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Topic: You Know What I Hate....?

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Mr Tulip

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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #462 on: July 10, 2018, 09:53:42 AM »
“The next thing I do, I get them in excellent condition….Knowing how the mind is and the tricks it plays on a person and how an individual will always look to avoid a confrontation with something that is intimidating, I remove all possible excuses they’re going to have before they get in there. By getting them in excellent condition, they can’t say when they get tired that they’re not in shape.”
“When they’re in excellent shape I put them into the ring to box for the first time, usually with an experience fighter who won’t take advantage of them. When the novice throws punches and nothing happens, and his opponent keeps coming at him…the new fighter becomes panicky. When he gets panicky he wants to quit, but he can’t quit because his whole psychology from the time he’s first been in the streets is to condemn a person who’s yellow.
“So what does he do? He gets tired. This is what happens to fighters in the ring. They get tired. This is what happens to fighters in the ring. They get tired, because they’re getting afraid….Now that he gets tired, people can’t call him yellow. He’s just too “tired” to go on. But let that same fighter strike back wildly with a visible effect on the opponent and suddenly that tired, exhausted guy becomes a tiger….It’s a psychological fatigue, that’s all it is. But people in boxing don’t understand that.”
That's legendary boxing trainer Cus D'Amato. So it goes with Texas sports. We're old(er). We're tired. There's stuff to do. Putting up with angst and frustration, especially the vicarious kind, seems unnecessary and therefore gets eliminated.

Let the Texas Longhorns go out and crush Maryland. Later, let them throw USC around the field. All of a sudden, the Texas fans who just didn't care anymore will remember their passion. I'm not calling anyone fair weather. I'm just saying there's only so much emotional energy and will in life, and we've got other places to earth it now.

The fatigue is psychological. Show us we're having an effect, and it'll come flooding back!


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #463 on: July 10, 2018, 12:01:07 PM »
The first 13 years of my life Texas went 115-24-1, won 8 SWC championships and 3 MNCs.  My family went to a lot of the games.  The crowds were snarky.  To some outside observers we probably seemed polite but we were arrogant and patronizing.  We watched the Horns with a jaundiced eye ready to gripe to anyone who would listen if we weren't up by 21 by the end of the 1st quarter. We'd golf clap at the end of 20 play drives and cheer for the opposition if they got their first first down midway through the third quarters.

We were kind of jerks.

That's why when we joined the Big 12 twenty years later and Nebraska was dominant and everybody talked about how wonderful, polite and gracious their fans were, I knew what was really up.  But I digress.  This is about Texas.

So in my teens and twenties, the on-field quality dipped and teased, dipped and teased.  I stayed tuned in, but honestly when you've been out partying until 4 a.m. or you're at the lake fishing or boating with pretty girls, it was hard to make a 2:30 kickoff, let alone an 11 a.m. one.

In the mid-'90s we discovered Texas football forums in one form or another.  I was married by then, had little nippers, was struggling to get by.  Following the Horns from afar and discussing them with other fans was an intellectual stimulation and amusing outlet in an otherwise busy and demanding life of responsibility.  It was especially amusing to listen to young 20 something bucks like Smokey and Junior with their carefree lives, disposable income and (for Smokey) a competitive fandom that couldn't fathom interested fans who had better things to spend their time and money on that being at DKR on Saturdays.

Now that my life is less demanding and finally have a tad more discretionary income I make my way down to the 40 acres from time to time but it's kind of different.   I'm cool with the ancient ones who sit on their hands and the rowdy young ones who act like Donkey Kong with a hammer.  Seems like everything is different, yet really everything is kind of the same.  Only the fashions and the trappings have changed.  The people have just moved up into different roles that were there all the time.  And will always be there.

It's like eating hot peach cobbler with you're four and eating it again when you're 50.  It tastes the same but your tastes have changed so you get a completely different impression of it.

I'll just be glad when Texas gets so good that we can get back to our lazy, traditional Texas complacent ways of arriving late, golf-clapping, snickering, and departing early - without having to hear the sneers of johnny-come-latelies full of vim, vigor and vitality.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #464 on: July 10, 2018, 03:00:02 PM »
Sounds like it just took BC a couple decades longer than most, but when he finally did grow up, he went immediately from young and impassioned to old and crotchety, and missed the good "moderate and even-keeled" part.

Not sure I size myself up this way.  If Texas joined the SEC tomorrow, I would be as fired up about Texas football as I've ever been.

Even joining the miserable PAC would light my fire to some degree.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #465 on: July 10, 2018, 03:11:10 PM »
I'll just be glad when Texas gets so good that we can get back to our lazy, traditional Texas complacent ways of arriving late, golf-clapping, snickering, and departing early - without having to hear the sneers of johnny-come-latelies full of vim, vigor and vitality.

I've learned to disagree with hooky and not post.

Oh crap, I just posted.

Johnny Come Lately


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #466 on: July 10, 2018, 03:19:36 PM »
Not sure I size myself up this way.  If Texas joined the SEC tomorrow, I would be as fired up about Texas football as I've ever been.

Even joining the miserable PAC would light my fire to some degree.

The PAC?  Good Lord, man, there's only one team in that league to get excited about, and with them on the schedule this year and last, we've already played them just as often as we would per decade in some mutant expanded PAC.
I guess the SEC would be fun due to playing A&M and Arkansas again.  And even better if OU came along.  But I have even less interest in playing Miss State and Ole Miss annually, than I do in any B12 team (except Kansas).  Road trips to Baton Rouge would probably be fun though. Maybe MDT would show us around.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #467 on: July 10, 2018, 03:50:30 PM »
The PAC?  Good Lord, man, there's only one team in that league to get excited about, and with them on the schedule this year and last, we've already played them just as often as we would per decade in some mutant expanded PAC.
I guess the SEC would be fun due to playing A&M and Arkansas again.  And even better if OU came along.  But I have even less interest in playing Miss State and Ole Miss annually, than I do in any B12 team (except Kansas).  Road trips to Baton Rouge would probably be fun though. Maybe MDT would show us around.

Idk, I guess I figure the PAC would give us more national exposure.  (not that we need it)

As far as SEC, I would not begrudge playing at Ole Miss.  That can be a good time.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #468 on: July 10, 2018, 06:15:35 PM »
The PAC won't give us more national exposure. Other than USC, nobody watches the PAC play. Not even PAC fans.

As for the SEC, honestly the best part about it would be watching the Aggies' heads explode as the end of their "100 year decision" comes just a decade later.  But playing Ole Miss and Miss State would be horrible. They suck when they're not cheating badly. Which is yet another reason to avoid the SEC.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #469 on: July 10, 2018, 08:41:21 PM »
The PAC?  Good Lord, man, there's only one team in that league to get excited about, and with them on the schedule this year and last, we've already played them just as often as we would per decade in some mutant expanded PAC.
I guess the SEC would be fun due to playing A&M and Arkansas again.  And even better if OU came along.  But I have even less interest in playing Miss State and Ole Miss annually, than I do in any B12 team (except Kansas).  Road trips to Baton Rouge would probably be fun though. Maybe MDT would show us around.
Meh, you're already doing a home and home with the one SEC team you may be interested in, so your second point seems redundant to the first.  
I do think you'd find the Mississippi schools more fun than you'd think.  Not inherently, but because of the amusement their fans would provide you which I don't think any fans of B12 teams can afford you.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #470 on: July 10, 2018, 09:37:25 PM »
Actually, you've just helped further my point.  We already have home-and-homes with Alabama and LSU on the schedule.  We could also schedule home-and-homes with Arkansas and A&M, and then we'd be playing all of the interesting teams I'd enjoy playing, with none of the Mississippi crap I have zero interest in.

Make it so.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #471 on: July 10, 2018, 10:10:28 PM »
Actually, you've just helped further my point.  We already have home-and-homes with Alabama and LSU on the schedule.  We could also schedule home-and-homes with Arkansas and A&M, and then we'd be playing all of the interesting teams I'd enjoy playing
It means nothing to beat someone and then they run back to their conference with a benign defeat, while we realize it didn't really do much for us either.

I don't want to merely schedule these teams every decade.  I want to play them every year, and beat them down in the standings of which we are a part.

You weren't kidding, your fanship has zoomed past casual toward complacent, if not easily satiated.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 10:15:37 PM by BrownCounty »


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #472 on: July 10, 2018, 10:15:29 PM »
It means nothing to beat someone and then they run back to their conference with a benign defeat, while we realize it didn't really do much for us either.

I don't want to merely schedule these teams every light year.  I want to play them every year, and beat them down in the standings of which we are a part.
We played OU non-conference for almost a hundred years and it didn't mean any less then.  I wanted to beat them far worse than any conference rival we ever faced.  Send them skulking back to their crappy little Big 2 Little 6.  I guess this is one place you and I are going to fundamentally disagree.  


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #473 on: July 10, 2018, 10:19:27 PM »
We played OU non-conference for almost a hundred years and it didn't mean any less then.  I wanted to beat them far worse than any conference rival we ever faced.  Send them skulking back to their crappy little Big 2 Little 6.  I guess this is one place you and I are going to fundamentally disagree.  
I wouldn't say it then, but I'll say it now.  Texas wanting to beat OU worse than A&M is the biggest LIE in Texas football history.  It's a charade that all Longhorns went along with in order to slight Aggie.
Texas/OU was fun.  Texas vs. Aggie was hate.  Yeah, yeah I know all the talking points, and I said 'em as much as the next Texas fan.  BS.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #474 on: July 10, 2018, 11:34:37 PM »
This is kind of like listening to people talk religion or politics.  While there are definitely bandwagons and schools of thought, it boils down to nothing more than deep-seated (or is it seeded?) preferences and opinions.  I think Junior grasps that but you, BC, have this grating habit of imagining your opinion is fact.  A “LIE”you say.  Indeed.
It’s just a difference of opinion, buddy.
A lot depends on what floor you caught the elevator and who you’re riding with.
If you first took an interest in Texas footbal during one of the smattering of times A&M was actually good and you’re surrounded by family, friends or a community that keeps up the Aggie intensity I can see how you would think A&M is a bigger rival than OU.
If, however, your attention to Texas football includes decades where A&M was just another one of six or seven cupcakes (with obnoxious fans) that is sometimes competitive (like UofH or Tech or TCU or Baylor) whereas you view OU as the bar to surpass each year, then clearly OU is the rival.
I liked the SWC, I liked the original Big 12, I like the current Big 12 and I like Texas OOC scheduling. If Texas moved to another conference, I’m sure I’d like that too.
I certainly don’t suffer from butthurt conference envy.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #475 on: July 11, 2018, 07:19:14 AM »
...nor self-loathing.


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