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Topic: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.

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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #112 on: October 26, 2017, 10:38:23 PM »
No Cuz I haven't, but it's sort of funny that you mention Terrell.  My i s c & a aggie wife's Aggie dad (and his entire Aggie family) are from Terrell, Texas.  And she used to tell me about this AMAZING Tex-Mex place in Terrell.  I always sort of rolled my eyes, because Terrell is a pretty small town and it's just a little too far NE Texas for me to believe that it could have AMAZING Tex-Mex.

And then one weekend maybe a year after we started dating we made a trip up to visit her grandmother, and her grandmother wanted to go out that Friday night to her favorite restaurant, and sure enough it was this Tex-Mex place that my i s c & a aggie wife had been raving about.  I was wary, perhaps even a little fearful, but certainly willing to humor an 85 year old woman and go to her favorite Tex-Mex restaurant in Terrell, Texas.

And I'll be darned if it wasn't one of the tastiest Tex-Mex places I've ever had the good fortune to experience.  Just perfect brown enchilada chile gravy, great cheese cnhiladas, and crisp house-made tortillas, shells, and chips. Really delightful.  

So, there ya have it.  A story that had nothing to do with Soulman's BBQ.  But that's the way things are going for me tonight, I guess. ;)



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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #113 on: October 27, 2017, 09:38:39 AM »
Aside from grilling outdoors, my father rarely ever cooked in the kitchen.  When he did it was always very upsetting for everybody.  Invariably he would try to make breakfast on days mom wasn't feeling well and he would struggle to get the bacon, eggs and toast completely cooked at the same time.  One or two things would burn, he'd get angry and curse.  We'd lose our appetite.  Mom would stagger out of bed to berate him.  

Just terrible.  Ugly.  Bad for everybody.

As for me, being a teen of the '70s, I often had the munchies.  We didn't have Sam's or Costco then.  We didn't even have a microwave.  So I had to learn how to cook.  I started with scrambled eggs and grilled cheese and eventually moved up to my mom and my grandma's recipes.

My great-grandma had the most challenging recipes.  They would say things like:

HF of flour
p of salt

Know what an HF and a p is?  That's a handful and a pinch.  A very inexact science.   And she'd use archaic terms too - like "lard" or "oleo."  Or "chill in the ice box."

I remember being about 20 and wandering all around HEB once looking for "oleo" until I finally broke down and asked some little old lady who I thought might know.

Yeah, I have no qualms with cooking.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #114 on: October 27, 2017, 10:00:53 AM »
If I ever use the word "delightful" in common discussion..... please someone kick me in the junk.

That aside.... utee's description of that tex-mex makes me hungry.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #115 on: October 27, 2017, 10:37:47 AM »
From my travels around the state, I've learned three things:

1. Don't eat at a Chinese Buffet in the east Texas piney woods.

2. Never order Tex-Mex north of Austin or east of Houston.   It could be good but why risk it?

3. Finding good barbecue can be an adventure and requires some investigative work because the best places are seldom the ones on the main thoroughfares with the billboard advertisements three miles outside of town and almost never the ones with the most stars on yelp.

Course I am picky.  I like somewhat fatty barbecue.  I don't like that lean overcooked stuff you have to slather in sauce.

Some of the best I've come across is Leon's in Galveston and Burn's in Houston.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #116 on: October 27, 2017, 10:41:07 AM »
If I ever use the word "delightful" in common discussion.....
I think you just did.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #117 on: October 27, 2017, 03:07:42 PM »
Delightful is a delightful word.  More people should use it in everyday speech.   This world would be a better, happier place.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #118 on: October 27, 2017, 03:26:03 PM »
If I ever use the word "delightful" in common discussion..... please someone kick me in the junk.

That's a good job for Burnt Eyes
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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #119 on: October 27, 2017, 03:28:07 PM »
wait a golderned minute

That would be a delightful job for Burny
"Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #120 on: October 27, 2017, 03:29:17 PM »
In Lost in Translation, Bill Murray's character says to Scarlett Johanson's character that ones children are the most delightful people one will ever meet.



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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #121 on: October 27, 2017, 03:44:56 PM »


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #122 on: October 27, 2017, 05:10:42 PM »
I'll have to think about that............  I have daughters

and don't tell them I typed this
"Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #123 on: October 27, 2017, 06:08:20 PM »
I'm sure Tex-Mex is better in the southern half of the state, primo, but for some of us, Austin is a fur piece.  So, we'll have to get our T-M where we can.

Actually my Argentine sister-in-law (who incidentally earned her PhD at UT-Austin, so she appreciates good Tex-Mex) has found some good Tex-Mex places in France (where she's lived since the 1980s).  So, they do exist outside of the Austin-San Antonio-Houston conurbation ...

If you remember the name of that one in Terrell, Cuz, let me know.  It's where my Texas sister-in-law's brother lives (hmmm, is there a better way to describe one's sister-in-law's brother? like second brother-in-law?) and so I'll probably be back there at some point.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #124 on: October 28, 2017, 07:52:01 PM »
Chili weather is fast approaching 
They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: The Porch, y'all. pull up a seat and kick back.
« Reply #125 on: October 28, 2017, 09:03:48 PM »
I'm sure Tex-Mex is better in the southern half of the state, primo, but for some of us, Austin is a fur piece.  So, we'll have to get our T-M where we can.

Actually my Argentine sister-in-law (who incidentally earned her PhD at UT-Austin, so she appreciates good Tex-Mex) has found some good Tex-Mex places in France (where she's lived since the 1980s).  So, they do exist outside of the Austin-San Antonio-Houston conurbation ...

If you remember the name of that one in Terrell, Cuz, let me know.  It's where my Texas sister-in-law's brother lives (hmmm, is there a better way to describe one's sister-in-law's brother? like second brother-in-law?) and so I'll probably be back there at some point.
Man, the most miserable Tex-Mex I ever had was in France.  I'd been in Nantes about three months and my local French field service guy (who'd been to Texas many times and should have known better) dragged me to a Tex-Mex place there.  The French are peculiar about their beef, they really REALLY like to eat steak rare, or even less than rare, "bleu" they call it which basically means wave  cigarette lighter near it for 3 seconds.  So they also thought that skirt steak (fajita meat) should be served that way.  It was truly horrifying I can tell you, and that was the BEST food they served.

But, I did have one funny moment there that night. There was a cute little French shot girl serving tequila shots from a bandolier and holsters she was wearing, and there was a large table with a bunch of young French college students attempting to do shots.  But they were doing them like tequila slammers, where you put some sprite and some tequila into a shot glass, pound it on the table so it fizzes, and then slam it.  But they weren't even doing that part right-- after they slammed the shot glass down, they would then sip it gingerly over the next couple minutes, like a freaking Chardonnay or something.

So the local French guy and our local French customers that I'm having dinner with call our waitress over and start speaking to her in French.  Which is exactly what they'd been doing all evening, because as we were ordering, they'd translate my English to French for her, although as always I did my best to attempt at least a little French and show the locals that I'm doing my best to try and be a good citizen.  But it seemed like she just couldn't understand my attempts, so my buddies translated, and that was all fine.

So anyway I'm not sure what they're talking about but a few minutes later the waitress and the shot girl come over and my local French buddy tells me they want me to do a tequila shot.  They've explained to the waitress and the shot girl that I'm a Texan and that I know all about tequila.  So the two girls are looking at me expectantly, and the entire table of young French students are also looking over at me too.  The shot girl pulls a shot glass out of her bandolier, and pulls a tequila bottle and the sprite bottle out of the holsters, and is getting ready to prep a tequila slammer.  But at that point I had to stop her.  I asked my French buddy to have her bring me lime, and salt, and poor a shot of tequila with no sprite.  She does that, and then I salt the back of my hand, lick the salt, shoot the tequila, and suck the lime.  You know, all Spring Break tequila shot proper-like.  The table of French students are king of wide eyed, the shot girl is smiling, and the waitress who I thought couldn't understand me all night long looks at me and, in perfect un-accented English, says, "That's the fastest I've ever seen anyone drink tequila."  My local French buddy is just laughing because he knew exactly what was going to happen.

Anyway Cuz, my i s c & a aggie wife tells me the name of that delicious Tex-Mex place was Carmona's.  But she also tells me  that they changed locations, got too big, and it's not as good now.  Which is too bad.  I hate change.


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