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Topic: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)

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OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« on: December 19, 2017, 10:31:49 AM »
Please discuss here, and not on any other threads.  Some folks are still trying to avoid spoilers and really don't want to see it discussed elsewhere.

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« Last Edit: December 19, 2017, 11:15:42 AM by rolltidefan »

Brutus Buckeye

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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2017, 10:54:59 AM »
Rey's father is Admiral Akbar. Ewan McGregor makes a cameo as Obi Wan Kenobi's force ghost. Mara Jade is Luke's daughter. Finn gets frozen in carbonite. And Poe Dameron hooks up with Captain Phasma. 
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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2017, 11:17:29 AM »
Loved it.  Also rewatched The Force Awakens last night, which I thought came out much deeper and better after seeing The Last Jedi.  


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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2017, 11:18:37 AM »
Rogue One was awesome, but these other two latest episodes, 7 & 8, though entertaining, come across a little out of tune. So much more could've been done with the Snokes villain, but nope, no backstory, no reason why everybody acts scared of him; he just sits in his chair. And anyone else think Kylo Ren is badly miscast? Still not used to that actor. I like Rey though. 


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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2017, 11:22:25 AM »
Naw, I think Kylo Ren is the best villain in a movie in years, maybe since Heath Ledger's joker.


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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2017, 11:49:03 AM »
I like that for once we get to see the growth of a villain in a Star Wars movie.  We saw the creation of one in the prequels.  But every single other one (Vader, Palpatine, Thrawn, Maul, Dooku, Grevious, Snoke) we just accepted that they were already a bad ass.  I like the change up.

People also seem really upset about no backstory on Snoke.  It's like there were so many fan theories after the last one, we expected a pay off on all of them.  When has that ever been Star Wars' thing?  We still may get one in book or standalone movie form down the road, but sticking strictly to the movies how often does Star Wars do that.  We got a bit of Vader and a bit of Dooku in the movies, at least the knowledge that they were fallen Jedi.  But with Dooku, we never got a why.  With Vader we had to wait nearly 2 decades for a why.  We got literally no backstory for 20 years with Palpatine. The others, sticking to the movies, we got absolutely nothing.

I wasn't born until a year after Jedi came out.  Were people back then pissed that we knew nothing about Palpatine, or even why there was an Empire?  Truly curious.

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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2017, 11:52:12 AM »
All kidding aside, I liked it quite a bit. 

I could've done without the Casino Planet sub plot. They could have simply made "code breaker" one of Rose's character traits, and gone from there. 
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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2017, 12:13:58 PM »
thoughts on the movie:

 - biggest problem i have is leia. with the death of fisher, they had multiple opportunities to kill off leia in a classic way. instead she will have to be either killed off screen or with cgi. imo, they should have swapped her and holdo and let leia sacrifice herself to save the resistance by running into the destroyer at light speed (awesome btw). i know they'd have to cgi that part, but it wasn't much more than her pushing the gas pedal and they'll have to do a whole lot more in this next film. this would give leia and fisher and fitting end and would allow the new holdo character to become the new leader of the resistance with a clear line of succession and little hiccups. also had already established some kind of hard relationship with poe, so no need to build it in next movie.
 - also on leia, she's been shown to have sensitivity to the force, but never any ability to use it. and it's not unlikely she would have trained some with luke, but they've never let her used even small force powers in any of the 5 movies shes been in. why is she all the sudden able to force-space walk? just seemed to come out of nowhere. also looked very strange and poorly executed, imo.
 - snoke - similar to maul, such a good character that's just gone. no idea where he came from, how he got into power, what he wanted, his motives, etc. not a huge issue, cause the emperor was similar in the originals, but he didn't just disappear either.
 - dj (del toro character) another good new addition gone too soon, or at least no explanation what happened to him. he reminds me of solo, selfish and morally ambiguous guy trying to survive, gets opportunity to join something bigger and better than himself. except he made the opposite choice, to keep serving himself instead of joining the rebels. i hope he makes another appearance.
 - phasma is another character with poor background and gone too soon. i never got attached to her, though (mainly because they didn't give us any reason to get attached) but she had potential.
 - the jokes, just too many. i liked many of them, like yoda taking out the tree or luke tossing the light saber. but some came at bad times and just didn't fit with the rest of the films. they all had some comic relief, but not every 5 minutes. biggest one that bothers me is luke shrugging off the dust after (seemingly) surviving the onslaught of blasters before facing kylo. was an intense moment and him stepping out should have been enough, instead they throw in a little joke for a cheap laugh. took away from the moment, imo.
 - don't have a huge problem with rey's family being nobody's. only issue is they spent a whole movie building them up, only for them to be nothing. maybe that was the big twist for this movie, but it didn't hit home for me. however, i'm glad they aren't having all the main characters and leaders of both side from the same small group of families. luke, leia, han, vader, kylo all the main heroes/baddies, all related.
 - i LOVE that they weren't forcing a love story between rey and finn. finn has someone else, now, that at least likes him (not sure if reciprocated) and i don't have a problem with that. just don't think we have to have 2 main characters in love story, and after ep7 it looked as though they were going to force that on us again.
 - snokes death was awesome.
 - the headshot kill by kylo (assist from rey) was one of the best kills i've seen.
 - thankful they didn't let kylo switch sides, especially since they didn't give us any reason to hate snoke. hope he doesn't get redemption in 9.
 - missed it first viewing, but rey stole the jedi books, and yoda knew ("there is nothing in that tree she doesn't already possess").
 - luke force projection was awesome. curious to see what he does in ep 9. hope he isn't gone just like that.
 - love that luke was honest with himself and rey about who they jedi were/are. and later yoda confirming that failure is best teacher.
 - the dark side cave scene with rey was cool.
 - the kid with the broom at the end, nice touch. expecting to see more jedi (and sith) in next movie. or hope to anyway.

had a very ep5 feel to it. rey off training with old reclusive jedi master (luke/yoda)/ rey enters cave of dark side force looking for answers, doesn't like what she finds (luke in cave, sees himself as vader) / resistance making last stand on old base on a white (salt) planet while first order uses at-at's to attack, resistance fights back with small land speeders (battle of hoth)

overall, i liked the movie. biggest issue i have is going forward with leia. they had a great opportunity to give her character a classic sacrificial death to save her beloved resistance, and now that fisher is gone i'm not sure how they'll be able to do that going forward.


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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2017, 01:52:00 PM »
I liked it, and to some degree was trying to really make out why, and then I read this. I think it really kinda sums up what was different.

This film [mostly] wiped the slate clean. "The Force Awakens" was about tying these new characters into the past. "The Last Jedi" was about those characters starting their own, new, future. In Awakens we saw the end of Han Solo. In Jedi we saw the end of Luke. And despite not getting any fan service about Snoke's background, we knew he had *some* background but now Kylo Ren is essentially free of his past, be it Snoke, Han, or even Leia. And Rey's parents being nobodies gives her a fresh start. 

Back in Phantom Menace, Anakin basically came out of nowhere from nothing. Granted because of the original trilogy, everyone knew who he was and what he was to become. But he was off-the-charts force sensitive, the one who could "bring balance to the force". Rey came out of nowhere from nothing, and although her power seems to be absurdly strong [as a teenager], that's not necessarily different than Anakin who was racing the pod racers and flying spaceships at the age of ~10 in Phantom Menace. 

I think what I like about this movie is that the characters in the prequels already had their stories written. We knew what Anakin would become. We knew that Obi-Wan and Yoda were the last vestiges of the Jedi after some calamity. But we don't know how this story is going to develop. We know Luke is "gone" [although he'll undoubtedly make a force ghost appearance]. We know Leia will have to be gone. We know now that despite Kylo Ren's lineage, he has freed himself from the anchors of the past and is becoming his OWN villian. Rey has to face him without Luke, and must essentially supplant the little training she had from Luke with the Jedi texts. And they teased the bit at the very end where the little boy force-pulls the broom to his hand to suggest that maybe the next movie won't ONLY be about Kylo vs Rey. 

The Force Awakens was fun, but it wasn't all that exciting. Because it was predictable, even to the point where as soon as Han faced Kylo Ren you *knew* he was going to be killed. The baddie [Ren] was just a puppet of a shadowy master. And shocker, the movie came down to plucky rebels destroying the Death Star -- the only change was that the Death Star was an entire planet. 

The Last Jedi broke all that. And it needed to. Because since the original trilogy 40 years ago, the story has been a little too stagnant. Even The Force Awakens was about Luke, Han, Leia and Vader. Now the story is about Kylo, Rey, Fin, Poe, etc. It's once again new. 


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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2017, 03:50:18 PM »
nice read, bwarbany, and i agree. i like going in a new direction. they even had several not so subtle hints about moving on and letting go of the past.


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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2017, 04:26:02 PM »
Part of me believes that Kylo Ren is beyond redemption, but part of me believes he still can be 'saved'.  With Carrie Fisher's death, barring some major revelation (i.e. Rey is found to be related to Kylo somehow) Kylo Ren's character is the only known living major Skywalker/Solo left in the Star Wars canon.  The whole Star Wars saga is based off this bloodline.  He got no pleasure out of killing his father, but he sure seemed to enjoy killing his boss, which only deepened his Dark Side convictions.  I do think there's still a wisp of good in him, but I also think he's a much tougher customer than Anakin/Vader.  Darth Vader's weakness is his attachments, but KyloBen has no such attachments - at least not anymore.

The biggest beef I have with Supreme Leader Snoke is that he's got just a few short minutes' worth of screen time in a couple of films.  Palpatine was at least a major figure in Return of the Jedi, plus we got to see him fleshed out in the Prequel Trilogy.  Snoke is only hinted at being supremely powerful, and we only get a mere taste of his capabilities, before seeing him get punked by upstart KyloBen.  Truth be told, I think he'd get his ass kicked by Palpatine/Sidious if they were to fight.

I think it's a given that Luke comes back as a Force Ghost to guide Rey in the next film.  I think this next one is going to parallel Return of the Jedi as Rey is truly tempted by the Dark Side, but ultimately rejects it.  Whether or not she destroys Kylo or redeems him remains to be seen.  Regardless, his fate is almost certainly in her hands.


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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2017, 07:22:36 PM »
Why are dragging this out?Revenge of the Jedi sent the series out on good terms.Since then they've tried to make chicken salad out of chicken shit,JMO
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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2017, 11:05:43 AM »
The biggest beef I have with Supreme Leader Snoke is that he's got just a few short minutes' worth of screen time in a couple of films.  Palpatine was at least a major figure in Return of the Jedi, plus we got to see him fleshed out in the Prequel Trilogy.  Snoke is only hinted at being supremely powerful, and we only get a mere taste of his capabilities, before seeing him get punked by upstart KyloBen.  Truth be told, I think he'd get his ass kicked by Palpatine/Sidious if they were to fight.
Yeah, I do think most fans wanted to know who Snoke was and figure out how he got to power. Return of the Jedi essentially left a power vacuum as far as any of us knew, because the only known Sith were Palpatine and Vader and they died.
But again, there's a part of me that isn't troubled by it. This entire movie was about breaking with the past and Kylo and Rey being forced to find their own way forward. Snoke's story is immaterial to that end. 

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Re: OT: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers)
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2017, 11:14:08 AM »

Kylo Ren had hilariously high pants. 

Octogenarian style. 
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