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Topic: Boomer Sooner

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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #126 on: November 20, 2017, 02:58:26 PM »
Evidently they'll make you blind in retribution for too much of that.
You guys type too small.  I can barely read any of that.


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #127 on: November 21, 2017, 02:32:54 AM »
And although we don't like to admit it, certain Texans are a perfect fit for OU.  Baker was one of them.
Id love to put a beer on this, but you’re too much of a wispy spectre here for that to make sense.

And I know it bothers you to no end to think of your rival getting yet another Heisman, but he’s got the numbers.

Sam Bradford was our most recent Heisman and I don’t even think Texas fans would be low enough to try throw mud at him.  He has great character and btw is an Oklahoman.  We didn’t need to get one of those “certain Texans” in that case.  And he had the numbers.

Jason White, our Heisman before that, also had great character, and kept playing long after his knees were shot which showed his grit, and he was also from Oklahoma.  And he had the numbers.

True Baker is a bit of a jackass.  Not really at the Mansiel level because he’s more about the team, but still he can be an ass at times.  Will that affect his vote?  Probably not.  He’s led the team to a 10-1 récord so far and ... He’s got the numbers.

Cam Newton was already at least as controversial but ... he had the numbers.

And anyway typical Texas fan, you’re throwing stones at the character of other teams from your glass horn house.  i know you want to pretend the following is not true, but here’s what your most recent Heisman is best known for:


Giving advice about how to eat sugar to come down from being too stoned.  Ha. Useful stuff. Of course I personally like Ricky but he’s not exactly a great role model for America’s youth.

But, and in Ricky’s case this is a double entendre, lol, he had the numbers.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 09:08:10 AM by CousinFreddie »


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #128 on: November 21, 2017, 10:20:38 AM »
And I know it bothers you to no end to think of your rival getting yet another Heisman, but he’s got the numbers.
Kliff never gave him the reigns at Tech because he was a punk.  Call that Kliff's loss or whatever, but since Mahomes came shortly thereafter, Baker wasn't missed anyway.

Texas Tech is more of a personal school, whereas OU is a football team with some buildings, and a bunch of free ride dubious national merit scholars just so they can have something to brag about. Anyone at Tech will tell you Baker was a douche.  Kids actually had classes with him.  I doubt any OU students have ever even met him.

Baker has surprised me with his success at OU.  I never expected him to win the starting job, much less play well.  Ok, so he's the goods.  But Fran Tarkenton's don't succeed any more at the next level, so this is the last we will likely be hearing of our short little crotch tugging friend.

We'll see about the Heisman.  There's still some football to be played, stats to be compiled, and more opportunities to punk-out and yank one's undercarriage.

I don't see him getting it.


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #129 on: November 21, 2017, 11:59:43 AM »
Congrats on your self-proclaimed expertise on student life at various B12 universities.

The only thing that will knock Baker out at this point is if he has a bad game, either this week or in the ccg.  And I mean bad as in TD vs I ratio, not how many times he’s seen mouthing the F word at his opponents.


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #130 on: November 21, 2017, 12:14:45 PM »
Oh and as for Tech, who cares what Kingsbury thinks?  They were a competitive program before he took over.  If Leach were still their coach he would have seen the talent in Baker and made him shine just like Stoops and Riley have done.  But Kingsbury didn’t get it.  His loss, our gain.


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #131 on: November 21, 2017, 12:20:24 PM »
As for Tarkentons no longer succeeding in the NFL, there’s Russell Wilson.  He’s not even as tall as me and he got a ring just a couple years ago.  Agree that the odds are long but I think he’ll get his shot, just like Wilson did.


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #132 on: November 21, 2017, 12:43:36 PM »
I'm disappointed by the crotch-grabbing incident (because all players SHOULD show some level of class when playing anyone), but I wouldn't hold it against Baker if I was a Heisman Voter, which I'm obviously not so this opinion doesn't mean much.

We've all done some unnecessary things when heated about something, only we're not all on camera to have the moment live on forever as in his case.  Since he wasn't physically harming anyone in the gesture, I'm more likely to overlook it as just immature behavior.     If it were to lead to more vicious behavior, say like the Marcus Vick leg-stomping, that would be much more cause for concern as far as character goes.    

And I still love Ricky Williams, and would be the first in line to buy his brand of pot when it finally gets legalized.   ;-)
We can't all be role models, and some of us are OK with that.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 01:03:28 PM by UT-Erin03 »


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #133 on: November 21, 2017, 12:55:48 PM »

I'll consider that you grabbed your junk and gave me a few choice expletives.

At least that was the response I was going for...


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #134 on: November 21, 2017, 01:23:00 PM »
BC, well, unlike our boy Baker, I had the good sense not to tell you exactly what I was thinking, but good job reading between the lines - lol

Erin, please save a place for me in line :^)


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #135 on: November 21, 2017, 01:27:20 PM »
...True Baker is a bit of a jackass.  Not really at the Mansiel level because he’s more about the team, but still he can be an ass at times....
Out of the blue, I just remembered a forgettable and long-forgotten movie.
I saw it on HBO or Cinemax back in the '80s when they'd show the same movie 72 times in one month and then you'd never see it again.
It had Kurt Russell as a former HS QB and somebody - I think it was Robin Williams - was his friend and former receiver who had dropped the ball on the big play of the big game against the big rival and 20 years later he's a loser because he never lived it down and he wants a do-over.
And they do it over.
Of course, now Kurt's a laid-back, easy-going, unflappable good guy who doesn't give a care about anything anymore and that's problem because he used to be a prick and he was only ever really good when he was a prick.
Or so that's how I remember it.
Course I saw it back in my purple haze South Austin days when I was shacked up with Shari two houses down from this really cool hippie chick who helped me get over a lost dog while her BF rolled a j.
I may have Escape From New York mixed up with Unnecessary Roughness and the Dead Poets Society.

Still I think the theme - real or imagined - is a thing.


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #136 on: November 21, 2017, 01:58:49 PM »
I am sorry we live in such a censorious society.  

And yes, I realize the irony and hypocrisy of criticizing criticizers.  Yet, now that I've taken the trouble climb onto this lofty old soap box, I shall continue for a minute.

We are imperfect people living in an unfair world full of other people just as flawed as we are and oftentimes we see, hear and face quite repulsive and/or heartbreaking circumstances.   Yet many of us seem to take comfort in nitpicking the fleeting, inconsequential decisions made others.  Decisions that are often no worse than things we've done in our own foolish youth.  Things that only by the grace of God did not result in death, destruction, incarceration, embarrassment or ridicule.

I live in a glass house with no windows left at all so now I like to chunk my rocks at the glass houses of other rock throwers.


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #137 on: November 21, 2017, 02:18:09 PM »
Yet many of us seem to take comfort in nitpicking the fleeting, inconsequential decisions made others.  Decisions that are often no worse than things we've done in our own foolish youth.
That's it, I can't take any more of this subtle, left-handed criticism of my criticism.

Have I ever hoisted my junk in someone's general direction in a juvenile fit of male bravado?  Yes.  But that's not the question.

Would I have done it if I were part of the cast in a televised event?

So despite my ability to sin, I still sit in judgement.


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #138 on: November 21, 2017, 02:37:17 PM »
Would I have done it if I were part of the cast in a televised event?

Sir, I believe we have photographic evidence of you doing just exactly that.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 02:38:51 PM by CharleyHorse46 »


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Re: Boomer Sooner
« Reply #139 on: November 21, 2017, 09:52:55 PM »
what kind of a Horn fan would one be if not unfairly criticizing Sooner players?

someone might just grab your nads and try to rip them out of your hapless scrotum 
"Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."


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