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Topic: In other news ...

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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12572 on: February 13, 2022, 02:20:09 PM »
I'm glad you're okay.

But you're basically sharing that the best ONE VA hospital is great. 

The best of anything is good.  But what about the middle 2/3????  How many VAs did you bypass?  THAT is the problem.
The AVERAGE VA hospital stinks. 
Maybe (Cincy), I'm suggesting they should all be top-of-the-line.  That'd be a great start.

I think that is an excellent place to start.

It represents an idea that could be fleshed out and become a plan, it has a definable scope, and if you put some metrics to it you should be able to enable some attainable, measurable results.  It wouldn't be cheap but it would be a sliver of our current defense budget.  


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12573 on: February 13, 2022, 02:20:47 PM »

Not a good trend obviously, doubled in five years.  When I had shoulder surgery, the doc gave me a 40 pill prescription for oxy, I took one of them and hid the rest.  The discomfort wasn't nearly as bad as needing an opiod, I took some ibu for a couple of days instead.  I don't know why he prescribed so many, but I can see a situation where a person is in more pain and takes the full dose and "likes it".

My wife had shoulder surgery, different surgeon, and same thing, but her surgery was more involved, I think she took 2 or 3.

It's amazing, if I get a cold I'm down and out and she keeps on doing the dishes and laundry anyway.
I got my wisdom teeth out about a decade ago, and spent like three days knocking back OXY, aspirin and anti-nausea medication.

The first day I felt mostly good, I brought one pill when I went out to dinner and immediately bit into some garlic bread which hurt like hell. Popped the pill, which killed pain for like 40 minutes and then I felt fantastic and tonight “ohhh, I see why people get hooked.”


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12574 on: February 13, 2022, 02:23:42 PM »
How'd you guys manage to get a nuwildcat thread nuked?

It's not nuked it's just in time-out.  If it can prove to be a good little thread and not get all crappy again, we'll let it out.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12575 on: February 13, 2022, 02:53:07 PM »
I'm glad everything worked out great @Drew4UTk 

My son's few experiences in Wisconsin were so very different from yours.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12576 on: February 13, 2022, 03:17:18 PM »
I'm glad everything worked out great @Drew4UTk

My son's few experiences in Wisconsin were so very different from yours.
the lesson i learned is to get his ass to a GOOD VA hospital and get in their system ASAP.  if that means a trip to Tennessee and Mountain Home, so be it.  it's the PEOPLE running the system, not per say the system its my observation.  since this happened to me, in early december, i've sent three folks up there and all of them have had good experiences.  

i hate to call a dog a dog when it's a dog anyway all the same, but, the people who run those shops are a direct reflection of their station chiefs... aka management... when they're just there to get paid and they aren't held to a standard bad shit comes to pass.  ah, but when they DO care?  different story altogether.  

this points back to government sheltering of themselves and their people.. and the people in the positions aren't a reflection of the ones best suited for the positions, but political favors and hookups.  if the bastardos would be held to a standard and not some sort of protected class these things wouldn't happen. 

the conversation here is 'how to fix the system', and it's my opinion that the system is fine- good, in many cases.. it's abuse of and extortion of the system that is whats wrong.  i hope there is a special place in hades deepest chambers for those people.  


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12577 on: February 13, 2022, 03:30:10 PM »
and... i ain't tough.. i'm dumb and with just enough crazy to make it truly spectacular when i eff up- which is often.  however, when i plan something it usually happens.  it's the one thing im good at. 

one of the points of my post about this wasn't to access blame- it was to say the entire medical industry is a freak show of incompetence, and one that sends up major flares when it effs up due to the severity.  

as an example, a friend who is in a position to know and he does will tell you point blank "if you want to survive covid, stay the hell away from a hospital or doctor"... i won't elaborate here, but his reasoning is compelling and from what i can see, it's valid.  

another of the points i wanted to make begins long before va healthcare begins.  it has to do with the culture in the military that persuades, using very,,, compelling... means, to keep people from seeking medical help.  i've seen it at every level and seen people being punished for seeking medical help- usually for another infraction that otherwise nobody would have thought twice about- but that was the nexus of the event... their seeking medical treatment.  from that comes the 'excuse' the VA hospitals and facilities use which is "not service connected" and which is the go to akin to insurers finding loophole in policies.  

it's all crooked.  


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12578 on: February 13, 2022, 06:10:20 PM »
It's usually easy to spot problem areas and much tougher to figure out how to fix them.

If it was easy, it would have been fixed already.

Politicians say things on the campaign trail, often vague notional things like "My Administration will make THIS a priority!" as if that means anything, and then of course they do next to nothing later.  They promise to fix whatever rises to the top of concerns, like inflation at the moment, when they really can't do anything but tokenisms.

I remember one candidate claimed he had a PLAN to address COVID and the other guy didn't have a PLAN.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12579 on: February 14, 2022, 08:58:03 AM »
everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12580 on: February 14, 2022, 11:56:17 AM »
We need to get the government out of health care, and education.

They suck at both.
not sure I agree with this.

the federal government really isn't in health care or education. their role in health care and higher education has basically been a version of corporate welfare which has lead to everything costing more money for the average consumer. the federal government in the united states today exists solely to protect the interests of their donor class. the more money the government dumps into financial aid/the more college loans the government backs- the more colleges charge for tuition- and the more bloated their administration staffs get and the more money these colleges pay their administration staff.

same thing with health care. federal government just pumps money in- and the scamming never ends by the private sector. the US government is the largest purchaser of prescription drugs in the world- and the idiots in congress actually pass laws preventing the government from using it's buying power to negotiate drug prices. they literally protect the profits of drug companies- by law.

US spends 2.5-3x per capita on health care than every other major developed western country in the world, and yet has worse real outcomes. Entire health care and education system is broken. Not sure how you fix it- but what we've been doing for decades literally doesn't work and is a complete f**king joke.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12581 on: February 14, 2022, 12:10:57 PM »
Putin knows the deal.  No use repeating it.  He might agree to face saving measures like some negotiations, but in reality, the Russian people are told he's reacting to aggressive moves by the west.  I still don't think he pulls the trigger, I am guessing we'll see some kind of rather pointless "talks" while Putin destabilizes Ukraine from within.
I'd say the expansion of a hostile military alliance to your border is an aggressive move. And I don't think he'll invade. He's too smart for that. He's going to get what he wants from the west imo. Ukraine will be barred from ever joining NATO- as they should be. This issue is far more important to Russia than it is to the United States.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12582 on: February 14, 2022, 12:12:33 PM »
I mean, he's already been doing this for the past 8 years.  Currently, the separatist rebels in Ukraine that are backed by Russia, are an example of this strategy in action.
Right...he's already been f**king with Ukraine for the last 7-8 years and hasn't invaded. Why would he suddenly invade now? Doesn't make sense. This is propaganda by the war machine/deep state/intelligence community. They ALWAYS need more wars to fight. Trying to sell the gullible American sheeple on more war is job #1. 


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12583 on: February 14, 2022, 12:23:20 PM »
Right...he's already been f**king with Ukraine for the last 7-8 years and hasn't invaded. Why would he suddenly invade now? Doesn't make sense.
CincyDawg was making the point that Putin was unlikely to engage directly and felt instead that he would make moves to destabilize Ukraine and take it later.  My response is that he's been attempting this for the past 8 years and still hasn't managed to destabilize them to the point that he could easily take it.  It's certainly possible his patience with that plan has worn out and the next step is direct invasion.

I don't know whether or not he'll invade directly, at this time.  Neither do you.

I certainly hope he doesn't and, if he does, I certainly hope the US will avoid engaging any of our own troops in that war.  But it's clear that he wants to take Ukraine and he's willing for a lot of people to die in order to achieve that.  He's a thug and a bully and a warlord.  Killing lots of people to achieve his ambitions, is what he does.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12584 on: February 14, 2022, 12:24:55 PM »
look closely at the history of Putin... 

think of him what you will, and i figure we all have similar opinions of him that pays no mind to political ideolog- but.. after cursory review of his profile you'll realize he's supremely pragmatic and he plays chess in 3D... he has set himself up to 'win' no matter the outcome, here.  

this is likely unpopular to say, here, but..... the riddle of invasion is better approached by/from OUR (USA) angle... who is best served by such a diversion and why is the timing so convenient right now to escalate this thing?  THAT is how much i trust the ruling class.... and i don't care if you eat peanuts or holler at coyotes... 


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #12585 on: February 14, 2022, 12:25:51 PM »
It's not really an accurate analogy, because NATO already includes the Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia that directly border Russia, and several others that are plenty close enough to stage missiles should NATO ever desire to do so.

It would be somewhat more accurate to say that it would be like Russia or another potential enemy already having military access to Canada, and then also threatening to push for access in Mexico.  Certainly a threatening feeling, but not at all the same picture as what you're painting.

And the fact is that despite NATO members Latvia and Estonia sharing borders directly with Russia, the US and other NATO allies have NOT piled troops and missiles into those states.
I tend to think it's a pretty accurate analogy. Latvia and Estonia are nowhere near as important to the Russians- to their history, their national interests, or their national security than Ukraine. And both those countries were added to NATO in 2002 I believe, which is basically just at the beginning of Putin coming into power- he didn't come into power until 2000 and he didn't get the death grip he has on that country until at least a few years later. He was nowhere near as powerful or wielded as much influence over that nation back then as he does now. And I'd say this is more of a law straw situation. Ukraine joining NATO would be a last straw that he just can't allow and has to ensure will not happen. Basically the Russians are saying enough is e-f**king-nough. You f**king team america world police assholes don't need to add ANOTHER country right on our ass to this bullshit hostile military alliance that you control like a puppet- this one- Ukraine being the most vital buffer state to their security and national interests. 

By the way Latvia and Estonia have both hosted military exercises- which have NATO missiles and troops involved in said exercises. So that's not exactly true. And it's not even that they don't have missiles or troops stationed in those countries- it's that if NATO wished to they COULD have them stationed there at any time- for any reason. That is scary to any nation. It is the AMERICAN WAR MACHINE that has wielded it's d**k and invaded more than any country in the world the last 4-5 decades. Russia has more reason to fear America than America has to fear Russia. That is just a fact.

Bottom line is that Gorbachev was assured by the United States that NATO would not expand one inch eastward if USSR would withdraw and allow for German re-unification. This is a verifiable, proven fact. You cannot change this fact. Nor can I. The United States should've kept to it's word. But it didn't. What did we do as soon as the USSR fell and Clinton won the election in '92? The United States almost immediately started expanding NATO to the east. 


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