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Topic: In other news ...

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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16562 on: May 17, 2022, 10:24:14 AM »
people looking to be offended by words are going to find reasons

lighten up Francis

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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16563 on: May 17, 2022, 10:55:17 AM »
I think that's mostly people under 30 or so.  Maybe even younger. 
it's not just people under 30. it's permeated throughout the entire society. you even have corporations playing "woke" to score brownie points for being "good citizens" - it's slick bullshit marketing to try and sell some idea that they have good intentions and are good actors- and are not just what every corporation really is about- to make a buck.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16564 on: May 17, 2022, 10:59:18 AM »
Wait a minute......wasn't it you bashing Biden for not getting Saudi brass on the phone??  Seems uh...gee.....is there a word for when you think one thing, then think the exact opposite the next day?
Boy, they sure should make a word for when that happens. 
You're not too bright, are you? 

UAE ≠ Saudis, and UK ≠ USA.

Think about it, then get back to me. Might take you awhile.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16565 on: May 17, 2022, 11:00:21 AM »
Mdot, I'll explain the subtext.

You said that dividing this country both makes someone a scumbag and ruins the place.

You continually do things that create a more divided world, namely screaming that anyone who mildly disagrees with you is "shit" and a "tard."

This gives off the indication you very much like living in a divided country. Because one step to becoming less divided is treating each other somewhat well, and you seem to enjoy not doing that.
yeah, no. exactly the opposite.

the shitlib, libtard, vote blue no matter, BlueAnon conspiracy theorist shitbags- of which most of the mainstream media schills for- are who are completely dividing and ruining this country. congrats on being in that crew, I guess?


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16566 on: May 17, 2022, 11:11:38 AM »
Elon Musk says Twitter deal is on hold until his teams due diligence can verify Twitter's claim that "well under 5%" of it's users are bots/spam.

Calling BULLSHIT on both sides of this deal. Twitter's users are WAY more than 5% bots/spam- wouldn't be shocked if the real number was almost a quarter- and Musk is just trying to put the squeeze on them to get a better closing price. Twitter shares fell from $45 to $37 immediately after the news was announced the deal was on hold pending due diligence of the bots/spam claim- and it'll continue to fall.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16567 on: May 17, 2022, 11:18:50 AM »
That's a fancy way of saying that he can't get the financing.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16568 on: May 17, 2022, 11:33:19 AM »
That's a fancy way of saying that he can't get the financing.
Lol. That is a ludicrous statement. He's the richest private citizen in the entire world. He can get the financing. He can get financing for anything. $44 billion in financing is a drop in the bucket to a guy like that.

Twitter is CLEARLY without question, 100% lying to it's shareholders and advertisers and in it's SEC filings as well and has committed fraud. There is NO way in HELL their user base is "well below 5%" bots/spam. It's just not possible. 

Elon Musk's buying Coca Cola and putting the cocaine back in it tweet is the most liked tweet of all time. It was interacted with by ONLY 2% of Twitter's entire user base. Given that fact- just running the numbers- there is a very high likely hood that the number of bots/spam could even be as high as 50%. How are advertisers suppose to know what they’re getting for their money if a shitload of the accounts are fake? Who would even want to advertise on a platform like that with so many fake users? 

Twitter REFUSES to provide proof of their ludicrous claim that the bots/spam is "well below 5%". Won't provide proof, and the shitbag CEO of the shitbag company says it's impossible for verification of bots/spam to be "performed externally".... ie....no outside actor can verify our info.....just trust us. Uh yeah, how about no.

Twitter is not NEARLY as influential or widely used as media makes it out to be- which made no sense to me why the F they were freaking and flipping out that he was buying it. It's a complete DOGSHIT company, it's forever been a dogshit company, and it's user base/engagement is f***king WEAK sauce. In terms of revenue, influence, user base/engagement, literally any metric you can think of- Twitter is a PISS ANT peon NOTHING compared to Google, Facebook, TikTok, or even Snapchat. 


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16569 on: May 17, 2022, 12:17:38 PM »
more great news for BLM Global or whatever the F it's called....the main/most predominant BLM foundation that was started by some con artist named Patrisse Cullors - which has raised something like $90 million- with most of the money completely unaccounted for....welp, turns out not only did she spend like $9 million in cash on a pair of mansions- and only now does she finally admit that she previously had lied about the purchase and use of those mansions- she's been paying her babby daddy and her brother a f**k ton of money and also chartering private jets for personal use and expensing it to the foundation. She paid nearly $1 million to an LLC owned by her babby daddy for "creative services", she paid $840,000 to an LLC owned by her brother for "security services" and also apparently paid one of her best friends and a board of director $2.1 million for "consulting fees". She also charged personal use of a charter jet of $73,000 to this BLM chapter.

Two long-time Clinton machine cronies/scumbags- who worked for both Bill and Hillary in the past- and who were on the board of this chapter of BLM- just stepped down from the board days ago. Methinks shit about to hit the fan over there.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16570 on: May 17, 2022, 04:36:07 PM »
If that is their life, good on them.  Live it how they want else have such an internal struggle they become mentally ill...


I dont have to play along.  Them expecting me to play along is as bad as categorically damning them from what they think i think is a perceived moral superior vantage... which is what they're accusing me of, frankly, for not playing along. 

...... and this is a fight that absolutely doesn't need to exist... its made up bull shit with express intent to divide. 

I just finished a project for a full bird colonel and her wife.  You read that right.  Curiously, we had the discussion when I said "yes mam" in my southern way... I told her I respected her and didn't judge her and really could GaF what they were, weren't, could be, wanted to be, or was... I'm just not playing along with what is contradictory to my senses.  Period.  I told her "I'd appreciate it if you'd respect my position now that we've discussed it" and she agreed. She straight up said "it's the guys who don't respect our lifestyle that we try to enforce the pronouns", and though I've issue with that I didn't pursue it...

I. Don't. Have. To. Play. Along. And if someone tries to arrest me for that as they charge those kids in freakin middle school, then there is gonna be a not-pretend problem. 
Drew if we cached some of your recent expanations/qoutes and dragged them out at election time - you'd win a seat somewhere
"I started out with nothing and I still have most of it"


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16571 on: May 17, 2022, 06:05:47 PM »
yeah, no. exactly the opposite.

the shitlib, libtard, vote blue no matter, BlueAnon conspiracy theorist shitbags- of which most of the mainstream media schills for- are who are completely dividing and ruining this country. congrats on being in that crew, I guess?
“My visceral insulting everyone who disagrees with me is not divisive in any way.” 

Lord have mercy we are screwed.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16572 on: May 17, 2022, 06:12:35 PM »
Thats true but the constitution gives you a right not to use their pronouns

Failure to say certain words is not a crime and this school is saying it is

Thats bullshit
I’d be interested in the constitutional backing of that.

Like, the rules of free speech are not absolute in school. If a kid walks around calling his teacher a ~unacceptable vulgar term for part of female anatomy~, it keeps calling a classmate a faggot, there can generally be consequences. The usual, oft over-applied standard is “disruption,” and perhaps one could apply that. I guess you could argue that’s political speech, but that seems a stretch.

All that said, something doesn’t have to reach all the way to a constitutional violation to be a gross miscarriage. The people running that investigation should both discontinue immediately and face serious consequences .


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16573 on: May 17, 2022, 06:29:28 PM »
I’d be interested in the constitutional backing of that.

Like, the rules of free speech are not absolute in school. If a kid walks around calling his teacher a ~unacceptable vulgar term for part of female anatomy~, it keeps calling a classmate a faggot, there can generally be consequences. The usual, oft over-applied standard is “disruption,” and perhaps one could apply that. I guess you could argue that’s political speech, but that seems a stretch.

All that said, something doesn’t have to reach all the way to a constitutional violation to be a gross miscarriage. The people running that investigation should both discontinue immediately and face serious consequences .
I agree with what you said here. We don't know what names the kids were using when referring to the trans student. However, if they were merely using pronouns that correspond to his ACUTAL gender,/anatomy, the school is way out of line. 


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16574 on: May 17, 2022, 06:41:02 PM »
I agree with what you said here. We don't know what names the kids were using when referring to the trans student. However, if they were merely using pronouns that correspond to his ACUTAL gender,/anatomy, the school is way out of line.
Honestly, almost no matter what insults they were throwing, I think the school is out of line. That’s a big, powerful phrase attached to that investigation.

Short of the kids doing something truly grotesque, there are all manner of low-stakes punishments that can be levied, if they are deemed appropriate. (And when I say punishment, that includes something a penny ante as a stern taking to about being nice to people)


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16575 on: May 17, 2022, 07:32:34 PM »
I’d be interested in the constitutional backing of that.

Like, the rules of free speech are not absolute in school. If a kid walks around calling his teacher a ~unacceptable vulgar term for part of female anatomy~, it keeps calling a classmate a faggot, there can generally be consequences. The usual, oft over-applied standard is “disruption,” and perhaps one could apply that. I guess you could argue that’s political speech, but that seems a stretch.

All that said, something doesn’t have to reach all the way to a constitutional violation to be a gross miscarriage. The people running that investigation should both discontinue immediately and face serious consequences .
When they start charging you with a crime for not using the proper pronoun when referring to your classmate

the 1st Amendment is very much in play

This school is way over the line with this

They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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