I've tried to be clear in stating that Texas lost because of poor OL play and a putrid defensive scheme executed in an even more putrid fashion.
"Cheating" is when you gain some advantage outside of the rules unavailabile to anyone else. I even stated that this is my favorite Big 12 official crew. They're not crooked or overly incompetent. On Saturday, they were inclined to let more holding go on and let the receivers battle the DBs. I only mention it because, on another day, the 6' 6" Texas receivers would have simply played jump ball against the defense.
Someone had a great description of the Orlando's Texas defense. I thought of CWS immediately. He described it as a German Field Marshall's plan - hopelessly intricate and tactically brilliant, but not executable by the players on the field.
And, while I appreciate the heroic efforts, it wasn't necessary for Devin Duvernay to attempt to return Every.Single.Kick. With today's rules, the 25 is a very generous spot. Take the free yards and save the uncertainty until the score and clock necessitate the increased risk.
And yes, Sam Cosmi is an elite LT. Part of being an elite LT is knowing how to grab a defender that didn't do his job right. As a defender, you keep those big boys off you. If they want to go shoulder to shoulder, lock them up and dance.