it anyway
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2022, 12:58:57 PM
Having done some product development in my time, I'd like to think there's a little more to it than that. ;)

(But occasionally, the top exec just does make a call that leaves most everyone else bewildered, no doubt about that)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 01:03:58 PM
I would never have bought the Precision without the numberpad There are other brands out there still including it on their keyboards

I just cant believe Im the only nerd feeling that way

But hay I do have some crazy ideas sometimes so who knows
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2022, 02:07:50 PM
Work provides us Latitudes, mine's a 5400, nothing special.

But my home system is an XPS13, which I absolutely love.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 02:18:57 PM
Work provides us Latitudes, mine's a 5400, nothing special.

But my home system is an XPS13, which I absolutely love. 

the xp513 is nice

my daughter just got a Latitude and really likes it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 09, 2022, 04:59:56 PM
Lati is a workhorse.  Reliable and stable.  It's the standard corporate laptop.

But all of our C-level execs carry XPS13 or maybe XPS15 as part of their "executive jewelry."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 06:19:38 PM
The computer I ordered will have a 3840 pixel screen and Im very excited to see it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 09, 2022, 07:34:19 PM
I'll just bet you are
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 09, 2022, 07:34:50 PM
I just cant believe Im the only nerd feeling that way

But hay I do have some crazy ideas sometimes so who knows
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 08:26:24 PM
Youre hanging around OAM too much
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 09, 2022, 08:47:46 PM
I'll trot back the the Big Ten board now  :88:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 09, 2022, 08:57:15 PM
I'll trot back the the Big Ten board now  :88:

come again when you cant stay so long
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 09, 2022, 11:34:52 PM
I ordered a Precision 7770 and it was build to suit

Its not an emergency so I chose what I wanted

This is a backup to my current computer Alienware 17 R5

Im having a battery issue with the Alienware and will have to install a new one

I wanted a 2nd computer to help me with the instructions which are involved and for just in case I screw up
That’s some serious cheese. Nice unit.  I honestly don’t know what separates computers from one another these days. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 10, 2022, 02:11:15 AM
when you buy a computer you basically marry the company making it

I really like Dell for its service and the fact they make some very good laptops

I also like the fact that they have very good service manuals and Im not a slave to a repair shop

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 21, 2022, 10:47:07 AM
Great News on my new Dell Precision 7770

Dell originally told me the ship date would be Oct 25th which was a bummer
Today I got an email telling me the new laptop would ship on Sept 29th

Wow I guess Dells supply chain must have improved
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 22, 2022, 11:31:57 PM
Why 80% of Americans live east of this line. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 23, 2022, 08:50:36 AM
Great News on my new Dell Precision 7770

Dell originally told me the ship date would be Oct 25th which was a bummer
Today I got an email telling me the new laptop would ship on Sept 29th

Wow I guess Dells supply chain must have improved

Glad to hear it!  

If I had to guess, I'd say that your mobile workstation was sitting in a shipping container and our logistics team wasn't sure when it would be unloaded, so they put a far-off delivery date,  but in recent weeks the shipping backlog has decreased quite a bit and containers are being unloaded much quicker than before.  So now you get an improved delivery date.  Our supply chain is actually pretty nimble, but because we use the same shipping lanes as everyone else on the planet, we're subject to the same delays.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 23, 2022, 09:39:38 AM
Why 89% of Americans live west of this line. (
damn, I think I'm east of the line

ever since becoming a Husker in the fall of 1981, I've been telling folks I was born on the wrong side of the Missouri river
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 23, 2022, 09:44:42 AM
Glad to hear it! 

If I had to guess, I'd say that your mobile workstation was sitting in a shipping container and our logistics team wasn't sure when it would be unloaded, so they put a far-off delivery date,  but in recent weeks the shipping backlog has decreased quite a bit and containers are being unloaded much quicker than before.  So now you get an improved delivery date.  Our supply chain is actually pretty nimble, but because we use the same shipping lanes as everyone else on the planet, we're subject to the same delays.

Its  on the way via Fed Ex from Chicago and will be here Monday

Happy to see this
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 23, 2022, 11:04:54 AM
damn, I think I'm east of the line

ever since becoming a Husker in the fall of 1981, I've been telling folks I was born on the wrong side of the Missouri river
Even Lincoln is east of the line, by 1 degree, 19 minutes, and 16 seconds. Norman is only 16 seconds east of it.
The "89%" that I posted is my typo. It's "80%," of course.
Historically, the dry line was thought to be 100 degrees west longitude. It's the N-S boundary between Oklahoma and Texas, runs through western Kansas, central Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota, and is close to the boundary between Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
And it's EAST of the line!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 23, 2022, 11:22:36 AM
Why 80% of Americans live west of this line. (
I think you meant east also ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 23, 2022, 12:11:17 PM
Even Lincoln is east of the line, by 1 degree, 19 minutes, and 16 seconds. Norman is only 16 seconds east of it.
The "89%" that I posted is my typo. It's "80%," of course.
Historically, the dry line was thought to be 100 degrees west longitude. It's the N-S boundary between Oklahoma and Texas, runs through western Kansas, central Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota, and is close to the boundary between Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
not far from the Mountain/Central time zone line
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 23, 2022, 12:18:00 PM

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 23, 2022, 12:24:34 PM
I think you meant east also ...

I wasn't drinking, but I guess I was tired last night.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 23, 2022, 12:26:46 PM
  • 47.6% live in the Eastern time zone.
  • 29.1% Central.
  • 6.7% Mountain.
  • 16.6% Pacific.
47.6 + 29.1 = pretty close to 80 right there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 23, 2022, 12:50:47 PM
pretty close but not 80

and their line is supposedly east of the mountain time zone line

perhaps they rounded up for effect?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 23, 2022, 01:17:42 PM
Alabama is in the Central, the line is on the state line, so we're nearly there from here.  Cincy is almost due north of Atlanta and also in the east.

The first railroad to Atlanta (called Terminus at the point) came down from Chattanooga.  Decatur was a fairly thriving town nearby, but the RR ended about 6 miles to the west in the middle of nowhere.  Peachtree Street follows an old Cherokee path near a place called Standing Peachtree roughly on a ridge line going S/N.  It's about three blocks west of us, uphill a bit.  

The country obviously slides pretty far west along the Atlantic coastline relative to NE.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 23, 2022, 01:31:29 PM
pretty close but not 80

and their line is supposedly east of the mountain time zone line

perhaps they rounded up for effect?
A puzzlement.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 23, 2022, 02:07:22 PM
A puzzlement.
There are times I almost think
Nobody sure of what he absolutely know.
Everybody find confusion
In conclusion he concluded long ago,
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 23, 2022, 02:13:30 PM
Richard Rogers very smart man indeed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 26, 2022, 06:52:55 AM
Atlanta Chili Cook Off – Food Festival & Live Music – Atlanta, GA (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 26, 2022, 08:13:00 AM
look for the invasion of Texans
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 26, 2022, 10:06:26 AM
look for the invasion of Texans
I doubt it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 26, 2022, 10:07:47 AM
I read a bit about it and looked at photos, my impression is a lot of contestants try and get very cute.  It does look like fun, I'd consider going except for the hurricane.

You have to prepare 8-10 gallons to compete.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 26, 2022, 10:10:02 AM
Here is one winner from years back:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 26, 2022, 11:20:19 AM
Richard Rogers very smart man indeed
Didn't Oscar Hammerstein II write the lyrics?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 26, 2022, 11:21:45 AM
Here is one winner from years back:


Looks like a nice bowl of tortilla soup or something.  I'd eat it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 26, 2022, 11:25:43 AM
I concur, it looks good, which works for me.  Another one:


This looks like what I fix as "chili" and I like it.  I tend to serve it over rice.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 26, 2022, 11:42:16 AM
Didn't Oscar Hammerstein II write the lyrics?
right you are and you win a vegomatic and an all expenses paid for a trip to Brownsville Texas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 26, 2022, 12:45:12 PM
I think I saw beans!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 26, 2022, 01:23:24 PM
I concur, it looks good, which works for me.  Another one:


This looks like what I fix as "chili" and I like it.  I tend to serve it over rice.

Looks like spaghetti sauce.  Are those giants chunk of tomato?  If so, why?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 26, 2022, 01:46:35 PM
My recipe for "chili" starts with tomatoes, often with day old spaghetti sauce.  As oft noted, a lot of things get called chili, some of them are quite tasty.

I guess it's a bit like "champagne" ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 26, 2022, 02:20:40 PM
I doubt the folks from the historical province of Champagne in the northeast of France are as sensative about wine as Texans are about Chili
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 26, 2022, 02:24:02 PM
I doubt the folks from the historical province of Champagne in the northeast of France are as sensative about wine as Texans are about Chili
Well they sue almost everyone that uses the word "Champagne" in international court, so, you'd be wrong about that one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 26, 2022, 02:30:58 PM
The 100-Year-Old Loophole That Makes California Champagne Legal | VinePair (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 26, 2022, 02:33:14 PM
In focus: The rise of still wines from Champagne - The Drinks Business (

I've never had one, nor even seen one.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 26, 2022, 02:35:58 PM
The 100-Year-Old Loophole That Makes California Champagne Legal | VinePair (

Yup, the Frenchies would sue the bejeezus outta the "California Champagne" makers too, if they could.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 26, 2022, 02:47:14 PM
Carl Spackler : This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff.

Carl should have applied for a patent 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 26, 2022, 03:02:58 PM
And a copyright, too!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 27, 2022, 08:19:18 AM
There are three kinds of patents:

Design patents (which are useless)
Utility patents
Plant patents (I don't know much about them)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 27, 2022, 09:37:32 AM
plants such as grape vines?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 27, 2022, 09:44:00 AM
Most I've seen are about roses.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 27, 2022, 10:39:36 AM
Rose bush IP battles-- serious bidness.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 27, 2022, 11:45:06 AM
I haven't heard much about corn or soybeans, so that isn't a thing
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 27, 2022, 01:35:19 PM
Ask ADM about patenting corn.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 27, 2022, 01:45:30 PM
PHA natural plastics?

yeah, I hear about corn and soybean bickering back and forth constantly up here in the tall corn state

big business
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 27, 2022, 01:57:49 PM
I was dealing with PHA stuff back in the 90s.  It was hailed as the cure all.  It wasn't of course, I pointed that out a few times which was not appreciated.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 27, 2022, 02:37:13 PM
some folks can't handle the truth
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 27, 2022, 02:41:40 PM
Truth often is painful.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 27, 2022, 02:41:52 PM
Ignoring it often is more painful.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 01, 2022, 01:21:18 PM
Jesus, watching the TCU/OU game. Wasn’t paying attention, thought it was halftime.  Nope, just the start of the 2nd quarter. Tcu looks good. OU, not so good. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 01, 2022, 02:12:26 PM
Halftime. Either tcu is really good, or OU isn’t very good. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 01, 2022, 06:13:15 PM
Halftime. Either tcu is really good, or OU isn’t very good.
Some of both, I think.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 02, 2022, 09:01:08 AM
Muleshoe, come back!!!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 02, 2022, 02:13:38 PM
And now our “ new “ coach and our last coach have the same amount of wins thru the same amount of games. Oh, and we’re paying him double. 

Yikes. Sucking sucks ! 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 02, 2022, 02:28:28 PM
And now our “ new “ coach and our last coach have the same amount of wins thru the same amount of games. Oh, and we’re paying him double.

Yikes. Sucking sucks !
yep we Horns can identify with that

hang in there
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 02, 2022, 03:29:32 PM
GaTech fires coach and then upsets Pitt.  I doubt two are related, but they could be.

Largish buyout for them too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 02, 2022, 06:50:53 PM
Muleshoe, come back!!!!!

Had he never left, perhaps all would be well.

But, leaving as he did, leaving the program in the condition it was in after he took the cream of the crop to L.A., he would not be welcome back under any circumstances.

His younger brother, Donkeyshoe, is the OC at TCU. That was one little part of what was "interesting" about yesterday's game in Fort Worth.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 02, 2022, 08:51:43 PM
Well, it's Hate Week.  TX-OU is this Saturday and I have zero clue what to think about that game.

Could be a close win by either team. Could be a blowout by either team.  Given our recent luck in the series it'll probably be a really gut-wrenching Texas loss, but maybe not.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 02, 2022, 09:24:37 PM
Well, it's Hate Week.  TX-OU is this Saturday and I have zero clue what to think about that game.

Could be a close win by either team. Could be a blowout by either team.  Given our recent luck in the series it'll probably be a really gut-wrenching Texas loss, but maybe not.
feel the same way

it will be interesting
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 03, 2022, 04:49:27 AM
I wonder if OU could be in for a period like Texas is enduring ...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 03, 2022, 12:27:50 PM
any program could be in for that

just gotta find the right coach
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 05, 2022, 04:29:51 PM
I wonder if OU could be in for a period like Texas is enduring ...

One can only hope!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 08:30:16 AM
Applying for a Southern Card - YouTube (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 08:37:28 AM
The BBQ Map From Hell - YouTube (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 09:41:15 AM
Tripadvisor compiles results from the general public, and the general public is comprised of idiots.  No surprises there.

I like this BBQ map a lot better:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 12:08:41 PM
I did not know Mississippians like vinegary sauce.  I have associated that with eastern Carolina.

Eastern North Carolina BBQ Sauce Recipe ( (

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95)]Ingredients[/color]

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 12:14:30 PM
Yeah I can't comment on the veracity of each assertion.  I know absolutely zero about Mississippi BBQ.

They acknowledge that Carolina has vinegary sauce, since that's where they're from.

Personally I dislike vinegary sauces.  When I make pulled pork I omit it, I just capture the pan drippings and reintroduce into the finished product to keep it moist and smoky, and it turns out about a million times better than Carolina pulled pork.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 12:18:58 PM
When I first went to NC, I found their BBQ to be very very odd, didn't like it, and it was all there was available in restaurants.  Over time, I began to like it, a lot.  The same thing happened with Cincy "chili" (though I didn't quite ever like it "a lot").  I had preconceived notions about what BBQ and "chili" should be, and those weren't it.

After I stopped thinking of what they were called and just accepted them as a dish of a sort, they were fine.

The best I've ever had was dry rub ribs done properly, which some 'ol' boys did in my backyard for a work group.  I've never been able to get close to what they provided.

We had a group of Japanese coworkers over for dinner that night, it was beautiful weather and we had baked beans and watermelon to go with it.  They seemed impressed with my backyard as much as the food.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 12:25:06 PM
I accept that Carolina BBQ is a true form of BBQ and it stands on its own merits.

But I don't like vinegar flavor in my BBQ, so I don't like it, and I never will.

Similarly I don't like pickles, so if someone makes the greatest sandwich of all time, but puts pickles on it, then for me it's impossible for it to be considered the greatest sandwich of all time.  It just tastes like gross pickles to me.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 12:30:34 PM
I favor non-vinegary pulled pork, but I'm happy to eat it still.

There is a tiny village in North Carolina nearly in SC near the coast called Calabash.  They have something like 14 seafood restaurants, and "Calabash style" shrimp is a thing.  And I like it, a lot.  There used to be outside Calabash a really good BBQ place called "Big Nell's Pit Stop".

What is Calabash Shrimp? ( (

Now I'm hungry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 12:47:54 PM
I grew up thinking that I just disliked pulled pork, until I got older and learned a bit about how to make BBQ, and realized that every version I'd ever had, either in Carolina or here in Texas, was mixing vinegar sauce into the final product.

Once I finally had a smoker of my own, and knew some of the basics of BBQ, I started making my own pulled pork without the vinegar, but with the reintroduction of the drippings, and it turns out that pulled pork is actually delicious when it's not destroyed with gross and unnecessary vinegar sauce.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 02:05:36 PM
At times, folks will add some flavoring to mask what otherwise is mediocre stuff, like adding some fruit to some otherwise bad beer ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 02:08:13 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 10, 2022, 02:08:57 PM
At times, folks will add some flavoring to mask what otherwise is mediocre stuff, like adding some fruit to some otherwise bad beer ...
Texans just dont like a vinegar based sauce 

just a regional preference

in fact the pulled pork dish is relatively new to Texas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 02:15:30 PM
in fact the pulled pork dish is relatively new to Texas
I did not know that either.  The brisket here at Fox Bros is excellent IMHO.  They are Texas boys.  The other BBQ places feature pulled pork and ribs mostly.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 02:39:00 PM
Yeah pulled pork was rarely on the menus of Texas BBQ places 40 years ago.  We never served it at the one we owned in the 70s/80s.

We did brisket, pork spare ribs, chicken, and sausage every day, and did specials that included beef rib (on Saturdays) and smoked turkey (on Sundays).  We were closed Mondays.

Over the past 30 years or so, pulled pork has crept onto Texas menus, along with lots of other interesting things.  And most Texas BBQ places do pulled pork in the Carolina style, since that's what people seem to expect.

It wasn't until I realized it wasn't the pork I hated, but the seemingly unavoidable vinegary sauce, that I decided to correct the recipe and make an improved version of my own.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 10, 2022, 02:48:59 PM
Yeah pulled pork was rarely on the menus of Texas BBQ places 40 years ago.  We never served it at the one we owned in the 70s/80s.

We did brisket, pork spare ribs, chicken, and sausage every day, and did specials that included beef rib (on Saturdays) and smoked turkey (on Sundays).  We were closed Mondays.

Over the past 30 years or so, pulled pork has crept onto Texas menus, along with lots of other interesting things.  And most Texas BBQ places do pulled pork in the Carolina style, since that's what people seem to expect.

It wasn't until I realized it wasn't the pork I hated, but the seemingly unavoidable vinegary sauce, that I decided to correct the recipe and make an improved version of my own.

You couldnt find pulled pork in Houston in the 90s except at Goods BBQ

Course Jim Good was always a kinda outlaw in that area

He had several things on the menu that were unusual
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 02:57:39 PM
The pukked pork here is usually served sans sauce, and you have 4-5 sauce types on the table.  It's often in sandwich form with cole slaw.

As noted, we don't have any unique style here, so we coopt those of others, which works for me.  This city does not seem to be a BBQ haven, nearly as I can tell, most places are "ethnic", which makes some sense I suppose.  

I walked down to Willy's again for lunch.  The couple ahead of me ordered in Spanish, and the three ladies behind me ordered in Spanish.  I guess that's a good sign.  The workers are all Hispanic except the guy at the register.

Do y'all have "Nashville Hot Chicken" yet?  It's quite popular here.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 03:03:56 PM
I definitely started seeing it on menus here in Austin in the mid-90s, because that coincided with when I started traveling extensively for work after graduating from college in '94.  In 1996 I spent 3 months in Raleigh at IBM, completing final test on an ion implanter we were installing in one of their newest fabs.  I went to every BBQ place in a 100 mile radius that was recommended by the locals, and kept on finding vinegary crap.

Then, upon returning to Austin, I noticed it had crept onto several of the local restaurants' menus, and was similarly disappointing.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 03:06:11 PM
The pukked pork here is usually served sans sauce, and you have 4-5 sauce types on the table.  It's often in sandwich form with cole slaw.

As noted, we don't have any unique style here, so we coopt those of others, which works for me.  This city does not seem to be a BBQ haven, nearly as I can tell, most places are "ethnic", which makes some sense I suppose. 

I walked down to Willy's again for lunch.  The couple ahead of me ordered in Spanish, and the three ladies behind me ordered in Spanish.  I guess that's a good sign.  The workers are all Hispanic except the guy at the register.

Do y'all have "Nashville Hot Chicken" yet?  It's quite popular here.
If they'd leave it unsauced before serving that would be fine, but most places in Carolina, or doing Carolina style, sauce it after pulling it, and before serving to you.  It's one of their ways to make it more moist before serving.

And Nashville Hot Chicken has become a huge trend here in Austin, for sure.  Gus's has at least one location here, and Hattie B's is about to open, plus several local places that are featuring that style.  I like it quite a bit, I have to say.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 03:07:12 PM
Oh and lots of pulled pork places also tend to throw it on a sandwich with cole slaw on it, without even asking.  Gross.  I hate cole slaw.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 03:08:07 PM
I like vodka flavored with juniper berries, that's different.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 03:36:41 PM
I like it too.  It's been around for about 500 years but I guess we can call that "new" or "different" if we choose.  We've already established that folks around here have no respect for the actual definitions of words, so...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on October 10, 2022, 05:34:11 PM
I like vodka flavored with juniper berries, that's different.
It's usually in bottles labeled "Gin".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 05:48:16 PM

I drink gin martinis exclusively, but every time a martini purist exclaims that only gin and not vodka can be in a martini, I always enjoy reminding them that gin is nothing more than juniper-flavored vodka.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2022, 06:16:51 PM
I think I noted previously that I recognize only two types of distilled spirits, basically clear and brown (aged in wood).  If you distill any fermented alcohol sufficiently well, you basically end up with about 140 proof "white dog" or alcohol and water, and some cogeners in minor quantities.  Then anything done is adding something to flavor it (like barrel aging).  I've been told the "mash" is important, and I suppose it's possible a sufficient amount of "impurity" comes over in the distillation to make a taste difference.

Maybe so.  You can only get to 190 proof (95%) with normal distillation.  There is 200 proof made using a special technique, but when you open the bottle to the air, it fairly quickly drops down to 190 proof.  My understanding is that high quality liquor makers distill 2-10 times taking a selective cut each time.  Woodford, which I like, is distilled 3x, or so they say.  One idea is to get those cogeners, impurities that are generally bad, out of the liquor.  Then you add water to bring the proof down to around 90 and age in in charred barrels (to make bourbon, which has to be made in the US, not just KY).  Paris, KY is the county seat of Bourbon County, KY, which has no distilleries.

New Orleans plays into this story, that city where I couldn't find a really good meal.  (In my defense, my wife claims I do a great job in France where apparently it's rare to stumble across a really good meal ....)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 10, 2022, 08:43:02 PM

I drink gin martinis exclusively, but every time a martini purist exclaims that only gin and not vodka can be in a martini, I always enjoy reminding them that gin is nothing more than juniper-flavored vodka.
and I don't doubt this
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 10, 2022, 09:00:24 PM
Similarly I don't like pickles, so if someone makes the greatest sandwich of all time, but puts pickles on it, then for me it's impossible for it to be considered the greatest sandwich of all time.  It just tastes like gross pickles to me.
I was in Madison, WI one beautiful fall Saturday morning.. at a tailgate with a few badger fans. (Maybe more than a few)
late in the morning a few VERY attrative young ladies arrived and asked if they could get a decent Bloody Mary.
I went to the bar (a table loaded with bottles) and did my best.  I returned to the very attractive young ladies and handed them the bloody marys.
a little hotty that went by Razorchique looked at the glass and said, "Oh my, you've ruined it!!!"
I inquired to the problem and she stated that the pickle spear had ruined the bloody mary.
I said I was sorry and that I would make things right.
As it was late in the morning, I had used the last of the bloody mary ingredients and couldn't make a different drink.
I turned my back and removed the pickle.  Took the drink back to her and she said, no I saw what you did and it's still got pickle juice in it.

I assured her that I brewed very flavorful drinks and she would not be able to discern any flavor of pickle juice a Tall.  Just try it please.

She reluctantly tried it after I explained it was the last bloody available at the tailgate.

She seemed to enjoy it and a couple weeks later emailed me for the recipe, saying it was the best Bloody Mary she had ever tasted. 
I'm guessing she was just so sweet that she didn't want to hurt my feelings.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2022, 09:39:06 PM
I've met that gal and she is indeed sweet. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 11, 2022, 08:43:13 AM
I'm on FB with razorchique and lildawg47.  RC just got married recently.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 11, 2022, 09:19:04 AM
lildawg47 didn't mention a distaste for pickles.  Seemed to enjoy her Bloody that late morning
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 11, 2022, 09:31:02 AM
I was at a Wisconsin game with lildawg and TigerKing a while back.  TK is on FB a bit, but not here, same with LD and RC.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 11, 2022, 10:42:20 AM
Not a fan of bloodys anyway, I'll take a screwdriver, madras, or greyhound any day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 11, 2022, 10:45:52 AM
The bar next to us has rather good BMs IMHO.  I rarely drink them elsewhere unless the vodka is a really cheap brand.  I think it masks the bad vodka better.

Prices have gone WAY up at bars, it's fairly common around here that a liquory drink will be $15.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 11, 2022, 11:08:54 AM
Not a fan of bloodys anyway, I'll take a screwdriver, madras, or greyhound any day.
you'd probably like mine.  Sans the pickle juice and w/o the olives
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 11, 2022, 12:51:47 PM
you'd probably like mine.  Sans the pickle juice and w/o the olives
It's tomato juice that I don't really like.  Which is odd because I love tomatoes in pretty much any other dish/application.  But tomato juice itself kinda grosses me out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 11, 2022, 01:48:14 PM
I don't drink tomato juice itself, but if you add enough Tito's and other ingredients to make it tasty.............. I'll have 3 or 4
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 11, 2022, 01:50:14 PM
I'll just put that same Tito's with OJ or grapefruit juice.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 11, 2022, 02:16:27 PM
I'd prefer grapefruit among the two
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 11, 2022, 02:23:02 PM
When I was getting ready to start my first year at UT my dad gave me some sage advice

He said "son stay away from the sweet drinks cause they will make you sicker then a dog"

That advice served me well
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 11, 2022, 02:36:24 PM
I favor non-vinegary pulled pork, but I'm happy to eat it still.

There is a tiny village in North Carolina nearly in SC near the coast called Calabash.  They have something like 14 seafood restaurants, and "Calabash style" shrimp is a thing.  And I like it, a lot.  There used to be outside Calabash a really good BBQ place called "Big Nell's Pit Stop".

What is Calabash Shrimp? ( (

Now I'm hungry.
Supposedly, Jimmy Durante and his troupe stopped to eat at a restaurant there and his first wife--Jeanne--loved it. He called her "Mrs. Calabash" as a nickname thereafter. She died in 1943, and he signed off on his radio show with, "Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are." (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 11, 2022, 04:43:45 PM
I recall that show.  If you're ever in coastal Carolina, Calabash is worth a detour I think.

My wife still thinks fresh fried oysters cannot possibly be a thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 11, 2022, 04:52:14 PM
luv oysters

all types of preparations 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 11, 2022, 04:53:46 PM
She loves oysters two, on half shell, with mignonette sauce.  However that is spelled.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 11, 2022, 10:25:51 PM
Oyster on the half shell are good.  Fried oysters are good.  Char-grilled oysters are good.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 11, 2022, 10:29:36 PM
oysters in stew - good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 11, 2022, 10:33:01 PM
Oyster dressing-- good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 16, 2022, 09:57:06 PM
Yo Marcus,

Got a technical question for you since I have one of your companies lovely machines.  It's a little older computer, maybe 2-3 years old, but it's slow as heck.  Like really slow.  We don't really use it for a whole lot, looking at office docs and browsing the internet.  I noticed when we bought it it was kinda slow loading stuff so I had to disable MSFT One Drive, that helped a bunch.  

When I open the task manager I noticed that the CPU is not being taxed but the HDD and memory are.  So there is plenty of space on the HDD (I don't think its a SSD), but the memory is +95% and the disk is high as well.  Do you think I'm just low on memory and it's using virtual memory, which causes everything else to slow?  I looked at everything running and there doesn't seem to be a bunch of crap there to slow it down and I've even disabled a lot of unnecesary background programs but it hasn't seemed to help.  

As I recall this machine has about 8 GB of RAM, I can look it up but it was a decently powered machine when I bought it or so I thought.  It wasn't terribly expensive, around $500.  May just be time for a new one but I thought 5 years was a pretty good benchmark and I know I'm not at that point yet.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 16, 2022, 10:33:02 PM
can you expand the ram or is 8 gig the max
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 16, 2022, 10:49:47 PM
can you expand the ram or is 8 gig the max
I'm not sure, but I think you can.  Used to mod my computers all the time, not so much the last 15 years.  FWIW it's a laptop.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 16, 2022, 10:59:15 PM
if you log out of internet whats the memory usage
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 16, 2022, 10:59:29 PM
It's an Inspiron 3785.  Looks like the max memory is 16 GB.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 16, 2022, 11:01:06 PM
I'm not near the computer now, but I can tinker with it tomorrow.  Used to be that programs would clog up the system unnecessarily and you could disable or uninstall certain offenders.  Are you saying that something is causing the slowdown because it's sending/receiving files from the internet?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 16, 2022, 11:05:40 PM
OK It has 8 GB of Ram like I remembered (4 GB x 2).  Think I'm gonna double it (8 GB x 2).  

8 GB should be enough for what I'm using it for, seems like something else is going on.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 16, 2022, 11:07:30 PM
something has to be working in the background to use memory it also could be a virus

when I turn my internet off it reduces memory usage by 10%

go to your control panel and see if any programs have been installed recently that you dont know about

just some thoughts
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 16, 2022, 11:16:46 PM
heres another thing one user did

I found something that worked for me. Been stuck with this laptop for 2 years (but never used it as it was a personal laptop)
* Shut down laptop
* During restart tap F2
* In Bios setup -> Untick Intel Step Speed option (can't remember which category it shown under but I think it was performance)
* Exit
* Machine will restart and work fine after that like we expect it to. Note: When I was researching, this fix had a disclaimer, it may affect battery life as this option is ticked by default to preserve battery. However, it was a no brainer for me to at least use the laptop than save battery.
Hope this helps.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 18, 2022, 12:04:10 PM
Where is ol' Crimson Galoot anyway?  He was a bit of a computer guru....never met him but he helped me via email a while back to do some decently advanced stuff to my laptop.

I may still have his email address, need to check and tell him to stop by.  

Also, where is MextheDog and Shiner?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 27, 2022, 05:56:43 AM
Cincinnati chili celebrates 100 years: Here's who we have to thank for it ( (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 27, 2022, 07:18:14 AM
Wrong forum, the yankee Greek spaghetti sauce thread is over there ------------------>
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 27, 2022, 09:37:40 AM
That thing has a cartoon of a Texan asserting "Ya can't just call anything chili" and then goes on to explain how they added chili powder to their not-chili.  It left out the cartoon of the grouchy Louisianan who replies "Ya can't just put chili powder in something and call it chili."  

Heysoos know how many dishes I grew up with that would be called "chili" if that were the case?  

I also appreciate how the map of "greater Cincinnati" clearly includes large parts of Kentucky and even Indiana.  Okay.  

Speaking of chili, my 4th Annual Cocktail Party Viewing and chili plans for the weekend are canceled due to being out of town for a funeral.  I got married right before football season so as not to put anybody out, and I hope I have the good sense one day to leave this world in the off-season also.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 27, 2022, 10:23:36 AM
My taco meat has chili powder in it.  It's not chili.

Although I have made chili tacos in the past, quite tasty.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 27, 2022, 11:12:30 AM
I also appreciate how the map of "greater Cincinnati" clearly includes large parts of Kentucky and even Indiana.  Okay. 
Northern KY is indeed metro Cincy with many chili places.  Indiana is less so, quite rural out there, though the loop freeway runs through Indy (I275).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 27, 2022, 11:15:54 AM
The Varsity (

Speaking of chili dogs, this joint is "in"famous in the ATL.    I took my wife there, once, I'm not sure why I viewed it as a treat when I was a kid.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 27, 2022, 11:24:35 AM
I'd probably enjoy any and all of that.  

We don't really have any chili-dog joints around here.  Houston has James Coney Island, but they've never made it to Austin.

Sonic makes a chili dog, but I've never had it.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 27, 2022, 11:50:13 AM
I'm meeting some people for lunch at Coney I-Lander.

Chili, cheese, no onions for me.

I once heard an oral history of how the "Coney Island" hot dog store came to Tulsa as told by Cristos Economou, they Greek immigrant who came here in--IIRC--the 1920s. There were such stores around the country. I don't know if it was a franchise or something looser than that.

A key point he made about the chili he used (developed?) was that it has to be mild so that it does overwhelm the wiener.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 27, 2022, 11:56:41 AM
I swear, sometimes I just wish everybody would just STFU about chili. Talk about politics, religion , whatever. I bet if you do a search for chili on this site you would get more hits than Biden or Trump combined. 


Ok, I’m only half joking. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 27, 2022, 11:58:38 AM
the Porch runs on chili

it's the fuel!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 27, 2022, 11:59:56 AM
I swear, sometimes I just wish everybody would just STFU about chili. Talk about politics, religion , whatever. I bet if you do a search for chili on this site you would get more hits than Biden or Trump combined.


Ok, I’m only half joking.
Considering we tend not to talk politics around here, aside from a couple of posters that just can't seem to help themselves, you're probably right.

But, why WOULDN'T we want to talk about chili?  It's delicious, and we're finally getting some slightly cooler weather which is right when I start to crave it.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 27, 2022, 12:00:40 PM
I hate when the chili overwhelms my weiner.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 27, 2022, 12:02:35 PM
My wife picked up some "wagyu" ground beef at Costco today so chili is on the horizon.  She also bought some nice looking ahi tuna steaks that will be dinner tonight.  They had Kirkland Brunello for $20 a bottle and I bought "several".  Brunello is high on my list of wines I  like.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 27, 2022, 12:10:25 PM
I swear, sometimes I just wish everybody would just STFU about chili. Talk about politics, religion , whatever. I bet if you do a search for chili on this site you would get more hits than Biden or Trump combined.


Ok, I’m only half joking.

Not many people participated in my old gumbo thread.  

Gumbo--by my people's standards at least--has a lot of leeway.  You can have two very different concoctions that we'll still identify as gumbo.  

At the Ole Miss game I saw some tiger fans with signs that said "Lane Kiffin puts tomatoes in gumbo."  That'd be a 'no' for me in chicken/turkey/seafood gumbo, but I don't think I see a problem there if it's okra gumbo.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 27, 2022, 12:12:27 PM
I love okra in soups of all kinds and formulate gumbo myself usually depending on what is in the fridge.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 27, 2022, 12:14:59 PM
Not many people participated in my old gumbo thread. 

Gumbo--by my people's standards at least--has a lot of leeway.  You can have two very different concoctions that we'll still identify as gumbo. 

At the Ole Miss game I saw some tiger fans with signs that said "Lane Kiffin puts tomatoes in gumbo."  That'd be a 'no' for me in chicken/turkey/seafood gumbo, but I don't think I see a problem there if it's okra gumbo. 

Don't some Louisiana folk say that okra doesn't belong in gumbo?

As for me, I don't know anything about it, other than it's tasty and I like to eat it, so I couldn't contribute much to a thread on the subject.  I've made it a couple of times based on recipes of varying "authenticity" and it's been okay but definitely not as good as what I can get in a decent Louisiana-oriented restaurant.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 27, 2022, 12:19:39 PM
My gumbo has a lot of onion, bell pepper, celery, and okra plus the meats of whatever kind.  And tomatoes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 27, 2022, 12:20:20 PM
I love okra in soups of all kinds and formulate gumbo myself usually depending on what is in the fridge.

Beats how Cajuns probably originally did it, which was likely formulated by whatever was in the ditch.  

There is something called okra soup, which is rather good, and a great choice for cold weather.  My family's version of it will really clear out the sinuses if you come in stuffy from the cold.  It's not spicy per se, as in it's not going to burn your tongue and demand lots of liquid, but I've never made it through a bowl without having to go blow my nose.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 27, 2022, 12:31:06 PM
Don't some Louisiana folk say that okra doesn't belong in gumbo?

As for me, I don't know anything about it, other than it's tasty and I like to eat it, so I couldn't contribute much to a thread on the subject.  I've made it a couple of times based on recipes of varying "authenticity" and it's been okay but definitely not as good as what I can get in a decent Louisiana-oriented restaurant.

Probably so, but in general any adequately dark roux-based soup will fly with a lot of people in Acadiana.  

I've had okay gumbo in restaurants but found it's similar to how you've described bbq before....some restaurants are fine but never as good as what you can do in your backyard or someone's who knows what they're doing.  Some of the best I've ever had I remain convinced would not fly in public restaurants that have to maintain codes and health standards.  My brother-in-law's family makes a chicken and sausage gumbo that would scare off a lot of people just by looking at it and I swear to this day I don't think I want to know exactly what's in it, but omg was it good.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 27, 2022, 12:34:00 PM
The KFC near me (Korean Fried Chicken) has a side dish of mac and cheese and kimchi.  Yum.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 27, 2022, 12:40:32 PM
Probably so, but in general any adequately dark roux-based soup will fly with a lot of people in Acadiana. 

I've had okay gumbo in restaurants but found it's similar to how you've described bbq before....some restaurants are fine but never as good as what you can do in your backyard or someone's who knows what they're doing.  Some of the best I've ever had I remain convinced would not fly in public restaurants that have to maintain codes and health standards.  My brother-in-law's family makes a chicken and sausage gumbo that would scare off a lot of people just by looking at it and I swear to this day I don't think I want to know exactly what's in it, but omg was it good. 
Oh yeah, I for sure believe that an old Cajun gramma is gonna make a better gumbo than a restaurant.  Unfortunately I'm short a couple of old Cajun grammas, so I have to make do.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 27, 2022, 12:47:09 PM
Honestly one of the main problems is anything in a restaurant is going to be fresh.  You can mitigate this drawback in your home cooking by other means, but gumbo is usually going to be better next-day or even a couple days.  My grandma for years made hers in advance when she knew family was coming and froze it.  After the meat has had more time to soak in the roux, it's way better imo.  

This is not to say I haven't had some great stuff straight out of the pot.  

The other main problem is I just don't care for how most restaurants do their roux.  Usually thinner and lighter than what I was raised on.  That will vary by person, obviously, and some people will prefer that.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 27, 2022, 12:50:39 PM
Considering we tend not to talk politics around here, aside from a couple of posters that just can't seem to help themselves, you're probably right.

But, why WOULDN'T we want to talk about chili?  It's delicious, and we're finally getting some slightly cooler weather which is right when I start to crave it.
OK you talked me into it.  I like to each chili on a cool to cold day, however the wife makes it. End of story.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 27, 2022, 01:03:45 PM
I rue bad roux ...

C'est true.

We got to Costco and needed gas and a pump was wide open for me.  Regular was $3, our car likes premiums which was $3.40.

I do own some Costco stock, full disclosure.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 27, 2022, 01:30:37 PM
what's the difference between Gumbo (Dark Roux is Hard to Deux) and  Jambalaya?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 27, 2022, 07:28:35 PM
Lots of nuclear fears lately. 

Do you ever wonder if we should’ve just bombed the Ruskies ( with nukes ) directly after WWII, either right after they first got the bomb ( 1947 I believe) or maybe between then but before they could’ve really struck back ?  

I mean yes maybe they could’ve landed a bomb or two over here, but before ICBMs what kind of real way would they have had to hit the continental US hard ?  

ICBMs didn’t come about until the mid to late 50’s, jet bombers probably about the same time, maybe some bigger fighters that could carry a bomb or two but they wouldn’t have the range. 

Sure, Europe would’ve been toast, but they kinda already were toast. 

For sure a lot of the ensuing wars could’ve maybe been avoided. Korea, Nam, all the other little Cold War skirmishes. 

May have even been able to hit one or two well placed strategic targets, minimized collateral losses, and avoided lots of other bloodshed. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 27, 2022, 10:24:30 PM
Lots of nuclear fears lately.

Do you ever wonder if we should’ve just bombed the Ruskies ( with nukes ) directly after WWII, either right after they first got the bomb ( 1947 I believe) or maybe between then but before they could’ve really struck back ? 

I mean yes maybe they could’ve landed a bomb or two over here, but before ICBMs what kind of real way would they have had to hit the continental US hard ? 

ICBMs didn’t come about until the mid to late 50’s, jet bombers probably about the same time, maybe some bigger fighters that could carry a bomb or two but they wouldn’t have the range.

Sure, Europe would’ve been toast, but they kinda already were toast.

For sure a lot of the ensuing wars could’ve maybe been avoided. Korea, Nam, all the other little Cold War skirmishes.

May have even been able to hit one or two well placed strategic targets, minimized collateral losses, and avoided lots of other bloodshed.
The Soviets exploded their first atomic bomb in August 1949, 49-1/2 months after we did the first explosion at the Trinity site near Alamogordo AAF, NM. They did it with the help of the Klaus Fuchs spy ring that included the (in)famous Rosenbergs, who were later executed for their treachery.
It's a hypothetical question, of course. There was no way that we would have done that. Patton merely suggested a land war against the USSR and got relieved of command of 3rd Army.
To have dropped atomic bombs on the USSR would have undercut everything that we had said we had been fighting for. (Of course, we had conducted a huge domestic propaganda campaign to convince the American people that the Soviets were our friends and were fighting for freedom, just like we were.)
Had we done it, it wouldn't have wiped out evil in the world. There still would have been bad guys, and we would have looked like the bad guys to most of the world.
I think we might have done a better job of influencing Russia's course after the USSR collapsed, but that is Monday-morning quarterbacking at its finest.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2022, 12:24:56 AM
Not many people participated in my old gumbo thread. 

Gumbo--by my people's standards at least--has a lot of leeway.  You can have two very different concoctions that we'll still identify as gumbo. 

At the Ole Miss game I saw some tiger fans with signs that said "Lane Kiffin puts tomatoes in gumbo."  That'd be a 'no' for me in chicken/turkey/seafood gumbo, but I don't think I see a problem there if it's okra gumbo.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2022, 12:33:25 AM
or this to get into the right frame of mind for gumbo
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 28, 2022, 01:09:11 AM
Tell me more about this spy ring. I know about the Rosenbergs, but what was their motivation?  Was it money? Ideals?  How did they have access to so many nuclear secrets. I know their children went to clear their name decades later and instead discovered they were guilty as charged. 

The world would’ve been a much different place if the Russians had to wait 5-10 more years to get nuclear weapons. Maybe. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 28, 2022, 09:33:16 AM
what's the difference between Gumbo (Dark Roux is Hard to Deux) and  Jambalaya?

Hank Williams sang a song titled about one, and not the other.  Although it does mention gumbo in the song.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 28, 2022, 09:35:27 AM
now that's some country music
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 28, 2022, 09:56:00 AM
now that's some country music
I love it.  I'd say that's what I grew up with, but what I grew up with was actually more along the lines of Outlaw Country/Progressive Country-- Willie and Waylon, Kris Kristofferson, Jessi Colter, Jerry Jeff Walker, Gary P Nunn, Ray Wiley Hubbard, Billy Joe Shaver, etc.  That was what my Dad was playing on his much lauded and ground-breaking radio station KOKE-FM in Austin, and so that's what we listened to primarily. And I still love it, to this day.

But it wasn't until I was a little older, maybe 12 or 13, entering junior high in the mid 80s and starting to develop my own musical taste, that I discovered huge stacks of albums and 45s in one of our big storage closets.  These were the records that my parents had stashed and rarely listened to anymore, and records that had come from the radio station before my dad had altered its format to "Progressive Country."  Among those were Hank Williams, George Jones, Buck Ownes, Ernest Tubb.  I started playing those regularly in my room, on my own turntable sound system, and I can recall one day when my dad heard it from outside my room, knocked on the door and came in, and was really surprised at what I was listening to.  We sat and listened to a bunch of Buck Owens stuff and I could tell he was really happy I was into it.  After that, a lot of those records made it back into his regular rotation at our house.

Sorry for the "cool story bro" it just jogged a memory from back in the day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 28, 2022, 10:09:27 AM
Man Marcus, so your parents ran a radio station and a restaurant?  Must've been quite the experience growing up.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 28, 2022, 10:12:42 AM
Man Marcus, so your parents ran a radio station and a restaurant?  Must've been quite the experience growing up. 
Heh, yeah, the restaurant business was intended to be a side gig, an investment.  But then my dad left the radio station and it became the full time thing.

Have I mentioned-- don't ever go into the restaurant business? :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2022, 11:27:37 AM
Heh, yeah, the restaurant business was intended to be a side gig, an investment.  But then my dad left the radio station and it became the full time thing.

Have I mentioned-- don't ever go into the restaurant business? :)

My take is dont go into the restaurant business if you like money

Having spent the last 21 years of my working career in the restaurant business thats my quick take

But if you do go into the restaurant business be proud of your product and strive to be the best cause thats where the satisfaction is

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 28, 2022, 11:36:14 AM
My take is dont go into the restaurant business if you like money

Having spent the last 21 years of my working career in the restaurant business thats my quick take

But if you do go into the restaurant business be proud of your product and strive to be the best cause thats where the satisfaction is
I thought you were an accountant?  Obviously you can be an accountant for a restaurant, just curious.  

Either way I agree.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 28, 2022, 11:39:42 AM
There are a couple places near us we try and support, having met their owners and realizing the tough environment.  Both are on side streets, and that is a huge factor, more so that value of the product.  A Taco Mac on Peachtree will be near full selling mediocre product when the Korean Fried Chicken place just around the corner has 2-3-4 diners (a fair bit of takeout).  Their wings are the best I've ever had, by far.  I'm sure he pays lower rent of course, but the tradeoff is less visibility.

Mukja Korean Fried Chicken - Chicken Restaurant in Atlanta, GA ( (

The other place servies Japanese noddles and karage chicken.

Silverlake Ramen (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2022, 12:06:48 PM
I thought you were an accountant?  Obviously you can be an accountant for a restaurant, just curious. 

Either way I agree. 
CFO for Luthers BBQ 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2022, 12:09:34 PM
Here is some historic stuff on LUTHERS
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 28, 2022, 12:10:51 PM
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]Luther’s Bar-B-Q was a Houston staple for over 30 years. The restaurant was founded as the third venture of an entrepreneur who went by “Chandler” (His family name). A stockbroker by trade, Chandler’s first venture into food service was [/color][color=var(--dynamico--link-color)]The Great Mining Company[/color] ([color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)] a Colorado/Gold Mining themed steakhouse. Which seems to have been inspired by the popular Aspen Mining Company in San Diego. The unofficial Houston counterpart was located at 2626 Tanglewilde. Positioned in the rear of the Woodlake Square Shopping Center, the new restaurant was in quite a hip area, and had a price tag to reflect this. The dining room included huge rocks hoisted in by crane prior to construction, support timbers, antiques, and mining equipment, all delivered from Colorado. The exterior of the building made it look almost like you were entering a mountain. The landscaping was filled in using mature East Texas pine trees. The detailed thought Chandler put into planning The Great Mining Company helped it to become a great success.[/color]
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 28, 2022, 12:28:36 PM
Tell me more about this spy ring. I know about the Rosenbergs, but what was their motivation?  Was it money? Ideals?  How did they have access to so many nuclear secrets. I know their children went to clear their name decades later and instead discovered they were guilty as charged.

The world would’ve been a much different place if the Russians had to wait 5-10 more years to get nuclear weapons. Maybe.
Klaus Fuchs was the son of a Lutheran pastor (he later became a Quaker) in Germany who joined the Social-Democrat party, got expelled from it, and joined the Communist party. He fled Germany after the 1933 Reichstag fire and ended up in the UK, where he earned two doctorates in physics. He joined Tube Alloys, the British atomic program as a theoretical physicist. By 1942, he was passing secrets to the Soviets. When Tube Alloys got rolled up into the American Manhattan Project, he was assigned to the bomb-development laboratory at Los Alamos, NM, under Robert Oppenheimer. And he continued to pass information to the Soviets.

I need to interject something here. In Great Depression America, free-market capitalism was in disrepute, blamed for the Wall Street crash and for the depression itself. Socialism, Communism, and Fascism were competing to be the wave of the future. Many decent, seemingly intelligent, Americans bought into those ideologies. American poet Ezra Pound embraced Mussolini's fascist system and moved to Italy. A raft of American writers, actors, musicians, etc., either sympathized with or outright joined the Communist Party USA. Communism is presented as genuine Americanism in this pamphlet.


The USSR was actively recruiting American communists to help with the war effort. They emphasized that the Soviet Union was an ally, that they were all in it together to beat the Nazis.
So, among the hundreds, maybe even thousands, of Americans who did their part to help the embattled Soviet Union were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Ethel's brother David Greenglass. Julius Rosenberg joined the Army and worked at the Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories at Fort Monmouth, NJ, in 1940, where he worked as an engineer-inspector until 1945. The Monmouth Labs did important research on electronics, communications, radar and guided missile controls. Among the companies contracted to develop and produce war materiel based on Monmouth research was Emerson Radio. Julius passed copious amounts of highly classified information, including a complete proximity fuse, to the Soviets. Ethel was not an active spy herself. She basically organized Julius' paperwork.
The Soviet agent running Julius Rosenberg learned that Ethel's brother David Greenglass was working at the Los Alamos lab, and through her, Greenglass was recruited.
Fuchs confessed in 1950 and spent 9 years in prison in Britain. After his release, he emigrated to East Germany and worked there.
Greenglass also confessed in 1950, and implicated his brother-in-law, Julius Rosenberg. He served 9-1/2 years in prison.
The Rosenbergs stuck to their claims of innocence. Ethel--who was a small fish compared to the others--was prosecuted as a lever to make Julius talk, but it failed. Julius could have saved Ethel by confessing, but they both staunchly maintained their innocence right up to their executions on 19 June 1953.
As for motives--who knows? Misguided patriotism, communist ideals, money, maybe a combination of them?
Many historians don't believe that the information obtained from Fuchs and Greenglass provided much direct assistance to the Soviet atomic-bomb project. The Soviet scientists never had access to it. The non-scientist overseeing the project used the information as a check on what his own scientists were telling him. His knowledge probably saved some time by steering the Soviet physicists away from dead ends.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 28, 2022, 02:51:33 PM
My take is dont go into the restaurant business if you like money

Having spent the last 21 years of my working career in the restaurant business thats my quick take

But if you do go into the restaurant business be proud of your product and strive to be the best cause thats where the satisfaction is

Well... yeah.  Earning a living is kind of important.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 28, 2022, 02:53:13 PM
I know a way to make a small fortune in that business ........
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 28, 2022, 02:56:17 PM
I know a way to make a small fortune in that business ........
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2022, 02:58:55 PM
I know a way to make a small fortune in that business ........
please do tell us
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 28, 2022, 03:11:17 PM
...wait for it...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 28, 2022, 03:17:07 PM
The joke is “ how to end up with a small fortune.  Start with a large one”. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2022, 03:50:35 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2022, 03:53:27 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 28, 2022, 05:46:20 PM
I once played Tevye in a high school production of Fiddler.  True story.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 28, 2022, 06:46:19 PM
I once played Tevye in a high school production of Fiddler.  True story.
That seems like it would have been challenging 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 28, 2022, 10:05:30 PM
As one who worked at restaurants (charburger joints) in both high school and college, I would never want to own one. Seems like they are always one bad month from having to close their doors for good. Profit margins are thin, there's a lot of wastage of food and paper products, and the employees will steal the restaurant blind.

The good thing I got out of my restaurant days is learning how to make the world's best big fat onion rings.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 29, 2022, 08:23:17 AM
I think we have so many chains because they perfected (more or less) a "System" that works.   The one off places are learning on the job.  Having really good food is not nearly enough.  You have to do everything right, including hiring of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 29, 2022, 10:57:51 AM
Yeah, national chains are predictable and consistent.  Sometimes that's all people want out of a meal.  I typically avoid them but I'll admit that back when I used to travel a lot, sometimes if I were in a brand new place and hadn't had time to discover the best local stuff, I'd hit a national chain for lunch or dinner just because I didn't want to take a chance on an unknown.

As soon as I had time to collect local recommendations, those are the places I'd go.  And found quite a few favorites that way, like Matt's Bar in Minneapolis for a Jucy Lucy. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 29, 2022, 11:02:11 AM
When traveling, predictable is preferred often as not, until one gets reccos, but chains have their system which usually works economically.  My step son in law was a CIA graduate and worked at one of the major Italian chains, he told me they had good food, and a system (Mac Grill I think it was).  We used to get lunch there in Cincy at times, I usually had some gift cards and it was decent.

I chuckle today passing two places we tried to help out during COVID getting take out, both places today are slammed.  We rarely dine at either now, one is next door (and noisy at night).

They fly a Michigan State flag on Game Day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 29, 2022, 11:18:56 AM
Rib Crib is a great example. It's only so-so, but so-so beats bad.

I once drove to Coweta, 25 mi. SE of Tulsa, with my late friend Greg. We had heard some radio commercials for a BBQ joint called "Runt's" there. Sounded great.

It was terrible. The chopped brisket sandwich was like what school cafeterias optimistically call sloppy joes.

Made Rib Crib seem world-class by comparison.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 29, 2022, 11:26:23 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2022, 10:14:12 AM
In Great Depression America, free-market capitalism was in disrepute, blamed for the Wall Street crash and for the depression itself. Socialism, Communism, and Fascism were competing to be the wave of the future. 

Not sure I understand the dynamic here.  Socialism and Communism are economic paradigms, capable of competing with free-market capitalism as alternatives.  Fascism is a political philosophy and I don't see exactly how it ties in, other than it seems to frequently go with the other two.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2022, 10:21:24 AM
what's the difference between Gumbo (Dark Roux is Hard to Deux) and  Jambalaya?

Different flavors for sure, but the most glaring difference I suppose would be the consistency.  Gumbo is a type of soup, it has to go in a bowl or it's not gumbo.  Jambalaya can be eaten on a plate with a fork.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 02, 2022, 10:24:45 AM
Not sure I understand the dynamic here.  Socialism and Communism are economic paradigms, capable of competing with free-market capitalism as alternatives.  Fascism is a political philosophy and I don't see exactly how it ties in, other than it seems to frequently go with the other two. 
I never gave it much thought. 
What is your definition of fascism ?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 02, 2022, 11:05:23 AM
Not sure I understand the dynamic here.  Socialism and Communism are economic paradigms, capable of competing with free-market capitalism as alternatives.  Fascism is a political philosophy and I don't see exactly how it ties in, other than it seems to frequently go with the other two.
Communism as implemented (as opposed to how Marx imagined it would be) is also an authoritarian/totalitarian political system.
And fascism includes an economic idea called corporatism, which means private ownership but government direction of the "means of production."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 02, 2022, 11:05:56 AM
Different flavors for sure, but the most glaring difference I suppose would be the consistency.  Gumbo is a type of soup, it has to go in a bowl or it's not gumbo.  Jambalaya can be eaten on a plate with a fork. 
thanks, they seem similar to me

I thought perhaps it was the tomatoes 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 02, 2022, 11:07:33 AM
Not sure I understand the dynamic here.  Socialism and Communism are economic paradigms, capable of competing with free-market capitalism as alternatives.  Fascism is a political philosophy and I don't see exactly how it ties in, other than it seems to frequently go with the other two. 
Fascism is a political philosophy but has economic implications, I think.  I don't think a fascist government could tolerate a free market economy, it could abide a crony capitalistic economy.  Fascism means centralized power, right?  Nationalism, expansionism often as not, but not in every case.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2022, 11:11:43 AM
thanks, they seem similar to me

I thought perhaps it was the tomatoes



Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2022, 11:14:37 AM

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 02, 2022, 11:16:47 AM
more rice to soak up the liquid!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 02, 2022, 11:18:35 AM
Chicken & Sausage Gumbo (Dark Roux is Hard to Deux)
A Cajun Classic. Start with dark roux and vegetables. Add Jalapeno sausage and
smoked chicken, and a pile of steaming white rice. 15.95 (Add shrimp $4)

Smokehouse Jambalaya (Jethro’s Smokes it to make it special)
Ripe plum tomatoes simmered down with smoked gulf shrimp, chicken, andouille
sausage and nice white rice to make this Spicy Creole Creation. 18.95
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2022, 11:21:03 AM
Tomatoes belong in jambalaya more than in gumbo, imo.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 02, 2022, 11:26:15 AM
I made "chili" Monday night and the wife liked it more than usual, she said.  She is averse to heat, so I toned it down a bit, but I also had more beef and less other in it.

I used the Costco "Waygu" ground beef, a lot of onion, bell pepper, diced tomatoes, garlic, seasoning, chili powder my friend makes.

I served it over rice.  I'll likely heat it up for lunch unless I go down the street to get a "Baha Burrito".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2022, 11:45:32 AM
I love chili over rice.  I thought only us Louisianans did that.  utee will be along shortly to tell us how that's not actually chili.

He's right.  It's "chili over rice."  

Wife just made some, she used some kind of turkey meat and I couldn't much tell the difference.  She likes hers over Fritos.  I call that Frito Pie, and although I put mine over rice, Frito Pie is delicious.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 02, 2022, 11:54:38 AM
There was a chili place in Chapel Hill that served it over rice as an option.  I recall they gave credit to Louisiana.  I was happy, and astonished to see so many chili parlors in Cincinnati, they are everywhere.

Then I had their "chili".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2022, 12:28:01 PM
I was saddened to read in your previous link that chocolate in Cincinnati chili is not a real thing.  It always makes me feel better to know that there are people out there dumber than me.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2022, 12:29:22 PM
I never gave it much thought.
What is your definition of fascism ? 

Totalitarianism/authoritarianism but with a hyper-nationalist twist.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 02, 2022, 01:25:19 PM
Totalitarianism/authoritarianism but with a hyper-nationalist twist.
It's got an economic component--corporatism, a.k.a. "crony capitalism"--as I described upthread.
Fascism includes something that many people like--being part of a team, with uniforms and a leadership chain.
Boy Scouts, athletic teams, marching bands, military units--they all appeal to their members the way fascism appeals to its followers.
Communism--as it exists in the real world--has the same sort of appeal.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 02, 2022, 02:00:48 PM
I think we all agree with a different twist.  Mussolini was nominally the first "fascist" (using that name anyway).  He was what I'd call an ultra-nationalist with crony capitalism, which I think describes the Nazis pretty well also.  The big industrialists did well under both, until they didn't.

Porsche built a lot of tanks for the Wehrmacht.

BMW built airplane engines.  Krupp, Baeyer, ... 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 02, 2022, 02:57:38 PM
I think we all agree with a different twist.  Mussolini was nominally the first "fascist" (using that name anyway).  He was what I'd call an ultra-nationalist with crony capitalism, which I think describes the Nazis pretty well also.  The big industrialists did well under both, until they didn't.

Porsche built a lot of tanks for the Wehrmacht.

BMW built airplane engines.  Krupp, Baeyer, ...
It's funny, though. Hitler and Mussolini--Nazis and Fascists--were enemies before they became allies. One of the things Hitler did after the Anschluss was to purge the Fascists in the Austrian government.
Fascism, Communism, Nazism--they were all rivals to lead the way into the Brave New World. They all featured a uniformed Fearless Leader, they all paraded their military might, they all featured images of bosomy peasant girls harvesting the crops, they all "militarized" the agencies of civil government in the sense of the sub-leaders wearing uniforms and having military-ish rank titles.
Compared to all that cool stuff, free-market capitalism and liberal democracy was seen as base, weak, and corrupt.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 02, 2022, 03:13:15 PM
Bosomy peasant girls?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2022, 03:18:53 PM
Without a long-term view I can see people thinking that.  The free market is slow, it's unwieldy, and will not adapt to changes overnight.  It's "stupid" (blind)'s the subconscious, doing its thing slowly and without awareness. 

The other "isms" rely on central planning, which responds quickly and decisively.  There's instant direction and purposeful response to economic conditions.  It's the conscious...aware and works with intent.  

It's also hopelessly inadequate for soving the vast complexities of the real world, and in the long run can't possibly solve supply and demand problems that capitalism will eventually sort out.  The free market is the giant neural network of the human race, running algorithms in the background of society to solve problems that a bunch of clever guys in an office can't possibly hope to manage long term.  No person or group of people can navigate the complexity of the real world for very long.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 02, 2022, 05:17:27 PM
I made "chili" Monday night and the wife liked it more than usual, she said.  She is averse to heat, so I toned it down a bit, but I also had more beef and less other in it.

I used the Costco "Waygu" ground beef, a lot of onion, bell pepper, diced tomatoes, garlic, seasoning, chili powder my friend makes.

I served it over rice.  I'll likely heat it up for lunch unless I go down the street to get a "Baha Burrito".
similar to what Iowans call chili, they like beans in it.
and only serve it in a bowl with saltine crackers, never over rice or noodles
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 02, 2022, 05:41:47 PM
This is the only kind of "chili" I've ever had save that Cincy stuff.  I don't really care what someone calls it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 03, 2022, 11:29:31 AM
go to a couple chili cook off competitions

you will experience many types of "chili"

white chili with chicken - sweet chili - some things I sure as hell wouldn't call chili

at least that happens here
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 03, 2022, 11:46:19 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot "white chili".  What I've had was very good.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 03, 2022, 11:46:32 AM
The climate ‘crisis’ isn’t what it used to be | Climate Etc. ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 03, 2022, 11:54:36 AM
The climate ‘crisis’ isn’t what it used to be | Climate Etc. ( (
This has not affected my life so why should I worry

The temp feels the same as it always has
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 03, 2022, 12:10:01 PM
The national debt has not affected my life (much), but I do worry about it and the future.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 03, 2022, 12:35:20 PM
The climate ‘crisis’ isn’t what it used to be | Climate Etc. ( (
It's hard to follow that article when it's full of arcane and undefined terminology.
I gather that its bottom line is that things aren't quite as bad as some have led us to believe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 03, 2022, 12:57:39 PM
You don't say.  

The "only have 9 years left to turn this around" that they've been telling us for well over 20 isn't what they said?  I'm shocked.  

I'm not a climate scientist.  I like to read books by people who are.  Haven't done much of that since I got back in school.  There does seem to be more of a consensus on this than media or the average person is willing to admit.  Something like "Yes, climate change is real.  No, we don't have a great handle on what the consequences will be, nor do we have any feasible solutions at this time that would make a meaningful impact or not create a lot of bad new problems in the process.  We also aren't confident we know how much of what's happening is man-made."  

But then, there are other books, by other people, I'm sure, that I haven't read.  

I'm all for erring on the side of caution.  To the extent that "solutions" don't create new and worse problems in their place, I'm vaguely in favor of steering towards anything that might be helpful.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 03, 2022, 03:19:54 PM
It's hard to follow that article when it's full of arcane and undefined terminology.
I gather that its bottom line is that things aren't quite as bad as some have led us to believe.
Yeah, I've followed this pretty closely over the years.  I used to get Nature and Science across my desk weekly.  Talk about arcane.

Yes, the bottom line is worst case estimates look not as dire as folks said earlier.  The other bottom line is "we" are not really going to do much of anything to limit climate change.  The recent US spending might, at best, reduce T increase by less than a tenth of a degree C, at best, not measurable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 03, 2022, 03:47:11 PM
You don't say. 

The "only have 9 years left to turn this around" that they've been telling us for well over 20 isn't what they said?  I'm shocked. 

I'm not a climate scientist.  I like to read books by people who are.  Haven't done much of that since I got back in school.  There does seem to be more of a consensus on this than media or the average person is willing to admit.  Something like "Yes, climate change is real.  No, we don't have a great handle on what the consequences will be, nor do we have any feasible solutions at this time that would make a meaningful impact or not create a lot of bad new problems in the process.  We also aren't confident we know how much of what's happening is man-made." 

But then, there are other books, by other people, I'm sure, that I haven't read. 

I'm all for erring on the side of caution.  To the extent that "solutions" don't create new and worse problems in their place, I'm vaguely in favor of steering towards anything that might be helpful. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 03, 2022, 03:49:44 PM
The best thing we could actually DO, IMHO, is replace coal with nuclear on the grid.  Get a single design nuclear plant and replicate it across the country.  Allow spent fuel reprocessing.  This would replace dirty baseline power with clean baseline power.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 03, 2022, 04:21:51 PM
The best thing we could actually DO, IMHO, is replace coal with nuclear on the grid.  Get a single design nuclear plant and replicate it across the country.  Allow spent fuel reprocessing.  This would replace dirty baseline power with clean baseline power.
That makes too much sense it will never happen
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 03, 2022, 04:30:14 PM
Sure, it's not at all practicable here.  This is one reason I lose patience with the extremists who are all up in arms about CC, they have no practicable solutions, and won't accept nuclear.  They are whiners.

I whine a lot about whiners.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 03, 2022, 04:52:54 PM
Sure, it's not at all practicable here.  This is one reason I lose patience with the extremists who are all up in arms about CC, they have no practicable solutions, and won't accept nuclear.  They are whiners.

I whine a lot about whiners.

I wonder why China doesnt use nuclear more
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 03, 2022, 05:24:58 PM
The best thing we could actually DO, IMHO, is replace coal with nuclear on the grid.  Get a single design nuclear plant and replicate it across the country.  Allow spent fuel reprocessing.  This would replace dirty baseline power with clean baseline power.
I'm with you on this.
The rebuttal is something along this line: nuclear power produces long-term hazards, so it's just kicking the can down the road.
The rebuttal to that is that if we in imminent danger, then delaying the onset of that danger until we better figure out how to cope with it makes a lot of sense.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 03, 2022, 05:36:33 PM
I wonder why China doesnt use nuclear more
They are building quite a few nuclear plants, but coal is cheaper for them as well.

France reprocesses spent fuel which is why they don't have a major storage issue.  We don't.  We could, but we don't.  We store spent fuel rods on site.

Coal is very nasty all around and generates enormous amounts of "spent fuel waste".  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 04, 2022, 08:53:48 AM
The big advantage of nuclear is that all your waste product is largely contained on site in a local container. Coal combustion launches stuff into the atmosphere that's hard to get back.

Climate change is tough because, while I firmly believe the evidence demonstrates the human race's hand in exacerbating it, the effect can be hard to differentiate from background noise over the period of time we're studying (and can study due to investigative limitations). That is, we just haven't been keeping records long enough to correlate data to a firm degree of confidence.

Engineers like "damped systems". Put a weight on a spring, and let it boing. It oscillates up and down. If it didn't have any "real world" effects like air drag or thermal metallic fatigues, it'd boing forever in a predictable, sinusoidal (the operative word) pattern - up and down. In the "real world", those effects we know will eventually cause it to stop boinging and come to rest at a constant position - it's steady state resting place where the upward pull of the spring exactly counteracts the downward pull of gravity. Those "real world" forces "damp" the system so the oscillations decay and arrive at that final point.

Steering a cruise ship is analogous. When you want a cruise ship to go a different direction, you have to start making the turn in small movements well ahead of the turn. It'll take a while to see any change in the ship's course. You have to stop turning well in advance of the intended course and let the ship's momentum carry it to that point. If you use large inputs, typically too late, the ship is just going to flounder around.

Climate change and economic systems follow these time delayed inputs. You have to make changes well in advance of your intended effect, which requires some imperfect measure of prognostication.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 04, 2022, 09:00:29 AM
The waste following coal burning is also significant, bottom ash in particular.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 04, 2022, 10:53:27 AM
If they do build more nuke plants they need to place them well inland, on stable seismic geology, and in the middle of nowhere. Then put a buffer zone of about 30 miles around them. 

The last one built, the South Texas Prject in Wadsworth Tx is about 30-40 miles from me. Pretty much well in the middle of nowhere. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 04, 2022, 10:55:15 AM
There are two about to be finished in east Georgia that fit the bill, at least I hope they finish up soon.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 07, 2022, 03:35:47 PM
Well, I'm about to jumpstart my side business.  I'm not sure if any of you remember but earlier this year I went (back) into the family business.  That didn't work out so well, and now I'm back on my own.  

I have to say I was pretty stunned at the way things went down, and wasn't sure if I would continue with my stand-alone business or not.  I took a few months to reflect on it, and now I have decided to re-invest in my own business which involves getting some new equipment and taking on some larger jobs.  

I've never felt better about a decision.  I'm risking a lot, but I feel as if if I don't do it now I never will.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 07, 2022, 03:46:28 PM
Well, I'm about to jumpstart my side business.  I'm not sure if any of you remember but earlier this year I went (back) into the family business.  That didn't work out so well, and now I'm back on my own. 

I have to say I was pretty stunned at the way things went down, and wasn't sure if I would continue with my stand-alone business or not.  I took a few months to reflect on it, and now I have decided to re-invest in my own business which involves getting some new equipment and taking on some larger jobs. 

I've never felt better about a decision.  I'm risking a lot, but I feel as if if I don't do it now I never will. 

so whats your business
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 07, 2022, 03:59:54 PM
Was water well service.  Going to water well drilling.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 07, 2022, 04:16:05 PM
Was water well service.  Going to water well drilling. 

I would have thought being so close to the coast would not be productive for that

but what the hell I really have no knowledge on that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 07, 2022, 04:54:29 PM
I guess I don’t understand why not ?  

You can’t drink salt water !  

FYI our wells are fresh, except certain places right in the beach can be pretty salty. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 07, 2022, 05:24:16 PM
I guess I don’t understand why not ? 

You can’t drink salt water ! 

FYI our wells are fresh, except certain places right in the beach can be pretty salty.
I'll take your word for that I just thought so close to the coast the water would have been too brackish
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 07, 2022, 07:21:02 PM
I’m pretty sure you could drill a well offshore and hit a strata of fresh water. 

Sometimes. Maybe. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 07, 2022, 07:37:47 PM
I’m pretty sure you could drill a well offshore and hit a strata of fresh water.

Sometimes. Maybe.
wow learn something new every day
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 08, 2022, 09:55:42 AM
good luck!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 08, 2022, 01:16:07 PM
good luck!!!


Good luck in the new venture. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 12, 2022, 05:44:17 PM
If there was any doubt about it, please allow me to clear it up.

The 2022 Sooners officially suck.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 12, 2022, 11:32:08 PM
[Texas A&M Aggies has entered the chat]
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 12, 2022, 11:33:10 PM
Seriously we’re on a 6 game losing streak. Really bad this season. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 13, 2022, 01:27:01 AM
Seriously we’re on a 6 game losing streak. Really bad this season.
I watched you guys play and you really have a decent team

just need some seasoning 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 13, 2022, 09:14:44 AM
and a new coach
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 13, 2022, 02:15:39 PM
I love a great defensive performance but I hate to see them wasted.  The Texas defense played their butts off but the offensive play calling was trash and the receivers all need to get eye exams this week.  

Texas A&M has problems but some of those calls (or non-calls) were garbage.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 13, 2022, 03:33:31 PM
I love a great defensive performance but I hate to see them wasted.  The Texas defense played their butts off but the offensive play calling was trash and the receivers all need to get eye exams this week. 

Texas A&M has problems but some of those calls (or non-calls) were garbage. 

I agree

might have been a better outcome if our receivers had made a catch a few more times

I hope TCU gets into the playoff

they would surprise a few folks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 13, 2022, 07:38:59 PM
I really don't like TCU. Their M.O. this year has been to knock the other team's QB out of the game.

I'm surprised that they didn't go after Ewers. Maybe they thought that Card would be a bigger threat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 14, 2022, 08:45:21 AM
I'm starting to think the deep Ewers to Worthy ball is like Shaquille O'Neal shooting free throws.
I'm positive they work on it in practice. I'm sure they can nail it dead cold every time there.
In a game, they're nowhere near each other.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 14, 2022, 09:00:27 AM
Ewers did not look sharp at all in that game, the bits that I watched.  He had receivers open, but could not connect.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 14, 2022, 09:50:23 AM
Well, I'm about to jumpstart my side business.  I'm not sure if any of you remember but earlier this year I went (back) into the family business.  That didn't work out so well, and now I'm back on my own. 

I have to say I was pretty stunned at the way things went down, and wasn't sure if I would continue with my stand-alone business or not.  I took a few months to reflect on it, and now I have decided to re-invest in my own business which involves getting some new equipment and taking on some larger jobs. 

I've never felt better about a decision.  I'm risking a lot, but I feel as if if I don't do it now I never will. 
Drilled our first well as a company using a friend's equipment (I'm helping his crew get experience, he's new to the biz).  100' deep, 40-60 GPM, maybe a little more.  Feeling pretty good about it.  I've got some equipment coming in next year, but this is identical to what we're getting so it was a good experience using this setup.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 14, 2022, 10:08:58 AM
What happens to the "dirt" displaced during drilling?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 14, 2022, 10:54:08 AM
I'm starting to think the deep Ewers to Worthy ball is like Shaquille O'Neal shooting free throws.
I'm positive they work on it in practice. I'm sure they can nail it dead cold every time there.
In a game, they're nowhere near each other.
don't kid yerself, Shaq didn't make many in practice
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 14, 2022, 10:54:53 AM
You will have a pile of cuttings.  Sometimes you dig an earth pit and the cuttings remain in it and are buried at the end of the job.  We used what is called a mud system that uses a shaker and desanders to separate out the clay from the sand, so we had a pile of cuttings left over.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 14, 2022, 10:58:06 AM
So the drill brings up the "cuttings" which end up next to the site?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 14, 2022, 11:20:02 AM
don't kid yerself, Shaq didn't make many in practice

Beat me to it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 14, 2022, 11:35:22 AM
fast freddie
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 14, 2022, 03:39:39 PM
An eight, a six and six zeroes. $86,000,000!

That is what it would cost Texas A&M to move on from Jimbo Fisher as their head football coach following this debacle of a football season.

Even up to a few days ago it was unthinkable that the program would be in this position. The #1 recruiting class in the world in 2022, a young potential star quarterback, and oh yeah, that $86 Million thing. But here we are, with two games left in the 2022 season, officially eliminated from bowl contention, after losing their 6th straight game in a pathetic 13-10 loss to a bad Auburn team who already fired their coach.

It’s time to say it, it’s time for Jimbo to go.

The numbers are staggering really. Out of 131 FBS programs, on a per game basis the Aggies rank:

108th in scoring 68th in passing yards 78th in passing touchdowns 60th in yards per rush 87th in first downs gained 111th in completion percentage (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 14, 2022, 04:58:38 PM
I really cannot explain A&M at all.  If they were say 8-4ish, OK, not a great year but OK.  6-6 would be really a near disaster.  Injuries maybe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 14, 2022, 10:35:08 PM
I really have no answer. Maybe it’s a combination of things. I’m sure you’ve either studied some sort of disaster where some odd event wouldn’t ordinarily change anything but then a couple more odd events line up like holes in layers of Swiss cheese. We literally have a term for this in the chemical biz, called layers of protection. But I digress. 

Firstly, we lost our DC, Mike Elko, to Duke to be the HC. He’s done well there. Then, we lost or S&C coach who went back to OU. He was highly regarded, lots of people bemoaned losing him. Then we lost our OL coach. Ok, whatever, lots of programs shuffle coaches yearly. 

We also lost a couple of seasoned OL early to injury. We lost some really talented guys who were high draft picks. Although our OL were supposed to be talented, it’s a lot of true freshman and redshirt freshmen starting. 

The QB has not really panned out with Haynes King, but the backup guy was a transfer from LSU and played decently if not spectacular. But then he breaks his hand, so now he’s out. The other QB is a true fish. 5*, but raw. 

Next our star WR, Anias Smith, goes out early in the season with a season ending injury. Our top RB, Achane, goes out with an injury before the Auburn game. 

No doubt the offense has been horrendous.  No matter how you slice it you don’t lose games at home to a very mediocre App state. If you have to you run every down, bigger and stronger will always win no matter the scheme. Their defense isn’t all that. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 14, 2022, 10:41:57 PM
You have to wonder also how much motivation a guy has who is guaranteed $10 mill a year for ten years.  Not saying he isn’t trying, but maybe he’s got problems on the home front, with the ex-wife, with the new younger wife, with the son has has a terminal disease. 

Maybe he’s just not mentally all there. And maybe he doesn’t have to be with our 2020 team, loaded with talent and trusted staff. But now you’ve lost your seasoned QB, your solid DC, your veteran OL, and so things start to slip. It’s weird, when you look at all our games you easily see that we were in all of them right up until the end. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 15, 2022, 07:15:04 AM
Those sound like reasons, no one perhaps huge, but collectively it's bad.  I agree that issues outside work can have an impact, and losing a lot of assistants is usually bad as well, or can be, especially that many.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 15, 2022, 09:35:29 AM
...will make it all the more embarrassing for us when they beat LSU to finish their season.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 15, 2022, 09:53:44 AM
Yeah, not a chance in hell.  

I didn't explicitly state it, but you can tell there is something wrong with this team at it's core.  Sure, you can have some bad luck and lose a few games, limp to 6-6.  

Maybe we played too much with fire WRT NIL money, and that is having unseen repercussions, maybe the coach has checked out, maybe the players have checked out.  I think LSU would have to play extraordinarily bad, and A&M would have to play up to their potential.  But just having lost to Auburn, who is in possibly a worse hole than we are, I think we've proved that we're done for the season.  

Always next year, in Aggieland, but next year never comes.  Most of these now seasoned players will transfer, a lot of the so called #1 class will be gone, the ones that remain will probably not pan out for whatever reasons.  And we'll be hiring a new coach in '23/24, just as soon as the PTB (powers that be) cough up whatever money they need to or they find a way to fire him with cause.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 15, 2022, 10:01:39 AM
The locker room can kill even a good team, but they should limp to 6-6 anyway.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 15, 2022, 12:36:26 PM
The locker room can kill even a good team, but they should limp to 6-6 anyway.
OU might limp to 6-6 (or not). Texas might collapse to 6-6.
But Texas A&M is not limping, sprinting, staggering, or collapsing to 6-6, as the Aggies are sitting at 3-7.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 15, 2022, 12:51:09 PM
Yeah, that is why I think it must be a LOT of things compounding on each other.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 15, 2022, 01:13:45 PM
that's why ya cough up the 86 mil
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 15, 2022, 01:17:50 PM
They certainly look the part.  Their D-line in particular looks like a group of killers.  Lot of talent and highly rated players.  Jimbo, for whatever flaws he has, is a much better coach than his performance this year.  Really weird.  

We cobbled this team together with transfers and we're going to have to do it again until a couple of full recruiting cycles pass.  Maybe some talented Aggies will come our way.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 15, 2022, 01:34:33 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 15, 2022, 01:48:44 PM
I can see how this NIL  thing can fracture the lockerroom badly.  These are 19 year old kids, some of whom are making some pretty serious change, and many are not.  Many are trying to work hard to improve, but they are benched largely for the prima donnas who don't feel a need to work hard or play hard. They figure their Sunday ticket is punched, they ain't here to play school.

This could be a background issue if you win, but a few losses and I can see everyone basically folding tent.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 15, 2022, 05:31:22 PM
It's always hokey to talk about, and coaches ramble about it, but until players are playing for each other, the program won't ever really get very far.
I've never played, but football seems like a rough game. Giving it max effort one more time, late in the game when you're already busted up, means finding a reason. If you don't care about your teammates, I think it'd be real easy to take that play off and hope somebody else handles business.
Texas used to have players tweeting about transferring during the game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 15, 2022, 06:31:11 PM
I concur, certainly, but I think that separates a 12-1 very talented team from a 10-3 very talented team, in effect.  I can't get to 5-7 with a team with decent talent levels, and A&M has more than decent talent.  A 12 game slate USUALLY has 4 complete pastries, Kent State, Samford, Vandy, and Tennessee for example.  You start with four Ws, then compete for four more with teams you should beat easily, and then maybe four opponents are threats.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 15, 2022, 07:51:09 PM
So the drill brings up the "cuttings" which end up next to the site?
Yeah. You can haul them off, or bury them on-site, or spread them around. Usually people opt for what’s cheapest. And here in sunshine Texas the grass will grow over them in 6 months and you can’t even tell anything was there. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 16, 2022, 07:05:10 AM
How does the cuttings come out of the drill itself?  Is the drill hollow and it comes out the top?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 16, 2022, 07:47:56 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 16, 2022, 08:16:00 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 16, 2022, 08:24:22 AM
Obliquely related, I enjoy watching building construction around here, start to finish, and there is a lot to watch.  A key early step is building a crane (or three) to hoist stuff up and down, and that requires a substantial crane base, which can require some drilling of a sort, though the ground here runs to granite pretty close to the surface.

They often just pound a piling down to some level of firmosity and build a crane base and then use a mobile crane to assemble the semipermanent crane.  Then they are off, they can put up a 30 story building in a  year and a half, start to finish.  My wife and I walk a lot and we'll stop at some site and often chat with some workers who aren't working.  They usually seem proud of their job and what's going on and like to brag, which is fine with me.

Quite near us is an older 20 something story building they are rehabbing completely.  They put up a crane on one side and are tearing out most of the innards.  Supposedly they are adding six stories and building "retail" around the base of it.  We hope the surroundings offer some nice street presence and restaurants etc., the place across the street did this with great success thus far.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 16, 2022, 09:23:28 AM
Watch a Water Well Being Drilled - YouTube (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 16, 2022, 12:12:02 PM
Obliquely related, I enjoy watching building construction around here, start to finish, and there is a lot to watch.  A key early step is building a crane (or three) to hoist stuff up and down, and that requires a substantial crane base, which can require some drilling of a sort, though the ground here runs to granite pretty close to the surface.

They often just pound a piling down to some level of firmosity and build a crane base and then use a mobile crane to assemble the semipermanent crane.  Then they are off, they can put up a 30 story building in a  year and a half, start to finish.  My wife and I walk a lot and we'll stop at some site and often chat with some workers who aren't working.  They usually seem proud of their job and what's going on and like to brag, which is fine with me.

Quite near us is an older 20 something story building they are rehabbing completely.  They put up a crane on one side and are tearing out most of the innards.  Supposedly they are adding six stories and building "retail" around the base of it.  We hope the surroundings offer some nice street presence and restaurants etc., the place across the street did this with great success thus far.
By comparison, per the Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge, "The [102-story] Empire State Building was structurally completed on April 11, 1931, twelve days ahead of schedule and 410 days after construction commenced."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 16, 2022, 12:34:01 PM
"Structurally completed" might mean something different, I'm talking about completed and ready for use.


This photo is kinda neat, to me.  The old building was a funeral home of some historic relevance and bad to be preserved, so they are building around it and converting it to retail.  The blue roofed building foreground is being demo'd for a 61 story condo tower at some point, not yet started.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 16, 2022, 01:04:42 PM
When we built our new chemical plant facility, at a cost of over $1 billion, we went from dirt to start-up in about two years.  Had thousands of people working on it daily.  It was quite impressive.  I was on the commissioning/startup team.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 16, 2022, 01:06:15 PM
Humans can do amazing things when not blowing each other up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 16, 2022, 02:53:23 PM
"Structurally completed" might mean something different, I'm talking about completed and ready for use.
Well, that required a year and a half. Per the Font:
"The Empire State Building officially opened on May 1, 1931, forty-five days ahead of its projected opening date, and eighteen months from the start of construction. The opening was marked with an event featuring United States President Herbert Hoover, who turned on the building's lights with the ceremonial button push from Washington, D.C. Over 350 guests attended the opening ceremony, and following luncheon, at the 86th floor including Jimmy Walker, Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Al Smith."

I'm not dissing the Atlanta builders. I'm sure that they have far more regulatory and inspection hurdles to negotiate than the Empire State builders faced.

Here's a photo of one of the steelworkers on the Empire State Building.


The photographer was Lewis Hine. I like photography, but I don't think I'd care to take a picture like that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 16, 2022, 03:05:54 PM
I'd rather take the pic and skedaddle, than stay up there for months twisting wrenches 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 16, 2022, 03:08:25 PM
It is an amazing stat, and I'd guess ATL builders are no different from Houston or other builders.  It's still neat for me watching them put one up.  This place is growing like topsy.  Traffic so far on the streets is mostly OK.  So far.  The are reducing laneage from four to two for traffic and one for bikes in a lot of places.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 16, 2022, 04:52:40 PM
stoopid bikes
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 16, 2022, 06:55:14 PM
stoopid bikes
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 17, 2022, 03:47:24 AM
I see a growing number of e bikes here, ridden by young folks who easily could pedal, we have some mild hills around.  The scooters are the bane though.  Sometimes they pass me going rather fast from behind on sidewalks (which is "illegal") and barely miss me, it's a matter of time before someone hits me I guess, and they (and I) will regret that I suspect.  All it would take is for me to change directions or wobble a bit.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 17, 2022, 07:15:20 AM
How does the cuttings come out of the drill itself?  Is the drill hollow and it comes out the top?
You’re flushing water through the drill rods, washing the cuttings back up to the top. The water is sucked back up into your mud pump, the cuttings are settled out into a pit. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 17, 2022, 08:34:24 AM
I see a growing number of e bikes here, ridden by young folks who easily could pedal, we have some mild hills around.  The scooters are the bane though.  Sometimes they pass me going rather fast from behind on sidewalks (which is "illegal") and barely miss me, it's a matter of time before someone hits me I guess, and they (and I) will regret that I suspect.  All it would take is for me to change directions or wobble a bit.
might want to get some of those bicycle rider glasses with the little rearview mirrors

as on the ski slopes, they should warn you as they come up from behind, "On yer left"
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 17, 2022, 08:40:12 AM
They often do warn, but it can be so late or so muddled it's not clear what they say.  The other day a rider yelled something causing me to pivot around and he slammed on his brakes because my pivot put me into his intended path, it was a normal turn, and he had nowhere to go.  I told him he shouldn't be riding on sidewalks.  I had to grab his handlebars to stop him.

I'm a pretty large fellow, but I worry about my wife who isn't.   I played basketball and it would be pretty easy to stick out an elbow at times, but I don't do it.  I try and pay attention to what may be behind us but I don't do it all the time of course.  Some bikes have bells which if I hear I know they are coming somewhere.

It is illegal for them to ride on sidewalks, but hardly enforced of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 17, 2022, 09:04:23 AM
obviously more folks should log complaints

perhaps make a difference, before someone is injured
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 17, 2022, 10:56:57 AM
They often do warn, but it can be so late or so muddled it's not clear what they say.  The other day a rider yelled something causing me to pivot around and he slammed on his brakes because my pivot put me into his intended path, it was a normal turn, and he had nowhere to go.  I told him he shouldn't be riding on sidewalks.  I had to grab his handlebars to stop him.

I'm a pretty large fellow, but I worry about my wife who isn't.  I played basketball and it would be pretty easy to stick out an elbow at times, but I don't do it.  I try and pay attention to what may be behind us but I don't do it all the time of course.  Some bikes have bells which if I hear I know they are coming somewhere.

It is illegal for them to ride on sidewalks, but hardly enforced of course.

I definitely vote for throwing the elbow.  Might wanna carry a taser just in case they have something to say about it afterwards.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 18, 2022, 09:32:05 AM
don't bring a taser to a gun fight
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 19, 2022, 01:28:40 PM
Big 12 refs protecting TCU

pass interference on obviously uncatchable pass in the endzone
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 19, 2022, 05:22:18 PM
I was rooting for the Huskers today. Thought they were on track to win.

Then they got outscored 12-0 in the 4th quarter.

If you're not a "good" team, you can't afford to lose the 4th quarter.

Sooners have spent this season having that lesson rubbed in their faces.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 19, 2022, 07:15:06 PM
Huskers aren't a good team

Badgers tried to give them a game

Huskers too bad to take advantage
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 19, 2022, 08:28:19 PM
Sooners with a strong first quarter
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 19, 2022, 09:31:20 PM
Sooners with a strong first quarter
The question across Soonerland: Where has this team been since the Nebraska game?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 19, 2022, 11:39:14 PM
Strong first quarter followed by 3 quarters of the stinkiest, stupidest offense I have ever seen.

Our OC needs to go to a coaching clinic that will teach him how to manage the clock and what sort of plays he should consider when the QB has thrown 14-straight incompletions.

Either that, or he needs to hit the road. He's a 1-trick pony. It's either HUNH or nothing at all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 23, 2022, 11:28:55 AM
I dropped this note on the B1G board, but not all the B12ers read that one so wanted to leave it here, too.

Stopping by to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

My parents are getting on in years, both are now 80+, and although they're still in reasonably good health (which I am very thankful for), my siblings and I decided several years back, that they didn't need the pressure and stress of hosting Thanksgiving anymore, so we now alternate it among our houses.  

This year is my year to host and I'm excited about it, it'll be our 3rd time to do so, and I love having the whole family over-- my kids do, too.  We'll have 12 adults and 8 kids ranging from 1 year to 15 years.  I'm smoking a turkey, my dad is frying one, my mom is making two huge batches of her cornbread dressing, and then we'll have all the other usual stuff like sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, homemade yeast rolls, and pumpkin and pecan pies with homemade whipped cream for dessert.  Probably won't be able to move for the rest of the weekend and that's okay.

Anyway, wishing a great Tday to all of you and yours!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 25, 2022, 11:15:57 AM
I hope everybody had a happy Thanksgiving.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 26, 2022, 11:15:26 AM
Same to you!

Ours was great, really relaxing and had a lot of time to visit with family.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 26, 2022, 06:27:23 PM
And to Fearless, congratulations on your Huskers beating Iowa and hiring Matt Rhule! I think he'll do a good job for you.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 26, 2022, 06:45:01 PM
thanks buddy

Rhule was high on my list

beating Iowa was the game highest on my list and it happened - shoot
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 27, 2022, 12:20:48 PM
Wouldn’t it be funny if KSU beat TCU in the CCG and knocked them out of the CFP ?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 27, 2022, 12:28:06 PM
Wouldn’t it be funny if KSU beat TCU in the CCG and knocked them out of the CFP ? 
not gonna happen

TCU is the real deal
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 27, 2022, 12:28:27 PM
I've got nuttin against TCU or the Big 12, but I'm rooting for KSU even though Adrian Martinez isn't playing 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 27, 2022, 12:29:49 PM
I've got nuttin against TCU or the Big 12, but I'm rooting for KSU even though Adrian Martinez isn't playing
just dont put money on it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 27, 2022, 12:30:26 PM
hell no
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 27, 2022, 01:32:52 PM
not gonna happen

TCU is the real deal
I’m sorry.  I just don’t see it. 12-0 is great and all, but I’m not even sure any of the wins are against top 10 teams. 

Ok, I just looked. KSU is #10, at 9-3. Obviously TCU beat them earlier in the season. There is only one other team in the Top 25, Texas at #21 8-4. 

I’d put about 8 teams in front of TCU. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 27, 2022, 01:46:10 PM
Ok, I just looked. KSU is #10, at 9-3. Obviously TCU beat them earlier in the season. 
in that game, TCU knocked Martinez out early.
#2 QB RUBLEY came in and threw a pick

TCU trailed 28-17 at the half

HOWARD has a little more seasoning now.
K-state has a decent chance in this one
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 27, 2022, 02:38:51 PM
I’m sorry.  I just don’t see it. 12-0 is great and all, but I’m not even sure any of the wins are against top 10 teams.

Ok, I just looked. KSU is #10, at 9-3. Obviously TCU beat them earlier in the season. There is only one other team in the Top 25, Texas at #21 8-4.

I’d put about 8 teams in front of TCU.
Well Mr Gigem thats why they play the game

Ive watched them play at least 5 times this year and I know a very good team when I see one

i dont think they are the best team in the country as thats probably Georgia but I do think they are very capable of beating Michigan
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 27, 2022, 03:06:59 PM
It’s not 100% that they aren’t a great team, it’s that they only play about 2-3 decent teams and then a host of cream puffs. oSu is bad, KU is bad, Baylor is bad. They’re not slugging it out every week, all year. 

I’d put Ohio State, UTenn, Michigan, LSU, Florida State ahead of them easily. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 27, 2022, 03:35:28 PM
It’s not 100% that they aren’t a great team, it’s that they only play about 2-3 decent teams and then a host of cream puffs. oSu is bad, KU is bad, Baylor is bad. They’re not slugging it out every week, all year.

I’d put Ohio State, UTenn, Michigan, LSU, Florida State ahead of them easily.
we will visit this subject again after their playoff game assuming they get there
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 27, 2022, 03:39:15 PM
I am looking forward to it. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 27, 2022, 03:41:29 PM
PS…I’ll give you even odds that they don’t make the playoff. 

I will give tcu credit, they won all their games, and that’s all you can do. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 27, 2022, 05:00:38 PM
they win next week and they are in the top 4
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 27, 2022, 05:05:34 PM
And their best win is over a now 4 loss team. 

Likely will get crushed in the CFP. But the lesson is, play a weak schedule. 

This is why I’m all for a 12 team playoff. Not that I don’t think TCU is deserving, but so is Ohio St and so many others. 

Let it be settled on the field. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 27, 2022, 05:41:13 PM
K-state has 3 losses
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 27, 2022, 06:01:28 PM
If tcu wins next week they will have 4. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 27, 2022, 06:32:33 PM
big if
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 27, 2022, 10:36:45 PM
thanks buddy

Rhule was high on my list

beating Iowa was the game highest on my list and it happened - shoot
Those two things let the Huskers close out the season on a high note. Beat the hated Hawkeyes and have reason to hope for a better future.
Hope some of that better future shows up in 2023.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 27, 2022, 10:46:39 PM
Wouldn’t it be funny if KSU beat TCU in the CCG and knocked them out of the CFP ?
TCU is good, but it's a tough team to root for. The Frogs' M.O. this season has been to knock the other team's QB out of the game.

OTOH, K-State is easy to root for.

It would be better for the Big 12 if TCU made the playoff. But after last night's officiating in Lubbock, I'm where it seems that Utee has been since the start of the season--ready to put the Big 12 in the rear-view mirror.

K-State is capable of beating TCU. The Kitties almost did it in the regular season. Maybe they'll get the job done the second time around.

Go, Wildcats!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 27, 2022, 11:09:48 PM
Agreed. Go Wildcats. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 27, 2022, 11:10:41 PM
I don't much like the cockroaches but I'll be shocked if the B12 referees allow KSU to win that game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 28, 2022, 09:29:50 AM
me too
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 28, 2022, 09:59:30 AM
I don't much like the cockroaches but I'll be shocked if the B12 referees allow KSU to win that game.
There is a large sentiment that believes this has happened before with your team being the beneficiary.  I'd like to think that it is untrue on any level.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2022, 10:04:32 AM
I have to root for TCU, and USC (ugh), because if they don't win then Alabama is right back in this bitch.  I just.....can't.  They're like Jason or Michael Myers.  You can kill them over and over, but they just won't go away. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2022, 10:25:17 AM
There is a large sentiment that believes this has happened before with your team being the beneficiary.  I'd like to think that it is untrue on any level. 
There is a large AGGIE sentiment, for sure.  Color me shocked.  I would hope you'd understand that your fanbase isn't exactly unbiased when it comes to Texas.

I haven't looked historically, but for this year, the numbers are fairly damning. For example, the crew that just finished refereeing the Texas-Baylor game, also refereed the Texas-Oklahoma State game.  In those two games:

Penalties and yards assessed against Texas:

19 penalties, 138 yards

Penalties and yards assessed against the opponents:

1 penalty, 2 yards

OkState averages 3.7 penalties per game and Baylor averages 4.5.  But sure, it makes total sense that they miraculously played nearly perfect football in their games against Texas.

There are also some fairly damning numbers when you look at Offensive Holding penalties called against departing Texas and Oklahoma in B12 play, versus the lack of Holding calls by our opponents in B12 games against our two teams.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 28, 2022, 10:31:42 AM
I have to root for TCU, and USC (ugh), because if they don't win then Alabama is right back in this bitch.  I just.....can't.  They're like Jason or Michael Myers.  You can kill them over and over, but they just won't go away.
Alabama is not very good this  year compared to years past.  I seriously doubt they will get in the CFP, and if they do they will get creamed.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 28, 2022, 10:35:39 AM
There is a large AGGIE sentiment, for sure.  Color me shocked.  I would hope you'd understand that your fanbase isn't exactly unbiased when it comes to Texas.

I haven't looked historically, but for this year, the numbers are fairly damning. For example, the crew that just finished refereeing the Texas-Baylor game, also refereed the Texas-Oklahoma State game.  In those two games:

Penalties and yards assessed against Texas:

19 penalties, 138 yards

Penalties and yards assessed against the opponents:

1 penalty, 2 yards

OkState averages 3.7 penalties per game and Baylor averages 4.5.  But sure, it makes total sense that they miraculously played nearly perfect football in their games against Texas.

There are also some fairly damning numbers when you look at Offensive Holding penalties called against departing Texas and Oklahoma in B12 play, versus the lack of Holding calls by our opponents in B12 games against our two teams.

The Alabama comes to mind for bad calls going against Texas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on November 28, 2022, 10:39:06 AM
There is a large AGGIE sentiment, for sure.  Color me shocked.  I would hope you'd understand that your fanbase isn't exactly unbiased when it comes to Texas.

I haven't looked historically, but for this year, the numbers are fairly damning. For example, the crew that just finished refereeing the Texas-Baylor game, also refereed the Texas-Oklahoma State game.  In those two games:

Penalties and yards assessed against Texas:

19 penalties, 138 yards

Penalties and yards assessed against the opponents:

1 penalty, 2 yards

OkState averages 3.7 penalties per game and Baylor averages 4.5.  But sure, it makes total sense that they miraculously played nearly perfect football in their games against Texas.

There are also some fairly damning numbers when you look at Offensive Holding penalties called against departing Texas and Oklahoma in B12 play, versus the lack of Holding calls by our opponents in B12 games against our two teams.
Although there is indeed a large Aggie sentiment about this, I was referring to some other teams as well.  Namely Nebraska.  

I just thought it was interesting, you brought up the biased refs, not me.  I have never made such claim, only observed that there has been similar talk.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2022, 10:41:29 AM
Alabama is not very good this  year compared to years past.  I seriously doubt they will get in the CFP, and if they do they will get creamed. 

Doesn't matter.  If you don't think the committee is sitting around looking for reasons to include Alabama, you haven't been paying attention, all the way back to well before the CFPC.  

And it doesn't matter to me if they get whipped.  Just being there, especially in a "down year" is just more recruiting fuel for the dragon to keep terrorizing the countryside.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2022, 10:43:33 AM

Yeah well Nebraska fans are definitely unbiased when it comes to Texas, so I'll take your word for it...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2022, 10:50:43 AM
utee, I need your eggnog recipe.  Might try my hand at it.  

We still don't get hardly any PromiseLand 'nog over here, which is my all-time favorite.  I've had many homemade versions over the years from people who are proud of it, and while they are better than most store-bought brands, nothing ever hits me like PromiseLand.  BUT, I haven't tried yours.  And I've never made my own.  (Either my mom or wife tried a few years ago and it was pretty 'meh'...whoever it was didn't get a reaction from me that made them want to try again, which was fine by me.)   Maybe a good recipe would get me off to a good start for something to tweak even if it's not my fave.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2022, 10:58:26 AM
Sure, I'll grab it and post it.  It's posted in the recipes thread but probably buried a ways back.

Also, it's definitely alcohol-forward.  And the alcohol definitely affects and enhances the flavor.  Just fair warning.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 28, 2022, 11:01:26 AM
I like brandy with my nog
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2022, 11:24:43 AM
I like brandy with my nog

Lots of recipes call for it.  Mine calls for only rum and bourbon.  But you can always add brandy to taste if you like.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2022, 11:32:24 AM
Here it is:

Great Uncle George's Eggnog
14 eggs (divided)
2 cups sugar
1 pint heavy cream
1.5 quarts light cream (half and half)
1/5th whiskey (which is about the same as 750 ml and you can use more or less to taste)
Dark rum (to taste, 1 cup or so)
1) Cream egg yolks with sugar (we use our stand mixer for this)
2) Put in a large container, and stir in the whiskey
3) Whip heavy cream, add to container (don't whip it all the way into butter, I did that once long ago and it is NOT good )
4) Whip egg whites to soft peaks, add in to container
5) Whip air into light cream, and add to container
6) Stir all mixture together, add dark rum
7) Serve chilled, keep stirring as you serve to keep it combined
8) Add fresh-grated nutmeg and/or cinnamon to taste, per cup
"Remember that it should be strong, as weak eggnog is insipid."

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 28, 2022, 11:36:08 AM
. . . There are also some fairly damning numbers when you look at Offensive Holding penalties called against departing Texas and Oklahoma in B12 play, versus the lack of Holding calls by our opponents in B12 games against our two teams.

There has been a grand total of one offensive holding call against OU opponents in Big 12 games.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2022, 11:40:05 AM

There has been a grand total of one offensive holding call against OU opponents in Big 12 games.

Someone on a Longhorn message board posted the combined numbers for UT and OU this season, in B12 games.  Before the weekend it was something like 12 holding penalties called against our two offenses, versus two called against our opponents.

Since refs will tell you that they CAN call holding on every single play, this is a pretty alarming stat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2022, 11:52:54 AM
Thanks for the recipe.  How much does that make?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2022, 11:55:59 AM
Hard to say, since we never actually make that batch. That's what Great Uncle George called a "small" batch but we normally make a couple of large batches which is several gallons.

It's at least a half gallon, maybe more like 3/4, after everything is all whipped up?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 28, 2022, 12:07:09 PM
Guess I'm 'bout to find out :-D 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 28, 2022, 12:34:18 PM
There is a large AGGIE sentiment, for sure.  Color me shocked.  I would hope you'd understand that your fanbase isn't exactly unbiased when it comes to Texas.

I haven't looked historically, but for this year, the numbers are fairly damning. For example, the crew that just finished refereeing the Texas-Baylor game, also refereed the Texas-Oklahoma State game.  In those two games:

Penalties and yards assessed against Texas:

19 penalties, 138 yards

Penalties and yards assessed against the opponents:

1 penalty, 2 yards

OkState averages 3.7 penalties per game and Baylor averages 4.5.  But sure, it makes total sense that they miraculously played nearly perfect football in their games against Texas.

There are also some fairly damning numbers when you look at Offensive Holding penalties called against departing Texas and Oklahoma in B12 play, versus the lack of Holding calls by our opponents in B12 games against our two teams.

Big 12 officials seem to be biased against programs leaving the conference, so this supports that discussion

now, the Mildkitties aren't leaving the conference, but a win by them could leave the conference out of the playoff
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 28, 2022, 12:35:16 PM
Someone on a Longhorn message board posted the combined numbers for UT and OU this season, in B12 games.  Before the weekend it was something like 12 holding penalties called against our two offenses, versus two called against our opponents.

Since refs will tell you that they CAN call holding on every single play, this is a pretty alarming stat.
more damning evidence 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2022, 04:53:11 PM
Big 12 officials seem to be biased against programs leaving the conference, so this supports that discussion

now, the Mildkitties aren't leaving the conference, but a win by them could leave the conference out of the playoff
Right. TCU is the conference's only chance at the money and prestige that come from getting a team into the playoff.

And maybe even more importantly, preventing rival conferences from getting TWO teams in and furthering the narrative that the B12 is far inferior.

I expect anything 50/50 to go TCU's way, and then some.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 01, 2022, 03:41:50 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 01, 2022, 04:20:17 PM
Mmmm I like chile peppers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2022, 04:44:22 PM
folks up here interchange banana and Anaheim
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2022, 04:45:06 PM
SPARTANBURG, S.C. – Wofford College has announced that Shawn Watson has been named the head coach of the football program. A veteran with nearly 40 years of coaching experience, Watson came to Wofford in January 2022 as assistant head coach and offensive coordinator. On Oct. 6, he was named interim head coach and led the Terriers to a 3-3 record.

Prior to Wofford, he spent the 2021 season as the assistant head coach and offensive coordinator at the University of Northern Iowa. Along with his work with the Panthers, he has served as offensive coordinator at Texas (2014-15), Louisville (2012-13), Nebraska (2007-10), Colorado (2000-05) and Pittsburgh (2017-18). Additionally, he was the head coach at his alma mater, Southern Illinois, from 1994-96.

_________________________________________________ ____________________

I'll just leave this for utee
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 01, 2022, 04:56:33 PM
folks up here interchange banana and Anaheim
That's weird, they're not the same at all.  Actually Anaheim peppers are much closer to New Mexican green chiles, except not as hot.  Anaheims were cultivated from the same seeds originally.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 01, 2022, 04:57:06 PM
SPARTANBURG, S.C. – Wofford College has announced that Shawn Watson has been named the head coach of the football program. A veteran with nearly 40 years of coaching experience, Watson came to Wofford in January 2022 as assistant head coach and offensive coordinator. On Oct. 6, he was named interim head coach and led the Terriers to a 3-3 record.

Prior to Wofford, he spent the 2021 season as the assistant head coach and offensive coordinator at the University of Northern Iowa. Along with his work with the Panthers, he has served as offensive coordinator at Texas (2014-15), Louisville (2012-13), Nebraska (2007-10), Colorado (2000-05) and Pittsburgh (2017-18). Additionally, he was the head coach at his alma mater, Southern Illinois, from 1994-96.

_________________________________________________ ____________________

I'll just leave this for utee

wuck fofford!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 01, 2022, 05:00:20 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2022, 05:04:20 PM
well thats 5 min I'll never get back

folks will pay money to see anything
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2022, 05:08:49 PM
I'm not gonna click on it

but, I'm just not into guys with nipple rings
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2022, 05:09:43 PM
That's weird, they're not the same at all.  Actually Anaheim peppers are much closer to New Mexican green chiles, except not as hot.  Anaheims were cultivated from the same seeds originally.
yankees don't know much about peppers

well, the vast majority of yankees 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 01, 2022, 05:36:26 PM
I mean, it's the RHCP.  They've looked, acted, and sounded the exact same, for 30 years now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2022, 06:46:25 PM
I mean, it's the RHCP.  They've looked, acted, and sounded the exact same, for 30 years now.

nobody said they were a new group but Im sure glad I've never seen them
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 01, 2022, 06:49:11 PM
On another subject I had no idea the Horns were ranked so high in basketball

I know its early so I'll save any crowing but I will start watching them the bandwagon fan that I am
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 01, 2022, 06:57:51 PM
I watched them play impressively on opening night in the new crib
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 02, 2022, 01:25:25 AM
The new crib is pretty nice.   I've been for a couple of events, though not for a basketball game yet. 

And the team is pretty fun to watch.  It was a nice night, watching the roundball victory roll right into the volleyball victory.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2022, 10:52:59 AM
I was fortunate to play a round of golf with Little Big Matt in Kansas City.
These would be perfect for him.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2022, 02:19:38 PM
there's a clear case of the refs helping TCU

was a fumble for a safety

can't be a forward pass if the QB doesn't release the ball
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 03, 2022, 05:16:15 PM
I missed that.

K-State got some make-up calls and no-calls in the 4th quarter and OT.

Probably evened out.

Good game by both squads, and I'm happy that K-State won.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2022, 05:44:35 PM
Yeah congrats to KSU.  Overall a TCU loss is likely better for UT, so there you have it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 03, 2022, 05:49:46 PM
Not much of a game in Atlanta.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2022, 05:54:33 PM
Not much of a game in Atlanta.
I don't think anyone is surprised. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2022, 05:57:14 PM
not surprised but thought it might be in doubt at the half
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 03, 2022, 06:45:38 PM
Geaux Tigahs are trying to make some noise.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 03, 2022, 08:03:21 PM
They made some noise in the 2nd half, but not enough to make the Dawgs worry about the outcome.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2022, 08:27:15 PM
rooting for Mack tonight, not Dabo

7-0  good start
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2022, 12:49:03 AM
rooting for Mack tonight, not Dabo

7-0  good start
Oof.  Went out to dinner with friends and didn't see any of the night games.  I too was pulling for Mack, looks like it didn't turn out well for him.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2022, 08:44:03 AM
there's always next season

I wonder how many more seasons Mack has left

he's no spring chicken
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2022, 08:47:29 AM
I think he was brought in to UNC just to restore some toughness and respectability, and he has done that.  His name aids recruiting of course.  I would not be surprised if he's more of a GM now and the assistants do most of the coaching.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2022, 09:37:52 AM
I think he was brought in to UNC just to restore some toughness and respectability, and he has done that.  His name aids recruiting of course.  I would not be surprised if he's more of a GM now and the assistants do most of the coaching.

Oh I'm certain that's the way he's running things.  Even at Texas two decades ago, that's the way he ran things.  And you could always tell when he was directly interfering with offensive playcalling, because all of a sudden it became disjointed and illogical.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2022, 10:00:40 AM
even with the assistants doing more and Mack doing less, it's a daunting schedule for an older person
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2022, 10:03:28 AM
If you made me HC, obviously I'd let the assistants do almost everything except speak to the media with coachspeak.  I'd stroll about practice saying positive things to players.  I wouldn't be stressed at all except wondering how to invest all that money.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2022, 10:31:54 AM
practice might be the easiest couple hours of your day
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2022, 10:43:28 AM
If you made me HC, obviously I'd let the assistants do almost everything except speak to the media with coachspeak.  I'd stroll about practice saying positive things to players.  I wouldn't be stressed at all except wondering how to invest all that money.

Amen brutha.  I don't think I could do any worse than Charlie Strong, so SHOW ME THE MONEY!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 04, 2022, 10:51:39 AM
I always wished the Pirate would take a turn at coaching UT.  Man that would have been a blast.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2022, 11:05:13 AM
I'd have me a tower built over the practice field and stand up there looking stern with a bullhorn, and every so often I'd chew someone out.

I'd hire that analyst dude from Money Ball to run numbers for me.

I'd NIL the heck outta 'crootin'.  

I'd claim every opponent from Ohio State to Samford was a true threat to any team and their depth was a serious concern.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2022, 11:18:18 AM
I always wished the Pirate would take a turn at coaching UT.  Man that would have been a blast.

That thought is... terrifying.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2022, 11:30:12 AM
but fun!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2022, 11:31:00 AM
I'd have me a tower built over the practice field and stand up there looking stern with a bullhorn, and every so often I'd chew someone out.

I'd hire that analyst dude from Money Ball to run numbers for me.

I'd NIL the heck outta 'crootin'. 

I'd claim every opponent from Ohio State to Samford was a true threat to any team and their depth was a serious concern.
saw him speak at a convention a few years back in Vegas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2022, 11:36:13 AM
Y'all should hire me as HC.  I'm pretty good with the media and have coachspeak down sprinkled with the occasional odd things.  I'd do it for a mere mil a year, so for however long I survived, you'd be saving up to hire a real coach later.  I probably wouldn't do much worse than some of your recent HCs.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2022, 11:40:22 AM
Y'all should hire me as HC.  I'm pretty good with the media and have coachspeak down sprinkled with the occasional odd things.  I'd do it for a mere mil a year, so for however long I survived, you'd be saving up to hire a real coach later.  I probably wouldn't do much worse than some of your recent HCs.

you may not have the connects and street cred to assemble a crack staff to do the heavy lifting or to recruit the better players
but, if they gave you $10 or 20 million to hire some assistants...........
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 04, 2022, 12:31:54 PM
That thought is... terrifying.
Hey at least we might find out whats on that folded paper he keeps writing on during the game
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2022, 12:56:59 PM
Hey at least we might find out whats on that folded paper he keeps writing on during the game
I'm betting it's chili recipes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 04, 2022, 01:13:01 PM
I'm betting it's chili recipes.
That little piece of paper used to crack me up

We'd sack his QB for a 10 yard loss and out would come the paper and he'd write on it

They complete a 50 yards pass play and here came the paper and whatever he wrote on it

This was entertainment for the whole family
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2022, 01:21:45 PM
you may not have the connects and street cred to assemble a crack staff to do the heavy lifting or to recruit the better players
but, if they gave you $10 or 20 million to hire some assistants...........
Hey, it's Texas ... I'd get assistants to find me assistants.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 04, 2022, 01:49:07 PM
Hey, it's Texas ... I'd get assistants to find me assistants.
yep everything is great as long as you win

but as you said its Texas so if you aint winning pardna its time to catch the next coach out of town
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 04, 2022, 02:57:13 PM
That would be fine with me.  I'd get a year anyway to get started and the second year my seat would get warm and probably the third year and I'd get fired.

But heck, we might find lightning and get a 11-2 season in there somewhere.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 04, 2022, 04:00:41 PM
I too was rooting for Mack and the Tarheads.

They got off to a good start, but then reality set in.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 04, 2022, 04:36:00 PM
These appear to be the official bowl selections.

Championship Bowl
9 Jan, Inglewood, CA
Semifinal Winners

Peach Bowl
31 Dec, Atlanta, GA
CFP Semifinal
Georgia vs. Ohio State

Fiesta Bowl
31 Dec, Glendale, AZ
CFP Semifinal
Michigan vs. TCU

Selection Committee Bowl Games

Rose Bowl
2 Jan, Pasadena, CA
Big Ten vs. Pac-12
Utah vs. Penn State

Cotton Bowl
2 Jan, Arlington, TX
At-Large vs. At-Large
USC vs. Tulane

Sugar Bowl
31 Dec, New Orleans, LA
SEC #1 vs. Big 12 #1
Alabama vs. Kansas State

Orange Bowl
30 Dec, Miami Gardens, FL
ACC vs. Big Ten/SEC/ND
Clemson vs. Tennessee

Big 12-Aligned Bowl Games

Alamo Bowl
29 Dec, San Antonio, TX
Big 12 #2 vs. Pac-12 #2
Texas vs. Washington

Cheez-It Bowl
29 Dec, Orlando, FL
ACC #2/ND vs. Big 12 #3
Oklahoma vs. Florida State

Texas Bowl
28 Dec, Houston, TX
Big 12 #4 vs. SEC
Texas Tech vs. Ole Miss

Liberty Bowl
28 Dec, Memphis, TN
Big 12 #5 vs. SEC
Kansas vs. Arkansas

Guaranteed Rate Bowl
27 Dec, Phoenix, AZ
Big 12 #6 vs. Big Ten #7
Oklahoma State vs. Wisconsin

First Responder Bowl
27 Dec, Dallas, TX
Big 12 #7/8 vs. ACC, AAC, or Pac-12
Memphis vs. Utah State

Armed Forces Bowl
22 Dec, Fort Worth, TX
Big 12 #7/8 vs. AAC, C-USA, or Pac-12
Baylor vs. Air Force

I fear that the Sooners are in over their heads in the Cheez-It (the Cops!) Bowl. They certainly did not earn that high a pick based on their performance this year.

I was hoping for a slot in the Guaranteed Rate Bowl vs. Wisconsin. We haven't played Wisconsin since 1969 and 1970, our only two meetings with the Badgers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 04, 2022, 04:59:41 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2022, 11:40:58 PM
Good luck to all the B12 teams in their bowls!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 05, 2022, 10:41:32 PM
The 4-2-10 brisket-smoking method. (

Comments are welcome.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2022, 12:09:02 AM
Hmmmm.  There are some things there that I like and, some things I'm not so sure about.

First, I'll say that I think he seasoned it very nicely to start off with.  So many people don't understand that a big cut like a full packer-trimmed brisket requires a LOT of seasoning, instead they treat it like a steak and on too many videos I see, they just lightly sprinkle with salt and not nearly enough black pepper.  Not only will it NOT have enough seasoning flavor, but it won't set up for a good bark.

Next, I'll admit that I don't know anything about cooking with electric smokers, but there are places around town that do it, and in general I find their products to be inferior to the joints that use real wood smokers, traditionally offset stick-burners.  You're not going to find many (any?) joints using electric pellet smokers, in Texas Monthly's Top 50.

Back to the cook-- the first 6 hours of his "4-2-10", I'm okay with.  I don't actually think it's necessary to change temp partway through, in fact these days I go at 285-300 for all of it.  But it's fine, 6 hours at a combined 225-275, should work out no problem, as your starting steps.

But that's when things get a little wonky, in that final 10 hours.  I don't really have an issue with that as a "holding" step but the problem is, I suspect he's converting from cooking to holding, too soon.  He doesn't ever show the final internal temp, but he drops the cooking temp after those first 6 hours, down to a point that's so low that it's not going to be rendering fat nor is it going to be converting collagen to gelatin.  And I can tell from the cross section that the fat isn't fully rendered, and I can tell from his slice that there is way too much pull.  It should just flake away with minimal effort, but he has to tug on it pretty good in order to get it to come apart.  Also, his slices are too thick, but that's just technique and not related to the cook.

Oh, and finally, that "steaming" he does, where he adds water.  That's just going to ruin the bark on the bottom of the brisket and make it really soggy.  The whole point of wrapping in butcher paper, is that it helps the brisket hold temp and retain moisture, but still allows the brisket to breathe, so the bark will set up, all the way around.  Putting it in a foil boat with added water runs completely counter to the purpose of wrapping with paper.  He didn't show it but there's no way the bottom of that brisket is anything other than a gooey mess, sitting directly in a water boat like that.

Anyway, there's a lot of ways to get this job done, and I think some people just work too hard to make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Personally I do a heavily seasoned packer at 285-300 for as long as it takes (probably around 7-8 hours for a 12-13 lber), and I don't ever wrap on the cooker, and the final internal temp should end up somewhere between 197 to 205 but it's irrelevant because what I'm actually looking for when I probe, is that it probes like buttah.  Then I throw it in a cooler with a loose wrap of paper for anywhere between 45 minutes and a couple of hours.  Throw it on the cutting board, slice, and voila!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 06, 2022, 11:06:58 AM
Yeah, the last 10 hours sort of confused me. It wasn't clear what was supposed to be happening.

I found this one where "Smokin' Joe" smoked a brisket without removing the fat. He didn't say whether it was already a packer cut or not. It came out looking better and more tender, and with better bark, than the one in the video I linked. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2022, 11:43:18 AM
Yup that one looks much better.  Both before, and after, the cook.  It had perfect pull, and he didn't even really slice the flat properly which should be completely against the grain. He was more like 3/4.

Oh and that's definitely a full packer cut, that's exactly what it's supposed to look like.

He's right that a LOT of people in Texico don't trim.  The only thing I ever trim, is if there's any REALLY hard or yellow bits of fat.  Otherwise, it goes exactly as "Smokin' Joe" did it.

I will say that here in Texico, butchers already know how to trim the packer so that it looks like the above, so that's one reason we don't have to do any further trimming.  But in other areas of the country, that's not necessarily so.   I once helped a friend smoke a brisket in California, and his butcher had no clue, so we had to do a lot of extra work, to get it to look like the above.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2022, 11:49:37 AM
Oh, and the added beef tallow step?  Completely unnecessary when you don't trim off all the fat cap.  A proper packer brisket is the perfect combination of fat, muscle, and connective tissue. No need to add, or remove, anything.  All you need is season, smoke, and time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2022, 12:09:13 PM
The Texas Bros. here serve it up just fine, Fox Bros., it's not as much a thing in GA because I think places don't know how to do it right.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2022, 12:30:16 PM
I remember one of the positions we used to have was called a "Cutter"

Cutting up a cooked brisket sounds easy but there is an art to it.

A good cutter just makes the whole operation run better
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2022, 01:37:59 PM
Yup.  I learned how to slice growing up at our family BBQ restaurant.

It can take 10 minutes to fully slice a brisket, and at our tailgate parties, I'd typically be doing 6 or 7.  Spending over an hour doing nothing but cutting is pretty tedious, especially if you're itching to grab a beer and hang out at the tailgate party for a bit.  So sometimes I'd hand over the duties to a friend of ours, but invariably, folks would come to me and start complaining that the new slicing wasn't being done properly.

No rest for the weary I suppose.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2022, 01:43:49 PM
I remember a good cutter was like being top gun in the wild west

Managers would fight over them to steel one away from another store

It was not unusual for them to make more then the managers with overtime

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2022, 01:48:00 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 06, 2022, 02:17:16 PM
Oh, and the added beef tallow step?  Completely unnecessary when you don't trim off all the fat cap.  A proper packer brisket is the perfect combination of fat, muscle, and connective tissue. No need to add, or remove, anything.  All you need is season, smoke, and time.
Adding the tallow was the one thing I was sure that I had never read in all your descriptions of how to properly smoke a brisket.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2022, 02:56:17 PM
Adding the tallow was the one thing I was sure that I had never read in all your descriptions of how to properly smoke a brisket.
Yup.  If you don't over-trim the brisket, you don't need tallow.

I've seen folks claim that Aaron Franklin's secret ingredient is tallow.  He might use it in competition, but for his commercial product, he most definitely does NOT. Because it's just not necessary.

Which brings up an important point-- there's a BIG difference between cooking a brisket for competition, and cooking product for general public consumption.  The reason, is that a competition judge is taking only one bite, and a regular customer is actually eating it.  So competition cooks do things like add tallow, and inject their briskets before cooking, in order to bump the flavor profile of that one bite and make it memorable. But that ends up being overpowering if you're eating 1/4 lb or more of the stuff.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2022, 02:57:36 PM
I remember a good cutter was like being top gun in the wild west

Managers would fight over them to steel one away from another store

It was not unusual for them to make more then the managers with overtime

Maybe I should get a second job as a cutter.  I can't tell you how many briskets I've taken apart in my lifetime.  Probably not a thousand, but definitely in the many, many hundreds.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 07, 2022, 04:51:07 PM
Today is the 81st anniversary of the Japanese air raid on Hawaii. There are lots of good Youtube videos on the subject. Here are a few.

Attack on Pearl Harbor 1941 (

Japan's Only Chance to Knock out the U.S. (

Pearl Harbor: Disaster for Japan (

FDR's "Day of Infamy" speech (

USS California's 4 Medals of Honor (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2022, 09:25:43 AM
Maybe I should get a second job as a cutter.  I can't tell you how many briskets I've taken apart in my lifetime.  Probably not a thousand, but definitely in the many, many hundreds.
I watched some movie on the plane about this tailor and his neice.  He called himself a "cutter", not a tailor.  He was a Brit.  Turned out later to be a really bad dude with tatoos.  Not a great movie but OK for a plane ride.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2022, 09:59:37 AM
Cutter can mean many things and I suppose some of them aren't very wholesome.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2022, 10:00:32 AM
The movie is called "The Outfit", which may be a double entendre ... a term my wife didn't know.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 08, 2022, 10:57:31 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2022, 11:21:21 AM

One of my favorite movies of all time.  I was WAY into cycling in my teens and 20s.

Another good one:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 11, 2022, 10:01:46 PM
Rumors swirling that Mike Leach has passed away. He’s in the hospital, got air lifted to Jackson. 

Figured it was apropos to post on the Big 12 board instead of the SEC board. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 11, 2022, 10:03:05 PM
damn, hope he recovers
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 11, 2022, 10:12:47 PM
Wow. Yes, hope the rumors are wrong and that he's ok.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 11, 2022, 10:57:20 PM
Here is the full statement from Mississippi State:

“Mississippi State University Head Football Coach Mike Leach had a personal health issue at his home earlier today (Sunday, Dec. 11, 2022). That issue led to a decision to transfer Coach Leach to the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson by ambulance. That is the extent of information that MSU has available regarding Coach Leach’s condition, and the university will make no other comment at this time other than to say that the thoughts and prayers of the university are with Mike and Sharon and their family.

“MSU President Mark E. Keenum and Interim MSU Athletics Director Bracky Brett have conferred, and the decision has been made to place MSU Defensive Coordinator Zach Arnett in charge of the MSU football team until Coach Leach returns. Practice for the ReliaQuest Bowl game and recruiting operations will continue.”
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 12, 2022, 01:52:21 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 12, 2022, 02:48:26 PM
From reading elsewhere, I understand that he had been fighting pneumonia and suffered a serious (massive?) heart attack.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 12, 2022, 02:53:48 PM
had no idea

very sad
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 12, 2022, 03:06:46 PM
I wonder if he'll return to coaching if he survives this.

He looks older than his years. He's 61 and looks a lot older than I do, and I'm 68. He looks older than Nick Saban does, and Nick is 71.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 12, 2022, 03:20:18 PM
from what Ive read he wont need to worry bout that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 12, 2022, 03:24:15 PM
The only MSU game I watched this season was their game against the ags, and I didn't really pay attention to what he looked like.  But there were folks on surlyhorns commenting for about the entire second half of the season, that he did not look well, on the sidelines. 

Right now it's sounding pretty final.  I wish it weren't so.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 12, 2022, 05:02:34 PM
from what Ive read he wont need to worry bout that
I fear that you are correct.
If so, R.I.P., Mike.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 13, 2022, 09:46:39 AM
Reported that he passed last night. Donated organs.

His Tech teams were frustrating, since he was always working to score if there were only seconds left on the clock. In my mind, 17 point leads were pretty solid in that era. He could whip out 3 touchdowns in 6 minutes if you took a break.

He himself never played the game, but used his problem solving abilities to leverage everything the offense could squeeze out. Afterward, he'd discuss piracy or the size of his players' girlfriends. No one really knew what was next, nor why.

The game is a little less interesting today without him in it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 13, 2022, 09:53:07 AM

The game is a little less interesting today without him in it.
Definitely.  RIP, crazy Pirate.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 13, 2022, 10:39:27 AM
RIP Coach Leach. 

I always hoped he could elevate msu just enough to disrupt Bama and the other behemoths the way he did Texas and OU. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 13, 2022, 10:49:35 AM
RIP Coach Leach.

I always hoped he could elevate msu just enough to disrupt Bama and the other behemoths the way he did Texas and OU.
I dont think aggie beat him every year

I remember something about being abused by goalposts
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 13, 2022, 11:17:03 AM
Godspeed, Pirate.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 13, 2022, 11:33:38 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 13, 2022, 11:47:22 AM
A one-of-a-kind he was.

And the agent of much change in the way football is played.

He built a fantastic coaching tree.

Swing your sword, you old Pirate!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 13, 2022, 12:27:42 PM
I dont think aggie beat him every year

I remember something about being abused by goalposts
No doubt Leach owns A&M. Like 70% type deal. 

But he inflicted some pretty hefty, if not often wounds on OU/Tex. Particularly in 2008 on Tex. I was kind of hoping he could spoil someone else’s party. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 13, 2022, 12:51:23 PM
No doubt Leach owns A&M. Like 70% type deal.

But he inflicted some pretty hefty, if not often wounds on OU/Tex. Particularly in 2008 on Tex. I was kind of hoping he could spoil someone else’s party.
yes 2008 still bothers me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 13, 2022, 01:53:05 PM
His style at Tech was high risk/high reward. The Tech fans could live with the losses to directional schools as long as they could take down a Texas or OU or aTm.

Really, the college football world has caught up. Offenses that can score in under a minute, either with HUNH, RPO, or other attack, are common. At the time Leach did what he did, we were still using 260lb LBs to stuff the RB runs in pro sets.

You'd get him in 4th and 17, know you had him dead, and he'd run a screen with the wide split, undersized OL diving at the defense's knees. Some squib of a RB would dash off 20 yards, they'd reset, and bust a seam route for the TD.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 14, 2022, 10:40:44 AM
got this from my brother in Colleyville..........


looks like I'm having brisket for Xmas
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2022, 11:12:24 AM
Nice.  It has been a while since I've seen brisket prices that low, maybe 5 years? 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 14, 2022, 11:16:00 AM
I keep aiming to try one, but my only device is either the oven or a hot pot.  My grill might be OK to toast the outside, not sure.

It's an electric grill.

A nice thing about the oven is that it has a thermocouple built in, set the internal T and it turns itself off when it reaches programmed T.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2022, 11:24:02 AM
Oven brisket is a common preparation in the northeast, it's a common dish within the Jewish culture.  You can't BBQ one in an oven but you can certainly braise it, and I've had several that way, that turned out great.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 14, 2022, 11:34:48 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2022, 11:40:14 AM
Funny story.

Texas went on to beat that ass, though, so it turned out just fine.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 14, 2022, 11:45:11 AM
Nice.  It has been a while since I've seen brisket prices that low, maybe 5 years?
I gotta give credit to Pres Biden

Git'r done, Brandon!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2022, 11:46:46 AM
I gotta give credit to Pres Biden

Git'r done, Brandon!
Sure, whoever.  97 cents is 97 cents.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 14, 2022, 12:07:13 PM

‘He looked at life differently than most people’: Former Sooners assistant Mark Mangino reflects on Mike Leach and a lone season together at OU in 1999

Eli Lederman, Tulsa World, Dec 13, 2022

Mark Mangino and Mike Leach landed in Oklahoma on the same day in late 1998. That night, the pair of assistant coaches met inside a Norman restaurant in one of the first gatherings of Bob Stoops’ inaugural coaching staff.

Over the decades that followed, through to his death Monday night following complications from a heart condition, Leach would morph into a legend of college football as innovator of the Air Raid offense and a personality capable of turning the mundane into moments of dry hilarity in an instant.

But on the December evening Mangino first encountered Leach, sitting amongst early Stoops-era staffers like Cale Gundy and Jerry Schmidt, he found the Sooners’ new offensive coordinator to be something Leach seldom ever was: quiet and reserved.

“He just sat there and listened to everybody,” Mangino recalled to the Tulsa World Tuesday. “And listened and listened. He didn’t say much that night.”

That was at least until the pair hopped in the car to drive the short distance to the Residence Inn that Stoops’ assistants called home in the early weeks of his tenure. A conversation began and suddenly 45 minutes had passed.

“After a while, he did most of the talking,” Mangino said with a laugh.

The conversations he’d go on to have with Leach swirled around Mangino’s mind Tuesday morning from his home near Pittsburgh, where the one-time Kansas head coach exchanged texts with former OU staffers and tried to make sense of Leach’s passing at 61 years old.

The Sooners’ offensive coordinator for a season in 1999, Leach notched 158 wins to 107 losses and led his teams to 17 bowl game appearances over 21 seasons on a non-conforming head coaching path from Texas Tech to Washington State to Mississippi State. And it was during that span that Leach carved his place into college football history, leaving behind a legacy defined in equal parts by record-breaking offenses and press conference musings on subjects from Halloween candy to insurgent warfare.

Nearly 25 years after their lone season together at OU, it’s the latter — and Leach’s ever-curious mind — that remains imprinted on Mangino.

“He contributed so much to the game of football,” Mangino said. “But more than that, I’m gonna miss just talking with him on the phone or texting because he always had great stories. He looked at life differently than most people.”

News of Leach’s passing brought tributes from across college football and OU’s football community; OU athletic director Joe Castiglione, coach Brent Venables — another member of Stoops’ first coaching staff — Gundy, Mangino and Stoops himself were among those who took the Twitter Tuesday morning.

Back in 1999, they were some of the same people who initially struggled to understand the young offensive coordinator.

“I’ll be the first to admit many on the staff at Oklahoma, including myself, when we first met him he seemed like a really nice guy but we couldn’t we figure him out,” Mangino said.

Perhaps that’s because Leach was the coach former Sooners safety Matt McCoy remembers drinking hot coffee on the practice field in the heat of August; the one who got dip spit in his eyes, fooled Texas with a fake playsheet, motivated through shade trees and tuna fish sandwiches and girlfriends and once provoked Mangino to lunge at him from across a table in a meeting.

“It took me all the way through spring ball to figure out where he was coming from,” Mangino said. “His philosophy of football was different from anything that most of us had been exposed to.”

Leach was already at Texas Tech by the time OU raised the national championship banners in 2000. But his fingerprints were all over OU’s last national-title winning offense.

A Sooners attack that finished bottom of the Big 12 scoring 16.7 points per game in 1998 tallied 35.8 per game in Leach’s season at OU. And it was Leach who mined an eventual national champion quarterback from Snow College in Utah; “He saw something in me no one else did,” Josh Heupel wrote Tuesday.

“Mike was proud of what he did at Oklahoma,” Mangino said.

“I remember him after the season coming down to my office. He said ‘You got a minute?’. It didn’t matter if you had a minute or not with Mike. ‘I just got the final NCAA stats and we only gave up 11 sacks all season.’ He was real proud. ‘See coach, I told you. This thing will go. It’ll go.’”

As a head coach, Leach’s passing offenses lit up scoreboards, set records and helped define the offensive football of the early 21st-century from the Big 12 to the Pac-12 to the SEC.

What made his him so successful?

“Simplicity,” Mangino said. “Repetition of the same things over and over. He didn’t make it difficult for the players, especially the quarterback. He put a lot on the quarterback. But he didn’t put him in a situation where he had to overthink. He let them play.”

As prolific as his passing attacks was Leach’s enduring persona of wit and off-the-cuff ramblings. He was fascinated by pirates and war history and was as likely to break down hypothetical mascot battles and doling wedding advice as he was opposing defenses in front of a camera.

For that and the 1999 season shared on staff at OU, Mangino will remember Leach as much as an innovator of the profession as he was a guiding force of the game.

“He’s a unique person — that’s the best way to put it,” Mangino said. “He had an intellectual curiosity that could not be satisfied. He talked about a multitude of subjects. He sort of had the spirit of a young kid in him.

“He just kind of saw things differently. He did things differently.”

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 14, 2022, 01:03:57 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 14, 2022, 01:11:12 PM

“Simplicity,” Mangino said. “Repetition of the same things over and over. He didn’t make it difficult for the players, especially the quarterback. He put a lot on the quarterback. But he didn’t put him in a situation where he had to overthink. He let them play.”

I recall prior to his last season at Texas Tech him saying that Tech's offense only had 5 plays.  He said there were variations and checks based on what the defenses showed, and obviously the various reads within the play, but that it was all the same 5 plays.  He noted that figuring out what play Tech was running was not supposed to be the key to defending them, there was no great mystery, just 5 plays.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 14, 2022, 02:42:51 PM
[img width=350.994 height=500][/img]
In his one season at OU, he recruited and coached Josh Heupel, and recruited Heisman Trophy winner Jason White and Rose Bowl MVP Nate Hybl.
He never established a dynasty-type program. He was too off-the-beaten-track to get hired at a blue-blood program, and defense was an afterthought to him. But his coaching tree is a deep and wide one, and his offensive philosophy will continue to impact football for a long time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 14, 2022, 04:54:36 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 15, 2022, 09:39:49 AM
In his one season at OU, he recruited and coached Josh Heupel, and recruited Heisman Trophy winner Jason White and Rose Bowl MVP Nate Hybl.
He never established a dynasty-type program. He was too off-the-beaten-track to get hired at a blue-blood program, and defense was an afterthought to him. But his coaching tree is a deep and wide one, and his offensive philosophy will continue to impact football for a long time.


I never wanted him specifically as a coach because I saw things like when Tech played OU, in 2007 I think, where they had the game won if they just ran the clock out, but they couldn't, because Leach.  They threw 3 straight incomplete passes and gave OU the ball back with enough time to tie the game up.  iirc, it worked out because OU didn't score, but that's not the point.  I just shook my head.  He literally couldn't stop calling passes.


There are some very impressive offenses orchestrated by coaches who come off of that Hal Mumme/Leach coaching tree.  Guys who commit more to the run and don't ignore defense, but whose core principles are those Air Raid concepts he paved the way for.  

Like some blue-check said while remembering him....they run his stuff in the NFL now.  Definitely a great football mind.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 15, 2022, 09:46:41 AM
I'll never forget the Ninja formation and how it freaked me out the first time I saw it.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 15, 2022, 10:06:51 AM
I guess there is a reason no air raid kind of team has won the NC ...  but they can elevate a team with mediocre talent to 9-3ish.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 15, 2022, 11:18:27 AM
I'll never forget the Ninja formation and how it freaked me out the first time I saw it. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 15, 2022, 11:25:39 AM
Tulsa World
Mike Leach didn’t set out to change college football, but that’s exactly what happened
Kevin Sherrington, The Dallas Morning News Dec 15, 2022 Updated 38 min ago

DALLAS — My first one-on-one with Mike Leach was over the phone, his preferred method of communication outside the bigger pulpit of press conferences. He liked the freedom, and, to his credit, he always called back. Almost to a fault. Like the time the Houston Chronicle’s Joseph Duarte waited all day on Leach before giving up and going to bed.

At 2 a.m., a ringing phone stirred Duarte from his slumber. Sure enough, it’s the Pirate, calling from a Lubbock drive-thru.

“Were you asleep?” he asked.

Leach didn’t just operate on a plane different from other coaches; he was on a level unoccupied by most humans in general. As is typical of such beings, he occasionally seemed unaware he’d trespassed any social norms. He followed where his inquisitive mind led him, no matter the consequences.

Halfway through that first call, for instance, he suddenly broke from a discussion about his Air Raid offense or Texas Tech’s opponent that week or something else keeping coaches awake all night to report a sandstorm boiling up outside his office window. You’d have thought Auntie Em’s farmhouse was pinned to the middle of it. He was so fascinated by the weather — and, interestingly enough, the over-analysis of it — that he once conned his way into doing Lubbock’s local weather report.

Most of his forecast went about how you’d expect for a guy who’d probably never seen a green screen in his life. But, in it, you learned just about everything you needed to know about the Pirate:

If they were playing a team that threw the ball half as much as the Red Raiders did, he liked the wind to whip at least 25 mph.

If you really want to know what it’s like out there, go see for yourself.

And appreciate what makes life different, even difficult.

“My favorite weather pattern,” he told viewers, “is when it rains mud.”

Most football coaches don’t do weather on the side. Most don’t believe the world is round. Or flat, for that matter. To most, it’s a prolate spheroid, and their lives revolve around it ceaselessly. Even remorselessly. In November 2016, Nick Saban, the king of coaches, announced that he didn’t even know a presidential election had just gone off until reporters brought it up. He didn’t seem embarrassed.

“We’re focused on other things here,” he said.

Leach focused on everything. Pirates, as the title of his book, “Swing Your Sword” suggests, but also gangsters, Native Americans, candy corn, honeymoons, politics, mascots, Shakespeare, tailgating, camping, anything that crossed his fertile mind. The eclectic reading material on his bedside table piled high. He considered himself a little bit of an expert on just about any topic. Which, of course, made him a little bit dangerous.

Over his 21 years as a head coach, Leach made us laugh a lot. Made us wince a little, too. He encroached upon the authority of athletic trainers at Tech by essentially mocking a diagnosed concussion of Adam James, leading to his unfortunate dismissal and a subsequent lawsuit against the university. The miracle was that after suing his former employer, he got hired at Washington State and Mississippi State anyway. His unvarnished candor — he started controversies in both Pullman, Wash., and Starkville, Miss., with inappropriate tweets — made him a risk too big for the likes of blueblood schools. A Tennessee athletic director once tried to hire him and got fired for his efforts.

The irony is that Josh Heupel, one of the quarterbacks Leach created out of thin air, led a revival in Knoxville this year.

Leach didn’t give his players and coaches an offense with the command to go out and change football at all three levels, even if that’s exactly what happened. As Sonny Dykes, a branch on Leach’s coaching tree, told ESPN the other day, the Pirate’s greatest gift to his charges was the courage to “be ourselves. ... That was the biggest lesson that I learned, that you can see the world differently and still be a successful college football coach.”

Dykes crashed the College Football Playoff in his first season at TCU. Lincoln Riley, another disciple, made it three times at Oklahoma and nearly pulled it off in his debut at USC. They’re Leach’s proud legacy, but they’re not knockoffs. No one could follow that act. Not if you wanted to be yourself or, more to the point, work at places where you could win big.

The Pirate never coached at a state’s flagship university. Never had the history or resources to go head-to-head, year-in, year-out.

On the other hand, he owns four of the 14 seasons in Washington State history in which it has won at least eight games. After an ugly start at Mississippi State, he improved to 7-6 and 8-4 this year.

And at Tech, he owns as many 8-win seasons as Matt Wells, Kliff Kingsbury, Tommy Tuberville, Spike Dykes, David McWilliams, Jerry Moore, Rex Dockery, Jim Carlen and Steve Sloan combined.

Frankly, I’m not sure he would have enjoyed working at a school where he would have had to mind his manners. Wasn’t in his constitution. He was, above all else, a character, and characters are messy.

They’re also in short supply in his field. The Pirate, gone too soon at 61, will be missed, particularly in pressboxes. His legacy goes on, lighting up scoreboards everywhere, though pressers will be dimmer. Late-night interviews won’t be the norm, either. He made up for waking Joseph Duarte with a fun interview. He knew our weakness for a good story. If he didn’t always exactly answer our questions, never were we so merrily led astray.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 15, 2022, 12:44:23 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 15, 2022, 02:32:19 PM (
I remember this game well.  We were competing to win B2B B12 Championships, and then the wheels fell off in Norman.  The worst part was the 6, not the 51.  RC was a defense 1st team.  

Can somebody answer me if this was just a brand new thing that they perfected in this game, or had OU been running this all season?  Because I sorta remember that we just had no answer.  Texas kinda had the same thing in the Cotton Bowl where OU got up big, but then adjusted and ended up coming back and winning.  But I'm not sure if they added some new looks after that for A&M or if our coaches were just woefully unprepared. 

You can trace back A&M's post-90's unraveling to this one single game BTW.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 15, 2022, 05:26:34 PM
When the Big 12 formed, we all went with huge, hulking LBs because we knew that a championship would always mean facing the Big Red Machine. Those guys were going to flatten you if you couldn't take on an H-Back in the gap. That meant mass.

When Leach was OC at OU, he brought on a ton of squirty, fast receivers. No one had 5 or 6 quality DBs on the roster. Even the Safeties were built for run support. They could run all around you.

When they played Texas, they weren't good at it yet. They got up quickly largely on the strength of the aforementioned fake play list. Texas relied on their "in" for the first quarter, so the Sooners boatraced them. Once Texas satisfied itself that the sheet was a fraud, they played the game based on the visual evidence. Texas' athleticism won out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 16, 2022, 11:17:28 AM
Top 5 Mike Leach moments during his time with OU football
Jenni Carlson
Dec 13, 2022

Mike Leach left an indelible mark on the game of football.

Not just because of his Air Raid offense either.

The Mississippi State head coach and former OU offensive coordinator who died Monday night had a quirky personality rarely seen from major college football coaches. Most in his position played things close to the chest. Few jokes. No shenanigans.

Leach was the exact opposite.

He could turn a mundane press conference into must-see TV. A pedestrian question about the offensive line or the kicking game might suddenly spur a diatribe about pirates or Geronimo or grizzly bears.

Leach was unique.

Here are a few fun stories from his one season with the Sooners.

When Bob Stoops was hired at Oklahoma, he hired Mike Leach to run the Air Raid offense. It changed the fortunes of Sooner football — but it also did a number [on] football in the Big 12. [AP PHOTO]

Good times at the Residence Inn
Bob Stoops’ first coaching staff had to jump quickly into the work of building a program, and that meant few had a chance to buy houses or rent housing right away.

So, most of the coaches lived at a Residence Inn in Norman.

“One of our first staff meetings back in 1999, we were at the Residence Inn,” current OU head coach Brent Venables recalled earlier this year; he was co-defensive coordinator back then. “We had some good times at the Residence Inn.”

The coaches often gathered there because OU’s football facilities were being renovated and space was limited.

“Our first staff meeting here at Oklahoma … this was the first time Mike Leach and (Mark) Mangino were talking ‘ball,’” Venables said. “And you know, Leach, he’s a man of few words, and Coach Stoops is introducing everybody. He introduced Coach Mangino as the run game coordinator and co-offensive coordinator, and somehow, someway, we got on the ball plays. And one of the staples of Mark Mangino’s offense is to run the power, to block down and double and kick out and pull the guard around.

“The power was not in Mike Leach's offensive playbook. And so after Mangino tells him what he's going to practice and can't wait to put that in and out of a spread concept, you know, Leach is standing with his coffee and he says, 'You can practice it all you want, I'm not calling it in a game.’”

Venables laughed.

“That didn't go off very well,” he said. “But as y'all know, we ended up pretty good. One year later, we win the national championship.

Texas Tech head coach Mike Leach and Oklahoma head coach Bob Stoops, from left, talk before the 2006 game. Photo by Bryan Terry

Surprise at the Switzer Center

In those early days of the Stoops era, the coaches often stayed up all night calling recruits or planning strategy.

Once offices at the Switzer Center were ready, Leach and some of his offensive assistants bought air mattresses to sleep on once their late-night work was done.

“It was actually a pretty fun time,” Leach recalled a couple years ago.

Funny, too.

“The cleaning lady got there real early,” Leach said. “Like 6. Mine was the first office. I don’t know how she didn’t get this sorted. I should have had a do-not-disturb thing or whatever.

“All of a sudden, she’d open the door every day and scream. Every day. Every single day, there was somebody sprawled out on the air mattress there, and she’d say, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were here.’

“After about three days of that, I said, ‘You know, I’ll be here tomorrow.’ But it didn’t make any difference.”

Carpooling with Leach

Oklahoman columnist Berry Tramel did a big story on Leach’s law background during his lone season in Norman.

Leach agreed to do a photoshoot after practice one day.

“OU that day practiced at the intramural fields, about four blocks southeast of Owen Field,” Tramel wrote a year ago. “An Oklahoman photographer joined us to shoot the photos. Leach asked where we wanted to snap the picture. I told him the law-school angle, and he suggested the OU Law School. Said the mock courtroom probably would be open."

But then Leach said he’d walked to practice and that he’d just hop in with Tramel and the photographer.

“My mind started racing,” Tramel wrote. “The photographer had parked far off. I was driving my old Ford truck that was only a cab-and-a-half, with those facing seats in a cramped second row.”

Tramel gave his car keys to the photographer and told her she could drive and he’d climb in the back so Leach could ride in the passenger’s seat.

“We got to my truck, and before I could even organize things, Leach had the door open, the seat pushed forward and he was climbing in the back seat,” Tramel wrote.

“I remember thinking, this is the guy who is helping Bob Stoops turn around OU football, and I’ve got him eating his knees as he rides across campus to do a photo shoot for us.”

Mike Leach's Red River Rivalry scheme

Leach only coached once in the Red River Rivalry, but his impact on that 1999 game is the stuff of legend.

During pregame warm-ups, a Texas student assistant found a copy of OU’s script of opening offensive plays. The student assistant took it to the Texas defensive coordinator.

Texas was already a big favorite in the game, and the Longhorns thought they’d caught a big break before the game even started.

But the script was a fake.

Leach decided to drop the paper in hopes someone from the Texas side would find it and believe it. The Longhorns did — and the Sooners took a quick 17-0 lead.

Texas eventually recovered, winning 38-28.

“It was a decent effort,” Leach told in 2018. “But it would even be more legendary if we had won the sucker.”

How Mike Leach found Josh Heupel

When Leach arrived at OU, the Sooners didn’t have a quarterback capable of running the Air Raid offense he was bringing from Kentucky. He had to go and find one. He had to look all over the country.

His search led to tiny Ephraim, Utah.

That’s where Josh Heupel was playing for Snow Junior College. Leach convinced Heupel to come to Norman for an official visit, and the two holded up in Leach’s office watching game film.

“All the cuts of Kentucky, talking about what the quarterback does here, what that guy does, what this guy does, what the reads are, things of that nature,” Leach said back in 1999. “And I mean, through every play, one reel after another.”

They did that for seven hours.

“Usually (recruits) want to see girls and buildings and things like that,” Leach said.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 16, 2022, 01:40:52 PM
I'm absolutely not a fan of "concept" uniforms, like those abominations that Army trotted out on the field last Saturday. (I thought Navy's idea was goofy too, but at least their tributes to NASA resembled normal football uniforms, while Army's outfits looked like pajamas.)

But I really like this tribute. I hope that MSU wears this helmet in the ReliaQuest Bowl.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 16, 2022, 01:42:23 PM
Pretty sure that's just a fanpic of a concept helmet, but it would be cool to see it on the field.  It's not like MSU has a ton of history or tradition tied up in their current uni, they switch things up all the time.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 16, 2022, 01:59:31 PM
Yeah. Somebody has dreamed it up. But it would be nice to see it on the field.

If I were King of MSU, the football team would wear that helmet in the bowl game and all next season.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on December 16, 2022, 02:09:41 PM
I'll never forget the Ninja formation and how it freaked me out the first time I saw it.

Origin of the Ninja accoring to James Hale:

The great thing about the first Bob Stoops staff is that they were always out and about around town, and the most popular place for them was Othello’s on Campus Corner in Norman. As a reporter covering a college team living in town, I was always out and about at the best spots, and Othello’s was always a top choice. It was nothing for a couple of coaches to be there after games and throughout the week. Thursday was always a popular night, and usually, a few coaches would be there with their families. That didn’t stop them from telling me to pull up a chair, and the information and stories would be flying.
Those were great days as the coaches were young and footloose and free, and if they trusted you, they would talk to you just like you were one of them. Not like today, where coaches are all paranoid and never seem to come out of their houses.
One Thursday night, Coach Leach sits at the bar drinking a glass of wine. He chats up any student or fan that wants to come and say hi, and he is having a good time. He sees me and tells me to take a seat beside him.
I watched a few people come up to Coach Leach and tell him about a play they thought would be good for him. He would always tell them to draw up the play so he could figure out how to block for it. Sometimes that would spook the fan, and sometimes it wouldn’t, but it was always fun to watch fans try to draw up plays with Coach Leach asking them how he would block for this play against a three, four, or five-man front.
He would tell them if I can’t block for it, I can’t run it, and usually, the fans would walk away laughing because the Sooner offensive coordinator had given them the time of day.
A pretty blond sorority girl came up to Coach Leach and was one of the young ladies in college that could always grab the attention of any man, no matter the age of the men. So, she had Coach Leach’s and my attention, and she told the coach that she had a play that she thought he should run. She said it was somewhat of a trick play with Heupel at quarterback and Trent Smith at tight end that she thought there was no way a defensive could cover it. Coach Leach told her to draw it up.
The young woman then told us her dad was a high school football coach, and she had seen a million plays drawn up. Coach Leach asked about what his high school was, and when he heard where it was, he knew it was legit. She proceeded to draw up the play even with a defense on the other side. Coach Leach and her talked for about 30 minutes or more, and when she walked off, he told her he would probably run it Saturday.
I will be damned if Coach Leach did not put that play in his playbook, as that play became the ‘Ninja’ at OU. After the game, I remember somehow getting alone with Coach Leach and asking him if the formation was the play that the sorority girl had drawn for him, and he said that was the inspiration for him to put it in at OU. He told me that the formation had been used at other schools but that the young lady was so into drawing it up he tried to put it in just like she drew it up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 16, 2022, 03:04:44 PM
Yeah. Somebody has dreamed it up. But it would be nice to see it on the field.

If I were King of MSU, the football team would wear that helmet in the bowl game and all next season.
yup, putting a sticker on a helmet isn't a huge change
And VERY easy to accomplish
nothing else needs to change
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 16, 2022, 03:28:41 PM
One of the teams in the Bahamas Bowl has a pirate sticker on their helmets in honor of ML
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 16, 2022, 03:33:18 PM
Origin of the Ninja accoring to James Hale:

The great thing about the first Bob Stoops staff is that they were always out and about around town, and the most popular place for them was Othello’s on Campus Corner in Norman. As a reporter covering a college team living in town, I was always out and about at the best spots, and Othello’s was always a top choice. It was nothing for a couple of coaches to be there after games and throughout the week. Thursday was always a popular night, and usually, a few coaches would be there with their families. That didn’t stop them from telling me to pull up a chair, and the information and stories would be flying.
Those were great days as the coaches were young and footloose and free, and if they trusted you, they would talk to you just like you were one of them. Not like today, where coaches are all paranoid and never seem to come out of their houses.
One Thursday night, Coach Leach sits at the bar drinking a glass of wine. He chats up any student or fan that wants to come and say hi, and he is having a good time. He sees me and tells me to take a seat beside him.
I watched a few people come up to Coach Leach and tell him about a play they thought would be good for him. He would always tell them to draw up the play so he could figure out how to block for it. Sometimes that would spook the fan, and sometimes it wouldn’t, but it was always fun to watch fans try to draw up plays with Coach Leach asking them how he would block for this play against a three, four, or five-man front.
He would tell them if I can’t block for it, I can’t run it, and usually, the fans would walk away laughing because the Sooner offensive coordinator had given them the time of day.
A pretty blond sorority girl came up to Coach Leach and was one of the young ladies in college that could always grab the attention of any man, no matter the age of the men. So, she had Coach Leach’s and my attention, and she told the coach that she had a play that she thought he should run. She said it was somewhat of a trick play with Heupel at quarterback and Trent Smith at tight end that she thought there was no way a defensive could cover it. Coach Leach told her to draw it up.
The young woman then told us her dad was a high school football coach, and she had seen a million plays drawn up. Coach Leach asked about what his high school was, and when he heard where it was, he knew it was legit. She proceeded to draw up the play even with a defense on the other side. Coach Leach and her talked for about 30 minutes or more, and when she walked off, he told her he would probably run it Saturday.
I will be damned if Coach Leach did not put that play in his playbook, as that play became the ‘Ninja’ at OU. After the game, I remember somehow getting alone with Coach Leach and asking him if the formation was the play that the sorority girl had drawn for him, and he said that was the inspiration for him to put it in at OU. He told me that the formation had been used at other schools but that the young lady was so into drawing it up he tried to put it in just like she drew it up.
Great story, Thumper!
Better still, it might even be true.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 16, 2022, 03:34:57 PM
One of the teams in the Bahamas Bowl has a pirate sticker on their helmets in honor of ML
Which team was it, 320? I watched some bits of that game and didn't notice it. I'd guess it was Miami (O). I got a couple of good looks at the dragon-head design on the UAB helmets and didn't notice any pirate stickers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 16, 2022, 03:41:19 PM
Which team was it, 320? I watched some bits of that game and didn't notice it. I'd guess it was Miami (O). I got a couple of good looks at the dragon-head design on the UAB helmets and didn't notice any pirate stickers.
It was Miami (OH)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 16, 2022, 04:27:34 PM
as they should
the bahamas has a great history of pirates!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 16, 2022, 07:21:37 PM
Good point, Fearless!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 21, 2022, 03:45:13 PM
My step son is here with his GF who is from Hong Kong originally.  She is very nice, pretty, vivacious, etc.  My step son is a very fine fellow also.  Anyway, we took them to Fox Bros BBQ figuring she might not know southern Q.  She ordered ... chicken salad.

I think she thought it would be a salad with chicken in it, she is rather thin and eats little.  She was surprised.  She did get a rub bone.  They now have an appetizer called "chicken fried ribs" and it's as good as that sounds.

Weird but good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 21, 2022, 05:13:40 PM
"chicken fried ribs" -  nuttin wrong wit dat
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 21, 2022, 08:45:51 PM
Local Austin BBQ joint Stiles Switch has had a special for years that is a chicken-fried BBQ beef rib. It is... quite special.  I had one just a couple weeks ago.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 23, 2022, 01:52:23 PM (

Churchill's Christmas at the White House, 1941
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 24, 2022, 02:52:26 PM
They were tasty, I did not have any of her chicken salad though.

We had lunch at the Barcelona Wine Bar today, it's always good.  The placae is usually packed, but not today.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 25, 2022, 08:45:57 AM
Merry Christmas, you filthy animals ! 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 25, 2022, 09:33:15 AM
Merry Christmas to everyone on the Porch
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 25, 2022, 10:06:02 AM
Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 25, 2022, 10:10:32 AM
back at ya
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 27, 2022, 09:15:02 PM
Update on Battleship Texas. (

USS Texas (BB-35) was commissioned on 12 March 1914.

Per the Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge: "Texas served in Mexican waters following the "Tampico Incident" but saw no action there, and made numerous sorties into the North Sea during World War I without engaging the enemy, though she did fire in anger for the first time when shooting medium-caliber guns at supposed submarines (no evidence exists that suggests these were anything more than waves). In World War II, Texas escorted war convoys across the Atlantic and later shelled the neutral French in the North African campaign and German-held beaches in the Normandy Landings before being transferred to the Pacific Theater late in 1944 to provide naval gunfire support during the Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Texas was decommissioned in 1948, having earned a total of five battle stars for service in World War II. She is currently undergoing a $35 million dollar repair project in Galveston, Texas and then headed to a yet unknown location for future tours."

I have never been aboard Texas. I have toured USS North Carolina (BB-55), USS Alabama (BB-60), and USS Iowa (BB-61). Of those three, North Carolina is my favorite. I enjoyed all three tours.

A far cry from Texas, but related in dry-dock-ery, is USS Constitution, "Old Ironsides." She is docked at Boston. I have toured her twice, the second time while she was undergoing a major overhaul that exposed parts of the ship not normally visible on tours. That was cool, and I suspect it would be similarly cool to see Texas under repair.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 27, 2022, 11:12:43 PM
Very interesting CW

Thanks for posting
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 28, 2022, 09:42:28 AM
I visited the Texas as a young boy.  It was huge and impressive.  I'm glad to see it getting some TLC and I hope they figure out a good plan for its long-term display.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 28, 2022, 11:31:26 AM
I'll have to get down and visit Battleship Texas someday.

The ship that I'd most love to visit no longer exists. USS Enterprise (CV-6), the highest-decorated U.S. ship of WWII, the greatest, most-heroic aircraft carrier ever, the "Grey Ghost of the Pacific," went to the scrappers in 1958.

Unconscionable and unforgiveable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 28, 2022, 11:45:23 AM
The Brits scraped most of their famous ships also, they have a light cruiser in London.

I've been on the Constitution, the NC, the Alabama, and two carriers from WW 2, and the Arizona memorial.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 28, 2022, 12:23:53 PM
As a shool kid I must have visited the Texas at least 2 or 3 times

Its birth is located very close to where the battle of San Jacinto was fought

which makes it a must for school trips
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 28, 2022, 01:03:35 PM
I started watching some Netflix show about Japanese naval planning before WW II.  It got pretty boring, Archimedes something, so I turned it off.  But the main deal was how they wanted "show boats" in effect, the Yamato class, that would "look" impressive, far more so than the four or more carriers they could have built for the same trouble.

The main gun assembly on the Yamato weighed as much as a destroyer.  A lot is written about some hypothetical battle between a single Iowa class and the Yamato (which never would have happened).  I'd guess an early "lucky" hit would have been deterinative, the Iowa had better gunnery radar, but less range, more speed, but less heavy projectiles and less armor.

An interesting factoid is that the North Carolina class had 16" 45 caliber guns while the Iowa had 16" 50 caliber guns.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 29, 2022, 02:42:50 PM
The South Dakota-class BBs--South Dakota, Indiana, Massachusetts, and Alabama--immediate predecessors to the Iowas, also had the 45-caliber main guns.

The North Carolina-class--North Carolina and Washington--could have been classified as battle cruisers, as they were under-armored for their gun-size. They were originally designed to have 14-inch main guns and a top speed of 30 knots, but late in the design process the armament was changed to 16-inch guns with a 28-knot top speed. Battleships were theoretically designed to have armor able to stop shells from guns equal to their own, so the North Carolinas were either over-gunned or under-armored, depending on your PoV.

That notwithstanding, the North Carolinas were beautiful ships, the best-looking of all U.S. Navy BBs.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 29, 2022, 03:04:30 PM
There was so much bad blood between crews of the South Dakota (nicknamed Sh--- Dick) and Washington they had to arrange separate shore leave times.  They got into some pretty serious fights.  The latter crew felt the former left them alone a G-canal (which technically is true).

I have a book on the USS Washington.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 30, 2022, 10:16:37 AM
Washington was  the last battleship to sink another battleship, during the Guadalcanal campaign.

In college football news, after OU's and Texas' losses yesterday, the Big 12 is 1-5 in bowl games, with the two toughest matchups still lying ahead.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 30, 2022, 10:45:35 AM
The B12 did really well in bowl games  a season or two ago, and won the "Bowl Cup" or whatever the mediots like to call it, based on winning% in the postseason.  And I didn't think it made the B12 the best conference then.

And losing all its bowl games this year won't make the B12 the worst conference, either.

It's really tempting for folks to use the bowls as a measure of relative conference strength, because there are so many intersectional games that wouldn't ever get played in the regular season.  It's tempting, but it is folly.  The bowl games are actually a terrible way to measure relative conference strength, because the goals of coaches and players and the teams' game prep are FAR different in the postseason, compared to the regular season. 

CFP games excepted, of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 30, 2022, 11:56:28 AM
Texas Tech won. So there’s that. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 30, 2022, 12:33:50 PM
Must mean they'd dominate the B12 right.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 30, 2022, 12:44:20 PM
There are too few meaningful games to assess relative conference strength beyond some rather broad characterizations, like SEC teams dominate recruiting rankings, to the extent said rankings have some meaning.  Bowl games today for obvious reasons are nearly useless.  If OSU plays UM again, should we decide the B1G was really great this year?  The other teams there aside from PSU look pretty mediocre to bad.  If UGA/Bama/Tenn win, does that mean the SEC is really good?  It could mean the top teams there are relatively good.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 30, 2022, 01:01:26 PM
There are too few meaningful games to assess relative conference strength beyond some rather broad characterizations, like SEC teams dominate recruiting rankings, to the extent said rankings have some meaning.  Bowl games today for obvious reasons are nearly useless.  If OSU plays UM again, should we decide the B1G was really great this year?  The other teams there aside from PSU look pretty mediocre to bad.  If UGA/Bama/Tenn win, does that mean the SEC is really good?  It could mean the top teams there are relatively good.

People like to make lists, as you are wont to point out.  Comparing conference strength is just another manifestation of that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 30, 2022, 01:23:49 PM
Lists .... grrr.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 30, 2022, 01:38:30 PM
People like to make lists, as you [Cincydawg] are wont to point out.  Comparing conference strength is just another manifestation of that.
I think that old habits die hard.
Back in the bad old days of bowls and polls, conference strength, real or perceived, mattered. How did a Nebraska Big 8 record of 7-0 compare to an Alabama SEC record of 8-0, a Texas SWC record of 8-0, or a USC Pac-8 record of 7-0? And, then, in OOC games, how would an OU tie with USC compare to a Texas win over Miami? And then, in bowl games, how would a USC win over Ohio State in the Rose Bowl compare to an Alabama win over Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl? (Those are generic comparisons.)
Starting with the BCS, moving to the CFP, and now the upcoming 12-team playoff, conference strength is less important.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 30, 2022, 01:46:02 PM
I think that old habits die hard.
Back in the bad old days of bowls and polls, conference strength, real or perceived, mattered. How did a Nebraska Big 8 record of 7-0 compare to an Alabama SEC record of 8-0, a Texas SWC record of 8-0, or a USC Pac-8 record of 7-0? And, then, in OOC games, how would an OU tie with USC compare to a Texas win over Miami? And then, in bowl games, how would a USC win over Ohio State in the Rose Bowl compare to an Alabama win over Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl? (Those are generic comparisons.)
Starting with the BCS, moving to the CFP, and now the upcoming 12-team playoff, conference strength is less important.
Yeah I agree that there have historically been reasons for attempting to rate relative conference strength.

I'm just pointing out that it's a fool's errand, and if you're attempting to use bowl games as part of the metric, it's flawed and completely irrelevant.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 30, 2022, 01:50:47 PM
In the future, would a team that is strong but not quite great be better off in a top level conference or the "ACC"?  Imagine you go 12-1 in the ACC and get the bye, where you would have been perhaps 10-2 in the B1G/SEC.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 30, 2022, 02:08:32 PM
In the future, would a team that is strong but not quite great be better off in a top level conference or the "ACC"?  Imagine you go 12-1 in the ACC and get the bye, where you would have been perhaps 10-2 in the B1G/SEC.
Since it is ever and ever all about the money, the extra money that you get in the SEC/B1G outweighs the competitive advantage that you would get with a 1st-round bye.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 31, 2022, 10:22:32 PM
Congrats to the Frogs, and that goes out to Devil Froggy, wherever he is.

I don't like TCU. I think they play on the dirty edge, and often beyond it. Their M.O. this year was to knock the opposing QB out of the game. I think it would have served them right had their late 4th-down stop been called targeting.

But they've done something OU never accomplished in four trips to the CFP--they've won a semifinal game.

So, again, congrats to TCU.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 01, 2023, 12:13:54 AM
Congrats to the Frogs, and that goes out to Devil Froggy, wherever he is.

I don't like TCU. I think they play on the dirty edge, and often beyond it. Their M.O. this year was to knock the opposing QB out of the game. I think it would have served them right had their late 4th-down stop been called targeting.

But they've done something OU never accomplished in four trips to the CFP--they've won a semifinal game.

So, again, congrats to TCU.
Gee TCU says thanks I think
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 01, 2023, 07:26:55 AM
DF posted some on the B1G board yesterday.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 01, 2023, 11:13:35 AM
Congrats also to the Georgia Bulldogs, CD. That was a great game with Ohio State last night.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 01, 2023, 11:17:13 AM
That was a crazy game, OSU went up and down the field on our Big 12 defense ....

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 01, 2023, 11:51:11 AM
Congrats to @DevilFroggy (;u=35) and @Cincydawg (;u=870) .  We went camping for a quick overnight and I didn't catch much of either game but the scores seemed exciting.

I'm sure the final matchup will be exciting as well, although I doubt I'll watch it. I haven't seen any of the CFP finals, Monday nights tend to be full of other commitments for me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: DevilFroggy on January 01, 2023, 04:03:16 PM
Congrats to the Frogs, and that goes out to Devil Froggy, wherever he is.

I don't like TCU. I think they play on the dirty edge, and often beyond it. Their M.O. this year was to knock the opposing QB out of the game. I think it would have served them right had their late 4th-down stop been called targeting.

But they've done something OU never accomplished in four trips to the CFP--they've won a semifinal game.

So, again, congrats to TCU.

Absolutely absurd and frankly I'm shocked to see you regurgitating this nonsense. TCU didn't try to injure opposing QBs any more than any other team that tries to sack QBs does, which last I checked was every team. Sometimes QBs get hurt when dudes much bigger than them tackle them. That's been the game since the game was first played. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 01, 2023, 04:56:56 PM
Way to go CW

you have reserected DF now youre in for it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 01, 2023, 04:59:11 PM
So anyway, we're all in agreement that the only reason TCU won so many games was because they're dirty and knock their opponents' QBs out... right?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 01, 2023, 05:05:38 PM
So anyway, we're all in agreement that the only reason TCU won so many games was because they're dirty and knock their opponents' QBs out... right?


Hell their DL even have notches on their helmets
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 01, 2023, 07:10:15 PM
it worked against K-State early in the season
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 01, 2023, 07:22:32 PM
So anyway, we're all in agreement that the only reason TCU won so many games was because they're dirty and knock their opponents' QBs out... right?


Not the only reason. They're a good football team. They've got a great defense and an OC who has been part of one more victory in the CFP than his older brother has.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 01, 2023, 07:27:45 PM

Absolutely absurd and frankly I'm shocked to see you regurgitating this nonsense. TCU didn't try to injure opposing QBs any more than any other team that tries to sack QBs does, which last I checked was every team. Sometimes QBs get hurt when dudes much bigger than them tackle them. That's been the game since the game was first played.
1st: Point of order, if I'm regurgitating it, then others must be saying the same thing.
2nd: An unusually high number of opposing QBs were knocked out of games by the TCU defense. Coincidence? Maybe. But I'm not much on coincidences.
Again, congratulations. I was rooting for the Frogs and I am glad they won.
I still root for Big 12 teams, even as the conference is sticking it to us on our way out the door.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 02, 2023, 04:51:26 PM
tough day for ol Muleshoe in Arlington
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 03, 2023, 11:23:05 AM
I guess nobody around here is weeping on his behalf.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 03, 2023, 12:00:16 PM
I had to laugh at the way a surlyhorns poster characterized Lincoln Riley's coaching performances:

It's like Riley's brain is wired to a transformer run by an 11-year old who thinks he's got a Lionel train set and just twists the power switch back and forth, trying to perfect his ability to make the locomotive jump off the tracks.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 03, 2023, 12:10:29 PM
To think Riley is who the AD wanted when he thought he couldn't get Kelly.....we could be losing to Tulane.  

The outside world wouldn't understand, but that wouldn't sit well at all with fans or admin.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 03, 2023, 12:14:07 PM
I had a reasonably pleasant discussion with a USC fan in the reader responses to an article about Muleshoe's change of venue on Yahoo! Sports. This was a week or so after the midnight phone call led to the predawn departure (per Muleshoe's account).

At the end, I predicted that Muleshoe would make a big, immediate improvement from USC's 4-8 record of 2021. But I said he'll lose a game or two that he shouldn't, and that the first year would probably be the best one. That was his pattern at OU, and I figured it would hold true for the future.

He offered some reasonable arguments that my prediction would not hold up, and we ended the conversation agreeing to disagree.

Well, Muleshoe has made the big improvement and he's lost games he shouldn't have. Time will tell whether this year will be his best year at USC.

Lincoln Riley is obviously an outstanding offensive coordinator, and in 2017 he was probably as ready to be a big-time CFB coach as anyone is who has not already been one. But he had some gaps in his skillset that needed to be filled.

Those same gaps still need to be filled. He has not grown as a head coach. The interesting part of the game to him is matching his wits as OC against an opposing defense. The other stuff--defense, special teams, clock management, complementary football--is an afterthought.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 03, 2023, 01:02:50 PM
I don't understand what part of being a HC can impede a side of the ball like that.  So offense is your thing and you don't care about defense--fine.  You hire a capable DC to do that for you.  It's not like he doesn't know defense is a thing you need.  Either he's hiring the wrong guys or he's doing something in leadership that's making it impossible for the DC to do his job.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 03, 2023, 01:56:32 PM
a decent O-coordinator knows a great defense gives him much better scoring opportunities with more possessions and field position

obviously the same goes for special teams play
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 03, 2023, 04:40:26 PM
I don't understand what part of being a HC can impede a side of the ball like that.  So offense is your thing and you don't care about defense--fine.  You hire a capable DC to do that for you.  It's not like he doesn't know defense is a thing you need.  Either he's hiring the wrong guys or he's doing something in leadership that's making it impossible for the DC to do his job. 
Both, I think. He's not going to hire a DC who will push back against running the hurry-up when he should be eating clock, and his failure to hold players and coaches responsible makes it difficult-to-impossible for even the best DC to do his job. And that hypothetical "best DC" would not like to work for Muleshoe for very long.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 03, 2023, 04:42:51 PM
a decent O-coordinator knows a great defense gives him much better scoring opportunities with more possessions and field position

obviously the same goes for special teams play
I'm sure that he knows that.
But he would have to devote more time, energy, and money recruiting defensive players. He would have to rein in or slow down his offense at times to give the defense a chance to rest.
The things he would have to do to have a better defense would interfere with his real interest--having a world-beater offense.
That's my take on it, anyway.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 03, 2023, 05:01:35 PM
Scott Frost was the same way

never figured it out

his and his D-coordinator's philosophy was to make big plays - tackles for loss, turnovers, anything to hand the ball back to the offense as soon as possible - obviously this also allows big plays by the opponent

idea being to have as many possessions as possible to outscore the opponent
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 03, 2023, 05:34:55 PM
Scott Frost was the same way

never figured it out

his and his D-coordinator's philosophy was to make big plays - tackles for loss, turnovers, anything to hand the ball back to the offense as soon as possible - obviously this also allows big plays by the opponent

idea being to have as many possessions as possible to outscore the opponent
That sounds like Alex Grinch's "Speed D." It emphasized the same things you just described. It was better than Mike Stoops' defense, which gave up yards and points without generating turnovers and TFLs. But, except for one season, it didn't generate turnovers and TFLs either.
Riley's defenses at OU were always short on quality depth. They often wore down in the 4th quarter. Like his defense did in the Cotton Bowl yesterday.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2023, 03:21:33 PM
Texas A&M is finalizing a deal to hire Bobby Petrino as offensive coordinator, according to multiple reports. Petrino, who's expected to take over play-calling duties from Aggies coach Jimbo Fisher, most recently served as head coach at FCS Missouri State from 2020 through this past season, and was hired as offensive coordinator at UNLV in December 2022.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2023, 03:27:52 PM
Texas A&M is finalizing a deal to hire Bobby Petrino as offensive coordinator, according to multiple reports. Petrino, who's expected to take over play-calling duties from Aggies coach Jimbo Fisher, most recently served as head coach at FCS Missouri State from 2020 through this past season, and was hired as offensive coordinator at UNLV in December 2022.
The SEC message board is ---------------------->
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 04, 2023, 03:47:58 PM
DJ Durkin and Bobby Petrino..what a combo.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2023, 04:02:21 PM
The SEC message board is ---------------------->
the Horns and Sooners are SEC teams now
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2023, 04:03:19 PM
the Horns and Sooners are SEC teams now
If only
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2023, 04:22:40 PM
there's no turning back

just like UCLA to the B1G
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2023, 04:28:16 PM
there's no turning back

just like UCLA to the B1G
That's not what I'm saying.  I'm fine with the move, it's exactly what I predicted would eventually happen back in 2011.

But we're not in the SEC yet, and we won't be for another year.

DJ Durkin and Bobby Petrino..what a combo. 
No offense but this has "disaster" written all over it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 04, 2023, 04:29:16 PM
I think UO and UT need to tighten it up a bit before make this transition ...

A&M, I dunno ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 04, 2023, 04:38:03 PM
yup, learn to play defense ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2023, 04:46:49 PM
yup, learn to play defense ;)
No longer required in the SEC, thank goodness.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 04, 2023, 05:31:25 PM
The Dawgs were doing pretty well in the regular season, though Kent State gave them real problems.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 04, 2023, 05:36:20 PM
I think UO and UT need to tighten it up a bit before make this transition ...

A&M, I dunno ...
Oregon is joining the SEC? Who knew? ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2023, 06:28:15 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 04, 2023, 07:39:00 PM
That's not what I'm saying.  I'm fine with the move, it's exactly what I predicted would eventually happen back in 2011.

But we're not in the SEC yet, and we won't be for another year.
No offense but this has "disaster" written all over it.
The defense under Durkin was ok. Nothing spectacular, it was the offense that lost most of the games. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 04, 2023, 07:40:48 PM
Bobby Petrino makes me sick to my stomach. Not a bad coach, but not a good person. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 04, 2023, 08:02:38 PM
Bobby Petrino makes me sick to my stomach. Not a bad coach, but not a good person.
Yup, I'd feel pretty sick as well if my school had hired him. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 05, 2023, 09:40:56 AM
Briles, Freeze, and Petrino are names that I'd rather stay away from teams I like.  

I think they're all pretty good coaches though.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 06, 2023, 11:21:44 AM
Congrats to UT for firing Chris Beard. It was the right thing.

Beard is fighting it, of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 06, 2023, 11:46:13 AM
While I wasn't there, of course, and can't speak to the facts, the retraction and clarification by Beard's fiancee is pretty common in DV cases. I clearly don't know if it represents the truth or not.

What does appear to be true is that someone in the house made a 911 call, and when the cops showed up, they found evidence on the victim sufficient to charge not only DV but occlusion (choking). Something happened that night.

A court case may ultimately not reach the standard needed for criminal conviction. It's possible, but becomes harder when the victim isn't willing. That's a totally separate matter from the fact that the not-disputed part of the record strongly suggests Chris Beard put his hands on that lady. After that, he won't be welcome in meetings with other professionals nor in recruiting homes. In short, the circumstances of the arrest mean he won't be able to effectively coach the University of Texas Men's Basketball team.

Texas' oddly ironclad Sovereign Immunity framework seems to mean any suit he brings against the University is practically guaranteed to fail.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 06, 2023, 12:14:13 PM
It was the only option.

I have no way of knowing for sure, but it seems like there are problems in their relationship, and it seems like one or both of them have some serious personal issues as well.  At this point, all I can do is hope all parties receive the help that I believe they need, and can correct their lives to move on and be fulfilling.

But it won't, and it can't, happen, with any association to the University of Texas.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 07, 2023, 06:08:38 PM
A history of tacos: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 07, 2023, 09:43:43 PM
stirrin the pot
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 07, 2023, 10:30:12 PM
Not I, Fearless!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 07, 2023, 10:31:33 PM
seems to be more passion regarding chili
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 08, 2023, 10:14:23 AM
17 minutes seems like a lot of time to devote to the subject matter. 

Too Long; Didn't Watch :)

My opinion on the matter-- a taco can be pretty much any filling, placed into a tortilla.  That tortilla can be soft corn, soft flour, or hard-fried corn, or hard-fried flour, as long as the tortilla is hard-fried before any filling is added. 

Now, if the filling is added and THEN the whole thing is fried, that falls under a different category.  Those types of dishes are typically called flautas, flaquities, chimichangas, and various other names depending on region, size, and type of tortilla used.

An exception to this, is the burrito, which is like a large taco on a flour tortilla.  Size is the differentiator here.  Burritos are made using large flour tortillas. Tacos are made using smaller tortillas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 08, 2023, 10:45:55 AM
as I have observed...

all the same thing
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 08, 2023, 05:26:38 PM
I thought that the history of the taco, with all of the various names for the ur-tacos, was interesting.

When you're in your 2nd retirement, you have time to watch 17-minute YouTube videos.

Yesterday, I probably spent an hour delving into the history of the song "Barbara Allen."

Today, I spent about the same amount of time on the 1851 poem "Dover Beach."

Dover Beach – by Matthew Arnold

“The sea is calm to-night.
The tide is full, the moon lies fair
Upon the straits; on the French coast the light
Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand;
Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.
Come to the window, sweet is the night-air!
Only, from the long line of spray
Where the sea meets the moon-blanched land,
Listen! you hear the grating roar
Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling,
At their return, up the high strand,
Begin, and cease, and then again begin,
With tremulous cadence slow, and bring
The eternal note of sadness in.

Sophocles long ago
Heard it on the Agaean, and it brought
Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow
Of human misery; we
Find also in the sound a thought,
Hearing it by this distant northern sea.

The Sea of Faith
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.

Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 08, 2023, 07:14:45 PM
CW you need to find something to do

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 09, 2023, 10:47:28 AM
Yeah no kidding...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 09, 2023, 12:57:40 PM
CW you need to find something to do
Don't worry about me, 320. I've got more stuff to do than I've got time to do it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 09, 2023, 01:17:47 PM
Now I'm hungry for tacos.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 09, 2023, 04:04:23 PM
me too

might be pizza tonight during the game

the best sports bar within walkin distance is just pizza
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 09, 2023, 04:15:12 PM
I think we're grilling salmon tonight, and probably have some asparagus with that.  The kids love it so it's always a slam-dunk for a Monday night when we want to keep thing simple and give the kids something they will eat and won't complain about.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 10, 2023, 09:57:47 AM
I had a minor procedure done at a doctor's office yesterday afternoon and due to being a little hung over from some pain medicine and a valium they gave me to clam me a bit for the procedure, I didn't go to work this morning. 

My dictionary app's word of the day is "malinger":  to pretend illness, especially in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc.

I don't appreciate personal commentary from a phone.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 10, 2023, 11:05:35 AM
Slick would approve of your word of the day.

Hope all is well in the health department.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 10, 2023, 11:56:55 AM
I think we're having shredded pork tacos for dinner tonight.

That was "some" NCG last night. Congrats to CD and his Dawgs.

Kirby Smart had some interesting NSFW pre-game locker-room comments. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 10, 2023, 12:06:05 PM
I'm down with shredded pork tacos.

The best tacos I've ever eaten, were some extremely spicy shredded pork tacos at a place down in Tulum, Mexico.  They were otherworldly (and a great hangover cure, interestingly enough).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 10, 2023, 12:13:09 PM
had a great Chipotle burger last night at the lobby bar

city of Sioux Falls is having a burger battle between many places that serve burgers

the smoked gouda mac&cheese was a worthy side

the meal was better than the game

The Fernson Lion's Paw Lager on tap was better than the game 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 10, 2023, 07:06:33 PM
I just thought of something-- can anyone else name Georgia's last non-conference loss?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 10, 2023, 07:09:04 PM
I just thought of something-- can anyone else name Georgia's last non-conference loss?

would the word sugar be a clue
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 10, 2023, 08:15:06 PM
Smoked prime rib from an out-of-region source. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 11, 2023, 07:11:53 AM
Cancer sucks. A friend of mine from work has been battling this since October, and now they’re out of options. 

I’m going up to see him today, but as I understand it he’s out of it. I have no idea how to handle this. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 11, 2023, 08:30:28 AM
Cancer sucks. A friend of mine from work has been battling this since October, and now they’re out of options.

I’m going up to see him today, but as I understand it he’s out of it. I have no idea how to handle this.

Short answer: I don't know how to handle it either.

However, no one else does. What I've gleaned is that, since it's tough to know how to handle it, most people avoid interacting. Bless you for giving it your best.
Keep in mind that, unless you're an ultra-high-end oncologist, you probably can't offer any solutions or hope. Stay away from the "look on the bright side" stuff, since there likely isn't one. Stay present, let them talk all they want to, and just do your best to sympathize. Pretending to understand isn't realistic. Just be there for your friend.

This is a tough trip that you could probably make a lame excuse to avoid. Thank you for sticking it out. The only thing you can do now is be a friend. Do that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 11, 2023, 08:43:46 AM
My understanding is that he's not awake.  He's not really responsive.  His body has shut down.  I visited him a few weeks ago in the hospital, and we did have a good talk.  At that time the treatment was thought to be very hopeful, and he was feeling the best he had been in a few weeks.  When that didn't work it went downhill fast.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 11, 2023, 08:55:52 AM
Yeah cancer sucks.

You're doing a good thing by visiting, even if he's not awake and aware.  I still believe that it matters.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 11, 2023, 09:48:25 AM
me too

I did the same thing a few years back for a best friend

I'd rather go visit the living in that state than attend the funeral
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 11, 2023, 10:41:04 AM
me too

I did the same thing a few years back for a best friend

I'd rather go visit the living in that state than attend the funeral

For me it has ended up being both, but that's the way of things.

When my close friend Denise (who was Bald Greg's wife for those who have met them at the tailgate party) passed away from cancer, we had about a month where we knew it was inevitable, and she was lucid and in decent spirits for the first 2.5 weeks.  The last 1.5 weeks she was pretty out of it, and it was just awful, but basically Bald Greg threw open the house and we stopped by every day and spent entire weekends there.  About 20 of us-- her family and closest friends-- were all there when she passed, because early that day the hospice nurse predicted the time it would happen to about the half-hour.  That was tough, but I'm glad we were all there to support Greg and the kids who we treat as essentially our own.

But then, the funeral was even tougher.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 11, 2023, 10:44:01 AM
I know this is stating the obvious, but working at a clinic and interacting somewhat regularly with cancer patients, it's pretty invaluable for their friends and family to just be there for them.  Goes for the families too, in general.  I think you're doing a great thing.

Not all that long before we were married, Mrs. DeTiger lost her mom to cancer.  We spent the week with her that she passed as we knew she didn't have long.  She really appreciated it, and my now in-laws did too.  Sounds cliche, but there's a lot to be said for just being there.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 11, 2023, 11:32:36 AM
For me it has ended up being both, but that's the way of things.

But then, the funeral was even tougher.

yup, I went to his funeral too.
It was tougher

one of the few funerals I've attended lately

I will attend a funeral only if I'm sure someone in the family will be wondering why I'm not there.
If I think I won't be missed - I'll be missed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 11, 2023, 12:42:26 PM
for Utee94...............

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 11, 2023, 12:58:05 PM
Ha!  Indeed.

A dry martini could also work there.

9 days and counting for me (I started on the 3rd, since the 2nd was still technically vacation/holiday for me and my family)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 11, 2023, 01:35:40 PM
My understanding is that he's not awake.  He's not really responsive.  His body has shut down.  I visited him a few weeks ago in the hospital, and we did have a good talk.  At that time the treatment was thought to be very hopeful, and he was feeling the best he had been in a few weeks.  When that didn't work it went downhill fast.
He may know that you are there even if you can't communicate with him.
My friend who died of Parkinson's disease with Lewy body dementia. But the last time I visited him, a few days before he died, he seemed to know that someone was there, and I could imagine that he smiled. His wife (widow) later told me that that was the last time he had any expression on his face.
So, even if there's no obvious communication, you may be providing him something positive in his final days or hours.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 11, 2023, 02:24:08 PM
Well they wouldn't let me in.  I went to the hospital (MD Anderson in Houston), but where he is now is more restrictive.  I may try again in a day or two.  

He's out of it, not responding.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 11, 2023, 06:04:12 PM
Well they wouldn't let me in.  I went to the hospital (MD Anderson in Houston), but where he is now is more restrictive.  I may try again in a day or two. 

He's out of it, not responding. 

Rough. Thanks for going anyhow.
Try again. At this point, your main benefit may be with the family. If your friend is beyond earthly medicine, caring for those who love him would be a blessing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 12, 2023, 09:06:58 AM
He's gone.  Happened last night.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 12, 2023, 09:17:35 AM
Condolences, Gigem.  I hope that he, his family, and friends, can find peace.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 12, 2023, 09:18:09 AM
Thanks Marcus.  Appreciate the kind words.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 16, 2023, 07:25:18 AM
I hate funerals, usually.  I probably will see more of them fairly soon.  The last was for two young men suicides.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 18, 2023, 09:39:21 AM
The last funeral I went to was in early December and was for the 20-year-old daughter of some close friends of ours.  She committed suicide as well, on December 2nd.  She was a sophomore at Texas Tech and by all accounts there were no outward signs or warnings at all.  It's probably the saddest funeral I've ever been to.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 20, 2023, 01:16:38 PM
The last funeral I went to was in early December and was for the 20-year-old daughter of some close friends of ours.  She committed suicide as well, on December 2nd.  She was a sophomore at Texas Tech and by all accounts there were no outward signs or warnings at all.  It's probably the saddest funeral I've ever been to.
Dang.  20 years old, not even old enough to really know shit.  I have a 19 YO myself, soon to be 20.  I try to talk to him all the time to make sure there aren't any hidden issues.  These kids have too much to live for.  

The funeral isn't for another week.  I've been asked to be a pallbearer and graciously said yes.  I feel honored as I only knew my friend the last few years.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 21, 2023, 10:33:12 AM
for Burnt Eyes............

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 23, 2023, 07:37:56 AM
There is a new Buc'ees south of Macon now on I-75 and I stopped there for gas and went inside and bought a pulled pork sandwich, which was "OK".  I asked my wife about the place and her one word summation was "Horrible".  She is very sensitive to smells and said it smelled worse than she could stand.  OK then, we didn't stop on the drive back.

It was crowded with people, I thought it was OK, but am not sure of the actual appeal of the place, when traveling I just want to fill up and be on my way.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 23, 2023, 09:30:09 AM
most truck stops are "horrible"

bigger doesn't make it better, probably more horrible
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 23, 2023, 09:46:48 AM
There is a new Buc'ees south of Macon now on I-75 and I stopped there for gas and went inside and bought a pulled pork sandwich, which was "OK".  I asked my wife about the place and her one word summation was "Horrible".  She is very sensitive to smells and said it smelled worse than she could stand.  OK then, we didn't stop on the drive back.

It was crowded with people, I thought it was OK, but am not sure of the actual appeal of the place, when traveling I just want to fill up and be on my way.
There are different sizes of Buc-ees.  You stopped at a travel center.  They are big.  They have lots and lots of gas pumps, so you can just leave your car at the pump.  

The smaller ones are the ones I prefer.  Bucees were born right here in my literal backyard, the 2nd store ever is in my neighborhood.  It just finally closed a few months ago (we have another one in my small town).  They have clean restrooms, cheap ice, cheap fountain drinks, and you can usually get in/out pretty fast.  If all you want is to fill up, use the restroom, and be on your way you should still be able to do that without much trouble, even at a travel center.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 23, 2023, 12:24:36 PM
There was a lot of food, and food odor, which she didn't like.  The bathroom was clean at least.  They had plenty of gas pumps, the price was the same as elsewhere (save Costco).  Anyway, I checked it off, probably won't go back.

Waffle House started near where I grew up apparently, my wife doesn't like them either.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 23, 2023, 01:17:37 PM
I prefer not to go to the big travel centers either.  Too much crap I don't need and wont' buy.  I just want clean bathroom and cheap fountain drinks.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on January 23, 2023, 02:29:52 PM
All the Buc-EEs around me are within 30 minutes of my house. I really shouldn't need to stop the car at that point.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 23, 2023, 02:46:59 PM
I drove back from North Port yesterday with two stops for fuel and food.  I found a McD's gift card from somewhere that had $20 on it.  That covered the food part.  The GA gasoline tax is back and that raised fuel costs of course.  Premium was over $4.  I filled up in Sarasota at a Costco and regular was barely cheaper than elsewhere.  Here it's quite a bit cheaper.  We're almost past 30 K miles on a car that is about to be 5 years old.

The drive from Macon on was rain, hard at times to where folks slowed down (some).  Not a fan ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 23, 2023, 02:48:26 PM
Only time I ever stop at Buccees is when I'm towing the RV trailer.  VERY large gas pump area so it's easy to maneuver the RV, and clean bathrooms.

If I'm not towing, I'll likely stop elsewhere for gas and supplies.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 24, 2023, 10:03:42 AM
Waffle House started near where I grew up apparently, my wife doesn't like them either.

Waffle House is a guilty pleasure of mine.  But I really think for the experience to be right, it has to be late or middle of the night, you should wonder when's the last time everything was disinfected, the waitress should have questionable hygiene, and you should feel mildly unsafe in the neighborhood at night and with the variety of characters present.  

Austin didn't have a Waffle House when I moved there.  I thought "Of course....buncha rich, aristocratic Texans could never have a place like that."  Then to my surprise they got one, so I went to try it out one day.  The place was clean, the staff was good-looking, wholesome families with small children filled up the place.  

It was completely wrong and I never went back.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 24, 2023, 10:14:10 AM
There is a Waffle House downtown here, it's in a skyscraper, which also seems very wrong.  There is another near GaTech in a pseudo-mallfront location.

We did go one morning to one north of us a few miles that is more typical, and it was typical.  My wife asked if the waffles were somehow special.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2023, 10:28:51 AM
Waffle House is a guilty pleasure of mine.  But I really think for the experience to be right, it has to be late or middle of the night, you should wonder when's the last time everything was disinfected, the waitress should have questionable hygiene, and you should feel mildly unsafe in the neighborhood at night and with the variety of characters present. 

Austin didn't have a Waffle House when I moved there.  I thought "Of course....buncha rich, aristocratic Texans could never have a place like that."  Then to my surprise they got one, so I went to try it out one day.  The place was clean, the staff was good-looking, wholesome families with small children filled up the place. 

It was completely wrong and I never went back. 

Austin has had a Waffle House since at least the early 90s, down on I35 south of the river.  We used to go there occasionally after partying downtown on 6th Street.  I was either still in college, or JUST graduated, so 1993 at the very latest, is when that one would have opened.  But I feel like it was there well before that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 24, 2023, 10:56:58 AM
Why The South Loves Waffle House - Best places to eat in Atlanta, GA | Atlanta Eats (

The waffles may be the name, but the hash browns are the soul of Waffle House. Most customers have their own go-to combination of toppings, but the main breakdown is:
It has even been calculated that you can order 768 unique varieties of hash browns.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2023, 11:01:41 AM
It's fine for late night after-party food.  I don't have much of an opinion beyond that.  I don't consider it to be considerably better, or worse, than Denny's.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 24, 2023, 11:08:19 AM
I prefer it to Denny's because the kitchen is open.  Some Denny's are pretty awful.  WH gets rather pricey these days for not that much.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on January 24, 2023, 11:22:01 AM
Apparently there is some kind of SEC-Waffle House meme thing that goes on, and it's often mentioned there is no Waffle House in CSTAT ( or at least there wasn't) 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2023, 11:36:30 AM
Apparently there is some kind of SEC-Waffle House meme thing that goes on, and it's often mentioned there is no Waffle House in CSTAT ( or at least there wasn't)
Yeah I think it's because, at least early on in the TAMU move to the SEC, a lot of ags wanted to "belong."  And Waffle House is ubiquitous in SEC country, so some ags lamented that there was no WH in CS, and some even started an internet campaign to get one.

At the time, I saw some Horn fans on the internet latch onto this, and start poking fun at the ags for not having a WH in CS, when Austin has had one for decades. 

Just a lot of internet fan-based stuff, from what I could tell.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 24, 2023, 12:34:47 PM

Austin has had a Waffle House since at least the early 90s, down on I35 south of the river.  We used to go there occasionally after partying downtown on 6th Street.  I was either still in college, or JUST graduated, so 1993 at the very latest, is when that one would have opened.  But I feel like it was there well before that.

Then Google circa 2004 failed me.

Somebody told me one had just opened, and it's close to where you describe.  The building was seemingly new and someone there said something about recently opening. 

I'm thinking perhaps they remodeled and were closed for a bit, or something like that, and I moved there during the time they were not open.  That, or we're talking about two different locations and the locals there didn't know about one when I originally asked.  

Either way, the point stands.  It was too nice to be a real Waffle House.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2023, 12:39:23 PM
Yeah I'd have to talk to someone from South Austin to really know the details of its origin, and I generally try to avoid talking to people from South Austin.  Strange folk, not right in the head.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 24, 2023, 12:47:32 PM

Actually, December of this year will be 20 years since I moved to Austin.  I was 24 but still a kid, though I probably didn't think so at the time.

Had a heckuva time getting a job there, took far longer than I anticipated, and my little savings account that I thought was more than enough to float me along for a few months was bone dry by the time I got any traction.  I took odd jobs and quick-cash gigs along with, "locals" who possibly didn't have citizenship that first year...anything I could get.

Always have had a weird regret about life there.  Seems I either had time to enjoy the place but no money, or else I had a great job with plenty of $ and ZERO time to enjoy the city.  I wasn't even there most of the time during the week, and my weekends were largely spent helping my church and taking a breather before the long week to come.  Never really had time and money at the same time to just be there and enjoy things like I wanted.

That said, somehow I did manage to do a lot of things that first year, and still pushed myself to do things on weekends when I worked off and came home for a couple days.  Just never felt like I got to enjoy everything nearly as much as I wanted.

Now when I visit the GD roads have changed so much I feel like I can barely navigate anywhere without a GPS.  Somehow I meander around and I get there though.  But it's the same thing now.  Due to health problems I can't do any walking around or any fun touring like I want. 

Me and Austin were just not meant to be, I suppose. 

Still loved it, tho. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 24, 2023, 12:48:40 PM
Yeah I'd have to talk to someone from South Austin to really know the details of its origin, and I generally try to avoid talking to people from South Austin.  Strange folk, not right in the head.

He's not being a north austin's true.  Gotta go at least as far south as Buda to get to normal people again.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2023, 12:55:51 PM
When I was in high school I DID have the pleasure of dating a VERY hot South Austin girl.  She went to Crockett, I went to Anderson.  Different worlds for sure, but she was in theater and saw me perform in our UIL One-Act Play, where I won the award for Best Actor at the city-wide competition.  She dug my chili and had a friend of hers who knew some friends of mine, track me down.  We dated for a couple of months before she graduated and went on to college at North Texas State.  Those were some very good times.

So I guess I'm cool with SOME things about South Austin, but in general, best to keep your distance.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 24, 2023, 01:13:41 PM
Mmmmm......very hot Austin girls........

Sorry.....what were you saying?  I think we were talking about how my wife is amazing and I never looked at another woman until her.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2023, 01:20:07 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 24, 2023, 02:27:49 PM
Waffle House started near where I grew up apparently, my wife doesn't like them either.
My last assignment in the Army was as an instructor in the Combat Studies Institute at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS.
My sub-specialty within CSI was being on the Staff Ride Team.
A staff ride is like a 10G battlefield tour. The students/participants have to read some required materials in advance, and they get assigned to particularly read up on one or more of the key leaders. We developed and conducted staff rides from Bastogne (IIRC) to Attu Island. I didn't participate in the one in Europe (it took place while I was on terminal leave), but I did help develop and conduct the one for Attu.
Attu did not have a Waffle House. It had a U.S. Coast Guard LORAN station (manned by 13 Coasties, IIRC) and an uncontrolled airstrip.
But just about all the Civil War staff ride sites were near Waffle Houses.
We--the Staff Ride Team--always stayed at a Hampton Inn, and whenever possible we ate breakfast at a Waffle House.
Waffle House is not bad. It's a tasty way to start your day with an injection of grease, butter, and caffeine.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 24, 2023, 02:47:34 PM
Huddle House in my experience IS bad.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 24, 2023, 03:06:29 PM
Huddle House in my experience IS bad.

Is that just a GA thing?  I noted the similarities when I lived there as a teen.  And perhaps differences that I don't remember.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 24, 2023, 05:44:51 PM
They are around the SE and to be avoided.  They are worse than Denny's.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 25, 2023, 01:16:19 PM
Speaking of Airstream trailers, here's a bit about how they came to be ( It's part of a 5-part BBC series called "The Genius of Design."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 26, 2023, 05:02:39 PM
I'm not sure I agree with the conclusions made about the designed world, but that was an interesting blurb on the Airstream.  I have a half-dozen books about the origins of the Airstream, its vintage kin, travel trailers in general, and the RV life as a whole.  It's all a little bit fascinating to me.

When the kids are off to college, my i s c & a aggie wife wants to sell our house in the burbs and buy a Class A motorcoach, and tour the country in it.  Probably grab some remote land somewhere with a downsized house on it to use as a home base, but for the most part, full-time it in the RV.  I could probably do that, for a few years anyway.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 26, 2023, 05:04:23 PM
I've thought about going mobile to avoid the tax man after retiring

I suppose I could park in an Austin Walmart lot for a few nights a year
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 26, 2023, 05:06:39 PM
I've thought about going mobile to avoid the tax man after retiring

I suppose I could park in an Austin Walmart lot for a few nights a year
You could be like BJ McKay.  But you'd obviously need a pet monkey named Bear.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 26, 2023, 05:16:59 PM
as long as I can be called Fearless and not BJ
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 26, 2023, 05:22:15 PM
Not sure that bit is negotiable.  You'll have to ask the network execs.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 26, 2023, 09:21:46 PM
if networks are involved

I'll take the money

call me what chew will
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 27, 2023, 07:04:47 AM
I've thought about going mobile to avoid the tax man after retiring

I suppose I could park in an Austin Walmart lot for a few nights a year
Legally, you need 6 months and a day of residency, and a driver's license (it helps anyway) which requires (usually) a bill sent to your new address.  I looked into this vis a vis Florida, I was going to empty my IRA at once, pay taxes on it, and then move wherever I wanted.  Buy a cheap condo, establish residency, convert IRA to a Roth (etc.) and move to somewhere else now with zero tax liability (nearly).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 27, 2023, 12:20:25 PM
so, what if your residence is an RV or a boat that isn't docked for 6 months a year in the same spot?

yer just supposed to give them an address anyway?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 27, 2023, 12:23:16 PM
I don't know, you'd maybe have a PO Box.  You usually need an address somewhere to get bills etc.

Before I met my wife, I thought I might "uproot" and get a camper van and just see the world.  She's not the camping type, at all.  She's the Hilton type.

I had to show a bill here to get a DL showing established residence.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 27, 2023, 12:42:46 PM
perhaps a PO box at a location that you could list as a physical address

pick a state with fewer taxes

no property tax
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 27, 2023, 12:43:36 PM
I'm sure folks do it, and have worked out how.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 27, 2023, 12:56:29 PM
I'm sure folks do it, and have worked out how.
Yes, "full-timing" in an RV is quite common.  There are numerous online message board forums, where people discuss it, and give out their tips,  tricks, and best practices.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 27, 2023, 05:20:21 PM
I wouldn't mind the driving, but living in a camper would get old, I think

sure, I could visit many places and play many golf courses, but I'd need a traveling golf partner

no good options for that currently

property tax isn't that bad in a small Iowa town

around $2,000 a year
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 27, 2023, 06:54:47 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 27, 2023, 07:00:27 PM
If we're talking van chassis, this is more my style:


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 27, 2023, 08:28:17 PM
it's evolved since the 70s
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 27, 2023, 10:07:23 PM
I'm not sure I agree with the conclusions made about the designed world, but that was an interesting blurb on the Airstream.  I have a half-dozen books about the origins of the Airstream, its vintage kin, travel trailers in general, and the RV life as a whole.  It's all a little bit fascinating to me.
Would you care to elaborate on your questions about the conclusions?
I'm just curious. I don't have any investment in any of the conclusions being correct.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 27, 2023, 10:33:08 PM
on a different note if you guys are like me you have a lot of remote controls in your life

I have a remote control caddy and 6 different remotes

yes I know I could probably consolidate these by getting a master programable remote but Im too lazy

anyway because of the number of remotes I require double and triple A batteries

I had a whole pile of batteries of which I didnt really know which were good and which were bad

I solved this problem by getting something called a Battery Daddy from Amazon for only $14

This thing not only stores the batteries but has a battery tester to make sure your stored batteries are good

Incidentally did you know the shelf life of an akaline battery is aprox 8 years

anyway this is a picture of it:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2023, 08:00:54 AM
Yeah, I have four for the TV, DVD, stereo,cable box.  The one with the cable box does the normal things, but not the stereo, which has the largest remote controller of the bunch.  The 8 years figure is probably for reaching half power in a battery, I'm guessing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 28, 2023, 08:31:35 AM
I could easily have just the one remote

but I have a small simple one for the sound bar - mostly just to turn the volume up and down

I watch live sports, sports, some news and Triple D

nothing that is really enhanced by the sound bar and subwoofer
the speakers in my 65 inch TV are fine
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2023, 08:37:17 AM
I turn on the sound system with the TV for some movies.  Then my wife will complain it's too loud for the neighbors (who never have complained).

We turn it on for music, which is fine, she doesn't like it turned up, but it's usually classical music.  The sound bar is a good idea for folks who want something a bit better than TV speakers.  

I treated myself to a decent sound system when I retired.  I upgraded the old receiver a bit later and was surprised how much difference it made.  A buddy who knows this stuff said for one thing the new receiver would have better response time.  The old one was an Onkyo I bought maybe 20 years back.  The new one is a Yamaha with too many widgets.  I like the McIntosh concept, but not the price tag.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 28, 2023, 08:43:26 AM
my daughter is moving to a different apartment the end of February
her dog will be moving from my house to her apartment

I may invest in a sound system after the dog is gone

then I can turn it up w/o bothering anyone

not sure I need it

haven't needed anything like that the past ten years or so
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2023, 08:49:34 AM
My buddy has a massively expensive sound system in Cincy.  He told me he spent over $2,000 on SPEAKER CABLES.  I forget the brand of his speakers, and he has some Magneplanars in his basement rarely used I think.  I asked him for advice on more sensible speakers and he suggested Monitor Audio, which is what I have, the Silver series.

It can turn into an expensive hobby, but not for me.

We have season tickets to the symphony and I think that sound is not readily duplicated by any sound system.  We have a concert tonight in fact.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 28, 2023, 09:34:03 AM
I'll simply visit two local electronics shops - not the box stores like Best Buy

I'll ask for their best bang for your buck

I'm sure it will be impressive enough for me

back in the 80's when CDs came out.  I had a Denon amp with Boston Acoustic speakers.

I liked it and got many complements.

It wasn't super expensive 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2023, 10:03:04 AM
I had Boston Acoustics prior to my current pair.  I have a MA "sound bar" and subwoofer as well.  The sub is turned down as low as it will go.

Denon still makes quality gear.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 28, 2023, 10:26:27 AM
good to know

might go back to that combo

liked the crispness and the highs of the BAs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 28, 2023, 10:34:45 AM
Yeah, I have four for the TV, DVD, stereo,cable box.  The one with the cable box does the normal things, but not the stereo, which has the largest remote controller of the bunch.  The 8 years figure is probably for reaching half power in a battery, I'm guessing.
Im talking about fresh but not being used batteries
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2023, 10:39:12 AM
Yeah, I know, I'm saying an unusued battery probably doesn't go completely dead in 8 years.

Maybe it loses half its juice.

The Big Battery Myth is that refrigeration makes them last longer. And it does, though in most cases not by much: Alkaline batteries discharge at less than 2% a year. But in prolonged heat of about 100 degrees, they'll lose a quarter of their charge.

Two percent per year isn't much at all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 28, 2023, 10:46:14 AM
Yeah, I know, I'm saying an unusued battery probably doesn't go completely dead in 8 years.

Maybe it loses half its juice.

The Big Battery Myth is that refrigeration makes them last longer. And it does, though in most cases not by much: Alkaline batteries discharge at less than 2% a year. But in prolonged heat of about 100 degrees, they'll lose a quarter of their charge.

Two percent per year isn't much at all.
I realize its gradual 

If a battery doesnt peg the test meter I toss it 

life's too short to store weak batteries
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2023, 01:41:23 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 28, 2023, 01:45:28 PM
Jed Clampett
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 28, 2023, 02:17:48 PM
Has anyone here done the RV thing for an extended period, say a month?  (We're doing an 18 day cruise next month, which is somewhat akin I suppose.)

How practical is a camper van for a couple?  My wife says she'd be cleaning and cooking all the time and it's not a vacation.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 28, 2023, 02:21:18 PM
nope, 5 or 6 nights is the limit I've done

guys trip fishing
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 28, 2023, 02:24:25 PM
I had Boston Acoustics prior to my current pair.  I have a MA "sound bar" and subwoofer as well.  The sub is turned down as low as it will go.

Denon still makes quality gear.

my tuner is a Denon

Im very happy with it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 29, 2023, 08:40:45 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2023, 02:03:18 PM
I've done 2 weeks in an RV.  It was a lot of cooking and cleaning, but that was the plan all along, since we were camping at a state park.  If you have to spend a lot of time inside the RV, it's definitely cramped.  But that's not really the point when we're camping, the object is to spend as much time outside as possible, living in the outdoors.

It's not anything like vacationing on a cruise ship or in hotels, where you're specifically paying someone else to do the cooking and cleaning.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 30, 2023, 12:52:18 PM
Well, it's that time again.  

School back in, football done, me in self-exile, supposedly to study more.  

The hope is to finish school and get a job where I get paid a lot but mostly just sit idly and chat here.  

Maybe OU and UT will be my conference mates by the time I get back regularly.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on January 30, 2023, 03:01:03 PM
Bummer. See ya soon we hope.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 30, 2023, 03:20:35 PM
Well, it's that time again. 

School back in, football done, me in self-exile, supposedly to study more. 

The hope is to finish school and get a job where I get paid a lot but mostly just sit idly and chat here. 

Maybe OU and UT will be my conference mates by the time I get back regularly. 
Take care MDT.  Go chase that lazy, post-all-day dream!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 05, 2023, 01:54:48 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 07, 2023, 04:42:54 PM
Latest update on Battleship Texas. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 09, 2023, 12:35:10 AM
I heard the PAC 12 is looking at taking San Diego State and ….SMU. Yes, the school in Dallas. Wowzer. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 09, 2023, 08:42:12 AM
Musical chairs goes on and on.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 09, 2023, 08:44:00 AM
Yup, they need to add somebody.  And usually when some G5er gets into a P5 conference, recruiting goes way up and they turn out to be decent.

I saw this at Cincinnati.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 09, 2023, 09:01:39 AM
SMU would turn the lights on in the Central time zone. Big deal for the Pac-12.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 09, 2023, 09:34:04 AM
well, it's a deal

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 09, 2023, 12:47:21 PM
SMU would turn the lights on in the Central time zone. Big deal for the Pac-12.
But would it really?  Nobody gives a shit about SMU now or the PAC 12, so would it really bring much to the table?  

SMU vs Oregon exciting ! 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 09, 2023, 01:11:03 PM
But would it really?  Nobody gives a shit about SMU now or the PAC 12, so would it really bring much to the table? 

SMU vs Oregon exciting !
There's a lot of truth to that.
But . . .
How many people gave a shit about Utah 10 years ago, or about Cincinnati as recently as 2-3 years ago?
SMU-to-Pac-12 is an example of how realignment is driving geographical foolishness. SMU and TCU should be in the same conference. And that conference should not be centered in northern California.

Little-known fact: SMU football began in 1915. For the first two years, the team name was "Parsons."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 09, 2023, 08:17:17 PM
Utah is a state flagship school, close enough to the PAC to make sense, and it had a recent record of winning.  

Cincinnati is a largish state school in a major city.  

SMU is a small private institution, a long damn ways from any other PAC institution.  And their record for the last, oh, 40+ years has been horrendous.  I can still remember when they went to their first bowl game post death-penalty.  I'd bet they average 2-3 wins since the late 80's.  At least TCU was competitive when they got the nod, and they've been a good fit for the Big 12 overall even if they didn't have to face some marquee programs (Nebraska, A&M).  

Think about SMU this way.  They are RIGHT in the Big 12's backyard...and the Big 12 never even glanced at them.  They didn't glance, look, or pretend to drop something so they could get a better look.  Never even considered them, because they make no sense.  

And guess what...even now nobody cares now about Cincy or Utah.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 09, 2023, 09:20:20 PM
Utah is a state flagship school, close enough to the PAC to make sense, and it had a recent record of winning. 

Cincinnati is a largish state school in a major city. 

SMU is a small private institution, a long damn ways from any other PAC institution.  And their record for the last, oh, 40+ years has been horrendous.  I can still remember when they went to their first bowl game post death-penalty.  I'd bet they average 2-3 wins since the late 80's.  At least TCU was competitive when they got the nod, and they've been a good fit for the Big 12 overall even if they didn't have to face some marquee programs (Nebraska, A&M). 

Think about SMU this way.  They are RIGHT in the Big 12's backyard...and the Big 12 never even glanced at them.  They didn't glance, look, or pretend to drop something so they could get a better look.  Never even considered them, because they make no sense. 

And guess what...even now nobody cares now about Cincy or Utah. 
I agree with you

That one is a head scratcher

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 09, 2023, 10:23:20 PM
On a personal note you may remember I lost a friend to cancer a few weeks ago. I told him I would get myself checked and yesterday I had a colonoscopy at 47 years old. All good, couple of small polyps, doc said pretty normal overall. 

Don’t know about the rest of you but they say you’re supposed to get it done at 45 now. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 09, 2023, 10:28:21 PM
. . . And guess what...even now nobody cares now about Cincy or Utah.
There are a lot of P5 programs that would love to have the on-field success that Utah has had over the last 5 years.
One of them would be Texas A&M.
Another would be the University of Texas.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 09, 2023, 11:10:51 PM
On a personal note you may remember I lost a friend to cancer a few weeks ago. I told him I would get myself checked and yesterday I had a colonoscopy at 47 years old. All good, couple of small polyps, doc said pretty normal overall.

Don’t know about the rest of you but they say you’re supposed to get it done at 45 now.
Glad to hear your good news.
Losing a friend to cancer (or any other killer disease) makes you want to get checked yourself.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 10, 2023, 09:11:43 AM
On a personal note you may remember I lost a friend to cancer a few weeks ago. I told him I would get myself checked and yesterday I had a colonoscopy at 47 years old. All good, couple of small polyps, doc said pretty normal overall.

Don’t know about the rest of you but they say you’re supposed to get it done at 45 now.

Keep talking about it. I'm 51, have premium health insurance, am as healthy as I can conceive, and manage to completely ignore any dates relating to physical examinations or the like.

It's just not something I prioritize, and I'm absolutely stupid for doing that. A whole host of stuff is fixable and easily detected when found early through regular maintenance. I don't let my car go 500 miles over an oil change, but haven't been to a doctor for a checkup in, well, ever.

Keep bugging us about it. I gotta get this regular.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 10, 2023, 09:47:29 AM
My insurance offers "in home health visits" by an NP, so I did one a year ago (mostly I was curious about how it could be done, and they also give you a $15 gift card).

It was more thorough than I expected, a very nice and attractive lady did it.  She took a lot of measurements and asked a lot of questions about lifestyle and diet etc.  My wife nags me to get a "real" doctor visit and I did one about four years ago and was fine.  My main issue is weight, I exercise a fair bit for my age, but the weight just clings, probably  because I eat too much.  And drink wine.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 10, 2023, 11:01:04 AM
Keep talking about it. I'm 51, have premium health insurance, am as healthy as I can conceive, and manage to completely ignore any dates relating to physical examinations or the like.

It's just not something I prioritize, and I'm absolutely stupid for doing that. A whole host of stuff is fixable and easily detected when found early through regular maintenance. I don't let my car go 500 miles over an oil change, but haven't been to a doctor for a checkup in, well, ever.

Keep bugging us about it. I gotta get this regular.
Do it, my friend.  So many things are treatable if caught early.

Definitely do the colonoscopy though.  I did mine at 47 due to family history.  My doc still recommends 50 for people with no known family history or other markers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on February 10, 2023, 02:27:54 PM
Keep talking about it. I'm 51, have premium health insurance, am as healthy as I can conceive, and manage to completely ignore any dates relating to physical examinations or the like.

It's just not something I prioritize, and I'm absolutely stupid for doing that. A whole host of stuff is fixable and easily detected when found early through regular maintenance. I don't let my car go 500 miles over an oil change, but haven't been to a doctor for a checkup in, well, ever.

Keep bugging us about it. I gotta get this regular.
I'm with you on going to the Dr.  Hardly ever go myself.  BP is good, 120ish over 80ish, not diabetic, just a fat ass at 260 lbs (6-2") so I'm just kinda a big dude overall.  

Really, the procedure wasn't bad.  It was all over the counter prep, clean your bowels out pretty good, they put you under for the procedure, felt fine that day and doing good overall.  

They say colon cancer can be caught early and cured, but if you let it get bad by the time you have any symptoms you're a goner.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on February 10, 2023, 04:34:25 PM
Yep. That describes it. Not worried or doctor-phobic, just usually real busy and don't really consider scheduling things like that.

That's a pathetic reason for jeopardizing a fantastically healthy genetic hand. All these things that can be fixed if caught early, have easy tests to catch them, but are ugly fatal if allowed to fester.

All right, I gotta commit. I'll talk with the wife about whenever I'm gonna be free in the next month.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 10, 2023, 04:37:56 PM
I'm with you on going to the Dr.  Hardly ever go myself.  BP is good, 120ish over 80ish, not diabetic, just a fat ass at 260 lbs (6-2") so I'm just kinda a big dude overall. 

Really, the procedure wasn't bad.  It was all over the counter prep, clean your bowels out pretty good, they put you under for the procedure, felt fine that day and doing good overall. 

They say colon cancer can be caught early and cured, but if you let it get bad by the time you have any symptoms you're a goner. 

Of my my closest friends and the smartest human I've ever known, died at age 42 from colon cancer.  He had no idea he had it, until it was too late.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 10, 2023, 04:51:42 PM
I put off the scope until I was 55, doc started asking at 50, but didn't push too hard

was all clean and good to go.  Doc said he'd see me in 10 years for the next one.

peace of mind is nice
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 15, 2023, 06:02:32 PM
Raquel Welch, dead at 82. (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 15, 2023, 06:13:15 PM
Raquel Welch, dead at 82. (

youngest 82 Ive ever seen
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 15, 2023, 06:30:51 PM

What a great all-time beauty she was.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 16, 2023, 09:00:27 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 16, 2023, 09:29:48 AM
The 10 states with the largest feral hog populations are Texas (3 million), Oklahoma (1.5 million), Louisiana (750,000), Georgia (600,000), Florida (500,000), New Mexico (500,000), South Carolina (450,000), California (400,000), Hawaii (400,000), and Alabama (250,000).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 16, 2023, 10:59:25 AM
Nah, Arkansas is a state population of over 3 million feral hogs.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 16, 2023, 11:08:33 AM
I don't mind eating some wild boar, as long as someone else did the hunting.  Those things are nasty.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 16, 2023, 11:16:53 AM your colonoscopies, and get your dang prostates checked.  It ain't fun, but it can save your life and your family a world of heartache. 

Also, do an annual checkup and get basic lab panels drawn annually, no matter how old you are.  That can also avoid so many problems.  Often times people won't do labs until there's a problem, and that's fine a lot of the time, but there are the odd cases--like one of my issues--where not having baseline "normal" numbers prior to a problem makes treating the problem more of a guessing game than it should be.  The "normal range" for lab tests don't mean what most people probably think they mean.  "Normal" for a controlled test of a sample population, but the upper and lower bounds are almost certainly not normal for any particular individual.  It's good to have a record of what's normal for you.

Mr. Tulip said stay on him.....well....consider me stayed.  In my three years working at a clinic I have seen about 10-15 of our patients pass who didn't need to, because they just wouldn't take the time for whatever reasons, and then they come to us with horrible problems and it's too late, shortly thereafter they're gone, yet it was statistically completely avoidable.  We still treat most of the spouses and it's always heartbreaking to see what the family left behind also goes through. 

And while this is a minor pitfall in the scheme of your life and health, not doing what you should be doing is grounds for a discharge, if your provider wants to play it that way, and you could be having to find yourself another one.  Mrs. DeTiger has discharged a couple of patients who repeatedly refused to see oncology, get colonoscopies, etc. when she had strong reason to suspect cancer activity, but they'd keep coming back to her insisting that she do something about their declining testosterone level or their cramping pinky toe or some whatnot.  Turns out, if patients refuse your care, you don't have to treat them.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 16, 2023, 11:23:00 AM
The SEC instituted a couple new measures to do something about some of these long-ass beisbol games we see sometimes.  The changes include limiting the time between batters and the time allotted for a mound visit to thirty seconds.  Also, pitching changes will be limited to two and a half minutes. 

I'm fine with those.

The changes also include a run-rule, like in softball.  In SEC games, if a team is ahead by at least 10 runs after 7 innings, the game will be stopped.  This can also be applied to non-con games if both parties agree.

That's bullcrap.  Don't like it, and it kind of goes against the heart of the sport as far as I'm concerned.  I never met a player who wanted to quit before it was over, and you remove the potential magic of epic comebacks with crap like this.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 16, 2023, 12:05:43 PM
I'm ok with the 10 run rule

perhaps some stat guy could check how many times an epic comeback has happened in the past ten seasons

now 30 years ago with the magic bats and balls and big run totals, it could have happened much more often
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 20, 2023, 12:54:52 PM
Right after the Superbowl last Sunday one of our Aussies started having a seizure.  Terrifying before we understood what was happening.  Poor girl had another one the next morning before I could get her to the vet, who diagnosed her with epilepsy and gave us phenobarbital to start her on if she had more than 4 per year.  She had a third episode that afternoon and we were done waiting.  She's a terrified wreck afterwards and we're not much better, and her poor tongue was torn up from where she bites it. 

Fortunately we're in a position at this particular time to monitor her 24/7 for two weeks between the two of us, and no more seizures so far since starting her on the med last Monday evening.  We also got her some anti-seizure supplements dog owners have reported good results with, and Mrs. DeT got her some dog-weed, which owners also report good results with (I have a niece who suffers from a type of seizures, and marijuana has been the only effective thing at stopping them, so this was not entirely surprising). 

I never heard of pets having epilepsy and didn't know there was such a thing as hemp for dogs.  Learn something new every day. 

Glad it all seems to be working because at the rate she was going we were looking at having to put her down, and we did NOT want to go down that road.  Now we just wait to see if her personality comes back....supposed to take about 2 weeks to adjust to the phenobarbital and if not they can try a different med.  At the moment she's still kind of a zombie version of herself, which makes me sad, but I'll take it over watching her convulse and hurt herself.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 20, 2023, 01:27:17 PM
I watch Dr Pol all the time and they recently had a case like yours

They gave the dog a mild sedative and said if it continues to occur there is specific medicine for it which I assume your vet provided

hope your dog responds well to it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 20, 2023, 01:34:06 PM
Really sorry to hear that MDT.  I too hope your dog responds well to the meds.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 20, 2023, 02:32:07 PM
Going well so far.  As of 3:47 this afternoon it'll be a week seizure-free.  No more episodes since starting meds.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 20, 2023, 02:36:54 PM
LSU is going to play Texas in beisbol at Disch-Falk next week.  If that stoopid game wasn't on a Tuesday I'd try to make it. 

Lame day to schedule a program like Texas, but it comes on the heels of the Round Rock classic the weekend before.  I guess they'll just stay there through the mid-week and have some bbq in their down time.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 20, 2023, 03:34:41 PM
Oh yeah it's too bad that's a Tuesday game, it's pretty rare for me to be able to get downtown for a midweek game.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 23, 2023, 11:02:09 AM
I learned a new baseball term.  I knew what hitting for a cycle meant, i.e. hitting for a single, double, triple, homer in the same game.  Looks like prior to Tuesday, the last Tiger to do that was in 2010.  On Tuesday Tre Morgan hit for a natural cycle--a term I'd never heard--meaning you hit them all in order.  Can't find where any Tiger or any college athlete for that matter has ever had that happen. 

Hurd was supposed to be in contention for a weekend role but got the midweek start.  I was hoping that meant we'd have a reliable midweek starter, but he got roughed up by Southern and was chased in the 3rd with no outs.  If he goes again this Tuesday that probably means I'll have to hear it from all the Longhorns I know (and am married to.  Well, I mean, I'm only married to one of them, but you know what I mean).  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 23, 2023, 11:08:35 AM
Speaking of Longhorns, my buddy is getting married next weekend in Spicewood.  It's about as inconveniently located, time and place, as could be for someone traveling from out of town having to get there early to change and also to stay the night afterward.  Good thing I like him so much.  Gol-durned sip. 

He's marrying an Okie St. fan anyway.  I mean, should I even be happy about this?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 23, 2023, 11:31:36 AM
Okie Lite is fine.  Mostly just some benevolent hayseed types.

It's their golderned puppy-kicking big brother sooners you have to avoid at all costs.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 23, 2023, 12:15:46 PM
I'd say this jokingly except I believe there's at least an 80% chance it's for real....I don't think he'd ever date or marry an OU fan.   

I asked myself years ago if I'd marry an Ole Miss fan and decided, sure, no big deal.  Fortunately, I didn't have to test that theory.  Got me a cute Longhorn like I always wanted :)

You might think I'd like to have found a good LSU girl, but near as I can tell, they all heauxs.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 23, 2023, 02:42:15 PM
I married an ag, but I don't think I could have ever married a golderned puppy-kicker.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 23, 2023, 02:50:46 PM
I wonder, when UT and LSU are conference mates and play regularly, will that be a game Mrs. Utee roots for the meteor, or will she begrudgingly hope one of them prevails?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 23, 2023, 03:03:31 PM
I wonder, when UT and LSU are conference mates and play regularly, will that be a game Mrs. Utee roots for the meteor, or will she begrudgingly hope one of them prevails? 

I don't think she has anything against your esteemed Geaux Tigers.  She dislikes Texas Tech probably more than anything else.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 26, 2023, 06:19:34 PM
The caption says that this is a world record at 10'7".
If that guy chases you, run into the woods.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 26, 2023, 06:41:09 PM
The caption says that this is a world record at 10'7".
If that guy chases you, run into the woods.

Or down a narrow alley.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 26, 2023, 07:09:43 PM
or a wide alley

his head is worth more than his body
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 26, 2023, 10:09:10 PM
Latest update on Battleship Texas. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 26, 2023, 11:42:25 PM
thats pretty interesting CW

thanks for posting
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on February 27, 2023, 03:21:06 PM
The caption says that this is a world record at 10'7".
If that guy chases you, run into the woods.

This guy must have magnificent neck muscles. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 27, 2023, 10:38:48 PM
This guy must have magnificent neck muscles. 
Funny you should mention that.
I was surprised to see an image of a bison skeleton the other day.

I always thought that the hump was just fat, not the anchor for the shoulder muscles.
Turns out that Longhorn cattle have a smaller version of the same thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 03, 2023, 03:34:23 PM
Texas’ woke capital, Austin, is in the midst of a policing crisis with over 300 vacancies and cops quitting because they feel disrespected, multiple sources tell The Post.

“We’re right there with Portland and Seattle and San Francisco as being one of those places where if you’re at all conservative or in law enforcement, it’s become a hostile place,” Lt. Brian Moon, who retired last month, told The Post of the city he protected for 23 years.

Another 77 officers are expected to retire before the end of March — on top of 264 existing vacancies, according to the Austin Police Association.

Austin Police Department’s staffing is so bad, 911 calls are being re-directed to the 311 non-emergency number because there aren’t enough cops to solve crimes.

“If you come home and find your home burglarized, calls like that are now going to 311,” said police union president Thomas Villarreal. “You’re not getting a police response to many property crimes if it’s not a violent crime that is currently ongoing.”

In 2020, the city council voted to defund cops by $150 million, slashing their budget by a third in the months after protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of the police, which sparked protests and clashes with the cops in Austin.

Elected officials also nixed three cadet classes and cut 150 officers from the budget.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 03, 2023, 05:25:09 PM
The Lone Star Inn, a cafe along the highway in Tulare, Calfornia. 1939.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 05, 2023, 10:28:50 PM
"Chili Beans 15¢"

Somebody at the Lone Star Inn did not get the Word.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 05, 2023, 10:38:48 PM
"Chili Beans 15¢"

Somebody at the Lone Star Inn did not get the Word.
and you see where that got them
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 06, 2023, 12:22:39 AM
and you see where that got them
Maybe. Maybe not.

Maybe Conrad Hilton was operating the Lone Star Inn.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 06, 2023, 06:06:45 AM
I'm back from 23 days traveling around, a bit tired and lagged of course, but glad to be home.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 06, 2023, 10:09:18 AM
Glad youre back safe

Your passport must look like 007's
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 06, 2023, 11:04:53 AM
Yeah, a lot of new stamps on it for sure.  UAE, Oman, Jordan, Egypt, Israel doesn't stamp now, Greece(EU), I think that was it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 06, 2023, 03:42:31 PM
The Lone Star Inn, a cafe along the highway in Tulare, California. 1939.

"Chili Beans 15¢"

Somebody at the Lone Star Inn did not get the Word.

'nuff said

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 06, 2023, 03:50:34 PM
I didn't say the Lone Star State

and I didn't make a reference to "Texas" chili

just stirrin the pot
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 06, 2023, 04:20:33 PM
Honestly The Lone Star Inn is actually doing an appropriate job with nomenclature.  Chili beans would seem to mean chili + beans, which is right.  If it just said "chili" and then had some unexpected and unwanted beans, it would be incorrect.

Of course it could just mean "beans flavored with chile peppers" which would be a different dish completely.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 06, 2023, 04:22:27 PM
that was my take

or beans that could be added to chili
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 06, 2023, 04:26:48 PM
Of course, if hot dogs are 5 cents and ham/bacon and egg breakfasts are 25 cents, then 15 cents just for some beans to add to your chili, sounds pretty steep.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 06, 2023, 10:30:50 PM

I don't like hot dogs but they seem to be the best bang for your buck

or your nickel 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 07, 2023, 03:03:04 AM
I am amazed what a hotdog can cost in a simple restaurant.  At MB Stadium here they are $1.50 each, which is rather amazing considering.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 07, 2023, 09:31:22 AM
I am amazed what a hotdog can cost in a simple restaurant.  At MB Stadium here they are $1.50 each, which is rather amazing considering.
that price seems reasonable to me
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 07, 2023, 09:37:31 AM
that price seems reasonable to me

I believe CD is commenting that the price seems quite low for stadium food, and I'd agree.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 07, 2023, 09:53:29 AM
Yeah, I saw the price and was shocked.  I had eaten ahead of the game, but I ordered one to make sure the price was accurate.  

Super Bowl: Why Mercedes-Benz Stadium's concession prices are so low ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 07, 2023, 02:41:40 PM
Beaumont and Baytown are eliminated as the future home of Battleship Texas. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 07, 2023, 02:56:36 PM
I had not idea they were moving the port.  Looks like Galveston will be it.

I wonder why they decided to change docking location.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 08, 2023, 12:28:58 PM
Here's some good info from the curator of Battleship New Jersey. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 08, 2023, 12:30:05 PM
Winter '23 update on Battleship Texas. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on March 09, 2023, 12:42:46 PM
Beaumont and Baytown are eliminated as the future home of Battleship Texas. (

Beaumont is kinda lame, so that's my take on why this can't be a thing.  That city shouldn't have a cool battleship.

But as long as Baton Rouge keeps the U.S.S. Kidd, I'm okay.  If that take that away, that's multiple hours and trips of my childhood gone.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 09, 2023, 04:06:45 PM
I'd like to see them park it right next to the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 09, 2023, 04:11:19 PM
Park it next to SPI and shoot t-shirts over Spring Break.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 09, 2023, 09:42:09 PM
Beaumont is kinda lame, so that's my take on why this can't be a thing.  That city shouldn't have a cool battleship.

But as long as Baton Rouge keeps the U.S.S. Kidd, I'm okay.  If that take that away, that's multiple hours and trips of my childhood gone.
One of my stepsons was in Air Force JROTC in high school, and his group took a weekend trip to Baton Rouge to spend the night bunking on the Kidd.
Baton Rouge's Destroyer Kidd (DD-661) is a WWII Fletcher-class destroyer. It was named for the first U.S. Navy admiral to be killed in action. Admiral Isaac Kidd was killed aboard USS Arizona on 7 Dec 1941.
There have been two more Kidds. DDG-993 was the lead ship of a class of four guided-missile destroyers built for Iran. After the Iranian revolution of 1979 ended our friendly relationship with that country, we cancelled the order and kept them. One nickname for that group of four is the "Ayatollah" class because of the Iran connection. Another is the "Dead Admiral" class, because all four were named for admirals killed in WWII. They were designed with extra air conditioning and air filtration to handle the heat and dust of the Persian Gulf, so they spent a lot of their time in service in the Middle East. All four were sold to Taiwan in 2003. I landed an OH-58C aboard DDG-993 off of Grenada in Oct 1983 and took the exec and the ship's surgeon on an aerial tour of the island. Meanwhile, my copilot was hitting the ship's store for patches and other souvenirs.
Currently, USS Kidd (DDG-100), an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer commissioned in 2007, is serving proudly as part of Carrier Strike Group 1, headed up by USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 10, 2023, 07:07:56 AM
I saw a photo of a destroyer next to the USS California with folks on the rail looking out at it, the number was "214".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on March 10, 2023, 11:04:53 AM
Neat.  Had no idea there were other Kidds out there. 

I used to tour the one docked in BR frequently with my grandfather.  Although he was army in WWII he was still able to tell me all kinds of things about the ship.  Visiting/touring it lost a lot of its appeal after he passed, but its still a neat area to spend a few hours if you have kids. 

Just don't leave that Centroplex area because, you'll be murdered, what the rampant crime and all. 

EDIT:  I just learned that the Centroplex is now called Raising Cane's River Center.  Pfft.  This must be what getting old is like.  Get off my lawn.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 11, 2023, 01:23:44 AM
I saw a photo of a destroyer next to the USS California with folks on the rail looking out at it, the number was "214".
DD-214 was USS Tracy, a Clemson-class destroyer built right after WWI. 20 of the Clemson class were the newest of the 50 destroyers we traded to Britain in the "destroyers for bases" agreement of Sep 1940. Tracy was not among them. She had been converted to a destroyer minelayer in 1937, and was renumbered as DM-19.
So the picture you saw would have been prior to mid-1937.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 11, 2023, 06:38:21 AM
Cool, the photo had sailors on the rails of the California looking at it, calling it the ever elusive DD 214.

I don't even know if they called it a DD214 back then ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 11, 2023, 06:28:44 PM
Cool, the photo had sailors on the rails of the California looking at it, calling it the ever elusive DD 214.

I don't even know if they called it a DD214 back then ...
The modern system of hull-classification symbols began in 1920.
Here's a picture of Wickes-class destroyer USS Ward a-building in 1918.

[img width=373.949 height=500][/img]
Note that she is just "Destroyer 139."
Ward had an interesting history. She was decommissioned in July 1921, then recommissioned in Jan 1941.
She is the ship that fired the first shots on 7 Dec 1941. She was patrolling outside the entrance to Pearl Harbor when she spotted the periscope of a midget submarine trying to follow cargo ship USS Antares through the opened anti-submarine net into the harbor. Ward hit the conning tower with her gun and dropped depth charges, sinking the 2-man sub, killing both crewmen, who were the first U.S.-inflicted casualties of the Pacific War.
In 1942, she was converted into a high-speed troop transport (APD-16), with the space that had held 2 of her 4 engines now to be used to hold soldiers or marines. She participated in several amphibious campaigns, culminating with the campaign to retake the Philippines. I'll let The Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge tell the rest of the story:

As the Pacific War moved closer to Japan, Ward was assigned to assist with operations to recover the Philippine Islands ( On 17 October 1944, she put troops ashore on Dinagat Island ( during the opening phase of the Leyte invasion ( After spending the rest of October and November escorting ships to and from Leyte (, in early December, Ward transported Army personnel during the landings at Ormoc Bay (, Leyte. On the morning of 7 December, three years to the day after she fired the opening shot of the Pearl Harbor attack, she came under attack by several Japanese kamikazes ( while patrolling off the invasion area. One bomber ( hit her hull amidships, bringing her to a dead stop. When the resulting fires could not be controlled, Ward's crew was ordered to abandon ship, and she was sunk by gunfire from O'Brien ('Brien_(DD-725)), whose commanding officer, William W. Outerbridge (, had been in command of Ward during her action in Hawaii three years before.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 11, 2023, 07:02:25 PM
This is a sister to the midget sub that USS Ward sank.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 11, 2023, 10:59:45 PM
Congratulations to the Texas Longhorns for winning the Big 12 Basketball championship

The Horns beat Kansas twice in a week for a well deserved championship

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 11, 2023, 11:00:33 PM
guess y'all gotta keep the coach
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 11, 2023, 11:01:36 PM
guess y'all gotta keep the coach
we should but ya never know
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 12, 2023, 07:15:13 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 12, 2023, 07:59:26 PM
I like Torchy
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 14, 2023, 06:53:53 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 14, 2023, 06:55:49 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 19, 2023, 11:23:03 AM
The Horns made the sweet 16

Kansas City next destination

get those horns up



Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 19, 2023, 09:01:39 PM
Honk the horns!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2023, 11:54:53 AM
Are y'all gonna move over to the moribund SEC site when ...?

Idly curious.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2023, 11:59:06 AM
Are y'all gonna move over to the moribund SEC site when ...?

Idly curious.
I thought I'd give it a shot
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 26, 2023, 12:48:33 PM
the end of the Porch??
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2023, 01:45:09 PM
the end of the Porch??
porches can be constructed anywhere
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 27, 2023, 02:00:20 AM
The porch belongs here.

Other talk can and will occur on the SECSECSEC forun.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 27, 2023, 04:54:36 AM
It just means more over there, which is why no one posts...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 27, 2023, 09:54:51 AM
It just means more over there, which is why no one posts...
I have a feeling when the Horns and Sooners move into the neighborhood there will be a lot of discussion and maybe a back yard grill get together
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 27, 2023, 09:59:11 AM
I have a feeling when the Horns and Sooners move into the neighborhood there will be a lot of discussion and maybe a back yard grill get together
There will no doubt be BBQ throwdowns between Texas-style and the styles from other states.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 27, 2023, 11:03:55 AM
Our best local Q place IMHO is run by a couple of Texas brothers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 27, 2023, 11:31:41 AM
Our best local Q place IMHO is run by a couple of Texas brothers.
We Texans are kinda like Mormans

We send representatives out to spread the word
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 27, 2023, 11:40:55 AM
Hey, it works for me.  We tried 5-6-7 other places around and I figured why mess with a good thing.  They even have Brunswick stew.

I guess it's like saying the best French restaurant around has a French chef.  But we don't seem to have any here now.  There are a few pretenders.  Cincy had a terrific French chef but he recently passed, really nice fellow too.

My step son in law is CIA trained.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 27, 2023, 12:33:54 PM
so the step son can sniff out the best international fare?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 28, 2023, 06:20:01 AM
I guess, he doesn't work in the area now at all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 28, 2023, 07:11:52 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 28, 2023, 07:53:22 AM
just need some BEVO horns on the side and directions to Tuscaloosa
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 28, 2023, 09:08:49 AM
If anyone sat in the back, that thing would be un-steerable. As it is, you'd just kind of suggest it go around the corner. Anything smaller than a 4-lane road would be a no-go.

I realize it's probably not a real pic. =)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 28, 2023, 09:14:22 AM
that thang don't need no stinkin roads
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 28, 2023, 09:27:32 AM
"The American Dream," World's Longest Limo, Restored by Florida Man ( (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 28, 2023, 10:17:27 AM
Nothing exceeds like excess.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 28, 2023, 10:34:53 AM
everything is bigger in Texas

even excess
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 28, 2023, 10:36:40 AM
everything is bigger in Texas

even excess

Apparently, limos are NOT bigger in Texas, since that thing is from Florida (and originally, California).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 28, 2023, 11:57:00 AM
I'm sure someone somewhere in the Lone Star State is working on this while we type ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 28, 2023, 12:36:15 PM
Maybe but if someone is bothering to make something that long in Texas, it's more likely a BBQ pit than a limousine.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 28, 2023, 01:34:16 PM
a truck load of wood follows that one around

and of course a beer truck

it's a convoy!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 28, 2023, 02:49:38 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on March 28, 2023, 04:09:10 PM
Pretty sure these two are somehow involved

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 31, 2023, 01:08:57 PM
Heh! I never saw the movie and have never seen/heard this version of the original song (which I like better).
But the scenery during the I-40 in New Mexico part reminds me of the trip my esposita and I just made to visit her mother in Santa Fe.
Driving on I-40 in eastern New Mexico is like driving through burnt-out-ramshackle-trashpit hell.
The western Texas panhandle area is not my idea of the Garden of Eden. It is, after all, in the same Köppen climate region (BSk "cold-winter steppe") as eastern NM. But the highway is smooth, the shoulders are manicured, roadside trash has been policed, there are crops growing in the fields, giant electric generators turning, etc. It's as if you're back in a functional civilization when you cross the border eastbound.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2023, 12:18:52 AM
Latest on Battleship Texas' dry-docking. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2023, 04:16:37 PM
Why have our brains shrunk?

Worth a 16:43 viewing. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 02, 2023, 04:42:02 PM
The large cranial capacity is one example and would simply be a very large CC today, not outside the modern range, apparently.  A more possible idea is our brains have become more efficient of course.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2023, 05:31:56 PM
The large cranial capacity is one example and would simply be a very large CC today, not outside the modern range, apparently.  A more possible idea is our brains have become more efficient of course.
The same guy has another video on bipedalism. Along with others, he questions the traditional idea that we evolved from knuckle-walking apes. He makes it very clear that it is difficult to be certain about details of this when so very few fossils from the critical period have been found.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2023, 05:33:44 PM
Tramel's ScissorTales . . .
Berry Tramel
April 1, 2023

. . .

Frank Solich finally relents

Frank Solich occasionally has returned to Nebraska over the years.

The now-retired football coach routinely made it back to Lincoln to see his daughter and her family. He would have breakfast or lunch with Tom Osborne, his old boss who a quarter century ago set up Solich as the Cornhusker head coach.

One year in Omaha, Solich even accepted the Tom Osborne Legacy Award at the Outland Trophy Dinner. 

Solich even dropped by Memorial Stadium one time, he told the Omaha World-Herald's Tom Shatel, for some unofficial reason.

But in the 20 years since Nebraska fired Solich, no official connection between Solich and the Huskers has occurred.

He was a Bob Devaney fullback in the 1960s, an Osborne assistant coach in the glory days of 1979-97, then the NU head coach with a robust .753 winning percentage. That sounds like the résumé of an all-time Husker.

But Solich is a proud man, and he was a busy man, coaching the Ohio Bobcats for 16 seasons, 2005-20.

And Solich rebuffed every Nebraska olive branch.

Until now. Solich has agreed to attend the Nebraska spring game on April 22, when his alma mater will honor him.

Husker athletic director Trev Alberts said he’s been recruiting Solich’s return for years, and it’s finally going to happen.

Solich said he isn’t bitter about being fired 20 years ago, a dubious decision that sent Nebraska spiraling into two decades of mostly-mediocre football. 

But that’s not likely the truth. Solich likely was angry, then bitter.

And that needed to pass. Tradition-rich football cultures love to embrace their history. Nebraskans long have needed to hail Solich, much more than Solich needed to hear their cheers.

I don’t know if then-Nebraska AD Steve Pederson made a mistake in firing Solich. The rear-view mirror suggests yes. Major mistake. It wasn’t so apparent in 2003. Nebraska had slipped, to records of 7-7 and 9-3, in the two years after playing for the 2001 national championship.

Of course, firing Solich only expedited the slide. You know the rest of Nebraska history. Bill Callahan went 27-22, Bo Pelini a more-than-respectable 67-27, Mike Riley 19-19 and favorite son Scott Frost a disastrous 16-31.

Now Matt Rhule is the new Nebraska boss, and he’s a heck of a coach. If Rhule fails, maybe the Cornhuskers never will come back.

But that’s what we said of Frost. There’s always hope.

And there’s always longing to remember the good days. The Nebraska hatchet-burying is medicinal for places like OU, which has its share of disconnect.

Josh Heupel is an all-time Sooner hero, and he’s found favor as the coach at Tennessee. But he’s been estranged since Bob Stoops fired Heupel as offensive coordinator after the 2014 season.

If Solich can come back to Memorial Stadium, Heupel can come back to Owen Field, for something more than a Sooner-Volunteer football game.

OU and Nebraska long have been bosom competitors. For decades, they pushed each other. Complemented each other. Taught each other.

They’re teaching still. . . .
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 02, 2023, 06:48:31 PM
New evidence on the crash of the Hindenburg. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 02, 2023, 08:21:15 PM
Tramel's ScissorTales . . .
Berry Tramel
April 1, 2023

. . .

Frank Solich finally relents

Frank Solich occasionally has returned to Nebraska over the years.

Husker athletic director Trev Alberts said he’s been recruiting Solich’s return for years, and it’s finally going to happen.

They’re teaching still. . . .

Frank has earned a Fall Gameday experience as well as a Spring game tribute
ya gotta start somewhere
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 03, 2023, 09:03:05 PM
Why NOT to use the 3-2-1 method for smoking ribs. (

I cannot attest to the results achieved.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 04, 2023, 02:36:04 PM
He didn't do the 3-2-1 method.  He did the 3-2-0 method.  It's not the same thing at all.  The last "hour" back on the smoke unwrapped, is what firms the ribs back up.  That's the entire point of the "-1" portion of 3-2-1.

He also cooked at 250 rather than 225 which makes a difference on a thin cut of meat like pork spares.

He also cooked to temperature instead of cooking to feel, even after pointing out that no two pigs are the same, so why does he then conclude that cooking to temperature is the right approach?  He came to the exact wrong conclusion based on his assertions.  The reason you have to cook to feel rather than temperature, is BECAUSE no two pigs are the same.  And the temperature and time will vary, because the key to good BBQ isn't actually the lean meat and it isn't the fat, it's the amount of connective tissue and how it breaks down from collagen into gelatin. 

And finally, he also sauced the racks during the cook, which is an absolute no-go for me-- I'm dry rub only, all the way.  But that's a matter of personal taste and not cooking method, so it doesn't affect the comparison.  I'm just pointing out that he actually ruined TWO racks of ribs and not just one. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 04, 2023, 02:47:54 PM
I'll note that I don't actually follow the 3-2-1 method exactly myself, either, but I do capture the essence of it.  For my taste, a full hour back on the smoke unwrapped, actually firms them up TOO much and can dry them out.  I do more like a half-hour, and "pull" is the determining factor.

I also don't use the smoker after the initial 3 hours.  Instead I wrap the rack in foil, and put it in the oven at 225.  I don't agree that it's received all the smoke it needs after 1.5 hours like the dude in the video, but it definitely has after 3 hours on the smoke.

So after 3 hours on the smoke at 225, I wrap the rack and put it in the oven at 225.  And then after 2 hours, I just open up the foil and leave the ribs exposed to the dry oven heat for another 30 minutes.

And at that point, they are done, and they are absolutely perfect.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 04, 2023, 03:36:11 PM
I figured you'd have different ideas.

Maybe you could do a barbecue channel some day. After retiring from your day job.

With special episodes dedicated to subjects like the making of enchilada gravy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 04, 2023, 03:49:55 PM
I figured you'd have different ideas.

Maybe you could do a barbecue channel some day. After retiring from your day job.

With special episodes dedicated to subjects like the making of enchilada gravy.

I'd love to do some cooking tutorials though.  That would be fun.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 04, 2023, 04:17:25 PM (

I cannot attest to the results achieved.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 04, 2023, 05:57:05 PM

Yeah I've seen a couple of other videos from that dude, and sometimes they're just a big WTF?

I give him credit, his heart's in the right place and he's trying.  And the product he made using his own method, looked good, and looked like it was probably nicely cooked.  There are lots of ways to cook ribs or BBQ in general, and I'm not going to claim that 3-2-1 is better than his method.  I didn't taste either product.

But his assertion that 3-2-1 doesn't work, when he actually didn't even perform the 3-2-1 method, is a little odd.

3-2-1 exists because it's tried and true, and eliminates the guesswork for bbq n00bz and inexperienced cooks in general.

As you grow more experienced, you tweak it as you see fit.  Like I said, I personally do more of a  3-2-0.5.  That delivers my preferred amount of tenderness but isn't completely fall off the bone, the meat will hold together and you can take a pleasing bite off the bone.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 04, 2023, 06:04:18 PM
yup, never been a big fan of "fall off the bone"

yes, it can be tender, but it's also gonna be over done

It's fine for crockpot techniques and such, where there's plenty of moisture and it doesn't dry out and get hard
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 05, 2023, 08:10:42 PM
Why no one is renovating vintage Airstreams. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 05, 2023, 08:29:08 PM
Is this utee

I think he did one of those
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 06, 2023, 12:44:36 AM
I don't think so, 320.

But he did have an Airstream once. I've seen pictures.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 06, 2023, 12:36:28 PM
That is not me.

I did perform a major renovation on a vintage Airstream. A 1963 Airstream Overlander 26' model, to be exact.

It was fun, but a ton of work, and I'd never do it again.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 06, 2023, 01:51:39 PM
This was mine:


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 06, 2023, 03:34:34 PM
Texans, rejoice! Fewer people are moving to the Lone Star State! (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 06, 2023, 03:58:21 PM
Perhaps my decades-long campaign is finally working.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 06, 2023, 05:38:37 PM
Nice work CW

In short do not move to Texas

Its a terrible place
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 08, 2023, 09:45:08 PM
Battleship New Jersey with Battleship Texas, Parts One and Two. ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 13, 2023, 09:15:39 AM
Perhaps my decades-long campaign is finally working.
Received my property taxes yesterday, ouch !  One of my properties, previously valued at $90K, now valued at $220K.  

This is a 2BR 1 bath home, modest size about 1,000 sq ft.  No garage, on a small country lot.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 09:22:21 AM
If you don't tax income, you need monies from somewhere else.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 13, 2023, 11:16:11 AM
If you don't tax income, you need monies from somewhere else.
What is this in response to? Are you hearing voices?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 11:30:13 AM
My kids who lived in Austin told me what my property taxes would be there with this condo, Gigem is bemoaning how high his are.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 13, 2023, 12:00:04 PM
My kids who lived in Austin told me what my property taxes would be there with this condo, Gigem is bemoaning how high his are.
your statement infered property taxes are necessary cause youre not taxing income

not sure whose income isnt being taxed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 13, 2023, 03:17:09 PM
your statement infered property taxes are necessary cause youre not taxing income

not sure whose income isnt being taxed
If you live in Texas, your income is not being taxed by the state.
So Texas has to use other methods to raise the necessary state revenues.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 13, 2023, 03:49:22 PM
If you live in Texas, your income is not being taxed by the state.
So Texas has to use other methods to raise the necessary state revenues.
business income is taxed in Texas plus a personal sales tax of 8.25%

there are 44 states ranked higher then Texas in property taxes per average home price

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 03:58:24 PM
Goodness, my kid who lived in Austin told me my real estate taxes would be nearly 3x higher than here, and mine are high enough.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 13, 2023, 04:14:05 PM
Goodness, my kid who lived in Austin told me my real estate taxes would be nearly 3x higher than here, and mine are high enough.

yes housing prices in Austin are one of the highest in the nation and you pay a lot to live there
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 04:20:42 PM
He took what I paid for this place and ran the numbers.  Housing here in town ain't cheap.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 04:25:52 PM
U.S. cities with the highest property taxes ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 13, 2023, 04:26:46 PM
It just blows my mind how Austin prices are so high along with their property taxes and the City Council defunded the police

now they are sure wishing they hadnt done that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 04:30:23 PM
What is meant by "defunded the police"?  Did they cut their budget a bit and add some money to some social gizmo?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 04:32:03 PM
Austin City Council votes to cut police department budget by one-third | The Texas Tribune (

Another $80 million in police budget cuts would come from a yearlong process that will redistribute civilian functions like forensic sciences, support services and victims’ services out from under the police department and into other parts of city government. About $50 million would come from reallocating dollars to a “Reimagine Safety Fund” that would divert money toward “alternative forms of public safety and community support through the yearlong reimagining process.”

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 04:34:25 PM
Looks like they learned pretty quickly:

Austin Police Department sees largest budget increase in history a year after it was "defunded" - Hilltop Views ( (
On April 22, 2021 Austin City Council approved a $442 million budget for the APD, which goes into effect Oct. 1, 2021. This budget has increased by 47.8% and is the highest it’s ever been, according to KXAN. 

This new budget is funding a plethora of things, including ( two new cadet classes; a process to rewrite APD’s general orders; increasing the staff for mental health first response; the distribution of Naloxone and training in its use; the expansion of programs to reduce arrests; paid administrative leave, replacement, compensation and overtime; litigation and fees; and settlements and payouts.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 04:35:31 PM
These dopes pretend to "defund" to get some positive pub (for them) and then reverse most of it a year later, yay.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 13, 2023, 04:43:12 PM
What is meant by "defunded the police"?  Did they cut their budget a bit and add some money to some social gizmo?

they didnt completely defund it but cut the budget quite a bit by 1/3 or $150 million

as a result the number of officiers on the street has decreased and recruiting is down

in 2021 they increased the Police budget by 47% to try and rectify the situation
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on April 13, 2023, 04:45:22 PM
While the State of Texas government targets Austin specifically with some absolutely juvenile bills, the City of Austin has responded with an equal measure of foolishness. The police budget was one such measure. Good to hear they're rethinking their mindset. While modern law enforcement can definitely benefit by applying updated techniques and programs, simply reducing the budget doesn't accomplish that goal.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 13, 2023, 04:47:31 PM
While the State of Texas government targets Austin specifically with some absolutely juvenile bills, the City of Austin has responded with an equal measure of foolishness. The police budget was one such measure. Good to hear they're rethinking their mindset. While modern law enforcement can definitely benefit by applying updated techniques and programs, simply reducing the budget doesn't accomplish that goal.
I agree with this
Austin City Council just took it a little too far
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 13, 2023, 10:44:23 PM
I'm certainly not moving there

high taxes w/o police protection
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 13, 2023, 11:39:37 PM
I'm certainly not moving there

high taxes w/o police protection
good if we need ya we'll call ya
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 14, 2023, 12:10:13 AM
Austin city voters are among the most immature, naive, juvenile, and easily duped folks on the planet.  They deserve the exact clown show of city government they continue to vote for.

My move to the suburbs 12 years ago could not have been more perfectly timed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 14, 2023, 09:22:44 AM
Austin city voters are among the most immature, naive, juvenile, and easily duped folks on the planet.  They deserve the exact clown show of city government they continue to vote for.
They have a LOT of competition, but you said "among" ...  Chicago and SF come to mind as "among" ...  Portland, maybe Seattle ...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 15, 2023, 07:04:53 PM
Sooners won the NCAA women's gymnastics championship. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 15, 2023, 07:06:56 PM
The whole museum fleet is watching Battleship Texas. ( (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 15, 2023, 08:42:36 PM
Thanks for posting CW

They sure have a big job getting this ship back to museum quality
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 16, 2023, 09:07:27 PM
Thanks for posting CW

They sure have a big job getting this ship back to museum quality
It's sad that the original conservators made so many mistakes that eventually caused the damage that is having to be repaired now, at great expense. Replacing the deck timbers with concrete, filling the partially full fuel bunkers with seawater, on the theory that that would prevent corrosion (whereas it actually caused corrosion), etc., have left today's conservators with very tough choices.
But at least the ship wasn't scrapped. I will never accommodate myself to the fact that USS Enterprise (CV-6), the most decorated U.S. Navy ship of WWII, maybe in the history  of the USN, was sent to the scrappers in 1958, disregarding the efforts of many to save her.
USS Texas was fortunate to have been an older ship in 1941. Texas (BB-35) was the USN's last dreadnought battleship. The next class, the Nevada-class (Nevada [BB-36] and Oklahoma [BB-37]), began the era of the USN's "standard-type" battleships. They had a top speed of 21 knots, the had the same turning circles, with the exception of the last class they were were armed with 14" main guns. The remaining "standard" classes were the Pennsylvania-class (Pennsylvania [BB-38] and Arizona [BB-39]), the New Mexico-class (New Mexico [BB-40], Mississippi [BB-41], and Idaho [BB-42]), the Tennessee-class (Tennessee [BB-43] and California [BB-44]), and the Colorado-class (Colorado [BB-45], Maryland [BB-46], Washington [BB-47, cancelled and sunk as a target after the 1921 Washington Naval Treaty], and West Virginia [BB-48], which had the ships' main armament upgraded to 16" guns. All of those ships except Colorado and the New Mexicos were at Pearl Harbor on 7 Dec 1941. Colorado was being overhauled at Puget Sound and the New Mexicos were in the Atlantic.
The South Dakota class was next, but all six (South Dakota [BB-49], Indiana [BB-50], Montana [BB-51], North Carolina [BB-52], Iowa [BB-53], and Massachusetts [BB-54]) were scrapped before completion in compliance with the Washington Naval Treaty.
So, USS Texas was with the Atlantic Fleet, operating on Neutrality Patrols, in 1941, along with the New Mexicos and the two brand new Washington Treaty-compliant fast battleships of the North Carolina class (North Carolina [BB-55] and Washington [BB-56]. Had Texas been at Pearl Harbor, she might have met the fate of Arizona (catastrophically destroyed) or Oklahoma (too badly damaged to be economically repaired). And then there would have been no American dreadnought to survive to become a museum ship.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 16, 2023, 09:43:34 PM
I bet they are not using Teak for the new deck which was probably used originally

I remember as if it was yesterday as a 12 year old kid running all over that ship

You could even go inside the big gun batteries
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 16, 2023, 10:31:08 PM
I believe you are right about the teak.

I need to visit Battleship Texas some time. I've been aboard ships of the only other USN battleship classes to have ships preserved--USS North Carolina, USS Alabama, and USS Iowa. Each has the main armament of three triple-turrets of 16" guns. Texas--with five double-turrets of 14" guns--is from a whole different age of battleships. She was commissioned only 8 years after HMS Dreadnought, the ship that revolutionized naval warfare.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 17, 2023, 05:49:01 AM
An interesting point about calibers in naval guns, the Washington and SD classes had 16" guns in 45 calibers while the Iowas had 16" guns in 50 calibers, the term referring to the length of the barrel relative to the breech size.  Longer barrels means higher velocity (to a point).  The same is true for WW 2 tank armament.

The Pnzer IV D had a 75 mm main gun that was short, 20 caliber I dimly recall?  This was upgraded in the Panzer IV F and above to 75 mm and 71 caliber, I think, a longer gun barrel for antitank use.  The Shermans had the same sort of upgrades with different guns like the British 17 pounder, which was a pretty good antitank gun.  But not so good with soft targets.

The Iowa class BBs were somewhat akin to battle cruisers, a term with variable meanings.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 17, 2023, 07:34:10 AM
Interesting discussion on lobbying. I know there are rules, but I have no idea what they are. 

Right now I’m sure that there are groups lobbying for and against issues. Pro-gun, gun control. Green energy, big oil. I’m sure you can pick any cause and get money for it. If enough people wanted gun control they could out-lobby the nra to get some new laws passed. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 17, 2023, 07:39:18 AM
5 Crazy Facts About Lobbyists | RepresentUs (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 17, 2023, 08:59:39 AM
I think the main NRA influence is not lobbying, but its devoted membership that are often one issue voters.  If you are on the "right", you can't afford to alienate such a large portion of your base.  Quite a few voters are de facto one issue voters, though most of the time, the major issues align anyway.  If you like more gun regulation, you probably also like other "left" issues.  So, most politicians try and check all the boxes for their base and then "sound" middle of the road so as not to alienate the middle.

Then they get in office and for various reasons don't do much in terms of legislation anyway.  If you line up the "major issues" and think about how much real legislation gets passed on any of them, it's close to nothing.

We can't even raise the debt ceiling on monies already spent.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 17, 2023, 02:53:47 PM
An interesting point about calibers in naval guns, the Washington and SD classes had 16" guns in 45 calibers while the Iowas had 16" guns in 50 calibers, the term referring to the length of the barrel relative to the breech size.  Longer barrels means higher velocity (to a point).  The same is true for WW 2 tank armament.

The Pnzer IV D had a 75 mm main gun that was short, 20 caliber I dimly recall?  This was upgraded in the Panzer IV F and above to 75 mm and 71 caliber, I think, a longer gun barrel for antitank use.  The Shermans had the same sort of upgrades with different guns like the British 17 pounder, which was a pretty good antitank gun.  But not so good with soft targets.

The Iowa class BBs were somewhat akin to battle cruisers, a term with variable meanings.
Point of information: BB-55 and BB-56 were in the North Carolina class. I guess some folks call it the Washington class, because Washington was launched first. But North Carolina was commissioned first. 
Funny thing about the "South Dakota class." There were two of them. The 1920 iteration contained USS South Dakota (BB-49), USS Indiana (BB-50), USS Montana (BB-51), USS North Carolina (BB-52), USS Iowa (BB-53), and USS Massachusetts (BB-54). All were halted way short of completion and scrapped, in compliance with the Washington Naval Treaty, as I mentioned upthread. But all of those ship names except Montana were reused in subsequent classes, including the 1939 South Dakota class. And Montana was going to be the lead ship of her class after the Iowas, had the U.S. Navy continued to build battleships in the post-WWII era.
A lot of naval writers call the New York class the Texas class, because Texas was commissioned first.
Here's a comparison of Bismarck with the Iowa class, focusing on their main guns. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 18, 2023, 08:44:16 AM
I think it's interesting that on THIS thread, folks can discuss government policy with significant political ramifications, without it becoming an unbridled poop-flinging contest.

Curious, that...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 18, 2023, 08:48:41 AM
Your all out their really far far right (or left) and don't use pronouns two.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 18, 2023, 10:41:01 AM
that's how the porch works
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 18, 2023, 07:12:49 PM
porch gonna do what the porch gonna do
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 19, 2023, 09:36:59 PM (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 19, 2023, 10:58:39 PM
not sure what I was watching CW but it looked like a lot of fun
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on April 20, 2023, 07:42:07 PM
Today starts the Tall Ship Festival in Galveston

This is really neat
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 20, 2023, 10:35:44 PM
not sure what I was watching CW but it looked like a lot of fun
They were blasting the foam out of the anti-torpedo blisters that were added in the 1926 modernization. Texas was handed over as a museum ship in 1948. At that time, the blisters were filled with foam as an anti-corrosion measure.
Like many of the preservation techniques that were applied in 1948, the foam failed to do its job. I think that a previous video said that the foam caused more corrosion than it prevented. I imagine that there was already rust inside the blisters (meaning that there was rust attacking the hull itself) from the water that had (at least partially) filled the blisters for the previous 22 years.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 21, 2023, 11:06:22 AM
They were blasting the foam out of the anti-torpedo blisters that were added in the 1926 modernization. Texas was handed over as a museum ship in 1948. At that time, the blisters were filled with foam as an anti-corrosion measure.
Like many of the preservation techniques that were applied in 1948, the foam failed to do its job. I think that a previous video said that the foam caused more corrosion than it prevented. I imagine that there was already rust inside the blisters (meaning that there was rust attacking the hull itself) from the water that had (at least partially) filled the blisters for the previous 22 years.

Reminds me of the way Airstream put insulation in the underbelly of their trailers.  They built from the bottom-up, and the insulation got sandwiched between the aluminum sheet metal of the bellypan, and the mild steel frame.  This worked fine, but by design there were some holes in the bellypan and when water got up into it, it would stay trapped in the insulation, right up against the mild steel frame.  Mild steel has very little resistance to corrosion, and so frame rot became inevitable and extensive.

When I rebuilt the frame of my Airstream, I eliminated the insulation and most of the belly pan.  I can do this because of the mild climate I live in, but people up north have more work to do.

In short, the best-intentioned designs can still have unforeseen consequences and negative outcomes.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 21, 2023, 12:47:30 PM
Yep. We know what paves the road to Hell.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 21, 2023, 08:08:47 PM
Texas and New Jersey talk shop. (

This video was just posted today, but I think it was filmed at some earlier time. I saw Ryan--the New Jersey guy--in a new video the other day and his beard was much shorter.

Part 2 (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 22, 2023, 08:59:39 AM

The Oklahoma Land Rush (1889)
On April 22, 1889, some 50,000 people lined up to grab a piece of the 2 million acres (8,000 sq km) being made available by the US government in the first land run into the Unassigned Lands, later known as the state of Oklahoma. Each settler could claim a lot of up to 160 acres (0.65 sq km). A number of participants illegally entered and hid in the area before the run officially began at noon in order to quickly claim the choicest homesteads.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 22, 2023, 09:14:54 AM
spammer ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 22, 2023, 09:35:02 AM
Of course most of Georgia was basically stolen from the Cherokee and Creek indians as well.  It's not a pretty history, not the only item ugly in our history.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 22, 2023, 12:15:32 PM
Georgia started out as the high-minded project of General Oglethorpe. A haven for debtors and paupers, a beacon of freedom and opportunity, a land where there would be no slavery.

Soon, "Enough of that!"

Utee mentioned good intentions gone wrong a page or two back. I mentioned the road to Hell being paved with them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 22, 2023, 01:30:36 PM
Yeah, we learned the first part of that in school.

Cherokee, NC is a kind of sad place to visit now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 22, 2023, 10:23:55 PM
Speaking of Cherokee, there's this interesting story from the Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge. (By family lore, I'm supposedly 1/16 Cherokee, but then once I was supposed to be part-Irish too, and that turned out to be bunk, so I question the Cherokee DNA story.)

"Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)" is a song written by John D. Loudermilk. It was first recorded by Marvin Rainwater in 1959 and released on MGM as "The Pale Faced Indian", but that release went unnoticed. The first hit version was a 1968 recording by Don Fardon – a former member of the Sorrows – that reached number 20 on the Hot 100 in 1968 and number 3 on the UK Singles Chart in 1970.[3]

In 1971, the Raiders recorded "Indian Reservation" for Columbia Records, and it topped the Hot 100 on July 24. On June 30, 1971, the RIAA gold certified the record for selling over a million copies.[5] The record was later certified platinum for selling an additional million copies. The song was the group's only Hot 100 Number 1 hit and their final Hot 100 Top 20 song.


A well-known story told by Loudermilk is that when he was asked by the Viva! NashVegas radio show about the origins of the song "Indian Reservation," he fabricated the story that he wrote the song after his car was snowed in by a blizzard and he was taken in by a small group of Cherokee Indians. A self-professed prankster, he spun the tale that a Cherokee chieftain, "Bloody Bear Tooth," asked him to make a song about his people's plight on the Trail of Tears, even going so far as to claim that he had later been awarded "the first medal of the Cherokee Nation," not for writing the song, but for his "blood." He went on to fabricate the detail that on that day the tribe revealed that his "great-great-grandparents, Homer and Matilda Loudermilk" were listed on the Dawes Rolls (the citizenship rolls of the Nation). Had this detail of his tall tale been true, he would have been a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, which he was not.

In spite of the song's title, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians and the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma are not known as "reservations," and singing that they may someday "return" is at odds with the fact that these Cherokee Nations still exist.
One of the tragic ironies of the Cherokees is that they thought that white Americans would consider them to be civilized because they had taken up owning black slaves.

So, when most of them were exiled to "Indian Territory" (now the eastern part of Oklahoma), they brought their black slaves with them. Since the abolition of slavery in 1865, there has been off and on litigation between the "Cherokee Freedmen" (descendants of the Cherokees' slaves) and the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma over the question of whether or not the Freedmen are citizens of the Nation. I think that the most recent court decision was in favor of the Freedmen, but that's probably not the end of it.

An interesting example of kicking down. You get unfairly kicked, so you find someone weaker to unfairly kick. It's as old a weakness as coveting your neighbor's wife and/or cattle.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 23, 2023, 11:18:37 AM
We don't refer to Sooners as "Dirt Burglars" for nothin'. :)

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 23, 2023, 07:03:18 PM
they've been kicking down for decades

to no avail 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 23, 2023, 11:28:57 PM
So, in my extended ramblings about U.S. Navy battleships of WWII, I stated that New York and Texas were the oldest. That was incorrect. The next-older battleships were Wyoming (BB-32) and Arkansas (BB-33) of the Wyoming class. They were slow, and they were armed with 6 twin turrets containing 12" guns. Despite modernizations in the mid-1920s, they trailed the fleet in terms of speed, armor, and armament. In accordance with the 1930 London Naval Treaty, Wyoming was demilitarized and converted into a gunnery training ship. Arkansas soldiered on through World War II--serving in the Atlantic until Jan 1945, escorting convoys, as she was unsuited to face Japanese battleships--with the only significant changes being reductions of her secondary 5" guns and additions to her anti-aircraft batteries. In the final months of the war, she served in the Pacific, providing naval gunfire support to amphibious operations such as the invasion of Okinawa.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 24, 2023, 07:26:21 AM
An old BB like that armed only with 5"/38 DP gun mounts could have been an effective kamikaze deterrent.  And sponge.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 24, 2023, 02:17:06 PM
An old BB like that armed only with 5"/38 DP gun mounts could have been an effective kamikaze deterrent.  And sponge.
Yep. A ship like that could have filled the sky with 5" projectiles with VT fusing. But she wasn't fast enough to keep up with the carriers. Maybe without the weight of the six double-turrets and the twelve 12" main guns, there would have been the potential for increasing the powerplant and getting a 40% increase in top speed.

Wyoming, the BB converted into a gunnery-training ship, eventually had all its main guns and 5"/51 secondary guns removed and replaced with ten 5"/38 DP guns plus smaller-caliber AA guns. But it had already had its side armor removed in the demilitarization process. And it didn't have any powerplant upgrades.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 24, 2023, 02:22:47 PM
they've been kicking down for decades

to no avail
Weren't kicking down here. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 24, 2023, 02:27:36 PM
Some of the naval groups like Taffy 3 were not based on high speed ships but escort carriers and DEs.  But they needed a training ship as well I'm sure.

The might could have retrofitted the Alaskas with more 5 inch DP guns, but it would have delayed their availability even more.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 24, 2023, 10:19:45 PM
Good point about the CVEs. I guess it was considered enough to have destroyers around them to provide AA protection. Off Samar, that proved not to be true. Not true enough to prevent 2 escort carriers, 2 destroyers, and a destroyer escort from being sunk.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 25, 2023, 07:40:52 AM
Weren't kicking down here. (
Last week I spoke with the new governor Jim Pillen about his fumble recovery 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 25, 2023, 05:58:03 PM
Sooners gave him plenty of opportunities. 9 fumbles, 6 lost.

Did he make the "game-winning" recovery at the 3?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 25, 2023, 07:38:59 PM

now he's the governor
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 25, 2023, 07:41:02 PM
Of Iowa or Nebraska?

Never mind, I see it's Nebraska.

The Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge says that he refused to debate his opponents in both the primary election and the general election.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 25, 2023, 07:53:59 PM
I'd be happy he refused and not put me through it

if I was a voter in Nebraska
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 25, 2023, 08:35:01 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 25, 2023, 08:56:54 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 26, 2023, 04:55:58 PM
On the OU board I haunt, someone posted a "no huddle" version of the ABC coverage of the '78 Sooners-Huskers game. I don't think I had ever watched even an abbreviated replay of the whole game.

I've seen the part with Billy Sims' fumble about a hundred times, though.

Thanks for providing #101!

Billy gets blamed some, but he wasn't the cause of the loss. He played better than anyone else on offense. Without him, the Sooners wouldn't have scored.

Four other lost fumbles (besides the two he lost), lousy kickoff returns (one run out to the one, another a fumble that the zebras missed), and a critical unsportsmanlike conduct flag when it looked like the Sooners would get one last possession.

A lot of long-time Sooner observers say that the '78 team was Switzer's most talented. But it wasn't his most disciplined.

Huskers played a much cleaner game and deserved the win.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 26, 2023, 05:02:16 PM
you're welcome

I wasn't even a Husker fan at the time (78), but many of my relatives from Omaha were.
I was rooting for the Sooners, just to annoy them

Even Barry has stated many times, the 78 team was his most talented
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 30, 2023, 12:45:22 PM
Some of you probably remember that last year I was in the process of buying out the family business with my brother.  We have another brother who is a problem, lots of personal problems, financial problems, legal problems, substance problems.  Hell, every problem on the list just put a check by it.  Kids are problems too.  Or at least some of them.  Crazy ex-wife.  The list is endless.  

Well, the younger brother bailed on me at the last minute, after we spent a good amount of money on lawyers and legal bills, went in an bought equipment together, worked together for 6 months.  I should have  known that something was up, but I was blinded by my own ambition.  I have a separate business (of the same nature), we were basically going to merge them together.  On the day where we were going to tell the other brother what we were doing he told me in the meeting "Why can't we just give him another chance", after saying for the last 6 months he had to do something to protect his family.  That was that.  

I ended up removing my equipment from his shop, over $300,000 worth that night.  I don't think he expected that, it got nasty but he ended up buying one piece of equipment back from me, paying me some money for some of my expenses that I was delaying, and it was over.  I ended up keeping one piece of equipment that I really didn't need, and I didn't really know how I was going to pay for it.  I have only been doing this business part time for the last 10-12 years, I never had a payroll or employees, just myself and my son and keeping it simple.  My son was really excited to learn the family business, and he worked really hard for my brother in the 6 months we were together and he really thought he was going to be a part of our family business.  I've always kind of kept my distance from the deal because of my older brothers problems, I have no ownership or stake in the business, except what I've done on my own.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 30, 2023, 12:54:31 PM
I will tell you that the split from my younger brother was one of the most painful things I've ever endured.  It really felt like I got stabbed in the chest, I was in the worst pain of my life for awhile.  After we settled up, I honestly didn't know what I wanted to do.  I'm at the point where I'm getting older, tired of the amount of physical labor needed to maintain my own business, and with my son going off to college I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to press forward.  I considered getting out of the business entirely, selling off my equipment, getting back my time, maybe buying a nice boat or something.  

Thankfully, I decided to do nothing.  I just laid low for a few months, we continued doing a little work here and there.  We ended up hiring a young man who is friends with my son, about two years younger, and he turned out to be a good employee and he can do most of the work that I was doing before.  I hired him in at about $12 per hour, and he was making $15 before he was 18 years old.  Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of things that he needs to improve on, and sometimes I find myself getting mad about things, but overall it's been a blessing.  And now my youngest son, who is 16, is helping, along with my oldest son who will be home this summer and will basically run the show while I'm at my day job (only part time at 40 hours per week :wink .  ).  

Already this year we've surpassed any other year, on track to maybe do 300% of what we did in any other year.  Which really isn't much, because working part time at a business you can only bring in so much revenue.  I'm hopeful that within two years we can do over $1MM in sales.  We're bringing in a piece of equipment this summer which will change the game for us, and we'll go from a limited capabilities outfit to a full service outfit.  I actually have 4 employees now, two young men who are barely 18, and my two sons, and I may add another before the summer is out.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 30, 2023, 01:04:52 PM
good for you

a little pain and persistence

but, obviously very gratifying in the end 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 30, 2023, 01:06:48 PM
Meanwhile, I don't have much contact with either brother.  My younger brother tried to contact me a few times, but I basically kept it short and maybe not too sweet.  When my older brother was on "substances", he would not come to work.  He literally didn't come to work for years, at least 1-2 years.  Just laying up at home, doing stuff, staying out all night, and sleeping all day.  When we cut him off of the money (he was drawing between $3,000-5,000 per week out of the business, unbeknownst to my other brother), and spending it all on drugs.   To be more specific, spending it on crack or whatever it is now with vaping etc.  

We had to get a lawyer involved, and fire him from the business.  Long story short, my mom had to buy his home, he was going to lose it to the bank/ex wife.  I arranged it, but I had it put in her name.  When he didn't have access to the money, he tried to get back involved in the business.  My younger brother wouldn't stop him, and slowly he wormed his way back in and then when we went to finalize the new business I guess he conned the YB that he was changed or whatever.  I told my YB that I refused to ever be in business with the OB.  So that ended our business relationship and our personal relationship.  

Well, I go by his house often, and guess what, he's home a lot during the day.  During work hours.  9-11 in the morning, 12 PM, 2-3 PM.  He's home.  I hear from their employees (they still call me, several have asked me for a job) that he doesn't work, barely shows up, etc.  So I feel somewhat vindicated that I was doing the right thing.  And I'm glad that we are doing well in our business, but if I'm honest 2022 was one of the worst years of my life, and I'm not sure if I'll ever have any sort of a relationship with my YB ever again, which sucks because my boys adored him.  Heck, they even liked my OB, who at times can be personable and a good guy even with all his problems.  But he's got a bi-polar thingy, where one day he's the best guy ever, and the next he's the dark supervillan.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 30, 2023, 01:13:42 PM
good for you

a little pain and persistence

but, obviously very gratifying in the end
After it was over I realized that it was never going to work with YB.  We were just too different, but when we were in it I always thought we could find a way to work it out.  We never really argued or fought or anything, there wasn't any kind of bad blood between us, or money issues really.  We just didn't know how to communicate with each other, and he had no interest in changing anything about how things were ran, and they were not ran well.  Really just total chaos on a daily basis, hardly any management or real desire to change much.  But my dad had built up his customer base for 50 years, and they made it work, even if it was inefficient.  Myself coming from the corporate world and being somewhat technology savvy I just wanted to make things more streamlined and organized, more efficient. We had guys standing around 2-3 hours per day until my brother decided what he wanted them to do.  My brother doesn't really know how to use a computer, except to look at the web.  And he's only in his early 40's.  The older brother I think is worse than that, so they were very averse to any kind of tech tools to help get organized.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 30, 2023, 01:14:51 PM
Rough situation all around ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on April 30, 2023, 02:49:01 PM
And I feel like I’m in crazy town, because I think my OB has convinced the rest of the family that he did nothing wrong. For example, he claimed my dad knew what he was doing ( drawing money out of the bank instead of a paycheck). Listen, dad died in 2020. Before that, he was in pretty poor health for 2-3 years. YB claims he didn’t know about it, but now I think he knew about it all along but in reality he was just too chickenshit to do anything about it. 

Years from now I’ll be better off having gotten away from these loons, but the lesson was painful. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 30, 2023, 03:14:28 PM
I think there is a point at which severance is necessary.  My kids severed all contact with their mother years ago.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 01, 2023, 05:55:01 PM
Yeah sometimes it’s good to just vent. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 02, 2023, 04:45:09 PM
The new schedule will be as follows:
2024 Season
( Round (On-Campus)
Friday, December 20, 2024: One Game (evening)
Saturday, December 21, 2024: Three Games (early afternoon, late afternoon and evening)
Tuesday, December 31, 2024: Vrbo Fiesta Bowl (evening)
Wednesday, January 1, 2025: Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl (early afternoon), Rose Bowl Game (late afternoon) and Allstate Sugar Bowl (evening)
Thursday, January 9, 2025: Capital One Orange Bowl (evening)
Friday, January 10, 2025: Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic (evening)
( National Championship
Monday, January 20, 2025: Mercedes-Benz Stadium, Atlanta, Georgia
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 03, 2023, 03:29:03 PM
Well, there it is. The long-awaited (by many), much-dreaded (by others, including me) 12-team NFL-Lite Playoff System.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 03, 2023, 03:30:29 PM
I don't dread it, I'm sure I'll watch some.  I don't really like it for obvious reasons, but whatever.  We knew something was coming.

Given a choice, I would just return to the messy bowl situations.  MAYBE have one more game after the bowls, maybe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 03, 2023, 04:02:38 PM
I'll watch most

rooting for underdogs most of the time

they will obviously be better than average teams vs much better than average teams
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 03, 2023, 07:13:15 PM
12 team playoff blows goats

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 05, 2023, 06:36:22 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 06, 2023, 05:52:15 PM
A Brit looks at Battleship Texas' dry-docking. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 06, 2023, 09:10:43 PM
The OU softball team scored 4 runs in the top of the 7th, then sent the Cowgirls down in order in the bottom half, to win 4-2. That is the Sooners' 40th-straight win. Arizona has the longest win streak at 47 (a nice number for a streak). So the top 5 win streaks in NCAA softball history are:

1. Arizona - 47 (1996-97).
2. OU - 41 (2019) the longest single season streak.
3. OU - 40 (2021-22) 38-0 to open the season is the longest win streak to start a season without a loss.
3. OU - 40 (2020-21) had a 40-game win streak, includes seven games from the Covid-shortened 2020 season.
3. OU - 40 and counting (2023).

The 3rd Bedlam game is tomorrow. It could be the last OU-OSU game in Stillwater.

Interestingly, OSU softball is leaving its its old and obsolete Cowgirl Stadium to move to a modified/renovated Allie P. Reynolds Stadium, OSU's old baseball stadium, which, going to seed, still sits immediately to the south.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 07, 2023, 09:44:19 AM

Dinner last night 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 07, 2023, 09:54:37 AM
Nice.  I, too, ate spaghetti and meat sauce a couple of nights ago.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 07, 2023, 10:10:15 AM
I don't eat much pasta

I save my carbs for other items
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 07, 2023, 02:01:50 PM
[img width=500 height=280.994][/img]

Dinner last night
Is that a spread-out coney on the right? Was that the appetizer or dessert?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 09, 2023, 02:10:01 PM
Four way onion on left, cheese coney on right at Blue Ash Chili (my favorite for this sort of thing).  Had to do it once, again.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 09, 2023, 03:40:56 PM
The Cincinnati spaghetti thread is over there ------------->
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 09, 2023, 03:50:48 PM
Is this somehow off topic?


If you have never tried it, you didn't miss anything at all except perhaps an unusual different kind of thing.  It reminds me of the Varsity here, it is unique and in some ways impressive, but the food is pricey and mediocre.  I'd bet a lot of cities have a place that has been around for ages and has history and something unique about it, but really isn't all that good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 09, 2023, 06:38:10 PM
Is this somehow off topic?

Nah, but it sure seems to get brought up around here on the B12 board pretty often for, you know, not being in any way related to the B12 geographies and also, you know, being antithetically oriented to traditional Texas chili, which actually IS representative of a very large part of the B12 geography.

And since there's only one person on this message board who has the city of Cincinnati referenced in his moniker and he's the one always talking about it, one might begin to think that there's some pot stirring going on.

Better be careful or Fearless will take offense to you stealing his bit.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 09, 2023, 06:46:59 PM
We Texans can be kinda touchy when it comes to home demographics
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 09, 2023, 07:35:27 PM
Just seems really... unusual... that we seem to discuss Cincinnati spaghetti with meat sauce more around here, than we do almost any other topic.

Why, do you suppose, that is?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 09, 2023, 07:36:21 PM
In completely unrelated news, Fearless is losing his pot-stirring title.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 09, 2023, 08:51:19 PM
The Big 12 goes all the way to Iowa and West Virginia, though you wouldn't know the West Virginia part from any posting going on here.

A couple of long-time Tulsa institutions serve dishes that look similar to those at the Blue Ash. Ike's Chili, a restaurant that served Will Rogers when he flew into town, serves among other dishes chili over spaghetti, with or without cheese and/or onions. 


Then there's the Coney Island, which was once part of a national franchise that no longer exists. It and its offshoot Coney I-Lander local franchise serve coneys that--if spread out--would look a lot like that one at the Blue Ash.


I don't think that either of these restaurants have cinnamon in their chili, but I might be wrong about that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 10, 2023, 06:13:15 AM
Cincy chili doesn't have cinammon either.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 10, 2023, 09:02:21 AM
Ike's chili appears to be loaded with beans
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 10, 2023, 10:04:44 AM
Ike's soup noodle topping appears to be loaded with beans
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 10, 2023, 10:08:24 AM
just hangin on to the title

and just one more reason for Texans to despise Sooners 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 10, 2023, 12:48:37 PM
Ike's chili appears to be loaded with beans
You can order it with or without.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 10, 2023, 12:53:26 PM
Ike's looks like a close relative, if not the same, probably no different than the different versions in Cincy.  Folks have favorites, Gold Star, Skyline are the two more prominent chains there.

Anyway, I had my "fill" as it were for a year or more.

Chili is not big around here apparently beyond a hot dog topping at times.  Brunswick stew is far more common (and better in my view versus commercial chili).  On our recent trip, we had Japanese in Cincy for one lunch, Chinese for one dinner, Thai for another lunch, and Chinese for another dinner.  Then we had sushi just now for lunch (from Kroger, which has remarkably good sushi, better than the Shell stations)...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 10, 2023, 02:36:38 PM
You can order it with or without.
sweet, a Texas version

probably not very popular
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 10, 2023, 09:35:30 PM
Ike's looks like a close relative, if not the same, probably no different than the different versions in Cincy.  Folks have favorites, Gold Star, Skyline are the two more prominent chains there.

Anyway, I had my "fill" as it were for a year or more.

Chili is not big around here apparently beyond a hot dog topping at times.  Brunswick stew is far more common (and better in my view versus commercial chili).  On our recent trip, we had Japanese in Cincy for one lunch, Chinese for one dinner, Thai for another lunch, and Chinese for another dinner.  Then we had sushi just now for lunch (from Kroger, which has remarkably good sushi, better than the Shell stations)...
Ike's dates to 1908, and I think they've been using the same mild (by my standards) chili recipe all this time. Funny, back in those days, it was considered quite hot.
About "good sushi," I do not like fish in general, so there's no way I could like uncooked fish wrapped in seaweed.
However, I won't argue that the world has to follow my culinary preferences.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 11, 2023, 07:37:02 AM
We avoid the seaweed sushi, ours is wrapped in rice only.  We also like Sashimi and Nigiri.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 11, 2023, 09:09:45 AM
I love sushi.  After spending almost a year in France off and on, and then working closely with and entertaining Chinese suppliers for over a decade, I'm open to eating just about anything.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 11, 2023, 09:23:24 AM
I don't like liver, at all, that's really it.  I even had seiche once.  Wasn't great really.  Popular in southern France.

My wife loves caviar but maybe it's because of the panache, not the flavor.  I can eat it, but it's not nearly worth the price, to me.  I let her have it.  Escargot I like quite a bit, often order it, but it can take a while to get served ...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 11, 2023, 12:57:24 PM
Yeah it can take a while to go dig out the snails from under the front porch steps.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2023, 04:09:07 PM
OU beat Iowa State 9-0 in 5 innings today in the Big 12 softball tournament.

So the top 5 win streaks in NCAA softball history are now:
1. Arizona - 47 (1996-97).
2. OU - 42 and counting (2023), the longest single-season streak.
2. OU - 41 (2019).
4. OU - 40 (2021-22) 38-0 to open the season is the longest win streak to start a season without a loss.
4. OU - 40 (2020-21) had a 40-game win streak, includes seven games from the Covid-shortened 2020 season.

#7 Texas plays Kansas at 4:00 today. After the Horns' comeback win over Tech yesterday, I think they've clinched hosting a super-regional.
#8 Oklahoma State was beaten 8-7 by Kansas this morning in the continuation of last night's rain-halted game. That's the Cowgirls' 11th loss in their last 13 games. I suspect that they have played themselves out of hosting a super-regional.

Nebraska plays #19 Northwestern this evening in the B1G tournament.

Tulsa has beaten Houston and Wichita State in the AAC tournament, possibly stealing an NCAA tournament berth.

In a game that captured the nation's attention, Army beat Bucknell 3-2 in the Patriot League tournament.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2023, 08:27:09 PM
OU run-ruled Iowa State 9-0 and Texas run-ruled Kansas 9-1 today.

RRS championship game at noon on ESPN+.

Blech! I don't get that channel.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 13, 2023, 06:37:14 PM
Sooners win the championship game and will surely be the overall #1 seed. OU's winning streak has reached 43 games.

I think that Texas will be in the top 8 and OSU be just outside the top 8--about #12.

Tennessee beat 10th-seeded USC-E 3-1 to win the SEC tournament. If USC-E could have their reliever, Gobourne, pitch every inning of every game, they'd be really good. She pitched about 18 innings over the last 3 days and didn't allow a run.

Tulsa lost big (9-1, I think) to UCF (I think) in the AAC championship game. Tulsa finished 25-28, so their season is over.

UCLA may have the #2 overall seed locked up even if they don't beat Utah in the Pac-12 championship game tonight.

Florida State was national #3 before the conference tournaments, and they won the ACC tournament, so they'll probably do no worse than being the #3 overall seed. Tennessee was the national #4 before the conference tournament, and they won the SEC tournament, so they'll probably be the #4 overall seed.

Rats! Boston U. beat Army in the Patriot League tournament-championship game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 13, 2023, 10:44:52 PM
Top 5 Redneck States. (

Neither Texas nor Oklahoma made the cut.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 14, 2023, 07:51:06 AM
Coffee is good.

Ever seen a coffee plant in the wild?  Not much to look at except pretty when blooming.  Kona snow.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 14, 2023, 08:14:04 AM
Top 5 Redneck States. (

Neither Texas nor Oklahoma made the cut.
I'm disappointed.  We're slipping.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 14, 2023, 09:18:06 AM
joining the SEC might bring you back up in the rankings
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 14, 2023, 08:15:31 PM
Odd outcome in the NCAA Softball Tournament seedings.

On 9 May, before the conference tournaments, Texas and OSU were ranked like this:

7  Texas        40-12-1
8  Okla. State  41-13

Since then, OSU went 0-1 while Texas went 2-1 in the Big 12 Tournament.

So, for the NCAA Tournament, OSU is seeded #6 while Texas drops to #13.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 14, 2023, 09:55:44 PM
texas have an injury?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 15, 2023, 09:09:11 AM
It's rigged!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 15, 2023, 11:20:18 AM
Alabama going from 5th seed in the SEC Tournament, in which the Tide was eliminated in the semis, to 5th seed nationally seems equally questionable.

Either the regular-season rankings are junk, or the selection committee uses totally different criteria.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 15, 2023, 11:24:45 AM

no wonder Texas wants in the SEC
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 15, 2023, 12:03:47 PM
Alabama going from 5th seed in the SEC Tournament, in which the Tide was eliminated in the semis, to 5th seed nationally seems equally questionable.

Either the regular-season rankings are junk, or the selection committee uses totally different criteria.
We know the committee uses very different criteria.  And the regular season rankings are for clicks.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 15, 2023, 03:36:22 PM
We know the committee uses very different criteria.  And the regular season rankings are for clicks.
Do we know this or just suspect it?
And, just to be a contrarian, is it possible that the regular-season rankings are reasonably valid and the selection committee is seeding less on merit and more on the basis of potential high-interest matchups in the super-regionals?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 15, 2023, 03:47:40 PM
that seems impossible!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 15, 2023, 05:36:59 PM
If Team A is ranked highly all season and gets an unusually low seed, we can conclude the committee uses different criteria.  As for which is "more valid", I don't think we can know without looking back in history in a detailed fashion.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 15, 2023, 07:00:27 PM
If Team A is ranked highly all season and gets an unusually low seed, we can conclude the committee uses different criteria.  As for which is "more valid", I don't think we can know without looking back in history in a detailed fashion.
I don't disagree with that. I just have a bit less certainty about the criteria. I'd say, "It seems obvious" rather than "We know," but that's somewhat splitting hairs.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 15, 2023, 07:01:53 PM
Seems obvious that Texas got the shaft.  Cheater committee.  Fire everyone.  Etc.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 16, 2023, 06:35:08 AM
The football committee is more impressed with really good wins than the AP, I think.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 16, 2023, 07:29:06 PM
I didn't go looking for this video, but I've seen others by this guy that I thought were interesting. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 16, 2023, 09:45:49 PM
I use chili powder from Gebhardt

and favor the recipe from the chili queens of San Anton
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 16, 2023, 09:57:02 PM
Looks like a good simple recipe, I like it.   KISS.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 16, 2023, 10:19:08 PM
beef and Chiles from  Pendery in Fort Worth
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 16, 2023, 10:33:06 PM
Makes me want to make some chili
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 16, 2023, 10:48:05 PM
me too, but it's too warm

79 degrees
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 17, 2023, 07:10:29 AM
I make chili year round, my version of it of course.  When my kids went off to college, I made spaghetti sauce on Monday and had it Tue and Wed and on Thu added chili powder and called it chili, served it over rice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 17, 2023, 09:05:02 AM
nothing to be proud of
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 21, 2023, 09:19:20 PM
Softball Regionals are over except for McNeese State, leading 6-0, needing to close out Washington in the Seattle Regional.

#1 OU hosts #16 Clemson in the OKC Super-Regional. I think that Clemson is a dangerous opponent.

#5 (and over-seeded, IMO) Oklahoma State will host Oregon (who eliminated #11 Arkansas) in the Stillwater Super.

#13 (and under-seeded, IMO) Texas will face #4 Tennessee in the Knoxville Super. The ESPN softball pundits are high on this matchup.

ESPN is also high on the Florida State-Georgia matchup in the Tallahassee Super.

Other pairings Super-Regionals: #9 Stanford vs. #8 Duke; #12 Northwestern vs. #5 Alabama; ULL (who eliminated LSU) vs. #7 Washington; and San Diego State vs. #15 Utah.

The big story of the Regional round was #2 UCLA losing to Grand Canyon and Liberty. Counting the Bruins' loss to Utah in the Pac-12 tournament championship game, that proud program finished the season on an 0-3 skid.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 21, 2023, 11:12:19 PM
So, the YouTuber formerly called "German Girl" has been called for awhile now "Feli from Germany." She lives in Cincinnati, and has her brother and his GF trying out Cincinnati Skyline Chili. (

I found this at a website called "The Chunky Chef." (

Copycat Skyline Cincinnati Chili.
▢5 cups water
▢6 oz can of Tomato paste
▢1/2 oz baking chocolate (unsweetened - I use Baker's brand)
▢1/4 cup chili powder
▢1 tsp cinnamon
▢1 tsp garlic powder
▢1 tsp cumin
▢1/4 tsp allspice
▢1/4 tsp ground cloves
▢1/4 tsp red pepper flakes, or less, depending on your desired heat level
▢1/8 tsp black pepper
▢3/4 tsp salt
▢1/2 tsp sugar
▢2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
▢1 1/4 lb lean ground beef

There are several ingredients there that I never put in chili. Baking chocolate, cinnamon, allspice, ground cloves, and apple cider vinegar. That's just my take, though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 21, 2023, 11:27:55 PM
This reminds me of a conversation I had with utee on which of us was the biggest nerd
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 22, 2023, 06:49:48 AM
Skyline claims they use no chocolate, so does Gold Star, but really you wouldn't know if they added some.  It's only "chili" in the broadest definition of the term.  One can iamgine taking an Italian into pizza hut and ordering a supreme.  He might like it, but say it's not really pizza.

Either way, if you're ever in Cincy, and don't try it, you're really not missing much except an unusual experience.  You wouldn't necessarily like it.  The same is true with the Varsity down here, it's kind of an experience, but it's not all that great at all.  When I go back to Cincy, I try and have some of their chili "for old time sake" etc.

The other Cincy "thing" is White Castle, which serves what are called "sliders".  They aren't very good either.

I do think it's nice for a town to have some "local dishes" whether they are that good or not.

We attended a concert when we were back, that was the main reason for going, and had some time with the conductor and his wife after that was neat.  He has some good stories.  The travel schedule these folks have is ridiculous, I guess they fly up front but still ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 22, 2023, 01:12:29 PM
I found a reverse-engineered recipe for Coney Island/Coney I-Lander chili online. It looks a lot like that Skyline recipe. The once-national Coney Island chain was started by Greek immigrants, I believe. The store in Tulsa certainly was.


1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 medium sized finely chopped onion + more for Coney topping
2 pounds ground beef
1/4 cup chili powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1 tablespoon salt
1 bay leaf
1/2 (1 ounce) square unsweetened chocolate
1 (10.5 ounce) can beef broth
1 (15 ounce) can tomato sauce
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder (fresh minced if you can)
1 teaspoon white pepper

Sure enough, it contains all those things I mentioned above that I don't put in chili.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 22, 2023, 01:50:16 PM
I do enjoy my version of chili, it's pretty simple stuff, and I often serve it over rice.  It's really spaghetti sauce with chili powder added.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 22, 2023, 03:50:37 PM

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 22, 2023, 04:42:22 PM
To switch the discussion to actual GOOD food...

Last Friday I went to local BBQ joint Stiles Switch and had their daily special-- the Pitmaster Smoked Cuban sandwich. It was delicious.

"House Smoked Ham thin sliced w Smoked Pork Shoulder, Pickles, Swiss Cheese, and Lance’s Mustard Sauce. Served hot and ready off the griddle."

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 22, 2023, 04:52:57 PM
Now I'm hungry ,,,
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 22, 2023, 05:21:49 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 22, 2023, 06:42:50 PM
I've eaten a lot of meals at El Arroyo.  Their standard Tex-Mex isn't anything to write home about, but they have good margaritas and they have a seafood enchilada dish and a BBQ chicken enchilada dish that are both excellent.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 22, 2023, 07:38:23 PM
To switch the discussion to actual GOOD food...

Last Friday I went to local BBQ joint Stiles Switch and had their daily special-- the Pitmaster Smoked Cuban sandwich. It was delicious.

"House Smoked Ham thin sliced w Smoked Pork Shoulder, Pickles, Swiss Cheese, and Lance’s Mustard Sauce. Served hot and ready off the griddle."

[img width=451.989 height=500][/img][/size][/color]
I had a smoked Cuban sandwich that looked a lot like that one at a new joint in Tulsa called Nomad BBQ Deli. It was delicious too.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 25, 2023, 09:25:28 AM
So, being the off season and what not, some SEC coach apparently said Texas and OU are not ready for the SEC, that got some "play" on talk shows etc.  I presume this means football.  I know Texas does have a losing record against Vandy, so there is that.

Someone might note Missouri won the SEC East twice after they joined.  They haven't done so well since.  I don't really know what being ready means, relative to being ready for any season.  And yes, everyone knows Texas and OU might not go 11-1 in the first few seasons, duh, but Texas has been recruiting well at least.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 25, 2023, 09:44:17 AM
Texas and OU didn't look particularly ready for the B12 last year, so I don't think it's some weird stretch to say they're not ready for the SEC.

That said, Texas only lost by 1 to Alabama in a game where an uncalled safety was the difference in the win/loss.  

So there's three sides to every story, or something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 25, 2023, 09:59:26 AM
Yeah, one year doesn't make a trend, duh.  And they both could well struggle in the first couple of years, we don't know that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 25, 2023, 10:29:13 AM
Yeah, one year doesn't make a trend, duh.  And they both could well struggle in the first couple of years, we don't know that.
Not you specifically of course, but "SEC fans" and the fawning mediots never make a distinction between the top couple of teams in the SEC which have been consistently excellent over the past several years, and the rest of the conference which ranges from decent, to average, to dog-crap.  Just like every other conference.

So, is Texas ready for Georgia?  No, of course not, I'd give us very little chance to win a game against your Bulldogs in the next couple of years. 

But is Texas ready for A&M and LSU and Miss State and Ole Miss and Auburn?  Yeah, there's nothing about those teams that scares me any more than, say, Kansas State or Oklahoma State or the like. I mean, the ags lost to Appalachian State last year.  I'd be very confident in winning a game against them over the next few years.  

On balance, I'm not particularly more worried about playing the middle and bottom of the SEC, than I would be of any other conference.  

And even mighty Alabama needed a gift from the refs to leave Austin with a win last year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 25, 2023, 10:52:33 AM
LSU might be pretty good this coming year.  But, yeah, the Ole Miss teams in the SEC are just teams, they could beat ya, or not.  Vandy is the one to watch though.

Let's say Texas faces a 9 game conference slate in 2024 that comprises:

Ole Miss
Miss State



And let's imagine Texas has a pretty solid team that would be 9-3/10-2 in the B12.  That's about what they could be with that slate unless OOC had a major.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 25, 2023, 10:56:01 AM
Some Longhorn fans want to play Vandy a lot, to even up the series, but not me.  I see it as bad juju.  I want no part of Vandy.  Best to let sleeping dogs lie.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 25, 2023, 12:34:04 PM (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 27, 2023, 09:33:51 AM
NCAA Softball updates.  First, the tournament results, by bracket:

Bracket A
#1 OU leads #16 Clemson 1-0.
#9 Stanford leads #8 Duke 1-0
#4 Tennessee leads #13 Texas 1-0
#12 Northwestern leads #5 Alabama 1-0

Bracket B
San Diego State leads #15 Utah 1-0
#7 Washington leads Louisiana 1-0
#3 Florida State beat #14 Georgia 2-0 to advance to the WCWS
#6 OSU beat Oregon 2-0 to advance to the WCWS

Game Two today for those who have not clinched a spot in the WCWS, with possible Game Threes tomorrow.

Winning streaks:

1T. Arizona (1996-97): 47 wins
1T. Oklahoma (Current): 47
3. Oklahoma (2019): 41
4T. Oklahoma (2021-22): 40
4T. Oklahoma (2020-21): 40
6. South Carolina (1997): 38
7T. Florida (2008): 37
7T. Princeton (1996): 37
9. Oregon (2017): 35
10. UCLA (1999) 35
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 27, 2023, 07:12:32 PM

I thought that the OU softball win streak was going to end at 47 today. Clemson led 7-4 going into the 7th. In the top of the inning, with one on and two outs, with two strikes on her, Lee hit a bloop single to bring the tying run to the plate. Kenzie Hansen, on an 0-2 pitch, hit a 3-run homer to tie it. Jordy Bahl came in to pitch and limited Clemson to one hit in three innings. In the top of the 9th, Tiare Jennings--who had a HR in the 1st inning--hit a solo HR and Ball closed out Clemson in the bottom half of the inning. Sooners won 8-7. A great game with clutch performances on both teams. No errors. Clemson goes home, but they were this close to forcing a rubber game tomorrow.

Tallahassee Super Regional - Tallahassee, Florida
● Game 1: No. 3 Florida State 8, No. 14 Georgia 1
Game 2: No. 3 Florida State 4, No. 14 Georgia 2
No. 3 Florida State advanced to the WCWS

Stillwater Super Regional - Stillwater, Oklahoma
Game 1: No. 6 Oklahoma State 8, Oregon 1
Game 2: No. 6 Oklahoma State 9, Oregon 0
No. 6 Oklahoma State advances to the WCWS

Norman Super Regional - Norman, Oklahoma
Game 1: No. 1 Oklahoma 9, No. 16 Clemson  2
Game 2: No. 1 Oklahoma 8,  16 Clemson 7
No. 1 Oklahoma advances to the WCWS

Durham Super Regional - Durham, North Carolina
Game 1: No. 9 Stanford 3, No. 8 Duke 1
Game 2: No. 9 Stanford 7, No. 8 Duke* 2 
No. 9 Stanford advances to the WCWS

Tuscaloosa Super Regional - Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Game 1: No. 12 Northwestern 3, No. 5 Alabama 1
Game 2: Saturday, May 27, 9 p.m. | No. 12 Northwestern vs. No. 5 Alabama* | ESPN
Game 3 (if necessary): Sunday, May 28

Knoxville Super Regional - Knoxville, Tennessee
Game 1: No. 4 Tennessee  5, No. 13 Texas 2
Game 2: No. 4 Tennessee 9, No. 13 Texas 0
No. 4 Tennessee advances to the WCWS

Seattle Super Regional - Seattle, Washington
Game 1: No. 7 Washington 8, Louisiana 0
Game 2: Saturday, May 27, 7 p.m. | Louisiana vs. No. 7 Washington* | ESPN
Game 3 (if necessary): Sunday, May 28

Salt Lake City Super Regional - Salt Lake City, Utah
Game 1: San Diego State 4, No. 15 Utah 3
Game 2: Saturday, May 27, 5 p.m. | San Diego State vs. No. 15 Utah* | ESPN
    ● Top of the 4th, Utah leads 3-1
Game 3 (if necessary): Sunday, May 28

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 30, 2023, 03:42:43 PM
Horns went 0-2 in Tennessee, here endeth the season.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 30, 2023, 04:36:51 PM
Horns went 0-2 in Tennessee, here endeth the season.
I thought that Texas would do better than that. Especially better than how Game 2 went down.
I don't like Mike White, but he obviously knows how to coach and how to build a program.
But this year's team didn't quite have what last year's did. Were there some key losses after last year?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 31, 2023, 02:26:06 PM
I don't think White is a "next-level" kind of coach, to be honest.  The whole never seems to end up being better than the sum of the parts.  Texas gets good enough players to be "good enough" and that's about it, nothing more really seems to happen for them once they arrive on campus.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 31, 2023, 04:02:52 PM
I'll take your word on that, Utee.

I seldom interfere with a Texas fan being critical of a Texas coach.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 31, 2023, 06:07:00 PM
I always want all Texas athletes and Texas athletic teams to win and be successful, but I can't say I can muster up much real passion for softball.

If we're going to talk non-big-three womens' sports, then I've always been a much bigger fan of volleyball, over softball.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 31, 2023, 06:17:45 PM
It's interesting, I think, for me, if UGA softball won it all, I'd scarcely notice or comment.  Baseball?  A bit I suppose, yay.  Basketball?  Ha.  

For msot of us, our teams could win NCs in EVERY sport except that one sport and it would be "OK, that was nice I guess."  And vice versa.  We'd trade that scenario for one where our teams were atrocious in every sport and won that one NC.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 31, 2023, 07:06:26 PM
I always want all Texas athletes and Texas athletic teams to win and be successful, but I can't say I can muster up much real passion for softball.

If we're going to talk non-big-three womens' sports, then I've always been a much bigger fan of volleyball, over softball.
I think Hooky liked softball. Or at least he was highly interested in Cat Osterman.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 31, 2023, 07:09:11 PM
I think Hooky liked softball. Or at least he was highly interested in Cat Osterman.

Oh I'm certain he was highly interested in Cat Osterman.  As was I. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 31, 2023, 11:33:10 PM
her britches were fitted
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 03, 2023, 06:54:00 PM
OU softballers run-ruled Tennessee today, 9-0. I was a bit worried about the game. The Sooners only beat Stanford 2-0 Thursday, as the Cardinal pitcher, throwing 75 mph rise-balls really handcuffed our hitters. Based on NCAA stats, Tennessee appeared to be a tough matchup, ranking pretty close behind OU in several categories of pitching, hitting, and fielding.

But the Vols' coach chose not to pitch either of her aces, instead trotting out four different pitchers who haven't seen much action this year. I wondered if she was trying to keep the Sooner batters from facing any pitcher more than once. Teams with deep-but-not-elite pitching staffs have had some success doing that this year. Whatever Tennessee's strategy was today, it didn't work. And I think the the pitchers' inability to force easy outs had bad effects on the fielding as well, as there was some sloppy defense, unlike the Vols' season-long excellence in the field.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 05, 2023, 10:21:16 PM
The SEC teams didn't do particularly well in the WCWS.

#5 Bama--overseeded IMO--almost got run-ruled before losing 10-5 to Tennessee. They lost the next day to Stanford, in Montana Fouts' final collegiate appearance.

#4 Tennessee of course beat Bama, but then got run-ruled 9-0 by OU, beat OSU 3-1, and lost today to Florida State, 5-1.

SEC vs. Other Conferences,  1-3.

So, starting Wednesday, it's #3 FSU vs. OU in the Finals. Rematch of the 2021 Finals. Probably the best matchup this year. After watching most of the games, I think FSU has the best chance of beating OU. Both teams have really good pitching.

(Oddly, #2 UCLA went 0-2 in its own regional, losing to Grand Canyon University and Liberty University. I don't think that the seeding was great this year.)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 06, 2023, 09:46:05 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 06, 2023, 10:29:16 PM
I'll bet the class is sprinkled with references to Bevo.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 07, 2023, 05:02:16 AM
How much is a college softball game determined by random events?  Does the better team win most of the time, as in 70% or more?

Or are the teams pretty close in talent and pitching overall so it's close to random?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 07, 2023, 08:59:27 AM
with the Sooners it's closer to 95%

51 in a row?  52?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 07, 2023, 09:22:09 AM
I can see one or two dominant teams, but I'd bet a lot in the tourney are just really good teams pretty well matched, so outcomes of single games could be a toss up.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 07, 2023, 09:36:43 AM
What I see in softball is dominant pitching making the largest difference in wins and losses. The trick is that on a baseball team, if you get one dominant pitcher, you can use him for 7-9 innings every week or 10 days. With a softball pitcher, your ace can go the entire game 2-3 times per week.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 07, 2023, 09:45:45 AM
underhand motion is much less stress on the shoulder, elbow, arm
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 07, 2023, 11:55:47 AM
I can't throw like that.  I can throw sidearm pretty well, I can get sub a bit, or used to could.  And yes my arm is seven ways toasted.  Not a single one of the former pitchers I know can still throw (one exception but he's barely out of the league, he can bring it).

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 07, 2023, 01:48:07 PM
with the Sooners it's closer to 95%

51 in a row?  52?
It's 51.

All good things come to an end, and I will not be surprised if the streak ends against FSU. The Noles' ace pitcher, Kat Sandercock, is very good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 07, 2023, 01:52:28 PM
How much is a college softball game determined by random events?  Does the better team win most of the time, as in 70% or more?

Or are the teams pretty close in talent and pitching overall so it's close to random?
I'll guess that the significantly better team wins 75-80% of the time.
But, as Mr Tulip notes, elite pitching is the biggest factor in "significantly better."
I doubt that FSU's ace can go two days in a row without some drop-off in the second game.

The drop-off is more from general fatigue rather than a sore arm, I think.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 07, 2023, 01:57:25 PM
I can't throw like that.  I can throw sidearm pretty well, I can get sub a bit, or used to could.  And yes my arm is seven ways toasted.  Not a single one of the former pitchers I know can still throw (one exception but he's barely out of the league, he can bring it).
I think that the motions of the legs and body are even more important to a softball pitcher than they are to a baseball pitcher. I've tried fast-pitching a softball in the past, and I could have some velocity or I could have some control; it was a 100% trade-off.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 07, 2023, 02:02:34 PM
If you're "that kind" of softball pitcher, you'll go to college and play for a dominant team.
If you're "that kind" of baseball pitcher, you'll go ahead and accept the $20,000,000 contract you're offered out of high school.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 07, 2023, 02:08:15 PM
When I was a kid, if I pitched on Day Two of some series like an All Star game my velo would be off.  I didn't feel tired at all, I just couldn't throw as hard.  We didn't have ice back then for arms which is one factor.  I went to baseball fantasy camp in 1992 and could still throw pretty well, but by the end of camp my arm was hanging limp.  They were throwing me every day nearly.  They put me at first to give my arm a rest one game and somehow I ended up having to make a bunch of throws.  But we played double headers and pitching was at a premium.

I'm due for a pitching lesson tomorrow if the details get worked out with Pete Smith.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 07, 2023, 02:55:54 PM
Back to the question about how often the "better" team wins, it is perhaps germane that, pre-WCWS, OU and FSU were the two teams team with the best odds of winning the whole thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 07, 2023, 06:07:02 PM
Could OU-Army game be revived for hole in 2024 football schedule?
Berry Tramel
June 7, 2023

OU’s 2020 football game at Army was postponed by the pandemic. Bummer, for all the Sooner fans who had planned a trip to West Point and Michie Stadium, and for all lovers of college football history.

The Sooners last played at West Point in 1946, a 21-7 OU loss against the mighty Cadets that showed the hiring of Jim Tatum was turning around the Sooner fortunes.

Rescheduling the 2020 game has proven difficult – the Sooners are willing to make a non-conference road trip only on certain years, when they don’t already have a road non-conference game, and Army was booked up through much of this decade.

But now things have changed. OU’s scheduled 2024 game at Tennessee was canceled because the Sooners will be joining the Southeastern Conference next year (and the Vols’ 2020 visit to Norman was wiped out by the pandemic).

Then the SEC voted to play an eight-game conference schedule in 2024, leaving OU with two holes to fill.

Could OU-Army be a solution?

FILE - In this Sept. 19, 2015, file photo, Army players huddle in the end zone  before an NCAA college football game between Army and Wake Forest at Michie Stadium in West Point, N.Y. Army launched a $95 million campaign on Thursda, July 15, 2021, to fund reconstruction of the east stands at Michie Stadium. (AP Photo/Hans Pennink, File)

Sooner athletic director Joe Castiglione said he would circle back with West Point, since 2024 originally was not an option.

Army in 2024 has 10 games scheduled. The Black Knights typically don’t want to overschedule, and they certainly haven’t in 2024.

Army has home games scheduled against Syracuse and Wake Forest in ‘24. Those are the only Power Five Conference opponents scheduled for the Black Knights.

Army has road games at Ball State, Connecticut, Rice, Nevada-Las Vegas and Massachusetts, along with additional home games against Dartmouth and Air Force. Plus the annual neutral-site game against Navy.

The Black Knights aren’t scheduling powerhouses like they were a few years ago. Army plays at Louisiana State this season, but after that, the traditionally-toughest opponent is Kansas State, in 2026.

Army had taken to playing a series of tough games, losing 20-14 to Wisconsin in 2021, Michigan 24-21 in 2019 and OU 28-21 in 2018, the latter in overtime in Norman. Army also lost 38-7 at Ohio State (2017), 44-6 to Notre Dame in San Antonio (2016) and 20-14 at Penn State (2015).

But 2013 was the last time the Cadets had a big-name opponent play in West Point. Stanford, then ranked fifth nationally, beat Army 20-14 at Michie Stadium that year.

Would the Sooners be willing to play at Army in 2024? Would the Black Knights be willing to play OU? Would the Southeastern Conference grant OU a waiver for not playing a Power Five opponent? 

Three “yes” answers are needed to make an OU-Army game realistic for 2024. But it’s worth the effort to find out. . . .
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 07, 2023, 10:31:04 PM
always enjoyed reading Berry Tramel
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 08, 2023, 12:37:37 PM
Yeah, Trammel's a good writer. Probably the leading sports journalist in the state today. We had some great ones 40-50 years ago, when print journalism was still dominant.

With a 5-0 win over FSU last night, the Sooner softballers are one win away from their third straight national championship. Nothing's a given, but I think the Sooners' chances of winning one of the next two are pretty good.

Among Sooner fans, you won't get any argument by claiming that Patty Gasso is the best OU coach ever, in any sport.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 08, 2023, 01:08:59 PM
I just had a one hour pitching coaching session with Pete Smith.  It was quite illuminating.  And hard.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 08, 2023, 04:17:36 PM
How does your arm feel?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 08, 2023, 10:46:20 PM
Sooners beat FSU 3-1 tonight to earn their third-straight WCWS championship.

"Greatest ever" arguments are pointless because different eras, different opponents, different playing conditions, etc.

But this team had the best-ever season record (61-1). Had the longest win streak at 53 (and counting). Won three straight national championships, tying 1988-90 UCLA for tops in that category.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 08, 2023, 11:06:09 PM

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 09, 2023, 12:50:11 AM
I'm not even sure they're better than last year's team. But they've got the best record, and that counts for something.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 09, 2023, 07:10:53 AM
I actually watched a few minutes of it, I certainly couldn't hit anything they pitched.

Oh, and it seems to me they are way off the rubber when they throw the ball.  In baseball, they call that a balk.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 09, 2023, 09:11:45 AM
Congrats to the sooner softballers.  3 in a row is something for sure.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 09, 2023, 09:25:47 AM
3 in a row is something for sure.
Hasn't been done in football since early 30s ...  one can hope.

UConn had a women's bball run that was something, UCLA in men's.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 09, 2023, 01:10:12 PM
I actually watched a few minutes of it, I certainly couldn't hit anything they pitched.

Oh, and it seems to me they are way off the rubber when they throw the ball.  In baseball, they call that a balk.
They are, and it's almost never called. Sort of like those phantom touches of 2nd base on double-plays from time immemorial.
Hope Trautwein, who pitched for OU last year and is now a volunteer coach there, and who I think is also playing professional softball, pitches against baseball players: (

Hope is the only NCAA Div I softball pitcher to pitch a perfect game with 21 strikeouts. She did that playing for UNT in 2021.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 09, 2023, 02:33:37 PM
I hate rules that are not called.  The "phantom touch" at second base is a great example.  I hate it.  It actually makes me like baseball a little less, every single time I see it.  Touch the bag while holding the ball.  Seems pretty straightforward to me and if you're NOT doing it, then it's not an out.  The End.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 09, 2023, 04:25:56 PM
The "phantom touch" is usually a safety consideration. There's a base runner legally in the base path running towards 2nd base. Insisting that everyone maintain a perfect line is asking for either the runner to get hit in the face, or the shortstop to break a knee.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 09, 2023, 04:31:52 PM
The "phantom touch" is usually a safety consideration. There's a base runner legally in the base path running towards 2nd base. Insisting that everyone maintain a perfect line is asking for either the runner to get hit in the face, or the shortstop to break a knee.
True, but it's still a subjective non-enforcement of the rules.

If doing it by the rule is inherently unsafe, then change the rule.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 09, 2023, 04:38:44 PM
True, but it's still a subjective non-enforcement of the rules.

If doing it by the rule is inherently unsafe, then change the rule.
Heh. They did. The rule is "in the vicinity".
<revision: It was never in the rulebook, but is now in the rulebook as "reviewable"  ( ensure there was a touch>

For the record, I agree fundamentally with what you're both saying.
I also know there's like 9 million parts to pitching a baseball that, failure to do so, count as a balk. Touching the rubber, putting the ball in your glove, not putting the ball in your glove, dropping below the belt, hesitating in the delivery, not pausing at the appropriate time, not stepping past the 45deg angle to first base, etc, etc.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 09, 2023, 05:13:39 PM
If the ball falls out of your glove or your hand while you're on the rubber, it's a balk.

It's not a 45° angle to first or third that matters, it's going past the rubber and then to first, which is about the same thing almost.

And I don't think you can balk with no runners on.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 12, 2023, 12:31:42 PM
In the vicinity sucks and makes me hate baseball at least briefly every time I see it.  

Is "in the vicinity" the same at home plate?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 12, 2023, 12:39:06 PM
Few force outs happen at home plate of course, I think it might depend on the umpire, and catchers are usually not moving nearly as fast as a shortstop.  They usually are standing there catching it.  I could see one pulling his leg away a bit.  These days, I rarely see a double play where the fielder is way off the bag, I think they tightened this up recently.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 12:39:12 PM
"in the vicinity" doesn't bother me cause it's been the way for 100 years or more

now that they have video evidence it could be changed, but there's no need to delay the game everytime there's a double play chance
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 12, 2023, 12:53:33 PM
100 years?  There was no "in the vicinity" when I was playing little league.  We had to be on the bag whilst holding the ball.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 01:23:39 PM
this is for double plays
Swiping one of your feet near the 2nd base bag before throwing to first base
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 12, 2023, 01:37:53 PM
As a shortstop crosses the bag, he can be moving at a pretty high speed, so the ump would have to be watching his feet and the ball at the same time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 01:59:21 PM
yup, in the vicinity doesn't work for a simple force out at 3rd base

or a simple force out at 2nd base for the 3rd out
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 12, 2023, 02:22:54 PM
I THINK it has to do with the speed of the play and of course safety.  I was correct it's happening more rarely of late.  It's reviewable.

Neighborhood Play: Baseball Terminology - The Baseball Journal ( is a neighborhood play,break up the twin killing.)

While the new slide rule was implemented to coincide with instant replay, the consequence has been the elimination of the neighborhood play. No longer are fielders getting away with not touching a base, even if for safety purposes. Rule changes rarely get overturned, and that means the neighborhood play will only be a thing of highlight reels.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 03:10:40 PM
Jordy Bahl, one of the top pitchers in college softball who has helped lead Oklahoma to national championships during each of her two seasons on campus, announced Monday that she's leaving the Sooners to "return home."

A sophomore and two-time All-American, Bahl is expected to transfer to Nebraska, sources told ESPN.

Bahl grew up in Papillion, Nebraska, which is less than an hour's drive from the Nebraska campus. She originally committed to the Cornhuskers as a high school freshman before reopening her recruitment and signing with Oklahoma.

In a statement posted to social media on Monday, Bahl said she has decided to "play the game I love, closer to the things that have made me who I am and that have always been more important to me than this game."

A hard-throwing righty with a fiery personality in the pitcher's circle, Bahl is 44-2 in her career with 15 shutouts and five saves. Her career ERA is 1.00.

The Sooners, who will enter next season riding an NCAA-record 53-game winning streak, will be without their two starting pitchers during the championship series: Bahl and Alex Storako, a former Michigan transfer who went 18-0 with a 1.15 ERA.

Bahl, a former Gatorade National Player of the Year and consensus No. 1-ranked recruit, is expected to join a Nebraska program that has never won a national championship and last reached the Women's College World Series in 2013.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 12, 2023, 06:17:06 PM
this is for double plays
Swiping one of your feet near the 2nd base bag before throwing to first base
Why make an arbitrary distinction between a double play and a normal play?  Why have rules selectively enforced, or oddly reconfigured for very specific situations, at all?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 06:28:05 PM
because it's very difficult for the umpire to determine if the fielder's shoe swiped the 2nd base bag or not

it was for the benefit of the umpire, not the defense

and in many cases, the umpire gets their way
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 12, 2023, 06:29:31 PM
Stupid arbitrary rule is stupid and arbitrary. 

Foot on the bag, with the ball in the glove. The End.  Amen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 06:33:46 PM
the umpire crew is in charge

you are not

the umpire cares not about your opinion
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 12, 2023, 06:38:08 PM
as CD pointed out above the rule change on sliding into 2nd base took away the need for the fantum base touch and now days the runner is out only if player has the ball and touches the base
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 06:40:05 PM
and instant reply has helped the umpire crew

but, you only get so many challenges 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 12, 2023, 09:30:33 PM
the umpire crew is in charge

you are not

the umpire cares not about your opinion

There's a reason fan interest in baseball declines every year.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 10:00:45 PM
yes, children aren't raised properly
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 11:14:51 PM
speakin of baseball

good game on ESPN right now
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 12, 2023, 11:44:59 PM
never seen a 9th inning like that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 13, 2023, 07:48:30 AM
Jordy Bahl, one of the top pitchers in college softball who has helped lead Oklahoma to national championships during each of her two seasons on campus, announced Monday that she's leaving the Sooners to "return home."

A sophomore and two-time All-American, Bahl is expected to transfer to Nebraska, sources told ESPN.

Bahl grew up in Papillion, Nebraska, which is less than an hour's drive from the Nebraska campus. She originally committed to the Cornhuskers as a high school freshman before reopening her recruitment and signing with Oklahoma.

In a statement posted to social media on Monday, Bahl said she has decided to "play the game I love, closer to the things that have made me who I am and that have always been more important to me than this game."

A hard-throwing righty with a fiery personality in the pitcher's circle, Bahl is 44-2 in her career with 15 shutouts and five saves. Her career ERA is 1.00.

The Sooners, who will enter next season riding an NCAA-record 53-game winning streak, will be without their two starting pitchers during the championship series: Bahl and Alex Storako, a former Michigan transfer who went 18-0 with a 1.15 ERA.

Bahl, a former Gatorade National Player of the Year and consensus No. 1-ranked recruit, is expected to join a Nebraska program that has never won a national championship and last reached the Women's College World Series in 2013.
Apparently, she's been homesick and missing her BF. Good luck to her back home in Nebraska.

She's really good. Whatever the Huskers' pitching situation is, she'll make it better.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 13, 2023, 08:10:29 AM
HUGE get for the Huskers.

An ace like that can guarantee a bunch more wins

maybe a Big Ten title
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 15, 2023, 11:35:30 AM
HUGE get for the Huskers.

An ace like that can guarantee a bunch more wins

maybe a Big Ten title
I would worry about her if she's starting 2/3 of the time. She's relatively small (5'8") for a pitcher, and she puts everything she's got into her pitches. She broke down late in the 2022 season and only pitched 9 innings in the WCWS. Being 1/3 of the starting rotation for the regular season this year was good for her. She's also a great fielder, a great base-runner, and a very good hitter. She would have played every inning of every game if Patty Gasso had let her.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 15, 2023, 11:44:17 AM
Take that Alabama ... and other winners and losers from 2024 SEC schedule release
Matt Hayes | 2 hours ago

This is what happens when you lead a contingent of schools to flip against a 9-game schedule and embarrass the league office.

Welcome to the state of spite, Alabama. Good luck with that 2024 schedule.

The SEC announced the 2024 schedule Wednesday night, and the first season with a 16-team league that includes Texas and Oklahoma has a handful of distinct winners and losers.

But the focus, as it always is, was on Alabama.

It was Alabama and coach Nick Saban and athletic director Greg Byrne who for years advocated for a 9-game SEC schedule — and then backed away from that stance 2 weeks ago during the critical vote and gave cover to other schools to vote for 8 games and temporarily stall the move.

The league was embarrassed — the Big Ten, Big 12 and Pac-12 all play 9-game conference schedules. Commissioner Greg Sankey was clearly agitated and now here we are.

Alabama’s schedule includes games against the 3 permanent opponents that the Tide would’ve had in the 9-game schedule (Auburn, LSU, Tennessee), a home game against SEC king Georgia and a road game at Oklahoma.

Well done, league office. Well done.

On with the winners and losers of the 2024 SEC schedule:

Winner: Georgia

Home: Auburn, Florida (Jacksonville), Mississippi State, Tennessee.
Road: Alabama, Kentucky, Ole Miss, Texas.

The skinny: You’re kidding, right? What could be the 3-time defending national champion, and the only stressful game appears to be Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Unless Texas truly is back.

The Dawgs gets Tennessee at home (the natural rotation from the current schedule), and until Texas proves on the field that it can compete in the SEC, the remainder of the road schedule is favorable.

The SEC couldn’t avoid Alabama and Georgia playing, especially with the hype of the new 16-team league and the new 12-team Playoff. Other than that, the schedule is a gift.

Loser: Oklahoma

Home: Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas (Dallas).
Road: Auburn, LSU, Missouri, Ole Miss.

The skinny: Welcome to the SEC, Sooners. Now you know why Lincoln Riley got out of dodge before this thing showed up.

OU got 3 league home games, and 2 of them (Alabama and Tennessee) are brutal. Texas, a neutral game in Dallas, is considered a home game in 2024.

The Sooners also will travel to 2 of the toughest place to play in the SEC (LSU, Auburn), and as long as Lane Kiffin is around, a game in Oxford will be increasingly difficult.

Winner: LSU

Home: Alabama, Oklahoma, Ole Miss, Vanderbilt
Road: Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Texas A&M

The skinny: It will be Year 3 for LSU under coach Brian Kelly, and more than likely with an experienced quarterback (Garrett Nussmeier) and a loaded roster.

LSU has the talent this season to reach the 4-team Playoff. It’s a lock for the 12-team Playoff in 2024 with this schedule.

Alabama is an annual opponent, and the Tigers got Oklahoma from the league office decision to have all 14 current SEC teams play Texas or Oklahoma. Both of those games — the toughest of the schedule — are at Tiger Stadium.

We may be seeing the beginning of LSU’s championship run under Kelly in the SEC.

Loser: Texas

Home: Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi State.
Road: Texas A&M, Arkansas, Vanderbilt, Oklahoma (Dallas).

The skinny: You didn’t think Oklahoma and Texas were going to show up in Year 1 with easy schedules, did you?

The Longhorns play Georgia and Florida in Austin, and as distressing: The renewal of 2 former hated rivalries — Texas A&M and Arkansas — are both on the road. And, of course, because Texas A&M was a winner in the schedule release.

Winner: Texas A&M

Home: Arkansas, LSU, Missouri, Texas
Road: Auburn, Florida, Miss State, South Carolina

The skinny: It begins and ends with renewing the Texas rivalry in College Station. That alone would make the day a win for the Aggies.

But outside of LSU (at College Station), who on that schedule scares anyone? The 2 toughest road games are against blue-bloods trying to find their footing (Auburn, Florida).

The 2024 season will be QB Conner Weigman’s 3rd season, and the Aggies’ roster should be more talented than it has ever been under coach Jimbo Fisher.

Loser: Florida

Home: Kentucky, LSU, Ole Miss, Texas A&M
Road: Georgia (Jacksonville), Mississippi State, Tennessee, Texas.

The skinny: The SEC was set to eliminate Florida and LSU playing annually with the 9-game schedule but kept the game for 2024.

Florida gets a brutal road schedule — Texas, Tennessee, and a rock fight in Starkville against Mississippi State — and the annual Georgia game in Jacksonville.

One more punch in the gut for 2024: The Gators have nonconference games against Miami and UCF, and at Florida State. That’s 11 Power 5 games.

Other highlights:

— The SEC was so mad at Alabama, it punished Vanderbilt: games against Alabama, Tennessee, Texas and LSU.

— South Carolina’s road schedule includes Alabama, Oklahoma and Clemson.

— The SEC is clearly trying to force a rivalry between Florida and Texas A&M. The teams have played 4 times since the Aggies arrived in the SEC in 2012.

— The SEC kept the Georgia-Auburn rivalry, leaving Auburn with heavyweight games against Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma and Texas A&M.

— 3 teams will play what could be the 2 best teams in the league (Georgia, LSU) in 2024: Alabama, Florida, Ole Miss.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 15, 2023, 12:32:38 PM
I don't consider Texas to be a schedule "loser" other than I wish we had one of the ags or pigs at home.  

Otherwise Georgia is the only scary SEC team on the schedule and we get them at home.  And getting at least one of Georgia or Alabama in year1 was going to be inevitable, and once we move to a 9-game schedule I suspect we'll play one or the other of them every single year.

So... I'm cool with the schedule.

OU's schedule definitely looks a bit tougher to me, though.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 15, 2023, 01:34:48 PM
My guess is that a couple teams that look great today will be mediocre(ish) in 2024.  And vice versa.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 15, 2023, 01:51:13 PM
The Dawgs play on the road at Texas and at Bama, probably not an ideal slate in terms of wins and losses, they get Tenn at home at least.  But if they are good, they should be able to manage 2 of those 3, and maybe run the rest of the table.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 15, 2023, 04:11:59 PM
I hope Texas didn't join the SEC to get an easy road. It'd be nice to get one of Arky or Aggy at home, but getting the first UGA game at home isn't bad.

Really, UK and Vandy are the only "should win" games there. Florida and MSU are both "prove it" games where Texas can show its pedigree with a win. Of course, UGA is a "are you a favorite" game.

By the time 2024 comes around, most of those teams could look completely different. Uncertainty surrounds them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 16, 2023, 10:04:18 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 16, 2023, 11:10:20 AM
Any guesses as to whether or not the SEC will change to a 9-game conference schedule--like the Pac-12, the Big Ten, and the ACC do it--after this year?

If this effed-up 8 game schedule, where preserving rivalries trumps playing every team in a regular rotation, is the norm, rather than something like the much-discussed 3-6 model, I will be greatly disappointed.

The motto will have to be amended to "It just means more money."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2023, 11:16:00 AM
the SEC does as Saban pleases

cause the SEC is king - answers to no one
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 16, 2023, 11:44:37 AM
Any guesses as to whether or not the SEC will change to a 9-game conference schedule--like the Pac-12, the Big Ten, and the ACC do it--after this year?
A notion is this was for TV contract negs.  They will offer a 9 gamer in 2025 in return for %$$$$$.

The other issue of course is every team had 4 OOC games scheduled.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 16, 2023, 01:09:30 PM
A notion is this was for TV contract negs.  They will offer a 9 gamer in 2025 in return for %$$$$$.

The other issue of course is every team had 4 OOC games scheduled.

Yes to both of these.

The SEC is currently telling Disney that they're going to have to pay up if they want 9 conference games.  The good news for us is that with the addition of Texas and OU, the value is definitely there, for a deep slate of competitive conference games, every single weekend.

I completely expect Disney to pay up eventually.  But it might take a year or two of playing chicken, before they agree.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 20, 2023, 06:40:58 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 23, 2023, 09:12:30 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 23, 2023, 09:57:23 AM
That looks pretty nice, to me.  I'd visit it for sure.  I passed up visiting the Missouri because it is outwardly fairly similar to the North Carolina Class.  Maybe I should some day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 23, 2023, 12:06:23 PM
Yes to both of these.

The SEC is currently telling Disney that they're going to have to pay up if they want 9 conference games.  The good news for us is that with the addition of Texas and OU, the value is definitely there, for a deep slate of competitive conference games, every single weekend.

I completely expect Disney to pay up eventually.  But it might take a year or two of playing chicken, before they agree.
I think it would be a good thing for the SEC to go ahead and schedule 9 games in good faith. It would also help with schedule stability. Not knowing how many conference games there will be two years from now is hard on everybody.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 23, 2023, 01:44:13 PM
That looks pretty nice, to me.  I'd visit it for sure.  I passed up visiting the Missouri because it is outwardly fairly similar to the North Carolina Class.  Maybe I should some day.
You probably know this, but Missouri is of the Iowa Class. It's longer, heavier, more powerful, and faster than the North Carolinas.

They have similar silhouettes, significantly different than the intervening South Dakota class, but they are quite different from each other.

I think that USS North Carolina is the prettiest battleship ever built. Too bad that her sister, USS Washington, was scrapped.

I haven't visited the Texas coast since the 1970s. But I'd like to tour Battleship Texas some day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 23, 2023, 02:28:25 PM
Yes, I know the Iowa class is larger and faster, but they look roughly the same as the NC and SD classes.  I have a pretty good book on the exploits of the USS Washington.

The Enterprise from WW 2 should never have been scrapped.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 23, 2023, 06:48:35 PM
Yes, I know the Iowa class is larger and faster, but they look roughly the same as the NC and SD classes.  I have a pretty good book on the exploits of the USS Washington.

The Enterprise from WW 2 should never have been scrapped.
Well. I think the South Dakotas look much different from the other two. Shorter and with a more compact--albeit stacked-up--superstructure. If you get a chance to tour one, you'll notice how cramped everything is inside compared to North Carolina or--even moreso--one of the Iowas.

Enterprise getting scrapped was the greatest of all great botches where ship preservation is concerned. It should have been preserved no matter the cost, both for her own exploits and for the significance of her sister-ships as well in design--the USN's first purpose-designed fleet carriers--and combat actions. Yorktown, Enterprise, and Hornet--there's your US Navy's striking force at the great Battle of Midway. Two of them lost in combat and the greatest US Navy combat ship since USS Constitution sent to the scrapyard.

Where's that "bang head" emoji when you need it?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 23, 2023, 07:03:22 PM
We toured Alabama, seemed familiar 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 23, 2023, 07:52:25 PM
This picture was sent to me by my sister who lives in Galveston.

It cames from a friend of hers who is connected to the restoration group doing the work
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 23, 2023, 10:54:09 PM

We toured Alabama, seemed familiar
Well, what can I say? I will cease trying to convince you otherwise.

I hope you enjoyed your tour.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 23, 2023, 10:55:12 PM
This picture was sent to me by my sister who lives in Galveston.

It cames from a friend of hers who is connected to the restoration group doing the work
Are you referring to the picture of Battleship Texas that you posted upthread, 320?

That's a great pic, BTW.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 23, 2023, 11:41:54 PM
Are you referring to the picture of Battleship Texas that you posted upthread, 320?

That's a great pic, BTW.

I thought so too
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 24, 2023, 07:17:52 AM
Well, what can I say? I will cease trying to convince you otherwise.

I hope you enjoyed your tour.
I was with my wife whose interest in such things is pretty limited, so it was a quick tour.  I've read about the differences between the NC and SD classes, to me they aren't visually that obvious, even the Iowas look similar, to me.  The Texas would not.

In fairness, I "dragged" my wife all over Europe touring battlefields and museums on one trip.  It was great for me, she mentioned later it got a bit tiresome.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 24, 2023, 09:58:18 PM
Texas looks more like HMS Dreadnought than it does those last three U.S. Navy battleship classes. She was commissioned in 1914, a few months before WWI began, only eight years after Dreadnought was commissioned. And she wasn't particularly modern when she was built. The indentations at the top of the hull for the near-useless casemate-mounted 5" secondary guns harken back to the ships of the Great White Fleet.

She was modernized over the years, adding anti-torpedo blisters and losing her original cage masts and most of those secondary guns in the process, but her basic structure was very old-fashioned. That's why I'd like to visit her sometime.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 24, 2023, 10:42:39 PM
Im wondering if they will paint her Pacific blue or the grayish color used in the Atlantic
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 24, 2023, 10:57:40 PM
Here is the blue

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 24, 2023, 11:04:16 PM
Here is the Gray

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 25, 2023, 05:39:28 AM
That mid-nonsuperfiring battery is a give away, and why I'd like to see it as well.  There was a "step change" when the new BBs started rolling out starting with the NC.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 12:01:48 PM
Re the different paint schemes, the Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge explains them here: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 25, 2023, 12:04:07 PM
I have wondered if the various camo jobs really affect anything.  Maybe torpedo attacks?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 12:34:15 PM
That mid-nonsuperfiring battery is a give away, and why I'd like to see it as well.  There was a "step change" when the new BBs started rolling out starting with the NC.
Yep. The New York/Texas class was the last to have the midships battery, which was another similarity to HMS Dreadnought.
The ensuing classes of NevadaPennsylvania, and New Mexico retained the casemate-mounted 5" secondary guns.
The subsequent Tennessee and Colorado classes did not have them.
Those post-Texas classes were called "Standard" battleships, because they were all 21-knot ships with similar turning radii, and 10 14" guns, except for the Colorados, which had 8 16" guns. Changes from class to class were incremental.

North Carolina class was, as you noted, the big change. She was a "fast battleship" at 28 knots and 9 16" guns. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 25, 2023, 12:43:22 PM
The shift to the three triple turrets was significant I think, along with the increase in speed and some loss of armor.  Then you have the 5" 38 caliber secondary twin turrets all over the place, five on each side.  When those were combined with proximity fuses ...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 04:28:27 PM
I have wondered if the various camo jobs really affect anything.  Maybe torpedo attacks?
Here's the purpose, per the Font:

In 1935, the United States Navy ( Naval Research Laboratory ( began studies and tests on low visibility ship camouflage ( Research continued through World War II ( to (1) reduce visibility by painting vertical surfaces to harmonize with the horizon and horizontal surfaces to blend with the sea, or (2) confuse identity and course by painting obtrusive patterns on vertical surfaces.

It's a difficult problem. To protect against being sighted by surface ships and submarines, the vertical surfaces of the ship should be the same color as the sky. But the sky is  different colors and different shades depending on weather and light.
To protect against aerial sighting, the whole ship ideally would be painted the color of the sea, which, of course, changes through the course of the day and night. And a ship's vertical surfaces create reflections and shadows, and the ship leaves a wake no matter how it is camouflaged.
Measures 11 and 21 proved to be reasonably effective against aerial observation when used in the Mediterranean and Pacific.

Measure 11Sea Blue (5-S) overall, with horizontal surfaces (including wooden portions) painted Deck Blue (20-B). All visible canvas boat covers, tarpaulins and windscreens to be dyed in a color to match Deck Blue. It was used in the Pacific and Mediterranean for concealment from aircraft. Royal Navy submarines operating in the Mediterranean used a similar scheme.[1] ( During the Battle of the Coral Sea ( and the Battle of Midway (, ships wearing Measure 11 came under attack less often than ships wearing Measure 12.

Measure 21On the advice of United States aviators, Measure 11's Sea Blue was replaced by darker Navy Blue and the scheme designated Measure 21 in mid-1942.[6] ( Overall Navy Blue (5-N), with decks in dark Deck Blue (20-B). This measure was used extensively in the western and southern Pacific from September 1942 through 1945 to minimize detection and identification by enemy aircraft.[19] ( "Useful where greatest danger is from the air and high surface visibility must be accepted... Lowest visibility to aerial observers day and night in all types of weather. Low visibility under searchlight. High visibility to all surface observers in all types of weather."[18] ( Measure 21 also proved effective under artificial illumination during night actions. Upper surfaces of aircraft operating from carrier decks were painted a similar shade of blue. Sailors were ordered to wear dungarees rather than white uniforms when topside, and white "Dixie cup" hats were dyed blue.[6] ( USS Texas ( is, as of 2017, painted in Measure 21 as she was in 1945.[20] (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 04:50:43 PM
The shift to the three triple turrets was significant I think, along with the increase in speed and some loss of armor.  Then you have the 5" 38 caliber secondary twin turrets all over the place, five on each side.  When those were combined with proximity fuses ...
The first ship model I ever built was of USS New Jersey. I was probably 10. I think I assumed that three triple turrets--two forward and one aft--was just the natural layout for main guns on a battleship. Bismarck--with four twin turrets--was probably the battleship that made me realize otherwise.
The U.S. Navy didn't really like the idea of unequal armament at the ends of the ship. The "Standards" had all had equal main-gun armament at both ends (The Colorado class had had four twin turrets of 16" guns). In trying to get the maximum-feasible number of 16" guns, it went to three triple turrets by necessity. The Montana-class ships, had they been built, would have had four triple turrets of 16" guns.
The really goofy layouts for main guns were on HMS Nelson and her sister-ship HMS Rodney. Three triple 16" turrets, all mounted forward of the superstructure. Built under the provisions of the Washington Naval Treaty, they were an attempt to get maximum armament possible (to match or exceed the U.S. Colorados) with reasonable armor and speed without exceeding the treaty limits.

HMS Nelson
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 25, 2023, 04:55:13 PM
As they were mostly used for shore bombardment, (and AA) the utility of the mid-mount would have been OK, pack in five double mount 14" guns for shore service.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 04:59:18 PM
The U.S. Navy's 14" gun was one of the finest naval rifles ever produced. Too bad that armor increased and bigger guns were needed.

The 5"/38 cal. that you mentioned earlier has to have been one of the very best secondary guns of WWII.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 25, 2023, 05:18:50 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 25, 2023, 05:20:39 PM
I was idly pondering naval gunnery when I chanced across that photo of the USS Anzio.  A BB wouldn't list as much, but it would be a factor, along with a hundred other things.  The "computers" they used to site the guns were fascinating to me.  The USS Washington is said to have had hits in the Kirishima out of 79 fired, at night, at about 10,000 yards.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 05:25:02 PM
Regarding camouflage against surface observation:

Measure 16
(Thayer ( system)
White with large polygonal patches of light sea blue (called Thayer Blue.) This measure was most useful in Arctic latitudes with extended twilight and frequent fog and cloud cover. "Especially well adapted for winter use in Northern areas where nights are long and days frequently overcast. It would prove useful against submarines in any area where attacks occur mostly at night."[18] ( Purity of color was important for full realization of the Purkinje effect ( where some colors appear lighter and some appear darker at low levels of illumination. Darkening the pattern increased course deception, but increased visibility at night and in haze. This measure was used extensively through 1943 and early 1944 in North Atlantic and Aleutian ( waters until replaced by Measure 33.[6] ( Captain-class ( frigates ( were delivered to the Royal Navy wearing this measure sometimes identified as the American Western Approaches ( camouflage scheme.[1] (

Plate 7 from Ships-2, Revision 2 showing MS-16 pattern in white and Thayer blue for a PC-461-class sub chaser
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 05:38:36 PM
[img width=500 height=395.994][/img]
I guess that being able to stand upright while your smallish ship is rolling to 25+ degrees is called having "sea legs." I'm not sure I see any railings to catch a sailor who had lost his footing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 25, 2023, 06:10:29 PM
similar to riding a hay rack throwing bales on uneven ground
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 06:24:30 PM
I'll take your word on that, Fearless!

Re camouflage against submarine-observation:

Measure 13Haze Gray (5-H) overall, with horizontal surfaces Deck Blue. This was the least used solid color measure during World War II ( "Low visibility to surface observers in hazy or foggy weather especially when it is accompanied with periods of weak sunlight... Useful in submarine infested areas, where periscopic observers will see a vessel entirely against a sky background. High visibility under searchlight, and down-moon at close ranges. Very low visibility on moonless nights and at twilight" [18] (
This was found to provide reasonable protection in the widest range of conditions, and became a standard paint scheme after the war under assumed conditions of radar ( observation, with Deck Gray substituted for Deck Blue.[6] (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 09:21:46 PM
Here's USS Thetis Bay (CVE-90), sister ship to USS Anzio (CVE-57). They are both Casablanca-class escort carriers. With 50 ships, the Casablancas make up the largest class of aircraft carriers ever built.


Thetis Bay is ferrying 37 airplanes: Eight PBY Catalina flying boats, 18 F6F Hellcat fighters, and a Grumman J2F "Duck" amphibious biplane.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 25, 2023, 10:04:38 PM
looks more like a ferry
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 25, 2023, 11:52:32 PM
looks more like a ferry
Ferrying aircraft from Point A to Point B was the first role the US Navy saw for escort carriers.
But that is a flight deck that those airplanes are parked upon.
I doubt that any of them flew off that deck when the ship reached its destination.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 26, 2023, 07:26:24 AM
Ferrying aircraft from Point A to Point B was the first role the US Navy saw for escort carriers.
But that is a flight deck that those airplanes are parked upon.
I doubt that any of them flew off that deck when the ship reached its destination.
that's what I'm talkin bout, Willis
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 26, 2023, 08:54:06 AM
I dimly recall that Churchill proposed converying some cargo ships to small carriers to have air coverage in the Atlantic Gap, hence the term "escort carriers".

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 26, 2023, 12:58:07 PM
No, John Wayne invented escort carriers in The Wings of Eagles.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 27, 2023, 01:12:23 PM
All Guts, No Glory for the Escort Carriers | Air & Space Magazine| Smithsonian Magazine (

The escort carriers—formally “carrier vessel escorts,” or CVEs—were conceived as the solution to a problem President Franklin Roosevelt faced before the United States entered the war: Ships carrying supplies to Great Britain and the Soviet Union were being sunk in the Atlantic by German U-boats. Beginning in January 1941, Roosevelt pressured a hesitant Navy to convert merchant ships and oilers into light aircraft carriers capable of escorting the vulnerable convoys. It designated the converted merchant ships the Bogue class, after the first escort carrier commissioned from those conversions, and labeled the covered oilers the Cimmaron class. By the time these converted carriers entered the fray in 1943—carrying a typical load of 27 Wildcat fighters and TBF/M Avenger torpedo bombers—the U.S. Navy had begun to engage the Japanese in the southwest Pacific, and the war’s tide was turning slowly in the Allies’ favor.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 27, 2023, 03:27:24 PM
“carrier vessel escorts,” or CVEs
That's the first I've seen that explanation of what the letters in "CVE" mean.

I's my understanding that the "V" is the USN's symbol for "heavier than air aviation," hence the airplane squadron nomenclatures "VF" for fighters, "VA" for attack aircraft, "VB" for bombers, etc. Those designations do not depend on those squadrons operating from carriers.

And the Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge ( supports what I was thinking that I knew:

Contrary to popular belief, the "CV" hull classification symbol does not stand for "carrier vessel". "CV" derives from the cruiser designation, with one popular theory that the V comes from French voler, "to fly", but this has never been definitively proven.[9] ([10] ( The V has long been used by the U.S. Navy for heavier-than-air craft and possibly comes from the French volplane ([11] ([12] ( Aircraft carriers are designated in two sequences: the first sequence runs from CV-1 USS Langley ( to the very latest ships, and the second sequence, "CVE" for escort carriers, ran from CVE-1 Long Island ( to CVE-127 Okinawa ( before being discontinued.

So, it appears that Air & Space Magazine got it wrong. Not for the first time, and almost certainly not for the last time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 27, 2023, 03:33:01 PM
Interesting indeed.  The usual ship designations I've seen are:

CV(N today).

I don't know what the second B in BB means either.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 28, 2023, 10:51:45 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 28, 2023, 02:08:15 PM
Interesting indeed.  The usual ship designations I've seen are:

CV(N today).

I don't know what the second B in BB means either.
I imagine it's like the 2nd "D" in "DD." It's just a place-holder. There was a "DL" classification for "destroyer leaders" for awhile after WWII. They were big destroyers, and were later designated "FF" for "frigate." This was different from the use of "frigate" in every other navy, a surface combatant smaller than a destroyer. Eventually, we adopted the nomenclature followed by the rest of the world. We still have frigates, and they are still designated "FF."
Interestingly and inconsistently, "CC" was for "battlecruiser." We only laid down six of them, and all were cancelled in the aftermath of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922. The two closest to completion, CC-1 (Lexington) and CC-2 (Saratoga) were converted to aircraft carriers.
Then there was "CB" for the "almost battlecruisers" of the Alaska class. They were designated as "large cruisers." They were built to perform essentially the same role as battlecruisers--scouting and commerce raiding--and there are still navy buffs who argue that they were battlecruisers.
"CVA" was around for awhile after WWII to designate "attack carriers," as was "CVB" to designate "large carriers." Now we only have "CVN"--"fleet carrier, nuclear-powered."
And there's "SS" for "submarine" or "attack submarine," with suffixes of "B" for "ballistic missiles" and "N" for "nuclear-powered." 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 28, 2023, 02:13:16 PM
[img width=500 height=318.991][/img]
That's a new one to me. I see it is labeled "XV-2," but I've never heard of it. I'd guess that it was built by Bell, based on its semi-rigid (a.k.a. "teeter-totter") rotor. I wonder where the anti-torque control is coming from, or if the rotor is powered by little jets at the tips, which would not produce a torque reaction, but might still require some sort of "anti-spin" control due to friction on the rotor shaft.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 28, 2023, 02:21:12 PM
Per the Font (, I find that Sikorsky had a project called the XV-2, but it was cancelled before construction of the prototype began.


It was to have been powered by tip-jets. In forward flight, the rotor would retract and it would be powered by a conventional jet engine.
Could that picture upthread be an image of something that never existed?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 28, 2023, 03:09:39 PM
The Sikorsky XV-2, also known by the Sikorsky Aircraft model number S-57, was a planned experimental stoppable rotor aircraft, designated as a convertiplane, developed for a joint research program between the United States Air Force and the United States Army to explore technologies to develop an aircraft that could take off and land like a helicopter but fly at faster airspeeds, similar to a conventional airplane.

The XV-2’s stoppable-rotor design was intended to allow it to hover and fly at low speed like a conventional helicopter, while at higher speeds the rotor would be stopped and retracted, and the XV-2 would fly like a conventional aircraft on delta wings.

Sikorsky XV-2 - Wikipedia (

The XV-2 prototype was assigned the serial number 53-4403, but the project was cancelled before construction could begin.[4] (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 28, 2023, 04:09:54 PM
On this date, June 27, 1952: With Bell test pilot Jean “Skip” Ziegler at the controls, the X-2 research rocketplane was airdropped from the B-50 Superfortress “mothership” over Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. This was the first flight of the X-2 Program and was an unpowered glide flight for pilot familiarization. On touch down, the nose wheel collapsed, and the aircraft slid across the dry lake bed, but was not seriously damaged.

The X-2 was a joint project of the U.S. Air Force and NACA (the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the predecessor of NASA). The rocketplane was designed and built by Bell to explore supersonic flight at speeds beyond the capabilities of the earlier Bell X-1 and Douglas D-558-2 Skyrocket. In addition to the aerodynamic effects of speeds in the Mach 2–Mach 3 range, engineers knew that the high temperatures created by aerodynamic friction would be a problem, so the aircraft was built from Stainless Steel and K-Monel, a copper-nickel alloy.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 28, 2023, 05:29:32 PM
I was thinking that. In the picture, the jet couldn't provide much forward thrust without the rotor getting ripped off. Ergo, the rotor has to retract at some point.

I appreciate the innovation, and a lot of times the bits and pieces that grow from a project like this end up being used elsewhere. In this configuration, though, that craft looks like the maximum amount of complexity for a minimum amount of usability.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 28, 2023, 05:31:29 PM
On touch down, the nose wheel collapsed, and the aircraft slid across the dry lake bed . . . .
Bell Aircraft, later Bell Helicopters, has had many ingenious and groundbreaking ideas over the decades. But it has also had quality-control problems and a tendency to stick with a once-bright idea long after its expiration date.

The Bell P-39, and its derivative, the P-63, were WWII fighters with the engine mounted behind the pilot. This allowed a 37-mm cannon to be mounted in the nose. The engine was the same Allison V-1710 that limited the high-altitude performance of the P-40 and early-model P-51. It needed to be turbocharged, like the P-38, but there was not enough room in the fuselage for a turbocharger. Brilliant, original idea, but poor execution. We sent most P-39s and P-63s to the USSR, where they did fine because most of the air fighting was done at low-to-medium altitude.

A Bell X-1 flown by Chuck Yeager was the first aircraft to exceed Mach 1 in level flight. But the X-1A almost killed Chuck Yeager after he reached Mach 2.44. And the X-1D made only one successful flight, an unpowered glide like the X-2 in the picture which also featured a nose-wheel collapse on landing. The second flight was supposed to be powered, but the fuel system exploded while it was still attached to the B-50 mother-ship. The X-1E program killed two pilots in fuel explosions caused by improper gaskets in the fuel lines.

The X-2 program killed three people. Pilot Skip Zeigler was killed in X-2 #2 in a captive flight when the liquid oxygen fuel exploded, also killing a crewman on the B-50. Pilot Mel Apt was killed when he encountered the same emergency--supersonic inertia coupling--that had almost killed Yeager in the X-1A. Before he lost control, he had set a new record of Mach 3.2. The program was cancelled at that point after 20 flights.

Bell got into the helicopter business early and produced the Model 47, a great helicopter made famous by its use on the TV series "Whirlybirds." As the H-13, it was widely used in Korea (later appearing in the long-running "MASH" TV series) and in the early days of the Vietnam War. The Korean Army still had some in use (I think) when I was there in 1987-88). It featured the semi-rigid rotor system I mentioned upthread. That type of main rotor is relatively simple and durable, but its limitations restrict the helicopter's maneuverability and top speed. Bell would stick with that rotor system into the 1980, with the UH-1 Huey, the AH-1 HueyCobra, the OH-58 Kiowa (military version of the JetRanger). All were limited by that rotor system. The biggest problem is the need to avoid low-G situations, in which the rotor can start teetering and tear itself off the mast. 0.5 positive G was the lowest G-loading permitted.

Bell's XV-15 tilt-rotor and production vehicle the V-22 Osprey are newer examples of the ingenious ideas. But the V-22 has had the highest accident rate of any manned aircraft in the U.S. armed forces over the last 40 years.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 28, 2023, 05:52:36 PM
I was thinking that. In the picture, the jet couldn't provide much forward thrust without the rotor getting ripped off. Ergo, the rotor has to retract at some point.

I appreciate the innovation, and a lot of times the bits and pieces that grow from a project like this end up being used elsewhere. In this configuration, though, that craft looks like the maximum amount of complexity for a minimum amount of usability.
The 1950s saw a lot of designs for VTOL aircraft that look crazy today. Most of them didn't work very well either as rotorcraft or as airplanes.
I like the modern compound helicopter layout, as seen on the Sikorsky X2, with coaxial rotors and a pusher prop. (

That's going to be the layout for the Army's next attack helicopter, assuming that the Army can bring a new helicopter project to fruition, but it's not going to have tandem seating. I don't understand the reasoning for that latter decision.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 29, 2023, 08:36:41 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 29, 2023, 01:34:48 PM
I think it would be a good thing for the SEC to go ahead and schedule 9 games in good faith. It would also help with schedule stability. Not knowing how many conference games there will be two years from now is hard on everybody.
I agree but don't see it going that way.  Disney are going to have to lay their cards on the table.

Ultimately it will still make them plenty of money, so the only sticking point is, how much of that money will be split to the SEC and how much does Disney get to keep.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 29, 2023, 02:21:25 PM
You're probably right. Too bad.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 02, 2023, 11:31:33 AM
Changing up all these OOC schedules so quickly could have been an major issue with going to nine.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 02, 2023, 01:23:29 PM
Yeah just think of all of the Chattanoogas and Middle Tennessee States that would have been jilted.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 02, 2023, 01:26:14 PM
It could be a factor, some programs might have resisted having to buy out one of them in exchange for a game with "UGA".  The borderling teams are looking for a bowl game as a good season.  Getting three wins OOC is important for them.  They can then go 3-6 in conference and against some in state rival and get one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 02, 2023, 07:23:50 PM
Changing up all these OOC schedules so quickly could have been an major issue with going to nine.

From OU's perspective, it worked the other way. OU had scheduled 3 OOC games (IAW the Big 12's 9-game conference schedule), but lost one (to UGA) because of the move to the SEC and so now needs to find two more opponents to play 14 months from now. And getting one of them to be a P5 school won't be easy.

But existing SEC teams' preferences were what counted, reasonably enough.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 12, 2023, 04:50:30 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 12, 2023, 04:58:35 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 12, 2023, 05:05:05 PM
Man I sure would love to see Texas win one on the way out.  Hope springs eternal.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 12, 2023, 07:15:25 PM
Pelini and UNL tried

wasn't in the cards
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 12, 2023, 07:20:55 PM
In 1995 and 1996 the Horns won the last SWC title and the first in their new conference, the B12.

How fun would it be seeing history repeat itself and the Horns win their last B12 title in 2023 and their first in their new conference, the SEC in 2024.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 12, 2023, 07:34:27 PM
I'm not sure fun would be a big enuff word
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 13, 2023, 08:46:09 AM
That would be fun for Horns fans no doubt.  It's a nice aspiration.  I always felt the goal of a season was to win the conference.  Winning the NC usually takes a lot of luck along the way.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 13, 2023, 09:54:32 AM
That's what Doc Osborne said
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 13, 2023, 11:27:14 AM
That would be fun for Horns fans no doubt.  It's a nice aspiration.  I always felt the goal of a season was to win the conference.  Winning the NC usually takes a lot of luck along the way.
Agree completely, but sadly the 24/7 sports news cycle and nationalization of the game, led primarily by ESPN and other mediots, has ruined that for younger crowds.  Now all they seem to be able to focus on, is the national championship.

And if your ONLY goal for a season is the national championship, you're going to be bitterly disappointed most of the time.  That doesn't sound like much fun to me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 13, 2023, 11:46:30 AM
especially if you're a Texas Tech fan
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 13, 2023, 02:13:46 PM
Agree completely, but sadly the 24/7 sports news cycle and nationalization of the game, led primarily by ESPN and other mediots, has ruined that for younger crowds.  Now all they seem to be able to focus on, is the national championship.

And if your ONLY goal for a season is the national championship, you're going to be bitterly disappointed most of the time.  That doesn't sound like much fun to me.
As we've chatted, it has evolved to this point with many folks.  If Dawg fans don't see a threepeat, they probably will howl for Kirby's scalp.  Well, maybe not yet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 24, 2023, 04:00:50 PM
was Big Matt's BDay a week or so ago..............

Nebraska head coach Matt Rhule has been in coaching for a long time now and has seen a lot of other coaches in action. During that time, one coach who has stood out to him for his ability to do more with less is Mike Gundy at Oklahoma State.

During an appearance on The Herd, Rhule explained why he thinks so highly of Gundy.

“I don’t know him personally very well, but I always thought Mike Gundy did more with not as much as everybody else,” Matt Rhule said. “Never had, like, the four- and five-star recruiting classes, but like, he was gonna find a way to win nine, 10, 11 games every year, and every game that you went into, you know, you thought you were a step ahead of him and then bang, he was a step ahead of you. I think he’s one of the great coaches in college football that doesn’t get nearly enough recognition.”

While Rhule doesn’t know Gundy personally, he has competed against him directly. That goes back to when Rhule was reviving the Baylor program. In those years, Rhule’s Baylor teams were 2-1 against Gundy’s Oklahoma State teams.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 24, 2023, 04:21:42 PM

1918, utee's dad.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 11, 2023, 07:17:18 PM
I just got around to watching Ford vs Ferrari.  It was excellent.  I thought Matt Damon was excellent as Carrol Shelby but I wondered why they didn't cast McConaughey since he is a native Texas.  
What did you think of it uTEE?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 11, 2023, 07:44:31 PM
I just got around to watching Ford vs Ferrari.  It was excellent.  I thought Matt Damon was excellent as Carrol Shelby but I wondered why they didn't cast McConaughey since he is a native Texas. 
What did you think of it uTEE?
I loved it.  I saw it at the theater once, and I've watched it several times since then.

I'm sure Matty M would have done a good job with it, but I was actually impressed with how well Matt Damon played it.  Usually actors really overdo the accent and mannerisms, but he kept it reigned in.  Turns out that dude is a pretty good actor.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 11, 2023, 08:00:58 PM
I liked the whole cast and thought the production was top notch.

I remember the GT40's placing 1,2,3 but that is all I heard about it.  Nearly all our racing news came from car magazines (mostly focused on drag racing) and an occasional Wide World of Sports on ABC where we would hear Jackie Stewart's nasaly "Annnnd they're off!".

Did you ever hear Bill Cosby's 200MPH routine about his Shelby Cobra 427?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 12, 2023, 02:13:41 PM
The granite that was used for the construction of the Texas capitol building in Austin was quarried at Granite Mountain in Marble Falls.  Granite Mountain is an 866-foot dome of solid pink granite that covers 180 acres and is the largest quarry of its kind in the U.S. A special track, visible in this 1880s photo, was built to haul the granite to the rail line in Burnet. To this day, granite from Granite Mountain is still being used for state building construction in Austin.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 12, 2023, 02:14:17 PM
We have a lot of granite (really gneiss) around these parts.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 12, 2023, 02:32:17 PM
Around here (north central KS) we have a lot of pink quartzite.  It isn't native, it was carried down here by glaciers from outcrops in Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota.  They range from small rocks to boulders that wont fit in a 10cy dump truck.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 13, 2023, 10:00:47 AM
The granite that was used for the construction of the Texas capitol building in Austin was quarried at Granite Mountain in Marble Falls.  Granite Mountain is an 866-foot dome of solid pink granite that covers 180 acres and is the largest quarry of its kind in the U.S. A special track, visible in this 1880s photo, was built to haul the granite to the rail line in Burnet. To this day, granite from Granite Mountain is still being used for state building construction in Austin.


Classic gub'ment bureaucracy.  From Marble Falls, Burnet is actually the wrong direction away from Austin, so of course they had to bring it there first.  

For barely more than it cost to build the MF/Burnet temp line, they could've built it directly to the Cedar Park main line and still avoided having to cross the Colorado River.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 13, 2023, 10:02:52 AM
Around here (north central KS) we have a lot of pink quartzite.  It isn't native, it was carried down here by glaciers from outcrops in Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota.  They range from small rocks to boulders that wont fit in a 10cy dump truck.


Hey, that's pretty neat.  I guess you can buy some of that up there?  Wouldn't mind hauling a trailer-full some day for some landscaping ideas in my yard.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 13, 2023, 12:36:47 PM
We have a lot of granite (really gneiss) around these parts.
Yeah we have several massive granite domes, out in the Hill Country.  Granite Mountain was one of them, and Enchanted Rock is another one.  Granite Mountain has been heavily mined, of course, but Enchanted Rock is preserved as a hiking/camping/naturalist area, owned by the State of Texas.


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 13, 2023, 12:37:08 PM
I couldn't find any commercially available except some that has been crushed to 1 1/2" size. The problem is the deposits are random and the sizes vary tremendously.  A lot of ranchers will let people pick them up out of their pastures but that is very labor intensive.  My previous house, I had a big deposit of them in the hay meadow.  I tried digging some up but they were too big to handle without heavy equipment.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on September 13, 2023, 01:04:34 PM
It's a nice drive out to Enchanted Rock. 

The whole Fredericksburg area is nice, imo.  I'd live there, except I have no idea what people do for a living there, and everything shuts down at like 3 pm.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 13, 2023, 01:34:56 PM
It's a nice drive out to Enchanted Rock. 

The whole Fredericksburg area is nice, imo.  I'd live there, except I have no idea what people do for a living there, and everything shuts down at like 3 pm. 

Yeah we visit Fredericksburg pretty often, once or twice per year.  Sometimes camping/hiking, sometimes staying at a B&B and visiting the wineries.  There's a lot of good artists and galleries, plus antiquing and shopping if you're into that.  When my i s c & a aggie wife and daughter want to do that, my son and I usually grab a seat at the brewery or one of the bars and kill time whilst downing beverages.

My brother in law and his wife bought property out there, a few acres where they're going to build but right now it's cleared off just enough for a couple of RVs.  That's where we're going to watch the 2024 Solar Eclipse, Fredericksburg is right in the center of the path of totality while Austin is just on the outer edge of it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 16, 2023, 09:06:20 AM
It's a nice drive out to Enchanted Rock. 

The whole Fredericksburg area is nice, imo.  I'd live there, except I have no idea what people do for a living there, and everything shuts down at like 3 pm. 
nice place to retire
any golf courses?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 16, 2023, 10:22:44 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 17, 2023, 09:48:40 AM
nice place to retire
any golf courses?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 17, 2023, 11:13:13 AM
Damn, WTF happened to oSu?  Got smoked by South Alabama ?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 17, 2023, 11:37:28 AM
Damn, WTF happened to oSu?  Got smoked by South Alabama ? 
Yeah I didn't see any of the game but wow, that's not good.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 17, 2023, 11:50:45 AM
Every coach seems like they have an expiration date. Mike Gundy has been a very good coach for them, maybe it’s time for a change ?  Or they could end up winning the conference. Never know. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 17, 2023, 12:19:06 PM
Even Saban might be meeting his expiration date....
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 17, 2023, 12:30:46 PM
South Alabama 33-7 Oklahoma State (Sep 16, 2023) Game Stats - ESPN (

23-0 at the half, 2-0 on turnovers didn't help.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on September 17, 2023, 05:05:18 PM
I watched the game.  The Gundies looked like they didn't care.  No hustle at all.  One play they got a strip sack on the QB and none of the OSU players even tried to recover the ball.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 17, 2023, 10:19:14 PM
Watched KSU vs MU. Fun game to watch. MU kicked a 60 yarder to win at the end, I amazingly watched their crowd storm the field as if they just won the playoff. I love this about CFB. I’ll watch two teams I care nothing about and I find myself rooting for one team or the other for no particular reason. I never do this in the NFL, I don’t even watch nfl. It just doesn’t excite me. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on September 18, 2023, 07:31:42 AM
Yup, I caught that as well, thought the 61 yarder had zero chance, was wrong.  It was exciting.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 18, 2023, 09:00:21 AM
Damn, WTF happened to oSu?  Got smoked by South Alabama ? 
Ah, I just realized that South Alabama's offensive coordinator is none other than... Major Applewhite.

So, go Major!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 18, 2023, 09:26:31 AM
Man, he shot up through the ranks quick, finishing school in '01, and becoming OC for Alabama in '07, then HC at UH in ?2016, or thereabouts. 

I always thought he would end up at UT as the HC.  Helluva player.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 18, 2023, 09:44:51 AM
He probably shot up TOO quick, needed a little more seasoning in the bottom ranks.

I could see him eventually back at Texas.  I loved him as a player, he was as smart and gutsy as they come.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 18, 2023, 09:46:21 AM
Man, he shot up through the ranks quick, finishing school in '01, and becoming OC for Alabama in '07, then HC at UH in ?2016, or thereabouts.

I always thought he would end up at UT as the HC.  Helluva player. 
Best field general UT has ever had

He could read defenses very quick
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 18, 2023, 11:05:55 AM
I found this interesting
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 10, 2023, 11:12:08 AM
Did we join the PAC 12?  I see we're starting out with USC and UCLA next year.

I gotta pay more attention to this realignment stuff.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 10, 2023, 11:14:04 AM
Geez, I kept going down the schedule, and there's Arkansas, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma.

We might've been booted to either the SWC or the Big 8, if not the PAC. 

Dafuq is going on 'round here?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 10, 2023, 11:15:34 AM
perhaps you'll get Nebraska in the Sugar bowl
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2023, 11:18:40 AM
We got Clemson, @ Alabama, @ Texas, Tenn. @ Ole Miss, and GaTech.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 10, 2023, 11:20:09 AM
perhaps you'll get Nebraska in the Sugar bowl

Decline.  We've had our asses kicked by the Huskers quite enough, thank you very much.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2023, 11:20:59 AM
That's odd, why are y'all playing both USC and UCLA in the same year?

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2023, 11:23:25 AM
We got Clemson, @ Alabama, @ Texas, Tenn. @ Ole Miss, and GaTech.
We've got @Michigan, Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida, @Arkansas, @ Texas A&M next year.

But the one that worries me most?  @Vanderbilt!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2023, 11:28:06 AM
Presuming Texas is "back", our road routing looks unpleasant, but @ Michigan and A&M looks tough also.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 10, 2023, 11:28:56 AM
That's odd, why are y'all playing both USC and UCLA in the same year?

I thought we'd been voted off the island to the PAC, but then I realized it's clearly our bid to join the B1G.  

Honestly, I always thought we belong with the west coast schools.  We're pretty good at beisbol.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 10, 2023, 11:32:30 AM
Presuming Texas is "back", our road routing looks unpleasant, but @ Michigan and A&M looks tough also.

I recommend not worrying about Texas being back, and just focus on the tailgating and whatever bars are still safe to go to on 6th Street.  

If I could afford it and health were no issue, I'd be going to every one of our away games @Texas from now on. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2023, 12:12:10 PM
No bars are safe on 6th street.  Kidney thieves, dontcha know?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2023, 12:14:50 PM
I will think about VISITING Austin for that one ... not moving there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2023, 12:15:21 PM
I will think about VISITING Austin for that one ... not moving there.
I figure over half the crowd will be Dawg fans per the usual...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 10, 2023, 12:23:49 PM
Do Dawg fans know how to sip tea?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2023, 12:30:20 PM
Drank yes, sip, not so much.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2023, 12:43:28 PM
I figure over half the crowd will be Dawg fans per the usual...
Both Alabama and LSU had really good showings. Maybe not half...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on October 10, 2023, 12:47:20 PM
It's good to see Texas and OU looking very solid as they near entry, though it makes schedules tougher, it makes games better.

Incidentally, Vandy is pretty bad these days, Texas should be able to even that score quickly.

Has A&M been a large university for a long time now?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 10, 2023, 01:14:38 PM
Has A&M been a large university for a long time now? 

Yeah, at least going back to the 90s, it was roughly the same size as Texas in that 40K-50K range. But only in the last 10-15 years has it blown up to the 75,000 student monstrosity that it now is.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 10, 2023, 02:36:08 PM
Both Alabama and LSU had really good showings. Maybe not half...

LSU fans saw the UT tower and probably thought it was the Louisiana state capitol and likely assumed it must've been a home game, with a huge visitors section.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 11, 2023, 10:53:56 AM
It's good to see Texas and OU looking very solid as they near entry, though it makes schedules tougher, it makes games better.

Incidentally, Vandy is pretty bad these days, Texas should be able to even that score quickly.

Has A&M been a large university for a long time now? 
Very small, 6,000 students  until about the mid-60's.  20-25K in the 70's.  25-35K in the 80's.  35-45K in the 90's.  45-55K in the '00's.  55-75K after 2010.  Numbers are my best estimate based on my own knowledge.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 11, 2023, 12:26:29 PM
Very small, 6,000 students  until about the mid-60's.  20-25K in the 70's.  25-35K in the 80's.  35-45K in the 90's.  45-55K in the '00's.  55-75K after 2010.  Numbers are my best estimate based on my own knowledge. 
Sounds about right to me, at least from the 80s on.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 11, 2023, 12:56:20 PM
Q:  Shortly after college, how many of those gorgeous 45 -55k Aggie coeds in the '00's did I smooch while I was working there?

A:  As many as would let me.


Would've also accepted "Not enough."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 11, 2023, 01:07:18 PM
Q:  Shortly after college, how many of those gorgeous 45 -55k Aggie coeds in the '00's did I smooch while I was working there?

A:  As many as would let me.


Would've also accepted "Not enough."
I was only smooching on one in the 2000s, but prior to 1997, there were more than a couple.

And several Longhorns.

And a couple of SWT girls.

And one Texas Tech girl.

Turns out, colleges in Texas, have a lot of good looking girls.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 12, 2023, 11:34:28 AM

And several Longhorns.

And a couple of SWT girls.

Turns out, colleges in Texas, have a lot of good looking girls.

I wouldn't know anything about that.  There's only been one Texas girl for me, and I married her.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 12, 2023, 11:37:50 AM
Track and Field Hall of Fame head coach Billy Maxwell passed away Monday at age 80.  His career included stints at Tennessee, Texas, LSU, and most recently Nebraska.  In over 50 years he coached 28 NCAA champions and more than 350 All-Americans.  In five seasons at LSU he coached both men and women and produced 189 All-American honors while winning 26 NCAA events.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 12, 2023, 08:14:44 PM
RIP Billy

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 13, 2023, 12:35:08 PM
Crazy game btw Houston and WVU, wow!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 13, 2023, 06:21:14 PM
Neal Brown's seat was already hot. Now it's hotter.

Dana Holgorsen's hot seat got a little cooler.

I don't care for Houston or Holgorsen, so I was disappointed with the outcome.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 14, 2023, 04:14:39 PM
Latest on Battleship Texas' dry-docking. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 14, 2023, 05:32:41 PM

Looks like they have a ways to go
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 14, 2023, 07:30:49 PM
Having to undo and repair a lot of faulty preservation work done previously.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 15, 2023, 09:24:50 PM
Having to undo and repair a lot of faulty preservation work done previously.
That sounds like I was bashing the guys who did the initial preservation work. I wasn't. The science of preserving a steel-hulled ship just wasn't very advanced back in the 1940s. It hadn't gotten much better than it was in the 1920s, when we mothballed much of our fleet.
In the famous "destroyers for bases" deal of Sep 1940, whereby the U.S. sent 50 surplus "four-piper" destroyers to Britain in exchange for basing rights on British possessions in the Western Hemisphere, the British found that the destroyers were in terrible condition coming out of mothballing. They had to do a lot of work to get those tin cans seaworthy and combat-capable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 16, 2023, 11:31:57 AM
Neal Brown's seat was already hot. Now it's hotter.

Dana Holgorsen's hot seat got a little cooler.

I don't care for Houston or Holgorsen, so I was disappointed with the outcome.
We don't play WVU and we do play Houston, so WVU losing was helpful for our chances to get into the B12 CCG.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on October 16, 2023, 12:53:59 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 17, 2023, 12:43:45 AM
We don't play WVU and we do play Houston, so WVU losing was helpful for our chances to get into the B12 CCG.
We've got the reverse. We play WVU in Norman on 11/11.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 17, 2023, 07:39:27 AM
We've got the reverse. We play WVU in Norman on 11/11.
Excellent. Y'all will hand them at least their second loss, and help pave the way for UT to come to Arlington and exact revenge upon your Sooners in terrible and violent fashion. 

Thank You For Your Support

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 17, 2023, 05:02:48 PM
Excellent. Y'all will hand them at least their second loss, and help pave the way for UT to come to Arlington and exact revenge upon your Sooners in terrible and violent fashion. 

Thank You For Your Support
A lot (most?) Sooner fans are looking for a rematch too. The Sooners need to play, and beat, the Horns again for SoS purposes, as it seems that there are only two good teams in the conference this year. I expect that the teams themselves are anticipating a rematch.
Looking at previous rematches in the Big 12 CCG, I find the following results:
1999: Texas beat Nebraska in the regular season; Nebraska beat Texas in the CCG.
2000: Oklahoma beat Kansas State in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Kansas State in the CCG.
2001: Texas beat Colorado in the regular season; Colorado beat Texas in the CCG.
2002: Oklahoma beat Colorado in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Colorado in the CCG.
2005: Texas beat Colorado in the regular season; Texas beat Colorado in the CCG.
2007: Oklahoma beat Missouri in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Missouri in the CCG.
2017: Oklahoma beat TCU in the regular season; Oklahoma beat TCU in the CCG.
2018: Texas beat Oklahoma
in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Texas in the CCG.
2019: Oklahoma beat Baylor in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Baylor in the CCG.
2020: Iowa State beat Oklahoma in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Iowa State in the CCG.
2021: Oklahoma State beat Baylor in the regular season; Baylor beat Oklahoma State in the CCG.
2022: TCU beat Kansas State in the regular season; Kansas State beat TCU in the CCG.
There's a pattern there that bodes well for OU in a rematch.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on October 17, 2023, 08:32:16 PM
Just for my porch friends. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 18, 2023, 07:51:48 AM
A lot (most?) Sooner fans are looking for a rematch too. The Sooners need to play, and beat, the Horns again for SoS purposes, as it seems that there are only two good teams in the conference this year. I expect that the teams themselves are anticipating a rematch.
Looking at previous rematches in the Big 12 CCG, I find the following results:
1999: Texas beat Nebraska in the regular season; Nebraska beat Texas in the CCG.
2000: Oklahoma beat Kansas State in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Kansas State in the CCG.
2001: Texas beat Colorado in the regular season; Colorado beat Texas in the CCG.
2002: Oklahoma beat Colorado in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Colorado in the CCG.
2005: Texas beat Colorado in the regular season; Texas beat Colorado in the CCG.
2007: Oklahoma beat Missouri in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Missouri in the CCG.
2017: Oklahoma beat TCU in the regular season; Oklahoma beat TCU in the CCG.
2018: Texas beat Oklahoma
in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Texas in the CCG.
2019: Oklahoma beat Baylor in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Baylor in the CCG.
2020: Iowa State beat Oklahoma in the regular season; Oklahoma beat Iowa State in the CCG.
2021: Oklahoma State beat Baylor in the regular season; Baylor beat Oklahoma State in the CCG.
2022: TCU beat Kansas State in the regular season; Kansas State beat TCU in the CCG.
There's a pattern there that bodes well for OU in a rematch.

Texas has never lost in the regular season and played in a rematch.  No pattern there to worry about.

In fact, looking further, the winner of the first game is only 5-7 in the rematch.  That there is certainly an interesting pattern. Thanks for pointing out the patterns!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 18, 2023, 09:22:40 AM
but the Boomer is pointing out that the Sooners are 5 for 5 in rematches

Obviously means the others are 0 fer
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 18, 2023, 09:44:37 AM

2005: Texas beat Colorado in the regular season; Texas beat Colorado in the CCG.

My first game at DKR, I think.  Had really great seats about 15 rows up at the 40 yd line.  iirc, VY set a school comp% record for a single game.  Something like 19/21 completions.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 18, 2023, 09:46:48 AM
Several years ago at CD's request (I think), ftbobs gave the records for in-season rematches.  At the time, the old axiom "It's hard to beat a team twice in the same season" proved not to be true, with the first-time winner winning the majority of the time in rematches.  I wonder if that remains true at this point. 

Interesting that the Big 12 CG bucks that trend.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 18, 2023, 09:56:23 AM
but the Boomer is pointing out that the Sooners are 5 for 5 in rematches

Obviously means the others are 0 fer
Is Bob Stoops walking through that door?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 18, 2023, 10:02:56 AM
neither is Muleshoe

but, it's a trend
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 18, 2023, 10:09:40 AM
neither is Muleshoe

but, it's a trend
Yeah, but, not really.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 18, 2023, 10:24:10 AM
Is Venables his own DC?  I always thought he did a good job at Clemson.

Heck, his defense even confused and got the better of Burrow, for almost a quarter and a half :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 18, 2023, 11:34:56 AM
There's an official DC, Ted Roof. But Brent makes the defensive calls during games, best I can tell.

Alex Grinch's defense didn't confuse Burrow for one minute.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 18, 2023, 11:54:56 AM
Alex Grinch's defenses appear to not confuse most, best as I can tell.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 18, 2023, 07:04:22 PM
Alex Grinch's defenses appear to not confuse most, best as I can tell. 
Ohio State fans were apparently glad to see Grinch leave his Co-DC position there and go to OU. I thought that they were wrong, as his defense in 2019 was significantly better than the Mike Stoops/Ruffin McNeal defense of 2018. But the OU defense got worse in 2019 and worse still in 2020, tracking with Muleshoe's overall trend.
Muleshoe replacing Jerry Schmidt with Bennie Wylie as S&C coach may have had as big an impact on that as anything Grinch was doing. However, Grinch's defensive philosophy is a risky one that emphasizes turnovers more than stops. Maybe more appropriate for Washington State than TOSU or OU.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 18, 2023, 08:12:14 PM
USC's defense sucks.  Bad. 

I mean, it's better than ours, but it still sucks.  

I don't remember a Grinch defense that's impressive.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 18, 2023, 11:13:26 PM
USC's defense sucks.  Bad.

I mean, it's better than ours, but it still sucks. 

I don't remember a Grinch defense that's impressive. 
He had something like a top-10 defense at Wazzu.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 21, 2023, 11:41:34 PM
Bunch of close games today.

OU and Texas won by closer-than-expected margins.

Utah beat USC on a last-second FG, 34-32.

Virginia beat previously undefeated North Carolina 31-27.

Baylor beat Cincinnati 32-29.

Wisconsin scored 18 unanswered points in the 4th quarter to beat Illinois 25-21.

Miami beat Clemson 28-21 in 2OT.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 22, 2023, 03:27:57 PM
OU and Texas won by closer-than-expected margins.

Utah beat USC on a last-second FG, 34-32.

Neither OU nor Texas looked nearly as good as they should've.  A hangover the week after would be understandable.  Two weeks coming off a bye....there's some things they need to get cleaned up.  

I thought SC would clobber Utah.  Exciting ending though.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 22, 2023, 05:34:02 PM
Neither OU nor Texas looked nearly as good as they should've.  A hangover the week after would be understandable.  Two weeks coming off a bye....there's some things they need to get cleaned up. 

I thought SC would clobber Utah.  Exciting ending though.
And Texas' QB Evers left the game with an injured shoulder (or collarbone?). I haven't seen anything about how long he'll be out.
I thought that Utah would beat USC without the exciting ending.
And I think that USC is more likely to wind up with four losses than with just its current two.
When Lincoln Riley (a.k.a. Muleshoe) left OU to go to USC, there was much gnashing of teeth in Sooner Nation. No OU HFC had left for another college coaching job since Jim Tatum was left (or possibly told not to let the door hit him in the ass on the way out) to go to Maryland after the 1946 season. Also, you may remember that before Brian Kelly took the LSU job, it was rumored that Muleshoe was going there. He went to great pains to assure OU, the recruits, the recruits' parents, and anybody else who would listen the the LSU rumors were unfounded, that he was staying at OU for the long haul. Then, like a thief in the night, he flew off to Los Angeles.
But there was already considerable dissatisfaction with this pattern: 2017, lost in CFP Semi in 2OT; 2018, lost in CFP Semi by 11 pts; 2019, lost in CFP Semi (to LSU) by 35 pts; 2020, Big 12 champs, won in the non-CFP Sugar Bowl; 2021, non-Big 12 champs (won in the Alamo Bowl with Bob Stoops coaching).
In the exchanges of pleasantries between OU fans and USC fans via social media, the former told the latter that they would soon regret their home-run hire.
There was much laughter among the USC fans and USC media boosters like Colin Cowherd. They are not laughing now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 22, 2023, 07:11:44 PM
I of course don't have first-hand knowledge, but I follow the cottage industry insider guys well enough to know that LSU absolutely tried to get Riley, but it doesn't appear he was ever interested.  So, true in the sense that he wasn't in danger of leaving for LSU, but not true in the sense that there wasn't anything to the topic. 

If super secret "sauces" inside the Ath. Dept. are to be believed, Kelly was our AD's first choice but initially refused flat out and so we moved on to Riley.  We took a definite swing at Riley, which was ultimately a miss.  Then we pivoted back to Kelly and threw a crap-ton of $ at him, and he accepted, giving the AD "the guy he wanted all along."  I say, maybe, but what else would you expect from a source in the school.  Not like they'd say "Yeah, we got spurned and had to settle for at least our third choice."  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on October 22, 2023, 07:21:11 PM
Alex Grinch's defenses appear to not confuse most, best as I can tell. 
Seems to confuse his players. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Thumper on October 22, 2023, 07:25:49 PM
I of course don't have first-hand knowledge, but I follow the cottage industry insider guys well enough to know that LSU absolutely tried to get Riley, but it doesn't appear he was ever interested.  So, true in the sense that he wasn't in danger of leaving for LSU, but not true in the sense that there wasn't anything to the topic.

If super secret "sauces" inside the Ath. Dept. are to be believed, Kelly was our AD's first choice but initially refused flat out and so we moved on to Riley.  We took a definite swing at Riley, which was ultimately a miss.  Then we pivoted back to Kelly and threw a crap-ton of $ at him, and he accepted, giving the AD "the guy he wanted all along."  I say, maybe, but what else would you expect from a source in the school.  Not like they'd say "Yeah, we got spurned and had to settle for at least our third choice." 
Riley had no interest in the SEC and that was one reason, of many, he wanted out at OU.  He used LSU as a stalking horse to get a better deal from OU and then used that to get a better deal from USC.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 22, 2023, 07:40:03 PM
Secret "sauces" :86:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 23, 2023, 11:37:48 AM
All I know, is Lincoln Riley's BBQ brisket is an affront to humanity, and he should be banned from ever attempting to cook again.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 23, 2023, 01:12:54 PM
Bad upbringing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 23, 2023, 02:31:45 PM
Bad wardrobe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 23, 2023, 04:40:30 PM
I don't remember Jordan playing football
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on October 23, 2023, 05:31:37 PM
Doesn't matter. He has a visor. Visors are like +4 for football coaches.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 23, 2023, 06:05:43 PM
Doesn't matter. He has a visor. Visors are like +4 for football coaches.
The visor is a Steve Spurrier thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 24, 2023, 08:45:41 AM
shiny pants garb
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 24, 2023, 08:50:41 AM
These are the only shiny pants I'm down with:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 24, 2023, 11:03:51 AM
he's in the same category as Stevie

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 24, 2023, 11:56:40 AM
Nope.  Troy is awesome.  Spurrier is a giant doofus.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 24, 2023, 03:04:47 PM
you got half of that correct;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on October 24, 2023, 03:11:42 PM
Two halves correct, even!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 29, 2023, 04:31:44 PM
Congrats to any Jayhawk fans there might be checking in. They outcoached and outplayed OU yesterday, most notably at the start of the game and in clutch time, after OU got a pick that set the Sooners up 1st and 10 at the KU 38, leading 33-32 with 2:29 left in the game.

Now there's a 5-way tie for first place in the Big 12.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on October 29, 2023, 06:36:16 PM
I switched over to the Cocktail Party at that 2:29 mark you mentioned, assuming a Sooner win was assured at that point.  Next thing I know, the game break update was saying Kansas was driving and ready to score with moments to go.  Switched back over to catch the end of it and regretted missing the entirety of the drama. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on October 29, 2023, 06:51:25 PM
where's KSBears???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on October 30, 2023, 12:05:54 AM
I switched over to the Cocktail Party at that 2:29 mark you mentioned, assuming a Sooner win was assured at that point.  Next thing I know, the game break update was saying Kansas was driving and ready to score with moments to go.  Switched back over to catch the end of it and regretted missing the entirety of the drama.
You missed some of the most inept play-calling, lineup selection, and execution I've ever seen.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 02, 2023, 10:41:03 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 02, 2023, 10:47:55 AM
That guy is pretty great.  I've never NOT enjoyed one of his videos.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 02, 2023, 11:12:23 AM
Roll Call for Week9 is fun.  I love how every time he shows Oklahoma now, they're wearing the golden hat.  It's bitter laughter for me, but laughter nonetheless.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 05, 2023, 10:20:30 PM
Michigan's well-oiled scouting/spying apparatus: (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 06, 2023, 10:35:06 AM
If Harbaugh gets suspended I wonder if we can hire him to coach defense.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 06, 2023, 11:14:52 PM
My daughter's marching band performed very well at State Prelims today and will play for the State championship in the Finals tomorrow.  It's all very exciting.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 07, 2023, 08:58:22 AM
My daughter's marching band performed very well at State Prelims today and will play for the State championship in the Finals tomorrow.  It's all very exciting.

Exciting news! What instrument does she play?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 07, 2023, 01:10:48 PM
Exciting news! What instrument does she play?
French horn, so in marching band she plays Mellophone.  Exact same instruments I played in junior high/high school.

I didn't force her to, in fact I warned her away from it, it's the hardest brass instrument to play.  But she was just drawn to it, and she loves it.  She's far better than I ever was.

I'll be headed to San Antonio in about an hour, performance at 4:30.  Cedar Park was ranked #1 in prelims, so here in the finals they just have to maintain that, and they'll have a great chance at winning State.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 07, 2023, 10:38:27 PM
Congratulations to your daughter, Utee.

I had a lot of Bandites in my AP U.S. History classes. I loved having them. They were the hardest-working students in the school. Their practice time rivaled that of the football team (state champs 9 of the last 10 years, I think). Still, nearly all of them took AP classes. In the first few years of teaching it, I had some football players, including a couple who got recruited by Ivy League schools, but after we got a new coach, who took a good program and built it into a powerhouse, I got fewer and fewer football players in my classes.

Band Kids rock! 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 08, 2023, 10:03:01 AM
Thanks C-Dubb!

I'm happy to say that her band did indeed win the State 5A Championship last night.  Their performance was off the charts fantastic.

For anyone who hasn't taken a look at high school marching bands since you were either in high school, or teaching high school, I can tell you that the shows have changed dramatically in the past 20-30 years.  It's been led by changes in how the professional drum and bugle corps shows have evolved, those bands that perform at DCI (Drum Corps International) events.  The high school bands are emulating them in many ways.

Anyway, they're FAR more technical and advanced than anything my band did when I was in high school.  Those interested should check it out, it's something else I'll tell ya.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 08, 2023, 10:24:13 AM
Congrats on the win! That's a huge deal, and I know ya'll are real proud of that accomplishment!
My own son played Horn and marched with the Mellophone in the 9th and 10th grades. He's also in choir and theatre, so this year we had to make allowances in scheduling so he could also work in graduation requirements.

I did warn him in the outset that band nerds were a special breed. Many of them intended to do it in college as well, and would be practicing and drilling in anticipation of the competitions. I knew he enjoyed it, but that wasn't where his heart would be. The time commitment would draw him away from auditions and performances elsewhere.

Today's marching band competitions are multi-media events. They almost always have electric generators driving amplified mixing consoles. There are props and mobile set pieces on the field - in the spirit of Super Bowl halftime shows. It really is impressive!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 12, 2023, 07:09:12 PM
Well, Jimbo Fisher is out at Texas A&M, planning how he will spend $76 million. Any guesses on who will be up next in Aggieland?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 12, 2023, 08:32:33 PM
for those of you on the Porch that don't frequent the Big 10 board............

We're planning a CFB51 Board Meeting in Nashville next fall

Hope Y'all can make it.  Might be fun.

I got a call from Burnt Eyes this afternoon, so he might be there.
I know you miss him.  aka Smokey
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 12, 2023, 09:45:17 PM
Board meeting, Texas plays @Vandy, could the two occur together...?  Interesting...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on November 12, 2023, 10:09:52 PM
Well, Jimbo Fisher is out at Texas A&M, planning how he will spend $76 million. Any guesses on who will be up next in Aggieland?
C-Dubb - W'SUP
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 12, 2023, 11:48:10 PM
C-Dubb - W'SUP

I'm loving it!

How about you?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on November 13, 2023, 07:27:22 AM
Board meeting, Texas plays @Vandy, could the two occur together...?  Interesting...
That's what I was thinking, if the date if in October especially.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on November 16, 2023, 02:52:44 PM

I'm loving it!

How about you?
😎 Semi there then everything seemily tripled,not fond of 80/20 heath care either.Should have followed 2 of my bros into the service.At least for 3-4 yrs,anhoo the Dirt Burglars going to still schedule Gundy & Stillwater in the new alignment?Just saw they lost a close one good luck in the east
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 16, 2023, 09:10:01 PM
There's who I'd like for the Ags to get...  and who we will get.  And unfortunately I don't see them being the same person.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 16, 2023, 10:00:01 PM
Well look what the cat dragged in!  Good to see ya Shiner.

So, who ya want, and who ya gonna get?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 16, 2023, 10:41:12 PM
😎 Semi there then everything seemily tripled,not fond of 80/20 heath care either.Should have followed 2 of my bros into the service.At least for 3-4 yrs,anhoo the Dirt Burglars going to still schedule Gundy & Stillwater in the new alignment?Just saw they lost a close one good luck in the east
OU officials have said that they would like to keep playing the Bedlam series, but I don't think they really want to. FOSU officials have said that OU killed the series, and that's that. I'm hoping we somehow play one more game with the Pokes to take scoreboard back. If Texas stumbles down the stretch, it could happen in the CCG. And I've halfway changed my mind about restarting it as an annual OOC. I think that it could be a good thing. If not an annual game, maybe it could be an intermittent OOC rivalry, like we have with the Huskers.
Good luck to the Buckeyes in The Game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 17, 2023, 09:52:55 AM
I'm intrigued by Lance Liepold from KU.  His background fits the profile for what I'd want in a candidate.  Sorta like when Jim Tressel went to OSU.  

We'll end up with someone underwhelming like Jeff Traylor (UTSA) or some clown show like Lane Kiffin.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 17, 2023, 09:57:20 AM
Hah, I didn't know a post with "Burnt Eyes" would lure Shiner out of hiding!

Still drivin that old Vette???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 17, 2023, 11:19:29 AM
I'm intrigued by Lance Liepold from KU.  His background fits the profile for what I'd want in a candidate.  Sorta like when Jim Tressel went to OSU. 

We'll end up with someone underwhelming like Jeff Traylor (UTSA) or some clown show like Lane Kiffin.
I'm hearing that Neon Deion Sanders is a strong candidate.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 17, 2023, 11:29:04 AM
Nah.  Several of his kids are there and aren't/can't go anywhere.  He ain't leaving his kids.  And despite the flashy name I don't think A&M is about to hire a coach who has no actual track record of success at a major level.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 18, 2023, 10:02:47 AM
I think Prime would be a splendid hire at A&M.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on November 18, 2023, 10:19:47 AM
Is the Michigan HC available?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 18, 2023, 10:19:02 PM
Is the Michigan HC available?

He is on Saturdays. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 19, 2023, 07:07:19 PM
Going into yesterday, several pathways for OU to meet UT in the CCG were open. ISU could have beaten ISU. Houston could have beaten fOSU. Kansas could have beaten Kansas State. Those were three pathways, or starts of pathways, but all are now foreclosed.


For some reason, I remember the line towards the end of Romeo and Juliet:

 This letter doth make good the Friar’s words,
 Their course of love, the tidings of her death;
 And here he writes that he did buy a poison
 Of a poor ’pothecary, and therewithal
Came to this vault to die and lie with Juliet.
 Where be these enemies?—Capulet, Montague,
 See what a scourge is laid upon your hate,
 That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love,
 And I, for winking at your discords too,
Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punishèd.

"Punishèd" is pronounced with three syllables. So it should be with "forclosèd."


Back to reality, unless the Horns just collapse in Austin this weekend, there's very little chance that OU will make the CCG. FOSU would have to lose (to BYU in Stillwater) too, I believe.

And, is it true that the Horns have not yet completely guaranteed their date in the CCG? Something I read late last night made that assertion.

Oh, well. The way that the Sooners are playing--and particularly the way that the "elite" OC Jeff Lebby is calling plays--the Sooners would not figure to fare well in the rematch that everyone was predicting back in October.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 20, 2023, 09:47:09 AM
IF (the emphasis is justified) Texas were to lose on Friday, they'd have 2 conference losses, which would almost certainly put them in the mixer with about 4 other teams. Because Texas didn't play oSu, all sorts of oddball elimination scenarios occur. Ironically, after having the best chance of being the #1 overall seed, a loss to Tech would mean they'd in all probability crash out of the CCG altogether since the combinations necessary for them to be included in a tiebreaker are slim.

If Texas wins on Friday, then oSu has to lose at Stillwater against BYU for there to be any confusion since the Big 12 changed clarified the tiebreaking rules last week.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2023, 09:54:36 AM
So if all goes to chalk, it's Texas-OkState for the B12.

The same OkState that last year, the refs called Texas for 14 penalties, and OkState for zero.

Should be fun.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on November 20, 2023, 09:58:03 AM
oSu seems to make hay from their RB Ollie Gordon. He's good, but I think Texas can minimize his impact.

Which leaves Bowman, his receivers, and an eternity of "Wow! What a catch!" throughout the game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2023, 10:03:33 AM
oSu seems to make hay from their RB Ollie Gordon. He's good, but I think Texas can minimize his impact.

Which leaves Bowman, his receivers, and an eternity of "Wow! What a catch!" throughout the game.
Our secondary enables a LOT of "wow what a catch" statements to be made.  That's our biggest team weakness right now, and it's even more exposed when the refs are allowing our d-linemen to be suplexed to the ground on nearly every play.

Anyway, I'll worry about OkState if we get there.  Right  now I'm more than a little worried about Texas Tech.  This game has upset written all over it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 20, 2023, 11:14:03 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on November 20, 2023, 11:26:40 AM
Anyway, I'll worry about OkState if we get there.  Right  now I'm more than a little worried about Texas Tech.  This game has upset written all over it.

No worries, I think Michael Crabtree is out of eligibility.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2023, 12:01:15 PM
No worries, I think Michael Crabtree is out of eligibility. 
Texas 34
Texas Tech 37

I only have to look back one year, to see a Texas loss to Tech. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 20, 2023, 12:11:25 PM
that's derned unfortunate
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on November 20, 2023, 02:21:20 PM
I only have to look back one year, to see a Texas loss to Tech.
But no flying batteries and bags of urine to worry about this year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on November 20, 2023, 05:54:39 PM
isn't the game in Boulder?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 20, 2023, 06:57:00 PM
Provo... Spain?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 27, 2023, 02:21:40 PM
Well... the answer is Elko.  Took some drama to get there but I guess he's the man.

Decent enough hire.  His defenses were great when he was at A&M and he's got a reputation for being a solid program leader rather than a disorganized mess ala Jimbo.  What I like is he's just a football coach... it's not flashy.... no pomp and circumstance.... no grand entrances.... just a dude who can coach well.  That's about all I could ask for.

Guy stepped off the plane at 2am and immediately into an F-150 and headed off.  Get to business.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on November 27, 2023, 02:32:32 PM
I think it'll be a good hire.  Not sure why there needed to be any drama but well there you have it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on November 27, 2023, 02:39:32 PM
I'm not either.  Won't get into that, but either way... we got a solid hire.  

As MDT mentioned on the SEC board, I think retaining Petrino would be a good idea.  And Dameyune Craig who's a fantastic recruiter.  Sounds like Robinson is likely staying but until it's "official"... who really knows around these parts.  

This along with the changes coming to the SEC and the CFB playoff next year, should bring some much needed excitement back to College Station next season.    
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 03, 2023, 08:46:43 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 04, 2023, 04:54:10 PM
Annual reminder that Die Hard is a Christmas movie.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 04, 2023, 05:29:14 PM
Annual reminder that Die Hard is a Christmas movie. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on December 05, 2023, 01:13:16 PM
Annual reminder that Die Hard is a Christmas movie. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2023, 09:31:43 AM
Looking at a nice sunny but cool day here in the A.  45°F now and warming up.  I should be able to get some running in.

You now what Satchel Page said about that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2023, 09:52:14 AM
Can't complain about the weather here:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 06, 2023, 09:55:54 AM
Looking at a nice sunny but cool day here in the A.  45°F now and warming up.  I should be able to get some running in.

You now what Satchel Page said about that.

He called one of his pitches a bat-dodger.  Wonder what kind of pitch I'd call it.  

I was not a good pitcher, but I could throw a killer knuckle ball.  Hurt my elbow, tho, so I refused to do it much.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2023, 10:14:42 AM
I have my last pitching lesson tomorrow.  I'm amazed how much they have helped.  I was doing all kinds of things wrong.  I wish I'd had this sort of thing at 16, I might not have torn my labrum back when.

We're working on my curve tomorrow, mostly, and control.  I'm throwing a circle change pretty well now, but he tells me he wants it to die at and hit the plate, I tend to get them up.  And my fastball has about enough velo to make the change actually a change.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 06, 2023, 10:31:38 AM
I should take a golfing lesson
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 06, 2023, 11:03:12 AM
I tried golf, I really did.  And it wasn't that I didn't like it.  I quite enjoyed it with the right group of friends. 

But I suuuuuuuuucked.

My father-in-law is a golf whiz.  Was a lifelong passion of his and he put a lot of time and money in it and became really good.  He had a fancy house in one of those private communities with a golf course built through the middle of the neighborhood. 

Then he got so angsty about it that he couldn't take the stress of competing with himself, and of how seriously he took the game, and he's now sold that house to go live out in the Colorado wilderness, and much of his golf equipment too, I think.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2023, 11:49:07 AM
Never got into golf.  No worries, I've found plenty of other ways to spend my discretionary income...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 06, 2023, 12:33:12 PM
Become a musician. You won't have disposable income nor free time! =)

I own big dogs and play big instruments - the minivan isn't optional. Someone asked me recently what I'd buy if I had a $5,000 spending spree in a music store. I told them, "Well, that's about half the cost of a Roland TD-50KV2 kit, so I'd put that on lay-away and try to sneak back in with another $5k some time when the wife wasn't looking.".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 06, 2023, 12:42:33 PM
Just say no to electric drums. 

But yeah....was a time when I was single, had uber-low living expenses and made pretty decent money, and I believe I single-handedly kept the south location Austin Guitar Center in business.  They loved to see me coming.  They all knew my name and I occasionally got free stuff because the store manager loved to see me walk in. 

Never really did have a good place for a lot of my crap when I got married and moved in here.  Wife half-secretly wishes I'd get rid of it all, and I probably should, but I just can't.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 06, 2023, 12:59:30 PM
Just say no to electric drums. 

But yeah....was a time when I was single, had uber-low living expenses and made pretty decent money, and I believe I single-handedly kept the south location Austin Guitar Center in business.  They loved to see me coming.  They all knew my name and I occasionally got free stuff because the store manager loved to see me walk in. 

Never really did have a good place for a lot of my crap when I got married and moved in here.  Wife half-secretly wishes I'd get rid of it all, and I probably should, but I just can't. 
I've been married for 28 years. My stuff got chucked out a long time ago!

I like vDrums because I don't like playing behind a shell. The drum kit tends to be the "base level" sound that the rest of the band has to get over. Since most of the time I'm playing incident to a live acting performance, volume is always an issue. Everyone wants the exciting sound of hi powered playing, but not the requisite volume.
With the vDrums, I can hand the FOH guy one XLR cable to do with as he pleases. The other one goes to a monitor pointed at my face so I can tell what I'm doing. Also, I can switch out styles by scrolling through kit setups. There's always the "revue" style shows where 20 different song types happen.

Of course, a decent kit costs about the same as a wedding caterer. Guess which one I'm paying for? :34:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2023, 01:29:30 PM
I've been married for 28 years. My stuff got chucked out a long time ago!

I like vDrums because I don't like playing behind a shell. The drum kit tends to be the "base level" sound that the rest of the band has to get over. Since most of the time I'm playing incident to a live acting performance, volume is always an issue. Everyone wants the exciting sound of hi powered playing, but not the requisite volume.
With the vDrums, I can hand the FOH guy one XLR cable to do with as he pleases. The other one goes to a monitor pointed at my face so I can tell what I'm doing. Also, I can switch out styles by scrolling through kit setups. There's always the "revue" style shows where 20 different song types happen.

Of course, a decent kit costs about the same as a wedding caterer. Guess which one I'm paying for? :34:
and then you have kids
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2023, 01:43:10 PM
I did a baseball fantasy camp in 1992 back when I could still sort of look like a baseball player.  I mentioned it to my wife when I hit 60, and she correctly said I should do it again soon if ever, so I did, a one time thing, just for kicks.  I had a blast.  In fact, they do two camps now, it's gotten popular, and the second week is basically "veterans only", the same guys who come every year sign up for that, and it gets booked quickly (we get dibs).  Last year I did both camps, one of three guys who did that.  It was fun seeing the "rookies" go through the experience, and now most of them are returning (it isn't cheap).

My wife again noted I won't be able to do this forever, so I should do both camps again, so I signed up.We get two days off in between to recover.  And I need to recover, it's not an old man's sport, even with "adjusted" rules.  So my "hobby" now all year is getting into shape for camp, which is tougher and tougher every year.  But I'm throwing pretty well, I'm going to be fascinated to see how I do, my goal is to complete a game (7 innings), which is a stretch goal for me in more ways than three.

The odd thing is I've been on three championship teams, so I have three "rings", which are big gaudy things nobody would wear in public, but some guys have been ten years with no ring, so I might at times wear all three in the club house, or around the pros.  I'm going for four.  My pitching coach is one of the pros at both camps and he says he'll draft me pretty early to ensure I'm on his team.  This is actually me on their web site.

Fantasy Camp | Atlanta Braves ( (

Atlanta Braves Fantasy Camp 2023 - YouTube (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 06, 2023, 01:43:27 PM
My oldest is my daughter. She's the one getting married. In Buda. Some time in March.
I should probably know the date. Pretty sure I'm expected to be there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 06, 2023, 01:55:12 PM
I've been married for 28 years. My stuff got chucked out a long time ago!

I like vDrums because I don't like playing behind a shell. The drum kit tends to be the "base level" sound that the rest of the band has to get over. Since most of the time I'm playing incident to a live acting performance, volume is always an issue. Everyone wants the exciting sound of hi powered playing, but not the requisite volume.
With the vDrums, I can hand the FOH guy one XLR cable to do with as he pleases. The other one goes to a monitor pointed at my face so I can tell what I'm doing. Also, I can switch out styles by scrolling through kit setups. There's always the "revue" style shows where 20 different song types happen.

Of course, a decent kit costs about the same as a wedding caterer. Guess which one I'm paying for? :34:

In most situations I avoided shells with a different kind of stick or just mastering softer strokes.  Definitely have to scale back some of balls-out playing, which as you point out just doesn't happen without volume, but most situations did not require ballsy playing.  

But yeah, if you don't want to drive household members or even neighbors crazy, it's gotta be electric.  I was fortunate growing up neither of my parents minded having a full kit in the house.  Neighbors didn't seem to care either.  I don't think I would do it to my family now, tho.  But I'm still not touching an electric kit.  They literally don't feel right.  When Alex Van Halen talks about having a physical connection to the instrument, I know exactly what he's talking about.  Drums more than any other instrument produce sound waves your body becomes accustomed to feeling, and the impact of sticks on a real drum cause vibrations in the sticks your hands feel that are missing with any sort of mesh head.  I play harder and harder, looking for the "feel" that never comes, and it just frustrates me to the point of cursing after a couple of minutes, and I'd rather not deal with it.  Plus they sound like crap.  Every few years somebody gets me to try the latest and greatest with all the improvements.  I do a few rudiments and play a quick groove with some finesse and dynamics and tell them "Lolz, still no."  They can sound quite good these days for relatively static beats that don't require nuance.  The second I start counting on the module to measure a full and wide range of volume/sounds is the second I remember modern engineering still can't compete with mother nature and PHYSICS, baby!

But many people love them.  I never learned to.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 06, 2023, 04:35:02 PM
Yeah, I can see that. I sort of touched acoustic and synth drums equally, so I suppose I never really developed a preference for one over the other.
I know my acoustic guitars are strung with phosphor mediums, making them more jangly and aggressive to play than my electrics. I had to develop a lighter touch to keep from fretting the electric sharp. Likewise, the electric bass is fun to groove on, but I have to practically wrap myself around the dog house bass.
I have a theory that ADD and related people feel at home behind a drum kit. The kinetic movement and the tactile feedback seems to naturally sync with the differently neurologic'ed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 06, 2023, 05:22:01 PM
Interesting theory.  I don't think I'm a classic case of anything like that, but being at home behind a kit was an understatement.  It was my happy place.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 06, 2023, 05:22:24 PM
What do you call the guy who hangs around with musicians?

The drummer.

I've got a million of 'em.  I'm gonna tell 'em all RIGHT NOW.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 06, 2023, 07:48:57 PM
I do play piano, I used to be decent, but my hands have weakened and I don't play enough now.

My wife bought me a Yamaha electronic piano which is amazing, it uses a regular keyboard attached to some computer thingee, so the action is just like a big Grand.  And it fits nicely in our bedroom.  I need to play more, I used to have enthusiasm for it but ...

I mostly enjoy Chopin and some Beethoven, nothing eclectic.  Liszt is really really hard.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 06, 2023, 08:05:14 PM
I do play piano, I used to be decent, but my hands have weakened and I don't play enough now.

My wife bought me a Yamaha electronic piano which is amazing, it uses a regular keyboard attached to some computer thingee, so the action is just like a big Grand.  And it fits nicely in our bedroom.  I need to play more, I used to have enthusiasm for it but ...

I mostly enjoy Chopin and some Beethoven, nothing eclectic.  Liszt is really really hard.
I rarely play but when I do I play Mozart
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 07, 2023, 08:50:26 AM
No offense intended to our ag friends who stop by from time to time, but I saw this and couldn't resist re-posting...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 07, 2023, 10:25:18 AM
What do you call the guy who hangs around with musicians?

The drummer.

I've got a million of 'em.  I'm gonna tell 'em all RIGHT NOW.

You literally just told that one a couple weeks ago.  Take your geriatric meds, you forgetful MFer.  

Also, I'm starting to think it's the only one you really know.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 07, 2023, 10:28:01 AM
You literally just told that one a couple weeks ago.  Take your geriatric meds, you forgetful MFer. 

Also, I'm starting to think it's the only one you really know. 
It's the only joke I know about drumming.  You'll hear it another 12x and you'll like it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 07, 2023, 10:29:15 AM

My wife bought me a Yamaha electronic piano which is amazing, it uses a regular keyboard attached to some computer thingee, so the action is just like a big Grand.  And it fits nicely in our bedroom.  I need to play more, I used to have enthusiasm for it but

Probably one of Graded Hammer Action ones.  I've used keyboards far more than I have acoustic pianos, but my hardcore piano friends tell me the feel of the Graded Hammer action keyboards feels just like a real piano.  Yamaha makes some great sounding ones, too.  Although they require really nice headphones, reference monitors, or some good house speakers.  I've never gotten a keyboard to sound good with a regular keyboard amp.  I bought a pretty nice one, but it still doesn't sound very good.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 07, 2023, 10:34:55 AM
It's the only joke I know about drumming.  You'll hear it another 12x and you'll like it.

Let's see.  There's this one, although many haven't found it as funny as I do.  I'm weird.  

A drummer is tired of people telling him he's not a real musician, so he goes to a music store, intending to buy some new instruments to learn and prove them wrong.  He wanders around for a bit, looking at this and that, when a salesman notices him eyeing some things curiously and goes to ask if he needs help.  The drummer tells him he wants to buy a few things, and after some consideration he says he wants to buy the red trumpet and the accordion.  The sales clerk composes himself and answers, "Sir, I'll sell you the radiator if you really want it, but the fire extinguisher absolutely has to stay."  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 07, 2023, 11:20:14 AM

This is the one we have.  The action is really just like a large grand.  The sounds is superb, and it can play normal music as well by Bluetooth.  You can see the back end has no strings, just an amplifier and speakers, like a stereo.  Long ago, I'd play at least an hour a day, mostly getting through grad school, and my neighbors thought I was a music major, I wasn't anywhere near that good.  But if anyone wants a really nice but shortener "grand", this one is fantastic IMHO.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 07, 2023, 11:50:19 AM
My MIL is an operatic soprano who is also a piano virtuoso.  She earned her music degree in performance and teaching at The University of Texas in 1960.

She married an Aggie and now she's a huge ag fan.  But she's at least a nice one, never calls me a t-sip (to my face).

She has a really nice baby grand in her house, we always have a sing-a-long over there at family get-togethers.  She can play pretty much any song by ear.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 07, 2023, 11:52:00 AM
I never could play by ear at all, only music, and I don't try and memorize anything any more.

I used to be able to sight read "OK".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 07, 2023, 12:12:04 PM

My stepson's girlfriend graduates college tomorrow.  That's hardly family, but in some sense she's as close to a daughter as I'll probably ever have.  Don't have the space or time to bore you with the absolute ripoff of a hand life dealt her, but she's got as good of an attitude and work ethic as you could possibly have, especially considering her background, and so I'm very proud of her.  But I will tell you just a little bit.  

She's around quite a lot the last few years, for obvious reasons at first, of course.  But for a while there's been no running water at her house so she washes her clothes and showers over here.  What passes for food at her house sounds horrendous, and since she graduated high school she hasn't been welcome to a lot of it anyway, her mom and stepdad expecting her to buy her own food.  So she eats supper with us frequently, because my wife, as a true foodie, can't stand the thought of whatever it is she eats when she's not here, and so insists she eats with us.  I tend to think of it more in financial terms....I can't imagine being a college student and being responsible for paying for everything myself.  Anyway, the point is she's around a lot and now feels like an adopted kid, a bit. 

She has a chipper and bright spirit, which is beyond me, because if I had a mom, dad, and stepdad like her I'd probably be worthless.  To give you some idea of what she deals with, her mom has asked her before why isn't she pregnant yet, because in her mindset, that's how you get out of here (and stop eating into their "income"), you get knocked up and a guy from better means has to take care of you then.  I mean, she has a 15 year old sister who is sadly more what you'd expect from that situation, and she routinely spends the night at her boyfriend's house with their mother's blessing, because she's hoping for the same thing.  Get pregnant, get out of here and somebody else has to take care of you.  Her dad is, my stepson tells me, a somewhat wealthy man, but he evidently spends all his money on his wife and his new family and refuses to do hardly anything for his oldest daughter.  Through all of that, she never badmouths her family and tries to talk about them in the best light possible, and she is careful to try to maintain a relationship with her father even though he doesn't lift a finger to help her and he's basically been a jackass to my stepson.  Still, I can tell by the look on her face and the way she talks at times, she's fully aware that her family doesn't live up to the impression of them she tries to paint.  And in private conversations with my wife, she has completely broken down and admitted a ton of anxiety about life and emotional angst about her folks.  I know for a fact that she looks at my wife as a sort of surrogate mom, and I'm grateful my wife is the kind of lady who can step up for something like that. 

Through all of that she's always worked, budgeted her little bit of money well (where that ethic came from I don't know, as the adults in her house do not have jobs) and maintained straight A's.  She'll graduate with honors and, I believe, a 4.0 gpa.  She was eligible for state funding and scholarships and so far as I know, will graduate without student debt. 

I put new tires on her car when it had to be done and she couldn't afford it and her dad declined to help her, I've done a bit of other low-level work on her clunker when it needed it (I am hardly any sort of mechanic), and I co-signed a car loan for her when I was no longer comfortable at all with her driving that thing around on the highway anymore, because I knew she'd make her payments responsibly, like everything else she does.  And she has. 

Why I'm talking about this here, I do not know.  It's the Porch, and I guess I just feel like tooting the horn of a young lady I wish the best for, a girl who is not my daughter, but sometimes, on some days, kinda feels like it. 

Tomorrow I'll meet her dad for the first time.  I'm half inclined to tell him don't worry about the times she asked you for help and you said no.  Don't worry about the times you demanded she come visit for the holidays and she brought my stepson with her and you were rude to him.  We'll just call it even, no harm no foul, but you STFU from now on and we get her for the holidays from here on out.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 07, 2023, 12:20:14 PM
Sounds like a great young lady, and I expect nothing less from you than the aid you and your wife have provided.

I hope she kicks butt in her next phase, and doesn't let her shitty family drag her down.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 07, 2023, 03:22:57 PM
I'd better careful with any women who has a chipper ...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2023, 09:26:03 AM
So, my last pitching lesson was interesting, to me.  I told Pete I wanted to work on my curve, which we did, it was coming out pretty well, so we shifted to simulated innings.  Then he showed me the two seam circle change.  I had been throwing the four seam variety.  It feels a bit weird, I'm going to work on it some today, he said it would be fabulous if I get the release right.  I realize this is minutia, but I mention it as an example of the fine details that go into most endeavors, including playing keyboard and something like weight lifting or running or shooting baskets etc.

In my youth, there was no coaching for pitchers, none.  You just went out and threw.  I could throw pretty hard and had a decent curve ball which is more than enough at the HS level if you have control (mine wondered about at times).  Of course, I had a mishmash of mechanics, as I know now, I think I have corrected most of them at the ripe old age of soisson neuf.

The French have some neat sounding numbers for figures like 72, I think.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 08, 2023, 09:39:25 AM
Better late than never.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2023, 09:47:44 AM
Yes, it has enabled me to watch MLB games with a different eye.  The fact I'm still trying to pitch is interesting, it keeps me trying to stay in shape year round which is great.

A man needs hobbies.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2023, 09:48:58 AM
I was truly, dismally, awful at baseball.

Played soccer until I could play football, then played football until the other kids my age were just so much bigger and faster, that it made no sense.  Which was about the middle of middle school.  We only had an A team, so physically I just couldn't compete.  If we'd had B team and C team like my son's middle school does, I could have played all the way through.  But I'd still have hit the same problem in high school.  I just wasn't big or fast enough to compete.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 08, 2023, 10:20:23 AM
I didn't like playing football.  I was always tall for my age compared to the average kid, and fast, and so receiver was a thing people always wanted me to try.  I hated getting hit, and the sport was just not for me.  Was good at catching things, but terrible at catching them when I knew I was about to get blasted. 

I was not bad at beisbol.  Decent enough hitter, always got put in the outfield, where I usually got bored and wished I was in the infield where more action was taking place. 

I was rather good at shooty-hoops, and loved it.  Definitely my fave to play, and was my favorite to watch when I was young too.  That gradually shifted to football across my late teens and early 20's, and now I really never watch basketball.  I'd still play it if I were able, tho.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2023, 10:40:14 AM
I was a pretty good HS basketball player, was coMVP.  The other MVP signed with UNC Charlotte and started all four years, point guard.  We didn't have a 3 point shot then, he would have really lit it up if they did.  Pete Maravich was his idol and he played a bit like him.

He liked those no look passes, and I knew his "look" when he was about to zing one at me (playing center).  I think he averaged 31 per in HS, which was tops in the state.

I wonder if he's on FB.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 08, 2023, 11:19:15 AM
Like most innovations, the 3pt shot seems so obvious to me that it makes you wonder how in the world "they" didn't immediately think of it when the rules were first organized.  But of course, what's obvious now was novel at some point.  People will look at us one day and scratch their heads why we aren't doing something "obvious" right now.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2023, 11:52:00 AM
dislike the 3pt shot more than I dislike the designated hitter

if it's obvious the 3pt line is a good idear, then a 4pt line and 5pts for anything over half court should be obvious

and if this is true, dunks should be worth one point
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 08, 2023, 12:18:27 PM
That's just silly.  Of course a shot from much further away should be worth more than a close one.  There's no need to have 4 or 5 point shots because by the time you got to a comparable range based on the difference in 2 and 3 pt. shots, nobody will realistically make those shots, hardly ever, and so extremely few people ever attempt them.  If you wanted to argue hail mary type bombs from half court out of necessity as the clock expires should be worth more than 3 pts, I'm listening.  

The only way a dunk should be worth 1 pt. is if it's not contested, which is the idea behind close-range point values.  Free throws are worth 1 pt. because they're uncontested.  No matter how close to the basket you are or whether or not you shoot the ball through it, bank it off the backboard, or ram it through with your hands, someone is often getting in your way trying to stop you.  2 points. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 08, 2023, 01:15:40 PM
My daughter's fiancee is a beisbol guy. He pitched in high school, and has been at it most of his life. He's still a fan, but doesn't play organized ball any more. 
I watch college football and fuss about things like the RG being slow getting by the C on a counter play. He's teaching me to see baseball like that. 
Rather than "hit the ball and run", how does a hitter pick up on a pitch? What does it look like out of the pitcher's hand? What pitches string together so that the hitter doesn't know what's next? How aggressive should the fielders be considering innings, runners, the score, etc? I'm learning to enjoy a game that appears largely random.

And yes, the pitch clock is making the game watchable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 08, 2023, 01:24:10 PM
I was against the pitch clock, but changed my mind.  I think I'd add a second or three.  I do kinda like the rules against the shift, though now the 2B plays almost up the middle often as not.  The stolen base is back, the sac bunt is not, much at all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 08, 2023, 03:34:12 PM
 He's teaching me to see baseball like that.
 I'm learning to enjoy a game that appears largely random.

it's a beautiful game
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 08, 2023, 06:22:11 PM
I enjoy college baseball.

MLB = rat's ass.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 09, 2023, 10:32:10 AM
I'm with you.  I usually get second-hand exposure to it tho, as the wife loves pretty much all sports and always watches the World Series.  Especially this year when her Rangers were in it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 09, 2023, 12:03:15 PM
I've liked minor league baseball a lot, nobody loafs, same as college.

I keep thinking about walking down to the Tech field to watch some beisbol but haven't gone yet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 09, 2023, 01:56:11 PM
Yeah Dell sponsors our local minor league team, so we get free and discounted tickets pretty regularly.  I even got to watch a game in Michael's luxury box one time when my team was being rewarded for something.  He was not there that night, of course. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 09, 2023, 08:15:22 PM
I enjoy college baseball.

MLB NBA = rat's ass.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 09, 2023, 08:19:42 PM
The Army-Navy game was very tense today. Army won it 17-11 with a goal-line stand.

Of course I was glad Army won.

But, man! Those unis were ugly! Grey Poupon Beige and Dark Grey--who'd have ever thunk that those colors would be a great way to honor the 3rd ("Rock of the Marne") Infantry Division?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 09, 2023, 08:21:55 PM
The Army-Navy game was very tense today. Army won it 17-11 with a goal-line stand.

Of course I was glad Army won.

But, man! Those unis were ugly! Grey Poupon Beige and Dark Grey--who'd have ever thunk that those colors would be a great way to honor the 3rd ("Rock of the Marne") Infantry Division?
I called it baby poop yellow
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 09, 2023, 08:40:13 PM
better than baby poop orange
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 09, 2023, 09:14:27 PM
take a look
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 09, 2023, 09:27:32 PM
I watched the game
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 09, 2023, 09:44:05 PM
Yeah Dell sponsors our local minor league team, so we get free and discounted tickets pretty regularly.  I even got to watch a game in Michael's luxury box one time when my team was being rewarded for something.  He was not there that night, of course. :)
My wife's company had a box for the Reds games, and a couple times she had access and took me.  First, the food was pretty mundane, second, it was isolated from the crowd with glass (you could walk outside to a row of seats), and third, it was really not very pleasant.

We get to go to a game here in a Braves' suite, kind of the same situation.  I prefer watching on TV frankly.

I think these "luxo-boxes" are for fans who don't like the sport.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 10, 2023, 10:09:47 AM
better than baby poop orange
If your baby is pooping orange you need to get to the hospital ASAP.

I've really liked a lot of the recent Army/Navy uniforms, but I agree, yesterday's were terrible.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 11, 2023, 08:26:47 AM
I recall quite a bit of orangish poop when mine were little.  It may have been related to amoxicillin.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 11, 2023, 08:54:00 AM
or carrots
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 11, 2023, 09:17:17 AM
y'all are monster parents.  CPS shoulda been involved.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 12, 2023, 10:33:46 AM
Ran across a parent whose child was taught by her elementary school teacher that 1 divided by 0 is 0.  The parent reached out to the teacher to correct her and that didn't go well.  Somehow it ended up with the teacher going to the principal, who after reviewing everything, reiterated to the parent that 1 divided by 0 is in fact 0, and to basically stay out of the way of her kid's education. 

People wonder why I have so little faith in our education system.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 12, 2023, 10:45:00 AM
Even my 1978 7-segment LED digital calculator knew that division by zero was undefined.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 12, 2023, 10:58:13 AM
I was always taught that when you divide something into 0 parts youre left with 0 as a remainder

If todays wisdom wants to say its undefined thats fine just dont ever try dividing something into 0 parts
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 12, 2023, 11:09:18 AM
Back when I was in college, I took Astronomy 101.  I could have aced every test without going to class, I liked astronomy as a kid.  The professor was a real character and pretty entertaining.  Anyway, a gaggle of coed education majors were in the class, about four of them from my dorm.  They were pretty good looking, and not very bright.  So, I tried to tutor them on such topics as the Doppler Effect, which they could not grasp, at all.  I was running up and down the dorm corridor make a train sound at one point. 

I got the feeling that an education major was where the MRS degree aspirants went.

I say that noting my father, mother, and sister were all education majors and all taught school at some point.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 12, 2023, 11:35:50 AM
Never seen the term "MRS degree."  I had to look that up.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 12, 2023, 11:44:41 AM
There was one really pretty gal on our hall I took a living to (duh).  We kind of dated, and kind of decided to "be friends" (maybe she did that).  Anyway, we kept up over the years and she told me she got engaged, she had gone to MBA school in Knoxville at UTK.  She admitted she had gone to find a husband.

It was a real thing with a lot of coeds, not just the uglier ones.  They usually were in sororities, she wasn't.  I saw here again a few years later and she had kind of "blown up".  I was married at the time as well.  It was bit uncomfortable for all.

I have found in my decrepitude that young women generally are quite attractive, we have a lot of them around here.  They fairly often are out running wearing those ultra tight pants and maybe a sports bra thing and nothing else.  Of course, I'm very happily married so I don't really notice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 12, 2023, 11:53:52 AM
Never seen the term "MRS degree."  I had to look that up. 

Doesn't apply to me, but it might as well.  My undergrad degree years ago was in business management and marketing, which far as I can tell amounted to a big pile of nothing.  Didn't ever seem to help me get a job, and the jobs I got did not care about the degree.  I thought I learned better than that and recently got another degree in Data Science.  Appears my degree is again not very impressive because I still haven't gotten a job in the field.

There are a few reasons I can think of for why this is, but I just like to complain about it.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 12, 2023, 11:55:19 AM
One kid got a double degree in French and English.  She's now a computer engineer and doing quite well.  The other got a degree in sociology and then a JD.  Same thing.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 12, 2023, 11:58:34 AM
I have found in my decrepitude that young women generally are quite attractive, we have a lot of them around here.  They fairly often are out running wearing those ultra tight pants and maybe a sports bra thing and nothing else.  Of course, I'm very happily married so I don't really notice.

Guy I know from my growing up years used to always say if you want to know how a girl will fare in the long term, look closely at her mother.  Probably true some of the time, and other times not.  He was saying it to be funny but it halfway sounded like good advice.  

My mother-in-law was still pretty cute for 65, so I feel like that's in Mrs. DeTiger's favor.  She passed from multiple myeloma cancer at 65, but that particular cancer is not genetic, so that's also in Mrs. DeTiger's favor, and mine.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on December 12, 2023, 04:25:13 PM
The quick (sort of) answer is that division and multiplication of real numbers must necessarily "undo" each other. 
If <anything> divided by zero has an answer, then that answer multiplied by zero must be that <anything>
Your only hope and exception to that is zero divided by zero. A simple 0/0 get called "indeterminate". However if we arrived at 0/0 legitimately (and not through a logic error like incorrectly dividing by an unknown), then we're likely ready to call Mssr. L'Hopital. L'Hopital's Rule will guide you through limits as your variable approaches a "zero", which will tell you what you really meant to do when you generated the 0/0 form.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 12, 2023, 04:30:22 PM
The quick (sort of) answer is that division and multiplication of real numbers must necessarily "undo" each other.
If <anything> divided by zero has an answer, then that answer multiplied by zero must be that <anything>
Your only hope and exception to that is zero divided by zero. A simple 0/0 get called "indeterminate". However if we arrived at 0/0 legitimately (and not through a logic error like incorrectly dividing by an unknown), then we're likely ready to call Mssr. L'Hopital. L'Hopital's Rule will guide you through limits as your variable approaches a "zero", which will tell you what you really meant to do when you generated the 0/0 form.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 14, 2023, 12:12:24 PM
If you think that’s bad, try to stay in Austin while Formula 1 will be in town. Why is that significant? Last year, 432,000 people attended the event in Austin. My buddy, a Georgia fan, tried to get a room at the Hilton in Austin. He was told that they were sold out BUT because they were gold members, they offered a room for $17,000 a night. Yeah. Wild.
(He ended up paying $852 a night at a non-Hilton hotel in Austin and he’s flying into San Antonio.)
That’s a bummer for Georgia fans who have been chomping at the bit for a more exciting regular season schedule. I suppose this is a nice time to be in the 12-team Playoff era. The Dawgs face 2 Playoff teams, 3 road games vs. New Year’s 6 Bowl teams and 8 total Power 5 teams who earned bowl berths. Plus, the lone home game in September is against FCS Tennessee Tech.
Needless to say, Georgia won’t have the same preseason narrative about its schedule that it had entering 2023.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 14, 2023, 12:40:42 PM
Yeah it's really unfortunate they set the date for the Texas-Georgia game on the same weekend as Formula 1.  The F1 schedule has been out for a year, so this is all on the SEC scheduling office.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 14, 2023, 04:54:30 PM
utee, I hit you up on Messenger, but wherever you happen to see it first.....

iirc, you mentioned having a good eggnog recipe.  Wanted to see if you could share it with me to try.  Seems like we talked about this once before, but if I ever got it from you previously, I didn't get to try it out and have misplaced it.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 15, 2023, 08:48:53 AM
Probably on the cookbook thread pinned at the top of the big 10 board
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on December 15, 2023, 08:56:32 AM
The Dawgs are losing players, and recruits, at a rapid clip these days.  They could be pretty ordinary next season.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 15, 2023, 09:45:54 AM
utee, I hit you up on Messenger, but wherever you happen to see it first.....

iirc, you mentioned having a good eggnog recipe.  Wanted to see if you could share it with me to try.  Seems like we talked about this once before, but if I ever got it from you previously, I didn't get to try it out and have misplaced it. 
Probably on the cookbook thread pinned at the top of the big 10 board
Yup I think I put it in there at one point. Not sure how up-to-date the TOC is, though...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 15, 2023, 11:58:15 AM
Found it, thanks!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 15, 2023, 03:51:16 PM
Found it, thanks!
Sweet, hope you like it if you end up making it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on December 17, 2023, 09:10:02 PM
Another year another Lady Horns National Championship

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 18, 2023, 09:00:18 AM
Corngrats to those ladies!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 18, 2023, 10:07:31 AM
That match was something else.  Serve Receive on point and the Serve itself was just devastating over the final 2/3 of the match.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on December 18, 2023, 12:34:42 PM
Sweet, hope you like it if you end up making it.
Link ? 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on December 18, 2023, 12:46:53 PM

pg. 55 of the recipe thread, if that link doesn't work.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 19, 2023, 11:13:19 AM

pg. 55 of the recipe thread, if that link doesn't work.

"Remember that it should be strong, as weak eggnog is insipid."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 19, 2023, 01:53:37 PM
So, is strong eggnog sipid?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on December 19, 2023, 03:37:24 PM
Don't know, Great Uncle George never commented on such.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on December 19, 2023, 04:25:50 PM
Of course not he was sleeping it off half the time
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 23, 2023, 12:43:00 PM
Yahoo! Sports
Is college football ready to get out of the stone age with signals? Bowl trial run with helmet communication showing promise
Ross Dellenger·Senior College Football Reporter
Updated Thu, December 21, 2023 at 10:58 AM CST

When Utah and Northwestern meet in the Las Vegas Bowl at Allegiant Stadium, the competition will feature two technologies never before used simultaneously in a major college football game. Players and coaches will have the ability to use both smart tablets on the sideline and coach-to-player helmet communications on the field.

In fact, it is one of at least 14 bowl games featuring the use of one or both technologies in an experiment that many believe will result in permanent adoption.

Or, at least, that’s the hope.

“However we can get it passed, we need to get it passed,” said Texas Tech coach Joey McGuire, whose team became the first to use coach-to-player communications in its Independence Bowl win over Cal last weekend. That game did not feature the use of tablets. “We are hoping like crazy it gets passed for next year.”

In a campaign pushed to the forefront by the Michigan sign-stealing saga, college football is springing into the new year in technological style — finally.

Decades behind its professional football brethren in these technological advancements, the college game has resisted evolution mostly because of cost-containment reasons. But even before the NCAA’s investigation of Michigan emerged in October, college leaders had approved the use of these technologies during bowl season as a way to evaluate them for possible permanent use. They are not approved for College Football Playoff games.

Administrators, coaches and even players have spoken publicly in support of evolving play-signaling this year.

“Why would we not want to modernize sideline communication?” ACC commissioner Jim Phillips asked. “These are things that help the game and help players and coaches.”

So far, at least two bowl games have used tablets on the sideline and in the coach’s booth to review in-game video replays; one game — the Independence Bowl — has used helmet communications.

“We are looking forward to getting some really good feedback,” said Steve Shaw, NCAA coordinator of officials. “These two areas of technology are by far and away the thing the coaches talk about and want most.”

In approving the experimental trial, the NCAA Rules Committee created little to no rules around the use of the technologies, leaving the participating bowl teams to each agree on a set of rules.

In most cases, teams using tablets are outfitted with 10 total tablets: eight to use on the sideline and two in the coach’s booth. Tablets are designed with only one capability: to show video feeds of previous plays. The plays are uploaded to the tablet while connected through hardwire. Tablets cannot be taken into the locker room at halftime.

As for helmet communications, teams are taking different approaches.

In its bowl game against Cal, Texas Tech outfitted communication kits in eight helmets. Two on offense (the starting quarterback and backup quarterback) and six on defense — two inside linebackers and a safety and their backups. McGuire and his two coordinators were equipped with a radio pack connected to their waist and tied into their headsets. A simple push of a button opens the line of communication.

As many as three Tech defensive players on the field had capabilities to hear calls from the sideline. On offense, quarterback was the only position with the capabilities.

In its game against Auburn in the Music City Bowl, Maryland will equip six player helmets with the microphone device: three on offense and three on defense. Two offensive players will have the capabilities on the field at the same time: the quarterback and potentially an offensive lineman. The Terrapins will practice with the technology for two weeks before meeting the Tigers on Dec. 30 in Nashville.

Drew Hampton, Maryland’s director of football equipment, has been overseeing the coach-to-player communications operation in College Park. He spent the past 17 years working with the technology in the NFL, where it has been used since 1994.

“I knew it was going to come to college someday,” Hampton said. “This was the time to introduce the new technology.”

In the bowls in which the technology is permitted, both participating teams are opting in for the most part. However, there are exceptions. Maryland’s opponent, Auburn, is using only tablets and not the helmet communications system. In fact, no SEC team is using a helmet communications system in any bowl game, a league spokesman told Yahoo Sports. Auburn coaches agreed to permit Maryland to use the technology even though they will not.

There are concerns from some on overhauling a team’s play-calling system over a matter of days after having used sideline signage for the entire season, SEC commissioner Greg Sankey said.

“That’s a half-measure,” Sankey told Yahoo Sports in November of the experimenting in bowls. “Either you get it done or not get it done. It’s difficult in a bowl game to all of the sudden vary, particularly with a technology that is in its first use.”

The SEC and Big Ten have led the push over the past several years to permanently implement such technologies into the college game. As far back as 2019, the SEC introduced a proposal for helmet communications after the technology worked so well with baseball (dugout-to-catcher communications). Over the summer, the Big Ten submitted a request to experiment with the technology this season in league games.

The NCAA Rules Committee denied the request but approved the bowl experiment. A.J. Edds, the Big Ten’s senior director overseeing football, is co-chair of the NCAA Rules Committee and is overseeing much of the bowl season experiment.

“We are working towards 2024 and this being part of the permissive opportunities to be used,” Edds told Yahoo Sports, “but you don’t flip a switch and this starts working.”

It has been a sometimes arduous process to get agreements in place for bowl season, from the participating teams to conferences to equipment manufacturers as well.

Most of the tablets are Microsoft and for video are using DVSport technology, a software company that has long been part of the college game for practice and video replay footage. Schools are using two different companies for helmet communications: GSC, which equips all of the NFL with its coach-to-player communication system, and CoachComm, which is responsible for providing most FBS programs with their coaching headsets.

At Texas Tech, CoachComm communication kits were fastened inside helmets using velcro. Quarter-sized speakers are placed near the ear holes and connected by wire to a battery and signal pack near the crown of the helmet.

For the most part, Tech’s experience went smoothly, but there was one hiccup. Just before halftime, a kit fastened to a defensive player’s helmet went dead. Thankfully, staff members used the halftime break to replace the device, said Cayman Ancell, Tech’s head equipment manager.

“The players loved it,” Ancell said. “Quarterback loved it. He didn’t have to look at the sideline. He could keep his eyes on the field. The defensive guys wished everybody on defense could have had [the capabilities in their helmets].”

Nearly 30 years after the NFL’s implementation, wireless communication is only now in the experimental phase in college. That leaves many baffled, frustrated and angry. Michigan’s sign-stealing investigation triggered another outcry about the issue from the coaching and administrative community.

“We’ve had a sign-stealing problem for a while, and we’ve got the technology to eliminate the issue,” said Todd Berry, the outgoing director of the American Football Coaches Association. “The cost is minimal. High schools are using the technology. Coaches have been frustrated: Why hasn’t this happened?”

There are two reasons, college leaders say.

The NCAA Rules Committee, a group of 12 administrators from Divisions I, II and III, have failed to approve the matter at least in part for cost-containment reasons. While the cost is not exuberant for those in the highest level of Division I (FBS), it is for those in FCS, DII and DIII with fractions of a budget.

This is a long-running NCAA quagmire: The high-revenue-producing football programs feel handcuffed by those with lower resources, preventing the industry from evolving both on and off the field. In fact, in a proposal made earlier this month, NCAA president Charlie Baker provided his solution for such a problem, splitting Division I into a new subdivision.

The Michigan sign-stealing situation is a “reminder” that the conversation around wireless communication remains important, Sankey said, and “it also seems clear the NCAA Rules Committee is going to have to facilitate a change, not stand in the way.

“We’ve tended to be forward-thinking on the use of technology,” he continued. “We haven’t had permission from the rules committee to do so. There are a lot of divisions on that committee. There is one division that likely has this motivation.”

His coaches share in the frustration.

“For those who play in leagues like we do, who have the funds to do it, in the SEC or the Big Ten or Big 12, whatever it is, we should be able to do it,” Alabama coach Nick Saban said in October while on the Pat McAfee Show. “There's such a discrepancy [in budgets and resources] that we shouldn't be living by the same rules.”

The cost is not astronomical, especially for the many college football programs that produce more than $50 million in revenue annually and pay their head coaches millions in salary.

Texas Tech rented 10 helmet communications units for $20,000. Maryland paid a rental fee of $5,000 for six helmet kits.

But there’s another reason for the stall in approving wireless communications in the college game: helmet manufacturers.

Adding a third-party device to a helmet changes the liability protection in that helmet, a significant issue given the ongoing legal challenges against the NCAA over concussions. According to the NCAA, helmets must meet what is termed as the NOCSAE standard, short for the National Operating Committee on Standards on Athletic Equipment. Institutions this bowl season are taking on the additional liability that comes with altering the helmet.

Edds has spent months communicating with the college game’s biggest helmet manufacturer, Riddell, who, he says, is not reluctant but excited to help evolve the game by installing or having schools install the communication devices. The coach-to-player device GSC meets the NOCSAE standard, said Alex Shada, the company’s owner.

“Our equipment has been tested and approved for us in the NFL,” he said. “Most helmets are identical to those that college players are wearing. The NFL is not going to put something in a helmet that has not met the standards.”

So how quickly after this season could college leaders permanently approve wireless communications? The NCAA Rules Committee meets in late February, but members of the group should have plenty of feedback from bowl season well before that.

Discussions are expected as leaders gather at the national championship site in Houston in the first week of January and again at the NCAA convention the next week.

“We have so many problems right now,” Berry said. “Some of the other problems take the air out of the room. These are easy lifts.”

And yet, the rules committee must determine a permanent policy. That means devising a framework of restrictions around the coach-to-player communication. The two vexing questions:

(1) Should the college game emulate the NFL and restrict any communication from coaches in the final 15 seconds of the play clock?

(2) How many players should have the helmet microphone capability while on the field at the same time?

After using the technology in the Independence Bowl, Wilcox believes there should be a cutoff system like in the NFL. Tech and Cal coaches were afforded the ability to speak into a player’s microphone up until the snap and even afterward.

“What the players don’t need is five coaches telling them what to do,” Wilcox said. “It should be real streamlined. A play-call and maybe a nugget here and there. That’s why the cutoff is important so that the coaches don’t get the player to the line of scrimmage and then play John Madden.”

A constant voice in the helmet can be “crippling” for a player, said Edds, who used the wireless communications system while he played in the NFL for five years.

The NFL permits no more than one player on each offense and defense to have the communication capability. Wilcox believes that more than one designated defensive player on each side of the ball should have the capability, especially defensively.

“If we are trying to get away from sign stealing, it would help to have multiple players,” he said.

It’s unlikely to completely rid the game of signing, coaches say. For no-huddle teams — most of them these days — quarterbacks will be charged with flashing hand signals to other offensive players. The same goes for a linebacker or safety on defense. Audible signs from the sideline are still a possibility as well.

But what if you could get rid of signing all together? Well, you could.

Another decision before the rules committee when members begin to seriously discuss a permanent policy: Will non-audio, wearable play-calling communication be allowed?

Mike Rolih is the founder of GoRout, a visual coach-to-player product that equips more than 1,200 college and high school teams nationwide in a variety of sports. GoRout’s wearable play-calling devices are attached to a player’s waist or wrist, much like an Apple watch. Coaches on the sideline or dugout use a tablet or smartphone to send plays to athletes.

While visual coach-to-player technology is not being used during bowl season, Rolih plans to attend a handful of bowl sites to showcase his system. Several dozen college football teams use the technology in practice, including Washington, Liberty, Auburn and Rutgers, Rolih said.

“A lot of coaches want to use something to speak to their players,” Rolih said. “We don’t look at us competing with the audio [devices]. We look at this as a multi-prong communications structure: an audio component and a visual component.”

At the Hula Bowl All-Star Game this year, players will use Armilla, another wearable play-calling device company that equips DI baseball teams as well. Gerhard De Beer, the founder and president of Armilla, says he has been in communication with the Big Ten and SEC about using their technology if the NCAA allows it. A team’s playbook can be uploaded to a tablet, customized and categorized to make play-calling easier.

“We are not trying to alter the game in any way, shape or form,” De Beer said. “We are taking the current paper on a player’s wrist and making it dynamic for each person or player.”

Some, like McGuire, believe the college game should exactly emulate pro ball: no wearables; a 15-second mic cutoff; one permitted player on each side of the ball; and only still shots on a tablet, not video that’s now being allowed during bowl season.

“Before you screw up the college game, let’s use the highest level of the game,” he said.

Either way, college football can’t turn back now, Ancell said.

It’s full speed ahead into the next era of the sport: wireless helmet communication and sideline replay tablets.

“Since we opened the bag with our coaches already, I don’t see how we can go back,” Ancell said. “It’s going to be tough moving forward to tell coaches, 'Hey, we used this during the bowl game but can’t next season.’”
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 23, 2023, 02:17:16 PM
The cost is not astronomical, especially for the many college football programs that produce more than $50 million in revenue annually and pay their head coaches millions in salary.

Texas Tech rented 10 helmet communications units for $20,000. Maryland paid a rental fee of $5,000 for six helmet kits.


money shouldn't be an issue

any P5 program can simply take it from the Coaching staff salary - if the Coaches would rather have the $$$, they can use hand signs or signs
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on December 23, 2023, 07:42:38 PM
Texas Tech rented 10 helmet communications units for $20,000. Maryland paid a rental fee of $5,000 for six helmet kits.
So, Maryland paid $1,200 a kit and Texas Tech paid $2,00 a kit.

Maybe somebody saw Texas Tech's buyers coming.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 23, 2023, 09:16:17 PM
Oil money 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on December 29, 2023, 01:17:51 PM
I'm in the metroplex for the CB.  Hit Terry Black's last night....brisket was fantastic.  Hitting Hurtado up today & will report back.  Wish us luck vee the evil empire tonight I'll need it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 29, 2023, 02:38:14 PM
Brother has a brisket on the smoker

I'm 26 minutes from Jerry World in Colleyville
had a great lunch at Whistle Britches in South Lake
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on December 29, 2023, 02:43:04 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 02, 2024, 07:53:59 AM
We were in San Diego for a week and I made an effort to have Mexican a couple times.  Both places were somewhat "upscale", which isn't quite what I wanted.  The first place was "OK", different, the second place, a small chain called Miguel's, was quite good, we shared chicken fajitas, usually the chicken is dry and over cooked, here is was quite good.  Nothing creative about it.

I sorta wanted more of a taco stand.  My step kids there don't seem to like Mexican much.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 02, 2024, 09:21:44 AM
I'm tryin a mexican place called Mi Dia from scratch today

Had tacos at a place call Baja Grill in Roanoke last week - good but nothing special

getting tired of BBQ and hot wings
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 02, 2024, 09:26:03 AM
In my experience, really bad Mexican is rare, as is something remarkably good.  It's not that tough to make any of the basic items.

I go to the local place down the street for lunch every so often and I think it's fine.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 02, 2024, 11:00:33 AM
We might have different standards for Mexican food.  In my experience there's tons of really bad Mexican food.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 02, 2024, 11:12:54 AM
In my experience, most people don't know what real Mexican food is.  I sure didn't, before I spent a while down in the valley.  What most people think of as Mexican food is Tex-Mex.  But even that gets screwed up sometimes, and I've definitely been to restaurants that did gross Tex-Mex. 

I'd agree that truly great instances are rare, but I suspect that has more to do with the fact my palette burnt out on Mexican food long ago and I just don't care for it all that much anymore, moreso than there really isn't any great Mexican food.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on January 02, 2024, 11:37:00 AM
We might have different standards for Mexican food.  In my experience there's tons of really bad Mexican food.

i think spice/heat hides mediocrity for some with mex food.  really any food.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 02, 2024, 11:44:41 AM
The best Mexican I've had was because the fish was really fresh in both case, once in Cancun and once in LA.  Otherwise, it's pretty much all the same, even if I dine at a place where I'm the sole Gringo eating.  It may be that the range between average and quite good to me is slight.  I go to the highly recommended places here and they are pretty good, I think, and I'm often the only Gringo in a packed house, but I find Willy's down the street to be about as good.

My neighbor disagrees, he thinks Willy's is bad.  I don't.

I use "mexican food" in a broad sense.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 02, 2024, 12:21:56 PM
In my experience, most people don't know what real Mexican food is.  I sure didn't, before I spent a while down in the valley.  What most people think of as Mexican food is Tex-Mex.  But even that gets screwed up sometimes, and I've definitely been to restaurants that did gross Tex-Mex. 

I'd agree that truly great instances are rare, but I suspect that has more to do with the fact my palette burnt out on Mexican food long ago and I just don't care for it all that much anymore, moreso than there really isn't any great Mexican food. 
There's really no such thing as "real Mexican food."  Like any other large country, there are huge variations in diet and cuisine from one region to another.  Oaxacan Mexican food is not very much like what you find in Mexico City which is also very different from dishes in the Yucatan.  

But speaking generally, there's tons of bad Mexican, Tex-Mex, and Cal-Mex out there in the world.  In my experience.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 02, 2024, 12:31:07 PM
OK, there is Taco Bell, if we include them in this discussion.  I'd include Chipotle as being "Mexican-ish".  They are OK, I'm not much of a fan though.

I think my favorite food item is anything including real fresh fish.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 02, 2024, 01:06:26 PM
In no universe, under no God real or imagined, in no sense, is Taco Bell Mexican food. 

It's not even food.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 02, 2024, 01:08:49 PM
I have not dined there in decades.  They seem to stay in business so someone likes them.  I guess they are "cheap".

We had pizza from Costco one night in SD, I thought it was pretty decent.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 02, 2024, 02:56:51 PM
Mi Dia from scratch was pretty good
upscale place - $15 on the lunch menu

I had the Stacked enchiladas 

My brother's friend Zane had the same dish.
Came with a egg on top.

Better food has fresh, quality, not over cooked ingredients.
The difference for me is the flavors of the sauces
This had a red sauce on one side and a green sauce on the other.
Both very flavorful and neither of them had much heat.

Same with the red & green salsa for the fresh chips although the salsa had a bit of heat. Which was nice.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 03, 2024, 04:10:10 AM
We were out and about and I stopped in for dinner at this place, which is highly regarded aroud here.

El Rey Del Taco – The best authentic Mexican food in Atlanta ( (

I had a shrimp burrito and my wife had shrimp fajitas.  Both were quite good, the burrito wrap was especially tasty.  It was better than my local spot, some, and more $$$, not too bad.  We had two margaritas each.

It was packed at 5 PM with Hispanic looking folks.  Anyway, if you're ever in town ...

This part of town is where a ton of Latins and Asians live now and the food is pretty awesome though Buford Highway is a complete eye sore.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 03, 2024, 09:56:14 AM
going to Sammie's BarbQ in Fort Worth for lunch

I'll report back (

They have Smoked Bolonga but no Beef Rib on the menu
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 03, 2024, 01:19:00 PM
Looks decent, enjoy!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 03, 2024, 02:37:38 PM
Sammies was legit

not in the best part of town - good sign

chopped brisket was good, Sausage was very good, good slaw and beans

brother said the cobbler with ice cream was good

frosted schooners of Shiner!!!

nothing amazing, but everything solid as hell - legit authentic!


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on January 07, 2024, 11:12:12 AM
My brother's friend Zane had the same dish.
Wonder if he read Westerns?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 07, 2024, 12:32:57 PM
Zane Drake played DB and FB for the TCU Horned Frogs 1979-1982

Don't know about his reading habits
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 07, 2024, 12:45:00 PM
This place may not be the same next year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 07, 2024, 12:47:44 PM
well, I'm not going ALL the way to the SEC board just to annoy my Horn fan buddies

Perhaps it's not the A&M Aggies running from the Horns....
maybe it's the Horn fans running from the Husker Prick Squad?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 07, 2024, 08:58:44 PM
Coiuld be, could be.

I reckon I'll still discuss Porch topics right here, and reserve the SEC board for SEC-related commentary.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 07, 2024, 09:46:24 PM
there's only one Porch
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on January 24, 2024, 03:59:17 PM
Today is National Hot Sauce Day.

My question about all that is presented: Is Instacart the best metric?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2024, 05:13:12 PM
Today is National Hot Sauce Day.

My question about all that is presented: Is Instacart the best metric?
If you could get total sales from all grocery stores/convenience stores/specialty stores, that would obviously be better.  But Instacart orders might be a reasonable approximation.

And assuming Instacart orders ARE a reasonable approximation, I'm curious why Texas would rank below, say, Colorado, in "hot sauces ordered" by oz/customer.  Colorado certainly isn't know for its affinity for spicy food.  So I think it might be that their definition of hot sauces must be limited to these pepper/vinegar blends like Frank's/Tobasco/etc., but it must not include salsas with their wider variety of more "fresh" ingredients like tomatoes, onions, tomatillos, etc.  Because when I go to a standard grocery store in Texas, the amount of shelf space allocated to salsa is probably more than double what is allocated to "hot sauces."  And I personally consume probably 50-1 oz of salsa over hot sauce on an average basis.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 24, 2024, 06:19:38 PM
I put hot sauce in my store bought salsa 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 24, 2024, 06:21:36 PM

My question about all that is presented: Is Instacart the best metric?
No idea.
I don't know what instacart is 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 24, 2024, 06:58:36 PM
I put hot sauce in my store bought salsa

Why don't you just buy hotter store-bought salsa?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 24, 2024, 09:10:10 PM
haven't found anything in the store hot enough
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 25, 2024, 12:38:25 AM
haven't found anything in the store hot enough
Come back down to Texico.  Most of the local salsas on the shelf are much hotter than those national hot sauce brands.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 25, 2024, 07:43:41 AM
oh, I'll be back
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 25, 2024, 09:56:13 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 25, 2024, 10:29:27 AM
Louisiana Hot Sauce > Tobasco.

Tobasco might be the state mascot or whatever, but I said what I said.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 25, 2024, 10:43:34 AM
Louisiana Hot Sauce > Tobasco.

Tobasco might be the state mascot or whatever, but I said what I said. 
I like both Louisiana Hot Sauce and Crystal better than Tobasco, but Tobasco seems to be the most common at restaurants, at least around here.

I like Cholula better than all of them but it's a different flavor.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 25, 2024, 11:56:49 AM
While I'm at it, Slap Ya Mama seasoning > Tony Chacharie's.

They may revoke my Louisiana Card, but I will never stop Speaking Truth To Power.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: 847badgerfan on January 25, 2024, 11:58:05 AM
haven't found anything in the store hot enough
This stuff is great.

HABANERO – Papalote Salsa (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 25, 2024, 02:41:14 PM
While I'm at it, Slap Ya Mama seasoning > Tony Chacharie's.

They may revoke my Louisiana Card, but I will never stop Speaking Truth To Power. 
Why would they do that?  Both Slap Yo Mama and Louisiana Hot Sauce are from the state of Louisiana.  

I don't have a strong opinion on the subject at hand, though.  I have both in my pantry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 26, 2024, 06:55:09 AM
I like Tabasco Green.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on January 26, 2024, 10:10:44 AM
me too

it's mild, kinda mild like my favorite

Tabasco smokey Chipotle 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 26, 2024, 11:53:49 AM
Why would they do that?  Both Slap Yo Mama and Louisiana Hot Sauce are from the state of Louisiana. 

I don't have a strong opinion on the subject at hand, though.  I have both in my pantry.

Tobasco and Tony's are generally accepted to be the best, with all else being lesser.  Think of them like Alabama, whereas Slap Ya Mama and Louisiana Hot Sauce are Auburn.  They've got their fans, everybody knows them, and they're accepted as a legit thing, but most people are on the Tobasco/Tony's bandwagon (Alabama). 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on January 26, 2024, 12:21:42 PM
I also like Frank's, it has more flavor and moderate heat.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 26, 2024, 05:01:59 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 29, 2024, 02:57:12 PM
So is OU and Texas baseball in the SEC this season or what?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 29, 2024, 04:22:42 PM
So is OU and Texas baseball in the SEC this season or what? 
I dont think so
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 29, 2024, 04:47:01 PM
Nope.  The two schools will finish out the 2023/2024 school year in the B12.  The change happens on July1 or something like that, after the  baseball CWS is complete, which I think is typically the last collegiate sporting event of each school year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 30, 2024, 09:49:25 AM
Pfft.  I'm old fashioned, so years should just be years.  Phooey on all these fiscal years, school years, etc. 

Just come on and play ball with us already.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 30, 2024, 10:15:14 AM
Really nowhere to go but down for LSU.  I expect they'll be good this year and probably get a tourney slot and maybe make a run, but they lose a lot from last year, including almost certainly the best pitcher and batter LSU has ever seen.  There is no "reloading" when guys like that move on.  And even with them, LSU had to pull off two miracles against Wake Forest and Florida in the CWS.  Not sure where to set expectations this year, but methinks a national championship is off the table.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 30, 2024, 10:35:10 AM
Didn't remember that y'all won it last year, congrats on that!

After Texas lost in the superregional, and then my family went on vacation for 2 weeks, I completely checked out on college baseball.

I haven't even looked at who we have coming back.  Over the past few years, it hasn't really mattered.  The team always tends to struggle early, somehow share or split a conference championship but rarely win it outright, put on a decent run through the NCAA tournament, but not really compete for a NC.  I know a lot of folks would be happy with that, but most Texas fans have higher expectations.  It's now been almost 20 years since Texas won the CWS.  It's been 15 since we played in the Finals.  That's just pretty disappointing, honestly.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MikeDeTiger on January 31, 2024, 09:48:24 AM
Augie is probably a hard guy to replace.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on January 31, 2024, 10:51:28 AM
Apparently so.

IMO it's time to move on from our current staff.  They're not bad, they're pretty good in fact, but we've seen their peak and it's not good enough.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on January 31, 2024, 11:37:58 AM
UT is currently ranked 13th 

who knows just have to wait and find out how good they will be
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 10, 2024, 08:57:11 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 24, 2024, 06:32:19 PM (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 24, 2024, 07:20:21 PM (

The portal and Nil have done much more damage to CFB then having a playoff
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 25, 2024, 05:42:45 PM
Mapsplaining Barbecue (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 26, 2024, 09:15:35 AM
Best BBQ, Texas.  Yessir.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on February 26, 2024, 03:12:41 PM
Heh! I didn't hear anything about "best" on that video.

De gustibus non disputandam est.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 26, 2024, 03:29:30 PM
Heh! I didn't hear anything about "best" on that video.

De gustibus non disputandam est.

You hafta watch all the way to the end.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 26, 2024, 09:51:21 PM
sooners, not laters
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on February 28, 2024, 08:00:47 AM
I will say, the first few times I had eastern Carlina BBQ I was mystified and not impressed.  I was of course used to the tomatoey sauce slathered on top of "something".  I don't recall really liking BBQ as a youngster except maybe ribs.  I got used to it in time, much as I did with Cincy chili.  I got used to coffee and beer and wine as well, so it happens.  

I noticed Fox Bros here serves their pull pork bare with sauces on the table, and one of the choices is clearly the vinegary type.  I tried a bit last time, it's just different, but if the pork is good, it works.  The do a lot of slaw in NC as well of course.

I'm still bummed I spent nearly two weeks in Provence and never once had bouillabaisse.  I can't spell it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 28, 2024, 02:40:22 PM
I love pulled pork, no need for weird vinegary sauces, just capture the pan drippings during the cook and reintroduce some of them into the meat after you shred it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on February 29, 2024, 09:44:36 PM
 weird sauces are good once in a while to add variety to pulled pork

not really any need for them, but variety is the spice of life

I've been told
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on February 29, 2024, 09:55:49 PM
Eh, I don't like vinegary sauces on BBQ pork.  They're not only unnecessary, they just don't taste good.  My opinion, of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on February 29, 2024, 10:12:59 PM
Eh, I don't like vinegary sauces on BBQ pork.  They're not only unnecessary, they just don't taste good.  My opinion, of course.

The BBQ rest near us always sends both the vinegar sauce and their reg BBQ sauce when I order a pulled pork sandwich

I always use their reg sauce
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 01, 2024, 12:57:21 AM
You hafta watch all the way to the end. 
I did watch all the way to the end. I just missed the part 4 minutes or so before the end where he jokingly said that Texas BBQ is best. Probably blinked and sneezed at the same time.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 01, 2024, 09:29:12 AM
I usually try a dab of vinegary sauce on a piece of pulled pork.  I'll even try mustard based if they have it.  Places often have sweeter and hotter red sauce.  As noted, really good PP doesn't need any/much sauce at all.  My first bite will be "bare" to see if it's really good.

I do prefer dry rubs ribs over slathered.

Think about how much variety there is in "real BBQ" anyway, as noted in the video, it's a good thing, to me.  You can find cow or pig pretty readily, and then sometimes goat or boar or whatever else is usually stringy meat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 01, 2024, 09:44:23 AM
I usually try a dab of vinegary sauce on a piece of pulled pork.  I'll even try mustard based if they have it.  Places often have sweeter and hotter red sauce.  As noted, really good PP doesn't need any/much sauce at all.  My first bite will be "bare" to see if it's really good.

I do prefer dry rubs ribs over slathered.

Think about how much variety there is in "real BBQ" anyway, as noted in the video, it's a good thing, to me.  You can find cow or pig pretty readily, and then sometimes goat or boar or whatever else is usually stringy meat.
Definitely this.  I can't stand saucy, syrupy ribs.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 01, 2024, 10:07:11 AM
Well, if someone gives me slathered ribs, I'll eat'em.  

I've even eaten McRibs, but well in the distant past.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 01, 2024, 10:50:34 AM
Well, if someone gives me slathered ribs, I'll eat'em. 

I've even eaten McRibs, but well in the distant past. 

I won't.  I'll politely pass and get something else.  Can't stand wet ribs.  Grosses me out, and the sloppy goop hides the flavor of the meat so what's the point anyway.

The McRib is entirely different.  It's basically a sloppy joe with a formed patty instead of loose meat.  Not that I've had one in 20 years, but I liked them back in the day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 01, 2024, 11:24:09 AM
Most ribs around here are slathered of course, I suspect most diners don't know dry rub ribs is a thing.  A few places offer both, but the image of BBQ ribs here is slathered with sauce.  I've never had ribs at Fox Bros., maybe I'll try them next time.  See photo.

I see at our Kroger prepackaged ribs that you put in the oven and they are all slathered.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 01, 2024, 11:52:06 AM
Texas is better known for dry rub but there are places here that do wet ribs, also.  It's definitely not my thing.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 01, 2024, 12:09:07 PM
Fox Bros. has quite decent Brunswick stew which my wife and I both get as sides.  She gets slaw and I get collards.  So, they have adapted some to the locale which makes sense.  My guess is they compare pretty well with the better Texas outfits in Texas.

Now I'm hungry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 01, 2024, 01:01:33 PM
all the BBQ places around here use dry rub
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 01, 2024, 03:14:07 PM
It's a regional thing.  Heh.  I much prefer dry rub now that I've had it a few times, or many times.

This place is near us and crowded much of the time.  I've eaten there a few times, to me it's not great at all.  But they are "world famous" apparently.  They do feature blues acts at night, so there is that.


The odd thing to me, sign of the times, is when we went, all their servers were white gals, and everyone behind the counter was black.  I presume Matt is black.  I'm not much on such rankings as below, but at least Fox Bros got fourth.

The 10 Best Barbecue Restaurants in Atlanta - Atlanta Magazine (

I tried "Community Q" once, it was so so.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 02, 2024, 08:04:44 AM
I did watch all the way to the end. I just missed the part 4 minutes or so before the end where he jokingly said that Texas BBQ is best. Probably blinked and sneezed at the same time.

and farted
or sharted
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 02, 2024, 08:08:23 AM
I won't.  I'll politely pass and get something else.  Can't stand wet ribs.  Grosses me out, and the sloppy goop hides the flavor of the meat so what's the point anyway.

The McRib is entirely different.  It's basically a sloppy joe with a formed patty instead of loose meat.  Not that I've had one in 20 years, but I liked them back in the day.
well, if you liked the McRib but are grossed out by an actual rib with sauce, you are a strange bird
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 02, 2024, 09:03:22 AM
As with nearly everything, BBQ "taste" is personal, with the exception of a type you have yet to try.  I've been to several luaus, and I'd consider that BBQ (without smoke).  They are more of a show than a feed, but you do get fed.  The pork is solid (pulled) with no sauce.  I don't think they even have it on the side.  They do serve "poi" which is about as tasteless a thing as I've ever had, even as compared with unadorned grits.  It's a touristy thing, the only reason I go back is if I'm with others who have never been and want me to go with them.

I had a gf in school for a while who was from Long Island.  She invited me home with her once and said we'd have "barbecued swordfish".  That trip didn't happen, but it left me wondering what in the world that could be.  I think it wasn't until I moved to Cincy that I realized what folks in the north mean by "barbecue".

I probably mentioned having barbecue in Scotland of all places, it was the real deal, they were quite anxious for my opinion.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 02, 2024, 09:30:02 AM
well, if you liked the McRib but are grossed out by an actual rib with sauce, you are a strange bird
One's a rib.  One's a sloppy joe sandwich.  Not really the same thing at all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 02, 2024, 09:40:06 AM

if you prefer a poorly done sloppy joe that isn't too sloppy to an actual rib...... I can't help ya

I make a helluva lot better sloppy Joe than anything McDonalds has ever done - you know with good ingredients and some flavor
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 03, 2024, 10:45:00 AM
Sloppy joe is fine for what it is.

Sloppy ribs not so much.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 03, 2024, 10:56:10 AM
I have not had an SJ in ages.  I'm fine with slathered ribs, though I will often scrape off much of the slather.

I'd guess we would agree that really good BBQ doesn't need "sauce" of any ilk, and yet, the sauce is what most folks think of with Q.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 03, 2024, 11:20:33 AM
too often places are not authentic bbq and try to hide it by using liquid smoke etc and lots of sauce spread over the product

we were proud of our bbq and even featured our pits through glass windows so our customers could see how authentic bbq was produced
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 03, 2024, 01:08:46 PM
The pits here are outside, and you can smell them, or if you can't, go elsewhere.

An Indian restaurant near us has a glassed in portion around their "tanks" that is interesting.  Where they make their bread, dunno what you call'em.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on March 04, 2024, 11:50:38 AM
I hear there’s a big game tonight between future SEC conference mates. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 04, 2024, 01:13:57 PM
I hear there’s a big game tonight between future SEC conference mates.
really what sport and gender
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on March 04, 2024, 01:58:31 PM
really what sport and gender
My bad, tomorrow night.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 04, 2024, 02:12:03 PM
My bad, tomorrow night. 
ok if you are talking about mens BB I'll take a pass

The Horns suck this year
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on March 04, 2024, 02:59:13 PM
ok if you are talking about mens BB I'll take a pass

The Horns suck this year
Kinda early to throw in the towel?  Especially before conference play starts? 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 04, 2024, 03:20:10 PM
Kinda early to throw in the towel?  Especially before conference play starts?
I think he's talking about the men's basketball team, not the baseball team.

But I don't have much confidence in the baseball team this year either to be honest.  Pretty lame start to the season so far.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 04, 2024, 03:20:34 PM
better get that very short conference season started soon

it's almost March

BB = Basket Ball
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 04, 2024, 03:21:05 PM
Kinda early to throw in the towel?  Especially before conference play starts?
Conference play started a while ago

The horns are 8 and 8 in conference

and they suck
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 04, 2024, 03:27:54 PM
The UGA BBall team had a nice start, and then a complete and utter collapse in February.  They are in the running for biggest gap between CFB and MBB.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 04, 2024, 03:52:19 PM
The UGA BBall team had a nice start, and then a complete and utter collapse in February.  They are in the running for biggest gap between CFB and MBB.
sorry I wasnt talking about baseball

I might watch that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on March 04, 2024, 03:57:16 PM
Aggies and Horns in baseball.  Sheesh, some of youz guyz are thick.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 04, 2024, 03:59:08 PM
thick as a brick
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 04, 2024, 04:03:36 PM
I did originally ask what sport and gender he was talking about

Had that question been answered all the confusion could have been avoided

now leave me alone Im going back to sleep
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 04, 2024, 05:12:01 PM
On the bright side, the NCAA swimming and diving championships are coming up at the end of the month.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on March 14, 2024, 12:19:11 PM
for Burnt Eyes - a Pi lover

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on March 14, 2024, 05:55:52 PM
I think we all love pi.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 23, 2024, 11:45:07 AM
Battleship Texas was refloated a few days ago. (

The guy doing the video can't add. He thinks that 1914 + 120 = 2024.

Has it been decided where Texas' new berth will be?

Texas just came out of drydock, and Battleship New Jersey is being floated down the Delaware River to go into drydock. ( (

Talk starts at about 14:10 in the second video.

The Iowas (of which New Jersey is one) were the biggest, heaviest, fastest, most-heavily armed U.S. Navy battleships. And the most beautiful too, IMO. The North Carolinas are awful pretty too.

USS New Jersey is the most-decorated battleship in U.S. Navy history. 9 battle stars for WWII and 2 for Korea.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 23, 2024, 01:08:32 PM
The Battleship Texas will be perminately Birthed in Galvestion
I think at Pier 21's%20permanent%20home.-,As%20major%20repairs%20continue%20on%20the%20historic%20Battleship%20Texas%2C%20plans,21%20waterfront%20development%20in%20Galveston.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 06:28:02 AM

I saw this Beaumont and Baytown being rejected and didn't understand whether or not it was implied that Galveston was not being considered either.

Once repairs are complete, the Battleship Texas Foundation intends to berth the ship at a different city; Galveston and many other Texas cities are interested but in March 2023, Baytown (,_Texas) and Beaumont (,_Texas) were told by the foundation that they were no longer under consideration. As part of the conditions for receiving the $35 million from the Texas government, Texas can only be berthed in the upper coast region of Texas after she is repaired, meaning any part of the Texas coastline from the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge ( to the Louisiana border.
Why was the idea of returning it to San Jacinto State Park rejected? Not close enough to the coast?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 24, 2024, 09:58:17 AM

Why was the idea of returning it to San Jacinto State Park rejected? Not close enough to the coast?

The number of visitors at San Jacinto had decreased a lot.  The state depends on money raised from visitors to help maintain the ship.

Because Galveston had already demonstraited its visitor level would be much higher by birthing the  restored tall ship Elissa and had expressed an eagerness to birth the Texas it was chosen.

See add for visiting the Elissa:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 02:49:57 PM
That's cool, 320!

So, the video says that Elissa is "over 200 feet long, with a mast that stands 100 feet above the deck."

Per the Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge, she's 140 feet long. But the length of ships can be measured different ways--length at the waterline is one, length from the foremost piece of the ship (the jib boom, in this case) to the stern (which often is further aft than the rudder) is another. I suspect that the Font is using the former measurement, while the video is using the latter.

Eyeballing it, I'd say that the top of the mainmast is at least 100 feet above the deck.

It's interesting all the things that "ship" can mean. One of the meanings is a vessel that carries smaller vessels--boats--on it. Elissa is a ship by that definition. Another meaning is a sailing vessel that has at least three masts, all square-rigged. In this sense, Elissa is not a ship, but a barque, because the mainsail on her mizzenmast is fore-and-aft rigged. Change the rigging on the mizzenmast and she'd be a ship in that sense. OTOH, change the rigging on her mainmast to fore-and-aft, and she'd be a barquentine.

Anyway, she's a very handsome vessel. It would be a treat to ride on her for an afternoon.

I wish some of the great American clipper ships of the mid-19th century had survived. The only surviving clipper I know of is Cutty Sark, built in 1869, at the very end of the clipper era, now berthed in London.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2024, 04:26:50 PM
It's interesting all the things that "ship" can mean. One of the meanings is a vessel that carries smaller vessels--boats--on it.
I had never heard that, but perhaps it explains why submarines are called boats in general.

Some submarines can of course carry other smaller vessels, and perhaps even a torpedo might be considered a "vessel", depending on how THAT is defined.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 04:48:54 PM
We're 2-1/2 months out from the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

I was looking for a map on the invasion beaches and I found this.


You can see where USS Texas had her firing position for the naval bombardment, about 1/3 of the way between the center and the left edge. SE of her is USS Arkansas, a class earlier than Texas. WNW of Texas is Nevada, a class newer than Texas, and sister ship of Oklahoma. Both of those two were at Pearl Harbor on 7 Dec 41.

Interestingly, there's an Enterprise between Texas and Nevada. It's HMS Enterprise, a light cruiser and the 14th ship (of 15) of that name to be commissioned into the Royal Navy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2024, 05:26:06 PM
I don't completely understand why naval gunfire in support of ground forces was so limited in effect (usually).  They had spotters and complete air control in this one.  Any 14 inch shell is far larger than most land artillery.  I know some Germans were in serious concrete bunkers, I've seen them up close.  But naval guns are designed to be able to hit moving ships, not stationary land targets.  (Granted, they don't hit ships very often either.)  Maybe the issue is that spotting aircraft can't make out much on the ground, or have to stay at too high an altitude.

The 21st Panzer had some initial success on D Day even when under heavy naval artillery fire.  My question is how any survived.

The Reception: The Germans on D-Day | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans ( ( Germans did manage one,the front at the moment).)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 05:36:19 PM
I had never heard that, but perhaps it explains why submarines are called boats in general.

Some submarines can of course carry other smaller vessels, and perhaps even a torpedo might be considered a "vessel", depending on how THAT is defined.
I don't know if there's a universally agreed-upon definition of boat compared to ship. But the submarines of modern navies are certainly ships.
The two-man midget subs that were part of the Pearl Harbor attack? I think they should properly be considered boats.
Speaking of those midget subs, one of them is involved with an interesting story.
In 1918, Wickes-class destroyer USS Ward was built in a record 17-1/2 days at Mare Island Navy Yard, CA. She was laid down on 15 May and launched on 1 June. She was commissioned on 24 July. She was transferred to the Atlantic just about the time that the Great War ended. She was part of the surface support of the trans-Atlantic flight of the U.S. Navy's NC flying boats in May 1919. She returned to the Pacific a few months later and was decommissioned on 21 July 1921.
Here's a semi-well-known picture of "Destroyer No. 139" under construction.

[img width=397.983 height=500][/img]

The outbreak of WWII in Sep 39 brought Ward back into service. She was recommissioned on 15 Jan 41 and sent to Pearl Harbor soon thereafter. She operated on local patrols over the course of the year. On 5 Dec 41 she got a new skipper, Lt. Cdr. William Outerbridge. It was his first command.

Two days later, before dawn, Ward was patrolling off the entrance to Pearl Harbor. At 0357, Ward got a visual signal from minesweeper USS Condor (AMc-14) that a periscope had been spotted. Ward began searching for that periscope. At 0637, she spotted what looked like a conning tower trailing cargo ship USS Antares (AKS-3) heading toward the entrance to the harbor. Otterbridge gave the command to open fire, and at about 0645 she holed and sank the midget sub that that conning tower belonged to. Ward thus drew first blood in the war between Japan and the U.S. She reported the sub engaged and sunk twice, at 0651 and 0653, but delays in seeking confirmation and reluctance to believe the report resulted in the message not being rapidly transmitted up the chain of command.

In 1942, Ward, redesignated as APD-16, along with several other 4-stacker destroyers, was converted into a high-speed troop transport. She steamed to the South Pacific in early 1943. She served in the Solomons campaign, helped in the defense of the air attack on Tulagi, participated in the Cape Gloucester invasion, and participated in the assaults on Saidor, Nissan Island, Emirau, Aitape, Biak, Cape Sansapor, and Morotai. By Oct 44, she was operating in and around the Philippines. Per the Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge:

On 17 October 1944, she put troops ashore on Dinagat Island during the opening phase of the Leyte invasion. After spending the rest of October and November escorting ships to and from Leyte, in early December, Ward transported Army personnel during the landings at Ormoc Bay, Leyte. On the morning of 7 December, three years to the day after she fired the opening shot of the Pearl Harbor attack, she came under attack by several Japanese kamikazes while patrolling off the invasion area. One bomber hit her hull amidships, bringing her to a dead stop. When the resulting fires could not be controlled, Ward's crew was ordered to abandon ship, and she was sunk by gunfire from [USS] O'Brien [DD-725], whose commanding officer, William W. Outerbridge, had been in command of Ward during her action in Hawaii three years before.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 05:45:24 PM
I don't completely understand why naval gunfire in support of ground forces was so limited in effect (usually).  They had spotters and complete air control in this one.  Any 14 inch shell is far larger than most land artillery.  I know some Germans were in serious concrete bunkers, I've seen them up close.  But naval guns are designed to be able to hit moving ships, not stationary land targets.  (Granted, they don't hit ships very often either.)  Maybe the issue is that spotting aircraft can't make out much on the ground, or have to stay at too high an altitude.

The 21st Panzer had some initial success on D Day even when under heavy naval artillery fire.  My question is how any survived.

The Reception: The Germans on D-Day | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans ( ( Germans did manage one,the front at the moment).)
I don't know if this clears up any of your puzzlement, but naval guns have an interesting difference from artillery. They typically fire on low-angle trajectories. Thus, they are pretty accurate in direction, but not so accurate in distance. And they are not firing from a stationary position like artillery does either. The ship is typically underway rather than anchored, and it is pitching and rolling to some degree.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 06:11:36 PM
I don't know if the picture of USS Ward under construction is showing up or not.

I'll try it again.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2024, 06:56:42 PM
Plunging fire - Naval History Forums ( (

Some discussion about angle of fire of naval guns.  There were advantages in high angles of fire, 35° or more, the Iowa's guns could elevate to 45°.  And they were intended to hit ships also moving at sea, not statonary targets, as on land.  The relative motion of the ship could be managed by various computers and "automatic" delayed fire to adjust for ship rolling motions.

The USS Washington is said to have hit the IJN Kirishima at ~10,000 yards at night at least 9 times out of 79.  That's pretty good shooting against a pretty fast target.

So, gunnery COULD lay down very accurate fire on stationary and moving targets.  The fire control systems in WW II were pretty advanced.

I'm just surprised the Germans could get armor anywhere near the D Day invasion beaches without it's being spotted (???) and targetted effectively by naval gunnery.  Even a 5" shell fairly near a tank would likely take it out.

I was just on Okinawa where of course "we" blasted the heck out of the place and yet significant Japanese fortifications persisted.  One we visited was pretty far undeground (75 m), so that is explainable.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 07:10:25 PM
That was an interesting piece from MHQ via the National WWII Museum.

The author surely is better-informed than I am, but I wonder if he isn't overstating the Allies' advantages on 6 Jun just a bit.

The German LXXXIV Corps was facing the spearhead (as the author states) of two Allied Armies. It's easy to slide past "spearhead" and think about how poor LXXXIV Corps is going to have to defeat two Allied Armies all by itself.

In reality, those two Allied armies consisted of four corps, three of them what we would consider understrength. US VII Corps (Utah Beach) had four divisions, two infantry and two airborne. The 90th Infantry Division and the 101st Airborne Division had never seen combat. US V Corps (Omaha Beach) had two infantry divisions, one of which, the 29th, had never seen combat. UK XXX Corps (Gold Beach) had one infantry division. It had seen action since May 1940. UK I Corps had responsibility for both Juno and Sword Beaches. At Juno Beach, there was had one division that had no combat experience. At Sword Beach, there was an infantry division that had seen combat beginning in May 1940 and an airborne division that was going into action for the first time.

A rule of thumb is that the attacker should have at least a 3:1 advantage in combat power to prevail. If you add up the numbers, that's about what the Allies had on 6 Jun. But the Allies used their combat power better. They used the English Channel like an interstate highway network. It let them move forces and ships to apply the fire and maneuver very effectively. Meanwhile, the Germans effed it up. They had critically poor command and control of their 10 panzer divisions, so those divisions accomplished almost nothing on D-Day.

The German army has never conducted an amphibious operation. Being a continental rather than maritime power, it has never had to do so. The Germans saw a cross-channel operation in terms of a river crossing. Compared with the Allied planning (and execution) for D-Day, the German planning for Operation Sea Lion (the planned invasion of southern England in 1940) looks comically poor. And that is a big part of the reason that the Germans weren't well-prepared to deal with the Allies on the Day of Days.

I'd also like to add that the Panzer Mk. IV was not greatly outclassed by the Sherman, the most common Allied tank on 6 Jun. Its major disadvantage was that the weigh of better armament and protection had hurt its mobility. But the Germans were on the defensive. Had they employed their tanks better, earlier, they could have had them in prepared fighting position with frontal cover facing Shermans having to expose themselves by maneuvering. As it was, the panzer units were well to the rear on 6 Jun and the lack of tactical mobility hurt their ability to move forward and contribute significantly to the defense.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 07:31:48 PM
Plunging fire - Naval History Forums ( (

Some discussion about angle of fire of naval guns.  There were advantages in high angles of fire, 35° or more, the Iowa's guns could elevate to 45°.  And they were intended to hit ships also moving at sea, not statonary targets, as on land.  The relative motion of the ship could be managed by various computers and "automatic" delayed fire to adjust for ship rolling motions.

The USS Washington is said to have hit the IJN Kirishima at ~10,000 yards at night at least 9 times out of 79.  That's pretty good shooting against a pretty fast target.

So, gunnery COULD lay down very accurate fire on stationary and moving targets.  The fire control systems in WW II were pretty advanced.

I'm just surprised the Germans could get armor anywhere near the D Day invasion beaches without it's being spotted (???) and targetted effectively by naval gunnery.  Even a 5" shell fairly near a tank would likely take it out.

I was just on Okinawa where of course "we" blasted the heck out of the place and yet significant Japanese fortifications persisted.  One we visited was pretty far undeground (75 m), so that is explainable.
We didn't have Iowas at Normandy. We didn't have South Dakotas. We didn't have North Carolinas (re the point about Washington). We didn't have Colorados, or Tennessees, or New Mexicos, or Pennsylvanias. The newest battleship we had was Nevada (commissioned in 1916), then Texas (1914), then Arkansas (1912), with 12" guns. Their fire-control systems had been upgraded over the years, of course. But their main-gun turrets weren't upgraded, and they weren't firing at 45 degrees of elevation.
And, re spotters, I don't know how many spotter airplanes (if any) were in the air over Normandy. I don't think that they would have had a very good survival rate. It was a gloomy day and visibility wasn't good. And the battleships were firing at targets that were at a higher elevation than they were. I don't know what they would have seen to base adjustments on. I don't think that they had counter-battery radar.

Speaking of radar, USS Washington hit IJN Kirishima using radar to find her and adjust fire on her. I don't think radar would have done much good when ships were trying to hit inland targets. Many of those targets would have been in radar dead zones.

I'm not trying to be argumentative. But I'll paraphrase Clausewitz her: "In war, everything is simple. But even the simplest thing is very difficult."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2024, 07:34:17 PM
I've played D Day a number of times on various computer platforms, and on one board game.  It's interesting, but the Germans almost never can "win" in any sense.  I came close against a friend on a board game once by reinforcing the 352nd at Omaha and throwing the 1st and 29th back to the sea, but that meant the forces at the other beaches had almost no German defensive strength.  They allow various scenarios including the Rommel plan and having  the German commanders more awake.  It's still tough.  

On the other hand, as you note, amphibious assaults are very risky, a lot can go wrong, and will.  The German 352nd was understrength but included a lot of experienced infantry.  Below is from wiki.

Later analysis of naval support during the pre-landing phase concluded that the navy had provided inadequate bombardment, given the size and extent of the planned assault.[33] ( Kenneth P. Lord, a U.S. Army planner for the D-Day invasion, says that, upon hearing the naval gunfire support plan for Omaha, which limited support to one battleship, two cruisers and six destroyers, he and other planners were very upset, especially in light of the tremendous naval gunfire support given to landings in the Pacific.[34] (

Historian Adrian R. Lewis postulates that American casualties would have been greatly reduced if a longer barrage had been implemented,[35] ( although the First Infantry Division Chief of Staff said that the Division would not have been able to move off the beach without effective naval gunfire.[36] (

Those various German fortifications above Omaha were pretty sturdy looking, to me, reinforced concrete roofs about a meter in thickness.  I just wonder why 14" AP shells wouldn't either penetrate or basically make anyone inside ineffective.  And the Germans we seeing in movies running outside to man their posts could have been easily targetted, I would think.  I'm guessing I'm missing something.

The Point du Hoc area is cratered completely of course, I think some of that was from the air.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 24, 2024, 07:38:28 PM
Naval Guns at Normandy ( (

Our large ships would be forced to remain outside the shoals, much further than we wished them to be, but there was no help for it. They too would be confined to swept channels with consequent loss of their mobility when engaged by the heavily protected defense guns.
Our advance knowledge of the general characteristics and exact location of the batteries was of tremendous importance. For we could plan the arrangement of our ships so that the toughest batteries would be engaged by our most powerful ships.

The NEPTUNE Plan called for an approach to the Normandy coast during darkness. It seemed too optimistic to expect the enemy to be caught napping. Our spotting aircraft would not arrive until about daylight and we believed the Allied ships would be under heavy fire long before that.

To meet this contingency, we prepared a plan called "ZEBRA." Modern radar and navigational equipment had made it possible for the captains to know, within acceptable limits, the exact positions of their ships at any instant. This greatly simplified the gunnery problem and permitted us to shoot "blind" with considerable accuracy. When signal was made our bombardment group would open fire, each upon its own designated target. Unaware of which batteries were shooting, we would take all the important ones under simultaneous fire. There is something very disturbing to the receiver in the deafening violence of close bursting high power shells. At night its effect is enhanced. It would be our business to see to it that the enemy batteries were too occupied with us to turn their attention to the troop laden boats as they approached the shore. Whether we destroyed them or not we must prevent them from doing what Rommel expected them to do.

We had no illusions, however, that blind firing, day or night, no matterhow good, would destroy or permanently disable such well designed and protected batteries. No artillery, afloat or ashore, could do so without expert spotting. The spotter is the "eyes of the ship." He is in a place overlooking the target where he can report precisely where the shells are falling and their effect, This does by special radio to the ship.

Spotting is a highly specialized task for a man who must be cool and steady. He may be on the ground, near the target; afloat, where he had a close view; or in the air. Naval spotters, in sea battles or in the early phases of amphibious assault must, of course, be in aircraft.

Since the 1920s, air spotting and scouting had been an important factor in the U.S. Navy, Highly efficient seaplane units were a part of each larger ship. Far reaching were their effects on the growth of U.S. naval aviation and its acceptance by our Navy as a whole back in the 1920s and 30s.

But Normandy differed from previous amphibious objectives in the Pacific and Mediterranean in the strength of enemy anti-aircraft preparation. The Cotentin was studded with "flak towers" and all the defense positions were supplemented with AA guns. Slow seaplanes such as we normally used would not long survive over that country.
The Allies possessed no fast two-seater planes. The British offered perhaps the only solution by providing a spotting "pool" of fast fighters. In it were: four squadrons of R.N. Seafires (Naval Spitfires), five squadrons of RAF Spitfires and Mustangs (many of these would be withdrawn after noon of D-day), added to these were 17 USN pilots taken from our ships, who quickly learned to fly Spitfires. They were expert spotters. Most of the RAF pilots had no previous experience in spotting, a function which differed greatly from their normal tasks, The training they received was good, but very brief.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 07:42:32 PM
I've played D Day a number of times on various computer platforms, and on one board game.  It's interesting, but the Germans almost never can "win" in any sense.  I came close against a friend on a board game once by reinforcing the 352nd at Omaha and throwing the 1st and 29th back to the sea, but that meant the forces at the other beaches had almost no German defensive strength.  They allow various scenarios including the Rommel plan and having  the German commanders more awake.  It's still tough. 

On the other hand, as you note, amphibious assaults are very risky, a lot can go wrong, and will.  The German 352nd was understrength but included a lot of experienced infantry.  Below is from wiki.

Later analysis of naval support during the pre-landing phase concluded that the navy had provided inadequate bombardment, given the size and extent of the planned assault.[33] ( Kenneth P. Lord, a U.S. Army planner for the D-Day invasion, says that, upon hearing the naval gunfire support plan for Omaha, which limited support to one battleship, two cruisers and six destroyers, he and other planners were very upset, especially in light of the tremendous naval gunfire support given to landings in the Pacific.[34] (

Historian Adrian R. Lewis postulates that American casualties would have been greatly reduced if a longer barrage had been implemented,[35] ( although the First Infantry Division Chief of Staff said that the Division would not have been able to move off the beach without effective naval gunfire.[36] (

Those various German fortifications above Omaha were pretty sturdy looking, to me, reinforced concrete roofs about a meter in thickness.  I just wonder why 14" AP shells wouldn't either penetrate or basically make anyone inside ineffective.  And the Germans we seeing in movies running outside to man their posts could have been easily targetted, I would think.  I'm guessing I'm missing something.

The Point du Hoc area is cratered completely of course, I think some of that was from the air.
Good stuff. Re the bolded, those much more extensive pre-invasion bombardments in the Pacific Theater often didn't work very well either.
I haven't studied the Normandy invasion much in a long time. But I think I remember that we didn't want to give away where the landings would be with a long preparatory bombardment. I know that we did not concentrate our aerial bombardment in the weeks before the invasion just on Normandy. I think it was something like 1:3. For every bomb dropped along the Normandy coast, three bombs needed to be dropped on targets outside of Normandy.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 24, 2024, 08:00:25 PM
Naval Guns at Normandy ( (

Our large ships would be forced to remain outside the shoals, much further than we wished them to be, but there was no help for it. They too would be confined to swept channels with consequent loss of their mobility when engaged by the heavily protected defense guns.
Our advance knowledge of the general characteristics and exact location of the batteries was of tremendous importance. For we could plan the arrangement of our ships so that the toughest batteries would be engaged by our most powerful ships.

The NEPTUNE Plan called for an approach to the Normandy coast during darkness. It seemed too optimistic to expect the enemy to be caught napping. Our spotting aircraft would not arrive until about daylight and we believed the Allied ships would be under heavy fire long before that.

To meet this contingency, we prepared a plan called "ZEBRA." Modern radar and navigational equipment had made it possible for the captains to know, within acceptable limits, the exact positions of their ships at any instant. This greatly simplified the gunnery problem and permitted us to shoot "blind" with considerable accuracy. When signal was made our bombardment group would open fire, each upon its own designated target. Unaware of which batteries were shooting, we would take all the important ones under simultaneous fire. There is something very disturbing to the receiver in the deafening violence of close bursting high power shells. At night its effect is enhanced. It would be our business to see to it that the enemy batteries were too occupied with us to turn their attention to the troop laden boats as they approached the shore. Whether we destroyed them or not we must prevent them from doing what Rommel expected them to do.

We had no illusions, however, that blind firing, day or night, no matterhow good, would destroy or permanently disable such well designed and protected batteries. No artillery, afloat or ashore, could do so without expert spotting. The spotter is the "eyes of the ship." He is in a place overlooking the target where he can report precisely where the shells are falling and their effect, This does by special radio to the ship.

Spotting is a highly specialized task for a man who must be cool and steady. He may be on the ground, near the target; afloat, where he had a close view; or in the air. Naval spotters, in sea battles or in the early phases of amphibious assault must, of course, be in aircraft.

Since the 1920s, air spotting and scouting had been an important factor in the U.S. Navy, Highly efficient seaplane units were a part of each larger ship. Far reaching were their effects on the growth of U.S. naval aviation and its acceptance by our Navy as a whole back in the 1920s and 30s.

But Normandy differed from previous amphibious objectives in the Pacific and Mediterranean in the strength of enemy anti-aircraft preparation. The Cotentin was studded with "flak towers" and all the defense positions were supplemented with AA guns. Slow seaplanes such as we normally used would not long survive over that country.
The Allies possessed no fast two-seater planes. The British offered perhaps the only solution by providing a spotting "pool" of fast fighters. In it were: four squadrons of R.N. Seafires (Naval Spitfires), five squadrons of RAF Spitfires and Mustangs (many of these would be withdrawn after noon of D-day), added to these were 17 USN pilots taken from our ships, who quickly learned to fly Spitfires. They were expert spotters. Most of the RAF pilots had no previous experience in spotting, a function which differed greatly from their normal tasks, The training they received was good, but very brief.
Yep. That's all good.
I'll add this personal PoV. In the pre-GPS, pre-laser-designation, pre-everybody-data-linked-to-everybody-else days, pilots or forward observers in Army helicopters could call for and adjust artillery fire. In fact, Army pilots in Piper Cubs (L-4s) did so in WWII. I've done it in dry-fire simulations, with four different radios and a copilot or observer in my OH-58, and I could have done it in live-fire situations. But it always depended on the ability to not get yourself shot down by AA or small-arms fire. Or enemy airplanes, for that matter. I'm sure that the same factors applied with Navy crews in OS2U Kingfishers.
Adjusting fire requires the observer/spotter/whatever you want to call him to report direction from his location to the target every time he calls in an adjustment. I don't know how one does that from a Spitfire or Mustang. I'm trying to imagine doing it from my P-51 flying low-level at 300 knots, looking out for AA or enemy aircraft, talking on the one and only radio to--whom?, observing the fall of shot, knowing what ship that shot came from, knowing when to look for that "splash" (somebody would have to call me on the radio 10 seconds or so in advance) and surely other things that don't come to mind right now.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2024, 03:52:42 AM
I now suspect the spotting of fall of shot was simply not really possible, or at least, not very good, for reasons cited.  And of course prolonged bombardments in the Pacific were also deficient, especially at Tarawa.  They probably hit known positions pretty well even with the curtailed bombardment.  I was musing about calling shot from my C152 back in the day, I probably could do it if I could tell which shell was from which ship, and if nobody shot at me (with some training), but not in a high performance fighter I suspect.  

We visited a Japanese Naval HQ on Okinawa, as I mentioned, last week.  It was intact, maybe we didn't know its location either.  It was not equipped with running water, only electricity.  And it was buried under rock of course.  I don't think an A bomb would have taken it out based on what we saw at Nagasaki.  A young girl survived there something like 600 m from GZ in cave.  She was the closest survivor, they think.

The remaining German fortifications at Omaha overlooking the beach are mostly (?) still there, some of them anyway.  For one thing, it would cost a lot to remove them.  Those guns feared to be at Pont du Hoc, I know they had been removed, but they were still not in place anywhere, right?  Those cliffs ..... not a height I would like to climb.

Rangers lead the way.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2024, 04:07:12 AM
All this takes me back to my grad school days when I and this other fellow would stay up all night playing board games about D Day or Battle of the Bulge.  I think the utility of those, and computer games of similar ilk, is to teach one about geography.  But then when I visited a place like Gettysburg, it's a lot different than I had expected, mostly distances seemed further, or closer, and I wondered about how the woods may have changed.

My buddy knew his military history pretty well, I didn't then.  He could easily cite, as you can, each division number at D Day and where they landed.  I've since read up on things of course, but while that is helpful I think, it's not sufficient.

I have subjected my wife to an overage of military "stuff" on our trips, she's pretty OK with it, though she does mention it at times and laughs.  We had one trip around France on back that I didn't realize how much I had done this until I wrote up a trip report.  She did say she enjoyed seeing the Maginot Line, as did I.  That one gets criticized a lot, but it did what was intended of course.

Chamberlain gets a lot of critique too of course, but it's not clear to me what else he could have done at Munich then.  The French were not going to war over the Czechs.

I've learned a lot of things in "history" that get labeled "horribly awful decisions" are actually more "constrained decisions influenced by prior history" and lack of accurate information.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2024, 07:30:47 AM
I wonder how this compares with the ongoing debate about strategic bombing in WW 2, especially in Germany.  I've read various "studies" giving various results.  I know German war production peaked in December 1944, but they had to devote a lot of resources to trying to combat the bombing campaigns.

Lemay was frustrated with the results in Japan, or so I've read, which lead to the fire bombing efforts.  But I think the B29 was bombing from higher altitudes than B17s usually, and the jet stream was a new thing for them.  I guess had we redirected those resources to ground forces, maybe the result would have not been much if any better as we'd have logistics issues with more ground forces in Europe I suspect.

We had'em anyway.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on March 25, 2024, 12:43:38 PM
I always wondered, where was the German Navy during D-Day?  I know Britain and US had much superior Navy's overall, but it seems really odd to me that the Germans let us land uncontested from the sea.  They didn't even have patrols out, nor any kind of battleships to counter or anything like that?  And where was their Air Force on D-Day?  Did they try to attack our amphibious vehicles from the air?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 25, 2024, 02:25:51 PM
I always wondered, where was the German Navy during D-Day?  I know Britain and US had much superior Navy's overall, but it seems really odd to me that the Germans let us land uncontested from the sea.  They didn't even have patrols out, nor any kind of battleships to counter or anything like that?  And where was their Air Force on D-Day?  Did they try to attack our amphibious vehicles from the air? 
Number 1 they did not expect the invasion to be at Normandy 

Number 2 by the time D Day happened Germanys navy had been reduced to basically only u boats and again an invasion at                 Normandy came as a complete surprise
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 25, 2024, 07:06:56 PM
One of the many tragedies of war:

Exercise Tiger: Disaster at Slapton Sands ( (

The Germans did have some light naval units, and subs, in the general area.   Any of the large units were up in Norway.  The Luftwaffe had been largely pulled back to protect Germany.

Rommel suspected Normandy would be the landing target.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 25, 2024, 08:45:00 PM
One of the many tragedies of war:

Exercise Tiger: Disaster at Slapton Sands ( (

The Germans did have some light naval units, and subs, in the general area.  Any of the large units were up in Norway.  The Luftwaffe had been largely pulled back to protect Germany.

Rommel suspected Normandy would be the landing target.
one of the few 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 26, 2024, 05:17:56 AM
When the 1st Marine Division arrived in the SE Pacific in 1942 in preparation for the Guadalcanal invasion, they found their gear and supplies were not combat loaded.  This meant the most vital stuff was in the back of the supply ship, so they had to unload and reload, and the NZ dock workers were on strike.

Then they also had a practice invasion, I forget where, some island, that was a disaster, not like the one above, but everything went wrong.  Some predicted the actual invasion would be a disaster.  When that day came in August 1942, they found almost no resistance on the beachhead around Henderson Field (named a bit later).  There were mostly only worker bees there who fled into the hills.  So, they managed "OK", with a lot of confusion that didn't much matter at first.

Then the Japanese launched air attacks on the fleet out of Rabaul, and then night naval raids, which tore up the naval forces present, and they pulled out, taking with them a lot of gear including all the heavier artillery and one Marine regiment.  The Japanese thought this was just a raid at first, and sent about 2,000 troops to kick out the Marines, that went poorly for them.

I read somewhere after about three months of combat in the 'canal, 87% of the Marines had malaria, and most were ruled combat unready, when the Army replaced them.

Amphibious assaults are very often disasters, I'll be visiting the ANZAC invasion beaches of Turkey (Gallipoli) in September.  

Landing at Anzac Cove - Wikipedia ( landing at Anzac Cove,of the First World War.)

The US Army of course pulled off several in Europe with essentially no Marine presence (maybe a handul of observers) that all went fairly well in comparison.  This of course was meant to be a Marine specialty.

Don't  get me started on Pelelilu.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 26, 2024, 10:16:49 AM

Don't  get me started on Pelelilu.
Pelelilu is where my dad was stationed during the war

He was an electricians mate in the navy

He took part in making the airfield combat ready and various other places that needed electricity

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 26, 2024, 06:56:50 PM
Rangers lead the way.
All the way.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 26, 2024, 07:53:30 PM
All this takes me back to my grad school days when I and this other fellow would stay up all night playing board games about D Day or Battle of the Bulge.  I think the utility of those, and computer games of similar ilk, is to teach one about geography.  But then when I visited a place like Gettysburg, it's a lot different than I had expected, mostly distances seemed further, or closer, and I wondered about how the woods may have changed.

My buddy knew his military history pretty well, I didn't then.  He could easily cite, as you can, each division number at D Day and where they landed.  I've since read up on things of course, but while that is helpful I think, it's not sufficient.

I have subjected my wife to an overage of military "stuff" on our trips, she's pretty OK with it, though she does mention it at times and laughs.  We had one trip around France on back that I didn't realize how much I had done this until I wrote up a trip report.  She did say she enjoyed seeing the Maginot Line, as did I.  That one gets criticized a lot, but it did what was intended of course.

Chamberlain gets a lot of critique too of course, but it's not clear to me what else he could have done at Munich then.  The French were not going to war over the Czechs.

I've learned a lot of things in "history" that get labeled "horribly awful decisions" are actually more "constrained decisions influenced by prior history" and lack of accurate information.
There may never be firm consensus on what Britain and France woulda/coulda/shoulda done at Munich (Sep 38). They both feared a repeat of the bloodletting of 1914-1918.

But the German generals feared the same thing, and they did not believe that Germany was ready for war. And at least to some extent they were right.

The Luftwaffe was not ready for modern war. The Bf 109E (the first variant with a fuel-injected engine) was only beginning to come into service. There were still plenty of biplane fighters in service. German bombers were mostly there to provide tactical air support. No strategic bomber. Walther Wever had died 2 years earlier, and with him died advocacy for strategic bombers. Much the same as with the RAF. Hurricanes coming into service, Spitfires not quite yet, and plenty of biplanes on hand. The Wellington was the biggest bomber on hand, and that would continue for at least another couple of years.

The German army was not ready. The PzKpfw I, designed as a training tank, was the most common tank in the inventory. (It would see service in Russian and North Africa, long past its expiration date.) The PzKpfw II was coming into service, but its 20mm main gun wasn't going to be effective against enemy armor.

The Kriegsmarine wasn't ready for war either. In capital ships, Scharnhorst was not yet complete and Gneisenau was still working up. The "pocket battleships" (Graf Spee, et. al.)were the products of muddled thinking. More heavily armed than they needed to be for commerce raiding, but heavily enough to go up against enemy battleships. And they didn't have the range for commerce-raiding, so they were dependent on resupply ships. There weren't enough destroyers and cruisers to really form a battle fleet, even once Scharnhorst was completed and the Bismarcks were built. They had about 70 U-boats on hand, but that wasn't enough to wage a war for control of the Atlantic Ocean.

I think what Britain and France lacked more than weaponry was national will. Their leaders at Munich reflected public opinion, despite being obligated by treaty to aid Czechoslovakia. Chamberlain waved his scrap of paper and proclaimed "Peace in our time!." French PM Daladier, when he saw the throngs in Paris cheering him, said to his aide quietly, "Ah! The fools! If only they knew . . . ."

Churchill had this to say the next day--1 Oct 38--in the House of Commons, directing his remarks at Chamberlain:

“We have suffered a total and unmitigated defeat . . . .  You will find that in a period of time which may be measured by years, but may be measured by months, Czechoslovakia will be engulfed in the Nazi regime.  We are in the presence of a disaster of the first magnitude . . . .  We have sustained a defeat without a war, the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road . . . .  We have passed an awful milestone in our history, when the whole equilibrium of Europe has been deranged, and that the terrible words have for the first time been pronounced against the Western democracies: ‘Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting.’  And do not suppose that this is the end.  This is only the beginning of the reckoning.  This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigor, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”

“You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.”
Churchill wasn't omniscient. He could be quite foolish at times. But he nailed it here, IMO.

I wonder how this compares with the ongoing debate about strategic bombing in WW 2, especially in Germany.  I've read various "studies" giving various results.  I know German war production peaked in December 1944, but they had to devote a lot of resources to trying to combat the bombing campaigns.

Lemay was frustrated with the results in Japan, or so I've read, which lead to the fire bombing efforts.  But I think the B29 was bombing from higher altitudes than B17s usually, and the jet stream was a new thing for them.  I guess had we redirected those resources to ground forces, maybe the result would have not been much if any better as we'd have logistics issues with more ground forces in Europe I suspect.

We had'em anyway.

Yep. The jet stream. Long missions in airplanes with many lethal mechanical problems. Short time on target, with little margin for overwater navigational errors. Japanese fighter opposition. Decentralized industry, leaving few concentrated targets. Night bombing with incendiaries, from B-29s that had been lightened by having most of their defensive armament removed, was the horribly effective way to go. We didn't put any of the Japanese leaders on trial for the bombing of Chinese cities, because we had spent the last months of the war firebombing Japanese cities.
Leaving the A-bomb out of the discussion, it's still debatable whether airpower was worth what it cost to create and project it. It wasn't decisive in itself, as all the airpower advocates of the '20s and '30s had claimed that it would be.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 26, 2024, 08:06:44 PM
I always wondered, where was the German Navy during D-Day?  I know Britain and US had much superior Navy's overall, but it seems really odd to me that the Germans let us land uncontested from the sea.  They didn't even have patrols out, nor any kind of battleships to counter or anything like that?  And where was their Air Force on D-Day?  Did they try to attack our amphibious vehicles from the air?
By June 1944, the Kriegsmarine was reduced to U-boat warfare. Bismarck was sunk. Tirpitz was wounded, and hiding in Norway. Scharnhorst had been sunk in the Battle of the North Cape in Dec 43. Gneisenau was badly damaged in an RAF bombing raid in Dec 42 and never went to sea again as a fighting ship. There were the capital ships of Germany's battle fleet. U-boats would have plenty of targets in English Channel on 6 Jun 44, but there were destroyers everywhere.
The Luftwaffe day-fighter force had been badly defeated in the air battles of late winter-early spring of '44 as the USAAF finally deployed drop tanks and the P-51 Mustang came on in force. And the weather was not great on that day. One Fw 190 made a pass over the invasion beaches, and that was it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 27, 2024, 07:40:48 AM
Without France, Chamberlain really had no options, I think.  And he clearly was without France.  How could the UK go to war with Germany over the Sudetenland without France?  Germany wasn't prepared in 1939, nor was anyone else, maybe France was in terms of manpower and equipment.  I think Chamberlain gets a bad rap, and same with the Maginot Line.  I think the core issues were elsewhere.

In some "ideal world", the French would have invested in 2-3 armored divisions with their medium tanks (which were better than the Panzer II by far).  But that wasn't remotely in their thinking.  And they would have mishandled them anyway giving the Germans more armored platforms for their divisions later.

I was amazed learning about the state of German tanks in 1940.  One had the impression they had this juggernaut of armored divisions when in fact they were mostly Panzer IIs and that Czech tank, a few IIIs here and there with the 37 mm main gun, and the IV had that short barreled 75.  This remained true in 1941 as well for the most part.

They did a credible job mounting some antitank guns on French chassis later of course.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 27, 2024, 08:33:45 AM
XB-38 - Don't put all your Engines in One Basket - PlaneHistoria (

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 27, 2024, 04:07:23 PM
Interesting comparison between the B-17 and the XB-38. More power (1425 hp) out of the Allison V-1710 than out of the Wright R-1830 (1200 hp), BUT all sorts of complications and vulnerabilities that made it less suitable for how the USAAF was employing its heavy bombers in 1943--unescorted daylight bombing against a formidable enemy fighter force and heavy antiaircraft defenses.

The Wikipedia article ( says that the XB-38 had a higher top speed than the regular B-17E, but had a lower ceiling, and  this War Department memorandum ( on the performance of the B-17E agrees with that. I'm not sure why that would be. My immediate thought was that that was because the R-1830 was turbo-supercharged and the V-1710 was not. But that is not correct--the XB-38's Allisons were turbo-supercharged, just as they were on the P-38 (but were not on the P-39 and P-40). Maybe it's because, per the War Department memorandum, the B-17E had a gross weight of 50,000 lbs., while the XB-38 had a gross weight of 56,000 lbs.

There's also an interesting comparison with RAF bomber development. Its medium bombers tended to have radial engines as originally designed, but with inline engines as a backup. The Wellington was designed and and the Mark I version was built with Bristol Pegasus radials displacing 1753 cubic inches. But the Mark II had the Rolls-Royce Merlin V-12 of 1650 c.i.d. Then the Mark III had a bigger Bristol Hercules of 2360 c.i.d. The Mark IV had a Pratt & Whitney R-1830, just like the B-17. The Mark VI went back to the Merlin, but one with a supercharger arrangement better for higher altitudes. The Mark X, the most widely produced version, went back to the Bristol Hercules, but one that produced more hp.

The first RAF heavy, the Stirling, had radials in every version. But the Lancaster and Halifax were initially built with R-R Merlins. The Lancaster Mark II had Bristol Hercules radials. The Mark III went back to Merlins, but of the Packard-built variety. All subsequent versions had either R-R or Packard Merlins. The Halifax followed a different pattern. It used R-R Merlins in the Mark I and Mark II versions, but the definitive Mark III had the Bristol Hercules.

It seems that in all cases, the changing of engine types (from inline to radial, and back) was done more for guaranteed engine availability than for improved performance.

Back to the B-17, the YB-40 escort bomber ( is an interesting story. I know a guy who once worked for a guy who flew YB-40s in combat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 27, 2024, 04:10:55 PM
The boost on the Allisons may have been lower at altitude.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 27, 2024, 04:11:16 PM
Without France, Chamberlain really had no options, I think.  And he clearly was without France.  How could the UK go to war with Germany over the Sudetenland without France?  Germany wasn't prepared in 1939, nor was anyone else, maybe France was in terms of manpower and equipment.  I think Chamberlain gets a bad rap, and same with the Maginot Line.  I think the core issues were elsewhere.

In some "ideal world", the French would have invested in 2-3 armored divisions with their medium tanks (which were better than the Panzer II by far).  But that wasn't remotely in their thinking.  And they would have mishandled them anyway giving the Germans more armored platforms for their divisions later.

I was amazed learning about the state of German tanks in 1940.  One had the impression they had this juggernaut of armored divisions when in fact they were mostly Panzer IIs and that Czech tank, a few IIIs here and there with the 37 mm main gun, and the IV had that short barreled 75.  This remained true in 1941 as well for the most part.

They did a credible job mounting some antitank guns on French chassis later of course.
YouTube, monitoring my message board conversations, conveniently brought this to my attention yesterday evening. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 27, 2024, 04:16:52 PM
The boost on the Allisons may have been lower at altitude.
Maybe so. That certainly would have been the case had the turbo-superchargers not been installed. The Allison V-1710 never got truly good mechanical supercharging until after the war, thanks to the USAAF not being much interested in the subject. (In contrast, none of the R-R Merlin installations used turbo-supercharging.)
But with Lockheed doing the conversion of the B-17E to the XB-40, you'd think they would have likely used boost settings similar to what they were already using on their own P-38s.
I'm sticking with 6,000 extra pounds of weight being the culprit.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 27, 2024, 04:21:44 PM
That's a nice video./
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 27, 2024, 04:24:08 PM
French C3--command, control, & communications--were terrible compared to that of the Germans.

One example concerns the French S35 medium tank--a better tank than its German opponents. Except that only the commanders had radios in their tanks. Tank-to-tank communication had to be done with visual signals, which meant that their tanks could not fight "buttoned-up."

Obsolete, static thinking like that--up and down the chain of command--is part of the French failure. Overconfidence verging on arrogance was another. Moral collapse was yet another.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 27, 2024, 04:39:48 PM
My reading is that the French wanted to fight purely on the defensive so as to cost the Germans high casualties, and in Belgium instead of France.  This dictated their strategic thinking, find a defensible position and hold it, in Belgium.  As you know, the initial German plan was the Schlieffen Plan 2 basically, but they feared the plans were captured, and Manstein, a junior general, offered this new plan.

The French also had nothing equivalent to an armored division, their tanks were more spread out and diluted, so they couldn't pose any offensive threat adequately.  The one British counterattack gave Rommel quite the scare, but was insufficient.  The French just couldn't think offensively at all, it seems to me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 27, 2024, 06:21:54 PM
I read somewhere after about three months of combat in the 'canal, 87% of the Marines had malaria, and most were ruled combat unready, when the Army replaced them.

Amphibious assaults are very often disasters, I'll be visiting the ANZAC invasion beaches of Turkey (Gallipoli) in September. 

Landing at Anzac Cove - Wikipedia ( landing at Anzac Cove,of the First World War.)

The US Army of course pulled off several in Europe with essentially no Marine presence (maybe a handul of observers) that all went fairly well in comparison.  This of course was meant to be a Marine specialty.

Don't  get me started on Pelelilu.
Mass production of Penicillin was a product of WWII. Even midway through the war, Atabrine--taken prophylactically--was the primary anti-malarial drug.
Here's a wartime sign from New Guinea.


Cool that you're visiting the Gallipoli beaches. The only invasion beaches I've visited are on Attu. The Battle of Attu isn't well-known, but it was the second-bloodiest fight of the Pacific War in terms of casualty rate. Iwo Jima is #1, I believe.
Yeah, Peleliu. A botch of an invasion that, as it turned out, wasn't even necessary.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 27, 2024, 06:49:34 PM
I’ve visited Omaha and Utah if that counts as two, plus Okinawa (which was uninteresting so far as the beach) and Incheon (completely urban now).  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 27, 2024, 07:14:56 PM
My reading is that the French wanted to fight purely on the defensive so as to cost the Germans high casualties, and in Belgium instead of France.  This dictated their strategic thinking, find a defensible position and hold it, in Belgium.  As you know, the initial German plan was the Schlieffen Plan 2 basically, but they feared the plans were captured, and Manstein, a junior general, offered this new plan.

The French also had nothing equivalent to an armored division, their tanks were more spread out and diluted, so they couldn't pose any offensive threat adequately.  The one British counterattack gave Rommel quite the scare, but was insufficient.  The French just couldn't think offensively at all, it seems to me.
So, the initial problem was that the French guessed wrong on where the Germans would strike. But, compounding that, they took an inordinate time adjusting. The Germans were always several steps ahead of the French.
In John Boyd terminology, the Germans went through the OODA loop much more quickly than the French did.
And, yeah, the French consistently thought in defensive terms. Tried to be ready to receive the blow rather than delivering one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 27, 2024, 07:21:19 PM
I’ve visited Omaha and Utah if that counts as two, plus Okinawa (which was uninteresting so far as the beach) and Incheon (completely urban now).
I lived in Okinawa as a kid, but I didn't know about any invasion beaches.
I forgot about Incheon. When I was in Korea, 8th Army Special Troops (EAST) had a professional development program of battlefield tours. They called them staff rides, but they weren't. Anyway, we did one of Inchon. It was, as you noted, urban. Nothing like what it was in 1950. Another one of those battles was Gloster Hill, where the Brits fought as part of the Battle of Imjin River in April 1951. The British Gloucestershire Regiment fought completely surrounded. Since then, they have worn two cap badges, one on the front and one on the back.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on March 28, 2024, 06:05:25 AM
We ported in Incheon, I was sort of interested in seeing those tidal flats and whatnot.  Nyet.

Seoul today amazed me.

The DMZ amazed me as well.  A real war there would be ... unbelievable.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on March 28, 2024, 04:39:57 PM
Here's what I think about when I think about Inchon.


Lieutenant Baldomero Lopez of the Marine Corps is shown scaling a seawall after landing on Red Beach (September 15). Minutes after this photo was taken, Lopez was killed after covering a live grenade with his body. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

The citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as a Marine platoon commander of Company A, [1st Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Reinforced)] in action against enemy aggressor forces. With his platoon 1st Lt. Lopez was engaged in the reduction of immediate enemy beach defenses after landing with the assault waves. Exposing himself to hostile fire, he moved forward alongside a bunker and prepared to throw a hand grenade into the next pillbox whose fire was pinning down that sector of the beach. Taken under fire by an enemy automatic weapon and hit in the right shoulder and chest as he lifted his arm to throw, he fell backward and dropped the deadly missile. After a moment, he turned and dragged his body forward in an effort to retrieve the grenade and throw it. In critical condition from pain and loss of blood, and unable to grasp the hand grenade firmly enough to hurl it, he chose to sacrifice himself rather than endanger the lives of his men and, with a sweeping motion of his wounded right arm, cradled the grenade under him and absorbed the full impact of the explosion. His exceptional courage, fortitude, and devotion to duty reflect the highest credit upon 1st Lt. Lopez and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Lopez was a 1947 graduate of the USNA.

In 2-1/2 months, A/1/5 Marines would be fighting for its life just west of the Chosin Reservoir.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on March 28, 2024, 05:06:03 PM
you guys been watching the Hitler channel too much
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on April 14, 2024, 07:19:49 AM
The Chosin Frozen.  Attacking in a different direction.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 29, 2024, 11:48:42 AM
I don't see any recent posts by Fearless. I hope that he is OK after all the storms ripped through Nebraska and Iowa.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on April 29, 2024, 12:09:33 PM
I don't see any recent posts by Fearless. I hope that he is OK after all the storms ripped through Nebraska and Iowa.
He's alive and well on the B1G message board.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on April 29, 2024, 12:10:09 PM
doing very well
thanks for askin

just happened to stay clear of the tornados
Thankful for that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on April 29, 2024, 02:32:20 PM
I'm glad to hear that.

The video of tornadoes on the ground between Lincoln and Omaha was particularly awe-inspiring.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 02, 2024, 12:00:46 PM
The 5 American "cars" that are most expensive to own.

Dodge Ram 2500
Chrysler Pacifica
Cadillac Escalade
Chevrolet Suburban
Jeep Wrangler (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 02, 2024, 03:08:25 PM
So far we haven't had any real issues with our Wrangler, but they certainly have the reputation for causing trouble.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 02, 2024, 04:49:42 PM
What's interesting to me is that none of those five vehicles are exactly "cars."

Typically, vehicles designed for off-road use are going to have higher fuel consumption than similar-sized vehicles designed to stay on hard-surfaced roadways, as they will have heavier-duty (and heavier) components. If they frequently go off-road, they will suffer more wear and tear on those heavier-duty components, causing more frequent repairs, and each of those repairs will be more expensive because of the heavier-duty (and more-expensive) components.

Vans, even mini-vans, are bigger (and heavier) than cars of similar performance. So there's a similar cost-factor there.

But individual results may vary.

When I saw the headline, I thought that the "champions" might be Corvettes, Shelby Mustangs, Dodge Hellcats (800 hp, I think), and others of that ilk.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 02, 2024, 05:15:16 PM
What's interesting to me is that none of those five vehicles are exactly "cars."

Typically, vehicles designed for off-road use are going to have higher fuel consumption than similar-sized vehicles designed to stay on hard-surfaced roadways, as they will have heavier-duty (and heavier) components. If they frequently go off-road, they will suffer more wear and tear on those heavier-duty components, causing more frequent repairs, and each of those repairs will be more expensive because of the heavier-duty (and more-expensive) components.

Vans, even mini-vans, are bigger (and heavier) than cars of similar performance. So there's a similar cost-factor there.

But individual results may vary.

When I saw the headline, I thought that the "champions" might be Corvettes, Shelby Mustangs, Dodge Hellcats (800 hp, I think), and others of that ilk.
Yeah this would be a little more interesting if they divided it into classes.  Full-size SUVs and heavy duty trucks probably shouldn't be compared to passenger cars.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 02, 2024, 08:08:24 PM
no Ford Expedition Platinum MAX???
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 02, 2024, 09:06:48 PM
Must be fairly reliable!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 04, 2024, 01:03:34 PM
The Texas Quote of the Day is one of the best true-life cowboy quotes you'll ever read:
"From 1874 to 1877 I was taking care of my father's cattle, and after a while the neighbors began putting cattle with me, paying me a dollar fifty a head for six months. I herded them in the daytime and penned them at night, and for the first time in my life, I could rustle a little cash. In 1875 I made twenty-nine dollars that way, and my brother Harry and I had one hell of a time. We bought a bottle of whisky, shot out the lights on the street corners, and run our horses through the streets of Lincoln whooping and yelling like Cheyenne Indians on the warpath. We'd have gone to jail for sure if some of Gus Walker's trail men had not been with us. They got the blame, as everything was laid to the Texas men, but they left next day for Texas and so it all blew over. This was my first experience standing up to the bar buying drinks for the boys, and I sure felt big.
That summer, I remember, Ace Harmon, who was one of John T. Lytle's trail bosses and a god to me, said: "In a year or two Teddy will be a real cowboy." And I growed three inches and gained ten pounds that night....
From the time I was fourteen and staying out with the cattle most all the time, I got to be more and more independent. The boys took turns staying out there with me, but Lincoln was only twelve miles from camp, and when we had a little money, one of us would slip off to town on his pony, leaving the other one on herd. We'd hang around the saloons, listening to those men and getting filled up with talk about gunfights and killings. One time I remember I was in a saloon, and I heard a fellow talking about the Yankees. He said: "I was coming down the road and I met a damn blue-bellied abolitionist, and I paunched [shot] him. And he laid there in the brush and belched like a beef for three days, and then he died in fits. The b*stard!"
He told that before a whole crowd of men. I don't know that he ever done it. But that was the way he talked to get a fight. Those early-day Texans was full of that stuff. Most of them that came up with the trail herds, being from Texas and Southerners to start with, was on the side of the South, and oh, but they were bitter. That was how a lot of them got killed, because they were filled full of the old dope about the war and they wouldn't let an abolitionist arrest them. The marshals in those cow towns on the trail were usually Northern men, and the Southerners wouldn't go back to Texas and hear people say: "He's a hell of a fellow. He let a Yankee lock him up." Down home one Texas Ranger could arrest the lot of them, but up North you'd have to kill them first.
I couldn't even guess how many was killed that way on the trail. There was several killed at every one of those shipping points in Kansas, but you get different people telling the same story over and over again and the number is bound to be exaggerated. Besides, not all that were killed were cowboys; a lot of saloon men and tinhorn gamblers bit the dust. While I saw several shooting scrapes in saloons and sporting houses, I never saw a man shot dead, though some died afterwards.
But in the 1870s, they were a hard bunch, and I believe it was partly on account of what they came from. Down in Texas in the early days, every man had to have his six-shooter always ready, every house kept a shotgun loaded with buckshot, because they were always looking for a raid by Mexicans or Comanche Indians. What is more, I guess half the people in Texas in the seventies had moved out there on the frontier from the Southern states and from the rebel armies, and was the type that did not want any restraints."
----- Teddy Blue Abbott, "We Pointed them North:  Recollections of a Cowpuncher," 1939.  Teddy Blue rode the trail from South Texas to shipping points in Kansas and Montana three different times.  It's apparent from reading Lonesome Dove that Larry McMurtry was VERY familiar with Teddy Blue's book, which was written in Teddy Blue's  plain-spoken vernacular.  It's a very entertaining read. This photo of Teddy Blue was taken in 1910.


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 04, 2024, 01:09:26 PM
Earlier I posted a quote from Teddy Blue Abbott's "We Pointed Them North: Recollections of an Old Cowhand."  I did not know until just now, when Traces of Texas reader Bart Berthold sent in this photo, that Teddy Blue drank with Calamity Jane herself.  For whatever reason --- possibly alcohol ---- they posed wearing each other's hats.  This was taken in Gilt Edge, Montana in 1887. An absolutely incredible historical photo. By the way, at the end of "We Pointed them North," Teddy wrote one of my favorite paragraphs of all time:
"A man has got to be at least seventy-five years old to be a real old cowhand. I started young and I am seventy-eight. Only a few of us are left now, and they are scattered from Texas to Canada. The rest have left the wagon and gone ahead across the big divide, looking for a new range. I hope they find good water and plenty of grass. But wherever they are is where I want to go."
E.C. "Teddy Blue" Abbott passed away a few weeks after writing these words.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 04, 2024, 01:37:02 PM

E.C. "Teddy Blue" Abbott passed away a few weeks after writing these words.
Teddy Blue Abbott. That's a Texas name fer ya.

I wonder what the "E.C." stood for. "Evelyn Cyril," like E.C. Gordon, the protagonist in Robert Heinlein's Glory Road, perhaps?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 04, 2024, 02:11:37 PM
perhaps Eldrick, like Tiger Woods
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 05, 2024, 07:36:40 AM
My Dad’s family has odd names,  Bluford, Grapelle, Desma, …
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 05, 2024, 12:19:36 PM
just in case Utee missed this on the Big Ten board...........

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 06, 2024, 08:57:35 AM
That dude is my hero.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 06, 2024, 11:23:27 AM
Does 320 live in Houston? Looks like much of the city is or has been under water.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 06, 2024, 11:24:59 AM
My Dad’s family has odd names,  Bluford, Grapelle, Desma, …
My maternal grandmother's given name was Oza Jevera. Her sister was Ova Ethel.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 06, 2024, 12:30:51 PM
Does 320 live in Houston? Looks like much of the city is or has been under water.
Yup he's in the Houston area, and I believe Gigem is also in an area near Houston that has been flooding as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 06, 2024, 01:40:50 PM
I've been hearing the floodin is bad in Eastern Texas

perhaps that all flows south to Houston?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 06, 2024, 02:41:13 PM
I've been hearing the floodin is bad in Eastern Texas

perhaps that all flows south to Houston?
That too but Houston itself has just been dumped on repeatedly over the past couple of weeks.  The ground is saturated, every bit of rain that falls becomes runoff almost immediately.

Meanwhile here in Travis County, lakes are nearing an all-time low and we can't get the rain to fall where it is most needed.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 06, 2024, 03:20:14 PM
Vast majority of the flooding, to my understanding, is North of Houston, in the San Jacinto river basin area.  I'm not too familiar with the area, but there are different forks in the river, and one fork is heavily flooding.  Either way, we really have not received much rain at all here in Southern Brazoria County where I live.  About 50 miles south of Houston proper.  North of Houston is a whole 'nother story.  They've been getting hammered, almost record floods.  Some of the water will make it's way down here, but the Brazos River is the one that affects us here (the mouth of the brazos is in our county).  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 06, 2024, 03:24:25 PM
Yup he's in the Houston area, and I believe Gigem is also in an area near Houston that has been flooding as well.

Yes weve received a lot of rain over the past week

Hope its clearing as my house will be receiving a new roof tomorrow weather permitting of course
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 06, 2024, 03:25:34 PM
Vast majority of the flooding, to my understanding, is North of Houston, in the San Jacinto river basin area.  I'm not too familiar with the area, but there are different forks in the river, and one fork is heavily flooding.  Either way, we really have not received much rain at all here in Southern Brazoria County where I live.  About 50 miles south of Houston proper.  North of Houston is a whole 'nother story.  They've been getting hammered, almost record floods.  Some of the water will make it's way down here, but the Brazos River is the one that affects us here (the mouth of the brazos is in our county). 
Northwest Houston was no picnic
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 07, 2024, 10:13:50 PM
. . . Meanwhile here in Travis County, lakes are nearing an all-time low and we can't get the rain to fall where it is most needed.
Sounds like the Oklahoma panhandle. There are places there that have not had measurable precipitation for over 450 days.
We've had over 8 inches of rain in the last 4-5 days. It rained hard last night and we had flooded intersections in lower-lying areas. My yard needs mowing, but it's too wet to mow.
The very small city (pop. 1,034) of Barnsdall got hit hard (at least 1 confirmed death) last night by a tornado that apparently stayed on the ground for over an hour. It went all the way from the southern suburbs of OKC to Bartlesville, 45 miles N of Tulsa.

EDIT: There's a guy missing in Barnsdall. He told his son that he (the dad) didn't need to take shelter because Jesus would protect him.

The tornado in question has been rated as at least an E-4.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 08, 2024, 09:01:02 AM
tornados were scary to me as a kid

still are

of course as a kid, if there was tornado damage nearby, the folks would pile us into a car and do a drive by to see the damage
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 08, 2024, 09:05:21 AM
I saw footage of the damage in Barnsdall.  Just devastating.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 10, 2024, 10:22:08 PM
Apparently, the tornado that hit Barnsdall consisted of two tornadoes that joined into one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 10, 2024, 10:23:04 PM
U.S. Battleships in WWII., Episode 1 (

USS Texas was the 2nd of 2 in the New York class.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 11, 2024, 07:56:11 AM
I've been on the North Carolina and Alabama, almost indiscernible to me, and seen the Missouri up close but didn't board, it also looks about the same, to me.  They turned out to be kind of wastes of resources but nothing like what the Japanese did.  I think only the Washington used its main battery to sink a Japanese ship in the war among US BBs.  aside from Surigao Strait when the old BBs got into the act.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 11, 2024, 07:05:46 PM
I've been on the North Carolina and Alabama, almost indiscernible to me, and seen the Missouri up close but didn't board, it also looks about the same, to me.  They turned out to be kind of wastes of resources but nothing like what the Japanese did.  I think only the Washington used its main battery to sink a Japanese ship in the war among US BBs.  aside from Surigao Strait when the old BBs got into the act.
The standard description of how the South Dakotas differed from the North Carolinas is that they were an attempt to get the same firepower and speed, with thicker armor, while staying within the 35,000-ton weight limit per the Washington Naval Treaty (even though the Treaty system had collapsed with the Japanese withdrawal from it). The result was a shorter (by 49 feet) ship with a shorter armored citadel and more powerful engines (to compensate for the less efficient hull shape). One result of that is that the South Dakotas were more cramped than both the North Carolinas and the Iowas.
That is consistent with my subjective experience aboard North Carolina, Alabama, and Iowa. Alabama seemed tighter belowdecks than either of the other two. But I saw those three ships quite a few years apart, so you can take my impression with a grain of salt.
FTR, the Iowas were longer than the South Dakotas by 107 feet and more powerful by 82,000 hp. No surprise that the Iowas could do 33 knots, while the South Dakotas could do 27.5 knots and the North Carolinas could do 28 knots.
The Iowas did pay back their cost somewhat through service in the Korean and Vietnam Wars and beyond.
I would have been good to see what those fast battleships could have done off Samar had Halsey not taken them with him in the wild-goose chase of Ozawa's empty carriers. We could have seen a fight between the Iowas and Yamato.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 12, 2024, 07:15:15 AM
I know the "technical" details that differ, they look the same to me, basically, as a tourist.  A LOT of folks ponder how an Iowa would fare against Yamato.  Some credibly say it would come down to a bit of luck, one on one, in such a hypothetical.  An early hit in such an engagement could be critical of course, especially with an 18.1 incher.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2024, 12:27:31 PM
Details, schmetails, they all look alike to you. To my eye, the South Dakotas look very different, while the North Carolinas and Iowas look similar to each other. I think that the North Carolinas were the most beautiful battleships ever built.

If I were Bull Halsey, for one thing, I would try not to run my fleet through typhoons twice in the same summer. But, for another thing, I would want an advantage in numbers if it came down to a surface action against Yamato or Musashi. I think I'd want a night action, where my radar gunnery would have an advantage.

Those 18.1"/45 guns were not to be sneezed at, but they weren't quite as powerful as one might expect. They fired a lighter shell than the 18" guns that the Brits had on their two Courageous-class "large light cruisers" in WWI. They had an advantage over the 16"/50 guns on the Iowas, but not much of one.

Interesting article here ( on the available and,Iowa's 16″%2F50 guns.).
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 12, 2024, 12:41:31 PM
The best analysis I came across was about that lucky first shot, by either side, akin to the Bismark being unabled by biplane launched torpedoes.

The Iowas would have a speed advantage and probably a first detection advantage, presume one-v-one.  Maybe their scout planes find the other side before radar.  They close range and both fire about the same time at the other.  Iowas could fire faster, almost twice as fast, so they'd be sending more "lead" down range over time.  The Iowas could also dart about some, changing course and speed to throw off long range gunnery.  But it would come down to luck, I think.  Maybe a first hit was not terribly damaging, but even a close miss could buckle plates perhaps and slow the ship.  Too many variables.

I have a hunch torpedoes were more effective than 16 inchers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2024, 12:49:20 PM
Since there's no softball thread, I'll post the softball results here.

OU beat Texas 5-1 in the Big 12 tournament championship game last night. Texas finished 1st in the regular season, OU 2nd. Texas was ranked #1 nationally, oSu 2nd, Tennessee 3rd, and OU 4th. All of those teams except OU lost yesterday. It would seem that OU and Texas will be seeded 1st and 2nd for the NCAA Tournament, but--I think--probably not in that order.

That was OU's 9th Big 12 tournament championship in the 22 years that it was held. Texas is next with 4. Kansas and Oklahoma State have each won once. Of former teams, Nebraska had 3, Missouri had 2, and Texas A&M had 1. The 2019 tournament was not completed due to rain.

In 3 of Texas' wins, Cat Osterman was the MOP. Jennifer Lizama of Nebraska won it twice, once when the Huskers did not win the championship. Nobody else has won it more than once and nobody but Lizama has won it when her team did not win the championship.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2024, 12:57:06 PM
The best analysis I came across was about that lucky first shot, by either side, akin to the Bismark being unabled by biplane launched torpedoes.

The Iowas would have a speed advantage and probably a first detection advantage, presume one-v-one.  Maybe their scout planes find the other side before radar.  They close range and both fire about the same time at the other.  Iowas could fire faster, almost twice as fast, so they'd be sending more "lead" down range over time.  The Iowas could also dart about some, changing course and speed to throw off long range gunnery.  But it would come down to luck, I think.  Maybe a first hit was not terribly damaging, but even a close miss could buckle plates perhaps and slow the ship.  Too many variables.

I have a hunch torpedoes were more effective than 16 inchers.
I think all of that is probably right.
Speaking of scout planes, it's interesting that the Kido Butai, the Japanese carrier task force, depended on the float planes of its cruiser escorts to search for the enemy. Or at least that was the case at Midway, where the scout from Tone was late launching and was thus critically late in finding the U.S. carriers.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 12, 2024, 01:01:46 PM
It makes some sense to me, the cruisers and BBs would have planes and crews designed specifically for scouting, not attack or air to air.  I think the US usually had enough carrier planes to scout, and the Dauntlesses would carry a 500 pounder when scouting often as not.

So, the Japanese could devote their carrier air groups solely to attack (and some defense) without wasting some planes on scouting.

It's a bit amusing to think the early concept of a carrier was to scout for the main battle fleet.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 12, 2024, 01:14:20 PM
A more realistic battle would of course involve fleets of some sort.  I think one could limit said fleets to something like say 3 BBs on each side, 4 heavy cruisers (CA) and 6 light cruisers (CL) and maybe 12 destroyers (DDs).  I don't know the actual makeup of Admiral Lee's fast BB fleet so I'm guessing.

Then it still would come down to luck, the Japanese destroyers might get in and launch their Long Lances and get some hits that would cause havock, and at least disrupt the fleet formations.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2024, 08:00:04 PM
It makes some sense to me, the cruisers and BBs would have planes and crews designed specifically for scouting, not attack or air to air.  I think the US usually had enough carrier planes to scout, and the Dauntlesses would carry a 500 pounder when scouting often as not.
I wonder if having the scouting done by floatplanes launched by cruisers induced some C2 problems. I don't know about the U.S. having "enough" carrier planes relative to the numbers of Japanese carrier planes. I suspect that it was more about philosophical differences. Re the Dauntlesses, yeah, the "scouting" squadrons at Midway carried 500-lb bombs while the "bombing" squadrons carried 1,000-pounders.

So, the Japanese could devote their carrier air groups solely to attack (and some defense) without wasting some planes on scouting.
At Midway, the scouting and bombing SBD squadrons were launched simultaneously. Also, at Midway and at least some of the other carrier battles, land-based PBY Catalinas and PB4Y Navy Liberators played a major role in locating the enemy fleet. The Japanese also had flying boats. They used them for various purposes, including scouting.

It's a bit amusing to think the early concept of a carrier was to scout for the main battle fleet.
Yep. Related to that, there's a nautical myth that the "C" in "CV" originally stood for "cruiser." It sort of made sense, as the earliest U.S. experiments in ship-borne air operations involved cruisers.

Early on, the same concept of scouting applied to submarines, even though subs were manifestly unsuited to that role.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2024, 08:02:26 PM
A more realistic battle would of course involve fleets of some sort.  I think one could limit said fleets to something like say 3 BBs on each side, 4 heavy cruisers (CA) and 6 light cruisers (CL) and maybe 12 destroyers (DDs).  I don't know the actual makeup of Admiral Lee's fast BB fleet so I'm guessing.

Then it still would come down to luck, the Japanese destroyers might get in and launch their Long Lances and get some hits that would cause havock, and at least disrupt the fleet formations.
Long Lances were lethal, as seen in the Battle of Savo Island. It's a scandal how bad our torpedoes were for much of the war.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 12, 2024, 08:04:12 PM
Re the tornadoes of the last couple of weeks, one in Oklahoma spun the "wrong" way and another nearby doubled back on itself.

Here (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 12, 2024, 10:41:40 PM
crazy stuff
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 13, 2024, 09:33:59 AM
Congrats to the Sooner softballers.  Splitting the conference championship this year is a better result than most expected for the Horns.  Still, I wouldn't mind seeing that tournament played somewhere other than OKC, I have to admit.  Not exactly fair for the Sooners to always get homefield advantage...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 13, 2024, 09:54:32 AM
I did not know this was a converted BB:

Japanese aircraft carrier.
Launched in November 1921 as a "Tosa class" battleship.
Reclassified as an aircraft carrier in November 1923.
Completed in March 1928.
Commissioned in November 1929.
Refitted in october 1933-June 1935.
Sunk by US dive bombers on 4 June 1942 at the Battle of Midway.
Displacement: 38.813 t.
Length: 247.65 m (812 ft 6 in)
Beam: 32.5 m (106 ft 8 in)
Propulsion: 127.400 shp.
Speed: 28 knots.
Armament: 10x200 mm (7.9 in), 16x127 mm (5 in), 22x25 mm (1 in).
Armour: Belt 152 mm (6 in), Deck 38 mm (1.5 in).
Aircraft carried: 90 (total); 72 (+ 18 in storage) in 1936.
Mitsubishi A6M fighter, Aichi D3A dive bomber, Nakajima B5N torpedo bomber.
Crew: 1708.

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Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 13, 2024, 12:49:01 PM
Kaga's half-sister was Akagi. Akagi and its sister ship Amagi were laid down as battlecruisers but, because of the Washington Naval Treaty, were intended to be converted into carriers, just as USS Lexington and USS Saratoga were.

But Amagi, under construction, was damaged beyond practical repair by the Tokyo earthquake of Sep 1923, and so the battleship-under-construction Kaga was converted instead. There were two other Amagi-class battlecruisers already laid down, but Kaga was further along.

Perhaps a bad choice. Kaga was a less-suitable basis for conversion. Based on a battleship rather than a battlecruiser, she was slower and less maneuverable than Akagi. And the two carriers--making up the 1st division of the Kido Butai--did not have common performance or logistical characteristics.

As built, Kaga and Akagi had three superimposed flight decks.


Both were reconstructed in the mid-1930s to have a single flight deck.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 13, 2024, 12:51:24 PM
As predicted, Texas got the #1 seed and OU the #2 seed in the NCAA Softball Tournament. A WCWS finals match-up would be a great way to leave the Big 12.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 13, 2024, 01:01:45 PM
As predicted, Texas got the #1 seed and OU the #2 seed in the NCAA Softball Tournament. A WCWS finals match-up would be a great way to leave the Big 12.

Where the Sooner women would once again get to enjoy home field advantage in the WCWS.

Seems pretty cheaty to me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 13, 2024, 01:13:17 PM
Congrats to the Sooner softballers.  Splitting the conference championship this year is a better result than most expected for the Horns.  Still, I wouldn't mind seeing that tournament played somewhere other than OKC, I have to admit.  Not exactly fair for the Sooners to always get homefield advantage...
Congrats to Texas for winning the regular-season championship, which I think counts for more in the minds of the people who seed the NCAA tournament. And rightly so, IMO.
If you're talking about the conference tournament always being played in OKC, I agree that it is not fair. (FoSu doesn't complain, FWIW.) It makes economic sense, because more tickets can be sold, but it's not fair.
However, a somewhat similar situation has existed with the last 9 football CCGs, which have all been played in Arlington. With OU and Texas leaving, Baylor will be the beneficiary of that arrangement.
I won't be surprised if the next Big 12 softball championship is held in Tucson. U of A has a significantly larger stadium than any of the other 16-teams in the next-generation Big 12 will have. Next is BYU, then ASU. Maybe the tournament could rotate between those three schools.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 13, 2024, 01:17:17 PM
Where the Sooner women would once again get to enjoy home field advantage in the WCWS.

Seems pretty cheaty to me.
No more cheaty than the CWS being played in Omaha every year since dinosaurs roamed the earth.
And, if not in OKC, which invested the money to build the best softball facility in America, where should it be held?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 13, 2024, 01:55:46 PM
No more cheaty than the CWS being played in Omaha every year since dinosaurs roamed the earth.
And, if not in OKC, which invested the money to build the best softball facility in America, where should it be held?
Simple solution you already offered upthread-- rotate it.

And I'll certainly agree that the CWS being held in Omaha every year isn't exactly fair, but at the same time, the University of Nebraska isn't nearly as successful in baseball, as the University of Oklahoma is in softball. So the Huskers aren't receiving nearly as much benefit as the Sooners.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 13, 2024, 02:30:13 PM
UGA is starting to do pretty well in other sports except basketball, where they seem doomed coach after coach after coach.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 13, 2024, 02:45:10 PM
Simple solution you already offered upthread-- rotate it.
Simple, yes. Easy to do, maybe not.
Do you have candidates for rotational sites for the WCWS?

And I'll certainly agree that the CWS being held in Omaha every year isn't exactly fair, but at the same time, the University of Nebraska isn't nearly as successful in baseball, as the University of Oklahoma is in softball. So the Huskers aren't receiving nearly as much benefit as the Sooners.
If the Huskers got better in baseball, would you be in favor of rotating the CWS?
Have you been in favor of rotating the Big 12 CCG?
Speaking of football, there are many examples of venues favoring a particular team or conference. CCGs in the P5/4 conferences are at fixed locations. And they favor some teams over other teams. All of the bowl games that are important in determining the national championship--currently Rose, Orange, Sugar, Fiesta, Cotton, and Peach--favor particular teams or conferences. And to a significant extent that has been going on for many decades.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 13, 2024, 02:52:46 PM
Yeah, UGA has to play the Gators in the Gator BOWL each year, talk about bias.

Then they have to travel all the way to Atlanta to play the SEC CG, in what once was called the Georgia Dome, but isn't now.  

I never thought baseball had much HFA.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 13, 2024, 03:12:01 PM
Simple, yes. Easy to do, maybe not.
Do you have candidates for rotational sites for the WCWS?

Sure, any of the places you mentioned for rotating the B12 tourney.  Or Austin.  Los Angeles.  Etc.

If the Huskers got better in baseball, would you be in favor of rotating the CWS?

Yeah, probably. If they were constantly playing in the CWS finals in front of their home base, the way OU does in softball, then I'd consider it to be a major problem with the choice of location.

Have you been in favor of rotating the Big 12 CCG?

Of course.  It used to rotate and I was good with that.  Texas won the first ever B12 conference championship in St. Louis.

Speaking of football, there are many examples of venues favoring a particular team or conference. CCGs in the P5/4 conferences are at fixed locations. And they favor some teams over other teams. All of the bowl games that are important in determining the national championship--currently Rose, Orange, Sugar, Fiesta, Cotton, and Peach--favor particular teams or conferences. And to a significant extent that has been going on for many decades.

So what?  Doesn't make it right or fair. 

Responses above in red.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 13, 2024, 03:51:06 PM
Yeah, UGA has to play the Gators in the Gator BOWL each year, talk about bias.

Then they have to travel all the way to Atlanta to play the SEC CG, in what once was called the Georgia Dome, but isn't now. 

I never thought baseball had much HFA.
To be fair, UGa doesn't HAVE to play the gators at the Gator bowl.  Both parties have to be in favor of a neutral site.  

I never understood why something like the CWS is ALWAYS played in Omaha.  Maybe tradition?  Is the womens CWS always played in Oklahoma?  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 13, 2024, 06:19:52 PM
. . . I never understood why something like the CWS is ALWAYS played in Omaha.  Maybe tradition?  Is the womens CWS always played in Oklahoma? 
Under AIAW auspices, it was played in Omaha from 1969 to 1979. Then it was played in Norman from 1980 to 1982. The NCAA then began sponsoring the event in 1982, and in that year two competing WCWS events were held. The NCCA version held it in Omaha from 1982 to 1987. Then it was played in Sunnyvale, California for two years. It has been played in Oklahoma City from 1990 to the present.
In 1990, the OU softball team was playing at Reaves Park, a City of Norman public park with six softball fields and a similar number of flag football field. We played intramural softball and flag football there when I was in college in the 1970s.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 13, 2024, 06:25:59 PM
Sure, any of the places you mentioned for rotating the B12 tourney.  Or Austin.  Los Angeles.  Etc.
Do any of those places have a 13,000-seat softball park?
There is a bit of irony in a Longhorn fan complaining about the unfairness of it all.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 14, 2024, 08:26:19 AM
Omaha is obviously a great host city centrally located.

Omaha fans love baseball and help fill the seats every season

yes, I wish Van Horn would have stayed and taken advantage of the situation
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 14, 2024, 09:45:19 AM
Do any of those places have a 13,000-seat softball park?
There is a bit of irony in a Longhorn fan complaining about the unfairness of it all.
Does it NEED to have a 13,000 seat softball park in order to have teams play in the event?  Nope.  So, you're just talking about the cash grab-- the very thing that continues to ruin college sports in every endeavor.

And why shouldn't a Longhorn be able to complain about an unfair tournament location?  Has there ever been a tournament for any major sport held consistently in Austin or within 20 miles of Austin?  Although it certainly seems rather on-brand for a land thief to defend a built-in cheat code for his own team. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 14, 2024, 09:55:51 AM
I think of Omaha as a traditional aspect of the CWS.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 14, 2024, 11:52:36 AM
Does it NEED to have a 13,000 seat softball park in order to have teams play in the event?  Nope.  So, you're just talking about the cash grab-- the very thing that continues to ruin college sports in every endeavor.

And why shouldn't a Longhorn be able to complain about an unfair tournament location?  Has there ever been a tournament for any major sport held consistently in Austin or within 20 miles of Austin?  Although it certainly seems rather on-brand for a land thief to defend a built-in cheat code for his own team.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 14, 2024, 12:07:04 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 14, 2024, 12:28:22 PM
you all need to ease up on ol CW

We love ya CW
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 14, 2024, 12:44:40 PM
Oh CW and I have traded more than a few barbed comments over the decades.  It's a natural part of the rivalry.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 14, 2024, 01:10:34 PM
Oh CW and I have traded more than a few barbed comments over the decades.  It's a natural part of the rivalry.
Ive been around for 2 of those decades so Im very aware
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 16, 2024, 07:01:21 PM
Does it NEED to have a 13,000 seat softball park in order to have teams play in the event?  Nope.  So, you're just talking about the cash grab-- the very thing that continues to ruin college sports in every endeavor.

And why shouldn't a Longhorn be able to complain about an unfair tournament location?  Has there ever been a tournament for any major sport held consistently in Austin or within 20 miles of Austin?  Although it certainly seems rather on-brand for a land thief to defend a built-in cheat code for his own team.
A very nice softball complex that hosts the WCWS is far down the list of things that are ruining college sports.
Other cities, including Austin, are free to bid on hosting the event.
Poor Texas!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 16, 2024, 09:44:44 PM
Don't be so salty just because someone chooses to call out a situation that is obviously unfair.

You're a Sooner, just own the cheating.   $witzer surely did!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 16, 2024, 11:16:52 PM
like the Horn's baseball program hosting a regional although they're ranked around #25?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 17, 2024, 10:16:25 AM
like the Horn's baseball program hosting a regional although they're ranked around #25?
Yup, I freely admit that the Horns' helmetosity gives us unearned rewards.  Just own it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 17, 2024, 10:17:28 AM
@longhorn320 (;u=16)  and @Gigem (;u=1706) 

Everything okay?  Y'all have power?  Y'all still have ROOFS?

Pls Check in when you get a chance.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on May 17, 2024, 01:30:49 PM
@longhorn320 (;u=16)  and @Gigem (;u=1706)

Everything okay?  Y'all have power?  Y'all still have ROOFS?

Pls Check in when you get a chance.
power just came back on here

no problems here

My daughter had tree in her front yard fall over but no house damage from that
her back fence blew over and a tree limb went through her roof all the way into her kitchen

home ownership is so wonderful sometimes

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 17, 2024, 05:38:32 PM
power just came back on here

no problems here

My daughter had tree in her front yard fall over but no house damage from that
her back fence blew over and a tree limb went through her roof all the way into her kitchen

home ownership is so wonderful sometimes
Glad to hear that your power is back, 320. Houston's taken some hard hits this spring.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 17, 2024, 08:15:03 PM
Everything’s fine here, we’re all fine here.  How are you?  

Just a little rain here 50 miles south of H town. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 17, 2024, 09:22:41 PM
Yup, I freely admit that the Horns' helmetosity gives us unearned rewards.  Just own it.
just like Sooner women's softball helmets
just suck it
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 18, 2024, 11:32:33 AM
Everything’s fine here, we’re all fine here.  How are you? 

Just a little rain here 50 miles south of H town.
Fine here. Not too much in the way of severe weather since the 30-some tornadoes the night of 27-28 April.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 18, 2024, 02:07:28 PM
just like Sooner women's softball helmets
just suck it
Third party smack is lame, even from you.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 18, 2024, 02:08:23 PM
Everything’s fine here, we’re all fine here.  How are you? 

Just a little rain here 50 miles south of H town.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 18, 2024, 09:06:07 PM
Third party smack is lame, even from you.
a pot stirrer's life is tough
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 19, 2024, 10:11:27 AM

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 19, 2024, 05:57:36 PM
OU, Texas, oSu, and aTm, taking advantage of playing on their home fields, advance to Super-Regionals.

LSU and Bama do likewise.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 20, 2024, 10:23:55 AM
Ags are coming to Austin for the super.  Hope that homefield advantage continues to work for the Horns.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 20, 2024, 12:35:10 PM
I watched a few minutes of softball yesterday, those gals are good athletes I think, some are a bit chunky.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 20, 2024, 12:54:12 PM
I watched a few minutes of softball yesterday, those gals are good athletes I think, some are a bit chunky.
I think that hitting is becoming more emphasized than base-running over the past decade or so. Or at least that seems to be the case with the OU teams. Maybe the young ladies are doing more work in the weight room than before.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on May 21, 2024, 09:29:24 AM
Let's face it. Baseball players aren't exactly fit and trim. You have to be able to run 30 yards like twice an hour.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 21, 2024, 09:59:26 AM
That's quite the overgeneralization.  I think most MLB players are fit and trim.  Some are not, the sport does provide for some unfit players of course as DHs usually.

A lot of them were multisport stars in HS.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on May 21, 2024, 11:19:11 AM
I think most "regular guys" think they could play competent baseball. The issue, obviously, is that actually connecting with anything past a competent high school pitcher's offering just isn't gonna happen.

Whereas it was immediately obvious that my participation in any type of football activity is about where it should be: in the stands or in front of a TV.
I'm a (barely) 6ft tall gravity bound white guy, so basketball's out. I actually occupied the soccer field with Chad Deering (USMNT) once. While I don't recall wearing 10lbs shoes, I might as well have been. My time on hockey skates has me with the current stat line: 0G 0A 24stitches
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 21, 2024, 11:25:12 AM
I've played games against retired MLB players, some in their 50s.  They still have a skill level that is to me remarkable.  And these guys are in pretty good physical condition as well, though ALL the pitchers have ruined arms save one, and he can flat bring it.

We don't play against them any more, I think they have largely aged out.  But they were impressive, to me.  It is said hitting a MLB fast ball is the hardest thing in sports.

Then think about mixing in sliders and changeups and sinkers .........  

The thing about a major league fastball is that it makes pretty wicked noise going by.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 21, 2024, 12:23:07 PM
that's what Mike Jordan figured out
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 21, 2024, 12:27:12 PM
I asked the group of them if they were always the best player on their LL or HS team, and they all nodded.  This was about 20 of them.  They weren't bragging, and they nearly all played other sports.  Tom Glavine was drafted by the NHL.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 21, 2024, 11:03:02 PM
The Worst Design Mistake of the Iowa-Class Battleships (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 24, 2024, 11:32:22 AM
FTR, the WCWS was held at Golden Paark, Columbus, GA, in 1996. Golden Park, a 1925 baseball stadium rebuilt several times, was preparing to host the softball games for the 1996 Olympics.

Columbus is directly adjacent to Fort Moore (nee Fort Benning), so I spent some time in its fine establishments like Ranger Joe's. Never saw Golden Park, though.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 24, 2024, 11:53:07 AM
There is an armor museum down that way I'm keen to seeing.  My wife not as much.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 24, 2024, 01:23:39 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 25, 2024, 01:12:18 AM
There is an armor museum down that way I'm keen to seeing.  My wife not as much.
It's weird thinking of armor at Fort Moore (nee Benning). It was the Infantry Center and Fort Knox was the Armor Center.
The Patton Museum of U.S. Army cavalry and armor history is still at Fort Knox.
The U.S. Army Armor & Cavalry Museum is at Fort Moore. But according to the U.S. Army Center of Military History (, it is not open to the general public. So you should probably check on that before you go. However, the National Infantry Museum ( and Soldier Center is located in Columbus right outside the post and, best I can tell, is open to the public.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 25, 2024, 01:24:01 AM
Texas A&M beat #1 Texas tonight in Game One of the Austin Super-Regional of the NCAA Softball Tournament.

Duke beat Mizzou in Columbia. I like Duke softball. My esposita and I stayed in the same hotel with the Duke softball team in L.A. in 2022. The Dukies (Dukettes?) got eliminated by U-Dub as I recall.

Tennessee beat Bama in Knoxville. Florida beat Baylor 4-2 in Gainesville. Oklahoma State run-ruled Arizona in Stillwater. All of these were Game Ones. Stanford was supposed to be playing LSU in Palo Alto, but I don't have a result for that game.

UCLA beat Georgia in L.A., punching its ticket to the WCWS.

OU beat Florida State in Norman, punching its ticket to the WCWS, which will be held in Oklahoma City, giving OU and (presumably) oSu an unfair advantage.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 25, 2024, 05:39:31 AM
It's open on specified days to the GP, I get alerts on FB about it.  There is the usual process to enter of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 25, 2024, 05:57:49 PM
It's open on specified days to the GP, I get alerts on FB about it.  There is the usual process to enter of course.
That's good.
What's the usual process to enter? Retinal scan?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 25, 2024, 09:20:39 PM
Texas got a run in the 9th to beat A&M 9-8 in the Austin softball Super-Regional. Game 3 tomorrow.

It appears that Oklahoma State and Arizona are rain-delayed in the 5th in Stillwater. Pokes are up 10-3. If oSu goes on to win, that will be the ticket-punch for the WCWS.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on May 25, 2024, 10:55:09 PM
their Holiday Cheer on Draught is just  🍻 😍
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 27, 2024, 08:45:56 AM
Vietnam Huey Pilots—You Gotta Love ’Em

This Huey pilot, I’m sure still in his teens, dropped through a hole in the jungle out from Long Hai early 1971 time frame to pick up a few of us Special Forces guys. He was grinning like it was the most fun he ever had with his clothes on. On the way back up the chopper blades clipped foliage. I was amazed—not so much by his flying skill though it was impressive—but by how he could fit in his seat with balls that big!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 27, 2024, 02:19:13 PM
That's a cool story. Odd that the little hinged door aft of the cockpit door is painted black. I've never seen that before.

[EDIT: Maybe it's a replacement door taken off of a Huey that was painted a darker shade of olive drab.]

Here's a great pic of a Huey in action.


It's from the Battle of the Ia Drang, our first real battle of the Vietnam War, in Nov 1965. The Pilot in Command of the Huey was Maj. Bruce Crandall, C.O. of Co. A, 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion. His UH-1D (same model as the one with the black door) Huey is departing after dropping off a load of infantrymen. He and his wingman, Capt. Ed "Too Tall" Freeman, made 22 trips into this hot landing zone, bringing in troops, ammo, and water and carrying out the wounded. 12 of those trips were after the Medevac unit refused to go in because of the then-SOP of the 1st Cav Div prohibiting such units from flying into hot LZs. They changed helicopters several times over the course of the long day because of battle damage. Both men were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, later upgraded to the Medal of Honor. Steel balls.

My last aviation assignment in the Army was as XO of 3rd Battalion, 229th Aviation, an attack helicopter battalion flying AH-64s, the descendant of Crandall's and Freeman's unit.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 27, 2024, 02:22:42 PM
UT's (are they called the Lady Longhorns?) softball team won Games 2 and 3 of the Austin Super-Regional to punch its ticket to the WCWS. Texas is the 1-seed and OU the 2-seed. So, if it plays out according to chalk, we will see a meeting of those two teams in the championship series, as we did in 2022.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 27, 2024, 04:41:18 PM
Here's another great Huey pic. This is of a USMC UH-1E in Oct 1969. The UH-1E was basically an Army UH-1C gunship modified to meet Marine Corps requirements. You can see the various weapons-sights in front of the pilots. I've never flown or flown in a Huey gunship, and I don't know what those sights in front of the left-seater are, but I suspect that they are for the forward-facing, semi-fixed 7.62 MG mounts outside the cargo doors. The right-seater has a gunsight for--I think--rockets, folded up and out of immediate use.


Memorial Day -- Make it Matter.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 28, 2024, 11:21:17 AM
Texas A&M beat #1 Texas tonight in Game One of the Austin Super-Regional of the NCAA Softball Tournament.

Duke beat Mizzou in Columbia. I like Duke softball. My esposita and I stayed in the same hotel with the Duke softball team in L.A. in 2022. The Dukies (Dukettes?) got eliminated by U-Dub as I recall.

Tennessee beat Bama in Knoxville. Florida beat Baylor 4-2 in Gainesville. Oklahoma State run-ruled Arizona in Stillwater. All of these were Game Ones. Stanford was supposed to be playing LSU in Palo Alto, but I don't have a result for that game.

UCLA beat Georgia in L.A., punching its ticket to the WCWS.

OU beat Florida State in Norman, punching its ticket to the WCWS, which will be held in Oklahoma City, giving OU and (presumably) oSu an unfair advantage.
See?  Doesn't it feel so much better when you just embrace it?

Horns struggled with the ags in Austin. TAMU was probably seeded too low, but I don't think it bodes well for UT's chances in the WCWS.  If they DO make it to the end, I don't see Texas beating OU twice, in front of their unfairly advantaged home crowd.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 29, 2024, 11:27:02 PM
See?  Doesn't it feel so much better when you just embrace it?

Horns struggled with the ags in Austin. TAMU was probably seeded too low, but I don't think it bodes well for UT's chances in the WCWS.  If they DO make it to the end, I don't see Texas beating OU twice, in front of their unfairly advantaged home crowd.
This is a conversation between two sportswriters who, until about a year ago, wrote for The Oklahoman, OKC's newspaper. The underlining of text is mine.

Jenni Carlson: OK, Berry, it is Women's College World Series week. Are you as excited as I am? I get kind of excited about this week.

Berry Tramel: Well, I'm pretty fired up most years for it, but especially when both the Sooners and Cowgirls are this good. You mentioned it: the ultimate in Oklahoma would be if we had an OSU/OU, a Bedlam series in the championship. We almost got it two years ago, and it's looking like these might be the two best teams along with, if you go by the super-regional performance, OU, OSU, UCLA, or the three schools that swept in two games. So, both teams are rolling as they as they get to Devon Park, so it could be the year.
Jenni: I’m gonna have to get used to that Devon Park thing. That may be the thing I struggle with most in this Women's College World Series, what to call the place. It's been Hall of Fame Stadium all these years. So, OK, Devon Park. I'm locking it in right now.
What do you think about this field, Berry? I mean, OU OSU, obviously two teams, people around here know well, but is there a favorite? Do you feel like we have a sense of where this tournament could lead us?
Berry: Well, the Sooners are the favorite, and you know, it's nice to see Texas No. 1, but the Sooners are the favorite. They've won three straight national titles. They've got a juggernaut with Patty Gasso. Texas has a really good team. OSU has a really good team. UCLA has … all kinds of teams have good teams. But until somebody knocks off the champs, the Sooners are the queens. So, OU's the favorite. Everybody realizes that.
But I do think the gap between Oklahoma and the rest of the field is narrower this season than in past years. No dominant pitching for Oklahoma. The Sooners are scoring about the same amount of runs per game as they did a year ago, but they're giving up about one run per game more than they did last season when Jordy Dahl was mowing people down. If you remember Jordy Dahl in the world series last June, no earned runs. I think it was 24 1/3 inning or 25 or whatever it was. Jordy Bahl, zero earned runs. Sooners aren't gonna get that kind of pitching, I don't think, this season. So the gap is narrower than we've seen in recent years.
Jenni : Yeah, we remember Jordy Bahl. Lots of people would like to forget Jordy Bahl, but that's a whole other story.
OK, so you mentioned the gap tightening. It sounds like you're of the mind that the gap is tightened because the Sooners aren't as dominant. Is that true or has the field, has its level raised in your estimation? Is that gap tightened because of what everybody else is doing or is it largely about the Sooners?
Berry: I think it's about the Sooners’ pitching. I really do. I mean, we've had outstanding softball teams in the NCAA for years and years and years. You know, Oklahoma State, this is one of their best teams, might be the best team, but they've been really good. They made the semifinals two years ago, and UCLA's UCLA, and on and on down the line. So I think that's really what it is. I'll put it this way, Jordy Bahl was still pitching for Patty Gasso, if she was gonna start on Thursday night against Duke or whoever, they'd probably be the No. 1 seed. So they'd be playing wherever Texas is playing. Then I think the gap would not be narrower. So I do think it's about the Sooners.
Jenni: So we've nibbled around this idea of OU-OSU, a Bedlam championship series. Berry, I have actually written about this multiple years. I let some games play out. I let it get close. I let it get possible before I floated it out there. And it never has come true. Is this a legitimate shot? Should I even should I even propose the idea or just sit on my hands and let things get down the road a little bit?
Berry: Well, I don't see any reason to sit on your hands. I mean, go ahead and throw it out there. I do think it's a long shot just because it's all a long shot. The Cowgirls making the championship series, that's not a sure thing. And if they did make it, it's not a sure thing the Sooners will be waiting on them. So the odds are against it, but the odds are better than they've ever been probably.
OSU's playing very well. Ran through the regional, ran through the super regional. Sooners have righted the ship. They won 14 straight now, I think. Whatever it is, they’re on a nice winning streak. Had a little bit of a dip, lost the two to Texas, lost the two to OSU, but they're playing really well.
I do think it's a good field. Let's see. Most of the favorites won, so we don't really have any Cinderellas in this field. Alabama's the lowest seated team at 14. Alabama's not a Cinderella. They've been an established power for a long time. So I like the depth of this field is really good. So I think a lot of teams could win it. I think a lot of teams will make a lot of noise. And I think the odds are that OU and OSU won't meet, but they could.
Jenni: The fact that they start out on opposite sides of the bracket, that helps out. That's a first check in the right direction. But then I think what you said about how well both of them are playing, to me, they both come in looking as good as they've looked in a long time. Now, we've had some years in the past when I've thought something similar about these two teams, but I do think it sets up as a strong possibility. I think it's something to be hopeful for if you're a fan of softball around here,
Now, I don't know how fired up everybody else in the softball world would be about a Bedlam series to win it all. I have to think that most people around the softball world would just as soon not have those in-state teams there. One's quite enough, but two, I think a lot of people would be up in arms about that.
Berry: Yeah, and you'd hear a lot of people grumbling about the home-field advantage and all those things, which there is. I think there is a pretty good home-field advantage for OU and a decent home-field advantage for OSU, but them’s the breaks of the game. It wasn't Fresno, it wasn't Plant City, Florida, it wasn't somewhere on the East Coast, it wasn't somewhere on the West Coast that took this event when it was just a little thing that nobody paid attention to and put it in a park that at the time was state of the art and over the last 35 years has just gotten better and better and better. Now, it seats 13,000 and is a jewel of a softball park and is every bit as, foundational in the NCAA sports calendar as Omaha is to baseball, which is something we never thought we'd say.
If there was a time when if you didn't like Oklahoma City being the permanent home, you could do something about it. That day has passed. You can't do anything about it now.
Sooners have taken advantage of it. I think Kenny Gajewski and the Cowgirls have taken advantage of it. That's what ought to happen. You ought to be able to take advantage of it. I know this, the Cornhuskers of Nebraska and the Blue Jays of Creighton have not really taken advantage of Omaha having the Men's (College) World Series lo these many years, 75 years I think. It may be longer. So, Sooners and Cowgirls have taken advantage of it.
Jenni: Definitely so. So we've talked about the locals. Is there a team that they should be on the lookout for as a team that could really upend not only the hopes of maybe a Bedlam Championship Series, but maybe one of the Bedlam rivals winning this whole thing? UCLA ran through their super regional. We've got Texas as the top seed in this tournament. Is there a team that you would be most worried about if you're Patty Gasso and her team or Kenny Gajewski and his team?
Berry: You know what? I don't see a team that really just worries me. I do see a couple of pitchers that worry me. The gals at Stanford and Duke are just dominant and in a one-game showdown, they could give you problems. So, when you look at teams, UCLA has the magic. They got the pedigree this season. They got the history. They're always legitimate. Kelly Inouye-Perez is the coach. She goes back to the Lisa Fernandez days as UCLA as a catcher for the Bruins in the early ’90s. So she's shoulder deep in Bruin lore. So UCLA is probably the one you would probably fear the most.
Not Texas. Texas did not look good, I did not think, in the super regional against A&M. A lot of mistakes there. A lot of wild, out-of-control games. They skated through it and got to Oklahoma City.
But I would say UCLA probably would be the team I would fear the most if I was the Sooners or the Cowgirls. . . .
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on May 30, 2024, 08:52:32 AM
See?  Doesn't it feel so much better when you just embrace it?

Horns struggled with the ags in Austin. TAMU was probably seeded too low, but I don't think it bodes well for UT's chances in the WCWS.  If they DO make it to the end, I don't see Texas beating OU twice, in front of their unfairly advantaged home crowd.
Three games, all three were I think one score games.  Pretty tight series, good luck in the (unfair located) WCWS.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 30, 2024, 08:53:35 AM
USS Iowa is a retired battleship, the lead ship of her class, and the fourth in the United States Navy to be named after the state of Iowa. Owing to the cancellation of the Montana-class battleships, Iowa is the last lead ship of any class of United States battleships and was the only ship of her class to serve in the Atlantic Ocean during World War II.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 30, 2024, 09:02:41 AM
The Brits finished a BB after the war ended and kept it for a few years.

HMS Vanguard (23) - Wikipedia (

It was the last BB built by anyone.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 30, 2024, 03:48:04 PM
From the Font of All Wisdom and Knowledge:

In November 1943, Iowa carried President Roosevelt, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Roosevelt's Chief of Staff Admiral William D. Leahy, Chief of Staff of the Army General George C. Marshall, Chief of Naval Operations Ernest King, Commanding General of the US Army Air Forces Henry "Hap" Arnold, Harry Hopkins, and other military leaders to Mers El Kébir, Algeria, on the first leg of the journey to the Cairo and Tehran conferences. On 14 November, in waters east of Bermuda, USS William D. Porter (DD-579), a destroyer that was part of Iowa's anti-submarine screen, accidentally discharged a torpedo toward Iowa during a drill. Following warnings from the destroyer and her own lookouts, Iowa turned hard to avoid the torpedo, which detonated approximately 1200 yards astern in the ship's wake. Iowa trained her guns on William D. Porter, concerned that the smaller ship might have been involved in an assassination plot.

Iowa completed her presidential escort mission on 16 December by returning the President to the United States. Roosevelt addressed the crew of Iowa prior to leaving by stating, "... from all I have seen and all I have heard, the Iowa is a 'happy ship,' and having served with the Navy for many years, I know—and you know—what that means." He also touched on the progress made at the conference before concluding his address with "... good luck, and remember that I am with you in spirit, each and every one of you."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on May 30, 2024, 03:49:29 PM
The RRS is apparently going to be played at 2:30 this year.,on%20either%20ESPN%20or%20ABC.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 30, 2024, 05:24:22 PM
Lots of folks have wanted that 2:30 kickoff for a long time, while it's been at 11 AM more often than not lately since that's the preferred "national" slot for both Fox and ABC.

I think those folks should be careful what they wish for.  2:30 games in Dallas in early October tend to be hot.  Really, really hot.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 30, 2024, 05:32:32 PM
Also sounds like the new Ag AD Trev Alberts has no interest in Texas-TAMU returning to its traditional Thanksgiving date:
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 31, 2024, 08:45:32 AM
mouth piece for the boosters of substance
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 31, 2024, 09:00:44 AM
Yup, sure could be.

It doesn't matter to me anymore.  I loved the T-day tradition but it's also a hassle that intrudes on family time.

And if it's not on T-day then I'm fine with it being on Saturday.  There's certainly nothing overly special about T+1.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 31, 2024, 09:08:07 AM
Trev nor the boosters will make the decision

the networks decide when ya kickoff
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on May 31, 2024, 09:43:48 AM
I kept hearing about the "traditional" 11am slot for the RRS. It isn't tradition. It's a legacy of the cruddy Big 12 TV contracts and the inability of Texas and/or OU to command national attention that early in the season. Since a lot of national rivals now play on the 2nd Saturday in October, ABC/ESPN didn't want to go up against nationally prominent games.

I'm optimistic that calculation can change going forward.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 31, 2024, 11:22:34 AM
I kept hearing about the "traditional" 11am slot for the RRS. It isn't tradition. It's a legacy of the cruddy Big 12 TV contracts and the inability of Texas and/or OU to command national attention that early in the season. Since a lot of national rivals now play on the 2nd Saturday in October, ABC/ESPN didn't want to go up against nationally prominent games.

I'm optimistic that calculation can change going forward.

Well you're half right-- the 11 AM time slot certainly isn't "traditional" unless you consider history only since about 2008 or so.

But the 11 AM time slot IS the preferred "national" timeslot for both ABC and Fox.  It's why B1G fans are so upset with Fox, Fox puts ALL of the high profile B1G games there at 11 AM (Fox "Big Noon" game), including Michigan-Ohio State.  And ABC considers it to be the premier timeslot of the day as well, at least during daytime hours.  Their primetime games are also big, but we all know the TX-OU game is never going to be played at the Cotton Bowl, at night.

The proliferation of additional ESPN channels and ESPN+ streaming and reverse-mirroring capability has somewhat diminished the importance of the 11 AM "national" timeslot, but the reason TX-OU keeps getting stuck there, is BECAUSE it's a big game.

But CBS has trained the country that the big-time SEC games are played at 2:30 (or primetime), so now TX-OU is going to shift into that slot.

Overall I'm ambivalent.  When I was younger and staying out late in Dallas on Friday night, I hated the early kickoff.  But now that I'm old, I don't mind the early kickoff so much, getting the game over early, and enjoying the rest of my Saturday afternoon/evening.  So I can go either way on it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on May 31, 2024, 11:33:55 AM
I guess I'm conditioned to think the Big Game comes on at 3:30 Eastern.  I was actually surprised that OSU-UM was at noon.

The 7 PM game ET struck me as the second game, noon was reserved for Jefferson Pilot.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on May 31, 2024, 11:44:36 AM
FOX and the Big went to noon cause they couldn't compete head to head with the SEC game of the week

it pains me to admit that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 31, 2024, 12:09:02 PM
FOX and the Big went to noon cause they couldn't compete head to head with the SEC game of the week

it pains me to admit that
Disney was already at 11 AM.  They made that their "national" timeslot somewhere around 2003.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on May 31, 2024, 12:11:21 PM
I guess I'm conditioned to think the Big Game comes on at 3:30 Eastern.  I was actually surprised that OSU-UM was at noon.

The 7 PM game ET struck me as the second game, noon was reserved for Jefferson Pilot.
CBS decided they wanted to feature the SEC at 2:30, which is probably why you perceive it that way.

Michigan-Ohio State blows away the ratings for pretty much any other regular season game you can name, they could put it at any timeslot and it would still do that.  Fox just really likes that 11 AM (noon) timeslot.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 01, 2024, 01:04:59 AM
Started my college fandom my freshman year, 1996. ( wasn’t really a freshman ). 

At that time it was T+1, I think. And really freaking early. Like 10 am. It seems like they went back to Thanksgiving around the mid-2000’s. Maybe 2004. I can’t recall how many years we did that, but I do remember that most of that time A&M was really bad and Texas was a Top 5ish program. 

Anyways I don’t really have a preference on Thanksgiving vs T+1 or Saturday. I rarely make it to games anymore, so either way I’m watching from home. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 01, 2024, 01:17:47 AM
We did have some really memorable games during that time (1996-2011). And some pretty forgettable ones too. 

The ones that stick out:
1998 Ricky runs wild. That one really hurt, but still won the Big 12. 

1999 Bonfire game. One of the all time greats. 

2006 Stephen McGee guts out a victory, keeps Texas out of the CCG 12-7. 

2007 Frans last game, first B2B series win for me and first A&M win in Austin for me. 

2011. Tucker kicks it at the last second giving Texas the “ Final win”. This one stung, being played at home and likely cost Sherman his job. 

I won’t lie, it was pretty lopsided during that time. Looking forward to playing each other when something is on the line for both teams. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 01, 2024, 08:59:25 AM
I actually went to the 1999 game.  Watched as the UT band knelt on the field in honor of those killed in the bonfire tradegy.

I also had to stand the whole game while watching an aggie team kick the crap out of UT.

and while watching that I also had to watch the couple infront of me kiss after after each aggie score.

great time
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 02, 2024, 08:54:59 AM
So far, Sooners and Horns are on track to meet in the champ series of the WCWS.

Horns are hitting the stuffing out of the ball lately.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 02, 2024, 09:21:13 AM
I watched both teams games yesterday

and they look pretty good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 02, 2024, 10:25:29 AM
Lady Horns finally back to looking like they did earlier in the season.

Baseball team took the ags to extra innings in College Station last night which is a lot better than I expected.  Gotta face the ragin Cajuns again today in the losers bracket, won't be easy but if they manage to win that one, then gotta beat the ags twice after that.  Unlikely but I guess stranger things have happened.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 03, 2024, 11:19:28 AM
Well the Horns beisbol team is out, Ags beat the ragin cajuns to advance to the supers.  Best of luck to TAMU.

Looks like OkState and OU still playing today both in winner take all games, so best of luck to them as well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 04, 2024, 10:19:24 AM
Lady Horns scrape past Stanford 1-0 sending them to the WCWS final series.  Sooners stumble with Florida and have a winner-take-all game today. 

Incidentally that win over Stanford probably secured the Director's Cup for Texas, for the 3rd time in the past 4 years.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 04, 2024, 12:05:06 PM
I'm not a big enough follower of Texas beisbol to speak authoritatively, so I'll consult the hive-mind:

Any hope for Pierce to continue as Texas head coach? He seems to be the victim of a stream of uniquely unfortunate circumstances.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 04, 2024, 12:25:20 PM
There's a lot of talk about booting him.  Just depends on who's available and interested, you don't want to fire him and then replace him with someone who's the same or worse, which is true for a lot of the names I'm hearing.

But personally, I think he's peaked and while it's possible he could get back to Omaha, I just don't think he will ever win there.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 04, 2024, 01:41:11 PM
I would agree if he had the horses and it was just a case of mismanagement

Id give him at least one more year

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 04, 2024, 02:01:05 PM
Not having the horses, is on the team manager.

This was probably the worst pitching staff I've seen at Texas in a couple of decades.  And there was a little bad luck but it's not like we lost half our starters to tommy john surgery before the season.  When that actually happened a few years back, the pitching staff was STILL better than this one...

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 04, 2024, 03:07:36 PM
Not having the horses, is on the team manager.

This was probably the worst pitching staff I've seen at Texas in a couple of decades.  And there was a little bad luck but it's not like we lost half our starters to tommy john surgery before the season.  When that actually happened a few years back, the pitching staff was STILL better than this one...

I think your point has some merit but to totally put the quality of players on the back of the  manager is a bit much

If anything this Manager did a great job of getting the most out of his players

Id give him one more year to see if he can fix the pitching problems

AS you said above its a big deal to start replacing managers
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 04, 2024, 03:55:07 PM
I think your point has some merit but to totally put the quality of players on the back of the  manager is a bit much

If anything this Manager did a great job of getting the most out of his players

Id give him one more year to see if he can fix the pitching problems

AS you said above its a big deal to start replacing managers
Yup I definitely wouldn't even consider it unless you already knew who your next guy was, and had already had successful preliminary talks with his agents.  You know, the way they fired Tom Herman and already had Sarkisian lined up.

Del Conte has proven to be very good at selecting and hiring head coaches, both at TCU and at Texas.  And David Pierce is one of the few remaining Texas coaches who was NOT hired by CDC.  That's got to be weighing pretty heavily on the scales right now...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 04, 2024, 04:18:06 PM
Appreciate the input. Obviously coaching college ball has a particular terror, in that if you recruit players that are "too good", they get drafted out of high school and go straight to an MLB farm club. Keeping players around is tough. I know that.

Firing a coach because he's losing is easy enough. To your point, you gotta replace him with someone who's willing to be hired. You gotta believe the new guy will do better.

Pierce just seemed to arrive with a good situation, didn't do anything with it, then continues to start the season in worse and worse conditions. Bumbling through the Big 12 (the teams aren't milquetoast by any means), then bowing out of the NCAA field seems to be his act. The SEC seems to be much more cutthroat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 04, 2024, 04:48:20 PM

Pierce just seemed to arrive with a good situation, didn't do anything with it, then continues to start the season in worse and worse conditions. Bumbling through the Big 12 (the teams aren't milquetoast by any means), then bowing out of the NCAA field seems to be his act. The SEC seems to be much more cutthroat.
I have two points to make on this:

DP has coached at UT 8 years
Throwing out 2019 and 2020 because of covid that leaves 6 years
He has taken the Horns to the WS 3 of those 6 years

The Horns 2024 recruiting class ranks 3rd in the nation

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 04, 2024, 05:10:10 PM
Oklahoma just hit a walkoff home run to top Florida and will meet Texas for the championship series starting tomorrow

At least the women are showing up
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 04, 2024, 05:49:09 PM

ou sucks.  BTHO schooner!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 06, 2024, 10:58:41 PM
Coming into the WCWS finals, I thought Texas was better and would likely win. Texas sailed through its half of the bracket, whereas OU had to win an elimination game against Florida to get to the finals.

Didn't turn out that way.

Congrats to the Lady Horns for a great season, even with the disappointment at the end.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 07, 2024, 12:02:39 AM
Thanks CW

Congratulations to the sooners 

The SEC folks ought to be very happy tonight

Did you know that a 70 mph pitch in softball is equivalent to a MLB pitch of 98 mph to the batter

just thought that was interesting that these women batters are facing a pretty good challenge
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 07, 2024, 01:06:57 AM
Thanks CW

Congratulations to the sooners

The SEC folks ought to be very happy tonight

Did you know that a 70 mph pitch in softball is equivalent to a MLB pitch of 98 mph to the batter

just thought that was interesting that these women batters are facing a pretty good challenge
I've seen a video of former OU pitcher Hope Trauwein pitching a softball to some MLB hitters. They had trouble making solid contact.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 07, 2024, 01:23:22 AM
I'm sure the softball Sooners will take a major step backwards next year. Heck, they took a measurable step back this year. This was the least dominant team of the last four. (Or maybe some other teams, like Texas and oSu, got better.) Losing Jordy Bahl to Nebraska hurt.

I caught something in the ESPN coverage this evening that I did not know.

The last four seasons (I think that's what they meant when they said, "This senior class), the Sooners have not been shut out and have not been run-ruled. They've led the country in win percentage and have won 4 WCWS championships (in OKC, of course!).

Maybe the ESPN ladies meant five (or six) years back, though. Five years back was the abbreviated Covid season.

A great senior class marches off the stage. We'll see what next year brings.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 07, 2024, 09:52:49 AM

Congrats to the Sooners on the championship.  That's a hefty streak going.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 07, 2024, 09:54:09 AM
Sooner bats weren't missing. If the pitch was hittable, they hit it. If it wasn't, they laid off.

Texas made a lot of noise earlier this season by winning a series against OU. If you look at it over the entire season including playoffs, quality won out.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 07, 2024, 12:08:02 PM
Sooner bats weren't missing. If the pitch was hittable, they hit it. If it wasn't, they laid off.

Texas made a lot of noise earlier this season by winning a series against OU. If you look at it over the entire season including playoffs, quality won out.
It's fine to celebrate success. But there's always another day, and that team you just beat will get another shot at you. You've got to remember Job One.
Back in the 2010s, our football team had a group of DBs who called themselves the "Sharks." They couldn't back it up. Burnt toast week after week.
Shut yer piehole and prove it on the field, sez me.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 07, 2024, 01:14:36 PM
Sooner bats weren't missing. If the pitch was hittable, they hit it. If it wasn't, they laid off.

Texas made a lot of noise earlier this season by winning a series against OU. If you look at it over the entire season including playoffs, quality won out.

Texas' only 2 wins against the Sooners were in Austin, by one run each.  The Sooners also won one in Austin, by 3 runs.

And then the 3 games played in OKC were all basically Sooner blowouts.  Texas just isn't on the same level.  And I don't really see any reason to think it won't remain that way.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 07, 2024, 01:52:53 PM
Texas' only 2 wins against the Sooners were in Austin, by one run each.  The Sooners also won one in Austin, by 3 runs.

And then the 3 games played in OKC were all basically Sooner blowouts.  Texas just isn't on the same level.  And I don't really see any reason to think it won't remain that way.
How sandbaggy of you

Were doomed
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 07, 2024, 02:04:30 PM
How sandbaggy of you

Were doomed
Eh, OU has the best coach and consistently brings in the absolute best talent, and why wouldn't they?  They're the top program and the Championship is in their backyard.  It's a never-ending circle, a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Everyone else is starting 50 yards behind them.

In brighter news, two of Texas' track and fielders winning their events yesterday, has pretty much clinched the Director's Cup for the Longhorns. That makes 3 out of the past 4 years.  CDC has upgraded every sport he's touched since he got on campus, the future looks bright for Longhorn athletics.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 07, 2024, 03:08:46 PM
Eh, OU has the best coach and consistently brings in the absolute best talent, and why wouldn't they?  They're the top program and the Championship is in their backyard.  It's a never-ending circle, a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Everyone else is starting 50 yards behind them.

In brighter news, two of Texas' track and fielders winning their events yesterday, has pretty much clinched the Director's Cup for the Longhorns. That makes 3 out of the past 4 years.  CDC has upgraded every sport he's touched since he got on campus, the future looks bright for Longhorn athletics.

So did Alabama football but we all know how that turned out

To say Texas will never beat OU in Womens Softball is Fearless like
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 07, 2024, 06:08:19 PM
Some Sooner fans I know thought that Texas had better talent going into the WCWS, even with the near-disaster in the Austin Super-Regional. I agreed with that line of thinking. Then Texas walloped Florida 10-0. OU lost to the Gators 9-3, then beat them 6-5 in extra innings.

Texas was not the #1 seed for nothing. The Lady Horns were the best-hitting team in all the land. The pitching did not look elite against OU in the finals, but it was good enough to shut out the big-hitting Gators.

I wonder if playing the WCWS in OKC, or playing against Patty Gasso, or a combination of both is in Mike White's head. And maybe the players' heads too. Texas' catcher (Atwood) lost track of how many outs there were in Game 1, allowing Hodge, the runner on 2nd, to advance to 3rd, setting up an easy RBI when OU's next batter, Jennings, singled to left. Mia Scott committed an egregious baserunning error for out #3, ending a rally, in the top of the 6th last night.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 08, 2024, 12:14:30 AM
So did Alabama football but we all know how that turned out

It's not the same thing at all but there's no need to belabor the point.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 08, 2024, 12:16:32 AM
I wonder if playing the WCWS in OKC, 


Ya think???

NO WAI!!!!!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 08, 2024, 12:50:06 AM
It's not the same thing at all but there's no need to belabor the point. 
I am a point belaborer

got nothing more to do then practice belaboring
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 08, 2024, 08:15:37 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 08, 2024, 09:41:45 AM

Ya think???

NO WAI!!!!!
You'd think he'd work on his own mind-set and that of his players. But, so far, no. He's focused on the unfairness of it all.
No other coach complains about playing in OKC as much as Mike White does. That ain't the road to success.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 08, 2024, 09:45:34 AM
Stewart Mandel is a wise man.
He was wisely opposed to a college football playoff.

Basketball is the sport with the biggest HFA, because the fans are practically on top of the zebras. For all those years, we played the Big 8 basketball tournament, and we still play the Big 12 basketball tournament, in Kansas City.

Unfair? Yes. What to do about it? Get over it. Get better.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 08, 2024, 10:21:51 AM
The playoff is here, we know folks will whine about the picks and how it turns out, and life will go on.  I expect 16 in a few years.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 08, 2024, 10:31:29 AM
so lets cut the crap and go with 64 teams and call it Dec Madness
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 08, 2024, 11:30:17 AM
I think there is a realistic time limit on number of games to be played of course, maybe it's 20, in addition to any injury considerations.  I suppose academic considerations are ... academic.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 08, 2024, 12:24:58 PM
I think there is a realistic time limit on number of games to be played of course, maybe it's 20, in addition to any injury considerations.  I suppose academic considerations are ... academic.

4 weeks in Dec would get 64 teams down to 4 teams which could easily fit into Jan
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 09, 2024, 11:28:03 AM
The more you expand the playoff, the more that teams that don't make it are hurt.

If we were to expand to 64 teams, what would be the argument to exclude the other 50 or so?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 09, 2024, 11:29:33 AM
The problem at some point is how many games would have to be played, we're already at 17 possible.  What's the limit on that?  20?  Would they cut back on the first 12?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 09, 2024, 11:44:47 AM
The problem at some point is how many games would have to be played, we're already at 17 possible.  What's the limit on that?  20?  Would they cut back on the first 12?
Dont agree at all

12 games is enough to select the teams
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 09, 2024, 11:47:20 AM
The more you expand the playoff, the more that teams that don't make it are hurt.

If we were to expand to 64 teams, what would be the argument to exclude the other 50 or so?
First of all I suggested 64 teams as a joke
but to answer your question
we would tell the other 50 teams the same thing they say in basketball
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 09, 2024, 06:28:10 PM
Dont agree at all

12 games is enough to select the teams
Would that be before or after CCGs?
With a 12-game regular season, after CCGs, some teams would be at 13 games before the playoff even started.

First of all I suggested 64 teams as a joke
but to answer your question
we would tell the other 50 teams the same thing they say in basketball
How would picking between #64 and #65 be any difference than picking between #14 and #15? After it emerged that the #64 team was not as good as thought, we'd expand the field again, just to preclude a repetition of such an abomination.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 10, 2024, 08:07:00 AM
My point is about how many total games played would be considered "too much".  I don't know the answer, I suggested 20 as a possible upper limit.  With a 12 game RS slate, and CGs, as noted, a lot of teams already play 13 and then a bowl game anyway, add to that the current playoff and some teams will play 17 today.

That might not leave much room for expansion.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 10, 2024, 10:13:41 AM
I'd vote to adjust the playoff to two (2) teams.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 10, 2024, 10:21:31 AM
always has been my fav option
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 10, 2024, 10:32:06 AM
No playoff.

Early 80s conference alignments and bowl tie-ins.

Guys in ugly colored jackets making bowl deals in smoky backrooms.

Cotton Bowl actually played in the Cotton Bowl.


Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 10, 2024, 10:46:37 AM
My own sweet spot would be six teams, but I'm OK with anything from 0-8.  I think the 12 opens a lot of doors in the future to some silliness.  And there really is NO scheme that is even near perfect, there will always be whining and charges of favoritism and controversy.

I suppose that perks up interest.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 10, 2024, 10:57:02 AM
No playoff.

Early 80s conference alignments and bowl tie-ins.

Guys in ugly colored jackets making bowl deals in smoky backrooms.

Cotton Bowl actually played in the Cotton Bowl.


yup, and if there are 2 undefeated teams after the bowls.......... a 2-team playoff

or 2 one-loss teams
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 10, 2024, 11:06:15 AM
yup, and if there are 2 undefeated teams after the bowls.......... a 2-team playoff

or 2 one-loss teams
I'm okay with that but it's not a requirement for me.  I don't mind the polls and the incessant arguing about "who's number one."  Mostly because I'd love to remove the value placed on being "#1" and return it where it belongs-- valuing rivalry wins and conference championships.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 10, 2024, 11:18:38 AM
not a requirement for me either, but..........

I'd have loved to see the game between the Huskers and Lions in 94 and the Huskers and Wolverines in 97.

similar to the dislike for Conference championship games - the Huskers and Horns Big 12 champ games in 96 and 99 were good entertainment
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 10, 2024, 11:54:13 AM
not a requirement for me either, but..........

I'd have loved to see the game between the Huskers and Lions in 94 and the Huskers and Wolverines in 97.

similar to the dislike for Conference championship games - the Huskers and Horns Big 12 champ games in 96 and 99 were good entertainment
Sure.  And without the Alliance/BCS, the 2006 Rose Bowl btw Texas and USC never would have happened, either.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 10, 2024, 11:59:56 AM
yup, the 2-team playoff

2006 Rose was possible cause Michigan and the B1G were upset about the split in 97

all for the sake of tradition ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 10, 2024, 01:52:57 PM
We ain't going back.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 10, 2024, 02:42:58 PM
Whole sport is gonna implode on itself eventually anyway.  No worries, I'm sure I'll find something else to occupy my time.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 10, 2024, 03:22:29 PM
well, we seem to be past the concussion issue ending the sport as too dangerous
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 17, 2024, 08:16:55 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 18, 2024, 03:04:43 PM
Texas has secured the Director's Cup, winning 3 of the last 4.  The final standings are still up in the air with Tennessee and Florida's Omaha points not yet being  counted, but nobody will be able to surpass Texas so the win is secured.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 18, 2024, 06:06:41 PM
The Horns have won this award 3 out of the last 4 years

being edged out last year by Stanford
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 19, 2024, 12:17:58 AM
Texas has secured the Director's Cup, winning 3 of the last 4.

The Horns have won this award 3 out of the last 4 years

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 19, 2024, 01:15:32 AM
Willie Mays has died.

Maybe the greatest-ever baseball player.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 19, 2024, 03:08:33 AM
and another thing

Texas has won this award 3 of the last 4 years

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 19, 2024, 03:09:57 AM
Willie Mays has died.

Maybe the greatest-ever baseball player.

I aways enjoyed watching Willie Mays

and his basket catches
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 19, 2024, 08:07:46 AM
Mays was a five tool plus player.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 19, 2024, 10:07:43 AM
I have no idea what that means but RIP to a legend, regardless!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 19, 2024, 10:09:50 AM
Have you heard the term "five tool player" in baseball?

Mays was one of the best at that.  Maybe Andruw Jones was comparable before he got, well, not skinny.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 19, 2024, 10:21:56 AM
I've heard the term, have no idea what it means.  But that's okay, I'm not the biggest baseball fan in the world.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 19, 2024, 10:31:46 AM
There are "five tools" in baseball, it's rare that a player excels at all five.

1.  Hit for average.
2.  Hit for power.
3.  Speed.
4.  Throwing.
5.  Defense.

Mays had all five, at an elite level.  Mantle had all five.  Andruw Jones had all five.  Some others, Ken Griffey, Jr.  etc.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 19, 2024, 11:42:32 AM
lotta guys give up the hit for average and the speed thing as they get older

Reggie Jackson in his first couple seasons was something

don't remember about his defense
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 19, 2024, 11:53:27 AM
Most everything dwindles with age, perhaps power lasts longest.  Good defense requires speed and a good throwing arm in the outfield.  Ty Cobb focused on getting on base over power.  Hank Aaron was usually slotted just below Mays though he had a bit more power and good speed, he wasn't as elite on defense.

I don't know who has the worst arm in MLB now, but it would still be quite a good arm in a relative sense.  Maybe you can play 1B if you have a particularly average arm and otherwise are very good.  Even second basemen can throw 85 mph or so, which is WAY above what most HS pitchers can manage.  A pretty good HS pitcher can throw around 70 mph.  If course, some can really bring it, but they are rare.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 19, 2024, 02:23:44 PM
slow guys are put at 1st base, don't need a great arm there.

I'd guess some 1st basemen are great at defense and have much better arms than others but just aren't noticed or talked about much

never heard of a 5 tool 1st or 2nd baseman
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 19, 2024, 02:33:59 PM
I'd wager first basemen still have very good arms relative to most folks who play some baseball.  But, they would tend to be weakest.

I've played with Sid Bream, and he's over 50, and can still wing it.

Five toolers are nearly always outfielders I think.  Chipper Jones was a 5 tooler at third, I think.  That guy at Cincinnati is probably a 5 tooler now at SS.  Maybe.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 19, 2024, 04:07:43 PM
yup, a few 3rd basemen and shortstops

Ernie Banks?

mostly centerfielders because of the speed and defense

Craig Biggio?

Catcher, 2nd base, and outfield
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 19, 2024, 10:44:31 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 20, 2024, 06:43:16 PM
The Athletic
Willie Mays, baseball's electrifying 'Say Hey Kid,' dies at 93


By Daniel Brown
June 18, 2024

Willie Mays opened his big-league career with a confidence-rattling 0-for-12 stretch before finally blasting a home run off Warren Spahn early in 1951.

"I'll never forgive myself,'' Spahn later joked. "We might have gotten rid of Willie forever if I'd only struck him out."

Instead, to the delight of everyone except opposing pitchers, Mays' home run atop the left-field roof at the Polo Grounds served as a warning blast for one of the longest and most exhilarating careers in baseball history.

Mays, who died Tuesday at age 93, still represents the gold standard for an all-around ballplayer and might do so forever. He could hit, run, field and throw with equal aplomb. "If he could cook, I'd marry him," manager Leo Durocher once said.

The San Francisco Giants announced Mays' passing Tuesday evening. No cause of death was provided.

"My father has passed away peacefully and among loved ones," Michael Mays said as part of the Giants' announcement. "I want to thank you from the bottom of my broken heart for the unwavering love you have shown him over the years. You have been his life's blood."

Beyond his skills and his gaudy stats, Mays brought an irresistible ebullience to the diamond. The "Say Hey Kid" performed with a showman's flair, making basket catches in center field, taking daring chances on the base paths, winning four home run crowns, 12 Gold Glove Awards and laughing all along with that gleeful high-pitched voice. "That's what his idea was, to please the crowd,'' the late Giants reliever Stu Miller observed. Mays even wore a cap one size too large to ensure that it would fly off cinematically whenever he darted across the field.

With his incandescent style, Mays forever made the game look fun, whether it was dazzling in a Giants uniform or playing stickball with the kids on St. Nicholas Avenue and 155th Street in his Harlem neighborhood — sometimes on the same day. As Dodgers executive Branch Rickey once said, Mays' greatest attribute "was the frivolity in his bloodstream (that) doubled his strength with laughter."

Mays flashed that effervescence even in old age. Into his 90s, he was a frequent visitor to the Giants' home ballpark at 24 Willie Mays Plaza, where a bronze statue of his glorious right-handed swing greeted up to 3 million fans a year. For anyone attending their first game, there was no better introduction to Giants baseball.

"I'm not sure what the hell charisma is,'' former Reds slugger Ted Kluszewski once said, "but I get the feeling it's Willie Mays."

Rob Manfred, the MLB commissioner, issued a statement from Birmingham, Ala., where, coincidentally, this week's game at Rickwood Field will honor a significant chapter of Mays' early career.

"All of Major League Baseball is in mourning today as we are gathered at the very ballpark where a career and a legacy like no other began," Manfred said. "Willie Mays took his all-around brilliance from the Birmingham Black Barons of the Negro American League to the historic Giants franchise. From coast to coast in New York and San Francisco, Willie inspired generations of players and fans as the game grew and truly earned its place as our National Pastime."

News of Mays' death hit the baseball world hard.

"I am beyond devastated and overcome with emotion," Barry Bonds wrote in an Instagram post. The seven-time MVP's father, Bobby Bonds, was a Mays teammate and dear friend. "I have no words to describe what you mean to me — you helped shape me to be who I am today. Thank you for being my Godfather and always being there. Give my dad a hug for me. Rest in peace Willie, I love you forever."

Keith Hernandez, the former first baseman turned New York Mets broadcaster, grew up in the Bay Area. He struggled to maintain his composure on the air Tuesday while discussing a conversation he'd had with the older version of Mays.

"What always came off was: He was The Say Hey Kid. He had that ebullient personality — infectious and genuine," Hernandez said, fighting tears. "And I got to tell him that he was the greatest player I ever saw."

Mays spent 23 seasons in the majors, batting .301 with 660 home runs, 339 stolen bases and 3,293 hits. He won two NL MVP awards, a number that looks like an injustice through the retroactive lens of modern analytics: By WAR, Mays was the best player in the National League nine times.

He was a 24-time All-Star who led the league in slugging percentage five times, stolen bases four times, and triples three times. He is also the only major-league player to have hit a home run in every inning from the first through the 16th, and he finished his career with a record 22 extra-inning home runs.

Joe Posnanski's bestselling book, "The Baseball 100," threw in a few extra points for artistic impression and ranked Mays as the greatest player in history.

"What do you love most about baseball? Mays did that,'' Posnanski wrote. "To watch him play, to read the stories about how he played, to look at his glorious statistics, to hear what people say about him is to be reminded why we love this odd and ancient game in the first place.

"Yes, Willie Mays has always made kids feel like grown-ups and grown-ups feel like kids. In the end, isn't that the whole point of baseball?"

Tallulah Bankhead, the stage and screen actress (and Giants fan), famously said that "there have only been two authentic geniuses in the world, Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare."

She added: "But, darling, I think you'd better put Shakespeare first."

Mays' teammates would dispute that ranking. Besides his five-tool athletic gifts, Mays also brought Mensa-level baseball intellect to the diamond. "Willie's IQ was off the charts," Barry Bonds, the longtime Giants outfielder and Mays' godson, said in November 2022. "It's very hard to explain to people about the mindset of my godfather and what he could do. It's the same thing whenever you're talking about the greatest athletes to ever play the game. It wasn't that Muhammad Ali's hands were faster than Joe Louis' or whatever. They were just smart. They knew what was coming. They see the field differently than others."

Tim McCarver, the longtime catcher, was among those who insisted that Mays was so far ahead in terms of strategy that he would sometimes flail on a pitcher's curveball early in a game as a way of duping the pitcher into throwing that same pitch later in a key situation. Mays was also a perceptive base runner who, when scoring from second on a single, would slow up around third just long enough to draw a throw from the outfield. Doing so allowed whoever hit the ball to reach second. "You have to be thinking two or three ways when you're running the bases,'' Mays explained. "Not just one way. Two or three."

Mays amazed teammates with his defensive jumps on balls hit to the outfield, as well his knack for racing home from third if a pitch so much as trickled away from the catcher at home plate. "Willie Mays was not the fastest guy in baseball, but he was the quickest to react,'' the late Giants broadcaster Lon Simmons once said.

Mays was so many steps ahead of the other players that his managers, especially Durocher and Herman Franks, let him direct traffic during games. "I managed the field when I played,'' Mays said. "The other players played off me, like a quarterback."

Mays said his duties included calling the pitches from the outfield. He'd touch his head for a fastball, his chest for a breaking ball and his knees for a changeup — one, two, three. His blend of physical and mental prowess allowed him to remain productive long after many contemporaries trailed off. He played until age 42 at a time when such a thing was rare. He ranked among the league's top-10 oldest players in each of his final six seasons.

Throughout his career, he was annually one of the most durable players. Starting in 1954, Mays played at least 150 games a season for 13 years in a row, a feat not even the game's most revered iron men, Lou Gehrig and Cal Ripken, could match.

Born Willie Howard Mays on May 6, 1931, in Westfield, Ala., the kid's future seemed preordained from the crib. As the tale goes, the baby was six months old when Willie Mays Sr. put a baseball on a chair and told his son, "Go get it."

Both parents were distinguished athletes. Mays Sr., who worked by day sweeping floors at the local steel mill or serving as a railroad porter, also found time to star in the local semipro Tennessee Coal and Iron League. Willie's mother, Annie Satterwhite, led her Birmingham-area high school team to three consecutive basketball state titles and also excelled on the track team.

By age 5, Mays would play catch with his father on the farmland near their home. Willie Sr. taught his son each position, starting with catcher, and told him that he could boost his value by honing every skill required on the diamond. Mays fared well in other sports, too, averaging 20 points a game on the basketball court and serving as the star quarterback at Fairfax Industrial High.

Mays began his professional baseball career at age 16 with the Chattanooga Choo-Choos, a Negro League minor-league team. He also played with the Birmingham Black Barons in 1948, 1949 and 1950 and carried lessons from those days for the rest of his life. Mays treasured the wisdom gleaned from manager Piper Davis as well as teammates Bill Greason, Artie Wilson, Jimmy Zapp "and so many others who looked out for me. I couldn't have accomplished what I did without those guys,"  he said in a statement to the San Francisco Chronicle days before MLB was scheduled to pay tribute to the Negro Leagues with a game at Rickwood Field in Birmingham on Thursday.

Mays' baseball education came during a pivotal era. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in the majors in 1947, and as Mays' skills emerged, so did the number of MLB scouts swirling around him. The Brooklyn Dodgers seemed to have an inside edge after catcher Roy Campanella and pitcher Don Newcombe helped alert their club to the young supernova after watching him during a barnstorming tour after the 1949 season.

"We saw this young center fielder who threw Larry Doby out by a mile. Larry said, 'Who the hell is that?''' Newcombe recalled in the book "We Played the Game" by Danny Peary. "Roy called Brooklyn and told Al Campanis, who had just become a scout."

The Dodgers sent scout Wid Matthews to check out Mays but decided to pass. Matthews told his bosses: "The kid can't hit the curveball."

The New York Giants came away with a different view, even if they weren't actually looking. Scout Eddie Montague landed on Mays only after being dispatched to evaluate Black Barons' first baseman Alonzo Perry. Montague's eyes instead drifted toward the do-everything outfielder, who he later called "the greatest young player I had ever seen in my life." Montague told his bosses: "You better send somebody down here with a barrelful of money."

The Giants signed Mays with a $4,000 signing bonus and a salary of $250 a month. His transition came with some culture shock. In 1950, Mays went from playing in the Negro Leagues to playing for the all-white Trenton (N.J.) Giants as the only person of color in the entire Interstate League. He experienced racism like never before. He responded to taunts and jeers from the crowd only with his play, as Robinson had done.

Mays had a terrific two games against Hagerstown that season. Before the series finale, the PA announcer began reading the lineups. "When he got to mine," Mays recalled, "he said, 'Ladies and gentlemen, I know you don't like this kid. But please stop hollering at him. He's killing us.'"

Contrary to that Dodger scouting report, the kid could hit a curveball after all. Mays made short work of the minor leagues after opening the '51 season with the Triple-A Minneapolis Millers by batting .477 over 35 games.

It was late May when the Millers traveled to Sioux City, Iowa, for an exhibition game. Mays was in a movie theater during an off day when he learned he was being called up to the big leagues. Between features, the house lights went on and the manager called out to the crowd: "If Willie Mays is in the audience, would he immediately report to his manager at the hotel?"

Is there a more fitting way for the most theatrical player of all time to get promoted to the majors?

Perhaps the most famous pep talk in baseball history came after a June 1, 1951, game against the Pittsburgh Pirates. Mays started just 1-for-26 as a rookie — the only hit was that homer against Spahn — and the .038 average had him all but begging to go back to the minors.

Coaches found Mays crying in front of his locker after an 0-for-5 night and summoned Durocher for emergency emotional support.

"As long as I'm the manager of the Giants, you are my center fielder,'' the manager assured the prodigy. "You are the best center fielder I've ever looked at."

Mays went 2-for-4 with a triple in a 14-3 victory the next day, and Cooperstown may have well as gone ahead and started bronzing the plaque. He finished as the Rookie of the Year, batting .274 with 20 homers, 68 RBIs and a 120 OPS+. The Giants rallied back from 13 games back to capture the pennant that season and when Bobby Thomson hit his famed "Shot Heard 'Round the World" to finish off the Brooklyn Dodgers, Mays was the man on deck.

Mays opened the 1952 season by batting just .236 in 34 games before he was drafted into the U.S. Army, an obligation that kept him out of the major leagues until 1954. By the end of that season, he was back in the October spotlight. In Game 1 of the 1954 Fall Classic, the center fielder made one of the most memorable plays in baseball history. With two runners on and the score tied 2-2 in the top of the eighth, Vic Wertz blasted a ball an estimated 460 feet to center field at the Polo Grounds.

Turning his back to home plate, Mays ran toward the wall on a dead sprint and caught the ball over his shoulder. Then he whirled to deliver a rocket of a throw toward the infield. Larry Doby tagged up and made it to third, while Al Rosen went scurrying back to first.

It remains known as The Catch.

"I was very cocky. When I say that, I mean that everything that went in the air, I thought I could catch. I was very aware of what was going on,'' Mays said during a visit to a Giants home game in 2003. "When the ball was hit off Don Liddle, the pitcher, I'm saying to myself, 'Two men are on.' I'm talking to myself as I'm running.

"As the ball is coming in, I'm saying to myself, 'I have to get the ball into the infield.' In my mind, I never thought I would miss the ball. When you watch the play, look at the way I catch the ball. It's like a wide receiver catching a pass going down the sideline, which is over the left shoulder, on the right side. I had learned about that while playing football in high school."

In all, Mays had 17 seasons with more than 20 homers and twice topped the 50-homer mark. Mays, his godson Barry Bonds, Andre Dawson, Carlos Beltrán and Alex Rodriguez, are the only players to compile more than 400 homers and more than 300 stolen bases.

When Rawlings introduced the Gold Glove Award for fielding excellence in 1957, Mays won his first of 12 in a row, a total matched among outfielders by only Roberto Clemente. Giants teammate Monte Irvin once said of Mays: "It was his solemn duty to catch a ball that wasn't in the stands."

Over the years, all of it — power, speed, defense — left even his rivals in awe.

"I can't believe that Babe Ruth was a better player than Willie Mays,'' Dodgers pitcher Sandy Koufax once said. "Ruth is probably to baseball what Arnold Palmer is to golf. He got the game moving. But I can't believe he could run as well as Mays and I can't believe he was a better outfielder."

Reggie Jackson said: "You used to think that if the score was 5-0, he'd hit a five-run homer.''

Strange as it sounds in retrospect, though, San Francisco fans were slow to fully embrace the New York import when the franchise moved to the West Coast for the 1958 season. Bay Area fans gravitated toward "homegrown" stars, such as Willie McCovey and Orlando Cepeda. It didn't help that Mays continued to wax nostalgic about the Big Apple. At the end of that '58 season, a fan poll voted Cepeda as the Giants' MVP, even though Mays had more hits, more homers, more triples, more walks, more stolen bases and a higher OPS.

"I think San Francisco supported the whole club when I first came out ... but you could feel the fans wanted their own ballplayer," Mays told author Steve Bitker in 2001. "I guess they chose Cepeda. It didn't bother me. I never had any letdowns in baseball. I know what I did."

When the Giants moved from Seals Stadium to blustery Candlestick Park in 1960, the right-hander reconfigured his swing to drive the ball toward right-center field, where the wind was more forgiving. Mays led the NL in home runs three times while playing at The 'Stick, including a career-high 52 in 1965.

The greatest single day of his career, though, was on the road at County Stadium in Milwaukee on April 30, 1961. The day hardly had the makings of a classic. Mays arrived at the ballpark terribly ill due to some questionable room service spare ribs he consumed with McCovey a night earlier. Mays felt so rotten before the game that he warned manager Alvin Dark to leave him out of the lineup.

But as a test run, Mays borrowed a lighter bat from teammate Joey Amalfitano and took some hacks in the batting cage. "Every ball I hit, for the first six balls, goes out of the ballpark,'' Mays recalled.

With a change of heart (and stomach), Mays promptly marched over the lineup sheet, crossed out whoever had been listed as the center fielder and inked in his own name. Then he went 4-for-5 with eight RBIs, becoming just the ninth player in baseball history to hit four home runs in a single game.

"How about some more ribs?" McCovey asked him when it was over.

Time eventually tagged out even Mays. He played the final year and half of his career for the New York Mets, and his swan song took place in the 1973 World Series against the A's, where his two misplays in the outfield in Game 2 became a cautionary tale about once graceful athletes sticking around too long.

It was a portrayal Mays forever resented. "They said, 'Well, look at that old man falling down.' Well, anybody could have slipped. It was a wet field," he protested. For another thing, in the 12th inning of that same game, Mays delivered a run-scoring single off Rollie Fingers to break a 6-6 tie and propel the Mets to a 10-7 victory.

"I don't think a guy should be criticized for playing as long as he feels he can play,'' Mays said. "I contributed all the way until I quit."

Mays worked in several goodwill ambassador roles in retirement, including a problematic deal with Bally's Casino in Atlantic City for which he was paid to greet people and play golf. Because of the proximity to the gambling industry, then-Commissioner Bowie Kuhn reacted by prohibiting Mays and Mickey Mantle (who had a similar job) from having salaried roles with major-league clubs. In essence, Kuhn forced two of the greatest names in baseball history to sever their ties with the game.

Pete Ueberroth erased that restriction shortly after being named MLB commissioner in March 1985, welcoming Mays and Mantle back.

Mays spent much of the rest of his life savoring the embrace of the game he loved. When the Giants opened their new waterfront ballpark in 2000, Mays became a regular visitor and spent many a day spinning yarns in the home clubhouse. It was not unusual to spot him holding court in the office of longtime equipment manager Mike Murphy, where those two would be joined by McCovey, Cepeda or other ex-players such as Amalfitano or Jim Davenport.

Jon Miller, the Giants broadcaster, savors one such encounter. Barry Bonds had recently surpassed the 600 home run mark, which prompted Mays to wonder how high he could go. Miller recounted Bonds saying the only thing that mattered was reaching 660 — Mays' total — because to him that represented greatness. "Six-sixty," Mays replied in that high-pitched laugh. "You better get to work, boy!"

Modern players were smart enough to tap into the resource, too. Michael Morse, who hit a pinch-hit tying homer in the decisive Game 5 of the 2014 NLCS, explained later he did so with help from some recent tips from the Say Hey Kid. "He doesn't miss many games,'' Morse said at the time. "He'll break down your swing. He'll break down the way you're playing defense."

When Peter Magowan, a Giants fan from the Polo Grounds days, purchased the team in 1993, one of his first acts was to give Willie Mays a lifetime contract to be a part of the Giants organization. So, it was something of a surprise, in the early 2000s, when Mays approached Magowan about a contract extension.

"Willie, it's a lifetime contract. You know what that means, right?" Magowan said.

"I know what it means. I still want an extension," Mays replied.

As it turns out, Willie had requested an extra year on the deal to ensure that his second wife, Mae, would be cared for even after he was gone. That was Mays at his best — still thinking several moves ahead. Sadly, Mae preceded him in death on April 19, 2013, due to complications from Alzheimer's disease.

In 2015, Mays was honored by Barack Obama at the White House with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian award. In 2020, he teamed with writer John Shea to write "24: Life Stories and Lessons from The Say Hey Kid." It became an instant New York Times bestseller. In that book, Obama, the first Black president, says: "It's because of giants like Willie that someone like me could even think about running for President."

The Willie Mays statue at the Giants home ballpark is the common meeting spot for fans young and old. (Photo by Thearon W. Henderson / Getty Images)

Though his eyesight and hearing faltered in his twilight years, that sing-song voice never wavered. Mays sounded as if he'd be up for a stickball game, even till the last.

"Willie Mays was the happiest guy in the world to be Willie Mays,'' Simmons, the broadcaster, once said. "That's what he wanted to be: He wanted to be Willie Mays."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 21, 2024, 03:50:52 PM
Forgot which thread it was on, but there was a lot of talk recently about the WCWS being in OKC every year to the advantage of ou. 

Looks like the 2028 Olympic Games (LA) will be hosting the softball games there as well. That’s a major WTF for me, because I’ve never heard of events being so far away from the main games. But congrats to the state of Oklahoma I guess…
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 21, 2024, 04:39:29 PM
That is obviously quite the distance.  I know the Olympics here had some boating events in Tennessee, but it's maybe 100 or so miles, and some in Savannah, a bit further.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 22, 2024, 12:44:41 AM
Forgot which thread it was on, but there was a lot of talk recently about the WCWS being in OKC every year to the advantage of ou.

Looks like the 2028 Olympic Games (LA) will be hosting the softball games there as well. That’s a major WTF for me, because I’ve never heard of events being so far away from the main games. But congrats to the state of Oklahoma I guess…
The canoe slalom event will be there too, as L.A. has no whitewater facility.
Apparently, there's been a buzz about that event being in OKC. The softball story was a surprise.
The IOC has been allowing far-off-site venues in lieu of building new ones as a cost-saving measure.
The State of Oklahoma really had nothing to do with it. It's been all OKC acting on its own initiative to build the stadium and the whitewater facility.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 22, 2024, 07:44:56 AM
I wonder if the Olympics should be spread out even more around the world, maybe a central location for track and field, and then much of the rest that takes up space or needs room or special facilities held anywhere that wants it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 22, 2024, 06:01:42 PM
I wonder if the Olympics should be spread out even more around the world, maybe a central location for track and field, and then much of the rest that takes up space or needs room or special facilities held anywhere that wants it.
The "Olympic Village" experience is not nothing, from what I understand.

I think that the athletes who are going to compete in OKC are going to be in L.A. before and after their events. Certainly for the opening and closing ceremonies.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 23, 2024, 08:04:09 AM
Good point, and I hear that it is.  We had a coworker, a Brit, who came over to visit the main company, who was an Olympic rower.  I took him out to dinner, not terribly talkative as I recall.  He said they finished fourth, I think.  I shook his hand on meeting him, his hand was VERY calloused, go figure.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 24, 2024, 12:08:59 PM
The LHN will live on, rebranded as a streaming network.  Really no different than most other schools that have online/streaming platforms.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 24, 2024, 12:09:42 PM
thank God!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 24, 2024, 12:57:39 PM
I like that

Good News

I wonder if Dish will continue to carry it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 24, 2024, 02:01:58 PM
I'm not a big enough follower of Texas beisbol to speak authoritatively, so I'll consult the hive-mind:

Any hope for Pierce to continue as Texas head coach? He seems to be the victim of a stream of uniquely unfortunate circumstances.

Quoting your own stuff is bad form, but at least I got my answer:

Longhorns coach fired after 8 seasons (

Now comes the question of replacement. We really looked stupid last time chasing coaches all over the country and costing ADs a lot of money. I'm reasonably certain CDC already has a deal in place. The question is, who?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 24, 2024, 02:09:40 PM
steal the Aggies coach?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 24, 2024, 02:33:01 PM
steal the Aggies coach?
Im sure weve already tried
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 24, 2024, 03:57:44 PM
That's currently the elephant in the room.
I don't know what makes a good college baseball coach. I couldn't give you a list of strong candidates. I know Schloss was on the list before. He's playing for the NC tonight.
I'm not expecting that to happen, and couldn't promise that it'd be a good thing if it did. It's the easy answer.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 24, 2024, 04:00:34 PM
Both coaches from tonight are on Texas' short list, as they should be.

Doesn't mean they'll end up leaving their current employers but they'll certainly give Texas a listen.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 24, 2024, 06:02:56 PM
I usually have lunch with my pitching coach after a lesson (Pete Smith).  I asked him about his being a pitching coach at some college and his response was "It's all political now, who you know, not what you know."

He has shown me a ton of stuff, some small technique oriented things I never knew, and some pretty large I should have known.  I KNOW he could benefit your average college level 19 year old pitcher, even if the guy has been getting decent coaching all along (which might not be true).

I have a notion it's the same with a HC.  The assistants in baseball may be more important than the HC at the college level.  Kids come in fairly raw, even if they've played travel ball out the yin and yang.

There is so much technique that has to be done the right way every time, so you have to repeat it the right way every time, over and over.  I'm still working on getting my plant foot being more consistent.  I can tell when it wonders because my control wonders.  No wonder.  Driving with your left arm is an amazing technique I never knew.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 24, 2024, 06:38:27 PM
I usually have lunch with my pitching coach after a lesson (Pete Smith).  I asked him about his being a pitching coach at some college and his response was "It's all political now, who you know, not what you know."

He has shown me a ton of stuff, some small technique oriented things I never knew, and some pretty large I should have known.  I KNOW he could benefit your average college level 19 year old pitcher, even if the guy has been getting decent coaching all along (which might not be true).

I have a notion it's the same with a HC.  The assistants in baseball may be more important than the HC at the college level.  Kids come in fairly raw, even if they've played travel ball out the yin and yang.

There is so much technique that has to be done the right way every time, so you have to repeat it the right way every time, over and over.  I'm still working on getting my plant foot being more consistent.  I can tell when it wonders because my control wonders.  No wonder.  Driving with your left arm is an amazing technique I never knew.

Well I suppose there's a reason they call them "managers."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 24, 2024, 06:43:28 PM
Yeah, I'd guess a college BB "manager" does little coaching, with some occasional exceptions.  

I see HC's in football apparently doing some coaching during the game, not all of them of course.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 25, 2024, 10:29:36 AM
I can tell you that without Kyle Flood (the Texas OL coach), Sark would just be a smart guy with a lot of interesting offensive play calling concepts. When the large humans let the ball carriers work, it looks like brilliance (and it is).

I can't speak to that degree with college baseball. I guess it'd be a truism that pitching is where it's at, and Texas keeps lacking it, but I don't imagine that helps much.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 25, 2024, 10:36:08 AM
I can tell you that without Kyle Flood (the Texas OL coach), Sark would just be a smart guy with a lot of interesting offensive play calling concepts. When the large humans let the ball carriers work, it looks like brilliance (and it is).

I can't speak to that degree with college baseball. I guess it'd be a truism that pitching is where it's at, and Texas keeps lacking it, but I don't imagine that helps much.

Rumor is that a couple of weeks ago when Texas was eliminated from the College Station regional, Del Conte met with Pierce to let him know the direction he was planning on going, and Pierce suggested firing the pitching coach and giving him one more year.  Obviously, del Conte decided not to go that route.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 25, 2024, 10:42:35 AM
College baseball suffers, I think, from having MLB drafting out of HS.  My "coach" was a first rounder out of HS, he told me he had been looking at colleges, but then ...

He's a smart guy.  Had baseball had football rules, he would have pitched in college for three years, and presuming he didn't ruin his arm, then signed first round money.

He had an interesting path through the minors, a lot of fun stories.  He's also a coach at Fantasy Baseball in January which is how I got to know him.  I've been on his team four times now.  I've been nine times total now, and have three rings, but none lately.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 25, 2024, 11:12:16 AM
College baseball suffers, I think, from having MLB drafting out of HS.  My "coach" was a first rounder out of HS, he told me he had been looking at colleges, but then ...

He's a smart guy.  Had baseball had football rules, he would have pitched in college for three years, and presuming he didn't ruin his arm, then signed first round money.

He had an interesting path through the minors, a lot of fun stories.  He's also a coach at Fantasy Baseball in January which is how I got to know him.  I've been on his team four times now.  I've been nine times total now, and have three rings, but none lately.
Sure but this is nothing new, it's always been this way. The best college coaching staffs are the ones that can get the best out of the guys that DON'T go into professional baseball right out of high school.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 25, 2024, 11:21:29 AM
I mean, I guess UT could moneywhip Schloss, but the question is would A&M match?  We're paying our football coach $70 million to get lost, what's a few more $$$ for the best baseball coach we've ever had, and we're just getting started ! 

I assume as long as we're able to recuit well, and have top notch facilities, what is there really to leave for?  I understand they're about to do a big reno on Blue Bell Park anyways.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 25, 2024, 11:37:09 AM
Sure but this is nothing new, it's always been this way. The best college coaching staffs are the ones that can get the best out of the guys that DON'T go into professional baseball right out of high school.

yup, very similar to one and done in College basketball

it's kinda level field
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on June 25, 2024, 11:39:27 AM
Sure but this is nothing new, it's always been this way. The best college coaching staffs are the ones that can get the best out of the guys that DON'T go into professional baseball right out of high school.
I have a sense that 20 years ago, CBB was a very minor sport.  I know TV yadda yadda,  When I was in college (1970s), I barely knew there was a baseball team.  If they won something, well, OK.  Tennis was much bigger back then and there.

I gather nearly all college sports are much bigger today in overall awareness and TV viewship and "caring".   Maybe basketball is roughly the same?  

SECN has to fill time.

My coach told me that AA was where baseball started to be "competitive".  Maybe that is about equivalent to college today?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 25, 2024, 12:12:47 PM
I mean, I guess UT could moneywhip Schloss, but the question is would A&M match?  We're paying our football coach $70 million to get lost, what's a few more $$$ for the best baseball coach we've ever had, and we're just getting started !

I assume as long as we're able to recuit well, and have top notch facilities, what is there really to leave for?  I understand they're about to do a big reno on Blue Bell Park anyways. 
Who really knows?  TAMU didn't really money-whip him to get him to College Station, they paid him a little more than TCU was, but ultimately he made the move for his own personal reasons.

If he were to leave the ags and move on to the horns, I think it would be the same.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on June 25, 2024, 12:38:00 PM
If the NFL had minor leagues, college football wouldn't be near as prevalent. Of course, suddenly after years of it not being the case, the CFB world essentially morphed into what the NFL minor league would be.
I know the Texas men's basketball team has had to babysit a couple of 5-star freshmen that were only there to become draftable. You hate wasting a roster spot on a guy that won't pay off once he's developed, but on the other hand, you can't say no to that talent.
Texas Baseball certainly suffered when a lot of their exciting prospects take the pro development money. Like utee said, that's a problem for everybody.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 25, 2024, 04:29:45 PM
It’s being reported that Schloss is actually considering the UT offer. That would be wild really. Has there ever been a case where one HC becomes the HC at either A&M or UT? 

Dana X Bible coached at both 100 years ago, but I think there were stops in between. And a OC from UT became A&M HC in the 70’s. I should remember his name, but I’m blanking out. Really well known coach for us. It will come later. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 25, 2024, 04:39:45 PM
Emory Bellard. I had to look it up. Well before my time. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 25, 2024, 05:03:45 PM
Emory Ballard, as I recall he brought the wishbone from Texas to Texas A&M, among other things.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on June 25, 2024, 05:09:36 PM
Emory Ballard, as I recall he brought the wishbone from Texas to Texas A&M, among other things.
isnt he credited to be the creater of the wishbone
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 25, 2024, 05:23:02 PM
isnt he credited to be the creater of the wishbone
Yeah something like that, I think.  It's actually before my time as well but I read occasionally. :)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 25, 2024, 05:24:34 PM
It’s being reported that Schloss is actually considering the UT offer. That would be wild really. Has there ever been a case where one HC becomes the HC at either A&M or UT?

Yeah it sure would be interesting.  I'm not sure ags can hate sips any more than they already do, but if this were to happen, we might find out...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 25, 2024, 07:56:08 PM
So reports are that he’s taking the job. Interesting. Not sure of any other coach in the history of D1 who left one in-state school as HC to go to their direct rival. 

Not counting things like Chris Beard at Texas Tech to Texas. I’m talking OU—>Texas, Mich —>Ohio st type move. 

One game from winning it all. It sorta pisses me off because it has to be 100% clear that at the very least he knew he might be leaving and his mind was not fully focused on the finals. I hate to think that this distraction cost us our first championship in the Big 3 since 1939. 

But whatever. I say don’t let the door hit you on the way out. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 25, 2024, 08:30:03 PM
I wouldn't think that this distraction cost your first championship
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 25, 2024, 09:07:00 PM
I wouldn't think that this distraction cost your first championship
UT fired their coach yesterday. Game 3 of the World Series. I don’t think any of us are naive to think that at the very least he was talking to them. 

No way was he 100% focused on the task at hand when he was talking to another school about another job. 

We lost 5-6. Total run differential-15-16 over 3 games. 

Game 3 on Monday. New job on Tuesday. He knew. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 25, 2024, 09:20:27 PM
I'm sure he knew.

just not sure he was distracted enough to cost a game or the series

I'm guessing he wanted to win very badly and was derned focused on the task at hand

I could be wrong
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 25, 2024, 11:39:26 PM
It's silly to think he didn't want to win.   Even at Texas, he may never have such a chance again.

I get that ags are upset, but no need to act silly about it.

TCU fans were upset when he left and went to TAMU 3 years ago, too.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 26, 2024, 07:01:01 AM
I laughed at this. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 26, 2024, 07:12:31 AM
It's silly to think he didn't want to win.  Even at Texas, he may never have such a chance again.

I get that ags are upset, but no need to act silly about it.

TCU fans were upset when he left and went to TAMU 3 years ago, too.
That’s not what I’m saying. Nobody is questioning his desire to win, and you’re putting words in my mouth. 

Now tell me you’re 100% focused on the tasks at hand, at the same time you’re planning your exit ?  It’s simple, because there is no way you can be. We lost by 1 run. Reports are that the assistant head coaches are making the move as well. No way around it, it’s a distraction. 

Your head coach and 3-4 assistants, going into the WS finals knowing they’re taking another job. Even if they’re 99% locked in on the task at hand, that’s not 100%. 

I get it that all fans are upset when they lose a great coach. Hell, at least A&M waited until Fisher kinda sucked when we swiped him.  

I’m laying this directly in the hands of our new AD, Trev Alberts. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 26, 2024, 08:24:02 AM
Your catcher missed a tag that cost you one run.  Schloss had nothing to do with that.

But you're gonna feel whatever you're gonna feel, and you should.  I'm sure I'm the last poster on this board you really want to hear from right now, which is fine.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on June 26, 2024, 08:27:38 AM
I’m laying this directly in the hands of our new AD, Trev Alberts.

me too
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 26, 2024, 08:43:49 AM
Well there are certainly rumors floating that Alberts got crosswise with Schloss early on when he dismissed a staffer that was supporting baseball, without even conversing with Schloss about it.  But there's no telling if that's true or not.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on June 27, 2024, 09:12:31 PM
Emory Ballard, as I recall he brought the wishbone from Texas to Texas A&M, among other things.
But he was not the HFC at UT.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on June 28, 2024, 04:15:11 AM
But he was not the HFC at UT.
No he wasn't.  Like I said, it's definitely an interesting situation, and a unique one.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on June 30, 2024, 07:57:21 PM
We pulled Michael Earley back from UT.  Not sure if it's a good move or not.  As always, time will tell.  

A lot of the players and others associated with the baseball program were very high on him.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 01, 2024, 09:57:20 AM
Seems like a player's favorite.  Pretty untested, he was an unpaid assistant on A&M's staff just one year ago.  But that doesn't mean it won't work.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 01, 2024, 10:56:58 AM
Seems like a player's favorite.  Pretty untested, he was an unpaid assistant on A&M's staff just one year ago.  But that doesn't mean it won't work.
Hmmm...I did not know that.  I really don't know much about him to be honest.  In my experience, coaches popular with the players rarely pan out.  The biggest assholes are usually the ones that win the most.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 01, 2024, 11:07:39 AM
Hmmm...I did not know that.  I really don't know much about him to be honest.  In my experience, coaches popular with the players rarely pan out.  The biggest assholes are usually the ones that win the most. 
My take on it is that it seems a little like a knee jerk reaction

course I dont know what other folks were available

Just seems to me they could have gotten a higher profile coach
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 01, 2024, 11:15:32 AM
I think it's going to help A&M keep most of their current roster together, and that roster is loaded with talent.  Even a manager that just sort of keeps the ship on course, should find success with this roster.

I obviously haven't seen any contract details but I also suspect they didn't have to pay him much, and if it doesn't work out they can always move on to another more experienced coach without cutting a huge check to get out from underneath his contract. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 01, 2024, 11:18:01 AM
yup, GREAT move by Trev
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on July 01, 2024, 03:55:15 PM
My take on this.... since you clowns asked....

I certainly don't fault Schloss for taking another coaching opportunity.  I don't even care that much that he's going to texas.  I don't personally think going to Austin is a step up from a job standpoint, but it doesn't matter what I think.  If you think that job is a step forward for your career, knock yourself out.  That what you SHOULD do if the opportunity comes along.

What has pissed off Aggies isn't that he left, or where he went... but how he did it.  It's one thing to leave, but it's quite another to set the house on fire on the way out the door.  Taking the entire coaching staff and actively recruiting players off the A&M roster while you are still employed by Texas A&M isn't just low class.... it's shows a complete lack of integrity and ethics.  I get that this is a business and that coaches, admins and certainly players are just hired guns.  But that - at least recruiting aspect - was over the top.

I'll also add that the horns announcing the firing of Pierce during the CWS finals despite him long since being gone, and then leaking out the rumors that Schloss was a candidate was equally low class.  But at least in their case I've long since come to expect that type of behavior. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on July 01, 2024, 04:00:03 PM
As for Earley.... it'll take some time before we know if this is a good hire or not.  Certainly he'll do a good job of keeping most of the current roster intact.  But that's a short term problem.  Most of these guys are gone after next season anyway.  The question is, can he continue to put together solid rosters and compete at a high level after the Grahovacs, Laviolettes and Sorrells are gone.  That remains to be seen.

One thing I do like is how he put his staff together to this point.  A huge emphasis on recruiters along with HC experience.  Smart moves all of them.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on July 01, 2024, 04:06:19 PM
My take on it is that it seems a little like a knee jerk reaction

course I dont know what other folks were available

Just seems to me they could have gotten a higher profile coach

We went after Vitello.  Long shot, didn't work out.  Others rumored were O'Sullivan from Florida, O'Connor from Virginia and Skip Johnson.  Outside of Vitello, I have no idea if we actually interviewed these guys... but I would've like to have gotten O'Connor.  The rest, even Vitello don't do much for me.  O'Connor's current contract made him unattainable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 01, 2024, 04:27:06 PM
Well that's certainly the Aggie-slanted view. My TCU friends said, "Ags got exactly what they deserved."

Anyway, hey Shiner, what's up?  Good to see you.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 01, 2024, 04:29:39 PM
We went after Vitello.  Long shot, didn't work out.  Others rumored were O'Sullivan from Florida, O'Connor from Virginia and Skip Johnson.  Outside of Vitello, I have no idea if we actually interviewed these guys... but I would've like to have gotten O'Connor.  The rest, even Vitello don't do much for me.  O'Connor's current contract made him unattainable.
A blast from the past. Howdy Shiner nice to hear from you. Dont be a stranger.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 01, 2024, 05:39:44 PM
yo, Shiner!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 01, 2024, 06:25:57 PM
I’m ambivalent about him leaving. Don’t want to be here, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. 

My beef was and is that if he knew he was leaving then there is simply no way he was 100% locked in on winning the CWS finals. I’m sure he’d like to win, but he made his own distraction. And that goes for the staff as well. 

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 01, 2024, 07:03:14 PM
1 run loss in Game 3 of the CWS.  Looked to me like the team was pretty dialed in.  Tennessee was just better.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 01, 2024, 07:18:53 PM
and it starts......
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 02, 2024, 10:00:11 AM
Love the group horns-down, and then the ref doing it too.  Good stuff.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 02, 2024, 10:33:11 AM
Love the group horns-down, and then the ref doing it too.  Good stuff.
I thought the whole thing was well done

Im really looking forward to football season
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on July 02, 2024, 11:09:32 AM
Well that's certainly the Aggie-slanted view. My TCU friends said, "Ags got exactly what they deserved."

Anyway, hey Shiner, what's up?  Good to see you.
 My comments about Schloss stand on their own merits.... it's not a slanted view.  It's just a fact.  If you want to say my thoughts on the horns' actions are slanted, I won't argue.  

Did we "deserve" it?  Not any more than any other school that's poached a coach from another school... which would be every school ever. Including TCU.

Ultimately we'll be fine.  And there's no arguing that Schloss isn't a great coach on the field.  The horns got a guy who should win games.  He just happens to be a d-bag.  But then... what highly successful coach isn't?  That's part of what makes them great I would suggest.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 02, 2024, 05:18:36 PM
What has pissed off Aggies isn't that he left, or where he went... but how he did it.  It's one thing to leave, but it's quite another to set the house on fire on the way out the door.  Taking the entire coaching staff and actively recruiting players off the A&M roster while you are still employed by Texas A&M isn't just low class.... it's shows a complete lack of integrity and ethics.  I get that this is a business and that coaches, admins and certainly players are just hired guns.  But that - at least recruiting aspect - was over the top.
That's how Muleshoe--a.k.a. Lincoln Riley--left OU. Taking team members, recruits, and coaches with him. And that's why OU fans will hate him until the end of time.
The leaving is bad, but understandable. Sadly, that's just how the game is played. It's leaving in a deceitful manner, or leaving in conjunction with creating a smoking hole in the program, that is intolerable.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Shiner on July 03, 2024, 11:44:57 AM
Yes.... that makes it intolerable.

Again, I don't fault anyone for trying to better their job status.  But moving up the coaching ladder and showing some level of integrity don't have to be mutually exclusive.  I'm not sure Schloss could've been a bigger a-hole in this whole fiasco if he tried.  Heck... seems like he did try.

Oh well.... my last thoughts on the whole matter then I'll drop it are that I originally thought there's no way our AD would've told Schloss earlier this spring that it's "okay to leave" if he wasn't happy at A&M.  I thought that was crazy talk for an AD.

However, after the press conference yesterday and hearing both he and Earley speak, I've changed my tune.  I think it's entirely possible that Alberts told him exactly that.  Earley and Schloss couldn't be more opposite of people and coaches.  That's backed up by hearing what some of the players have said about how Schloss treated them.  Oh well.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 05, 2024, 03:07:02 PM
Re 2028 Olympic Softball to be played in OKC:

Jenni Carlson's Beyond the Boxscore
Why Olympics in Los Angeles might not have softball without OKC
Sport wasn't included in LA's original plan for 2028 Games.
JUL 05, 2024

OKLAHOMA CITY — Dejah Mulipola would love to represent Team USA again in the Olympics.

She did so during the Tokyo Games, winning softball silver, and when her sport returns to the Olympic roster in 2028, those Games will be in Los Angeles, close to her home. Most of the venues will be a stone's throw from where she was born, Los Alamitos, and where she was raised, Garden Grove.

But not the softball venue.

It will be in Oklahoma City.

"Yes, I'm a Southern California girly," Mulipola told me recently on the field at Devon Park after a Team USA intrasquad practice, "so I would have loved to have it in Los Angeles.

"But the way that life happens ... you gotta roll with the punches, and this is the opportunity that we have to be back in the Olympics."

When news surfaced a few Fridays ago that Oklahoma City would host softball and canoe kayak during the 2028 Olympics, pending approval of the Los Angeles City Council (sort of; more on that in a minute), there was a decent amount of hue and cry from athletes past and present.

"Absolutely crushed about this," gold medalist and former UCLA legend Natasha Watley wrote on Twitter. "Being an Olympian is about being in the middle of everything to get the true experience. Uugggghhhhh, I love my city, but this is not OK."

Also on Twitter, former Olympian Kelsey Stewart wrote, "Really, really dislike this. Part of the Olympics is the experience, and now future Olympians will miss out on that."

Even players who've had some of their greatest moments in Oklahoma City weren't happy.

"Don't like this at all," former OU outfielder Nicole Mendes wrote on Twitter.

She won two national championships in OKC.

Ditto for Aubree Munro, a former Florida Gator, who wrote, "I love this park, I have amazing memories playing here, but the Olympics in the US should be bigger than the WCWS. The athletes should get the full Olympic experience and the types of crowds that LA can host. I wish there would have been a more creative solution."

Here's the truth: Oklahoma City hosting Olympic softball was the creative solution.

Here's some more truth: the 2028 Olympics likely wouldn't include softball if not for Oklahoma City.

Los Angeles began the process of bidding for the Olympics about a decade ago. In 2017, when the city was awarded the 2028 Games, softball wasn't on the docket. Even the map approved back then by the LA City Council for venues, both existing and proposed, didn't include anything for softball.

(Keep that in mind for later, by the way.)

It wasn't until last October that softball was added to the 2028 Olympics, approved by the International Olympic Committee.

As we learned last week, Olympic talks between folks in LA and OKC have been going on for six years.

Six years!

So, when Los Angeles petitioned the International Olympic Committee last year to add baseball-softball (the Olympics pair the two together, so if you want to add one, you have to add both), LA was already years into conversations with OKC. At that point, Los Angeles knew it didn't have a suitable site for softball — the sport deserves better than to be played on a converted baseball field like it was in Tokyo, and LA has decided not to build any new facilities for these Games — but the city also knew Oklahoma City could and would host Olympic softball.

So it petitioned for baseball-softball to be added.

If not for OKC, it seems entirely likely softball might not have made LA's cut.

And because a softball venue wasn't on the Olympic map originally approved back in the day by the LA City Council, it doesn't have to give its approval for softball to be played in Oklahoma City.

When the organizing committee for the 2028 Olympics announced its proposed updates for the venue plan, LA28 didn't include softball as a venue change that requires city approval. Swimming and basketball moving to Inglewood, artistic swimming to Long Beach, equestrian to Temecula, shooting to an existing venue outside LA and, yes, canoe slalom to Oklahoma City's RiverSport facility must have city approval.

Softball isn't on the list for needing approval.

I'm sure we'll get more details in the coming months about how that deal was done — non-disclosure agreements had to be signed by those who helped broker the deals for Oklahoma City, so specifics are limited now — but barring something totally unexpected and nearly unprecedented, Olympic softball is coming to OKC.

And talking to Mulipola and other national team members in town recently for a training camp and games against the Oklahoma City Spark, there was a sense of understanding about Olympic softball being at Devon Park. Sure, being in Southern California would've been great. But where the competition would be held didn't seem to bother players who've been in the Games before.

"Your Olympic experience is what you make it," outfielder Haylie McCleney said. "That's what I remember so much from 2020. We obviously didn't have an Olympic experience like normal (because of the pandemic, which limited crowds and pushed the Games back a year) ... but it was what we made it. It was a really fun experience."

McCleney's favorite memories were of time spent with teammates. They'd hang out on their balconies at night talking or in the mornings drinking their coffee.

Because of the softball schedule during the Games, McCleney and her teammates were unable to attend the opening ceremonies. Additionally, two of their games were played in Fukushima, nearly four hours north of Tokyo, so Team USA spent several days in Fukushima in a hotel instead of the Olympic Village.

No Olympic experience is perfect.

Still, McCleney doesn't remember feeling cheated.

"I'll be honest with you, after the tournament started, we were like, 'Rest, recover, fuel up, make sure you're staying hydrated,'" she said. "We got film. We got team meetings. I don't think a lot of people realize that you have so much of that preparation that kind of goes into your Olympic process that you're not really worried about, 'Who can I meet from Team China or from Team Australia?'"

Mulipola said she had fun being in the Olympic Village, meeting other athletes and trading Olympic pins. But like McCleney, Mulipola's best memories were with teammates. During practice. In the dugout. On the bus. In their rooms.

Mulipola roomed with fellow UCLA alum Bubba Nichols, and one night, they had a dance party in their room. Just the two of them dancing around in their pajamas.

"Just enjoying and soaking up the experience," Mulipola said. "We're at the Olympics. Let's enjoy every moment of this."

And being at Devon Park last week, even when it was empty after a morning practice, players could start imagining what those Olympic moments could be like in 2028.

"I'm looking around right now, and I can just see this place being sold out," McCleney said. "All the people in red, white and blue."

She looked up at the thousands of seats rising above her vantage point on the field.

"Yeah, it's empty now," she said, "but it's not gonna be."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 23, 2024, 10:51:16 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2024, 09:06:48 AM

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 24, 2024, 09:40:58 AM
yes, blatant as heck 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 24, 2024, 09:52:05 AM
These "labels" are kind of amusing, to me.  We have two programs with an additional "A", UGA and UVA.  Maybe there are more.  Florida is just UF of course.  South Carolina is an outlier, but I term them USCe.  UNC works, the various "XSU" programs are clear.  If I talk about "UI" folks don't seem to worry if I mean Illinois or Indiana.

BC is kind of fun, it's not really a "college" as we speak about them.  Georgia Tech is clearly GT, not GIT like MIT.  It really should be GIT.  If I say "VU", it's not "Vanderbilt University.  A&M is a fun one, we used to have a ton of "A&M" schools about, and still have a few, some are HBCUs.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2024, 09:54:22 AM
Smart folks will be able to figure out which UT is being referenced, by context.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 24, 2024, 10:01:27 AM
Well, what about the rest of us?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2024, 10:24:53 AM
Well, what about the rest of us?
Well it does explain why SEC types are so eager to have it explicitly defined for them... ;)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 24, 2024, 03:20:49 PM
Take it to the SEC forum ! 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2024, 04:28:09 PM
SEC Forum is so dead.  Total ghost town over there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 24, 2024, 06:13:13 PM
SEC Forum is so dead.  Total ghost town over there.
Uh, so I wonder if there is anything we can do about that ?  Hmmm…
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 24, 2024, 06:42:56 PM
Hey, I'm not the one that posted an SEC-related graphic on the B12 Backporch.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 24, 2024, 09:35:10 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 25, 2024, 08:48:48 AM
We lost a lot of SEC posters back when things changed obviously.  Then a lot of folks ended up in B1Gland of course.

You gotta take care of that B1 Gland.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 25, 2024, 09:09:57 AM
I guess Realignment just "added" a few new SEC posters.  But really any comments over there are just the 3 of us plus OAM.  I saw C-Dubb make a post over there recently.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 25, 2024, 09:26:15 AM
I always liked the quirkiness of the B12 Board though.  The SEC board back when was nearly all football talk.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on July 27, 2024, 12:37:55 AM
This is what I was afraid of
so many folks have relocated here from California Texas is starting to get earthquakes sheeeeesh
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 27, 2024, 09:59:12 AM
One was reported north of me a bit, not far, very small, I didn't notice.

I have noticed one in my life, in Cincinnati.  The apartment I was living in started shaking, I thought it was a heavy truck driving by.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 27, 2024, 11:38:50 AM
I was in one in Newport Beach, CA back in 1995 or so.  I was on the 4th floor of an office building and it started swaying.  Felt really weird.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 27, 2024, 01:02:57 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 27, 2024, 04:39:37 PM
This is what I was afraid of
so many folks have relocated here from California Texas is starting to get earthquakes sheeeeesh
We've had several over the last several years. Fracking-related, supposedly, although some say not.
We've had noticeable shaking. The glass bowl of an overhead light fixture fell and shattered during one of them.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 27, 2024, 05:07:19 PM
These "labels" are kind of amusing, to me.  We have two programs with an additional "A", UGA and UVA.  Maybe there are more.  Florida is just UF of course.  South Carolina is an outlier, but I term them USCe.  UNC works, the various "XSU" programs are clear.  If I talk about "UI" folks don't seem to worry if I mean Illinois or Indiana.

BC is kind of fun, it's not really a "college" as we speak about them.  Georgia Tech is clearly GT, not GIT like MIT.  It really should be GIT.  If I say "VU", it's not "Vanderbilt University.  A&M is a fun one, we used to have a ton of "A&M" schools about, and still have a few, some are HBCUs.
We've got Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, in Miami, hometown of Steve Owens. It's a 2-year institution. Probably originated as a 2-year sports factory for academically unprepared/challenged athletes to get their grades up before proceeding on to 4-year schools. The teams are called the Norsemen. I suppose that makes sense on some level, somewhere.
"OU" makes no sense outside the context of the old Big 6/7/8, where all the "U of X" schools were called "XU." Nebraska shifted to "UNL" when it moved to the B1G. But, really, "NU" was not what I heard other Big 8 fans call them, compared to "KU," "MU," and "CU." They were either "Nebraska" or "Huskers."
Maybe just because "everybody else around here does it that way," the (private) University of Tulsa has long gone by "TU."
Oregon is "UO," while Ohio University is "OU." No question about Utah--it's "UU."
Arizona is "U of A"--not "UA." And not "AU," which is Auburn, of course.
I can remember when I at least thought that Virginia Polytechnic Institute was "VPI."
There used to be an "IUPUI"--pronounced "Ooey-Pooey," I think. Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis." Which reminds me that Indiana is "Indiana University"--"IU."
Aren't Alabama and Arkansas both "UA"?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 28, 2024, 09:01:17 AM
I usually seem then as Bama and Arky, but as abbreviations, I don't know.  UAR?  There is a "UAB" of course.  I guess they could be "UAT".
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 28, 2024, 07:02:53 PM
I lived in Gadsden, Alabama, in junior high school, and then twice in the Army at Fort Novosel (nee Rucker), and I remember the AU for Auburn and the UA for Bama in the sports pages. I don't remember hearing either of those in speech.   
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 29, 2024, 09:16:22 AM
That sounds right, I think, it's easy to say Bama of course in speed, and maybe "Aubbie" if you don't say the full word.

Folks here say "UGA" often.  They usually will say "South Carolina" instead of "USC" or USCe".  They say "Tech" but might write GT.  Folks may also say "The Vols" or "The Gators" primarily.  Nobody would say or write "UM" for Ole Miss.

The programs for LA and OH and PA are interesting because they are "States".  Usually the primary program is "U of".  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 29, 2024, 09:53:45 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 29, 2024, 09:56:51 AM
I think the "sticking point" (if there is one), is that both Texas and Tennessee each do commonly refer to themselves as "UT" and both have a long history of using both a block "T" and an interlocking "UT" as a brand/logo.  Add to that, that both schools use a shade of orange plus white, as their school colors, and you have the makings of a fun internet rivalry ripe for friendly banter.  

But like I said before, smart people are always going to be able to pick up which is being referenced, by context.




Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 29, 2024, 11:47:35 AM
I see UT plays OU this year.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 29, 2024, 12:07:25 PM
I see UT plays OU this year.

Yup, and so does Tennessee!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 29, 2024, 12:08:21 PM
Does Texas play in Columbia this year?  How about OU?  Columbia can be tough.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 29, 2024, 12:09:31 PM
Actually the sooners play UT, UT, UT, and UT this year.  Wild.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 29, 2024, 12:12:42 PM

Does Texas play in Columbia this year?  How about OU?  Columbia can be tough.
OU plays MU @ Columbia, and USC at home in Norman.

Texas plays neither of those teams in 2024.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 29, 2024, 07:20:20 PM
That sounds right, I think, it's easy to say Bama of course in speed, and maybe "Aubbie" if you don't say the full word.

Folks here say "UGA" often.  They usually will say "South Carolina" instead of "USC" or USCe".  They say "Tech" but might write GT.  Folks may also say "The Vols" or "The Gators" primarily.  Nobody would say or write "UM" for Ole Miss.
I remember when Jackie Sherrill was hired at MSU. He made a point of calling Ole Miss "Mississippi."

The programs for LA and OH and PA are interesting because they are "States".  Usually the primary program is "U of".
Pennsylvania's "U of" program isn't even a public institution. Penn is a private Ivy League school.
Louisiana's is the former UL-Lafayette, or "Ooh-La-La."
Ohio's is "UO" in the MAC. Speaking of the Ohio Bobcats, J.D. Vance's Secret Service code name is "Bobcat." The problem is that he is a TOSU grad.
Another thing . . . I don't get why the Secret Service publicizes the code names. How are they code names if everybody knows who the people behind the names are?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 29, 2024, 07:22:00 PM
Actually the sooners play UT, UT, UT, and UT this year.  Wild.
All in the 1st 6 games.

But a Google search makes me think that Temple and Tulane do not go by "UT."
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 29, 2024, 08:07:27 PM
Temple university 

= TU
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 29, 2024, 08:21:29 PM
Temple university

= TU
I'll trust that you are correct.
As an added cherry, I re-Googled "TU Owls" and got Temple. I guess I missed something the first time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 29, 2024, 09:46:29 PM
well, some Husker fans have done some research on Matt Rhule's time at Temple
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 29, 2024, 11:09:07 PM
I remember one year, maybe 2001 or 2002, A&M played four teams that were called “Cowboys”. 

oSU, Wyoming, McNeese, and one more I can’t remember. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 29, 2024, 11:11:26 PM
I just looked it up. 2001, and we only played 3 teams named Cowboys. But they were b2b. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 29, 2024, 11:12:47 PM
That’s got to be some kind of record. But there is probably somebody who played teams named Tigers or Bulldogs 3x. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 30, 2024, 12:18:15 AM
That’s got to be some kind of record. But there is probably somebody who played teams named Tigers or Bulldogs 3x.
You could almost do that just by playing in the SEC West.  Anybody in the west in the past 12 years who also played Mizzou, would have done it.  If you happened to have Clemson outta conference that same year, then oh boy! :)

(I'm far too lazy to look that up, of course)
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 30, 2024, 12:34:06 AM
2019 we played Clemson, lsu, and Auburn. Not sure if we played Mizzou. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 30, 2024, 10:13:30 AM
It'd be cool to play Penn State, Clemson, and Baylor in consecutive weeks.

Lions and Tigers and Bears.  Oh my!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 30, 2024, 11:17:30 PM
well, some Husker fans have done some research on Matt Rhule's time at Temple
So, does the fact that his 2nd year at Temple was much better than his 1st give you some hope for a good 2024 for the Huskers?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on July 30, 2024, 11:24:35 PM
2019 we played Clemson, lsu, and Auburn. Not sure if we played Mizzou.
You did not.

And Missouri did not play any team named Tigers that year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on July 31, 2024, 08:39:58 AM
So, does the fact that his 2nd year at Temple was much better than his 1st give you some hope for a good 2024 for the Huskers?
yes, but many times any coach's 2nd season will show decent improvement 

his 2nd season at Baylor was better

Hell, if he can just find some luck with the turnovers or coach them out of the games there will be much improvement in wins and losses
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 31, 2024, 08:50:08 AM
Often, Year Two for coaches can be quite a bit better.  I recall Mark Richt was 8-4 in year one, and 12-1 I think in year two with a conference championship.  Kirby was 8-5 in year one and played for the natty in year two.

I think usually it would be with a program that had a lot of talent but was undercoached.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 31, 2024, 09:14:07 AM
I think the next school that the SEC should grab during realignment, is Yale.  That will even up the Tiger and Bulldog quotient for the conference.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 31, 2024, 10:12:42 AM
You did not.

And Missouri did not play any team named Tigers that year.
One of youz eggheads should write an algorithm (back in the day we just called it a program) to scour the records and find the record for the team that played an opponent with the same nick name the most times in a row.  I wonder what the record is?  I can see a team playing a team with the same nickname 3-5 times in one season.  
I guess you could shorten the program by just finding teams that played some variation of bulldogs, tigers, aggies (there are 3-5 that I know of), etc.  Not sure what nickname is the most popular, but I'd wager on Bulldogs and Tigers.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 31, 2024, 11:07:18 AM
You could probably write a pretty short AI query that could pull that info down for you, and there's a 91% chance that it wouldn't have any weird made-up results included in it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 31, 2024, 11:11:28 AM
What would you use? Chat GPT?  Never used it before.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 31, 2024, 11:22:16 AM
Yeah ChatGPT, or MS Copilot if you have access to that.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 31, 2024, 11:33:20 AM
Yeah ChatGPT, or MS Copilot if you have access to that.
Chat GPT blocked on this computer for some reason.  Not sure about MS Copilot.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on July 31, 2024, 11:36:41 AM
Workplace computers generally don't like AI query requests. The AI bots have a tendency to incorporate anything you say or data you submit into subsequent queries. That isn't nefarious. It's just a consequence of how they work.

Of course, that means an innocent query that accidentally incorporated some of your company's protected intellectual property or data (that you would never even really consider to be 'protected') could be subsequently mined and discovered by a competitor.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 31, 2024, 11:40:11 AM
Well, looks like AI won't wipe us out yet.


Sent by you:
is there a college football team that has played an opponent with the same name more than 3 times in a season?
Sent by Copilot:
It’s quite rare for a college football team to play an opponent with the same name more than three times in a single season. Historically, there have been instances where teams played each other multiple times in a season, especially in the early years of college football when travel was more difficult. However, in modern college football, it’s highly unusual.

According to the information available, there is a mention of a team playing the same opponent three times in one season back in 1884. Yale played Wesleyan University three times that year, with scores of 31-0, 63-0, and 113-01. This was during a time when the sport was still in its infancy, and scheduling was much different than it is today.

In the current structure of college football, teams typically play each other once during the regular season. They might play a second time if they meet in a conference championship or a bowl game, but a third match-up would require a highly unusual set of circumstances, such as a playoff system that allows for it, which does not currently exist in the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS).

For more detailed historical data or specific instances, you might want to explore the records of the NCAA or specific college football conferences.

Learn more

+2 more
Sent by you:
For the above question, Not the same team, a team with the same nick name
Sent by Copilot:
I see, you’re asking about college football teams with the same mascot or nickname playing against each other multiple times in a season. While it’s not common, it is possible for teams with the same nickname to face each other more than once in a season, especially if they are in the same conference and meet again in a conference championship or in a bowl game.

For instance, the Tigers is a common nickname and is used by several schools like LSU, Auburn, Clemson, and Missouri. If two of these “Tiger” teams were in the same conference and played each other during the regular season, they could potentially meet again in the conference championship and possibly in a bowl game, making it three times in one season.

However, there is no recorded instance where teams with the same nickname have played each other more than three times in a single college football season. The scheduling structure and conference alignments make such an occurrence highly unlikely in modern college football.

Sent by you:
for the above questions, is there a college football team that has played an oppnent with the same nickname three times in one season?
Sent by Copilot:
After conducting a search, I found no records of a college football team playing an opponent with the same nickname three times in one season. While it’s theoretically possible for teams with common nicknames to meet multiple times due to conference games, championships, and bowl games, there are no documented cases of such an occurrence happening three times within a single season. The structure of the college football season and the diversity of team nicknames make this a highly unlikely event.

Learn more

+5 more
Sent by you:
For the above question, is there anything involving texas a&m and teams named Cowboys during the 2001 season?
Sent by Copilot:
During the 2001 season, the Texas A&M Aggies football team did play against the Oklahoma State Cowboys. The game took place on September 22, 2001, at Kyle Field in College Station, Texas, and Texas A&M won the game with a score of 21-71. This was the only instance that season where Texas A&M played against a team with the nickname “Cowboys.” There were no other games involving Texas A&M against teams named Cowboys during the 2001 season.

Learn more

Sent by you:
For the above questions, didn't texas A&M play three teams named Cowboys or Cowboy during the 2001 season?
Sent by Copilot:
I apologize for the confusion earlier. To clarify, Texas A&M did not play against three different teams named “Cowboys” or “Cowboy” during the 2001 college football season. They played the Oklahoma State Cowboys once that season, which is consistent with the typical scheduling of college football where teams usually face each other once per season. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Sent by you:
What is the team name or nickname for Univeristy of Wyoming and McNeese State?  And considering this new information, did Texas A&M play three teams with the nickname of Cowboys during the 2001 season?
Sent by Copilot:
The team name or nickname for the University of Wyoming is the Cowboys and Cowgirls1, and for McNeese State, it is also the Cowboys and Cowgirls2.

Considering this new information, during the 2001 season, Texas A&M played against:

McNeese State Cowboys on September 1, 20013.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 31, 2024, 11:41:12 AM
FB has been blocking me of late in very innocent posts.  I presume their AI is wonky.  I once tried to share a post already posted and was blocked, and warned.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on July 31, 2024, 11:45:04 AM
In 2021, UGA played Clemson, Auburn, and Missouri.  In 2019, Auburn, Missouri, and LSU.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 31, 2024, 11:47:20 AM
In 2021, UGA played Clemson, Auburn, and Missouri.  In 2019, Auburn, Missouri, and LSU.
Man if only your Clemson OOC game were two years earlier!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on July 31, 2024, 11:47:45 AM
Apologize for the wonky formatting, it doesn't show up in my edit.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on July 31, 2024, 11:50:33 AM
Yup AI can get really wonky sometimes.  Even with very clear prompts it can default to garbage info.  It's only as good as the training data and in this case, the training data is the internet, with everything good, bad, real, fake, that that entails.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 01, 2024, 03:56:11 PM
I think the next school that the SEC should grab during realignment, is Yale.  That will even up the Tiger and Bulldog quotient for the conference.
Next thing you know, Princeton would want in, and there would be another team of Tigers.
And, then, Fresno State . . . .
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 01, 2024, 06:15:17 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 01, 2024, 06:16:36 PM
Yup AI can get really wonky sometimes. 
I had never had a FB post rejected until recently, and had two turned down.  Neither was controversial or political.  I also got warned.  I put in a request for a review by humans but that result in squat.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 01, 2024, 09:59:21 PM
they're on to you
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 03, 2024, 01:15:47 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 04, 2024, 12:29:25 PM
Mmmm brisket tacos
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on August 06, 2024, 09:19:51 AM
FB has been blocking me of late in very innocent posts.  I presume their AI is wonky.  I once tried to share a post already posted and was blocked, and warned.
Maybe you spilled wine on the keyboard again
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 06, 2024, 09:24:44 AM
Probably.  I had no alcohol last night, which is good for me (no alcohol that is).  I'm going for this week, hopefully.

Trying to drop a few pounds, swimming/running/lifting every day.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 06, 2024, 11:12:33 AM
I played 18 holes in the heat Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday

should have lost at least 8 pounds

should have

taking the day off

will play 18 tomorrow

yes, there was beer drinking and that will continue
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 06, 2024, 12:05:51 PM
I covered 3 miles today, running and walking, I sweated up a good bit but the temperature is not bad, 85°F right now.  I'm still amazed how much even a slight breeze can make a difference.

Humid air is less dense than dry air.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 06, 2024, 01:37:17 PM
I covered 3 miles today, running and walking, I sweated up a good bit but the temperature is not bad, 85°F right now.  I'm still amazed how much even a slight breeze can make a difference.

Humid air is less dense than dry air.
Wasn't one of the Braves' stadiums nicknamed "the launching pad"?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 06, 2024, 02:00:53 PM
Wasn't one of the Braves' stadiums nicknamed "the launching pad"?
Old Atlanta-FoCo Stadium, the first one, was nicknamed that.  At the time, it was the highest altitude major league stadium (before Denver came in).  And of course it gets hot and humid here, usually when it approaches 100°F it's less humid.

I attended an Olympic baseball game in that stadium in '96 with my kids.  There was a strong breeze blowing into the stadium at the entrances where we kept getting up and standing in the air, it was 99°F that day.  

I wanted my kids to have an "Olympic experience" but couldn't afford the major events, so we attended a slew of minor ones, including rowing on Lake Lanier, sitting on aluminum bleacher seats.  The sculls were tiny specs for much of the race.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 06, 2024, 02:52:37 PM
I covered 3 miles today, running and walking, I sweated up a good bit but the temperature is not bad, 85°F right now.  I'm still amazed how much even a slight breeze can make a difference.

Humid air is less dense than dry air.
How TF is it only 85 in Atlanta ?  I thought the climate there was very similar to Houston. It’s probably 95+ here today. In the shade ! 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 06, 2024, 03:42:59 PM
I've been to Houston in August a few times, it's MUCH hotter and more humid than ATL.  Our average high T in August is 88°F.  It's 90°F now, I was just at the pool doing laps.  We were in a project with Shell Chemical for a while.  I've even seen a baseball game at the Astrodome.  I liked going there in February.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 07, 2024, 01:13:41 PM
Well, I just looked at a map and I feel silly.  Atlanta is actually a lot further North relative to Houston than I would've guessed.  It's actually further North than even Dallas.  I have never been further east than the very west end of MIssissippi so I really don't have a feel for that area.  For some reason somebody always referred to it as "Hotlanta" so I just assumed it was akin to what we call "Hot-town" for Houston.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 07, 2024, 01:15:30 PM
Still pretty Hot...but not Houston Hot ! (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 07, 2024, 01:15:45 PM
Atlanta nice and chilly in the summer.  We should all move there.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 07, 2024, 01:18:02 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 07, 2024, 01:32:14 PM
Yep.  Slightly less humid than Houston, but really hot.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 07, 2024, 02:05:32 PM
It's amazing it held off this long, this is the first 100-degree weather I've seen at my house this entire summer.  Normally by this time we've had 20-30 days of it, starting back in May/June.

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 07, 2024, 02:41:23 PM
It's amazing it held off this long, this is the first 100-degree weather I've seen at my house this entire summer.  Normally by this time we've had 20-30 days of it, starting back in May/June.

........ but dont move here
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 07, 2024, 03:41:25 PM
Just back from pool, mostly sunny, nice blue skies, 93°F, pool felt great, did some laps.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on August 09, 2024, 11:51:00 AM
yes, there was beer drinking and that will continue
Nobody likes a quitter
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: MrNubbz on August 09, 2024, 11:56:03 AM
It's amazing it held off this long, this is the first 100-degree weather I've seen at my house this entire summer.  Normally by this time we've had 20-30 days of it, starting back in May/June.
Dayum we only had two 90° days last year here along the lake. this summer has been hotter and drier than most in recent memory,storm on tuesday knocked out power for over 330,000 people in my county alone many still w/o power with a twister or two tossed in
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 09, 2024, 12:21:42 PM
love the overnight lows - was 67 in the house this morning

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2024, 12:22:39 PM
48 degrees?  That's parka weather!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 09, 2024, 12:24:58 PM
The ten day forecast for here and Sedona are just about identical, I imagine RH will be lower out there.  I'm looking forward to it.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 09, 2024, 12:31:22 PM
48 degrees?  That's parka weather!

Hatch Chile weather!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 09, 2024, 12:45:55 PM
Hatch Chile Weather:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 27, 2024, 08:23:34 PM
Just got back from 4 days in L.A.

The highs were in the 70s. Beautiful skies, breezes off the Pacific. By sundown, if not before, it verged on jacket weather.

The Fighting Mike Gundys are hosting the South Dakota State Jackrabbits Saturday. The game is at 1:00. Gundy was hoping that it would be miserably hot so that his deeper team would have an advantage. But the projected high is only going to be 89.

The best-laid plans . . . .
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 27, 2024, 08:29:51 PM
SDSU has some talent and are obviously well coached

don't sleep on the Jacks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 27, 2024, 08:40:50 PM
SDSU has some talent and are obviously well coached

don't sleep on the Jacks
Gundy slept on the Chipps a few years back and got handed a home loss.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 27, 2024, 09:50:44 PM
I'll be in Brookings, SD next week.
Great college town - great fans

I hope to play the golf course there Thursday afternoon the 5th
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: nwms on August 28, 2024, 10:44:10 AM
Gundy slept on the Chipps a few years back and got handed a home loss.

iirc they got beat on a hail mary after some sort of officiating issue although idr the latter details
i do remember harassing my okie lite friends like a child for it though 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 28, 2024, 10:45:30 AM
I don't remember that at all.  Man, that's even worse than an embarrassing home loss to App State!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on August 28, 2024, 01:55:11 PM
Seems like oSu threw a long, incomplete pass rather than punting it away on 4th down at the end of the game. Then the zebras ruled that there was still one second left in the game and Central Michigan got the ball. Next came a Chippewa TD. (
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 28, 2024, 02:54:27 PM
Yeah I definitely don't have any recollection of that.  Guess I'm getting old!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 28, 2024, 04:13:17 PM

Enough of this other teams losing
Lets get on to the important stuff
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 28, 2024, 04:15:56 PM
Man we're almost there.  I'm hoping to get to 2-3 total games this year.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 28, 2024, 04:17:25 PM
Man we're almost there.  I'm hoping to get to 2-3 total games this year.
Jesus.  I'd settle for 2-3 games a decade !  Not on my bingo card for Saturdays right now I guess.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 28, 2024, 04:19:28 PM
Man we're almost there.  I'm hoping to get to 2-3 total games this year.
Im very envious
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 28, 2024, 04:24:15 PM
Well I get to TX-OU almost every year, but home games haven't worked out so well.  Last year I made it to the Tech game, and this year I'm thinking I might get to both the Miss State and Kentucky games.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on August 28, 2024, 04:25:14 PM
My daughter is now a proud grad. The University sets the grads up with an in to buy alumni tix, but they have to be purchased within the first couple of seasons after graduation.
Mostly to preserve the option, we got two season tickets this year. They're crummy seats in the north end zone, and we'll probably only make a couple of games, but it'll still be fun to be back for the first time in a long time.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 28, 2024, 04:26:34 PM
I'm going to the 1st and 2nd Husker games

we shall see after that

I have the time and $$$

just need a respectable product on the field
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 28, 2024, 04:30:17 PM
Jesus.  I'd settle for 2-3 games a decade !  Not on my bingo card for Saturdays right now I guess. 
Heck, even *I* make it to 4 or 5 Aggie games per decade!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 28, 2024, 04:43:37 PM
Heck, even *I* make it to 4 or 5 Aggie games per decade!

Well, the wife never cared about spots (she's also an A&M grad).  The kids never really bought into it, and it went from a 2 hr 15 minute drive from our house to more like 2.5-2 hr 45 minute drive due to all the developments on the road between here and there (outskirts of Houston, mostly around Fulshear). 

Plus, the tickets are just insanely expensive, especially for a family of four.  And, if I'm being honest, I just don't really want to be that packed in with a bunch of strangers in the heat for 4 hours anymore, plus I just don't like traveling almost any distance.  Annnd....A&M has really sucked over the last 20+ years.  It's not like we've missed much.  And, I've picked up fishing and hunting ( I used to never fish or hunt), and that is where my free time and money go. 
I used to meet up with my old college roommate about once a year to go to a game, usually a "gimmie" game vs McNeese state or somebody similar where we could get good tickets cheap, but we haven't done that for a long time.  I might hit him up soon, we're both much older and our kids are practically grown at this point. 

Whoa.  That's a lot of ands !  To sum it up, I much prefer watching the games on TV, and going fishing.  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 28, 2024, 04:52:58 PM

  To sum it up, I much prefer watching the games on TV, and going fishing. 
that would have been my post
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 28, 2024, 11:43:08 PM
So Gigem and utees wife dont feel neglected
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 29, 2024, 08:43:12 AM
Why?  Why would you do that????
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Cincydawg on August 29, 2024, 08:48:41 AM
I thought I saw a ticket to the UGA-Clemson game started at $90.  If it was, I'd give a thought to going, but not much of one.  I went to one there a few years back in part to see the inside of the stadium, OK, box checked, if there was one.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 29, 2024, 10:11:56 AM
Why?  Why would you do that????
Ive always held a lot of respect for aggie and their traditions

I'll always be a Horn but Im glad we have as great a rival as we do

sorry if this offended you Im a little surprised at your reaction
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 29, 2024, 10:16:54 AM
I'm surprised you would do that
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 29, 2024, 10:23:48 AM
I'm mostly just joking around, but since that particular song is basically just a slam on UT, I can't say I'm overly fond of it, and I'm not certain why any other Longhorn would be.

Suffice to say that when I'm at a game in College Station and they start singing that song, I neither stand nor sway for the duration.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 29, 2024, 10:51:07 AM
I'm surprised you would do that
We dont need your input thank you
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 29, 2024, 10:53:04 AM
I'm mostly just joking around, but since that particular song is basically just a slam on UT, I can't say I'm overly fond of it, and I'm not certain why any other Longhorn would be.

Suffice to say that when I'm at a game in College Station and they start singing that song, I neither stand nor away for the duration.
sorry I just figured your wife would have trained you different

I'll issue a warning next time before I post
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 29, 2024, 10:55:45 AM
Ive always held a lot of respect for aggie and their traditions

I'll always be a Horn but Im glad we have as great a rival as we do

sorry if this offended you Im a little surprised at your reaction
Thank you for the support !  I've also held a lot of respect for Longhorns and their traditions as well.  ALL of my work colleagues (who actually hold a degree from UT) I have always held in high esteem.  I can't always say the same for all my fellow Aggies, unfortunately).  
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on August 29, 2024, 10:59:24 AM
I'm mostly just joking around, but since that particular song is basically just a slam on UT, I can't say I'm overly fond of it, and I'm not certain why any other Longhorn would be.

Suffice to say that when I'm at a game in College Station and they start singing that song, I neither stand nor away for the duration.
There is more than one verse, it's just that the first verse gets repeated.  I've always taken it as more of a song to unite Aggies, not necessarily diss on UT, especially considering the context from where it came.  

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on August 29, 2024, 11:09:00 AM
We dont need your input thank you
I've been reminded of this for decades by T-sips
I provide the input anyway

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on August 29, 2024, 11:15:38 AM
There is more than one verse, it's just that the first verse gets repeated.  I've always taken it as more of a song to unite Aggies, not necessarily diss on UT, especially considering the context from where it came. 

Oh I know there are other verses.  I've seen them.  When she was on campus, my i s c & a aggie wife was a fish camp counselor and was also part of a group that was pushing to teach and sing the other verses rather than just the first.

But that didn't happen, and here we are.

It's not a huge deal, I have fun playing up the rivalry because that's what college football is all about.  But yeah, I'm certainly not going to stand and cheer and sway and show support whilst mine enemies are speaking ill of my alma mater and proposing tortures upon my school's mascot.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on August 29, 2024, 01:14:35 PM
Having said what I said make no mistake there is not many things in life that bring me the amount of joy as beating aggie

and oh yes OU still sucks
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 02, 2024, 08:15:54 AM
guessin old Muleshoe is quietly pleased he wasn't able to backout of the LSU game this morning
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 02, 2024, 11:28:16 AM
guessin old Muleshoe is quietly pleased he wasn't able to backout of the LSU game this morning
USC looked pretty good
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 03, 2024, 08:09:53 AM
guessin old Muleshoe is quietly pleased he wasn't able to backout of the LSU game this morning
I don't care much for either Muleshoe or Brian Kelly. I found myself sort of rooting for LSU.
Kelly needs to get control of the punks on his team. Their antics may have been the difference in the game.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 03, 2024, 08:12:05 AM
USC looked pretty good
Hard to tell when you only have one game to go on. It was a compelling game, but we really don't know how good either team is. They may both end up 11-1/10-2, or they may both end up 7-5.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 03, 2024, 08:25:47 AM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Mr Tulip on September 03, 2024, 08:54:47 AM
Doesn't LSU always lose its first game of the season?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 03, 2024, 09:03:27 AM
I don't care much for either Muleshoe or Brian Kelly. I found myself sort of rooting for LSU.
Kelly needs to get control of the punks on his team. Their antics may have been the difference in the game.
It’s that SEC mentality. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 03, 2024, 09:58:21 AM
Doesn't LSU always lose its first game of the season?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 03, 2024, 11:31:49 AM
the Huskers were in that rotten boat until they got UTEP at home
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 07, 2024, 07:15:57 PM
Congrats to the Birds in a Blender! ISU beat Iowa 20-19 with a 53-yard FG to take the lead with 5 seconds remaining. It was the first time in the game that the Clones had the lead.

Huskers need to make Ralphie squeal like a pig tonight.

Congrats to the Horns putting a stomping on Michigan.

Congrats to the Pokes for beating Arkansas after a 43-year hiatus in the series. It took a nice comeback, as the Hogs dominated the 1st half.

Congrats to Northern Illinois for beating Notre Dame 16-14 with some late-game heroics.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: Gigem on September 07, 2024, 07:48:05 PM
I was able to watch almost all the games !  They were awesome. ISU and OSU really did a good job hanging in there and walking away with a win. 
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 08, 2024, 09:01:33 AM
Yeah it was a fun day of football.  So many upsets and near upsets.  Big wins for horns and ags, so my wife was happy.  A good day!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 08, 2024, 02:09:26 PM
And congrats to the Huskers for their win over the Buffs.

Sooners eked out a win over a bad Houston team in Norman. I think we're facing a long season. Our offense is a steaming pile.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: longhorn320 on September 08, 2024, 02:32:51 PM
And congrats to the Huskers for their win over the Buffs.

Sooners eked out a win over a bad Houston team in Norman. I think we're facing a long season. Our offense is a steaming pile.
Its only the first game

They will improve
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 08, 2024, 05:26:10 PM
Its only the first game

They will improve
Second game.

And it was worse than the first.

Hard to know whether Temple or Houston was the worse opponent. We looked bad against both of them.

You should know that I don't engage in sandbagging.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 08, 2024, 05:48:46 PM
C-Dubb might not sandbag, but I have my suspicion that the entire Sooner team is currently sandbagging, and they're going to look like they're limping into the Cotton Bowl, only to do a complete 180 and become the 1986 Bears and destroy the hopes of Longhorns everywhere yet again.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 08, 2024, 09:35:21 PM
I hope Coach Prime is facing a long season

although he was respectful in the post game presser
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 09, 2024, 05:18:44 PM
C-Dubb might not sandbag, but I have my suspicion that the entire Sooner team is currently sandbagging, and they're going to look like they're limping into the Cotton Bowl, only to do a complete 180 and become the 1986 Bears and destroy the hopes of Longhorns everywhere yet again.
From your keyboard to God's ears, let it be so!
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 09, 2024, 11:23:55 PM
New stats out. OU is #108 in total offense but has the #1 red zone offense.

If Tulane will kindly hand the ball over inside their 20 on each possession, things might go well Saturday.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 10, 2024, 08:46:39 AM
Sounds like UNL last season
do you have a QB?
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 12, 2024, 02:03:56 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 12, 2024, 03:07:58 PM
I love boiled peanuts!

That link should probably be on the SEC Front Porch...
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: CWSooner on September 13, 2024, 09:02:57 PM
Sounds like UNL last season
do you have a QB?
We've got the #1 dual-threat QB in his HS year group. But he's struggling. Patrick Mahomes might struggle behind our O-line.
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 13, 2024, 09:36:23 PM
strugglin passin I would guess

probably a helluva runner
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 16, 2024, 12:10:42 PM
Now that’s a Texas taco!

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 18, 2024, 03:40:52 PM
Speaking of brisket tacos, I had a couple of these today for lunch:

Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: FearlessF on September 18, 2024, 09:28:18 PM
Title: Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
Post by: utee94 on September 19, 2024, 09:39:14 AM
Plenty of beef.  i understand that you're a yankee gringo, but that's what a real, actual taco looks like.