Since my positive test Oct. 24, still not one symptom.
Our former neighbor in the nursing home, age 90, positive test, asymptomatic, too, while neighbors around her died from it. When the outbreak occurred she wore a facemask in her room.
As I tried to figure out what might happen to me, I read an article that said perhaps 40% of infected persons are asymptomatic. This is encouraging and discouraging. It highlights the real danger of asymptomatic spread. Healthy appearing people with no cough, and no apparent symptom, who carry it will infect you.
I wore a facemask when I was exposed to clients who later tested positive. My elderly clients didn't wear facemasks when I was present in their home. At the time they did not know they had it.
Epidemiologists are saying that if you wear a facemask and are infected the facemask can reduce the viral load, and your symptoms if you become infected. Wear a facemask.
I am not going through another two-week period with no staff in my office, so a "facemasks required" sign is going up when the office is reopened to clients next week.