CFB51 College Football Fan Community

The Power Five => Big Ten => Topic started by: medinabuckeye1 on April 12, 2023, 05:53:32 PM

Title: Prime
Post by: medinabuckeye1 on April 12, 2023, 05:53:32 PM
So what does everyone think of Deion Sanders at Colorado?

I ask mostly because I have a theory that the best coaches tend to be more average athletes so we'll see how this plays out in Boulder.

My theory is this:
Phenomenal athletes don't learn the game the way others need to. Deion was so incredibly fast that he could always rely on his blazing speed to make it easier to play his position and cover up mistakes.

A good example of my theory is Ohio State's Brian Hartline. Unlike Deion's legendary NFL Combine, Hartline's numbers were pretty average for a major college NFL WR prospect. 

I KNOW that Hartline was REALLY good at the mechanics of playing WR because his Combine numbers tell me that he didn't succeed simply by being bigger, taller, stronger, or faster than everybody. 

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: longhorn320 on April 12, 2023, 06:02:09 PM
I dont think the strength of a Head Coach is with one on one coaching

Recruiting and good assistant coaches is more important
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: bayareabadger on April 12, 2023, 06:39:35 PM
He is sort of the CEO model with extra flash. So like a cooler Mack Brown or Dabo or kind of Bobby Bowden at times. shoot, PJ Fleck is kind of in that mold.

He seems like a super high ceiling version of that with tremendous flame out potential
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on April 12, 2023, 06:44:16 PM
he was wildly successful as a Texas HS coach. Then he was wildly successful as a small ball college FCS coach at an HBCU no less. 

He’s already been making moves on the ‘crootin trail that basically no coach in the history of Colorado ever has. Travis Hunter was the #1 player in his class. From Georgia. Cormani McClain was a top 10 player and #1 CB in his class. From Florida. I can guarantee you Colorado has never signed kids like that- let alone ones from the south. 

If I were a betting man I wouldn’t bet against Deion. Especially in a PAC that is losing the LA schools and will be tissue paper soft. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: betarhoalphadelta on April 12, 2023, 07:08:09 PM
I ask mostly because I have a theory that the best coaches tend to be more average athletes so we'll see how this plays out in Boulder.

Your theory may be accurate w.r.t. average performance. But it's a stereotype. Even when stereotypes are based on actual reality across a large population, they're basically worthless when it comes to individual performance. 

It's like the simple stereotype that jocks are dumb and nerds are weak. The stereotype exists because at the FAR end of the bell curve where you're looking at selecting for only one thing, you completely discount anything but what is being selected for. So if you can run a 4.3 and cover a WR, nobody gives a damn if you can't read. And if you can build Microsoft, nobody cares if you're a bookish dweeb. But oddly enough, there is a POSITIVE correlation between intelligence and athleticism (and attractiveness, and height, and a bunch of other things we consider positive). In general, smart people are more athletic than dumb people, and athletic people are smarter than unathletic people. But we build stereotypes based on the outliers. 

Someone who works harder because they have fewer physical gifts MIGHT become a better coach of those skills because they didn't have that golden spoon of elite athleticism. But that doesn't mean that someone who HAS those physical gifts also can't understand technique and skills in such a way as to pass them on to someone w/o the same gifts. And it doesn't mean that because someone didn't have those gifts that they're assured success in coaching because they had to work harder. Ability to coach is orthogonal to whether you had those gifts IMHO. 

So even if your theory is 100% accurate re: averages, you can't use it to predict Deion's individual success or failure. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on April 12, 2023, 10:54:06 PM
I think Neon Deion is going to do well at CU.

The truth is he doesn't NEED to do it. He doesn't need the money and he doesn't need to cement his legacy somehow.  So chances are he's doing it because he likes it or otherwise feels some personal compulsion.  

That tells me he's going to put a ton of effort into it.

It's definitely interesting to watch.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 04:45:50 AM
We all agree he will up their recruiting.  We all agree they are in a weaker conference.  I think if he gets a rather good QB and good OC/DCs, he'll do pretty well.  He's the feature, he needn't be the Man in Charge in day to day decisions.  If they do better than expected this year, say 8-5ish, he'll garner more positive notice ...  if they go 3-9ish, maybe some of the allure/novelty starts to diminish.

We probably wondered this idly when he started at the HBCU and he did well there immediately as I recall.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on April 13, 2023, 07:50:35 AM
Will he be responsible for teaching kids how to tackle?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: medinabuckeye1 on April 13, 2023, 10:32:18 AM
I dont think the strength of a Head Coach is with one on one coaching

Recruiting and good assistant coaches is more important
He is sort of the CEO model with extra flash. So like a cooler Mack Brown or Dabo or kind of Bobby Bowden at times. shoot, PJ Fleck is kind of in that mold.

He seems like a super high ceiling version of that with tremendous flame out potential
This pretty well sums up my thoughts.  If he can hire and delegate well this could work REALLY well.  He has the high ceiling due to his name recognition /  cool factor.  OTOH, if he can't then this could be a mess.  
he was wildly successful as a Texas HS coach. Then he was wildly successful as a small ball college FCS coach at an HBCU no less.

He’s already been making moves on the ‘crootin trail that basically no coach in the history of Colorado ever has. Travis Hunter was the #1 player in his class. From Georgia. Cormani McClain was a top 10 player and #1 CB in his class. From Florida. I can guarantee you Colorado has never signed kids like that- let alone ones from the south.

If I were a betting man I wouldn’t bet against Deion. Especially in a PAC that is losing the LA schools and will be tissue paper soft.
Agreed.  He is pulling guys that Colorado would NEVER have pulled in the past.  If that keeps up in a PAC without USC/UCLA that should make the Buffaloes an annual co-favorite along with the Ducks and whoever is having a good year beyond that.  
Your theory may be accurate w.r.t. average performance. But it's a stereotype. Even when stereotypes are based on actual reality across a large population, they're basically worthless when it comes to individual performance.

It's like the simple stereotype that jocks are dumb and nerds are weak. The stereotype exists because at the FAR end of the bell curve where you're looking at selecting for only one thing, you completely discount anything but what is being selected for. So if you can run a 4.3 and cover a WR, nobody gives a damn if you can't read. And if you can build Microsoft, nobody cares if you're a bookish dweeb. But oddly enough, there is a POSITIVE correlation between intelligence and athleticism (and attractiveness, and height, and a bunch of other things we consider positive). In general, smart people are more athletic than dumb people, and athletic people are smarter than unathletic people. But we build stereotypes based on the outliers.

Someone who works harder because they have fewer physical gifts MIGHT become a better coach of those skills because they didn't have that golden spoon of elite athleticism. But that doesn't mean that someone who HAS those physical gifts also can't understand technique and skills in such a way as to pass them on to someone w/o the same gifts. And it doesn't mean that because someone didn't have those gifts that they're assured success in coaching because they had to work harder. Ability to coach is orthogonal to whether you had those gifts IMHO.

So even if your theory is 100% accurate re: averages, you can't use it to predict Deion's individual success or failure.
I agree with all of this.  Statistically it is like saying "Men are taller than women".  It is demonstrably true wrt averages (5'-9" for men vs 5'-4" for women) but that 5" difference in AVERAGE height still leaves a lot of women taller than particularly short men, a decent number of women taller than the average man, and even a few women taller than a very tall guy like yourself.  

LoL @ "So if you can run a 4.3 and cover a WR, nobody gives a damn if you can't read."  Same with the "dumb blonde" stereotype.  

I think my theory is based on two things.  I articulated one of them above:
That a guy who was successful at major college / NFL football without ridiculous athletic gifts HAS to have been good at playing their position whereas a guy who was successful at major college / NFL football WITH ridiculous athletic gifts MIGHT actually not be all that good at the mechanics of their position because they just didn't need to be.  

The second part is harder to explain.  I think it might be difficult for someone who DID have, in Deion's case ridiculous speed, to teach someone without that how to cover a WR.  Deion never had to cover a WR that was faster than him so what does he know about that?  I didn't mean to suggest that this would be insurmountable, just that I think it is a thing that has to be dealt with.  

I agree that there will be exceptions so even if my theory is 100% correct there will still be mediocre athletes who are NOT good coaches and great athletes who also are great coaches.  
I think Neon Deion is going to do well at CU.

The truth is he doesn't NEED to do it. He doesn't need the money and he doesn't need to cement his legacy somehow.  So chances are he's doing it because he likes it or otherwise feels some personal compulsion. 

That tells me he's going to put a ton of effort into it.

It's definitely interesting to watch.
We all agree he will up their recruiting.  We all agree they are in a weaker conference.  I think if he gets a rather good QB and good OC/DCs, he'll do pretty well.  He's the feature, he needn't be the Man in Charge in day to day decisions.  If they do better than expected this year, say 8-5ish, he'll garner more positive notice ...  if they go 3-9ish, maybe some of the allure/novelty starts to diminish.

We probably wondered this idly when he started at the HBCU and he did well there immediately as I recall.
I agree and he is coming off of back-to-back SWAC titles at Jackson State but the competition is about to ramp up in a MAJOR way.  Mentally I sorta discounted his success at JSU because I figured that his recruiting bump alone probably accounted for a good portion of that.  
Will he be responsible for teaching kids how to tackle?

Thank you for your thoughts all.  I agree with @utee94 (;u=15) , it will definitely be interesting to watch!
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: CatsbyAZ on April 13, 2023, 12:42:22 PM
I think Neon Deion is going to do well at CU.

The truth is he doesn't NEED to do it. He doesn't need the money and he doesn't need to cement his legacy somehow.  So chances are he's doing it because he likes it or otherwise feels some personal compulsion. 

That tells me he's going to put a ton of effort into it.

It's definitely interesting to watch.

Disagree. The personal compulsion is Sanders' massive ego. No he doesn't need the $$$ but his gargantuan ego demands the attention. Read up on how he talked up raising HBCU sports as a personal calling only to leave J-State hanging once the next job offered him more of a spotlight. Deion will be the college football equivalent of what we're already seeing in college basketball with former alpha pros landing jobs at Georgetown, Michigan, Memphis, and Georgia Tech. Yes they recruit well (at first anyway) but their rosters are generally undisciplined, there isn't a lot of player development, and there's lots of sideline drama.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: longhorn320 on April 13, 2023, 01:17:13 PM
Disagree. The personal compulsion is Sanders' massive ego. No he doesn't need the $$$ but his gargantuan ego demands the attention. Read up on how he talked up raising HBCU sports as a personal calling only to leave J-State hanging once the next job offered him more of a spotlight. Deion will be the college football equivalent of what we're already seeing in college basketball with former alpha pros landing jobs at Georgetown, Michigan, Memphis, and Georgia Tech. Yes they recruit well (at first anyway) but their rosters are generally undisciplined, there isn't a lot of player development, and there's lots of sideline drama.
has this happened in his previous coaching jobs
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 13, 2023, 01:39:21 PM
I think he's there a max of 3 years.
If it goes very well, he'll move to a better program.
If it goes mediocre or bad, he'll just leave.  
I'm probably wrong.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on April 13, 2023, 01:41:16 PM
If it goes well, he'll be at FSU.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: betarhoalphadelta on April 13, 2023, 01:58:00 PM
The one thing that I don't know how well he'll fare is recruiting up against the big boys. 

He was a HS coach at prep schools and then a religious school, where you can recruit. He joined the college coaching ranks a HBSC where he was competing largely against players who couldn't get into FBS, much less P5, and his fame (and NIL monies that Jackson State probably wouldn't have w/o his fame) allowed him to recruit there at a much higher level than other HBSCs. 

Now he's at a P5 school. Will his fame allow him to recruit at a high enough clip to make CU relevant? Especially in a world where CU probably won't have NIL advantages compared to helmets? 

IMHO the fame of the coach can only go so far. I.e. Drew Brees doesn't have the fame level of Deion, but let's say Drew came back to be the HC at Purdue. Would there be a recruiting bump? Yes. Would they have any chance of pulling the STARZZZZ that Michigan or OSU get? Not a chance. The ceiling of a school is still there, no matter who the coach is. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 13, 2023, 02:11:43 PM
Brees would recruit better at LSU than he would at Purdue....for various reasons.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: betarhoalphadelta on April 13, 2023, 02:51:42 PM
Brees would recruit better at LSU than he would at Purdue....for various reasons.
Someone with zero past relationship with anything in the state of Louisiana would recruit better at LSU than Drew Brees would at Purdue. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 13, 2023, 03:28:07 PM
Only if he can fake a southern accent 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on April 14, 2023, 11:17:40 AM
Only if he can fake a southern accent

A Texas accent isn't the same as a southern accent but I suppose it could do in a pinch.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 14, 2023, 02:33:04 PM
As for Neon, I think "our" guess is he'll do pretty well in time, but not at the highest level, but "we" could be wrong.  A talent upgrade would help, and if he has good assistants as well and is able to set clear expectations and change the culture, they could be competitive in the Pac.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on April 16, 2023, 12:18:28 PM
kinda have to agree with Metellus here....Colorado looks like a small ass team...Deion definitely has his work cut out for him. Gonna take a couple off-seasons to turn that roster over where he really wants it when it comes to the trenches.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 16, 2023, 01:29:37 PM
Wow, as a teacher, the comments section needs to re-do high school. 

What young people without academic goals are doing with the English language is brutal. 
Totally given up on there, their, they're and going with "they" for all of the above.
Gone instead of "going to," when a perfectly good "gonna" would suffice.  Gone is a different word with a different meaning.
Just brutal.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 16, 2023, 01:31:09 PM
Lanuage, and grammar, are fluid.  I got a fax on that recently.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 16, 2023, 01:38:40 PM
It is, indeed.
But it's normally changing over dozens of generations.  What we have here is mostly educated vs uneducated. 
Each American generation comes up with it's own lingo, but this isn't that.
Examples of that would be terms like low-key, no cap, dead-ass, I'm dying, 304s, gucci, and the exhausting "LET'S GOOOOO"
On a long-enough timeline, we'll have totally separate languages.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 16, 2023, 01:39:07 PM
old folks many times don't appreciate the fluidity 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 16, 2023, 01:42:15 PM
Well I'm over 40, and that was old when I was young.  :72:
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 16, 2023, 01:46:26 PM
My wife often struggles with African American lingo.  She looks at me, and I tell her "It's OK, I speak jive."

She speaks pretty good Spanish though, which is helpful.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 16, 2023, 01:53:18 PM
Since Deion Sanders took over as the he’d coach of the Colorado Buffaloes, the program has seen some big changes.

They have put together college football’s best transfer class for the 2023 offseason while also landing some solid recruits.

They’ve also had a few players head for the transfer portal.

Sanders memorably suggested that some players should be ready to head to the transfer portal when he first spoke with his players at Colorado.

Some of their players wasted no time taking his advice and quickly entered the portal. Others decided to wait and see what the future held for them.

Today, quite a few more of his players decided to take his advice.

According to On3, running back Jayle Stacks is heading for the transfer portal. Stacks is the 5th player from Colorado to enter the transfer portal today.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: medinabuckeye1 on April 17, 2023, 10:07:23 AM
Wow, as a teacher, the comments section needs to re-do high school. 

What young people without academic goals are doing with the English language is brutal. 
Totally given up on there, their, they're and going with "they" for all of the above.
Gone instead of "going to," when a perfectly good "gonna" would suffice.  Gone is a different word with a different meaning.
Just brutal.
There are people who didn't listen to their English teachers and they're driving me crazy.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 17, 2023, 10:19:12 AM
Too things about this, there really not paying attention to minor details as your well aware.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on April 17, 2023, 10:43:05 AM
Too things about this, there really not paying attention to minor details as your well aware.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 17, 2023, 11:03:41 AM
There are people who didn't listen to their English teachers and they're driving me crazy.
people that didn't pay attention are having children and passing on the need for jive
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 19, 2023, 03:35:00 PM
Deion Sanders is excited about college football's transfer portal reopening ahead of Saturday's sold-out Colorado spring game, but Nebraska's Matt Rhule continues to hammer down another point as a fellow first-year coach within the Power Five ranks. With a statement over the weekend, potentially directed at Sanders and his pending roster decisions, Rhule said his program's chief focus is on each other.

Sanders posted an Instagram video of himself dancing about the transfer portal's two-week April opening with the caption, "you know where to find me" to potential interested players. Colorado currently has the nation's top-ranked transfer class in the 2023 cycle on 247Sports.

“I hear other schools (say) they can’t wait for today, the transfer portal, they can’t wait to go out … I can’t wait to coach my guys, let me tell you that,” Rhule said after a weekend practice at Nebraska. “I’m not here … I’m not thinking about anybody else but this team out here.”

Last month, Rhule mentioned his program taking the blue-collar attitude ahead of his first campaign instead of the Hollywood-approach. Sanders, on the other hand, has given America an all-access pass to the inner workings of his team this spring.

"If you notice in our videos that we post and I'm proud to post those, they're always of us working," Rhule said. "They're never of us talking. (This) program is built on work, it's not built on hype."

The good news surrounding these veiled, offseason remarks from Rhule? Nebraska and Colorado can settle things on the field in Week 2 next season. The Buffaloes host the Huskers at Folsom Field in Boulder, Colorado, Sept. 9.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 20, 2023, 01:50:45 AM
Is there a lot of pressure for CU to play CSU?
Why isn't CU-UNL an annual rivalry game?  Thanksgiving weekend.  Is the B1G wanting that spot for a conference game?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 20, 2023, 07:15:40 AM
B1G teams usually play only conference games after the first three.  Maybe there are exceptions.

UNL-CU wouldn't excite me to any extent.

CU has garnered a lot of attention obviously with the HC hire, which potentially is a useful thing.  The Buffs have been out of the news forever.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 20, 2023, 09:37:53 AM
I think it'd have helped both programs if they still played every year. 
Cincy, you're older than dirt, but for people of my age, the CU-Neb game was in our wheelhouse of college football obsession (when they were both good at the same time). 
They could kinda-sorta have been on the radar together this whole time instead of each dropping off the radar by themselves.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 20, 2023, 09:45:31 AM
When two bad programs play, I'm not going to pay much attention, and neither are most people.  If Army plays Vanderbilt, I'm not going to watch even if both programs were very good in the past.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: GopherRock on April 20, 2023, 09:49:39 AM
Colorado-Nebraska hasn't been much of a series for most of my lifetime. CU spent the 90s losing that game in every way imaginable, then spectacularly cashed in all the karma on T+1 2001. Since then, neither team has been good enough for it to be a headliner game.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 20, 2023, 01:57:31 PM
Oklahoma/Nebraska would be more better
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 20, 2023, 02:33:58 PM
Deion Sanders made a splashy entrance at Colorado when he told existing players to hit the transfer portal, saying "I'm bringing my luggage with me, and it’s Louis."

Sanders' scare worked, because as of Wednesday, 23 Colorado football players have entered the transfer portal over the offseason.

Sanders held true to his word, too. Coach Prime brought the overall No. 1 recruit in the 2022 class, Travis Hunter, FCS All-American Jacob Politte, defensive back Shilo Sanders, safety Cam'Ron Simon-Craig, offensive lineman Tyler Brown, kicker Alejandro Mata and his son, quarterback Shedeur Sanders, with him from Jackson State.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on April 22, 2023, 05:01:50 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on April 23, 2023, 10:32:27 AM
He has certainly brought energy to Boulder. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on April 23, 2023, 12:02:30 PM
that's insane. if he can fill that stadium and sell season tickets over the next few years and increase fundraising for the AD- even if he doesn't win he was a W in the hiring column for a Colorado program that has been dead for years.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 23, 2023, 06:59:00 PM
if not, he's a douchebag 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on April 23, 2023, 09:40:40 PM
that's insane. if he can fill that stadium and sell season tickets over the next few years and increase fundraising for the AD- even if he doesn't win he was a W in the hiring column for a Colorado program that has been dead for years.
And worst case, he's made it a more attractive hire for when he inevitably leaves for FSU or the SEC
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 24, 2023, 06:56:06 AM
Let's imagine his team goes 4-8 then 6-6 then 7-6 then 8-5 which would show progress, albeit slow, would that get other programs interested in him?

I don't think a "prime school" would hire him.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on April 24, 2023, 12:36:43 PM
apparently Prime's best returning player from the '22 Colorado roster and MVP/star of the spring game WR Montana Lemonious-Craig has hit the portal. Kid had 3 catches for 154 yards and 2 TDs in the spring game and said peaaaace out.

Colorado's top rated commit in the 2024 class, 4* ATH Ju'Juan Johnson (5'11, 180) of Louisiana has decommitted. He was rated as the #236 player overall in the nation, the #19 ATH, and the #6 player in the state of Louisiana in the 247Composite.

Perhaps all is not right in Primeland.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on April 24, 2023, 01:09:17 PM
A personality that big is not for everyone. I know I couldn't stand it.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 24, 2023, 02:12:51 PM
Not unless you were one of his guys.  If he saw the hard work you put in and a big improvement and you were one of his favorite players.
Then you'd love it.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on April 24, 2023, 02:32:33 PM
I'm not into flashy stuff.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 24, 2023, 07:15:28 PM
He's flashy, but the relationship between him and his players doesn't have to be.  How is his relationship between him and his left guard going to be flashy?
If the spotlight is on him, it's less BS for the players to deal with and they can just focus on playing.  Sanders' flash doesn't mean he doesn't value tough, quality white-bread, vanilla players.  
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on April 24, 2023, 11:00:39 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 25, 2023, 07:25:18 AM
Hopefully he loses another 18 before the huskers visit this fall 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 26, 2023, 09:56:01 AM
One former Colorado player made a bizarre claim against Sanders on social media.

Three-star tight end Zachary Courtney said that Sanders wouldn’t release a film of his practices to him. Courtney just recently entered the transfer portal.

“For the coaches who are trying to recruit me. I am sorry, but I will not be able to get y’all my film from my practices last season since I am not allowed to have it because the head coach at CU won’t allow it. This is very unlucky, and if you have any questions, text me!”
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 26, 2023, 10:59:21 AM
Jim Mora isn’t a fan of Deion Sanders and the Colorado Buffaloes withholding the film of their players that have entered the NCAA Transfer Portal.

The news came to light when a bevy of players took to Twitter to let college coaches know that Sanders’ program isn’t releasing their film after a mass exodus where many Buffaloes decided to leave the program.

“Any coach that won’t allow a transfer to access film is operating from a place of complete paranoia,” tweeted Mora. “You really believe an opponent can gather info from random clips?

“@Realrclark25. Part of the job of a COLLEGE Coach is to advocate for your student-athletes…current and past!”
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 26, 2023, 01:55:50 PM
Yeah, that's definitely petty and crappy.  Sounds like something Meyer would do.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on April 26, 2023, 03:01:32 PM
Yeah, that's definitely petty and crappy.  Sounds like something Meyer would do.
is it? call me crazy but I've never heard of coaches willingly giving out their practice film to other coaching staffs that they might have to play against....

that practice film is the property of the coaching staff/program....not the unhappy kid who decided he wanted to transfer.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 26, 2023, 11:13:25 PM
is it? call me crazy but I've never heard of coaches willingly giving out their practice film to other coaching staffs that they might have to play against....

that practice film is the property of the coaching staff/program....not the unhappy kid who decided he wanted to transfer.
It sounds like allowing the videos is the norm, so idk what to tell you.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: longhorn320 on April 26, 2023, 11:30:13 PM
is it? call me crazy but I've never heard of coaches willingly giving out their practice film to other coaching staffs that they might have to play against....

that practice film is the property of the coaching staff/program....not the unhappy kid who decided he wanted to transfer.
back in the good old days teams used to exchange films all the time
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 27, 2023, 08:22:08 AM
Prime now says they can have all the film they want, from before he got there.

he also referred to the players leaving as used furniture.  It's good furniture.  Someone else will be happy to have it.  It just doesn't belong in his fancy house.

the new fancy furniture is already at the airport
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 27, 2023, 08:29:32 AM
I probably would be hesitant to give out practice film.  Game film?  Sure thing.  There is the occasional "scandal" when a team accuses another of watching their bowl practices.  Now, older practice film, OK, I think.  I don't know if this is routine or not.  But any film would contain a lot more than what a single player is doing.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 27, 2023, 09:01:42 AM
first year coaches are more secretive
the offense and defense is new and opponents don't know what they might run in the first game

Rhule's first game is vs a west division team in Minnesooota

Prime opens on the road at TCU, then hosts Rhule the following week.


which is fine, but........ film of a TE running routes and individual drills isn't a big deal
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 27, 2023, 09:37:21 AM
which is fine, but........ film of a TE running routes and individual drills isn't a big deal
If they have practice film showing just that player, fine with me, and maybe they do.  But if the film shows the entirety of practice, probably not.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 27, 2023, 09:58:27 AM
Ed Zachery

I wouldn't give away the playbook
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Benthere2 on April 27, 2023, 12:13:42 PM
isn't this not about full film leaving the facility but rather the kid wants to put snip its of his performance

I am sure coaches can see a few things but after his first game people will have all the film they want.  he is not protecting anything outside that first game 

to me just allow the kids access with a supervisor and have the tape approved for distribution for the player.  

now the amount of film that would be leaving since Prime got there would be a real big job since 60+ have left
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 27, 2023, 12:18:26 PM
This situation is very confusing, to me anyway.  I have no clue how well they will do, something between 4-8 and 8-4 I'd guess, maybe 3-9.  In Year One, there could well be a lot of disorganization during games, people talking over each other, not getting plays in in time, etc.  If PT is on the headset making calls ...

It should be interesting.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 27, 2023, 12:30:30 PM
I'm hoping for another 1-11
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 27, 2023, 12:44:20 PM
Sept. 2: at TCU
Sept. 23: at Oregon*
Sept. 30: USC*
Oct. 7: at Arizona State*
Oct. 13: STANFORD*
Oct. 28: at UCLA*
Nov. 11: ARIZONA*
Nov. 17: at Washington State
Nov. 25: at Utah*

My blind guesses here ... red is a loss.  Maybe 5-7 may be expected.  6-6 is possible certainly.  I bolded the near certain losses, 8-4 looks like a possible stretch, but they'll lose one they should win anyway.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on April 27, 2023, 12:54:29 PM
Colorado's 2023 Win Total Updated After Spring Game - See Over/Under Odds ( (

It dropped to 4.5.

I think I'd take over.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 27, 2023, 01:30:14 PM
I have no problem with the turnover or what Deion is doing.  They were 1-11 last year.  They were the worst P5 team, by far.
This isn't some helmet program who ditched their coach for going 6-6.  All those players who left were good enough to go 1-11.
So as far as their entering the portal....
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: bayareabadger on April 27, 2023, 02:55:35 PM
If they have practice film showing just that player, fine with me, and maybe they do.  But if the film shows the entirety of practice, probably not.
They have daily cut ups. 

Long story shot, Deion is being a pud. It's standard operating procedure to let a kid you're throwing off the roster who isn't good have some film. You send some drill stuff, you send some innocuous team stuff if the kid really asks. If there's something that's real special, you can hold that back. 

But let's be real, the offense they're gonna run has (loosely) been run in real games for 5-7 years. You can send along all the stuff that other staffs already know you'll run, which is a lot. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on April 27, 2023, 03:25:29 PM
Sept. 2: at TCU
Sept. 23: at Oregon*
Sept. 30: USC*
Oct. 7: at Arizona State*
Oct. 13: STANFORD*
Oct. 28: at UCLA*
Nov. 11: ARIZONA*
Nov. 17: at Washington State
Nov. 25: at Utah*

My blind guesses here ... red is a loss.  Maybe 5-7 may be expected.  6-6 is possible certainly.  I bolded the near certain losses, 8-4 looks like a possible stretch, but they'll lose one they should win anyway.

I'm gonna say 3-9. I think they'll beat Colorado State, Stanford, and Arizona, then lose to everyone else.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 30, 2023, 11:07:16 AM
Former Jackson State coach Deion Sanders tweeted Saturday that he is "ashamed" of 31 NFL teams after Isaiah Bolden was the lone HBCU player drafted this year.

Bolden, a cornerback and returner for Jackson State, was selected by the New England Patriots in the seventh round (245th overall) on Saturday.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on April 30, 2023, 01:43:05 PM
Former Jackson State coach Deion Sanders tweeted Saturday that he is "ashamed" of 31 NFL teams after Isaiah Bolden was the lone HBCU player drafted this year.

Bolden, a cornerback and returner for Jackson State, was selected by the New England Patriots in the seventh round (245th overall) on Saturday.

This is demonstrably stupid.
Deion leaves to coach at CU.  Cool.  Great.  You do you, no problem.  
He proceeds to take the best players from JSU with him to CU.  
Guys who will get drafted some day.
Duh.  The best players go to the better programs.  Sorry that Morgan State sucks.  
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on April 30, 2023, 02:03:54 PM
unfortunately Prime will never learn to shut his damn mouth
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on May 17, 2023, 02:27:21 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on May 17, 2023, 02:52:51 PM
Not sporty.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on May 17, 2023, 02:54:11 PM
not 4-wheel drive

it'll spend most of the winter in the driveway
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on May 17, 2023, 02:57:21 PM
Agree.  If you wanna try to do "sporty" plus "pickup" this is the one you go with:


Or maybe this one:


Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on May 17, 2023, 03:08:08 PM
It will be something if CU ends up in a remnant conference.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on May 17, 2023, 03:50:00 PM
It will be something if CU ends up in a remnant conference.
CU is already in a remnant conference.  The departure of UCLA/USC ensured that.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: betarhoalphadelta on May 17, 2023, 04:03:06 PM

Is this like those internet memes? 

"Tell me you're a douchebag without telling me you're a douchebag."
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on May 18, 2023, 06:08:55 AM
CU is already in a remnant conference.  The departure of UCLA/USC ensured that.
They are, but might not end up there.  This truck likely will impress some recruits no doubt especially if it's a coaler.

My view of Deion is that he's flashy (duh) but probably not that obnoxious, I could be wrong.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on May 18, 2023, 07:22:59 AM
Is this like those internet memes?

"Tell me you're a douchebag without telling me you're a douchebag."

Lots of monster trucks down here. I don't know how they get in.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on May 19, 2023, 12:25:44 AM
You'd have to be a dipshit to buy a truck like that that isn't 4WD.
You'd have to be a bigger dipshit to build/sell one. 
Personally, I don't understand why any truck exists that isn't 4WD.
You want to have something you can go crazy with?  Get an old, used, Jeep that you don't have to keep nice and pretty.  Pre-2004.  Abuse it, have a blast, and do it without worrying about it.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Hawkinole on May 19, 2023, 01:16:41 AM
CU is already in a remnant conference.  The departure of UCLA/USC ensured that.
CU is almost certainly headed back to the Big 12, unless CSU and Air Force join the PAC-10.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on May 19, 2023, 09:09:01 AM
The B12 could end up "OK".  
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on June 14, 2023, 01:22:32 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Temp430 on June 14, 2023, 01:27:05 PM
"Prime" has always been a drama queen.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on June 14, 2023, 02:53:37 PM
I think he's a clown and that he will fail.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on June 14, 2023, 02:54:23 PM
I know he's a clown
I hope he fails
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on June 16, 2023, 03:22:05 PM
As Deion Sanders prepares for his first year as head coach of Colorado, he's simultaneously dealing with a serious health issue.

In a recent Instagram post, Sanders shared a video from a recent visit with his doctors where he revealed that he's dealing with a serious foot issue. During the video, Sanders said that he no longer has any feeling on the bottom of the foot where he previously had two toes amputated.

At one point in the video, one of his doctors pointed out that there is a chance that he could lose another toe or even the entire foot if he doesn't get the right level of treatment.

"As you know I’ve faced some medical challenges with my foot but I’ve never said “WHY ME" - I keep moving forward, progressing . . . See you never know what a person may be going through while I sit in your seat of judgement but you can trust and believe that we are all going through something - just keep the faith and know that if He brought you to it, He will bring you through it . . I'm CoachPrime and I'm built for this. #Coach Prime I have full trust in my medical team and God Bless, Dr. Ken Hunt (orthopedic surgeon); Dr. Donald Jacobs (vascular surgeon); Dr. Max Wohlauer (vascular surgeon) and @laurenjaskevold Lauren Askevold - and more importantly I have full trust in Jesus!" Sanders wrote on Instagram.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on July 17, 2023, 08:02:04 PM
Oklahoma football coach Brent Venables has taken another shot at a coach and their program, this time taking aim at Deion Sanders and Colorado football. Venables, who took a subtle shot at Miami and Mario Cristobal while recapping the Sooners’ disappointing 2022 season, criticized Sanders and the Buffaloes’ massive turnover through the transfer portal, per Yahoo Sports on Twitter.

“I was unlike Deion. I gave guys 12 months grace to figure it out.”

Venables, who was named Oklahoma football head coach back in December of 2021, is contrasting his own approach to roster building with that of Sanders’.

Coach Prime, who told the remaining players from Colorado football’s 1-11 2022 season to enter the transfer portal because he was bringing his own “Louis luggage”, clearly felt the roster needed some dramatic changes.

Colorado football reeled in one 5-star and five 4-stars through the portal in 2023, earning the no.2 ranking in 247 Sports’ team transfer portal rankings. Interestingly enough, it was Venables and Oklahoma who also ranked favorably for their portal work in both 2022 and 2023.

Venables likely doesn’t like the way Sanders ushered Colorado football’s incumbent players to the door. He probably disagrees with the kind of culture that sets.

But he also can’t deny that the transfer portal has brought Oklahoma great riches, just as it has done for Sanders and Colorado.

Venables will be judged by how effectively- and quickly- he gets Oklahoma football back to the winning ways they grew accustomed to under Lincoln Riley and Bob Stoops.

Perhaps he should worry more about that and less about what Sanders is doing.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on July 18, 2023, 08:08:32 AM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: MrNubbz on July 18, 2023, 08:42:55 AM
"Prime" has always been a drama queen.
That's no way to talk about someone who ran back kicks and interceprions for Jesus,c'mon - respekt!!!
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on July 18, 2023, 08:44:23 AM
Cage match.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on July 20, 2023, 07:29:36 PM
t's safe to say that excitement for Colorado Buffaloes football has reached fever pitch in the months since Deion Sanders took over. The latest ticket update shows that fans can't wait to get to Folsom Field.

On Thursday the Buffaloes announced that their home opener against Nebraska on September 9 as well as their homecoming game against Pac-12 rival Stanford on Friday, October 13, are both sold out.

The Nebraska game in particular will be a big one as they could very well find themselves in a 0-1 hole after facing national championship runner-up TCU on the road to start the season.

Colorado and Nebraska's rivalry dates back to the 1940s. The two schools played each other once a year, every year from 1948 to the conference realignment in 2011. In that span they combined to win six national titles.

2023 will mark the start of a new era for both historic programs. The Buffaloes are getting a fresh start under Deion Sanders while the Cornhuskers hope to return to respectability under Matt Rhule following his ill-fated NFL coaching foray.

Sparks are sure to fly in the renewal of this rivalry.

We're less than two months away from it now.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on August 13, 2023, 09:53:04 AM
Deion Sanders is borrowing from Bill McCartney and banning red* in Colorado’s football facilities.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on August 13, 2023, 03:21:33 PM
I know the roster turnover is sort of unprecedented and has come under some fire, but guys, that CU team last year was baaaaaad. 
I just created it for my Whoa Nellie game, and Jesus Christ, it's bad. 

Their point differential was -31 per game. 
To put that in perspective, there have only been a handful of teams since WWII to have a point diff of +30 per game, and these are the best teams of all time.  CU was the inverse of that.
So you could say 2022 CU was one of the worst P5 teams of all time.

How much of a roster with that output are you wanting to keep around???
They averaged 3.4 yards per carry.  
They had one of the worst run defenses ever.  They were actually bailed out by most teams passing a lot nowadays.  If that team had played back in the 80s, they'd have allowed 500 yards per game on the ground.
Their starting QB completed 44% of his passes.  His pass rating (I'd put avg at around 130-140) was 98.
The team leader in sacks only had 2.5.
They picked off 6 passes all year.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on August 13, 2023, 07:35:52 PM
players with absolutely no talent or coaching?

We shall never know

I suppose we could go back to recruiting rankings the past 4 years, but I don't have the motivation

I'm sure Prime has improved the athleticism of the roster, but wasn't there a few more young guys on the previous roster that deserved a chance?

Maybe not.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on August 13, 2023, 10:33:09 PM
Deserved a chance?
If a player doesn't produce and you can replace him with someone who will, you do that.  And if you want to suggest you could coach him up and he can improve, you're right.  But that's not different than with the better player that replaced him.  

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on August 13, 2023, 10:38:22 PM
If a player doesn't produce and you can replace him with someone who will, you do that.

in the short time Prime has been there. how does he know if the existing guy on the roster or the new guy in the portal will actually produce?

I guess he had spring practice
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on August 13, 2023, 10:52:10 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on August 14, 2023, 07:20:16 AM
I'm getting a bit tired of the coverage of  him at this point.  Play he games and move along, which will happen shortly.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on August 14, 2023, 07:25:01 AM
I was tired of the coverage on him his last season playing at FSU.

Really hated it while he was a cowboy 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on August 15, 2023, 07:28:27 AM
The Coach Prime Experiment Will Fail Miserably in Boulder - Mike Farrell Sports (
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on August 15, 2023, 07:33:55 AM
I can hope 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on August 16, 2023, 11:05:38 AM
The Coach Prime Experiment Will Fail Miserably in Boulder - Mike Farrell Sports (
Mike Farrell is the biggest dope in cfb media. So if he's saying that...expect the opposite to happen. 

Deion will be successful at Colorado and then jump to FSU/SEC when a gig opens there. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a hater or wishful thinking. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on August 16, 2023, 05:35:22 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: CatsbyAZ on August 18, 2023, 11:30:52 AM
Deion Sanders Not Happy With Players Who Didn’t Join in Colorado Practice Fight (

"Colorado coach Deion Sanders takes great pride in his players being smart, tough, fast, disciplined and having strong character."

"However, when a fight breaks out among players in practice, he believes players should stick up for their teammates, especially if the player directly involved in the fight is a key contributor to the team. When a fight broke out during the Buffaloes practice session on Tuesday, Sanders was not thrilled when he saw two of his players “walk off the field” to avoid the scuffle."

“I saw two of y’all walking off over there and you got a teammate fighting. Where they do that at?! Where they do that at?!” Sanders said in a video posted to YouTube by his family’s Well Off Media account. “If one fight, we all fight! You understand that? I don’t wanna see y’all walking off when somebody’s fighting. Never again!.”

"While Sanders has previously indicated that his players are friendly, one thing is certain: if a fight breaks out, Colorado players are expected to defend their teammates, not to bypass the fight and walk off the field."
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on August 18, 2023, 11:35:33 AM

hopefully half the team is ejected vs Nebraska
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on August 19, 2023, 07:10:20 AM
I don't think his style is matched with Big Time CFB.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on August 24, 2023, 05:01:58 PM
Rhule complimented Deion Sanders during a recent appearance on ‘The Herd’. He said that Coach Prime is a very positive thing for college football because it generates interest and does so in a place and conference that isn’t a typical venue or arena for the sport to watch.

“I’ll be honest with you: I’ve followed it from afar, you know, because they do such a good job of filming everything. I think it’s good for football right now,” Rhule said.

“College football can’t just be, like, in the southeast and a couple of schools in the north. It’s got to be what Lincoln (Riley) is doing at USC, what Coach Sanders is doing in Colorado, hopefully what we’re doing in the middle of the country. Like, this has to be a nationwide thing,” explained Rhule. “You can tell that Deion and his staff? They’re going to recruit relentlessly and they’re gonna they’re gonna have their team ready to play.”

“It’ll be a great, great game,” said Rhule. “To think that Nebraska vs. Colorado is relevant again, will be on national TV? I think that’s pretty cool for the game.”
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on September 03, 2023, 01:50:09 PM
I watched parts of this game, the BUffs deserve a lot of credit I think, they played pretty clean, defense got torched, but offense responded.  Better disciplined that perhaps might be expected.  Maybe TCU is pretty far down, dunno, but Colorado won.

Coach Sanders is of course in "I told you so" mode, which he deserves.  So far.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: MrNubbz on September 03, 2023, 01:53:42 PM
Ya didn't want to switch the channel because there would be a score. Might be the worst display of defense from 2 teams that I've seen in quite some time
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: longhorn320 on September 03, 2023, 02:32:16 PM
Ya didn't want to switch the channel because there would be a score. Might be the worst display of defense from 2 teams that I've seen in quite some time
wait till you see em against Nebraska
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Honestbuckeye on September 03, 2023, 03:09:34 PM
I was pretty excited about Colorado and what they did. A great sports story…or so I thought. 

But I guess- based on the stuff out there today- it’s a racial story.  

My interest level now zero.   Sad.  
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: GopherRock on September 03, 2023, 04:12:39 PM
Color me mildly surprised that Colorado looked somewhat competent. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 03, 2023, 04:18:08 PM
I was pretty excited about Colorado and what they did. A great sports story…or so I thought.

But I guess- based on the stuff out there today- it’s a racial story. 

My interest level now zero.  Sad. 
What is racial about it?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: longhorn320 on September 03, 2023, 05:31:52 PM
What is racial about it?
nothing and thats really the point

I dont know if Sanders has said anything but a columnist has made several alligations

its a shame because what I saw on the field was an inspired football team being led by an apparently good coach

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 03, 2023, 06:05:37 PM
Oh good...invented issues.  That's what the world needs.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 03, 2023, 09:25:11 PM
yeah I want to suite up and run through a brick wall for this guy.....provided he stays there more than a year or two this dude is going to win a national title and recruit #1 rated ever recruiting classes and beat A&M's "record" for "best recruiting class ever" at f'n Colorado of all places....
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on September 03, 2023, 09:36:56 PM
Eh, I'd slow my roll there.  The Buffs finally looked to NOT be completely inept, but that's a far cry from winning NCs. Still, I liked what I saw and they were fun to watch.  I've always been a fan of Primetime and will continue to be one.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 03, 2023, 09:52:27 PM
Eh, I'd slow my roll there.  The Buffs finally looked to NOT be completely inept, but that's a far cry from winning NCs. Still, I liked what I saw and they were fun to watch.  I've always been a fan of Primetime and will continue to be one.
I'm definitely not writing him off. I think it's far more likely he wins big there than not. He'll improve them A TON over the course of this year and he'll have his son at QB and Travis Hunter again next year. If he hits the portal hard again in the off-season and brings in some studs in the '24 class they'll be locked and loaded and ready to make a run in 2024 in a B12 that Texas & OU aren't going to be in. He could legit run shit in the B12 starting as early as next year.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: jgvol on September 03, 2023, 09:53:03 PM
It’s out there if anyone actually cares.  Dumb AF if you ask me. 

“We’re doing things that have never been done, and that makes people uncomfortable,” Sanders said. “When you see a confident Black man sitting up here talking his talk, walking his walk, coaching 75% African Americans in the locker room, that’s kind of threatening. Oh, they don’t like that.”
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 03, 2023, 09:57:41 PM
It’s out there if anyone actually cares.  Dumb AF if you ask me.

“We’re doing things that have never been done, and that makes people uncomfortable,” Sanders said. “When you see a confident Black man sitting up here talking his talk, walking his walk, coaching 75% African Americans in the locker room, that’s kind of threatening. Oh, they don’t like that.”
I think he's kinda right though. But I will say it's an obvious over-generalization. I think most people in general just don't like people talking shit and being confident to the point of cocky- regardless of color. I tend to not mind it- provided you can actually back it up. Deion has always been extremely confident af to the point of even being cocky when he was a player- and he was always able to back it up. Part of what made him so all-time great.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on September 03, 2023, 10:03:52 PM
Yeah I agree, that's always been his brand, and it doesn't bother me.

Although it does seem odd and somewhat insulting that he's acting like he's the first black coach in college football history. Right now, he hasn't even accomplished as much as Kevin Sumlin or Charlie Strong, much less a legend like Eddie Robinson.  

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Gigem on September 03, 2023, 11:13:45 PM
One game does not make a dynasty. TCU was good last year, and very lucky. But beating TCU doesn’t make coach prime a genius. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on September 03, 2023, 11:19:28 PM
One game does not make a dynasty. TCU was good last year, and very lucky. But beating TCU doesn’t make coach prime a genius.

Definitely.  Like I said on the other thread, this is a TCU team that is expected to finish middle of the pack in the B12.  8-4 or 7-5 is where folks thought they'd end up.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: longhorn320 on September 03, 2023, 11:33:10 PM
this weeks game vs Nebraska should be very interesting
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 04, 2023, 01:55:16 AM
Yeah I agree, that's always been his brand, and it doesn't bother me.

Although it does seem odd and somewhat insulting that he's acting like he's the first black coach in college football history. Right now, he hasn't even accomplished as much as Kevin Sumlin or Charlie Strong, much less a legend like Eddie Robinson. 

Yeah, but it's just pride and confidence - a nothng burger.  

Some people may choose to see it as a problem, but we call them Karens and it doesn't actually affect them in any possible way.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on September 04, 2023, 07:57:29 AM
The outcome has shifted perceptions that CP would be a total bust.  I'd say not a lot of folks think he'll turn out OK to pretty decent.  They already matched the win total for last season.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on September 04, 2023, 08:19:22 AM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on September 04, 2023, 08:43:25 AM
I didn't watch the TCU game but heard reports that is was more of a 7 on 7 contest

hopefully, the Husker d-coordinator can slow their passing game down
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 04, 2023, 09:13:16 AM
Toss-Up (USC still plays no defense- will be a shootout last with the ball wins)
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 04, 2023, 09:15:12 AM
I didn't watch the TCU game but heard reports that is was more of a 7 on 7 contest

hopefully, the Husker d-coordinator can slow their passing game down
hope in one hand, shit in the other. have a feeling Nebraska is going to get blown off the field. they don't have the athletes to match up with what Colorado has at WR or when they use that freshman speed demon RB on screens/swings or put him in the slot...and that is dangerous af for a defense when you have legit stud at QB pulling the trigger in Deion's kid.

Nebraska is going to get blown off the field imo. won't be pretty.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on September 04, 2023, 09:18:10 AM
If they end up 9-3 it'll be notable I think.  I'd guess more like 7-5, which is better than most would have thought preseason.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on September 04, 2023, 09:25:12 AM
hope in one hand, shit in the other. have a feeling Nebraska is going to get blown off the field. they don't have the athletes to match up with what Colorado has at WR or when they use that freshman speed demon RB on screens/swings or put him in the slot...and that is dangerous af for a defense when you have legit stud at QB pulling the trigger in Deion's kid.

Nebraska is going to get blown off the field imo. won't be pretty.
one game vs a Big 12 defense and they've been anointed?
That was not the same TCU team that beat Michigan
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on September 04, 2023, 09:29:37 AM
They seem able to score in bunches at least against a possibly weaker defense.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on September 04, 2023, 09:32:06 AM
speed kills

they may have enough speed to simply run past most defenses

time will tell

Nebraska doesn't have a great defense so it could be a long day for them
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Temp430 on September 04, 2023, 09:34:29 AM
Half way through watching the Colorado-TCU game.  I’m impressed with how Colorado is playing.  Their skill position players on offense are very good.  I think its safe to say Colorado is going to be much better than many of us thought.  Amazing job by Coach Sanders.  They have a tough schedule but seem up to the challenge,
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 04, 2023, 09:52:31 AM
They seem able to score in bunches at least against a possibly weaker defense.
with THAT QB, they'll be able to score on anybody. that kid is a high round NFL QB. you can tell his knowledge of defenses is through the roof- he reads things pre-snap and post-snap as good as any college QB I have ever seen and his accuracy and ball placement is absolutely insane. Deion's kid is a 1st rd NFL QB.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 04, 2023, 09:53:54 AM
If they end up 9-3 it'll be notable I think.  I'd guess more like 7-5, which is better than most would have thought preseason.
7-5 is their floor imo. I think 9-3 is probably their top end, because their defense looks pretty bad.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 04, 2023, 09:55:27 AM
speed kills

they may have enough speed to simply run past most defenses

time will tell

Nebraska doesn't have a great defense so it could be a long day for them
the reason they will be so lethal is not because of speed at the skill position, it's because of who they have throwing the football. Deion's kid is stupid good. his ball placement, accuracy, decision making, processing....all off the charts good.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 04, 2023, 09:57:49 AM
one game vs a Big 12 defense and they've been anointed?
That was not the same TCU team that beat Michigan
that defense was pressuring him, hitting him, and covering his WRs. he just happened to read their blitzes, coverages, stand tall in the pocket and deliver while taking hits and throwing the ball to the right spot so many times and putting the ball in insane places where only his guys could get it. he wasn't just throwing to wide open guys all game long. he was flat out throwing guys open and dropping dimes. he was throwing a TON of perfect passes. and perfect passes will beat perfect coverage every time. that kid is just fcking REALLY good at playing QB.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 04, 2023, 12:34:02 PM
with THAT QB, they'll be able to score on anybody. that kid is a high round NFL QB. you can tell his knowledge of defenses is through the roof- he reads things pre-snap and post-snap as good as any college QB I have ever seen and his accuracy and ball placement is absolutely insane. Deion's kid is a 1st rd NFL QB.
You don't know what the word 'nuanced' means, do you?  Any declaration after 1 game is silly, even if it turns out to be correct.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on September 04, 2023, 12:36:33 PM
I think a declaration that turns out to be correct is probably not silly.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 04, 2023, 12:37:09 PM
TCU kept covering 3 with #47 who was bigger and slower.  That was like a quarter of CU's passing yards on those 2 plays.  
Is it possible mdot is even more reactionary than before?  
Is that possible?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 04, 2023, 12:37:56 PM
I think a declaration that turns out to be correct is probably not silly.

But it is.
I'm too apathetic to explain it.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on September 04, 2023, 12:40:23 PM
Deion can really coach, his kid is a STAR QB in the making, and Billy Napier can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag and Florida sucks ass....again.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: betarhoalphadelta on September 04, 2023, 03:19:06 PM
I think a declaration that turns out to be correct is probably not silly.
The mark of a wise man is to judge his decisions based on the quality of the decision-making process, rather than solely upon the results. 

After all, a stopped clock is right twice a day too. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on September 04, 2023, 03:36:57 PM
I'll be curious to see how Hunter holds up.  Now against Cal and Arizona and Colorado State, they might not need to give him that many snaps, but comparing him to Woodson, Bailey or Gamble is a joke, based on that first game.  Those guys had a position, and they found spots to use them on the other side of the ball.  Hunter truly played both ways.  We haven't seen that in 80 years, and if it was sustainable, someone would have done it by now.  The video of Buress putting Terrell on his ass is why you need to turn CBs into WRs.  It doesn't work the other way.  WRs can't play CB, even if Richard Sherman made Keyshawn leave the stage arguing that point, which is 100% true.  And when Woodson and Bailey and Gamble did it, the coaches held all the power.  I think now, most elite CBs would tell their coach to go fuck themselves.  I think it would be a kid like Jabrill Peppers, who was good, but not great, on both sides of the ball, who embraces it, because he's not an elite NFL prospect on either side of the ball.  I can't imagine many NFL CBS like Hunter, agreeing to do it
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 04, 2023, 03:38:24 PM
Deion can really coach, his kid is a STAR QB in the making, and Billy Napier can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag and Florida sucks ass....again.


Now you're interjecting Florida into a discussion about CU and your propensity for jumping to massive conclusions based on very little evidence.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on September 04, 2023, 03:41:58 PM
The mark of a wise man is to judge his decisions based on the quality of the decision-making process, rather than solely upon the results.

After all, a stopped clock is right twice a day too.
Sure. but I'd take a poor decision making process that yields the correct answer over the reverse, as a single event.  I've been right for the wrong reasons of course, as have we all, and at times wrong for actual good reasons that were fairly painful.

Anyway, I'm impressed with Colorado.  Maybe they go 1-11 from here, doesn't change my initial impression of course.  I though they might get to 6-6 preseason, now it's more like 8-4.  Information and evidence should change one's thinking.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 04, 2023, 03:46:14 PM
Sure. but I'd take a poor decision making process that yields the correct answer over the reverse, as a single event.  I've been right for the wrong reasons of course, as have we all, and at times wrong for actual good reasons that were fairly painful.

Anyway, I'm impressed with Colorado.  Maybe they go 1-11 from here, doesn't change my initial impression of course.  I though they might get to 6-6 preseason, now it's more like 8-4.  Information and evidence should change one's thinking.
If this was the case, then no one would believe in god.  a 1-11 team with normal turnover improving very much.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on September 04, 2023, 03:49:17 PM
Isn't this a Colorado football thread?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 04, 2023, 03:49:27 PM
Your options:
1-Believing something will happen based on bad reasons.
2-Believing something will happen based on good reasons.
3-Not knowing and acknowledging you don't know.
4-Believing something will not happen based on bad reasons.
5-Believing something will not happen based on good reasons.
In a one-off, you're right, it doesn't matter.  1 and 2 work just fine.
But as a habit, 1 and 4 are the worse options and will make you wrong MUCH more often.  You'll be right sometimes, but they're the poorest method for being right.  There's literally no reason to do those options.
So if they're the worst method, why choose them, even in a one-off?  
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on September 04, 2023, 07:19:51 PM
Isn't this a Colorado football thread?
no, it's the Coach Prime thread

there's a huge difference

huge ego
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 04, 2023, 08:05:33 PM
HCs who make it about themselves oftentimes do so to take the pressure off the players.  Spurrier did that.  He'd take the blame after losses, saying the coaches failed to coach 'em up.  He knew his little barbs at the opponents would be picked up and that would get the attention and allow the players to focus on playing.

Deion certainly has a history of doing this just to do it, but if your personality aligns with an effective coaching method....shrug.  You do it.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on September 04, 2023, 08:59:35 PM
no, it's the Coach Prime thread

there's a huge difference

huge ego
What if he brands that cow with his logo?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on September 21, 2023, 05:34:05 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Benthere2 on September 21, 2023, 05:51:20 PM
mostly because it was a good close game not because a dude likes sunglasses
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: betarhoalphadelta on September 21, 2023, 05:59:39 PM
Most *streamed*...

There are going to be a lot of events that are the "most streamed X" in the next couple of years. Because as the viewer base transitions to streaming and the number of streaming subscribers keeps going up, the numbers will keep going up even if these events aren't more popular. 

It's likely just substitution from non-streaming watchers to streaming. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on September 21, 2023, 07:07:21 PM
I have no love for the Cheater Buffs but it's a compelling story.  I realize Primetime is a polarizing character, it is what it is I suppose.

And yes I'm so old school I still call him Primetime.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on September 21, 2023, 09:48:50 PM
Most streamed is like 'most wins by a QB.'  Yeah, duh.  They play up to 15 games nowadays, when in the past they'd play 10 or 11 per season.  
It's just a way to marvel at the new, shiny thing.  It's all deception.  
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on September 21, 2023, 09:55:03 PM
Most streamed is like 'most wins by a QB.'  Yeah, duh.  They play up to 15 games nowadays, when in the past they'd play 10 or 11 per season. 
It's just a way to marvel at the new, shiny thing.  It's all deception. 
Hell, as recently as 2011 I bought the old ESPN Gameplan to see a one off MSU game
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on September 23, 2023, 05:16:19 PM
35-0 at the half

hopefully 77-0 at the end
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on September 23, 2023, 05:22:52 PM
Derp … many commercials 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Brutus Buckeye on September 23, 2023, 06:09:31 PM
Coach Prime's looking good. 

His team, on the other hand... 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on September 23, 2023, 08:25:10 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Gigem on September 23, 2023, 10:54:03 PM
All hat (and sunglasses) , no bison. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Temp430 on September 24, 2023, 07:10:23 AM
Prime has some coaching to do after that reality check.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on September 24, 2023, 07:37:22 AM
coming from behind to win in Double OT vs the Rams should have been a sign
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on September 26, 2023, 11:07:08 AM
I wonder how much the ratings/interest in Colorado will decline after that arse-whuppin?  Here's the week4 television ratings stats, where Colorado-Oregon beat Ohio State-Notre Dame, which is really mind-boggling:

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on September 26, 2023, 11:09:11 AM
I saw a lot of poor tackling by the Buffs.  I think they have a handful of very talented players on offense but lack the depth and basic skills to compete with solid opponents at this point.

USc probably blows them out, something like 54-24.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on September 26, 2023, 03:47:41 PM
Probably because Prime is bringing in that thing from the Buffalo Wild Wings commercials
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: betarhoalphadelta on September 26, 2023, 05:10:23 PM
Probably because Prime is bringing in that thing from the Buffalo Wild Wings commercials
Probably because Prime is a big fan of LV and he doesn't want to get turned into luggage. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 09, 2023, 10:47:49 PM
DENVER (KDVR) — Colorado Buffaloes fans are buzzing this season as coach Deion Sanders leads the team from the sideline. Along with the newfound shine, there has also been some inappropriate behavior from University of Colorado fans and a resulting new set of consequences.

There has been an increased police presence at CU games, but that hasn’t stopped fans from rushing the field after games and making death threats to rival teams.

Now, fans who act inappropriately could be thrown out of the stadium or lose ticket privileges for the season. Students may also be referred to the CU’s student conduct office, according to the university.

“Let’s match the high-standard excellence and class that Coach Prime has on the field with our behavior in the stands,” said chief campus spokesperson Steve Hurlbert.

Starting with the Sept. 30 home game against the University of Southern California, students need to enter through a student-only entrance. Security is also going to be keeping a closer eye on the student section, removing students who don’t have an assigned ticket to sit there. Students will also be removed if they can’t show their student ID when asked.

CU Athletics also released a statement saying behaviors such as vulgar language, verbal or physical abuse, underage drinking and overall intoxication could lead to expulsion from the game, bans on attending future games, student conduct investigations and legal action.

Rushing the field is also a violation of the university and Pac-12 regulations. According to the university’s communications director, the Pac-12 already gave CU a warning after the Nebraska game. CU was fined $10,000, which increases every time the field is rushed.

The university isn’t the only one asking for a respectful game. Coach Prime also released a video asking fans to “keep the peace.” He encouraged fans to cheer while also having pride, dignity and respect.

“It’s not just about the money. It’s about safety,” Hurlbert said. “We’ve got players that are down there, coaches, opposing players. And when you’ve got a rush of crowds down there, it can be really scary. It can be really dangerous.”
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 14, 2023, 09:03:00 AM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 14, 2023, 12:26:36 PM
I wonder how much the ratings/interest in Colorado will decline after that arse-whuppin?  Here's the week4 television ratings stats, where Colorado-Oregon beat Ohio State-Notre Dame, which is really mind-boggling:


CU-Oregon had about 5 million actual football fans watching.
OSU-ND had 9.98 million football fans watching.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 15, 2023, 10:20:48 AM
Deion Sanders and his Colorado football team suffered such a huge loss against Stanford on Friday night that "Saturday Night Live" made fun of it a day later in a segment featuring actor Kenan Thompson in the role of “Coach Prime.”

Thompson dressed in a white CU hat and a white Colorado hooded sweatshirt with sunglasses as he took questions from "Weekend Update" anchor Colin Jost on NBC.  The segment lampooned Sanders, his trademark confidence and his 46-43 double overtime loss to Stanford after taking a 29-0 lead in the first half. Colorado is 4-3 after starting 3-0 in the first year with Sanders as head coach.

“We just keep winning, man,” Thompson said in the role of Sanders. “Every game, every minute. We winning at life.”

“Yeah, you’re also 4-3, so you have lost a few,” Jost told him.

“Colin, look at me, man,” the fictional Coach Prime said. “What about me makes you think that I care about what you think about me? You don’t understand that my team has it all, man. Coaching? Genius.  Offense? Explosive. Defense? Trying. It’s a complete package, man.”

“Yeah, well millions of people are watching your games,” Jost told him. “You’ve obviously turned the program around. But it’s not perfect. I mean, just last night you lost to Stanford in double overtime.”

“Wasn’t that crazy?” the SNL version of Coach Prime said. “Man, we went up 29 to nothing at the half, so I went home and fell asleep.  I woke up this morning as shocked as anyone … Nobody’s perfect. Name one team that’s undefeated.”

Jost then named several.

“See that’s exactly my point,” the fictional Coach Prime said.

The segment then delved into Sanders’ departure from Jackson State, a historically Black university where he coached three seasons before taking the job at Colorado in December.

The fictional Coach Prime said, “Coaching is a higher calling.”

“That’s right, you started your coaching career at Jackson State, which is an HBCU or a historically Black college, right?” Jost said.

“Very good, Colin,” the SNL version of Coach Prime said. "Very good. You know, I truly believe that God called me there, and he said, 'This is your destiny.'"

“Right, and then three years later you went to Chicago, I mean Colorado,” Jost said.

“Yeah, that’s right,” the SNL Prime said. “Because God called me again and was like, `My bad.’ And then he showed me the promised land of Colorado. I had these visions, Colin, a place where there was white people, like every single person was white … Not many people know this, but Colorado is an HWCU, or  historically white college, kind of like where you went Colin.”

“Well, I mean, Harvard is pretty diverse, you know,” Jost said.

“Colin,” SNL Prime said, eliciting laughter from the audience.

Colorado has a bye week next week before resuming play Oct. 28 at UCLA.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 15, 2023, 12:41:58 PM
4-3 vs 1-11 ain't bad.  
Even if they limp home 5-7, that's a great first year, considering.  
And all they need is some linemen.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 15, 2023, 12:50:02 PM
and a defense
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 15, 2023, 12:55:09 PM
The linemen should take care of that.  
If you can influence your opponent's run game, then you can tend to make them more one-dimensional.  If you know they're going to pass, you can defend against it more effectively.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on October 15, 2023, 01:06:32 PM
CU-Oregon had about 5 million actual COLLEGE football fans watching.


People who don't care about football at all, don't even know who Deion Sanders is.

But I'd certainly agree that Coach Prime is bringing in lots of NFL types, from the standard dirty unwashed NFL masses, to the degenerate gamblers, to the fantasy football dorks.  They think he's a righteous dude.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on October 15, 2023, 02:21:10 PM
4-3 vs 1-11 ain't bad. 
Even if they limp home 5-7, that's a great first year, considering. 
And all they need is some linemen.
true. Colorado was truly awful, and the turnaround he's already pulled off has been drastic. however losing to that terrible Stanford team up 29-0 is still inexcusable. That's on Prime for a complete second half coaching collapse.

That defense is ass cheeks and they need A TON of help on the lines of scrimmage on both offense and defense, that's probably going to take a couple of seasons of recruiting/portaling/developing to actually build. Don't count on that any time soon. OL and front 7 on defense takes time to physically develop those dudes.

Travis Hunter is also pretty overrated/overhyped imo. Terrific athlete and makes splash plays but the kid is 170 pounds soaking wet if you add concrete blocks in his shoes- he's kind of a pussy and gets slapped around like a red headed step child and physically punked out by bigger WRs- he's still pretty raw at CB. He needs to put on 20 pounds of muscle and stick to CB. Enough with this playing 150 snaps a game. He's never going to develop as a CB and reach his full potential if he doesn't switch to the position full-time and put on at least 20 pounds. He's talked about endlessly like he's the best CB in CFB. He's not. Not even close. He's not fit to carry Will Johnson's jockstrap right now.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 15, 2023, 07:01:19 PM
Travis Hunter is also pretty overrated/overhyped imo. Terrific athlete and makes splash plays but the kid is 170 pounds soaking wet if you add concrete blocks in his shoes- he's kind of a pussy and gets slapped around like a red headed step child and physically punked out by bigger WRs- he's still pretty raw at CB. He needs to put on 20 pounds of muscle and stick to CB. Enough with this playing 150 snaps a game. He's never going to develop as a CB and reach his full potential if he doesn't switch to the position full-time and put on at least 20 pounds. He's talked about endlessly like he's the best CB in CFB. He's not. Not even close. He's not fit to carry Will Johnson's jockstrap right now.
sounds like Deon in the NFL

 he's kind of a pussy
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 15, 2023, 09:38:24 PM
How many pussies are in the NFL Hall of Fame?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 16, 2023, 08:11:28 AM
only a couple I can think of

Tony Dorsett and Deon
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on October 27, 2023, 01:43:40 PM
Denver area getting 6-8 inches of snow on Saturday, with wind chills in the mid 20s.  Lucky for CU they are on the road at UCLA.  Otherwise Prime might resign by halftime
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on October 27, 2023, 01:45:03 PM
Maybe move back to Fort Myers.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 27, 2023, 02:51:16 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 28, 2023, 11:25:42 AM
Well, at least his son isn't the Defensive Coordinator

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on October 28, 2023, 12:45:34 PM
everyone take your shots at him now. this will be the worst team he has at Colorado. and he's going to a much weaker conference next year. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 28, 2023, 01:05:38 PM
I don't understand the hate.
Is it because he's flashy?  He's been flashy for 35 years!  If he was toned-down, people would hate on him for flip-flopping.  It's stupid.
Is it because he replaced CU's entire roster?  That roster sucked.  And not just normal suckage, but all-time sucked.  They had the 4th-worst scoring offense AND THE worst scoring defense last year.
Only a handful of teams have a +30 ppg differential.  The elite of the elite, all-time.  And last year, CU had a -30 ppg di ff. 
They were as bad as '95 Nebraska was good.

He's got them to 4-3.  It's a great coaching job.
His defense sucks hard.  They're likely going to lose almost all of their remaining games.
But they don't all-time suck anymore.  They have talented players and a future.  They're SO much better now.

But people want to hate. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on October 28, 2023, 01:08:53 PM
I don't understand the hate.
Is it because he's flashy?  He's been flashy for 35 years!  If he was toned-down, people would hate on him for flip-flopping.  It's stupid.
Is it because he replaced CU's entire roster?  That roster sucked.  And not just normal suckage, but all-time sucked.  They had the 4th-worst scoring offense AND THE worst scoring defense last year.
Only a handful of teams have a +30 ppg differential.  The elite of the elite, all-time.  And last year, CU had a -30 ppg di ff.
They were as bad as '95 Nebraska was good.

He's got them to 4-3.  It's a great coaching job.
His defense sucks hard.  They're likely going to lose almost all of their remaining games.
But they don't all-time suck anymore.  They have talented players and a future.  They're SO much better now.

But people want to hate. 
agree 100%. it's weird. 

people are just jealous, petty haters. period. that's all it is.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on October 28, 2023, 01:09:58 PM
Who hates him?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 28, 2023, 01:14:48 PM
I don't hate the guy

but, I have disliked his antics and selfishness since he was a player at FSU

football is a team sport - give some credit to your teammates

as a coach, give some credit to your staff and the players

if you want to make it ALL about you,....... take the ALL the blame when you have the worst defense in the nation

Last season's crappy Buff team didn't have the 130th ranked defense - own it

many seem to hate Trump for the same selfish antics - I don't hate Trump either, but he's not likeable for me
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 28, 2023, 03:09:54 PM
I don't hate the guy

but, I have disliked his antics and selfishness since he was a player at FSU

football is a team sport - give some credit to your teammates

as a coach, give some credit to your staff and the players

if you want to make it ALL about you,....... take the ALL the blame when you have the worst defense in the nation

Last season's crappy Buff team didn't have the 130th ranked defense - own it

many seem to hate Trump for the same selfish antics - I don't hate Trump either, but he's not likeable for me
Some coaches make it about them in order to take pressure off the players.  Spurrier always, ALWAYS blamed himself and the coaching.  And he got attention for antics and verbal jabs, etc.  People tended not to like him, I guess.  But he did that for a good reason.
Last season's crappy Buff team had the 131st-ranked scoring D.  So what are you talking about??
I don't understand comparing anyone to Trump.  He is THE most self-centered person I'm aware of on the planet.  THE most dishonest.  No one compares.  So why try?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 28, 2023, 03:55:17 PM
  Spurrier always, ALWAYS blamed himself and the coaching.  

I remember Stevie publicly blaming his QB.

one reason I didn't like him
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 28, 2023, 04:25:37 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 28, 2023, 04:29:27 PM
well, you can trust me or not.

I saw and heard it on a sideline interview post game many years ago

it was brutal enough that it left a strong impression

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 28, 2023, 04:33:26 PM

I'm too demanding of those making claims on this board.

I apologize.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 28, 2023, 04:47:43 PM
no need

I'm not worried about it

it's just my opinion
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 28, 2023, 05:09:56 PM
I understand.  
Thank you.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 28, 2023, 05:13:14 PM
no thanks needed

everyone has an opinion

like belly buttons or assholes - everyone
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 29, 2023, 06:42:12 PM
same with your Defensive players???

what about the O-line coach?

What about the D-coordinator?

What about the head coach having those players on the Roster???

You ran off nearly the entire roster.  Why keep these O-lineman???  your decision???

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on October 29, 2023, 07:18:45 PM
same with your Defensive players???

what about the O-line coach?

What about the D-coordinator?

What about the head coach having those players on the Roster???

You ran off nearly the entire roster.  Why keep these O-lineman???  your decision???

I mean, he's not wrong. Colorado OL sucks and Sheduer has been working miracles all season long with no help in front of him upfront and zero running game. Kid would be insane on a team with a functional OL and some RBs.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 29, 2023, 07:27:24 PM
Pop should be looking out for the best interests of his kid

let him play for a program with a functional OL and some RBs and a real defense
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on October 29, 2023, 09:45:04 PM
It's Daddy Ball at the FBS level.  Most Daddys never get that shot.

My only issue with him is that he keeps saying he's not an FSU alum, he's an HBCU coaching alum.  I don't criticize anyone for bettering your situation in life, but maybe don't claim to be a voice for the HBCU when you left it for a low level P5 job and took their two best players with you
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on October 29, 2023, 10:13:33 PM
Yeah, a 2-year spotlight isn't much of a spotlight.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on October 30, 2023, 06:13:25 PM
Several Colorado football players and staff members had jewelry, cash and other valuables worth thousands of dollars stolen from their locker room at the Rose Bowl on Saturday.

The alleged burglary happened during Colorado's 28-16 loss to UCLA, though the exact time isn't known. A video from Well Off Media shows Colorado players discussing the theft of their belongings after the game.

“You can’t go play football and know your s*** safe, dog. It’s messed up, bruh,” said defensive back Cam’Ron Silmon-Craig.

Defensive lineman Amari McNeill and outside linebacker Derrick McLendon also appeared in the video and said they had items stolen.

Darius Sanders, a Colorado social media staffer who heavily documents the team (and is not related to head coach Deion Sanders), said in a video on his YouTube channel "Reach the People Media" that he is one of the staff members who had items or cash stolen from the locker room.

“Thieves came into our locker room and stole several players’ chains, several coaches’ chains and belongings,” Sanders said. “They stole multiple thousands of dollars out of my bag.”

Lisa Derderian, City of Pasadena public information officer, confirmed Monday that the Pasadena Police are investigating incident. She also told that the police, as well as Colorado and UCLA private security were on site, but it is “unknown who is responsible for guarding the locker room specifically.”

In a statement released Monday, UCLA said it's "in communication with law enforcement, Rose Bowl Stadium officials and the University of Colorado on the matter."
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 01, 2023, 09:00:05 AM
This is objectively one of my favorite college football quotes ever

"Our kids got robbed during the game last week. I think that's a travesty," Sanders told reporters during a news conference in Boulder, Colorado. "I would expect the NCAA to do something about that.

"This is the Rose Bowl. They said the granddaddy of 'em all, right? I'm sure granddaddy had some money. Grandpa should give some money to give these kids."
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 01, 2023, 09:11:03 AM
Dieon relates to recruits cause he plays against the rich white granddaddy

maybe rich Dieon should give some money to the kids on his team that had their bling stolen?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: MrNubbz on November 01, 2023, 10:29:34 AM
Hey Prime's a smart guy he can count all of his toes along with all that scratch he's raked in
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 10, 2023, 05:48:16 PM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on November 11, 2023, 09:18:16 AM
He's out of the news, mostly, now, which perhaps means he can just coach and they can just play.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 11, 2023, 09:32:44 AM
and lose to Zona
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on November 11, 2023, 09:58:01 AM
probably a bad idea for a 21 year old kid to have a $400,000 car….just sayin’
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on November 11, 2023, 09:58:45 AM
He's out of the news, mostly, now, which perhaps means he can just coach and they can just play.
honestly think all the hype and nonsense hurt his coaching and his team. they got too full of themselves and thought they were way better than they actually were…
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 11, 2023, 10:00:05 AM
honestly think all the hype and nonsense hurt his coaching and his team. they got too full of themselves and thought they were way better than they actually were…
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on November 11, 2023, 12:22:23 PM
wow that rolls royce mini-SUV thing is hideously ugly.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on November 11, 2023, 12:28:42 PM
wow that rolls royce mini-SUV thing is hideously ugly.
ESPECIALLY for the price tag. It’s like $420k.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on November 11, 2023, 12:30:08 PM
ESPECIALLY for the price tag. It’s like $420k.
You could buy a 1996 Kia Sportage and have a better looking vehicle for $418,000 less.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: GopherRock on November 11, 2023, 02:50:54 PM
ESPECIALLY for the price tag. It’s like $420k.
That's more than my mortgage. JFC.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 11, 2023, 07:52:13 PM
probably a bad idea for a 21 year old kid to have a $400,000 car….just sayin’
Prime is full of bad ideas

came to him too easy

douche bag
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on November 11, 2023, 11:30:14 PM
He could lose-out this year and lose every game next year and it'd still be an upgrade from 1-11.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 11, 2023, 11:31:40 PM
He could lose-out this year and lose every game next year and it'd still be an upgrade from 1-11.
It's not hard to be an upgrade from Karl Darrell.  They could bring back Mel Tucker and it would be an upgrade 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 12, 2023, 10:08:25 AM
yup, not a high bar and nothin to be prove of

especially when comparing salaries of Karl Darrell and Prime
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: CatsbyAZ on November 12, 2023, 01:17:16 PM
wow that rolls royce mini-SUV thing is hideously ugly.

Looks like a Hearse! Something Vampira would take for a cruise along 1950s Sunset Blvd.

and lose to Zona

Arizona's coaching staff absolutely out coached Prime as yesterday's game winded down. From clock management to play calling that took advantage of a worn down Colorado front seven. Total coaching clinic to win the game.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: MaximumSam on November 12, 2023, 01:21:08 PM
Colorado is improved, but their best win is...Nebraska?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Brutus Buckeye on November 12, 2023, 04:27:17 PM
Looks like a Hearse! Something Vampira would take for a cruise along 1950s Sunset Blvd.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 13, 2023, 08:26:39 AM
It’s once again personal for Colorado.

Ahead of Saturday’s matchup against Arizona, Wildcats edge rusher Taylor Upshaw posted a clip on his Instagram story of Mike Tyson talking smack with the caption, “Get Your Mind Right little boy @shedeursanders.”

Upshaw was at Colorado for about three months this spring before re-entering the transfer portal in late April. The former Michigan Wolverine then committed to Arizona on May 4.

So far this season, Upshaw leads the Wildcats in both TFLs (8.5) and sacks (7.5). He also owns five QB hits and a forced fumble.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Brutus Buckeye on November 15, 2023, 04:53:46 PM
Imagine if you told someone after week 2 that Northwestern would have more wins than Colorado, halfway through November. 

You'd've been laughed out of the room. 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 15, 2023, 05:19:08 PM
Imagine if you told someone after week 2 that Northwestern would have more wins than Colorado, halfway through November.

You'd've been laughed out of the room.
Prime is Mel Tucker 2.0

He'll upgrade the talent, but he will still underperform relative to the talent he has
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on November 15, 2023, 07:02:57 PM
Prime is Mel Tucker 2.0

He'll upgrade the talent, but he will still underperform relative to the talent he has
Nah. Prime can coach, he will be successful there. He was taking over the worst team in all of a lot. Mel Tugger was and always has been a DOGSHIT coach who struck lightning in a bottle and got lucky AF in the portal getting one of the best RB's of the last 5-6 years to come to his program and carry his sorry ass to an 11-2 season and upset of Michigan at home. Mel was a loser before KW9 and a loser after him.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 15, 2023, 07:15:22 PM
Prime doesn't appear to understand clock management 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on November 15, 2023, 09:49:09 PM
Everyone's a coaching expert all of a sudden.

The dislike is tainting your opinions.  Open your eyes.  Grow up.  

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 15, 2023, 10:16:39 PM
Nah. Prime can coach, he will be successful there. He was taking over the worst team in all of a lot. Mel Tugger was and always has been a DOGSHIT coach who struck lightning in a bottle and got lucky AF in the portal getting one of the best RB's of the last 5-6 years to come to his program and carry his sorry ass to an 11-2 season and upset of Michigan at home. Mel was a loser before KW9 and a loser after him.
No, Prime can recruit, he cannot coach.  He has openly bragged that he used to sleep through meetings and said he didn't want to know strategy, he just wanted to who to cover.  He is perhaps the greatest athlete this side of Bo Jackson, but he doesn't understand the game a lick.  Which is why nobody ever put him on their staff.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 15, 2023, 10:22:54 PM
Everyone's a coaching expert all of a sudden.

The dislike is tainting your opinions.  Open your eyes.  Grow up. 

I've been an expert for years
I'm grown
you want to hang your hat on his coaching abilities???
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 15, 2023, 10:30:29 PM
Prime is Mel Tucker 2.0

He'll upgrade the talent, but he will still underperform relative to the talent he has
Colorado is #6 in the Pac 12 in the 247 talent composite, and #11 in the standings.  Last year they were #11 in talent and finished #12

Prime will upgrade the talent, and underachieve with it, just like Mel.  I rest my case
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on November 15, 2023, 10:31:24 PM
I think it's weird everyone is obsessed about a new HC on a bad team.  Just because he wants attention doesn't mean you have to focus on him.

CU is irrelevant.  It was last year, it was in September, and hating on Sanders as a HC is like hating Vanderbilt.  It's just odd.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on November 15, 2023, 10:32:32 PM
Colorado is #6 in the Pac 12 in the 247 talent composite, and #11 in the standings.  Last year they were #11 in talent and finished #12

Prime will upgrade the talent, and underachieve with it, just like Mel.  I rest my case
Like this shit.

I rest my case?
Case closed.
Mic drop.

After 7 games.  Fucking weird.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 15, 2023, 10:33:21 PM
he wants attention

can he coach?

That's the question

I don't think he can
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on November 15, 2023, 10:35:50 PM
he wants attention

can he coach?

That's the question

I don't think he can
Keep judging HCs on their first 7 games and see how that works out, Nostradamus.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 15, 2023, 10:37:08 PM
I think it's weird everyone is obsessed about a new HC on a bad team.  Just because he wants attention doesn't mean you have to focus on him.

CU is irrelevant.  It was last year, it was in September, and hating on Sanders as a HC is like hating Vanderbilt.  It's just odd.
Nobody is hating on him.  Colorado is irrelevant.  Last year they had no talent, no attention, and sucked.  This year they have some talent, a ton of attention, and still suck.  If he wasn't a former elite athlete.

MSU is 6th in the Big Ten in talent, same as Colorado in the Pac 12, and is going to finish in the same spot in their conference.  But he doesn't wear sunglasses for no reason,.so I guess Coach Prime.has that on him.

I like Deion, and I think he's good for Colorado, because when else will they have the 6th most talent in the Pac 12.  But to finish in last place with it, and the way he's managing his staff, the dude absolutely cannot coach
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on November 15, 2023, 10:38:31 PM
See above.  
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 15, 2023, 10:39:14 PM
Like this shit.

I rest my case?
Case closed.
Mic drop.

After 7 games.  Fucking weird.
10 games. Counting is tough.  And that's more games than he gave his OC
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on November 15, 2023, 10:41:31 PM
7 conf games, sorry.

I'm not saying he's a great HC or good or bad or middling.  WE DON'T KNOW YET.  

Forming an opinion now is ignorant.  Getting pushback on that is stupid.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 15, 2023, 10:45:39 PM
Keep judging HCs on their first 7 games and see how that works out, Nostradamus.
keep backin Prime and see how that works out
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 15, 2023, 10:50:29 PM
7 conf games, sorry.

I'm not saying he's a great HC or good or bad or middling.  WE DON'T KNOW YET. 

Forming an opinion now is ignorant.  Getting pushback on that is stupid.
He has the 6th most talent in the conference and is going to finish in last place with it.  Of course we don't know yet. I'm just staking my flag in the stance that he can acquire talent, but can't coach it.  I may be wrong.  But there is far more evidence for that than there is for the opposite.

Including his own quotes from when he used to play, when he used to sleep through meetings, because he said he didn't care about strategy, he just wanted to know on game day who he was supposed to cover
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on November 15, 2023, 11:49:35 PM
keep backin Prime and see how that works out

I'm not backing anyone.  I'm saying the avalanche of judgement here is genuinely bizarre and ignorant.  You're letting your opinion of his personality affect your opinion of his HCing ability.

I'm not automatically on the opposite end of your opinion.  I'm saying we don't know yet.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 16, 2023, 12:04:25 AM

I'm not backing anyone.  I'm saying the avalanche of judgement here is genuinely bizarre and ignorant.  You're letting your opinion of his personality affect your opinion of his HCing ability.

I'm not automatically on the opposite end of your opinion.  I'm saying we don't know yet.
His personality is the only reason anyone is giving him the benefit of the doubt.  He's awesome.  Kids will want to play for him.  I don't blame them.  He's already elevated Colorado's talent from #11 to #6 in the Pac 12.  Problem is they have stayed #12 in the Pac 12.  They've actually been worse than I expected
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Gigem on November 16, 2023, 05:14:31 PM
How do they stack up in the revamped Big 12?  They've got to be one of the premier programs left in that conference?  

I'd say the new Big 12 is something like KSU/CU top tier, oSu/BYU close behind that, then Baylor/UH/TCU/WV/Cincy/ (I really have no idea who drags up the rear these days).  Where does TT slot in there.  

Fuck, I don't even remember all the teams.  I forgot about UCF, and I'm sure somebody else.  I really don't know much about the rest.  
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on November 16, 2023, 11:07:28 PM

Fuck, I don't even remember all the teams.  I forgot about UCF, and I'm sure somebody else.  I really don't know much about the rest. 
James Earl Jones should read this for their halftime commercial.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 25, 2023, 08:06:20 PM
Deion Sanders is anything but conventional. In fact, Coach Prime is best known for his unique way of going about his business as the head football coach of the Colorado Buffaloes. With that being said, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he has decided to make an interesting addition to his coaching staff in Boulder starting next season.

During his weekly coach’s show, Sanders confirmed that Pro Football Hall of Fame defensive lineman Warren Sapp will join the Buffs’ coaching staff next season.

“I’m excited about coach Sapp,” Sanders said. “He’s a dear friend that I love to life. He’s going to be invaluable to what he brings to the table. The kids are going to love him. As far as the recruits as well, they’re going to love him.”

I don’t think anyone would argue that Sapp will make a positive impact on the staff given his knowledge of the game and the dominance that he played with while in the NFL.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 27, 2023, 12:44:14 PM
His 2024 and 2025 QB commits decommitted on back to back days
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 27, 2023, 05:40:35 PM
they probably talked with Prime's son Cheddar
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 27, 2023, 06:56:15 PM
You hire a guy who famously slept through meetings, and said if you told him who to cover, the coaches could deal with the other 10 guys, to be a coach, this is what you get.  Like I said before, he's Mel Tucker 2.0.  He'll elevate the talent, but underachieve with it  Granted Mel had actually coached.  Prime actively laughed at coaching.  He can out talent everyone in the FCS, but he can't do that at Colorado.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 27, 2023, 07:49:56 PM
he can do it easier at CU in the Big 12 than the old PAC, the ACC, the B1g, or the SEC
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: MaximumSam on November 28, 2023, 09:16:23 AM
Feels pretty rickety there.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on November 28, 2023, 09:17:41 AM
I think he got too much credit, and now too much of the reverse.  Let him be.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on November 28, 2023, 09:18:58 AM
Feels pretty rickety there.
One more year is my guess.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 28, 2023, 09:23:32 AM
they don't have the $$$ for the buyout

and they won't be makin more money in the 12
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2023, 09:38:25 AM
they don't have the $$$ for the buyout

and they won't be makin more money in the 12
They're definitely going to be making more in the B12 than they were in the PAC.  That's the whole reason the PAC dissolved.
he can do it easier at CU in the Big 12 than the old PAC, the ACC, the B1g, or the SEC

You're right about the B1G and SEC. But you're wrong about the others.

The B12 was a better, more competitive, and higher-paid conference than the PAC and ACC.  That's precisely why the PAC folded and failed.  He'd have had a much easier time building a winner if the PAC had survived.  And the ACC?  The only good team was Clemson, and maybe FSU every now and then.  Now, they don't even have that.  CU could dominate that conference.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on November 28, 2023, 10:03:39 AM
 The only good team was Clemson, and maybe FSU every now and then.  Now, they don't even have that.  CU could dominate that conference.
I don't know about dominate, they could do midrange I suspect, with occasional good years.

Clemson obviously has been dominant in the ACC and often done well on the national stage.  The middle of the ACC is usually "OK".
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2023, 10:16:22 AM
I don't know about dominate, they could do midrange I suspect, with occasional good years.

Clemson obviously has been dominant in the ACC and often done well on the national stage.  The middle of the ACC is usually "OK".
I think they could become top 3 pretty quick amongst all of the basketball schools in that conference.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: bayareabadger on November 28, 2023, 10:20:43 AM
At a point, I kind of shrug. He obviously was not what some Talking Heads pretended he was. He’s just a certain kind of decent coach who is going to fail at Colorado, which is gonna happen the most coaches.

And it’ll put him at a modest level for people who are not all in on the “coaching” side of things.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2023, 10:27:14 AM
At a point, I kind of shrug. He obviously was not what some Talking Heads pretended he was. He’s just a certain kind of decent coach who is going to fail at Colorado, which is gonna happen the most coaches.

And it’ll put him at a modest level for people who are not all in on the “coaching” side of things.
I always liked Deion and I liked his brashness when it came to coaching.  It's refreshing to NOT hear all of the usual coachspeak and platitudes.

But there's a point where you still have to coach the team and win the games, or the talk is just hype without substance.

I don't think we should be ready to close the book on Prime in the FBS, but obviously the results this season aren't good enough to justify all the other stuff.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 28, 2023, 11:06:14 AM
I think they could become top 3 pretty quick amongst all of the basketball schools in that conference.

They just finished dead F-ing last in the PAC
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: utee94 on November 28, 2023, 11:07:34 AM

They just finished dead F-ing last in the PAC
Yeah, I'm assuming improvement, obviously.

And also the ACC is terrible.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on November 29, 2023, 12:20:57 PM
MSU's top commit just gave an interview where he said when he visited Colorado for an unofficial, he never actually met Prime or the WR coach, so he cancelled his official
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Mdot21 on November 30, 2023, 09:54:57 AM
yeah I've been a defender of his but this is just ridiculous.....shows you they are just trying to sell magazines or online subscriptions and are a dying dinosaur....
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on November 30, 2023, 10:32:01 AM
Guessing it's showing 3 players
his two kids and Hunter

Team first guy!
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on December 04, 2023, 11:29:26 AM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on January 26, 2024, 08:42:57 AM
This experiment is gonna fail.

Deion Sanders and Colorado Committed 11 NCAA Violations In His First Year ( (
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: CatsbyAZ on February 01, 2024, 09:17:06 AM ( “Shedeur and Shilo Sanders of Colorado are putting their NIL money to good use. The Colorado quarterback has the second-highest NIL valuation, according to On3, sitting at $4.7 million. Shilo, a defensive player for the Buffaloes, has the 17th-highest NIL valuation at $1.1 million…To show Deion appreciation, the Sanders kids, including Deion Jr., bought him a home.”
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on February 01, 2024, 09:57:22 AM
so, Prime squandered his $$$ and couldn't afford a decent cabin in Boulder?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on February 01, 2024, 09:58:12 AM
so, Prime squandered his $$$ and couldn't afford a decent cabin in Boulder?
This is my question too.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on February 01, 2024, 10:00:37 AM
and, are the kids really getting paid the $4.7 million and NIL valuation at $1.1 million in Boulder???

I think they should transfer to programs where they can make more money and just support Pop financially
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on February 01, 2024, 09:00:21 PM
I still don't understand all the hate.
I guess I never will.

He didn't vote HIMSELF "Sportsman of the Year," did he?

The CU roster is vastly DEMONSTRABLY better than before he got there.

Just because pop culture chooses to shine a spotlight on someone for a time doesn't mean we outside of it's target demographic MUST hate on them.

I'll hold off judgement on him as a P5 HC once he gets some linemen.  Maybe he never does and he flames out.  Maybe he does and CU has some 10-win seasons.  But as long as the wins trend up over time, what's the big problem here?!?
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on February 01, 2024, 11:19:46 PM
You don't understand the hate?

The internet is an angry place.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on February 08, 2024, 07:46:38 AM
Coach Prime's 2024 recruiting class, 
Colorado finished 90th nationally on Rivals, 117th on 24/7 Sports, with just seven total commits
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on February 08, 2024, 09:58:55 AM
Lot of tampering to do now.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: CatsbyAZ on February 09, 2024, 08:05:02 AM
Coach Prime's 2024 recruiting class,
Colorado finished 90th nationally on Rivals, 117th on 24/7 Sports, with just seven total commits

When the transfers are incorporated, Colorado’s class is 22nd. His transfer class alone is 5th nationally.

With the volume of bodies in the portal every offseason, I’m guessing there’s a certain number of coaches who don’t like recruiting (Chip Kelly) preferring to put their marbles in the portal. It’s a quick strike option that depends on somebody else developing the talent. I would start betting player development in general declines across college football.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on February 09, 2024, 08:13:16 AM
When the transfers are incorporated, Colorado’s class is 22nd. His transfer class alone is 5th nationally.

With the volume of bodies in the portal every offseason, I’m guessing there’s a certain number of coaches who don’t like recruiting (Chip Kelly) preferring to put their marbles in the portal. It’s a quick strike option that depends on somebody else developing the talent. I would start betting player development in general declines across college football.
His class is at 22 because he's got 31 commits. I go more by player ranking average when I look at the rankings.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on February 09, 2024, 08:13:37 AM
a new world with a new strategy

some criticize old school coaches that don't embrace the portal
some criticize Prime for going all in

Rhule talks development of players


ratings are from high school for transfers? 
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: 847badgerfan on February 09, 2024, 08:17:50 AM
247 rates transfers as such. They also include the HS ratings, which are often higher than the transfer ratings.

Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on February 09, 2024, 03:31:18 PM
I see

so, if Bama and Georgia offer a transfer, their rating soars
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: ELA on February 09, 2024, 03:35:51 PM
a new world with a new strategy

some criticize old school coaches that don't embrace the portal
some criticize Prime for going all in

Rhule talks development of players


ratings are from high school for transfers?
They include their HS rating for reference, but they re-rate them as transfers
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on February 09, 2024, 07:52:00 PM
His class is at 22 because he's got 31 commits. I go more by player ranking average when I look at the rankings.
Uhhh, all the teams ranked around them have 31+ commits, too.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Brutus Buckeye on February 10, 2024, 12:35:36 AM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on February 10, 2024, 08:51:49 AM
I see

so, if Bama and Georgia offer a transfer, their rating soars
I've actually never seen this happen.  I have seen a few players rerated at times of course, but it can be down as often as up.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on February 10, 2024, 09:22:52 AM
fans of Bama and Georgia don't notice this stuff

Badgers see it.
When the Badgers offer a kid that's a 3 star and tOSU swoops in and grabs him, bump to 4 star
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on February 10, 2024, 09:25:40 AM
I don't pay a lot of attention to recruiting usually, I figure the coaches can manage it.  I enjoy seeing former 2 and 3 star dudes working hard and doing well like Ladd McConkey.  I see some stream on FB about UGA recruiting that I may glance at a few times.

I have just never seen a player get a star bump just after an offer from UGA (any more often than getting a drop), but I don't pay attention much as I said.

The 5 star dudes more often turn into stars than 4 stars etc.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on February 10, 2024, 09:33:22 AM
I check to see if the various services put the Huskers in the top 20 or not and then check their ranking vs the other Big Ten programs

that's as deep as I go

about 10 minutes
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on February 10, 2024, 09:51:58 AM
Florida:  10th in the nation!!!
Also Florida:  7th in the SEC...
Silver lining:  7th nationally in avg * rating.
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on February 12, 2024, 10:37:20 PM
Sanders spoke with Lil Wayne on ‘Young Money Radio’ and addressed the program’s proposal for their spring game at the end of April. He said it will end up being an event that’s several days long, one that he is calling ‘Prime Weekend’, and that will feature several things beyond just a showcase of a game.

“So, for our spring game, we’re doing a whole Prime Weekend,” said Sanders.

“We’re having a fashion show on Thursday, something for the boosters on Friday. Then the game on Saturday” said Sanders. “We’re doing an afterparty – a white, black, and a hispanic DJ. We’re going to cover everybody. Then, after the game, we’re doing something with the alumni.”

If that’s not enough, Sanders also hinted at a special guest that would make an appearance either at halftime or in some way during the course of the game.

“Also, maybe, at the halftime of the game or right at the end of the game on the rooftop? We’re going to have somebody. It’s going down,” Sanders added. “We may cut that into the game so that could be seen with millions of viewers.”
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: CatsbyAZ on February 28, 2024, 04:36:23 AM
Prime paying Colorado’s bills:

“Sanders’ team lost their last six games to finish 4-8 on the season. But off the field, it was a resounding success in every way imaginable for Sanders and Colorado. That included a crazy 51% jump in the school’s multimedia rights to $8.1 million versus just $5.5 million a year ago as sponsors poured in.”

“The early hype last season brought an estimated $90 million of value in extra media coverage to the school. That’s just how popular Sanders is as a college football head coach and how much he rocketed Colorado into the national conversation instantly.”
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: CatsbyAZ on April 17, 2024, 10:49:30 AM
Prime's demands:

Shedeur attends his first class as a Colorado student:

"Shedeur Sanders recently did something he hasn't done in a long time. The Colorado Buffaloes quarterback attended an in-person lecture on campus for the first time in over a year. Sanders walked into his chemistry class and caused an uproar. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been to one in-person class?” he said."
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: CatsbyAZ on May 26, 2024, 10:00:20 AM
Thanks to Shilo Sanders' abrupt bankruptcy filing, this is the first we're hearing of his attack on a security guard back in high school in 2015 (some outlets reporting the incident took place in 2016).

"Shilo Sanders has been facing questions in court about his personal income and wealth after filing for bankruptcy last October with more than $11 million in debt. The debt stems primarily from what a court in Texas says he owes to a security guard at his former school − a man who claimed Sanders assaulted him in 2015 and gave him severe and permanent injuries, including neurological injuries and damage to his cervical spine."

"Sanders, son of Colorado head coach Deion Sanders, filed for bankruptcy as a result in an effort to discharge this debt. But Darjean is still trying to collect on his judgment against Sanders and has raised questions in court about Shilo Sanders’ earnings from name, image and likeness (NIL) deals in college."

"What happened in 2015? The incident in question also was the subject of a report Friday by Westword in Denver. It happened when Sanders was 15 and attending Triple A Academy in Dallas where Darjean was employed as a security guard, according to court records. Darjean said in his lawsuit that Sanders was using a cell phone on school property during school hours when he was told not to do so. Darjean said Sanders physically assaulted him after Sanders refused his requests to turn over the phone. Suddenly and without warning, Shilo Sanders physically assaulted John Darjean by elbowing Mr. Darjean in the chest and neck and striking Mr. Darjean several times in the chest area and neck area."

"The bankruptcy filing in October said Sanders had $11.3 million in liabilities, including the court judgment against him. It also said Sanders had $478,000 in assets, including a 2023 Mercedes valued at $75,900 and necklaces valued at $75,000. His attorney then amended the value of his assets in December to about $320,000 and removed the necklaces from the list, saying they were on loan pursuant to an NIL deal with Saki Diamonds."
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: Cincydawg on May 26, 2024, 10:05:56 AM
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on May 26, 2024, 10:28:23 AM
don't think he should be eligible to play vs Nebraska
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: OrangeAfroMan on May 26, 2024, 10:29:07 AM
He plays safety...
Title: Re: Prime
Post by: FearlessF on May 27, 2024, 08:43:02 AM