I know my Badger fan friends love to poke and cringe at Chryst's press conferences, wardrobe and lack of media savvy, but Solich is one guy who is a total master of saying virtually nothing.
I remember 'covering' his first couple seasons and we'd play a game at any interview guessing how many times Solich would say 'tremendous'. His GQOAT was in reference to a long time Nebraska trainer that had decided to retire/move on. "[So and so] was such a tremendous trainer for this program for a tremendous number of years.' Has tremendous every been used to describe a period of years? And so it went, signing day in '98 was another doozy. He was such a good dude though, amongst the kindest most helpful coaches I've ever been around.
I always thought his biggest wart as head coach was the in game, clock management and simple game flow. Countless plays coming into the huddle late, odd ball clock mgmt, etc. I think he really struggled to make the position/coordinator role during a game to HC, things did improve, but he just didn't have the on field command and it showed, more so in TO's shadow.