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Topic: In other news ...

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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16604 on: May 18, 2022, 09:20:39 AM »
I might buy that of your worat post hadn't been delivered several months after the fact. Lol


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16605 on: May 18, 2022, 09:22:52 AM »


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16606 on: May 18, 2022, 09:30:59 AM »
I consider myself a free-thinker.

My top priorities include the economy, the environment and quality education. Those who stand for the same are the ones who get my votes. It's really simple like that, and for me it's easy to keep it that way.
You'd be in the Majority,it's the far left and far right that have done the damage.And of course the media - can't leave them out
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16607 on: May 18, 2022, 09:33:10 AM »
Border for sure.

Crime kinda gets taken care of with education and economy. The root cause of most violent crime is not having an education or a job.
Or resposible parent(s)
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16608 on: May 18, 2022, 09:35:17 AM »
one of the most shockingly accurate memes I've ever seen...

How appropriate - both of them are blasting this country to hell
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16609 on: May 18, 2022, 10:26:12 AM »
who is dividing the country? .....asking any of the board resident shitlibs. wasn't pushing an evidence free based conspiracy theory like Russiagate bad enough? Now calling the entire Republican party- which is roughly half the country- Domestic Terrorists- and white supremacists and claiming 78% of murders in the US are committed by white supremacists- sheesh. Dear lord.




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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16610 on: May 18, 2022, 12:00:44 PM »
DHS is "pausing" it's disinformation board aka "ministry of truth".

Washington Post is of course tone deaf as usual and up in arms over this, wouldn't expect anything less from a super shitty god awful "reporter" like Taylor Lorenz and a complete shitlib mainstream tabloid rag like the Washington Post.




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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16611 on: May 18, 2022, 12:04:43 PM »
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer sends scathing letter to Fox News and rails against Tucker Carlson. Carlson invites him on the show to debate. Chuck Schumer publicly declines said invitation. 

Gee, seems to me like it's mainly one side that is trying to divide and keep this nation divided. 


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16612 on: May 18, 2022, 12:08:27 PM »
The View attacking Tucker Carlson saying he's irrelevant. Lol. Get it right....either he's hugely popular and therefore responsible for every lunatic committing mass murders out there or he's irrelevant- not both. Damn that comedian Tim Dillon was dead on the money....whoever engineered or created The View was a misogynist and there are plenty of brilliant women out there, and literally none of them are on The View.

Tucker Carlson gets more viewers than any of the top rated MSNBC and CNN shows....combined. Carlson gets more registered Democrats watching his show in the key demo of age 25-54 than MSNBC or CNN. So if he's irrelevant...then what are the hosts at those other cable news channels?


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16613 on: May 18, 2022, 01:06:27 PM »
board resident shitlibs
We don't have that here. Please stop. These are all good people here.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16614 on: May 18, 2022, 02:16:20 PM »
We don't have that here. Please stop. These are all good people here.
yep this is a safe place and we love everybody here

even OAM (I guess)

just kidding
They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16615 on: May 18, 2022, 03:03:07 PM »
yep this is a safe place and we love everybody here

even OAM (I guess)

just kidding

OAM isn’t that bad, come on now. I like hearing his perspective. I like hearing other peoples perspectives and views. We all should. No one is always right. We’re all wrong about shit. 

And badge is right, I should stop using that term shitlib, it’s just so fun to use though lmao. I feel like the entire “liberal” movement or wing or whatever you want to call it has been hijacked by these new shitlib creatures though. Idk exactly when it started or happened- but Trump seriously just broke tens of millions of brains. It’s astonishing to see really to be honest with you.

Say what you want about the guy, but Trump is a masterful troll and showman. He really knows how to keep people talking about him 24/7 and also piss them off and get under their skin.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16616 on: May 18, 2022, 03:13:14 PM »
more you read into this lunatic mass shooter in Buffalo, few things become apparent….

A) law enforcement did a HORRIBLE job here. he was known to leos and they were tipped off about him multiple times- kid even threatened to shoot up his high school a year before. state of NY leos admitted he was a person of interest and they failed to follow up/watch him and that he “fell off their radar”. BLAME LAW ENFORCEMENT FAILURE for this. Not social media.

B) kid had more in common with Azov in Ukraine than he did Fox News or Tucker Carlson. His manifesto blasted Fox News and Conservatism repeatedly and he didn’t mention Carlson one time. He did however spout a bunch of nonsensical racist, nazi, anti-semitic shit that’d be right at home from the Azov boys. Oh and he always wore hazmat suits and 30 masks to school and was deathly afraid of COVID. True story. Sounds like a viewer from that guy Rachel Maddow’s show to me.

C) we really need to start taking deranged people who make mass shooting threats more seriously. This little piece of shit threatened to shoot up his school and instead of being put in a mental institution or put on probation with a gps ankle bracelet and monitored 24/7 he was free to go. 

D) Need to stop trying to 
blame a political party or social media or anything…kid was a freaking deranged lunatic. Lunatics gonna lunatic. Have to start taking the signs of lunatics more seriously…and need to reopen mental health facilities and put them in there.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16617 on: May 18, 2022, 03:38:18 PM »
All of these "news" channels are about one thing and one thing only. Ratings.

They say outrageous things to get people riled up, and people do for some reason. People need to stop watching this crap and do something else for "news" other than listen to someone rant.

That goes for Tucker too. It's all evil and it's all divisive. Period.

Same goes for social media. It's all bullshit.

My advice to people who want to be active in politics is to start local and work up from there. That really makes the most impact on your everyday life.

None of us can do anything about what goes on in DC because nobody in DC gives a shit about us - until the Novembers roll around every couple of years.

Screw them. 

Act local. Act positive. Make a difference.


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