Disney+ has a lot of options, I'll probably do a short-term subscription to them.
We'll do a lot of outdoor activities at the neighborhood parks. My kids are getting a little too old for the playground equipment which is just as well since this virus can live on plastic and metal surfaces for extended periods of time. However, like most of these bugs, it does appear vulnerable to sunlight and fresh air, so that will help keep the parks a little cleaner and a little less infected.
Recently DVD-released movies that we've enjoyed with the kids are Frozen 2 and Knives Out (lots of language in this one but it's nothing they haven't heard before). There are others, don't recall them but if I do I'll throw them out.
I still haven't canceled my RV camping trip to the beach next weekend. The campsites themselves are plenty distant from one another, and the beach is as crowded or non-crowded as you choose, based on where you park. My main concerns are logistical ones-- the trips is a couple hundred miles and what happens if a quarantine comes down and we're not allowed to return home? Or what happens if there's a panic-run on gas and we're unable to return? Or what happens if there's further panic-runs on food and we're unable to get something necessary? It could be most prudent just to stay home, but I'll play it by ear and see how the next 5 days go. I can cancel last-minute if need be.