My property tax rate here is about the same as it was in Cincy in the 'burbs, so that is not too bad, but the condo costs quite a bit more than our house up there was worth, almost double. The sales tax here is high to support mass transit, it recently went up for that, but the announced plans to actually BUILD more mass transit seem to be well off into the future. There is a lot of carping about that right now. We have the Beltline which is a sort of circle around downtown of old RR beds that is being turned into walking/bike paths and it has been very successful but folks want light rail installed over most or all of it, and the city is only looking at 7 miles and some other stuff.
The Beltline is packed on weekends especially with folks walking, biking, on scooters, skates, you name it, it's somewhat dangerous with the bikes especially. There has been a construction boom along the path which means more revenue for the city. As usual, I don't think too much of the city government.
The state income tax rate on earned income is 6% which is a point higher than in Ohio. Gasoline prices are pretty modest at least, $2.60 or so right now. Food prices are the same as in Cincy. I get my license plate for free at least. That was like $62 a year in Ohio. No big deal.
The wife really likes living here, she just needs to get her leg fixed up, apparently a pinched nerve in her back.