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Topic: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition

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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2018, 02:27:59 PM »
the 12 has the goofiest officiating in the game this season, and they worked more in OU's favor than they went against.  this is a fact.  OU hasn't faced a strong D, and certainly not enough to warrant their O as 'great'... statistically they are the 'best', but we'll see how that works out for them against a strong D.  It sounds like Tua may be done for the season- but it will only matter against Clemson... it's Bama's D that is going to shut OU down hard, not the O- and there will be no refs to save them.
What conference are the officials from?  B1G or PAC 12?  


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2018, 02:40:15 PM »
I'm not quite buying it just yet that Alabama's defense will shut down Oklahoma on offense.  The main question I have is Kyler Murray's performance under pressure?  How will he handle being sacked/hit etc?  QB scrambles are different when you're getting pursued by big, fast players.  I can see Kyler getting off some long passes early and getting some confidence and playing well the entire game and I can see him getting pressured or sacked every time he drops back to pass.  

Texas to me is a weird team.  They can win or lose any game as voiced by multiple longhorns on this board.  I still think Ga wins but Texas will get in their licks.  


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2018, 02:47:38 PM »
I don't know who the officials for the game are... I don't even know when they announce it or if they have.  i fear it will have impact, though, as crazy as some officiating we've seen this season... add to this the SEC lets a measure of PI the B1G and BigVII frown upon- the PAC seems to allow a measure of holding and are targeting happy... just the simple 'you ain't getting by with the way you've played all season long' will throw a wrench in some teams game plans.. 

saban is pulling a spurrier with this 'everyone look at the O look at the O!!!!' as his defense is just as nasty as they've always been. OU hasn't seen a defensive line like that one, nor LB's that drop in cover or come get your ass with a quickness- not to mention plug lanes, if any.  they can and will shut down much of what OU takes for granted.  i imagine especially so (think lock not bend-don't-break) if Hurts is under center in Tua's absence... they will want to run and control clock ala bama of last and previous season's... 


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2018, 02:50:21 PM »
Hurts wasn't no slouch...I think he earned 2 MNC rings all by himself before Tua took over IIRC.  At least one that I know of (and yes I'm too lazy /don't care to look it up on google).  Tua IMO is a much better player but Hurts is a solid player and game manager just like 'Bama's other NC teams.  


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2018, 02:52:08 PM »
This is a complete load of BS.  OU's penalty yards per game are in the middle of the Big 12 stats at 61 ypg, higher than ISU (39), KSU (37), KU (56) and just under Tex (67) and Tech (68).  Only OSU (71) and Baylor (78) have substantially more.  
In the first RRS game this year, OU had 73 yards in penalties vs Texas 43.  In the game Saturday, we had 60 yards penalties, which is about our season average.  Texas had a lot more, uncharacteristic for them.  So, the zebs favored Texas in Oct and us in Dec.  C'est la vie.  I'm not making penalty excuses for OU's loss back in Oct, and I doubt my Texas friends here will blame penalties for Dec's Texas loss.
Oh, and if you want to compare to the other CFP teams, here are the numbers Bama (48 ypg), ND (45), Clemson (46).  OU averages a full 15 yards penalized per game more often than the other three.  

by the way, @CousinFreddie , I'm yanking your chain more than anything.  OU is a pretty damn good team and regardless of the officiating in the BigVII this season, they didn't benefit anymore from it than their opponents... it was equally bad for all participants whether they were playing OU or not.  mucho of my posts are intent to trigger, and the rest serious thoughts on the matter... it's up to you to figure out which is which... you chose poorly in this instance. 


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2018, 02:52:45 PM »
My thought on UGa also is that their playoff game was the SEC CG.  Win, them and Bama is both in.  Lose and they're out.  I think that's fair.  I hope they eventually extend the playoff to either 6 or 8 teams, make the first game home for the higher ranked team, and give the top two teams bye weeks.  

If this means reducing the regular season by at least one game so be it.  I'd rather have 10 solid games in a season rather than 6-8 good games and 2-4 "buy" games.  Time to end that.  I also think the NCAA should begin to funnel some money into the smaller divisions so that the smaller schools wouldn't have to prostitute themselves to the bigger league teams.  The way it's done now it's like an NFL team playing a HS team in some instances.  

I for one noticed the schedules have been much better when the BCS went away.  
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 02:56:29 PM by Gigem »


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2018, 02:55:11 PM »
The main question I have is Kyler Murray's performance under pressure?

Kyler plays with a handicap.  He doesn't want to get hurt.  Anyone can see it.  He slides 5 yards early.  He bolts for the sideline.

He ran a few times on Texas but he tries to contain that.  I expect he will want to run even less against Bama.  The kid's health is worth millions right now and he shows it.  Yet he is still that good.


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2018, 03:00:31 PM »
by the way, @CousinFreddie , I'm yanking your chain more than anything.  OU is a pretty damn good team and regardless of the officiating in the BigVII this season, they didn't benefit anymore from it than their opponents...
Oh, okay, thanks for the clarifier.  I'll delete what I just wrote


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2018, 03:04:03 PM »
OU has no defense and the Horns are Alamo Bowl ready.
Once again, our local ray of sunshine makes us feel all indescribably warm and giddy! :06:


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2018, 03:05:47 PM »
Hurts wasn't no slouch...I think he earned 2 MNC rings all by himself before Tua took over IIRC.  At least one that I know of (and yes I'm too lazy /don't care to look it up on google).  Tua IMO is a much better player but Hurts is a solid player and game manager just like 'Bama's other NC teams.  
agreed... however, a good marshal which Saban is knows you work with what you have and what you can take.  
he has a stout D that can be relied on to keep them in every game against any opponent- this is where his dynasty starts- and it is based on linemen that could likely play on Sundays in their present form.
he has a running game behind brawny O line that can average three yards and a cloud of dust, ensuring first downs and clock management, and 'leaning' on opponents for the win..... as it is, this is a 'fallback'.  there isn't a team around they can't beat in this manner with the exception of Clemson and UGA... perhaps tOSU depending on which one of them you get that day.  this is something other teams wish they could do as a primary that Bama knows they can revert to if needed.  
with Hurts, he can throw adequately, hand it off as good as anyone, read a D decently, and he can run- dropping his shoulder if he chooses and taking LB's on.  with Tua, they can light up any square inch of the field at any given time- this stretches even the better D's out as they now have to rely on linemen to close lanes by themselves, or Safety's to pull up for that one or two split second 'read' time... they have an explosive team with Tua, and much more so than with 'just' Hurts.  that explosiveness is almost unfair, and the reason these guys are being called the end all be all this season.  
all of this equates to Bama setting the tone of games and letting their opponent beat themselves by falling into a deer in the headlights 'oh shit' and reverting to low percentage high yield plays- sometimes it works out; sometimes it doesn't.  UGA was able to match bama's offense components with their d components- not everyone can do that.  they have a roster that is in the same class as bama's, but not the depth.  clemson has the starting D to manage bama or OU, when they decide to use it for their 20~30 or so minutes a game.  OU has to face two fronts- the best D they've played all year, and the puzzle of defending against them.... all bama has to do is go to work.......
again, though, there is a long time to prepare, and Riley is a tactician just like Herman is- while Saban is a fundamentalist just like Smart is..... this makes for interesting 'one off' games where you can come at somebody, well rehearsed, with nothing seen before and absolutely favors the tactician.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 03:12:25 PM by Drew4UTk »


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2018, 03:17:27 PM »
My thought on UGa also is that their playoff game was the SEC CG.  Win, them and Bama is both in.  Lose and they're out.  I think that's fair. 
I don't.  Because I think Georgia is still one of the 4 best teams in the country and I think if we're going to have a 4 team playoff, you should put the 4 best teams in.  It isn't Georgia's fault that their last game before the bowl games/playoff games happened to be the #1 team in the country.  They are a "victim" (and I use that term very loosely) of circumstance.  

Ah well... Hopefully OU proves me wrong and knocks out the tide. 


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2018, 03:22:37 PM »
I don't.  Because I think Georgia is still one of the 4 best teams in the country and I think if we're going to have a 4 team playoff, you should put the 4 best teams in.  It isn't Georgia's fault that their last game before the bowl games/playoff games happened to be the #1 team in the country.  They are a "victim" (and I use that term very loosely) of circumstance.  

Ah well... Hopefully OU proves me wrong and knocks out the tide.
in terms of 'fair' i agree..... but.  ain't 'fair' and never has been.  UGA had the opportunity to control their own destiny and they failed.  not fair, but they had an opportunity to take 'fair' out of it and they didn't.  that's a helluva lot more fair than the mid major ND getting in over the mid major UCF. 


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #40 on: December 03, 2018, 03:27:31 PM »
Yep.... nothing fair about it.  As for UCF, they should upgrade their conference if they want a shot.  

Expansion to 6 or 8 teams solves most meaningful arguments.  


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Re: SEC vs Big 12 bowl game edition
« Reply #41 on: December 03, 2018, 04:16:54 PM »
I think OU is a very dangerous opponent for Bama.  OU is probably at least as good on offense as they were last year and a very good UGA defense didn't stop them much until late.  It could come down to turnovers and critical penalties.  I wonder how much Bama will try and pressure the QB, I think they should.

This could be a high scoring affair and OU has a good shot.  I don't know much about Texas other than that they beat OU once.

UGA has a lot of talent but much of it is very very youthful and inexperienced.  They had some critical injuries late in the year that hurt, some of those guys should be back, like the MLB Monty Rice.  They don't have Roquan Smith of course.  That guy can play.

I think UGA has more former 5 stars on the roster than anyone, but many are freshmen or sophs.  Even Fromm is a soph (true) though it seems he's been around for years.  I guess two  is plural.


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