Having already defeated Eastern, Western could win the Michigan Mac Trophy tonight by downing Central.
Even if the Broncos lose, they could still hang onto the Trophy if Eastern beats Central next week, creating a rock, paper, scissors scenario.
Central can obviously still earn the Trophy by winning both games.
Eastern, however, has to wait until next year, as they can do no better than 1-1.
After Central's comeback win over Western, the Michigan Mac Trophy is their's for the taking. All the Chippewas have to do is beat Eastern at home next week.
Western can still retain the trophy by rule if Eastern beats Central next week, whereby a rock paper scissors scenario unfolds.
Worse for the Broncos is that the loss all but eliminates them from the Mac West race, although they do have Toledo and N Illinois down the stretch, so they could get back in it with a little help.
Speaking of Toledo and N Illinois, Toledo beat N Illinois, creating a little bit of breathing room for themselves atop the Mac West standings.
It looks like the East Division race is down to Akron and Ohio, who play against each other in two weeks. Ohio needs that game more than Akron though, as the Bobcats still have to play Toledo.
Many more weeknight Mac Trophy games down the stretch, as Ball St plays N Illinois for the Bronze Stalk next week, Toledo and Bowling Green play for the I-75 Trophy the following week, and finally Akron plays crosstown rival Kent for the Wagon Wheel while Ball St and Miami kick off their newly protected crossover rivalry by playing for the inaugural Redbird Trophy during Thanksgiving week.