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Topic: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.

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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #910 on: November 05, 2018, 09:53:16 AM »
Read carefully:  this is not an actual football post, don't want to be mistaken.

As mentioned, my wife is a Texas Longhorn fan, and that means I am now contractually obligated by the laws of God and man to watch UT games with her.  

It was not a good weekend in the DeTiger household.  

She was looking for a bounceback from me yesterday with a Saints win, but it seems no matter how many times I tell her I'm not much of a Saints fan, I don't think she understands.  She's hoping for a bounceback with a good Cowboys game tonight.  


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #911 on: November 05, 2018, 11:18:49 AM »
the Cowboys are DOOMED
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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #912 on: November 05, 2018, 12:26:26 PM »
Read carefully:  this is not an actual football post, don't want to be mistaken.

As mentioned, my wife is a Texas Longhorn fan, and that means I am now contractually obligated by the laws of God and man to watch UT games with her.  

It was not a good weekend in the DeTiger household.  

She was looking for a bounceback from me yesterday with a Saints win, but it seems no matter how many times I tell her I'm not much of a Saints fan, I don't think she understands.  She's hoping for a bounceback with a good Cowboys game tonight.  
But the Saints beat the Rams.  Even if you're not a fan, that's something.  I'm not a Saints fan and I was impressed.
Sorry to hear you're in need of bounce backs.   Seems to me there ought to be a lot of new things newlyweds in love could try to get their minds off of football.
My son James was conceived during halftime of Texas' terribly discouraging loss to Arkansas in whatever Cotton Bowl followed the 1999 season.
In 1998 Mack Brown seemed to get Texas back on track.  They had an outstanding recruiting haul in February 1999 and despite losing the opener to NC State because of about 14 blocked punts, they rallied to win 9 of their next 10 and the future seemed bright for Texas.  
Then the Aggies poisoned Major Applewhite because their bonfire tumped over and everything went to heck in a handbasket.  Three straight losses to end the season.  A harbinger f five years of heartache during which time we would lose to OU in every way imaginable.
Misery, misery, misery.
But do I look at my son James (named after James Street and James Brown, the Horns' best QBs pre-VY) and get all sad?
Heck no.  I grin like Mr. Magoo when he finds his slippers because James reminds me that there's a lot more to life than football.
Like boom boom boom and a zoom zoom.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #913 on: November 05, 2018, 12:30:25 PM »
Maybe I should clarify.

It was not a good football weekend, and she's hoping for a football bounceback.  

Obviously there's plenty more to life, much of which is great.  


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #914 on: November 05, 2018, 12:41:26 PM »
clarification is good
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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #915 on: November 05, 2018, 12:52:20 PM »
True story from the Board Meeting of 2018, occurring less than 48 hours ago. 

We're walking out of the stadium en route to a bar/restaurant to attempt to catch the very tail end of the horns/WVU game after ASU had a nice upset victory.  As the clock-time on the little ticker-score phone update went down and we can see the longhorns have lost, I was about to get temporarily down in mood for a minute until someone very special passed by me heading in the opposite direction and my mouth would remain shut to complaints for as long as I can help it.  

In between all of the post-game bustle of people walking this way & that from the stadium, and in/out of all the packed campus bars nearby, a man in a wheelchair was being pushed through the crowd and as I moved over to make space I see this happy fan in the wheelchair just smiling away, and he has no legs or arms.  Just a torso without any visible limbs coming out of his gameday attire, yet with the biggest smile on his face.      My college football game day was great, despite my own team suffering a hard loss, partly for the well-timed dose of perspective and amazing atmosphere & company I was able to spend it this time. 

Also, I can't remember if this was the thread where we were complaining about flight pet peeves, but I did NOT hate that I got a middle seat between two uniformed pilots on the connecting flight coming back yesterday.  They were courteous and didn't do the man-spreading thing, so in return for them being so respectful I did not force them to take a seat-selfie with me as punishment for the physical intrusion.    Or maybe I wanted that to happen and was a little disappointed that they did not cause me to take such action...  


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #916 on: November 05, 2018, 12:58:52 PM »
My wife has two sons, one doesn't live here anymore, the youngest still alternates a week with us and a week with his dad, by choice.  He's old enough he should be able to stay where he wants.  Really good kids.  I'm lucky that they're not little assholes.  They're polite, easy to get along with, and smart guys.  Oldest is going to technical school for electrical work, the youngest is in college, aiming for civil engineering.  

Actually it would be kinda sad if I didn't like him, because his mom has pointed out for a long time how much alike we are, and the more I've gotten to know him the last couple years, she's right.  She has a running joke that due to some sci-fi time warp kinda thing, he's somehow actually my son.  Other than the fact he looks so much like his dad, she's not wrong.  The resemblances between he and I are many and noticeable.  

But it's probably asking the impossible to enter marriage at my age for the first time, with a blended family, and encounter zero snafus.  Mine is that the kid constantly knocks the A/C down and leaves lights on everywhere when he's here.  I don't by any means keep it hot around here, but there's no need for it to be freezing.  And my wife tasked me with the family budget (which I happily took it, I'm a nerd that way, and I'm good at it) and one item on the to-do list is get her big electric bill down.  These are both actions I don't identify with because A) my folks drilled into me from an early age turning off lights I'm not using and that I can adjust the thermostat when I pay the bills, B) I'm anal and I was born this way, or C) both A and B.  Frankly, at the moment, we need to scrape all the pennies together we can to keep these boys in college.  I tend to project my thinking onto other people, and particularly a kid who otherwise is shockingly like me.  It almost never crossed my mind to touch the A/C growing up, because my mom and dad would've said exactly what I just said, I'm welcome to put the temp where I want it when I live in my own place.  Otherwise, they're keeping it where they want it either for comfort or for the bill's sake.  

It's not enough of a thing for me to make a thing out of it, and my wife would like to avoid there being any "things" between us, so I'm careful to not to fight any battles that don't really need fighting.  And I understand that....I had a stepdad in my later growing up years and I know my mom didn't want "things" between me and him either.  I also never touched the dude's thermostat while I lived with them.  

So I just go along behind him throughout the day and cut it up a couple degrees from where he cuts it down.  It either doesn't cross his mind that the interface keeps mysteriously adjusting on him all day, or else he knows what's going on and thinks it's his prerogative to put it where he wants it.  And I cut off the lights in his room and the spare room that is kind of his rec room every time he leaves the house, because cutting off lights is not a habit he has.  A lot of times I cut off the TV and gaming systems in the rec room too, and I'm pretty sure he and his friend leave them on all night when they get tired and go to bed.  

It irks me a little bit.

But like I said, there's a thousand worse ways he could be causing us grief, and while I would personally try to drill different habits into my own son so he doesn't waste money one day, it's a pretty small nit to pick in the grand scheme.  My wife raised good kids. 


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #917 on: November 05, 2018, 02:08:36 PM »
My i s c & a aggie wife's Longhorn mom is a total freak about turning off the lights, to the point that she'll walk into... say... the breakfast nook of her house where I'm talking to my FIL, and she'll look at us there in the room, ask if we need the light on, and then just turn them off and walk out of the room, leaving us in near-total-darkness.

This isn't noon on a bright sunny day, it could happen at dusk, or the dead of night.  But if she's not in that room personally, she sees no reason to have a light on in there.  It's just one of her quirks, very strange, but I don't worry about it too much.  I, too, was raised to switch the lights off when leaving a room, so I'd rather it go that direction, than leaving them all blazing on all day and night.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #918 on: November 05, 2018, 02:17:50 PM »
What do you call a man with no arms and legs whose team has just won?



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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #919 on: November 05, 2018, 02:21:18 PM »
Amos, science was never my strong suit and my knowledge of biology is probably rudimentary at best but I’m pretty sure you weren’t born anally.

Might’ve been conceived anally depending on position, drip and gravity.  More inconceivable conceptions have been conceived than that, but I’m pretty sure you weren’t born anally.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #920 on: November 05, 2018, 02:26:57 PM »
In life there are things we can control and things we can’t.

Oftentimes we feel a sense of responsibility to control things out of our control and it causes frustration that can lead to bad judgment.

Read the news and see the folks who make terrible mistakes.  Probably cause they were trying to control something they couldn’t control and shouldve let go.

Amos, you have a wonderful opportunity right now to just get over it and let your pettiness over the electric bill go.  What’s the consequence?  $50 a month?  A happy family is well worth it.  Don’t be a dick.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #921 on: November 05, 2018, 02:31:30 PM »
PS - Amos,  I should probably add that I read your entire post & I know you’re already taking the high road.  I just like to misinterpret your posts so you’ll get in a dither.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #922 on: November 05, 2018, 02:37:07 PM »
my daughters are not good about turning things off that require electricity such as light bulbs

We all know each other very well, communication is not a problem between the 3 of us.  When they were younger I would scold them and force them to go back and turn off lights and such.  All the coaching, encouraging, yelling, and other tactics seemed to have much affect.

Daughters are now 21 and 24, the youngest lives in Lincoln at an apartment paying her own utility bill.  The oldest lives in my basement and leaves the electricity running all the time.

I merely turn things off when it's convenient and have given up the battle.  I'm sure it only costs me a few quarters a day more and for a few dollars a month it's money well spent to live in harmony instead of discord

and once, once I decided I preferred this choice it doesn't bother me much
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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #923 on: November 05, 2018, 02:38:38 PM »
the kid constantly knocks the A/C down and leaves lights on everywhere when he's here.

Dammit Amos, do you at least keep the little bastard off your lawn?


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