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Topic: In other news ...

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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16366 on: May 06, 2022, 08:56:32 AM »
thats fine but what was he charged with
battery, possession of a weapon with intent to assault, unauthorized access to the stage area during a performance and commission of an act that delays the event or interferes with the performer.

I tried to look, is there any evidence this had anything to do with trans stuff? It reads more speculative from what I found. (It’s also weird to see that type of politics take over a lot of Chappelle’s brand)


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16368 on: May 06, 2022, 09:09:21 AM »
20 states have now threatened to sue if DHS does not disband its disinformation board

This feels like a sort of perfect marriage of 90s/early 2000s politics with our modern times.

Think there’s a problem, create a vague committee with no set goal and little ability to address said problem. Think you’ve given it a good name when to definitely have not.

Then the counter is saber ratting about some kind of phony baloney government-on-government lawsuit. It’s a bit of PR puffery for show, not worlds different than the dumb thing it opposes.

(I though the invocation of chilling effect on speech was quite a troll, and even somewhat admire it)


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16369 on: May 06, 2022, 09:13:38 AM »
This feels like a sort of perfect marriage of 90s/early 2000s politics with our modern times.

Think there’s a problem, create a vague committee with no set goal and little ability to address said problem. Think you’ve given it a good name when to definitely have not.

Then the counter is saber ratting about some kind of phony baloney government-on-government lawsuit. It’s a bit of PR puffery for show, not worlds different than the dumb thing it opposes.

(I though the invocation of chilling effect on speech was quite a troll, and even somewhat admire it)
yeah, no. 

the fact that they set up a "disinformation governance board" and housed it inside the DHS - a god awful, bloated, wasteful, habitual law-breaking federal law enforcement/security agency run by a corrupt vile on a power trip unelected bureaucracy that has trampled all over civil rights - tells you all you need to know about their intentions. Translation: their intentions are not good.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16370 on: May 06, 2022, 09:28:36 AM »
Biden's DHS failure exposes a government weak spot (msnbc.com)
Biden's DHS failure exposes a government weak spot (msnbc.com)

This is from msnbc, so take it with a grain, but the "amusing" thing to me is how much "disinformation" is said to have been generated by this disinformation "board".

Now, it's possible this could morph into some "Ministry of Truth", but I personally don't see how that's possible.  I rather suspect in 3-4-5 months, most will have forgotten it exists and its impact on any of us will have been zilch.  My guess is they make some effort to combat disinformation in say Haiti, with limited to no effect.

So, the announcement that this thing exists likely has generated misinformation, in my view.
yes you have said over and over this is no big thing

yes you have said over and over this will never fly dont worry

and yet the Biden admin continues to say misinformation is a threat to the US and we must fight it

when they stand down then we will be able to feel better

so far there is no standing down so the right will continue to be concerned about just where this board will be used

Remember this board was created right after Musk bought twitter so what does that say about its intended use

as the midterms get closer and political debate rages we shall see just how harmless this board is 
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16371 on: May 06, 2022, 09:29:43 AM »
CNN and the New York Times let the head of the Department of Homeland Security lie about the institution’s established record of spying on US citizens, echoing his false claims.

These top media outlets amplified this falsehood as part of an attempt to defend the US government’s de facto Ministry of Truth, the new “Disinformation Governance Board” that the Department of Homeland (DHS) has created in order to censor supposed “disinformation” that it deems a threat to US national security.

DHS, which was created after the September 11, 2001 attacks to oversee the so-called War on Terror, is notorious for its brutal and authoritarian tactics.

The fact that DHS has surveilled American journalists, protesters, and even critical politicians is well documented. This is an undeniable matter of public record.

But CNN and the New York Times allowed the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, to lie about this objective fact, and did not push back in any way.

CNN host Dana Bash sat down with Mayorkas on May 1, in an interview titled “Bash presses Mayorkas about ‘1984’ comparisons to disinformation board.”

The CNN segment amounted to a defense of DHS’ Disinformation Governance Board, which Mayorkas minimized as a “small working group within the Department of Homeland Security,” supposedly with limited power.

“Will American citizens be monitored?” Bash asked, in regard to this disinformation board.

“No,” Mayorkas said firmly.

“Guarantee that?” Bash responded.

“We in the Department of Homeland Security don’t monitor American citizens,” he insisted.

This statement is blatantly false. DHS’ monitoring of American citizens is very well documented, by dozens of mainstream media outlets and civil liberties organizations.

But instead of pushing back against this clear lie, the CNN host echoed the DHS secretary’s totally false claim.

“You don’t,” Bash replied in agreement. “But will this board change that?” she added.

“No, no, no,” Mayorkas repeated.

This is all completely, categorically false.

The Intercept obtained documents through a Freedom of Information Act request showing how DHS has spied on activists protesting police brutality in the Black Lives Matter movement since at least 2014.

NBC obtained DHS documents in 2019 that showed that “the U.S. government created a secret database of activists, journalists, and social media influencers tied to the migrant caravan and in some cases, placed alerts on their passports.”

In 2020, the New York Times itself reported that the “Department of Homeland Security deployed helicopters, airplanes and drones over 15 cities where demonstrators gathered to protest the death of George Floyd.”

That same year, the Washington Post revealed that the “Department of Homeland Security has compiled ‘intelligence reports’ about the work of American journalists covering protests.”

This led Oregon lawmakers to publicly demand “answers from the Department of Homeland Security, following new reports that the department spied on Portland protesters’ phones.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has exhaustively documented the department’s spying on Americans, noting five branches of DHS have intelligence missions.

The ACLU even sued the department for spying on journalists and violating their civil liberties.

Some current and former DHS officials have tried to put the blame for these authoritarian policies solely on Donald Trump, but the reality is this surveillance started long before Trump entered office in 2017 and has continued since he left in 2021.

Yahoo News obtained documents in 2022 showing that the “controversial unit of Customs and Border Protection that trawled through the travel and financial records of journalists and lawmakers is still monitoring Americans.”

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is a branch of the Department of Homeland Security.

Instead of acknowledging any of these facts, CNN and its host Dana Bash simply echoed the lies of the DHS secretary.

And CNN was not the only major media outlet that spread this US government disinformation.

The New York Times amplified the same lies from Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

The newspaper-of-recored published an article on May 2 titled “Partisan Fight Breaks Out Over New Disinformation Board,” which was really a long-winded defense of Washington’s de facto Ministry of Truth.

The Times quoted Mayorkas’ claim, “We in the Department of Homeland Security don’t monitor American citizens.”

The top media outlet did not push back against this US government disinformation, or point out that its own reporting had shown this claim to be false.

The Times article was co-written by Steven Lee Myers and Zolan Kanno-Youngs.

Kanno-Youngs had in fact authored the June 2020 New York Times article revealing that the Department of Homeland Security deployed helicopters, airplanes, and drones to spy on Black Lives Matter protesters in 15 cities.

Yet less than two years after acknowledging this fact, Kanno-Youngs and his colleagues at the Times had returned to carrying water for DHS and amplifying its false claims.

The Times reprinted the comments Mayorkas’ made on CNN insisting that the Disinformation Governance Board is needed to counter supposed “disinformation from Russia, China, Iran.”

Mayorkas said the board will censor “disinformation that creates a threat to the security of the homeland.”

Both the CNN and New York Times reports gave the false impression that only conservative Republicans are opposed to the Disinformation Governance Board. In fact many journalists and activists on the left are deeply opposed to this de facto Ministry of Truth.

But these top media outlets deceptively portrayed the controversy as simply another battle in a US liberal-conservative culture war.

There was deep irony in the New York Times publishing blatant US government disinformation in an article warning about the “threat” of disinformation supposedly spread by Russia, China, and Iran.

In his interview on CNN, Mayorkas claimed, “The board does not have any operational authority or capability. What it will do is gather together best practices in addressing the threat of disinformation from foreign state adversaries, from the cartels, and disseminate those best practices to the operators that have been executing in addressing this threat for years.”

This appeared to be the DHS director’s roundabout way of saying that the board will pressure social media platforms and Big Tech corporations to censor what it calls “disinformation.”

DHS can thus claim that it is not directly censoring people, that it is instead private companies censoring them, while failing to mention that they are doing so under US government pressure.

Mayorkas also referred to the director of the Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz, as “eminently qualified, a renowned expert in the field of disinformation.”

In reality, Jankowicz is an avowed cold warrior who smears independent anti-war US media outlets as supposed “Russian disinfo,” and has called WikiLeaks “scum.”

Multipolarista documented how Jankowicz got her start professionally running regime-change operations targeting Russia for CIA front the National Democratic Institute (NDI), a branch of the US government’s infamous National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

In its report defending the DHS disinformation board, the New York Times euphemistically claimed the NDI and NED “promote democratic governance abroad.”

In reality, these US government bodies exist to fund opposition groups and destabilize foreign countries targeted by Washington for regime change. The NED’s own co-founder admitted that the organization is a CIA cutout.

In 2016, Jankowicz described herself as “someone who has made a career in democracy assistance.” She later rebranded as a “disinformation expert” after the election of Donald Trump.

Jankowicz has gone out of her way to target independent American journalists who criticize US foreign policy, trying to link them to Russia to justify censoring them.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas, for his part, concluded his interview with CNN emphasizing that the Joe Biden administration has continued the Trump administration’s aggressive crackdown on immigration.

“Our border is not open,” he stressed.

When asked what his message was to migrants and refugees, Mayorkas emphasized, “Do not come.”


Just putting this "ministry of truth" inside the little ole' innocent DHS. What could go wrong? LMAO.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16372 on: May 06, 2022, 09:43:08 AM »
very well said Mdot21

sometimes I think you go a little overboard on stuff but not in this case

youre spot on
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16373 on: May 06, 2022, 09:46:16 AM »
what does this even mean? that is a meaningless garbage talking point. your average immigrant that comes here is a law abiding person who works their asses off to the bone- immigrants tend to work much harder than your average fat f**king stupid lazy drugged up American. That one is not even close.

And if you think it's just black people and immigrants getting gov't handouts and welfare- well, think again my friend. There are countless millions and millions of poor white corn bread eating, mayonnaise and bolony sammich eating rural white trash in Oklahoma, Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Ohio, Indiana, Texas, Missouri, Georgia, etc., etc. getting welfare from the US govt teet. The biggest chunk of welfare recipients in the US are non-Hispanic whites. Among the population that receives welfare, 43% are white. The other 57% are all the other ethnic groups- hispanics, blacks, asians, native americans, etc., etc., combined.

if you want to talk about incredible tax breaks seriously- then you need to be talking about the largest corporations in the US and the wealthiest US citizens. how many trillions of dollars are still sitting off-shore after decades by the US richest and most powerful corporations all in order so they can avoid paying tax? https://www.cfr.org/blog/trump-tax-reform-seen-us-balance-payments-data

US also needs put laws in place to clamp down on billionaires taking out ridiculous 0-1% interest loans from banks to fund their lifestyles all in order for them to avoid showing income and avoid paying tax- and also institute some sort of wealth tax- set up a sovereign wealth fund where shares of publicly traded stocks are transferred as a sort of tax- and then the US gov't can either hold these shares and borrow against them or sell them on the open market to generate tax revenue.

Blame immigrants though. :043:
Not a huge fan of this conversation, but I want to add context.

The US population is 56 percent white/not Hispanic. This also means that 44 percent of the population is consuming 57 percent of the resources.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16374 on: May 06, 2022, 10:52:23 AM »
Outdoor reno is complete, save for a waterfall pool feature. Good to not have people coming over every damn day.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16375 on: May 06, 2022, 10:55:23 AM »
waterfall pool feature???

just what everyone needs
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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16376 on: May 06, 2022, 10:55:30 AM »
yeah, no.

the fact that they set up a "disinformation governance board" and housed it inside the DHS - a god awful, bloated, wasteful, habitual law-breaking federal law enforcement/security agency run by a corrupt vile on a power trip unelected bureaucracy that has trampled all over civil rights - tells you all you need to know about their intentions. Translation: their intentions are not good.
Hmmm, sure. Because the stupid and pointless committee is housed within something that is generally quite bad, it must mean that this this is well thought out and going to be effective at … something I guess.

DHS also probably employs a very large janitorial staff. I bet that is the most badly intentioned janitorial staff I will find


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16377 on: May 06, 2022, 11:00:27 AM »
Monitoring garbage is a thing.

Just ask this guy.



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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16378 on: May 06, 2022, 11:00:40 AM »
waterfall pool feature???

just what everyone needs
Yes sir.


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Re: In other news ...
« Reply #16379 on: May 06, 2022, 11:03:44 AM »
Monitoring garbage is a thing.

Just ask this guy.

Carl? How does one become a janitor?

You wanna be a janitor?

No, I just want to know how one becomes a janitor. Because, you see, Andrew here is very interested in pursuing a career in the custodial arts.


Oh, really? You guys think I'm just some untouchable peasant? Serf? Peon? Well, maybe so. But following a broom around after shitheads like you for the last eight years, I've learned a couple of things. I look through your letters. I look through your lockers. I listen to your conversations: you don't know that but I do. I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends. [pause] By the way, that clock's 20 minutes fast.



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