So which is untrue? 1, 2, or 3?
First you'd need to prove all of 1,2,3. 3 is going to be really really hard to prove if you remove bigotry and confirmation bias. Actually it's impossible to prove, but there you have it.
But even if I went ahead and just agreed to #3, your real problem is that your bigoted conjecture relies on something further-- something more than the word "hoax" (which plenty of conservative idiots piled onto), but the more general idea that it wasn't a big deal, it was something that could be put aside and ignored, which is what would result in this behavior of disregard.
That's a big problem for your bigoted conjecture, because the evidence shows that a lot of millennials and GenZ didn't take it seriously. And you see, a very large percentage of millennials and GenZ, are liberal. So here's the evidence in number form because I guess that's the only way you can understand it?
1) Millennials and GenZ continued on with their Spring Break plans despite the outbreak
2) They licked toilet seats and other various gross public facilities in the midst of their Corona Virus challenges
3) A majority of those that are in the Millennial and GenZ identify as, and are considered to be, "liberal."
I'll also point out that this is simply a response to you, I don't actually condemn all of the Millennials and GenZ for being grossly stupid, self-absorbed, or just plain ignorant. That's
your bigoted way of viewing things.
I recognize that people from all walks of life failed to recognize its seriousness. I'm just pointing out a counter to your bigoted view that only Southerners that explicitly labeled it a "hoax" are the ones guilty of not taking it seriously.
Lots of people didn't take it seriously.
But more importantly than all of that, you, as someone that constantly INSISTS on everyone just looking to the math, you've completely abandoned the mathematics that show that there could possibly be another legitimate reason for people in that particular geography, to still be traveling, versus their Northeastern or Western counterparts.
That's your real failure.
I eagerly await your next bigoted response, though. Thanks for all of the entertainment this afternoon.