more you read into this lunatic mass shooter in Buffalo, few things become apparent….
A) law enforcement did a HORRIBLE job here. he was known to leos and they were tipped off about him multiple times- kid even threatened to shoot up his high school a year before. state of NY leos admitted he was a person of interest and they failed to follow up/watch him and that he “fell off their radar”. BLAME LAW ENFORCEMENT FAILURE for this. Not social media.
B) kid had more in common with Azov in Ukraine than he did Fox News or Tucker Carlson. His manifesto blasted Fox News and Conservatism repeatedly and he didn’t mention Carlson one time. He did however spout a bunch of nonsensical racist, nazi, anti-semitic shit that’d be right at home from the Azov boys. Oh and he always wore hazmat suits and 30 masks to school and was deathly afraid of COVID. True story. Sounds like a viewer from that guy Rachel Maddow’s show to me.
C) we really need to start taking deranged people who make mass shooting threats more seriously. This little piece of shit threatened to shoot up his school and instead of being put in a mental institution or put on probation with a gps ankle bracelet and monitored 24/7 he was free to go.
D) Need to stop trying to
blame a political party or social media or anything…kid was a freaking deranged lunatic. Lunatics gonna lunatic. Have to start taking the signs of lunatics more seriously…and need to reopen mental health facilities and put them in there.